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Summary: When Y/N meets her new roommate, Padmé Amidala, she instantly becomes a part of her friend group. After hearing many stories about a member of the group that can never make it to the hangouts, she finally meets him, Anakin Skywalker, for the first time. Well, that’s what she thought at least.
WC: 2.6k | DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE. Reblogs are fine and appreciated <3 DISCLAIMER: In this story Y/N is described as female, however it is up to you what she looks like!
Just wanted to clear some things up before the story begins:
In this story Y/N is a college freshman, and she's 20 years old, Anakin and Padmé are both sophomores, but Anakin is 22 (he could be a junior with Obi-Wan but you'll see why he's not later on) and Padmé is 21. Obi-Wan/Ben and Satine are juniors, and they are 23, and Ahsoka is a senior in high school. I know this isn't accurate to how the ages work in the films but it makes the most sense for this book. There are some other characters in the friend group and their ages will come up eventually, haha. Y/N is hoping to work for JEDI, which is the equivalent to NASA in this universe. This is a modernized story, however I imagine it taking place kind of when the prequels were released.. not sure exactly how accurate it'll all be, but I'll try to keep it together.
Super excited to see where this story goes!!
College. The phase of your life when you're stuck in the middle of being a kid and an adult. Sometimes the best years of your life or sometimes the worst. For me, they were pretty important. You know, friends come and go. Until those friends turn into colleagues, spouses, or best friends. It's crazy how just a few years can cement your entire future.
The long line I currently stood in wrapped around the large, cement building, emphasizing the amount of people I'd be living in a dorm building with this year. I was starting off my freshman year at Tatooine University with a stressful schedule, a sophomore for a roommate, and a smile on my face. My goal in life was to study planets so I was going to major in astrology. The solar system always fascinated me when I was younger and I made it a mission to make it into the field somehow.
"Next!" The man who was handing out the schedules called me up and asked for my name.
"Y/N L/N." I responded, excited to see who my roommate would be and my class schedule. Once the man had handed the stack of papers to me, and I had gotten out of the line, a woman who seemed to be around my age ran up to me.
"Hey! I think you're my roommate! You're Y/N right? I'm Padmé Amidala." I glanced down at the top of my paper and saw that she in fact was my roommate.
"Yeah, I'm Y/N, super nice to finally meet you Padmé." I stuck out my hand to shake hers and noticed her nicely manicured purple fingernails. "I like your nails, the color is gorgeous." I complimented.
"Thank you! You can borrow it sometime." She winked and I smiled.
"I'll see you at the room tonight, then?" I asked her, hoping I wouldn't have to be alone on my first night.
"Yep, hey, a bunch of my friends are getting together this evening. Do you want to come and meet them? There's no classes until Monday."
My face lit up at her invitation. So far I had no friends here, but it seems like I did now!
"That'd be so great. Thanks for the invite!"
"Of course. It was great to meet you, I'll see you this afternoon, Y/N!" Padmé waved goodbye and ran back to her station as I walked off towards my car to grab my boxes of stuff.
A few hours later I had moved all my stuff into the side of the dorm that I'd be calling home for the forseeable future. Padmé hadn't come home yet so I took it as the perfect time to navigate the residence hall and take a shower. I grabbed a towel, my shampoo, conditioner, and anything else I'd need and went down the hall, looking at the map on the wall. I just needed to take a few turns and I'd make it. As I made my way, I heard a man on the phone walking through the hall as well.
"Look, Snips, I'm not gonna make it tonight. Yes, I know. I'm sor-"
Well, I guess we both weren't looking where we were going cause next thing I knew we had crashed into each other in the middle of the busy hallway.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." I told him, looking at him for the first time. And wow, was he handsome.
"Don't worry about it, it was my fault. Here's your stuff." He handed the fallen items to me and I took them quickly, hoping he didn't notice my cheeks turning a peachy color.
