#is every mortal parent a neglectful asshole?
my-pjo-stuff · 12 days
AU where Hades never cursed the Oracle of Delphi, and it not taking a new host really was just a weird anomaly case of no one "fitting" coming around. When May comes to camp and attempts to become the Oracle, she succeeds without any major issues. Apollo even allows her to raise her son- in her spare time where she isn't acting as his oracle, ofcourse. May's fine with it, overjoyed even. She moves into camp permanently together with Luke, Chiron allowing Luke to stay with his mother instead of going to the Hermes cabin while he's so young. Hermes meanwhile resigns himself to keeping his distance. He loves May- so seeing her like this, unattainable to him without risking the wrath of Apollo- well he simply can't bear it. Best not to risk it at all.
The dream comes crashing down for May much quicker than she expected though- turns out there's a lot more expected of her as Oracle of Delphi than she originally thought. She has to learn ancient greek, the culture of Camp Halfblood, and how things work. She has to advise people, and remain composed as she serves Apollo faithfully. (A younger Oracle would have had more time- would have seen less responsibility as she is allowed to grow into it. But May? She's a grown adult, and she does not have any of the leniency someone younger would get)
Years pass in the blink of an eye- and despite not spending as much time with her son as she wished she could- May does generally say that they are happy. She doesn't think much of it when Luke moves into the Hermes cabin at the age of nine. It's where all his siblings are, and kids to grow up quickly these days. It's note like he'd bee too far away either- all that really changes is Luke sleeping in a different spot! Chiron has been mentioning it anyway that Luke should join his siblings- Hermes had claimed him as soon as he moved into Camp with his mother permanently, and the boy's been kept from his cabin long enough.
It's not like she couldn't use the extra room and time for herself anyway. Being the Oracle of Delphi is a busy job after all. As the years go by May grows into her role more. Luke starts being independent from her more and more- spending more time away from her and with other campers. But there's no reason to be concerned about that, right? It's normal for children to grow independent as they age. And May is so proud of her baby boy when he becomes Hermes head counselor. His failed quest was...well, it was a low point. Especially when she had to look Luke in the eyes and give him a prophecy spelling doom. Believe her when she says that she spend every single day worrying about and praying for her child to return safely.
Especially when her brave boy refuses to take any companions with him, not wanting to endanger anyone else. It doesn't matter to May that Luke returns with a scar and no apple- all that matters is that he's alive. Her baby boy is alive and safe and that is all that matters. It concerns her when Luke refuses any of her attempts to comfort him. Turning his back anytime she approaches him, telling his mother "not to worry" and that "she surely has more important stuff to worry about than him"
May learns soon enough that her son needs space now. All her attempts are met with rejection and bitterness, so clearly Luke does not need- nor want- his mother right now. It's fine, May is sure her son is fine. Or at least she thought so until one day, on the last day of summer, Luke leads Percy into the woods and sticks a pit scorpion on him. Telling him about how horrid their parents truly are- mortal and godly. Afterall, no matter how much they say they "love" their children- there's always something more important. Another prophecy to speak, another camper to advise, another ritual for Apollo to perform. All that matters to them are the gods- a half-mortal child simply isn't important enough. And he's not gonna take it any longer. May is the Oracle of Delphi. Luke hates both his parents. And fate is unavoidable.
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askmalal · 2 years
Questions for the God Who Does Not Exist. Some questions I am asked frequently, some of them not published here before.
PLEASE contribute your own. No, really. It's been a while since new questions have arrived, especially those I haven't already answered. Hopefully this will get your little mortal minds thinking of new ones, now I've answered these short ones.
("Classics" Edition)
"Who did you influence in the Horus Heresy, and why?"
A: Yes.
2. "Where are you in the Age of Sigmar? No, really. I wanna know."
There are a few clues in Warcry, for starters...
3. "Are the Sons of Malice yours?"
Yes. I don't claim to approve of all of their actions.
4. "Are the Alpha Legion yours?"
Hmm.. I wonder.
5. (Utterly Unrelated to Warhammer) "You a Doctor who fan? Saw a Whovian reference in an early post. Who's your doctor?"
Absolutely. Multiples of 3. 3,6,9,12.
6. "Are you in the Judge Dredd universe? There's some crossover there."
7. "Is Trump one of yours?"
Your death with be slow and painful.
Long form" Absolutely not. I have told you, repeatedly, foul primate, that I am an entity who encourages HATE WITH PURPOSE. Your abuser, your rapist, your oppressor, the asshole who makes every day that much harder for you but perhaps not to any of those extremes.
I have no place for racism or, indeed, most "isms" in general.
You want somebody who loves your mango shit gibbon, consider looking into the agents of the Ecclesiarchy. I hear some of them are taking life advice from his ghost.
8. "Favorite color?"
I can't see colors/colours, you insensitive ass.
9. "Wait, not being able to see colors is a real thing?"
10. "Who is Mun?"
11. "Are you gay?" No.
12. "Are you LGBTQ+?"
I'm an Ally. And I'm happy to be that. Both in and out of "serious" mode.
13. "Why are you bothered by Primarchs having sex with each other?" Because they are brothers. And incest is a line I don't cross, step bro.
14. "Does Malal have any pets?"
As I have said before, I am fond of black dogs and dogs who are predominantly black. Everything from the Cu-Sith to the Boston Terrier. I -love- Boston Terriers. I can see their colors, for one.
15. "Are you the Eleventh Primarch?"
Some of me.
16. "Is Malal male?"
In my native form, I have no gender. However, I identify as a male. I do have female forms, as has been documented, but I am male, even if not technically anything at all gender wise.
17. "Is Malal married?"
18. "Why is Malal?"
Why indeed, dear heart. Why indeed.
19. "Does Malal's... ermm... 'scribe' play any WH miniatures games?"
I have asked the Scribe. The Scribe informs me that the Scribe has played one form or another since college, but has collected books, often in secret, since childhood. Scribe's parents did not approve of miniatures games, roleplaying, or anything like that. Oddly, they were fine with Scribe having toy guns, so go figure.
20. "Is Malal in the Mythos?"
Does Tzeentch have a Bird Fetish? Do Bears shit in the woods? Are Ultramarines underrated and overrepresented? Are Chaos Dwarves and Squats criminally and historically neglected?
"Can I still ask questions of the other gods through this account?"
I'll try to dig up more later, Little Mortal. In the meanwhile... *waves shadowy tendrils* off you go to your stylus and clay or... whatever the devil it is you young hipsters are using to write to your deities these days.
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missskzbiased · 4 years
I Hate That I’m Afraid to Love You (7)
Genre: Romance, Friendship, Angst, Hurt /Confort , Suggestive, Fluff, College Au, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Au, REALLY Slow burn, Love Square (?)
Pairing: Hyunjin X Fem!Reader  X Han X OC
WC: ~ 4,2K
[Previous] [Chap] [Next]
Warnings (general*): Language, Mentions of (Physical abuse, Death/ Loss of Loved One, Child Abandonment/Neglect, Divorce, Toxic Parents, Cancer, Mental disorder, Anxiety Attack, Alcohol, Food), Suggestiveness (?)
Updates: I’ll update it once a week [Tuesdays] because I still have to write the chapters to come and review the ones I already wrote
  You pressed your finger firmly against the doorbell button.
   You couldn’t help but bounce your leg anxiously, chewing the tender skin from your inside cheeks, lowering your head as you expected Hyunjin to open the door. You couldn’t say last night ended well for both of you. Actually, you could say quite the opposite of it. The night ended with him wanting to drop you out of the car and not speaking a word to you. Not even a goodbye when he dropped Paris on her bed.
  Not even a glance.
  Now, you were standing right in front of his door, waiting for him to open the door and begin the most awkward meeting you would have in your whole life. You were supposed to get along and make a great essay, understanding each other and Paris… You couldn’t be farther from this. Deep in your heart, you knew that there was just one way to end this meeting today: One of you would be seeing a doctor.
 And you didn’t mean a real psychologist.
  You never thought you would feel relief wash over you by seeing an angry shirtless Chan opening the door abruptly, brows furrowed as he leaned on the doorframe, hand grabbing your wrist and pulling it from the doorbell.
   But there you were.
   Thank God.
   You still had a few minutes before facing Hyunjin right now.
