#international payroll management
workparallel · 1 year
Get the Best Peo Employment Services at Parallel
Experience top-tier PEO employment services at Parallel. Our expert team provides comprehensive solutions, handling HR, payroll, and benefits administration, so you can focus on your core business. With personalized strategies and compliance management, Parallel ensures smooth operations. Elevate your business with our exceptional PEO employment services for enhanced efficiency and growth.
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ecdlbd · 2 years
Achieving Success Through Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a country of immense potential, but it has struggled to leverage that potential due to inadequate supply chain management training. As the world globalizes, supply chain management has become increasingly important for businesses in both developed and developing countries. For Bangladesh, this opens up opportunities to create jobs, increase exports and nurture economic growth. 
But what does it take for Bangladesh to become a leader in the field of supply chain management? In this blog post, we will explore how training and education can help drive forward success in this area and help grow the economy of Bangladesh.
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What is Supply Chain Management?
Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of a company's supply chain. The main goal of SCM is to ensure that the company's products are delivered to customers in a timely and efficient manner.
SCM training can help Bangladesh-based companies improve their supply chains and achieve success. Through SCM training, companies can learn how to better plan and control their supply chains, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and increased profits.
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The Importance of Supply Chain Management Training
The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is committed to ensuring that its members are able to access the best possible supply chain management training. In order to achieve this, the BGMEA has partnered with a number of leading international organizations to offer a range of courses which cover all aspects of supply chain management.
The BGMEA recognizes that an efficient and effective supply chain is essential to the success of the garment industry in Bangladesh. In order to keep up with the ever-changing requirements of the global market, it is essential that Bangladeshi manufacturers have access to the latest information and techniques. The courses offered by the BGMEA will ensure that members are able to stay ahead of the competition and continue to meet the demands of buyers.
The courses on offer include:
- An Introduction to Supply Chain Management
- Principles of Supply Chain Management
- Fundamentals of Purchasing and Procurement
- Supply Chain Management for Apparel Brands and Retailers
- Sourcing Strategies for Apparel Manufacturers
- Lean Manufacturing for Apparel factories
- Quality Control and Assurance in Apparel Production
Each course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills they need to improve their operations and contribute to the success of their company. The courses are delivered by experienced instructors who are experts in their field, and who use a variety of teaching methods including lectures, case studies, group work, and individual tutorials.
The Current State of Supply Chain Management in Bangladesh
The current state of supply chain management in Bangladesh can be best described as fledgling. Despite the fact that the country has been making strides in recent years to improve its logistics infrastructure, the overall level of development is still relatively low. This is particularly true when compared to other countries in the region such as India and China.
However, it is important to note that there are some bright spots. In particular, the Bangladeshi government has been investing heavily in training programs for supply chain management. These programs are designed to help improve the skills of those working in the logistics industry and to raise awareness about best practices.
There is still a long way to go before Bangladesh can claim to have a world-class supply chain management system. However, with continued investment and commitment from both the public and private sectors, it is certainly possible that the country will be able to make significant progress in this area in the years to come.
The Benefits of Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
The benefits of supply chain management training in Bangladesh are numerous. Perhaps most importantly, it helps to improve communication and coordination between different parts of the supply chain, which can lead to improved efficiencies and cost savings. In addition, supply chain management training can help to improve supplier relationships, as well as customer service and satisfaction levels.
In today's business environment, having a well-trained and efficient supply chain management team is critical to success. By investing in quality training for your team, you can ensure that your company is able to keep up with the competition and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.
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The Different Types of Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
Supply chain management (SCM) is becoming increasingly important in today's globalized world, particularly for firms in the developing world. Bangladesh is no exception; training in SCM is necessary to keep up with the challenges of an ever-changing business landscape. This article will discuss the different types of SCM training available in Bangladesh, and how each of these courses can help organizations improve their performance.
1. Traditional supply chain management training: This type of training covers the basic concepts and methods of supply chain management. It is typically delivered in a classroom setting, and may include lectures, case studies, and group discussions.
2. Online supply chain management training: This type of training is delivered online, and can be self-paced or synchronous (taught in real-time with a live instructor). It may include videos, readings, quizzes, and simulations.
3. Supply chain management certification programs: These programs provide comprehensive training in supply chain management principles and practices. They often include an exam at the end, and successful completion can lead to professional certification.
4. On-the-job training: Many organizations offer on-the-job training programs for their employees. This type of training can be tailored to the specific needs of the organization, and allows employees to learn while they are working.
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The Challenges of Implementing Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, the challenges of implementing supply chain management training are many and varied. The first challenge is the lack of awareness of the importance of supply chain management among the general population. This is compounded by the fact that there is no formal education or training available in Bangladesh on this topic. As a result, there are few people who are knowledgeable about supply chain management and its potential benefits.
The second challenge is the lack of infrastructure and resources to support supply chain management training. In Bangladesh, most businesses operate on a small scale and do not have the necessary resources to invest in training their employees on supply chain management. Additionally, there is a lack of qualified trainers who are able to provide quality training on this topic.
The third challenge is the cultural barriers to implementing supply chain management training in Bangladesh. The culture in Bangladesh places a high value on personal relationships and networking. This can make it difficult to implement changes within an organization, such as introducing new processes or technologies related to supply chain management. Additionally, the hierarchical nature of Bangladeshi society can make it difficult to get buy-in from all levels of an organization for new initiatives.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities for successful implementation of supply chain management training in Bangladesh. One opportunity lies in the increasing globalization of business and trade. As more businesses operate internationally, they will need employees who are trained in international standards and practices related to supply chain management. Additionally, the growth of the Bangladesh economy provides opportunities
Tips for Successful Supply Chain Management Training
Having an effective supply chain management training program can be a great resource for any organization. It is essential to ensure that proper training is conducted in order to maximize efficiency and productivity. With the right guidance and resources, companies can build a successful supply chain management program that benefits the entire organization. Below we will discuss some tips for successful supply chain management training that can help you get started on the right track.
