#interdimensional entities
moodboardsbysarah · 2 years
the entities that attached to my schizophrenic ex are trying to attach to me too since me and him are corded. they very much dont like me because I ambushed them and scared them away when I offered my ex all that unconditional love. theyre targetting me because I am growing into a powerful force for good. theyre abusing our cord and trying to torment me with parasitic thoughts. thoughts that I'm not good enough, I'm a slut, I need to become boring and blend in more (aka hide and be a coward) in order to be actualized, nobody will ever understand my thoughts so its futile to try and share anything with others, I'm a bad person for letting myself experience happiness, I'm doing the wrong thing by manifesting abundance in my life because it is "unfeminine" "unwomanly" of me to be a hustler, I'm never gonna be as smart as him or as good at anything as him so why bother trying, I'm a bad person for acting in my interests and protecting myself instead of completely dying for him... no matter how horribly he treats me...
I understand more clearly why he told me to run away now. he really did love me and want the best for me. he was literally telling me to run from the entities that are possessing him and working through him. he didn't have the words to explain what he was experiencing since society throws you in the loony bin if you tell someone about seeing entities and hearing voices. society is built to gaslight people's experiences as a method of controlling perceptions... the entities who puppeteer society don't want us to know they are real... obviously. also, gaslighting people is a way to create disconnection between people, create a depressed isolationist complex among those who perceive the entities (schizophrenics), which further feeds the entities their low-vibrational fear energy.
society suppresses all knowledge of entity attachments and pathologizes schizophrenics... when really, schizophrenics are seeing very real things that most people's perceptions are too limited to see. human perceptions are controlled and limited by alien forces, such as the reptilians, just to name one. most of us are not able to perceive what schizophrenics perceive. that doesn't mean what the schizos are perceiving isn't real. schizophrenics feel isolated because of how society treats them like loons. if we acknowledged the existence of these entities and how they are a predatory species upon humankind, I think we would help schizophrenics greatly. schizophrenics are valuable people who can teach us lots about fighting off entities -- if we only acknowledged that these entities are real in the first place and encouraged the schizos to confront them, instead of told the schizos to just ignore them and hate themselves for seeing them and medicate their very real perceptions away. they could be warriors who push forward our understanding of hostile interdimensional entities and entity attachments... two things which are absolutely real but suppressed by mainstream psychiatric institutions, for reasons stated above.
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starleska · 9 months
Have you ever read the Twelve and Toymaker comic? It gives a few more interesting looks into how the Toymaker thinks that aren’t touched on in the novelisation. Most interestingly (and the main focus of the comic) is that the Toymaker is terrified of the universe outside of the Toyroom — which seems to be defined by its walls, in the novelisation the Toymaker puts particular emphasis on the walls with the candy-striped wallpaper lined with dolls — because it has no walls and because he doesn’t (didn’t? He does in the Giggle) have much control of it.
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(‘‘The Toyroom is growing old, Doctor. So ancient that it no longer functions, as either prison or playground. The barriers between the Toyroom and the wider universe are growing thin, and it is this that has allowed you to wrest control of the toys, as my power wanes. Soon, there will be no Toyroom and I shall be loose in a wild, unforgiving universe, a cosmos with no walls. I can hardly conceive of such infinite horror.’’)
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(‘‘You’ve given a madman access to the entire universe! With that sort of power, think what he’ll do!’’ ‘‘That’s just it, Clara, he doesn’t want the universe. Didn’t you hear him? He’s terrified of it. He can’t bear the thought of losing his control. He needs his safety net.’’)
And that he doesn’t tend to accept help unless he thinks he’s won it.
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(‘‘So you’re just giving him the TARDIS?’’ ‘‘Don’t be ridiculous. I’m building a new Toyroom!’’ ‘‘Inside the TARDIS!’’ ‘‘Precisely! I had to let him think he’d won. He’d never accept my help otherwise.’’)
And THESE PANELS lives in my head
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(‘‘I had to help him, Clara. Can you understand?’’ ‘‘Let me see... a lonely God, drifting through space and time in his magical toy box? Yeah, I think I understand, Doctor, all too well.’’)
