#instead the meter goes down by itself
clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
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Thinking about the iron maiden decor from the heretic pack and hmmm
The head shape is similar to Kallamar's so maybe he designed these (in my mind he's the 2nd cruelest bishop when it comes to punishment, the first being Heket who literally fuses people into fungi trees alive).
Then again it does look like it belongs in Darkwood more...he could've always lent some to Leshy to help him make better "examples" out of dissenters
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octoberautumnbox · 4 months
Win Trading
fromis_9 Lee Nagyung & Male Reader
Categories/warnings: smut, sloppy handjob, fingerblasting, titsucking a little bit, makeout, mutual masturbation
Word count: 2.0k
a/n: for legal purposes yes this is the june fic :DDDD happy nakko day!
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Even though you’re sitting on the living room sofa three and a half meters away from her room, eating your popcorn, and with the TV blaring nonsense, the telltale signs of Nagyung’s frustration still reach you. Agitated clicking and button-mashing noises travel past her door frame and across the hallway to you, letting you know her game isn’t going all that well. The certainty of it sets in when the sounds pause briefly, followed by the unmistakable sound of her mouse being smashed onto her desk. 
Scooch over a little bit to the left, free up some space on the couch. Reach for the yet-closed pack of chips on the coffee table in anticipation of your soon-to-be movie buddy. You know it's bad; the challenge now is figuring out how bad it is. 
Like clockwork, Nagyung stomps out of her room and towards her spot on the couch. She takes her seat next to you, evidently still recovering from her earlier fuming, with her arms crossed and her brow furrowed. You've always known that she looked cute, but there's a certain allure to her when she's angry. The way her brow furrows when she’s mad sets off your cuteness aggression, but for your mutual wellbeing you keep yourself under control. 
Make a show of opening her chips for her – crinkle the plastic pack and exaggerate your arm movements. Offer her her chips and hope it calms her down. Most importantly, avoid eye contact this early on and do not rock the boat. 
Despite your best efforts, her tilt makes itself sorely known. She swats away the pack of chips in annoyance, which still thankfully lands on the coffee table with minimal spill. Nagyung, however, desperately looks for an outlet for her frustrations, and you really can't blame her. It must have been a really bad game. 
She hops on top of you, straddles you, and forces her lips on yours. You meet her halfway and in no time at all your tongue is swirling around hers and sharing spit. A moan escapes her when you hold her waist and pull her close, followed by another when you rub her tummy. She wraps her arms around your neck and you can only imagine what goes through her head when in a position like this.
Keep palming her tummy under shirt, continuing to rub from her abs to her sides to her chest. Move slow, but don’t linger; take your fill of her body, but not so much as to sate her even if it also doesn't sate you. She eats it right up and leaves her wanting more, all at the same time. Grip and squeeze at her weak spots, all the while she grows more desperate with her prolonged connection to your lips. 
You feel her need through her shorts, the warmth emanating from her core tempting you to wander farther down. You do just that, slowly again, pressing her buttons in just the right way to bring out your needy Nakko. You pull her shorts down steadily, and you find she's much more than ready. The gentle breezes of your air-conditioning meet the skin of her ass and thighs, and her exposure to the elements and to you spur her on even more. 
In response, she pulls your pants off too. She's much less careful, much less calculated – strategy thrown out the window and instead caught up in a sinful rush of emotions. Swiftly you lose your pants and underwear, and Nagyung wraps her fingers reverently around your hardening shaft. 
The slow grazes you deliver over her clit are reciprocated with steady strokes on your cock. Each swipe over her sensitive nub elicits another groan of her pleasure, again and again and again, until she finally breaks the kiss and lets a streak of saliva connect your lips. She collects everything she can on her palm before returning to your delicious handjob. 
Your shirt is the next to go, practically torn off in Nagyung's frenzy. She nearly rips the neckline, and you almost admonish her for it, but the only harm being done is how she's left your cock without her hand's immoral pleasure. Her shirt follows, and with her help you're able to do it with only one hand. Even now, you deny her respite from rubbing her clit, and the momentary obstruction of her vision as her shirt is pulled over her head elicits another groan of approval from her. 
And there she sat on your lap, the goddess Lee Nagyung, fully bare for you to ogle and grope as you please. Her perky tits bounce as she jerks your cock with both hands, her gaze intense on your tip as if making you cum would give her the victory she deserved. Her pink nipples are taut, and the moment your free hand makes contact with her chest she throws her head back and gasps in arousal. Your thumb circles her nipple, leading her to bite her lip, just as your other thumb continues to play with her clit unceasingly and in growing need. 
Each time she feels her handjob drying out, she lubricates her palms with more of her spit. She mercilessly continues pumping your cock, her head undoubtedly filling with thoughts of pride that she gets you all to herself. Each time she shoots a cursory look to you, establishing shaky eye contact, her eyes shut again just as you deliver deliciously harsh pinches on her nipples. Soon after, her fingers momentarily part her pussy lips to smear her palm with her slick, before ultimately taking your manhood in between her hands to jerk off again. All the while, she struggles back tears of impatience that she isn't impaling herself on your cock just yet. 
