#interesting tho how he has one of the seven deadly sins there
roseofcards90 · 9 months
ling willingly lets greed take over his body, but the former still has possession over his mind etc. its just greed's kinda living there rent free if that makes sense. they both have control of his body at different points at different points so sometimes you're talking to greed and sometimes you're talking to ling. you can often tell who's in control at that moment because greed has his eyes open and ling doesn't. its funny because often when greed's in control ling's still shouting at him from inside his mind and they're communicating
OHHH okay yeah that makes sense! :0 wow they’re really just two guys chilling in the same body lol
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jgyapologism · 1 year
anyone else thinking of the seven deadly sins while watching only friends??? I mean, we have 7 main characters who all exemplify each of the sins at least a little bit, but some prevail a bit more than others.
We have Boston, who is the sluttiest of them all, but honestly? I think his pride will be his downfall. He can't handle rejection. He needs to be wanted, and he's proud of the fact that he's want-able. We already see him trying to screw over Mew and Top out of jealousy .. but I think it's really out of spite more than anything. Top rejected him for Mew, and he absolutely cannot stand the hit to his pride. Boston's excessive pride will be his downfall.
As for lust? I mean, we'll see next week what happens between Top and Boston, but I think that if Boston succeeds in convincing Top to fuck him again, it's going to be the driving wedge between him and Mew. Top's lust is going to be his downfall.
Ray is easy. Ray has a drinking problem. He drinks too much to the point where he blacks out, can't walk, etc. He's been called a "burden" multiple times by people because of his alcoholism. Ray's gluttony (aka drinking excessively) will probably lead to some sort of fallout or explosive confrontation between the friend group.
If I remember the trailers correctly, I think Nick's downfall will be his wrath. He has a sex tape of him and Boston (I don't think he's taped it yet tho??) and based on previews for ep 3, he becomes aware of the sexual relationship between Top and Boston. He is willing to use these things as blackmail in some shape or form to keep Boston around. I guarantee it.
Sand is a tough one to crack, but I think based on all the crying we've seen him do in the trailers, his envy of Ray and the love he has for Mew will be his destruction. He already said in ep 2 that sleeping with friends is like playing with fire. We already know he's going to catch (has already caught*) feelings, and he's not going to be able to stand idly by and watch the man he's falling in love with love another man who doesn't love him back. It's going to be messy as hell.
This one may be controversial, but Mew's deadly sin? Absolutely has got to be greed. He wants Top to be with him, and only him, and I'm sure he has to be aware of Ray's feelings to some degree, and yet actively ignores them because he wants to maintain a friendship with Ray, without caring how Ray hurts in the process. He wants things to go HIS way. I think he's greedier than he lets on, and I'm interested to see how his character progresses.
We honestly haven't seen enough about Cheum yet (sadly), but I think her sin is sloth. She doesn't recognize that her friends are falling apart, or she just doesn't want to acknowledge it in order to keep the peace. Her inability to act in order to save her friend group may cause some problems in the long run.
What do yall think? Any one agree/disagree? I just had the thought and would love to hear others.
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red-room-studi0 · 7 months
I shall introduce to you:
Garfield Demons and Angels AU
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Ok Starting off with Jon Arbuckle (Satan Arbuckle, Demon Jon, he goes by many names lol-)
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He was the first to fall and be casted away from Heaven, He is ofc "evil". He made Hell the was it is and has made his own empire where all demons and sinners live. His Demons are pretty much created in his own image (sort of, Sinners can be demons but not in an epic way). The sinners of Hell are to YA know "suffer", The way sinners live in constant suffering is by their own sin that they have lived by their whole life. Meaning they either suffer by one of the seven deadly sins they have sinned by until death. The sinners will look a little different and will only look based on their deadly sin. If a sinner is up to Jon's standards they can work along side him and become his friend. Tho You have to fit every standard to him. Otherwise you don't fit the bill and you're nothing less to him like any other sinner.
Anyway, back to Jon- He is kinda goofy as always, a little more serious, Is the embodiment of all the deadly sins and lacks empathy for sinners. He does make deals and lives off of his Demons services as well. Oh did I forget to mention that Sleep paralysis demons are made from his image as well? It'll be hard to tell since you'll only see them in the dark.
Jon does usually feed on fear, pain and agony from sinners both in Hell and in the real world when his demons are doing his bidding.
OK- Now Lyman (The Fallen Angel)
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Lyman of course used to be an angel until he made a mistake that would eventually make him fall and twist his imagery. And ngl I have not figured that out yet in detail how it went down but long story short Lyman made a deal with Jon without knowing it was actually him. So Lyman at one point figured it out but it was already too late. Lyman's soul was sold to Jon and it didn't take long for the other angles to find out and banish Lyman from heaven and made him fall down in hell where Jon kept him forever.  The eye's on Lyman do not belong to him, the eyes are Jon's. Jon is always watching Lyman and has control over him.
GODfield (God Garfield)
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Of course, why wouldn't Garfield be God???
GODfeild is the big G himself and is of course Lazy and only judges, tho sometimes he's so lazy to even do that so he has the other people in charge to do that for him. Nermal used to be in charge of that but of course that went very horribly, (GODfeild made an attempt to banish Nermal from Heaven but for some reason that wasn't working so Nermal remains in Heaven, Nermal's new Job is basically looking after everyone and sending GODfeild back reports if he's not too lazy to look at them or hear about them. OH- uh I forgot to mention the most important part, He eats a lot too.
There will be more, Hopfully ya'll think this is interesting. I feel more comfortable with making my AU's on DA but I always see ppl sharing their AU's here so I thought I'd give it a shot-
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Twenty questions that he has to answer.
How is your sleep schedule like? Don't mess with Theodore's. I annoyed him for a year about it and finally he got it right. Tho I am sure he got it right because of someone else. (Aka you) 😏
What are your friends like? Explain in brief. Treat this like a three marks question.
What is your ideal way to spend weekends? Will you take Theodore to museums or not? Will you stay in and cancel your plans if Theodore doesn't feel like going? Without blaming him?
Do you know your love language? Do you know how to convey it? (You don't have to tell me what it is just say yes or no)
What's your favourite thing about dating my best friend? Treat this like a three marks question too.
What are some things you and him have in common?
Will you give all your chocolates to him if he asks?
What's your favourite movie?
Favourite way to relax?
Will you say sorry after an argument even if it wasn't exactly your fault? I believe that saying sorry doesn't mean that you are wrong it just means that you care enough to keep your ego aside and take accountability.
Do you like Spiderman/Percy Jackson? (Very important question)
Any new hobbies you want to pick up?
Will you read a book just because it is Theodore's favourite?
Favourite poet, if any?
Will you get Theodore roses?
Will you help/ask whether you can help Theodore with his chores without him having to ask you?
Extroverted or introverted?
Most played song on your playlist?
If you could master any instrument than which one?
That's it. I guess. Hope you have a wonderful day, take care of yourself and him. Also, nice to meet you, I am Eleanor. Theodore is my best friend, I am his casual friend. I am from India. Eleanor is not my real name but that is what you can refer to me, for now. Any queries? Message me. Take care of my best friend for me. Give him hugs from my side. Time to time, lots of hugs. Theodore, give him a handshake from my side. Thank you.
passing the phone to him
Shalom!! Eleanor (can I call you Ellie?  Oo or even Elea ~pronounced Ella??~ if not that’s groovy too)
I’m very excited I’ve heard lots about you! All good don’t worry babes)
I try to sleep about seven hours a night but sometimes I sleep 8 but I couldn’t do anything less unless absolutely necessary I physically could not lose a day of beauty rest of it would ruin me
Friends….all pretty diverse actually and there are several different personalities.. I’ll give you my ride or dies so okay we All went to an alternative school not because we had disciplinary problems but because we had different problems that made normal schools challenging. Like I for example have dyslexia and ADD. Anyway my best friends and I sorta bonded over this and I’ve been friends with Elton since grade five and we still keep in touch even now but he decided to go to college and I did not he’s a literal fashion icon and the sweetest smartest cinnamon roll you could meet but if he’s not doing his work you need to get on him because he procrastinates like crazy. So now we only see each other on weekends. Kaleb on the other hand went overseas and we FaceTime every morning except Sundays because of church and she’s really into anime and I can’t tell you much about that stuff except the seven deadly sins is better than demon slayer and bleach is something Kaleb rewatchs every few weeks so you best expect that it’s going to be playing when you visit but my life really doesn’t have interesting drama thank goodness. (No offence starshine👀)
I love to spend my weekends exploring I used to hike a lot but Arc is not a fan of the outdoors though we’ve found he has a knack for gardening and does very good on the family farm he just really doesn’t see the point and I don’t really blame him I suppose it’s not for everyone and I know Arc is more of a moon person. Yes actually we do go to museums and no I wouldn’t ever get mad at him for that we all have our off days
Yes and yes but ours is not the same so it’s good to keep of communication in our relationship so we stay afloat. We really haven’t had any problems though as words of affirmation is something Arc is good at unknowingly because of his poetry addiction and I’ve always been a really touchy person
My favorite thing about dating Arc is his ability to express himself though body language for example we’re at a party I don’t have a ask in front of everyone if he’s tired from all the human interaction he just shows it with expressions or posture..or whatever he chooses to convey but I never have to ask. This can be a problem on the small occasion that I can’t see him because I cannot rely on him to tell me because I usually know.
We’re people pleasers and that’s one of things we sorta bonded over when we first met we feel horrible égéen if the thing wasn’t our problem or responsibility because it made whoever upset. We don’t have very good people skills I’m overbearing and him not enough which has lead a lot of people to sorta stay away unless of course you’re also like us. I’ve found that we both share an appreciation of art mine is more in fashion design and makeup while his is writing and visual sorta stuff
Without hesitation(I’m not a huge fan of chocolate)
Geek charming (I’m not sorry)
Yes because I will feel bad for making him upset though he’s probably right anyway as he’s more logical than me…but one cannot always choose mind over morals so maybe I might be right on the off occasion
Not really l…sorry..but I think wonder woman is cool if that’s the same fandom? 
Crocheting, sewing, working out, and I love to sing but I’m not very good at it despite what Arc says but I do want to get into photography 
I would if he asked me but I don’t really read them because he likes to tell me about them and I love hearing about them…he also probably wound be very happy at my reading for him because he knows reading is a struggle for me
Oh this is a good one! Probably the Edgar guy I like when Arc recites them especially Anabel Lee
No because he prefers Aster white aster to be exact..
