#FRJS Research Australia
orgasmictomato · 1 month
UFO close visual sighting
UFO close visual sighting by Jim Via Flickr: UFO close visual sighting Seen approaching from the north at low altitude ( 600M ) toward my property, observed visually as 6 large crystal like balls of light in two rows of three, parallel. It passed silently overhead and as I tried to focus I captured these shots as the lights started to apparently separate more travelling to the south. Observation visuelle rapprochée d'OVNIVu s'approchant du nord à basse altitude (600M) vers ma propriété, observé visuellement sous la forme de 6 grosses boules de lumière cristallines disposées en deux rangées de trois, parallèles. Il est passé silencieusement au-dessus de ma tête et, alors que j'essayais de faire la mise au point, j'ai capturé ces images alors que les lumières commençaient apparemment à se séparer davantage en se dirigeant vers le sud. J'ai capturé plusieurs photos avec mon appareil photo jusqu'à ce qu'elles passent, c'était difficile de prendre des photos car cela vous "étourdit" un peu.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
DSC02091 tag plasm rsz s 40 - notes
DSC02091 tag plasm rsz s 40 - notes by Jim Via Flickr: A capture by camera / flash when asked of a "orb" to display. - Note no it is NOT a bug as you can see right through it to the trees. Sceptics explain this away... No you can't.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
2010_05_11_0119 c2(2)rsz
2010_05_11_0119 c2(2)rsz by Jim Via Flickr: This is a capture by Canon EOS 5D Mark ll camera at night of a visual sighting of a UAP / UFO observed flying around 2 - 3 km distance low to ground ( 500M - 1km ) to the west of my property. I followed it with many captures as it slowly travelled, silently toward the river (North ), turned to follow the river for a while, then returned toward me ( SSE ) and toward the coast and out of view. It may not be visible to you but this is a group of 4 "sled" type units that I have observed before and have travelled by before. In my research I have found that they can assumed project a "disguise" image to their surrounding plasma shield and present themselves as other anomalies... AND to the cameras. This same group have shown as "different" shapes, numbers, colours and much more in the same sequence of photos of the same sighting. Kinda showing how technically advanced they are to us. Maybe shifting in and out of dimensions to achieve some of these. Some may be holographic. Whichever, they are certainly intriguing.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
20100523060718(2)c1(1)classified rsz tag
20100523060718(2)c1(1)classified rsz tag by Jim Via Flickr: These are a group of 4 UAP "sleds" flying in formation in the night sky of Australia and now being released to the public as part of my years of research on the subjects as UFO / UAP / Dimensional Entities etc. The front unit is mainly hidden by the projected light of the craft. This is a visual sighting and captured on super night shot video camera. This being a cropped selection of a single frame of the video. I have no intention at this time to write a book to inform you as money is not my objective... So if you want to be informed, then I suggest you had better follow my research. I still have more than 30,000 captured images to edit and research. Thank you.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
20100304053947(7)rsztagnotes IR crop
20100304053947(7)rsztagnotes IR crop by Jim Via Flickr: Archived infrared capture of UAP, unseen with human vision in Australian night sky by way of IR laser illumination and night vision camera to computer. single frame cropped here and slightly enhanced for your viewing. Capture technique discovered by FRJS ( Jim Strong) in 2009. Capture infrarouge archivée de l'UAP, invisible avec la vision humaine dans le ciel nocturne australien au moyen d'un éclairage laser IR et d'une caméra de vision nocturne vers un ordinateur. image unique recadrée ici et légèrement améliorée pour votre visualisation. Technique de capture découverte par FRJS (Jim Strong) en 2009.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
UFO close visual sighting
UFO close visual sighting by Jim Via Flickr: UFO close visual sighting Seen approaching from the north at low altitude ( 600M ) toward my property, observed visually as 6 large crystal like balls of light in two rows of three, parallel. It passed silently overhead and as I tried to focus I captured these shots as the lights started to apparently separate more travelling to the south. Observation visuelle rapprochée d'OVNIVu s'approchant du nord à basse altitude (600M) vers ma propriété, observé visuellement sous la forme de 6 grosses boules de lumière cristallines disposées en deux rangées de trois, parallèles. Il est passé silencieusement au-dessus de ma tête et, alors que j'essayais de faire la mise au point, j'ai capturé ces images alors que les lumières commençaient apparemment à se séparer davantage en se dirigeant vers le sud. J'ai capturé plusieurs photos avec mon appareil photo jusqu'à ce qu'elles passent, c'était difficile de prendre des photos car cela vous "étourdit" un peu.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
