shoppinghauer · 5 hours
Everyday i learn more about finances and capital and everyday i appreciate more my standing in life. Things are usually worse for everyone so ig im good
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shoppinghauer · 8 hours
posts trying to manipulate people by appealling to imaginary grandchildren are fucking stupid idgaf about whay my grandmother did through wwii because she was a seamstress living in mexico... What could have done??
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shoppinghauer · 8 hours
reverse gaslighting where i pretend to know exactly what you are talking about
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shoppinghauer · 8 hours
Not the whitefems acting like victims because WOC dare speak out against racism ☠️ But your "racistberry" and "niiwhite angel" made me laugh fjdskhfj
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shoppinghauer · 8 hours
Even before I knew anything about Gaiman as a person I thought his writing style wasn't that great... I read anansi boys and he uses way too many similes, it was unreal
i wanted to read "American Gods" but the whole Laura plot is fucking stupid. A woman killed by giving a guy a blowjob. Kys Gaiman
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shoppinghauer · 9 hours
Reading wikipedia article on dana boyd who identifies as queer: "im attracted to all genders"
Married to a man with three children....
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shoppinghauer · 10 hours
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The Book of Rabbit Stories / Buch der Hasengeschichten von Tom Seidmann-Freud
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shoppinghauer · 10 hours
Just learned about history. Appalled
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shoppinghauer · 14 hours
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Giedre Dukauskaite for Giuliva Heritage, Spring 2023
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shoppinghauer · 15 hours
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Zuni Kachina Figure unknown artist Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge
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shoppinghauer · 16 hours
Ok then ur experiences are universal
Calling sex that doesn't involve pain and degradation "vanilla" is the type of cringe millennial slang genz should be attacking. It's literally 2024 and you're talking about "vanilla" sex bro stfu lol
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shoppinghauer · 17 hours
technically it would be genx as i heard that term coming from older people when I was in my late teens/twenties. Not to mention generations as described with that nomenclature is based on USA culture that has no direct translation to other countries such as my case. Anyway, i am a millenial and i heard it from people 5-7 years older when blogspot was a thing. So wrong either way.
Calling sex that doesn't involve pain and degradation "vanilla" is the type of cringe millennial slang genz should be attacking. It's literally 2024 and you're talking about "vanilla" sex bro stfu lol
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shoppinghauer · 18 hours
Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assault by two women with whom he was in consensual relationships and is the subject of a police complaint in New Zealand.
Gaiman’s position is that he strongly denies any allegations of non-consensual sex with the women and adds New Zealand police did not take up his offer of assistance over one woman’s complaint in 2022, which, he says, reflects its lack of substance.
However, New Zealand police said it made a “number of attempts to speak to key people as part of this investigation and those efforts remain ongoing”, adding that there are “a number of factors to take into consideration with this case, including location of all parties”.
The allegations span two decades and concern young women who came into contact with Gaiman – the 63 year-old bestselling author of The Sandman, Good Omens, and American Gods – as a nanny to his child and as a fan of his writing.
The women’s allegations were first reported in Tortoise’s podcast ‘Master: the allegations against Neil Gaiman’, released on Wednesday. The four-part series examines the women’s accounts of rough and degrading sex with the author, which they say was not always consensual.
Although the vast majority of cases of sexual assault happen within relationships, most allegations go unreported, and therefore unprosecuted, because of the expectation that alleged victims would not be in a relationship with their alleged assailant. While the law says that consent is for each and every sexual act, many people assume that a relationship provides ongoing consent.
Scarlett, 23, alleges that Gaiman sexually assaulted her within hours of their first meeting in February 2022 in a bath at his New Zealand residence, where she worked as a nanny to his child. Tortoise understands that Gaiman’s account is that they only “cuddled” and “made out” in the bath and that he had established consent for this. His position is that, over the three-week sexual relationship that followed, they only ever engaged in consensual digital penetration.
Scarlett alleges that within this otherwise consensual relationship Gaiman engaged in rough and degrading penetrative sexual acts with her. Tortoise has seen contemporaneous messages, notes, and spoken to friends who Scarlett talked to at the time, which supports her allegations.
The second woman, K, was 18 when she met Gaiman at a book signing in Sarasota, Florida in 2003. She began a romantic relationship with him when she turned 20, and Gaiman was in his mid-40s, but alleges that she submitted to rough and painful sex that “she neither wanted nor enjoyed.” In one incident she alleges Gaiman penetrated her despite her asking him not to as she was suffering from a painful infection. Gaiman’s position is that he denies any unlawful behaviour with K and is disturbed by her allegations.
Tortoise understands that he believes K’s allegations are motivated by her regret over their relationship and that Scarlett was suffering from a condition associated with false memories at the time of her relationship with him, a claim which is not supported by her medical records and medical history.
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shoppinghauer · 18 hours
oh come on. These people are sharing articles from openly right wing tabloids (the.publica were there are articles in how gays are groomers, covid is a conspiracy and reverse racism exists), saying I benefit from the money my people send me from the USA and Europe (??) and that I should be equally afraid from Haitian immigrants (I thought we were talking about certain cultures being more misogynistic, now is everyone with a darker skin??). This is suppossedly honestly again all men no matter their color but now is against the few woc that remain within this stupid circle. Somehow we are vitriolic, aggresive and vulgar, as if racistberry, niiwhite angle and others werent accusing me of wishing them to be raped just because i dont exactly like when they say stuff like "too many migrants in my white EVROPA". When its blatanty obvious they are referring to women or color as well. Honestly, if you (rethorical you, reader you, whatever) believe they're arguing in good faith, you're either too naive or racist yourself.
