#invention with brian forbes
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nadiv22 · 1 year ago
My favorite quotes from civ VI
“No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune.” – Plutarch
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers
“I AM FOND OF PIGS. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” – Winston S. Churchill
“Who deserves more credit than the wife of a coal miner?” – Merle Travis
“When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.” – Will Rogers
“I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.” – Arthur C. Clarke
“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” -W. H. Auden
“I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth, I knew not where.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” -Mark Twain
“I’m also interested in creating a lasting legacy … because bronze will last for thousands of years.” – Richard MacDonald
“MONEA, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.” – Helen Gurley Brown
“A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot.” – John Steinbeck
“The Lord made us all out of iron. Then he turns up the heat to forge some of us into steel.” – Marie Osmond
“I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder … Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that.” – Capt. E.J. Smith, RMS Titanic
“Create with the heart; build with the mind.” – Criss Jami
“One man’s ‘magic’ is another man’s engineering.” – Robert Heinlein
“There is no easy way to train an apprentice. My two tools are example and nagging.” – Lemony Snicket
The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm Forbes
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle
“Rocks in my path? I keep them all. With them I shall build my castle.” – Nemo Nox
“Not all who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
“People can have the Model T in any color – so long as it’s black.” – Henry Ford
“The pen might not be mightier than the sword, but maybe the printing press is heavier than the siege weapon. Just a few words can change everything.” – Terry Pratchett
“Astronomy’s much more fun when you’re not an astronomer.” – Brian May
“If facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” – Albert Einstein
“No one starts a war – or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so – without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it.” – Karl von Clausewitz
“Science owes more to the steam engine than the steam engine owes to science.” – Lawrence Henderson
“Bolt actions speak louder than words.” – Craig Roberts
“Never criticize a rifleman until you have walked a mile in his shoes. That way, he’ll be barefoot and you’ll be out of range.” – The 2nd Target Company
“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“If you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing. If you use the airplane the next day, it’s an outstanding landing.” – Chuck Yeager
“Benjamin Franklin may have discovered electricity, but it was the man who invented the meter who made the money.” – Earl Wilson
“Chemists do not usually stutter. It would be very awkward if they did, seeing that they have at times to get out such words as methylethylamylophenylium.” – Sir William Crookes
“If God had really intended men to fly, He’d make it easier to get to the airport.” – George Winters
“Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated bullets.” – George Patton
“There may be no forgiveness for polyester. On this one matter, Satan and the Lord are in agreement.” – Joe Hill
“I’m a big laser believer – I really think they are the wave of the future.” – Courteney Cox
"Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now.” – Mattie Stepanek
“Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.” — Colonel David Hackworth
“A strong economy begins with a strong, well-educated workforce.”– Bill Owens “Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.” – Marcus Aurelius
“It was luxuries like air conditioning that brought down the Roman Empire. With air conditioning their windows were shut; they couldn’t hear the barbarians coming.” – Garrison Keillor
Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” – William Shakespeare
“Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack.” – Sun Tzu
“History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
“A good navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“In democracy it’s your vote that counts; in feudalism it’s your count that votes.” – Mogens Jallberg
“There are very honest people who do not think that they have had a bargain unless they have cheated a merchant.” – Anatole France
“You can’t go around arresting the Thieves’ Guild. I mean, we’d be at it all day!” – Terry Pratchett
“Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government … You can’t expect to wield supreme power just ‘cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” – Monty Python
“In diplomacy there are two kinds of problems: small ones and large ones. The small ones will go away by themselves, and the large ones you will not be able to do anything about.” – Patrick McGuinness
“A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.” – Robert Frost
“New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.” – John Locke
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” – Douglas Adams
“Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.” – Edward Wilson
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” -Mark Twain
“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – Heywood Broun
“A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.” – George S. Patton
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – John F. Kennedy
“Which of all my important nothings shall I tell you first?” -Jane Austen
“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” –Albert Einstein
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slushyseals · 5 years ago
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Lou Seal is the official mascot of the San Francisco Giants. "Born" on July 25, 1996, Luigi Francisco Seal has been a regular part of the Giants baseball home games and events around San Francisco, and the United States. The name is a play on the name "Lucille." The Giants held a contest in which fans submitted name ideas. Six people submitted the name "Lou Seal" and they were all invited to a game that season to watch from a luxury box. All of them got to meet the newly named Lou Seal and one of these lucky fans was randomly chosen to throw out the first pitch at that game. The name also refers to the San Francisco Seals, the baseball club that was a mainstay of the Pacific Coast League from 1903 until 1957. Although the mascot's name is a bit ambiguous, Lou Seal is indeed "officially" male (and the person inside the costume is a man). In 2008, Forbes named Lou Seal the best mascot in sports.
The character has had 1,150 consecutive home-game appearances, and is one of the four subjects followed in the second season of the Hulu series Behind the Mask.
He even has PARENTS! (Pictured above in the second row)
The Interview
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Full Name: Luigi Francisco Seal
Position: Left Out (Team Mascot) Born: July 25, 1996 Bats: Right flipper Throws: Right flipper Height: Taller than the average seal Weight: He could use a diet Hair: Battleship grey
CAREER Like a fish out of water, Lou's flip-flopping mystique and crazy sense of humor contribute high-powered enthusiasm to Felipe's roster. Known for his "Let's see what I can get away with next" philosophy, Lou has accomplished many daring feats ... 25 attempts of unsuccessfully kicking the umpire in the seat of his pants ... actually stole home plate five times ... 19 headstands behind home plate ... placed 2.5 banana peels in the path of the opposing team ... Five-time champion of "Act Crazy Behind The Fox Newscaster Without Getting Caught!" ... has given 2,562 nuggies, polished 843 bald heads, directed more than 12 major name pregame music bands ... won the 1998 Easter Seal Mascot Baseball Game as a member of S.J. Sharkie's Heroes ... caught 13 "fowl" balls with his mouth.
GIANT IN THE COMMUNITY Participates in visiting hospitals, youth organization and civic groups throughout Northern California and San Francisco.
PERSONAL Graduated from Pier 39 Flipper Academy, majoring in Beach Ball Balancing and Shark Avoidance ... started own crab-leg restaurant at Fisherman's Wharf, where he invented Clam Chowder in a Bread Bowl ... won the San Francisco Tuna Eating Contest flippers-down from 1997-98 ... once grew his whiskers so long, he was mistaken for an octopus ... someday aspires to be a special guest on "Baywatch."
HOW OBTAINED Spotted by Dusty Baker at Pier 39. Turned down offers from other teams to sign with the Giants.
INTERESTS Enjoys going to the movies, eating dinner (lots of it), dancing (all the time), swimming, playing baseball and many other sports, and likes to watch ESPN when at home.
Q: Hey, Lou Seal. Everyone has been wondering where you are from. LOU SEAL: I was born on the Farallon Islands just west of the Golden Gate Bridge and I grew up right here in San Francisco. Currently I live under the Lefty O'Doul Bridge in the China Basin district of San Francisco. I love this spot since I'm swimming distance from the team's home, Oracle Park. Being so close gives me more time to do what I do best - root for the greatest team of all time: the Giants!
Q: Do you come from a large family? LOU SEAL: Yeah, I come from a very large family. Us seals mature pretty quickly so I have a lot of relatives that I've never met -- until I became the Giants' team mascot! Now I have uncles, aunts, cousins and nephews coming out of the woodwork asking me for tickets and stuff.
Q: Are your parents proud of you? LOU SEAL: My parents are extremely proud of me! I am the first one in my family to earn a paycheck that isn't paid in smelt or other small fish. My family is so happy the new ballpark has opened up. Now they can watch me perform from the Bay.
The ballpark is pretty high-tech. I have suggested to the Giants to put some underwater television monitors below the waterfront so my folks can watch me on television.
Q: Sounds like you have quite a sweet tooth! LOU SEAL: Yes I do! Yet I always make sure I brush my teeth three times a day. My whiskers make great dental floss!
Q: How did you become such a huge Giants fan? LOU SEAL: I'm a San Francisco native and the Giants are in my blood! My dad was a big-time Giants fan and so was my grandpa! How can anyone not be a Giants fan!?! We've had so many great players over the last 40 years like Mays, McCovey, Marichal and Bonds -- you just gotta love the Giants!
I love cheering with the fans and helping to keep our team morale up and positive!
Q: Sounds like your family has quite a baseball history. LOU SEAL: Oh yeah! Because of my great-grandfather, the original San Francisco minor league baseball team was named the San Francisco Seals. As Grandpa told it, the original owner was walking along Pier 23 trying to think of a name for his team. A burst of wind came and blew his cap off his head and into the Bay. My great-grandfather retrieved it with his nose and gave it back to the man. From that moment on, they were called the San Francisco Seals!
At least that's what my grandpa tells me. It may be just a marine legend.
Q: So you must love your job. LOU SEAL: It is a dream job! I love cheering with the fans and helping to keep our team up and positive! It is no small coincidence that we have done so well since my first year on the job. It was not just Brian Sabean who helped turn this team around, the Big Lou had something to do with it too, you know.
Q: Besides going to baseball games, what else do you enjoy doing? LOU SEAL: I love making public appearances. It is great getting out and meeting Giants fans. I enjoy going to community and charity events, schools, birthday parties. I especially love attending corporate get-togethers.
I've done some appearances at some of the Dugout stores. It was great fun. When I'm not at a game or making an appearance, you might find me relaxing at Pier 39, chasing mermaids or fishin' for mackerel.
Q: What is your advice to kids on how they should enjoy a Giants game? LOU SEAL: They should wear a Giants cap, bring their glove to the game and root, root, root for the Giants! And don't be afraid to join Lou in the conga line!
Follow Lou Seal @LouSeal01
Lou Seal's Profile
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inventionwebseries · 6 years ago
Tom Konkle reviews
teehee for two          Placevine.com
"Invention with Brian Forbes, presented by the dynamically droll duo of David Beeler and Tom Konkle, is as dry as a Dean Martin martini (i.e. you just wave the bottle of Vermouth over the glass of gin), with a twist of Monty Python and a dash of Benny Hill, i.e., it's very, very British, in a retro sort of way. This series of short two man comedy sketches even features a 1970s sensibility in its color palate and fashions, which surely must be a deliberate tribute to its obvious source of inspiration. It's basically a "talk show" regarding a variety of topics involving intellectual ingenuity, all presented with their tongues planted so firmly in the cheeks it's amazing they don't mumble. The format - roughly described as conversational skits- is definitely an acquired taste, but if you like your humor dished up with a layer of sophisticated silliness on a platter of understated irony, you'll enjoy what the sly sort of satire they're serving."
