#interpersonal intelligence
theneptunianmind · 2 months
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bigbytedmit · 3 months
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test(DMIT)
Individuals with high interpersonal intelligence excel in understanding and interacting effectively with others, showcasing strong social skills and empat
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Linguistic Intelligence: Ability to use language effectively. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Capacity for inductive and deductive reasoning and problem-solving. Spatial Intelligence: Ability to visualize and manipulate objects. Musical Intelligence: Sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, and melody. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: Coordination and skill in using the body. Interpersonal Intelligence: Ability to understand and interact effectively with others.
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Visual 3D Intelligence
This intelligence involves the ability to think in three-dimensional space, enabling individuals to visualize and manipulate objects mentally with ease.
Kinesthetic GMS (Gross Motor Skills)
Those with strong kinesthetic gross motor skills exhibit proficiency in activities requiring large muscle movements, such as running or jumping.
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https://bigbytedmit.com/index.php Consultation: A trained DMIT consultant reviews the report with the individual, providing insights and guidance based on the findings. Benefits of DMIT Self-Discovery: Gain a deeper understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and natural talents. Personalized Learning: Tailor educational strategies to suit individual learning styles, improving academic performance. Career Guidance: Identify potential career paths that align with your innate abilities and interests. Improved Relationships: Enhance interpersonal skills and communication by understanding yourself and others better. Enhanced Parenting: Parents can better understand their children’s unique abilities and nurture their growth effectively. Who Can Benefit from DMIT? Students: Discover preferred learning styles and enhance academic performance. Professionals: Align career choices with natural strengths for greater job satisfaction. Parents: Understand and nurture children’s talents from an early age. Educators: Develop personalized teaching methods to cater to diverse learners. Individuals Seeking Self-Improvement: Gain insights for personal growth and development. Conclusion At https://bigbytedmit.com/index.php , we are dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential through the power of DMIT. Whether you are a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking career fulfillment, or a parent wanting the best for your child, DMIT offers valuable insights to guide your journey. Embrace the science of dermatoglyphics and discover a world of possibilities tailored to your unique talents and abilities.https://bigbytedmit.com/index.php
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Musical Intelligence
Individuals with musical intelligence possess a heightened sensitivity to rhythm, melody, and tone, often excelling in areas related to music composition and appreciatio
Ready to uncover your potential? Contact us today to schedule your DMIT analysis and consultation. Transform your life with the power of self-discovery and personalized growth.https://bigbytedmit.com/index.php
Feel free to adjust the content to better suit your specific offerings and audience. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of DMIT and its benefits, encouraging readers to engage with your services.
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Musical Intelligence
Individuals with musical intelligence possess a heightened sensitivity to rhythm, melody, and tone, often excelling in areas related to music composition and appreciatio
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intellectgrow · 1 year
The word Intelligence and Intellect are both used for intelligent, smart People. In everyday life, people use the words Intelligence and Intellect, as they seem to be the same texture but differ in their degree of complexity and meanings. When we talk about another person's ability to understand things and reasoning, then we are talking about two terminologies: 1-Intelligence,  2-Intellect.Read more
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Babes I need tips on how not to take things personally. I take criticism very personally and I think because of it I will never be good enough
Distinguish and place different criticisms in two buckets:
Constructive criticism
Deconstructive criticism
For constructive criticism:
Decouple the criticism of a work assignment, conversation, behavior, or decision from your personhood. Approach your perception of the criticism as 4 distinct elements:
The other person/group of people
Your demonstrated work product or behavior
The feedback on said work product or behavior
Consider constructive criticism as an opportunity for self-reflection, learning, and growth. If you instinctually ask yourself: "How did I do this wrong/why did I mess up?", consider asking yourself these more productive, growth-oriented questions instead:
What "mistakes" did I make that I can learn from? How can I prevent a situation like this from happening again?
How can I use the outcome/feedback from this situation to do better next time and going forward?
What can I do in the future to set myself up to win?
Are there any new habits/skills I can learn or books I can read/courses and programs I can enroll in to significantly grow in this area?
For deconstructive criticism:
Remember others' unnecessary criticism is usually a projection of their own emotions, experiences, and life stressors. Their behavior is a reflection of them, not you
Practice emotional differentiation: Accept and validate where the other person's emotions/experiences end & your feelings and personhood begin
If you begin to question your worth or positive traits, objectively evaluate the situation and interaction you had. Separate the objective facts and logistics from the emotional reactions/responses or subjective meaning you believe they hold. Don't gaslight yourself. Stick to the facts, accept your emotions, reflect, and move forward
Hope this helps xx
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ceruleanwhore · 11 months
I just had a friendship breakup and there’s some stuff with that that lines up with a particular sub-population of the internet that I think some of y’all really need to hear. Basically, it doesn’t matter if you’re neurodivergent or mentally ill or whatever, you cannot just deny reality, make shit up, and insist that your fantasies are real. For example, if you do something shitty to someone, you cannot just decide that them being mad at you is not a natural consequence of your actions and that they aren’t allowed to be upset because it makes you uncomfortable.
