#international rehabilitation centre
samarpanrecovery · 10 months
Embark on a healing journey with Samarpan, the international rehabilitation centre in India dedicated to your path of recovery and well-being. Samarpan Recovery provides international rehab facilities and an environment to feel comfortable in a journey of holistic recovery in physical, mental, and social aspects. Rediscover wellness and experience transformative healing at Samarpan Recovery, your top choice for international rehab in India, fostering a path to holistic recovery with expert care.
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sayruq · 5 months
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Al Jazeera has obtained a copy of the Gaza ceasefire proposal that Hamas said it accepted on Monday. The deal, which was put forward by Egypt and Qatar, would come in three stages that would see an initial halt in the fighting leading to lasting calm and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Palestinian territory. The proposed agreement would also ensure the release of Israeli captives in Gaza as well as an unspecified number of Palestinians held in Israeli jails. Israel has said that it does not agree to the proposal but that it will engage in further talks to secure an agreement – all while pushing on with its assault on Gaza. Meanwhile, the United States, which is also involved in the negotiations, said it is reviewing the Hamas response. The basic principles for an agreement between the Israeli side and the Palestinian side in Gaza on the exchange of captives and prisoners between them and the return of sustainable calm. The framework agreement aims at: The release of all Israeli captives in the Gaza Strip, civilians or military, alive or otherwise, from all periods, in exchange for a number of prisoners held by Israel as agreed upon, and a return to a sustainable calm that leads to a permanent ceasefire and a withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, its reconstruction and the lifting of the siege. The framework agreement consists of three related and interconnected stages, which are as follows: The first stage (42 days) [Herein] a temporary cessation of military operations between the two parties, and the withdrawal of Israeli forces eastward and away from densely populated areas to a defined area along the border all along the Gaza Strip (including Wadi Gaza, known as the Netzarim Corridor, and Kuwait Roundabout, as below). All aviation (military and reconnaissance) in the Gaza Strip shall cease for 10 hours a day, and for 12 hours on the days when captives and prisoners are being exchanged. Internally displaced people in Gaza shall return to their areas of residence and Israel shall withdraw from Wadi Gaza, the Netzarim corridor, and the Kuwait Roundabout: On the third day (after the release of three captives), Israeli forces are to withdraw completely from al-Rashid Street in the east to Salah al-Din Street, and dismantle military sites and installations in this area. Displaced persons (unarmed) shall return to their areas of residence and all residents of Gaza shall be allowed freedom of movement in all parts of the Strip. Humanitarian aid shall be allowed in via al-Rashid Street from the first day without any obstacles. On the 22nd day (after the release of half the living civilian captives in Gaza, including female soldiers), Israeli forces are to withdraw from the centre of the Gaza Strip (especially the Netzarim/Martyrs Corridor and the Kuwait Roundabout axis), from the east of Salah al-Din Street to a zone along the border, and all military sites and installations are to be completely dismantled. Displaced people shall be allowed to return to their places of residence in the north of Gaza, and all residents to have freedom of movement in all parts of the Gaza Strip. Humanitarian aid, relief materials and fuel (600 trucks a day, including 50 fuel trucks, and 300 trucks for the north) shall be allowed into Gaza in an intensive manner and in sufficient quantities from the first day. This is to include the fuel needed to operate the power station, restart trade, rehabilitate and operate hospitals, health centres and bakeries in all parts of the Gaza Strip, and operate equipment needed to remove rubble. This shall continue throughout all stages.
Exchange of captives and prisoners between the two sides: During the first phase, Hamas shall release 33 Israeli captives (alive or dead), including women (civilians and soldiers), children (under the age of 19 who are not soldiers), those over the age of 50, and the sick, in exchange for a number of prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centres, according to the following [criteria]: Hamas shall release all living Israeli captives, including civilian women and children (under the age of 19 who are not soldiers). In return, Israel shall release 30 children and women for every Israeli detainee released, based on lists provided by Hamas, in order of detention. Hamas shall release all living Israeli captives (over the age of 50), the sick, and wounded civilians. In return, Israel shall release 30 elderly (over 50) and sick prisoners for every Israeli captive, based on lists provided by Hamas, in order of detention. Hamas shall release all living Israeli female soldiers. In return, Israel shall release 50 prisoners (30 serving life sentences, 20 sentenced) for every Israeli female soldier, based on lists provided by Hamas.
The United Nations and its agencies, including UNRWA, and other international organisations, are to continue providing humanitarian services across the Gaza Strip. This shall continue throughout all stages of the agreement. Infrastructure (electricity, water, sewage, communications and roads) across the Gaza Strip shall be rehabilitated, and the equipment needed for civil defence allowed into Gaza to clear rubble and debris. This shall continue throughout all stages of the agreement. All necessary supplies and equipment to shelter displaced people who lost their homes during the war (a minimum of 60,000 temporary homes – caravans – and 200,000 tents) shall be allowed into Gaza. Throughout this phase, an agreed-upon number (not fewer than 50) of wounded military personnel will be allowed to travel through the Rafah crossing to receive medical treatment, and an increased number of travellers, sick and wounded, shall be allowed to leave through the Rafah crossing as restrictions on travellers are lifted. The movement of goods and trade will return without restrictions.
And that's just phase one. Read the rest of the article for the rest of the ceasefire proposal approved by Hamas.
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fairuzfan · 4 months
"We have come together as Palestinian academics and staff of Gaza universities to affirm our existence, the existence of our colleagues and our students, and the insistence on our future, in the face of all current attempts to erase us.
The Israeli occupation forces have demolished our buildings but our universities live on. We reaffirm our collective determination to remain on our land and to resume teaching, study, and research in Gaza, at our own Palestinian universities, at the earliest opportunity.
We call upon our friends and colleagues around the world to resist the ongoing campaign of scholasticide in occupied Palestine, to work alongside us in rebuilding our demolished universities, and to refuse all plans seeking to bypass, erase, or weaken the integrity of our academic institutions. The future of our young people in Gaza depends upon us, and our ability to remain on our land in order to continue to serve the coming generations of our people.
We issue this call from beneath the bombs of the occupation forces across occupied Gaza, in the refugee camps of Rafah, and from the sites of temporary new exile in Egypt and other host countries. We are disseminating it as the Israeli occupation continues to wage its genocidal campaign against our people daily, in its attempt to eliminate every aspect of our collective and individual life.
Our families, colleagues, and students are being assassinated, while we have once again been rendered homeless, reliving the experiences of our parents and grandparents during the massacres and mass expulsions by Zionist armed forces in 1947 and 1948.
Our civic infrastructure – universities, schools, hospitals, libraries, museums and cultural centres – built by generations of our people, lies in ruins from this deliberate continuous Nakba. The deliberate targeting of our educational infrastructure is a blatant attempt to render Gaza uninhabitable and erode the intellectual and cultural fabric of our society. However, we refuse to allow such acts to extinguish the flame of knowledge and resilience that burns within us.
Allies of the Israeli occupation in the United States and United Kingdom are opening yet another scholasticide front through promoting alleged reconstruction schemes that seek to eliminate the possibility of independent Palestinian educational life in Gaza. We reject all such schemes and urge our colleagues to refuse any complicity in them. We also urge all universities and colleagues worldwide to coordinate any academic aid efforts directly with our universities.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the national and international institutions that have stood in solidarity with us, providing support and assistance during these challenging times. However, we stress the importance of coordinating these efforts to effectively reopen Palestinian universities in Gaza.
We emphasise the urgent need to reoperate Gaza’s education institutions, not merely to support current students, but to ensure the long-term resilience and sustainability of our higher education system. Education is not just a means of imparting knowledge; it is a vital pillar of our existence and a beacon of hope for the Palestinian people.
Accordingly, it is essential to formulate a long-term strategy for rehabilitating the infrastructure and rebuilding the entire facilities of the universities. However, such endeavours require considerable time and substantial funding, posing a risk to the ability of academic institutions to sustain operations, potentially leading to the loss of staff, students, and the capacity to reoperate.
Given the current circumstances, it is imperative to swiftly transition to online teaching to mitigate the disruption caused by the destruction of physical infrastructure. This transition necessitates comprehensive support to cover operational costs, including the salaries of academic staff.
Student fees, the main source of income for universities, have collapsed since the start of the genocide. The lack of income has left staff without salaries, pushing many of them to search for external opportunities.
Beyond striking at the livelihoods of university faculty and staff, this financial strain caused by the deliberate campaign of scholasticide poses an existential threat to the future of the universities themselves.
Thus, urgent measures must be taken to address the financial crisis now faced by academic institutions, to ensure their very survival. We call upon all concerned parties to immediately coordinate their efforts in support of this critical objective.
The rebuilding of Gaza’s academic institutions is not just a matter of education; it is a testament to our resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to securing a future for generations to come.
The fate of higher education in Gaza belongs to the universities in Gaza, their faculty, staff, and students and to the Palestinian people as a whole. We appreciate the efforts of peoples and citizens around the world to bring an end to this ongoing genocide.