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pulling boners the hard way          Placevine.com
"Safety Geeks is yet another winsome, winning comedy series from the talented twosome of David Beeler and Tom Konkle, this one an ensemble effort chronicling the exasperating exploits of the P.O.S.H. (Professional Occupational Safety Hazard) team, in both 2 and 3D! The fact that they're basically a bunch of well-meaning but hopelessly incompetent misfits is the basis for their bumbling series of moronic mishaps, which all prove quite counterproductive to their professional mission statement. The troupe's over-the-circus-top antics, which include ribald riffs and goofy gore in the spirit of Monty Python, either rub your funny the bone the right or the wrong way, but there's no denying their seemingly endless supply of inspired inventiveness."
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3 "Clinks" for Invention! (Out of 3)          Those Video Guys
The UK Web TV reviewers, Those Video Guys, have high praise for "fellow Brits, Dave & Tom"
"I'm laughing just thinking of them. That's how funny they are."              "What a great way to spend 5 to 10 minutes just watching funny sketches."            "The  caliber of the cast and writing... they've worked with some of the greats. You can't deny the actual caliber of the writing and acting."            "It's great to see two British comedy actors sticking to their British roots doing that kind of humor you would have expected from a Python."            "They reminded me of Fry & Laurie.... it has that surrealness."            "Brian Forbes, a great show and a lot of fun! Cheers to Dave & Tom!"
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Procedural à la Python: On SAFETY GEEKS: SVI – The WEB TV Movie              Web to Watch
"It definitely exemplifies Dave & Tom’s credo:  “silly comedy for smart people.” "All the actors do a really good job. Their performances are quirky and consistent. So much delicious awkwardness." "a unique environment. It lent its self to humor you normally only see in animated shows." "...most laughs came from non-sequiturs and witty one-liners, of which there are many." "Verdict: In the spirit of the show, it gave me a comedic erection. One that lasted over 8 hours."              
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Invention With Brian Forbes              93Studios Screening Room              - Steve Spaulding            
Bottom Line: The Internet is filled with sketch comedy, some of it good, most of it pretty painful, but rarely do you see a show that hearkens back to the best of Flying Circus while still managing to stay relevant. Invention with Brian Forbes is a dry, acid-tongued sketch web series that will leave you laughing from minute one.
Great writing, awkward pauses and strong acting ties Invention together making it a treat to watch.
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Webisode Clack - Safety Geeks: SVI              Clique Clack              - Brett Love
"The creators have described the show as “a nice mix of surreal Adult Swim humor with a Monty Python take on CSI, Missing, Without a Trace, NCIS etc..” While I hesitate to compare anyone to Monty Python, because they are legends, that description is well stated. The show is very funny, full of one-liners, and often flying off the rails into the completely absurd. If you’re an Adult Swim or Monty Python person, it should be right in your wheelhouse."
"The actions of the team range from odd, to stupid, all with huge helpings of cheese. And I mean that in the best possible way. It’s all great fun to watch."
"That cheesiness also extends to the look of the show. Clearly a lot of time and effort has gone into the effects used, and they take on a quality that I would call fantastically bad. That’s not bad in the sense of not being good. It’s bad in the sense that many of the effects are so cheesy that they are almost as absurd as the story we’re watching. To that end, they fit perfectly, and just add to the experience."
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Safety Geeks: SVI              93Studios Screening Room              - Steve Spaulding
"Raunchy, wacky and filled up to the brim with one-liners, Safety Geeks SVI is an object lesson in High Camp and a real must-watch for anyone who likes their comedy with a great, big dollop of outrageousness."
"Safety Geeks SVI has some of the best special effects I’ve seen in a web series."
"All in all, this is a show that deserves your attention. It’s timing, sense of humor and overall feel put it on the list of top tier web comedies."
click here for full review
             Safety Geeks: SVI              VisioWeb.tv              - Alec Corday              "...mainstream appeal with its one-liners, non-sequiturs and black humor."  "Much of the humor derives not so much from safety and lack thereof but from the wacky characters played by seasoned actors all around."  "hilarious... a lot of fun...."  "Very much noteworthy is also the execution of the show."
click here for full review            
Invention with Brian Forbes              VisioWeb.tv              - Alec Corday
"...outrageous inventions that will leave you ROFLing..." "...inventions so out to lunch, they could only have come from the brilliant minds of two Anglophiles, Dave & Tom." "The acting is superb and the simplicity of the settings rely solely on the writing… no fancy sets or props. It’s the jokes and the actors who carry it along. And it works. We’re dealing with professionals and there is no questioning that."
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Webseries: Invention with Brian Forbes              Pink Raygun              - Melissa Voelker
"...hilariously loony ...consistently funny" "This series is very well written." "The two leads play off each other very well and together they make a great comedy duo. It was really easy to watch each webisode back to back and not lose interest. And I continued laughing until the very end, which proves that this show handles its simple but funny concept really well."            
click here for full review
Safety Geeks: SVI - Entertainment Review              MyNerdGirl.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - Sidney Cozzaglio              
"It's witty and mindless all at once."
"I would say this show was definitely made by fans of the likes of Monty Python, Shawn of the Dead, and Robot Chicken."            
"It is silly. I can think of no better word to describe it. The 'over the top' situations and characters poke fun at shows like CSI and, I think, The A Team and the archetypes we find in modern crime dramas.  This show is the sort of thing that Blake Edwards and Maurice Richlin did in the 60's and 70's (with) Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther movies."            
I have to agree with their flier. If you like shows like Flying Circus, Fawlty Towers, or even Spaced, and movies like Blazing Saddles and National Lampoon's European Vacation you will likely enjoy this web show."
click            here for full review
Web TV Review: Safety Geeks: SVI                        BLOGCRITICS VIDEO                         - Mary K. Williams
"new and edgy comedy...funny stuff"
"similar in sensibilities to Family Guy or Adult Swim content (read funny, but un-PC adult humor)"
"the right mix of cool and goofy."
"They bring the funny in a very geeky but delightful package and make this reviewer impatient for more."
click              here for full review
Dave and Tom Send Up CSI in ‘Safety Geeks’              Tilzy.TV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - Ana Hurka-Robles
"The team’s website boasts an impressive array of of video content."
"Safety Geeks:SVI appears to be Dave and Tom’s bid for the big leagues."
"The tone is old-school British sketch comedy in every way, combining the silliness of Monty Python with the innocently naughty Boobs ‘n’ Underwear humor of Benny Hill."
"Dave and Tom have proven skill at taking down the self-serious..."
click              here for full review              
Eye-on-Lesser-Known-Web-Series                LG15 Today
"Thunderbirds meets Larry from OSHA by way of CSI."
"stars memorable actress Brittney Powell in a bust out role..."
click              here for full review
Dave & Tom's Online Comedy              NewTeeVee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Editor's Rating:              - Julia Diddy
"It’s nigh impossible to discuss Dave & Tom without invoking England’s mighty Monty Python."
"...this double act plays like vintage Flying Circus..."
"...comedy writ large with an almost swashbuckling sense of wordplay and whimsy."
click              here for full review              
           The Archaeology of Comedy            BLOGCRITICS MAGAZINE               - Mary K. Williams
"Archaeology of Comedy is a great discovery in the world of humor."
"Where have Dave and Tom been hiding themselves?"
"superb writing and comedic acting"
"Beeler is charming"
"Konkle is completely brilliant"            
click              here for full review              
Dave              and Tom in              GOOD NIGHT:
BACKSTAGE              WEST              -Polly              Warfield
"...creme de la              creme of comedy."
"Wittily penned              and performed by David Beeler and Tom Konkle..."
"These              two are worthy successors to the comedy mantles of the greats..."
click              here for full review
L.A.              WEEKLY            -              Paul Birchall
"...gleeful              and quick-witted..."
"...intense              and tightly honed..."
"...writer-performers              David Beeler and Tom Konkle capture the geniality and goofiness              of the late, great masters..."
click              here for full review
Dave              and Tom in Lester McFwap:
THE              HOLLYWOOD REPORTER            -              Rich Mintzer             "One of the most promising up-and-coming troupes..." "The well educated, Monty Python-influenced quintet offers              a more cerebral approach, bucking the improv-based norm with carefully              scripted routines that move beyond the day's news."  
             L.A. WEEKLY            -              Terry Morgan               "Surreal, intelligent and very funny."                
                             THE              NO HO NEWS              -Rick              Parsons               "I have seen the future of sketch comedy and it is in very              capable hands." "Put simply, Lester McFwap (is) the best sketch comedy group              I've seen live in Los Angeles. Their show called 'Hold for Incontinence'              was some of the funniest written and brilliantly performed comedy              I've seen live since Monty Python played The Hollywood Bowl."               "Clearly, the near capacity audience loved Lester McFwap..."               "This group deserves to find an outlet for their obvious talent              as sketch performers and writers." "Fans of Monty Python and Peter Cook can rest easy, Lester              McFwap is the American invasion poised to continue the tradition              of classic sketch comedy."                
                                           THE              COMIC BIBLE              -              Maryann Piero               "If sketch comedy is your forte, these guys are a must see.              With their own twist added to a Pythonesque style, Lester McFwap              portray the embodiment of intelligent humor for everyone. Always              a hit, their collective goal is to make people laugh and I'd say              they've more than reached that plateau..."                              
                             THE ENCINO NEWS            -              Penny McGuiggan               "It's an intellectual, absurdist, and stylized comedic approach              to some cerebral material...it works!"                              
                                           THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE              -              Marc Savlov               "By far the most intellectual comic entourage I'd seen in just              about forever, the group (four men, one woman) relies heavily on              the 'so stupid, it's genius' formula honed by early-seventies Brit-wits              such as Peter Cook and the Monty Python gang." "By far the most intellectual comic entourage I'd seen in just              about forever, the group relies heavily on the "so stupid it's              genius" formula honed by Brit-wits such as Peter Cook and the              Monty Python gang...worthy of a gold medal for originality...inspired...a              good time was had by all."
Dave              and Tom in Beyond the Fringe:
LA              WEEKLY            - Tom Frykman                          Performing this stylized, absurdity material can only come from              a labor of love, and the cast executes it flawlessly. If you shut              your eyes, you can feel the comic rhythms of Cook, Moore and Monty              Python.
0 notes
papermoonloveslucy · 7 years ago
S6;E23 ~ March 11, 1974
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Directed by Jack Donohue ~ Written by Madelyn Davis and Bob Carroll Jr.
