#is getting on my nerves and seeing them on sale annoyed me
moth-tea-merchant · 1 year
Hay friendly reminder that these skins are skill broken and you should NOT get them
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I've made a post about this before but for some reason it stop showing up in the tags, so here's a vid
I only have a vid of it on my norn but it dose happen on human, sylvari and charr. However if you're an asura you're safe. There is a chance that the tattoos will be fine on your character, but there are many other ppl on reddit/forms who are experiencing the same thing so ya maybe just don't get it for now.
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wonik1ss · 8 months
10 love? — ep. 0 ; love fest ⁉️ [1.0k]
It was september 17th. The first day of school. Beomgyu was reluctantly following Huening Kai to the film club to join. While Kai was cheerful Beomgyu was struggling to keep his head up while walking. Kai wasn’t even gonna be acting so what was the point?
“Where here!”. As Kai’s eyes beamed Beomgyu’s rolled. Slowly the door opened and as Kai bowed and went to the sign up sheet Beomgyu stood still. You were trying to set up the cameras for the auditions and damn did you look gorgeous. Feeling eyes on you, you turned to look at beomgyu. You tilted your head and your eye brows furrowed. Until you nodded him over. Beomgyu fell out of his trance and walked over.
“Can you keep this steady while I get everything else ready?”. Beomgyu nodded while you ran to grab a few chairs. He watched as you ran around the room checking in on the auditioners, collecting supplies and helping other members. You did it all so effortlessly.
“Hello?”. Beomgyu looked down to see you eyeing the camera. He backed away shyly and bowed. As your turned on the camera and Danielle started to speak. Beomgyu ran over to Huening Kai who was trying breathing exercises.
“I think I meet the love of my life”. Kai’s eyes went wide until he heard his name and ran to the chair in the middle of the room. While Beomgyu started to day dream about the two of you. That was two years ago. The two of you were now juniors and only held 2 sentence conversations if you can even call them that. To Beomgyu and his friends it was painfully obvious how down bad he was for you. But to you and your friends he was kinda of just some weirdo. This caused your friends to try their best to keep you two apart. It didn’t help that basketball practice held Beomgyu back and all the other stuff his parents made him do.
But sadly after 3 months of trying to get your attention Beomgyu was starting to give up. The boy bought several baked goods from the bake sale; cause you were on the team. He tried his best to actually take notes whenever you were out. He tried his best to talk to you in bio cause he new you had no friends there. While Yeonjun and Taehyun just shock there heads a loss for words. For gods sake the boy happily was your test subject the following week! Beomgyu endured several weird concoctions and exercise test’s for you.
But it seemed like after they were over you went back to being strangers. So as Beomgyu left his English class he hung his head low.
“Why so blue Beomgyu?”. Beomgyu rolled his eyes as Kai followed him to his class.
“I’m starting to think she doesn’t like me..”. Yeonjun who walked infront of the boys turned around and started to walk backwards.
“No duh”
“No..I mean I think she’s actually getting annoyed..”
“That didn’t stop you in the past..?”.Kai said as they slowly approached yours and Beomgyu’s last class of the day.
“Ya but she would always smile or something.. so I knew I wasn’t getting on her last nerve.. just the one before that!”. Yeojin laughed.
“I’m sure she’s ok! I mean you haven’t gotten a restraining order yet!”. Beomgyu nodded and waved the boys off as he walked into his class.He watched as you and your friends talked, and instead of sitting next to you he sat in the back.
“Looks like he finally got the hint”. Wonyoung said gesturing to the sad Beomgyu. You nodded. As Wonyoung spoke to another classmate you looked back at the boy. He was actually taking notes. Not sitting next you trying and horribly failing at small talk. Your gaze shifted to your teacher as class started though.
As class ended Beomgyu hurriedly packed his stuff and left. You followed him. So just as he turned in a dead end you ran infront of him.
“Are you ok?”. Beomgyu looked you up and down.
“Yeah? Are you?”. You rolled your eyes.
“You didn’t sit next to me.. or bother me.. or give me your tiny notes..”
“Are you ok”. As you got closer Beomgyu stared at the floor.
“I.. I just thought you felt uncomfortable.. I didn’t want to be a nuance..”. You laughed and playfully punched the boy.
“Beomgyu you’ll always be nuance to me! But that doesn’t mean you need to stop. Nothing you do will ever get me that mad..”. Beomgyu’s eyes seemed to brightened.
“So you wouldn’t mind if I talked your ear off till we got outside?”. You nodded.
“Soo..”. As you walked with Beomgyu something sparked inside you. You didn’t quite know what it was but you liked it. Your conversation started to fizzle that and noticing that, Beomgyu waved you goodbye.
“Are you serious!”. You heard Wonyoung shake your head.
“Hay! He’s.. ok at times!”. Just a few feet away Soobin shook his head.
“I thought you gave up..”
“No one can stop our budding romance!”. Beomgyu dramtically put his fist over Hist heart.
“You don’t even know what that means..”. Taehyun chiooed in making the whole group laugh.
“What’s 10 Love?”
“I’m sorry to say this Kai but I’m not-“
“It’s a tennis term.. atleast I think it is..”. Beomgyu stared at the younger boy confused.
“Y/n plays tennis.. Beomgyu are you sure you even like her?”. Beomgyu patted Kai’s shoulder.
“I have 3 years to get to know her why rush it now?”. As Beomgyu skipped ahead of his friends, as they stated at the boy in aw.
“So we all know we’re gonna have to participate in the shit right”. As Yeonjun turned to his friends they all nodded. This is what started Beomgyu’s love for you. Hopefully it wouldn’t end it too. Just as you both started home Beomgyu got lucky. Your tennis coach had just quit teaching in all. So now he had the best chance for you to really notice him.
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TAGLIST : @ghostieeeee @be-argyu @gyumibear
⁉️synopsis : beomgyu has been trying all year to get Y/n’s attention but he only truly gets it when he volunteers to help her practice tennis. Now beomgyu has 10 weeks till Y/n’s first comp to train and win her over.
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degrees-of-fuck · 1 year
Canon Clara Timeline #2: Clara Begins Her Eldritch Downfall I Assume
That’s right we’re continuing this. Previously, Clara was abducted by Eden while looking for mushrooms and managed to convince her to let her leave for a day at a time.
This time:
Currently, Clara’s been completely skating by on payments, barely having enough every week. Her first big plant sale seems to have helped a lot, in that she’s broken £1000 for the first time by quite a margin. Woo!
She won the science fair easily (well... Not that easy if you consider she got abducted about it, but she had a 100% chance of winning, so like... WAS it worth it? I’ll leave that up to you.
She’s currently working up the nerve to uh. Strip behind a tree for money. She fully intends to do it, don’t get me wrong. It’s just. ... Hard. She’s not there yet.
Upon coming home after getting a bunch of money, she saw Kylar in her room, huffing bedsheets. She... Hardly knows Kylar at this point. Like. Politely chats and waves to them sometimes. That’s it. She just... Walked away and waited for him to go. Any doubt of Kylar being creepy is now Gone.
Clara, having a bit of money, checked out the Hookah parlour. Because... Yeah, she would.  She had a bad, eldritch trip, buuuut I got awareness and willpower out of it - and I particularly want to grind willpower for Clara, quietly stubborn fucker that she is, so she’ll probably be back. She’s a fucking lovecrafitan horror protagonist that goes mad because she MUST UNDERSTAND, I’m telling you.
After that, she went to the farms for the first time! Idk, I’ve been wanting to check them out and get to know Alex better and she seems like the PC for the job. Clara gave Alex a vague answer about where she lives, doubting it would really come up.
Upon returning, she met Landry. ... This will be important later. : ) Whitney was also at the bar that day. Clara snuck out lol
At school, Clara discovered Kylar’s shrine! It’s ALL coming out, huh. She didn’t want to confront him - as that seems dangerous, so she just walked away.
Clara continues to eat lunch with Robin daily - and then spend the rest of lunch time with Sydney. In one of my RPs, we ended up having Clara be kind of an assistant librarian on certain days of the week, even without them being together and I like that thought. It’s not in the game, but I might keep that in the Canon Clara Timeline, too...
Clara found someone on stimulants in the hall! Clara did what any good sane person would do and uh... Yeah, she didn’t do shit. She just got that free bit of insight and called it a day.
Someone at the office tried to forcibly strip her. Last time this happened, she lost her clothes - and she can’t exactly fight, so with much difficulty and truly infuriating that person in the process, she managed to make them cum while holding onto her skirt. Ultimately, she had to take them off anyway, but she did get them back...
Clara is beginning to have feelings about Eden, having to see her so much. It’s... Scary. But she doesn’t have the shortcut through the woods yet making the trip too long for a short visit to make sense - and even holding her visits off as much as she feels safe doing so, she can’t hide too long. It’s... A lot.
When she got back to the orphanage, Clara saw Robin had sold her console. It Begins.
Clara met the panty freak! Woo! She uh... Sure does need the money (especially seeing as she’s gonna be paying for Robin too, soon) and frankly, she needs the stealing practice.
After that, Clara had her first sex for money, thinking of it being just a one off so she could buy Robin a new console without it being an issue for her wallet. : ) Just a one-off. Once again, barely protected her virginities. I  wanna save them for named characters!!! However, she made the guy quite annoyed in the process and didn’t make very good money... Better get more skilled, huh...
Clara went to watch a movie with Robin, thinking she might want some entertainment, without her games. Clara likes horror, but Robin really didn’t seem in the mood for it, so they watched a romance movie. Clara... Wasn’t really into this one, but Robin was super engrossed, so mission accomplished.
“ You listen to Robin talk about the film. She enjoyed it more than you, and her delight is infectious. Maybe it wasn't so bad. “
This is so cute...
Sydney wrote on Clara’s arm intentionally for the first time. With all the times people have written degrading stuff on her, including Eden - the person she’s currently having shameful feelings about, having a nice thing written on her both activated certain brain neurons and felt bizarre in its niceness. Anyway, Clara was quite a bit more flustered than she looked, there. I like to picture her tugging at her shirt to see her shoulder and smiling at it time to time before she washed it off.
Clara got her week of freedom!! Wooooooo
And then shortly after, got the masseuse job! Pretty fuckin early too, from my experience. All that jacking people off to keep their dicks away from her holes, y’see...
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1starqi · 4 months
Cool Guy Gone Cute (pts 3 + 4)
(Part 1 + 2)
genre: fluff, highschool!au
pairing: danceteam!chan x studentcouncil!o/c (could be reader but reader is given a name)
summary: chan bakes brownies for your bakesale
warnings: mentions of cutting brownies (unsure if this counts as knife)
P1: 564 words
P2: 680 words
total: 1.2k (wow they're evenish)
a/n: these are two chan povs!!! super excited to do a different pov. also the song that plays is bnd's but i like you and it's what inspired me to write these!!
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Part 3
18:00, Wednesday
My head is in my hands. There’s half an hour until my shift is over and I can finally go home. I’ve been standing at this counter since school ended—this is so annoying! My feet hurt. I’m hungry. My stream of consciousness is interrupted by the clanging of the bells on the glass door as three girls enter. They’re wearing the same uniform I switched out of for my shift. Oh my god, they’re from my school. Aren’t those two in the student council? Without thinking, I fix my shirt and idly organize the cash drawer below the register to look busy. The three girls are talking emphatically in the drinks aisle.
“There’s no way I can have an entire bake sale ready by Friday! I put like… two adverts up this morning in the hall, but I doubt anyone saw it.” One of them says. I think I remember seeing one of those adverts. They were printed on pink paper and clearly very rushed, the font was Arial. I peek above the register to see the trio and my heart almost stops. It’s her! I bite down on my cheek, stifling a brainless grin. What’s wrong with me? The scratchy navy blue skirt and the white collared shirt look like couture on her. It’s the epitome of a hallway crush, I’ve never even talked to her but I get giddy when she passes me in the hallway—It really diminishes my cool guy pretense.
“Oh my gosh, you two are lifesavers.” She sounds so pretty. Does my hair look okay? I ruffle it in my hands and hope that no one notices my desperate attempt to look casual. All of my focus is on trying to stay cool. Suddenly, these 50-won coins are the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen.
“Let’s check out, and then let’s get chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies and cinnamon buns!” One of her friends—Yoonsun, maybe?—suggests.
“Let’s make brownies too! The really fudgy ones are my favorite.” I don’t even know her name but I’d make brownies in an instant if she asked—-oh my god. I have the opportunity to do one of the most down bad things ever. 
Oh my gosh, she’s at the counter. I start ringing up her and her friends' items. Sodas and chips and hair ties. Are these the kinds of hair ties she wears? Oh my god, Chan, shut up. I scold myself. This is stupid.
“Uh, cash or card?” My voice cracks.
“So sorry to bother you, but could I add a pack of gum to that?” It’s watermelon-flavored.
“Ah, I already put the—” Shut up, just let her add the gum.
“Oh, nevermind then.” I wince, sorry Sora.
“No no, it’s fine. It’s on me.” I rub my neck to soothe my nerves, and they need so much soothing.
“Seriously? Thank you so much!” Her friends are snickering behind her and I hope that they’re not laughing at how silly I look. Her smile is so pretty.
“Yeah, it’s no problem.” She smiles at me. She smiles at me. This is the best job ever. Her and her friends rush out of the store and into the rain. I see her two friends and her laughing and I swear it looks like a movie.
I pull my stickered phone out of my pocket.
“Hey Felix? Want to do something crazy?”
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Part 4
19:00, Thursday
“Okay. My idea of crazy wasn’t baking, to be honest.” Felix, our resident brownie expert, remarked as we stood in my cramped kitchen. I couldn't help but notice that he bakes brownies at least once a month. As I reached into the cream cabinet on my left, I pulled out a shiny metal whisk. Since my parents had informed me that they would be out for the night, I decided it would be okay to invite Felix over for a baking session... for a girl I barely know.
“Shut up. I still feel insane.” It’s 19:00 and I’m standing in the warm glow of my kitchen's overhead light, baking fudgy brownies for this girl’s bake sale. I can’t believe it. I’m holding a whisk aloft, and I can't help but feel like a total dork in my mom’s bright red lobster apron.
“Like, I knew you liked her but damn, dude.” 
“Is it creepy?” I would hate to make her uncomfortable; no one should feel that way.
“Nah, you just wanted to help out. You are hopelessly in love with her but that’s a different thing. Also, do we want to add chocolate chips or what?” I ignore the second component of his three-part response.
“Would she like it?” I ask him warily, everything seems like it’s up in the air. I know next to nothing about what she likes and it stirs a longing in me that I didn’t know I could feel. Something about her is just so magnetic, I can’t put my finger on it. What if she hates chocolate chips or something?
“Even if she didn’t, it’s not like she’s eating it. It’s for the bake sale, remember? Plus who doesn’t like chocolate chips in their brownies? I’m adding some, you don’t have a choice.” He grins at me and, before I can stop him, adds almost the entire half-empty yellow bag of semisweet chocolate chips into the yet-to-be-mixed bowl of dry ingredients—sugar, flour, salt, and baking soda—until there’s a mountain of dark chips among the mostly white, sugary foothills.
“What’s next?” As I was mixing the chips with my whisk, I turned my head to ask him a question, knowing that using a whisk was objectively the wrong tool for the job.
“Add the egg, the water, and the vanilla extract. I’ll melt the butter.”
“Yes, chef!”
“Always, always, always, modeun iga nal neukttaero boneunji,” the alarm’s song resonates from my phone on the couch, acknowledging the final baking of the delicious treats in the oven. Even without the alarm, the smell alone would tell you that they’re done.
“Felix! The brownies are ready!” Felix is sitting on the gray upholstered sofa watching some crappy rom-com on the TV. I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t also watching said crappy rom-com a minute ago. I put on the plaid oven mitts and am hit by the feverish air that escapes the oven before I carefully take the trays of fudge sweets out and place them on the hot pad on the counter. After I’m safe from burning myself, I release a sigh I didn’t know I was holding. Felix enters the kitchen right as the hard part is over.
“Oh, these look nice. She’ll fall in love with you for sure.” He comments and I roll my eyes, doing my best to suppress the giddy smile that threatens to break out. “We should cut them up and put them in baggies, to minimize work for her.”
“I-well. I picked ribbons up from the minimart too.” I muttered. They’re pink and silky and I think they’d look good as a tie for the baggies.
“How many times can I say that you’re a hopeless romantic without saying it straight out?” He rhetorically implores me to answer, I don’t. He sticks a blue wooden toothpick into a corner of the pan to see how they’ve cooled. When he pulls it out it’s perfectly firm—no gooey batter on the toothpick. “I think these are ready, we can cut them out now. Where’s your biggest plate?”
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thekatebridgerton · 6 months
Can we please not support ai art? It is so harmful to actual artists
Cover your ears sensitive people of the internet, I'm about to say something probematic that nobody likes to hear:
Do you know what kind of people annoy me the most in this site Anon?. Nagging Nancies.
Why? Because I personally believe that nobody in Tumblr is entitled to tell anyone what to do or what to post or how to live their lives.
For good or for bad, I assume that in general people here are in possession of a good head on their shoulders and don't need me to be their moral compass. I don't think it's right to assume people don't have common sense and can't tell right from wrong, If they're not in possession of a good head on their shoulders, why would they listen to me anyway? It's not like I've ever done anything that would make a bad person pay me attention willingly.
If you nag them, they'll only do it in private, that's why I think cancel culture is a sham, people in general don't do what you Want them to do just because you tell them to.
Maybe I'm naive but I generally assume that good people will do good things and bad people will not stop doing bad things just because I post something in their inbox denouncing a post that I think is morally incorrect.