1. Define your goals: What do you hope to achieve through supply chain management training? Is it to improve your knowledge of the subject so that you can be more effective in your current role? Or are you looking to advance your career and move into a managerial position? Once you know what your goals are, you can tailor your training accordingly.
2. Do your research: There are many different types of supply chain management training programs out there. Before enrolling in one, do some research to make sure it's a good fit for you. Ask yourself what the program covers, how long it is, and whether it's offered online or in-person.
3. Consider your schedule: Supply chain management training can be intensive, so make sure you have the time to commit to it. If you're working full-time while taking classes, consider an online program that offers more flexibility.
4. Set aside time for study: In addition to attending classes, you'll need to set aside time for independent study. Make sure you're prepared to commit the necessary time to reading textbooks and other course materials, as well as completing assignments.
5. Stay organized: Supply chain management involves a lot of moving parts, so it's important to stay organized throughout your training. Keep track of deadlines and due dates, and create a system for organizing course materials so that you can easily find what you need when you need it.
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How to Overcome the Challenges of Supply Chain Management Training in Bangladesh
In order to overcome the challenges of supply chain management training in Bangladesh, it is important to first understand the specific challenges that exist within the country. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of a centralized government body or institution that can provide cohesive and standardized training. This often results in a fragmented approach to training, with different organizations and companies using their own methods, which can make it difficult for employees to receive a consistent education.
Another challenge is the limited resources that are available for training. This includes both financial resources and skilled personnel. As a result, many supply chain management programs in Bangladesh are forced to operate on a shoestring budget, which can impact the quality of instruction and learning materials. In addition, there is often a shortage of qualified trainers, which can make it difficult to find someone with the necessary knowledge and experience to effectively teach employees.
Despite these challenges, there are also several opportunities that exist for those interested in pursuing supply chain management training in Bangladesh. One of the biggest advantages is the country's vast pool of potential workers. With over 160 million people living in Bangladesh, there is a large labor force that can be tapped into for supply chain management positions. In addition, Bangladesh has a rapidly growing economy and its manufacturing sector is expected to expand significantly in the coming years. This provides an opportunity for those with supply chain management training to find employment with companies that are looking to capitalize on this growth.
Overall, while there are some challenges associated with supply chain
In conclusion, supply chain management training in Bangladesh can help businesses achieve success. With proper training and resources, businesses can become more efficient and effective in their operations thus gaining a competitive edge over other companies. It is essential for organizations to invest in the right technology and personnel to ensure that they are well-prepared for the ever-evolving business environment. Ultimately, it is up to each business's leadership team to recognize the importance of having strong supply chain management processes and provide necessary support towards successful supply chain implementations.
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ewslimited · 1 year
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davidpasqualone · 2 years
Tips for Managing an International Team
Managing an International Team of people is now common as businesses start to operate remotely and work can be done from anywhere. However, there are also some challenges that come with managing an international team of employees, and we’re going to talk about how you can overcome them today. So read on and find out more about how to manage a global team properly and without any unnecessary hiccups.
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softspiderling · 3 months
illicit affairs - part eight | r.c
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Do not come over here right now, you thought to yourself, pleaded to God even, but of course, JJ walked right over to your table, stopping in front of you to bow theatrically. You could basically see Rafe’s vein throbbing in anger.
“Boss, can I get you anything?”
“I wasn’t aware you’re on her payroll, Maybank,” Rafe snapped, falling into your words before you could even open your mouth, glaring up at JJ.
“Oh didn’t you hear? She’s the one who got me this job,” JJ said gleefully and you groaned internally as Rafe drew his arm back, raising his brows at you.
“You did what?”
OR; The Spring Fling is finally here. And of course, no event on Kildare goes off without a hitch
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: none except for one macho context between Rafe and JJ lol
word count: 2,6k
author's note: hello don't ask what this is and don't yell at me bc i literally just wrote what the little people in my head told me to write (I think it's funny when you say that i'm making you insane, im telling you, im just equally as shook as im writing)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
pt. eight: "and clandestine meetings and longing stares"
“When did you and Rafe start having sex?”
You nearly spat your mimosa all over the table, but opted for choking on it instead, coughing as the liquid went down the wrong pipe. Out of everything, Topper chose to ask you that question during brunch at the Spring Fling party, where you were surrounded by Kook families. But you should’ve known.
Topper’s mother was anything if not punctual and she had turned up not even a minute after 11. Rafe and Kelce were set to come later during the brunch, this was the perfect opportunity to ask something like that and Topper knew it.
Reaching for a napkin, you tried to keep your coughs to a minimum when your mother gave you a dirty look from her table. Consequently, you turned to Topper to give him an equally nasty look.
“Top, what the fuck?”
Topper only sent your mother a charming smile, raising his glass in her direction until she turned away with a headshake.
“Sorry, were the two of you trying to be discreet?” he then asked, glancing in your direction as he took a sip from his champagne. You let out a scoff, downing your mimosa in one go, your cheeks burning. Playing with the stem of the glass nervously, you took your time with an answer, knowing that Topper was sensible enough to not push you.
“How long have you known?”
Topper sighed, pushing his hair back at your evasive question. “Remember when we were hanging out at Rafe’s like three days ago? I left my wallet on the table and came back inside, just to hear the two of you going at it.”
You groaned, covering your face with your hands. Of course. You had told Rafe to wait after Topper and Kelce left. For ten minutes at least, just to be safe; but then he started kissing your neck and your self-control flew out of the window. Asshole.
Topper eyed you skeptically, and you didn’t say anything, except a thank you to the waiter when he placed a new mimosa in front of you. Topper played with the corner of the tablet cloth, waiting until the waiter left before he spoke again.
“So… You what? Just fuck around?” he asked, frowning. “You’re willing to risk your friendship for sex?”
“We’re not risking our friendship, Top. We’re adults and we can have sex without complicated feelings, and if it ever starts to get weird, we just stop,” you told him, ignoring the fact that you had been questioning your friendship just last week. Topper didn’t need to know that.
