#ipomoea batatas
buffetlicious · 6 months
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) comes in a variety of colours such as orange, purple, white and yellow. They are also rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. You can boil, bake, steam or fry them but in our house, we normally boil/steam it whole with skin or peel the skin and prepare it as Sweet Potato Dessert Soup (番薯糖水). Here, we are using Vietnam grown Japanese Purple Skin Sweet Potato with yellow flesh.
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barcelonavegana · 11 months
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shylo-ink · 2 years
Fried sweet potato goes kind of hard.
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plantsnshite · 2 years
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ofmdlovelyletters · 5 months
Hello to the lovely ipomoea-batatas! You are one of the most gorgeous people I have ever seen, your cosplays are top-notch, and I still sometimes think about your "Singing Ed's Sad Song With Different Instruments" series. You're amazing, thank you for being here 💙
Hi @ipomoea-batatas! You've received a lovely letter! 💌
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xoxoemynn · 28 days
Fan Fic Friday!
I'm finally getting in the headspace to be able to read and enjoy fic and oh boy have I been enjoying it! Sharing a few that I've enjoyed reading this past week. For simplicity's sake I'm focusing just on completed works.
People Are Just People (Like You) by @trans-top-stede and @nonplayer-character (plus art!!) Holy shit. Holy shit. This story is stunning. This 24K fic (that also includes some wonderful art) shows Ed struggling to re-enter the world after the COVID lockdowns, all while drawing solace listening to a radio show for aliens. (Hmmm, wonder who could be hosting that?) There is pure, raw emotion baked into each and every word. The loneliness, the feeling of knowing it SHOULD be so easy to just do what you once did so easily but now it's HARD, the desperation, the hope, all while Ed just keeps trying. By the end I was weeping and just feeling in awe of all the little ways humans are simply there for each other, time and time again. I found this work deeply relatable, and I'm sure many others on here will as well. It's an absolute masterpiece and I can't stop thinking about it.
Red Skies at Night by @soupbtch Oh, this is a FUN one, even if I was literally screaming at my laptop for chapter upon chapter because OH MY GOD I KNOW I SAID I LOVE A SLOW BURN BUT WHY MUST THEY BURN SO SLOWLY WHY CAN'T THEY JUST KISS?!?!?! Anyway. Stede's a perfectly bitchy cruise critic, Ed's performing on said cruise ship, sparks fly. This 64K fic is the perfect blend of humor and tension and heartache and of course, a lot of romance. And some great sex. Danny did such a great job using beats from both S1 and S2 to tell a really beautiful story that had me grinning ear to ear nearly the entire time. (Again, nearly, because I also did a lot of screaming.) Absolutely fantastic.
True to Life by @ipomoea-batatas This summary ("Ed and Stede accidentally open an inn for ghosts") had me sold immediately. It's fluffy domestic fic. And a ghost. But not like a ghost that's going to be terrifying and murder you in your sleep, so don't worry if that's not your jam. Just a ghost with a backstory. This fic 28K is SO much fun, filled with impeccable banter that feels like Taika and Rhys just got set loose and were allowed to do whatever they wanted. A bit of a mystery, a bit of cozy domesticity, a lot of fun. Highly recommend.
Flotsam and Jetsam by @/anathxmadevice Looking for a quick read? This one's a little over 5K and is so absurdly lovely. Don't be fooled by the short word count; there are some Big Feels in this fic. Stede's a beachcomber, and Ed runs a pub, and naturally Ed is immediately charmed by Stede's excitement at finding some funky shells. I don't want to give away the ending, but suffice to say it basically left me the human embodiment of this emoji: 🥹. Just a beautiful little bite-sized fic. And there's also a podfic!
Pete & Prejudice by @shieldmaidenofmithrilhall Okay, here's something a little different! All of the above are Ed x Stede, but here's an absolutely charming 14K story about Lucius and Pete! (Although there are some truly adorable Ed x Stede moments in it as well.) Pete and Lucius are dating and everything is amazing, except once a year Pete disappears for "a thing," and now Lucius is determined to find out what it is. I can't say much more without spoiling it, but I will say I started smiling in the very first paragraph and by the time I was done my grin had basically reached my eyebrows. Absolutely perfect characterization, so sweet, so romantic, and some moments that literally made me laugh out loud. Be prepared to fall even more deeply in love with Pete.