Else I would gleefully be in all of your inboxes pushing my multiple amount of biases in your faces. I've had it done to me, and it's not nice, I'm still recovering from a lifetime of my mother's nagging actually. Sure she's lovely and she made me into a halfway decent person, but I still resent her narrowed eyes whenever I look at my phone too much during brunch. And boy does it feel nice to eat froot loops at 3pm without her judging my dietary choices
In the art of shaming me to get me to act according to her way of thinking? Well...my mother is an expert, you're just a beginner anon
My point is, I've never claimed to be a good person. Although I do think I am, within my own sphere of influence I try not to hurt anyone. (Which is what I think a good person should do). But on Tumblr if you claim to be a good person, Nagging Nancies will tear you to shreds. Nitpick the one post (or 5) out of 2k where you used a crappy Ai art generator and say something along the lines of ' you're such a bad person because you did ______ and you're not really being supportive to _______ group of people ' ( it's not really a creative kind of script, but it does get repetitive after seeing it a few thousand times in different fonts). So yeah, according to the Tumblr shame post definition, I must not be a good person.
But here's the deal with me Anon, back when I worked in Sales, I did and said anything people like you wanted me to do and say in order to seem more likeable....It didn't end well. Sure people did like me, but I was so hyper focused on everyone's opinion that it was blowing up my nerve endings and doing a number on blowing up my blood vessels. The stress of living for others was literally killing me, or at the very least on its way to giving me a nervous collapse.
So I decided it wasn't worth it. And stopped jumping when people told me to jump, I learned that just because it made them feel better to recruit another person to their cause, it didn't mean they actually cared about me, or wanted me to feel better. And I needed to care about me.
You may not think you're doing anything wrong by posting that kind of thing in my or anyone else inbox Anon, I'm sure you're a person who just wants to bring awareness to an issue that's important to you. But I just wanted you to see it from my point of view. Whatever you take away from that, it's on you.
My response probably won't make you like me, but maybe it will make you understand me. And if I stop using Ai art generators or not, it won't be because you put your call to arms in my inbox.
It will be because I come to the decision on my own and it will be because my thoughts and actions are in the end: up to me
And that's the tea
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vespersposts · 2 years
Hi lovelies🍧,
🔅Grab your drinks (and sunscreen too), it's time to start to look at those new hunks on the block! 🌡🌡
🎊 Today, to celebrate our beloved Shintaro's birthday, I thought it would be a good idea to put him through his hectic medical life. Will you be able to get his attention? Will the planets be well aligned according to Oha-Asa's horoscope?
More than that, where's the cake? 🎂
💚 Happy birthday Shintaro! 💚
Who's gonna be next? (hint: a Gemini King💛)
💋PS: If any of you amazing authors would like to contribute with original work to this series, that would be a dream for me. Please send me the link and tag me so I won't miss any stories, and use the #knbhousewarming , as the platform sometimes gets crazy.
💣PPS: I apologize in advance for any grammatical and/or spelling mistakes, English is not my first language (bear with me!).
➿Genre: fluff, slice of life, one shot.
🏡 Housewarming Masterlist🏡
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Boston, Massachusetts,
Saturday 18:45 ET
A clear October evening.
That you were the best in the firm was a given, just as it was a given that the profiles of the most demanding, fussy and obnoxious clients were punctually assigned to you because you had never failed to find them the perfect home.
It certainly wouldn't have been him who had brought down your self-esteem, nor the entire office's trust in you. If only your client had at least deigned to answer emails or phone calls, maybe things would not have dragged on so long, making your boss impatient.
You were really wasting too much time on the whims of the doctor.
You had scanned the entire city looking for a space that could meet his absurd standards, you had had to mark the builder down to get the keys to that flat that had just been finished, you had begged, threatened, seduced him until, moved to pity, he had granted you a preview for a week but that monster client of yours, had systematically postponed your appointment, as if nothing had happened, claiming one work engagement after another.
"I can't predict the flow in the emergency room, there are priorities in life " he had commented in his monotone voice with his characteristic snottiness. 
What a nerve, what a nuisance, what a boor. 
He was always looking down on you, and not just because he was incredibly tall and athletic, but just for the sake of giving you unsolicited life lessons. You could see how much he enjoyed rejecting your every proposal. You already knew that a flat would not be to his taste as soon as he moved his long, elegant fingers from his glasses and his incredible green eyes sought yours.
"Too small"
"Too big"
"Badly exposed"
" Too far away from the workplace"
With him, houses turn into a heap of irredeemable defects, as if your efforts were worthless, as if he was too smart for you, too much in general. He didn't even spare a glance at you. Not even when, to provoke him, you had worn your infallible suit you were able to grasp his attention.
And now this too.
"I won't go into detail, but we have to reschedule, I've been called away on an urgent matter" he tells you, not even listening to your remarks. 
The perfect house tomorrow will be for sale, and you not only risk making the worst impression in your whole life by not having concluded the sale despite the preview, but he will remain like an indelible stain on your white shirt of infallibility.
"I have found the solution that meets all your demands and I intend to show it to you tonight. Call me at any time, I will pick you up straight away from the hospital" you propose, in a peremptory tone.
"It will be late, certainly after nine o'clock " he replies annoyed.
"I will also bring you dinner if you need it, but we have to see that house tonight, doctor !" you cut it short, waiting for him to finish giving instructions to his colleagues and pay attention to you.
"As you like, call you back " he snorts and hangs up.
What a big boor.
A few blocks away, Dr. Midorima's day was about to take the worst possible direction. An accident on the motorway had brought traffic to its knees, ambulances came and went and unfortunately for some innocent drivers, nothing could be done. After his last phone call with the police, he put down the receiver of the doctor's office telephone, and told himself that his day had been hard enough. He was actually looking for the strength to contact you, the furious girl from the real estate agency, to stand you up again but the mere thought of it made him feel guilty. He was tired of living in a hotel room, and he was tired of coming across as an obnoxious and icy man, especially with you, who had tried so hard to comply with his every request.
What a bizarre person fate had made him meet. He remembered that you were of the sign of Scorpio, just like his great friend Takao, and perhaps that was why he found you just as annoying.  He had never met a woman like you : as sweet in appearance as determined in reality. He had been fooled by your large, bright eyes, your polite manners even when your patience was tested, your spontaneous smile when a detail of the house you had selected for him, met his taste.
No, he could not disappoint your expectations this time either.
He pulled his mobile phone out of his coat pocket and was pleased to discover that your proposal from a few hours earlier, was still valid. He changed quickly, buttoned his long dark blue coat, put on his leather gloves and a cashmere scarf, and was ready to leave. When he arrived in front of the hospital park, he was surprised to see you at the wheel of your car with a big smile on your lips. It was now past ten o'clock, the evening was cold and clear, but there didn't seem to be any snow yet. The ideal evening not to be alone with your thoughts, not to think about the past with melancholy.
A little human warmth after a devastating day, was all he needed.
"Dr. Midorima, I'm sure I won't let you down this time!" she said as you buckle your seatbelt, making you laugh.
"I'm not here to give you a grade, I'm here to find a place to stay in" you had told her sounding overly arrogant, but she seemed so happy that you were there, that she hadn't paid any attention and started listing the many benefits of her discovery.
It was a journey that lasted about ten minutes, mostly spent talking about trivialities, your hands clinging to the steering wheel as if it were the last lifeboat on the Titanic, your attention at its best trying to avoid even the slightest smear that might compromise the opinion that this demanding man had surely formed of you.
You had never felt this way before, you had never met such a picky, charming client and the fact that you had spent the last two hours fantasising about all sorts of romance with him in the hospital car park, had probably not helped your peace of mind. It had taken you a while to admit it, but as soon as you had put the handsome doctor next to you, instead of in the middle of every available flat in the area, everything had become clear. Hence that strange feeling now that you were standing side by side in the large lift of the elegant apartment complex, heading for flat 505.
You are so flustered that your fingers seem to get knotted so that ,to avoid dropping your dinner on the floor in an attempt to pass the takeaway flap from one hand to the other, you drop the builder's large set of keys on the floor. 
"Let me help you " he offers, reassuring you with a brief smile before asking you which key was the correct one for the heavy metal security door. As he opens the door and gives way to you, you can't help but think that this work appointment might seem like a romantic date to strangers. You thank him and are about to turn on the light, when you feel his fingers stop yours on the switch, probably struck by the same sight that immediately catches your attention. In the industrial loft, all red brick and steel, the view of the city is breathtaking. The large living room window focuses the gaze to the sea of lights from both the city and the harbour , creating a unique, almost dreamy atmosphere.
The large space of the kitchen remains in semi-darkness, revealing the light parquet floor, the shiny steel surfaces and the large workbench where you put down the envelope from 'Legal Seafoods', from which you picked up what will be your dinner, but which he does not seem to care about.
You smile as you see his tall, elegant figure standing out like a shadow as he observes the landscape, his coat swaying slightly, his shoulders broad, his long arms along his sides, like a romantic pirate saying goodbye to his homeland before an adventure, but also like a child watching the Christmas lights for the first time.
"What an amazing sight " he smiles at you, a smile so spontaneous, warm and grateful that you can't help but blush vividly.
"That's why I wanted you to see it" you agree, thanking the dimness that allows you not to reveal that moment of weakness of yours.
"Shall we turn on the lights?" he asks you and you nod, pretending you care to show him the features of the house. After all that is a business appointment, that ends to the client's great satisfaction in the canonical hour you usually reserve for visits.
You feel sad, because when he tells you to arrange the papers, you know your daydream is coming to an end.
Or maybe not.
"What did you bring me for dinner?" he suddenly asks you, noticing the takeaway box on the kitchen table.
" Lobster roll, the Boston way to say 'Welcome in town' !" you inform him proudly, reaching over to hand him a carefully packed wrapper, which he looks at in your hands, but does not accept. 
"Don't you like lobster?" you ask with a hint of concern, because things have gone far too smoothly at that point.
"Lobster is fine, but let's get it right " he tells you as he passes you to turn off the lights again. You don't object when, having retrieved your dinner, his hand takes yours and guides you towards the large window. He asks you to hold the bag in your hands, and with an effortless movement he takes off his coat, which ends up on the floor to serve as a blanket for your improvised picnic. He holds out his arm and seats you, then sits down next to you, dividing his attention between you and the view.
"Thank you for finding me a place where I can feel at home, I will always owe you one " he tells you in such a sweet tone that you feel your heart skipping a beat.
"It was my pleasure, Dr. Midorima " you smile at him, moving your hand and involuntarily touching his.
"Shintaro, please call me Shintaro " he reveals to you, bringing his fingers between yours.
"You'll have to invite me to dinner to clear your debt, then, Shintaro" you disclose smoothly, observing his handsome face once more. Green orb staring lovely at your lips, his silky hair pulled behind his ears, his soft lips curved up in such a tender smile.
"You already know where I'm gonna live, feel free to come over anytime !" he invites you, dissolving your contact with a light kiss on your knuckles.
Your mind told you that you were wasting too much time on the whims of doctor Midorima , but your heart...
Your heart had only seen Shintaro from day one, even behind that cold and indifferent surface.
After all, you were the girl who never failed to find the perfect home to perfect strangers, how can you go wrong with yours ?
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denim-mixtapes · 2 years
Diamonds and Rust [3/5: The Truth] - (Eddie Munson/Reader)
Rating: T Word Count: 2.1K Pairing: Eddie Munson/F!Reader Warnings: Language, uncharacteristically shy Eddie, Dustin and Steve being annoying wingmen Summary: Eddie's been acting different ever since you got back from your time off. Maybe the mystery mixtape you found in a pile of donations has something to do with it. [Part 1] [Part 2] [Also on Ao3]
A/N: SO sorry this took so long, I decided I hated it and had to rewrite the entire back half. Also I forget how demanding my job is sometimes so I make promises that something will get posted and end up working two 12+ hour shifts in a row. ANYWAY, enjoy these awkward lil nerds.
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When you return to work on Monday from your mini vacation, it’s to a heaping pile of new donations and a note from your manager that he ‘didn’t have time’ to process any of them in your absence. You pluck the sticky note from the wall and roll your eyes when the adhesive peels flecks of paint off the wall. Sometimes being the sole employee of a store has its perks, but more often than not it just means that you are the only one left to do the owner’s dirty work. Throwing it into the trash with a roll of your eyes, you decide there’s no time like the present and dig in. 
It’s mostly clothes, but the sheer volume of the pile is enough to keep you busy into the afternoon. 
When Eddie shows up like clockwork, he isn’t his usual self. His demeanor is different, more timid. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his jeans and his approach to the counter is a lot slower than usual. 
“Hey!” You greet him cheerfully, peeking over the top of the mountain of clothing you have on the counter. “Missed you yesterday!” 
“Hey, yeah,” he comes to a stop in front of you and reaches up to nervously rub at the back of his neck. The motion ruffles his hair and you bite back a laugh. “I didn’t know this place could run without you.” 
“I’m not so sure it did,” you scoff, shoving the pile aside to lean your forearms on the counter, “Gary may own this place but he’s about as useful as ol’ Spot over there.” You jab your thumb in the direction of the old beagle statue that stands by the register. It’s never been for sale, so after your first few months working here you ended up naming it. 
Eddie actually squats down to pet the damn thing and chuckles, “now don’t say that, you’ll hurt poor old Spot’s feelings over here.” He’s still laughing when he stands back up, but his brow is furrowed and you can practically feel the nerves radiating off of him. Hands stuffed back in his pockets he continues, “Speaking of Gary, he didn’t, uh…did he give you anything this morning? Like maybe something was left for you?” 
Your own brows come together in confusion and gesture to the mess beside you, “other than the heap of donations he didn’t care to process, no, not so much.” Then, narrowing your eyes at the boy before you, “why? Did he say something to you?” 
His “no!” comes a little too quickly, and he laughs it off, repeating it softer this time, “no I just…he doesn’t seem to work much, does he? You’re always here, I guess you might have been welcomed back with a promotion or a raise or…shit, I don’t know.” You don’t fully believe him. Something is off that you can’t quite place, but he gives you no time to think about it, looking at where a watch would be on his wrist if he were actually wearing one, and then pointing over his shoulder toward the door. “You’ll have to forgive me, I don’t actually have much time to chat today, gotta run to band practice.” 
You stutter out your goodbye, but he’s gone before you can fully say anything else.
Over the next few days, every time you see Eddie, it’s just as weird as the last. His visits are even more brief and frantic than usual. It’s almost like a routine. 
2 PM.
He bursts through the door with a flourish and spouts some dramatic grand greeting with a false kind of confidence that is nothing like his usual tenacity. 
Straight for the music section. He looks briefly at the shelf of records but his target is the box of cassette tapes underneath it. He’s surrounded by the clattering of plastic as he digs through them.
He’s looking for something, and quite frantically, you observe…but every time you offer to help him look, he’s waving you off with a noncommittal noise and a soft apology. 
Four days after your return, you’ve finally made it to the bottom of the donation pile. You were starting to think that the old man must have dug up some extra merchandise from the back or personally brought in his family’s entire estate just to keep you busy, but the light at the end of the tunnel is finally near. 
Under the mounds of fabric there are a few knick knacks and accessories, but what really catches your eye is the single cassette tape sitting all by itself. 
Upon closer inspection, there’s a handwritten tracklist on the cover. You scan the titles quickly, but don’t pay too much attention. While your shop sells all sorts of second-hand goods, including records and cassettes, mixtapes aren’t typically accepted. They’re unpredictable, often personalized with voice recordings, and quite frankly, unsellable. Still, there’s no harm in giving it a listen yourself before tossing it. You pop it into the stereo behind the counter and press play before moving on to continue with your busywork. 
After the first few songs, you start to get the feel for the tape. Whoever made it clearly had a vibe in mind when they did, with heavy rock influences, some names you definitely recognize but some you don’t. Every few songs there’s something new you don’t recognize, but all of them you thoroughly enjoy, and you find yourself smiling and nodding your head to the beat as you move around the store dusting off furniture and organizing the clothing racks. 
Eddie doesn’t come in all day. 
Not that you’re looking for him. 
Of course not, but when you see the same person almost every day at the same exact time, it becomes a part of your routine. You’ve come to expect and even look forward to his visits, and truth be told you were quite excited to show him this tape. It practically has his name written all over it, and since you aren’t allowed to sell mixtapes anyway, you figured he would enjoy taking it off your hands. 
But he doesn’t come in. Not for the next two days, and you’re starting to worry. 
By Saturday, you’re starting to think something must have happened to him. There’s no way he would just disappear like this, right? Perhaps you didn’t know him quite as well as you had thought, but still, after seeing him and chatting with him every day for months now, you would think you’ve gotten to know him pretty well…and he doesn’t seem like the type to just disappear on you without a word. 
As if the universe heard your worrying, just as Charles is leaving with the latest find to surprise his wife with, here comes Eddie.
Except he’s not alone. 
He’s flanked by Steve Harrington and a teenager who you can only describe as a younger version of the two of them put together. Eddie is pinching the bridge of his nose while the other two talk over each other animatedly.  They stop inside the door, Eddie turning his back to you to face the other two, and places his hands on his hips in annoyance while the other two prattle on. You don’t catch much, but every so often you can hear a few key words. Come on! and tape and you dumbass and Henderson, shut the fuck up. You watch on, amused, but try not to eavesdrop. They’re cute, honestly, arguing like brothers. A smile tries to fight its way onto your face but you bite it back, not knowing the severity of the situation. After a few moments of hushed arguing and annoyed scoffs, Steve takes Eddie by the shoulders and turns him in your direction. The other kid (Henderson, you presume) gives him a little shove in the center of his back, sending him stumbling toward the counter, and they both whisper-shout, “Just tell her!” 
You wave with a sheepish smile, not wanting to let onto what you heard, and you notice the other two boys slip back out the door, still whispering animatedly to each other. 
“Bandmates?” You ask, pointing to the front window of the shop where the two of them can be seen trying to act nonchalant and definitely not like they were trying to watch. 