   “Okay, you need to stop pressing this damn button every time you come here or I’ll get rid of your fingers” He threatened, letting go of your hand and stepping aside so you could come in “And both of us know that you need your fingers” He mocked, making you roll your eyes and your head, utterly done with him.
   “Incredibly funny as always” You grimaced “Are you this needy to have a finger up in your as—?“ Before you could finish your sentence, Hyunjin made his presence known, clearing his throat as he watched both of you with disgust plastered on his face, arms crossed as he leaned on the wall.
  “Could you guys spare me from watching your mating antics?” He sneered “We should be discussing Paris’s problems not flirting semi-naked on the hall” You scoffed, looking at Chan to check if it was just you or Hyunjin really lost half of his brain at some point in his life. Where the hell were you flirting with Chan? You would never flirt with Chan in your life.
   “That’s disgusting” Chan voiced first, twisting his face in disgust as he looked at you, probably picturing a scenario where both of you would try to get on each other’s pants “Also, I’m kinda offended you think I would try to mate like this, I can do way better” He looked back at Hyunjin, who laughed at this, nodding like he didn’t believe in him.
  “Whatever! let’s just get started with this” He shrugged, looking at you warily. You could feel the tension between you two, eyes meeting and averting a couple of times before you cleared your throat, not moving an inch. He looked away, seeming interested in analyzing something in the kitchen as if he never saw it before, even though there was nothing new.
   Chan closed the door, narrowing and darting his eyes from you to him, suspicious.
   “Should I ask why it looks like you guys fucked last night and regretted it this morning?” You frowned, looking at him questioningly, palms up and a shaking head that silently asked what the hell as you met his eyes “Are you going to say that this is normal?” He asked incredulously, gesturing at both of you with his palms up, an accusing stare in your way.
  “It’s the same as always, Chan, She was being an ass to me” Hyunjin grimaced looking in your way. You could almost touch the contempt in his face… Actually, you should just do it… Wipe it off his face with your own hands… Smack it off of him.
  No, you were better than that.
  “I’m being an ass?” You scoffed “You were the one who kept being rude! You know far too well that I’m trying to be friendly to you!” You accused, and Chan looked surprised, brows shooting up as he looked at you in wonder.
  “You’re trying to be friendly to him? Why?” His tone was so amazed that you almost felt offended for a moment, and it must have shown in your face because he promptly tried to explain himself “No! I mean—… Actually, that’s exactly what I meant, sorry” He smiled sheepishly, making you snort.
  “You know what? I don’t know” You admitted, looking at Hyunjin in utter disappointment, “I thought I should bond with him since we’re working together… Paris seemed so sure he was a good person too… But I guess some things never change“ You scoffed, averting your eyes and shaking your head frustrated.
  Actually, some things do change.
  Now you could tell it wasn’t about projecting anymore.
  It was him.
  You just didn’t like him.
  “Oh? Like what?” He smiled obnoxiously, clasping his hands as he looked at you “Enlighten me” He challenged, approaching you, tilting his head and grimacing “Oh, our greatest source of information, the only one human being that can hold all the knowledge in the world! Never once wrong! Please, voice your thoughts for us mere mortals!” His voice dripped with sarcasm, eyes mocking you as he crossed his arms and stood right in front of you, straightening his back so he could look taller.
  “I don’t think that’s how you should discuss your essay” Chan pointed out, looking at the both of you, concerned “Maybe we should sit down and drink some water? Take a break? Try to –“ He couldn’t finish his sentence, though, because you interrupted him, ignoring him completely as you faced Hyunjin, your own back straightening so you could look more like a threat.
  “No, no! He’s right, Chan!” You laughed humorlessly, clasping your own hands, mimicking him, eyes fixed and burying into his on a silent war for Power going under your gazes “Maybe we can even write it on the essay! How we perceive each other, hm? What do you think, Hyunjin?” You gave him a tight smile, face twisting in discontent.
  “I think it’s a great idea” He agreed, returning your smile “Maybe I should write about how you’re an insufferable bitch? Someone that has to have the last word and think she’s so much better than everyone around her! What do you think? Does it ring a bell?” You scoffed, offended, looking away from him for a split of a second, and poking your cheek with your tongue.
  “Sounds good to me” You agreed, looking back at him “Maybe I should write how you’re a fuckboy that can’t bond with a damn human being? An attention whore that is too afraid to admit that he doesn’t have a damn friend because he doesn’t –“ You choked, the sudden impact on your back strangled your sentence, your eyes widened as you looked at his.
  You didn’t even register what happened.
   At one moment you were standing there, arguing with Hyunjin, prepared to slap him with each word that came out of your mouth, and at the next one, you felt his body ramming into yours, interrupting you. You blinked, startled, missing how you got so fast to the wall ─ the cold surface against your back and the sudden impact made you jolt your body, mind totally fogged ─, suddenly feeling his body pressing yours, cornering you there.
   “So I have a problem with bonding?” He sneered, face so close to yours that you couldn’t really focus at first, and you didn’t even have the chance as he approached his face to your ear, his black hair in front of your eyes “Do you know the best way to bond with someone? Sex” He whispered against your ear, his tone breathy and smug “I’m just a fuckboy, right? That’s all I can offer you… I guess you need it… You seem so tense up” His lips brushed against your earlobe, and the shock replaced itself with anger.
  “I’ll give you five seconds” You warned, clenching your fists beside your body and scrunching your nose, trying to control yourself, closing your eyes as you breathed deeply, fuming.
  “Hyunjin, let her go” You heard Chan say so you opened your eyes, noticing his hand on Hyunjin’s shoulder “You’re crossing the line here” He continued.
  “I think I’ll need more than five seconds to fuck you unless you’re that needy” He scorned, adjusting his forearms on the wall, on each side of your head, stopping you from looking away from him, obliging you to look deep into his eyes.
  “That’s enough, Hyunjin” Chan hissed, and although you couldn’t look at him right now, you could sense how strict he must be looking, hands tightening his grip on Hyunjin, voice stern and warning.
  “Oh, cat got your tongue?” He grinned smugly; his dark eyes seemed to try to null you, feeling powerful enough to lock with yours. Neither of you blinked, eyes fixed on each other. While his held smugness and some kind of victorious feeling, yours oozed with rage and contempt “I think I like you better like this… Silent” He sneered again, and that was it.
  “I said that’s enough!” Chan fumed, tugging Hyunjin away from you before he pressed his forearm against his chest and pressed his hand against yours so you would stay still “Both of you!” He glared at you two, and you gulped down, startled by his outburst “What the actual fuck is happening here?! Do you guys think it’s fine to be fucking assholes like this?!” You knew Chan for about 5 years now and you never once saw him this angry.
  It made you shiver under the intensity of his gaze.
  He pointed to the couch, glaring at both of you, a silent order that neither of you took.
  “Sit on the damn couch” He demanded, his eyes didn’t let much to question so both of you complied, silently making your way to the couch, shoulders shrunk like you were being scolded by your parents “Neither of you is going anywhere until you sort things out” He decided, sitting across you, crossing his legs and resting his hands on his knees.
  “Look, we have to finish the essay and –“ He scoffed, interrupting you.
   “I don’t give a shit about your essay” Hyunjin chuckled, looking at you satisfied at how Chan answered you, a smirk adorning his lips “What is it, Hyunjin? Voice your thoughts” Chan said playfully, although it was visible he wasn’t playing around “Both of you will talk everything through and I’ll be here to guarantee it” He stated, going silent and staring at you both.
  “And you’ll do it shirtless” Hyunjin joked, clearly trying to change the subject but Chan didn’t seem to find it amusing nor he was willing to give in, so he tilted his head as he looked expressionless to his friend.
  “Is it bothering you? Do you want to fuck me too?” He asked, voice steady like he was bored and fed up with both of you, which he was, to be fair, “You know it doesn’t work on me, Hyunjin” Chan rolled his eyes “Look, you’re guys are my best friends… I don’t want to watch you guys fighting each other, okay? When you just teased around was one thing but this…?” He gestured to the both of you, eyes softening “I can’t let you guys keep going like this… You have to talk it through” He sighed, hand going to rest on his face, tired to even think how this would go.
  “Well, Miss Last-Words can begin since she likes to talk back so much” Hyunjin sneered, crossing his arms and looking away, like a child. You scoffed, mirroring him by crossing your arms and looking the other way, just as childish as him. Chan sighed but didn’t say anything, waiting for one of you to take the first step. When the silence was long enough to make it clear that neither of you was going to say anything, he spoke up again.