"Thanks, see you around." He nodded and smiled while we stood up and went our separate ways. I hoped my previous statement had been true; I better see him around.
After I took my shower, I found my way back up to the dorm and noticed that Padmé had written our names with little stars around them on the whiteboard on our door. I smiled at the gesture, it was cute. I entered the room and saw Padmé setting up her stuff.
"Hey, Y/N! Good to see you found your way to the bathrooms." I nodded in response.
"Yea, I saw a pretty cute guy on the way too." She squealed at the comment.
"Tell me everything! Who was he?" I set down my stuff on the shelf near my bed and sat down in my desk chair.
"Well, first, I don't know a single person here other than you, and two, even if I did, he didn't tell me his name." I jokingly frowned and Padmé groaned.
"Ugh, that's the worst! You better find out someday." I smiled in agreement.
"Hey, so when are we going to hang out with your friends?" I questioned, and looked through my freshly set up closet for something to wear.
"Hm, in like an hour. You think you'll be ready by then?"
"Yep, anything I should wear specifically?"
"We're just hanging out in the common rooms. They do some fun stuff on the first few days. I'm just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Wear whatever you want!" She explained and tossed the purple nail polish I had admired that morning.
I changed into some bootcut jeans, a blue tank top, and a black zip-up. I did my makeup and my hair, painted my nails with the purple polish and after around 50 minutes we were both ready to go. We walked to the common room and I was surprised at just how busy it was. There were people of all grade levels in there, having a good time on the last few days of summer break. A girl with two blue and white braids waved us over into the corner of the room where I saw an auburn haired man with a short beard and a gorgeous blonde woman sitting next to him.
"Soka, so good to see you!" Padmé hugged the girl with the braids and smiled.
"You too Padmé. Barely made it past security this time. Can't wait until next year when I finally get to go here with you guys!" The young girl squealed and I grinned at her enthusiasm.
"I don't know why you don't just get one of us to let you in." Padme laughed.
"I enjoy the thrill." Ahsoka raised her eyebrows goofily.
"Oh, I am so awful, everyone, this is my new roommate, Y/N. Y/N, this is Ahsoka, Ben, and Satine." Padmé introduced me, putting her arm around my shoulder.
"Hello there." Ben said smiling.
"It's really great to meet you all! Thanks for being so welcoming." Padmé and I sat next to Ahsoka on the worn couch and got comfortable.
"So, where's Anakin this time?" Padmé asked, scoffing.
"I don't know, but who ever knows with him." Ahsoka laughed.
"Who's Anakin? If you don't mind me asking." I hoped I wasn't getting too personal too soon.
"Oh, Anakin's a close friend. He's a sophomore, studying aerospace engineering. We're all a bunch of "space nerds." Ben explained, and the group laughed. "Well, except Padmé and Satine here. They're too good for us."
I smiled at that. "So I've heard. Political science is awesome though. You go Padmé. And Satine, I assume you study the same thing?" She grinned and nodded her head. I continued the conversation by saying, "but don't worry, I'm a "space nerd" too." The group perked up at that and I started to explain what I was going to be studying. They all seemed to love me off of first impressions, and I was very happy to have some new friends.
"So, Ahsoka, you're gonna study here next year?" I diverted the attention off of me to open up the conversation.
"Yep! I'm gonna study with Anakin. He's basically my brother so I'm really looking forward to it." She seemed to get even more happy while talking about Anakin, which I thought was really sweet. Someday I'll have to meet this guy.
"That's awesome, you seem to be really passionate about your work. I'm sure you're going to make it super far." I smiled sincerely at her. "So, how about you guys. How did you all become such good friends?"
Ben started to explain what was basically a life story of everyone I had befriended that night. Ben and Anakin had grown up together, Anakin had become sort of a big brother to Ahsoka after he was assigned to show her around their shared high school, and Padmé was Anakin's ex-girlfriend who stuck around in the friend group after they broke up. Satine was the newest addition after she had met Padmé through their shared classes. She had introduced her to the group and now her and Ben were an adorable couple. I thought their story was super cute, and they all seemed like great people.