Eddie barks a laugh and shakes his head, “no, no, they wish. Harrington could never be that cool. Dustin, maybe, but nah. They’re just friends of mine.”
Nodding thoughtfully, you move on, not wanting to bring up the conversation you just overheard but not knowing what else to say. “Where have you been all week?” He flinches at the question and you soften your expression, “It’s been real quiet around here is all. Missed having you around.” It's as much of an admission as you’ll allow yourself to make right now. 
“Yeah uh…” He pauses. You once thought you had seen all sides of Eddie Munson. Excited, eager, angry, enraged (never at you but always about something trivial), but he was always confident. He always carried himself like he never cared what anyone thought, but this is new. He seems nervous, more so than he has been the last few in-and-out stops to the store. “...Sorry about that. I-” 
There’s a clatter from outside, and when you both look to the window, Dustin’s face is pressed up the window, glaring, and Steve looks just as exasperated as ever. 
“Fuck, okay.” Eddie laughs nervously and continues, “did a mixtape turn up in your donations after last week?” 
You light up at the question, and nod excitedly, reaching under the counter to retrieve the tape from the milk crate. “Yeah! I actually set it aside for you,” you can feel the heat under your skin as you flush. “We aren’t allowed to sell personalized stuff like that, so I gave it a listen and I thought you’d really like it.” 
His color deepens as well, mirroring your own blush. It’s a sight you could get used to, the rosy cheeks and soft smile on his lips. A hand runs through his hair and he shakes his head with another laugh. 
“Yeah, well. It wasn’t really supposed to be donated.” Another ruckus from outside, and Eddie gestures rudely behind him, but doesn’t break his focus on you. “I…brought it in for you. I mean, I made it for you, but when I came in to give it to you, you weren’t here, so I kind of panicked and left it with your boss…I see now that was a mistake.” 
“Oh.” Blinking in surprise, you look down at the tape again and notice the notes next to each track. They’re lengthy, and you never paid them any mind because you didn’t know you had to. 
“So you’re right, I do like it.” Another laugh, this time more confident and amused, “but the question is, do you?” 
Your heart flutters at the vulnerability in his voice when he asks. Holding the tape to your heart, you can’t stop the smile from breaking out on your face when you nod. “I’ll have to give it another listen, now that I know the intention behind it, but yeah, I really do.” 
“Sick,” he mumbles, and you swear you can see him shake a fist in celebration, but the counter hides it well. 
Your own responding laugh is music to his ears when you ask, “Is that what you’ve been looking for in the music section so frantically?” 
“Yes!” He throws his head back dramatically, twirling in place with a heavy sigh before stopping and leaning on the counter again. “I didn’t know if you would recognize my handwriting, or worse, if someone else would. Christ knows what kind of shit I would get into if any of the guys from Hellfire or the band would say if they got their hands on it, let alone any of those assholes I didn’t graduate with.” 
“Fair.” you nod and look back down at the tape, fiddling with the corner of the tracklist paper idly. “So, hey,” at the inquisitive tone of your voice, Eddie's eyes perk up, brows raising. “What if we listened to this together? Instead of me reading all this alone, you could tell me all about it?”
Curls bounce around his head as he nods eagerly, a tight lipped smile spreading across his face. “Yeah, I think that could be arranged.” 
He leaves that day with an extra pep in his step, your home phone number on a sticky note in his pocket, and a chorus of shouts and high fives from the two boys outside. You spend the rest of your shift unable to stop smiling or your pulse from racing. You can’t wait until closing time, when you were promised a phone call to set up a date.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Joe Goldberg x reader
Word Count: 800
Warnings: death, murder, joe being joe 
Author’s Note: This was inspired by a talk with my best friend who said, ‘if you dated joe goldberg like you so want to he would kill me cause we were so close’ and you know what, she’s right
(also im sorry if your name is lea) 
Summary: Your friend continues to annoy joe 
Genre: ??
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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You let out a long sigh as you sat on the desk in the front of the bookstore. Joe sat behind it, flipping through a new book that he had gotten in recently. He looked at your phone as it started to ding rather incessantly on the desk. You paid it no mind, instead turning your head to look over at him and his book instead.
“Good so far?” you questioned, trying to get a peak at the pages. He pulled them to his chest like they were a secret when they really were far from it. He was pretty sure, if not certain, that you had read this book already.  
“Not bad. Not the best thing I’ve ever read but not bad,” he said. Your phone kept buzzing. He was getting irritated by it. His grip tightened around the book. “Are you going to answer that?” You looked down at it like you just realized it was there. 
You picked up the phone and thumbed through the few notifications that you had gotten. Text messages. Joe tried to peak his head to see the name but he couldn’t quite make it out. You were scrolling too fast and reading even faster. 
“Just Lea,” you said offhandedly. 
Joe nodded. Lea. Your best friend, as far as he knew. And he knew a lot about you. 
“Anything interesting?” he asked like he didn’t care even when he cared an awful lot. You shrugged and put the phone back down. 
“Just some funny things. You know how she is,” you said with a kind smile. No. He did not know how she was. He did not care to know how Lea was anymore. Time and time again, she texted and he never knew what on Earth you were talking about. Were you talking bad about him? 
On occasion you had made some joke that Lea had said Joe was no good for you. If he wasn’t good for you then who on Earth was? He honestly couldn’t bother himself to know. But Lea had gotten on his last nerve with whatever it was that she said. 
“Joe?” He looked up at you. “Where did you go?” He shook his head, a soft smile on his face.
“Sorry I got lost in my head. You were talking about the text messages,” he said, prompting you to go on. You shrugged.
“I just said that she said nothing really.” You slid off of the desk and stood in front of it. Joe got his head back and his wits returned to him.
“I have customers love, you gotta get out of line,” he said with a small smile. You looked behind you and shrugged.
“I don’t see anyone there. Plus, how are you to know that I wasn’t going to buy something,” you teased.
“Were you going to buy something?” he asked. You flicked his name tag as you leaned over the counter.
“I want to buy this.”
“It isn’t for sale.” Your phone buzzed again. Joe got distracted by it. Again. This time you picked up the phone and shoved it in your pocket and out of sight. It wouldn’t stop his thoughts now though. He would likely be seeing Lea later that night if you didn’t. His mind reeled with the thoughts of her. How close and toxic she was to you. 
“How about this?” you asked, your finger on his bottom lips.
“I’m sure for the right price,” he muttered, laughing a bit. You smiled and leaned over, giving him a quick peck on the lips. 
“Alright I should probably go to work if I want to keep my job. And call Lea so that she stops annoying us,” you said, backing up to the door.
“You could always work here!” “I can’t sleep with my boss,” you seethered. He shook his head and watched you go with a light heart. He knew what he had to do and he would do it in a timely manner. 
You would be thankful. Eventually. 
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anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 15
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 4800+
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language, fighting
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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“Okay, girl. Let’s move onto your two-three combo, and then you are going to come at me with a right hook as if it was your ex’s face,” Val instructed, holding up her mitts.
You dropped your hands, looking at her. “I’m not doing this because I want to kick his abusive ass. I am doing this for me. To build up my confidence and get stronger.”
“Yeah, yeah. You just want to look good naked for Rogers.” She wiggled her eyebrows, and you started punching the mitts. “Thata girl, I knew I could hit a nerve,” she chuckled to herself. 
You completed a few more rounds, then Val decided it was time for a cool down. You nodded, breathing heavy, and stepped out of the ring. You wiped the sweat from your brow with your forearm while Val came over to help get you out of the gloves. 
“You’re killing it, YN. Like, if someone ever decided to jump you, well, I think they would lose a hand.”
You chuckled at Val’s compliment. “Thanks, I do feel more confident in my movements, and my punches feel like they have more power behind them.”
“They do,” she agreed, “but it’s not hard enough to make me need to ice my hands or anything, like some of the coaches have to do when M’Baku is practicing.” She raised her eyebrows, shaking her head. “Men always have to be the strongest, but they’re not always the smartest.” She let out an annoyed sigh, rolling her eyes. “How are things with Rogers?”
You smiled as she started to untie your other glove. “He’s good. I think we’re good. Why, what’s the gossip at the station?”
“There’s not much. He tends to keep to himself about you, but there are times when he does get all flustered, blushy, and red when we pick on him about you. It’s cute,” Val smirked, eyeing you over, feeling yourself have the same reaction as him. “Have you two kindled the flame yet?” She wiggled her eyebrows, making your face heat up even more. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you chuckled, shaking your head. 
“Don’t tell me then,” she winked. “When Carol and I talk about you two, we think you two look good together, and from what you both have been through, you both deserve a win, and I’m happy you two found each other.”
You smiled, undoing the hand wraps. “Thanks, Val. Speaking of Carol--” you peeked up at her, watching her closely “--how are things? Have you told the crew yet?”
“Not yet, but I am sure most of them already suspect something is going on?” Val shrugged, taking a sip out of her water bottle. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure. I mean, they’re men,” you chuckled, rotating your wrists back and forth.
“Good point,” she laughed, tilting her water bottle at you. “They can be a little slower at picking up hints.”
You sat on the couch folding laundry, following a developing armed robbery happening downtown at the Ideal Federal Saving Bank. 
“Christine, how are things looking there? Have any of the robbers been identified?” Megan Henderson asked from the KTLA studio to Christine Everheart at the scene. 
“Yes, Megan. We know two of the assailants at this time, Jack Rollins and Jasper Sitwell. They are two notorious criminals who have been involved in numerous robberies throughout the state of California, Nevada, and Arizona. We are still unsure about the three other associates assisting with this robbery at this time…”
The monitor by the front door started buzzing, pulling you away from the screen to see who was there. You smiled at the screen, seeing Thor waving at the camera with his hands full of groceries, and you buzzed him in. 
You walked over to grab the remote, seeing the film crew circling the bank in a helicopter, and switched off the tv. You would need Thor's full attention when he helps you make your mom's chocolate chip cookies for fire safety at the station tomorrow. 
“Sister, I come bearing gifts,” Thor shouted, somehow being able to open the front door with his hands full. “And did you see that robbery hostage situation--” he pointed in the direction to downtown LA “--Nat and Clint have their hands full with this one.”
“Yeah, they do,” you agreed, leading Thor to the kitchen to drop off the bags on the counter. You furrowed your brows at the multiple bags of groceries. “What did you all get? All I needed was flour, chocolate chips, and eggs.”
“They were having a sale, and I couldn’t resist.” He lifted up a six-pack of beer, smiling like a child on their birthday.
“Well, that’s not going to take you long to finish,” you smirked at him, pulling groceries from the bags.
���No, I got this for us to drink while we bake mom’s cookies,” Thor added with a sincere smile, scratching his beard. “You know brother-sister bonding. I also grabbed snacks, so we are less tempted to eat all the cookies.” 
You grinned, staring at him in awe. “Sounds like fun, let’s get these cookies started.”
“And I’ll open a beer for you and supervise,” Thor added, going into the drawer to get the bottle opener, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Are you sure you’re doing it right?” Thor watched over your shoulders while you started creaming the butter and sugar together. “I don’t remember mom using one of these fancy mixers. She did it with one of those hand mixer thingies.”
“It just makes it go quicker,” you replied, rolling your eyes. “And you can do a bigger batch.”
“They’re not going to taste the same.”
“This is how I’ve always made them. You have literally watched me make these cookies with this machine before.”
“Oh well, I noticed they tasted different.”
“You’re insufferable, Thor,” you stated, turning around and pushing him to the other side of the counter. He laughed, taking a seat on the stool across from you.  “Do you want to find my cookie scoop? You’re scooping once I have everything mixed.”
“Finnneee,” he dragged out, complaining. He went over to the drawer and pulled out the scoop, and returned to the stool. “How have things been going with Steve?”
“It’s been fun,” you smiled, adding the eggs to the mixer bowl and turning it on.
“I’m glad. I’m the one who told Steve he could date you.”
“Wait,” you narrowed your eyes at him, “did he ask for permission?”
“No, I just told him that if I had to choose someone from the station to date you, I’d pick him.”
“Oooooh, so you picked him for me?” You scoffed, eyeing him while you added the dries in a little at a time.
“No, no, nothing like that. You can make your own decisions, but you’re a good person, and I wanted you to be with a good man. Besides, Steve is an old fashion guy, and with Dad not around anymore to ask, I figured I was the next best choice since I am the eldest.”
“And Loki was okay with your decision.” You scraped the bowl, adding in the chocolate chips and turning the mixer back on. 
“Well...I didn't ask him per se, but I think he would agree with me on this,” Thor stated, taking a sip of his beer.
“But, when have either of you agreed on anything...ever?” You turned off the machine, taking the bowl off, and started scraping the dough off the paddle. “Besides, you know I can make my own decisions right. I’m an adult.”
“Yes, of course,” he chuckled, playing around with the cookie scoop until it flew out of his hand and skimmed across the kitchen island. “Of course.” He nodded. 
“Says the man child, playing with a cookie scoop,” you snorted, shaking your head.
The last batch of cookies was in the oven, and the rest were cooling on sheets of newspaper. It wasn’t uncommon for you to get a few stares when you made cookies with an audience, but every time you made them with your mom, she’d use a spatula to get them off the pan and then place them on newspaper. You didn’t want to break that little tradition you got from her. 
Thor plopped down on a stool at your small island. “Why did I have to scoop them all?” Thor asked, taking a sip of his beer. 
“They’re for your job, I’m not going to do all the work,” you sassed, shaking your head, forcing him to crack a side smile. “Now you wash, and I’ll dry.”
“Do I have to? I just sat down,” he asked with a slight frown.
“Yes,” you stated as he groaned, standing up and making his way to the sink. 
He let out a loud sigh, turning on the faucet, and narrowing his eyes in your direction. You stuck out your tongue at him while you continued to put ingredients away. He sighed loudly again, and you gave him the side-eye as he leaned against the counter, watching the suds magically appear in the water. “I’m happy for you.”
“Okay?” You replied more in a question than a statement. You narrowed your eyes at him, not knowing where that came from. 
“It’s nice to see you smiling and having fun again. You know, putting yourself out there. It’s nice having the sister I grew up with back. I’ve missed her.” He stood up straight, cracking a child-like smile at you. 
“Me too,” you smirked, leaning against the counter. 
He turned back to the sink, placing a few dishes in, and started washing them before placing them on the drying rack. It was weird to watch him do civilized things because he never did them when he was younger. When he left New York, the annoying older brother you grew up with started taking responsibility for his actions. While most actions not involving his nightly escapades. You take a sip of your beer, grabbing a clean cloth to dry, and start putting the dishes away. 
“I filed for divorce yesterday,” you mentioned, hearing Thor drop what he was washing into the sink.
He placed his hands on the edge of the sink, clenching his jaw at the sudsy sink. 
“He’s going to know where you are. Are you okay with taking that risk?” He inquired, scratching at the short beard on his face, turning to you.
“I know it’s a risk, but the only way I am ever gonna feel free of him…is to be free of him.”
He nodded, clearing his throat. “Are you going to feel safe here? Cause I can take the couch and stay for a few days. I can take work off and…”
“Thor, Thor,” you interrupted, placing your hand on his upper arm. “I’ll be okay.”
“I know, I just… I want… I want to make sure you’re safe.” 
“I know, and I will be,” you smiled at him, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze.
“Is Steve gonna come and stay with you?” 
“I don’t know, maybe.” You shrugged, keeping a close eye on your brother; his bottom lip trembled as his eyes darted in all directions. “Is everything alright?”
He nodded his head aggressively. “Yeah, I’m fine. Totally fine,” he stated in a high-pitched voice, laughing it off.  “But um…I think it would be better if someone stayed here with you, so I know… so we--we all know you’re safe,” he stumbled over his words, wringing his hands together. “Have you at least talked to Loki? What does he think? Does he want me to stay with you?” He asked, rambling on in one breath. 
“I was going to call him tonight and let him know,” you informed softly, trying to calm him down. “Thor--” his worried-filled eyes connected with yours “--I’ll be okay. Okay?” You gave him a reassuring nod. “I know after what happened before...that you blame yourself or you feel like you failed, but you didn’t. I don’t blame you for what happened because it wasn’t any of your doing. I put myself in that situation, and I continued to go back.”
“But, I could have gotten you out of that situation. I am the eldest, and I should’ve done a better job at protecting you, or at the very least, listening to you. I shouldn’t have taken Billy’s side, and for that, I blame myself,” he sniffled, clearing his throat. 
“Thor--” you rubbed his arm, making him look at you “--Billy is and will always be a master manipulator. We all fell for it…”
“Loki didn’t. He saw right through the man,” Thor tried to reason, raising his eyebrows. 
“But he didn’t stop me from going back to Billy. I mean, he tried, but Billy already had me wrapped around his finger.” You paused, biting your lip. “There is no sense in playing the blame game when the only person we should be blaming is Billy.” Thor opened his mouth to say something, but you continued. “You’ve helped me more these last few months than you will ever realize. Don’t think about the past and how you could’ve helped me, but think about right now, and how you did help me. I still don’t know how to thank you for it.”
“You can thank me by letting someone stay with you for a couple of weeks.”
“Wow...we’re still on that,” you scoffed, forcing a trembling chuckle out of him. “I know open communication was never our family's forte, but I love you, brother.”
“Love you, too, sis,” he smiled, leaning towards you and pulling you into a hug. 
You walked into the station through the open garage doors, noticing the spotless, shiny red trucks glistening in the sun, bringing a sense of ease over you and a smile to your face. This place felt like a second home that came with a family that you didn’t know you needed. You spotted Steve helping a few guys set up chairs in front of a portable tv while others set up tables for interactive activities for the kids to participate in. There were even goody bags with plastic red firemen hats and the treat table that continued to grow. 
“YN, I see you got talked into making something, too?” You looked over to see Nat, holding a pan of brownies, and you lifted your two containers of cookies. “I swear these boys wouldn't survive without us. I mean, Val and Carol would be safe, but the boys.” She shot you a tight smile, shaking her head. 