  “You guys are going to talk this through” He declared “If you don’t take the first step, I will” He threatened and both of you looked at him immediately, mouth agape by the betrayal “Don’t look at me like this! Do you want to be treated like a child? I’ll treat both of you as a child! You’re grounded until you guys sort this out” His voice and eyes didn’t give any space for questions, so you stood silent, wondering if you should say something.
  You glanced over Hyunjin, unsure, and he did the same, biting his lips.
  “Nothing? Okay” Chan scoffed, disappointed “The woman from that day was her mother, Hyunjin” He stated, looking at you in a silent challenge. You couldn’t believe he just did this! All those years of friendship for Chan betray you like this? You frowned, averting your eyes, expression too stiff and angry for Hyunjin even think to mock you about it. He looked at you in a contemplative way, chewing his own cheek.  
  He didn’t know what to say.
  Well, of course, he didn’t know what to say. What would you say if your friend exposed his friend out of nowhere? Especially since he knew it must have been an awkward situation as you cried about it later. You stayed silent, eyes still locked with the window, too uncomfortable to look at any of them.
  “Still nothing?” Chan insisted, looking at Hyunjin this time, as you could see by his reflection on the glass “Hyunjin has some mom issues to deal with” He stated, and this time Hyunjin lowered his head, embarrassed by this. You felt bad for him for a moment. He didn’t know you already knew about this one.
  “So what?” You scoffed “It’s not that weird” You muttered.
  You weren’t really standing up for him but it did sound like this… Maybe that was why he shot a look at you, surprised with your behavior, eyes somehow grateful to your words. You glanced at him, and once your eyes met you averted them again, fixing your gaze on Chan, feeling just as embarrassed as him.
  “Hm… I’m sorry” his voice was so soft you almost didn’t catch it. You perked your ears, realizing he must have said something because Chan seemed as surprised as you “I mean… I know I was being a jerk yesterday, I didn’t really intend to set you off like that…” He admitted, looking in your eyes. You never saw him so sincere in your life. You bit your lips, averting your eyes for a split of a second before reconnecting them with him, suddenly determined to give something back, to apologize about your behavior.
  “No, I’m the one who should be saying it” You muttered back to him “I’m sorry” You meant it, eyes sincere as you stared at him “I knew I hit a nerve when I talked about your friendship with Chan and I didn’t stop until you snapped… It’s my fault” You sighed.
 “Wait, what?” Chan seemed surprised, looking to Hyunjin in understanding “I see… I thought it was strange you pressed her like this” He hummed as if everything was clearer, tapping his chin as he thought about what to say “But why did you snap, Y/N? It’s not like you to be like this” You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
  What was the point of hiding things now?
  “It’s… Well, I thought that if I was friendly to him he would treat me normally… I guess I was frustrated because he didn’t and I felt like I was trying all by myself” You admitted, shrugging “But he was right… I was the one who started it all” You sighed, looking at Hyunjin, eyes wavering around, too ashamed to make contact “I can’t expect him to be friendly with me after all these years of… Well, this” You pointed between you two, chuckling “I had a weak reason to dislike him before, maybe he just has a better one”
  “Hm…” Hyunjin looked at you, weighting something on his mind “It’s not that I have a reason to dislike you… Yesterday my mother called me and it frustrated me a lot” He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward “I guess I just needed to vent about it and I kinda took it out on you” He looked sheepishly at you, expecting you to say something but before you could even think about it, Chan scoffed.
  “You don’t have a reason? Really?” He looked at him suggestively.
   “I mean... I may have some issues with you…” He admitted, rolling his eyes at Chan “I… Do I really have to talk about it? It’s embarrassing” He eyed Chan, clearly uncomfortable about what he had to say, so you decided to give him a hand.
  “I have some issues with my dad” You began, trying your best to stay composed, playing with your fingers as you continued “And I did some things that kind of remind me of him… I’m not proud of those, and I didn’t want to admit that I was capable of being like him” You added, averting your eyes and clearing your throat “So… Well, I started to project those things on you... If I hated you, I didn’t need to hate myself” You swallowed down, dryly, afraid of their reactions.
  To your surprise, neither of them seemed to judge you.
  “Oh, now I’ll sound even pettier” He whined, making you snort “I’m jealous of your relationship with Chan” He stated simply, his eyes avoiding yours as if they would burn if he looked at you “It’s just… He loves you” He shrugged, finally looking at you “And I’m afraid he would leave me behind because of you” He looked ashamed like he had just said he killed someone, body curved and head dropped, waiting for you to mock him or something.
  “That’s nothing to be ashamed of” You reassured him quietly “It’s not easy to be left behind… You’re not petty because you want someone by your side, you’re just human” You said softly, hand rising to squeeze his knee but you stopped mid-way, retreating and resting it on your lap.  He lifted his head, looking deep into your eyes. He seemed to see you under a whole new light, pleasantly surprised by your answer, eyes softening as he suppressed a smile.
   “Thank you” He muttered, averting his eyes.
   You felt ridiculous.
   After all those years of stingy remarks, endless teasing, and stupid competition… You would never even dare to think that you and Hyunjin would stand side by side, absolutely no hard feelings hanging in the air. It was almost comical how the atmosphere in the room felt lighter as if both of you weren’t ready to fight each other a few moments ago, a soft feeling resting inside of you.
  You felt relieved, heart fluttering inside your chest, almost too light to beat, an unusual peace seemed to sink in your bones, and before you knew it, you sighed. The gentle huff of air took out all the worries of the day. Suddenly, it was clear that none of you would end up in the hospital today, and you may even accomplish your tasks. Hyunjin seemed as relieved as you, his shoulders dropped in a relaxed manner, both of you feeling the tension going away for the first time in years.
   “I’m glad we talked” You confessed, and it was obvious you felt at ease “I didn’t know you felt this way… I’m sorry for pushing it down on you” You tightened your lips in a half-smile “I didn’t picture you as a sentimental guy… I’ll watch my words from now on” You promised, subtly calling a truce, eyes connected to his.
   “I’m not emotional” He rolled his eyes but his lips quirked a bit, a small smile adorning his face “Well, I’m glad we decided it was all your fault” He joked, this time you laughed along with him, and Chan scoffed in amusement.
  “Well, I guess I can leave you guys to it now?” Chan watched you, and you could see that he was just as satisfied as you both with the outcome “I swear to god…“ His tone went threatening again, although it was far more jokingly this time “I’m going to my room… If I hear even a small fight from there, I’m going to come back and make you share all your life” You scoffed at that, rolling your eyes as you looked at him mockingly.
   “Okay, Daddy” You pouted, and he had to look away to suppress his smile, hand going to cover his eyes, fingers pressing his temples as he shook his head slowly, amused by it. Chan made his way to his room, finally letting you alone with Hyunjin, and both of you took in the comfortable silence in the air before speaking up.
  “So... Paris” He started, unsure about what to say “What should we discuss?” You thought for a moment, lost about what you could talk about her.
  The key points about Paris were her father and her mother and that was pretty much all you had about her. The isolation her mother put her through when she was younger didn’t let much left for her to discuss in her essay, so you had little information to work with. You stared at Hyunjin, a sudden trail of thought taking your mind.
  “What about her father?” You suggested cautiously “You seem to have an abandonment problem, right? I mean… Since you’re afraid to lose Chan and stuff…” You trailed off but he didn’t seem offended, so you continued “I’ve experienced this so… Well, I think maybe we should discuss it? I mean, her mother left her father behind but it was for the best, right?” You tilted your head, unsure it was a good theme to approach.
   “Well, I guess...?” He agreed, as unsure as you “I think it doesn’t apply to her that much since she wasn’t born when her mother left her dad… She didn’t really experience being abandoned” He admitted and you frowned.
  “I disagree” You blurted out “It could be way worse but Paris had her problems… Although the absence of her father himself wasn’t really an issue for her, I think her mother wasn’t really supportive… Emotionally speaking” You claimed. Hyunjin nodded, thinking about what you said, hands trailing to his chin and rubbing the skin there.
  “Her mother didn’t really consider her wishes but to go to the extent of not being emotionally supportive? I don’t think so” He disagreed, crossing his arms “When she talked to me, she didn’t seem to care about letting things go” He seemed to remind something, so you shrugged, giving in.