We call upon our colleagues in the homeland and internationally to support our steadfast attempts to defend and preserve our universities for the sake of the future of our people, and our ability to remain on our Palestinian land in Gaza. We built these universities from tents. And from tents, with the support of our friends, we will rebuild them once again."
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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THURSDAY HERO: Dr. Ludwig Guttman 
Dr. Ludwig Guttmann was a Jewish-German neurosurgeon who had the radical idea that patients with spinal cord injuries could be competitive athletes. He created the Paralympic Games and forever changed the way society views disabled people – and the way they view themselves.
Ludwig was born in Germany in 1899 to a religious family. At age 18, he volunteered in a hospital that treated mining workers. One day, a young man was admitted who had broken his back in a mining accident. The patient was paralyzed from the waist down, but the rest of his body was strong. Ludwig was shocked when the hospital staff told him there was nothing to be done for people with spinal cord injuries but wait for them to die. They wrapped this vigorous young man’s body in plaster and moved him to an isolation wing, where he developed sepsis and died five weeks later. “Although I saw many more victims suffering the same fate,” Ludwig said, “it was the picture of that young man which remained indelibly fixed in my memory.”
After attending medical school in Freiburg, Ludwig worked with Europe’s leading neurologist Dr. Otfrid Foerster. In 1928, Ludwig started a neurosurgical unit at a hospital in Hamburg, and by 1933 he was considered one of the top neurosurgeons in Germany. When the Nazis came to power Jews were banned from practicing medicine and Ludwig lost his job. In 1939 he left Germany with his family and moved to Oxford, England, where he worked as a researcher.
In 1943, Ludwig was asked by the British Government to direct a new Spinal Injury Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. He agreed to take the job, but only if he was free to treat patients as he saw fit without any outside interference. Ludwig was determined to change the medical establishment’s defeatist attitude toward spinal cord injuries. He believed that patients could lead full, independent and happy lives. At Stoke Mandeville, Ludwig instituted educational programs so that patients could learn new skills to make them employable. These programs included carpentry, typing, and watch repair.
A crucial part of the Stoke Mandeville rehabilitation program was athletics. Since there was virtually no precedent for wheelchair sports, Ludwig and his staff had to make them up. The first sport was wheelchair polo using walking sticks and a puck, soon to be replaced with wheelchair basketball. The first athletic competition at Stoke Mandeville took place on July 28, 1948 – the same day as the London Olympics. Fourteen injured service people competed (12 men and 2 women) in one sport, archery. A trophy cup was awarded to the winner.
Only one year later, the competition had grown to include more hospitals, more participants, and more sports. Ludwig said, “I foresaw the time when this sports event would be truly international and the Stoke Mandeville Games would achieve world fame as the disabled person’s equivalent of the Olympic Games.” In 1952, a group of disabled Dutch veterans became the first competitors from overseas. By 1954, there were athletes from Canada, Australia, Finland, Egypt and Israel. In the late 1950’s, Ludwig reached out to the Olympic Games Committee to see if the Stoke Mandeville Games could be scheduled to coincide with the 1960 Olympics in Rome. The Olympic Committee agreed, and disabled athletes came to Rome from 21 countries, playing in the same facilities and sharing the same accommodations as the able-bodied athletes.
The games became known as the Paralympics. Ludwig died in 1980, but his dream continues to grow. The Paralympics now features over 4000 athletes competing in 28 sports.
For refusing to accept the status quo, and giving hope and inspiration to generations of disabled athletes, we honor Dr. Ludwig Guttmann as this week’s Thursday Hero at Accidental Talmudist.
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dykeulous · 2 months
Your blog is a breath of fresh air. I don’t agree with you on some things (you’ve said in the past that you think intersex people can be sorted into women/men categories but I feel like that homogenizes and overlooks intersex specific experiences that you, someone I assume is perisex, cannot speak on) but it’s great to see a radfem not hostile towards trans people. I’m trans and have always lurked on radfem blogs because I care about misogyny but too often I’d run into a slew of horribly mean spirited, cruel posts about trans people and just feel so disappointed.
Something I’ve been stewing about lately is how the agency and complexity of the internal lives of females have been historically overlooked/repressed across cultures if that makes any sense? Like, many (not all, but many) culturally recognized groups of homosexual/gnc people have been male dominated and modern western dialogues around trans people centre around trans women. Tras position trans women as being more oppressed than trans men since trans women are disparaged more in the media, but I think this is just another example of how females are ignored and are not given the agency to be seen as trans/etc?? When males fall out of line, they are recognized as aberrations and seen as a threat. When females fall out of line, they are stupid women who need to be beaten into submission and ignored.
Does this make any sense? Is this something?
hello! first of all, thank you for sending me this lovely ask :). i 💗 interacting with all kinds of feminists, and i love having meaningful discussion with people who see my blog. my blog’s purpose is mainly to help people see that radical feminism isn’t this Big Scary Ideology™, and that it’s actually beneficiary for all of humanity ultimately.
1. i would like to disclose our disagreement around intersex people (i’m not trying to change yours/and or anyone’s mind!); everyone has a biological sex. everyone is either female or male, and i feel that claiming intersex people are this magical third thing does more harm to intersex people than it does good (yes, i am perisex, and i’m not trying to reduce intersex people to this or that, they all have their own unique experiences; however i’ve seen a lot of intersex people speak up about how it’s harmful to spread the narrative that they don’t have a concrete sex). as for whether they can be categorized as woman or man– the categories of woman and man are distinct gender classes ascribed to one’s sex. as gender abolition is my special interest, i spend a lot of time discussing at length on this blog about how our society would be rehabilitated & redeemed if we left these harmful, limiting, reductive & totalitarian categories behind– completely. however, as we are still very far away from abolishing gender, it’s natural that we will be inflicted & effected by it (which is why i don’t bash those who have social dysphoria– i myself also have it along with sex dysphoria, but unlike my sex dysphoria which is innate, my social dysphoria was a byproduct of misogyny– or in other words, it was a reaction to the patriarchy in a way), and intersex people most of the times are still, unfortunately, able to be sorted into one of the two harmful & classist categories.
to deny that they are is to claim that intersex people can escape socialization. this is simply untrue. intersex women cannot escape a misogynistic childhood, and intersex women & intersex men alike cannot escape gender being vigorously pushed on them; and on top of it, they face their own & unique struggles that perisex people do not. women with swyer syndrome cannot opt out of oppression just because they were born with a y chromosome. many intersex women have spoken at lengths about how rigidly they experience misogyny in their everyday lives. that doesn’t end just because they aren’t perisex. and, in some extremely rare cases– these gender class distinctions don’t even match biosex. an intersex person (as far as i know, please correct me if i’m wrong!!) can have a condition that causes them to be assigned male, however due to their appearance & literally everything else, they still get treated like a girl/woman and thus still experience female socialization & misogyny– sorting them into the ���woman” gender class. if we deny the fact that intersex people can & are sorted into their gender class accordingly, we are risking situations like the recent one with imane khelif occuring. we do not want that to be a reoccurring theme. intersex women are women. intersex men are men.
2. i cannot explain the amount of happiness i feel whenever a trans person starts getting interested in radfeminism. i’m happy you can explore radfem blogs with a critical eye, and i know we have a really bad side to radblr– not only are there radfems who genuinely promote true neurosexism & hate dysphoric people, a lot of radfems on here are very racist & pro-capitalist; all of which completely strays from radfem theory & praxis. i hope you stay & i hope you keep viewing my posts :)!! as a trans person myself, i feel very welcome with my own circle of radfem friends & mutuals, and i hope you will feel the same way if you ever choose to personally align yourself with our movement. wishing you a warm welcome nevertheless!!!
3. radfems generally point this issue out. this modern “queer” community is really androcentric. tras believe that trans women are oppressed more than trans men, push the narrative that trans men have the power to oppress trans women & generally ignore & excuse all the abuse & degradation trans men have endured at the hands of trans women. tras have a heavy issue with realizing material reality, they think the world is based around a metaphysical belief system; in short, they are very idealist. they think trans women are oppressed more than trans men because they identify as women + they’re trans so they have to be more oppressed. they fail to recognize the male privilege trans women wield & they fear to point it out even when they do recognize it. they keep on telling trans men we need to make sure the women in our lives are comfortable, that we need to cater to the women around us, and they have this very unrealistic idea of us having male privilege & making women feel unsafe. the male privilege (and only a small portion of trans men even has this!!!) some of us have is very, very conditional. they never tell trans women they still have to make sure the women in their lives are comfortable around them, because being dysphoric doesn’t cancel out their male privilege.
trans women, if transitioned + on hormones (and especially so if they have lived as women for years, some trans women even lived as women longer than they haven’t) experience transmisogyny & their own unique form of regular misogyny (not all radfems are going to agree with this & i don’t think it would be fair to label them all as inherently transphobic for disagreeing, btw!!!), which is also conditional, as conditional as trans men’s male privilege is. i will never stress enough about how important it is to think critically & not write off all trans women as inherently this, and all trans men as inherently that. both radfems & tras have a large problem regarding this. some genuinely hateful radfems will even go out of their way to spew racist rhetoric because of their hatred for dysphoric people, and on the other end of the coin– tras will go out of their way to spew racist rhetoric to defend trans women, and, in this process, tear down black women’s agency.
a trans man might, through transition & living as a man for 10+ years, gain various forms of male privilege. he might gain access to a lot of things he didn’t have prior to transition. similarly, a trans woman, through transition & living as a woman, might lose various aspects of male privilege. however, the difference here is that while the trans woman in question will probably gain a special space in feminist circles, the trans man doesn’t suddenly lose his. he will forever be welcome by feminists. because female people share their own unique axis of oppression, and even though he does live as a man now & has male privilege to a degree, he still knows how debilitating misogyny is– and he, at some point, experienced it. the trans woman did not, but now she does, and they both can be included in feminist activism. the trans woman will still never have to experience some of the painful things only female people do, and she never experienced female socialization in the first place– so it is completely reasonable that she cannot be included in *every* aspect of feminism. we all have unique experiences & they are all equally valuable.