Lucy is upset because her children have left the nest. Kim decides to invite her mother to stay for the weekend, but when Lucy overhears Kim's phone conversation about her ‘mother-smothering’, Lucy goes missing to give her daughter some space.
Regular Cast
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Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter)
Guest Cast
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Jack Donohue (Dirty Jack) was the director of the very first and the final episodes of “Here's Lucy” as well as 33 episodes in between. He also directed the very first and the final episodes of “The Lucy Show” with 105 episodes in between. He also directed Lucille Ball's 1964 TV movie “Mr. and Mrs.” Donohue is making his third on-camera appearance on “Here's Lucy” after having been seen in two episodes of “The Lucy Show.” He will also direct and appear in “Lucy Gets Lucky” (1975) and “Happy Anniversary and Goodbye.” His final collaboration with Ball was the TV special “Lucy Moves to NBC” in 1980.  
Dirty Jack is the proprietor of Dirty Jack's Paradise Cafe.
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Brian Cutler (Brian) was a stage actor who made his TV debut in 1965 with “The Long, Hot Summer.” He is probably best remembered for playing Rick on the short-lived superhero series “Isis” (1974-75).
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Cindy Barnes (Cindy)
In “Lucy is N.G. as an R.N.” (S6;E17) Kim mentions asking Cindy to take care of her cat. 
Shirley Anthony (Dirty Jack's Patron, uncredited) makes the 12th of her 13 appearances of “Here’s Lucy.” From 1994 to 1999 she played Sally on “The Rockford Files” TV movies.  
Bob Whitney (Dirty Jack's Patron, uncredited) appeared with Lucille Ball in The Facts of Life (1960). He played one of the jurors (unnamed but credited) in “Lucy and Joan Rivers Do Jury Duty” (S6;E9).
Marl Young (Marl, Dirty Jack's Piano Player, uncredited) was also the “Here’s Lucy” musical director and often appeared on camera when episodes included music.
The other patrons of Dirty Jack's Paradise Cafe are played by uncredited background performers.
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The title of the episode is a paraphrase of the song “Where is Your Wandering Mother Tonight?” written in 1951 by Red Foley and made famous by The Andrews Sisters. Patti Andrews guest starred on a 1969 episode of “Here's Lucy” where Kim and Lucy stood-in for Maxine and Laverne, although this song was not included in their medley.
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PR memos about the episode an a description of the publicity photos. 
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The same evening this episode first aired, ABC broadcast the TV special “Free To Be...You and Me,” which was created by and starred Marlo Thomas. Thomas is the daughter of frequent Lucy guest star and Desilu employee Danny Thomas. The show also starred the child of another frequent Lucy guest actor, Alan Alda, son of Robert Alda.
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Also that evening, “Here's Lucy's” follow-up on CBS “The New Dick Van Dyke Show,” ended its run after three seasons on the air. Like Ball, Van Dyke had re-invented his original sitcom to create a 'new' version. Both ended within a week of one another leaving CBS without its two most bankable stars.  
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In her DVD introduction to the episode Lucie Arnaz remembers that the episode was “funny and touching” and “very believable.” She says she wouldn't have minded a few more scripts like this one.  
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In this episode, Lucie Arnaz sports a short (and very mature) hairstyle. In the next and final episode of the series, Kim's hair is covered by a kerchief and then a large, curly wig. Lucie’s wardrobe is provided by ALROE, who likely also dressed Cindy in her yellow pantsuit. 
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Lucy is upset because Kim lives five miles away and hasn't called her in ages. Harry reports that Kim is very busy working, going to school two nights a week, and doing a play with her little theatre group. Lucy guesses the title as “I DON'T Remember Mama”.  This is a reference to a 1944 play called I Remember Mama by John Van Druten based on Kathryn Forbes' novel Mama's Bank Account, which was loosely based on her own childhood. The play was made into a film in 1948 starring Irene Dunn and a television series on CBS (simply titled “Mama”) starring Peggy Wood that ran from 1949 to 1957, concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” While “I Love Lucy” was filmed, “Mama” was on kinescope rendering it unavailable for syndication. An unsuccessful Broadway musical adaptation in 1979 starred Liv Ullman and had music by Richard Rodgers.
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Harry tells Lucy to go have coffee with Mary Jane. Mary Jane (Mary Jane Croft) is not in the episode, having made her last appearance on the series (appropriately enough) in “Mary Jane's Boyfriend” (S6;E20).
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To remind a sarcastic Lucy who she is, Kim states her weight – at birth!  Seven pounds, six ounces!
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Kim, then Lucy, consult a yoga instruction booklet to guide them into the lotus position. Although it is difficult to say for sure, it was likely written by Kareen Zebroff, who wrote books about Yoga and hosted a Yoga instruction television show from 1971 to 1977.  
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In her final bit of physical comedy on “Here's Lucy,” Lucy gets stuck in the lotus position while trying to do yoga. She was 62 years old at the time of filming. 
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After Lucy's great struggle getting out of the lotus position, Kim tells Cindy they are going to the movies to see The Great Struggle. Although there was a 1931 film simply titled The Struggle, there was no film titled The Great Struggle. Lucy is not eager to see The Great Struggle because it has an 'R' rating. “I've heard about 'The Great Struggle.' From what I hear the women didn't struggle enough.”  Lucy suggests they go see Robin Hood. Lucy is referring to the 1973 animated version by Walt Disney. Coincidentally, it features the voice talent of Phil Harris (above left), who guest-starred on “Here's Lucy” two episodes earlier.
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Lucy says Kim's favorite food is pot roast and potato pancakes. After dinner, Lucy suggests a game of backgammon, one of Lucille Ball's favorite pastimes. The series has always depicted Lucy Carter as a fan of games, particularly in the recent episode “Milton Berle is the Life of the Party” (S6;E19, above).  
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Trying to keep busy, Lucy “fluffs” the bean bag chair and says “Love this chair. Chair has a sense of humor.”  This sounds very much like Lucille Ball speaking, not Lucy Carter.
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Kim suggests her mother watch television. Lucy wants to watch a spooky show called “The Beast Who Ate Boston.”  With the sound channeled through an earpiece, Lucille Ball reacts in silence to the horror movie until she explodes with “Get your claws off Bunker Hill!”
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Dirty Jack suggests that he and Lucy dance. He does a few hip gyrations while the piano player (Marl Young) plays “As Time Goes By,” written by Herman Hupfeld in 1931. The song became most famous in 1942 when part of it was sung by Dooley Wilson in the movie Casablanca. It became a number one hit for “Here's Lucy” guest star Rudy Vallée when it was re-released to tie in with the film. It is also the theme of Warner Brothers Pictures, who had just released Lucille Ball's 1974 musical film Mame. Jack Donohue got his start in show business as a dancer in the Ziegfeld Follies of 1927.
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The costuming of Dirty Jack (Jack Donohue) resembles that of the Skipper (Alan Hale Jr., inset) on “Gilligan's Island” (1965-67). Alan Hale Jr. played Moose Manley in “Lucy and Wally Cox” (S2;E21). Coincidentally, John Gabriel, the original Professor from the unaired series pilot, was recently seen as “Mary Jane's Boyfriend” (S6;E20).  
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The episode ends with Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter) slapping Jack O'Brien (Dirty Jack), her director!  
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While there is no sign of Harry, Kim's cat, last seen in “Lucy is N.G. as an R.N.” (S6;E17), the apartment is decorated with ceramic cats. Unusual ceramic cats have been seen in “The Carters Meet Frankie Avalon” (S6;E11) and “Lucy and the Ceramic Cat” (TLS S3;E16).  
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Apparently, when Kim moved out her mother gave her the playing card ice bucket from her home kitchen. It was previously seen in “Lucy’s Replacement” (S4;E19, right) and “Dirty Gertie” (S5;E10). 
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Lucy's attempt to make her legs 'obey' her while getting into the yoga position is reminiscent of when Lucy Ricardo's leg got stuck on the barre in “The Ballet” (ILL S1;E19), also written by Madelyn (Pugh) Davis and Bob Carroll Jr. “A bas! A bas!”
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At Dirty Jack's Lucy has seven cups of coffee and the bill comes to $8.00. Jack says it includes $5.00 entertainment tax. In “First Stop” (ILL S4;E13) the Ricardos and the Mertzes were charged eighty cents entertainment tax by Mr. Skinner of One Oak Cabins and Cafe when they were served stale cheese sandwiches and treated to an off-key rendition of “I’m Afraid to Come Home in the Dark.” 
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Location! Location!  Location!  Kim must have moved apartments since we lasted visited her Marina Del Rey digs in “Kim Cuts You-Know-Whose Apron String” (S3;E24). The view, formerly of sailboats at the Marina, is now of high rise buildings and trees. The floor plan of the apartment, while similar, has been altered. The nautically-themed Dirty Jack’s Cafe suggests Kim still lives near the Marina. 
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What Kind of Room? When Kim goes off to change and returns to find her mother knotted like a pretzel, she tells Cindy she was in “the dressing room” instead of “in the bedroom”. No doubt Lucie Arnaz was thinking about where she went to change clothes, not Kim!  Unfortunately, she repeats the error twice. When Cindy asks why she didn’t answer the door promptly and then (to be consistent) to explain her mother’s knotty position! 
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“Where is My Wandering Mother Tonight?” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5
I have to agree with Lucie Arnaz. If the series had concentrated on the mother / daughter relationship in a realistic way, it might have been a totally different show. The moment Lucy overhears Kim talking about her on the telephone brings a lump to the throat. It is one every parent and child knows. The first scene, in the office, is typical “Here’s Lucy” - Harry bellowing and Lucy whimpering. Seeing director Donohue get slapped makes it all worthwhile!  
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deanvannguyen · 7 years ago
All my 2017 writing
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2017 was poisonous, corrosive and it consistently found new ways to chill my soul. I do, though, like some of the stuff I wrote in the last 12 months. Here's a list of everything published.
