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browngringahutzpah · 5 years ago
that’s Violence.
(White) Silence is Violence.
When you laugh at the joke that made you feel uncomfortable, but you didn’t say anything because you didn’t want to make it “weird”: that’s Violence.
When you or your friends sing along to a rap song and smile right through a “nigga,” that explodes from your/their lips with a gleeful leer, (and no, it doesn’t matter if there’s not a hard “r”),: that’s Violence.
When you clutch your bag just slightly tighter than you would for a lighter man who passes you by on the sidewalk: that’s Violence.
When you stand idly by as Chad tells your Black friend they’re different because they don’t “act” Black: that’s Violence.
When you let someone display the Confederate flag. . .  for ANY reason: that’s Violence.
When you vote for and praise politicians who have referred to Black men as “super predators” and injected metaphorical steroids into the prison industrial complex through policy, (and we all know who I’m talking about here): that’s Violence.
When you let Karen say “All Lives Matter” at the dinner table, and you glare down at your plate and stab the peas with your fork, instead of speaking up: that’s Violence.
When you continue to listen to white artists who have and continue to benefit and profit off of Black culture and the appropriation of that culture without proper public acknowledgment, and continue to defend them, (we’re looking at you Swifties): that’s Violence.
When you hear your friend say, “I’m just not attracted to Black INSERT GENDER HERE.”, and allow those words to float through the air with the same normalcy and casualness of a “I’m not attracted to INSERT GENDER who smoke cigarettes”: that’s Violence.
When you post a black square on your Instagram to be “woke” and then never say or do another thing for this movement again: that’s Violence.
(White) Silence is Violence.
If you are guilty of this silence, this Violence. . . don’t atone to your nearest Black friend. Don’t try to absolve yourself of the guilt from the Violence we’ve committed based on the environments we were raised in. Black people aren’t meant to console you and assure you they know you’re not racist or that they know you didn’t mean to offend them that one time. . . .No.  When you acknowledge the Violence we’ve committed, the next step is pretty fucking simple. . . DO BETTER. DO MORE. AND DO IT OFTEN: that’s Progress. Now get to work.
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raquelno · 2 years ago
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Silence is better Than unnecessary Drama • • • • @overthedream @maring_khai • • • • #staysafe #silence #silent #si #silenceday #silenceisgolden #silencequotes #silenceisviolence #silencetheshame #silencespeaks #silenceisnotanoption #i #silenceisbetrayal #silencelimited #instagram #silencekills #instagood #silenced #silenceborn #instalike #silencethemind #thesilence #breakthesilence #is #silenceisbetterthanbullshitt #nothingisordinary #followforfollowback #bestfriends #deadsilence https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn84bQmpfPl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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catmigliano7 · 2 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @florida.lost.stolen.kept_pets BOLO !!!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Stolen from SW 117th & SW 31st Miami, FL @squishyfacefrenchies_miami #SomeoneSawSomething #SomeoneKnowsSomething #SeeSomethingSaySomethingDoSomething #SpeakUp #silenceIsNotAnOption #WhatYouSawWhenYouWerentPayingAttention #PassItAlong #SocialNetworkSleuths #WisdomOfTheCrowd #SocialSleuthing #HelpFindHim #BringHimHome #SomeoneHasHim #RememberNoFindersKeepers #SharingIsCaring #miamilostdogs #lostdogsofmiami #helpfindmydog #lostanimalsofmiami #stolenpetsofinstagram #cutlerbaylostdogs #miamidadecountylostdogs #stolenfrenchie #missingdogsofcutlerbay #frenchiesofinstagram #miamidadecountymissingpets #missingpetsofmiamidadecounty #dogsofmiamidade #bolo #helpfindmydog #lostpetsofmiami (at Miami Florida USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cms4GCsuXCX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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instarjthoughts · 3 years ago
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Silence is not the answer. @instarj_thoughts #life #love #lifelove #silenceislove #silenceisnotanoption #depressedlife #depressionisreal #lifefacts #lifetruth #positivethoughtsonly #thanksforeverything❤️ #thankyougod🙏 #instarjthoughts #loveyoushiva❤️ #loveyouzindegi❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CWtKk35Bmp4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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realmetaphysics · 4 years ago
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#sowetostand #togetherwe can #silenceisnotanoption #bloodisinourhands #talkingdoesnthelp #policedonthelp https://www.instagram.com/p/BSiMdvYhb6c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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zoejameswilliams · 4 years ago
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#silenceisnotanoption You can impact the world for change #StuartLawrence @scholastic_uk #BOOKREVIEW What makes us unique? an inspirational insightful self help book for kids( of all ages😉). From encouraging us to see setbacks as a chance to learn by because failure is unfinished business or to stop staring at screens and interact with those around making more use of your time. To be proud and stand up for yourself and your beliefs. . These short chapters and segments are easily digestible and you can dip into it to encourage yourself to be better and more productive. Exalting the ethic of discipline, self love and encouraging us to celebrate our strengths. . .This is really inspiring for all ages and covers all areas of life from social to educational and gives invaluable guidance , advice and life lessons throughout. It certainly inspired me and I am definitely taking up quite a few of the tips so thank you ☺️ #BOOKDESCRIPTION Stuart is The younger brother of Stephen Lawrence who tragically died in an unprovoked attack in 1993. This is an inspiring read to help you live more positively while Stuart reflects on his brother Stephen's life and murder. And what helped him deal with tough times. Stuart is determined to ensure children today understand the impact of their actions and the importance of inclusion through teaching tolerance and celebrating difference. An inspiring book. https://www.instagram.com/p/CN3Pme6LVCc/?igshid=7u5svv7b0afw
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queenbeecupcake · 4 years ago