  “Maybe I’m reading too much into it? I mean, she did pretty well in general… She’s really friendly and loveable but I think the lack of physical touch throughout her life made her really… Well, she doesn’t touch other people” Hyunjin furrowed his brows, pensive; he looked at you skeptically, tilting his head.
  “Are you sure about what you’re saying? I mean, she touches you and Han all the time” He pointed out “Also, she even touched me when we were talking about the essay”
  “She did what?” You asked astonished, completely throw off “I mean… I thought it was strange that she held you like this when she was drunk… Paris never touches anyone besides me and Han. Ever. You... Well, it must have been really intense if she had to touch you” You cleared your throat, averting your eyes.
   You felt like an intruder.
   There was no way in hell Paris just touched him mindlessly, she would never do this. One thing you learned about her throughout the years is that Paris didn’t know how to show her love with physical affection. She hated it. You remembered how she told you once that her mother never hugged her before her stepfather came into the scene… She felt really guilty for not hugging you or doing things she rated as normal between friends.
  The first time she held your hand almost turned out to be a holiday.
   You chuckled at the memory, confusing Hyunjin.
   “What’s so funny about it?” He asked embarrassed and you promptly shook your head.
   “No, nothing! I just remembered something” You dismissed it, waving your hand, gesturing for him to let it go “Anyway, I think we can write that the abandonment in her case was good, even though it had some consequences, and for us, it didn’t turn out so well… She learned to deal with it and we… Well, I think we didn’t” You sighed, getting a nod from him.
  “Yeah, I guess she forgave some things that we didn’t?” He mused, and you nodded back.
  “I guess so… Maybe we should learn from her? Sometimes letting something go is what you really need to heal yourself” Hyunjin hummed, impressed by your words, eyes wandering around, a thoughtful expression over his face. You knew what you said was right, and both of you seemed to have a lot to learn from Paris, but it didn’t mean you wanted to do it.
   It was way easier said than done.
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
shadowhunters for the ask game
Oooh, the shiny! Thanks for playing *^*
Top 5 favourite characters: JACE Herondale, Magnus Bane, Lydia Branwell, Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis
Other characters you like: Raphael Santiago, Bat Velasquez
Least favourite characters: Maryse Lightwood, Jocelyn Fairchild, Valentine Morgenstern. All three of them can get fucked ^-^v
Otps: uh let’s say Top 5? Magnus/Jace, Alec/Jace, Simon/Jace, Raphael/Jace, Bat/Jace
Notps: Luke/Maryse, Jace/Clary, canon Magnus/Alec
Favourite friendships: Jace & Alec, Jace & Simon, Isabelle & Clary
Favourite family: okay so that’d be my non-canon construct of Luke/Catarina being married and raising Madzie together and also Clary getting a good stepmom here. Also Jace is part of this family too because fight me on Luke and Clary accepting Jace into their family during the time they though him and Clary were blood ^-^
Favourite episodes: uuuh Blood Calls for Blood? The reveal of Jace and Clary being siblings, Imogen’s gorgeous face appearing for the first time, Lydia and Isabelle, the Jace angst with “Michael Wayland”‘s return, maybe also You Are Not Your Own because Sebastian and Imogen’s pretty faces and the great acting on the Magnus-Valentine body-switch and again lotsa Jace angst
Favourite season/book/movie: deeefinitely season 2, man. Season 2 was actually good. Like, there were still some downsides to it, but overall it was good
Favourite quotes: not really a quote-kinda-gal
Best musical moment: *blinks* sadly this show has no musical episode but good gods it sure had the chaotic energy to have one now I wish there had been an episode where a whacky spells causes everyone to sing and dance, dang
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: every time Jace and Alec get to get lost in each other’s eyes and had an actual bonding moment?? JACE MOVING IN WITH MAAAGNUS THAT ONE KILLED ME. Magnus and Jace talking on the balcony at the loft with all the kittens and in daylight, it was so nice *^*
When it really disappointed you: ...we don’t have THAT much time and like look at this, it’s already so long? So, my biggest disappointment is when they forced the kids to forgive their neglective and abusive mother because “my husband cheated on me that’s why I’m a bad mom pls pity me uwu” man I am foaming at the mouth just thinking about the shitty writing there like holy crap :D”“““
Saddest moment: shit so many, but like... inside Jace’s mind when the Owl possessed him? He was so small and broken and it hurt??
Most well done character death: nope. Like, the character deaths were... meh, at best, and frustrating at worst...
Favourite guest star: I have genuinely no idea how you define a guest star but since she is barely in episodes, Mimi Kuzyk as Imogen?
Favourite cast member: Dominic Sherwood *^*
Character you wish was still alive: IMOGEN HERONDALE
One thing you hope really happens: I mean the show has ended so there is that :D
Most shocking twist: I mean... I mean all twists were kind of REALLY predictable or foreshadowed SO HARD that they weren’t twists?? I guess the fact that they DIDN’T kill off Max was a shocking twist for me, because I know that happens in the books and I was like mentally bracing myself for it but then it didn’t happen
When did you start watching/reading?: I started watching it when it first started airing and started reading it... I think during season 2?
Best animal/creature: ...the show doesn’t have animals, which is a travesty. Creature, I guess I do like this world’s take on witches - warlocks with warlock-marks and demon-blood
Favourite location: the Institute is so cool? Old, abandoned church but super high-tech? That makes for such a stunning thing, tbh. But also the Seelie Realm is sooo pretty
Trope you wish they would stop using: miscommunication :D I swear the whole fucking way through this show they whack you over the head with characters not talking to each other, like literally the reason season 1 happens is because Jocelyn Rather Not talk to her daughter about her heritage and Luke doesn’t get to talk to her right away and it just continues through the show that characters don’t communicate to further the plot
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: uuuuuuuuuuuuuh *awkward laugh*
Funniest moments: mh...
Couple you would like to see: HELEN AN ALINE. Due to the cancellation they were crammed in there to happen within two episodes, in the background. I wish I coulda gotten a whole season of them at the Institute, slowly developing their relationship
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: okay so I REALLY wanted to see Kate Bosworth play Céline Herondale in flashbacks. I really wanted them to elaborate further on the Circle in season 3, I wanted to SEE Stephen and Céline - heck, even younger Robert, Maryse, Luke and Jocelyn. Maybe because Luke or Imogen tell Jace stories about his parents. Either way, I faceclaim Kate Bosworth as Céline because she is beautiful and blonde and has heterochromia like Dominic Sherwood
Favourite outfit: while half of Magnus’ outfits look just ridiculous, the other half looks really fucking good. Also, Jace at the Seelie Court was A Look
Favourite item: I liked the way the Mortal Cup looked
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: I got custom funko pops of Magnus, Alec and Jace, I own the Herondale family ring, stickers and a button with Jace’s pretty face, a pillow-case with Jace’s pretty everything
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: realistically, I would probably be a mundie. But I would want to be a warlock :D
Most boring plotline: Maryse figuring out her mundie life. Like. No thank you, not just because I dislike the character but also because the actual main characters didn’t even get to do shit beyond their romantic plotlines and I would have much rather seen some more of them doing life and shit
Most laughably bad moment: ...there are too many, I can’t...
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I... I mean they barely ever did flashbacks. So I guess the best would be Magnus’ past, even though they were too short??
Most layered character: Don’t try to fight me on this, but Jace Herondale. He who starts out as a shallow asshole and then within a short time is established as only using those walls to protect himself after all the child-abuse. Then all the torture, mental health issues, the soft romantic, the sub. All those sides that go beyond that one dimensional asshole persona
Most one dimensional character: FUCKING OLLIE. Goodness, I loathe her. She is really just that obnoxious one dimensional prodding normal human who tries to get into the supernatural world and then acts all “oh no :O” when the supernatural comes to bite her in the ass -_-
Scariest moment: when they went all creepy with the owl
Grossest moment: there probably were, but I can’t recall right now
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Imogen
Favourite cast moment: Dominic Sherwood being carried around by others :D I love that there are more than one male cast member to carry him around :DDD
Favourite transportation: that flying motorbike they absolutely underused...
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): visiting Idris for the first time?
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: looooooooool the list is too long
Best promo: I don’t watch promos
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: During the movie!
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thelimeonade · 6 years
Five Little Known Facts: Extinct Galactic
Rules: give five little-known facts about your WIP(s), then tag five people.