Smoke DZA & Pete Rock: Don’t Smoke Rock (Pitchfork)
Ain’t Nothin’ but a Paris Hit: PNL and the Art of French Hip-Hop (Passion of the Weiss)
The Power and the Peril: DOOM's albums ranked (Lactose and Lecithin)
Trump’s musical booking woes are unprecedented, even for a Republican (The Irish Times)
Diet Cig: “Tummy Ache” (Pitchfork)
Will the new festival from Glastonbury organisers be all that Bazaar? (The Irish Times)
Bay Area Boomin’: On Nef the Pharaoh’s Thrilling Career (Passion of the Weiss)
Sinkane: Life & Livin’ It (Pitchfork)
This Is A High: Blur’s Self-Titled LP Turns 20 (Headstuff)
Why Drake Matters (The Irish Times)
Searching For Sugar Man: How Nigeria’s Joe King Kologbo Lived The Highlife (Bandcamp Daily)
The bamboo ceiling: Hollywood’s problem with Asian actors (The Irish Times)
Burn the Soufflé: Hepburn and Holden’s Unjustly Forgotten Paris When It Sizzles (Headstuff)
How Much A Dollar Cost? On Prince's “Money Don't Matter 2 Night” (Forbes)
Mick Jenkins: “Pressed For Time (Crossed My Mind)” (Pitchfork)
The Meaning of Biggie: On Life After Death (Consequence of Sound)
Soul Control: Aretha Franklin’s ‘I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You’ Turns 50 (Vinyl Me, Please)
Lil Durk: Love Songs for the Streets (Pitchfork)
Real Estate: In Mind (Consequence of Sound)
Dippin’ Again: Juelz Santana’s Unlikely Comeback (Passion of the Weiss)
Raekwon’s 10 Favorite Hip-Hop Albums of All Time (Consequence of Sound)
Centre stage: The return of Craig David (Irish Examiner)
Rejjie Snow: “Flexin’” (Pitchfork)
Grooving Through 1980s Lagos and Livy Ekemezie’s “Friday Night” (Bandcamp Daily)
State of the Nation: On Kendrick Lamar's thrilling 'DAMN.' (Lactose & Lecithin)
Space Jam: the best soundtrack of them all? (The Irish Times)
The Undocumented review: “To me the Irish are not the criminals Trump talks about” (The Irish Times)
Loaded review: This IT crowd need to reboot their one liners (The Irish Times)
Is Rejjie Snow the rap game’s Conor McGregor? (The Irish Times)
‘Anne With an E’ is playful, quaint and undercut with darkness (The Irish Times)
Interview with Inua Ellams: “It was difficult settling in to Dublin, dealing with racism and ignorance” (The Irish Times)
Chris Cornell: the Greek god of grunge who blazed his own path (The Irish Times)
Ireland’s Interracial Couples: It’s a Daily Struggle (The Irish Times)
Top 50 Songs of 1997 (Consequence of Sound)
Album of the Day: Vincent Ahehehinnou, “Best Woman” (Bandcamp Daily)
Mafioso Monster: On Payroll Giovanni’s ‘Payface’ (Passion of the Weiss)
Why doesn’t the prospect of an ethnic taoiseach excite me? (The Irish Times)
The last of the great grungers (The Irish Times)
Arcade Fire at Malahide Castle: everything you need to know (The Irish Times)
Body & Soul: Six acts not to miss (The Irish Times)
Mach-Hommy and Knxwledge Team Up on ‘The Spook’ (Passion of the Weiss)
Puff Daddy’s ‘No Way Out’ Turns 20 (Passion of the Weiss)
Ooooooohh, on the S4U Tip: Britain’s Slickest New R&B Act (Passion of the Weiss)
Where the streets have no statues: why do the Irish hate U2? (The Guardian)
I have the Michael Jackson skin condition (The Irish Times)
Have you been listening to ‘fake music’ on Spotify? (The Irish Times)
Tyler the Catalyst (The Irish Times)
Lights, camera, contortion: the trailblazing work of Tim Saccenti (The Irish Times)
Neomadic review: 1990s east coast hip-hop with a Dublin flavour (The Irish Times)
England was theirs: the high point of The Smiths (The Irish Times)
The 12 best unsung cult films from the depths of Netflix (The Irish Times)
Mozzy – ‘1 Up Top Ahk’ review: Relentlessly tough and soulful journey (The Irish Times)
A Tribe Called Quest: one of hip hop's greatest ever journeys (The Irish Times)
Electric Picnic preview: A fortress of friends and curry cheese chips [partial] (The Irish Times)
A Guide to The Many Faces of Multi-Instrumentalist Charif Megarbane (Bandcamp Daily)
Electric Picnic – First impressions from a first timer (The Irish Times)
Electric Picnic – Rejjie Snow at EP2017: The homecoming of a new-age Dublin rap star (The Irish Times)
Electric Picnic – Orchestra’s take on 90s hits the hottest ticket in Stradbally (The Irish Times)
Electric Picnic – Bicep fails to show true EP muscle (The Irish Times)
Electric Picnic – Reviews from day two [partial: Katie Laffan, Jagwar Ma] (The Irish Times)
Electric Picnic – Review from day three [partial: Real Estate] (The Irish Times)
Electric Picnic – A Tribe Called Quest kick it at Electric Picnic (The Irish Times)
Electric Picnic – Father John Misty at Electric Picnic: ‘Where’d you get your hips?’ (The Irish Times)
Candice Gordon: Garden of Beasts – Gothic guitar-noir from Berlin-based Irish woman (The Irish Times)
Lee Ranaldo review: Proof that there’s life after Youth (The Irish Times)
The Best Post-Sonic Youth Songs (The Dowsers)
The 10 Best Curtis Mayfield Albums To Own On Vinyl (Vinyl Me, Please)
The cultural crimes and white privilege of Miley Cyrus (The Irish Times)
Kele Okereke review: The kitsch is all right – just about (The Irish Times)
King Krule - The OOZ album review: as classically cool as a round-neck tee (The Irish Times)
LeRoy Hutson: Anthology 1972-1984 – stepping out of Curtis Mayfield’s shoes (The Irish Times)
100 Round Goon: The Thrilling Rise of Q Da Fool (Passion of the Weiss)
Dublin’s Hip-Hop Scene: Can We Kick It? (Totally Dublin)
Looking for a job in Ireland? Don’t sound foreign (The Irish Times)
The new, hard-nosed Taylor Swift is a hard sell (The Irish Times)
Renaissance Man: The Story of Hermeto Pascoal’s Great Lost Album, “Viajando Com O Som” (Bandcamp Daily)
Best Two: NxWorries Re-Invent The Remix (Passion of the Weiss)
Slim chance: Why has Eminem’s music aged so badly? (The Irish Times)
Soul of a Woman: Sharon Jones’s final, funky masterwork, a year after her death (The Irish Times)
Talib Kweli: Radio Silence (Pitchfork)
On Danny Watts’ Deep-Thinking Debut “Black Boy Meets World” (Lactose and Lecithin) 
Tom Rogerson with Brian Eno: Finding Shore – music for lovestruck androids (The Irish Times)
G Perico: 2 Tha Left – LA rapper makes it look Eazy-E (The Irish Times)
‘Bout It, ‘Bout It: Cam’ron gets with ‘The Program’ (Passion of the Weiss)
The Best Albums of 2017: #80 – 61 [partial: #72. Pierre Kwenders – MAKANDA at the End of Space, the Beginning of Time, #68. Cosmic Analog Ensemble – Les Sourdes Oreilles] (Bandcamp Daily)
Statik Selektah: 8 (Pitchfork)
G-Eazy: The Beautiful & Damned – a grandiose hip-hop chronicle (The Irish Times)
Eminem: Revival review - gruelling, relentless and sterile (The Irish Times)
Best Albums of 2017 (50-26) [partial: #30 Serengeti – Jueles – Butterflies] (Passion of the Weiss)
The Best Rap Songs of 2017 [partial: #20 C Struggs – “Go To Jesus”, #14. Nef The Pharaoh – “Bling Blaow (Passion of the Weiss)
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shanandwords · 8 years ago
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These are the 100 best young adult books, according to Time. How many of these have you read?
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling
The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
Holes by Louis Sachar
Matilda by Roald Dahl
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norman Juster
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
Monster by Walter Dean Myers
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank 
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg
Looking for Alaska by John Green
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time  by Mark Haddon
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamilo
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
The Sword in the Stone by T.H. White
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
A Separate Peace by John Knowles
Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson
A Series of Unfortunate Events (series) by Lemony Snicket  
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Feed by M.T. Anderson
The Alchemyst by Michael Scott
The Princess Bride by William Goldman 
Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary
Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly
The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
The Hunger Games (series) by Suzanne Collins
For Freedom by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
The Wall: Growing up Behind the Iron Curtain by Peter Sis
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (series) by Rick Riordan
The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
A Wreath for Emmett Till by Marilyn Nelson
Every Day by David Levithan
Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
Blankets by Craig Thompson 
Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
Dangerous Angels by Francesca Lia Block
Frindle by Andrew Clements
Boxers and Saints by Gene Luen Yang
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
City of the Beasts by Isabel Allende
American Born Chinese by  Gene Luen Yang
The Lost Conspiracy by Frances Hardinge
Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones
The Pigman by Paul Zindel
Alabama Moon by Watt Key
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
Boy Proof by Cecil Castellucci
Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers
A High Wind in Jamaica by Richard Hughes
The Tiger Rising by Kate Dicamillo
When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
Saffy's Angel by Hilary McKay
The Grey King by Susan Cooper
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O'Brien
The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Steward
The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick
Sabriel by Garth Nix
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
Secret (series) by Pseudonymous Bosch
The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe
Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher
The Chronicles of Prydian (series) by Lloyd Alexander
Danny, the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
P.S. Want to make a little more progress on this list? You can get two free audiobooks here
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perfecthealthseo-blog · 6 years ago
Brain Plus Memory increasing Capsules Read Reviews, Price, Side Effects
So there's been a decision show starting late keeping up a key separation from the web. It's called Brain Plus. Over the long haul you may have seen Brain Plus on CNN, or another strong site, for example, Forbes, and are hunting down after down after down after down if all else fails more data before making a buy. Possibly you on a key estimation need to check whether the occasions of "Viagra for the cerebrum" are colossally veritable.
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So what is Brain Plus?
Cerebrum Plus cases to be an all standard nootropic that can breath life into memory, center, and fixation. These nootropics are routinely proposed as "sharp plans" and have wound up being doubtlessly unquestionable since the film Limitless was discharged. In the film, Bradley Cooper stars as a man who is given a pill that interfaces with him to achieve his most clear degrees of sharp everything thought about vital. While there are pills and updates that may likely progress or improve mental light behind constrainment, diagram Limitless is a film so Bradley's specific outcomes might be really puzzling. Fortunately by a wide edge by a wide edge most by a wide edge of us on a colossally chief estimation need a little lift in our memory and focus, and that might be conceivable.
Here's 3 Reasons You Should be Skeptical of Brain Plus
1. Cloud Marketing
So there you were looking through your Facebook news channel when you saw a business about a pill that impacts a man to go from influenced to Harvard. Expecting you clicked that improvement, you were likely taken to a site page that takes after either Forbes, CNN, or even Discovery. There's a story, or "advertorial" around a thing called Brain Plus.
