#international payroll
adtsolutions1 · 5 days
Global Payroll Services | Global Payroll | Global Payroll Solutions
Discover top-notch global payroll services designed to streamline your international payroll processes. Our global payroll solutions ensure compliance, accuracy, and efficiency for businesses worldwide.
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Expanding a business and setting up an entity in any other country is much more difficult without having knowledge of the local entity. But with PEO Services India (Husys), you can expand your business across 100+ countries globally while maintaining 100% compliance.
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cybervom1t · 2 months
Hey Babygirl. How was the first day of work?
very long and exhausting omfg, i don’t know how i’m gonna survive this summer ugh 😵‍💫
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If Nick x June are married they can't testify against each other...
Pass it on
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shacklesburst · 2 years
The way the question is phrased is supposed to redirect attention away from the real issue at hand.
First of all, yes, compensation need not always be monetary, it can also be status or power or experience. (However, this usually won’t work ad infinitum.) This much is obvious. Yet money is the unit of caring. And do these streamer businesses care about their chats being moderated? Do they care about this moderation being provided in a sufficient quality and quantity? Why do they care? Is it because large parts of their businesses (advertisers, sponsors, engagement) implicitly or explicitly require them to provide content moderation in their chats? Are their businesses, as such, dependent on the quality and quantity of services rendered?
Then there will come a time from which they will pay for that. The question is never if. It’s when. As a business owner, you can take on a certain amount of risk, and up to a certain point, you usually have to to even get started. But soon enough all these streamer businesses will pay, because hunger for risk always decreases with size. Some will take longer to reach this conclusion or not be able to reach it on their own at all, maybe because they lack the required business acumen or because they fail before they get to it. And yes, there will be gnawing and gnashing of teeth once they realize (or stomping of feet, as demonstrated by some of the man-children in the video). But nobody will get past that point without paying up in some shape or form.
Because the question was never really “should you pay?” It always was “can you afford not to?”
#now to be fair traditional business don't fare any better once questions like these come up#cf. all the times business complain about not getting enough applications#'ok‚ but have you considered paying a market clearing price?' - 'no why?'#but it's such a wild ride reiterating *everything* once more because some miniscule detail changes#business owners have this talent to basically try to qualified immunity their way into not paying for stuff#'do I need to pay for having my office cleaned?' - 'yeah‚ people won't do it for free.'#'ok but will they service my computers for free?' - 'no‚ servicing computers also costs money.'#'but surely having somebody content moderate the online space my business runs on 24/7 cannot cost any money???' - '...'#'counterquestion: would you provide your services for free?' - 'nO?!? what kind of stupid question is that??? I need to make money!!!'#now of course the moderator's side isn't completely blameless either in this#if you provide your services for free for a long time and let yourself be abused for the promise of power or friendship or something like th#at ... that's on you as much as it is on the other person#and turning the ship around can be hard work. but it's not something that hasn't happened thousands of times throughout history#and it *will* happen here#so there's that#most big youtubers with >50 people on payroll also didn't pay their interns at first#but there always. always. always. comes a time when the free tier isn't good enough anymore#politics#economics#mine
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Me: *gets home from a long day working as an archivist*
*queues up last week's episode of NCIS to catch up*
*opening scene looks just like where I work*
(minus the pool of blood thank goodness 😂)
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Currently listening to the audiobook of “Murder Must Advertise” and I’m not very far in to it (so obviously don’t know how it will turn out) and even though it’s obviously part of the wider Peter Wimsey series, it has just struck me that a murder mystery but shot as a workplace mockumentary (like the Thick of It or the Office) would probably have gone down a storm in the noughties. 
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ecdlbd · 1 year
Achieving Success Through Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a country of immense potential, but it has struggled to leverage that potential due to inadequate supply chain management training. As the world globalizes, supply chain management has become increasingly important for businesses in both developed and developing countries. For Bangladesh, this opens up opportunities to create jobs, increase exports and nurture economic growth. 
But what does it take for Bangladesh to become a leader in the field of supply chain management? In this blog post, we will explore how training and education can help drive forward success in this area and help grow the economy of Bangladesh.
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What is Supply Chain Management?
Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of a company's supply chain. The main goal of SCM is to ensure that the company's products are delivered to customers in a timely and efficient manner.
SCM training can help Bangladesh-based companies improve their supply chains and achieve success. Through SCM training, companies can learn how to better plan and control their supply chains, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and increased profits.
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The Importance of Supply Chain Management Training
The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is committed to ensuring that its members are able to access the best possible supply chain management training. In order to achieve this, the BGMEA has partnered with a number of leading international organizations to offer a range of courses which cover all aspects of supply chain management.