Big thanks to @adenhamcreations for tagging me!!! [I really hope you like this.]
About my WIP, Extinct Galactic:
One of my main characters are twins with the names Ajax Michael Power and Elijah Alain Control. These two are actually based on my godfather, Alain and his twin brother, Michael where my godfather was a man who wanted everything to be perfect, always wanted everything he was doing to be under his command and not go left or right, his twin brother, Michael is the literal definition of a ‘Wing it’ man. “Michael, your daughter is sick.” “I’ll take her to the hospital.” “You don’t know where the hospital is.” “I’ll wing it.” (This guy is 60 years old now and still lives by the same winging it motto) The feuds between Ajax and Elijah in my book also very much resemble the circus that used to take place whenever my godfather’s brother came to visit: The countless side remarks, the roasts, the jokes, the pranks and merciless burns that leaves the entire house in silence for days. -> Excerpt 1: If Ajax was chaos – and he was every definition of it– then Elijah was order. He had obsessed with keeping everything in line, in his grip and under his command. He was quite successful with it all. Except Ajax. And this suicide mission was entirely out of his grip. Ajax had delighted in disorder. Wreak havoc into everything, watch them run around like chaotic ants then keep them in line by a ring of blazing fire, trapping them where he desired. -> Excerpt 2: “If you think you can defeat me, you are beyond mad to challenge an immortal high-being.” Ajax rose up from his throne, hands fisted at his sides. The energy thrummed in delight in his veins, ready for release, anticipating the joy of it as the fire crackled wildly in response behind him, waiting for the command to incinerate the entire room. “An immortal high-being who works part-time as a fucking asshole,” Elijah mumbled quietly from the twin throne to Ajax’s. Ajax forgot all about composure, the enemy general shackled before him as he whirled around and smacked his own twin brother with a might, strong enough to rip a mortal’s head off their shoulders. Elijah only cackled wildly in amusement.
This book was initially multiple different stories but in the same fictional universe but as the idea developed, I realized that those stories are a whole lot more powerful together and that they were all connected together in a good way that I hadn’t considered before until that moment.
Extinct Galactic is a product of over three years of depression where it represents everything I have went through but in a very unique, creative, fictional matter. Such as depression is how Azazel’s (Death’s) dark energy starts to spread over galaxies, destroying planets and polluting the minds of mortals after Pratham’s (Life’s) death. Many people I have encountered in my life have developed into characters in this book (such as my godfather and his twin brother)
One of my main characters, Wisher Power, was named Wisher, not because her ability is to make wishes come true, but because at this low point in my life I wished I was as strong and cunning and lively as her. I wished I could endure a million people thinking I am weak and useless and not be affected by them but instead rise and prove them wrong. Thus the name Wisher.
The book covers a lot of overlooked (or not so overlooked) aspects in our community, aspects that I have personally experienced or one of my classmates did such as domestic abuse [includes rape] (Frontress and Lucy’s relationship), parents neglecting their kids (Xerzie’s mother), oppressing families (the duke and duchess of Gangust and their daughter), drug abuse and addiction to the point you cannot function without them (Daniel Orenda), forced and arranged marriages and divorce is taboo in many cultures (how Elluminums can only have one significant other for their entire immortal life) and countless others.
There you go! I know some of you might be confused about the characters because I still haven’t posted much about Extinct Galactic but I am up for answering any questions!! Just send in your questions here!
A bit more info about my WIPs here! and Extinct Galactic here!
Here are the five people I am tagging! @mediocre-prose @thescribesloft @in-which-i-pretend-to-write @shield-maiden-of-sherwood @inkovert
If you don’t want to do it, it’s 100% fine!
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minero-tan · 6 years
11 please!! For the artist number ask!
 11. How many OCs do you have? Introduce them 
 OOF, I have 44 if I haven’t forgotten anyone lmaooo but here goes (introducing them in no particular order)
1. Booty = my first oc ever made. She came to life in 2015 when I was showing my friends the butt of an anime girl as a joke. It was all fun and jokes but for some reason despite me joking around she became the most serious and strickt oc. She’s pretty much the mom friend 
2. Up = my second oc ever made. She’s really carefree and loud. I made her in class when I listened to the song “Up” by olly murs and demi lovato. She’s the complete opposite of booty and she gets stressed out by up the most out of all 44 oc's 
3. Delta = my third oc ever made. He died as a normal dude and then got turned into an android. He’s really quiet and usually in a bad mood. Would kill people a lot more if it weren’t so bothersome 
4. Vision = He’s blind. That’s right, i’m a cruel mother who names her blind child Vision. Anyway, he’s a really kind dude who gets along with a bunch of people. The cool uncle in the group 
5. Mokka = A half cat half human boyo. In the story people who’re pure animals have both animal ears and tails while mokka only has a tail. Had cat headphones in his old design because he hated his human part thanks to his mom who neglected and hated him for not being a pure breed (she cheated on her husb. And he left her because of her cheating so she now gives mokka the fault for that), but in his newer design he grew older and accepted his human part. Grumpy guy who flirts a lot but who’s really bad at it. Also he’s real good with computers. oh AND he’s a Prince
6. Tiptoes = alright, don’t judge me for the weird names, I made her when I listened to the song “Tiptoes” by Jayme dee. She was originally a dancer, but in her new design I made a cheerleader out of her. Still, she loves all kinds of dances and she’s really fit. She’s quite cheeky and will nag on grumpy people like mokka
7. Neta = ah yes, the oc who I probably draw the most. She’s a dog who’s really into fashion lmao. She’s really quiet and collected and really popular with the guys, but at some point I made up the fact that she’s a meme dealer and I decided that I have to keep that personality trait at all costs 
8. Enno = Netas twin brother, but they’re the complete opposite. Enno doesn’t care if he gets dirty or not and he will definitely fight anyone who just looks at him weird. Tough guy, but a complete dumbass who probably can’t even count to 10. Very clingy though if he likes someone 
9. Latty = Neta’s and Enno’s wolf cousin. She’s really loud and really stupid. Wants to be like neta. Gets bullied a lot because out of all the wolfes in her pack she’s the only one who has a white streak in her black hair. But she’s quite the optimist and is practically amazed by everything she encounters 
10. Live = The goddess of Life. She’s really calm and gentle. She can revive dead beings, heal beings and it’s said that she’s the reason babies of both animals and humans are born. Really friendly, laughs a lot 
11. Chi = Live’s evil cousin. Her parents were salty that they didn’t become gods as well and that they were left off with the Knight job where they have to protect the gods and gave their hatred onto their daughter. Chi basically murdered a bunch of gods and wanted to kill her cousin as well but the other gods stopped her and locked her away. Will act like a trust worthy person to get what she wants. Mind games are her thing
12. Mocchi = A bubbly normal girl who just sees the best in everyone. Real optimist, can befriend everyone. Is there for you if you’re having a hard day 
13. Zadora = I was really inspired by a horse I knew lmao. Small shy girl who’s scared of a lot of things, especially strangers and big crowds. Kinda awkward but makes a good friend who’s always happy to spend some time with you. Loves her friends and family a lot 
14. Lium = Quiet demon dude who is really awkward. He could put people on fire with his supernatural abilities, but chooses to be nice since he just wants some friends. Gets terrorized by his look alike twin a lot, but he got used to it 
15. Laru = Lium’s evil twin. Will melt the ice cream of a little girl just for the laughs. Picks on his brother a whole lot but if someone else picks on Lium then Laru will snap their neck in half. Basically wants his brother to become evil and do bad things but he’s not quite succeeding. Good friends with Chi 
16. Frei = A fox spirit lady who actually lived in a shrine but then decided to travel. Real carefree and somewhat of a hippy. Really chill person, great to hang out with 
17. G = another android who got build for the military but then got replaced by newer models (I made him before dbh was a thing). Is a killer machine on the battlefield but will pick a rose and just give it to the nearest person when not on the battlefield. Really protective, he basically has it programmed into his brain to fight the enemy and to protect the innocent. Would be an A+ dad 
18. Majo = A small witch girl who’s pretty much an asshole. Will scream if she won’t get what she wants and will laugh at you if you’re dumb enough to give it to her. Fucks with people, not in a horrible cruel way but putting a dollar on the ground and then pulling it away whenever someone tries to pick it up is basically her go to thing 
19. Shepper = A Sheep boy who’s the biggest pushover, only because he’s so awkward and kind. Will listen to your worries but it’s easy to make him get and do stuff for you only because he can’t say No. Will cuddle you and sing you a lullaby if you’re having trouble sleeping. Gets pushed around by Majo 24/7 but he sees it more as baby sitting since Majo is younger than him 