4. i also can see the conservative transphobes going “trans women are a threat!” & “trans men are just confused little girls”, but i don’t think genuine radfems do this. those who do are usually just using the term to dunk on trans people. either way, yes– female agency is very often stripped off, and female people are ignored wherever we go. female trans people especially so. this is why i hope transmascs & female dysphoric people in general realize that radfeminism holds their special interests at heart, and even though there are hateful people, our movement isn’t based on them. it’s based on female class solidarity. we have to love female people more than we hate male people.
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dimensionzero · 1 year
so anyway if y'all've got an insatiable craving after atsv, here's some spiderverse fics that deserve some love!
gotta start with Spiders' Night Out! by Chaos_and_Sparkles, my favourite of the rapidly forming pavitr-and-hobie-rob-the-british-museum genre --- in this one, their master plan drags the Spot along for the ride and it's great
courage (never forgotten) by stars_and_scars1 is an interesting character study on miles during atsv. I'm very intrigued by the writing style. it might go well with Look at me, falling fast by umwelt, gwen's POV of her visit with miles, which manages to be extremely funny and kind of heartbreaking at the same time.
speaking of gwen, State of Grace by Fichistory is gwen's POV of itsv, and I love her and miles in this one, I will be imagining it as her inner monologue every time I rewatch itsv after this. I'm also obsessed with how 14Passionz describes earth-65's mood-ring watercolour style throughout ink pallette, a great fic to cry about over gwen and her dad. and rounding out my gwen recs is the mark of a true spider-man by joshriku, in which gwen crowd-sources the meaning of being spider-man and has a conversation with peter b about, y'know. the elephant in the room.
if you're in the mood for a laugh, please read restorative justice by Nanashi07, the one where miles decides to rehabilitate miguel using restorative justice techniques while gwen and hobie heckle them and peter b cackles from the sidelines. for a slightly angstier post-atsv fic, there's also i only see you in the city light by yukla, in which miles has struggles and hobie is a bro. and you can find yet more post-atsv fics with the run run fast as you can series by Quillium (speaking of Quillium, they've also got equifinality, in which prowler!miles gets forcibly befriended by spider-man. while trying to murder him. it's complicated.); my favourite of the series has to be pavitr prabhakar and being spider-man, a character study that addresses how pav must feel over his friends knowing about canon events and not telling him in a way that feels very true to his character.
speaking of pavitr, Chaos_and_Sparkles is also writing a character study/speculative backstory for him in One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy, which starts off very sweet and funny and halfway through takes a deep dive into angst. if you want sweet and funny all the way through, try na dekhi koi aisi girl by whatcaniwriteinthis, a pavitr/gayatri meet-cute. Who wants to punch a fascist? by I_have_hella_nice_abbs is a different kind of sweet and funny with noir and hobie bonding, three guesses how--- I like noir's internal monologue in this one a lot. and speaking of hobie, my favourite fic centred around him has to be Teenage Anarchist by gender_bender08, a character study that runs from his recruitment into spider-society to his exit-stage-center from atsv. it does both hobie and his relationships really really well.
and lastly, this is technically an older one but I can't make a spiderverse fic rec and not recommend Spider-Man Is Dead (Long Live Spider-Man) by aetataureate, it's a series of character studies on ripeter, gwen, peter b, and miles during itsv and it's insane how few hits it has for being some of my favourite pieces of writing in anything ever. anyway that's all for now, have fun y'all
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covid-safer-hotties · 19 days
Long Covid could be costing NZ $2 billion a year in lost productivity: Experts urge preventive action - Published Sept 9, 2024
Long Covid could be costing the economy of Aotearoa New Zealand at least NZ$2 billion per year from reduced worker productivity, and that’s excluding health costs.
In the latest Briefing from the Public Health Communication Centre – Long Covid: High economic burden justifies further preventive efforts – researchers summarise local and international evidence about the impacts of Long Covid on productivity.
University of Auckland health economist Professor Paula Lorgelly highlights estimates from a recently-published economic analysis in Australia that modelled the effects of Long Covid on productivity and GDP. “The research suggests that Long Covid is likely costing the Australian economy approximately AU$9.6 billion, equivalent to 0.5% of Australia’s GDP. And that’s a conservative estimate.”
Professor Lorgelly says it is likely that Long Covid is having a comparable economic impact in NZ where a 0.5% reduction in GDP translates to approximately NZ$2 billion per year. “While this is an estimate, it’s plausible that Long Covid significantly impacts productivity here. Further evidence of productivity harm comes from the Long COVID Registry Aotearoa which recently reported that individuals with Long Covid are working between seven and ten fewer hours a week than before the pandemic.”
Lead author Associate Professor Amanda Kvalsvig from the University of Otago says the NZ Government needs to respond with urgency to worldwide evidence of ongoing harms from Covid-19. “High year-round infection and reinfection rates mean that each week, another cohort of New Zealanders enters the Long Covid lottery.”
She says NZ needs to step up preventive action, including improving the air quality in schools and other workplaces to stop the virus from spreading so easily indoors. “Covid-19 vaccines are proven to reduce the risk of Long Covid and that knowledge should be reflected in NZ’s vaccine strategy. Eligibility for boosters should be expanded to younger age groups with a strong emphasis on occupations at increased risk such as teachers.”
Dr. Kvalsvig also emphasises the need for occupational and social support, including extended sick leave policies and comprehensive rehabilitation programs.
Professor Lorgelly says that while the Australian research has given us an indicator of the huge productivity loss NZ is facing, robust local studies are needed to quantify the true cost.
“Without accurate data, it will be difficult for policymakers to make informed decisions about how to efficiently and equitably protect New Zealanders from the health and economic harms of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.”
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2024 Paralympics 🇫🇷 Versatility is the mantra of wheelchair fencing 🤺
Unlike their able-bodied counterparts, fencers at the Paralympic Games switch between weapons to compete in multiple disciplines, an aspect that presents various challenges. There are three different weapons used in fencing: the foil, épée and sabre - each of which has different compositions, techniques and scoring target areas. All weapons in general, are based on the same basic set of rules making it relatively easy to switch between foil, épée and sabre.
Why is everyone speaking French? 🇫🇷
Like its Olympic equivalent, the official language of wheelchair fencing is French. The referee will say “En garde” ( On Guard, come to the start line), “Prete”(or “Ready” if English), then “Allez” (literally “Go!”; or “Fence if English) to start bouts.🗡️ 🤺 ⚔️
The use of French dates back to the 19th century when Napoleon established fencing as a mandatory discipline in the military. Fencing grew in popularity in France and made its way to the first modern Olympic Games in 1896.
Wheelchair fencing was pioneered about half a century later by Ludwig Guttmann at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in England UK 🇬🇧 after World War II as part of rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord injuries. It made its Paralympic debut at the inaugural Games in 1960.
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Historical, Stoke mandeville games, 1955 two female competitors in wheelchairs taking part in the fencing competition, Stoke Mandeville hospital, Aylesbury, Bucks, England, UK.
Sir Ludwig Guttmann CBE* FRS** (3 July 1899 – 18 March 1980) was a German-British neurologist who established the Stoke Mandeville Games. In September 1943, the British government asked Guttmann to establish the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The initiative came from the Royal Air Force (RAF) to ensure the treatment and rehabilitation of pilots with spine injuries, "who often crashed on approach with their bombers damaged".
When the centre opened on 1 February 1944, the United Kingdom's first specialist unit for treating spinal injuries, appointed Guttmann its director (a position he held until 1966). He believed that sport was an important method of therapy for the rehabilitation of injured military personnel, helping them build up physical strength and self-respect.
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Sir Ludwig Guttmann and the birth of the Paralympics.
An ever-present in the Paralympic sports programme since Rome 1960, wheelchair fencing is governed by the International Wheelchair & Amputee Sports Federation (IWAS).