2010_05_11_0119 c2(2)rsz
2010_05_11_0119 c2(2)rsz by Jim Via Flickr: This is a capture by Canon EOS 5D Mark ll camera at night of a visual sighting of a UAP / UFO observed flying around 2 - 3 km distance low to ground ( 500M - 1km ) to the west of my property. I followed it with many captures as it slowly travelled, silently toward the river (North ), turned to follow the river for a while, then returned toward me ( SSE ) and toward the coast and out of view. It may not be visible to you but this is a group of 4 "sled" type units that I have observed before and have travelled by before. In my research I have found that they can assumed project a "disguise" image to their surrounding plasma shield and present themselves as other anomalies... AND to the cameras. This same group have shown as "different" shapes, numbers, colours and much more in the same sequence of photos of the same sighting. Kinda showing how technically advanced they are to us. Maybe shifting in and out of dimensions to achieve some of these. Some may be holographic. Whichever, they are certainly intriguing.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
20100523060718(2)c1(1)classified rsz tag
20100523060718(2)c1(1)classified rsz tag by Jim Via Flickr: These are a group of 4 UAP "sleds" flying in formation in the night sky of Australia and now being released to the public as part of my years of research on the subjects as UFO / UAP / Dimensional Entities etc. The front unit is mainly hidden by the projected light of the craft. This is a visual sighting and captured on super night shot video camera. This being a cropped selection of a single frame of the video. I have no intention at this time to write a book to inform you as money is not my objective... So if you want to be informed, then I suggest you had better follow my research. I still have more than 30,000 captured images to edit and research. Thank you.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
IR Image with riders 09 rsztagnotes by Jim Via Flickr: A group of entities traversing the night sky, unseen by human vision, captured here by IR laser illumination and night vision video cameras in Australia. Note the "no need" for any wings as such...and the "talon" like rear feet... INFRARED DIMENSIONAL ENTITIES Sorry for the pixelated image as it is not easy photographing from 2-3 kilometers in the night sky. This is the best I can do at this time..
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
DSC03808crop rsz tag
DSC03808crop rsz tag by Jim Via Flickr: visible anomaly in night sky captured with super night shot camera, cropped to image for closer viewing. This could be classed as a craft as it is visually seen in the night sky as a "light", until zoomed in on and captured here as 3 lights (group) some kilometers from the camera. It is not any standard aeroplane as it shows no Nav. lights at all. In most all cases they only illuminate a fixed glow, on rare occasions do they flash or strobe. Travelling slowly in the night sky, they do sometimes react to my signalling.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
IR Image with riders 09 rsztagnotes by Jim Via Flickr: A group of entities traversing the night sky, unseen by human vision, captured here by IR laser illumination and night vision video cameras in Australia. Note the "no need" for any wings as such...and the "talon" like rear feet... INFRARED DIMENSIONAL ENTITIES Sorry for the pixelated image as it is not easy photographing from 2-3 kilometers in the night sky. This is the best I can do at this time..
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
DSC03808crop rsz tag
DSC03808crop rsz tag by Jim Via Flickr: visible anomaly in night sky captured with super night shot camera, cropped to image for closer viewing. This could be classed as a craft as it is visually seen in the night sky as a "light", until zoomed in on and captured here as 3 lights (group) some kilometers from the camera. It is not any standard aeroplane as it shows no Nav. lights at all. In most all cases they only illuminate a fixed glow, on rare occasions do they flash or strobe. Travelling slowly in the night sky, they do sometimes react to my signalling.
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orgasmictomato · 1 month
DSC05240 crop 1 orig
DSC05240 crop 1 orig by Jim Via Flickr: Original crop of a selection of a group of "Orbs" in the night sky as captured by the camera. I do not see - dust particles, pollen, insects or the like.... I do not see "ghosts or spirits" as such.... I do see and capture "dimensional entities" and so does my camera. Please remember this is a "ORIGINAL" crop with no alterations except cropping to a selection of the original photo.... Can your camera do this, then post and show me.... Scientific Research Australia FRJS Research
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