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hi jamie I just thought as the resident Calico Jack Guy you needed to know about this calico jack eyeshadow palette with incredible marketing that samantha rei is releasing
Ahhhhhh @ipomoea-batatas you did what girl??????
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samanthareiclothing · 5 months
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Hey Crew! Read everything!
Time to shower yourself in gold with the Dalliance Palette! FOR REAL THIS TIME! Inspired by fun, adventure and taking risks, this range stays with you.
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What started as an April fool's joke resulted in having done the legwork to make sure I could actually do something about it if people liked it. So, this is going to be a limited pre-order. This is it. It will go into production once we reach the minimum and if the minimum isn't reached then everything will be refunded. If the minimum is reached, it will go into production and be sent out later this spring.
Pre-order starts April 15th and ends April 30. If you want this, don't hesitate because I will make no more than 100 of this palette and will not do a reorder.
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Artwork: @gayjeris
Ads: @ipomoea-batatas
Vibes: Meg
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bumblebeeappletree · 23 days
For those who have moved north in recent years and are still grappling with the warmer conditions, Jerry offers a class in Sub-tropical Gardening 101.
The weather:
Just because you’ve moved to the warm sub-tropics, doesn’t mean you’ll no longer get frosts! And while there’s plenty of sunshine, summer rainfall can be patchy and erratic.
There are two main seasons: warm and cool.
* Warm runs from December to March and it’s generally wetter. Rainfall can be short and heavy.
* The cool season runs from May to November and that’s generally drier, with lower temperatures and less humidity.
Soil: Jerry recommends adding compost to the soil whenever sowing or planting to help combat these seasonal shifts. And always cover the soil with mulch to capture and store seasonal downfalls. Jerry uses chopped sugar cane.
Starchy staples - potatoes can rot or wither in Brisbane, so Jerry grows yams, arrowroot, sweet potatoes and bananas instead.
He recommends sweet potato and an easy plant for beginners; plant in a raised bed for good drainage, then feed monthly and water sparingly. Watch for grasshoppers and lift all your crop at harvest to avoid leaving food for weavils. Crop rotation avoids reinfestation, too. Plant in spring for harvest after 3-4 months. Don’t forget the new shoots are edible, too!
Leafy greens can go to seed quickly in the heat. They do best in the cool season but sowing for succession harvests helps, too. Jerry grows a range of greens, including Ethiopian cabbage, leeks, sweet leaf, kings salad, and herbs.
A good starter for beginners is celtuce, which tastes like a cross between celery and lettuce. As well as using the leaves, the stems can be peeled, sliced and stir-fried.
Fruit trees - Jerry says you need at least one exotic sub-tropical fruit and his pick is the papaya. You can eat the ripe fruit, make a lovely green papaya salad, the seed relieves constipation and the chopped leaves have a peppery taste. Treat as short-term perennials and replace every 2-3 years. To avoid fruit fly, pick the fruit green and ripen it indoors.
Tomatoes - in the subtropics the seed should be sown in March for planting in April or May because they grow better in the dry season. This also helps avoid fruit fly attack - until late September, at least. Grow cherry tomatoes to reduce the risk of caterpillar attack.
Frangipani - a sub-tropical must-have. Don’t limit yourself to the old-fashioned white flowers - there are hundreds of cultivars that will grow in the sub tropics, so enjoy them and the different fragrances they bring. They need full sun and excellent drainage. Feed with a slow-release fertiliser that’s high in phosphorous and potassium twice a year: in spring and summer.
Featured plants:
Winged yam (Dioscorea alata)
Banana (Musa cv.)
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas cv.)
Bok choy (Brassica rapa cv.)
Ethopian cabbage (Brassica carinata)
Leek (Allium ampeloprasum cv.)
* Sweet leaf (Breynia androgyna)
* Kings salad (Cosmos caudatus)
Rice Paddy Herb (Limnophila aromatica)
Fish Mint (Houttuynia cordata)
*La Lot (Piper sarmentosum)
Celtuce (Lactuca sativa cv.)
*Papaya (Carica papaya cv.)
Tomato ‘Grosse Lisse’ (Solanum lycopersicum cv.)
Frangipani (Plumeria cv.)
