#iron widow meta
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haru-kuneko · 1 day ago
@xiranjayzhao Yes, it makes me feel better! To me, I never saw it as discouraging when you shared your experiences about getting your book published. In fact, it was quite informative! I even tried playing it countless times to see what was wrong but there was nothing!
As an amateur writer myself, I'd consider heeding your advice knowing fully well you're a well-seasoned writer with much more experience than I. Whoever those authors are remind me of those young writers who'd get mad upset at you for speaking the truth. It is surprising to see these supposedly professional authors are missing the point of the video.
How is informing people about how difficult the publishing scene is considered preventing competition? Do they expect to hear something like "Oh, actually it's super easy for everyone to get published and become an overnight success! Just believe in yourself!"? Because a lot of authors would also tell you the same thing.
I decided to reblog this as, while I'm not trying to take away from the conversation, it reminded me of the time I once told my readers about the same thing and almost lost half of my audience in the process.
By the way, congrats on the movie deal! I can’t wait to see it on the big screen. Wishing you more success in the future ★彡
Got accused by other authors of trying to deliberately discourage aspiring writers to "thin [my] competition" by being too honest about my bad experiences with publishing and how it's a business first and foremost that does not hold book quality as its #1 priority so here's a generic "CHASE YOUR DREAMS!!" video I guess
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gold-talks-alot · 29 days ago
Qin Zheng's biggest red flag is that he doesn't have friends
Okay that sounds like a joke but really, after finishing Heavenly Tyrant, I noticed that all of the characters have deep genuine friendships, except for Qin Zheng.
Zetian has her girl squad, of course with the GOAT Qieluo who she connects to as both born of lower class and deeply powerful, but have surprisingly tender romances. Wan'er who helps teacher her about political theory while being kind and brings her a new perspective to the world. Taiping who helps with the plan to defy gravity and brings an edge as well as a new perspective to the group.
BUT, she also has the new iron widows, and her eunuch, Di Renjie who is her friend! Like yes, the iron widows are technically under her, but she CARES about them. She mourns them. She loves them. She has so many people who she cares about, and who care about her. It's amazing.
And Yizhi has friends as well. He loves Zetian yes, but they were friends first! He loves his sister and (some) of his siblings, he even has Helan as an ally. But he has friends, relationships, people who he works with. It's not as deep as Zetian's relationships but 1. we aren't in his pov and 2. He's a freaky guy who is playing 5d chess while everyone else is playing normal chess.
But Qin Zheng, where are his friends? Where are his allies? Yes he was trapped in a box for a while, but he was never truly alone. He could have made friends, genuine allies, but he didn't. Yes he's the mythical emperor, but he never even tried to humanize himself to people he's supposed to be allies with, like Sima Yi, or Yizhi, literally anyone.
He never connected with people, and its honestly sad. Is it because he's displaced in time and he's still mourning what he lost? Maybe, but he's so hostile to everyone. Is it because he gives into his own hype so much? Yeah he does, he sees himself as a god, as better than everyone, but even a god can get lonely, so why does he act like *that*?
Because he doesn't want a relationship, he wants worship.
He wants to be above everyone and friendship is an equal relationship. No one can be equal to the emperor. And romantic relationships are supposed to be equal, but he cannot have a relationship, any relationship, without dominating the other. He only sees relationships and one over the other, and he cannot have equality, (ironic for a communist).
And if he cannot handle equality in a casual relationship, of course he could never handle it in any other aspect of life.
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britcision · 1 year ago
Thinking again about how the concubine pilots are never told or trained to expect anything inside a chrysalis except a mind realm
The very possibility that they might reach the yin-yang realm of a balanced match is just never addressed
And on the one hand… why would it be? They know they’re probably going in to die
On the other hand, its absence is such a glaring, sinister underline to the truth that their chances of becoming a balanced match are slimmer than none
It’s so unlikely it’s not worth addressing in any serious way, other than as a platitude
“Remember, you could be his Iron Princess.” But if you are, neither of you will know what to expect and he’ll have to teach you to pilot a chrysalis from scratch, mid battle
That definitely sounds like a risk they’d happily take with all their strongest male pilots
Do any concubines learn? If you enlist under the weakest male pilots, do they bother preparing you? Because I really doubt it
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
-debby ryans at you- how are you feeling about that thunderbolts* trailer, snookums. your old blog is trying to crawl from its grave.
you are an unhinged rat for sending me this ask i hope you know <3 you already knew that but i'm telling you anyway bc you're a rat bc now i have to explain myself-
this is from @eebuckley my partner <3 i've alluded to it in the tags of this blog but i used to be a semi-popular MCU blogger from like 2018 to 2020. (semi-popular for the ship i wrote, anyway) and since like, probably Infinity War/Endgame i have been slowly more and more disillusioned by the MCU ranging from only passively being interested in projects to outright despising them if i saw them. which sort of sucks, given how much i loved the MCU at it's height. i was like. aggressively into it. like a "i had asthma attacks watching trailers bc i got so excited" level of into it. maybe cringey in hindsight, honestly but yk. whatever brings you joy, ig.
and anyway- my partner witnessed my very real and normal reaction to the Thunderbolts* trailer and now i'm *mad* bc i'm actually excited about it. it made me feel about the MCU a way i haven't felt in years, especially after a lot of announcements that rlly pissed me off.
cannot believe it looks like we might actually get a comics-accurate Yelena and a comics-accurate Bucky. i'm such a sucker for Bucky Barnes, he's one of the only Marvel characters i actually read Marve comics for and i'm forever bitter how badly he got screwed over. if that movie is good i'm going to end up writing fanfiction. probably crossover fanfiction bc over my dead body will i write just plain MCU fanfic. and i'm a Jason Todd/Bucky shipper anyway so i could make it work, i think-
anyway TLDR is i'm excited and i'm mad about it and how dare yo expose me for being an MCU fan on THIS blog. you coulda send this ask to my MCU blog that still exists and i have occasionally used. but instead you *exposed* my ass on my refined DC blog as a filthy Marvel fan. i will be divorcing you again. ty gn ily
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xiranjayzhao · 14 days ago
WHAT are these tags 😭😭 I'm pretty sure even the historical Wu Zetian has never been referred to as "Empress Tianhou of Zhou". Like that's just not a title that makes sense.
