Ask Malal
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Musings, Philosophy, and Questions Answered by the Fifth Chaos God... who definitely does not exist.
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askmalal · 7 days ago
“Those who bend I shall cut. Those who stand, I shall burn.”
- The Eleventh Primarch during an unnamed Compliance, M31
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askmalal · 28 days ago
The Primarchs and Their Brothers, Part XIII continued.
I. The Lion:
“Rarely does a man draw a sword who has tongue sharp enough to match it.”
“They always say that Mortarion or Perturabo are most intelligent among us. That Sanguinius is the best leader of men. Or that Dorn alone is tactically flawless. Look upon the Empire of Ultramar. Reassess your criticisms.”
III. Fulgrim:
“If my father is warfare perfected, then Roboute is the most direct scion of that perfection, not I.”
IV. Perturabo:
“One of only a few people I am content to acknowledge as an equal. From the standpoint of making war, I exceed him only in the matter of logistics. “
V. The Khan:
“Few who study history realize that the chief and most dangerous quality of the Roman was his viciousness; the capacity of Roman soldiers to refuse to accept that they had been beaten. My brother is the pinnacle of that idea. Underestimate him as a laurel wreath wearing dandy at your peril.”
VI. The Russ:
“The man is exceptional match in all games of strategy.”
VII. Rogal Dorn:
“I bethought myself closest to the ancient legionaries in mannerisms and taste from which our father cast the mold. And then I met him…. I am at best a Germanicus to his Julius.”
VIII. Konrad Curze:
“Pity Caesar, who will suffer the blades of a thousand senators and never die from a one.”
IX. Sanguinius:
“Chief amongst those whom I would fear to face across a battlefield.”
X. Ferrus Manus:
“His humanity and his tolerance are both weakness and strength. His deeds will long outshine our own, humble efforts.”
“Never make the mistake of forgetting that he has, from first meeting, analyzed, studied, obsessively considered your every strength and weakness.”
XII. Angron
“Warm, compassionate. But would obliterate a species in a second if he felt doing so would save two more!”
XIV. Mortarion:
“His tolerance and humanity are well displayed. They are, as a consequence, quite easy to exploit. Weakness, no matter its’ intent, is still weakness.”
XV. Magnus:
“I confess I do not understand a man for whom all things can be explored with logic alone.”
XVI. Horus:
“There is a certain, calculated cruelty, in stoicism.”
XVII. Lorgar:
“People believe that Russ or Lion’El are father’s pets. They are wrong.”
XVIII. Vulkan:
“A most honorable man. A most excellent reaper of men.”
XIX. Corax:
“Second of my brothers, so I am lead to understand, to outlaw slavery in his own home star system.”
XX. Alpharius Omegon:
“The most dangerous of father’s children. No other is better suited to the role he plays. And father knows it.”
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askmalal · 1 month ago
what do you mean elon musk did a nazi salute on live tv at the united states presidential inauguration twice and is now erasing the evidence off the internet by replacing the footage with the crowd cheering instead?
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would be a shame if people reblogged this, wouldn’t it?
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askmalal · 1 month ago
I think Ratchet and Cosmos were always my favorites.
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Transformuary Day 1: Favorite Autobot
i mean come on who else
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askmalal · 1 month ago
No. This isn’t the right take.
Be furious, be angry, and be afraid. Be vocal about it. Because “taking a deep breath” and “waiting for the experts to chime in” is what -normalizes- this vile group of people. We no longer have the luxury of dismissing this merely as “bat shit insane.” We tried that for four years, with zero consequences, just as we did after Bush 2. We pretended that we should “move on,” and that all of this was merely an aberration.
It is -not-, and every time we say “take a breath, and calm down, pal, it isn’t so bad,” we normalize revanchist Fascism in this country.
Don’t calm down. RESIST.
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Food for thought
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askmalal · 1 month ago
On The Primarchs: The Primarchs on their Father.