I weaved a couple screen gets so you can see the specific spotlights on the story was on.
Seeing those standard logos of mammoth brands we know impacts that you're on a basic site. The issue is, these domain aren't routinely appeared by CNN, Forbes, and so forth. The space name would look like cnn.com or forbes.com, rather, the supporters of the thing use zones with a site name like the ace name their reflecting.
Concentrate the picture up top of what takes after the Discovery station's site. In the event that you look in the URL box you'll see it genuinely says "discoverynewsjournal.com" rather than discovery.com, removing they have an in every target sense decrease logo. In like way, on the off chance that you take a gander at the menu and most by a wide edge of the relationship, for example, "television plans, redirections, subjects", they all lead to a nearby spot. Truth is more odd than fiction, you got it, to the Brain Plus plans page.
So whether you see a gander at this as a dull publicizing structure, or all around sharp, we're on a strikingly rule estimation giving you the data to make your own one of a kind emerge develop momentous astonishing hair-raising mind blowing novel rising fundamental proclivity.
2. Issue Ingredients
Well the key concern we know is that the condition Brain Plus utilizations is known as a "phosphatidylserine complex". That confirms that it's a sort of a mix of fixings that join phosphatidylserine.
We don't all around most remote point much phosphatidylserine is joined into every occasion of Brain Plus. It could be a pharmaceutical quality zone, or maybe barely anything by any stretch of the inventive savage.
All around, a maker would drive their bit data with nootropics. With Brain Plus deciding not to list its specific fixings and aggregate, we really haven't the foggiest what we're getting.
We do regard that Brain Plus fixings are amassed in a FDA GMP office and a guaranteed research office… well, as showed up by them.
The course by which that the maker of Brain Plus is so stunning about its fixings bolsters that they're covering something – like low estimations or low-quality fixings.
3. Sole Seller
Concerning approachs and changing for a thing, you need to use at any rate mind boggling channels as could reasonably be standard. Beginning at now, the central spot you can buy Brain Plus is from their site Brain Plus. You can't discover it wherever else. This is in truth not a sign that there is something faint going on, yet it raises an eyebrow. Goodness, and the connection is gotten together with Singapore if that has any effect.
So what's the decision on Brain Plus?
Not especially a fan in light of the reasons allowed beginning at now. On the off chance that it were only a particular something, conceivably put it bold there or expect the best about. Right when three things sway you to go well then you should need to consider an elective that is other than what's standard.
Here are two things that might be a choice to Brain Plus and can interface with you to make center, update your psychological motivation driving target, and lift mental clearness.
See more:- http://www.perfect4health.com/brain-plus/
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inventionwebseries · 6 years ago
Invention with Brian Forbes Reviews
"Bottom Line: The Internet is filled with sketch comedy, some of it good, most of it pretty painful, but rarely do you see a show that hearkens back to the best of Flying Circus while still managing to stay relevant. Invention with Brian Forbes is a dry, acid-tongued sketch web series that will leave you laughing from minute one." "Great writing, awkward pauses and strong acting ties Invention together making it a treat to watch." Steve Spaulding, 93Studios Screening Room
 "...outrageous inventions that will leave you ROFLing..." "...inventions so out to lunch, they could only have come from the brilliant minds of two Anglophiles, Dave & Tom." "The acting is superb and the simplicity of the settings rely solely on the writing… no fancy sets or props. It’s the jokes and the actors who carry it along. And it works. We’re dealing with professionals and there is no questioning that."      Alec Corday, VisioWeb.tv
 "It’s nigh impossible to discuss Dave & Tom without invoking England’s mighty Monty Python." "...this double act plays like vintage Flying Circus..." "...comedy writ large with an almost swashbuckling sense of wordplay and whimsy."       Julia Diddy, NewTeeVee
"...hilariously loony ...consistently funny" "This series is very well written." "A great comedy duo... I continued laughing until the very end."        Melissa Voelker, Pink Raygun >> 
0 notes
nwbeerguide · 7 years ago
Pelican Brewing Company hires Dan Micolino as its newest R&D chef.
Press Release
Pacific City, Oregon ... Pelican Brewing Company beer cuisine—already rooted in the fresh produce and seafood indigenous to the Oregon Coast—welcomes the inventiveness of another beach-born culinary phenom, Dan Micolino.
Micolino joins Team Pelican as its new research and development chef where he leads the design and refresh of Pelican menus, Brewers’ Dinners and special events. He brings a contemporary perspective on how Pelican’s award-winning beer is both incorporated into its dishes and paired with meals.
Micolino, who trained with celebrity chef Brian Malarkey at the renowned Burlap (now Searsucker Del Mar) and Herringbone restaurants in San Diego, offers a deep passion for bringing the same focus on flavor, aroma, texture and experience that the brewery brings to every beer it crafts. Micolino boasts an extensive resume in the food industry including leadership roles at the famed Barbarella’s in La Jolla, Amaya at the Grand Del Mar, which earned a 5-star Forbes rating under Micolino, and most recently at Yosemite Valley Lodge.
Micolino, who grew up with a chef father and a mom who worked in restaurants much of his childhood, holds a BS in economics from the University of California San Diego as well as aCulinary Arts degree from the San Diego Culinary Institute.
“Dan has a GREAT palate—his use of ingredients, his reverence and care for fresh local produce are really creating some dynamic and unique flavors across the menu,” says Ken Henson, co-owner and director of restaurant operations at Pelican Brewing Company. “Dan knows how to seamlessly translate his elegantly-honed fine dining techniques to Pelican’s more laid-back, casual beach dining experience without losing its brilliance.”
Pelican enjoys a solid history of sold-out Brewers’ Dinners and a reputation for some of the most creative beer cuisine available. The brewery looks to Micolino to amplify that reputation and bring out the best from its kitchens and how its extraordinary beers work with its specialties. Just some of the spring specials Micolino has created for Pelican brewpubs include:
Spicy Tsunami Stout Oysters
Pacific Northwest Cured Salmon Flatbread
Shrimp and Dungeness Crab Escabeche
Beer-brined and House-Smoked Pelican ‘Beakburner’ Chicken Wings
Micolino also created the theme for the Pelican’s 2018 Brewers’ Dinners—Past, Present and Future. He was inspired to tell the story of Oregon’s rich culinary history and relationship to the land and bounty of the sea. With sights set on eco-friendly and sustainable fresh foods, for the January dinner Micolino considered the past: what were the practices of our forefathers, who lived off the land? What did they eat, and why? and how was it prepared?
Next up, Micolino creates the dishes and pairings for the Spring and Fall Pelican Brewers’ Dinners which focus on sustainable, eco-friendly Oregon Coast cuisine presently and in the future:
The Present Brewers’ Dinner takes place at the Pacific City brewpub on April 21st, 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and will celebrate the current local foods, produce and suppliers we love here and now! How did our current brewpub fare evolve from yesteryear? What’s all the rage at Pelican brewpubs? What beers is Pelican pouring with its fare? Any seasonal beers to taste? The six-course dinner will feature thoughtful beer pairings for each item.
The Future Brewers’ Dinner on Saturday, October 20th features an exploration of future food trends—what will be central to our diets as we navigate sustainability and local production? How will culinary science and technology shape what is on our plates? And how might we pair beers with such future fare?
“I’m a beach kid at heart and I couldn’t wait to get back to my roots on the west coast—Pelican offers the perfect fit. Today on the Oregon Coast we are so lucky to be able to source great quality, eco-friendly seafood and locally-harvested fresh produce—and Pelican has access to all of it,” says Micolino. “Working in this incomparable culture has inspired me to consider new and unique creations—and just in time for some fresh Spring surprises that pair beautifully with the perfect Pelican beers.”
Guests who want to visit Pelican in Pacific City can find exceptional lodging options at the newHeadlands Coastal Lodge & Spa or at a variety of other lodging options at Your Little Beach Town.
For more information on Pelican events email us at [email protected], call the events manager at 503.965.3674, or visit us here.
About Pelican Brewing Company Pelican Brewing Company was founded in 1996 by Jeff Schons and Mary Jones in Pacific City with Oregon's only oceanfront brewpub. Celebrating its 21st year, the brewing company has created masterpieces like Kiwanda Cream Ale, India Pelican Ale, MacPelican’s Scottish Ale, Tsunami Stout and Doryman’s Dark. With the vision, creativity and brewing expertise of founding brewmaster Darron Welch, Pelican Brewing has won over 450 awards including a Silver Medal at the 2016 Great American Beer Festival, 2014 World Beer Cup© Champion Small Brewing Company and Brewmaster of the Year. Pelican Brewing currently distributes 22oz bottles, 12oz bottles in 6-packs, a new mixed 12-pack, and 50 liter and 20 liter kegs via a network of distributors in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Hawaii. The company operates brewing and brewpub facilities in Pacific City, Tillamook and Cannon Beach.
For more information, visit Pelican Brewing Company.
from News - The Northwest Beer Guide http://bit.ly/2GKu68a
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gosvea-usj · 5 years ago
PDA Startup Workshop Event #8
Bottleneck of Artificial Intelligence
Automated Emotional Analysis
PDA Abstract
Silicon valley's Professional Development Accelerator(PDA) focuses on creative talent technology acceleration service, adopts PDCA business model to provide trainees with technical diagnosis services and skills based on actual projects, technical enhancement services, and project incubation services. PDA is located in the core area of Silicon Valley, USJ, which brings together Silicon Valley FLAG scientists, 65 technical experts, 7 laboratories of various kinds, 45 of whom have doctor's degree, and they try their best to help the newly graduated college students to develop innovation and entrepreneurship activities.
PDA's main business:
1)      project technical diagnosis and analysis;
2)      practical project technical service;
3)      special technical training services;
4)      project incubation;
5)      talent derivative services
PDA will make full use of the technology and talent advantages of Silicon Valley to provide high quality talent acceleration service for the majority of students.
PDA Business Workshop Schedule
-Company introduction
-Entrepreneurial lecture
-Introduction of entrepreneurial experience
University of San Jose, PDA project manager
Event Host
Joseph Xiong USJ TA
Guest Speaker
Name: Brian Wong
Company Name: Kiip
Experiences: Mr. Wong graduated from The University of  British Columbia. He is currently a co-founder of Kiip. Kiip (pronounced “keep”) was a mobile consumer engagement platform that advertises in “moments” in 10,000 apps. Kiip is credited with the creation of “moments marketing”, which involves brands marketing to consumers in the right timing and mindset, based on their mobile behaviors. Mr. Wong has been recognized with many awards for his accomplishments and leadership, including:
- Forbes’ “30 under 30” for three years in a row.
