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eretzyisrael · 5 months ago
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Israel's Women Power
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nepalinews · 10 months ago
Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi, foreign ... #AmirabdollahiankilledinIranhelicoptercrash #crash #Dead #foreign #Helicopter #helicopterfoggymountaincrashIran #Iranairdisasterkillstopofficials #IrandronemissileattackonIsraelimpact #Iranearlypresidentialelection #Iraneconomicprotestsimpact #Iranforeignministeramongdeadinaircraftdisaster #Irangovernmentshakeup #Iranhardlinerleaderdead #Iranleaderdiesinchopperaccident #Iranleadershipshakeup #IranleadershipvacuumafterRaisideath #Irannewelectionswithin50days #Irannucleardealfutureuncertain #Irannuclearprogramimpact #Iranpresidentkilledinhelicoptercrash #Iranpresidentreplacementprocess #Iranregimechange #Iranregionaltensionsimpact #IranRussiaUkrainedronesupplyimpact #Iranwomensrightsprotestsimpact #Iransescalatinguraniumenrichmentimpact #IransMiddleEastpoliciesinlimbo #Iransregionalmilitiaproxiesimpact #IransrelationswithWestaffected #IransSupremeLeadernextmoves #Irans #KhameneiprotegeRaisikilled #media #Minister #nepalbusinessnews #NepalStockExchangenews #Nepalimarketnews #nepalistartupnews #president #Raisihelicoptercrashdeath #site #State #successortoRaisiinIran #vicepresidenttotakeoverinIran
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kat-lady · 2 years ago
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Thank you for being my muse Friday night @negarehm 📸 I see many nights like this in our future 🔮 I am truly enjoying our conversations and the connection we have growing 🌹 No stronger women in the world than Iranian women 🇮🇷 I look forward to what our future holds as we create a better world together one dancefloor at a time 🖤 #iranianwomen #freeiran #iranregimechange #iraniangirl #mahsaamini #revolutionnow #prayforiran #bethechange #iranianswantregimechange #toabetterworld 🙏 (at Factory Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmAzKlCNuI6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fluidsberlin · 2 years ago
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#mohammadmehdikarami #seyedmohammadhosseini #SAYTHEIRNAMES #stolenrevolution #iranianprotests #iranianwomen #mahsaamini #womanlifefreedom #freeiran #iran #zanzendegiazadi #beavoiceforthevoiceless #womensrights #basichumanrights #proudiranianwomen #iranprotests #womenofiran #womenprotest #iranregimechange #activism #womenlifefreedom #iranrevolution #zahedan #diaspora #humanrightscampaign #voiceofthevoiceless #islamicrepublicofiran #iranregimchange #iranleader #iranianmassacre https://www.instagram.com/p/CnO7mGVsT_l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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edwinelijahd · 2 years ago
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what people forget about the west is you have a choice “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” God gave us choices so if a government doesn't provide em u protest i support the women of Iran #iranprotests are #iranprotests #iran #iranregimechange #iranian #freeiran #tehran #irani #trump #soleimani #shiraz #iraniangirl https://www.instagram.com/p/CjY-ET9gj3m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mahaveerkiran · 3 years ago
Is Allah in Human Form?
Muslims, infact people of whole world believe God is formless because they do not have correct spiritual knowledge.
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Now Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
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raceandculturenews1 · 3 years ago
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voicesofiran-blog · 7 years ago
Four Iranian-American youths at the 2018 Iran Freedom Convention
Today we would like to introduce 4 other of our younger generation whom are the future voices of Iran and hear their opinion about the #2018IranFreedomConvention
Behrad Shoja’a, 10: Our group was tiny but was able to make a big thing happen. It had the butterfly effect. I was proud of myself that moment on stage to hold the flag of Hawaii.
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Mickey Roshan, 16, Virginia: It was moving, beautiful and united. It felt nice to have everyone with the same goal as you under one roof, uniting our strengths together to fight for freedom.