The wheelchair fencing competition at the Paralympic Games is in full swing, taking place under the prestigious glass dome of the Grand Palais in the heart of Paris.
📹 Behind the scenes: the process of getting ready for wheelchair fencing 🤺 And yes, well done to the volunteers, well done to the technical Teams.
📹 Passage en coulisses: les détails de la préparation d'une compétition d'escrime fauteuil🤺 Et oui bravo aux Volontaires. Bravo aux Équipes techniques
*CBE Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE)
**FRS Fellowship of the Royal Society (FRS, ForMemRS and HonFRS) is an award granted by the Fellows of the Royal Society of London.
#Paris2024 #wheelchairfencing #Paralympics #escrimepourfauteuil #SirLudwigGuttmann #NationalSpinalInjuries #Buckinghamshire #CentreatStokeMandevilleHospital
Posted 6th September 2024
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floriianthefool · 1 year
Announcement y'all!!
I'm posting a new fic (another reader-insert) with mer Bruce Wayne as the love interest. I've been posting it on ao3 for the past month as it's over 10k, but, just wanted to post the blurb and first chapter here for advertising reasons.
Hope y'all enjoy!
A dark shape glides just under the surface, fins slicing through the waves. The water churns, a thick shiny tail smacking the surface.
He presses down from above, you bent over backwards on the railing, clutching at his shirt, feeling weightless. “Please, don’t do this. Please! Don’t let go!” Eyes burning, you try to grab him.
He lets go.
You hit the water with a splash.
In which you and Gotham Bay Aquarium's newest resident meet, and the rest, as they say, is history.
“Creepy little fucks, aren’t they?”
You merely hum, continuing to gaze into the dark blue waters of the tank, encompassing the entire wall at the end of the winding hallway, thick glass reaching the ceiling clear and smooth. Undulating waves of blue light wash over the room, the two of you all that was left of the evening shift, even the last of the cleaners all gone. Quiet. Silence thick like water around you, a muffled quality to the air, submerged in the microcosm of that moment.
“Very creepy,” you agree as a dark shape glides through the shoulder-high swaying sea grass planted at the bottom of the tank, lit up by the sea grass’s dim glow.
You could stay like this for an eternity, just you and Michael, gazing into the tank as the world went on beyond the walls of Gotham Bay Rehabilitation Centre and Aquarium. Just disappear for a bit, lose yourself for a fraction of eternity. Finally do the soul-searching you had told your mother this internship would grant you.
A hand briefly brushes against your own, soft, lightly calloused. “Lost in your head there for a bit, were you?”
“Just thinking,” you say, the skin between your eyebrows pinched as you cross your arms, uneasy. Something flutters in your stomach.
You had thought Michael would be over this, this thing he saw between you that you couldn’t bring yourself to name, shame and embarrassment clogging your throat. What would you mother think? No. What was it with men, what was it with men and their obsession with viewing romance between any man and woman who held even the slightest cordial relationship with one another. What was it with Michael. He had been a good friend. A great friend. A fellow inexperienced intern to get berated with by Crane, to gossip with, to have fun with. He had been a good friend (and maybe, maybe he had made you feel less lonely).
You had hoped he would stay your friend.
Eyes resolutely staying on the tank, avoiding Michael’s eyes, your gaze locks onto the dark shape once more as it grows closer to where the two of you stand. Smooth, long, and lithe, fins gliding through the water seamlessly. It stills, gaze sharp, cutting despite the metre thick glass between you. Head tilting for but a brief moment, it turns, gliding up and out of sight into floor two of three of the tank aquarium, the tank spanning three floors, and only the first and second available to the public, what made the aquarium internationally famous despite its location in Gotham, New Jersey, the cesspit of the east coast.
At least it wasn’t Bludhaven.
“Well, that was weird,” Michael comments.
You can’t help but snort, hardened resolve cracking as the forest between you melts away. “You scared h- it, dude, one look at your ugly mug and zip.” You mime a fish zooming by.
He cracks a grin, shaking his head, chestnut curls swaying with the movement. “You sure it was my mug and wasn’t yours?”
“Woah, kidding, kidding,” he grins, arms raised in peace, “didn’t mean to offend, princess.”
You huff, rolling your eyes. It was good to have him back to normal, not that strange on-edge state that had defined your relationship for the past two weeks. Your stomach settles. It was good to have your friend back.
“Well, not to kill the fun, princess, but I think we should start locking up,” he says, walking backwards away from the tank.
Not looking away from the tank, you call your agreement.
The feeling is back. Not the cutting gaze, the knife just grazing your carotid artery, the animal part of your brain on edge. No. It was the other feeling. The heaviness. The weight of eyes pressing down, ever-observant, ever-present. No particular emotion, just that heaviness settling down upon you, inescapable and molasses thick.
With one last glance to the top of the tank, you turn to join Michael, ignoring the feel of eyes on your back.
“Yo, Mick, slow dow…” you trail off as he saunters by the staff-only door. “Mick, where’re you going?”
“To lock up.”
“Then come on,” you say, gripping the door handle as he continues on his merry jaunt. The fluttering in your stomach is back, faster than before.
What is he doing?
“Idiot,” you hiss before scurrying after him. “Dude,” you say as you grip his arm,” what are you doing?”
“Sadly, not that hot babe from this morning,” he quips, winking, still walking down the hallway, still pulling you with him. As he heads in the direction of the aquarium entrance, he flexes the bicep under your hands, and you scoff.
“Dude, stop being so immature. I mean, why aren’t we locking up right now. Where are you going?”
He finally stills, brown-eyed stare crinkled in a smile. It doesn’t ease your nerves. “I thought we’d start bottoms up first today.” At your surprise, he flushes. “That’s if you don’t mind. You don’t, do you?”
You glance at the manta ray tank the two of you had stopped by, a large ray gliding past at that very moment. You fight back your momentary sense of awe before turning back to Michael. Something loosens within you. It was just Micheal being dumb as usual, forgetting to tell you stuff until the last moment. “I don’t mind, but you should have told me instead of running off. Plus, why bottoms up?”
“Well,” he says, other arm up and scrunching his curls between thick fingers for but a moment. He tugs at one splayed across his forehead and drooping over his eye. “If we did it bottoms up, the last thing we’d see before leaving’d be the main tank, y’know? Thought it’d be cool.”
He was so… strange today. You don’t think you’ve ever seen a Michael this nervous before. An easily flustered and blushy Michael.
You let go of his arm, crossing your own. “Okay, cool,” you say. “Let’s go.”
And so the two of you lock up. Switching off lights, adjusting water temperatures, changing tank lighting, feeding, recording measurements, administering medicine, cleaning tanks, locking doors, and more. Much, much, much more.
Finally, exhausted and sweaty and stinky, smelling of fish, you arrive outside the observation room for the aquarium’s biggest tank. It’s star. It’s prize. The pearl of the east coast.
A similarly tired and sweaty and stinky Michael trudges up behind you.
“Hurry up,” you pant, resting your forehead on the cool metal of the door. You pull at your blue t-shirt, the weave sticky and clinging to your skin. Why couldn’t they have designed a better uniform? You could feel your trousers sticking to you as well. “Michael,” you call again.
“Coming, just- just give me a minute,” he huffs, loud footsteps growing closer. “Let- let me just catch my breath. Just a second.”
He sags onto you as he reaches the door, sweat slick on his face.
“Gross,” you mutter, reaching for the handle.
A hand drops on yours, heavy.
“Ow!” You jolt. “Dude, what’s your problem!” You cradle your hand as it stings, throbbing in time with your pulse. You blink back sudden tears.
“Sorry, sorry,” he rushes, sweaty face turning red.
“You should have thought of that before you tried to break my hand!”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He reaches for you and you flinch, backing away from the door. His gaze darts between you and the door, your hand and the door handle, before finally settling on your face. “I’m sorry, I am so sorry.”
“Then why did you do that,” you hiss, scowling.
He scratches his neck, eyes once more darting away before he forces them back on you. “It’s just, don’t you want to see the tank before we leave?”
“Oh come on,” he groans. He says your name and then, “don’t you want just a glance. Just one. Crane isn’t here to tell us off, we can just take a peek and then go. Just a peek. A quick looksy. We won’t get a look like that again.”
“We can’t even go near the tank, it’s too dangerous by ourselves.”
“From above then, on the walkway.” At your raised brow, he rolls his eyes. “Don’t be such a wimp. Just a look. I’ll go by myself if you won’t come,” he says, moving away, away to the door leading to the main tank.
You start towards the door, glance back at Michael. Still aching fingers curving around the cool handle, you glance at him again. He was really going alone, just to look into the tank. By himself. Alone. No one to call for help to if he fell in. Hand curled around the handle, metal warming, you glance back after him again.
“Michael, wait up,” you call, running after him. He slips through the door, letting lose a brief bark of laughter. You and Michael. Michael and you. You always running after him as he did something stupid.