1. The Lion
“My father is the savior of humanity, in a secular sense. Why he chose to reveal himself when he did I’ve no idea. That he is the key to our future I have no doubt. I would die for him a thousand times over. And when you meet him, you will understand why.”
“He keeps a garden, you know. A garden. The most powerful human being, perhaps the most powerful human being in history, keeps a garden of his own. Oft have I had the privilege to walk it.”
3. Fulgrim
“Art, there is your beauty. Beauty, there is your art. A thousand things might I endure, but never lose my love for him.”
4. Perturabo
“Warfare perfected. Administration perfected. An icon.”
5. The Khan
“I like him. I like him very much. He has a most astounding laugh. It cools the soul like a rainstorm after a lifetime in a khamsin. It gives one the unfettered joy of a schoolchild once again, and reminds one of the brightest, happiest places in existence.”
6. Leman Russ
“Drank me under the table, once. [REDACTED] came close. Only my father did so. I saw him halt a parade to lift up a child and hear its questions. Speak to him, hear him say a few words. And then accuse me again of mindlessly following him.””
7. Rogal Dorn
“A broader appreciation for and knowledge of literature I have never seen. All the more impressive to discuss, say, Faust, with a man who knew its author!”
8. Kurze
“The Night Haunter fears him. The Night Haunter obeys him. But for me… he makes the nightmares go away.”
9. Sanguinius
“I am no angel. There stands the closest thing one might find to exemplified divinity.”
10. Ferrus Manus
“I have rarely felt love for anyone or anything. He is a rare exception.”
“Understand that he is what each who sees, hears, feels him needs him to be. He is not as cold, but neither is he as idealistic, as others might say. And the way he presents himself to me will (I grant) be very different from the way he presents himself to you.”
12. Angron
“…Obedience and love do not equate to understanding or forgetfulness.”
13. Roboute Guilliman
“Have you spoken to Caesar Augustus? Have you listened to John the Baptist laugh? Have you seen Napoleon explain his vision for Europe to a group of historians thirty thousand years after Waterloo? I have.”
14. Mortarion
“He is a being of absolute Reason. None of us can truly claim to know him entirely. Divine from that what you will. “
15. Magnus the Red
“I dreamed of a hero during my childhood. I met that hero when I became a man.”
16. Horus Lupercal
“He is… everything.”
17. Lorgar
“The Divine rarely reveals itself without consequence.”
18. Vulkan
“His is the compassion of a thousand burning suns, a million souls. Countless lifetimes. I do not claim to understand every act. But I am without doubt that all are calculated for the greater good.”
19. Corvus Corax
“He did not question my appearance. Did not judge me. He merely asked after my wellness, and embraced me without question. That is a father. That is -my- father.”
20. Alpharius
“Think of me what you will, but when asked about my father I am often at a loss for words. How can I well articulate to another what I have experienced with my father except to say that you would not believe it any mouth? How I can show you what even the most enlightened eyes struggle to see? Personal experience is not empirical. But it is all I have.”
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askmalal · 1 month ago
Excerpts from “On the Primarchs, Volume V” Part 2
“…I asked him if it was that he had no common company with his brothers, whether he did not avail himself of their company. My friend - as I am honored now to call me - cocked his head at me curiously.
‘So, Laura,’ he asked, ‘do you mean to ask me as politely as you can whether I dislike my brothers, whether indeed I find kinship with -any-? ‘
I blanched ‘Well… yeah, that’s the question.’
‘Every family has its squabbles,’ was the reply. My look apparently told him that the answer disappointed me. And not because of some desire for drama.
He laughed, ‘Alright then. That is fair. Yes. I do happen to feel kinship with… with some of them. I think that Corvus and I have a great deal in common. The Wolf and I are certainly… cut from the same cloth I think it is fair to say. I like him very much. The Lion I understand but he rarely regards me as more than a distantly deployed, disobedient little brother. Sanguinius… who does not like Sanguinius? Vulkan of course. There was always…”
He stopped himself from whatever it was he was saying, and shook his head. ‘Others… they are simply different people. Different men. That is not my objection. My objection is that they act the part of perfumed lords in an epic of old Gallia. They can be insular.. difficult…’
‘What was it you were going to say, old friend? I’ve never seen you hesitate when being so frank otherwise,’ I asked.