- AdAge's “Creativity Top 50”
Brian launched his first book at the age of 25: The Cheat Code, published by Crown Business / Penguin Random House. The Cheat Code contains 71 bite­-sized and virtually effortless shortcuts to get a leg up on the competition, garner attention for creative thinkers and their ideas, and to accelerate success. The book has been translated into Simplified Chinese and Arabic, and is featured by Forbes, CNBC, Elle, The Telegraph, The Globe and Mail, and many more publications around the world, and is quickly becoming the go-to book for entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial advice for our generation.
Artificial-Intelligence key points
Where does artificial intelligence come from?
The concept of "artificial intelligence" was proposed in the "Dartmouth College Summer Artificial Intelligence Research Program", which was initiated by John McCarthy and others on August 31, 1956, to bring together like-minded academics on "automatic computers." Topics such as "randomness" and "creative" are discussed. The conference lasted for a month, brainstorming and launched a number of groundbreaking proposals. This program can be seen as the "fire" of the artificial intelligence revolution, bringing computer technology applications to a whole new level.
what is artificial intelligence?
In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI) (sometimes called machine intelligence) is the intelligence that machines display, as opposed to the natural intelligence that humans display. In spoken language, the term "artificial intelligence" is often used to describe a machine (or computer) that mimics the "cognitive" functions (such as "learning" and "solving problems") that are related to human thinking. Artificial intelligence is divided into three categories: weak artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence and super artificial intelligence; weak artificial intelligence, also known as restricted domain artificial intelligence or applied artificial intelligence, is an artificial intelligence focused on solving specific domain problems; strong artificial Intelligence, also known as complete artificial intelligence, refers to artificial intelligence that can do all the work of human beings. It has the ability of logical reasoning, use strategy, decision making, problem solving, planning, common sense knowledge reasoning, natural language communication, etc. In all areas, there are artificial intelligences that perform better than the most intelligent human brains, such as research, social, and learning. Every innovation of weak artificial intelligence is a further milestone toward strong artificial intelligence and super artificial intelligence. We believe that quantitative change will be transformed into qualitative change. The crowd looked for him thousands of Baidu, and suddenly looked back at the place.
Where is artificial intelligence going?
The bottleneck of artificial intelligence technology lies in the detection and prediction of human emotions. In the Internet age, with the increase of hardware computing storage capacity, more and more artificial intelligence algorithms can be put into the real industrial production, such as: speech recognition, image recognition, natural language processing. Based on these applications and combined with the Internet of Things, big data technology completes the collection, cleaning, structuring, labeling and pattern extraction of training data. Just as human beings invented the concept of "intelligence" and "emotional intelligence", artificial intelligence should not have only one dimension of evaluation. Does the machine have the ability to perceive, generate, and control human emotions? This issue is currently undecided in academia and is in its infancy in the application of industry. Currently, the MIT Emotional Research team is developing the EQ-Radio, an emotional monitoring recognizer that measures the breathing and heartbeats, uses wireless signals and some small behaviors to determine what kind of emotion a person is in, with a prediction accuracy of 87%.
Event Time and Location
Time: Saturday, 2019/11/23, 14:00 - 15:30
Address: University of San Jose, 1631 N First Street, Suite #200, San Jose, CA, 95112
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caop-op · 6 years ago
This video is about Home Sharing Company by Tai Lopez.
★★Home Sharing Management Program★★ https://www.cashfloww.com/flow.php?id=FS-7483&aff=3086240
How To Collect Monthly Real Estate Commissions Without Owning A Home, No Money Down...And Bad Credit
Find out how you can get started with this breakthrough business model today with little to no money upfront!
The Hottest Trend In Real Estate Right Now
So imagine if you had a business that:
👉 Required zero employees or an office 👉 Costs little (if any) money upfront 👉 Didn't require you to trade your precious time for a fixed       income 👉 Doesn't require you to knock on doors, cold call or cold email       all day 👉 You can manage completely on mobile (you only need an       internet connection) 👉 Is something you can do as a side hustle for passive income       PLUS -- it's super scalable. More on this later.
Sound too good to be true?
It used to be...until Airbnb was invented.
Now you can own a business that has all those advantages above and more.
You probably know how Airbnb operates¦
The homeowner lists an extra room or vacant home on Airbnb...
Someone books it through the Airbnb app for X number of days¦
They get charged a fee per day and check out on the last day like a hotel.
But here's the problem and massive opportunity for you¦
There are millions of homeowners who have an extra unused room or empty vacation home¦
That's just collecting dust!
They have zero idea on how to use Airbnb and don't have the time to learn.
And that's where YOU come in.
So here's how this genius business model works:
You're going to find these lost homeowners who are losing thousands of dollars a month on potential income¦
You're going to pitch them on listing their extra room or home on Airbnb for a commission (usually 50% the fees)...
You're going to spend at max $100 on soap, towels and other amenities for the guest¦
You're going to create the listing on Airbnb (takes a few hours at most)...
Now you collect the passive income that comes in each month through that listing.
Zero management of the property. Zero ownership of any homes.
I even convinced my friend Brian Page along with other 6-7 figure home sharing management business owners to share all their tricks and tips.
Because of that, we launched a program earlier this year and it's been a huge success with our students.
Normally we retail this program for 697 💰
But because Labor Day is coming up¦
✔✔ You Can Get Access To The Full Home Sharing Management Course For 670 OFF!
👉👉 Until September 2nd, you get access to the full HSMC            program for only $29.
★★Home Sharing Management Program★★ https://www.cashfloww.com/flow.php?id=FS-7483&aff=3086240
And if you take action on what we teach you inside the program¦
You can have your home sharing management business up and generating income within 30 days!
Which means you also cover the cost of your program in 30 days. And everything after that is pure profit.
👉👉 Get HSMC for Only $29! So here's a sneak peek of what you'll learn:
★★Home Sharing Management Program★★ https://www.cashfloww.com/flow.php?id=FS-7483&aff=3086240
THE TRUTH ABOUT AIRBNB - Why Forbes calls it an economic revolution  and what that means for you
What the M.M.A. model is and why it's so profitable to you! (Your only costs are going to be toilet paper, coffee and soap¦)
If you have cash to spend then you can use the O.P.P. model. This means 100% of the profit goes directly to your bank account.
The secret strategies Brian Page used to scale his Airbnb business to six figures in six months! (Anyone can do this, find out how in the 5th video lesson)
How to operate in cities where Airbnb is blacklisted. There's a legal loophole to get around this rule...and once you do, you'll have zero competition.
What if you only needed to spend 1-4 hours working on your business a month? Here's how to use automation to practically run your business on autopilot!
What Airbnb SEO is and how you hack Airbnb's algorithm to rank your listings at the top of searches! (Those listings make the most money because travelers look at those first!)
PLUS -- bonus video on how to use your Airbnb cash flow to fund rental properties you own!
And much, much more.
You can start building your real estate empire today¦
Or use this opportunity to add thousands of dollars of passive income every month to your bank.
REMEMBER, you can get 670 off HSMC today.
But you have less than a week¦
Don't let this opportunity pass. It's the easiest way to get into real estate.
★★Home Sharing Management Program★★ https://www.cashfloww.com/flow.php?id=FS-7483&aff=3086240 _________________________________________________________________ Check the other courses below: https://cashfloww.gr8.com/
0 notes
cokeisrael4-blog · 6 years ago
10 Philadelphia-Area Billionaires on the Forbes 2019 Billionaires List
This small, wealthy group of business leaders and sports magnates is worth more than $30 billion.
Forbes 2019 billionaires.
Forbes just released its accounting of the world’s billionaires for 2019, and 2,153 people made the cut. The number actually represents a decline, however: The list is down 55 billionaires from last year. Plus, the group collectively has less wealth than before. “A record 994, or 46 [percent], are poorer (relatively speaking) than they were last year,” Forbes wrote. In all, this year’s class of billionaires is worth $8.7 trillion, down $400 billion from 2018.
The downward trend resonates with some of the Philadelphia billionaires on the list, though most of them have only seen their fortune increase in the last two years. (Check out our story from 2017.) Here are this year’s Philly billionaires, and some of what Forbes had to say about their fortunes.
No. 1818 Richard Yuengling Jr., $1.2 billion
“Dick Yuengling, fifth-generation owner of D.G. Yuengling & Son, turned his family’s struggling brewery into one of America’s largest beer makers,” Forbes wrote. He bought out his father in 1985 when the company was producing 137,000 barrels each year. Now it pumps out about 2.8 million barrels annually, according to the publication.
No. 1818 Richard Hayne, $1.2 billion
From a former hippie to a billionaire tycoon, Richard Hayne took a small apparel shop near UPenn and turned it into a multi-billion dollar fashion chain. According to Forbes, “Urban Outfitters is a nationwide chain with more than 200 locations and over $3 billion in revenue.”
No. 1281 Brian Roberts, $1.8 billion
One explanation for Roberts’ growing fortune is that the Comcast CEO has “sole voting power over approximately a third of the company’s stock,” Forbes said. “Roberts became president [of Comcast] at age 31; nine years later, his father Ralph transferred the bulk of his voting shares in the company to his son.”
No. 1116 Jeffrey Lurie, $2.1 billion
After winning last year’s super bowl, it is no wonder the owner of the Eagles, Jeffrey Lurie, has maintained a spot on the billionaire’s list. Forbes says, “The team is now worth $2.5 billion. Despite having to give up a stake in the Eagles during his 2012 divorce, [Lurie’s] 80% of the team still represents the bulk of his fortune.”
No. 1004 Bennett Dorrance, $2.4 billion
“Grandson of John T. Dorrance, the inventor of the famous canned soup formula, Bennett Dorrance owns a 15% stake in Campbell Soup Co.,” Forbes wrote. In addition, Dorrance is a founding partner of the real estate development firm DMB Associates.
No. 804 Mary Alice Dorrance Malone, $2.9 billion
Sister to the aforementioned Bennett, Mary Alice Dorrance Malone ranks above her billionaire brother since she is the largest shareholder of the Campbell Soup Company. According to Forbes, “Their grandfather, John T. Dorrance Sr., invented the condensed-soup formula that transformed the company in 1897.”
No. 745 Michael G. Rubin, $3.0 billion
The youngest billionaire on this list, Rubin is the majority owner and CEO of Kynetic, which is the parent company of e-commerce retailers Fanatics, Rue La La and ShopRunner, Forbes says. And he had an untraditional start: “After dropping out of Villanova University, Rubin started GSI Commerce, which he sold to eBay for $2.4 billion in 2011,” according to Forbes.
