kittysaurus1 · 2 months
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You want fun gif requests for a fic? Challenge accepted have pingu deep throating a fish, game? Let’s go for Be My Princess and the guy? JAN! OR CLAUDE! OMG ANY BUTLER
Challenge accepted, @smile-smile-ichthys!
“How can you even stand Alberto’s constant yelling?” Keith asked, clearly annoyed after Roberto had gotten another lecture from his butler.
“Well, eventually you get used to it. Still better than Claude. Have you heard him yelling before? I once caught him lecturing a maid and I was terrified,” Roberto excitedly told them.
The princes were sitting together, drinking tea – and coffee for Roberto and Keith – after another six kingdom summit. The butlers were off somewhere, probably getting another lesson from Zain.
“But Jan’s snark is sometimes very refreshing,” Wilfred remarked with a small smile.
“I think Yu and Louis are the perfect butlers. At least they don’t yell and yap all the time.” Keith’s brow was furrowed while he stared at his coffee. “Luke is just annoying. Either he apologizes about one of his stupid mistakes or me MAKES a stupid mistake.”
“Don’t be too harsh, I’m sure he is doing his best.” Edward smiled warmly and took his cup with graceful ease. “But I agree, Louis really is wonderful.”
“But don’t you ever wish to just shut him up?” Glenn asked, his usual scowl in place.
“Louis? No. Why, did you ever thought about that with Yu?”
Glenn nodded slightly. “Sure. Whenever he treats me as a child for example.”
“Sometimes I dream of just stuffing something down his throat when Luke won’t stop yapping.”
Wilfred started grinning, obviously he shared that dream with Keith.
“Wouldn’t it be a blast to make them swallow their own medicine some day?” Roberto’s eyes sparkled.
“I would like to make them swallow something else,” Keith grumbled only for the others to throw him strange glances. “What?!”
“The way you said it sounded really dirty. And kinda – gay?” Roberto carefully explained.
“Dirty my ass! You know what I mean! Something really nasty!” Keith’s face was already red, flushed with embarrassment and anger.  
Roberto snorted in laughter and Wilfred had to suppress his chuckle, too.
It was Joshua who said what everyone was thinking.
“That didn’t make it any better.”
Edward was looking sad, Glenn as if he was pondering something.
“How about a competition? We can have our butlers take a test and see if they all pass…”
“Why?” Joshua asked, bewilderment clear in his face.
“Revenge. For all the times they made us feel annoyed and embarrassed, for all the times they didn’t follow our orders.” The dark grin on Glenn’s face made the rest of the princes share worried glances.
“You really need some help,” Wilfred muttered under his breath, but Roberto and Glenn were already excitedly planning the contest.  
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
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We will be returning soon again so I hope you’re ready for our come back….
The ask blog is returning soon!!!
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
*Leans in uncomfortable close to Claude and whispers in his ear* D- do... you like math? Because I think we should go back to my house and add a bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and multiply.
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
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Be My Princess Sub Story- In Love with the Butler (Claude, Alberto, Louis)
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
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Claude being a cutie in Will’s GREE route. The first is if you ask him for help while being taken away.
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
Butler Oral Sex Headcannons
I’ve never done headcannons before and may never do them again, but this was something I found myself thinking about and decided to write down. Not sure if it’s been done before though. WARNINGS: SMUT, KINK
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
Butler Mistletoe Headcanons
I decided to do some Christmas themed headcanons. Here’s how the BMP1 butlers would react to finding themselves under the mistletoe with you. CLEAN!!!
Louis: Poor Louis would NEVER plan something like this and he would be mortified when he discovered you were under the mistletoe with him. Not because he didn’t want to kiss you, far from it! He just fears putting you on the spot and forcing his kiss on you. Louis would put his hand on your cheek and wait for some word or sign that this was what you wanted, ready to slip his thumb between your lips at the slightest hesitation. However, after seeing your desire for him, Louis would gladly oblique and touch his lips gently to yours. The moment your lips touched, everything else would melt away and he would lose himself in you. Forgetting himself, Louis would kiss you until someone reminded him you weren’t alone. He’d pull away: bright red, embarrassed and panting. He’d offer you a breathless apology for embarrassing you in front of the other guests. Then he’d quickly scurry away, to hide how flustered you kiss had left him. The poor butler would be unable to dream of anything but your lips for days to come.