The BGMEA recognizes that an efficient and effective supply chain is essential to the success of the garment industry in Bangladesh. In order to keep up with the ever-changing requirements of the global market, it is essential that Bangladeshi manufacturers have access to the latest information and techniques. The courses offered by the BGMEA will ensure that members are able to stay ahead of the competition and continue to meet the demands of buyers.
The courses on offer include:
- An Introduction to Supply Chain Management
- Principles of Supply Chain Management
- Fundamentals of Purchasing and Procurement
- Supply Chain Management for Apparel Brands and Retailers
- Sourcing Strategies for Apparel Manufacturers
- Lean Manufacturing for Apparel factories
- Quality Control and Assurance in Apparel Production
Each course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills they need to improve their operations and contribute to the success of their company. The courses are delivered by experienced instructors who are experts in their field, and who use a variety of teaching methods including lectures, case studies, group work, and individual tutorials.
The Current State of Supply Chain Management in Bangladesh
The current state of supply chain management in Bangladesh can be best described as fledgling. Despite the fact that the country has been making strides in recent years to improve its logistics infrastructure, the overall level of development is still relatively low. This is particularly true when compared to other countries in the region such as India and China.
However, it is important to note that there are some bright spots. In particular, the Bangladeshi government has been investing heavily in training programs for supply chain management. These programs are designed to help improve the skills of those working in the logistics industry and to raise awareness about best practices.
There is still a long way to go before Bangladesh can claim to have a world-class supply chain management system. However, with continued investment and commitment from both the public and private sectors, it is certainly possible that the country will be able to make significant progress in this area in the years to come.
The Benefits of Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
The benefits of supply chain management training in Bangladesh are numerous. Perhaps most importantly, it helps to improve communication and coordination between different parts of the supply chain, which can lead to improved efficiencies and cost savings. In addition, supply chain management training can help to improve supplier relationships, as well as customer service and satisfaction levels.
In today's business environment, having a well-trained and efficient supply chain management team is critical to success. By investing in quality training for your team, you can ensure that your company is able to keep up with the competition and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.
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The Different Types of Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
Supply chain management (SCM) is becoming increasingly important in today's globalized world, particularly for firms in the developing world. Bangladesh is no exception; training in SCM is necessary to keep up with the challenges of an ever-changing business landscape. This article will discuss the different types of SCM training available in Bangladesh, and how each of these courses can help organizations improve their performance.
1. Traditional supply chain management training: This type of training covers the basic concepts and methods of supply chain management. It is typically delivered in a classroom setting, and may include lectures, case studies, and group discussions.
2. Online supply chain management training: This type of training is delivered online, and can be self-paced or synchronous (taught in real-time with a live instructor). It may include videos, readings, quizzes, and simulations.
3. Supply chain management certification programs: These programs provide comprehensive training in supply chain management principles and practices. They often include an exam at the end, and successful completion can lead to professional certification.
4. On-the-job training: Many organizations offer on-the-job training programs for their employees. This type of training can be tailored to the specific needs of the organization, and allows employees to learn while they are working.
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The Challenges of Implementing Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, the challenges of implementing supply chain management training are many and varied. The first challenge is the lack of awareness of the importance of supply chain management among the general population. This is compounded by the fact that there is no formal education or training available in Bangladesh on this topic. As a result, there are few people who are knowledgeable about supply chain management and its potential benefits.
The second challenge is the lack of infrastructure and resources to support supply chain management training. In Bangladesh, most businesses operate on a small scale and do not have the necessary resources to invest in training their employees on supply chain management. Additionally, there is a lack of qualified trainers who are able to provide quality training on this topic.
The third challenge is the cultural barriers to implementing supply chain management training in Bangladesh. The culture in Bangladesh places a high value on personal relationships and networking. This can make it difficult to implement changes within an organization, such as introducing new processes or technologies related to supply chain management. Additionally, the hierarchical nature of Bangladeshi society can make it difficult to get buy-in from all levels of an organization for new initiatives.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities for successful implementation of supply chain management training in Bangladesh. One opportunity lies in the increasing globalization of business and trade. As more businesses operate internationally, they will need employees who are trained in international standards and practices related to supply chain management. Additionally, the growth of the Bangladesh economy provides opportunities
Tips for Successful Supply Chain Management Training
Having an effective supply chain management training program can be a great resource for any organization. It is essential to ensure that proper training is conducted in order to maximize efficiency and productivity. With the right guidance and resources, companies can build a successful supply chain management program that benefits the entire organization. Below we will discuss some tips for successful supply chain management training that can help you get started on the right track.
1. Define your goals: What do you hope to achieve through supply chain management training? Is it to improve your knowledge of the subject so that you can be more effective in your current role? Or are you looking to advance your career and move into a managerial position? Once you know what your goals are, you can tailor your training accordingly.