No. 715 John Middleton, $3.2 billion
John Middleton amassed his fortune by “selling his family’s storied tobacco business to Philip Morris-parent Altria for $2.9 billion in cash in 2007,” wrote Forbes. Middleton also has a nearly 50 percent stake in the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team.”
No. 617 Joshua Harris, $3.5 billion
Joshua Harris co-founded the private equity firm Apollo Global Management in 1990 with fellow billionaires Leon Black and Marc Rowan, according to Forbes. He oversees $269 billion in assets as senior managing director of Apollo.
No. 149 Ronald Perelman, $9.4 billion
Longtime business tycoon Ronald Perelman is a “consummate dealmaker” who made his fortune through a variety of channels, including candy and cosmetics, Forbes said. He’s a longtime shareholder of Revlon and is an owner of AM General, the publication wrote.
Source: https://www.phillymag.com/business/2019/03/06/philadelphia-billionaires-forbes-billionaires/
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director-thomas-konkle · 6 years ago
Archaeology Of Comedy Show Review
Review: Blogcritic Magazine
Where have Dave and Tom been hiding themselves? The sketch comedy duo of Tom Konkle and Dave Beeler has developed the new comedy DVD, Archaeology of Comedy, which cleverly parodies Discovery Channel and BBC type documentaries. Richard Lagina (Dave Beeler), the host of Wraparound, is an investigative reporter type bloke who interviews a Dr. George Flightus (Tom Konkle), the “preeminent authority on the archeology of comedy, as well as the world’s leading specialist on geo-humorous tectonics.”
Archaeology of Comedy showcases some superb writing and comedic acting.
In the vein of Monty Python, AOC has the same sort of absurdist and surreal style of humor. There is a slapstick and physical component, but for the most part, the premise of each sketch takes a more cerebral approach.
...expert at what they do, The Archaeology of Comedy is a great discovery in the world of humor.                              >>>>>>Mary K. Williams, BlogCritic Magazine >> >> >>> >> >> >> >>full review
Review: VisioWeb.tv
Where does humor come from? How did it evolve over the ages? What was the world like back when wild dinosaurs and clowns roamed the plains together, side by side? What was the first joke and was it funny? Just what is this thing called ‘funny’?              The Archaeology of Comedy: the Search for Funny is yet another brilliant entry to the Theater of the Absurd, a magnificent romp through the hilarious surreal world of comedy that so well defines Dave & Tom. Technically Archaeology was their first foray into web shows and thus carries some of the duo’s best skits.  Later shows such as Invention with Brian Forbesand Safety Geeks: SVI continued their particular fuse of Anglo-American humor, but it was withArchaeology that it all began. The short segments are loosely stuck together with the overall theme of a BBC-esq documentary series (or think Discovery Channel on crack).              It was also here that Dave & Tom established their British alter-egos. Tom’s Sir Doctor George Flightus in Archaeology bears a striking resemblance to Sir Reginald from Invention,  and Dave’s Richard Lagina must be undoubtedly related to Brian Forbes. Both deliver a quasi Received Pronunciation accent, with Tom’s crawling deliciously out of his nose, while gumming out hilarious non sequiturs.              The skits are a crosscut of nonsense that are pointless to to explain: they have to be seen to be believed. Often complicated and elaborate, shot in a studio and even on locations, sometimes silly and at times unexpected intelligent and then suddenly just plain naughty. Sketch humor classics at their best come to mind, everything from Monty Python, Little Britain to SNL (the early years), but this comedy team does establish its own flavor of funny.              Dave & Tom have a fantastic cast backing and often leading the sketches, the very talented Gino C. Vianelli, Michael Neill and the hilarious (and gorgeous) Stephanie Stearns.              But it is the combination of the writing, acting and timing that makes this a great show to watch and great comedy team to watch out for.              After all, they’re the only one’s who dared to ‘kill a joke’. And you’ll have to see it to know what I mean.
>>>>>>Alec Corday, VisioWeb.tv >> >> >>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>review
Parental Discretion Is Advised.
CAST:            David Beeler …Richard Lagina /Various              Tom Konkle - Sir Doctor George Flightus/Various              Stephanie Stearns …Various              Gino C.Vianelli …Various              Mike Neill …Various            Carlos Larkin…Various            Shanon Bobo            Shelley Delayne            
CREW:            Kurt Vanzo - Producer & Director for McFwap sketches            John Bonner - D.P.              Thor Melsted - Camera & Special Effects              David Rosner - Camera              
0 notes
elizbeth9579-blog · 6 years ago
✅ Languages & Reference & Education And Learning Post Group
Possibly among the major concerns you will have as you consider a cellar job is "should I get a structure permit?" This write-up will certainly help you determine what you must create for your specific condition. Later, having said that, the Athenian silver was actually incapable to gain the day against the militaristic Spartans, that were actually stated to have actually prohibited coins entirely, and permitted just using iron funds to flow one of their very own folks. In this particular short article I look past the large four of Greater london, The Big Apple, Paris as well as Sydney, and highlight some of my favourite areas. JOINT CITY - Roger James Dausel of Junction Area passed away June 12 at age 22. The loved ones chose certainly not to detail the cause. To go further, Alexander typically left little forts in the urban areas, as he could possibly certainly not spare lots of men to the job, zdrowadieta-blogani.info and allowed to excellent degree self-governance, ideally. And also under this milder work, where his companions nonetheless grew weary, Daytime recuperated as well as rested up. At Forty Mile they prepared over 2 times for the canines, and also at Sixty Kilometer Sunlight's crew was actually left with the investor.
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Every 3rd Friday, the city hosts a block event, which celebrates nearby art, songs and also commerce. It mentions 'sons of The lord', 'daughters of people', and also men called the Nephilim, all presently in existence by Noah's time. The observing are 10 really good reasons you should feature London as an area to check out at least as soon as in your life time. An empire they hint thee, however what kingdom, Allegoric or even real, I determine certainly not; Neither when: timeless sure-as without end, Without starting; for no day prefixed Guides me in the stellar rubric collection." Therefore mentioning, he took (for still he knew his energy Not however ended), and to the Wilderness Brought back, the Kid of The lord, and left him there, Inventing to fade away. Our team have actually always been glad to phone it our house as well as our team enjoy telling folks everything about it. And now that we have invested some significant opportunity discovering it firsthand, our company have seen what it needs to give. Research reveals that just how your house is actually coordinated and also embellished resources your consuming behaviors - whether that indicates taking hold of an apple when you're really feeling hungry or even mindlessly plowing by means of a bag of chips while seeing TV. Our homes can easily either be made to maintain our company well-balanced or created to create our company fat deposits," mentions Brian Wansink, Ph.D., supervisor of the Cornell Food Items and also Brand Lab at Cornell Educational institution as well as author of Slim by Design: Mindless Consuming Solutions for Everyday Life." From repositioning your refrigerator to cleaning up your home, here are 10 methods you can keep your home from undermining your well-balanced consuming initiatives. Banking companies, being totally shady institutions initially, surrendered like the sluts that they are actually for him, as well as it is there that Charles Floyd obtained the tag that he never just liked, however followed him the remainder of his days, and after that some; throughout past history. Any sort of insurance claim or issue in between you and also Provider that occurs in entire or even in part coming from the Solution should be determined solely by a court of skilled legal system positioned in Kings Area, New York City, unless accepted arbitration as set forth in the adhering to paragraph. Burlington was called one of American's prettiest towns by Forbes back in 2010 for its enchanting "block pedestrian market place, Vermont's renowned white steeples and also rolling mountains that spill down toward a dynamic, green beachfront on Pond Champlain." Midway between Montreal and Burlington, the Lake Champlain Islands deliver 200 kilometers of coastline for any person who adores the outsides.
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At the beginning of the game, he is actually damaged up with Mary Jane Watson and left his lifestyle at the Daily Bugle to pursue a career as an expert. The principal organisation classification is scheduled for small, medium, huge as well as enterprise-level company posts and also this performs not feature Web or even Home-Based-Business articles. According to New York City sex counselor Stephen Snyder, M.D., writer of Love Truly worth Producing: How to Have Unbelievably Wonderful Sex in a Long-Lasting Partnership," an orgasm is definitely just a (very satisfying) reflex-- like any of the various other numerous reflexes body systems are actually built to possess.
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legit-scam-review · 7 years ago
Who Are the Brightest Minds in Crypto Featured Among Fortune’s ‘40 Under 40’
The world of finance is driven by some of the greatest minds out there, but every year we see new faces pop up on the list of the industry’s most influential.
This month, Fortune released their list of ‘40 under 40,’ a compendium of the most influential figures in the global business space.
The usual suspects featured in this awe-inspiring group include Instagram’s co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and AirBNB co-founder Brian Chesky, to name but a few.
The list also features prominent leaders of some of the world’s biggest enterprises, such as Dhivya Suryadevara, who is the chief financial officer of General Motors. New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, is also a notable inclusion, highlighting the diverse makeup of figures under the age of 40 making a difference in the world.
This does not exclude the expanding influence that cryptocurrencies are having around the world.
Not one, but five prominent names from the crypto world graced this auspicious list of influencers, and their work in the space has clearly exceeded the bounds of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.
Ethereum inventor Vitalik Buterin, Coinbase founder Brian Armstrong, Telegram founder Pavel Durov and Robinhood co-founders Baiju Bhatt and Vlad Tenev cracked the nod, and here’s a look at their respective journeys into the world of cryptocurrency and the effect they are now having on a global scale.
Vitalik Buterin
Crypto net worth: $400-500 million
Other accolades: Forbes’ Richest in Cryptocurrency, Forbes’ 30 Under 30
Vitalik Buterin is one of the most prominent figures in the cryptocurrency industry. It is at just 24 years old that he invented Ethereum, which has become the second largest cryptocurrency in the world by market volume.
While Bitcoin still reigns supreme as both the most widely used and most valuable cryptocurrency in the world, Ethereum has emerged as a leader in its own right — a blockchain platform that allows the development of decentralized applications.
Buterin’s journey into the world of cryptocurrency could be attributed to his upbringing — with his father, Dmitry Buterin, a computer programmer, credited with introducing Vitalik to Bitcoin when he was 17.
Having taken an interest in the subject, Buterin began writing about Bitcoin for online blogs before he eventually got the opportunity to launch Bitcoin Magazine alongside Mihai Alisie in 2011.
According to Wired, a trip to a cryptocurrency conference in 2013 — organized by the Winklevoss twins — provided the impetus for Buterin to explore the possibility of creating a blockchain platform that answered the many layers people were trying to build on top of Bitcoin.