Jan: Nothing gets by Jan without him noticing so if you got stuck under the mistletoe together, you can her it was Jan’s doing. Of course he’d try to pretend that wasn’t the case. “Oh dear,” he’d say with knitted brows before smiling and adding, “Well, I suppose we should me the best of it.” Placing his hands on your waist, Jan would pull you close until your lips touched. Probably the most skilled of all the butlers (and maybe the princes!) Jan wouldn’t hesitate to show you just what he could do with his lips. As you begin to melt and wonder just what else the steward is capable of if he’s that talented of a kisser, his tongue would slip into your mouth. However, it would be gone as soon as it entered, evading your own and leaving you frustrated as he pulls away after withdrawing his tongue. He would bow, placing a hand on his chest to thank you for the kiss. He would then mention which secluded part of the castle needed his attention before departing with a wink, signaling to you that would welcome to join him should you want more.
Alberto: Roberto was behind this. There would be no doubt in Alberto’s mind. Still, he wouldn’t risk making you feel embarrassed or rejected. “If you object,” he’d whisper softly so no one else could hear, “I would hide your face so our lips need not touch.” Once you assure him that it’s alright for him to kiss you, Alberto would give you a rare smile and his cheeks might turn ever so slightly pink but not enough to be noticeable if you weren’t so close to him. Allowing himself a rare moment to relax and enjoy, Alberto would touch your cheek to carefully guide your mouth to his. Although he is subtle in words and actions, Alberto’s kiss would be painfully honest. You’d feel all his passion, desire and even frustration in that brief moment your lips touched. Although Al wouldn’t linger much longer than appropriate, it would be enough to leave you breathless and perhaps a bit teary. With a warm smile, Alberto would bow and thank you. Just this once, he might let Roberto escape without a lecture.
Luke: He’s another who would never plan this on his own (although I could imagine Cathy putting someone up to it in order to play matchmaker for the two of you). He’s turn bright red and yell at whoever pointed out that you two were under the mistletoe together. Of course it would all be a ploy to cover how embarrassed he was. He would do his best to yell at anyone he could think of so that he wouldn’t have to look at you. Then, once he saw you, it would all be over. His kiss might start out a little sloppy but he’d lose himself the quickest and what he lacked in skill, he’d make up for in raw passion. His lips would grow hotter and hotter while his hands rubbed your arms and back. Only Keith’s stern voice and blushing face would pull you apart. If Cathy was there, Keith would cover her eyes. It may only have been a kiss but it felt and looked far less innocent than that.
Claude: Claude would also be angry at first, since he would find public kissing HIGHLY inappropriate. However, unlike Luke, Claude would blame you for setting him up like this. “Oh well,” he’s sigh after his initial burst of anger, “if you want to see how I kiss, I might as well show you.” Like Jan, Claude is an expert kisser. However, Claude would have no problem embarrassing you, especially if he thought you set him up for this. Claude wouldn’t hesitate to use his tongue to tease and explore your mouth, regardless of who was watching. He’d leave you so breathless, he have to hold you up until your legs grew steady once more. “Are you satisfied?” Claude would ask smugly. “Or would you like me to show everyone in this room what else I am capable of?”
Yu: Yu might set this up himself or it would be the result of Alan’s antics depending on how yandere he was being. Either way, he would blush a deep shade of red when he looked at you. His eyes would be so sad it would be hard to look at them… If this was his plan, he suddenly felt he couldn’t go through with it. He might try to stammer some kind of apology but once you agreed to kiss him, he’d feel like his heart was going to stop. He’d take you in his arms and hold you close. His embrace as well as his kiss would be firm but gentle as though he wanted to ensure that you couldn’t escape but also wouldn’t risk hurting you. More than anyone, Yu would lose himself in your kiss. His kiss would grow deeper and he’d soon part your lips with his tongue, exploring your mouth so that he could remember it forever. Regardless of who was watching, Yu would continue. You might need to push him away to make him stop. Once you parted, he would have tears visible in his eyes and he would undoubtedly need a moment to collect himself before returning to the party.