Of course! Most our chores are mutual so we don’t have it set on who does what but if he’s doing something I’d definitely help him finish whatever it is
Teenage dirtbag by weetus I honestly have no Idea how I’m not tied of it yet and a close second is  in this shirt by the irrépressibles which I listen to while designing 
Definitely guitar it’s just so pretty but Theodore might get me into piano he plays like a dream
I do Hope your next three days go spectacularly well and this was really fun I definitely might consider this app or the website at the very least thank you.
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haruistopheles · 21 days
"First meeting" a haruka[oc] x Mephistopheles fanfic-obey me! Pt.1
contains: classmates to lovers, fluff, love triangle , jealousy , slight cursing :3 note* this is the first fan fic i've EVER done so i hope you like it :3
Haruka was just walking to her first class for the day. Mammon and Leviathan were walking beside her like protective brothers; if a demon were to approach her , they would give them a sinister glare stating:
"fuck off , shes not interested!" or "step one more closer or ill kill ya!"
Haruka knew they were just trying to keep her safe , but they didn't have to pose threats like that..... In the distance they could see Asmodeus and Satan walking towards the classroom.
"morning guys!" Haruka waved at them.
"Morning , hun! how is my cutie pie today~??" Asmodeus struck her with a seductive smile. He tried so hard to flirt or call Haruka names, but Haruka wasn't falling for it, but in general ,Asmodeus and Haruka got along surprisingly well.
"ah , good morning Haruka" he shot Haruka with a dashing smile. Haruka and Satan were particularly close, every afternoon after school, they would go to Satan's room and catch up on how school was or just talk in general. There was so much trust in the friendship they sometimes opened up to each other about their past and tell secrets.Most of the time tho , they would open up devil tube and watch cute cat videos.
"ehem" mammon signalling that class was almost starting so they all hurried together to class. . .
Time skip-after school
Solomon was waiting at the RAD gates for haruka so they could walk back to purgatory hall together . Haruka said goodbye to the brothers and approached Solomon. As haruka said goodbye to them, Solomon couldn't help but notice the deep connection between her and the brothers, he found it ..... astonishing... i mean we're talking about the seven Deadly sins here and yet, she managed to not only befriend them but to make pacts with them all ?! Now that's impressive! Solomon gave her a kind smile.
"hey , how was school today, mammon didn't cause you any trouble, right?" he laughed at the thought of it , it was very clear mammon was clingy to her, no , i think everyone knew that.
"it was good thanks, and no , not too much trouble , apart from the glares he gives at the other students..."haruka sighed at the thought.
"ha, yea I've seen these glares he gives off, i'd be frighted if he gave me that look" Solomon said, hoping mammon wouldn't give him the glare
" you better stay on his good side then" haruka laughed. Solomon liked the sound of Haruka's laughter , it brought him joy knowing she was happy. When they got back to purgatory hall , haruka set up dinner( no way in hell was she going to let him cook-), the amount of times Solomon insisted to cook a meal was crazy, but haruka made a loop hole ( Haruka got so good at cooking, Solomon always wanted Haruka's meals and has never asked to cook dinner again-Simeon and Luke were impressed-).Haruka cooked a stir fry as that was their favourite meals. ~
After the lovely meal, Solomon thanked Haruka and helped with washing up and cleaning the kitchen. As haruka was washing up , she accidentally dropped a fork on the floor, Solomon also noticed this too and both went to pick it up. Both hands went to grab the fallen fork, resulting there fingertips touching, they looked up and saw their faces were close, they both blushed a bit and haruka picked the fork up. They felt a bit embarrassed , but it wasn't too much of a deal and carried on cleaning, Solomon 's face was as red as a tomato.If it wasn't clear from the beginning, Solomon really , REALLY likes Haruka, but he doesn't know if she feels the same way, so he tries to avoid embarrassing moments like now....(>///<)
the next day.... -----------------------------------------------------------
Haruka got up a decent time and got ready for school, She found Solomon at the breakfast table , eating buttered toast and a cup of coffee.
"morning Haruka" Solomon gave her a gentle smile
"morning Solomon" haruka smiled back whilst making her breakfast and pouring herself some coffee. She sat at the other end of the table, and both enjoyed their breakfast.
The made it to RAD and waved goodbye to each other and went to their first class. This was the only class that haruka nor the brothers and the others shared a class with, but she knew a few students in that class so she was okay. She sat down at her desk and waited for class to start. She then heard the sound of boots clicking on the hard-wood floor, she noticed a few students were whispering amongst each other. Haruka turned around to see one of the RAD newspaper members-MEPHISTOPHELES. His desk was close to her desk , but it was a good angle to see his pretty features.
She had heard a couple of things from the others about him-most of them weren't nice-Haruka couldn't help but turn a bit red when seeing him- his dark, silky ,magenta hair , his stern , attractive face , EVERYTHING-
She looked away from him and waited for the teacher to start the lesson.
"today, i'm going to pair you up with someone for this weeks project!" the teacher exclaimed
"pairing up?" Haruka thought... she wondered who she was going to end with. The teacher paired some students together.
"hmm Mephistopheles...you can pair up with... Haruka." the teacher glanced at Haruka's direction.
"M-ME?!--" haruka thought, she was to surprised to speak-
Mephisto stood up and walked to Haruka's desk , you could tell that he wasn't a bit annoyed that it wasn't a demon and that it was the human exchange student-but he got on with it anyway.
"it looks like i'm your partner for this week....Haruka is it..? he slightly smiled at her and sat down next to her
"um yes.."haruka was very shy when it came to talking to new people , especially when they were this hot-
"i don't bite ,you know? i mean, i wouldn't be surprised if those brothers you hang out with so much ,brainwashed you that apart from them everyone else is going to get you or something "
haruka felt annoyed by his comment-especially bad mouthing the brothers like that-'maybe he is a bitch after all' haruka thought
"i know that--- and no, they haven't "brainwashed" me thank you very much!" she shot an annoying glare at him-
he scoffed
" .. no need to get defensive- anyway , back to what we're supposed to be discussing about"
Right , the project. it was about to make a presentation about one of your favourite places in the Devildom, so the pair had decide on a place fairly. They wrote a few locations.
The bell rang.
"meet me in the RAD newspaper room at 3:00 sharp" Mephisto said as he got up and left the classroom before haruka had a chance to speak.
" why 3:00 sharp?-damn he's demanding....it pisses me off!" haruka explained to Satan , Asmodeus and belphegor before the last lesson ended.
"We told you he's an ass" Satan said
" i feel bad you have to be his partner for week, ...WAIT DOES THAT MEAN YOU HAVE TO STAY IN RAD FOR AN EXTRA HOUR?!?WITH HIM-!!" Asmodeus whinnied
"well....yeah unfortunately" Haruka sighed
"i only like him because he doesn't like Lucifer, THAT'S IT" Belphie confirmed
"well.... it's almost three so... i don't want to keep 'Mr . perfect' waiting" Haruka and the others laughed at the comment and waved good bye to her.
Haruka approached the doors of the RAD newspaper room. She took a breath and let herself in.......
{PT 2 COMING SOON} :3 hope youve enjoyed so far~
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crazyw3irdo · 6 months
some notes i like
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seeing this and going “hm that pfp looks familiar… is that who i think it is…” and clicking the url to confirm that not only is that tybalt’s actor in the austrian retj, but also his description says “tybalt’s defense lawyer” & their blog has many tybalt posts was hilarious
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^act 3 scene 1 in a nutshell
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hanging those two on my metaphorical fridge. also woah emh url jumpscare (of course the emh fans find beauty in the tragedy of being at the mercy of higher powers that don’t care for your life)
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first off this is tumblr we can say fuck here, second off i made this quiz in an hour right before i went to bed 👍
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i haven’t written anything public in years lol and id personally say i’ve never really written poetry before which is what ppl tend to be agreeing is what this quiz is. but i do have a lot of OCs that like. given the response to this i might try to do some stuff with. this is partially a plea if anyone has any questions about any of my special interests be that my ocs or romeo and juliet or anything send me an ask i love to talk about this stuff. elevator pitch for my main oc universes:
-group of supernatural guys (witch, ghost, werewolf, elf, and two vampires) in the post-apocalypse trying to save the last vestiges of humanity & look after a little human girl
-seven deadly sins but they’re magical girls fighting the four horsemen to stop the rapture
-more lightheartedly, four monster roommates in the modern world. about a 100 monsters just showed up in the usa one day and no one knows why. one of the monsters starts a youtube channel
-fairy tale type story where a prince has to rescue princess from a dragon but he has to bring a wizard he hates along with him and also the princess doesn’t like him
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this is the most mercutio response lmfao. also love how many ppl wanted to get mercutio whether they did or not. glad my blorbo is yours too lol
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does the sun have to shine? does the world have to turn? the oceans rise and fall with the moon? your lungs breathe? your heart beat?
the answer to all of these, of course, is none of it has to happen. but you wouldn’t have life without it.
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i appreciate the effort but as a mercutio myself i can only be killed by a tybalt. it’s like pokemon type matchups. if the person from the first tag on this post wants to kill me tho then yeah i can’t do shit about that
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cj-6 · 2 years
Judgement upon Angels of death
Basically I decided to take notes during this show because it was short enough and the thing that kept me watching was the possibility of finding cultural references. This is the sorted out version of what I initially wrote down. It's a complete spoiler bom and based on my own opinion, so that is your warning.
Word count: 3.3k
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The Intro
There are a couple things that can be found and broken down by linking it back to the intro (which is often where big hints are given off about the plot anyways).
The wanted poster that can be seen in one of the first frames has Isaac Foster on there. This leads to what happens in the end when he gets arrested, also generally speaking he is a wanted criminal from the beginning of the story.
There's this shadow which looks like Rachel, that can be seen hung. This might correlate back to her thoughts upon suicide.
We also see a ripped up stuffed animal in the intro. That is probably the one Rachel used the filling of to perform taxidermy on the puppy.
When introduced to Cathy, the other half of the screen has bars with those people she judged behind it (who later return as walking corpses during the witch trial), but the frame changes to a close-up of her face.
