#interdimensional portal
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lucidpast · 1 year ago
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Martha Mason shows off the "interdimensional portal" in her basement. Just one of the many remnants of the Transdimensional Temple Cult leader who used to own it.
The Transdimensional Temple was a small cult in Columbus, Ohio, that disbanded in 1984.
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object-obsession · 1 year ago
The Hero of Color City > MOST CHARACTERS
Inanimate Object Characters List | Entry: 12
Finally resuming the list, we have a movie in which almost all characters are crayons that came to life! Those are the sentient object characters of the movie... and also a (3D) drawing of a car, by the way. It was quite a fun watch.
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Movie: The Hero of Color City (2014)
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uapro · 4 months ago
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bet-on-me-13 · 7 months ago
Amity is a Dimensional Dump
So! Amity Park is a hub of weirdness of all sorts, mostly undead, but there are also a bunch of Multiversal oddities connected to the small town.
There are the minor anomalies. 5th Street has a bad habit of slipping into the Backrooms, Old Lady Jenkin's House sometimes has snow in summer, and of course the Night Sky had a 20% chance of swapping views to another Galaxy. Danny likes that one a lot.
But the biggest Anomaly is how many Multiversal Travellers get lost there.
They are always finding somebody wandering the streets with no idea where they are, and have to help them find their reality of origin. Other times they decide to stay for various reasons, ranging from a bad home life to being the only survivors of a Dead Universe. Half of the population if Amity was made up of the descendants of Lost Travelers, so their DNA was really a mixed bag.
Danny was flying over town when he spotted a Blur on the ground below.
He flew down to intercept, and found a boy in red and yellow panicking over his situation.
"Hey! Can I help you?" He called out.
The boy looked up, and gasped "Are you a Hero? I need help getting back to the Justice League!"
Danny chuckled, "Which one?"
The boy looked confused, "The Adult One? I guess?"
"Not what I meant, sorry. I mean, which Dimension are you from?" He clarified.
"Dimensions? What is going on!?" He shouted.
"Okay, let's calm down and restart. My name is Danny, who are you?" He introduced himself.
The boy took a deep breath, calming himself, before saying, "Okay, my name is Kid Flash, but you can just call me Wally."
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largishcat · 4 months ago
the real problem with having an office job is that you all don’t have the exact same job as me because i have a million #relatable posts that would do numbers except they’re only funny to someone who knows all the same niche internal acronyms so i just have to post them on the team slack and get four laugh-crying reacts
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irfrenchfries · 1 year ago
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Ford @forduary week 3 (portal Ford let’s goooo) I really wanted to do a piece of Ford earning his wanted poster. So here we go- Ford stealing parts from a space ship for the quantum destabilizer.
[Image description: digital art of Ford from Gravity Falls in his portal era, with a black hood pulled over his head and a small flashlight held between his teeth. He's pulling wires out of a panel on the side of a saucer-style UFO, looking nervously over his shoulder. He seems to be in some kind of alien hangar, with a red light emanating from above the door. End description.]
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tinfoil-jones · 28 days ago
Jerk Ford AU: Silliness V
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If you mean Watchdog Ford by @nowimjustastranger, whom is sometimes called "Guard Dog Ford" Those two aren't friends. They just happen to run into each other a statistically impossible amount of times in the multiverse.
Any and all reports that they've saved each other skin at least once, and hang out sometimes are just rumours spread by their mutual ally (ALLY not friend) the Anti-Ford.
If you mean Guard Ford from the AU by @skeptiql... it's their AU, I'm not imposing on it.
If there is a cosmic security guard out there monitoring the Fordverse, considering that all Jerk Ford does in the multiverse is be a total jerk to everyone and cause trouble (and then get banned from dimensions for the two aforementioned reasons), I imagine reactions to him are typically going to be:
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He's not heinous, malicious, or evil, he's just a really big jerk for no good reason.
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Me and @nowimjustastranger are in the process of proper crossover, don't worry.
In the meantime...
Jerk Ford: Watch, this is Stanley. Stanley, this is Watchdog Ford and Lee.
Watchdog Ford: ...
Lee: ...
Stan: Well heya pal. It's nice to see Stanford's made more friends! I knew he had it in him to be nice and compassionate.
Jerk Ford: Stanley, I swear to God.
Watchdog Ford:...You're-
Lee: You're tall.
Stan: *looks between Watchdog Ford and Jerk Ford in an exaggerated up-and-down to annoy his brother*
Stan: *to Watchdog Ford* So are you.
Lee: *grinning* Oh, we're going to get along just fine. Let's chat.
Watchdog Ford: You... You aren't suffering?
Stan: If you don't call grading two hundred student assignments without assistance suffering, then sure.
Lee: ...nothings wrong?
Stan: Right now, no. I did miss my brother for the thirty years he was gone. It wasn't easy... the townsfolk truly believed I murdered him, and thought that was a good thing. And then acted like I was wrong for missing him.
Lee: So everything went okay for you?
Stan: I don't know what to tell you, pal- excluding not having Stanford in my life for thirty years and the issues that comes with that, things are going fine. If I'm having trouble I can just ask someone for help, and if I have problems emotionally I have friends and family that would lend me an ear or two. Also, I am medicated and seeing a therapist for stuff.
Lee: ...
Meanwhile Jerk Ford is in the corner sipping from his #1 Big Brother mug, and Watchdog Ford gets suspiciously misty eyed.
[Dialogue primarily by @tearosepedall]
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It's a misconception at that Jerk Ford does not experience empathy (or at least not any for anyone besides his twin brother). This misconception is one of the reasons why The Ford Hate Club is always tripped up by him - they don't understand him. They think he's unfeeling with little to no emotional intelligence.
He has a surprising amount of empathy, you can see in this post he even says that most other Fords do not hate their Stanley, what they really have is resentment.