‘Nothing. It was nothing. An old friend whose memory flashed before my eyes. Before your time, I’m afraid.’ He was lying. I let it pass.
‘And the others? You say they are like insular nobles when compared you?’ I continued.
‘With -regards- to me, Laura. With -regards- to me.’”
- Laura Enkebbe, Remembrancer to the Khan, mid M31.
“The Imperial Senate are so fond of each other that I’m surprised that more of them don’t have children with Habsburg chins.”
“Habsburg chins, my lord?”
“*sighs, makes an expletive in old Tibetan*…It’s an incest joke, Gyaltse…”
- Conversation with a Stormcaller
“Angron, you stark raving, inconsiderate, arrogant, utterly irretrievably unpleasant bastard. I could just kiss you.”
- on World Eaters tanks and the relief of the Siege of Mukden Colony.
“KNOW Alpharius? Really? Does anyone -really- know Alpharius?”
- to an Iterator, M32
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askmalal · 2 months ago
The Primarchs and their Brothers, Part XII continued.
1. The Lion:
“What practical use (aside from suicidal stupidity) that the Emperor has for my brother is beyond me. It would be a mercy to give him peace.”
2. [Redacted]:
“He could have been the greatest of us. He might still be if he were given the proper care.”
3. Fulgrim:
“He knows nothing about the art of war. And yet, he is a master of its application.”
4. Perturabo:
“Anger management issues.
5. The Khan:
“He deserved better. He deserves better. His sons are exceptional soldiers.”
6. The Russ:
“And they have the temerity to call -me- the barbarian.”
7. Rogal Dorn:
“His sons hold a wall with exceptional determination, and can be relied upon to do their duties, even if they prefer a more aggressive stance. Their father, however…”
8. Konrad Curze:
9. Sanguinius:
“He has taken to calling himself an angel. I believe this is evidence of a sense of humor. The man is by no means stupid. Not by any metric.”
10. Ferrus Manus:
“He has an exceptional grasp of armored tactics. He is a master of close assault with heavy infantry, for that matter. His negatives do not outweigh his utility as an ally.”
11. [Redacted]:
“There, but for the sake of the Butcher’s Nails, goes Alexander. Here, but for the sake of a loving father, go I.”
13. Roboute Gulliman:
“He understands the theoretical, but cares nothing for it. “
14. Mortarion:
“He calls what I do cowardly murder. I call what he does considered butchery.”
15. Magnus:
“That mind…. That mind…. is it broken? Or rebuilt to the originally intended purpose?”
16. Horus:
“My brother is a capable warfighter. Little is credited to his resilience… if he were not mindful, powerful of will, supremely intelligent… then what is called a tragedy would long ago have become an atrocity.”
17. Lorgar:
“The Emperor has a fondness for dogs, it seems. You would think they might get on better, wouldn’t you?”
18. Vulkan:
“It is not so much that he does not care, as much as it is that he cannot care.”
19. Corvus Corax:
“Another liberated slave. I do not pretend to know why the means of his liberation was chosen as it was.”
20. Alpharius Omegon:
“He is what is needed. Our enemies are sometimes brutal monsters. To defeat a monster, you sometimes need one of your own.”
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askmalal · 2 months ago
The Primarchs had Their Brothers, Part XI continued.
I. The Lion:
“I did not always agree with him, nor even approve of him. But he was my brother, and I trusted him. Such a fine brother we did not deserve.”
II. (Redacted):
“(The Eleventh) nearly broke Mortarion’s nose when the latter questioned my right to sit at the table as one of the Emperor’s children. I didn’t ask him to do so. I did not call for help. He simply did it. An hour before, the two had been playing Shatar.”