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Iman Sharif, 10, Long Beach CA: I feel good kids that are getting onto it. We want to have equal rights not for the Iranian people but every person in general should have equal rights. I feel it’s good, because we in America are so privileged. We can express our thoughts freely, in some places you are not even allowed to express your thoughts. I hope regime change will come soon.
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Shayan Nejat, 16, St. Louis, MO: My feelings regarding the Iran freedom convention: I’m happy I was able to attend and be able to see everyone from the young generation stand up for something so big. The young generation is the key to a free Iran, I’m glad to see these young adults speak their voices, it’s amazing to see all the passion they have. I wish the best to all the people continuing in this path, for a free Iran. 
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iranarabspring · 7 years ago
یک‌ دو سه صد هزار اشرف میسازیم #ایران I #FreeIran2018 #iranregimechange #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran
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yabangeekizim · 4 years ago
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Iranian dissident journalist Ruhollah Zam, who was convicted of fomenting violence during anti-government protests in 2017, was executed on Saturday. #iran #journalist #irani #iran🇮🇷 #iranregimechange #journaliste #iranshot #journalists #journalisttr #journalistonduty #journalistes #journalismstudent #reporters #journalismmatters #tvanchor #tvinterview (at Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIvTKinHkLP/?igshid=xn3fzhze57n2
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satyenhacks · 5 years ago
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Repost @alitofighinaeim ・・・ Somewhere in Iran.... . . #iran #i̇ran #irán #irantravel #iranian #irani #iran🇮🇷 #iran_tourism #iran_travel #iran_nature #irantourist #irangardi #iranmusic #iranian_photography #irantraveling #iranregimechange #iranphotography #iran_insta_pic #irantourism #irannature #iran_best_pics #iranians #iran_photographer #iranian_photographers #iranphoto #iranfood #iran_photography #iranshots #iranpics #iranianfood (at Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD-xvo8Mkf3/?igshid=4ymcdcebadq
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stevefarzam · 5 years ago
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#peaceinthemiddleeast #iranregimechange #westandforfreedom (at Santa Monica, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Uwu_9BzWa/?igshid=1i4jme6ccx334
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coneicom · 5 years ago
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Il presidente Donald Trump ha detto venerdì che l'America non cerca il "cambio di regime" in Iran, ma gli Stati Uniti sono "pronti e preparati a intraprendere qualsiasi azione necessaria" se l'Iran minaccia la vita degli americani. Fonte: CNBC #usa #usa🇺🇸 #usarmysoldier #donaldtrump #iran #iran🇮🇷 #iranprotests #iranian #usavsiran #war #nowar #regime #iranregimechange #regimechange #usaregimechange #wallstreet #american #action #breakingnews #news #breakingnews‼️ #coneicom #coneicomgroup #coneicomfollowers #milanofinanza #economy #politicsnews #politics https://www.instagram.com/p/B63_mYQILi6/?igshid=3b06gko2uqml
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voicesofiran-blog · 7 years ago
A short interview with a village girl in Iran, who dreams to go to school.
One of the many outcomes of the ruling dictatorship in Iran! Children being deprived of their most basic rights.
What is your name?
What grade are you in, Maryam?
This year you will go to Seventh grade?
No. They didn’t let me.
I am alone. I didn’t have a classmate since First grade.
What do you mean?
I was alone from First to Sixth grade.
So what should you do now to go to school? Do you have to go to another village?
No. To the City.
Can’t your father take and bring you?
Because he doesn’t have a vehicle.
What is your dream, Maryam?
To go to school
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easylearning · 5 years ago
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Follow for more @easylearning_mental_health 🐞 Great post from @ . . @prilaga #timeforchange #changes #careerchange #changed #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #bethechange #lifestylechange #colorchange #makeachange #change #changeisgood #climatechangeisreal #oilchange #changeyourmindset #prilaga #totallifechanges #bethechangeyouwanttosee #changeiscoming #iranregimechange #oriflamechangeslives #changeyourlife #changelives #changement #lifechange #practiceyogachangeyourworld #gamechangers #changeyourmind #changetheworld (at Ljubljana, Slovenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5mnOMUAbao/?igshid=x3dqmse7okow
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