#internet activism
ngl a lot of internet 'activists' are fake and im tired of pretending otherwise. yall will claim to support SA survivors but then make prison rape jokes. yall will claim to support trans people but then misgender someone after they do bad things. yall will blast people for not boycotting chic-fil-a but then buy a latte from starbucks. yall will claim to care about people's mental health, but then tell literal teenagers to kill themselves because they said something off color or call everyone with schizophrenia or npd "evil and abusive".
yall ask others to let them know whenever they say something bad but then have a fucking temper tantrum whenever you're told not to use certain words that happen to be slurs.
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shinygemstone · 7 months
Quick reminder that nobody is obligated to reblog your activism. People often have a variety of reasons for doing so, such as
It's triggering for them
They don't want to risk spreading misinformation
They don't want to get involved in discourse (X creator supports X issue but not Y issue, therefore they're a hypocrite and a monster)
They have irls who follow them who they don't want to broadcast their political opinions to
Their blog is story/gimmick based, and a post about activism would break their readers' immersion
They put all of that stuff on a sideblog
They just don't want to have politics on their blog
None of these reasons are invalid. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to start discourse and should be email. The correct response is to kungpowpenis them. Hope this helps
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not-aplaceofhonour · 5 months
Hi please know that this post got me images of IRL Gore.
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I am obviously not showing the asks here at ALL.
The fact i told you internet “““activists“““ to actually protest and help Palestinians by buying Charity, or maybe actually volunteering ended with me being told to blow my head off with images of dead children in my asks (including someone’s severed arm: with the lines “Do this you fucking zionist nobody wants you throw yourself off a fucking palace until you are nothing but mush“ <actual quote) is fucking insane.
I just wanna know: where were you guys in 2016 and 2014 when Israel attacked Palestine the same way they’re doing now? Why weren’t you boycotting the Eurovision and EBC for letting them compete in those years? Why aren’t you Boycotting for Armenia’s atrocities? Or even Russia’s Censorship and Dictatorship before 2022?
I know why.
Because it wasn’t POPULAR.
It gives you cute little internet points <3
It gives you red hearts, it gives you a way to show yourself as a good person! <3
now go call me out on tumblr.com or whatever i’m already here. Very pubblically.
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igneouswyvern · 11 months
I'll never understand so much of internet activism. Like I definitely see the value in spreading informational posts, lists of places to donate, or details on the boycott, but I'll never understand people who are like "we HAVE to keep the tags at the top of trending!!! Spam posts about Palestine!! Reblog every Palestine post you see or else you're a monster siding with the Israeli government!!!" Like ??? Who does this help. Putting #freepalestine at the top of tumblr trending tags is not going to do a damn thing for the people being bombed in Palestine are you insane. Whether or not I choose to reblog a post is not going to mean the life or death of a Gaza resident these things change NOTHING.
I see it time and time again, no matter what terrible thing is happening in another country. People on the internet become convinced that they can do something just by posting. They use guilt tactics and post spamming and sit back and think they've accomplished something. In reality while spreading info is a good thing, there is a hard limit on the amount of impact posting and reblogging can actually do for the issues we're trying to address.
This is your official pass to not feel guilty about not reblogging all those guilt-tripping posts about Palestine or any other issues, by the way. Call your representatives or donate if you can. Don't buy from the boycott companies. That's about all you can do here at home, and don't let the internet's view of activism poison your mind and make you feel undue guilt for something that doesn't matter.
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quill-and-chalk · 4 months
Hey Babe, you aren’t gonna change the world with an internet argument.
You aren’t gonna change the world just by posting about things.
You’re gonna make positive change by volunteering at your local nursing home, community center, or food bank.
By speaking to your elected officials at city council meetings. (Or the equivalent to talking to a local official if you aren’t in the USA)
By helping your neighbors, yes even the ones you disagree with politically, and being kind to them.
Alright? Okay bestie! Glad we had that talk.
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themassespress · 2 months
Moving Beyond Internet Spontaneity: A Call to Do Mass Work for Palestine
By Comrade Jim The student uprisings for Palestine are full of vital lessons to learn from. Much has been rightfully discussed about the many sellouts and opportunists that have polluted the rebellion. For example, at Northwestern University student misleaders tore down their only leverage, the encampment, and “won” bureaucratic meetings with administrators, renovations for the building devoted…
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geekyglamour413 · 4 months
In the context of activism or spreading awareness, the need to have gotchas, or snapping last words is antithetical to almost any point you are making. Like, you can make a whole post about using people's neo pronouns but if you are just mean to anyone who has any sort of questions/hesitation. You have done nothing but drive people away from your point. If you are trying to get people to listen to you, you need to be kind to people who are wrong about things. If you’re being condescending or rude to be people who are misunderstanding something or even fully missing the point, it doesn’t, in fact, make them stop being wrong. it just makes you an asshole. Let people be initially wrong and ask "obvious" questions. Not everyone has the privilege of being raised by good people and some have to take the long way.