Slipping through the door, you slow as you follow him to the stairs leading to the walkways, one of two intersecting at the centre of the tank, high above the waves.
“Just a peek,” you call. “Just one, then we need to switch off the lights.” You pull yourself up the stairs, gripping the cold railings.
“Yeah, yeah, now come on!” he laughs.
Rolling your eyes, you hurry, water-proof boots thunking on the metal. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”
“Hah! Coming.”
“Idiot,” you say as you join him at the intersection. “At least be creative.”
“Hey, hey, just didn’t want to offend you, y’know.” One side of his mouth quirks up into a smile. “Women don’t like it, y’know. They like gentlemen.”
“And I suppose you’re an expert.” You smile back, leaning on the rib-high railing.
“That’s me,” he says as he joins you. “Michael Wellings, knower of women.”
You just snort.
For a moment, there’s silence as you both gaze down into the undulating waters of the tank. There is a dark shape, long and lean, just below the surface. It cuts through the water, twisting and turning, staying near the surface.
This is nice. Just like the old times. Well, not that old, but still. It was nice just… hanging out with Michael.
“Well, this was nice.” You turn to him, smile faltering at his stare, emotionless, his face blank. His face twitches, a barely there pull at his muscles before he smiles back, wide, teeth gleaming. “Michael-“
“So, um,” he stops. Another pull at his muscles, a twitch. A strain to his smile. “About, about last week, did you change your mind?”
“My mind? About wha-“
“Oh, y’know. My offer.”
Oh God, not this again. Your smile drops, a furrow developing between your brow. You can’t you can’t believe him.
Just, just men and their fucking audacity.
“I can’t believe you, dude, did you-“
“Just answer the question,” he interrupts, still smiling, still strained, still tense. He clenches his fists.
“No!” you explode. “No, I didn’t change my mind! Did you bring me up here just to fucking corner me. Get me alone and-"
“Why? I’ve been so nice and-“
“So what! Being nice entitles you to a relationship!”
Your stomach churns, the butterflies now fucking elephants. You clench and unclench your fists, face and ears hot, as if steaming.
“No! But, but you led me on-“
“I didn’t lead you on! I just wanted to be your friend! Your friend!” Your heart is thundering in your chest, a lump at the back of your throat, eyes stinging.
“Why can’t you just like me?!” He finally explodes, snarling. Face red and twisted, he’s unrecognisable. He strides forwards and you back away, jittery as he crowds you against the railing, the cold metal digging into your spine. Oh God, he was so angry. Furious. “I have been so nice to you. No one else wanted to hang out with you, no one except me! Me! And you fucking led me on! Am I not good enough? Am I-“
“Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!” He’s panting, a vein throbbing on his forehead, his shout echoing around the room of the tank. You lean further back as he crowds in, neck craning over the side of the railing as he braces his hands on your shoulders, still pushing in.
He’s too close. Too close.
Eyes blurring, you grip the railing, jittery and shaky and weak. You need to calm him down. Get him to calm down and step back and give you come space. Your breath speeds up, head pounding to the beat of your galloping pulse.
“It’s the fish, isn’t it?”
“It’s the fish.” He steps back and you crumple into yourself, sucking in great heaves of air, gasping, shaky hands grasping at the cloth of your trousers at the knee. You need to calm down. Calm down.
But your breathing stays rapid, stays harsh and quick as you can’t breathe.
You grip your knees, nails digging in. Grounding you. “M- Michael, what are you-“
You glance up. He’s calmer, red seeping away, breathing heavily through his nose. He glances down, eyes arctic cold. Your breath hitches as he leans down, crowding your space. You press back, metal digging into your spine. “Michael, Mi-“
He grabs you.
You scream, thrashing in his grip. “Michael! Michael! Let go! Please, let go!”
He struggles up, arms tight and bruising.
“No, NO!” you sob. “Michael! No! Please.” You’re still screaming as you near the edge. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening! He wouldn’t do this! You have to be dreaming. Just dreaming. You twist in his grip, buckling, heaving, scrabbling at his shirt. “Let go!” you scream. “LET GO!” You rake your nails down the side of his face.
“AGH!” he screams, stumbling, and for but a brief moment, his grip loosens.
You twist, thrashing, kicking, pulling at the iron grip around your wrists. “Let go! Let go! You fucking bas-“
He slams you into the railing. Suddenly weightless, top half hanging over the edge. Michael above pressing down, you scrabble at his shirt. “Michael! Michael, just-“
His grip on your wrist tightens for just an instant, a small fraction of eternity, a grain of sand in the hourglass of time.
He lets go.
You hit the water with a splash.
And that's all for today folks! The rest is up on ao3, hope you enjoy!!
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samarpanrecovery · 9 months
In the landscape of de-addiction treatment in India, Samarpan Recovery stands as a testament to the transformative power of a holistic approach to addiction treatment in India. By emphasizing the crucial role of family and community in overcoming addiction, Samarpan not only aids individuals in their addiction recovery but also contributes to the broader societal shift needed to address addiction effectively. Gain profound insights into the dynamics shaping an effective de-addiction in India.
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lgbtqiamuslimpedia · 11 months
LGBTQI+ rights in Somalia 🇸🇴
LGBTQIA+ people of Somalia face severe challenges, not faced by non–LGBTQI+ residents. LGBTQ+ rights are at the worst level in Somalia since rise of political islamization & terror. LGBTQI+ Somalians are regularly prosecuted by the state and additionally face stigmatization among the broader population.
Legality of Homosexuality
In Somalia the judiciary collectively relies on sharia, xeer (traditional and customary law) and colonial penal codes. Penal code article 409 Somali civil law criminalizes same-sex sexual activity. Even sex outside the traditional marriage is punishable by up to death in areas controlled by Islamist groups.
According to Somali Penal code of Article 409, “Sexual intercourse with a person of the same-sex is punishable by imprisonment from three months to three years. An "act of lust" other than sexual intercourse is punishable by a prison term of two months to two years. A security measure may be added to a sentence for crimes referred to in Articles 407, 408 & 409. This is normally police surveillance — to guarantee that the person convicted does not engage in these activities again" [source:Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies]
Same-sex sexual activity is punishable by up to death in areas controlled by Al-Shabab as well as in Jubaland. Territories that controlled by Jihadist organization Harakat al-Shabaab enacts a strict interpretation of shariah which explicitly outlaws homosexuality & gender variance.
In 1925, the Indian Penal Code of 1860 was first applied in British-occupied Somali regions to criminalise homosexuality. In 1940, Italy conquered British Somaliland and annexed it into the Italian East Africa. While Italy didn't have sodomy laws since 1890, the Fascist regime still punished queers. In 1941, the British re-conquered British Somaliland and re-instated the Indian Penal Code of 1860.
In 1964, a new penal code came into force in the Somali Republic. The code states that "Whoever has carnal intercourse with a person of the same sex shall be punished, where the act does not constitute a more serious crime, with imprisonment from three months to three years. Where the act committed is an act of lust different from carnal intercourse, the punishment imposed shall be reduced by one-third." In 1972 the code has since been abolished by the UK after seeing it as one of the most discriminating laws crafted by a former world power. In 1973, after the independence, Somalia again brought the colonial anti-homosexual law.
Most of the LGBTQ+ Somalis keep their sexuality a secret cause bringing it out into the open would attract potential threats from islamist group, or armed gangs Many flee their homes to escape possible torture or “honour killing. Some become accustomed with living double lives in somali society.
In Somaliland there are so called ‘rehabilitation centres’ for conversion therapy of children, teenagers, and adolescents, those who have fallen victim to these centres are believed to have acted against the values of the State through engaging in homosexual acts or transgressing gender roles. In June 2011, the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution against human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Sources indicate that Somalia/Somaliland voted against the resolution (ibid.; IGLHRC 17 June 2011).
In 2001, a Somali lesbian couple in Puntland, northeast Somalia was executed after the local Islamic government found out they were living as a married couple. In 19 February, They were sentenced to death by an Islamic court in Bosaso. The case has also achieved some international attentions. As reports of the death sentence spread around the world, authorities in Puntland began a campaign to deny it. According to the U.S. Department of State's 2010 Human Rights Report " there was no public discussion of this LGBTQI+ issue in any region of the country[...]" and also reported "there were reports of societal violence or discrimination based on sexual orientation & gender identity.''
On 10 January 2013, al-Shabaab officially announced that it had executed a teenage boy and young man for engaging in gay sex. On 15 March 2013, Al‑Shabaab stoned that teenage guy to death.In 2016, an anonymous women rights activist somehow managed to flee somalia before her scheduled death penalty.When her sexual orientation was revealed by an acquaintance she faced much harassment & hostility. According to activist Abdinoor Farah, “jihadist armed gangs like al-Shabaab, have publicised their intent to enforce harsh punishments against adultery and homosexuality as a means of attracting funding from religious groups.A careful analysis of past prosecution cases has never been conducted fairly. It has been in total disregard of Sharia law[...]”.