I think everyone's lives would be easier and these fics would stop interfering with Chinese historical RPF if the characters were simply tagged "Wu Zetian (Iron Widow)" "Li Shimin (Iron Widow)" and so on
Could an AO3 volunteer fix this?
Note: this post contains a small spoiler, without context or detail, from Heavenly Tyrant.
So, it came to my attention (and I know many of you have already noticed too), that Iron Widow has several incorrect tags on AO3. I will leave some of the main examples in a print below for those who haven't seen it yet, but in short, the tags in the drop-down menu and those suggested as "official" when you are going to post a new fic appear giving titles to the characters or relating their names in the books to the real names of Chinese historical figures.
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@xiranjayzhao, more than once (and even in the Heavenly Tyrant acknowledgments), talked about how the characters, despite having similar names, are not made as a historical reinterpretation, their characters do not seek to be a new, realistic or faithful version of their historical names. Rather, they are inspired by that historical essence, being completely original to the books in which they appear. In other words, it is not right to give them historical titles or relate them to real historical names (as happens with the tags for Qin Zheng and Sima Yi) as if they were new faithful versions of those people.
I opened a ticket with AO3 support to explain the situation. Because, despite knowing that the tags are written by the fandom, just the fact that they are in the drop-down menu and are suggested when posting a new work already makes people feel influenced to use them (it shows that they have more views/are commonly searched/used). I am not sure how long it will take or if they can solve the situation (in fact, please, if there is any volunteer who works with AO3 I would be extremely grateful to hear from you about how we can solve the issue and what the site can do), but I know that avoiding the continued use of these tags can help.
And, that is why I am writing this long post, to talk to you; creators in our fandom!
To ensure that your work has the correct tags and so that our creations do not reinforce a misconception about the books, which the author has said many times was not their intention when writing the characters, we need to change (and start to not use) the tags in the drop-down menu and in the suggestions when the characters have titles and names that were never presented in the books. In other words, for the Iron Triangle tag that reads "Gao Yizhi/Emperor Taizong of Tang | Li Shimin/Empress Tianhou of Zhou | Wu Zetian" change it to "Gao Yizhi/Zhang Yizhi | Li Shimin | Wu Zetian", for the tag that reads "Empress Tianhou of Zhou | Wu Zetian/First Emperor of Qin | Qin Shihuang | Ying Zheng" change it to "Wu Zetian | Qin Zheng", and so on. The same goes for individual tags with character names, choose to write only the name of the character that appears in the book or, if you feel it needs more context, add "(Iron Widow)" after the name (like write "Sima Yi (Iron Widow)" if Sima Yi is a character at your work).
With time and use, I believe this may even influence the correct tags to be suggested and appear in the drop-down menu, making it easier to search for works from our fandom on AO3.
Anyway, if you have any questions about the issue or how to correctly tag your work, don't hesitate to ask, I'm here to help. And, if you want to add more to this discussion, please feel free to use the comments or reblogs!
That's it for now, I can't wait to see all the future content you'll create for Iron Widow/Heavenly Tyrant (especially with our little Valentine's event starting tomorrow)… <3
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spider-man-sass · 7 months ago
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Marvel's Avengers (2020)
No offense meant to Kamala but how did she end up on the Avengers before Spider-Man?
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astrid-goes-for-a-spin · 2 years ago
Procrastinating work thinking about how much I wish Natasha had been there to steal Starktech in Iron Man 2 instead of protect him 
SO many benefits 
It’s a callback to her comic intro and makes the sexy undercover stuff a bit more fun because it’s nefarious 
Ties into the main themes of the movie, which is the arms race of replicating Iron Man 
Gives her a tiny bit of a character arc, since she’ll have to disobey orders to help him
It gives Tony an actual reason to be paranoid enough he’d prefer dying of heavy metal poisoning over having the arc and shrapnel surgically removed, and then makes sense for him to be resentful and untrusting when he next encounters her in Avengers 
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asongofstarkandtargaryen · 2 years ago
On ADWD, we find out during Tyrion’s pov chapters that the long dead prince Aegon Targaryen (son of Rhaegar) has supposedly survived the sack of Kings Landing - which caused his mother and sister’s lives- and is secretly living in Essos all these years. It could make an interesting Anastasia-vibes story if Aegon was who he says he was, however introduced so late in the story, the boy is probably a fraud - even if he has no clue about it. This meta is treating the theory of Aegon not being the actual child of Rhaegar and Elia as canon and similarly considers Jon being Rhaegar and Lyanna’s actual secret child.
So we have one prince who isn’t who he claims and believes to be and another one who doesn’t even know he’s a Targaryen. It’s quite the symmetry with both boys around the same age ignoring the truth so far.
