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sircharlesthepoet · 2 years ago
Thoughts on My Dinner
Why do humans think anything that doesn't meet their level of sight is inferior to them?
black chick on back of red hen – WallPaper Flare the length of the chicken thighs splinteringbetween molars of a creature that thinksit’s better the juice, spotted with oil, glides on the ricechemicals, aromas and aphrodisiacs, blinded by creativitywho showed you the path to this arrival?why do you still search? it’s primitive to see colors, to think nourishmentbut when did creativity…
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daisylovesrumble · 1 year ago
These Animals Were Bred to Be Living Blood Bags | PETA Investigates
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mymetric360 · 3 months ago
Will SeaQuest's Bankruptcy Silence Animal Activist Demands? #SeaQuest #AnimalActivism #MarineLife #Conservation Hey everyone... Link: https://mymetric360.com/question/will-seaquests-bankruptcy-silence-animal-activist-demands/?feed_id=325054&_unique_id=67528e7738610
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thathopelesswanderer · 4 years ago
Please check out my article advocating for the respect of these wonderful animals ♥️
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thecompassionatevegan · 3 years ago
Reposted from @animaldefender269 ARE YOU STILL EATING DEAD ANIMALS? smh🙄😬 it’s selfish🙊• @animaljustice_ BREAKING: Footage released by Animal Justice shows horrific animal abuse at an organic dairy farm in BC. Videos show cows beaten with canes & wrenches, baby calves torn away from their mothers, & cows limping & emaciated. ACT NOW ➡️ animaljustice.ca/dairycruelty. Link in bio! #animaljustice #animallawyers #animalrights #choosecompassion #fortheanimals #savetheanimals #stopanimalcruelty #animalrightactivist #animalactivism #animalrightsmovement #compassionforanimals #bekindtoanimals #someonenotsomething #defendanimals #endanimalcruelty #bekindtoallkinds #speciesism #govegan #ag #agriculture #agmorethanever #ag365 #ontariodairy #dairy #milk #farmlife #cdnag #dairyfarm #familyfarms #farm365 https://www.instagram.com/p/CV6ZQJHJQwK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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veganhippiechick · 5 years ago
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All animals should be loved and treated with respect ❤️
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vegan-fashion-boutique · 3 years ago
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Look cute and share an important message with our lovely "be kind to the earth" tee! 🌍❤️ Made from 100% premium cotton like all our tees, this shirt is soft and stretchy making it perfect for everyday wear. Spice up your wardrobe today at veganfashion.boutique! (link in bio) #vegan #veganism #veganstyle #veganfashion #vegansofig #globalwarming #earthday #climateaction #climatechange #climatecrisis #savetheplanet #eco #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyliving #veganactivist #gardenactivist #animalactivism #socialactivism #futureleaders https://www.instagram.com/p/CUKEpDBpjlb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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environara · 3 years ago
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environmentindia · 4 years ago
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#environment #environmentind #indenvironment #animalabuse #animal #animalwelfare #animalprivacy #animalfriends #animalactivism #animallovers #wildlifeconservation #ethic https://www.instagram.com/p/CRbEwLdFq9V/?utm_medium=tumblr
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storiesbyannie · 4 years ago
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In 2018 at a vegan food festival in Berlin, I tried the iAnimal virtual reality. It was my first time using VR, so I thought I knew what to expect... Turns out I didn't really have a clue. The iAnimal software is used in vegan activism; it shows the lifecycle of farm animals from birth to slaughter. Trigger warnings were issued, along with a reminder that all the footage was taken in industry standard farms. I was given a choice: pig or chicken. I chose pig, not knowing I would actually become the pig. I remember being turned completely upside down as the farmer grabbed my ankle, then discarded in the corner. It was invasive. I've since learned that they use 360 degree cameras and noise cancelling headphones to completely tansport the user into this different reality. I think it's interesting that vegan activists are turning to VR. I guess that, as a society, we're distanced from a lot of cruelty and morally bankrupt practices that go on behind closed doors. VR is an effective way to bring people face-to-face to issues with great immediacy. There is an interesting dissonance between the ignorance we hold as a society regarding certain social issues and the simultaneous hunger that we have for learning new technologies in order to experience more of the world. Despite being horrific, I wonder if the vegans were on the money with this one. Because once the excitement of trying a new gadget has attracted people and the headset is on, the user is forced to open their eyes to someone else's reality.
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bodymodificationnation · 5 years ago
I would love some vegan pizza right about now
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thecompassionatevegan · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @animals_are_not_clowns Not my normal style of post but I've noticed some profiles on here of girls doing yoga and in bikinis have hundreds and thousands of followers which I find insane but here I go with "sex sells" to create awareness...#vegan #vegans #veganism #animalactivism #plantpowered #peta #animalethics #boycottzoos #emtythetanks #noanimalsincaptivity #seaworldkills #dairyisscary #ethicalvegans #boycottwool #globalwarming #dominion #gamechangers #veganaf #veganrecipes #plantbased #govegan #veganfoodporn #dairyfree #veganlove #crueltyfree #banhunting #furisforanimals #veganfoodshare #veganlife #banliveexport https://www.instagram.com/p/CDe-NPwpNuX/?igshid=5m3iwyniivee
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girlgrowingwings · 5 years ago
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They were so brave, gentle and full of trust, even if they didn’t know me.