2. Do your research: There are many different types of supply chain management training programs out there. Before enrolling in one, do some research to make sure it's a good fit for you. Ask yourself what the program covers, how long it is, and whether it's offered online or in-person.
3. Consider your schedule: Supply chain management training can be intensive, so make sure you have the time to commit to it. If you're working full-time while taking classes, consider an online program that offers more flexibility.
4. Set aside time for study: In addition to attending classes, you'll need to set aside time for independent study. Make sure you're prepared to commit the necessary time to reading textbooks and other course materials, as well as completing assignments.
5. Stay organized: Supply chain management involves a lot of moving parts, so it's important to stay organized throughout your training. Keep track of deadlines and due dates, and create a system for organizing course materials so that you can easily find what you need when you need it.
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How to Overcome the Challenges of Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
In order to overcome the challenges of supply chain management training in Bangladesh, it is important to first understand the specific challenges that exist within the country. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of a centralized government body or institution that can provide cohesive and standardized training. This often results in a fragmented approach to training, with different organizations and companies using their own methods, which can make it difficult for employees to receive a consistent education.
Another challenge is the limited resources that are available for training. This includes both financial resources and skilled personnel. As a result, many supply chain management programs in Bangladesh are forced to operate on a shoestring budget, which can impact the quality of instruction and learning materials. In addition, there is often a shortage of qualified trainers, which can make it difficult to find someone with the necessary knowledge and experience to effectively teach employees.
Despite these challenges, there are also several opportunities that exist for those interested in pursuing supply chain management training in Bangladesh. One of the biggest advantages is the country's vast pool of potential workers. With over 160 million people living in Bangladesh, there is a large labor force that can be tapped into for supply chain management positions. In addition, Bangladesh has a rapidly growing economy and its manufacturing sector is expected to expand significantly in the coming years. This provides an opportunity for those with supply chain management training to find employment with companies that are looking to capitalize on this growth.
Overall, while there are some challenges associated with supply chain
In conclusion, supply chain management training in Bangladesh can help businesses achieve success. With proper training and resources, businesses can become more efficient and effective in their operations thus gaining a competitive edge over other companies. It is essential for organizations to invest in the right technology and personnel to ensure that they are well-prepared for the ever-evolving business environment. Ultimately, it is up to each business's leadership team to recognize the importance of having strong supply chain management processes and provide necessary support towards successful supply chain implementations.
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pepprs · 2 years
my onboarding has been a complete and total fucking mess it’s so stressful i want to just explode. lol
#purrs#finally got on payroll but can’t submit my time sheet bc my last student / intern timesheet WHICH SHOULDNT EVEN BE THERE bc i was in my#transitional position!! is still in my timesheet center and i already filled out a docusign time sheet for that pay period so i shouldn’t ha#have to worry abt it but i can’t submit any timesheets until that blank one gets removed by someone in payroll but a lot of ppl are on#vacation so im like wtf lol. im now on the first day of my 4th week and still haven’t gotten the email to sign up for benefits which iwwas s#supposed to get in my 2nd or 3rd week and i literally need to make appointments and figure out what im paying for counseling. still haven’t#found a carpool bc that fucking asshole wants to charge me $100 for a months worth of rides which i think is overpriced personally and also#he creeps me out but i can’t search for another carpool bc there isn’t a group for staff / faculty to like ask questions and this guy was#supposed to be my connection to helping me find staff / faculty in Columbia but instead he just inserted himself and it’s like i kinda hate#you and don’t want to ride with you but i literaly don’t think i have a choice. and then ofc my supervisor decides to leave RIGHT NOW so its#like i have to go out and find a ‘cultural contact’ who can get me acclimated to staff life bc she was supposed to do it and now she’s#fucking off to ****** so i have to replace her while ALSO taking her place w a whole bunch of work stuff AND being on the search committee w#which is launching this week. and im just about to punch something. this process has been so turbulent and frustrating i just want to be#settled in and instead km hitting roadblocks every step of the way and ppl including my close colleagues are still tagging me in my student#email when they don’t have to and they KNOW i hate it and want to have my staff email show up as much as possible. lol. ughhhhhh#i keep telling myself it’s like stars. my student star has gone out but the light takes time to travel to earth and it’s gonna keep hitting#for a while and im gonna have to deal w that. but in a couple months time god willing it’ll feel better. meanwhile i have completely paused#my quest to earn my permit and find a place to live bc i just can’t handle it rn and also im isolating myself again lolllll. so things are n#not good and im scared my counselor is only gonna give me 30 minutes like last time and spend most of it talking… we’ll see. i have more#thoughts but if i don’t go now i will be late for work lol 😃✌️
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ot3 · 10 days
If you don't know this already, please try and internalize it: the idea that people join the US military primarily because they are young people at a disadvantage in life coerced into believing it is the most accessible path to upward mobility is not true.