Let’s start comparing them from their appearance. I find it ironic - and also fitting- that Martin made the “fake” Targaryen having the family’s traditional looks with silver hair and purple eyes. Meanwhile, the boy who is actually a Targaryen is favoring his mother’s Stark look:
"Your father's lands are beautiful," he said. His silvery hair was blowing in the wind, and his eyes were a deep purple, darker than this boy's.  
The boy absorbed that all in silence. He had the Stark face if not the name: long, solemn, guarded, a face that gave nothing away.  
Aegon has lived a sheltered life with the adults surrounding him, pampering him. That has lead him to remain immature as a teenage boy (which isn't a bad thing itself, just doesn't make him the ideal leader)
"There is a gift for the boy in one of the chests. Some candled ginger. He was always fond of it"
The lad did not seemed pleased. The perfect prince but still half a boy for all that, with little and less experience of the world and all its woes.
Meanwhile, Jon grew up aware of his bastard status. Compared to his siblings, he was less privileged and less pampered. All the experiences of his life, both as a neglected kid and as a teen black brother  made him observant of others and also mature for his age:
"I will turn fifteen on my next name day, and Maester Luwin says that bastards grow up faster than other children".
They know nothing, Ygritte. And worse, they will not learn.
Aegon grew up thinking that he was the rightful heir of the Seven Kingdom. Naturally, this has led him to feel entitled of things he hasn’t earned himself. For example; he believes that his aunt, Daenerys, will be willing to marry him and offer him her large army only because he’s her nephew:
It does make for a splendid story, and the singers will make much of your escape once you take the Iron Throne … assuming that our fair Daenerys takes you for her consort.“
"She will. She must.”
“Must?” Tyrion made a tsking sound. “That is not a word queens like to hear. You are her perfect prince, agreed, bright and bold and comely as any maid could wish. Daenerys Targaryen is no maid, however. She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats. She may not prove as willing as you wish.”
“She’ll be willing.” Prince Aegon sounded shocked. It was plain that he had never before considered the possibility that his bride-to-be might refuse him. “You don’t know her.”
On the above passage, Aegon was so certain that Daenerys would be willing to become his bride that even the possibility of her refusing him shocked him.
Compare that to Jon, who his whole life was entitled to nothing. He was aware that unlike his siblings he wouldn’t be handled things because of the family name - something he didn’t have- and that instead he would have to work his way to earn his place in the world:
“I want to serve in the Night's Watch, Uncle."
He had thought on it long and hard, lying abed at night while his brothers slept around him. Robb would someday inherit Winterfell, would command great armies as the Warden of the North. Bran and Rickon would be Robb's bannermen and rule holdfasts in his name. His sisters Arya and Sansa would marry the heirs of other great houses and go south as mistress of castles of their own. But what place could a bastard hope to earn?  
When Jon went to the Wall, nothing was handled freely to him. Jeor Mormont only paid attention to him after he became the unofficial swords teacher for his fellow new recruits and after he persuaded Maester Aemon to include Sam among those who would be promoted to Black Brothers. It was his own skills and accomplishments that made him Commander’s steward and it was his brave fight against the wight that earned him Mormont’s sword.
He doesn’t expect people to freely give him things, he understands that every gift comes with a price. Just like when Stannis told him that he would make him Lord of Winterfell, but only if he converted to the Red God.
On ADWD, Varys gives a speech  on why Aegon is the ideal leader:
“No.” The eunuch’s voice seemed deeper. “He is here. Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them.”
This impressive list of traits that Aegon has aquired in order to rule one day, is missing the most important one: actual personal experience. Aegon might have been working and interacting with the common folk but he was always sheltered and was surrounded by adults loyal to him and his case. It’s not the same to do some kind of work because you want to learn the experience with doing something for living. He doesn’t really know what is like to be hungry- even if Varys tells us otherwise- because his caretakers would never let him actually be starving. When Aegon was afraid, he was always surrounded by people loyal to him  who could offer  him reassurance or simply their sympathy.  Finally, he doesn’t have any experience in ruling. Many people speculate that Varys and Illyrio are shaping him to become their puppet king but even if that isn’t the case fact remains that Aegon never ruled anywhere.
Unlike him, his supposed half brother had a little guidance when he became Lord Commander.  Maester Aemon, his best advisor, left the Wall not long after Jon was elected as the new Lord Commander. Jon had to navigate ruleship on his own without the help of a wiser adult. Unlike Aegon, Jon had the experience of truly serving before he was in a position of power - as he was a steward and later on he lived among free folk. He was also experienced in being truly afraid and terrified even when people who can comfort you are miles away and you are all alone.
We don’t know whether Aegon will put his people first because he has yet to rule. But we do know that Jon constantly prioritizes humanity’s well being. That’s why he made dealing with the Others his number one priority and that’s also the reason why he let the free folk on the south side of the Wall.
While Aegon is another candidate fighting for the Iron Throne because he feels entitled to it, Jon is fighting against the Others to save humanity.  
Bonus! their views on women.
"That's so," the boy said, "and who is there left in Westeros to oppose us? A woman."  
The women are the strong ones.
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armenianwriterman · 18 days ago
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This is a roster consisting of every Death Battle combatant (minus the ones based on real people)
And an additional roster of the Kaiju
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Specific characters listed under the read more if you can't see them all.