According to 2017 report by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade that ''LGBTQI+ people face numerous societal, cultural challenges as well as legislative barriers.On 10th January 2017, al-Shabaab announced that it had executed a teenage boy and young man in Middle Juba for engaging in sodomy.
The US Department of State 2020 report noted that, ''There were few reports of violence or discrimination against LGBTQ+ community. It did however cite anecdotal information which indicated that some families sent children suspected of being gay to reform schools.''
Recognition of Gender Identity
Somalia does not officially recognized a third gender or non-binary gender (jinsi saddexaad). The right to change legal gender is also a taboo thing in Somalia and that is not officially recognised nor outlawed by the state.
Transgender or gender-diverse folks are known as Labeeb in Somali culture. Labeeb are assigned male at birth but do not express their gender according to rigid gender norms. Possibly they can face troubles if they break strict societal norms & Somali's Sharia law.
LGBTQI+ Activism
There are no self-identified LGBTQI+ organisations in Somalia & Somaliland. UN & some human rights groups are working underground to help Somali queers & sexual/gender minorities to escape from home. Most of the LGBTQIA+ activism are based in Somali diaspora.
Somali Humanitarian and Development Action is an organization located in Somalia that works with by ILGA to help sexual & gender minorities. Qaniisiinta Soomaaliyeed (English: Queer Somalis) a community based organisation was founded by LGBTQ+ Somalis in Addis Ababa. The org. never was officially recognized by government. Due to lack of an official recognition, it did very little lobbying more than report on the plights of Somali LGBTQ+ community. The org. co-hosted some meetings with small rights groups, acting as a link to the outside world.
Somali LGBTQI+ Activism in diaspora:
In diaspora Queer Somalis faces same challenges like in their home country. However they are very open about themselves In diaspora.
In Minnesota, where a large population of muslim Somalis live, Somali politician Ilhan Omar actively advocates for queer rights. Ilhan faced backlash from her Somali community for supporting LGBTQ+ rights. The first Somali-American state legislator, Mohamud Noor openly supported same-sex marriage.
In 2007, SomaliGayCommunity.org was founded to serve the LGBTQI+ Somalis in UK & beyond. It was founded by a Somali gay man Muraad. The website received over 133,000 hits in the first week and regularly receives over 20,000 hits a day. The site contains information from religion to sexual health.
Somali LGBTQ is a community-led advocacy platform for queer Somalis both in diaspora and in Somalia/Somaliland. It was founded by Abdi Maroodi, Marquies Dion (Mali), Ibn Asherah, Karone. Somali LGBTQ working as network & support for Somali LGBTQI+ communities.
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ewan-mo · 2 years
Back with the boda-bodas, criss-crossing Kampala
8th—9th March 2023
8th—9th March 2023
Our journey from the east back to the centre was relatively straightforward and only took about 4 ½ hours. On arrival at a familiar hotel, the Duomo, we could get straight to work on the daily tasks of the report for JF, and thinking about the blog and whether we had the energy to write it at that moment!
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Clear roads 😃
Thursday 9th
The Kampala traffic is a wonder to behold. How is it, we ask ourselves, that so many vehicles of almost every kind, can drive so close to each other and not crash? Sometimes even coming the wrong way up a dual carriageway. Much of the driving is extraordinarily skilful in its own way.
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We criss-crossed the city a few times in search of education, hospitalisation, coordination and accommodation. 
First stop of the day we were with Mathias, head of the Psychiatric Clinical Officer (PCO) Training School. You met our first graduate this week – Amuron – and we have five more coming through the school to graduate in due course. 
This is a strategic education initiative on our part, investing for the future leadership of mental health teams. If you have made a donation to Jamie’s Fund, you are part of this investment, and we thank you. 
Sponsors of these young people are important. Mathias and his colleagues like JF because our treasurer John is meticulous in paying the bills. Not all sponsors and families have been able to do that in these times of economic stringency. There are big debts on the books. 
Our students are doing well. When they move out to the world of clinical work, they will be key leaders in developing mental health services across Uganda. They are likely to stay in-country as PCO is a local qualification, not recognised elsewhere. The PCOs we already work with are a joy, with their enthusiasm and commitment. We think the group coming through are going to be good too. 
Occasionally as we crawl though the city we dip into a mall for a bit of shopping (water, nuts. lunch). On one such foray at the entry checkpoint, the stern looking female security guard approached Ewan and asked “ And, sir, did you cook for your wife last night?” then dissolved into giggles. This week we all celebrated International Women’s Day.
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Boda boda drivers waiting for a passenger or five.
Our ‘hospitalisation’ stop was partly my visit to Dr Juliet, Executive Director of Butabika, the big mental hospital which is the key referral  centre for challenging or difficult-to-diagnose patients (adults and children) with mental illness, personality disorder, intellectual disability, and conditions which may have led to trouble with the law.
We had a good chat – she is always very kind to us. It’s important that we in JF keep up with trends and challenges in the mental health scene in Uganda. 
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How many jerry cans can you get on the back of a motor bike? 78 I think.
This year there are undoubtedly more attempted and completed suicides, we hear that from all our partners. JF recently sponsored a workshop on the subject of suicide, which was well received by the delegates. 
We are also hearing about a worrying increase in drug abuse using prescribed medicines such as pethidine and tramadol, another strong pain reliever, even in poor rural areas surprisingly. In response to this there are a number of rehabilitation centres springing up around the country. We have no idea about the qualifications and experiences of the proprietors. 
As we parted, I mentioned that I am secretly very fond of the old asylums in UK because I learnt so much from my time there as a young trainee and when I was first a consultant.  Dr Juliet suggested I come back as a volunteer consultant at Butabika and spend a month with them. Oh! That would be interesting….
And Dr Juliet’s final comment as I told her there was snow and ice in UK, was “Well, make sure you have some fun in the sun here!”
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Off for some fun in the sun?
Meanwhile Ewan was visiting another, small, hospital, Benedict Medical Centre. Our second graduated PCO is now finding his place there. They are quite near Butabika so many patients go straight to the asylum. The Benedict team are working out how best to serve the mental health needs of a poorer urban sprawl centre population.
The ‘coordination’ aspect of our day was to join Dr Ronald, medical Director of the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau. This body coordinates the work of all the Catholic hospitals in Uganda, providing strategic direction, continuing education (for all staff, not just the clinical people) and representation at national level. We have a high regard for Dr Ronald and his team, and it’s always a pleasure to talk with him. It’s also quite stimulating, too, so talk tends to go on for some time!
JF plans to hold a 4 day Continuing Professional Development workshop for some of our partners in the autumn. The last one, pre- covid in 2019, was very enthusiastically received, some delegates enjoying their first postgraduate training in the ten years after qualifying. They also love getting together.
Where to hold it? Somewhere clean and comfortable with good facilities, appropriate and tasty food, economically priced and near the centre of town. We didn’t get it quite right last time.
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Dr Ronald recommended a Catholic centre run by nuns, and duly sent us off to see it. At the ARU, the Association of the Religious in Uganda, we found Sister Lydia and her colleagues who gave us both a characteristically gracious and cheerful welcome and a conducted tour. We think this centre will suit us very well as the price is also very reasonable for such a central location.
We then wove our way back to the hotel through the traffic. It can take a while.
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Dr Africa seems to offer a variety of services, with the golf course behind.
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not-poignant · 2 years
pia pia! ive finally sat down and binged UtB and!! i am!! obsessed!!! literally been rotisserie chicken rotating the concept in my head for a full day now - i was hoping youd be willing to expand a bit more on the worldbuilding of hillview/facilities in this au? what exactly is the end goal of these centers and how do they gen go about achieving that, understanding that hv does things diff than most (? presumably) ? thank you for putting out yet another story to live in my head, rent free <3
Hi anon!
Some of this stuff has been answered in the story already, so I'm going to pull some quotes so it might look a bit clearer when put together.
From chapter 1:
Rehabilitation centres only existed for omegas, organisations run by alphas to retrain omegas to be the perfect, subservient husbands or the best children to present at Omega Confirmations. Rehabilitation centres were generally only used by affluent families or spouses because they were expensive, because no one bothered investing in retraining omegas from the lower classes unless they were acquired by an affluent alpha in the first place. The nurse made it sound like Efnisien was going to be paired with a nice, sweet guy, but Efnisien knew Kadek was an alpha, and being ‘paired’ with him meant being fucked and tortured into behaving himself.
From chapter 4 (Dr Gary's POV):
He cared about the reputation of his facility, and he cared that he was introducing a new model of omega rehabilitation and companionship that was highly respected, but he didn’t care about individual omegas much beyond knowing Hillview had a good success rate, and positive reviews from the omegas themselves.
You’ve dedicated yourself to helping reintegrate omegas into society.