“Agreed,” you chuckled.
“And there is my nerd now, I’ll be back,” she winked, walking over to Bucky. She handed him the brownies, and he leaned down and kissed her ever so gently. 
“It’s disgusting, isn't it?” You looked to your right to see Sam with his arms crossed, rolling his eyes. 
“I think it’s kind of sweet,” You chuckled, rubbing your lips together and glancing at them one more time. Steve caught your eye, and a sweet smile broke across his face. “You’ll find someone, Sam. You’re such a catch.”
“Uh-huh,” he grunted.
“Would some cookies help?” You offered, handing him the containers. 
“Yes.” Sam grinned his gap-tooth smile, taking the container. “Thank you, YN. This is why you’re my favorite.” He took a bite out of one of the cookies, walking away, holding it up in the air. “The best batch yet.” 
Steve shook his head at a grinning Sam, walking over to you, and pulled you into a hug. You giggled into his chest, wrapping your arms around your waist, and he started swaying back and forth. You rested your chin on his chest, staring up at him. He leaned down, giving you a quick peck on the lips. 
“How did Bucky and Steve get girls like that?” Sam asked Val at the treat table.
“I guess some people just get lucky.” Val shrugged, and Sam angrily took a bite out of another cookie.  
“Want some ice cream?”
“Yes, I want all the ice cream,” Sam added, following Val to the break room. 
“Question--” Steve stopped swaying and pulled away from you “--do you have any plans for tonight?” 
“No, why do you have something planned,” he teased, shooting you his signature smirk.
“What are we doing?”
“I’m afraid that is classified, but I have something for you.” You reached into your purse, pulling out a manila folder, handing it to him. 
Steve narrowed his eyes in curiosity. He opened the folder, his eyes scanning it over. “Divorce papers. This is a big step, YN,” He smiled at you, but it quickly dropped to concern. “Billy is going to know where you are.”
“I know, but I feel like it is time to put the past behind me and move on with my life.”
“Okay, as long as you’re ready, then I’m here for you with whatever you need.” 
“I know,” you smiled shyly.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Thor clasped a hand on Steve’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, I’m proud of her,” Steve winked, making your smile spread wider.
“As am I,” Thor smiled, squeezing Steve’s shoulder. 
You shake your head at them. “I better get to my shift, but Sam has the cookies, and I want my containers back ASAP, or I am going to hurt you, Thor.” You stated, walking backwards.
“I’ll make sure they are in your possession tonight.” Thor saluted, making you shake your head.
“Have a good shift, YN. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Just know this, Steve, if you hurt my little sister, we will have more than words,” Thor stated, squeezing Steve’s shoulder a little harder watching you walk out of the station with Nat by your side.
Steve nodded, turning to him. “I don’t intend to.”
“Good man.” Thor patted him on the shoulder, giving him a closed-mouth smile. “Before she met you, she was lost in her own little world. Fighting the beast, invading her dreams, and trying to tackle her own troubles. She thought she could only rely on herself to make the important choices but soon realized she had supporters, like you and me. So, thank you, Steve, for helping bring my sister back.” 
Steve nodded to Thor as the tall man went back to help the group set up.
“Did he threaten you?” Bucky asked with a breathy laugh, coming over to him.
“Ahh…yeah…sort of….I think.” Steve's eyebrows knit together, trying to figure out what exactly just happened. “But, I’m gonna make a quick call.”
“Do your thing, pal?” Bucky patted him on the shoulder and went over to help the group finish up.
Steve took out his phone until he found the name he was looking for; He brought it to his ear as soon as it started to ring. 
“Hey, Steve. How’s it going?”
“I’m good. Listen, I’m not going to be able to play pool tonight. I got a...I  got a date,” Steve smiled at his own words, scratching at his beard.
“Oh, is this the one you have been kind of seeing?”
“Yeah, YN.”
“Good for you, man.”
“Thanks, but I gotta get back to work. I’ll see you later.”
“I have a feeling we’ll see each other soon. Have a good night, Steve.”
“Bye, Jig,” Steve smiled, sliding the phone back into his pocket, and headed over to finish getting everything ready for fire safety.  
The team stood by one of the open garage doors in anticipation for the first group of young students and their teachers to arrive. The workout room was transformed into a small teaching area, complete with fold-out chairs and a roll-away tv. Snacks and goody bags were also waiting for them with a welcoming banner hanging from the second-story loft. 
Steve let out a deep breath with his hands on his hips, eyeing at what they were able to accomplish.  It looked very welcoming, but he didn’t know what was going to happen. He liked kids but wasn’t always great at talking to them, but Carol reassured them that the first group of students might not go as planned, but they had another six to make up for it. 
“First group approaching,” Sam shouted, going over to the door to greet them. Sam shook the teacher's hand, flashing her his famous gap-tooth smile. 
Bucky scoffed beside Steve, gripping his shoulder. “Don’t be nervous, pal. Just avoid swearing or talking about anything too scary. Kids think we are badasses, and they look up to us. We are heroes to them.”
Steve swallowed, nodding at him. He rubbed his hands together, taking in the twenty little kids, grabbing snacks, and taking their seats while Carol stood in front of them with a huge smile.
“How’s everyone doing today?” Carol asked, earning a group of students shouting while others remained silent. “I’m glad to hear it. My name is Captain Carol Danvers, but you can call me Ace, and I am in charge of Station 107. Those wearing the dark blue shirts around you are my teammates.” She pointed to Sam, who then introduced himself as they went around the room. “Now that you know my team, what are your names?”
The teachers introduced themselves before the kids went around the room saying their names. Steve stood off to the side, nodding his head, trying to remember every kid’s name. His eyes stopped on one familiar little girl, Morgan Stark. She caught his eye, and she waved with an exciting smile on her face. He nodded at her, mimicking her expression on his face. Steve noticed she also waved at Sam. Seeing her brought back the memory of his first encounter with YN and losing his dispatcher cherry while saving Morgan from the electrified pool in the process. 
“Do any of you know the number to call in case someone needs help?” Danvers asked, bringing Steve's attention back to the present. Hands flew into the air, including Morgans. Danvers pointed to one of the students, and he replied with 911. 
Steve zoned out as Danvers continued to talk with the young kids. His eyes traveled around the room, noticing how some of the teachers would catch his eye but then quickly look away. He smirked, realizing Thor and YN weren’t kidding when they said the teachers would flirt with them. Thor winked at one of them, and she blushed, unable to keep the smile off her face. Steve shook his head at them, returning his attention to Danvers.
“....when you dial 911, your call gets directed to a dispatcher, and they use a system called CAD, which is a computer-aided dispatch. They punch the address you give them in, and the dispatcher can figure out what unit is closest for them to send help. Now, how many of you know your address?” A few hands shot up, and Carol nodded. “It’s okay if you don’t just go home and talk to your parents about it. They love to watch you learn and would be more than willing to help.” She nodded, clasping her hands together. “We are going to watch a quick safety video and then break off into groups and do a few different activities and see some cool things. How’s that sound?” She got a few cheers from the students while the others kept quiet. Danvers smiled, switching the tv on and pushing play on the DVD player, before stepping off to the side. 
The kids broke off into four smaller groups; Bucky and Steve took their group around, showing them different trucks, and explained their purpose. Steve couldn’t help but smile when the kids’ faces brightened up upon seeing the inside of the trucks. They did their best to explain what some of the equipment inside was, but most of the kids seemed too excited to listen. According to Bucky, kids like seeing the trucks and could care less about the other activities they had set up.
The first group's time was coming to an end, and the team could see the next class approaching in the distance. The team handed out gift bags, and all the kids were smiling and putting on their red plastic hats. The teachers told the students to say thank you, and they did so in unison before they retreated towards the door.
Steve stood by the entrance waving goodbye to the previous class, awaiting to greet the next class. He felt a tug on his pants, and he looked down to see Morgan smiling up at him.
“Hey, shouldn’t you be up there with your partner?” He leaned down to her eye level, resting a knee on the ground.
“She is waiting,” she pointed to her, and Steve smirked, seeing her waiting impatiently. “Besides, my teacher is still talking to the tall one.”
He glanced over to see the tall one was Thor, and he was doing the thing he always did. “Look at that, you’re right.” He nodded. “What can I do for you, Morgan?”
“I wanted to give you this--” she handed him a homemade card “--the tall one helped me make it at the coloring table.” She rocked back and forth on her feet and blushed.
“Aww, thank you.” He opened the card, reading: Thank you, Fireman Steve, for saving me, and it was an image of her in a pool with him on one side and Sam was on the other. “You’re welcome. I like it. You are quite the artist.”
She smiled. “I gave one to Fireman Sam, too.” She pointed at him with a smile.
“I’m sure he loved it, too.” Steve smiled at it. “I'm going to have to put this on my fridge at home.” He chuckled, and in an instance, the little girl wrapped her little arms around her neck and pulled him close. He patted her on the back and pulled away. “Stay out of trouble, and don’t get into any more electrified pools.” 
She shot him a funny look. “You too,” she smiled, running over to her partner.
Her teacher passed by him, folding a piece of paper and sliding it into her pocket, which Steve could only assume to be Thor's number. He shook his head, looking back at Thor to see him staring at her retreating figure. 
Thor caught Steve's eye, and he shrugged. “What? I like women, but you know, not in a creepy way.”
After the first class came through, the rest of the groups were easy; having got the lay-of-the-land and knowing what to say. Although towards the end of the day, the older kids, the 2nd graders, asked more daring questions, in which Steve tried to keep it G or PG.
“And with that, class is dismissed,” Danvers stated, plopping down in one of the fold-up chairs, sighing loudly. 
“Hear, hear,” Sam nodded, plopping down next to her. “It’s the repetition that gets me. I could go home and fall asleep right now. Who knew kids could be so exhausting. I praise the teachers cause I know I couldn’t put up with their shit all the time.” Everyone murmured in agreement.
“How are you all tired?” Thor asked with his hands on his hips.
“We weren’t at the coloring station. We were explaining and answering questions trying to keep things kid-friendly.”
“Well, you should’ve been. In my opinion, it’s the best station.”
“No, the trucks are, the arts and crafts station is the boring table. The kids were talking about it,” Bucky added, folding up a few chairs. 
“Doesn’t matter, I got a few numbers. And...” he walked over to the snack table, taking the last of YN cookies “--I got the last cookie,” he chuckled, taking a bite.
“Let’s quit complaining about what activity was better and remember it was about teaching the kids,” Danvers stated. “Now, let’s get this cleaned up, so the crew can do their job tonight.” Everyone mumbled, nodding in agreement. 
Thor snapped the container to your Tupperware shut, shoving the last bite of cookie in his mouth. “I could drop off the Tupperware tonight if you’d like. I’m meeting up with her after her shift,” Steve offered, packing up the leftover snacks. 
“Yes, I suppose you could, but if they go missing and she doesn’t get them. This all comes back to me, and I don’t need that on my conscience right now.” 
“Probably a good idea you do it then,” Steve chuckled. 
Standing in front of the mirror, you try to get your hair to do a thing, but it isn’t doing the thing, so you decide to leave it as is. A buzzing sound at the front door brings an excited smile to your face. You trotted down the stairs, seeing Steve and Cosmo at the gate. You buzzed them in and went into the kitchen to grab two wine glasses and a bottle from your stash. You set them on the kitchen island, hearing Cosmo barking on the other side of the door. You smirked to yourself, walking over to the front door, remembering Steve mentioning how much Cosmo missed you. It was utter nonsense, but you couldn’t help but smile. You opened the front door, and your smile quickly disappeared.
“Hi, honey. Did you miss me?”
AN: Thanks for reading part 15! Those pesky cliffhangers! Where did Billy come from? Has he been watching her this whole time? Hmmmm....any theories?! And of course, all of this had to happen when things between her and Steve were finally going forward. It's almost like I planned it! Muwahaha! And speaking of Steve...what could’ve happened to him and Cosmo? Besides the ending, did you like Thor and her little chitchat, the brother-sister bonding sesh. We did learn that Thor clearly still blames himself for what happened way back then, but maybe now after their little chat, he will finally start forgiving himself, but who knows with the current revelation happening! 😬 And Val and Carol, did anyone guess that happening?! Also, did you enjoy fire safety day?! I thought it would be a good throwback to the first chapter and bring Morgan back, and I thought it would just be cute seeing the team trying to keep things G/PG when talking about their job. Haha! Better prepare yourself for the next couple chapters, cause things are going get deep! As always thanks for reading, comments always welcome! 
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murphyhatesme · 3 years
Getting a new car leads to some life changing realisations .. After a talk with Chin Danny finally decides to take a chance on Steve.
Danny closes his eyes and presses his lips together before he answers Jack, from ballistics, “Yeah okay, I’ll get back to you with a budget okay?”
“Sure thing Danny, I’ve already given them an estimate on the parts so that should help.”
“Yes it should, thanks Jack. Hopefully we’ll talk soon.”
Just as he puts his phone down Steve walks into his office, “what was the verdict?”
“It’s totalled. Couldn’t be saved. I’m going to have to speak with the governor about a budget.”
“ Ah .”
Danny looks up at that, “What did you do?”
Steve takes a step back, pointing at himself “Me? Nothing?”
“ Steven. ”
Steve sighs, “Now, I need you to promise me you won’t get mad.”
“Tell me!”
“A ah, promise me first.”
“Steven I swear to god ..”
“Fine! I was going to tell you at dinner tonight. I may have talked to Sam already and he agreed with my choice.”
“Your choice? Explain how this is your choice when it’s my car?”
“Danny, I always drive our car.”
“Excuse you, there is nothing ‘ our’ about the car. It’s mine!”
Steve waves his protests away and walks around the desk coming to stop besides Danny. He leans over and pulls the keyboard towards himself. Danny refuses to move aside and Steve is signing, letting him know he’s annoyed by Danny’s unwillingness to move aside. He knows he’s being petty but he’ll be damned if he lets Steve take over his office as well as his life.
“Will you just ..” Steve snaps before shoving the keyboard back “Ugh, fine! Have it your way you big baby.” he steps back and Danny smirks only to lose it when his chair is jerked back and he’s bodily lifted out of his seat. 
Danny can feel his eyes widen as he’s sat down on Steve’s lap. “Excuse you?” Squirming he tries to stand up but Steve tuts at him and rolls the chair back up to the desk. Pulling the keyboard closer he logs out of Danny’s mail and into his own. “Steve, I’m sorry okay, can you let ..” He’s distracted by the beautiful, sleek black Camaro that appeared on screen. He bends forward and takes over the keyboard, he immediately opens google. He types in the dealer’s website, looking up the specs on the car Steve just showed him.  “Did you really? And Sam agreed? You really ordered this one?”
Steve chuckles behind him, “Yes Danny, really. So I take it, you're fine with me picking our car?”
Danny nods and sits back, Steve’s hands wrap around his waist to keep him from sliding down and he’s suddenly aware of just where he’s sitting. His breath hitches and his stomach muscles quiver when a warm thumb caresses his hip bone, oh fuck. He bolts up and steps away from his desk, clearing his throat, “Right, so uh when is it arriving?”
Steve’s eyes are glittering with amusement when he answers “We can pick it up tomorrow.”
“Okay, so first thing in the morning?”
“Uhu, we have an appointment at nine.”
“Great! Now go, I have things to do.”
Steve smirks, “sure, things ..”
Danny can feel his face flush and he narrows his eyes, “What’s with the tone? Huh? You don’t believe I have things to do?”
“Oh no, I do believe that, but I wonder if you are ever going to own up to those things .” 
Danny freezes, his first thought is that Steve knows! Followed by he knows and wants Danny to do something about it. He files it away and shoos Steve out of his office. More than a little freaked out he picks up his wallet and drags Chin out for an early lunch. Chin is a good soundboard and he’ll be honest.
 After ordering he folds his hands and takes a deep breath, “So Steve ..” he pauses, not sure how to begin. 
Chin sighs deeply, “So he finally told you huh?”
Danny sits up and he eyes Chin suspiciously, “What exactly do you think he told me?”
Chin rolls his eyes, “Danny, he feels the same way about you as you feel about him. He’s been waiting for you to act on it.”
“Well if he knew then he could have been the one to act on it.”
Chin raises his brow, “No, because you would have hidden behind a wall of insecurities and excuses.”
“And those still stand!”
“Then why are we here?”
“Because .. I rea .. No, I just ..” He sighs, “Maybe I freaked out a little bit.” Chin nods his head in sympathy and Danny bristles “Not because of the reasons you think! He’s my boss and I actually like him. If I act on it and it goes south then I ..”
Chin interrupts him, “You forget that he’s in the same boat, also are you really scared that things won’t work out? Because you and Steve are basically married already.”
“We are not!” 
Chin holds up his hand “Couples counselling Danny.” he ticks off a finger, “You share a car.” He puts another finger down, “You live together and last but not least,” he ticks off another finger, “You have a date night every other week.”
Danny shakes his head, “No, nope. It’s my car. I stay in the guest room because I have mold. And we watch a game!”
Chin however is not impressed, “You two cuddle, Danny.”
“Ugh! Fine. it’s only because it’s easy with him okay!”
“Danny, why is it easy?”
 “We’re best friends. I trust him.”
“I’m your best friend.”
“That’s different.”
“Brah ..” Chin lets out a long suffering sigh. 
“Let’s talk about something else.”
“Danny .. Stop running, he loves you just as you are. He isn’t Rachel.”
Closing his eyes, Danny breathes out. “I know, okay. I know.”
Chin smiles at him, “Good talk. Should we take back lunch for Steve and Kono?”
“Fine, what does Kono normally like?”
“She likes spicy tuna.” 
Danny orders a spicy tuna sandwich and a meat lover's one for Steve. When he gets back to the table Chin is smirking, “What?”
“You notice how you didn’t even think about what to get for Steve?”