Samus Aran
Boba Fett
Shang Tsung
Rogue/Anne Marie LeBeau
Wonder Woman/Diana of Themyscira
Koopa Troopa
Mike Haggar
Zitz/Morgan Ziegler
Spawn/Al Simmons
White Bomberman
Dig Dug/Taizo Hori
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Luke Skywalker
Harry Potter (Unfortunately)
Mai Shiranui
Rainbow Dash
Master Chief/John-117
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
Dr. Albert Wily
Metal Sonic
Princess Zelda
Princess Peach
Thor Odinson
Lord Raiden
Cloud Strife
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Son Goku
Superman/Clark Kent
He-Man/Prince Adam
Shao Kahn
M. Bison
Ryu Hayabusa
Strider Hiryu
Ivy Valentine
Black Orchid
Fox McCloud
Bucky O'Hare
The Terminator/T-800 Model 101
Robocop/Alex Murphy
Miles "Tails" Prower
Captain America/Steve Rogers
Scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi
Deadpool/Wade Wilson
Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
Majin Buu
Ragna the Bloodedge
Sol Badguy
Toph Beifong
Iron Man/Tony Stark
Lex Luthor
Beast/Hank McCoy
Solid Snake/David
Sam Fisher
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
Dr. Victor von Doom
Donkey Kong
Knuckles the Echidna
Wolverine/James "Logan" Howlett
Hercule Satan/Mark
Dan Hibiki
Yang Xiao Long
Tifa Lockhart
Mega Man/Rock
Astro Boy
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Hawkeye/Clint Barton
Dante Sparda
Ratchet & Clank
Jak & Daxter
The Flash II/Barry Allen
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
The Joker
Sweet Tooth/Marcus "Needles" Kane
The Meta/Agent Maine
Agent Carolina
Cammy White
Sonya Blade
Tracer/Lena Oxton
The Scout/Jeremy Willis
Ken Masters
Terry Bogard
Amy Rose
Ramona Flowers
Hulk/Bruce Banner
Roronoa Zoro
Erza Scarlet
Pinkie Pie
Lara Croft
Nathan Drake
Scrooge McDuck
Shovel Knight
Venom/Eddie Brock
Natsu Dragneel
Portgas D. Ace
Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang
Android 18
Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers
TJ Combo/Tyler-Johnson Garrett
Shredder/Oroku Saki
Silver Samurai/Kenuichio Harada
Smokey the Bear
McGruff the Crime Dog
Naruto Uzumaki
Ichigo Kurosaki
Batman Beyond/Terry McGinnis
Spider-Man 2099/Miguel O'Hara
Vergil Sparda
Black Panther/T'Challa
Raven/Rachel Roth
Twilight Sparkle
Jotaro Kujo
Crash Bandicoot
Spyro the Dragon
Leon S. Kennedy
Frank West
Dr. Stephen Strange
Dr. Fate/Kent Nelson and Nabu
Jin Kazama
Samurai Jack
Afro Samurai
Carnage/Cletus Kasady
Optimus Prime
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Daredevil/Matt Murdock
Master Roshi
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Namor the Sub-Mariner
Mega Man Volnutt
Mega Man Star Force/Geo Stelar
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
Widowmaker/Amelie Lacroix
Shazam/Billy Batson
King Dedede
Ben Tennyson
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan
Weiss Schnee
Mitsuru Kirijo
Johnny Cage/John Carlton
Captain Falcon
Avatar Aang
Edward Elric
Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze
Sasuke Uchiha
Count Dracula Vlad Ţepeş
Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama
The Mask/Stanley Ipkiss
All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Might Guy
Spider-Man II/Miles Morales
Static/Vergil Hawkins
Black Canary/Diana Laurel Lance
Red Ranger/Jason Lee Scott
War Machine/James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Gray Fullbuster
General Esdeath
Cable/Nathan Summers
Booster Gold/Michael Jon Carter
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kakashi Hatake
Danny Phantom/Daniel Fenton
Jake Long
She-Ra/Princess Adora
Sailor Galaxia
Prince Zuko
Shoto Todoroki
The Flash III/Wally West
Archie Sonic the Hedgehog
Winter Soldier/James "Bucky" Barnes
Red Hood/Jason Todd
Billy Butcher
A-Train/Reggie Franklin
Queen Maeve/Maggie Shaw
Starlight/Annie January
Konrad von Sabrewulf
Jon Talbain
Red Team (Sarge, Dick Simmons, Dexter Grif, Franklin Delano Donut, Lopez the Heavy)
Blue Team (Leonard Church, Lavernius Tucker, Michael Caboose, Agent Tex/Allison, Sheila)
Batgirl/Barbara Gordon
Spider-Gwen/Gwen Stacy-65
Rock Lee
King Mickey
Ryūko Matoi
Heihachi Mishima
Geese Howard
Blake Belladonna
Misaka Ackerman
Iron Fist/Danny Rand
Po Ping
Steven Universe
Star Butterfly
Goku Black/Zamasu
Reverse-Flash/Eobard Thawne
Macho Man Randy Savage
Kool-Aid Man
Dio Brando
Alucard/Vlad III Dracula
Avatar Korra
Storm/Ororo Munroe
Madara Uchiha
Sōsuke Aizen
Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
Zatanna Zatara
Tanjiro Kamado
Jonathan Joestar
Omni-Man/Nolan Grayson
Homelander/John Gillman
Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr
Tetsuo Shima
Sun Wukong
The Predator/Yautja
James Bond
John Wick
Black Adam/Teth-Adam
Apocalypse/En Sabah Nur
Xeno Trunks
Archie Silver the Hedgehog
Spongebob Squarepants
Superfriends Aquaman
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
The Lich King/King Arthas Menethil
Deku/Izuku Midoriya
Ant-Man/Hank Pym
Atom/Ray Palmer
Chosen Undead
Killua Zoldyck
Mikoto Misaka
Stitch/Experiment 626
Rocket Raccoon
Obito Uchiha
Phoenix/Jean Grey
King Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz
Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd
Bill Cipher
Cole MacGrath
Alex Mercer
Satoru Gojo
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Rick Sanchez
The Doctor
Joker/Ren Amamiya
Giorno Giovanna
Bowser Jr.