I bring this up on here because it’s super common for people with mental health struggles to go through a phase where they feel like everyone else should just cater to them while they do literally nothing to treat their issues. I know it comes from recognizing the unfairness of how everyone else can just do whatever while you have to dedicate years of your life to changing yourself but that change is necessary and you’ll get over it. This is for the traumatized girlies who try and insist that literally any and all expressions of anger are abuse and anything else like that because anger makes them uncomfortable so they make it everyone else’s problem. Touch grass and get a therapist, you’re not valid and you aren’t going to be able to form and maintain relationships as long as you have that level of entitlement and detachment from reality.
Also, I get that a lot of you didn’t get the special extra education that those of us who grew up autistic did, where you’re manually taught social pragmatics and emotions and shit, but I’ve also got another something special that y’all missed. If you did a shitty thing to someone you have a relationship with, it is neither normal nor valid for your very first response to them expressing their anger to be playing the victim and saying they can’t be mad at you. Same also goes for if your very first response to them is to nitpick the wording of what they just said before you say literally anything else. If you’re the asshole in the situation and now you need to make amends and shit, do the apology stuff first and then bring up any issues like that after.
Oh and last thing - I know it’s been said before but if anyone claims or acts like they’re always the victim, no the fuck they aren’t. If someone has a pattern of not having relationships with people last and then claiming every single time that they did nothing wrong and it was all the other person, they are lying. Also, don’t be that person either.
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shivasdarknight · 1 year
one of the things that gets me about fanon lens - especially when you entrench yourself so much in a fan version of a character - is how a character can just slowly be stripped of what they are and who they are because of the self referential nature of fanworks (which isn't inherently bad, don't misunderstand; neglected characters can have new life breathed into them)
which is a long way of getting to: where did people get the idea that estinien's not one to talk, or is bad at effectively talking? I don't mean selectively mute hcs, i mean just very curt. like he's not as flowery as many of the scions or even compared to aymeric, but he's still dramatic and talks a lot. he's precise when he needs to be and extremely blunt, but just because of that doesn't mean he won't ramble
like his whole tangent about where he is today because of the wol right before the Dead Ends in Ultima Thule. his chattiness seems to fluctuate with how comfortable he is with someone, so i'm not really sure where "estinien's bad with words" came from?
he's no politician, but he's good at saying what needs to be said and saying it in a way that matters. yes, there is the whole aymeric thing but avoiding a difficult conversation rooted in guilt isn't the same as being bad at talking. he clearly knows how to get to people - especially to antagonize them into action (see: tiamat, azdaja) - so where did this come from?
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paganminiskirt · 9 months
The funniest thing about the early chapters of GTA 5 is that Lamar actually does have significant interpersonal intelligence of the sort that would make him a good businessman, especially in a semi-illicit market like weed, he just also happens to have the situational intelligence of a dead squirrel
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waroferas · 6 months
(standing in the middle of an empty room) i feel like people do not give green enough attention
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cinnamoncountess · 2 years
I think, even though it's terribly painful to watch this conclusion, the cabin scene (episode 1x04) between Krester and Ángel is surely my favorite moment between them.
It's considerably impactful knowing how blurred and vague their intentions with each other were, up to this point.
It could have been easily assumed they just acted on feral instincts, without sharing a deep understanding for each other or bond even. Ángel toying around with another boy way below his status, unable to change his nature or even worse for the sake of agonizing poor Ramiro and Krester feeling the need to gratify this stranger, also weakened due to his restricted inner urges.
In this cabin scene, however, Ángel's perfectly groomed facade falters and he is suddenly the most vulnerable we've seen him so far in this show (only spiralling downwards from this point, tbh, basically lurking behind Ramiro for the rest of the show). When Iben drops his pocket watch to the ground, holy shit, Ángel's facial expression cracks, I almost expected him to sob. Krester on the other hand is, of course, completely stunned and shaken as he watches his mother's action unfold.
Iben figuratively and physically draws a barrier between these two. Truthfully, though, there's always a barrier / gate between them.
One part of the scene is her, positioned in center frame "walking through them"; Ángel standing on the left and Krester on the right side of the frame; they are literally mirroring each other (hats off to the camera work and symbolism attached).
Krester turns around, barely daring another glimpse at Ángel, and tries to run off, but is held back by Ángel softly (!!!softly!!!) calling out his name, offering him an option - no, almost begging him - to stay with him, only through his gaze. Krester's lips tremble as he looks at Ángel, holy shit. What to choose: love for this man or love for his mother? It's a two-sided heartbreak.
Krester knows there's no way he can stay and it shatters him even more, because honestly, deep down I'm sure he'd rather be with Ángel instead, but that would be "selfish" (alluding to the shitty words he threw in Tove's face about her constantly blaming their parents and him for what happened to her, making everything about herself, when there's something brooding on a larger scale, endangering everyone).
It's clear they are a reflection of each other.