He only exhaled, taking another sip of his champagne. The silence between the two of you stretched so long, you started to believe he had dropped the topic.
“Maybe we should hook up too.”
You nearly choked on your mimosa again, but you managed to swallow it this time, before turning to stare at Topper with wide eyes, your forehead creased.
“Ew what?”
Topper raised a brow at you. “What?”
“Why would you even say that? We’ve been friends forever, don’t be gross.”
“So have you and Rafe but you don’t have any problem fucking him.”
You bristled at his choice of words, turning away from him, frowning into the distance, knowing exactly what point he was trying to make. You had always wondered if Topper ever suspected that you had feelings for Rafe, but chose not to ask you about it. Until now.
“What’s your point?” you finally griped.
Topper gave you an exasperated look. “Seriously precious? You know this isn’t gonna end well. And it won’t just affect you and Rafe, it’s gonna affect me als Kelce, too. How the fuck are we supposed to choose sides if you’re our best friends?”
“What do you mean “choose sides”?” you huffed, throwing your hands up. “We’re adults, and we’re friends, best friends. Nothing is ever going to change that.”
“Do you really believe that?”
You sighed, rolling your eyes mostly to deflect. Topper had a point. This had potential to explode in all of your faces, have catastrophic consequences, and why? Because you were selfish? You’d risk your friendship with your best friend to have only a tiny more piece of Rafe, something that you weren’t entitled to? Clenching your jaw, you reached out to pat Topper’s hand gently, trying to find the right words, to take his worries away, but before you could, you saw Rafe arriving with Kelce and his family and you leaned back in your chair, glancing at Topper.
“Drop it,” you muttered under your breath, throwing him a warning glance, terrified that Rafe could overhear something.
The other half of your friend group approached your table, both of the boys kissing your cheek in greeting, before Kelce took a seat next to Topper, while Rafe sat down on the empty chair next to you.
“What did we miss?” Rafe asked, holding up two fingers to the waiter before turning to you, raising a brow.
Topper opened his mouth, no doubt to let out a stupid comment, but you stepped your foot on his, making sure that the heel only grazed the top of his shoe, warning him. Topper’s face contorted into pain, and he glared at you. Luckily, neither Kelce or Rafe noticed your squabble, as the waiter arrived with your drinks, placing four flutes of champagne and mimosas on the table.
“Just how precious over here stumbled over her words when she introduced her parents,” he said, making you roll your eyes. Kelce snickered and Rafe only smirked into his glass as he took a sip. Reaching for a new glass, you picked a glass by the stem, only to realize that Rafe had thrown his arm over your chair when you leaned back. You grew hot, which was stupid considering the fact that Rafe has always been touchy with you even before you two started having sex, but you couldn’t help but feel like you were showing your emotions all over your face. Throwing a glance over to Topper, you thought he’d show his disapproval, but he was engrossed in a discussion with Kelce over his new bike. If he had noticed, he hadn’t shown.
“Told you to practice, didn’t I precious?” Rafe muttered under his breath, the amusement clear in his voice. You only rolled your eyes, crossing your legs as you sipped on your mimosa. Things between you were… Almost normal. After the rather odd intimate moment you had in the shower and then in bed, it felt like Rafe had… Not exactly taken a step back when it came to sex, but you definitely felt like he was trying to show you how he valued your friendship more sex.
For example, when you were trying to come up with some sort of speech for the spring fling
“The way I recall it, I was practicing and you told me to “wing it” because “writing a speech is lame””, you said, quoting him.
Rafe snickered, taking a sip of his champagne. “You did a great job helping your parents pull this shit off,” he told you, his thumb drawing circles into your shoulder. You didn’t reply, swirling the mimosa in your glass around as Rafe glanced around the garden, before he did a double take, his eyes narrowing.
“What the fuck is JJ Maybank doing here?”
Three tables over, JJ was pouring Mr. Jones a glass of Champagne, the heavy bottle nearly slipping out of his fingers before he got a grip on it again. He only gave Mr. Jones a charming smile, you had no doubt he had some quip right on his tongue. You squirmed on your chair, finishing your mimosa in one go (was someone counting how many mimoas you’d had already?), shoving the empty glass on the table.
“Working, obviously,” you answered somewhat evasively. “Can’t you see that he’s wearing an uniform?”
“Obviously I can see that,” Rafe huffed, giving you a look. “I meant, how did he get a job here? I know for a fact that Kennedy hates his guts.”
Right, Kennedy the hostess.
“Why does Kennedy hate his guts again?”
“He said Carter’s name during sex,” Kelce suddenly chimed in, leaning over Topper to engage in the gossip session you were apparently having. You winced. Kennedy and Carter were sisters, you could see why Kennedy couldn’t stand JJ (anymore).
“To be fair, they’re twins, so I can understand how JJ mixed them up.”
“Why are you defending him?”
“I’m not!” you exclaimed. “I’m just saying, it’s an easy mistake to make.”
Rafe huffed, rolling his eyes with a headshake, clearly annoyed. You didn’t understand how he was so easily aggravated by pogues, especially JJ. Topper only gave you a look when you glanced over at him, while Kelce was too busy ogling JJ.
JJ, who had seemed to spot your group, judging by the way a smirk was growing on his lips. He leaned down to finish topping off the guests glasses, before departing from the table.
Do not come over here right now, you thought to yourself, pleaded to God even, but of course, JJ walked right over to your table, stopping in front of you to bow theatrically. You could basically see Rafe’s vein throbbing in anger.
“Boss, can I get you anything?”
“I wasn’t aware you’re on her payroll, Maybank,” Rafe snapped, falling into your words before you could even open your mouth, glaring up at JJ.
“Oh didn’t you hear? She’s the one who got me this job,” JJ said gleefully and you groaned internally as Rafe drew his arm back, raising his brows at you.
“You did what?” he asked incredulously. You rolled your eyes at his tone. He made it sound like you just betrayed his trust.