The EU tends to give the Toymaker more than his actual TV appearances (mmmm his rambles about being alone in the void and the cold in the novelisation). I need to dissect him and study him in detail so bad
hello love!!! oh my goodness thank you for sending this my way, because i haven't read this comic yet but the sections you've sent me have absolutely broken my heart 💔 what an interesting look into the Toymaker's psyche…it makes perfect sense. when you're a trauma survivor of any kind, especially if you grew up in a traumatic environment, the control you're able to have over that environment (no matter how minimal) is often all that keeps you together…you have to find comfort in that there and whatever small safe space you can carve out for yourself to survive. this has given me a lot to think about, because i wrote the Toymaker with what i think was the canonisation given when he spoke to the Sixth Doctor; that the Toymaker created his Toyroom after a very long time of aimlessly using his powers, when he didn't have a concept of gameplay. there seems to be some contention about whether or not the Toymaker is the creator of the majority of older games in the universe/the concept of games (The Giggle seems to allude to that?), or if he was inspired by other beings who created the games first. i like to think it's a bit of both; that he is the originator of many early games and gameplay rules, but it was the barriers between the voidspace (and his Toyroom) which let in the ideas from other beings 👀 the idea that the Toyroom is the Toymaker's island of safety against a universe which fundamentally doesn't make sense to him is so distressing 😭💖 i think a lot of us who've gone through difficult things can relate to that experience…of having your safe place slowly eroded as circumstances change and you grow older. but it makes sense!!! if he had no one, and the only thing he could cling to were the rules of his games (seemingly the only thing which brings him joy), the inherent chaos of the universe would be terrifying to him. no matter how much he tries to make it so, the universe just isn't a game with rules that can allow him to win: it's random, and brutal. is it any wonder that he has such tantrums when he loses, or when he perceives someone to be cheating? it isn't just that he's upset about losing or bad sportsmanship...it's the literal fabric of his entire worldview being torn apart. oh lord the bit about him not accepting help unless he thinks he's won it…how familiar does that sound to those of us who were traumatised early on? needing to 'earn' things like affection, shelter, food, etc. by working twice as hard, because we feel we don't deserve it inherently...the fact that the Doctor shows the Toymaker such compassion even though the Toymaker is such a dangerous, destructive entity is a real credit to their character. i really appreciate The Giggle replicating that and showing how the Doctor empathises with the Toymaker's terror by offering to play with him...i wish we'd had more time to explore the 'vastness that will never cease'. i don't think that good or bad mean nothing to the Toymaker...i think he's petrified of it. suddenly we understand why he's so boastful about his abilities, like an arrogant child...he's asserting himself against the universe as the only safety he's ever known crumbles. god. my heart hurts - that image of him sitting with the dolls of himself and the Doctor is killing me. i am going to go and read this comic and cry now, thank you so much 😭💖 yes please do!!!! your insight into the Toymaker is fantastic and i'd love to see more character studies of him 😭💖
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thepalecrawlers · 7 months
Something speaking through a group of children
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seeinginthedark · 1 month
I share my honest opinion about demons as I have gone head to head with them in this realm and in the astral realm . My experience may not sit well with some people . It’s just my experience. I am not scared of them now.
I have added in footage from an interview with Corey Goode:
And I also have added in some footage of me during trippy dancing during a creative isolated period of my life .
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cannibal-crxw · 3 months
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finally changed up the design of my art sona, xe needed it
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the-lonelyshepherd · 7 months
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quick scene out of horse studies
#silly cowboy story for more
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Fem!Spirit: Lydia
Sentient Objects
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dongblakblog · 2 years
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Interdimensional Egyptian Entities 4k Quality 1
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thatonewannabegirl · 9 months
Regarding SCP-verse 2Pac.
Can we talk...
ABOUT HOW FREAKING GOOD THIS IS?! I know it's an old SCP, I know it was written years ago, I know it's not that popular, but....
Plus, this SCP specifically is what got me into his music (and rap/hip hop in general), so I will be forever grateful.
