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fluidsberlin · 2 years ago
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#mohammadmehdikarami #seyedmohammadhosseini #SAYTHEIRNAMES #stolenrevolution #iranianprotests #iranianwomen #mahsaamini #womanlifefreedom #freeiran #iran #zanzendegiazadi #beavoiceforthevoiceless #womensrights #basichumanrights #proudiranianwomen #iranprotests #womenofiran #womenprotest #iranregimechange #activism #womenlifefreedom #iranrevolution #zahedan #diaspora #humanrightscampaign #voiceofthevoiceless #islamicrepublicofiran #iranregimchange #iranleader #iranianmassacre https://www.instagram.com/p/CnO7mGVsT_l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paraphraze615 · 6 years ago
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Be a voice for the voiceless. #Proverbs3189 #ScriptureOfTheDay #BibleScriptures #HolyBible #VioceForTheVoiceless #BeAVoiceForTheVoiceless #HelpTheNeedy #HelpThePoor #GetUpStandUp #StandUpForYourRights #JusticeByAnyMeans https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mFoSfAt49/?igshid=ilzpzw0vexgo
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90jeduardo-blog · 6 years ago
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URGENT HELP NEEDED! This is Allie. @3littlepittiesrescue took in this girl after she was found abandoned at a Buddhist temple. There were workers that were feeding her but no one could take her. A couple found out about her and went to go get her with all the other dogs in the car. They couldn’t keep her so they drove around for hours trying to find a rescue that would take her. Finally, @3littlepittiesrescue stepped up. The director, Heather, noticed this mass yesterday. Just over the span of a few hours the mass continued to expand. Now we need your help getting her to the vet! Heather has paid for all of her care out of her own pocket, so I’m asking for a little help for her! We would like to raise $600 for the vet visit and for the biopsy. To donate, use the PayPal account in Apollo’s bio! Thank you all in advance! Together we can help Allie! ❤️ #endbsl #endanimalabuse#beavoiceforthevoiceless #apollonosebest #karma#lokiboy #cometogether #pitbullsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BziyD-EAoq0/?igshid=1czfzko6m1tda
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juliejewlzrose · 6 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @clarissa_prosper I panited this in support of Sex trafficking because it is at an all time high crisis in our country. We need to stand together to end it. Talk to you children and get educated about Sex trafficking. It's as real as it gets. Dont ignore it because it wont go away #Awareness #bringawareness #sextrafficking #Support #geteduacated #friendsworkingtogether #momfriends #forourchildren #letsmakeachange #makeadiffrence #supportourcommunity #fundraiser #charity #standup #showup #beavoiceforthevoiceless #projectonroute #courageforfreedom #concert #eventforacause #concertforacause #enditmovement❌ #humantraffickingawarenessday (at London, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyKQN2HafT/?igshid=12ws0btgg2s0b
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eskarinaevilredhood · 4 years ago
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hulp gevraagd gevonden op meldpunt dier langs de weg please als je iemand kennt de een zwarte kat adopteert heeft uit de Haags Dierencentrum de nu Black Magic noemd , dat is Puma het personeel missed hem verschrikkelijk , ook geeft de Haagse Dierencentrum geen info verder nog willen ze niet eens de nieuwe eigenaar contacteeren , please als iemand it's wet gev de informatie door aan Veerle gegevens staan op de Flyer . Het is verschrikkelijk ook als je omreden van dat je een veilige omgeving hebt een dier niet chiped durf zo it's niet gebeuren maar het is niet de eerste keer ook gechipt katten worden all veel te snell opnieuw te adoptie gegeven ,#beavoiceforthevoiceless🙀 #puma #blackmagic #hethaagsdierencentrum #veerleclaassen #haagsdierencentrum #vermisstkat #nieuweadoptie #meldpunktdierlangsdeweg https://www.instagram.com/p/CT9_eZ2ovrwYMRNfUM7BCiuuv0xM6ViCuLr6TU0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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respectanimalrights · 6 years ago
© 📽 @hsiglobal Feces-ridden cages, lonely lives and angry voices. For animals on dog meat farms, cruelty is all they know. Help us put an end to this brutal industry by making a monthly gift. Your support goes to work right away to help HSI rescue and protect ALL animals who need us. #bekindtoanimals #voiceless #beavoiceforthevoiceless #nevergiveup https://www.instagram.com/p/BpmvLG6Agq5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gedgh2uld4iw
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animalsneedshelp-blog · 7 years ago
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Red lentils, quinoa, grated tofu, cellophane noodles and salad 🥗 #vegan #veganfood #veganrecipes #govegan #animalliberation #healthyfood #beavoiceforthevoiceless #eatclean #eatplantsnotfriends @RepostIt_app (at Kerrville, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnKWVNIhY3u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jov9khvuheil
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bigdawgtazz · 7 years ago