King Boo
The Imposter
The Fall Guy
Norse Kratos
Wile E. Coyote
Tom Cat
Tomura Shigaraki
Yugi Muto
Simon the Digger
White Lantern/Kyle Rayner
Ruby Rose
Maka Albarn
Felonious Gru
And the Kaiju Roster
White Tigerzord
Gundam Epyon
Gundam RX-78-2
Mechagodzilla III/Kiryu
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xiranjayzhao · 28 days ago
I'm here to clear up some confusion about YA books. When some people hear that label, they think "meant for children." Why is it, then, that some books classified as YA have tons of explicit content that doesn't seem "appropriate"? There are actually complex and messy industry reasons behind this, mainly to do with female, qu33r, and POC authors getting pushed into the category and then pigeonholed there. (Also, totally not a coincidence that such authors get funneled toward a lower-paying category.)
I go over the main 3 reasons in this video, but basically, everyone's lives would be better if a clear distinction existed between Teen Lit and New Adult Lit, but this did not work out and forced the YA category to house more than it's nominally supposed to. Pearl-clutching at individual authors (or worse, calling for book bans "in the name of the children") is not the way to resolve this. The industry itself needs to commit to recognizing the necessity of New Adult, or it'll always be forced to room with YA and scandalize people.
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es46 · 2 months ago
Airplane and pals play Marvel Rivals
- Associates were bantering over which characters their favourite Pokemon chaps would play if they were on Marvel Rivals. Since it's six vs six format, here's my take featuring the Airplane duo and their pals. Skyla focuses on Iron-Man and Storm, occasionally trying out Star Lord and Spider-Man, really anyone who flies or otherwise is highly mobile. She excels at Duelist and is the most aggressive of her team, though has a bad habit of not wanting to switch even when she's getting countered. If she HAS to play another role, it's either Venom (can swing) or Rocket Racoon (jetpacks). The second most tryhard of the bunch, to the point her grandfather sometimes calls to tell her to calm down. Elesa predominantly plays Luna Snow and Mantis, occasionally shifting to Cloak and Dagger, Scarlet Witch, Psylocke - really, any character who is, and I quote, 'a dazzlingly cute girl' has her interest. She's the most open to switching depending on what the team needs and is the only one who can convince Skyla to switch. You can bet she'll be meeting with her fellow models and manager to arrange a Marvel cosplay event at the runway. Iris is THE tryhard of the team and as such gravitates towards characters of any roles so long as they're considered the most meta. While her personal favourites are Peni Parker, Spider-Man and Cloak and Dagger, Iris trains hard to be at least respectable with any character and is the most insistent that the others play to her preferred team comps- she and Skyla clash a lot. Once than more the once the group has to reach out to another pal because Drayden dragged her off the console. Emmet generally plays Vanguard like Thor and Hulk, intending to cause as much disruption in the enemy team as he can. He doesn't usually apply his typical serious battle attitude to video games, but sometimes Skyla and Iris goad him into tryhard mode. He's also respectable with more mobile Duelists like Magik and Spider-Man and is a good follow-up to aggressive plays. He's good at inspiring curious players like Shauntal to get into the game, mentoring them when he isn't busy with his own team. Ingo excels at more defensive Vanguards like Groot and Magneto. The most analytical of the group, he's usually behind Iris in strategising, offering a more patient take to her meta insistence. He's also good at Duelists who reward good aim like Punisher and Black Widow, and is comfortable alternating between a solid front or a reliable backline. He's the most open to advice and other teammates, and has been helping friends like Darach and Tate + Liza get into the game. Burgh is a dedicated Strategist player, usually focussed on Loki and Adam Warlock but overall solid with any of them - wherever aesthetic and precise mechanical gameplay are, he follows. As chill as Ingo, he's a good backbone to the rest of the group, occasionally dipping to Vanguards like Groot or Duelists like Namor that offer reward to good placement. Burgh's been making good money off of art pieces depicting his gaming adventures, and is thinking on starting a new Castelia club that encourages mingling games and art. Occasionally the group mixes things up with aforementioned pals or chaps like Roxie, the Triplets, whoever's open to gaming. Iris is confident she can get her main crew into a professional competitive format - if she can get past Drayton's squad first.
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morethanaloveinterest · 1 year ago
Projects Masterlist
If you are interested in costume meta or video essays on Disney Princesses, the Man from U.N.C.L.E., Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars Ladies, or Natasha Romanoff, check out what I've been working on under the cut:
For Your Reconsideration
Why Streaming Television is Exhausting
Lee Merwether: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Julie Newmar: Video Essay
Eartha Kitt: Video Essay
Michelle Pfeiffer: Video Essay
Mad Max Saga
Fury Road: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Lisa Frankenstein
Lisa Swallows: Video Essay
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Gaby Teller: Costume Analysis
Victoria Vinciguerra: Costume Analysis
Disney Princesses
Snow White: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Cinderella: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Aurora: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Ariel: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Belle: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Jasmine: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Pocahontas: Video Essay
Mulan: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Tiana: Video Essay
Rapunzel: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Merida: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Moana: Video Essay
Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Swann Part I: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Elizabeth Swann Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Elizabeth Swann Part III: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Tia Dalma/Calypso: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
V for Vendetta
Evey Hammond: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Black Widow
Iron Man 2: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Avengers: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Winter Soldier: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Age of Ultron: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Civil War: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Infinity War/ Endgame: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Black Widow movie: Video Essay
Black Widow Reframes the MCU
Black Widow Retrospective | Costume Analysis
Star Wars
Redemption Arcs
Leia's Legacy and Women in Star Wars
Jyn Erso: Costume Analysis
Leia Organa Part I: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Leia Organa Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Leia Organa Part III: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Leia Organa Part IV: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Padme Amidala Part I: Video Essay I Video Essay II | Costume Analysis I Costume Analysis II
Padme Amidala Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Padme Amidala Part III: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rey Part I: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rey Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rey Part III: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rose Tico Part I: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rose Tico Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Jannah: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Lord of the Rings
Arwen: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Eowyn: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman 2017: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
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ultimate-blorbo-bracket · 1 year ago
Here will be all of the returning characters from the previous tournaments!