It's interesting to see that when Ray grabs ahold of Zack's hand, the past version of Zack appears in the background, signaling that the closer they get the more they get to know each other.
The white dress in which we see Rachel is the hospital gown we see her wearing at the end. She's also holding on to Zack's knife to show she still kept her promise (that is also what she does in the last episode; that knife is seen the moment that Zack pulls her out of the window).
The blue bars all the characters (except for gray) pose in front/behind of in the last moments of the intro have something interesting to them, as Cathy is the only one who has one of the bars go across her eyes, actively covering them. It could be a fun easter egg to the saying 'justice is blind'.
I like to think of the intro as Zack's and the outro as Rachels.
The colours
It's very visually pleasing to see how every character has their own thematic colour.
Rachel = blue, Zack = red, Danny = green, Eddie = orange, Cathy = pink, Gray = purple
Whenever there are those droplets in cutscenes, I believe they refer to Rachel and Zack in a way.
The seven floors + sins
Just a heads up for this part, my idea was to combine the seven deadly sins with each character or floor, but it is quite flawed.
Gray created seven floors to represent the seven stages of purgatory.
Starting off with B7, it was a floor created to place the test subjects on. It isn't very interesting aside from the messages on the wall that encourages the subject to understand and find out their own identity.
Then B6 is Isaacs floor of course. And I might as well already link the sin wrath to him. Interestingly the colours of each character align almost with the colour of each sin (with two exceptions).
B5 is Daniel Dickens' floor. He was a very okay written character with a background to build of off (not my favourite tho). What's interesting about his floor is the sheer amount of eyes he has in his collection. This is an overall statement but I now realize how peculiar it is that we only see previous victims on Cathy's and Eddies floor (and Rays if you will), but never on Zacks or Danny's. There are obviously a large collection of eyes but the remaining corpses are nowhere to be seen on either floors. Green is the colour of envy which suits him well. Personally I think he fits greed better but on the other hand he doesn't act that selfishly (craving love and acceptance isn't selfish in my eyes, he wishes to relive a moment in his life through new people and that could be seen as greedy maybe).
Onto B4, the floor that belongs to Edward (Eddie) Mason. I don't have much to say about Eddie apart from that he was the sadly-unrequited-love-character. Besides, it's sad that he didn't have any background story. I do like how greatly he matches his persona to his colour to his sin. Gluttony is often connected to eating great amounts of food, but it means to consume excessively, which is what Eddie does. His one sole passion to create beautiful graves and kill on request is like consuming the same materialistic ideas over and over again.
B3 is the floor that Catherine Ward dedicated to punish the sinners after judgement to reach salvation (which contains the iconic mugshot moment). Based on the sins I wasn't able to place regarding colour Cathy got stuck with greed. Of course I can't tell for sure if the sins were meant to connect at all but I like to assume so. Catherine was someone who I wasn't able to crack, even though all characters are very simplistic in their wants and needs, I'm not able to summarize what hers were. I also don't get what her thing was for Zack. However going back to greediness, she may have wanted to take too much from the ones she was supposed to judge in a fair fashion. If we go back to what I said about justice is blind, you can also see that she is literally doing the opposite. She is looking over Ray and Zack constantly with a whole set-up of multiple camera's and screens. So Cathy got too self-indulgent in her self-assigned job.
Now onto my favourite (which gets its own segment later on), B2, reverend Gray. This is the floor that is far more centered around Ray's past than Zack's (I think B4 and B5 are about neither, then B3 is more about Isaac's past). The best thing is how nothing on this floor is vital, all is an illusion. The smoke are potentially drugs, but since it's also fiction it could as well be unexplained magic. However there is the topic of the story progressing towards atheism and with that in mind the hallucinating drugs seem more likely to me (even though I don't love that esthetically). What I adore about this floor is that's it is the place of escape, even though it's not the last floor. This obviously has to do with the fact that Gray was the one to create the building in the first place. Another great thing added was how Rachel walked into a confessional before being exposed to her own truth. One thing mildly irks me though; the stained glass didn't have to get ruined in order to pass it (Gray and Danny have used it to leave the building multiple times). Although it is in character for Zack to smash it to pieces. Gray fits pride the best (which also fits his thematic colour purple). His anti-aggression behaviour and ideology make him prideful. Not only that, but declaring himself God of the construct simply because he fits his self-made description seems prideful to me.
Last up B1, which I can't really get anything interesting out of. The floor is a representation of Rachels elderly home. I think the design was upon request by Danny, which I can't really get behind. If I wanted to give Rachel everything she had wanted I wouldn't have left her real parents on the floor, Ray didn't seem happy with her parents after making them look more like a functional family, it was quite the false reality for me. I think that's why I also adore one of Zack's lines when he is walking around there: 'Is everything fake in this place?'. I think there's also a missed opportunity on this floor. Zack was assigned to find the name plate of a door (which is the door to Rachel Gardner's room). Instead of finding it on the same level, it could have also been the one that they made on Cathy's floor (used for the mugshots). When Rachel very clearly threw her plate away in an episode, it gave off high foreshadowing feelings.
Religious themes
The fact Ray and Zack took one last stairway up when they were trying to exit the building, is almost like the stairway to heaven. The thing is though, that they ended up on the ground level, and the journey closely represented hell rather than heaven, with all the fire chasing them I mean.
I am not that familiar with the bible (although I want to be at some point), but upon hearing that Zack is officially named Isaac, I immediately thought of the story of Abraham and his son Isaac which I learned about in a philosophy class. Basically Abraham is ordered by God to offer his son Isaac, which was a way to test him. Abraham follows this request without question. In a way I can see Rachel in this (pre character development). Gray also asks her if she 'would defy His will?', to which she finds no answer.
Interestingly enough though, Gray's full name is Abraham Gray.
As I was looking for a biblical figure that shared the name Danny/Daniel with the character, I found out about the book of Daniel. It's a story and book apart of the Hebrew bible. The two things interesting about this book are the fact that visions are a decent factor in them. Imo they represent all the eyes Danny has collected. The other thing is that in part 5 of the book, I think there were also messages and handwriting appearing on walls, it reminded me of the messages Rachel keeps finding.
In one of those teaser messages at the end of each episode, the sentence 'Try to know everything about Her.' pops up.
For a long time I didn't understand what the butterflies meant that we see Eddie surrounded by after his death (perhaps even before that). I found out that in religious context, butterflies represent the soul. It can also relate to resurrection and such. You can think of the butterflies on Eddies floor as the souls he was able to bring rest in his made graves. This makes me emotional to think about.
These last five will be about the sins that can be seen in the picture frames that are presented to Ray on Gray's floor. These don't necessarily tie in with themes from religion, but felt like writing them under this segment regardless.
The white cobra, which also roams the floor at some point, can signify in Japanese culture a shape-shifting creature that moves between heaven and the underworld. Since the floors of the building represent the seven stages of purgatory, Gray is the one to move between floors and to the outside world. So he could be the snake. But that wouldn't explain it as a sin. In American culture, it can mean to need to unify. But I feel like cherry-picking when trying to find meaning for some of these things, in particular this one. The need for unity is what Rachel feels for her situation at home.
Now the running kid I can only think of in a simplistic manner. It presents the idea that Rachel blacks out her own sins. In her mind she refuses to acknowledge them in my opinion.
Next is what to me looks like a Mongolian hunter. Something interesting I read about hunting is that it closely combines life and death; providing the hunter with food to live, whilst its prey meets its end by those means. Maybe this leads to Rachel who killed her father to live on herself. Or even to how she kind of performed taxidermy on her parents and that stray puppy.
Last one, which appears after slicing the three before that with a shard of glass. By the way, I know also realize that the shard of glass was picked up by Ray to represent herself. So she basically plays into what Gray says; she destroys her own sins, rather than facing them, because she desires to reach a goal beyond the task at hand and does this without any respect to the goals in the present. However, this was a painting of three sheep. The lamb is Rachel and the other two are her parents, who we see drift out of the painting like ghosts.
Sheep are also obviously hunted on by hunters. And in a biblical sense they are often seen as sacrificial animals (Ray had to sacrifice what she had/was used to in order to survive). Sheep also symbolically represent God's people.
This ties in a tiny bit with what I said in the last part, in my opinion this is the best topic out of all I talk about.
Isaac 'Zack' Foster -> A fosterkid, Isaac like the son of Abraham
Daniel 'Danny' Dickens -> Daniel as a biblical name means 'God is my judge', also known from the biblical story book of Daniel
Danny is also called specs, 4 eyes or even 5 eyes by Zack
Edward 'Eddie' Mason -> In a biblical sense it means a successful guardian (that fits so fucking well), Mason means an artisan who works in stone / stoneworker (this works even fucking more, I'm shocked)
Catherine 'Cathy' Ward -> Is just a prison warden, possibly inspired by St. Catherine who is known for the salvation of souls and the healing of the church
Gray -> only character without a full mentioned name in the anime (according to the internet it's Abraham Gray, now I'm getting weird ideas of Gray being Zack's real father uhh), couldn't find anything in a biblical sense but I interpreted his name as being morally gray
Rachel 'Ray' Gardner -> Rachel means ewe (which is a female sheep), if you remember that one scene when Rachel is on Gray's floor and she is slicing through four paintings, one painting is of three sheep, which represents her family, thinking back someone might have called her a lamb at some point but I'm not sure, weirdly it means one with purity (which would be the opposite of her), google suggests that Gardner potentially means one who bears arms, which works ngl
Reverend Gray
I cannot deny that he was by far my favourite character from this show. He created a test building to observe the ones who believe in God. That also left me questioning whether anyone has made it safely out of the place. I genuinely love how complicated he looks on the outside, because it's a common idea in this show that all the characters are very straight-forward with what they want. However, Gray is also like this, even though we are made to believe he is far more intricate. This is because of Grays counterparts. Not only is their simplicity over-exaggerated in clear goals, they also all seem to have a struggle to understand Gray (which takes the watcher along to think alike with the main characters). His goal is to satisfy his curiosity, and he willing to go really far with this. First of all, he has put five other people in this building with him, and we don't know a lot about how willingly this went. I'm sure Zack was given a new chance, but what about the others? Maybe their future had been brighter (Danny seemed to have a job), and Gray simply manipulated them into thinking otherwise, by giving them more freedom than they would have in normal society. He has also indirectly killed many to get data; I don't think a lot of people were able to get further than the first three levels (B7-B5), seeing the amount of eyes Danny has collected in jars and given Zacks skill. Eddies floor would be passable (there also weren't that many graves), but then seeing the amount of zombified creatures on Cathy's floor, makes me believe that Gray has put a lot of people in the building. Besides, he never even got to see those victims in person, which I mean...give.. voyeuristic tendencies ;) The moment Gray decides to blow up the building with a big smirk on his face, I knew for sure that he was my fave. He reminded me of two other characters which I also akin in certain aspects of their personality. Chrollo from hxh (if you know what scene I'm referring to, you know) and Lee Eun Hyuk from Sweet Home (again if you know, you know). I think what they all have in common is their look on life, they play with it so airily, yet take it on in all seriousness.