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Regrann from @adoreabullapollo - This is HOUSTON! PLEASE READ AND DONATE!!!! A Texas Ranger saw a man beating this puppy in the face with a stick. He's only 8 weeks old and this is what he has experienced. A representative from the Houston Humane Society let us know Ranger was strangled as well as being struck in the head. I can only imagine the terror and pain this tiny boy has experienced. He has beautiful eyes, a gorgeous coat and the calmest, most loving demeanor. His name is Ranger, honoring the man who saved his life. Ranger is in a loving foster home through @houstonk911rescue. To ensure Ranger gets the best medical care possible, please consider donating. The link is in my bio!!!! For anyone that truly believes that there isn’t an animal cruelty issue, take a look at this pup! No dog should endure this type of treatment! ❤️Apollo #cometogether #supporteachother #bethechange #dontbullymybreed #crueltysurvivor #endanimalcruelty #beavoiceforthevoiceless #endbsl #adoptdontshop #fosteringsaveslives - #regrann
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jimabernethy · 3 years ago
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Image by @Jim_abernethy // Two gorgeous rosette spoonfuls in flight in the Everglades!! I'm so happy that the birds migrating to Florida are all here and can't wait to be able to show @thecleanupkids how beautiful they all are! I'm super stoked that one of them, @ellasavestheocean has actually moved here from Canada with her beautiful family! Being able to spend time with nature and great friends really improves the quality of my life substantially! Both of @thecleanupkids @theconservationkid and @ellasavestheocean are incredibly hard driven people striving to do everything they can to save all wildlife as well as our planet! Please follow them for daily inspiration on what we can all do to improve our planet for all fellow Earthlings! Enjoy but Please Protect! @Jim_abernethy @wildlifevoiceinc #beautiful #roseatespoonbills #inspirational #worthmorealive #love #gorgeous #bekindtoanimals #lovenature #beavoiceforthevoiceless #epic #bethechangetheworldneeds (at Everglades, Fl) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYbZxcyLoQY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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miyagisdogtraining-blog · 7 years ago
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Diesel being a good sport for me and modelling the new coats I've invested in. Red for muzzle trained Dogs. Yellow for all other Dogs. Available in S,M,L. People need to respect Dogs need space. #dieseldog #spaniels #miyagisdogtraining #reactivedogsunite #muzzletraining #dogtrainerslife #dogtraining #besafe #yellowdogs #beavoiceforthevoiceless #protectyourdog #respectingthelaw
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roxannerevolution-blog · 7 years ago
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kyme-bevass · 7 years ago
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J U S T I C E • F O R • H E R • In life many suffer injustice, but often through the life of one, justice is served for all • • • #Justice4Her #4YearOldDefiledGirl #BeAVoiceForTheVoiceless #SheCantSpeakButICanForHer #SheCantSpeakButWeCanForHer #AddYourVoiceToTheCampaignForHer #LetsChangeTheCultureOfAbuseOfTheWeak #WeCanDoThisTogetherAndWeAreGoingToDoSo #LetsMakeTheWorldASafePlaceForChildrenToGrowIn
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fluffyvegans-blog · 8 years ago
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Are you ready to witness a truth bomb? At every First Friday, Mercy for Animals hosts a Paid Per View booth that gives the public a sneak peek into the suffering that animals endure. Team Fluffy considers all animals our friends. Stand up, stop the suffering and kiss a cow for goodness sake! Go Vegan! #vegan #fluffyvegans #untileverycageisempty #friendsnotfood #mercyforanimals #animalactivism #beavoiceforthevoiceless #snacklikeyoucare #snacklikeyougiveafluff (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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acollectedconsciousness · 8 years ago
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Pic by me. #photographer #photography #photo #photographers #photojournalism #beach #mexico #peace #image #images #loveyourlife #endhumantrafficking #picture #sky #positivevibes #loveyourlife #enjoyeverymoment #maketheworldbetterthanyoufoundit #beavoiceforthevoiceless #blueheartinternational #photographersofinstagram (at Playas De Tijuana)
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catmigliano7 · 5 years ago
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Oklahoma Lawton Unknown assailant(s ) Victim: Dylan Sanders $1000 cash reward if anyone can tell me who shot and killed my horse! No questions asked just want a name on who done it! Original facebook post: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2905621942890007&id=100003266896055 $1000 cash reward if anyone can tell me who shoot and killed my horse! No questions asked just want a name on who done it! #SomeoneKnowsSomething #SomeoneSawSomething #SeeSomethingSaySomething #SpeakUp #SilenceIsNotAnOption #dotherightthing #BeAVoiceForTheVoiceless (at Lawton, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_BeFuAn9_M/?igshid=w6k5kbiyvbc4
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veganfatkid · 8 years ago
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7th Annual National Animal Rights Day #NARD - A humbling reminder that it's not all about us🚶🏻#BeAVoiceForTheVoiceless #ItsUpToAllOfUs - Thank you @optt_nard - So beautiful to see everyone that came out today ❤️ #MadRespect #SpreadTheWord #KeepUpTheFight #WeGotThis (at Venice Boardwalk, CA)
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