20. Twen = my 20th oc! Get it? Twenty? Hhhhhhhhh,,,,, anyways, he’s a boy with a lot of energy and a passion for football/soccer. Like, he REALLY loves that sport, he will fight anyone who says that It’s bad. Basically your typical white boy. Still a nice dude, he’s a good sport 
21. Rhett = tall dragon boyo. Really shy but also really gentle. Works as a servant and enjoys it. Will breathe fire if he’s getting really flustered. Scared that he will hurt someone with his tail or just with his big size in general. “You want to shake my hand? Let me bow instead since I don’t want to hurt you"    
22. Morgen = a girl who I’ll have to redesign soon because OOF. I made her after listening to "Morgen Stern” by Rammstein. Basically, she’s really ugly and wishes to the stars that she becomes beautiful like all the other girls. Has her face covered up by bandages which I’ll probably change into a mask lmao. Really sad girl, scared to look people into their eyes. She also gets bullied a lot, and she cuts herself. Morgen hates herself and wishes she would be someone else
23. Rema = there are a few similarities between him and Morgen. Rema’s whole body is covered in scars thanks to his mom who hurt him a lot when he was little. She pretty much destroyed his whole face and then called him ugly. After being called ugly for a bunch of years he grew up to believe that he’s ugly. He came into an orphanage after his mom left him on the streets in the middle of nowhere, so in the orphanage he found a mask which he wears since then. Calls himself ugly and believes that other people think that he’s ugly as well but pretty much no one really cares. Real scared to take off his mask. He’s kinda awkward but makes a good buddy. Will tell you that you’re beautiful 24/7 
24. Kairi = a now zombie girl. She worked in a circus but got killed there by some of her co workers, killed everyone in the circus and basically took over the role as the circus director. Now the circus is closed but the few stupid people who visit the long abandoned circus die there by the ghosts of the people who Kairi killed. She’s Chaotic evil, has a lot of fun when killing. Also mourns over her life when she was still alive 
25. Cchia = ayyy, remember Mokka? This is his half sister. The beloved daughter who can do everything better. Mokka can’t really stand her that much even though Cchia is super supportive and nice towards him. She always got all the praise by their mom because she’s a full cat and was made by both the king and the queen and not by the queen and some normal human dude who the queen had a nice night with, so mokka kinda dislikes her, but she was the only one who stood up for him when he needed it, so he also feels kinda bad for disliking her. She was the one who gave him his cat headphones to make him feel more part of the family. She’s basically amazing at everything but she knows jack shit about technology
26. Melior = Pretty much Aph Poland but as a bunny. 
27. Kureiji = He’s a lot like Up but with a shot temper. One second he laughs and the next second he will destroy a whole house if something happened that made him angry. He’s one of the older oc’s but he’s basically a child. Also, really strong like oof, where does he get all his strength from when he’s just a mortal dude 
28. Joycake = I was listening to a song and it sounded like the girl who was singing said “joycake” and I went “wow, that’s a nice name!!!” So yeah. A really energetic and popular girl. Does dumb jokes and is kinda paranoid. Is a model actually. Does not know what personal space is until she needs it herself. Will fight people for 2 cents, also gets breakdowns quite easily 
29. Mirai = Joy’s twin sister (so many twins in this family). Again the complete opposite of her sister as with every twin what I literally just now noticed. Really serious and doesn’t understand a lot of fun. Hates her sister, like, if someone would throw a rock at joy then mirai would probably just keep walking. A hipster, listens to jazz on a rainy day while sitting on her laptop at starbucks. Wears oversized jackets and has messy braided hair like literally always 
30. Blini = ANOTHER android. She’s like 10 cm tall. Has to get charged with her tail like charger which comes out of her back/butt. Turns red if empty, yellow if half full and green if completely full. Gets angry at everyone, except for little kids. Has to get carried 24/7. Will put a virus on your computer if she hates you 
31. Destiny = the goddess of,,, Destiny. She decides what happens to people and how things turn out. Has a deep history with live. She’s really quiet and can be really serious if she has to be, but deep down she’s just a awkward lady who doesn’t know how to make friends. Takes her job real seriously 
32. Faith = Trans woman! Loves life and is just a really gentle person. Another mom friend but in a kind way, unlike booty who will yell at everyone because she’s worried. Will crochet you a blanket if you’re cold 
33. Mattis = awkward dad friend who’s in love with Faith. Has never fought anyone but will act intimidating if he has to. Has good advice to give. Real quiet, doesn’t talk much but he’s a great listener 
 34. Péja = so many androids! I swear that I made them all before dbh was out! A android specifically made for taking care of the household and little kids. Quite a cheeky android who jokes around a lot. Can easily beat the asses of 5 guys at once and will do so. Gives horrible advice, she really doesn’t know what she’s talking about 
35. Bennett = another fox spirit. He doesn’t work at a shrine like Frei does, but works for a specific royal family. Basically, the queen was about to get hanged so she ran into the woods with her baby because she knew that a spirit lived there and asked him to take care of her child. He’s pretty much a nanny now. A real gentle man who respects nature and every creature on it. Bad at fighting but good at hiding. Great with kids 
36. Temmie = A ghost lady who died as a kid but still aged as a ghost??? Idk what I was thinking there. She lived in a house with her parents who were alcoholics and who beat her more than once a day. She chose to not speak anymore since whenever she opened her mouth her parents already told her to shut up. At some point she tried to run away from home but got hit by a truck and died. Now she’s a friendly ghost who’s just kinda hanging around
37: Totengräber = Their name basically means “dead digger”, which is a grave digger. They are some kind of supernatural being who usually lives on graveyards. They dig out the coffins in order to take the souls out of the deceased bodies and to feast on them which gives them their supernatural powers. They’re quite the trickster but all in all very friendly and usually they befriend the local grave keeper. Can become both genders or neither if they wish so. They can also turn into a beast 
38: Błysk = a old ass dragon man, who acts like a snob and a ladies man. Has tattoos all over his body and is not scared to show em off by walking around completely naked. A real dumbass who doesn’t know much. A “collector” dragon, if he sees something pretty then he will keep it. He’s not awkward or shy but he’s been living alone for so long that he kinda forgot how to have a proper conversation with other people 
39. Damien = A dude who kills all of his girlfriend’s. He falls in love, after a while he gets the feeling that she doesn’t love him anymore and kills her. Usually he scrapes off the meat from the bones and eats it but sometimes he also just buries the corpses in the woods to which he lives close to. He’s been searching for his one true love since forever and once he finds her he is not going to ever let her go again. Will probably tie her down in his basement. Real horny. Really good at making friends and great at acting like he’s just a normal dude but pretty much has two sides which got used to working with each other. Cannot be trusted, he’s real good at lying and making things up to his favour 
40. Ghost man who I don’t have a name for yet = he lives in the snowy mountains together with a bunch of little creatures which contain the souls of little kids who ended up dying on that mountain. Real dad, loves all his children. Really chill and sleepy 24/7 but he doesn’t sleep since he’s already dead. Means no harm, he’s just there to take care of the little one's 
41. Zombie girl #2 who I don’t have a name for yet = Do you know the movie “Warm bodies”? I didn’t take inspiration from that movie, but it’s pretty much this girl who’s the only zombie who can even remotely think and act like a normal person. She was on a trip with her camping school club since she loves nature and all, so when they arrived she decided it was the perfect time to hang herself since she had bad depression and tried to kill herself a few times before. But while she was on her way to find a good hanging spot the other campers got eaten by a few of the first zombies. She hang herself and died but like two minutes later she opened her eyes and just went “Why does god hate me”, since the zombies ate a part of her and so “revived” her lmao. She’s smiling 24/7 even while she’s trying to find a new way of killing herself. Numb inside but still friendly. Has no intention of eating people 
42. Yvette = a ghost boy who’s soul wandered off onto an island where it then possessed the life size puppet which was made by “the doctor”. Originally the doctor was hoping that a female soul enters the body since he wanted to have sex with it but once he noticed that a child soul entered the body he threw it out. Yvette sees the doctor as his dad now. He’s a friendly little fella who cannot remember his past, so now he lives on an island with either crazy or dead people. Seeing a half dead person who got sewed onto the body of a cow is something completely normal for him. Thinks that if humans loose all of their limbs that they’re not going to die since everyone on the island is already not a living human being anymore. Sees the right hand (who’s called Espen) of the doctor as his brother. Gets pushed around by Espen a lot. He’s a child,he just needs some love