Here's the link to the character submissions if you'd like to add more!
The First Tournament
Vash the Stampede - Trigun
Miles “Tails” Prower - Sonic the Hedgehog
Percy Jackson - Percy Jackson series
Oz - Monster Prom
Max - Sam and Max
Happy Chaos - Guilty Gear
Wheatly - Portal 2
Amity Blight - The Owl House
Agent 3 - Splatoon
Riku - Kingdom Hearts
Will Graham - Hannibal
Jigglypuff - Pokemon
Rosencrantz - Rosencrantz And Gildenstern Are Dead
Terra - Kingdom Hearts
Diamond - Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
Kairi - Kingdom Hearts
Wise Elder Vex - Yonderland
MK - Lego Monkie Kid
Vector the Crocodile - Sonic the Hedgehog
Link - Legend of Zelda
Nicelander Gene - Wreck-It Ralph
Gretchen Wieners - Mean Girls
Wes - One Last Stop
N - Pokemon Black & White
Big Man - Splatoon
(the rest are under the cut!)
Aziraphale - Good Omens
Spock - Star Trek
Hawkeye Pierce - MASH
Isabelle - Animal Crossing
Plagg - Miraculous Ladybug
Glory - Wings of Fire
Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
Snatch - A Hat In Time
Virgil - Sanders Sides
Makoto Yuki - Persona 3
Aled Last - Radio Silence
Sho Minamimoto - The World Ends With You
Rose Quartz - Steven Universe
Pico - Pico’s School
Bandana Waddle Dee - Kirby series
Sora - Kingdom Hearts
Alfred - Fire Emblem Engage
Kagami Tsurugi - Miraculous Ladybug
Morpheus - The Sandman
Odo - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Alfur Aldric - Hilda
Tintin - Adventures of Tintin
Humphrey Bone - Ghosts
Unikitty - The Lego Movie
Wu Zetian - Iron Widow
Adrien Agreste - Miraculous Ladybug
Razputin Aquato - Psychonauts
Callie - Splatoon
Volo - Pokemon: Legends Arceus
Shadow the Hedgehog- Sonic the Hedgehog
Riolu - Pokemon
Data - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Albedo - Genshin Impact
Celeste - Animal Crossing
Gyro Gearloose - Ducktales
Elfilin - Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Raichu - Pokemon
Carden Greenbrier - The Cruel Prince
Yu Narukami - Persona 4
Van Fanel - Escaflowne
Fenton Cabrera - Ducktales
Horatio - Hamlet
Meta Knight - Kirby series
Pit - Kid Icarus
Peridot - Steven Universe
Anne - Anne With An E
Yusuke Kitagawa - Persona 5
Edric Blight - The Owl House
Zenitsu Agatsuma - Demon Slayer
Josuke Higashikata - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Graystripe - Warrior Cats
Cheng Xiaoshi - Link Click
Hilda - Hilda
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts
Luz Noceda - The Owl House
Koraidon - Pokemon
Leiland - Dimension 20
The Second Tournament
Arven - Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Revali - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Tinkaton - Pokemon
Ravio - Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds
K_K - Deltarune
Bambi - Disney’s Bambi 
Luxu - Kingdom Hearts
Umbreon - Pokemon 
Aqua - Kingdom Hearts
Asriel Dreemur - Undertale
Launchpad McQuack - Ducktales
Midna - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Nikol - Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Sprig Plantar - Amphibia 
Blaze the Cat - Sonic the Hedgehog
Ballister Boldhearts - Nimona
Peppermint Vandelay - Hi-Fi RUSH
Oshawott - Pokemon 
Luke Sullivan - Street Fighter 5
Killua Zoldyck - Hunter X Hunter
Axel - Kingdom Hearts
Bede - Pokemon Sword & Shield 
Chandelure - Pokemon
Scaramouche - Genshin Impact
Simon Snow - Carry On 
Canti - FLCL
Anya Forger - Spy X Family 
Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy 7
Azymondias - The Dragon Prince
Swellow - Pokemon
Jibanyan - Yo-kai Watch
Marluxia - Kingdom Hearts
Iruma Suzuki - Welcome To Demon School Iruma-kun
Basil - Omori
Sypha Belnades - Castlevania
Surge the Tenrec - IDW Sonic
Ai - Puyo Puyo
Dillon - Dillon’s Rolling Western
Mew - Pokemon
Yoshi - Super Mario Bros
Rasmus - Omega Strikers
Daroach - Kirby series
Silvally - Pokemon
Silver - Pokemon Gold & Silver
Undyne - Undertale
Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy 7
Bowser Jr - Super Mario Bros
The Professor - Puppet History
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iqxys · 1 year ago
HEARTSTEEL members as my Top 5 in Overwatch
side note: I played league ONCE way back and haven’t really interacted with the fandom/lore since then so these are either extremely accurate or extremely inaccurate
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Mercy: Yone, Aphelios
Aphelios is a DEMON at Mercy parkour and risky rezzes. Minimum 3 endorsements every match. Duos with Sett and ironically has cringy matching names with him. Loves pulling out the blaster to assert dominance. Actually a flex main but gets forced onto support almost every game. (he just like me fr) Mid GM peak.