if you're parroting this talking point, you are doing propaganda for the US military and you just need to stop saying it. here's an article from the Military Times that breaks the finding of various studies like this one from 2020 and this one from 2018 that analyze motivations for joining the military and popular conceptions of motivations for joining the military. Here's a pretty important excerpt:
Further, they hypothesized that some of this possible misconception about poorer Americans joining the military was a geographical issue. While the Defense Department tracks the zip codes of recruits ― and historically, many of them come from more rural areas in the southeast ― it doesn’t track their incomes or their parents’ incomes, which leads to assumptions that the poorer their communities, the poorer the recruits. [...] Using Bureau of Labor Statistics data from 1997 to 2008, they found that the services have recruited primarily from the middle class, America’s largest socio-economic demographic. “We show that recent recruits tend to have higher than average socioeconomic background: they disproportionally come from the middle of the family income, family wealth, and cognitive skill distributions, with both tails under-represented,” they found.
Here's from the army times:
Surveyed troops said these were the top five reasons for staying in the Army. The percentages indicate how many troops felt the factors were “extremely important” to them:
- Opportunity to serve my country — 53.5% - How well my retirement pay or benefits will meet my future needs — 45.1% - Opportunities to lead or train soldiers — 43.5% - My sense of purpose — 38.1% -How well my pay or benefits meet my present needs — 37%
Also mentioned in other sources but here from the NY times in 2020 as well, army enlistment is becoming increasingly skewed towards being the children of people who have previously served.
The main predictors are not based on class or race. Army data show service spread mostly evenly through middle-class and “downscale” groups. Youth unemployment turns out not to be the prime factor.
'Joining the army to lift yourself out of poverty' is not the reality for military service, it is the narrative used by the military in it's marketing and recruitment. if you go around repeating it i hope for your sake you're at least on their payroll! if you're going to bootlick don't do it for free!
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adtsolutions1 · 4 months
Explore efficient Global Payroll Services tailored for seamless salary administration worldwide. Our payroll services ensure accuracy, compliance, and hassle-free payroll processing
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adtsolutions · 5 months
Employer of Record Services - Streamlining Workforce Management
Explore the advantages of Employer of Record (EOR) services as a comprehensive solution for managing your workforce. Learn how EOR services streamline the complexities of payroll, compliance, and HR administration, allowing businesses to focus on core objectives while ensuring legal and regulatory adherence. Discover the strategic benefits of partnering with an EOR to expand your global reach, enhance flexibility, and mitigate risks associated with international employment. Stay ahead in the evolving landscape of workforce management with our insightful guide to Employer of Record Services
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workparallel · 11 months
Get the Best Peo Employment Services at Parallel
Experience top-tier PEO employment services at Parallel. Our expert team provides comprehensive solutions, handling HR, payroll, and benefits administration, so you can focus on your core business. With personalized strategies and compliance management, Parallel ensures smooth operations. Elevate your business with our exceptional PEO employment services for enhanced efficiency and growth.
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workpay · 1 year
Best International PEO Services Provider in Africa
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A PEO (Professional Employer Organization) is invaluable for firms or companies seeking to expand their business across Africa. 
Through universal talent acquisition, PEO services provide an easy and cost-effective way into international markets. A PEO service provider takes on all HR responsibilities like payroll processing, tax compliance, and other legal requirements, eliminating the headache of managing them yourself. Read on to know how to choose the best international PEO service providers.
What To Look For in an International PEO
A reliable PEO should be able to adapt its services to fit a business’s specific needs. For instance, the PEO should offer a tailored solution for when a firm needs to manage a complex payroll structure spanning multiple countries. It should also include various products and services, such as global benefits, international tax compliance, and insurance management. 
Secure and reliable processes are also necessary to ensure the safety and security of employees and the business. 
Who is The Best International PEO Service Provider?
Workpay is the best international PEO service provider in Africa. It specializes in comprehensive, cost-effective international HR solutions for businesses expanding into global markets. 
They are also committed to protecting the privacy of employees’ data, ensuring the hiring process meets international standards.
Workpay’s experienced professionals are well-versed in local and international laws and regulations. This enables them to provide tailored solutions to clients.
What sets them apart from other PEO service providers? Workpay EOR services ensure customer satisfaction and unparalleled flexibility in dealing with complex international payrolls. 
They also offer competitive base rates of approximately $40 per month/single contractor and $300 per employee/month.
Consider Workpay EoR Services
Workpay EoR is an innovative solution geared towards helping firms avoid the risks of maintaining an active workforce and the headaches of hiring and human resource management. It’s a great way to save time and money while achieving your company objectives. Click here to get more information about this service.
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tahacollege · 1 year
Diploma In Toronto
Taha College offers a range of diploma in toronto such as 
diploma in accounting,
diploma in payroll
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uknowva1 · 1 year
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