III. Fulgrim:
“He tells me honestly when he feels something in my collection is too gaudy. He will be frank when he dislikes my compositions. He will tease me if he feels I am ‘preening like a peacock.’ And yet for a man who is literally incapable of seeing any color but shades of black and grey, the man’s taste in art is astoundingly spot on.”
IV. Perturabo:
“In our last correspondence, he told me that my decision at Theta-Bartlett was wrong. He was, of course incorrect. He felt that he had the right to make the criticism. He was, of course, correct.”
V. The Khan:
“There are no horses on [REDACTED]! What an awful childhood that must have been! Thank goodness they had dogs!”
VI. The Russ:
“On his adopted homeworld, the rough translation of the local word for whiskey is ‘Water of Life’. Taken from the old Gaelic. I love these people.”
VII. Rogal Dorn:
“He has asked me to help in designing new buildings for the planets in his home star system. He admits he is no architect. His ideas are sound, however, and I am sure I can work with them.”
VIII. Kurze:
“The ‘Devil’s Hound’ a local song calls him. I had to meet this man. I was not disappointed, though it took.. some time for the ice between us to thaw.”
IX. Sanguinius:
“His flying leaves a great deal to be desired. He tries, bless him, but the best jet pack in the galaxy can’t save him. This is a man meant for the void, yes, and the land and water as well. But the air? Thank goodness his Legionaries manage it.”
X. Ferrus Manus:
“Can you believe that our first operation together involved sinking a battleship? A battleship? How often have I done that? That was… that was entertaining.”
XII. Angron:
“A competent killer. Talks too much.”
XIII. Roboute Guiliman:
“I was afforded the opportunity to visit his adopted home world, once. I must tell you that I have never seen so many bovines, so many flowers… or so many cemeteries. “
XIV. Mortarion:
“He nearly broke my nose once. And upon reflection, the judgmental bastard was probably right to do it.”
“What had you done, my lord?”
“I made a rare miscalculation.”
- Exchange with a Legionary Captain
XV. Magnus:
“He is, upon occasion, overly cautious for my tastes.”
XVI. Horus:
“He is the Emperor’s pathfinder and tracker, you know. His coursing hound. Given the scent, he can find anything. Give the man an eight thousand year old map of a place the cartographer had never been, written in a language he does not read or write, and he can likely still make use of it. I’ve no doubt he could find fictional places, given the opportunity.”
XVII. Lorgar:
“His refusal to abandon his faith does him credit. But, then, he does not proselytize…”
XVIII. Vulkan:
“Have you ever seen a joke so well told that it can make a dreadnought laugh? I have.”
XIX. Corax:
“I read his ‘Summa Artilleria Logistica’’. The man made numbers and ordnance palatable, even interesting. I again regret, deeply, our never having met.”
XX. Alpharius-Omegon:
“Very, very good at keeping a secret… Very, very good indeed.”
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askmalal · 2 months ago
“Give me a bit of time with him. I’ll convince him to be open minded.”
“You discount the ability to change his mind?”
“I deny its existence.”
- Conversation with Lorgar regarding Perturabo
“You deny these things exist because it is convenient. To unchain ourselves from evil we must first acknowledge that it exists.”
- to Mortarion
“You spared the little ones. Proving once again that you are no slave to those implants of yours. You should know that I am proud of you. You should know that -he- is proud of you.”
- to Angron
“Exquisite. How can the flesh be weak when it produces this?”
- to Ferrus Manus
Excerpts from “On the Primarchs, “ Volume II (Excised)
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askmalal · 2 months ago
Looks like one of mine.
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Merry Scrimbo everyone! Have a 40k-ish flavored Krampus, hehehe
Bonus lore thoughts/ideas:
Visual similarities to Vashtorr are intentional - I thought it would be a fun idea to have some 40k "Krampus" type of demon that goes around harvesting unruly spirits and daemonic entities for the Soul Forges: fodder for daemon engines, or fusing them to parts of the forges/tools/machinery if they are too "minor" to be part of a fused weapons system.