“He needed a job, what’s the harm in helping him out?”
“He’s a pogue,” Rafe all but spit out. “When the fuck did you even talk to him?”
“Last week after you guys left, he kind of broke into my house.”
“Accidentally!” “Wait what?” “He did what?”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Can we not make a big deal out of this?”
Rafe scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, JJ only smirked in satisfaction, Kelce was staring at you with an open mouth and Topper looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.
“Well, if you gentlemen don’t need anything else,” JJ said, looking at you. “Another drink, princess?”
“Don’t call her that.”
Just as you thought you’d avoided a full blown fight, Rafe was glaring daggers at JJ again, who just seemed to enjoy getting a rise out of your best friend and using you to do it.
“I think she can tell me herself if she doesn’t want me to call her princess.”
Rafe got up so fast, you could barely react before he was all up in JJ’s space, a frown on his face.
“Who do you think you are, parading around our side of the island?” Rafe hissed into JJ’s face, but the blonde barely blinked at him, his smirk never leaving his face. Meanwhile, you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole, pressing yourself into your chair, hoping to disappear. You were just as angry as you were embarrassed, knowing how Rafe was causing a scene, making the other guests starting to look over; especially your mother, who was glaring at you as if you had instigated this.
“Guys,” Topper finally hissed. “This is not the right place for a pissing contest.”
Rafe took a step back, as if out of a trance. He flexed his hand, throwing JJ a dirty look. “Get lost, Maybank.”
Lucky for you, he did, but not without winking at you before he left. Rafe dropped back into his chair, and for a short second, you thought the whole party was ruined, but everyone quickly started chatting again, the incident forgotten.
“The nerve of that guy,” Rafe grunted, as if his behavior just now was insanely stupid. You only scoffed, shaking your head at him, and he glanced over at you, raising a brow.
“You’re unbelievable,” you muttered under your breath, snatching your purse off the table, standing up quickly. Without excusing yourself, you left your friends at the table, heading straight to the bathroom to cool off. You exhaled slowly as you washed your hands, letting the cold water run over your wrists, not caring that you were getting your jewelry wet. When you finally deemed it enough. you turned the water off, drying your hands with paper towels. But you weren’t ready to go back out just yet, so you rummaged through your purse, trying to find your lipgloss to reapply. Just as you were about to put the small applicator on your lips, the door opened, and Rafe slid inside with a frown.
“Get out,” you said, even before the door shut properly.
“You can’t seriously be mad at me,” Rafe guffawed, his jaw slack. “That little shit was walking around like he owned the country club.”
You rolled your eyes at him so hard, you nearly gave yourself a migraine.
“So what? What does it matter to you, Rafe? Why can’t you just ignore him?”
“Why are you acting like this is my fault?! He started it!”
“You’re my best friend! You embarrassed me!”
“Embarr-” Rafe scoffed, breaking off with a headshake. “Did you hear how he was talking to you? He called you princess! He made you give him a job.”
“He made me?” you repeated, laughing dryly, finally lowering the lipgloss to look at him, your eyes sparkling with fury. “Do you realize who you’re talking to right now, Rafe? No one is making me do anything, least of all JJ. I’m not some damsel who needs saving, don’t use me to win whatever cock measuring contest you have going on with JJ.”
Rafe froze, and you let your words sink in, dropping your lipgloss back into your purse and zipping it back up. He finally sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, his lips pursed. You looked at him, unimpressed. “I don’t know why, but JJ just gets under my skin. And it just made it worse when he treated you like that.”
“Like what?” you said, blinking at him. “Like he treats every other girl on the island?”
Rafe scoffed, leaning against the wall behind him. “You’re not like every other girl on the island, precious.”
“Rafe, I can take care of myself.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
You let out a sigh, the remaining anger melting away and you stepped to him, stopping just in front of him.
“How about I tell JJ where to shove it, and you sit back and shut up?”
Rafe quirked a smile at you, rolling his eyes a little. “I can try.”
You gave him a look and he let out a loud, dramatic sigh.
“Fine, I won’t say anything, I’m leaving it to you.”
“Better,” you said with a nod, making a shooing motion with your hand. “Now get out before people are starting to think we’re hooking up in here.”
“Now that you brought it up-”
“Rafe, get out.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author's note: not me being proud of Kennedy/Carter (guess what their parents (me) named them after)
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Welcome to The Simblr Office Directory
This blog is an archive of the submissions for the office-centric OC prompt posted by the light of Simblr, @kashisun.
Here you can browse all the amazing creations submitted by your fellow simblrs. Feel free to scroll to your delight or click one of the links under the cut to see who's on roster under (or over) a particular bureau or delegation.
Want to be added to the directory or confirm that you've been queued? Just include a link to your post in an ask off anon and it will be queued within 48 hours. Until we get through the backlog and can queue at a more leisurely pace, all ask submissions will receive a confirmation. You can always mention us, but we won't be able to provided confirmation for that method.
Leaving the company? If you'd like your post removed, just include a link to the post in an ask off anon and it will be removed. Sideblogs may require additional verification. Please allow, at most, 48 hours for the request to be honored. Removal requests will not be confirmed, only acted upon.
Every company's hierarchy is a little different. Designations for this directory are based on some of the companies I've worked for, but especially on the multi-media marketing company I work for now.
Bureaus and Their Delegations
Delegations with an * currently have low or no headcount (posted and queued). Excludes leadership.