Zain: I could see it going either way with Zain: he might do this himself or Theo might do it, either as a joke or in the hopes of catching you under the mistletoe himself. Either way, Zain would blame it on him. He’d storm after the younger man, leaving you alone and more than a little disappointed. Then that night, as he tucks you into bed, he’d suddenly apologize and bow his head: “Forgive me _____. I believe I owe you a kiss.” Hovering over your prone body, he’d speak so that you could feel his warm breath on your lips: “I hope it is not too late to make amends…” Although his kiss would start out slow and gentle, Zain would slowly reveal his passion and desire as the kiss progressed. If you happened to want a bit more than a kiss, you’d be in the right place for it and Zain would never leave you unsatisfied.
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
Organizing my old photos and found some old screenshots from a BMP Gree route that was never released in the Party version. Basically, MC was making chocolates for Wilfred and Claude was all up in her space and they kind of had a moment (iirc, he was showing her how to do something and then they looked at each other and realized how close they were and kind of stared for a hot second). Then this:
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
Be My Princess 2’s Childrens (PT. 2)
so, i will only translate a little bit of the second CG (image in the right) because if i translated everything, it would be a loooot... and i would stay here for days and days. but there's context, i will also talk about why the nickname, if it's too different from the name! here is part one of the princes.
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King Oliver & Prince Arthur (“Watson”).
why the nickname Watson? Prince Arthur said he couldn't tell about the future to Oliver, then got the nickname from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.
King Oliver, MC and Prince Arthur went out for a walk on Oliver’s birthday and, in the middle of streets, two chefs were fighting over a pizza, complaining about copying each other. Oliver then proposed they jointly promoted the pizza, so the public can say which pizza taste better. the two chefs liked the idea, Arthur was amazed. after coming home (and Werner yelled at Oliver), Arthur decided it was the best time to give his father the birthday gift, a book he made. Oliver started reading and praising the drawings too, making Arthur embarrassed. MC and Oliver were moved after reading that Arthur wanted to protect the country’s peace just like his dad and they hugged as a family. next few days, taking a break, Oliver said he likes to read Arthur’s book every day, the kid saying he'll make a lot of drawings. Oliver thanked MC for raising such a kind child.
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King Max & Prince Anselm (“Muu”).
why the nickname Muu? Prince Anselm was seen with a sheep plushie when he traveled to the past + the last katakana of his name, Muu.
Prince Anselm was anxious for his speech on King Max’s birthday party, so he froze in front of everyone. Max and MC were worried for their kid, she was going to help Muu-chan, but Max stopped MC, saying he believes Muu-chan will do it on his own time. little by little, Muu-chan steps to his dad, giving him a bouquet and an album, full of photos of them. MC is relieved, and then comments the album is incomplete, it's missing the last photo. Max is curious, and Anselm says it's reserved for a photo of the three of them. they ask Butler Gaston to take photo of them together, everyone applauding the family. Muu-chan and Max are relaxed and MC thinks it's a good time to take a picture of them again, asking for Gigi’s camera. later, MC talks about how Gigi is partner in crime of Anselm, taking the photos of them together.
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King Lyuo & Prince Theodore (Teddy).
King Lyuo and Prince Theodore got sick after spending some time together, and MC was worried about Teddy not being fully healthy for Lyuo’s birthday party. Prince Aslan appeared, making Teddy happy, he really likes Aslan. MC let them talk and Aslan ask what Theodore is feeling, who admits he feels sad for being sick and not getting a gift for his dad. Aslan then, secretly gives an option to Teddy. after party, MC cooks for Lyuo, who was feeling sick and occupied and ended up not eating much. they celebrate as family. when getting ready for bed, MC notices Lyuo and Teddy sleeping and accidentally wakes them up. she feels happy to see them hugging, they weren't feeling very well before. Teddy admits he is feeling guilty, thinking he was the reason why Lyuo was feeling bad too and tries to make a spell for Lyuo to get better soon. Lyuo feels happy and hugs his kid really hard, feeling very hard to spend time with him again.
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Butler Jin & Ren + Prince Shion & Ruito.
because it's the first time there's an event with Shion & Jin with their son, that's the event their son travels back in time.
Ren thinks Jin and MC doesn't get along, because MC always deny Jin’s touches in public. she is just a little shy with it plus thinks it's not an appropriate way to behave in front of their kid.