43. Voks = one of Yvettes friends. She’s made out of bones, rotten flesh and wax. “The professor” who also lives on that island made her. She’s really supportive, curious and happy, but she has to keep the power of her soul quite high so that the wax that is all around her body stays soft and flexible. If it gets too hot then all the wax will melt off, only leaving the rotten corpse from some kid behind. If it gets too cold then she won’t be able to move. Could kill a bunch of people on one spot 
44. Rakel = a deer slasher lady who lives in the norwegian woods. She leaves the woods only to get some sheep which she will take with her and devour. She’s real scared of adults, so if one goes into her forest then she will feel threatened and impale them with her pointy legs and also eat them afterwards. If a human child goes into the forest then she will either take it back to the border of the woods or take it with her to her barn where she will try to take care of the child herself which sadly usually ends up in the child’s death. Rakel always tries her best to keep them alive, but sometimes a little baby just can’t live off of a sheep cadaver. If someone goes deep into the forest then they will never find out again. Even if they put out a trail of some sort, it will just circle them right back to the middle of the forest. Rakel is the only one who knows how to leave the forest without getting lost. She really just wants to be left alone 
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shaneonyuh · 7 years
This might come off as mean and probably superficial, but you people need to learn to be mentally strong, just like you train your muscles you eat right and work right, and your heart rate goes from terrible to ok to excellent, maybe it's the jungle law and maybe it is really about survival for the fittest, I know mental illnesses and depression are catchy and highly affective, i know so well how they can easily touch and destroy anyone, and I know how I learned the fucking Hard way, I don't compare myself to others but I know shit didn't really have to happen so intensely, sometimes I'm like, Fuck just give me a break here. and I know how books, art work, and movies these days, especially social media makes a big deal out of it, and probably that darkness can be attractive at some point, You see a picture of a cute girl or guy soaking in drugs and cigarettes and wanting to die and the characters of depressive teens analyzing their lives. Depression does generate a smart sense of observation in many cases, intelligence and commonly, creativity, but that's the point of low levels we experience, the shift from the darkness to the enlightenment, from the silence, to words, to actions. all these disorders are real and strong, but don't give in to them, the media promotes help and promotes stories and but it rarely promotes healthy mindsets, it rarely works on showing strength or how to gain it, they are creating a generation of pussies who are affected and distraught by every.single.thing. Yes, people are assholes and yes life isn't fucking fair and yes many parents can damage you and yes you can't have all you want, but you really don't need most of the things you think you want. Get the fuck up and don't stop fighting, you have two choices, you either fall asleep in the rabbit hole and let life, people, society, money problems, physique, issues, politics, THE PAST, whatever that stresses you pile more and more dust on you until your own body and mind become your grave. Or you dig your way up and become a warrior, Stop bitching and crying and whining about every situation, stop complaining how life isn't being a scoop of icecream to you, stop looking at your past every night thinking what you should've and would've done and stop letting those ''memories" lock you down there. You gotta move, start by getting up, then once you get the hang of it, you'll eventually learn to walk, then to run, learn to dust yourself up and learn, simply learn. Get a pen and paper and write down your most physical, visible obvious problems and FIGURE THEM OUT, there's a solution for everything. Get to know yourself on the deepest level possible and face yourself, don't escape and don't try to distract yourself from the damage and the mistake, analyze, set out and determin. EDUCATE yourself, some of your feelings might be relevant, and science breaks it down to ya, -Some of them are actually Chemical reactions, Hormones jumping up and down- Yes since you're a master of depression you might find this super offensive, and so did I, When I told people I'm suffering from something my family usually links my feelings to my lack of spirituality and investment in religion, ''friends'' related my problems to however direction fits them best, so will your employer, therapist, and whoever you tell your story to, they will see it through their own eyes and neglect how you feel about it, Not because people are dicks by nature, -although to an extent they are- projection is something our minds uses in every field, so it's not personal it's just human nature, when I said EDUCATE yourself I didn't mean just pick up a biology book, but really get to know yourself and have some time with yourself, know the reason behind every why and how, This is what spiritual boohoos call ''unlocking your subconscious mind and whatever" We don't have to meditate in the desert for years or go vegan, You have to study yourself, when you do that, many things in life will become so clear you'll start laughing at your own misery and former ignorance. FIND AND IDENTIFY what makes you so fucking miserable or what makes you happy even small things, little things, things you've called irrelevant, and base your life on that. Go back to your roots, to the true ultimate you, the 5 year old or 4 year old version of yourself before life, society and the media started to screw you over, that's you, that's the clean slate, and rebuild around it, when you dig deep into your beginnings you'll find yourself in the most authentic ways, from Midschool to highschool to college I always came up with new career ideas or just ideas of who i wanna be in the future, and that really scewed me up, at 19/18 You start really stressing out about your place in life and in the world, you have to find something in between, that combines passion and brings bread to the table, right? wrong. That's what they told us, so we can invest our macroscopic time on earth in yeeeeeears of pointless education, so we can soak and sink in debt and plug into the system, Find your path man, that's all i'm saying, The 3 and 4 year old me had a passion for acting, and wanted to be an actor, growing up i was ashamed to share that or even stick to it or take it seriously afraid of how people would react and afraid i wouldn't make it, I didn't even try. But once you commit yourself to something and "wherever you go you go with all of your heart and soul'' that thing you're working on will be BOUND to work out. Surround yourself with people you wanna be like, not people who'll drag you down. Don't look down on those scars because of how ugly they made your skin look, but be grateful because that skin got harshened. there are two ways to deal with our mortality, you either fight, or flee. I usually say this only to the people I care about, and in my entire life i've cared about the limited amount of 5 or 3 people. But you never know who needs the lessons you've learned. Get strong people, get in mental shape. Everything that you read or see and that is obvious is just a creation of a system and every system has its implications, they say ''talk about your problems" communication, sharing, therapy, etc etc etc everything they talk about so openly is part of their system, they tell us about illnesses and epidemics and they tell us it's ok to have them and offer us elusive cures, the truth is they don't people who stand out, and they're scared of people who can change the world because they rule the world, be an alpha and don't fall for their sweet schemes, don't let them treat you like a victim and don't fall for fake sympathy. You are part of a glorious race our ancestors had survived tough natural conditions, if a man made it through the wilderness and ended up engniting fire, and scratching on cave walls and haunting giant animals, you can overcome whatever the fuck you're against. These days they make everything so easily and so available so they keep you in a consumer chain always wanting more, but early humans had to either haunt or die, they had to build shelter or die, they had to make fire or die, all this mordern comfort has butchered our survival instinct, and little by little it's killing our brains and minds. So you can do it, whatever it is you can do it, its in your DNA.
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acoolguyscoollife · 5 years
Chapter 11: Forest of Slight Inconvenience
The forest, strangely enough, had an eerie tone of twilight to it as we walked. I would have assumed that they would have used the same artificial light as they had outside for this area, but instead they’d changed it… for some reason I couldn’t grasp. It was a tiny bit difficult to see with the large trees covering most of the already-lacking light from above, so I had manifested a small ball of light that hovered a few feet above my hand, bobbing up and down as I moved. Amy’s weapon of choice was a large tree branch she had modified slightly to have a smooth, club-like handle, whereas I was ready to burn this entire forest down at the first sign of trouble. I could probably fix it. Maybe.
“How much longer do we have to walk?” I complained at Amy, who looked forward, then back, and finally just shrugged. The air of unknowing seemed to be something that was prevalent in our entire group, and it kinda sucked.
“Why don’t we sing a song or talk to pass the time?” Amy suggested, and before I could even say how much I disliked the idea of us singing (while sober, at least), she had launched into a refrain from a musical I hadn’t seen. A few taps on her shoulder, and eventually, she got the hint that loudly singing wasn’t exactly the best path to be taking in here. She pouted slightly, but understood, walking in near-silence with me as we creeped through this place.
“So, what do you want to talk about?” I asked her, hoping that she had some kind of interesting topic, because I had nothing.