Bureau of Client Engagement
Product Support*
Quality Assurance*
Bureau of Compliance (Bureau-specific Internal Affairs and Auditing)
Client Engagement*
Human Resources*
Information and Technology*
Legal (General)
Legal (Leadership)
Bureau of Facilities
Environmental (Janitorial, HVAC, and Plumbing)*
Mechanical (Electrical, Elevators, Equipment Maintenance)*
Premise* (Grounds Maintenance and Real Estate)
Purchasing* (From pushpins to pallet jacks)
Warehousing* (Shipping, Receiving, Mail room, and Inventory)
Bureau of Finance
Asset Management*
Travel and Accommodations*
Vendor Relations*
Bureau of Human Resources
Career Development (Internships and Internal Role Transitions)
Dependent Care*
Employee Activities Committee (Members are volunteers)
Employee Benefits*
Floating Delegates (Administration) (For profiles that list a nondescript secretary/admin/receptionist/assistant role)
Floating Delegates (General) (For profiles that do not list a position)
Floating Delegates (Leadership) (For profiles that list a nondescript managerial role)
Health Services*
Union Relations*
Bureau of Information & Technology
Data Security*
Public Relations
Research and Development*
Systems and Devices*
Bureau of Marketing
Planning and Implementation*
Board of Directors
Chief Officers
CEO - Chief Executive Officer/President
COO - Chief Operations Officer/Vice President
CCO - Chief Compliance Officer/Vice President
CFO - Chief Finance Officer/Vice President
CITO - Chief Information and Technology Officer/Vice President
CMO - Chief Marketing Officer/Vice President
Executive Administration* (Admins that report to chief officers)
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kayfabesource · 2 years
because there's so much more than photographers and makeup artists. jobs on this list can apply to most any wrestling promotion, so you can find something fun and unique for your oc. i found many of these by searching job titles on linkedin, so they're very much real! if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
(keep in mind many of these titles can have intern, junior, associate, senior, & director titles ahead of them – based on experience. for example: associate producer, or senior producer)
art director
motion graphics designer
graphic designer
music producer
photo editor
costume / gear designer
marketing / pr.
project manager
marketing manager
social media specialist
social media manager
branding and communications specialist
content manager
media relations
public relations specialist
human resources / talent relations.
human resources coordinator
recruitment manager
hr operations specialist
talent operations
talent relations
travel and logistics coordinator
manager of talent appearances
payroll & benefits manager
personal assistant
production assistant
live events.
athletic trainer
lighting designer
live event production specialist
merchandise coordinator
broadcast engineer
sound/av engineer
information technology (it)
logistics supervisor
administrative assistant
globals sales & partnerships
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 7 months
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Mise en Place, Chapter 3
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: M
Story Summary: Things are looking up for Chef Matthew Murdock -- Not only was he the subject of a front-page article in the New York Bulletin, but (after a few misunderstandings) he managed to get a date with you, the beautiful journalist who wrote the feature.
Now that Matt is no longer the subject of one of your features, your budding relationship with him is starting to simmer -- until someone from Matt's past threatens to turn off the heat.
With another obstacle in your way will your and Matt's relationship cool, or can the two of you work together to put "everything in it's place"?
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness, no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, developing relationship, things gone get SPICY later 🔥 (aka smut in future chapters), things gone get angsty for a minute first though 😈
Word Count: ~1850
A/N: I finally figured out how I want the story to flow, so please note the change in summary!
Divider by @theradioactivespidergwen
Tag List: @danzer8705 @shouldbestudying41 @capylore @mattmurdockstateofmind @yarrystyleeza
“Hey, sorry I'm late,” Matt said as he entered his and Foggy's office the next morning. “I stopped by the florist on my way here and it took a bit longer than I expected. Who knew flowers all had different meanings?”
“It’s fine,” Foggy replied. “So…you look happy. I take it your date was a success?”
Matt huffed out a laugh. “It was. Thanks again for your help.”
“No problem, dude. Anytime. I mean it.” 
Matt took his coat off and hung it on the coat rack. “So how's this week's order looking?”
“Well in both good and bad news, we have lots of stuff left over from last week's order, so all we really need to order is our usual perishables and the stuff for the new menu items that we don't already have on hand.” Foggy paused. “...Or at least we would've if we hadn't gotten a bunch of new reservations, including 12 just for tonight.”
Matt grinned. “Really? That's great!”
“Yeah, and almost all of them said that they had heard of us through the Bulletin article.”
Matt sighed. “I know I was an asshole about that at first, but seriously, thank you for setting that interview up.”
Foggy chuckled. “Honestly I'm just glad it all worked out in the end -- both professionally and personally. Oh, and by the way, Skyler told me this morning that the Bulletin would be covering Kingpin's closure but she wasn't sure yet who would be writing the article or when exactly it would be out.”
Matt wondered if you would get the assignment – after all, you did write a lot of other stories in addition to your weekly features. “I still can't believe Kingpin actually got shut down. I mean I can believe it, but we always suspected that Fisk had most of the Health Department on his payroll and that it would never actually happen.”
Foggy huffed out a laugh. “Too bad for him that one of the few health inspectors not on the take did the inspection this time.”
Matt nodded. Mahoney was one of the honest ones. “Did Brett say anything else?”
“Just that he was sure that Fisk was going to try to appeal the shutdown but that with the number and severity of violations there was no way he was going to win it.” Foggy paused. “You know, that makes me wonder if there's going to be an internal investigation into the health department.”
Matt hummed. “It’s more than likely. Because of the shutdown they'll probably pull the records for Kingpin's previous inspections, and if they do I really wouldn't be surprised if they found discrepancies in the reports.”
He shook his head. “Alright, let’s get to work on prep. I have a feeling we're going to be a lot busier than usual tonight.”
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“Hey, Ellison wants to see you right away,” Skyler said as soon as you walked into the Bulletin.
You nodded as you walked over to your desk and locked your purse in your drawer. “Okay. Coffee afterwards?” 
“Of course.”
You smoothed out your blouse and walked to Ellison's office, then knocked on the open door. “Hey, Skyler said you wanted to see me?”
Ellison nodded. “Hey, yeah, come on in.”
You walked in and closed the door, then took a seat. “What's up?”
“I wanted to fill you in on yesterday,” Ellison replied. “Although I'm sure you've probably already heard at least most of what happened.”
You nodded with a wince. “Yeah, I heard that Kelsie didn't exactly go quietly.”