The last thing about him I want to touch upon, is his morality and his way of dealing with violence, which aside from his decisions along the way, make him a truly morally gray character. This no violence policy he holds onto is so evident through his own floor. The place where he uses smoke to induce hallucinations to put his targets to the test. But since it's all in the mind, no one is purposefully harmed on his floor (which is interesting thinking about how he gives the others the freedom to actually do so). Even after all this, I still believe his intentions are pure and feel like he silently grieves the fact he feels he has to take such deadly measures.
Random notes
It was such a clever touch to make Zack unable to read. It says a lot about him.
I fucking loved the your mom joke, that hits my humor.
The fact that it's unclear when Danny is an illusion or real on Gray's floor haunts me a little.
When Ray says 'Bye-bye' to Zacks scythe. It's smart, unsettling, and cute.
It took Rachel so long to stitch Zack up I had that idea the moment he passed out in the elevator.
I love that we're allowed to see such a destructive character (Zack) in genuine fear. We are able to understand where his irrational and panicky behaviour comes from, and that is something I find important.
On the same topic, Zack is shows vulnerable in a much different way. On Rays floor, he is surprisingly calm, whilst being held at gunpoint, which is a control that typically would lie in his hands.
There are two white doves flying away after Zack and Rachel make it out of the building; just a very simple way to signify freedom.
It's ironic to me that Zack is behind bars right after breaking his way through multiple ones.
The definition of an angel according to this show is someone who acts out of purity. Isaac Foster was an angel because he had a simple mind with a sole desire to kill. His weapon broke the moment he started using it for someone else's benefit, which is just beautiful symbolism.
'A sinner has no right of choice.' it's something Cathy says that just stuck with me.
Another saying that I like is: 'I am me. Nothing more and nothing less.'
I found it interesting how Gray often in search of answers only started conversation if he was speaking to someone one-on-one, otherwise it was purely necessary dialogue.
I noticed there was this mild circle-ending with how Rachel stared at a big blue moon through a window.
Speaking of the ending, I didn't particularly like how we didn't experience anything that signaled Ray's death. No audio of a slicing sound or a scream or maybe even a white slash across the screen to emulate the movement of Zack's scythe. It disappointed me a little.
There are so many flowers in this show, I can't help but think they all hold meaning, but I'm not in the mood to over-analyse further on all of this.
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immasock · 3 years
Hi!! Could you do all the obey me brothers with a GN!MC that says "I love you" a lot?? Like Beel is literally leaving the house to work out and they're like 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨 "WAIT I love you, have fun💕"
Thank you if you do take this request!!!
Oh I love that so much❤️ they all deserve the love
Pronouns: They/Them
The brothers + an MC who says “I Love You” a lot
We all know that this man is whipped for you
But he’s not the best at expressing his feelings
Especially in the beginning
So when he’s in his office late at night and you bring him a coffee before giving him a kiss to his cheek and saying that you love him
He’s a little shocked
On the outside he’s calm and collected
On the outside he acts kinda smug about it
On the outside he gives you a smirk and asks you to repeat what you said, saying that he didn’t quite hear what you had said
But on the inside
He hasn’t had someone as special as you are in a very long time
Sure it’s not like he hasn’t had someone tell him that they love him in a while
He’s the firstborn and most powerful of the seven deadly sins so naturally he has fans
When you say it tho
It does something to him
It means more to him than anyone could ever possibly know
He insists that you stay with him that night so he can spend time with you while he finishes his work
Though he wouldn’t be mad if you decided to distract him for a bit
You are the best distraction after all
Even after the hundredth time you’ve said that you love him it still makes his heart do little flips
He does try and find ways to respond to fluster you with his responses whenever you tell him you love him
Only if you’re alone though
The first time you tell him that you love him is while you’re having one of your movie marathons
His face immediately heats up and he quite literally jumps out of his seat
You can’t just say stuff like that without warning yknow??
I mean of course you love the GREAT mammon
But still
Give a man a warning next time
You know that all the insults must get to him so you make it a point to say that you love him as often as possible
One would think that after being told that someone loves you as often as you are that one would get used to it
But you’d be wrong
Every time you tell Mammon that you love him he has to hide his face to keep you from seeing his face turn red
He doesn’t get told stuff like that very often so you saying it all the time means a lot to him
He doesn’t know how he managed to get someone as amazing as you to feel that way towards him
But he is definitely thankful for it
You gotta warn him several minutes before hand if you don’t want him to nearly pass out
The first time you tell him that you love him is during one of your anime binges
His favorite characters love interest just got killed and Levi took it kinda hard
He was really invested don’t judge
While he was blubbering about how love isn’t real and how that character deserves better you’re just holding him
He of course hadn’t realized this since he was too busy crying over that character
Until you tell him that “It’s okay. I love you Levi. They’ll find someone new to love them as well���
It takes him a second to process what you had just said but when he does he also literally jumps out of your arms and out of his chair
It takes him several minutes to stop stammering and to calm down enough to get out a coherent sentence but when he does, all he can think to say is “why would you do that?? How could you say that about a gross otaku like me??”
You spend the next half hour trying to convince him that you meant what you said and that you weren’t just saying it
The next time you say that you love him he doesn’t freak out as much as he did the first time but he still gets all red and stammery
Especially if you’re around people or are having some sort of intimate moment
He would be out of commission for a few minutes while he’s trying to recover
He thinks it’s cute but he still doesn’t understand how someone as wonderful as you could love someone like him
The first time you tell him is while you’re in the library together having a study session
It’s more for you than it is for him
You’re stressed out cause you have a huge test coming up that is with a lot of points and so you asked satan to help you study
He of course agreed, like the good student he is
It’s late and probably time to go to bed so after you pack all your books away you give him a kiss on his cheek and tell him “Thanks for helping me study. I love you so much. You’re the best”
He’s at a loss for words but he quickly recovers and responds with something cheesy that he heard from a book like “hearing you say those words makes my heart sing”
Every time you tell him that you love him his heart swells a little bit
He’s so used to being seen as only this ball of unbridled anger and so he is beyond greatful that you can see beyond that and love him
Asmo is not shy about things like this
He often tells you that he loves you as well so when you say it back?
Or better yet
When you say you love him before he does?
He is esthetic
He can only think to drop whatever it is that he was doing to give you a big hug and pepper your face in kisses while telling you how cute you are and how much he loves you too
This is pretty much his reaction most of the time
He absolutely loves that you do this too
He adores it almost as much as he adores you
I know that this isn’t an original thought but this man is just a giant puppy dog
He absolutely loves it when you tell him that you love him
Especially when he’s going to go work out or if he’s on his way to practice
It gives him the extra motivation that he may need to get through his workout or practice without feeling the need to devour anything he can get his hands on
He’s a large demon but that just means that he has even more love to give
So he will happily tell you how much he loves you as well whenever you tell him that you love him
He’s just a giant teddy bear who wants to give all the love possible to his brothers and you
He knows that you deserve all the love he has to offer
The first time you tell him that you love him it catches him off guard
But he doesn’t do much about it since he’s half asleep
Can you blame him?
He’s in his favorite place to nap in the attic with your lap as his pillow
It’s hard for him to think about much when he’s that cozy
The next time you tell him tho is while he’s awake and so you get a much better reaction
He doesn’t really freak out but he can’t help but letting a large grin appear on his face
If you think that you’re going anywhere for the rest of the day once you tell him that you love him then you will be sadly mistaken
This man will pull you down for a nap for the rest of the day
And if you try and get up to leave?
First of all how dare you
Second of all, you know what you signed up for when you said what you did
You belong to him now
Sorry but you did this to yourself
You must submit yourself to unlimited cuddles and naps
Oh well
Might as well accept your fate now
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Hear me out: shameless spoilers for Four Knights of the Apocalypse and Seven Deadly Sins ahead.
What if Sin is Derrieres reincarnation?
Given the fox theme and name and eyes, the connection to Ban and Lancelot seems most obvious, but what if Nakaba is back in troll mode?
When Derriere died, Mael let her and Oslo have a reincarnation so they can get revenge on him if they wish to. They would keep their memories as well. Now there's a few things that don't exactly add up about that theory, but here's what I could think of so far:
Derriere has the same eyes as Ban. We haven't seen Sins eye color yet. For all we know it could be hers.
We have seen Sins furr tho, and it's the same pink as Derrieres eyes in the anime. (tho in the English translation Sin is described as a red fox, but pink and red, y'know)
Sin's attitude and use of language screams Derriere to me, if you read the manga with that comparison in the back of your mind. Sin's just trying to get these kids to Liones alive and god does he need a nap. Sounds about right for a 3000 year old elite soldier turned babysitter. I'm getting slight Witcher vibes.
In recent chapters Tristan asked Sin for his age. Sin said 3000, and at the kids shocked reaction claims to be kidding. Clearly not kidding from a story telling point of view.
Now here's what I can't wrap my head around in the Sin situation yet:
Let's be honest, Derriere would rather rot in hell than take a single order from Meliodas ever again, let alone serve him sitting on a throne.
I do see her doing Elizabeth favors tho, or generally hanging out with her.
The first thing we see of Sin, before we see what or who we're looking at, is the crystal around his neck. It has to be shit important. In illustrations we've seen it's kind of a light blue. Interesting.
Sin uses spell beads. Merlin's spell beads. Now we could assume they're just common by now, seeing as in NNT the Holy Knights used them during the ten year gap were Merlin was not with them, but:
It's been (even if in a side comment by Nasiens) specifically pointed out how Sin knows a lot about Arthur and his Chaos Knights. We could obviously shove that onto him being somewhat the mentor character and a tool for delivering exposition and shit, but he's been telling the kids a lot about Arthur for a while now, and it's the first time it's been pointed out. Stuff like that just rings alarm bells in my writer brain.