"Oh! I just got a text from Sab��. She's here and wants me to come get her in. Y/N, you don't mind waiting here do you?" Padmé shot up.
"Oh, come on, Padmé. We won't bite." Satine smiled sweetly.
I giggled and told her I obviously didn't mind waiting with my new friends. When I referred to them as that they all cheered with their drinks started smiling. After Padmé had run out to grab her friend Sabé, a new pack of beer has been opened. You know, Ahsoka and I technically weren't supposed to be drinking alcohol, but I don't think any of us actually cared.
"Hey guys." A new voice announced their presence and I assumed it was Sabé.
We all said hi and I was introduced again. Padmé explained that Sabé was her class vice president in high school and they had been good friends ever since. Another adorable story. Was everyone in this friend group straight out of a movie?? It sure seemed like it.
After another couple of hours of getting to know each other, it was quite late and we all decided to turn in. Padmé and I took the short walk back to our dorm, and I pointed out the spot where I had run into the mystery man earlier that day. We laughed a little too loud and someone stuck their head out of the dorm room to "ssshhh" us. Honestly, it didn't help, and we started laughing louder. When we finally made it to our room, we quickly ran back to the bathroom and then fell asleep once back in our room.
The next day I wore a yellow sundress and some white sneakers and attended my freshman orientation. I met some cool people and learned a lot of important information about my classes and how I'd be spending the next four years. Since I now knew my teachers I could find out what I would need for each class so I asked Padmé if she needed to go shopping and if she wanted to go with me. She agreed quickly and we drove off to the nearest supply store. As we were walking down the notebook aisle she started asking me some random questions that would come to her mind.
"So, Y/N what was high school like for you?"
"Oh, wow. It's so weird to be out of it still. Well, I was a cheerleader, and took a lot of science related classes since this is the field I wanted to enter. It was pretty good honestly. I kinda miss it, which is not what I expected to say." We both started laughing and Padmé agreed.
"And what about boyfriends? Any gossip I should know?"
"Well, I dated a couple guys over the span of the four years. Nobody really stuck. Clearly. Had my first heartbreak last year, but I got over it." I shrugged. I had dated a guy that I really liked, but it ended up just not working out. I pushed the cart down the aisle, an annoying screech occurring each time a certain wheel moved.
"That sucks. Yea, I mostly only dated Anakin in high school, but that also didn't end up working out."
"How come?" I wanted to hear more about this guy. He seemed to get brought up a lot.
"I don't know. I guess we just wanted to be friends. Which we are, and I'm really glad. I can't imagine him not in my life at all. You'll hopefully get to meet him someday soon."
"Yea, that'd be nice. I've heard a lot about him now." I threw some notebooks into the cart.
"He's a loveable guy." Padmé smiled softly, also grabbing some stuff she'd need.
After we had left the store we decided to grab something to eat at the restaurant next door.
"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, will you get us a table?" Padmé asked.
"Yea, of course." I walked over and grabbed a table while examining the menu. I glanced out the window next to the table and was surprised to notice the same guy I had run into in the hallway the day before walking to his car parked next to the store. I must've just missed him in there! What a shame. Shortly after he drove away, Padmé returned and we got back to chatting. I told her about seeing the guy again, and she groaned in frustration.
"I can't believe you saw him again, yet you still don't know his name. All you know is that he most likely goes to school with us since he was in our dorm building."
"Yea. It's so annoying! I'll find out some day." I nodded my head in defeat.
Ahsoka and Anakin's Text Thread
Snips: skyguy u coming to the movies with the gang tonight? you gotta meet padmé's new roomie, she's super cool.
SkyGuy: Sorry Snips, not gonna be able to make it again. I promise you I'll be there next time, can't wait to meet her.