Yone plays safer than Aphelios. Max 3 deaths every game. Blue beam king, never under 75%. Dodges Rein shatters and Genji blades like his life depends on it. Also a demon at Mercy parkour. T500 peak. (Highest was 417)
D.VA: Sett, K’Sante, Ezreal
Sett is an ult eater. Enemy threw out a projectile ult? Don’t worry, he ate it. Every single time. Gives his supports aneurysms because of how deep into the enemy backline he is. LOVES dive meta. Mid masters peak.
K’Sante knows every ult spot for D.VA. Either gets one person with self destruct or all five, no inbetween. Always goes back for his Kiriko/Mercy when they’re in spawn. The only ult he consistently eats is Grav and is known by Zarya players because of it. Mid diamond peak.
Ezreal rarely plays but when he does he only plays with Kayn. He tends to play safe and constantly has defense matrix up. Terrorizes Widows with Kayn. Hasn’t played comp but he’d be low platinum.
Widowmaker: Kayn/Rhaast
Rhaast is the one that mains widow. He enjoyed the entire ‘widow shouldn’t one shot’ discourse and defended her HARD. Gets accused of cheating almost every game and has a ‘fan base’ of people who defend him. ‘Skill issue’ in chat after someone complains about him or his character. T500 peak. (Highest was 125)
Sombra: Kayn/Rhaast
Kayn mains her and Rhaast always tells him to spawn camp the supports/widow. Quick play warrior. One of the silly/fun Sombra’s that spams voicelines in the backline to mess with the supports. Huge emps and always combos with Ezreal. Hasn’t played comp since season 6 of Overwatch 1. Low platinum peak, slipped into gold and hasn’t recovered. Could be high diamond if he actually tried.
Ana: Yone, K’Sante
Yone loves playing Ana but he’ll never admit it. Sometimes gets a bit silly and nanos Aphelios as Mercy. Huge anti-nades and sleeps. Could be mistaken for a T500 Ana. Low GM peak. (Has a seperate account)
K’Sante is definitely an Ana player of all time. Misses more than he hits but has great nades. Always nanos Sett as baby D.VA and yells at him if he re-mechs while nano is still active. Tbags slept targets and uses the pillow spray religiously. Spams ‘good kitty’ and ‘You need to learn to relax’ too. Low gold peak.
LMFAOO??? I’m in a match rn and we’re losing 😔
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ere-the-sun-rises · 7 months ago
I've had to read "pretentious" literature for my studies and I've read plenty of regular and YA novels in my time. Here's the truth of it.
"The classics" of literature can be boring because they invented concepts we use all the time. It invents things that are basic to us now and revolutionary at the time. The Odyssey by Homer? The oldest example we have of a lot of common literary devices and tropes - flashbacks, in medias res, unreliable narrator (depending on your interpretation), deus ex machina, non-linear storytelling and meta-narrative just to list a few.
But "the classics" can also be amazing. I adore The Odyssey. Odysseus is a complex character who's heroic (in the Greek sense), clever and often quite kind. His wife and son are equally clever and thoughtful and his relationship with Athena is very compelling. It's a fun story with a lot of twists and turns, if you sit back enough to enjoy it for its own sake. (I highly recommend the Fagles translation on audiobook - it's narrated by Ian McKellen! And just reading the poem can be a bit unpleasant the first time.)
But YA can also be both boring and compelling. For example, I respect the Hunger Games books because they contain a nuanced and valuable perspective on fascism and regime change. I cannot stand reading them. I find Katniss and Peeta particularly hard to bear which is a shame because they're the main characters. I found the Divergent series to be absolutely worthless, like someone was asked to spit out drivel halfway between Hunger Games and Harry Potter but failed to take anything that made either of them appealing. On the opposite end if the spectrum, I found Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao so enthralling I could not put it down. I related to Zetian more than I ever have for an MC and I tasted her rage and revenge vividly.
All three of those books are in first person. They're all YA and they're all dystopian. And I only *wanted* to read one of them.
There's a lot to learn from books you don't *want* to read but *should*. A Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood is a fucking harrowing read, so viscerally uncomfortable, upsetting and disheartening that it's overwhelming at some points. It took me months to finish it because the trepidation of what new horror awaited me was so strong. I could not recommend it more highly and one day, when I can muster the courage, I'll read it again simply because it's worth reading twice.
As for first or third person, that's purely a matter of taste and perception. I usually hate 1st person - I don't read to become the main character, I read to look at the life and world of someone else. I much prefer 3rd person in every respect.
But Iron Widow and A Handmaid's Tale would not work in 3rd. They are deeply personal stories written about the individual experience of oppression. You *must* live this alongside them or else it's not as poignant. Similarly, The Odyssey would not be improved by Odysseus' thoughts - it's much more meaningful to show us what he does and his clever and resourceful he is as opposed to having him tell us so.
In my opinion, 1st is much harder to pull off because you have to like the MC enough to want to get in their head. You can put up with a shit MC in 3rd because you're not living with them, you're watching them, and the focus can go other places. But in 1st, you're stuck. Even with multiple 1st person MCs, if the writer can't pull off one, the second likely isn't going to fare much better.
So it comes down to subjective character likability and writer talent - neither of which is exclusive to YA or any genre.