“That logic is flawed because you knew what Kono liked.”
“Only because I take our lunch orders at least twice a week, what’s your excuse?”
Danny decides to ignore the knowing grin and focuses on the counter, waiting for their order to be called. 
 The next morning Danny is up early, he tries to enjoy his morning coffee but he’s too excited, or nervous. He’s getting a new car. He ignores the other reason for his nerves. Despite him waiting for it he still startles when the front door opens and Steve swans in. “Ready?”
“Good morning to you too.”
Steve rolls his eyes, “Come on, traffic is going to be a bitch.”
“Well, you should have thought about that before you made an appointment on Saturday at nine.” But he still follows Steve out to the truck. He manages to slap the back of his partner's head when he hears Steve mutter ‘ bitch bitch bitch ’.
Steve is in the office with the dealer, taking care of the paperwork and Danny is standing in front of his car. The powerful, sleek, black muscle car is exactly what he’d have chosen for himself. Which also means  that despite what he says Steve knows Danny through and through. He slowly walks around the car, fingers lightly tracing the shiny new paint. He slides into the driver's seat, lovingly caressing the steering wheel and smiling as he takes in the new car smell. 
Steve comes out of the office, and the manager waves over one of the sales guys. Steve smiles when their eyes meet and Danny smiles back as he holds up his thumb. Steve gestures for him to get out before turning and shaking the manager’s hand. Danny gets out and Steve steps in close as the salesman, Gary, who followed Steve comes over to shake his hand. “You made the right decision with this car.”
“Yes, I believe we did. Do I have to sign anything?”
“No Sir, your husband took care of everything.” Danny opens his mouth to correct the assumption but Gary is talking again, “So here are the keys.” He hands the keys to Steve, “Congratulations on your buy.” 
Danny plucks the keys out of Steve’s hand, “Thanks Gary.” He leaves Steve standing there as he slides back into the driver's seat. When Steve pulls the seatbelt over his chest Danny starts the car, “What about your truck?”
“Nahele is picking it up with Jerry later, driving lessons.”
Danny nods and turns smoothly onto the motorway, “I love my new car.”
“ Our car Danny.”
“Just because Gary back there thinks we are married doesn’t make it true.”
“So I feel like this car is a Goliath?” Steve says and Danny chokes.
“Excuse me?”
“No? Atlas then?”
“We are not naming this car Atlas.” Danny snaps
Steve grins. “It has a lot of horsepower, so maybe black beauty, BB for short?” 
“No, this car has no name. It doesn’t need one. If we name it then we become attached and in our line of work that is not a good thing Steven.”
“So Zeus is out?”
“Oh my god. Stop it. Please for the sake of my sanity.” 
Steve suddenly seems to notice they are driving out of town instead of home. “Huh? Where are we going?”
Danny grins but doesn’t say anything. He takes a right turn and smiles when he hears the quiet ah as Steve figures out where they are going. 
When he parks the car, they get out and walk to the edge of the lookout. Danny takes Steve’s hand and presses the keys into his palm. “What are we doing here Danny?”
“I figured something out yesterday, and as you know this is where I go to start life changing decisions.”
“Life changing?” Steve’s tone is both hopeful and disbelieving and Danny suddenly knows he won’t regret what he’s about to confess. Instead of visions of failure he sees himself old and wrinkled on the beach behind their house, bickering about stupid things. For once he can see a happy future because he loves this man and he’s pretty sure Steve loves him in return.
He takes a deep breath, finally ready to say it and mean it. “Okay, I’m going to come out and just say it then. I love you.”
Steve tilts his head, “I love you too?”
“No, Steve, I’m in love with you.”
“Oh. Yes, I knew that.” Steve tells him before pulling him in and kissing him soundly on the lips. 
Danny splutters, and pushes Steve away, “Don’t you have anything to say to that?”
“I’ve been saying it for ages Danny, I’m glad you finally caught up.” Steve states matter of factly and slowly leans back in, Danny shudders as their lips connect once again. Danny deepens it almost immediately and Steve groans as their tongues brush together for the first time. He loses himself in the kisses as the sun steadily rises and the traffic rushes past behind them. 
When they break apart, both breathless Danny sweeps his thumb over Steve’s kiss swollen bottom lip, “How about we go home and find some things to do?”
Steve grins, “Yes please.” He gives Danny a quick, hard kiss before dragging him to the car. 
Danny is laughing as he slides into the passenger's seat, “So eager.”
“Well if I had known that picking out a new car for us would have this result ..”
“A new car for me .” Danny feels the need to point out. 
Steve scoffs, “We both know I’ll be the one to drive it five days out of the week.”
“I ..” and just like that it doesn’t matter, so he sighs and gives in. “Fair enough.”
Steve’s grin lights up his face and Danny knows he’ll spend the rest of life trying to keep that smile in place. 
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arrowflier · 3 years
heyyy ! so, could you write a fanfic where after the wedding gallavich svetlana comes back and she and ian become besties? I would love to see them go shopping and doing stuff together.
and i need to say i love everything you write, your account is pure serotonin
The knock on the door came early in the afternoon, when both of them were half asleep on the sofa trying and failing to watch the newest big action movie.
"You get it," Mickey groused from his position with his head on Ian's lap, burying his face against a broad, boxer-clad thigh. Ian didn't reply.
The knock came again, louder and more insistent, and he rolled so he could glare up into Ian's face. "You not fuckin' listenin', man?" he grumbled, snapping his fingers to get the other man's attention. "Get the damn door."
"Kinda hard with you on top of me, Mick," Ian replied easily, barely lifting his own head from the hand propping it up from the side of the sofa. Ian grinned when Mickey cursed, and swatted at his back when Mickey finally gave in a rolled to his feet.
"Yeah yeah, I'm comin'!" Mickey yelled when the knocks just kept coming, stumbling toward the front door and rubbing his tired eyes.
"If it's that new fuckin' neighbor again, I'm gonna kill her this time," he muttered just loud enough to hear, smirking at Ian's sharp laughter as he threw open the heavy wooden door of the apartment.
"What's with all the--" he started, then trailed off when he saw who it was.
"Racket?" he finished in a whisper. Because there, right in front of him, outside his safehouse that he happily shared with his husband away from their families and their pasts, was the second-greatest reason he almost never got to have any of it.
The whore had come home.
They stood there watching each other warily until Ian came up behind him, peering past him to see who was in the doorway. The hand he casually placed on Mickey's hip tightened when he registered what he was seeing.
"What..." he mumbled, taking the door out of Mickey's frozen hand to open it wider. "Svet?" he questioned disbelievingly when it only showed her more clearly.
"Hello orange boy," Svetlana greeted, not unkindly, before turning her gaze back to Mickey. "Worthless ex-husband," she said more flatly. "We must talk."
A week later, Ian reassured Mickey one more time before leaving for the evening.
"This is good, Mickey," he promised, coming up behind his husband where he was 'not primping, that's gay Gallagher' in front of the hallway mirror.
He wrapped his arms around Mickey from behind, and pretended not to notice the way Mickey breathed out heavily and leaned back into him. Instead, he just stroked a hand over the line of buttons on Mickey's shirt, and pressed a kiss to the back of his head.
"You're just gonna spend some time with him," Ian murmured. "Get to know him a little bit, yeah?"
Mickey didn't say anything, but Ian didn't bother to fill the silence. He knew his husband better than that.
"What if he doesn't like what he learns?" Mickey finally asked, voice hushed. "About me, I mean."
Ian spun him around so he could look directly into his eyes, wide and faintly wet.
"He will," Ian said simply. "But if he doesn't, well." He shrugged. "I guess Svet kills both of us."
That got a choked laugh out of Mickey, and then they were interrupted by a knock on the door.
For the second time in a week, Mickey went to answer it.
This time, it opened not just to Svetlana, standing there in a fashionable dress and a stern expression on her tastefully painted face, but to a young boy with a head of wispy blonde hair and two familiar, ice-blue eyes.
"Hi Yevgeny," Mickey managed, voice little more than a croak.
The boy gazed up at him solemnly, silently. Then his lips quirked up as he said, "Hi dad."
"You think this is good idea, orange boy?" Svetlana asked Ian as they left the building a few minutes later. "Ex-husband was never good with child."
Ian shook his head as he held open the door for her, following her out onto the street.
"I wish you'd stop calling him that," he told her. "He's my husband now, after all."
He glanced at her as he said it, and was surprised to see the barest glimpse of a soft smile on her face before it dropped away again.
"Yes," Svetlana admitted. "What he always wanted."
Ian couldn't suppress his own grin.
They walk in silence toward the shopping center down the street, Svetlana's fancy heels clicking on the pavement as Ian own worn shoes scuff along beside her.
"He's changed a lot, you know," he offered abruptly as they waited for streetlight to change at the corner. "Since you knew him."
Svetlana eyed him until the signal changed, then took off across the street.
"I know this," she tossed out over her shoulder. "Or Yevgeny would not be here, desire to know father or not."
Ian could respect that. He jogged to catch up, halting with Svetlana when she stopped in front of a storefront.
He looked up at the sign, confused. "What are we doing here?" he asked. "Thought we were grabbing a bite while Mick bonds with the kid."
"We will eat," Svetlana promised. "But first, I shop." She took a moment to look Ian up and down, a calculating glint in her eye, then smiled almost predatorily.
"You shop too," she decided. "Give my--your husband nice thing to look at."
Ian flushed as she turned and entered the store. He stood awkwardly outside, eyeing the display, until a woman walking by in the other direction gave him a disgusted look. Then he shook off his nerves, and followed Svetlana into the lingerie store.
"I cannot believe you bought!" Svetlana giggled as the climbed the stairs to the apartment two hours later. "Sales lady could not believe either!"
Ian snorted, a small bag swinging from his hand as they exited the stairwell. "What she couldn't believe was how good it looked," he boasted. "Did you see the way she kept looking at me?"
He unlocked the door as he said that last bit, and it opened to reveal Mickey's scowling face.
"The way who looked at you?" he asked immediately, and it sent Ian and Svetlana into a whole new chorus of giggles.
They only quieted when Yev's voice came from further into the apartment.
"Daddy," the boy called, "is that them? Are they back?"
Mickey coughed, rubbing his mouth as his ears turned red at the moniker.
"Uh, yeah kid," he answered gruffly.
"Did you ask them yet?"
Mickey rolled his eyes.
"No, not yet, let them get in the fuckin' door first." He sounded annoyed, but Ian could see that he was flustered.
"Language," Svetlana admonished as she pushed past into the entry. Ian offered Mickey a smile and a quick kiss as he followed, tossing his bag on the little table by the door. He shook his head when Mickey looked at it with a raised eyebrow, and mouthed later.
"Ask us what?" Svetlana got right to it.
"Uh," Mickey tried to start, but didn't get a chance when Yevgeny came barreling in from the living room.
"Momma!" he squealed, latching himself onto her leg. "Daddy says he was gonna watch a movie with Ian, can we stay? Can we?"
Svetlana dropped a hand to his head, smoothing through blond curls. She looked at Mickey, who was clearly nervous, rubbing his neck and trying not to meet her eyes. She looked at Ian, who was trying not to show how much it meant to hear Yev refer to him by name, like he remembered who he was.
Then she looked at Yev, happy and free, with no knowledge of the ever-present trauma between the adults of the room, just staring up at them all with his heart in his eyes.
"Yes," she answered. "Yes, I think we can."
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shwazzberryswriting · 3 years
Miss Confident
Pairing: Kun x Original Female Character|Reader
Genre: PWP, Straight Up Smut
Summary: Kun helps his girlfriend with her problems at work
Word count: 2,600
Rating/Warnings: Mature / Explicit Sexual Content: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Kissing, Nipple Play, Nipple Licking, Floor Sex, Dirty Talk, Not Beta Read, Creampie, Overstimulation
Author’s Note: Kun's been committing all sorts of attacks on me for like a week, OK? I've thought about Kun being the sort of dom who will enjoy subbing from time to time but he'd still really be a dom. So here is my fic interpretation of that. I sorta wish I would have written more foreplay, but I would have spent much longer on this and I don't need to waste so much time on a PWP when I have so many WIPs I have to work on. Apologies ahead for any errors, I only proofread once!
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Neary shut her laptop and groaned. Her presentation was fast approaching, and she felt like throwing up every time she reached the 5th slide. If she was choking up in the privacy of her bedroom, she worried that she would simply burst into a pile of dust when it was time to present her project to the Sales Director and Plant Managers of her company.
She needed a break, so Neary stood up from her desk, and walked down the hall to see her boyfriend. She found Kun’s office door closed, and pressed her ear to the door to hear a familiar tune playing. He’d been working on a song for the past 2 weeks, it was a demo for a movie theme song. He likely wouldn’t have heard her knocking, so she opened the door.
“Hey, baby,” Kun said, looking away from the two computer screens set up before him when she called out his name. His keyboard was set to his left, and he had a drink in his hand. “I’m thinking about making Sichuan style Hot and Sour Soup for dinner. I have some fish that will be good with the green mustard.”
“Can we order sushi tonight, honey?” she asked, walking over to him. He set his drink down as he turned slightly toward her.
“I should cook the fish before it goes bad,” he argued back. “We can order a little sashimi if you want.”
“Why are you always right?” she replied, frowning. She felt a bit of joy light up as she ran her hand through his hair. His hand on his mouse stopped as he shut his eyes. “We shouldn’t waste money on sashimi if you’re going to cook fish for dinner.”
“Anything on your mind?” he asked, opening his eyes when she rested her hand on his shoulder. He slipped his left arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.
“I can't control my nerves," she admitted. "I choke up halfway through my presentation."
“Stage fright,” he said as he pulled her to sit on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder. “What makes you feel powerful?”
“What?” she asked with a laugh, sitting up to stare at her boyfriend.
“It’s a mental thing,” he explained, grinning at her, his hands caressing her hips gently. “Before you do your presentation, build up confidence. Tell yourself that you’ve got it, give yourself a round of applause, do something that will make you feel confident and powerful.”
“That works? I wish Jerrid was still working with me. He always did the presentations.”
“Forget Jerrid,” Kun said, rolling his eyes. “You got the promotion because you were the one with the ideas. Your boss knows you can do the presentations. You’ve got it, baby.”
“Can you go to my presentation with me?” she asked, cuddling up to him, returning to resting her head on his shoulder.
“You can do it,” he said, stroking her arm. “Close your eyes and think about this moment before your presentation tomorrow.”
“I still feel a little nervous,” she replied.
“What will make you more confident?”
She cupped his cheek in her hand and directed his face to her. Planting a firm kiss against his lips, she focused on how her chest felt light, like she had more air to breathe. As strongly as she inhaled in, she felt like she couldn’t get enough of the scent of Kun. She took note how her body was filled with happy feelings of warmth and comfort. The warmth made her shoulders and back relax, and she smiled against his lips.
Before she could break the kiss, her hand slipping down to his shoulder, she felt him open his mouth to capture her lips between his. His hand rested on the back of her neck, and he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She moaned as she pushed back, licking his lips before she broke the kiss.
“What do you want?” he asked softly as she rested the pads of her index and middle finger on his bottom lip. Her stomach was boiling with heat as his soft lips moved under her fingers. “Hm?” His hand on her hip moved to cup her ass, squeezing it gently. “I have work to do.”
“You’re going to throw me out?” she asked, pouting slightly. He chuckled, squeezing her ass again.
“Miss Confident, what do you want? Tell me, I’ll do it,” he said, his gaze softening as he touched his forehead to hers.
She was frozen, the heat inside of her was bubbling over with Kun kneading her ass, and the warmth of his kisses still on her lips. She’d never been able to lead their sexual encounters. It was always in Kun’s ball court since she struggled to verbalize what she wanted. She felt lucky that he knew how to please her without her having to tell him.
“Otherwise, I need to get a little work done.”
“I want to stay,” she pleaded before planting a quick kiss on his lips. “I know what you like.”
She began grinding against him gently as her lips moved to kiss his earlobe, her hand raking through his hair. He groaned, and she gave a soft laugh against his ear as she felt him start to harden.
“What do you want?” he asked after a moment, his hands on her hips. He sat back fully into his chair, his eyes never leaving her. He grinned. “You want to make me come in my pants?”
“Kun,” she breathed out, furrowing her eyebrows as she stopped moving, “what do you want me to say?”
“Let me know what you want, Miss Confident,” he said with a chuckle. “You want to be confident? Tell me what you want.”
“Shut up and kiss me,” she said with a heavy sigh.
He was enjoying himself too much, and she was annoyed at her boyfriend teasing her. He obliged as they came together and kissed. His lips remained pursed against hers and she gave a chuckle before opening her mouth and capturing his lips continually between hers in small, wet kisses. Her tongue licked his lips, and he opened his mouth to capture her tongue. He sucked on her tongue before releasing it, and she broke their kiss.
“That’s it?” he asked, sounding disappointed. “So much work-”
“Make me come,” she interrupted him before grabbing the back of his head, fisting her hand into his hair and directing his mouth to hers. Her free hand rested on his shoulder as she shifted around to straddle him, but he pushed her to sit on his desk. His tongue was pushing aggressively into her mouth before he broke their kiss when he stood up.
“Let me,” he panted out heavily as his arms reached out behind her, “close things up.”
“Fuck me on the floor,” she demanded as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
She dug the heels of her feet into his back, making him groan. He moaned as she moved her hand to grab his growing erection. She pressed down on him as she stroked up and down. Her mind was swimming with half thoughts of pride to see Kun struggle to remain composed as he stood before her. He closed his eyes for a few moments as he took in a deep inhale of breath.
“How do you want to be fucked, Miss Confident?” he asked, smiling widely. His fingers were at her sides, bundling up the fabric of her shirt as they slid up her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck when he’d taken her shirt off and they kissed. “Want to be on all fours as I take you from behind? Or should I put your left leg over my shoulder and I pound into that tight cunt all night?”