Meanwhile a dutch man is being sent to the olympics even tho he's a child rapist, Belgium has a 10 times limit on saying no for prostituted women ,Germany has brothels were you can buy a beer, a wiener and rape a woman for 5€, England can track you down for saying women are adult human females, and France let a father get custody of a child he raped becauwe she might be lying. Gimme a fucking break.
honestly the intensity and even vulgarity of the backlash ive seen to the notion that it's worthwhile to talk about moc on white women rape has made me lose my last shred of respect for the average intersectional 'radfem', as well as my willingness to take their words in good faith by default. if making your own post, no derailment from other women's own issues, is inherently unacceptable because it paints moc in a bad light for committing rape, where is the feminism at all lmfao. and by the way, doesn't this line of reasoning sound oddly familiar? like, perhaps, we've already heard it applied to some begendered demographic of men, maybe?
I have now watched for the past 7 months the tumblr radfems share antisemitic disinformation and historical revisionism, so them clutching their pearls over this latest racism drama has made me roll my eyes a bit.
Whether people would like it to be true or not, it is quite well documented that in Norway, Sweden and Finland, men immigrating from certain countries are overrepresented in sex crime statistics despite being such a small minority. Obviously, there are some natural explanations to this like that the majority of people we have taken in from those countries are young men (a major brainfart), and everyone knows men integrate worse than women and love to commit crimes. However, from what I have understood, it does not entirely explain the phenomenon. Then what does? Is our police more willing to pursue sex criminals that are not natives? Maybe. Does the culture of these men have an impact? Psychologists who have talked to these men seem to think so. However, we do not really know because it is so difficult to research or even talk about this topic without getting caught between far-right and far-left. Far-right obviously uses this to justify their racism towards people of colour. Far-left, on the other hand, gaslights and screams 'racism' at anyone who tries to touch the subject. It is almost impossible to find objective analysis. Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote a good article about this.
The thing with tumblr radfems and other lefties in general is that (no matter if they actually are American or not) they tend to have such an 'americanised' point of view when it comes to race, women's rights, social issues, and history. They seem to have this weird black-and-white (no pun intented) thinking where the whole world is a sort of extension of American society and people are monoliths based on their skin colour. All nations with the mostly white populations are some oppressor/coloniser/slaver states and non-western nations with a mostly black or brown populations are constant victims of 'whites' no matter how much they discriminate against their women, minorities and neighbouring states. And when you bring up certain subjects, they instantly think about their own Western white men versus their own Western men of colour - not men from the most gender equal countries in the world (I would like to point out the USA is only on rank 43 when it comes to gender equality while 4 out of 5 Nordic countries are on top 6) versus men who immigrate to these countries from the countries ranking the lowest when it comes to women's rights. Then they come to some pretty ridiculous conclusions like 'culture does not have an impact, it is all about class', 'you must think white men [the monolith] rapes less' and 'do you know what vikings did 1000 years ago'.
It is a little funny how everyone here seems to recognise the impact of male and female socialisation and how misogyny is largely learned, but simultanously likes to pretend an average man brought up in ultra religious conservative third-world country, where women are not even allowed to go to school or work or where rape cases are resolved by making the woman marry their rapist, has the exact same attitude towards women as an average man who has been brought up in a country with female presidents and prime ministers. Are we also supposed to pretend that if a man from the times of 'hysterical women just have wandering uteruses and should not vote' time travelled here, he would look at women from the same point of view as a modern man? If there are no cultural differences, aren't we supposed to come to the conclusion that actually it is just as bad for women everywhere? If yes, then what are the comparisons about gender equality between countries based on?
If I, as a Scandinavian woman, went ahead and claimed I face the same amount of misogyny in my everyday life as, for example, a Sudanese woman, I would be just blatantly lying and soon receiving some pretty angry anons. I have been told a few times that I am privileged compared to women living in the African countries or in the MENA region. And I agree. But what is my privilege as a Nordic woman based on? What or who makes it worse for women in these other countries? I thought we all agreed it was a 3 letter word starting with an m and ending with an n. Why are we suddenly pretending there is no connection?
This does not obviously mean men are better or worse because of their ethnicity, skin colour or what is in their blood. However, they are a product of their environment. Everyone knows that in certain countries the more extreme levels of misogyny are more common. It is one of those things that we are for some reason now supposed to pretend we do not know, but everyone knows it. Pointing this out most certainly does not mean Nordic men do not rape (they very much do) or that Nordic men are not misogynistic (they very much are), but compared to some of the worst countries for women in the world, Nordic countries are still among the best places for women to live. Not because of our men are somehow naturally 'better' or some crap, but because we have been historically lucky when it comes to our foremothers being able to advance women's rights. And, in my opinion, no matter how 'white' our women are, they still have a right to ask questions and express their worry over what kind of impact men, coming from cultures with non-existent women's right, are going to have on our societies. It is a valid question and I wish women would talk more about this from their native perspective. However, after seeing how rapid this topic gets every time, I do not think we are that far yet.
This is a difficult and sensitive subject, but there are still more than just two ways to approach it. It is not that either you are a racist, who thinks men's misogyny is based on their skin colour, or you must think an environment or culture has no impact whatsoever on how men treat women.
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shoppinghauer · 1 day
classic scifi novels by men r always like. page 1 here’s a cool scifi idea i had. page 2 i hate women so much it’s unreal
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shoppinghauer · 1 day
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~ everything is in the details...~
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shoppinghauer · 1 day
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Barn fire, Tuxford, Saskatchewan, July 1959
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