Ellison huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, ‘quiet’ is definitely not a word I would've used to describe her departure. I tried to handle things peacefully without having to get security involved and without the rest of the staff knowing exactly what was going on, but she insisted on causing a scene on her way out the door.”
You shook your head as you imagined Kelsie being dragged out of the Bulletin kicking and screaming. “I bet that made for an interesting staff meeting.”
Ellison sighed. “Actually, because of her antics I spent most of the day filling out extra paperwork and had to postpone this week’s meeting to today.”
“Oh, okay.”
Ellison studied you for a moment. “So how are you doing?”
You shrugged. “All things considered, I'm actually doing okay. Chef Murdock stopped by my apartment yesterday morning to apologize for getting so upset with me over Kelsie's article, then he…” A soft smile spread across your face at the memory of your evening with Matt. “He asked me to have dinner with him.”
Ellison raised an eyebrow. “I take it from the look on your face that dinner was off the record, so to speak?”
You huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, it was.”
“Then that's all I need to know.” Ellison turned back towards his computer. “Staff meeting in 10. Tell the others for me, would you please?”
“Sure thing.” You stood and turned to leave.
“Oh.” Ellison said your name. “One other thing.”
You turned back towards him. “Sir?”
“Just so you know…” Ellison shot you a small smile. “I’m happy for you.”
You nodded with a smile of your own. “Thank you, Mitch. I really appreciate it.”
“Alright, get out of here.”
You walked out of Ellison's office. “Boss said staff meeting in 10 minutes, everyone,” you announced as you exited Ellison's office.
“And don't be late!” Ellison chimed in from his office.
Skyler followed you to the break room. “So, how'd it go last night? I've been dying to know.”
You got your coffee cup from the cabinet and filled it with water. “Honestly, it was amazing. Matt served dinner up on his rooftop, where we ate and talked for hours before going back down to his apartment for dessert.”
A sly grin spread across Skyler's face. “Was it cake?”
You shook your head with a laugh as you poured your water into the office Keurig and put a pod in. “No, it was not cake, actually, it was chocolate mousse, which was so good.”
You closed the Keurig and pressed the start button. “Oh my gosh, that reminds me… while we were eating dessert Matt told me I had some on the corner of my mouth so I wiped at it and asked if I got it, but then he shook his head, wiped at the corner of my mouth with his thumb, then kissed me.”
Skyler huffed out a laugh. “Way to make a move.”
“I know, right?” You grinned. “Afterwards I asked him how he even knew I had chocolate mousse on my face and he suddenly got all shy and said that he didn't know, he just wanted to have an excuse to kiss me.”
Skyler shook her head. “Oh my God, that's so damn cute.”
You nodded. “I told him he didn't need an excuse to kiss me, so he kissed me again and we wound up making out in his kitchen.”
Skyler chuckled. “Get it, girl.”
You waited as your coffee finished brewing then moved your cup over to where the sugar and creamer were kept to fix your coffee to your liking while Skyler brewed hers. “Anyway, Matt said that he had been imagining all week what it would've been like to kiss me and that he definitely wants to keep seeing me, then since by that point it was getting late he walked me home before kissing me good night.”
“Aww. So when's your next date?”
You shrugged. “I’m not sure, but he said he was going to call me at some point today.”
You took a sip of your coffee before nodding in satisfaction. “So finish telling me about your date with Foggy. Did you two kiss?”
Skyler shook her head. “No, we just hugged, but he gave me a kiss on the cheek yesterday when he brought me lunch and we're getting together Sunday afternoon, so who knows what might happen?”
You grinned. “You might be getting some cake of your own soon.”
Skyler laughed. “Fingers crossed.”
She added a bit of sugar and creamer to her coffee before stirring it in. “Come on, let's get to the conference room.”
The two of you headed back down the hallway to the conference room and took your usual seats along with the rest of the staff.
A few minutes later, Ellison walked in. “Okay, let's get this over with. As most of you already know, Kelsie is no longer employed by the New York Bulletin. Before you ask, no, I'm not revealing exactly why. Just know that any sort of unethical journalistic behavior will not be tolerated and are grounds for immediate dismissal.”
Robert, who handled the local crime beat, raised his hand. “So who's taking over the food and restaurant circuit?”
“Luckily with this being Restaurant Week everything is already covered for now,” Ellison replied. “We'll be advertising the position starting next week however, so if anyone is interested, let me know.”
“Think you want to apply?” you whispered to Skyler.
“No way,” she whispered back. “Kelsie probably put a curse on the position before she left.”
Ellison cleared his throat. “Now on to important business -- this week's new assignments. Skyler, you're covering the Fall Food Festival at the community center on Thursday night.”
Skyler nodded. “No problem.“
He said your name.
You nodded. “Yes, sir?”
“It's too late to get anything about Kingpin’s shutdown to print, but do you think you can at least get me five hundred words by noon for the online edition?”
“Absolutely, sir.”
“Great. In addition, I'm approving your next three weekly features since I know you'll be busy with the food drive for the next couple of weeks and will need to fit the interviews in when you can. And speaking of the food drive, I'm issuing a personal challenge to all of you -- let's fill up those boxes and make this the best food drive possible!”
Ellison finished giving everyone their assignments. “Alright, let's move, people. The news waits for no one and we're already behind.”
You stood and headed back to the bullpen.
To your surprise, a beautiful bouquet of pink and white roses sat on your desk, your name on the small attached envelope. A note in the security guard’s handwriting accompanied it.
These arrived for you while you were away from your desk, so I took the liberty of bringing them up to you.
Skyler gasped. “Are those from who I think they're from?”
A broad smile spread across your face. “I certainly hope so.”
You took the card out of the envelope, your heart fluttering when you saw the message printed on it.
Thinking of you and our dinner together last night. Can't wait to see you again.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and sent Matt a quick text. Thank you so much for the flowers. They're beautiful!
(By the way, I'm thinking of you too and also can't wait to see you again. ❤️)
You put your phone away, hoping that you'd get to thank Matt in person soon.