* Always check species before planting; they may be environmental weeds in your area.
Filmed in Turrbal & Yuggera Country in Brisbane, Qld
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adickaboutspoons · 7 months
thank you for the tag @snake-snack-stede & @youshouldseemeinadeerstalker 💖💖💖💖💖
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: my middle name was that of a childhood friend of my mother's who died before I was born.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: yes - one son
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I fenced in college, but otherwise I'm not particularly sporty
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: my mother tongue, but I use it a lot less than I used to
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: their physical presence? IDK, man, I work vampire hours and go out very infrequently, so mostly I enjoy NOT noticing people because there are v. few out and about when I am.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: ¿Por qué no los dos? Big fan of horror. Big fan of comedy. It all depends on the Mood
ANY TALENTS?: I'm quite a good dancer, a decent cook and baker, sing tolerably well, I've been known to write a bit, I sew my own clothes, and I am a dab hand at finding four-leaf clovers
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: USA - Maryland, more specifically
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: reading, writing, sewing, crochet, drawing, photography, making silly fanvids, and board gaming
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Three litter-sister cats; a tabby named Starbuck, a black cat named Kali Jayne, and a tortie named Amalthea
DREAM JOB?: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah-hahahah. No. I do not dream of labor. I did want to be a ballerina when I was a girl, but was taller and thicker than all the other girls in my dance classes by 12 and broke my big toe at 15, so nah.
No presh, my lovlies, but tagging @nicnacsnonsense, @poetic----nonsense, @chocolatepot, @neverbelessthan, @depressedgremlinbitch, @agaywithcoffee, @ipomoea-batatas, @bookshelfdreams, @chained-to-the-mirror, @serious-goose, @starlithumanity, @saltpepperbeard, @red-sky-in-mourning, @virgo-79, & @triflesandparsnips
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hiimcanadia · 11 months
Now that s2 is partially out and we have new characters & characterizations, cym as ofmd characters!
Oh yay I've never done one of these before :D Apologies if I missed anyone I can never remember which of my mutuals are actually ofmd fans. Also we're doing this no explanation vibes only style
@jellybeanium124 - Izzy
@meanmisscharles - Frenchie
@batsarebetterthanpeople - Anne Bonny
@stedebonnit - Stede
@mothmerchant - Ed
@ofmdtereomaori - Fang
@ipomoea-batatas - Wee John
@mag200 - Jim
@m-e-w-666 - The Swede
@tinygamzee - Buttons
I'm also gonna cast @hellshire-harlot who hasn't watched ofmd but could easily be both of the toxic lesbians, and @finder-of-rings who I don't think has watched ofmd (?) but I'm going to cast as Pete <3
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okaima · 1 year
Karelian Words - Root vegetables
Juurekset, paissikkahat - root vegetables, plants of which roots are eaten
Akančiiloi - Marsh woundworth (Stachys palustris)
Batat, batakka - Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
Čibanbutki, kožlanbutki - Ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria)
Dorogaohtoi, takkisheinä - Burdock (Arctium tomentosum, A. lappa and A. nemorosum)
Ičenbutki, butkiheinä - Wild angelica (Angelica sylvestris)
Imeläjuurikoi, s'okla - Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris altissima)
Jogihyyhky, kondienhyyhky - Wild celery (Angelica archangelica)
Juuripetruška - Parsley root (Petroselinum crispum tuberosum)
Juuriselderi - Celery root (Apium graveolens rapaceum)
Kagrajuurikoi - Common salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius)
Kal'uha, koalikka, lanttu - Rutabaga, swede (Brassica napus rapifera)
Kartohka, potakka - Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Keldajuurikoi, morkohka - Carrot (Daucus carrota sativus)
Moabul'u, moabul'pukka - Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
Mustajuurikoi - Black salsify (Scorzonera hispanica)
Nagris, ńakoi, repa - White turnip (Brassica rapa rapa)
Osmankeäbä - Broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia)
Perččujuurikoi, hren'a - Horseradish (Armoracia rustiana) 
Redissu - Radish (Raphanus sativus sativus)
Ruskeijuurikoi, sv'okla - Beetroot (Beta vulgaris vulgaris conditiva)
Rötky - Black radish (Raphanus sativus niger)
Valgeijuurikoi - Daikon (Raphanus raphanistrum sativus)
Voikukka - Dandelion (Taraxacum)
Ämmänbutki, pasternakka - Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)
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barcelonavegana · 11 months
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eilooxara · 1 year
I know I'm the only one grinding this axe but the tubers of ipomoea batatas are NOT yams OR potatoes
They're their own thing and calling them "sweet potatoes" is misguided and "yams" is just plain deceptive
They have a name! It's batatas!