Later that evening the same group I had hung out with the previous night minus Sabé; who couldn't make it due to her classes starting a day earlier than ours, all joined together to go see a movie. We were going to see a new rom-com called "How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days" even though Ben protested. We told him he was outnumbered, three to one. It ended up working on him. After the movie, we all went to the nearest sports bar and got dinner. I ended up learning a lot about the college that night, which was nice and very helpful.
"Gosh, I wish Anakin was here to give you advice. He's got great insight on this kind of stuff." Satine commented.
"Wow, I really gotta meet this guy! There's been so much talk about him."
Little did I know, I had already met him. And really wanted to meet him again. Luckily, I would.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of In the Stars! I'm really excited to keep writing it. I hope you'll stick around to see where it leads! Love, Ada.
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this song hurts 🥲
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Im friends with Bee and i told her you were freaking out and

im responding so normally
#WHEN I SAW THAT STATUS I FELT LIKE MY FUCKING SOUL LEFT MY BODY HELP#guys help hwo do i normal#what the fuck is my life lately HELLO? /POS#SCREAMS#I DONT KNO WwAHT TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION#ASkS#astro-inthestars#MY ART#MY PERSONA#circuitous behavior
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May I request a sexy Glenn Close as further propaganda for the non-believers!!!
i promised the people and myself that i would draw glenn being a slut (christmas edition) if we stayed alive past halloween
#dndads#glenn close#glenn close dndads#hot glenn autumn#suggestive#tossing my art into the void#The Advanced Voter Fraud Experience#draw me like one of your close boys#astro-inthestars#hi astro thank you for enabling me <3
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OPPPPPP HELLLPPP I HAVE THE NEWEST UPDATE OF DASHBOARD UNFUCKER okay sorry i'll stop screaming- i have the newest update but as of yesterday it has completely STOPPED WORKING what happenneddd :(((
im sure its not your fault or anything, i just want to know if you know how to help me :(
not sure what would cause this, but if the issue persists i just released a separate version of the script that uses the old method instead of feature toggles that should work regardless
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HI HI HI IVE STARTED YOUR GAME (thanks to @chipistrate) I have played an hour of it and i LOVE it <333 imayalsohaveasmallcrushononeofthecharacters bUT ANYWAYS GOOD GAME I LOVE IT SO FAR!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!
Also *kicking my feet and twirling my hair like a schoolgirl* who is it that u have a crush on :3
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imma jus leave this here then :3c
(ft. an fruit)
#pls ignore that i've been working on this for 2 whole months :}#also i'll post a version with the actual tags in 'em‚ just you wait#that was stupid#<= (a tag for me speaking)#idk anymore#<= (also a tag for me speaking)#art#doodle#drawing#digital drawing#digital art#artist#artists on tumblr#astro-inthestars#inquiries of a fennec
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⠀independent ⠀and ⠀highly ⠀selective ⠀canon ⠀based ⠀portrayal ⠀of ⠀romeo ⠀montague ⠀heavily ⠀influenced ⠀by ⠀various ⠀film ⠀and ⠀television ⠀adaptations ⠀mostly ⠀inspired ⠀by ⠀the ⠀original ⠀tragedy. ⠀adored ⠀by ⠀nellie ⠀— ⠀they ⠀/ ⠀them, ⠀18+, ⠀mdni. a ⠀blog ⠀consisting ⠀of ⠀historical ⠀content ⠀ and ⠀movie ⠀portrayal ⠀discussions. ⠀content ⠀warning ⠀for ⠀suicide, ⠀death, ⠀loss ⠀of ⠀loved ⠀ones, ⠀and ⠀religious ⠀themes ⠀including ⠀catholicism. ⠀open ⠀to ⠀crossovers ⠀and ⠀alternate ⠀universes.
admin. ⠀regulations. ⠀tba.