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workparallel · 1 year
Onboarding Remote Employees - Parallel
Onboarding remote employees requires a thoughtful approach. Begin by establishing clear communication channels and providing necessary equipment and tools. Conduct virtual orientation sessions to introduce company culture, policies, and expectations. Assign a mentor or buddy to help new hires navigate their roles effectively. Regular check-ins and training sessions promote engagement and integration, ensuring a smooth and successful onboarding process for remote team members. For more details, visit the Parallel website.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
In the completely hypothetical scenario that someone donated 10 billion dollars to the OTW and then each year donated enough money to keep the archive comfortably afloat, what do you think they would do with such money? What would come first and what would take time? Since money restriction is the largest reason given behind the slow development of the archive and certain things being impossible.
Well, given how everyone cries about all money spent, it would probably still be a clusterfuck.
What they should do is go back to having in-person Board retreats and telling all the crybabies who think it's "too expensive" to fly Board members in from far away countries to go fuck themselves.
(Seriously, back in the day, I saw people whining that it was unfair to ~waste money~ on that, and why couldn't the non-American call in??? As if the whole point of an in-person retreat wasn't to bridge cultural gaps!)
Generally, there's a lot of pushback to any do-gooder organization spending money on any of the things they badly need to, like professional development opportunities, living wages, etc.
The only way to judge an org is by its effectiveness at its stated goals and by how it treats its people. OTW has the same problem other orgs do with assclowns who are too stupid to deserve to have an opinion going "But the overhead!!!"
(If you donate to charities based on them having low overhead instead of on proven results, you are the problem. Do not do this.)
Broadly, the sorts of things that would make sense would be hiring someone to do payroll, an accountant, a team of coders, sysadmins, people to write documentation, various levels of manager to interface between different teams, staff to deal with Abuse reports...
Basically, anything that's particularly onerous or where it's helpful to have the same person working a full time workload instead of lots of volunteers doing a little bit each would work best as a paid position. There are a lot of things like this, some more to do with how AO3 functions for users and some more relevant to making the internal experience of staff and volunteers less shitty.
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cellarspider · 2 years
Alright, taking a break from whatever the hell else has been going on with my tumblr this morning
If you have a Twitter account that contains anything you want to save, back it up now.
As of 10:30 AM ET November 18, The company has lost pretty much every employee who isn't stuck there on a work visa, because they’ve been offered three months salary as a severance package, rather than having to deal with the ever-spiraling disaster that a certain new CEO has caused.
Company badge access has been turned off because the new management is terrified that people might sabotage systems, but because payroll and accounting departments may not actually have anybody left, they don't know who's actually working for them anymore. At the same time, employees who've quit report that they still have computer access to internal systems, because whoever was doing that may also have left. There are entire teams of engineers in vital areas of the company that are completely gone.
The general consensus among ex-employees and outside experts is that Twitter is going to coast until it hits a snag, then break down. It's unclear whether anybody will be able to get it working again if that happens. We don't know when this might happen, but it may be as soon as Sunday, because that's when the World Cup starts. Last time the World Cup was on, the average volume of tweets per minute doubled, an increase in traffic that the site may not be able to account for right now. Things may be able to run on autopilot, but we simply don't know.
How to back up your Twitter data
Twitter has an official data backup method. This saves all your private messages, et cetera. However, I've seen people reporting over the past week that this service may take days to send you your archive.
One outside option is TumblThree, which works within minutes. It can't download your private information, and it can't access private twitter accounts. But give it a twitter user's URL, and it'll grab all available public tweets, videos and images. It doesn't download quoted tweets either, just your own.
Apart from that, make sure to save who you're following over there, and find out if they have any other sites or usernames you can find them at. Don't lose things that bring you joy.
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ewslimited · 1 year
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mariacallous · 2 months
The social media company X is closing its San Francisco office “over the next few weeks,” according to an internal email sent out by CEO Linda Yaccarino earlier today. “This is an important decision that impacts many of you, but it is the right one for our company in the long term,” Yaccarino wrote in the email, first reported by The New York Times.
Employees in San Francisco reportedly will be moved to new locations in the Bay Area, “including the existing office in San Jose and a new engineering focused shared space with [xAI, Musk’s AI startup] in Palo Alto,” the note said. The company’s executive team is said to be working on “transportation options” for staff. X did not respond to WIRED's request for comment.
The official announcement comes a few weeks after Musk said in a post on X that he planned to move X and SpaceX headquarters to Texas. X would move to Austin, specifically, Musk said at the time. Bloomberg reported earlier this year that X had already been staffing up a trust and safety team for X based in Austin.
While the state of Texas is known to be more business-friendly than California—it has one of the lowest tax burdens in the US—Musk’s publicly stated reasoning for the move to Texas was more ideological than financial. He said at the time that the “final straw” was a new California law that aims to protect the privacy of transgender children, which he perceived to be “attacking both families and companies.” He also said that he’s “had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building.”
The latest update from Yaccarino suggests it’s the San Francisco office, specifically, that is the thorn in X’s side. And it’s an about-face for Musk, who tweeted a year ago that, despite incentives to move out of San Francisco, X would not move its HQ out of the city. “You only know who your real friends are when the chips are down,” he waxed poetically on X. “San Francisco, beautiful San Francisco, though others forsake you, we will always be your friend.”
The shuttering of the X office marks the end of an era for the company formerly known as Twitter, and for the historic Mid-Market neighborhood that in the 2010s managed to lure in burgeoning tech companies like Twitter, Uber, Spotify, and Square.
Twitter’s earliest offices were in SoMa, or the South of Market neighborhood of San Francisco, until 2011, when then mayor Ed Lee instituted a controversial tax break for tech companies. The ruling erased the 1.5 percent payroll tax for companies that moved into certain Mid-Market buildings. Twitter jumped at the opportunity.