Then there's the most interesting scene we got of Sin so far, one that heavily implies the Sin is Lancelot theory: the one during the night before they pass the mountains. The kids ask why the mountains are so dangerous, Sin replies cause they make you see things. He examples specifically: your future self or even future lover. Then he gets called around by a ghost looking like a bride who knows his name. Implying that first of all Sin is not his real name. For obvious reasons I'm gonna assume that bride is Guinevere, AKA Arthurs beloved, the person whom Lancelot, should Nakaba stick to the bare bone of the Arthurian legends, will fall in love with. I really like that scene. I really like Sin.
Sin could be a completely new character that we still sort of know already for all we know. He could be Derriere (I really like the idea of a former Commandment, Demon Clan elite soldier babysitting a bunch of snutnosed somewhat Holy Knight apprentices). I don't see why Derriere would change her name tho if she kept her memories as Mael said she would.
Sin could also be a double agent for or against Camelot, a creature Arthur created or befriended and drove away again for obvious reasons, a straight up child/creature of Chaos, or one of Merlin's experiments. I do believe he has some connection to Chaos/Arthur/Camelot.
At first I thought he's Bans eyes and ears, in a literal way, but the personality doesn't fit. I do believe Sin to be their own person. Possibly Lancelot. Possibly someone else. Possibly the Knight of the Apocalypse with no fixed appearance (who is possibly Lancelot lol).
I'm excited to see how this plays out. We're still a loooooong way from any reveal that big I'd dare say, but once we get it oh boi am I gonna be insufferable about it.
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sullina · 3 years
This is another snippet for a half formed au where Hendrickson didn’t get away and had a proper trial… it’s also an au where the reason he went full demon and had the ability to control the other demons was because he used a higher leveled demon’s blood… one that had snuck through the opening of the portal and been immediately captured by Hendy when he attempted to open it with just the key but no goddess blood. A certain ravenette
Ever since Hendrickson had revealed to the world that Meliodas was of the demon race during his coup, right in front of the entirety of Liones’ Holy Knights, Meliodas has dealt with whispers and looks as the people of Liones now knew for a fact that the rumors about the captain being a monster were true. His eyes closed, thinking if the horror filled expressions in his beloved Elizabeth’s face when she realized this.
“Lord Meliodas?”
Eyes snapped open, Meliodas realized the king had addressed him. The whole court was now staring at him, anticipating his answer.
“I asked if what Henderickson said about being possessed is possible. As the only other… we’ll, you know. Urhrm! Anyways as the only demon around you are truly our only reliable source of information on this matter.” Baltra cleared his throat, gesturing towards the bound holy knight grandmaster.
“Hmm… what did you say the demon looked like, Hendrickson?”
“L-large purple beast. Spikes all over it with a mouth in its chest!”
“… it can’t be..” Meliodas whispered, horror in plain to hear in his voice. The idea that something out there could horrify an actual demon caused a stirring among the court.
“L-Lord Meliodas?”
“That demon is more than capable of that feat, yes. But there’s no way it could actually be him, Fraudrin should be dead! I killed him!” Meliodas explained, a disturbed expression on his face, “Hendrickson, where did you say you found this demon!?”
“W-we were surveying the destruction of Danafor, 16 years ago. We found it injured and near death begging one of us to allow it into our consciousness to heal. We thought we could learned so much about the demon race if we-“
“Then you two were damned fools!” Meliodas growled, “You took in one of the Demon King’s Ten Commandments! His personal elite! Not only that but Fraudrin was the bastard responsible for the destruction of Danafor! Those injuries were caused by me when he… he… Ugh, I can’t deal with this! I’m sorry Baltra but I need some air before I do something stupid!”
With that the demon left the room, growling. Nobody stopped him, when Elizabeth made a gesture to follow only to be stopped by Diane, shaking her head. The way the captain looked, it could only be related to his sin, and the one thing you never do with a member of the Seven Deadly Sins is pry into their sins. Because one of the key witnesses left, Baltra was forced to adjourn the court for an hour.
“Will Sir Meliodas be okay?” Elizabeth asked the shrunken giantess, worrying her lip. Didn’t have her a pained smile, trying to reassure her.
“Captain will be okay… he’s just… having a rough time of it. I’ve heard rumors about what his sin might be and I think that Fraudrin guy Hendrickson was talki about might have something to do with it. Just give him space.”
It's a good thing Mel left, too, because when Elizabeth found him hours later, he was still upset. Thinking of Fraudrin, and how he killed the entirety of Danafor, and then Liz right in front of him brought back memories he didn't want to think about. Meliodas was so in thought that he didn't notice Elizabeth walking towards him until she almost touched him.
(seriously tho, this is a pretty interesting au.)
Meliodas needed lots of calming down in order to rejoin the court. This was one of the rare occasions that he was thankful that Merlin robbed him of his power all those years ago, because if she hadn’t, who knows if Liones would still be standing after the court.
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leoneslover · 4 years
𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮! 𝐚𝐬 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐞!༄
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Hello my dear fellas, today I bring to you the crossover I think we all needed for this Halloween, Haikyuu! characters as Obey me! characters.
In case you don’t know, Obey me! (Also shortened to om) is a Japanese otome game (dating sim) where the MC is sent to the demon realm (also known as devildom) as an exchange student for a year. In the game you get to live with the Seven Brothers (each one representing a deadly sin) and y’know, date one of them lol.
But what if instead of demons we get cute volleyball players... let’s find out!
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𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐒... Sakusa!
Alias: The Avatar of Pride.
❝ 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡.
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 I don’t know about y’all but personally I can clearly see Sakusa as Lucifer. If you played the game then you know that Lucifer, being the oldest of the seven brothers, is the most collected and responsible one. Guiding the MC with advice and always knowing how to keep his brothers from causing any harm.
Many people strike Sakusa as straight up mean, personally I think he’s just reserved. He knows how to keep his cool, and even tho he’s not a crowd person, I think he’d play well the role of “leader”.
𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐒... Oikawa!
Alias: The Avatar of Greed.
❝ 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑.
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 Mammon, one of the favorites within the players, I think. Annoying and self-centered as hell, but he’s not as bad as many people think. Like Oikawa, I feel like a lot of people might kinda hate him at first, probably due to their obnoxious personality and witty comments. But in reality they’re both a couple of sweethearts.
I personally don’t see Oikawa as a greedy person, however he has very clear goals and as we’ve seen, he’s willing to do everything he can to reach them, pushing his boundaries for something he loves. So I think he’ll fit the role pretty well.
Alias: The Avatar of Envy.
❝ 𝑁𝑜𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝟸𝐷!
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑢 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑑-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 Do I even need to explain this one?
Levi and Kenma are literally the same person and you cannot change my mind. Not only in their interests (both obsessed with games and geeky stuff), but also in personality. Their usual calm and soft spoken demeanor only broken by really specific situations. And yes, I know that Leviathan is more prone to have rage outbursts than Kenma, but we’ve seen Kenma get angry a couple of times (literally the last two episodes of haikyuu) and besides, he’s a gamer, so you can’t tell me that he doesn’t get angry when he plays games.
Anyways, this one is pretty self explanatory lol.
𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐒... Sugawara!
Alias: The Avatar of Wrath.
❝ 𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑐𝑡.
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑐𝑦𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝘩-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 Again, do I even have to explain this one?
Even tho he’s the avatar of wrath, Satan is shown to be the most composed brother (except when it comes to Lucifer but for the sake of this crossover we’re gonna leave their feud aside), however that doesn’t mean he never gets angry, he’s still the avatar of wrath after all.
Suga is always shown as “the mom” of the group, very polite and calm when it comes to serious things. However we all know he has his volatile side, as seen during the Shiratorizawa match were he starts shouting at his own team. This is why I think he’s literally perfect for the role.
And I could go on about him as Satan honestly but I don’t wanna make this too long so let’s move on.
𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐒... Terushima!
Alias: The Avatar of Lust.
❝ 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑒!
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝘩-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 Not gonna lie, I almost put Oikawa in this one too. Almost.
I’m a little conflicted with this one to be honest, the reason being that Asmodeus, even tho he’s the avatar of lust, it’s not your usual fuckboy. He’s more of a romantic seductive person, meanwhile Teru is literally just a fuckboy.
However, imagine the power Teru would have if he behaved at least an ounce like Asmo. Yeah, I’d love to see that.
So for the sake of that mental image (and the fact that Teru can pull hella bitches I’m telling you) we’re gonna give him the role <3
𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐙𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐁 𝐀𝐒... Ushijima!
Alias: The Avatar of Gluttony.
❝ 𝑊𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟?
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠-𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑥𝑡𝘩-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 The way I struggled with this one. Anyways, before you say anything hear me out.
For this one I went more for the looks (clearly). Beelzebub is not only the tallest, but also surprisingly the most fit of all the brothers. Needless to say, our boy Toshi (who’s not the tallest but it’s still quite big) can fit into that role so easily.
Also, not only that, but their personality. Both really quiet guys except when it’s strictly necessary for them to speak, and literally the embodiment of no thoughts, head empty, like all the time (with the exception that they do think of something, but sadly it’s only one thing and that’s it).
Anyways, kinda doubting on this one for the gluttony part, but besides that, perfect match 10/10.
Alias: The Avatar of Sloth.
❝ 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑡𝑜𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐𝘩 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛?
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝘩-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 And last but not least we have the avatar of sloth, Suna Rintarō.
Now I’m not gonna lie to y’all, I struggled with this one too, and I’m still not sure if I made the right choice. But since I’ve seen everybody saying that Suna is a lazy guy, I’m just gonna go with the flow and pretend this is a perfect match lol.
And not only because of that, but also because I can clearly see Suna being the type of person to fall asleep literally everywhere. Which is a common thing they have with Belphie 🥺
But yeah anyways, kinda see it, kinda not. You’re free to disagree with me on this one lol.
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And there it is! Haikyuu as Obey me characters. Hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want a part two! (Including the side characters like Diavolo, Solomon, etc).
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This is what I have written of the prologue for a Nanatsu fanfic - which I will upload soon, I hope - with which I won the local literature contest, although I will possibly modify it to be a little experiment with a new format of "" novel "". I'm still writing the first episode, but it's already pretty fun to write. It's my fix-it fanfic and I choose what gives me comfort lmfao. :)
It's not on it's fully potential tho' but anyway I was... well,,, I just want it to....probably I'll delete later lol.