Ruito is worried that Prince Shion and MC are feeling overwhelmed with work, so he asks Butler Kent to help him make omelette, because he knows eating a delicious meal makes him feel better. MC and Shion are very happy to see their son being so caring, and there's the sense of they did something right in the future. after Shion’s birthday party, Ruito gives him a bouquet he made himself to Shion, congratulating his father for his birthday and Shion is feeling very proud of his son. after hugging Ruito, a light appears and take the kid back to the future. Shion comments Ruito is really MC’s son, for liking flowers and aromas.
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some of these images aren't mine, it's from some of my friends but they allowed me to post it, besides it's from voltage’s anyway.
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kittysaurus1 · 2 months
Be My Princess 2’s Childrens (PT. 1)
so, i will only translate a little bit of the second CG (image in the right) because if i translated everything, it would be a loooot... and i would stay here for days and days. but there's context, i will also talk about why the nickname, if it's too different from the name! here is part two of the princes.
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King Henry & Prince Nicholas (Nico).
MC and King Henry were occupied for his birthday party, and MC was worried Prince Nicholas was feeling lonely. while talking to all the other princes, Kevin asked if Nico is alright, since he wasn't at the party, and she answered he is doing good but Henry saw she looked a bit worried so he let her get out of the party earlier and she went to find Nicholas, who asked what she was doing there. MC said she was there to make company to her baby, but Nico took her hand and made her go back to the party, because it's daddy’s birthday. MC told Henry about it and both laughed a bit, then went to commemorate together privately. after their mini date in a restaurant, they both went to find Nicholas, who was talking alone in his room. the plushie is Nicholas birthday gift (second image), Lassie ¹. MC gave Henry a cake too, then they cut in 5 pieces; one for Henry, MC, Loyd, Nicholas... and the last one for the plushie!
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King Sieg & Prince Elion (“Lila”).
why the nickname Lila? Prince Elion’s nickname is Lila because of his color palette.
King Sieg’s birthday is coming and he will make a national announcement about his heir, Lila. Prince Elion is really anxious for the day, he is worried he won't be good enough for his speech. MC is worried for their son, and ends up with stomachache (gastritis). Elion and Sieg makes porridge for her, and the child start crying, thinking it's his fault his mommy is feeling sick. Sieg and MC are shocked, but then both start talking to Lila about how they are proud of him — and if he is worried, they can study his speech together! Sieg also tries to apologize, he didn't want to pressure his son... the day come and while looking at the public, he gets excited and adds on his speech he wants to be a king as cool as Sieg and as kind as MC, surprising his parents. after party, Sieg hugs Lila (second image) and says they are both proud of how their son is growing up so well.
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King Kuon & Prince Riito (“Rikkun”).
why the nickname Rikkun? Prince Riito loves squirrels and he called himself Rikkun when he traveled to the past.
King Kuon and MC were having breakfast with Prince Riito when Rikkun asked Kuon to teach him how to make latte art. Kuon was a bit cautious, because it might be hot and burn Riito’s little hands, but MC convinced him that it'll be okay as long Kuon watch him. with Kuon’s birthday party coming, they were worried about showing Riito to the public, as they both know their child is clingy and need support. they are worried to make it traumatic to him. they agree to think a bit more about it later... next day, Riito calls MC secretly, he wants to make a latte art as Kuon’s birthday gift. MC agrees to help him, making it a secret. Rikkun works hard to learn, even making Butler Kent a latte (who gets emotional). the little family goes to a festival of bakery and Rikkun wants to buy his parents's favorite coffee himself, after a brief hesitation, they let him buy it alone. Rikkun takes a long time there, making MC and Kuon anxious, but shows up with the coffee in hand. they are impressed by how Riito grew up lately and decides to show him on the party. later, Riito shows the latte art he made himself to Kuon, who is very proud.
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King Kevin & Prince Cyrus (“Lion”).
why the nickname Lio/Lion? Prince Cyrus was holding a lion plush when he traveled to the past.
since King Kevin’s birthday is coming, he's been a lot more occupied than normal, but he still makes time to read Prince Cyrus a book before sleeping. MC notices how it's more peaceful, but then Cyrus complains about how Kevin can't read a book because he can't do a princess voice and things are back to normal. next day, Butler Gabriel talks to MC about Cyrus being invited to the kid’s band in Kevin’s birthday parade and Cyrus is excited to it, as a gift for Kevin! MC is worried, Cyrus is a bit shy but agrees... so he started training alone, it was nice, but after a while, he needed to train with others kids, and got too nervous, making a lot of mistakes. MC tried to talk to Cyrus it was ok to make mistakes, but the kid was too stressed and yelled at her, saying he couldn't do it and ran away. MC then talked to Kevin about their fight, who went to talk to Cyrus, motivating him to never give up, no one is perfect it at first. Cyrus agrees to go back and get better. Kevin’s birthday now the surprise revealed, the king cries when seeing his son is growing up. later, Kevin wants to reward Cyrus for working hard, who just wants a piggyback and spend time with his father (second image).