⠀❛ Two ⠀households, ⠀both ⠀alike ⠀in ⠀dignity, ⠀in ⠀fair ⠀Verona ⠀where ⠀we ⠀lay ⠀our ⠀ scene, ⠀from ⠀ancient ⠀grudge ⠀break ⠀to ⠀new ⠀mutiny, ⠀where ⠀civil ⠀blood ⠀makes ⠀ civil ⠀hands ⠀unclean. ⠀From ⠀forth ⠀the ⠀ fatal ⠀ loins ⠀of ⠀these ⠀two ⠀foes ⠀a ⠀pair ⠀of ⠀star-cross'd ⠀lovers ⠀take ⠀their ⠀ life; ⠀Whose ⠀misadventur'd ⠀piteous ⠀overthrows ⠀do ⠀with ⠀their ⠀death ⠀bury ⠀their ⠀parents' ⠀strife. ⠀The ⠀fearful ⠀ passage ⠀of ⠀their ⠀ death-mark'd ⠀love, ⠀and ⠀the ⠀continuance ⠀of ⠀their ⠀parents' ⠀rage, ⠀which, ⠀but ⠀their ⠀children's ⠀end, ⠀nought ⠀could ⠀remove, ⠀is ⠀now ⠀the ⠀two ⠀hours' ⠀traffic ⠀of ⠀our ⠀ stage; ⠀The ⠀which ⠀if ⠀you ⠀with ⠀patient ⠀ears ⠀attend, ⠀what ⠀here ⠀ shall ⠀miss, ⠀our ⠀toil ⠀shall ⠀strive ⠀to ⠀mend. ❜
#𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐎𝐄#inthestars — muse development#violentends — out of character#indie history rp#indie historical rp#indierp#romeo and juliet rp
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lesbian weekend w @loganxcouture and @lost-inthestars
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kid named inthestars
omg..... my other half.....
#astroanswers#inthestars wherever you are...#actually jk. im just a fusion#astro and inthhestars#GFDSAHJASF#garnet style
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im now monster energy drink vibes :]
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I meant to send this a LOT earlier but i didnt want to request because you seemed flooded with requests but also. um
could you perhaprs draw ...kyoko kirigiri- iF NOT ITS OKAY IF YOU JUST DRAW ANNE BOONCHUY I MISSED HER TOO
like hell i would pass up the chance to draw ms kyoko kirigiri my beloved
she's here to wreck your killer's shit ~
#danganronpa#dr1#kyoko kirigiri#tossing my art into the void#astro-inthestars#draw me like one of your close boys#The Advanced Voter Fraud Experience
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Sorry to do this to you mum buut:
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ✨
1. A clear night sky that's dotted with stars. I went to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands when I was a kid and I want that view of the night sky everyday (lives in a city and hates it).
2. Fungi!! Surprise, I know. I'm just utterly fascinated by them and I could talk people's ears off for hours about them.
3. Literary analysis. I love dissecting pieces of media and seeing what worked (and WHY it worked) and what didn't work (and WHY it didn't work). My partner in crime in this is usually @bloop-arts but yeah<3
4. My friends!! I love my friendoes!! They make me happy because even if I'm moody and bitchy they still love and care for me and stick around and I'm still astounded by that (including you star boy!!!)
5. Books. "Sara is a nerd," I'm shocked too, don't worry. I've famously had my friends physically pull me away from book stores and libraries<3
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Nothing safe is worth the drive
Part 96 of the Max Verstappen x bestfriend!reader social media au
A/N: DINNER. IS. SERVED. Okay be kind guys because if this doesn’t live up to everyone’s expectations Imma need to sleep in the road. But seriously I hope you guys enjoy this and that it has been worth the wait! 🧡🥺

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#max verstappen#max verstappen x reader#f1#formula 1#f1 fanfiction#f1 x reader#max verstappen fanfiction#max verstappen x you#f1 imagine#f1 social media au
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