#saveourchildren #saveourwomen #speakout #VIB3C1TY #QueenzCupcakez #silenceisnotanoption (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLNgW9al7tI/?igshid=ofsfwn5gyo5k
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daisydeadpetal-blog · 7 years ago
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"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" #dumbo #brooklyn #thekidsarealright #resist #knowyourrights #teachthemstrength #silenceisnotanoption (at DUMBO, Brooklyn)
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riospalante · 5 years ago
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@rios_toy_designs_ X @fu_stamps A sneak peak at things to come. ⚔️ 🖕🏼 #artttoy #sofubi #fustamps #riostoydesigns #blm #specialedition #comingsoon #moreimportantthings #unity #poc #representationmatters #silenceisnotanoption (at South Bronx) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFZ8JqTHpM7/?igshid=1ns78h0f1vzjm
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angiewanted · 5 years ago
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Happy Juneteenth America! #EducateYourself #SilenceIsNotAnOption #Juneteenth2020 🙏🏽🥰✊🏾❤️💚🖤🇺🇸☮️✝️ (at Meredith Manor Hiram Clarke Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnwTENB72q/?igshid=121pm29lj1z5v
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brenami · 5 years ago
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I just attended my first ever protest with my family, and I have to say it was an AMAZING experience. There were thousands of people there, all marching peacefully. Every single person I saw was wearing a mask. There were hundreds of volunteers and families on the sides of the road passing out free water, Gatorade, trail mix, granola bars, apple sauce, cold oranges. And all along the way I saw people picking up trash and leaving the space better than we found it. There were police marching with us, and waving from the side of the road. We saw one white guy trying to instigate a problem with police, and a black gentleman immediately went up and asked him to stop because he wasn't helping the movement. We'll be back tomorrow. ❤ #SilenceIsNotAnOption https://www.instagram.com/p/CBFBDl_nZxo/?igshid=1inyldvt935pu
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iamblacbuttafly · 5 years ago
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#SilenceIsNotAnOption #silenceiscomplicity Repost from @missjulee using @RepostRegramApp - Happy birthday, Queen👑 Today, Breonna Taylor would have celebrated her 27th birthday. Breonna was an award-winning EMT and first responder in Louisville, KY. On the night of March 13th, the Louisville Metro Police executed a no-knock warrant, reportedly looking for drugs they never found, trafficked by a person who did not live with Breonna or in her complex-and whom they already had in custody. They sprayed her home with 20 rounds, shooting Breonna 8 times –killing her while she slept in her bed. No one has been arrested. We will not forget Breonna, and we vow to fight for her. Visit http://fightforbreonna.org/ and demand that special prosecutor Daniel Cameron comport with full transparency and accountability. Email him at [email protected] #BreonnaTaylor #BreDay ✨Art created by @shaneebenjamin (at New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEMerclReH/?igshid=pjr5s5856g7r
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sarvin-world · 5 years ago
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At Sarvin, we pride ourself on being a British brand that is loved internationally. We have had the privilege to work with a diverse range of people from different races and ethnicities, with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We could have not made it this far if we did not have some of these amazing people working so hard with Sarvin. With thanks to our wonderfully diverse customer base and partners, also. Today, we wanted to use our platform to state that, we acknowledge that we may never understand or relate to the experiences that the Black community have endured, we stand with our black brothers and sisters. Silence is not an option. The recent events that have come to light in the USA have shaken us to our very core. It is horrifying that in this century, we are still seeing the black community suffer at the hands of people in a position of authority. We have to put a STOP to this. As a team, we are taking the time out to listen, read, learn and have open conversations about what we can do to be better allies for the Black community. We are actively working to educate ourselves in ongoing racial matters, identify our own privileges and work out how we can work towards an anti-racist future. https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/# #blackout2020 #theshowmustbepaused #silenceisnotanoption (at Huddersfield) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-HZmNA3KF/?igshid=18gng8u9mqmp
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catmigliano7 · 2 years ago
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#PleaseHelpSpreadTheWord #LucyLiu was lost on Monday 12/26/2022 at approx 6:45 pm at Silver Springs National Park on 326 in Ocala Florida She is a female Shar Pei with a short red coat wearing a blue collar with red hearts. If seen, do not chase. Take a picture and text or call: 305-776-4425 #LostInOcala #SomeoneSawSomething #SomeoneKnowsSomething #SeeSomethingSaySomethingDoSomething #SpeakUp #silenceIsNotAnOption #WhatYouSawWhenYouWerentPayingAttention #PassItAlong #SocialNetworkSleuths #WisdomOfTheCrowd #SocialSleuthing #HelpFindLucyLiu #BringLucyLiuHome #SomeoneHasLucyLiu #RememberNoFindersKeepers #SharingIsCaring (at Silver Springs State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmqKK7KOJen/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fastcurious · 4 years ago
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@jefffrandsen |
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zoejameswilliams · 4 years ago
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#silenceisnotanoption You can impact the world for change #StuartLawrence @scholastic_uk . Stuart is The younger brother of Stephen Lawrence who tragically died in an unprovoked attack in 1993. This is an inspiring read to help you live more positively while Stuart reflects on his brother Stephen's life and murder. And what helped him deal with tough times. Stuart is determined to ensure children today understand the impact of their actions and the importance of inclusion through teaching tolerance and celebrating difference. An inspiring book. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMDHFR5ggNf/?igshid=uem2j2xvi3m5
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