Like why are you making that post? Is it to achieve improvement for yourself/those around you? Or is it to achieve vindication? Like you can be right but at the end of the day do you care about other people? And are your actions reflecting that?
People need to stop acting like activism is about being right. It should be about PEOPLE. You need to ask yourself why are you fighting?(to be right,to help,you don’t know) Who are you fighting for?(yourself, someone else, a group) and Who are you fighting against? (One person, a single establishment, a disembodied “them”)
Anger is normal when it is about something you care about, and there's nothing wrong with feeling anger. But taking out your frustration with a larger problem on one individual who caught your ire is bad, to put it simply. Yes it can be exhausting to have to repeat yourself and watch other people have the same entry level questions. But good news!! You don't have to engage!!!! You can pick and choose your battles and frankly I think a lot of people could benefit from choosing fewer.
Us vs Them is easy, comfortable, and sometimes feels like it makes sense, but it is reductive black and white thinking that will hurt you and your causes in the long run.
TLDR: Be patient with people who ask questions. Interpret those questions in good faith first. Save your anger and clap backs for art or friend circles. If you want to make tangible or long term positive change in the world, you need to start being intentionally kind
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pisswizrd · 6 months
internet activism is a hyperbolic term. go outside. if you really fucking care about something "spreading awareness" ain't it. we are all very fucking aware and you continue to not actually do anything about it. unshelter thine self
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endy-boi · 1 year
right to repair
recently, my phone has lost it's ability to make phone calls. this is a pretty big issue cause i kinda need to make calls for work/school.
all support has to offer is a setting that doesn't show up in the menu.
I'm left with two options, either buy a new phone (fuck that expensive shit) or root the phone to install an opensource OS and hopefully find the option.
now i'm fairly skilled technically, and i'm fairly confident i can figure out how to root the phone which would be great given that it would save quite a bit of money.
I find a guide, which tells me that the manufacturer of my phone supports this. great! that should make this much easier! i check the site, and sure enough, it's there. I put off this 5 hour or so project for a week or two, cause that's what i do.
today I come back, check the same resource, and find that all trace of support has been erased. the same link still shows up in search, but just leads to a 404, meaning the manufacturers completely removed support in the matter of 2 weeks at most.
now there is another way. an "unofficial" method. however, upon checking this out, it requires another setting to be enabled. Looking into the settings, I find that the necessary setting is grayed out, unusable.
As far as I know, as someone with little experience with mobile OS and software in general, this means that to the best of my knowledge my only option now is to get a new phone.
Right to repair is a necessary right. It should come with owning a product. Upon buying something, anything, you should know that you will be able to use that item beyond when its parts break down and it's years out of date.
If manufacturers don't want to support their own products in the everlasting hunt for more profit, they should be required to make it accessible for people to fix, upgrade, and generally support their owned products in place of the manufacturer.
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tmarshconnors · 3 months
“If we can only live once, then let it be a daring adventure that draws on all our powers. Let our grandchildren delight to find the start of our stories in their ears but the endings all around in their wandering eyes.”
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Julian Paul Assange is an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who founded WikiLeaks in 2006. 
Founder of WikiLeaks: Julian Assange founded WikiLeaks in 2006, a platform that publishes classified and sensitive information provided by anonymous sources. WikiLeaks gained international attention for releasing a large number of U.S. military and diplomatic documents in 2010.
Political Asylum in Ecuadorian Embassy: In 2012, Assange sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden over allegations of sexual misconduct. He remained in the embassy for nearly seven years until his asylum was revoked in April 2019, leading to his arrest by British authorities.
Legal and Extradition Battles: Assange has faced multiple legal challenges, including a protracted extradition battle with the United States, where he is wanted on charges related to the publication of classified documents. The U.S. indictment includes charges under the Espionage Act and accusations of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.
Publications and Impact: WikiLeaks' releases have had significant political and social impacts globally, including the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs, diplomatic cables, and the Guantanamo files. These publications have sparked debates on government transparency, privacy, and the role of journalism in society.
Health and Imprisonment: Following his arrest in 2019, Assange has been held in Belmarsh Prison in London. Concerns have been raised about his physical and mental health, with various human rights organizations and supporters advocating for his release and criticizing his treatment in custody. HOWEVER Julian Assange released 24th June 2024.