Enjoy, ¿I guess?
At first, she didn't notice them. Not until the consequences were very striking. She had to help Arthur as her ward, she had consumed too much effort toward this experiment to fail now. That had kept her entertained, although that beautiful ending of hers would soon change. Arthur was adjusting well to the ruling, she expected no less from her tutelage. He was noble and honourable, although he was still somewhat innocent a quality that almost disappeared during the holy war. There wasn't a lot of things she valued, but that was one of the things she still allowed herself to look longingly at, still, her decision was already made. She had chosen Arthur, for so long, throughout the war... That was her purpose, that was what filled her. The prophecy of that King able to unite and rule Britannia. She did what she had to do and she didn't regret doing it. She didn't.
Her hand came to rest on her face. She didn't regret the people she had left out. And so she chose Arthur. "The memorial would be soon", she thought as she ran her fingers across her jaw. She wondered if someone would come. Definitely none of the deadly sins, not after that outcome. So this time she would likely go alone, as she had been all her life. Not that one-off company, the seven deadly sins, not the one who always knew how to see right through her. Escanor. It was ironic, every time she saw her marks she felt a warmness expand through her body, comforting her haunting guilt. She didn't remember the exact words he said to her in his last moments, but there was always the same disturbing feeling in the memory. Useless. She couldn't remember if she had ever felt that way. There were always firsts times, she supposed, even for a person who had lived 3000 years. Sometimes things that make the least sense can be the answer. In this case, the answer to why her triumph had been so unsatisfactory. Normally when she had filled her curiosity a shot of pleasure ran through her veins. The pleasure of knowing. It was her only addiction, her way of living. Since she was little, following the example of her distant father. Until she met Meliodas. Some might believe that she didn't have a heart however it was not true, her pulse was as alive as the blood that ran through her veins. Although of course, the metaphorical one... The right person but at the wrong time, too late. Isn't it ironic? But it was over now, Isn't it?
Her gaze fell on the book. King and Diane had thought that she was the one who should have it, in the end, all those poems were for a single owner: her. After his words, both of their words. She could afford these thoughts, it was his day after all.
She wondered how many would come, of course, there would be at least 3 of them missing.
She brought her hands to the handkerchief, putting on the piece of cloth. She didn't usually allow people to see her like this. With the passage of days, the absence of him, those burns were something more intimate. Like his poems, this was the first, last and the only poem she dedicated to him. Only to him. She would treat them as such, also she didn't want to waste time with looks from those ignorant who didn't understand their meaning. Few people could.
She closed her eyes. With the actual circumstances, it would be difficult to pass by without being seen. But still, she arrived just before noon, the sun right in the middle of the sky. Rhitta was glistening. Someone - another mystery to her - had planted a couple of flowers around the weapon and its roots were climbing up, clinging to the small nameplate that gave it its meaning to the always still weapon.
- Good morning, Escanor.- She walked, the words weren't something that used to come from her lips in recent days. Not that she had anyone to talk to daily. But she liked to do this thing where humans talked to objects which belonged to dead people out of pity. What a pity that he died. She had wondered many times if that was what she missed: Being heard. ¿What was the missing piece? - It seems we will be alone again.- She lowered the reddish handkerchief feeling the cold air brush against the scars.- You know, everyone is busy. Diane and King protecting their clans... Gowther is visiting the world. It seems that they're beginning to forget you.- Inevitably, she paused.- You know, I'm working on a new poison extracted from the darkness of demons. I'm trying to apply the same method that my spell-orbs. It's not of much use at the moment, but who knows ... maybe Arthur needs something like that.- No, that... didn't feel right. He always liked to listen to her but...
- From what I know he's trying to expand Camelot. I hadn't told you before, but I'm not his direct assistant anymore. After the battle of the clans his trust... At least he lets me live here, not like fairies or giants anyway. I have to say that he has made his exceptions, he has to maintain an image, but perhaps his decision was not the correct one. - Her expression changed, looking away. If there had been someone closer, she wouldn't have said it.- Maybe mine wasn't either. But what matters is that Arthur is safe for the moment. But there is a somewhat disturbing prediction that has recently gained a lot of interest among the knights of the castle. - She brought her hand to his chin, following in the same monotonous tone of voice.- I don't know if I should worry. Arthur is more than capable. Although the figure of the knights of the apocalypse is ... interesting.
More than interesting, it was disturbing. The existence of the deadly sins had shown her how a kingdom could be demolished by a few people. If that prophecy was true and they had enough power, the expansion of Camelot could be compromised. She knew only a few people who could have enough power to deal with the chaos. She didn't want to doubt the new court that Arthur had, but, there was no one in the fairy or giant clan who could stand up to him.
- Of course, the power of chaos is at another level. - She dismissed the issue with a wave of her hand and a smile. - What do you think Escanor? What words do you have in mind? You would take care of me from the afterlife, didn't you say that?. - The surprise lasted a few seconds, she vaguely remembered that phrase.
The words of the silence grew heavier as she waited for an answer: No one. She turned her face back to her neutral state, wasting that smile. There were no laugh marks on her face. Only her tightly clenching jaw expecting a different result from an experiment already completed. Two, three, four times ... It was useless, she didn't find comfort in this silly tradition, it only left her with this devastating feeling. The warmth of the poems was gone. Escanor had disappeared.
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name-me-how-u-want · 4 years
Okay, most people probably don’t know, but I have exactly one fic (HP ff) on ao3, and I started to work on a second part of it? Because I finally named the entire universe (’My sins shaped you’). 
I honestly come up with more than I thought but... yeah, but. I’m a person that’s very easily gives up on something which kinda sucks, but I also know me and my dumb ass, so I’ve decided to make a back up plan.
If you only read ‘Forgive me my sins (because I don’t know if I can)’ then you know it has an open ending. You can basically interpret the whole thing how you like.
All tho I have decided to share how the whole thing looks for me, and explore universe a little bit (I might even do a concept art? because I already started working on it, but my again my dumb ass forgot to bring it w/ me on a trip).
So if anybody is interested how it looks, bc I might never sit to it again, here is some info on my HPxFMAB crossover au:
There are all of HP characters in there, and most of FMAB characters, but not all
The Draft in The Flask was never created in that universe, thus Van Hohenheim wasn’t immortal, so he died before meeting Trisha, which causes Elric brothers to never be born
That means that their entire roles of are taken by Ron and George
Ron and George actually kidnapped Nina
When both of them found out what Tucker did to his wife they just picked her up and run
Shou Tucker reported them to police NOT to aurors, meaning now Ron and George can’t prove their innocence without breaking the Statute of Secrecy
There are seven deadly sins, but actually only two, but the main “big bad guy” works on it to make it seven
And there’s Pride and Wrath and there is gonna be big plot twist, so now that I still have motivation to work on a ff, I’m not revealing it (if i lose motivation I will tell you guys what’s up with this to funky bastards)
And seven deadly sins are gonna be absolutely different people (creatures?) then in FMAB
Honestly I don’t know how to include most FMAB characters in the fic, but I have roles (? I think that’s a right word?) for them
Like I know Roy Mustang is an Austrian wizard and an auror, where as Riza is a muggle sniper and I know where they come in to play
But I also know that squib Alex from a pureblood family of Armstrongs will fistfight everybody for one (1) Neville, but do I know where that comes in to play? Absolutely not
Kingsley Shacklebolt is getting a backstory (I don’t even care if pottermore gave him a backstory I’m not even checking it bc I coming up with tHE WHOLE THING) But really that guy deserves more attention
i also... ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ᵈᶦᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵈᵉᶜᶦᵈᵉ ᵒⁿ ᵃ ᵐᵃᶦⁿ ᵖᵃᶦʳᶦⁿᵍ
It’s not like romance is gonna be big part of the story, but I definitely want SOMETHING
Hinny, Pavender, Bill x Fleur and Arthur x Molly gonna be background, but I have not a single idea on the main ship
I don’t think I’m gonna pair up George with somebody. Firstly I never saw him with Angelina. Secondly I think this boy is gonna have so much trauma, that he needs to work through it first
So that leaves Ron
I don’t know how to write a romance between him and Hermione? I don’t hate the ship, but I don’t like the bickering married couple troupe (don’t get me wrong! Bickering married couples are cute, I just don’t think that relationship should start with it or be built on, if you know what I mean)
I really like the idea of Ron x Neville because that would be super cute, but I don’t think it would work out in this universe, because they don’t actually interact much with each other
So I’m left with Ron x Luna, which would make weirdly a lot of sense, because Edward x Winry, but again, I am much bigger fan of them as close friends
If you guys have any ideas for Ron ships, feel free to message me
Oh and yeah, Lavender IS alive, but is the same kind of werewolf as Bill (i wanted to keep it a secret but i have no self control so im already saying next fic is from her pov)
Also i AM NOT a coward so Albus x Gellert (i hate that name) will be in a story, not much but still (But don’t worry it will be only in some old letters or flashbacks)
OKAY,  that post was way longer than I thought it will be.