And from Crielle:
‘Do you know? He doesn’t even have a birth certificate,’ Crielle said softly, and then she laughed again. ‘No one would ever know, either way, no matter what you decide to do with him. You have all that land spare, after all, I’m sure it’s something centres have to do on occasion. We might consider taking him back if you can make him a presentable omega in high society, but if you’re not confident, do whatever it is you must. With the exception of wasting any more of my valuable time with these pointless questions. Have a lovely evening, Dr Konowalous.’
From chapter 5:
‘If you try and fuck me, I’ll kill you,’ Efnisien said, steeling himself to scowl at Dr Gary. ‘I’ll kill you. I’ll kill everyone here.’ Dr Gary’s expression was faintly perplexed, but Efnisien was sure Dr Gary was putting it on. ‘Don’t fucking pretend that’s not what you do to omegas,’ Efnisien snarled. ‘Of course it’s necessary to help omegas through heats,’ Dr Gary said as though he couldn’t be less interested in the subject. ‘It assists bonding. But there’s no point in doing it now. I can’t see how it’s going to be functional or useful at this juncture.’ ‘I know you think you’re being clever, trying to use this whole bait-and-switch thing to get me dependent on you, before breaking me, but it’s not going to work.’
From chapter 7:
All omegas received an internal exam ideally before their first heat. Testing the health of the lare glands was important, and one of the ways they could be sure an omega had developed well and was biologically ready for heats. But the internal exam was put off until the omega at least had some kind of bond with their alpha. Sometimes it took months before it was performed, and in the case of Alois Flitmouse, it had taken almost half a year and two half-completed traumatic heats before he’d even allow one under sedation. Internal exams were invasive. In almost every other rehabilitation centre, they were performed as early as possible, and omegas were restrained and sedated or paralysed, but Hillview had never operated this way. They avoided restraints wherever possible, and barely had the facilities to isolate omegas. The whole architectural structure of the facility was designed to be homely, which was starkly apparent when they realised they had almost nowhere to safely put Efnisien after he'd attacked Kadek. And now they’d have to operate more like one of the barbaric facilities where the internal exams were done immediately. They couldn’t sedate him safely to make him unconscious during the actual procedure, but Gary didn’t think they could afford to wait, either.
From chapter 9:
‘So you can’t go home, and you can’t leave under your own steam,’ Anton said. ‘Why don’t you at least stay until you’re stabilised? It’ll be easier to negotiate then, and maybe your family will be open to taking you back. I know I make it sound like a question, but the fact is, that is your only option. It’s not what you want, which sucks, and I’m going to talk to Dr Gary about some stuff after all of this, because he’s shit at being a companion, isn’t he? But aside from that, you have to come back with me, we have to go back. At some point. Maybe in another few minutes.’ ‘So you’re the fuckhead who manipulates people but in a nice tone of voice,’ Efnisien said dully. ‘You still rape omegas.’ Anton stared up at the canopy for a long time. ‘If you weren’t so dangerous, I’d get you to talk to Flitmouse. But I don’t think he’d like you very much anyway. And, honestly, with how some of the rehab facilities run, what can I say? It happens. Omegas get raped.’ ‘Here too. Just because you brainwash them into thinking it’s what they want, or their heats take their ability to know their minds away, doesn’t mean you don’t rape them. You get paid to do that. Paid. I hope one of them kills you in your sleep. But it’s not like an omega to do that, is it? So maybe I have to.’
From chapter 10:
‘You medically raped him within 24 hours and you’re telling me you don’t need a supervisor? Do you remember any of the protocols you wrote up for us? For this facility? What about the shit that you’ve toured around the world, to all these different conferences? All these protocols you recommend for ground-breaking omega rehab centres? You remember any of that?’ ‘Anton,’ Gary said darkly, and he expected Anton to back down, instead Anton planted his feet and his posture stiffened. ‘You need a supervisor,’ Anton said, his eyes flashing. ‘And if it can’t be Temsen, and it’s not Augus, then it might as well be me. Because you need to report to someone. You’re not a manager, right now, Dr Gary. You’re a companion. Like it or not, that’s what you are! You have a basic but challenging job right now, which is to make a scared omega feel safe and validated. And instead you keep doing the opposite! Over and over again. Like, tell me I’m lying, did you tell him he’d be raped to death in a prison?’
Okay I'm going to stop there because this post got long.
So! From all of this: Omega rehabilitation centres are places where omegas are sent by affluent people essentially to be 'broken' and made compliant by being forced to bond with an alpha (including rape), mate with them, create a sense of dependence, and essentially trained into a more compliant version of themselves that is more submissive to the wishes of the people around them.
And that Hillview differs by offering a new type of rehabilitation that still requires bonding with alphas (as well as removing them from abusive situations), but is generally more patient on the mating front, and has good reviews from omegas so far and has a good success rate (i.e. pleased clients - husbands/families that sent the omega there in the first place).
I hope that helps. :D
We can also make some assumptions so far re: Hillview. They have caterers and cooks on site and Gary has been concerned with getting Efnisien not just food, but tasty food - indicating they're a facility that isn't into starving omegas or feeding them poor quality food. They let bonding happen over a period of time instead of rushing into rape so they care a bit more about consent than the average rehab centre.
Bonding obviously requires a lot of close contact, because when we've seen Anton and Augus, both have almost always by referring to the fact that their omega is worried and needs them and/or needs to be checked up on. And since it's rich families and spouses that send omegas to these facilities, 'graduating' an omega we can assume to mean is sending them either back to a spouse, family, or arranging a new partner/relationship for them.
Beyond that I don't know what you're looking for anon, I'm not like...going to write a complete curriculum on say 'retraining' because that's Dr Gary's job (mine is to just tell the story asldkfas), and it changes based on the omega anyway. :D But if there's anything else feel free to ask! I'm not going to go into too much detail though re: a structured teaching program say, because I want Efnisien (and therefore the reader) to find out as we do.
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Understanding Oncologists in Singapore: Your Guide to Expert Cancer Care
Cancer is one of the leading health concerns worldwide, and Singapore is no exception. However, with its world-class healthcare system and highly trained specialists, the country has become a hub for advanced cancer treatment. In this blog, we’ll explore what Oncologists in Singapore do, the types of treatments available, and why patients from across the region seek care in this city-state.
What Does an Oncologist Do?
Oncologists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating cancer. There are three main types of oncologists:
Medical Oncologists: These specialists focus on cancer treatment using chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies.
Radiation Oncologists: They specialize in treating cancer with radiation therapy, using precise techniques to target cancer cells.
Surgical Oncologists: These experts perform surgeries to remove tumors and cancerous tissues.
In Singapore, oncologists work closely with multi-disciplinary teams to provide patients with comprehensive care tailored to their specific needs.
Why Choose Singapore for Cancer Treatment?
Singapore has a reputation for offering cutting-edge cancer treatments and technologies, making it a popular destination for medical tourism. Some reasons patients choose Singapore include:
Access to World-Class Facilities: Singapore’s healthcare institutions, like the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) and private hospitals, are equipped with advanced technologies such as proton therapy, robotic surgery, and personalized medicine.
Highly Trained Specialists: Oncologists in Singapore are not only highly trained but often have international experience, ensuring they’re well-versed in the latest cancer treatments and research. Many participate in clinical trials, offering patients access to innovative therapies.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Oncologists in Singapore prioritize patient-centered care. This means creating treatment plans based on the patient’s medical history, type and stage of cancer, and personal preferences.
Types of Cancer Treatment in Singapore
Chemotherapy: A common cancer treatment that uses powerful drugs to kill fast-growing cancer cells. Singapore’s oncologists ensure that treatments are as comfortable as possible, with modern facilities designed for patient convenience.
Immunotherapy: This cutting-edge treatment boosts the body’s immune system to fight cancer. Immunotherapy is available in top hospitals across Singapore and is especially effective for cancers like melanoma and lung cancer.
Radiation Therapy: Singapore’s hospitals offer both external beam radiation and internal radiation (brachytherapy). With advanced imaging technology, oncologists can accurately target tumors while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.
Surgery: Many cancers require surgical intervention. Singaporean surgical oncologists are skilled in minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopic and robotic surgeries, which allow for quicker recovery times.
Targeted Therapy: This treatment focuses on the specific genes or proteins that contribute to cancer growth. Singapore’s access to advanced genetic testing allows oncologists to prescribe targeted therapies that improve outcomes for patients with specific cancer types.
Support Services for Cancer Patients
Cancer care doesn’t stop at treatment. In Singapore, patients benefit from a holistic approach that includes:
Support Groups and Counseling: Emotional and mental health is crucial during cancer treatment. Many hospitals offer counseling services and connect patients with support groups to share their experiences.
Palliative Care: For patients with advanced cancers, palliative care specialists work to improve the quality of life by managing symptoms and providing emotional support to patients and their families.
Rehabilitation Services: After cancer treatment, rehabilitation programs help patients regain strength and improve their overall well-being.