If you buy their meat, milk, leather and whatever, you are a ABUSER.
They should not be robbed and exploited just for the products, we don’t even need, rather be treated with respect. They’re alive, they have feelings and feel pain.
So stop hitting them, stop stealing they’re baby’s all the time, and treat them the way you like to be treated.
Stop eating them and they’re products like milk, which was made for their babies.
Stop eating eggs, which are made for chicks to grow and mature. They’re just clogging your arteries.
It’s unhealthy, unethical, bad for the environment and unfair.
Imagine you could talk to them and bring arguments.
If you’d tell them you always, and only, buy meat and milk from a farmer of your trust, would they tell you they’re fine with it?
Absolutely not. No matter where you get it from, the animals are still suffering because of you and your actions.
So stop consuming all that shit!
Think about it.
Sie waren so mutig, vertrauensvoll und sanft, obwohl sie mich nicht kannten.
So traurig es auch ist, aber wenn du ihr Fleisch, Milch ihre Eier, Daunen und ihr Leder kaufst, bist du ein Tierquäler. Schaue mal hinter die Kulissen.
Sie sollten nicht für Produkte ausgeraubt und ausgenutzt werden, die wir nichtmal brauchen.
Wir sollten sie lieber mit Respekt behandeln und aufhören ihnen wehzutun, und ihnen ihre Babies wegzunehmen. Wie würdet ihr es finden, wenn man euch eure Kinder wegnehmen und töten lassen würde?!
Also fang an sie so zu behandeln, wie du auch behandelt werden möchtest.
Sie sind Lebewesen, genau wie du und ich. Sie haben Gefühle und fühlen Schmerz.
Hör‘ auf Eier zu essen, sie sind für die Küken da, um darin aufzuwachsen und heranzureifen. Dir bringen sie nichts, außer verstopfte Arterien. Ähnliches mit der Milch, sie wurde für die Kälber geschaffen. Du bist nicht laktoseintollerant, sondern einfach nur kein Kuhbaby. Es ist ungesund, absolut nicht ethisch, schlecht für die Umwelt, und einfach nur unfair.
Und bevor du mir mit dem Argument kommst, dass du nur beim Bauern deines Vertrauen kaufst.. genau so scheiße - Stell dir vor du könntest mit den Tieren reden und ihnen sagen, dass du ihr totes Fleisch und ihre Produkte nur bei deinem Lieblingsbauern holst. Würden sie sagen sie finden das super? Absolut nicht! Sie müssen trotzdem sterben, werden schlecht behandelt und ihre Babys verlieren, und leiden.. und das nur wegen deinen Handlungen!! Hör auf diese scheisse zu konsumieren.
Es liegt an dir, also denk drüber nach.
#govegan #vegan #gogreen #animalabuser #friendsnotfood #no2meat #animallover #thinkaboutit #youractionshaveconsequences #animalactivism #achtsamkeit #achtsam #reiki #energiearbeit #witch #lichtarbeit
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ingenierovegano · 5 years ago
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Aveces sientes que estás en un campo de batalla, peleando una guerra contra personas a las que no les importa nada ni nadie en esta vida. Pero luego te das la vuelta y encuentras un ejercito de personas detrás de ti que lo hacen, y retomas el camino. #govegan #veganism #activismo #animalactivism #derechosdelosanimales #nocomoanimales https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGHlpaBuSZ/?igshid=34yxl01xdyk4
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elliethehonest · 4 years ago
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The Amazon is suffering because of the demand on companies to produce more meat/dairy! Be a responsible consumer and reduce your meat and dairy consumption, and buy from plant-based brands that support eco-friendly alternatives! . . . #speciesism #speciesist #vegan #veganism #veganfood #vegandiet #plantbaseddiet #plantbased  #animalrights #animalactivism #animalrightsadvocate  #activism #friendsnotfood #fortheanimals #withusnotforus #compassion #loveanimals #amazon #amazonrainforest #cattlefarming #cattleranching #deforestation #ecofriendly #environmentallyconscious https://www.instagram.com/p/CLm6g6tBQVf/?igshid=1a7bq9ftdpmzn
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frederickruss · 5 years ago
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May all beings be free from suffering. May compassion grace all sentient life. May mercy guide our ways, may love melt all barriers, and may truth hold an esteemed place in the hearts of me. May we dare to speak it, and let its echos ring out bold and free. Follow @frederickruss 💚🌱 Join Vegan Awakening Group Link in profile bio #veganawakeninggroup #vegan #vegansofig #veganfortheanimals #goveganfortheanimals💚🐷🐮🐣🐖🐗🐰🐔🐟🐬🐋🐵🐐🐏💚 #veganfacts #veganthoughts #cancelanimalag #animalactivism #stopanimalabuse #veganhumor #stopanimaltesting #veganactivist #stopanimalcruelty #animalactivist #veganlife #veganfood #veganeverything #reganrussell #exposeanimalabuse #vegangentleman #realmendonteatanimals #realmenprotectwomen #realmenprotectanimals #veganaf #vegansarcasm #vegansofinsta #vegansofinstagram #veganrecipe #vegancommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1hzRmBXaD/?igshid=hm5wot1hjrkc
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