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intergalaactic · 5 months
i’ve noticed that often times on tumblr my posts get a decent amount of traction, so I’d like to use the maybe 1K people that sometimes see my posts to do some good! I know i’m not exactly “famous,” but I believe that even if one person sees this post and does something, then it’s most definitely a win!
I am going to be using this post and a sort of archive, with a massive list of every GoFundMe i see from palestinians, so if you have any money to spare OR any time to reblog, i would thoroughly appreciate it. I’ll be adding my own reblogs with every new 10 or so that I see, so pls keep an eye out! I’ll also be saying where I saw these initially (just in case you wanted to donate to a smaller cause because some of these have been posted by much larger creators!)
I’ll be adding who posted them just so you can get an idea of how widespread the gofundme is, it is NOT to tell you that you shouldn’t donate to ones where bigger account have posted the link, only just in case you’d like to donate to smaller families who have less of a chance of getting that money. it is YOUR choice who you donate to!!
(Hina on tiktok posted about this, she has over 1M followers)
(this is the same one that Yuval on tiktok posted about, he has over 1M followers)
(Posted by a tiktoker with 50K followers)
(posted by the palestinian woman herself with 50K followers)
(Posted by Connor, a tiktokker with over 5M followers)
(Posted by a palestinian account with 5K followers)
(Posted by a palestinian account with 27K followers)(idk why Tumblr hates this link so much sorry about that guys)
(Posted by Savanna, a tiktokker with 23K followers)
(She also has this link in her bio, a google doc of 100 GoFundMes that YOU could donate to!)
(Posted by a palestinian’s tiktok account with 4K)
(Posted by a palestinian tiktokker with 28K followers)
(tags i’m literally just putting whatever comes up, sorry if you’re scrolling and a bit confused)
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portmantofu · 5 months
Me when I'm in a being a nuisance under the illogical idea that what I'm doing is productive competition and my opponent is a person who replies to all 125 Instagram comments passive aggressively correcting people's pronouns as if this is YouTube and they can retroactively edit them, as if new commenters are going to look at their replies before commenting, and as if making their own stand-alone comment wouldn't be more effective in informing people.
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triona-tribblescore · 5 months
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I WANNA DRAAWW!! RAHHHGG!! Absolutely swamped with college work, im so tired TT (hence whatever tf this is lmao)
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sleepnoises · 6 months
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im reading more harriet lerner and truly this being a possible boundary that god doesn't immediately strike you down for had never occurred to me before. thanks steve
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bell-goat · 3 months
*crawls out of the grave, slaps this down and crawls back in without comment*
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( Outfit ID is 2624062 )
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cheshire-j · 1 year
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So as of tomorrow, the Kids Online Safety Act, is set for markup as of July 27 at 10:00 am. And for those who aren't aware, this bill, if passed, does not protect kids. If merely eradicates privacy, freedom of speech, and unlawfully searches and seizes everything you say and do on the web.
It will censor everything the government does not like and if you want "unrestricted access" you will need to prove you are above the age of 18, which will most likely mean you will need to upload some kind of ID. Additionally, if you need to upload your ID, there is no guaranteed protection that your image or the ID itself will not be swiped or sold like how Instagram/Facebook/Twitter did when they sold data to the Russians.
This will also be harmful to kids, especially those to have a bad living situation. KOSA does nothing but police the Internet for everything you say and do on the Internet. It will censor medical information, history, information, and restrict and limit, if not outright ban what can be posted on social media.
Sites like Ao3 (Archive of Our Own), Wattpad, Tiktok, Tumblr, etc.... EVERYTHING will be affected, art especially. And what's more, is KOSA passes, it will be a gateway to pass all the other bad internet bills like the RESTRICT ACT, EARN IT ACT, COOPER DAVIS, etc.
The Internet will turn into a hellscape for everyone; kids, companies, and adults alike!
The picture above, from @dontdelete.art, is a call to action in protesting these bad internet bills. As of today, July 26, we need to protest against this bill for our privacy and our freedom. Call your representatives and senators, AND ALSO call the Commerce Committee as they are the ones overseeing this mark up meeting.
The Commerce Committe's numbers are:
Majority: 202-224-0411
Minority: 202-224-1251
Call them and tell them you oppose KOSA, tell them the dangers, tell them how it breaks our first and fourth ammendment rights and how it violates our privacy.
We only have one more day before it goes to mark up, so let's make it count. Spend today speaking out on KOSA, post on social media talking about the dangers of KOSA, call and email your representatives, senators, and the committee!
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