“Shut,” she panted out as she felt him lift her so he could pull her shorts and panties off, “up.”
“Hm?” he asked as she unwrapped her legs from his waist so he could pull her clothes off. She let him savor his moment at groping her breasts, his fingers teasing her nipples through the lace fabric of her black bralette as he pinched them.
“Get naked and let me ride you,” she panted out. She moaned as his fingers continued to tease her nipples, making her stomach ache in heat. “Kun, listen to me, honey. I want to fuck you.”
“OK,” he said before his hands pulled her bralette off.
“ You get naked,” she spoke up more firmly as she stood up from his desk. She grabbed the front of his jeans and began to unbutton them. He took off his sweater, and cupped her face into his hands as he directed her to his lips.
“Look at Miss Confident ordering me around,” he said with a gentle grin when he broke the kiss.
“You’re not getting naked,” she said, frowning. She pushed his jeans down and she smiled, heat hitting her cheeks, as she watched him remove his boxers and kicked his jeans and boxers away.
“What do we do now, Miss Confident?” he asked, pressing his body against hers, thrusting his hips gently as his cock slid up against her stomach.
“I want to ride you so bad, honey,” she said as she took his arms, going down on her knees.
He followed her, and laid down on his back as she placed her hands on his shoulders to push him onto his back. Facing him, she straddled him and used her hand to direct his cock to her entrance. She leaned back and planted her feet onto the floor as she pushed him deeper. The heat of his cock filled her up, and she moaned as her fingers rubbed her clit.
He sat up and placed his hands on her hips as she began to grind against him. She pressed her chest against his as she kissed him, resting one hand on his shoulder. He took her other hand and intertwined their fingers before resting them on her hip. His teeth nipped at her lips as he pushed forward, wanting her kisses. She turned her head to the side as her lips were beginning to feel rough and throbbing slightly.
“I want to eat your sweet lips,” he said softly into her ear as his grip on her hips tightened and he gave harsh, fast pushes into her.
She moaned as his cock punished her pussy, her tits bouncing wildly as he continued fucking her fast and hard. He slowed his thrusts, grunting as he released her hand to wrap both arms around her waist. A sweet moan came out of her as he bent down and licked her nipple, the pointed tip of his tongue flicking it before his teeth grazed against it.
“Fuck me in a new way and make me come,” she demanded when she felt him planting a trail of kisses up her chest to her neck.
“What haven’t we done?” he asked with a bright smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling as they pulled apart. His hand groped her breast as she stood on her knees beside him. “How well can you take me?”
He kissed her and had her lie down on her back. He pulled her knees up and spread her open, pressing his hands over her knees to pin them against the floor. Her pussy was completely open for him, and he slid his stiffened cock over her wet slit. She gave a soft moan as he inhaled and exhaled sharply.
“Fuck,” she breathed in a shaky breath as he pushed himself into her.
He kissed her neck as he began a slow rhythm. The weight of his hands on her knees added to the intensity of her nerves feeling every thrust he pushed into her. She whimpered as his cock hit deep into her sweet spot, quickly spreading an oozing sort of warmth along her lower abdomen and toward her back. The heat was slowly but steadily spreading throughout her body.
Her shoulders began to burn as she felt her skin rub up against the carpet as Kun thrust himself in and out of her in a steady, building rhythm. His hands released her knees as one hand shot up to grab her breast. He licked her nipple, maintaining eye contact with her, before he wrapped his mouth around her breast to suck on it. His left hand reached between their bodies and his thumb began rubbing up and down against her clit.
She arched her back and her fingers dug into his shoulders as she moaned. He was burning her skin against the carpet as he continually thrust hard and deep into her. He was fucking her so good she was going to come. He was teasing her as his tongue swirled around her left nipple. He was giving her everything as his thumb brushed gently against her clit for a few seconds before rubbing her harder, the contrasting sensations making her clit throb angrily as blood rushed down to her groin and up to her head.
She was dizzy with lust as she felt Kun’s lips over hers. His tongue invaded hers as he groaned into her mouth, her pussy walls squeezing down on his cock. Her arms wrapped around his neck as her orgasm came, a flash of heat washed over her body. Her sinuses flared as blood rushed up to her head, every push of Kun’s cock into her making her nerves dance in frenetic waves.
He released her lips as he continued to thrust into her, his thumb now rubbing circles against her clit. Her body shook as he overstimulated her body. She gave a couple whimpers, feeling hot tears leak out of her eyes, as she heard Kun guffawing.
“You’re my sweet cock whore, look at you lose yourself around my cock,” he teased with heavy pants as he slowed his thrusts, giving a handful of shallow thrusts before surprising her by pushing himself harshly in and out of her a couple times. “Is this what you meant, Miss Confident, when you wanted me to make you come?” He continued a steady rhythm after she gave a yelp and whimper at his cock hitting her deep again. “I know I’m fucking you right. Just let me know, baby.”
Unable to speak, her shaky hands grabbed onto his sweaty neck and directed him to kiss her. His hands pressed down onto her thighs and he thrust furiously into her as they kissed. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she felt like her shoulder blades were being rubbed raw against the carpet, her skin ready to bleed if he didn’t come soon.
She shoved her tongue into his mouth when he thrust deep into her and she felt his come fill up her insides. The heat of his seed lit her nerves up in small flames, and she moaned into his mouth as she felt his hand caress her breast. He gave another thrust and they grunted into each other’s mouths as he withdrew from her.
“Don’t look at the mess,” he said as he helped her up. “I’ll take care of it.” He directed her to look at him as they sat up against the wall on the floor. He had one arm wrapped over her body, holding her close to him. “How do you feel, Miss Confident?”
“Confident,” she said with a smile, rubbing her nose against his before giving him a gentle kiss.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Office Surprise [Maxwell Lord x Reader] SMUT
Authors note: Credit goes to one of my besties for coming up with this idea— I hope I executed it alright. Also I wrote this all in one sitting so apologies if it’s a bit muddled, I think it should be okay though. Maxwell and the reader have a pre-existing relationship and it’s inferred that they’ve dated for quite a long while. 
Rating: 18+ only.
Warnings: SMUT | oral (f receiving), use of toys, unprotected p in v, slight praise k!nk/degradation, a little rough, slight dom/sub dynamic if you squint, choking.
Word count: 5k
Permanent taglist - let me know if you want to be added: @supernaturalgirl​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @ah-callie​ @luvzoria​ @stardust-galaxies​ @wickedfrsgrl​ @goth-topic​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first​ @pedroepascal​
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Being the girlfriend of Maxwell Lord certainly wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows, but as you swiped his platinum black Amex card at the Victoria Secret cashier, you recognised it had its privileges. What did he expect you to do? Sit at home all day reading interior design magazines and baking desserts? No. You were bored. Maxwell had come home every night and complained about his long hard week at work but you knew it couldn’t be as boring as sitting alone in his enormous DC house. It got so incredibly lonely.
You planned on travelling to the city anyways today; to get some final Christmas presents for your friends. And Maxwell’s office just so happened to be located in the city centre and so you figured it would only be polite to pay him a little visit. After all, he surely couldn’t be too busy to see you. You had his driver drop you off and pick you up from the different shops. You had been dating Maxwell long enough to understand the way his mind worked. If you wanted to visit him during one of his busiest work weeks, you’d have to give him a reason to make you want to stay.
You had visited his office plenty of times before. He’d greet you with the same surprised smile and elation in his eyes, but it wouldn’t be long until he put his head back down and ignored you for his work, humming whenever you tried speaking to him and only ever vaguely listening. As Maxwell’s driver took you to your next store of choice, you let your mind ponder ways you could really grab his full attention.
You wanted to have fun. The more your mind raced, the more you wanted to make your visit unforgettable. And that’s when your idea to visit Victoria Secret came to you. You hadn’t been to the store in a while, smiling pleasantly when you were greeted with a happy employee wearing a santa hat. Pulling down your sunglasses in hope she didn’t recognise you, you offered her a smile. “We have our new Christmas range in stock.” she grinned cheerily.
“Take me to it, please,” you replied and the employee nodded excitedly, guiding you through the aisles.
“A lot of red lingerie sets this year.” She held her arms out, showing you the variety. One pieces, two pieces, full blown costumes. One set in particular caught your eye… a lacy number with a small silk ribbon. It was like nothing you owned before and you knew how much Maxwell liked the colour red on you. You took it from the rack. “An excellent choice!” the store assistant beamed. You were ready to pay and leave but then she opened her mouth again. “We have a new range of toys too!” 
Toys? That could be interesting.
Before you knew it, you were in the back of the black limousine, frantically changing out of your clothes and into your newly purchased lingerie. It only took a few minutes for the driver to pull up outside Black Gold Cooperative. You fastened your heels and tied the belt around your knee length crimson coloured coat before stepping out of the car. 
You practically yelped as the cold winter air stung your skin. You weren’t sure how great of an idea it was, to visit Maxwell wearing nothing but lingerie and his favourite coat, but it was too late to have any regrets now. With a confident smile, you pulled off your sunglasses and entered the building through the rotating glass doors.
Maxwell’s assistant and receptionist, both intern age blonde girls, greeted you with a snarl. “You- you aren’t supposed to be here!” His assistant pointed an accusing finger at you. “Mr Lord is fully booked up today and you haven’t made an appointment!” 
“Give me a break,” you rolled your eyes, storming over to the elevator, your heels clicking against the marble floor. You knew they envied you for being the girlfriend of the richest man in America but you didn’t care enough to give them the time of day.
You entered the elevator and let it take you to the very top floor; where Maxwell’s office was.
"Oh hey, look who it is." Bradley Huntington, acting sales manager of Black Gold Cooperative smiled as you stepped out the elevator. Two men who were standing alongside him turned to face you, their jaw dropping slightly as they drunk in your appearance. You refrained from shooting them an eye roll— the men here had absolutely no shame. They wanted you to know that they were watching you.
"Hi boys." you replied with a faux politeness, your ruby red lips curling into a returning smile. "What are you doing out here, chatting by the coffee machine?" you raised a curious eyebrow. "Maxwell going easy on your workload?" You didn't care, you didn't snoop your nose in your boyfriend's business, but you did enjoy pretending like you had some kind of authority as his partner. It was fun to see these slimy grown men panic at your words.
"On a break," Bradley replied plainly, his smirk only growing as he took a step closer to you, breaking any distance. "I don't see you around here much anyway. Was beginning to wonder if you had gotten sick of that old grump and made a run for it." he chuckled, dropping a hand to his hip and pointing his finger at the double doors behind him that lead into Maxwell Lord's office.
You shot him a sweet little giggle, as if to trick him into thinking his flirtations were working. "Leave Maxie?" you laughed. "That cutie wouldn't have a clue what to do without me!" you exclaimed, the wicked smile not leaving your lips for one second. "Now if you excuse me…" you went to enter Maxwell's office but a comment made by Bradley made you pause in your tracks.
"Sweetheart," he laughed. "You belong on MTV, not in an office building or cooped up in Maxwell's bedroom."
"Isn't he Mr Lord to you?" you shot back with a snarl, the smile slipping from his face only momentarily. You grinned when you saw the panic wash over him, his face turning pale with nerves.
"Uh actually- me and Mr Lord- me and Maxwell, are good friends. We're on first name basis." Bradley fumbled out. You wanted to laugh at his lame attempt of a smooth recovery. You knew that wasn't true at all.
"Good friends huh?" you folded your arms across your chest.
"Mm," Bradley mumbled, stepping closer to you and placing his hand over your coat. "Take your coat off, you must be hot." You felt your heart jump and a sickness bubble up in your stomach. Bradley really was slimy.
"I'm good." you shot back. Bradley shrugged and reached down to the belt that was holding your coat together. He slowly leaned into you and you quickly pushed him off you. Bradley stumbled back into an abundance of chairs, knocking a few over in the process.
"Darling?" You felt your heart rate increase speed when you heard your boyfriend's voice. Your head turned to face Maxwell who was standing by his office door, scowling. You looked back at Bradley who's colour had completely drained out of his face and you beamed.
"Maxie!" you smiled, walking over to your boyfriend and protectively placing a hand under his suit jacket and setting place on his chest. His scowl didn't move from Bradley as he slid an arm around your waist, holding you tight.
"Thought I could hear your voice," Maxwell whispered in your ear causing a frenzy of butterflies to erupt in your stomach. "What are you doing here?"
"Just came to catch up with your friends." you teased. Maxwell lifted a curious eyebrow.
"Is that so?" he quizzed, beginning to feel irritated by the presence of his employees, and even more annoyed by the lilt in your voice that suggested you wanted to play with him.  "I hope Bradley wasn't causing any fuss." Maxwell raised his voice and Bradley shook his head furiously.
"N-no sir, not at all." Bradley said quickly, offering the CEO a nervous smile. You bit your lip and gently tugged on Maxwell's tie.
"Baby," you whined out, looking up at him through your fluttering eyelashes. "Can we go into your office?" you asked sweetly. Maxwell finally tore his eyes from an anxious Bradley and smiled down at you.
"Of course darling." he replied, ushering you through the door.
"Bye boys! Behave!" you called, shooting them one last smirk.
"Alright come on now." Maxwell sighed, placing his hand into the small of your back and pushing you into his office.
You padded into his huge office, placing your purse and shopping bags down on one of the chairs. Before Maxwell entered, he made sure to shoot Bradley one final death glare. Maxwell locked the double doors and turned around. He grabbed you by the collar of your red coat and pinned you to the door, pressing his lips against yours passionately. In fact, so passionately, you wondered if his harshness would leave a bruise. He bit down on your lower lip, his hand snapping ahold of your neck causing a small gasp escape your lips. Maxwell pulled away, his breathing heavy against your skin. "What happened?" he gritted out, looking up at you with lust-blown eyes.
You placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him off you, walking away from where he had pinned you against the door. "Nothing, just your sleazy coworkers not knowing when to give up." you rolled your eyes, checking your appearance in the mirror and fixing your lipstick as it had smudged from the kiss.
"Bradley," Maxwell exhaled, his eye contact not breaking from you once. "Did he touch you?"
"Enough to make me uncomfortable? Yes. But I got him off me. I can handle myself, Maxie." you sighed, fixing your hair and turning back to your boyfriend.
"I know you can," Maxwell said lowly, slowly approaching you. You recognised that primal glint lighting up in his eyes and you smiled. "What did he say to you?"
"Said I shouldn't spend all day cooped up at home, or here, in your office. He said I was pretty enough to be on MTV." you beamed proudly and Maxwell grunted, nodding slowly. He placed a hand, cupping your face and rubbed his thumb along the high of your cheekbones.
"He must've been feeling bold, hitting on you like that." Maxwell tutted. You nuzzled your face into his hand, the coolness of his gold rings making you wince only slightly.
"What do you think Maxie?" you asked, your voice as sweet as honey. "Am I pretty enough to be on television?" you let your hands pull off his suit jacket and roam over his white button down shirt, tugging teasingly at his suspenders as you waited for a response.
But Maxwell didn't stay a word. He looked down at you with his lust-blown eyes and ran his thumb over the plumpless of your lower lip. You parted your mouth, taking his finger and sucking on the digit. Maxwell mewled as he watched you intently, admiring the work of your mouth. You pulled your lips away from his finger with a pop and beamed proudly when you saw the slight blush that crossed his face.
"I think you show up at my work uninvited, dressed like that, flirting with my employees…" he scowled, his gaze not lifting from you once. You wanted to fight him for accusing you of flirting with other men, but you knew him. And he knew you. He knew you would always be faithful; he was just playing a game. Another one of Maxwell Lord's twisted games that you had grown accustomed too. He had that look in his eye— the one you were all too familiar with. It was almost predatory. He tsked, shaking his head and letting out a small chuckle. "Look at you, here, in my office, thinking you can call the shots. I'm busy darling, go home."
"Oh," you hummed, biting your lip and twiddling with your hair. "Because if you're too busy... Bradley offered me-" Your lilt was teasing and you could tell it was making him feel defensive. You knew how protective he got over you.
"What?" Maxwell sneered, his hand dropping to the belt that held your coat together.
You gulped, knowing that if he just tugged a little harder on the belt, your little surprise for him would be revealed. "He- uhm, he-"
"C'mon honey, spit it out." Maxwell smirked, loving the jumbled reaction he was getting out of you, although he was unsure why you were suddenly so nervous when you had walked into his office so confidently. His hands didn't leave your belt and you took a deep breath, looking up at him and into his eyes.
"Said that if I ever get bored of you, I know where to find him." You pursed your lips together and shot him a devilish smile.
"Tell me darling," Maxwell hummed, his hand once again reaching up to your face, his finger brushing over your lips. "What urged you to come to my office in the middle of the day when you know I'm swarmed with work?" he narrowed his eyes.
"I got bored." you admitted sheepishly, swaying your hips from side to side.
"So you come to my work… act like a brat and…" Maxwell paused when he saw you pout. "What?"
"I didn't do anything wrong Maxie." you whined. "Was all them. Was all Bradley." 
"You have everything at home. Everything you need to keep you occupied." Maxwell glanced over at your shopping bags that were on his chair. "Spending my money?" Maxwell asked and you nodded shyly.
"But I think you'll like it." you told him, biting your lip.
"Show me."
You placed his hands back on the belt of your coat. "See for yourself." you whispered with a smirk.
Taking the hint, Maxwell slowly tugged on your belt that was tying your coat together. Coming loose, your coat opened up, revealing the lace red lingerie set you were doting, and nothing else. Maxwell's gaze fell from your face to your body as he revelled in the gorgeous sight that stood before him. You stood there in silence for a few seconds, as he drunk in every inch of your body.
"You've been wearing that this whole time?" Maxwell swallowed, staring at your tits. Finally he brought himself to look up at your face, taking a deep breath and straightening his posture. "While you were talking to Brad-"
"Max please," you rolled your eyes, shuffling out of the coat and letting it drop to the floor.