Buterin told the publication that the situation needed to be rectified in a different way:
“I discovered that they were doing this sort of Swiss Army knife-approach of supporting 15 different features and doing it in a very limited way.”
Buterin then spent six months travelling around the world, picking the brains of people doing their utmost to improve on Bitcoin’s capabilities. Once he’d completed his research, Buterin returned home and wrote the Ethereum white paper, which was published at the end of 2013.
As Buterin told Wired, the community reacted in a way he had not anticipated.
“When I came up with Ethereum, my first first thought was, okay this thing is too good to be true and I’m going to have five professional cryptographers raining down on me and telling me how stupid I am for not seeing a bunch of very obvious flaws. Two weeks later, I was extremely surprised that none of that happened. As it turned out, the core Ethereum idea was good, fundamentally, completely, sound.”
While it hasn’t been smooth sailing, Ethereum has become a revolutionary blockchain platform in its own right, going far and beyond the mainly transactional capabilities of Bitcoin.
The platform is now maintained by the Ethereum Foundation, while Buterin heads up the research team that is actively involved in the maintenance and the development of the future of the platform.
Brian Armstrong
Crypto net worth: $900 million
Other accolades: Forbes’ Richest in Cryptocurrency
At 35-years-old, Brian Armstrong has also made waves in the cryptocurrency industry and the broader financial industry as a result.
Having completed three degrees from Rice University — i.e., a bachelor’s degree in computer science, a bachelor’s in economics and a master’s in computer science — Armstrong cut his teeth as a developer for some top-notch companies.
Armstrong served as an intern at IBM in 2003, before working as an enterprise risk management consultant at Deloitte. From 2003 to 2012, he founded and acted as CEO of University Tutor — a platform that links students with tutors in their area.
In 2011, Armstrong joined AirBNB as a software engineer and, a year later, in June 2012, he founded Coinbase. From its humble beginnings in 2012, Coinbase now has a global user base of over 20 million people and has facilitated $150 billion worth of cryptocurrency trades.
Hailed as the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in America and one of the most well-known in the world, Armstrong is directly responsible for millions of people being introduced to cryptocurrencies.
His company has since been labelled a ‘unicorn’ of the crypto industry, having raised $100 million in series D funding in August 2017 and being valued at around $1.6 billion.
Pavel Durov
Net worth: $1.7 billion
Known as the ‘Mark Zuckerberg of Russia,’ Pavel Durov is famous for creating Russian social networking site Vkontakte alongside his brother Nikolai. The brothers founded the platform in 2005 — with Pavel aged 22 — and it quickly became Russia’s most used social networking site. As of July 2018, the platform has nearly 500 million users.  
Durov was effectively forced out of VK’s management in 2014, due to ownership issues and pressures from the Russian government to submit user data and control content. He’d previously sold a 12 percent stake in VK for an estimated $300 million — that gave Russian internet company Mail.ru a majority ownership of the company.
That led to Durov not only leaving the company, but departing Russia with ‘no plans to return.’ However, it also provided him the freedom to develop Telegram. The free-to-use, privacy-focused messaging application has exploded, with over 200 million users as of March 2018. It was the first messaging app to have end-to-end encryption when it was launched in 2013.
Durov’s application has revolutionized the messaging app space due to its commitment to privacy for its users. This hasn’t gone over well with some of the world’s biggest countries — with Iran, China and Russia making moves to block the app within their borders.
Durov has gone as far as to incentivize internet service providers in his Telegram channel to work around these bans by setting up Bitcoin grants as a reward for setting up virtual private networks (VPNs) to keep users connected.
That hasn’t stopped Telegram’s emphatic growth, and interest in the platform has grown exponentially since plans to launch the Telegram Open Network (TON) came to light in early 2018.
Two rounds of a private ICO — that was registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commision — raised $850 million each, netting a whopping $1.7 billion.
Durov has become an important figure in fighting against pervasive government policies, and he’s leading the way in providing a platform where people can communicate freely, with the knowledge that their everyday conversations are safe from surveillance — by governments or nefarious organizations.
In a post in March 2018, Durov reaffirmed Telegram’s promise to its users to never compromise their privacy, given that the company is not beholden to shareholders, advertisers, governments or global institutions:
“Above all, we at Telegram believe in people. We believe that humans are inherently intelligent and benevolent beings that deserve to be trusted; trusted with freedom to share their thoughts, freedom to communicate privately, freedom to create tools. This philosophy defines everything we do.”
Baiju Bhatt & Vlad Tenev
Net worth: $1 billion each (source)
This duo is being lumped together for the pure fact that they’re responsible for launching Robinhood, a zero-fee stock trading app.
Both Bhatt and Tenev are graduates of Stanford, where their friendship and business partnership was founded. Bhatt has a bachelor’s degree in physics and a master’s degree in mathematics, while Tenev has both an bachelor’s and master’s in mathematics.
Bhatt and Tenev founded Robinhood in 2012, whose flagship offering was zero-fee trading on traditional stock markets.
It wasn’t until 2018 that the startup launched a zero-fee cryptocurrency trading of Bitcoin and Ethereum. At the time, Tenev told Techcrunch that the support of cryptocurrency trading was an innovation that was aimed at improving their customers’ experience:
“We’re planning to operate this business on break-even basics and we don’t plan to profit from it for the foreseeable future. The value of Robinhood Crypto is in growing our customer base and better serving our existing customers.”
Nevertheless, Robinhood has definitely made its mark on the cryptocurrency exchange space, muscling its way into the industry and challenging the conventional trading fees charged by most other exchanges.
Their exploits have been met with plenty of support from investors in the cryptocurrency industry. A series D fundraising round netted $363 million to further the expansion of the Robinhood Crypto trading platform around the U.S. The company is valued at over $5.6 billion — making it the second most valuable tech startup in the country, only after Stripe — according to Fortune.  
The Robinhood founders seem pretty intent on challenging the status quo of conventional financial trading platforms. Bhatt told the publication that users should never expect the platform to change it’s zero-fee policy:
“We plan on continuing to offer these services for free. There’s no real scenario where we would change that at all. I think we’re pretty relentlessly focused on our mission of making the markets and the financial services system more accessible to the broader population, and that’s a pretty good North Star for us.”
A sign of things to come
These five figures have left indelible marks on the cryptocurrency space for widely different reasons. However, their collective efforts have put them among an elite list of business leaders from around the world.
Their technological prowess, coupled with innovative ideas and progressive ideologies, highlight the power and potential of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.
They have also blazed a trail for others to follow, challenging young creative minds to think of new ways to innovate and change the world — from finance to politics.
The prominence of cryptocurrencies has even led to Forbes creating its very own Richest in Cryptocurrency list. Among the names mentioned, it includes Binance CEO and founder Changpeng Zhao, Bitcoin foundation chairman Brock Pierce, as well as Armstrong and Buterin.
It won’t be surprising to see more cryptocurrency and blockchain figures feature among these mainstream benchmarks in the years to come.
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lewisgabriel84z31 · 7 years ago
Coinbase CEO: A Crypto Charity For Those In Need
Coinbase CEO: A Crypto Charity For Those In Need
Now, if you thought Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies were all invented so that the rich can get richer quick, it turns out there is more to the story. In a surprising turn of events, Brian Armstrong, the CEO of Coinbase, has announced he will be starting a non-profit organization to help individuals in need.
People all over the world will benefit from donations from GiveCrypto.org, which will work together with numerous other organizations around the world to bridge the gap between the advantaged and the disadvantaged. Immediately Amir Taaki and “ideological hackers” come to mind. When Amir Taaki was talking about the basic values of Bitcoin, he emphasized that commercializing this technology would deprive it of its purpose. Here he is in an interview for the Quartz Magazine:
“So if we look at the price increase, what is that price increase coming from? It’s coming from a lot of speculation that the future price is going to keep going up, but it’s not any real value underlying it, that is not going to be able to realize itself.
Bitcoin has had a very particular worldview, about what is the greatest threat to humanity, to freedom—what is the greatest cause that we need to struggle for—[bitcoiners] made that narrative their own, because I guess it gives them, like, consensus and meaning and purpose, you know like, everybody wants to think they are doing something impactful, and world-changing, and important. Unfortunately, there is a mismatch between their worldview and the actual reality. The more that they continue on without reevaluating their position, the more the gaps open and widen up, until reality is going to hit them hard in the face.”
We’re fairly certain the gaps Amir Taaki is talking about are so-called class gaps between the affluent and the less affluent. We’re also pretty confident the biggest threat he is talking about is the government, where he is on the same track with quite a few forward-thinking people of today:
“I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. The one thing that’s missing but that will soon be developed is a reliable e-cash.”
Professor Milton Friedman, a Nobel Prize winner in economics.
Amir Taaki, just in case, is a developer of computer games and software, a Briton of Iranian origin. He is best known for developing open source projects, in particular, those related to Bitcoin. Forbes magazine included him in the list of thirty promising British entrepreneurs under the age of thirty.
Brian Armstrong has also made a point to emphasize the moral responsibilities such power comes with. He believes that the world could be changed for the better with the aid of this technology, which is undoubtedly a view shared by us.
According to a Russian platform Lurkmore, blockchain target audience ranges from “speculators and fans of quick money who see blockchain as a new high-risk financial instrument, on which you can raise 10,000% of revenue, if you catch the moment” to cryptography nerds who have found “a brilliant cryptographic solution, a fundamentally new software system” and investors and starters of the Silicon Valley who have found “a new subversive technology with incredible potential, no less subversive than the Internet itself was 20 years ago”.
We believe that slowly the numbers of the last two groups are increasing, and the world is moving towards not only a faster and more effective but also a more fair and just future.  Although blockchain and its implementations are undoubtedly seen by many as a form of getting rich quick, there is a group of people who believe that the world can be changed for the better with the use of this tremendous power. No product placement, but you can (and we strongly encourage you to) find out more about this charity here.
Within 3 years GiveCrypro.org looks to get its funding to the level of  1BN. We think 3 years is far too far to eliminate poverty!
Like in the example with HSBC using Corda R3 blockchain to completely eliminate paperwork when sending a whole ship full of soya beans from Malaysia to Argentina, the fact is that blockchain will definitely expedite all processes to do with business and create quite a few flowing fund streams.
We think that since there is now a chance to use that money for good, it should be directed somewhere it probably should have been sent to begin with, which is an organization that will help make our planet better. After all, that was blockchain’s original purpose.
Image courtesy of GiveCrypto.org
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