Jerk Ford just uses that empathy to know how to get under peoples skin and really hurt their feelings. Can't hurt feelings very well if you don't know what they are or how they work!
What he does lack is compassion, as in he doesn't help, support, or uplift people. That's a Stanley thing.
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Jerk Ford: Your attack misses.
Dipper: Misses?! With my bonuses I had a total of twenty-three to hit!
Jerk Ford: That doesn't even touch the monsters THAC0.
Dipper: THAC0? Great Uncle Ford, 3.5 Edition is over! It's armour class now!
Jerk Ford: I'm the DM, and I rule your attack misses.
Dipper: *flips the battlemap, forgetting that the infinity dice is there*
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Jerk Ford had such a bad habit of getting engrossed into his research and study that he would overlook things like finances (and showering). Stanley managed the finances between himself and and his brother, and he did send money back to the family, not millions but it was something.
Jerk Ford also had most of the money because he had his grant, and also a few patents, but Jerk Ford only cared about anamolies and terrorizing humanity so money wasn't something he thought about very much as long as their basic needs were being met.
When he lived back in Glass Shard Beach with his family, however...
"We should go graffiti Pines Pawns."
"Hell no, dude."
"What, you scared of Old Man Pines?"
"Forget Old Man Pines, don't know know what his son did to Crampelter? We don't need to be on his sh*t list."
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spenjelly · 2 months ago
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So does like… cps not exist in dp?
Cause like.
As someone who grew up with the threat of cps. I feel like a mandated reporter ought to have had smth to mandatorially report. Even if they didn’t know about Danny’s alter ego.
Also the fentons are totally fake scientists who know nothing about the scientific process or how to properly form theories and experiments.
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cheddar-cheese-enthusiast · 5 months ago
how i feel when i spent months in the trenches fighting to defend mabel and now i’m doing the same thing for ford
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inkyrainstorms · 1 day ago
To Inky,
So I was thinking about Polly and if she is going to be also be brought through the portal, then how would she react to things!
Polly looking at different bugs and species that is different from her dimension, the way she observes humanity (because before her only reference to what humans were like was Stan)
ALSO POLLY LIKES HATS, She likes to steal hats, she likes to wear hats that are incredibly big on her.
She does not care, she for some reason finds them fascinating. Also sometimes she does “sneak attacks” on her Pet Godkiller by sneaking up on him and putting a hat on him.
Also more cultural thingys about Polly that I was thinking about, her species is kinda related to Shifty’s species but the best way to compare it is,the same way a lion and a cat would be related.
Polly’s species is way more dangerous than Shifty’s, but they both are born from eggs and can shape shift.
That’s all of my thoughts for now!
- 🪤 anon
OOOOO YEAH I love the idea of Shify and Polly being sort-of-kind-of related!! Especially since the alien spaceship that the egg likely originated from was owned by aliens that perceived up to the 7th dimension. The Shifty origin story is absolutely nuts. Polly and it are 43rd cousins or something, I’ve decided.
she’s training her Godkiller how to survive is all! He’s so squishy and fragile, she can’t just let him NOT know how to defend himself. It’s enrichment (Stanley is so tired)
I, or somebody, has got to draw Polly with like, a dozen hats banaced on her head. She’d be incredible
@aroace-get-out-of-my-face Polly is an absolute menace I love her
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hitracks · 8 months ago
a spare joko please...
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My unconventional ass Joko design. His mascot just reminds me of fraggles so much. He’s like a little puppet thing …. Just a weird Little Guy….
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shallowseeker · 6 months ago
The first time they come back through the rift, Cas is being so chivalrous, asking if everyone else is all right:
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CAS: "Are you all right?"
DEAN: "No, Cas!"
But the second time, it's so much worse. Dean would give anything to get annoyed with Cas again.
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Which is why the original Tombstone script gets me. It’s like the bookend that should’ve been…
As if it's how it was supposed to be when Cas got through the rift, same ole' Cas asking if everyone else was okay, and checking on how Jack's emergence went:
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12x23 // 13x06 writers' draft
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sig-on-the-run · 11 months ago
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I said I'd fucking do it bitch
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fear-is-nameless · 11 months ago
In page tease by Bad Egg for Marvin's newest comic;
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That lil' kitty cat
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looks like it's running towards some familiar colors.
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 years ago
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internetskiff · 3 months ago
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There's a certain hypothetical I've had bouncing around in my head in regards to the Borealis. Considering it's an Aperture vessel there is a non-zero chance that it has some kind of AI installed onboard to steer it. This also means there's a non-zero chance that the only reason it zips between space and time on a regular basis isn't because the teleportation device itself is malfunctioning, but because the AI just wants to fuckin go places all the time. Judging by the fact most Aperture AIs tend to corrupt over time, and the Borealis is at the very least as old as GLaDOS (who is 80% corrupt herself), this hypothetical Borealis AI would probably be corrupt as HELL, which would explain its obsession with zipping around and "seeing the world".
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Considering it apparently barely had any supplies for a crew, it was probably either designed for very short trips OR it's almost fully automated. Though this is mostly a crackhead theory of mine, it cracks me up that I can't seem to find anything that directly contradicts it. ANOTHER deranged possibility that just popped into my head: This is how GLaDOS "goes places". When she says she went to "see a deer", what the deer saw was a massive icebreaker materializing in the middle of a forest river before promptly demanifesting again. The Combine have no idea how to ensnare the ship because in their eyes its movement is entirely unpredictable and follows no pattern. She's connected to one of the most powerful teleportation devices ever constructed by mankind and she's using it for the stupidest things like zipping back to the 1600s and observing some dodos or zipping into a Combine-controlled arctic just to watch some penguins. And this is exclusively so she can brag about going outside.
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