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King Ivan & Prince Elem (“Wolf”).
why the nickname “wolf”? Prince Elem didn't remember his own name when he traveled to the past, so that's why MC and Ivan gave him this nickname.
King Ivan’s birthday party was near and with it, the announcement of his heir, Prince Elem, that until then lived hidden from everyone... because this is the first time Elem will see the public, he is very nervous and fussing, being really agitated, making MC and Ivan worry for his safety. MC needed to go out to finish her work, then Ivan then make a promise with Elem and apologize to MC for make her worry. when she's back from work, she notices Elem sleeping — something really hard to happen — while Ivan is hugging the tiny body. Ivan and MC talks a bit, with him praising MC to take such a good care of their child and noticing something was making Elem nervous. Elem then wakes up and apologize, making the small child admit he just wants to be praised a lot by his mommy and daddy. in Ivan’s birthday party, everything goes well, he shows up and they spend next day playing with snow (second image), with Elem teaching Ivan how to make snow rabbits!
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¹ Lassie is how Henry calls MC in his route, because of the dog. they have a master-pet relationship.
Sieg, Kuon, Kevin, Ivan, Max and Lyuo are called papa (パパ) and MC is mama (ママ). while Henry, Oliver and Shion are called otou-sama (お父様) and MC is okaa-sama (お母様).
i search for everyone's name so i could name them accurately, as Elion... but i don't know how to translate perfectly Kuon’s and Shion’s son’s name. i know Ruito is a name, but i didn't hear anything about Riito. sorry if it's wrong!
some of these images aren't mine, it's from some of my friends but they allowed me to post it, besides it's from voltage’s anyway.
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kittysaurus1 · 5 months
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Up for preorder: Suzume no Tojimari - Munakata Souta Nendoroid (with Daijin), out February 2024 from Good Smile Company (also shown: bonus background sheet with preorders from GSC's online shop).
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kittysaurus1 · 6 months
[dune spoilers]
at the end of dune 2, paul extends his hand to the emperor, and the emperor doesn’t take it right away, and paul stomps his foot. it’s authoritative, but childish. it’s the perfect encapsulation of who paul is in that moment. his naïveté and his grandiosity all tied into one. brilliant
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kittysaurus1 · 6 months
The visual of the Harkonnen/Sardaukar bodies being burned in piles at the end of the film not only function as a mirror to the beginning (where House Atreides suffered that fate) to demonstrate how monstrous Paul had become, but it also showed how much he had dragged the Fremen with him in that they were cremating instead of reclaiming the water of their enemies (even if Harkonnen water isn't exactly potable).
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kittysaurus1 · 6 months
dune actually insane from the get go like. hii it's me paulie atreides I'm 15 and just woke up! we're on page 12 and I've uttered the phrase terrible purpose 5 separate times! now I'm in a meeting with my mum and her creepy superior. they're part of a eugenics cult?? who also do evil affirmative action on the side??? for fun?? I had to participate in pain play and now I'm also part of the cult? I think?? they're trying to get me on ketamin to see if I'm the über eugenics progeny they've been selectively breeding for 10.000 years??? I think my mum made me into god?? its giving terrible purpose. help I'm 15 and I just woke up!
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kittysaurus1 · 6 months
u heard about doomed by the narrative now get ready for doomed by my mum and her coven of space eugenics cult sisters thru their 10k year long breeding program
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kittysaurus1 · 6 months
all of the most important women in pauls life being the only ones not kneeling before him in the throne room scene. not chani because she refuses to bow before what he represents. not irulan because she is a princess royal and bows before no one even as her house crumbles around her. not jessica because she made him she made him into what stands before her now and by extension not alia who has loved her dearest brother from the instant she became aware and who will rule in his stead one day
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kittysaurus1 · 6 months
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convent thoughts by charles allston collins, 1850-1851 // florence pugh as the princess irulan corrino
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