The fact that this man is fighting the incarnation of all evil with doxxing is crazyyyyyy.
The Foundation is highkey obnoxious in this one, like he's trying to help yo asses.
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slosher-dlx · 1 year
Press F in chat for all the Pikmin who gave their lives carrying that shiny clam. 🫡
And a big 👎 to everyone interrupting with a cut scene at a critical time so they could gush about some journalist.
Didn't they see me trying to save my Pikmin from that rolly monster?!
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nelkcats · 1 year
Ice tears
When the pit rage got worse and Jason was barely able to think he decided to ask Constantine for help. Mainly because B hated when he asked Constantine for help and the wizard was nicer than he seemed at first glance.
Constantine strangely had the answer. It turns out that the Lazarus Pits had an history with something called "The Infinite Realms", and the water was the remains of one of the "Ancients" (Jason had no idea what that title meant) who died trying to stop the first King and bled in the confines of the world of the living.
As interesting as the story was, Jason had no idea how it helped with his problem, and he told the hellbazer so. John just rolled his eyes and gave a summary "You are possessed by the rage of that ghost, the only way to calm it down is to get the king's tears, the only thing he wanted, although that's a bit suicidal mate"
And well, now that he had forced Constantine to take him to the King (after making the portal, the British fled, coward) standing in front of the castle, Jason prepared his weapons, he probably should have thought it better since the king could be a powerful, interdimensional entity that could kill him with a snap of his fingers. But it was too late for that.
With a sigh he entered the throne room and saw a rather cute boy, with a crown and a dazzling smile, waving at him excitedly and asking a thousand questions a minute. Damn, was that the king? He was so friendly and— fuck, Jason had to make him cry, he was screwed.
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crazyskirtlady · 2 years
[0⒫⒠⒩ ⒧⒤⒨⒤⒩⒜⒧ ⒩0⒟⒠]
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Multiphasic glitch sigil:
Activate dream portals
Overlap of (DR)™ with (OR)™
Contiguous Superpositioned Perceptions
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thepalecrawlers · 6 months
I had a sleep paralysis experience last week so I thought I’d share a few posts going over my experiences. I’ll start with the ones that happened when I was a kid.
The first time it happened was in middle school.
One night, after a pep band performance, me and a friend were walking home from the middle school. It was night, and there was a full moon, so everything was slightly illuminated by cold, blue light.
We passed by this old house that always gave me weird vibes. Interestingly, that house was torn down recently. But as we passed it, my friend looked behind me, and his face went cold. He just took off running. He didn’t even tell me what happened. I ran after him, assuming he saw something terrifying. We ran all the way to my house, several blocks away.
We went down, into the basement, where my bedroom was. I kept asking him what he saw, but he kept refusing to tell me. Finally I coaxed it out of him. He said that when he looked back, he saw the dilapidated shack in the house’s back yard. The side of the shack was illuminated by the moon. He saw a human-shaped shadow appear to rise out of the ground, and that’s when he started running.
Before he could finish the story, a framed picture flew off of my wall, almost hitting me. Without saying anything, we agreed to never talk about it again. In my mind, I just sort of accepted that what ever that shadow was, it seemed to have followed me home.
Well, a few days later, I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to move. Clearly sleep paralysis. My room was completely dark, but I could distinctly see a very tall shadow standing at the foot of my bed. It was wearing a bowler hat. Strangely, it was holding hands with a smaller shadow, roughly the size of a child. They both stood there for what felt like hours, watching me. I kept pretending to be asleep. I would close my eyes, and tell myself it’s not real. Then open them back up, and sure enough, they were still there. Eventually, I fell back asleep.
I never saw those specific shadows again, but I knew immediately that it was the same shadow that my friend saw a few days before.
A few years later, I was still living in that room. And one night, I had my first experience with astral projection. In my dream, I got out of bed, and saw my body still laying there. Confused, I decided to go upstairs. I walked into the kitchen, when something enormous violently grabbed me from behind. It lifted me into the air, and it felt like a force of evil was trying to possess me. The feeling was so intense that it woke me up.