"I've never seen it before." Maxwell admitted.
"It's new," you told him, taking a step closer and pulling off his suit jacket, letting it pool on the floor alongside your winter coat. "Got it for you. You like it?" you smiled, twirling around and giving him a little dance. Your heels clicked against the marble floor as you spun around for him. Maxwell didn't say anything, but if the bulge in his tailored pants was anything to go off… you giggled. "Oh Maxie, you do like it."
Maxwell cleared his throat. "Whilst you do look ravishing, I am busy so-" 
"But I wasn't finished showing you what I bought." you poured, blinking your doe-like eyes and folding your arms over your chest, the lace grazing your skin.
Maxwell shook his head and walked back over to his desk, sinking into his office chair. He cursed under his breath as he began to palm himself under his desk knowing you wouldn't be able to see. He looked down at the abundance of papers, trying to concentrate, but it wasn't working. Giving in, he looked back over to you.
You were bent over, rummaging through one of your shopping bags in search of something. Your legs were spaced apart so perfectly, Maxwell knew you must've been doing it on purpose— to tease him. His eyes felt heavy as he watched you, his fingers grazing over his throbbing length. He felt so restricted, so confined… but he didn't want to give you the liberty of knowing what you had done to him. When he saw you straighten yourself back up, he looked back down at the stack of papers on his desk. 
You picked out a long black box with no markings, and placed it before Maxwell on his desk. Maxwell looked up at you, waiting for an explanation. "What is it?" he asked and you shrugged nonchalantly.
"Open it." you urged with a smile. Maxwell hesitated, his gaze wandering to the locked door, back to you, and then down at the matte box. He carefully undone the ribbon that wrapped it and opened the lid. Rummaging amongst the tissue, his eyes glinted with desire and wicked delight upon finding what you had bought. He couldn't help but smirk. "Well?" you cooed, perching yourself on the corner of your desk.
Maxwell nodded, not saying a word. He took the purple vibrator out of the box and put it down on the desk next to his stationary. "This couldn't have waited until I got home?" he quizzed, his voice breaking slightly. You grinned and shook your head. "I see."
"Am I in trouble?" you pouted and Maxwell's smirk grew. He pushed the papers and the stationary from his desk, clearing it of room.
"Lie down." he demanded and you squealed excitedly. You reached down to your feet to unclip your heels when Maxwell brought his hand to your neck. "No. Keep them on." he ordered sternly. You bit your lip and nodded, obeying his request. His large hand still wrapped around your neck, he carefully pushed you into the table.
The coolness of the expensive oak made you squirm. Maxwell walked around his desk, grabbing your legs and dragging your body further down closer to him. He spread them apart and began to kiss along your thighs. "I do love this colour on you." he mumbled into your skin, his fingers gracing your soaked core through the red lace. You shivered under his touch and you swore you could feel his smirk press into your skin.
"I know." you admitted with a shaky exhale. He wasted no time teasing. He thought it was only fair he got a little payback. The curve of his nose nudged against your clit as he pressed soft kisses into your cunt.
You brought your hands down to your panties in attempt to wriggle them off and free yourself but Maxwell's large ring clad hands stopped you. "Patience." he muttered and you let out a whine as he licked you through the material.
"Please," you begged, your toes curling with pleasure as he kisses around your entrance. 
"I thought you bought this lingerie for me, baby," Maxwell chuckled, his warm breath going straight through your core.
"I did." you muttered, your eyes fluttering shut as he continued to kiss and lick.
"So let me enjoy it," he growled, lifting his head up from between your legs and fumbling with the little red bow at the top of your panties. "It's cute." Maxwell smiled and you felt your cheeks heat up. He pulled your legs further down and you wrapped them around his waist as he leaned over your body.
Hovering over you, he pressed a soft kiss into your neck and began to palm at your breast, running his thumb over your hardening nipple as he slid his tongue into your mouth. You brought your hands up to his hair and laced your fingers in his dark blonde locks, tugging on it just the way you knew he liked. You wondered if he was going to even take your bra off; heck— you wondered if he was going to take his own clothes off. He was standing over you in his suit pants and white work shirt, although the tie and the suspenders had been ditched.
You were breathless when Maxwell pulled away from your lips and his hand wrapped around your throat again, squeezing gently. The pressure made you gasp out a soft moan as he brought his kisses down your neck and along your collarbones, down the valley of your breasts and your stomach until his head was positioned back in between your legs.
"You're exquisite." Maxwell sighed, raking in his view.  He pressed his middle finger and index finger into your core, feeling how damp your panties already were. "All for me?" he cooed, his brown eyes sparkling with delight. He switched over to his thumb where he began to rub your clit. "Such a good girl." he praised, beginning to tear away your new underwear from your body.
Pretty soon, your red panties were thrown aimlessly on the floor along with Maxwell's suit jacket and your winter coat and Maxwell wasted no time into latching his mouth onto your pussy. You practically screamed at the way his tongue worked within you, lapping up all your arousal like he hadn't had a decent meal in his life. "Hungry?" you joked breathlessly. Not in the mood, Maxwell didn't unattach his lips from you but he did insert two of his fingers without warning. You found yourself arching your back, moaning wantonly as he worked through your core. His groans as he sucked on your clit left vibrations rifle through your body as his fingers pounded inside of you. Obscene wet sounds echoed through his office as a result from his actions.
You dug your heels into his back and felt your legs start to shake uncontrollably as his movements became faster and more intense. His hands grabbed your thighs as he tried to steady you but it was barely any use. Seeing that you were close, he kept up his stamina until your climax ripped through your body, soaking his lips dripping down his chin. When he pulled away, you felt yourself blush at the state he was in. His hair had fallen out of place and his face was glistening with a mixture of his sweat and your juices.
Maxwell unclipped his gold cufflinks, tossing them on the floor and rolling up his sleeves to his elbows. Just as you were about to thank him, his hand reached over to the vibrator. "M-Max," you tried to protest as he flicked the switch. It began to buzz erratically and he spent a few moments accustoming himself to the different speeds and pressures. "Max." you wriggled, trying to sit up, but he pushed you back down, hushing you. The least he could do was wait until you had recovered from your first orgasm, but no. He pressed the vibrator to your clit casually and another gasp tore through you. "Max!" you yelled and he chuckled.
"I like this one." he grinned, adjusting the speed and watching you toss and turn on his desk.
"Fuck, Max," you yelped, your fingers curling into a fist as you began to feel that familiar warmth in your stomach signifying that you were close.
"Aw, you going to cum again?" Maxwell chuckled, turning up the speed to the highest setting. "Look at you, all spread out on my desk screaming my name."
Your vision became hazy and your eyes snapped shut as your orgasm hit you leaving you dizzy and panting. Maxwell shut off the vibrator and tossed it to one side. You groaned, holding your face in your hands as you came down your high. Maxwell stared at you, all messed up on his desk, and he couldn't rid himself of his smile.
You looked down to see his damage. "Oh Maxie," you whimpered, reaching your hands out when you saw the bulge stretching out his tailored pants. You sat upright and Maxwell gave you a small kiss on the head. "Let me help you." you whispered, moving your hands to his zipper but he swatted them away. You looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows as he tsked you. "Maxwell Lord denying head?" you scoffed, reaching back out to his pants. Your fingers only slightly brushed over his length but it was enough to make him shudder. He pushed you back into the oak desk for a third time.
"Stay." he commanded, his voice gruff as he ran his fingers through his hair and pushed his locks out of his face. His eyes were practically black as he examined you, pushing apart your legs and running his fingers along your dripping folds.
"Stop- teasing-" you growled, tossing your head back. "You- you've already got two orgasms out of me."
"And I know I can get one more." Maxwell snarled, unzipping his pants and pulling out his rock hard length. He collected the beads of his precum and rubbed it over his throbbing cock, just the gentlest of strokes almost pushing him over the edge.
You were too busy staring at the pretty gold pattern in the ceiling, a feeling of pure blissed out euphoria washed over your spent body, when you felt your boyfriend's cock push between your entrance. "How's this?" Maxwell grunted as he snapped his hips deep inside of you. "Could Bradley do this?"
You curled your hands into a fist as he thrust deep inside of you, repeating his movements hard and fast with no mercy. "Sh- shut upppp." you whined, grabbing onto his biceps as he pushed his body over yours to hit at a deeper angle. He laughed and pressed his hand into your throat once more.
"Ngh- so pretty," he cursed under his breath. You closed your eyes. "Look at me," he hissed, and you obliged as he proceeded to fuck the life out of you. "So good to me." he praised.
"Max," you wailed as his cock pressed into your sweet spot.
"Is that good for you?" he bit his lip, his fingers digging into your skin so hard you were sure it would leave marks.
"Mhmmm," You agreed. "Maxxxxx."
"Yeah baby?"  the use of his little names for you only riled you on more and eventually he felt your walls squeeze around his cock as you came undone.
"I want you to cum in me," you begged, your eyes glossy and pleading as your final orgasm washed over you.
"Will you promise to me a good girl?" he asked you and you squirmed under his praise.
"I'm always a good girl," you breathed out. "Always good for you Maxie."
"Yeah," Maxwell moaned, and you felt his cock twitch inside of you. He pressed a sloppy kiss into your neck and pushed deep into you, biting his teeth into the skin of your jaw. With one final hard thrust he was spilling inside of you.
Maxwell steadied himself, his cock softening inside of you until eventually it slipped out. You moaned at the loss of the fullness and he shuddered, quickly tucking himself back into his pants and zipping himself up. It only took a few seconds for him to notice his cum leaking from your pussy. With shaky legs, he padded to the drawer under his desk, unlocking it and taking out some silk handkerchiefs. He opened your legs gently and began to clean you up with the utmost care and affection.
"How do you feel?" he whispered into the shell of your ear, discarding the handkerchief when he was finished. He helped you sit upright and pulled you onto his lap, smoothing out your hair.
"Tired," you whispered, nuzzling your face into his chest. He kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around your practically naked body, his strong arms holding you still and steady.
"I get off in three hours, why don't you take a nap on my sofa and then we can go home together?" Maxwell suggested.
"Mmm," you smiled, closing your eyes. "Or I could just stay here. Like this? But oh- you have that meeting…" you sighed. You went to stand up but Maxwell's grip around you tightened.
"Darling, stay here," you cooed. "I can cancel the meeting. It is my company after all. Besides, I'd rather be here with you."
You felt yourself blush. "You know Maxie, I do love you. So much." 
"I know," Maxwell answered, his voice unrecognisably soft. "I love you too." He didn't say those three words often, but you knew that deep down he meant it. He loved you. "Oh, and thanks for the surprise."
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
99 Perspectives #44
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
The Tadpole Gay (Goodbye) 
Sitting on the courtyard bench, pouring over his freshly bought copy of the Thunderclap - McKinley High’s yearbook, is Nestor Smalls; a freshman whose first year of high school is coming to a close in less than a few weeks.  It’s slightly warm out for May - but Nestor is happy with the way he looks.  He found the perfect vest to go with his dark, designer jeans.  And the giraffe brooch he found at a rummage sale is a delightful match for his brightly orange newsie cap.  An unexpected, yet welcome addition to his collection.  He couldn’t be happier.  
His boyfriend, Jon, who could hardly be wearing anything considered fashionable, sits next to him with a grunt.  “Can you believe those two?” Jon nods to the stairwell, where Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson are chatting with each other.  
Well - it’s more like intense flirting, but Nestor has never seen them ever be more physical than a slight touch.  Not that it matters.  Nestor adores both of them.  Kurt has been his fashion icon from the moment he stepped into McKinley’s halls.  And Blaine is so dreamy.  He’s well aware of Jon’s disdain, however.  
“Why don’t they just fuck and spare us all the over-the-top drama of a couple of gays daring to touch each other,” Jon says, with a bit of scorn on his tongue.  “Could they be any more prudish? No one is going to beat them up.” 
“I’m pretty sure they are dating,” Nestor says.  He looks down at his yearbook, to the open page of the glee club, where Kurt and Blaine are sitting front and center.  Nestor would join - but he can’t sing at all - and knows better.  Still, unlike Jon, and his sour attitude, he finds them inspiring.  “You don’t know that.  Just because nothing has happened to us, and we’re not that much more careful, doesn’t mean bad things didn’t happen to them.”  Nestor had heard the rumors from the previous year’s prom.  And his online friends have told him horror stories from places they live less evolved than Lima. 
“It doesn’t make them any less annoying,” Jon says, rolling his eyes.  “Do they have to be so stereotypical?  I mean one looks like he’s been fired by Tim Gunn for incorporating too much Elizabeth Taylor into his look and the other screams I have the sex appeal of a gay front man for a teeny-bopper boy band.  They might as well be a couple of sexless lesbians.” 
Nestor angrily slams his yearbook shut.  Jon’s been getting under his nerves a lot lately, but this is the final straw.  “You know what - I had a really good year this year.  I shouldn’t have - because we’re freshman in high school, and statistically, it’s actually supposed to suck.  But mine didn’t - do you want to know why?” 
Jon looks at him, a bit shocked at the outburst.  “Oh, don’t tell me you’re going to go on another one of your diatribes.” 
That one struck a nerve.  “I figured out it was okay to be me,” Nestor says with strong conviction.  “I’m pretty weird and out there and wildly gay, but I’m okay with that.”  He’s all but screaming - people are looking, but he doesn’t care.  “People look at me funny and call me names, but still, I’m okay with that.  Because there are a couple of people on this planet that have shown me that it’s okay to be as outlandish and unique as I am.  And not just people on TV - and not people pre-approved by you to be gay icons; but people I see in my everyday life.  I don’t care if you consider them the right or wrong kind of queer.  I don’t care that you find them an insult to a community that you are barely a part of yourself.  I don’t care that you seem to be offended by every little thing they do.  And I doubt they care either.”
“I cannot believe you’re trying to defend them…” Jon tries to cut in, but Nestor isn’t done.  
“So, I had a great first year of high school,” Nestor continues. “I figured out what I want to do with my life.  I got a boyfriend.  I had sex.  And I’m pretty confident in myself that I realized that I don’t owe you anything for being my first.  There are plenty of gays in the world - hell Lima even, that are better to be with than your judgmental ass.  So, fuck you.  I’m dumping you.  And then I’m going to do the one thing I haven’t had the guts to do this year.  Tell a couple of my personal idols thank you - and ask for their autographs.  Fuck what you think.” 
Nestor, feeling quite exhilarated, gets to his feet, and without giving a glance to his now ex-boyfriend, walks across the courtyard in hopes of getting an autograph from two people he admires: Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson.   
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queenofspades6 · 4 years
More than Partners -The Mandalorian x reader
Tumblr media
Kiss me
Chapter 14 of More than Partners
Summary: You finally see the Mandalorian’s face.
Warnings: Spoilers from Episode 15 season 2. Lot of fluffffffffff.
AN: Hellooo guyyyys! Another chapter is out! It waaaas soooo cool to write it! I really hope you’ll like it! Next chapter will be smut btw!! And just a little teaser: smut in Boba Fett’s ship. Be prepared. Don’t forget to like, reblog and comment! Thanks to all of you who do you are the best!!
<-Chapter 13 - Chapter 15->
“Mayfeld.”The Mandalorian declared taking a few steps towards the man.
“Hey Mando! Long time. I see you brought Y/N with you. You are as beautiful as the first time I met you, sweetheart.”
Mando blocked Mayfeld’s view, so he couldn’t see you anymore, and he began to talk about why they needed him.
You didn’t really like Mayfeld, but deep down, you knew he wasn’t a bad guy.
“We need coordinates for Moff Gideon’s cruiser.”Mando announced nonchalantly.
“Moff Gideon? Yeah forget it. Just take le back to the scarpyard. I’m not doin’ that.”
“They have the kid.”You exclaimed, clenching your fists tightly in anger.
“The little green guy?”Mayfeld replied, eyebrows raised in wonder.
You nodded.
“So…I help you guys get him back, you guys let me go?”
You giggled, and Cara told him that wasn’t how it worked.
“Well, then what’s in it for me? Can I have a night with the Jedi?”
Cara glared at him threateningly.
“Can I have at least an afternoon with her?”
“No.”Mando said in a lower but frightening tone.
“You are not funny. Maybe a kiss then? Just a kiss from her and I’ll do whatever you want.”Mayfeld gestured to you sitting next to the Mandalorian.
“I said no, she is not for sale.”The bounty hunter almost shouted raising his tone, and already planning to kill the ex-imperial.
“Calm down, Mandalorian.”Fennec interrupted.”He is not gonna lay a finger on her, and if he does, she’ll slice him and you’ll burn his corpse.”
“Nice. I love it.”Mayfeld joked, trying to hide his fear away.
“That’s not fu-“The Mandalorian tried to pronounce but you stopped him with a soft hand on his thigh.
“All right, but here’s the thing. I can’t get those coordinates unless I have access to an internal Imperial terminal. I believe there’s one on Morak.”
Hearing this name made you stare at Mando who was looking at you in return.
“Morak? There’s nothing on Morak.”Mando raised the tone again, but with a caress of yours on his thigh, he began to relax and soothen.
“It’s a secret Imperial mining hub, okay? If you can get me in there, I can get you the coordinates.”
The bounty hunter stared at you, waiting for you answer, you acquiesced, and he commanded Boba Fett to punch in the right coordinates.
“I am not gonna need long inside, so once I get the coordinates, you guys gotta get me the hell out of here.”Mayfled affirmed.
“You get to the roof. I’ll drop in and pull you out.”
“All right. Mayfeld and I will swap out for the drivers in the tunnel.”Cara said looking at the group confidently.
“As much as I’d like to take a road trip with Rebel-dropper here, that’s not gonna work because these Remnant bases are set up and run by ex-ISB. If you get scanned and your genetic signature shows up on any New Republic register, you’re gonna be detected and it’s guns out.”