If you guys, pals are interested in this au and have questions about it my askbox is open (BUT AGAIN i AM a DUMB ass and i still DON”T KNOW how to use it, but i AM working on it)
Also if you seen some grammar mistakes please you can tell me, english isn’t my 1st language
UPDATE: now i know how askbox works, so like rn you can totally send me asks
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sleepymccoy · 5 years
year in fic
i saw a couple of these around and i love the idea! so yeah im taking part too <3
Rated: General
Word Count: 2,524
Posted: 15/6/19
3000 years on from the apocalypse have been pretty chill for Crowley and Aziraphale. Gabriel and Beelzebub took their posts after they quit their jobs as reps on Earth and now are trying to get in touch to discuss personal matters. This is basically a short fic that’s jut a hella awkward conversation with some possessiveness, it’;s sweet. Side note, this was my first fic and I wrote it up before we knew Beelzebub uses they/them pronouns so I used the actresses pronouns for it. I mean to fix it up but haven’t got to it yet, so, apologies
Needed a break, gone to France x
Rated: General
Word Count: 8,808
Posted: 28/6/19
About a week after the apocalypse and Aziraphale leaves Crowley a note on his door explaining his absence. Crowley goes into a tailspin trying to decode it for like two months. Light miscommunication fic, but it’s made up for with some nice fondness and some letters at the end that are pretty cute tbh 
Try On Some Pride For A Day
Rated: Mature
Word Count: 20,614
Posted: 4/8/19
One night, two months after the apocalypse, Aziraphale challenges Crowley to a competition. Will Aziraphale get Crowley to inhabit the seven heavenly virtues, or will Crowley get Aziraphale to enjoy the seven deadly sins? It’s all very cheerful with much sexual tension and a couple of squabbles. This is a friends to lovers sort of fic. It’s also asexual Aziraphale, pretty outright, so while it gets steamy there’s no sex in the fic
Rated: Explicit
Word Count: 12,635
Posted: 21/8/19
Heaven and Hell decided that as they have their Worst Employee of the Forever sorted, they could shimmy the worse parts of the gig off to them. And being summoned sucks. Crowley finds he keeps getting summoned by different people, more often than ever before. This fic is the roughly year and a half period after that failed apocalypse, told only through scenes where Crowley (and one time Aziraphale) have been unwillingly summoned by someone. I will say the real joy of this is that Crowley is pissed off most of the time and Aziraphale is appropriately protective. The last chapter is full blown sex. This is another friends to lovers fic
Is It Worth It Yet
Rated: Teen
Word Count: 10,935
Posted: 22/9/19
Around abouts the 1000AD mark, in what would become Turkey a few hundred years later, Crowley sat down, took a breath, and told Aziraphale how he felt in a total trainwreck of a conversation. Chapter 1, that conversation. It’s pretty angsty but I fix it all, don’t worry Of course, Aziraphale would then expect Crowley to bring it all up again after the apocalypse, and when he doesn't he decides to take matters into his own hands and broach the topic himself. It doesn't go as well as he'd hoped. Good ending tho, don't worry guys. 
Rated: Mature
Word Count: 9,178
Posted: 10/10/19
Crowley has had one thought going about his mind for a while now, and that is that he really likes Aziraphale's body (highlighted by how he comparatively didn't enjoy seeing Aziraphale in Madame Tracy). But how does one tell their friend of 6000 years that he's got a hot bod? Awkwardly and with great difficulty, is the answer. He accidentally dredges up a Gabriel-related issue Aziraphale has been holding on to. This is a very consent heavy fic, there’s a lot of “are you sure?” and “what do you want?”
the kind of thing one says easily
Rated: Explicit
Word Count: 15,496
Posted: 15/10/19
Kind of my take on an au where Crowley just straight up told Aziraphale pretty early on that he loves him, so it was a fact of their dynamic for centuries before the apocalypse. I call it the "if they actually communicated" au. Fits in with tv canon, I've done a prelude or a run on from one or two major scenes in the show, you'll almost certainly catch it. But yeah, snapshots of them talking about feelings, sometimes very serious (mostly pretty serious actually) but sometimes quite light and lovely. Classic lads. Still don't get together until post apocalypse cos, ya know, it be like that. Runs from like 2000bc to 2020ad with 12 segments of story, although three of those are 2019 cos like that's when shit really went down
Not Quite Human
Rated: Explicit
Word Count: 10,398
Posted: 26/10/19
Crowley and Aziraphale had both quit their jobs for each other and returned home after the apocalypse, tumbling rather helplessly towards a relief-filled romance. But old habits die hard and with nothing left to keep the pair from expressing their feelings, they created their own barriers to hold themselves back. And so years passed with pointless desire, self inflicted wallowing, and miserable restraint. Luckily for both of them, the angel was fed up. He’d been stewing too long and had decided to give it a go. This is kinda an exploration into a different writing style for me, it's not a dedicated pov and it's full of little flashback style (sort of, not like serious flashback, more like mulling over the past for context) vignettes with ideas i wanted to include. 
Still Waking Up
Rated: Teen
Words: 31,153
Posted: 5/11/19
Aziraphale has noticed Crowley's odd behavior. Since the Apocalypse he has spotted Crowley outside the shop, just watching, like a watchdog that watches and doesn't come in and explain himself. This fic follows a roughly two year period after the apocalypse in which Crowley admits to nightmares about the bookshop and Aziraphale burning and struggles to come terms with it and ask for help. Aziraphale grows increasingly lonely and purposeless and some of his damage from Heaven rears up. They slowly navigate supporting each other as best they can. Main points of interest are probs bed sharing, much mutual pining, kissing, and softly handled trauma recovery.
(omg guys that’s a cumulative word count of 121,741 in six months! that’s a whole lot more than i’d imagined. what a year)
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justkpopjokes · 5 years
Nice to Meet You, Angel. || Demon!Joshua
Ft. Joshua/Jisoo(s Chri—actually no, the complete opposite)
Anon: Demon Joshua😏
A/N: This AU has gone through 4 whole plot rewrites rip. kinda inspired by Good Omens!! (also 2 aus in a week?? whaaaaaat)
!! This is a gender neutral!reader fluff with 1945 words~ !!
Before we begin the plot, lemme quickly go through the basics of the universe
yayy lin’s doing world building again
there are angels and demons in the universe, simply just the optional jobs of people’s souls once they die
if they choose this job, they don't remember much of their life on Earth, but they do remember events they associate w/strong emotions bc it helps them
for ex. an angel could remember how sad a death made them feel so they know to prevent it
and a demon can remember how angry a bully made them felt so they can make people that level angry
both angels & demons take the form of their bodies when they were alive and roam on Earth
they can also return to Heaven/Hell and observe Earth from their respective realms
also yes demons can be summoned, but lmao you can also just give em a phone call via incantation
the angel equivalent to this phone call is praying
demons can pretty much do anything as long as it relates somehow to the Seven Deadly Sins (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth)
angel powers are more holy/good, and they can grant things in prayers if they choose, etc
THiS bOi sHUa
he's chill af for a demon ok
one of the first demons so like no one really knows how he’s a demon bc he’s so polite
there’s some speculation that he was one of the first to fall but like
what the hell did he do???
But also some say he became a demon out of spite bc he saw a demon commit a “sin” that actually helped someone
so he became a demon just to help people in a more… unholy way
and then he was upset angels hated him just because he was a demon
like wow spirit discrimination
you are an angel (literally)
you’re the angel that protects like. atheists/"non-believers" bc c'mon just because they don’t believe in God/gods doesn’t mean they shouldn't have access to that protection service
(yes hello you’re calling APS, the Angel Protection Service sponsored by God, how may I help you?)
so yeah you’re pretty chill yourself since you have to constantly deal with people who don't believe in you lol
One fine day, you were listening to a prayer from a sick college student
ok it wasn't really a prayer but they were like "oh please, my god, let me get some sleep tonight"
you gladly put them to sleep and they slept soundly at night
when you checked on them the next morning, you noticed—
A dEmON?!?
…lying right next to the student (but above the covers, he has boundaries), who isn't stirring at all
if the leather jacket and ripped jeans didn't tip you off, he had some horns on his head to confirm ur suspicions
You: "Hey what in the world are you doing here?!"
???: "What? If they get up rn they won't be able to pay attention in class. I'm letting them rest first"
You: "Wha—who—okay, okay okay… who are you?"
"I’m Joshua, nice to meet you, angel"
Shua knows he has the name of an angel so afterwards he's like. Don't get it confused bish.
you ask him what he's doing, and basically, he's using the sin sloth on this sicko student so they stay in bed and recover instead of going to class
Even tho you feel iffy abt letting a demon affect a human right in front of you, an angel, you are a bit intrigued
you haven't seen a demon use their powers for good before…
who is this guy??
anyway he disappears, presumably to Hell, once the student needs to wake up
which is when u miracle them some bread to get
But don't worry, you're destined to meet again~
which you did, on several occasions
and ok maybe you were glad to talk to someone who was actually interesting
so, yknow,,, if another angel was like "hey y/n uhh there's a demon… bothering? someone? idk but it's a non-believer, that's ur jurisdiction right"
you had a guess on who this demon was…
…and you were right
Joshua: "Oh hey angel"
You: "Ew, you make it sound like a pet name"
JS: "Well I don't know your name, do I?"
You: "Oh. Right. It's Y/N."
he still calls you angel tho, smh that flirt
y'all just bicker and/or chat for a bit whenever u go help the same person
Like one time when he insisted that you let him use gluttony on a teen so they'd eat a lot of ice cream that day
they had just been through a bad break up so u let it slide
Or another time he used wrath on a timid kid so they could stand up to a bully
all of these ended w/you two bickering while walking away
There was this little girl you were watching from heaven who was writing a letter to "Whoever Can Do This"
little girl started listing a bunch of things, which you assumed were toys
but then you realized it was actually stuff like food, friends, a puppy, a loving dad who will go out to the park with her—
so u go down there to check on this lil child
…and that's when you see a familiar leather jacket watching over her and suggesting other things to write
you can’t see him from heaven so ur like gosh darn it I should’ve known
"Joshua?? I should've known it was—"
*cue both shua and the child turning around*
JS: "Oh hey, nice to see you, angel"
Lil' Nugget: *GASP* "Mr. Josh is this ur s/o???"
JS: "Hm? Oh, I mean, no, but um…"
You: "Josh what have u been putting into this one's head…"
Shua's all like "greed! Her dad's been ignoring her since her mom died so we're writing a list of things she wants"
then the smol girl smiles so wide and is like "Mr. Josh is helping me! He's my new friend!!"
ur like awww dangit ok I'll let it slide if u let me help
Once she finishes it, Josh hands the girl's list over to you
he explains quietly he wants you to miracle her dad to pay attention+love his daughter again so they can have/do all the other things on the list
you read it over again and do just that
The little girl gives the list to her father, your miracle allowing them to have a fun afternoon eating ice cream and playing with her toys
And you and Josh have a nice time too~
once y'all left that girl's room, he invited you for some soda
"Coke? I hope you mean Coca Cola"
"Yeah, uh, there's a place with a vending machine not too far from here. We can walk"
You don't spend time on Earth often, but you learn as you walk w/Josh that he "prefers the air up here"
mainly bc he doesn't fit in with the other demons, but he also just likes spending time with humans
(obviously tho he needs to go down to hell occasionally for like conferences and such)
you don't remember if you've ever been on a date before lol
Josh doesn't either, but he does remember how jumbled up ur emotions get, which he is not ready for
then again of course he has, I mean look at that charm
however, you can't remember if the feeling you get when going on ur little date with Shua is love :/
it isn’t really, but just bc this is ur first “date,” so it makes sense
But Josh makes sure to take you out again… for dinner!!!
you were investigating the use of lust and pride at the same time
of course, it was just Josh helping a guy find someone to hook up with
you were kinda disgusted and wanted to leave, so shua gladly took your arm and pulled you away to a restaurant!
y’all had a nice dinner, paying with some money Josh had collected
and then you went to walk together and chat some more
he’s breathtaking, and he actually wants to spend time with you despite y’all being on opposite sides of an inevitable war
You don’t care, going on more dates just to talk and not have to care about ur jobs and other stuff
Shua hears you yell “what the hell” at some point and he’s like woAH you can say that???