That same year, I was taking a nap in my room. My arms were behind my head in that stereotypical “relax pose”. I was in deep sleep. And I was awoken to a finger, very forcefully jabbing me in the armpit. It was so painful. My eyes immediately shot open, and nobody was there. For several minutes I could still feel the pain.
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seeinginthedark · 26 days
What is written in this blog is the same as what I say in this 7 minute video .
The topic is the benefits of transmuting actual demons .
I want to say something based on my experience with demons . I think it’s a bit controversial what I’m about to say … they are sort of like a part of us … when we go through a horrible trauma , especially as children … sometimes a demon attaches itself to us as part of our darkness. They attach and become part of that darkness . As a way of protecting us. But sometimes it takes over and causes us harm or pushes people away. Makes us do dark things. What I’ve learned is that You can actually tell your demon that you don’t need it anymore to step in because u aren’t a young child anymore needing protection. Healing from your trauma will intergrate the demon to work with you and not against you . That’s how I managed my trauma demons , I transmuted them into my whole entire self so they work for me now and don’t haunt me or push others away . To heal from my trauma I did quite a few different healing methods . I won’t list them in this video. Different methods of healing work for different people. You can try a few different things to see what works for you I did a lot of screaming . It helped me . I learned to accept my darkness, I realised its value and potential . Accepting it means you need to release any guilt , shame or doubt that you have . When you get depressed or anxious or low vibe, don’t try to numb it away with things. Let it pass through you .
I found with demons , true ones, you can make them submit and work for you for your benefit.
Some Demons are enamoured with us, I feel. They want to like merge with us and assist us but they act out like a disobedient child in need of authority . We show them authority , they submit . I’m learning more and more that this is true . If it doesn’t work this way for you , showing authority and they Lee doing evil things , then maybe what we are dealing with, isn’t a demon or an earth bound spirit . It’s something else more evil . But what is more evil than a demon, you might ask. Well,
An inter dimensional “ being “or “entity “ or a collective group of entities from another dimension. That are here to torment us AND our demons . Suppress our powers . Or disrupt the connection between us and our “helpful” demons.
I believe reptilians and most of the aliens are worse than demons , but they are sometimes referred to AS demons. So the whole terminology is confusing at times . Organised institutional religion really confused it for us.
I’ve been trying to categorising these entities, beings and demons for some time now.
And if we are dealing with reptilians or other nasty inter dimensional beings , than there is a that they have done one of these three things :
1/ they have made alliances with demons and are like “contracting” them out to do fucked up shit to certain humans . Such as the “chosen ones” or I refer to them as the “spiritual warriors” in my other videos .
2/ they are maybe blackmailing demons into doing evil things to us or tricking them into doing it
3/ they are using advanced technology which is out of our current understanding , to do evil shit to you. And it isn’t a demon attack .
Another point I want to address is this:
They potentially are able to give us false visions and false prophecies to get us off track of our true missions. And I have to maybe face the fact that they have done this to me , and this “ancestor mission” that im on is false and a waste of time for me.
I want my demons to make an alliance with others , to make us strong. I’m prepared to go to the Underworld to muster up an army of them if I have to. In some ways , I think I may already have done that . I’ve come to the conclusion now that my ancestors aren’t around me anymore . But they’ve left spirit minders around me and my family . Like Djinns. For protection during the spiritual war. We need all the help we can get in this war against these interdimensionals . Perhaps, reptilians . Who I suspect have upgraded themselves to be semi robotic now.
So how I see it in this war we have humans and spirits and demons on one side and on the other we have interdimensional beings with advanced technological weaponry, that may or may not be in control of some demons .
I believe they are the ones that gave King Solomon his “magic ring” that could control Djinn. It wasn’t a magic ring , it was advanced technology . And they weren’t all evil Djinn. They were spirits of Earth, some of them.
So it’s a battle for Earth and humans of Earth .
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szaszzle · 2 years
❛ ugh, spare me the heroic monologue. let’s just fight. ❜ ( Dave at??? Your choice )
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"Works for me," The Will flicked his roach to the side then sucker punched this jerk in the gut.
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iohnmcmullen · 3 months
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