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proseandpeony · 9 months ago
My TBR for Pride
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The month of rainbows. The month we show unabashed pride for being who we are. While more accepted now, it’s still no less bold. With state lawmakers questioning the need for trans healthcare, criminalizing parents for providing such care for their children, and acts of violence claiming the lives of trans kids like Nex Benedict, the fight for basic human rights for those of us who claim an LGBT+ identity still goes strong. Being queer myself as a non-binary, bisexual, polyamorous person, I am no less fearful for my existence to be criminalized and violence against me and my peers to be normalized than I was before the landmark 2015 Supreme Court decision that determined that same sex marriage is a constitutional right.
There is no one right way to stand strong and boldly fight against these actions and mindsets and to celebrate the shared humanity we all have. One of those ways that I enjoy most is supporting people in my community with their projects and endeavors and mutual aid when they need it. Interacting with LGBT+ media is one of the easiest ways to normalize LGBT+ people openly existing. As such, I will, of course, be reading gay, sapphic, and polyamorous romance novels, trans experience novels, LGBT representative fiction, and some LGBT+ non-fiction essay anthologies and memoirs.
LGBT+ fiction is much more accessible than it once was, but many times something is marketed as LGBT+ fiction when all it contains is a gay character that is single. So I’m on a mission to find some books that seem more promising, but we’ll see if their marketing is accurate.
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First up, I’ll be finishing Iron Widow that I started in May. The debut novel from Xiran Jay Zhao was one I had anticipated before it came out in 2021 as I was already a fan of Zhao’s video essays. Unfortunately, life took its turn for me then, and I never got around to it until this year, in time for the second entry in the series to come out. Iron Widow is a reimagining of the story of China’s first and only female emperor, Wu Zetian. A Sci-fi novel that contains a bisexual, polyamorous relationship with giant mechs. I’ll be writing about my thoughts about this book later in the month after I finish listening to it.
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Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki seems promising based on the first page. Opening with a trans girl running away from home, it instantly dives into some of the hardships of trans identity. It is marketed as a Sci-Fi novel with lesbian relationships and, of course, trans identity. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited so I’ll be diving right into that.
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I love books about books. The meta culture involved with telling stories like this are typically steeped in whimsy, magic, and immersion. Emma Torzs' Ink Blood Sister Scribe is a book about many books based on the descriptions. It is consistently tagged as LGBT+ but marketing and blurbs have not talked about this at all. I’m looking forward to finding out what is LGBT about it and hoping I won’t be disappointed by it.
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We can all be nurtured into monsters and Gerardo Samano Cordova aims to explore that in Monstrilio. From the descriptions of this book, this is a potentially disturbing, dark horror that has a lot to say about grief, love, interpersonal relationships, and how that shapes people and the actions they take. This sounds like the kind of book that I typically adore and spend a lot of time thinking about. Magical Realism and Horror are extremely provocative genres for me that I tend to gravitate towards. I would say this is my most anticipated book of the month and I’ll be getting into it right away because I already have it from my library.
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I am in the middle of a lot of series, so I’ve put The Mask of Mirrors by M.A. Carrick on the back burner just in case I need another book on theme to read this month. There was a wait to read this from my library so I put it on the list of borrowed books, but it’s not a priority. That being said, the premise of this book is pretty interesting. A girl seeking to secure a fortune for the future of her and her sister and she’s at the center of a web of lies and deceit. Again, it’s not immediately recognizable why this book is tagged LGBT, so we’ll see how that fairs, but I am looking forward to picking this up when I get around to it.
ARC Reviews
I have two ARC books that I’m going to read for review this month. One of them will be posted this month and the other will be posted early next year. 
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A demon hunter and a girl with amnesia meet in the woods. I wonder what could happen. I’ve been reading Sacred Ground by Missouri Vaun for about a week now and I have some thoughts but I’ll be posting about it later. What I can say now, this is a light sapphic romance novel that’s a pretty easy read.
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Witches, local legends, Appalachian mountains, everything I love about where I live. I am very excited to read Motheater by Linda H. Codega, set to come out in January 2025. I will be reading this book as an ARC this month to go with Pride month.
It’s extremely important to have nuanced conversations about lived experience when celebrating Pride. This month is not only about celebrating our lives, the beautiful rainbow of people and identities we hold, and the fact that we are here, it’s also to have a conversation about how we got here, where we are, and where we should go next. While fiction is a great way to add representation and characterize an existence that is fair and even paint a picture of the hardships we go through, the value of non-fiction to pulling those fictional stories into real world examples is immeasurable. I have chosen a few non-fiction essays and memoirs for this very reason.
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Feminist Audre Lorde is known for balancing the nuance of the intersections of race, gender, and queerness with finesse. I’m going to be reading her anthology of essays, Sister Outsider in an effort to sit and listen to the stories and thoughts of a lesbian black woman. I will not be writing anything about this as I refuse to talk over her. I intend to sit, take in, and contemplate on my own.
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To touch nearly all aspects of queer identity politics, Trans Like Me promises to be thought provoking. Seeking authenticity is the burden of LGBT+ people of all kinds, and this memoir by C.N. Lester explores their journey through their identity in the context of the politics and events of the mid 2010s.
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Punch Me Up to the Gods is a memoir by Brian Broome that chronicles his experience as a Black boy that grows up in Ohio with crushes on boys, a dysfunctional family, and leads a life into sex and drugs to ease his struggles. Again, I will not be writing anything about this as I refuse to talk over their lived experiences. I encourage all people to seek out these kinds of books and sit with them and listen to the conversations they may not be directly a part of.
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