Finding an Oncologist in Singapore
Whether you’re seeking a second opinion, considering treatment, or just looking for more information, finding the right oncologist is crucial. Some of the top cancer centers and hospitals in Singapore include:
National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS)
Singapore General Hospital
Mount Elizabeth Hospital
Raffles Hospital
Gleneagles Hospital
These institutions offer a wide range of oncologists, each specializing in different cancer types and treatment modalities.
Singapore’s healthcare system is renowned for its excellent cancer care, and its oncologists are among the best in the world. With access to cutting-edge treatments, experienced specialists, and a holistic approach to patient care, Singapore is a top destination for individuals seeking advanced cancer treatment.
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thc2024 · 16 days
How to Prevent Drug Rehabilitation Centre Keywords: "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida"
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for businesses to enhance their visibility, and keywords play a pivotal role in it. For drug rehabilitation centres, effective keyword usage is essential, but sometimes it is equally important to prevent certain keywords or phrases from being associated with your brand, especially when they don’t align with your specific goals. If your aim is to avoid using the keyword "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida" or preventing it from being associated with your drug rehabilitation centre, you need to implement certain strategies that involve both SEO tactics and content management. Here’s how to prevent the use of such keywords effectively.
Negative Keyword Strategy in Paid Ads One of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent specific keywords from being associated with your website in paid search campaigns (such as Google Ads) is by using negative keywords. Negative keywords help ensure your ads don’t appear in searches that contain certain words, like “Rehabilitation Centre in Noida.”
For instance, if someone searches for "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida," but you don’t want your centre to be advertised or associated with that keyword, adding it as a negative keyword will prevent your ads from showing up. This is particularly useful if you operate in a different location or want to avoid confusing customers by offering services you don’t provide.
How to Implement:
Go to your Google Ads campaign settings. Choose "Keywords" under the “Negative Keywords” section. Add "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida" as a negative keyword to ensure your ads are not triggered by this phrase.
On-Page SEO Optimization While you want to attract relevant traffic, it’s important to make sure that your content is not accidentally optimized for the keyword you want to avoid. In this case, you need to ensure that "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida" is not unintentionally featured on your website. Here are some practical tips to prevent it from showing up in organic searches:
Content Exclusion: While creating content for your website, avoid using the unwanted keywords. Make sure the content you publish doesn’t include the phrase "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida" or any variations of it. Keyword Density Monitoring: Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Yoast SEO can help monitor your keyword density. Make sure that the keyword you want to avoid does not appear frequently on your website. Title and Meta Tags: The titles and meta descriptions of your pages should be free of the undesired keywords. Avoid using "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida" in headings, descriptions, and tags. Internal Linking: Make sure you don’t link any of your pages with this specific keyword. If you accidentally link your website with the term "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida," search engines may associate your centre with the location.
Adjust Local SEO Settings For businesses targeting local traffic, local SEO plays an important role. In this case, make sure that your Google My Business listing or other local directory entries don’t reference Noida unless it’s relevant to your location.
How to Implement:
Update your Google My Business profile with the correct address and region you want to target. If your centre operates in a different city or area, make sure the location information is correctly reflected across all digital platforms, including directories and review websites. If there are listings on your behalf associating your centre with Noida, reach out to have those listings corrected or removed.
Content Strategy: Focus on Alternative Keywords Instead of focusing on the keywords you want to prevent, focus your content efforts on positive, relevant keywords. Make use of keyword research tools to find the terms that align more closely with your target audience.
For example:
If your rehabilitation centre is located in Delhi, use keywords such as “Rehabilitation Centre in Delhi” or “Best Rehab in Delhi.” Use long-tail keywords that target your actual services and locations, such as "Addiction Recovery Centre in [Your City]" or "Drug Rehabilitation in [Your City]." This positive content strategy will help divert attention from "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida" and instead associate your site with the locations and services that matter to your business.
Maintain Consistent Backlink Profile Backlinks are important for SEO ranking, but sometimes they can also be the source of association with the wrong keywords. If external websites are linking to your website using the keyword "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida," search engines might assume that you provide services in Noida, even if you don’t. To prevent this from happening:
Conduct a backlink audit using tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Google Search Console to review where your backlinks are coming from. Reach out to websites that are linking to you with the wrong anchor text and politely request them to update their link with the correct information or remove the incorrect one.
Monitoring and Removing Wrong Listings Sometimes online directories, review platforms, or business listing websites automatically create profiles for businesses. If your centre has been incorrectly listed as a "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida," it can harm your local SEO efforts. To prevent this:
Regularly check online directories and review platforms for incorrect listings. Claim any listings associated with your business and edit them to ensure they reflect accurate information about your centre’s location. If you find an incorrect listing and you’re unable to edit it, reach out to the platform’s customer service to request removal or correction.
User-Generated Content and Reviews Management Sometimes, user-generated content, such as reviews, can unintentionally associate your business with the wrong keywords. If someone mentions "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida" in a review or blog post about your centre, it may start ranking for that keyword. To mitigate this:
Monitor reviews and comments across various platforms. If a user has mistakenly referred to your centre as being in Noida, politely correct them in a response. Conclusion Preventing specific keywords, like "Rehabilitation Centre in Noida," from being associated with your rehabilitation centre requires a proactive and strategic approach. By using negative keywords, optimizing your on-page content, focusing on the correct locations, and regularly auditing your online presence, you can successfully manage how your business is presented in search results and improve your overall online visibility. Maintaining a strong and consistent SEO strategy that accurately reflects your services will ultimately ensure that the right audience finds your rehabilitation centre.
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ravirajrrr · 17 days
Discovering a Leading Multispecialty Healthcare Provider in Chennai
In the bustling city of Chennai, known for its robust healthcare infrastructure, Promed Hospital stands out as a significant player among the best multispeciality hospitals in Chennai. Offering a diverse range of services across multiple specialties, Promed Hospital aims to deliver quality healthcare with a patient-centric approach. This article provides an overview of what Promed Hospital has to offer, its strengths, and how it compares to other leading multispecialty hospitals in Chennai.
 Overview of Promed Hospital
Promed Hospital, located in the heart of Chennai, is recognized for its commitment to providing comprehensive medical care. With a focus on advanced treatment options and personalized patient care, the hospital caters to a broad spectrum of medical needs. The facility boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, including modern diagnostic equipment and advanced treatment technologies, positioning itself as one of the top multispeciality hospitals in Chennai.
 Key Specialties and Services
Promed Hospital offers a wide range of medical services, ensuring that patients receive holistic care under one roof. Some of the key specialties include:
Cardiology: Promed provides advanced cardiac care, including diagnostics, interventions, and rehabilitation services, making it a leading choice for heart care in Chennai.
Orthopedics: The hospital is equipped with the latest technology for treating bone and joint disorders, including surgical and non-surgical options.
Neurology: With a focus on neurological disorders, Promed offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for conditions affecting the brain and nervous system.
Oncology: The hospital provides a range of cancer care services, from early detection and diagnosis to treatment and support.
Pediatrics: Specialized care for children, including routine check-ups and treatment for various pediatric conditions.
Gynecology and Obstetrics: Comprehensive care for women’s health, including prenatal and postnatal care, and treatment for gynecological conditions.
 Facilities and Infrastructure
Promed Hospital prides itself on its modern infrastructure and facilities. The hospital features:
Advanced Diagnostic Labs: Equipped with the latest technology for accurate and timely diagnostics.
State-of-the-Art Operation Theaters: Designed to ensure precision and safety during surgical procedures.
Comfortable Patient Rooms: Including private and semi-private rooms with amenities to enhance patient comfort and recovery.
Emergency Services: A well-equipped emergency department providing prompt care for critical situations.
 Patient-Centric Approach
One of Promed Hospital’s defining features is its commitment to patient-centered care. The hospital emphasizes:
Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient.
Experienced Medical Professionals: A team of highly qualified doctors and specialists dedicated to providing the best care.
Supportive Services: Including counseling, nutritional advice, and rehabilitation services to support overall well-being.
Comparing with Other Top Hospitals in Chennai
While Promed Hospital is notable, Chennai hosts several other prestigious healthcare institutions. Here’s a brief comparison with a few leading multispecialty hospitals:
Apollo Hospitals: Renowned for its advanced technology and extensive network, Apollo Hospitals offers comprehensive care across various specialties with a global reputation.
Fortis Malar Hospital: Known for its specialized care and state-of-the-art facilities, Fortis Malar provides a wide range of medical services with a focus on quality.
MIOT International: Esteemed for its expertise in orthopedic and cardiac care, MIOT International combines advanced technology with specialized medical care.
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre: A well-established institution providing a broad spectrum of medical services with a focus on research and innovation.
Promed Hospital Chennai stands out as a significant healthcare provider in the city, offering a wide array of medical services with a focus on advanced care and patient satisfaction. As one of the best multispeciality hospitals in Chennai, it is a commendable choice for many. However, it is always beneficial for patients to explore multiple options and choose the hospital that best fits their specific medical needs and preferences. With its modern facilities and patient-centered approach, Promed Hospital remains a strong contender in Chennai’s competitive healthcare landscape.
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