“Fennec will go.”Mando suggested, scratching his fingers in worry.
The more time we were wasted, the less chances the Child had to remain alive.
“No, I’m wanted by the ISP. I’ll trip the alarm too.”
“They might recognize my face.”
“so it’s me goin’ there alone. Great!”Mayfeld joked, trying to hide how scared he was.
“I’ll go.”
Mayfeld tried to object but it was to no use.
“I am coming with you. But I won’t be showing my face.”The Mandalorian declared.
“I am going too then.”You shouted loud enough so everyone can hear.
“No, it’s too dangerous.”Mando murmured to you.
“And you are a Jedi, they might know you. We can’t take any risk.”
“They don’t know who I am. They never saw me, and everything on me in this damn universe has been destroyed, so instead of wasted time here, we’re going right now.”
The Mandalorian approached you, took you by the shoulders and tried to take some distance with the group.
“You can’t go, Y/N. It’s dangerous, and if they understand you are a Jedi, you’ll be killed straight away. I won’t take the risk.”He whispered, still holding you by the shoulders.
“Wherever I go, you go, right? Then wherever you go, I go too. Period.”
He sighed and loosened his hold on your arms in a defeated way.
“Great.”Mayfeld exclaimed with an ironical tone.” The more, the merrier, right?”
The Mandalorian was unrecognizable with his new armor on.
Mayfeld began to laugh, and made fun of him, and you kicked him in the crotch.
“Ah! You have a rough one, Mando!”
Mando sighed.
“You look cute, Mando.”You murmured.”Want to take a drink with me after?”
You heard me laugh a bit under his armor, and you smiled, hoping he would relax.
Mando talked with Cara a bit and gave her his armor.
You were sitting next to Mando in that weird thing which was supposed to help you get the coordinates of Moff Gideon. The Mandalorian seemed anxious, and you intertwined your fingers with his and squeezed to reassure him.
“Hey, how’s it feel? I mean c’man, you still get to wear a helmet, right.”Mayfeld tried to annoy Mando.
“Shut up, Mayfeld.”You replied, feeling anger rushing through your body, and your fist ready to punch the man.
“I don’t know how your people do with this thing.”
“Mayfeld, stop talking or I’ll kill you with my bare hands right now.”
“So rough. I like it. You won’t kill me, princess, you need me.”
You clenched your teeth and took a deep breath.
“All right. I am taking this thing off.”The ex-Imperial said, removing his helmet.”Feels better when it’s off.”
“Shut up.”
“Princess, stop flirting with me.”
Your conversation was disturbed by someone talking, and the Mandalorian commanded Mayfeld to keep drivind steady.
“Yeah. Empire. New Republic, it’s all the same for those people. Invaders on their land is all we are.”The ex-Imperial exclaimed, his voice getting on your nerves.
He talked again and again, trying to attract Mando’s attention desperately. You tried to clear your mind, watching the locals and your hand still in Mando’s. These people were looking at you with scorn, and it saddened you. You were an intruder on their land, taking advantage of their resources only for your benefit. How could they love you?
“Control, this is Juggernaut Three.”Someone said over the comms.”We’re coming up on some route interference. Control. Control! We need a new…”
A huge explosion mushroomed some meters away from your truck. The voice told you to maintain the speed and remain cautious, while you heard another explosion.
“This is bad.”You shouted, and at the same moment, you saw aliens trying to jump on your vehicle.
“What was that?”
“Pirates. Keep driving. I’ll take care of it.”The Mandalorian declared, sure of himself.
“Mando, be careful, please.”
He squeezed your hand and nodded, opening the window of the Juggernaut and then climbing on the roof.
“How sweet you two are.”Mayfeld joked.”Quite the impossible love story.”
“I said shut up, Mayfeld!”
You heard screaming, and Mando asked Mayfeld to go faster.
“Be careful with the rhydonium.”You screamed to the Ex-Imperial.
“Going faster is a bad idea!”
“Mando, is everything okay?”You shouted, trying to look up on the window.
“He is a big guy, he can take care of himself, you know?”Mayfeld stated, an annoying smile on his face.
“Shut up.”
“TIE fighters!”You proclaimed.”For once, I am glad to see them.”
The juggernaut crossed the bridge, and the Mandalorian came back sitting next you, safe.
Stormtroopers were saluting you in respect as the vehicle passed. Mayfeld returned the salute, and you pushed Mando a bit in order for him to push the ex-Imperial too.
A crowd was slowly forming around the juggernaut while you, Mando and Mayfeld descended from the vehicle.
“It’s probably in the officer’s mess.”The ex-Imperial murmured, saluting the crowd.
Just at the entrance of the officer’s room, you could perceive officers dining peacefully.
“There it is.”
“Good luck.”The Mandalorian declared, watching you carefully not to lose you with all those stormtroopers.
You and Mando watched Mayfeld come back and murmured that he couldn’t do it because of his ex-officer.
“Give me the data stick.”The bounty commanded.
“It’s not gonna work. In order to access the network, the terminal has to scan your face.”
“Give it to me.”He repeated louder this time.
You watched the Mandalorian glancing at the officers’room, saluting one officer and then heading towards the terminal. And then, when you didn’t expect the most, the man you loved removed his helmet, only to show his brown and soft hair and his pale skin. You gasped.
You and Mayfeld caught the officer advanced towards the Mandalorian, and pulling you with him, the ex-Imperial went to Mando’s rescue.
“This is my Commander, officer, TK-593, sir. I am Imperial Combat Assault Transport Lieutenant TK-111, and this is Commander TK-666 with me. I am afraid you’ll have to speak up to him a little bit since his vessel lost pressure in Taanab.”Mayfeld told his ex-officer with an impressing confidence and gesturing to the Mandalorian.
The officer eyebrowed Mando and then you.
“You.”He pointed his finger at your face.”Remove your helmet.”
“Yes, sir.”You replied, removing your helmet obediently.
To say the officer was shocked to see you was an understatement. He glared at you, and stared at your feet, your stomach, and then your face, scrutinizing every bit of you.
“What’s your name, Officer?”The man shouted to Mando.
Din looked at Mayfeld and then he crossed your gaze. Finally, you could see his features. His brown eyes were in yours, and you never wanted him to have a helmet again. Seeing him for the first time in a so uncommon place was disturbing, but at the same time pleasing. Of course, you were sad that he had to break his Creed, but deep down, you were glad to see his face. Now, you could place a face to your love.
“We just call him, Brown Eyes. Isn’t that right, Officer? Let’s go fill out those TPS reports, so we can go recharge the power colis.”
You began to walk towards the exit, but it was too good to be true.
“You are not dismissed.”Valin Hess exclaimed.
You stopped in your tracks, grazed Din’s hand and turned back to the Officer.
“You the tank troopers that delivered the shipment of rhydonium?”
“Yes, sir.”You all replied at the same time.
Valin Hess stared at Din, scanning him cautiously. You held his hand and squeezed it in reassurance.
“Well, you three managed to be the only transport today to deliver their shipment. Come with me.”
The Officer patted Mando and Mayfeld’s shoulders, and let his hand wandered along your waist.
“Let’s get a drink, Brown Eyes.”
You sat beside the Mandalorian, his thigh against yours.
Mayfeld and Valin began to talk, and you felt tension rose across the room. In a rapid motion, the ex-Imperial shot Valin Hess impulsively with his blaster.
“Shit!”You shouted, drawing out your gun and shooting a stormtrooper.
The Mandalorian followed you and shot two Imperial Officers.
Mayfeld gave the helmet back to Mando.
“You did what you had to.”The ex-Imperial stated.”I never saw your face.”
You watched Din hesitating with the helmet. Without thinking, you grabbed his face, caressed his cheek, and then kissed his lips tenderly. You put your hand on his hair while the other was stroking his cheek.
When you pulled away, breathless, the Mandalorian intertwined his lips with yours again, his hands fondling your hips softly.
“I don’t want to interrupt you, lovebirds, but now we need to run.”
Pulling away, you tried to catch your breath while Din put his helmet back on, holding your hand firmly.
You wanted to think about Din’s face and how soft his lips felt on yours and how brown his hair was, but it wasn’t the time. Stormtroopers were coming your way, and you needed to make it alive.
While walking close to a window, you shot many stormtroopers. Mando helped you climb the window as shoretroopers were trying to kill both of you.
The Mandalorian let you climb the ladder first after Mayfeld, fearing you would fall.
Climbing on the roof, you discovered Boba Fett’s ship coming your way.
The Mandalorian jumped first, and then Mayfeld.
“Come on, Y/N. Jump!”Mando screamed at you, ready to catch you.
You jumped and fell on the Mandalorian’s arms.
“Thank you for helping.”Mando declared to Mayfeld, grateful.
“Huh, good luck gettin’ your kid back. And take care of this one.”Mayfeld said gesturing to you.”She is a tough one, but a princess at the heart.
You smiled and snuggled against the Mandalorian’s armor, and for the first time you didn’t care about people watching you together.
“Take me back.”Mayfeld declared and Cara let him go.
You had seen the Mandalorian without his helmet. Now, you knew what he looked like. You had kissed him, and without his helmet, and he had kissed you back. You were everything to each other. Wherever you went, he went. If he fell, you fell. The only thing missing was the Child. No matter what, you would take him back. And you would be a family again.
A clan of three.
⬇️Chapter 15⬇️
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viia01 · 3 years
A random thing I wrote that has no ending
Bruce hid a sigh as he listened to the third speaker of the night tell another terrible joke. He laughed with everyone else, too tired to do more. Ordinarily, he would lean into the opportunity to act the part of Brucie Wayne.
But he really wasn’t in the mood tonight.
The last mission with the Justice League had run overtime and Bruce was running on two hours of sleep. Ordinarily, lack of sleep wouldn’t slow Bruce down any, but for some reason he just wasn’t in the mood tonight.
Briefly, he wondered why he hadn’t allowed Alfred to make his excuses.
The presenter came back onto the stage, not so subtly wrestling the microphone away from the rambling, somewhat drunk speaker from Luthor’s company.
Bruce tuned out the speech about Wayne Enterprises’ contributions to the development of new jet propulsion technology. He had had very little to do with the development, only funded it, so most of the technical talk was going straight over his head.
“You look like you’re having fun.”
Bruce glanced to his right and saw that Hal Jordan had sat himself down in the chair behind Bruce. “Go away. We’re not supposed to know each other. People will talk.”
“Please, they’re too busy making eyes at the pretty boy you got up there singing Wayne Enterprises praises,” Hal scoffed. He was dressed in a well fitted tuxedo, though he had swapped the black jacket out for a forest green jacket decorated with elaborate rose designs.
There was a thump against the back of Bruce’s chair, and he looked down in confusion and saw that Hal had tipped his chair back on two legs, the back of it now resting against the back of Bruce’s. “Really? Are you five?”
Hal grinned at him lazily and leaned his head on Bruce’s shoulder. “No, but we’re both bored so I thought I’d entertain myself.”
“You were invited because of Ferris Air’s work with Wayne Enterprises, not to entertain yourself,” Bruce said, putting on a smile when he saw a few people looking over at him. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for Brucie Wayne to be distracted by a pretty face at an event, but Bruce didn’t have the energy or patience to put on the act tonight. “Go back to your table and Ms. Ferris.”
“See normally, I’d just put up with the crappy puns and eat all the food, but the food sucks. So now I’m not just bored, but also hungry,” Hal said, ignoring Bruce, head still resting on Bruce’s shoulder. “Is that your doing? Because if you paid them for this catering… you should get your money back.”
Bruce sighed again. “Hal…” he warned.
“Watery champagne and tiny canapes, Bruce!” Hal said teasingly, tilting his head to look at Bruce. There was a mischievous glint to his eyes.
Bruce looked at him, putting on another smile. Most people were still listening to the presenter talk about the new jet propulsions, but there were bound to be a few people watching them. “Go. Back. To. Your seat.”
Hal blinked at him a few times. “I really don’t want to. There’s an old couple there that keeps asking me if I want to ‘join them afterwards for drinks’,” he said with a grimace. “Somehow I don’t think they want drinks.”
Bruce was tired. And sore. And the last thing he wanted right now was to listen to Hal Jordan’s whining.
“And I’m getting the vibe that the rich-guys-masturbating-over-their-own-money scene isn’t exactly your speed either,” Hal continued blithely, still ignoring Bruce’s irritation. “What do you say we go and find somewhere that’s serving actual food?”
“I have responsibilities,” Bruce said immediately, clapping politely when the presenter introduced General Thomasson as the next speaker.
Hal tipped his head back further to look at the stage. “Oh shit, the big wigs are here,” he said dryly. “What do you say, Spooks? Wanna go find a burger joint?”
“No, now go back to your seat.”
Hal sighed dramatically. “You’re boring,” he said, letting his chair fall back onto all its feet with a muffled thump. He rose, the dim light playing over his face in a way that made his eyes look more amber than brown. “Guess it’s back to eating stale canapes.”
Bruce sighed as Hal walked away, ambling back to his table. In his ridiculous suit jacket, Hal looked very much the epitome of flashy West Coast flyboy and Bruce wasn’t the only one watching him.
Bruce shook thoughts of Hal Jordan away, focusing on the stage again.
Bruce ran through the notes he needed to hit in his speech. It was a fairly standard speech, talk about the minds behind the advances, explain the advancements as the video played, make a few jokes, and then close out by thanking everyone for coming.
For all of Bruce’s practice at playing the gregarious, fun loving Brucie Wayne, he actually didn’t enjoy it very much. It was exhausting, wearing the mask all the time and he was tired.
And hungry.
Hal had been right about the stale canapes.
“You did some really good work, Wayne,” General Thomasson said gruffly, clapping Bruce on the shoulder. “These planes will give us the edge over our enemies.”
“Anything for our troops,” Bruce said, mustering up a smile. “Can’t have them going without the best.”
The General chuckled. “And it’s only going to set the taxpayer back a couple billion, right?”
“Got to keep those stocks high,” Bruce countered jokingly. In reality, he and Lucius were already planning to wean Wayne Enterprises off the military contracts that sustained the R&D department and supplement it with investment into green energies and space exploration.
But the General didn’t need to know that just yet.
“Well, I need to go and prepare for this speech of mine,” Bruce said, even though he really didn’t. “Lots of technical speak tonight and I have to make sure I pronounce everything right.”
The General gave him a patronizing smile and wave. “Off you go, Wayne. We’ll talk business some other night.”
Bruce ducked behind a set of piled speakers and sound equipment. He pulled out his phone, to give himself a convenient cover of taking a phone call.
He took a moment to compose himself. All the small talk had taken a toll on his patience and his eyes stung with exhaustion. He knew he needed sleep and a good meal, considering how fuzzy and slow he was feeling. And the thought of going up onto that stage and enduring hours more so small talk and smiles-
“You make a big sale with the military brass?”
Bruce didn’t jump but he was surprised that he hadn’t noticed Hal’s appearance behind him. “What are you doing back here?” he asked.
Hal was holding a tray of canapes and his bowtie was untied and hanging around his neck. “Hiding from the creepy couple,” he said, offering the tray to Bruce. “You want one?”
“No. Go back to your seat,” Bruce said in exasperation. “How did you even get back here in the first place?”
Hal crunched on another canape and pulled a face. “My good looks and charm. Sure you don’t want a stale canape? It tastes like cardboard.”
“I don’t want a canape.”
Hal shrugged lazily. “So why are we hiding behind a bunch of sound equipment?” he asked through a mouthful of canape, looking at one of the speakers curiously.
“I’m not hiding, and you’re not supposed to be here.”
“I’m not supposed to be a lot of things,” Hal countered immediately. “And you’re totally hiding.”
“I am not hiding,” Bruce snapped, irritated by Hal’s very presence. He had hoped that tonight, Hal would just spend his time as far away from Bruce as possible, especially since they had had a blow out the mission before. “Go away.”
Instead of listening, Hal just arched an eyebrow at him, munching on his cardboard canapes. “You don’t want to go on that stage, huh?” he guessed.
Bruce waited for an insult or a joke at his expense.
But Hal just looked around the speakers, in the direction of the stage. “Well, I can’t say I blame you. We’ve had like ten different speakers and I remember nothing of what was said or who said it.”
“Maybe you should pay more attention, then,” Bruce replied. “And I enjoy honoring the men and women who worked hard on this latest breakthrough.”
“None of them are even here,” Hal pointed out blandly, shoving the canape tray behind one of the pieces of sound equipment. “You probably already gave them a billion dollars anyway.”
“If I gave everyone a billion dollars, I wouldn’t be a billionaire for very long,” Bruce couldn’t help but say in exasperation. He really wondered if Hal ever thought before he spoke or if he just made it up as he talked.
Hal swiped a tongue over his teeth, giving Bruce a funny look.
On stage, Bruce could hear the presenters winding up to his introduction. He steeled himself with a sigh, pulling Brucie Wayne back over himself.
Hal tilted his head and then smiled, cocky and self-assured. “I wasn’t kidding about that burger, by the way,” he said.
“What?” Bruce asked.
Hal held out a hand, palm up. “You wanna blow this popsicle shop, Spooks?” he asked, eyes glinting mischievously.
“Popsicle stand,” Bruce corrected, irritated.
“Whatever, Bruce Wayne,” Hal said, rolling his eyes.
There was a beat and Bruce could hear the presenters bantering with each other. It was nearly time for them to introduce him.
Bruce had responsibilities.
He had to give this speech and thank the team for their hard work. It was their accomplishment and the least Bruce could do was show up to thank them publicly.
He couldn’t just leave and galivant around like Hal seemed to think he could.
Hal arched an eyebrow at Bruce questioningly, hand still out. His eyes were alight with amusement, the same cocky self-assuredness that got on Bruce’s nerves.
Only now it seemed less annoying.
“Offer’s expiring,” Hal sang, eyes darting to the stage and back.
Bruce took his hand.
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