“Yeah. I mean, it’s not really polite, but I can. Can you say ‘Thank God?’”
“‘Thank God?’ Well look at that, I can. Good point”
you love him because he’s so chill and doesn’t give a f*** abt anything
except you and humans, apparently
like he could’ve burned or smth by saying “Thank God” or be confined to the basement of Hell for helping people/talking with you, but he doesn’t care lmao
However, no one really knows you’ve been talking with a demon tho so uhhh
when they do you get in a little bit of trouble w/the archangels
ur boss was essentially like “y/n what the HECK are you doing?!? you’re on thin ice rn”
you get mad at him, trying to defend Joshua
and you’re right in doing so, since he just wants to help people with a different set of powers
ur archangel boss sends you back down to Earth, saying you can’t return to Heaven until they work smth out
(they probably want to burn you with Hell fire)
You warn Josh, knowing they might burn you
he’s adamant on keeping you with him, so y’all try to hide or smth
which won’t work of course, but you can try, right?
Shua and you sit together on a bench, with you leaning on his shoulder
“Joshua… I’m scared, I don’t want to be burned!”
“Don’t worry y/n, it’ll be okay. I love you, angel, nothing bad will happen”
and just like that, you remember what it feels like to love
“You’re right. I love you too. Help the non-believers for me if I go, alright?”
“I’ll help them just for you.”
Your archangel boss is smart, knowing the worst punishment for you is to be reincarnated without memories
you wouldn’t remember Joshua at all
and when he drags u back up to Heaven, you want to cry
do angels cry holy water? anyway
you’re sent back to Earth as a baby that can’t fend for itself
You remember nothing.
You’ve recently graduated from college and are out looking for a job
you’ve gotten rejected and fired so many times
for ex. just now, after you were arguing with someone who spoke another language that you didn’t know and there was no translator available
the customer wasn’t willing to cooperate either, ignoring your attempts to use an online translator smh
it’s late and you’re tired, so you leave, angry, and start coughing frantically when you inhale too much smoke coming from the alley next to you
naturally, you’re like “What the hell?! Dude, you’re not supposed to be smoking this close to an entrance!”
“Why do you care? You don’t work here anymore”
you take a better look at the stranger once he steps into the light of a nearby lamppost
it’s a dude in a leather jacket and ripped jeans who drops his cigarette
“Need help getting a job, y/n?”
“how do you—what—who are you?”
he extends a hand out to you, which you shake reluctantly
“I’m Joshua. Nice to meet you, angel.”
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hellreads · 5 years
'tis the season to get spooky fa la la la. Halloween cargo coming thru. check out fortunexkookie: (howling for you), yminie: (halloween collab masterlist)-top notch writers, juicy story line, pure indulgence- minflix: (nochu unsolved), floralseokjin: (stuffed pumpkin, burn in hell, the devil wears armani), polaritae: (cabin in the woods), sopewriters: (vampire suck, demon masterlist), readyplayerhobi: (rigor mortis). p/s: no trick just treats for my baby
Rara, you are spoiling me so much, this is the first part of my Halloween Cargo (because I have more on my to-read, as soon as I finish them I’ll make another list for you!), these are stories I’ve read, they are a mixture of different aus and aren’t specifically written for Halloween but they have that scary spine-chilling vibe tho, majority contain morbid, gory, violent, and major character death themes and warnings so read at your own risk! ~ but don’t fret I have soft, fluffy, smutty ones too! 👻
and as always you have great taste when it comes to fics, I’m lucky you love sharing your recommendations with me, I will add all of these stories to my list, thank you so much, my love! 💕💖✨ 
p.s. I read two stories from the “Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun” collaboration and read The Devil Wears Armani too! | 🍒
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Rara’s Halloween Recs 👻
❥ Howlin’ For You by @fortunexkookie➴ Werewolf!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ The way your Little Red Riding Hood costume lured over a fuckboy in a half-assed werewolf costume was a little cliche, but god damn was he beautiful. He promised he had plenty of big things to show you, and you took him up on the offer, not realizing that you might’ve bitten off more than you could chew. 
❥ Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun | Multiple Authors➴ Horror!AU | OT7 x Reader | Collaboration / One-Shots➴ Multiple One-Shots from different Authors, all stories inspired by famous horror movies: The Seance, The Shining, The Babysitter, Carrie, Misery, Sinister, and The Thing.
❥ Nochu Unsolved by @minflix➴ Cryptid Hunting!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ Your boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook, drags you out for a cryptid hunting adventure. It doesn’t go quite as planned.
❥ Stuffed Pumpkin by @floralseokjin➴ Halloween!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ Hooking up with the guy you’re neutral towards isn’t how you expected your night to go, especially dressed as a pumpkin.
❥ Burn in Hell (She Said) by @floralseokjin➴ Devil!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot➴ Hoseok’s taste is singular. That is his sexual taste. Singular only for humans. Being the lord of the underworld (his title… Seokjin wouldn’t be so happy), means his needs get taken care of instantly. Humans litter the place, soulless and trapped there for eternity. But then you rock up, in all your demoness glory (no title needed), and suddenly he wants a taste of his own medicine. Devil meets devil. Only you don’t fall to your knees so willingly.
❥ The Devil Wears Armani by @floralseokjin➴ Devil!AU | Seokjin x Reader | Series➴ You never imagined accidentally attempting to sell your soul to the devil would lead to this.
❥ Cabin in the Woods by @polaritae➴ F2L!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ The vampires only come out when it’s dark. good thing you and Jungkook will be home safe and sound by sun down… right?
❥ Vampires Suck by @sopewriters➴ Vampire/Werewolf!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ When things between you and your love rival, Jungkook, start heating up, you realize that not everything is what it seems to be.
❥ Demon Ritual Series by @sopewriters➴ Demon!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series / One-Shots➴ A series of one-shots where when you perform a ritual expecting to meet a horrifying monster, you are pleasantly surprised by some rather gorgeous devils instead. Enjoy it while you can because not all of them are as nice as they seem.➴ Jimin | Hoseok | Namjoon | Yoongi & Jungkook | Jin | Taehyung
❥ Rigor Mortis by @readyplayerhobi➴ Police/Zombie Outbreak!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ A night out at a bar results in you going home with a young and attractive police officer. But if you think the night was something to remember, that’s nothing compared to waking up to find a zombie outbreak in the city. A chance encounter with Officer Jeon leads to him helping you escape from the plague-infested city.
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Io’s Recs 🎃
❥ Otherworldly by @sinning-on-a-sunday➴ Coraline!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ When you discover a tiny door in your home that leads to a much better version of your own life, it seems too good to be true. little do you know, the man posing as your boyfriend may be a lot more dangerous than you care to admit. and he is not intent on letting you leave.
❥ Curiosity by @sweatae➴ Lovers/Hacker!AU | Taehyung x Reader | One-Shot➴ Sometimes you can’t stop your own curiosity… Letting it take you to places you wished you’d never been.1 click, 1 mistake, 1 regret.
❥ In the Dark by @caramelkth➴ Halloween/FWB!AU | Jimin x Reader x Jungkook | One-Shot➴ Jungkook and Jimin have a very short attention span, and when you three are lost in the middle of nowhere with a truck that won’t drive, they find you to busy themselves with.
❥ Eradicate by @gukptune➴ Purge!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ A hotel intern finds himself trapped between death and lust.
❥ Seven Deadly Sins by @countrysundae➴ Hell/Demon!AU | OT7 x Reader | One-Shot➴ You stood suddenly, chair being pushed away by the backs of your legs, the rest of the sins standing with you as you looked around in panic. All except Sloth who was out cold in the corner.
“Oh, little pet, indeed, I am still hungry.”
❥ Wraith by @gimmesumsuga➴ The Shining!AU | Yoongi x Reader | Part of Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun➴ A month or so of laser focus; that’s how long it should take to get it done. No distractions, no procrastination… Short-term suffering for long-term success. All work and no play never hurt anyone, right?
❥ The Runaways by @littlemisskookie​➴ Police/University!AU | Namjoon x Reader | Series➴ From the moment you saved Namjoon, you had him hooked. But the question is- are you worth all of the trouble you bring?
❥ Lust by @umitae​➴ Stalker/Killer!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ Everybody has a lust for something. but his lust was beyond the ordinary one. his lust for you was out of this world. he only wanted you and in order to make you his, everything had to go his way.
❥ L’Appel Du Vide by @infireation​➴ Killer!AU | Taehyung x Reader | One-Shot➴ //
❥ Satisfied by @infireation​➴ Killer!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Sequel / One-Shot➴ Sequel to L’Appel Du Vide
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Upcoming Halloween Collaborations:
❥ Fantastical Tales for Curious Souls | Multiple Authors➴ OT7 x Reader | Collaboration / One-Shots➴ A chance discovery in a bookstore finds you as the owner of an old, well-worn tome. This new treasure called to you from the moment you saw it, abandoned in the back with the other unwanted books. Cracked spine, well-worn pages and a musty smell that spoke of age, it captured your attention. 
The cover is plain and scratched from the years, the title a faded gold that still catches the light somehow. Fantastical Tales for Curious Souls, it proclaims, and your eyes light up in wonder. 
Opening the cover, you note the contents with interest and settle down to read the seven stories written by seven authors within.
❥ All Tricks, No Treats by @yandere-society​ | Multiple Authors➴ OT7 x Reader | Collaboration / One-Shots➴ ‘Hell is empty and all the devils are here.’ | A yandere-society event inspired by modern and classic horror films.
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