And this matters because you cook them differently!! They want more cook time and have a completely different flavor profile than any potato or any yam!
Or look at the kiwifruit. Great fruit, very tasty. It's not from Aotearoa (aka New Zealand but renaming things that already had perfectly good names after other things that they aren't is what I'm on about! But the landmass containing Copenhagen and the one containing Auckland are harder to mix up). It's not kiwi. They originate from China and were being called "Chinese gooseberries" (despite not being gooseberries but they're green inside and I guess that's enough?) in English speaking markets but the name was changed for marketing reasons due to people being racist against the Chinese and so they rebranded to kiwi because that was politically more neutral and there were some being grown there
What's the kiwifruit's real name? I don't know but I bet it has one, in Chinese.
Or the word "pepper". Don't fucking get me started on pepper.
Anyway I think things should be named the things they're named and not other unrelated things
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blakbonnet · 2 years
Hi I just came over from tumblr and love your blog!! Do you have a follow forever list so I can find more blogs to follow?
Hi 👋 Here's some cool blogs for you (mostly ofmd and/or multifandom)✌️
@beardedblack @mxmollusca @taikaverse @nofeelingisfinall @leatherdaddyteach @wearfinethingsalltoowell @snake-snack-stede @skysofrey @vampirebutterflies @sherlockig @not-nervous-jester @flightoftheconnie @boytwentyten @blackbeardz @saltpepperbeard @neine @rainbowbonnet @stedexbonnet @stedebonnets @stedebonnit @epersonae @abigailpents @adriart @beansprean @illustoryart @ipomoea-batatas @jellybeanium124 @ninallthatjazz @ourflagmeansbts @tabbystardust @viagc @xoxoemynn @youshouldseemeinadeerstalker @awkward-fallen-angel @ella-doe @blackbeardskneebrace @youshouldseemeinadeerstalker @twocarsonenight
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vampirebutterflies · 1 year
could you name some people to follow? I'm new here 🩵
oh ho HO welcome!!! I’m not sure what kinda content you’re looking for SO you’re getting a list under the cut because I’m an autism creature and cannot be normal about anything! there’s like 73 recommendations so there’ll be at least one you’ll like. mwah 🩷
Besties Club
@gremlin-soup @chupacactus @not-nervous-jester* @blackbeardskneebrace* @blakbonnet * @skysofrey* @a-logical-phallus @couriander @turtles-on-turts* @mellow7melo @kyatsudawn @triflesandparsnips * @dickfuckk @smoothedsmoothie * @forest-sprites @ipomoea-batatas*
bonus mention to @transgendercyborg @evilwizard @cryptotheism @intersexfairy cuz they’re cool
Our Flag Means Death content *
@bizarrelittlemew @snake-snack-stede @aha-my-villainous-thoughts @thatfuchsiafloralrobe @asneakyfox @cliopadra (HIGHLY recommend for hilarious ofmd art) @rainbowbonnet @forpiratereasons
Aesthetic / stim blogs
@its-time-for-mud @jasmineandtigerbalm @i-reblog-stims @sensoryeen @florealegiardini @fleur-aesthetic @petrichara
Fun shit / Cool things / Items / Toys / Plushies / etc
@littleguymart @littlealienproducts @sosuperawesome @silly-plushies @sophiesplushies @palaeoplushies @autisticgayplushie
@headspace-hotel @cool-plants-daily @onenicebugperday
@apofiss @titsay @gayestcowboy @eskiworks @byjessicaelena @butterberrycafe @marbirds @averyluckyclover @leahgardner-art @karlovycross @mini-moss @foxes-in-love @feefal @tedpaints @jordanbolton @simzart @tuherrus * @pikaole @8pxl @falseknees @obsob @emcolbs @goodlouse @spitblossoms @stil-lindigo @prinnay @mjulmjul @fairydropart
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