The company was considered an anchor tenant in a densely populated neighborhood marked by homelessness and open drug use. Suddenly an airy, high-end food market, a Blue Bottle Coffee shop, and tech workers with MacBooks and overpriced sneakers dotted Market Street, alongside people in various states of distress camped out in front of still-vacant storefronts.
The end results of Lee’s tax breaks and revitalization plans for the neighborhood are a topic of debate, and the pandemic has been a hugely complicating factor, with reports suggesting that San Francisco’s office spaces are more than a third vacant on average.
Musk, now famously, carried a sink into the Twitter offices just after he closed the deal to buy the platform in October 2022, tweeting, “Let that sink in!” After changing the company name to X in summer 2023, Musk erected a giant, blinking X atop the offices, only to be compelled to take it down days later when the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection received dozens of complaints about the flashing lights and concerns about the sign’s structural safety.
X also was allegedly a poor tenant in the Musk era: Its landlord, SRI Nine Market Square, in early 2023 filed a suit against X for more than $3 million in unpaid rent. SRI Nine Market sought to extend Twitter’s line of credit to $10 million as an assurance that future rent would be paid. Other vendors also have sued X for failing to pay its bills.
But in January of this year, SRI Nine Market dropped the case, Reuters reported. It’s unclear why. SRI Nine Market did not respond to an inquiry on the current state of X’s lease and whether the company would be breaking said lease by vacating its office space in the coming weeks.
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partyanimal167 · 1 year
Sugardaddy Crocodile
I want to do my best to make this man's pockets hurt. It probably isn't possible. But I'm going to try my best. Come join me sis.
CW: MDNI, suggestive, modern AU, sugar daddy
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Sugardaddy!Crocodile who didn't understand his peers that kept going on and on about meeting young girls who were airheads especially when he had enough fools to take care of at work. He saw no appeal in it.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who for some reason couldn't keep his eyes off of you for long when stopping by at the new hire orientation. It was supposed to be a blip in his schedule, but he stayed longer than planned. He was hoping you would make your way to his table during lunch, but you kept to yourself and other interns by you.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who just so happened to overhear your manager complain about a dip in your performance and knew there was a reason even if less than perfection wasn't his standard.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who quickly learned that you had another job at night and called you into his office one morning. He didn't mind how flustered you looked and shy you spoke. He knew you were smart--pulled up your record. He knew an opportunity as in front of him.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who enjoyed how your cheeks blushed and eyes sparkled when he handed you a generous check and told you to quit you other job immediately. He also liked how you tried to refuse even though you held on tight to that check. He simply told you to keep working hard as a send off.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who knew no one would bat a eye when he told Payroll to increase your wages even if it was more than his seasoned full-time employees.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who noticed how new and shiny that necklace was when you came to him a month before your internship ended to tell him thanks and that you'd never forget his generosity.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who quickly asked what you meant by that and was almost planning on sending a hit out when you said you had been offered a job at Dressrosa after your graduation.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who almost surprised himself when he immediately gives you a position in his new office building with a ridiculous offer.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who could barely stop himself from blushing when you hugged on him tightly and pressed your soft body on him longer than necessary.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who didn't miss that new naughty gleam in your eyes as you sat yourself in his lap said that you'd be glad to stay with the company and do anything he needed.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who couldn't stop his grin as you repeated 'anything' as a pant and slowly pushed off his suit coat from his shoulders.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who may have been starting to see the appeal of blowing some money and company resources on you if only your hands felt that good.
Sugardaddy!Crocodile who already knew what your graduation gift would be once your master's program ends...
(Me yelling at reader version of me in my head): How does it feel to be living my dreams!!!
I will indulge on spending imaginary men's money and being spoiled in my head. (To escape the reality of being a independent Black woman who pays her own bills sadly)
Thanks for reading! Inbox is open for requests or if you wanna chat. I wanna have some mutuals on this app.
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darkmaga-retard · 3 days
The National Treasury Employees Union has come out to offer their full support to the Harris-Walz campaign. Is anyone surprised that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is in favor of a Kamala presidency?
Kamala Harris prides herself on passing the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest spending measure in US history, that initially aimed to employ an additional 87,000 IRS agents. Then the Biden-Harris Administration provided these agents with far more than the power to audit and steal from Americans.
The Biden Administration began arming select IRS agents in 2022 and providing them with basic military training. Accountants were trained by the federal government to raid private residences. Biden attempted to recruit an additional 87,000 agents but was temporarily blocked. IRS agents now must complete “firearms, defensive tactics, and building entry.” This militarized branch of the government is expected “to apply the appropriate degree of force necessary to safely carry out enforcement activities, including issuing search warrants, arrests, surveillance, dignitary protection, undercover activities, and seizures.”
Why would an IRS agent require training to SHOOT Americans and raid their homes?
Back in the 1970s, I had two armed IRS agents barge in with guns and handcuffs, claiming I owed payroll taxes. I immediately called my accountant who handled payroll who told the agents over the phone that he wrote and distributed the checks. It just so happened I was getting refund checks often, and I actually had one on my desk at the time. I asked why their agency was sending me refund checks if I owed them money. They looked at the check, and it had some code they recognized that denoted it was a refund for payroll taxes. It turned out to be a computer error on their part, and every time we would send in the payroll taxes, it kept trying to apply it to one month, where I owed $2 and promptly refunded the rest. Since the checks were addressed to me personally, I had no idea there was any distinction. The agents left, and I had to pay interest to cash the checks, which I somehow should have known was their mistake.
That was about 50 years ago when the IRS has some restraint. Imagine what the IRS would do now to American families and businesses who are simply attempting to keep up with the ever-changing tax codes?
The IRS has been positioned as an enemy of the people. The government wrongly believes that a portion of every cent earned belongs to them, and somehow they could manage their spending if greedy citizens were paying their fair share. It will become far easier for governments to extort the people when they introduce CBDC in January 2025, and perhaps these armed agents will be out of a job. For now, we must acknowledge that Harris and Walz have every intention of hunting down Americans for taxes to fund their lofty spending packages and wars.
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