“Well, tell me more about your mentor. You kinda dropped out of contact with us for… god, must’ve been a few years. Aside from those few meetings and hang-outs, we barely saw you since we got out of high school.” Amy lamented, and I had to admit, she was kind of right. Not only had we not talked as much as we’d used to, but part of me had been avoiding it slightly. For the longest time, nothing was more important than getting myself somewhere where I’d be financially secure, and be able to just… live my life. Then, I met Uchen, and suddenly everything I’d been working towards had been achieved. The lab had a self-sustaining power source, grew its own food, collected and purified rainwater for drinking, and had multiple places for people to live in. I’d moved in, and money had stopped being something I had to worry about.
“He was… something else.” I said, after some thought. “You ever just know that someone knows something more than what they’re telling you, but you don’t know why they’re keeping quiet, so you don’t want to say anything?” Amy nodded, and took a short breath as if to say something. No words came, though, and I had the feeling she just wanted me to continue. “He kept his personal life to himself, despite my best attempts, and when the tether broke and trapped him in another dimension, I didn’t know of any family he had to contact them.”
“Is that why you were so determined to save him? Because you want his family to know what happened to him, alive or otherwise?” Amy asked me, and I scoffed in return.
“If he didn’t tell me about them, it was for good reason. Plenty of people’s families are assholes. You’re lucky you were raised by someone as decent as your brother.” I muttered, thinking about my own family. There had been a reason I’d been keen on getting away from them. It wasn’t exactly a home situation that allowed someone like me to flourish, and for the longest time, they’d made me believe that it was my fault. Truth was, they were constantly trying to put me down. My parents hated that I succeeded so much.
“Yeah, must be hard knowing your parents.” Amy responded in the same tone I had spoke in, and I immediately realised that I’d crossed a line.
“Amy, I…” I began, but she cut me off before I could speak.
“Tab’, it’s okay. We’ve been friends for god knows how long now, I know you weren’t trying to be a bitch.” Amy reassured me, but the subtext was blatant. Even though I hadn’t been trying to be a bitch, she didn’t say I hadn’t ended up being one.
That was just a technicality of my wording! You weren’t actually a bitch, I totally understood what you were saying.
Yeah, but I didn’t know that at the time, hence why everything felt so weird and awkward as we kept going. After having put my foot so far down my own throat, no words really came to mind, not even to try and apologise, because I had a feeling I’d screw it up further. Luckily, if it can be called lucky anyway, our self-pity and moping was quickly cut short by the rattle of something in the shadows. A click-clacking came from multiple directions then, the trees surrounding us hiding something we couldn’t see. Quickly, Amy and I were back to back, strafing around each other in a circle to keep an eye on all directions that something could come from. The shine of the ball of light cast shadows of trees, and gave glimpses of things just barely out of sight. A moving shadow. A bush, still moving. It didn’t take much effort to figure out that every sign here was indicative of us being about to be ambushed. So, I did exactly what they’d want me to do.
“Guess it was nothing.” I said, with a tone so nonchalant that Amy quickly cottoned on to what my plan was. “Come on, let’s just keep going.” I added, not-so-subtly approaching one of the directions that I had seen movement come from. Even though she understood, Amy still trailed slowly behind me, nerves most likely getting the better of her despite everything else. I was ten steps from the treeline, and the distance between myself and the movements I had seen was closing fast. I had to come up with a plan. Five steps left. I could see now where the ambushers had been walking, trampled leaves and sticks on the ground. A single step away, and the rustling began again, not far to the left of me. As soon as it got loud enough that I knew something had broken through the foliage, I stepped back and spun myself slightly, using the momentum of my turn and the momentum of the ambusher to grab him and push him further down, my hand placed directly on the back of their… skull. The feeling of bone against my skin sent a small shiver up my spine, but I powered through in pushing the skeleton to the ground. It turned around when it hit the ground, eyes glowing a fierce purple, and clacked its mouth at me in what I could only assume was some kind of angry motion. It began to stand up to attack again, but a voice from behind interrupted every one of us before anyone could act.
“Jeff, give it over, man. You messed up, and now they know we’re here.” I spun on my heel, and saw the other two skeletons behind us, one missing a foot, and the other missing a hand, but criss-crossed together to function as one frankly rather large skeleton.
“Aw Mark, you ruined it, I was totally gonna get them!” Jeff the skeleton replied, still standing up, but vocalising from… well, nowhere. The mouth of the skeleton didn’t actually move, despite the voice coming out of somewhere. I knew it didn’t have a voice box (since I could see where it would normally be) but I still had my doubts as to the accuracy of these magical talking skeletons. “I’m sorry about Mark, he’s not exactly got the guts for this sort of job.” Jeff apologised to me, which was a strange choice considering he was attempting to sneak up on me a second ago.
“Puns, really? Is this how we’re doing it?” The third skeleton spoke up, in a rough, grizzled voice that was reminiscent of a chain-smoker. “You guys are a disgrace.” Jeff held up one bony middle finger to the skeleton amalgamate, before turning back to me.
“Yeah, so basically, we’re supposed to scare the life out of people in this place, and then indoctrinate them into the Council of Skeletons.” Jeff the skeleton explained, and then paused. “Though honestly, I’ve never actually heard of people being scared to death.”
“This is because you have been lax in your scare tactics! Behold how the mighty Axanoth can reveal the true fears a human feels!” The third skeleton spoke, revealing his name, as he freed himself from Mark the skeleton and propped himself up slightly slanted, his missing foot tilting his perception. “Humans! Behold, the truth of your mortality! You will all die eventually!” Axanoth said triumphantly. I shot a glance at Amy, who was as confused as I was, then back at Axanoth.
“…Is that it?” I asked, finally, after he had neglected to say anything else for a few moments.
“But of course! The one thing your kind hates to acknowledge is how soon we will all die!” Axanoth replied, planting his hands at his ribs and standing in a proud pose, which he maintained for all of two seconds before stumbling slightly and having to rebalance himself.
“That’s all well and good, but… that’s not really scary?” Amy admitted, causing Axanoth to gasp loudly, his jaw dropping… quite literally. It was clear he wasn’t used to actually using his mouth to speak, or make noise, and he must’ve moved it too far.
“Impossible! Mortality scares everyone!” Axanoth said, and was backed up with a chorus of agreeing mh-hmm’s from the other two skeletons.
“But you’re kind of disproving that mortality exists. You’re a group of talking skeletons, who have long since died.” I pointed out, and Axanoth raised his finger to retort. A moment of silence passed, during which a wind blew a few leaves across the clearing like a group of tiny tumbleweeds.
“Bugger.” Axanoth said finally, unable to say much else. “Well, come on guys. Let’s get back to the council.”
“Wait, did you say you had a council of skeletons?” Amy asked, incredulously.
“Of course! All skeletons work together in harmony. Do you not have a council of humans?” Mark asked, and I shook my head.
“We mostly just fight each other. In fact, we were on our way to try and stop more people from fighting each other.” I said. Mark just looked at me for a few moments, his bony expression staring into my soul.
“Oh, right! I don’t have eyebrows, so you can’t see me raising them in confusion.” Mark exclaimed out of nowhere, catching me slightly off guard. “You guys sure are weird.” Mark turned to leave, but Amy called out again.
“Wait, I’ve just had an idea! Can one of you guys spare a few ribs?” Amy’s question caused the three of them to look at her in the same way that Mark had just looked at me a moment ago, but after a moment of quiet deliberation, Amy had been given a few bones. “Alright, now come here.” Amy beckoned to Mark for him to come closer, and when he did, her hands began to glow with electricity, placing a bone over the one remaining hand he had, and moving the end of his other arm to the bone. A few moments passed as she worked, glancing between the hands to duplicate them as best as she could. Eventually, she stepped away, and for the first time since I had shown her this ability, I saw that she had broken a sweat. It made sense, of course. Intricate shape-shifting such as that would have been quite difficult.
“Oh damn, this is pretty cool!” Mark exclaimed excitedly. “Except…” He trailed off, holding up his hands for everyone else to see. Amy had done an incredible job of duplicating his existing hand onto the other wrist. Unfortunately, it was slightly too good. Mark now had two right hands. Amy glanced at his hands, then back at her own as if to reaffirm that the two hands were supposed to face other directions, then placed one against her forehead, and let out a low moan of irritation.
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