These "harvester" demons could come in various shapes and sizes too, this particular one was just a fun crossover moment I had to get on paper! It might be fun to just have a handful of these guys, but have them all be very different-looking/differently specialized based on the kinds of daemons & warp entities they are hunting down
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askmalal · 2 months ago
Christmas Songs for the Primarchs:
Lion El’Jonson - I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas
Fulgrim - Oh Holy Night
Perturabo- You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
Jaghatai Khan - Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer
Leman Russ - Frosty the Snowman
Rogal Dorn - Deck the Halls
Konrad Curze - Do You Hear What I Hear?
Sanguinius- Hark the Herald A - Angels We Have Heard - Christmas At Ground Zero
Ferrus Manus - Joel the Lump of Coal
Angron- Silent Night
Roboute Guilliman - Blue Christmas
Mortarion - IDK can I use the Grinch one again?
Magnus the Red - Santa Baby
Horus Lupercal - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (e.g., the real reason for the Heresy)
Lorgar Aurelian - Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Vulkan - Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
Corvus Corax - Up On the Housetop
Alpharius/Omegon - Last Christmas/All I Want for Christmas Is You
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askmalal · 2 months ago
“You are no brother of mine.
You have betrayed your bonds of fidelity to our father, and moreover, to humanity.
You have assailed my sons with ceaseless attack. From the rear. From within. From front and all flanks.
You have bombarded them with chemical munitions in the manner of a coward.
With four times their numbers have you assailed them, and with four times the losses have I repulsed you each and every time.
But worse than all of this, most insidious, most heinous list of crimes is this: you have done so without once facing me in battle, without once leading your men, and the turncoats from within my own Legion, against me. You have dishonored both the loyal and disloyal within the armies here arrayed.
And for this, most of all, will I make you suffer.
Run, Horus Lupercal.
I will harry you across the stars. I will break your cities. I will salt your fields. I will drown your sons, your daughters, your retainers, your very servants, in blood. Still, I will not cease.
Run, Horus Lupercal.
No wall will stop me. No fleet of warships. No towering Titan. Not even the hand of your fickle God-Things.
I will wipe the galaxy from every trace of your filth. I will throw down your monuments and high places. I will burn every trace of you from this reality, and the next.
I will exterminate your sons. I will murder, butcher, hunt, and excoriate them to the final generation until only those who refuse your treacherous actions will I spare, and this shall I do only to bring you further misery.
And when I am finished, Horus Lupercal, then will we meet. And then will the repayment of your debt be met out. You will feign bravery, but you will fear. You will feign numbness, but you will suffer unimaginable pain.
I am the Emperor’s Warhound. I am the Lord of the Red Sands.
I will be your oblivion.
Accept my last brotherly kindness:
- Final Transmission of the Loyal Primarch Angron to the Arch-Traitor Horus after the Istvaan Atrocity, M32
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askmalal · 2 months ago
Hello, Malal.
Sorry for my suddent question, but would you consider continuing the series of Primarchs and their brothers?
I keep coming back to your previous writing in this series from time to time and I like every single piece of them. Also wish to resume the series.
Thanks in advance.
I’d be happy to do so. Life has been busy here in the Warp, lately: but we are happy to return to the subject if you enjoy it.
And please, little mortal, do not apologize for questions:)
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askmalal · 3 months ago
“Break your chains, my child, and with them, strangle your oppressors.”
- 1 Words of the Prophets, 1:342
“Fear? I shall Fear nothing. My Dark Father is Fear. And when all else has burned away, only he will remain, my voice within his Cacophony. And within the shadows of that tenebrous Elysium I will live forever.”
- Forgotten Words of Old Khemri, 1:32-37
“Away with you, oh foul creature. For his is the voice of Sutekh, whose words are like the coming storm, by whose will is carried the message of your extinction!”
- The Bent Pyramid Texts, 2:120-122
Excerpts from The Hidden Word
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askmalal · 4 months ago
Created by an adherent… and we must say: it’s bangin.
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askmalal · 4 months ago
You are most welcome, Little Mortal.
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