In this scene, for the first time, Ángel realises the true depth of their mutual understanding. Even though not understanding what's going on verbally, Ángel is able to witness the interaction between Iben and Krester unfold and therefore is brutally reminded of his own past.
Krester, for the first time, sees Ángel vulnerable as Iben approaches him in a most likely familiar manner, because it's the same emotional range in which she suppresses and treats him.
They see a kindred soul in each other.
Despite minimal dialogue this scene is incredibly layered and beautiful.
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arodrwho · 7 months
lord. tomorrow i have to send my boss what is formally known as an email.
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corvid-corvette-coven · 6 months
lemme throw an ice cube in this hot boiling pot of oil that is AI debate
I feel like the misuse of AI tools for profit or exploitative/ fucked up gain really devalues the genuine usefulness of the programs.
as much as i always wish to go to a HUMAN for help like this, i was low on time so i will admit i used CHATGPT to summarise some legalese.
I am firmly against alot of things people are trying to do with AI these days, its actually fucking ludicrous how far its being taken.
(sorry for how wordy this is I have a few things to say)
I also feel like the use of AI for giving any second opinion on academic knowledge cuts off an important connection people develop with (good) teachers and professors, who would respond to my email and give me this response (if i had time)
(basically i dont condone or enjoy the use of AI as a replacement for asking for help that could be provided from another person)
I dont use CHATGPT to write essays or schoolwork, regardless of how highly people praise it, i find its just genuinely shit and I wouldn't be doing a course if I'm not prepared to fail at it (personal philosophy).
But i jokingly mocked a friend i saw had a CHATGPT tab open recently (i wagged my finger and said "tsk tsk tsk look at you becoming a slave to our robot overlords"), and they told me that actually they use it to summarise painfully worded text and school documents and shit.
So today I took that idea, and used CHATGPT to help me summarise some legalese (as much as consulting tumblr was my first option i wasn't prepared to put my faith in you guys for something due so soon)
and this thang WORKED, very well, i get it now
I didnt use that text in my essay, but it HELPED yknow
and i just wish i didnt have as much guilt of using AI when I was in a painful spot, on a deadline, in need of help
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bianca-alexander88 · 11 months
"... [I]t being a known fact that a life well lived amounts to a series of compromises based on the acceptance of those around you with their individual needs and idiosyncrasies, which can't always be tailored to one's liking or constrained to fit conservative social norms. People live their lives, express , and pursue fulfilment in their own ways and in their own time. They are going to make mistakes, exercise poor judgement and bad timing, take wrong turns, develop hurtful habits, and go off on tangents. If she learned anything in school she learned this, courtesy of Albert Ellis, father of cognitive behavioural paradigm shift in psychotherapy. Other people are not here to fulfill our needs or meet our expectations, nor will they always treat us well. Failure to accept this will generate feelings of anger and resentment. Peace of mind comes with taking people as they are and emphasizing the positive."
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
hiii i love ur blog and i was wondering if i could have some advice. so essentially i am trying to improve my personality to become more likable. sometimes i find myself making rude quips in a way to be funny and i feel like it rly makes the other person feel like shit and i want advice to be nicer in general. i just make everyone feel so bad whenever im trying to make a joke. like im not even mad i just wanna joke but i know i need to stop so i wanna know how. also, whenever im jealous i feel like i minimize their achievements and try to bring myself up out of scaredness that people may view me as inferior. how do i stop putting other ppl down? tysmmm
Hi love. It sounds like you're struggling to cultivate a sense of emotional maturity and confidence. Here are the things I would work on:
Learn and practice displaying empathy. Consider the emotions the other person is experiencing based on what they're going through, their words, display of current mood/emotions, and body language. Consider how you would want to be supported and heard if you were going through these same experiences and emotions then respond like the person you would want to talk to you when dealing with a similar situation/feeling
Consider why you feel the need to put others down and make jokes at their expense. Are you looking to feel superior, worthy, heard, and/or validated? Accept and independently work on your own inner wounds, self-criticisms, and self-esteem issues. Don't make them other people's problems. Work through this negative self-talk with a therapist if you can. Understand that people see right through these behaviors and see that you're not comfortable with yourself. Being kind and calm towards others radiates self-assurance & confidence
Replace your scarcity mindset with an abundance mindset. Understand that one person's success does not diminish or remove the possibility of a win or potential accomplishment from another's achievement. There are infinite opportunities to go around that best serve individuals on their own unique journeys. Celebrating others' achievements can only help you become a more positive person encourage you to feel more motivated to work hard to attract accomplishments into your own life
Hope this helps xx
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likeabxrdinflight · 10 months
listen I'm not saying it's absolutely necessary to get a professional evaluation for adhd/autism/learning disorders but hoo boy sometimes even the most well-masked people will jump out when doing the psych eval
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raffaellopalandri · 8 months
A good leader
Bloganuary writing promptWhat makes a good leader?View all responses Today’s prompt could be used as a main topic for a book, and it also represents one of the most frequent questions I am asked when I support a customer. So, as I take the idea for one of my future books, I will leave you here with a very condensed answer. Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com The Enduring Qualities of a…
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