And of course she doesn't; she's a level-headed player in it for the late game. She knows if she holds out that she gets first place in your heart, and the prize that comes with it makes it all the more worth holding out for: riding you raw and getting her tight little fuckhole filled up with your thick and warm seed. 
For now though, she has to settle with rubbing your thick cock with her hands just as you watch her boobs bounce in front of your face. Pull her close, suck and nibble on her stiff nipples, only rub and tease her pussy lips to heighten her need. 
It’s here you find yourself in the ultimate war of attrition: straddling your lap is the sexiest woman in the world naked for you and you alone, pumping your cock with everything she's got and relishing in how shamelessly you feast on her perfect, flawless body. You can't take your eyes off her perfect breasts, how they jiggle and bounce in your face, how every little lick on her sensitive nubs only makes her leak more of her pussy juices for you to fingerfuck her even better. 
The glances you steal of her eyes in the rare times you make eye contact spell disaster for the both of you, as Nagyung eyes your body with a similar lustful desire. The way you look into her soul sends a signal to her mind, and you unconsciously tell her to lick her lips, moan another sultry moan, jerk you off harder. Tears start to well in her eyes as she struggles to keep them open, slowly being overcome with the pleasure you inflict on her sex. It's one thing that she's getting off to you're watching her naked form commit such sinful acts, it’s another to try and get you off to her body, and another still that she's drawing such obscene joy from having your cock in her hands with no other objective in the world than to look pretty for you and make you cum. 
Eventually she stops trying to keep her eyes open anymore, and naturally her tears follow. They run down her cheeks as a pained yet pleasured expression takes over her goddess-like features, signaling her defenses starting to falter. Her head hangs to the side and her hand job grows harsher; you know as early as now that by the end of tonight you're going to be sore for a week. Still, the way she diligently pumps your hard cock with nothing but love and need makes everything worth it, and with how you flex your fingers inside of her and rub the walls of her tight, needy cavern, you’re determined to make it worthwhile for her too.
And true to heart, it works. Your fingers hit every single one of her good spots, even the ones she didn’t know she had, and she practically melts in your hands. Her entire being follows your will, and you manipulate her like she’s just a puppet under your control. 
All good things come to an end, however, and yours is just about up. Nagyung fulfills her mission and, technically, wins the game, and you’re more than happy to let her have this victory (like you had a choice). Her gaze is filled with a sinister lust, and it’s aimed at nothing else in the world but you. Your cock is coated with the perfect amount of her slick, your tip leaking copious amounts of fluids to lubricate even more, and Nagyung has you on the ropes fighting a battle long lost. 
A blinding white flashes in your eyes, your defenses fail, and it all comes crashing down. Your head is thrown back in pleasure, a defeated groan escapes your mouth, and spurts of cum shoot out of you, painting her perfect belly with your thick and warm seed. She doesn't stop rubbing along your entire length in deep and fast strokes, and you could swear she knew everything about you to keep you shooting your baby batter all over her tummy, giving you constant pleasure and squeezing every single drop of your delicious cum for her toned and sexy abs. As the final nail in the coffin, Nagyung abruptly stops pumping your cock, and it shows off how she was in control the entire time. The sudden lack of pleasure forces you to start humping her hands, and she goes crazy at the mere sight of you, eyes shut and fucking the closest thing to her pussy that you have right now.
Her good time inevitably draws to a close as well. In the midst of her relishing in her victory and your warm cum smeared across her midriff, a single well-timed push of her button is what sends her careening over the edge right after you. Just as your finger makes contact with her weak spot, her eyes go from shut impossibly tight to wide open in a matter of milliseconds. Her body seizes, her pussy clenches, and all hell breaks loose. A cry of world-ending release rips through her throat, and her girlcum sprays out of her in streaks, the sheer amount of it coming and coming like it’s the first time she’s ever been touched in ages. Tears fall generously from the corners of her hypnotizing eyes, and her hips jerk and hump against your merciless fingers again and again like it’s the only thing she knows. 
Once it's all over and you’re both unmistakably spent, Nagyung crashes onto your chest, her own chest heaving in life-or-death attempts at getting air back into her lungs. Her arms fall on your shoulders on either side of your head, and she wraps your neck in a hug. At the same time, you withdraw from her abused pussy and pull her in for a hug of your own by her waist. You spend an unknowable amount of time like this, just breathing, just recovering, just you and her. 
Breaking the ice, Nagyung puts all her remaining strength into lifting her head and placing her lips on yours. Of course you reciprocate, but in contrast to the earlier needy and horny making out, your kiss now is tender and loving, as if exchanging thank-yous and greetings of a game well played. 
a/n: short one this time lmao but i had fun writing it and it was a great experiment to do! thanks as well to @leafostuff for beta and stay tuned for july :>
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itshype · 2 years
Please don’t pet me! I am working! (DC x DP)
The Service Animal Cujo notfic that I, personally requested but just like my extremely cringe Batman x Witcher fic, I have to do everything myself. I wrote this but held off during DC x DP week because I’m not participating in that. If I keep writing these, I’ll have to make a masterpost or probably whack them up on Ao3 for archive purposes at some point but for now: Here is the Space Obsessed Danny story and Here is the Kingmaker Danny story! CW for mention of panic attacks in this one!
So! Let’s get going. Danny died. He can’t stop thinking it. He was dead. He’s walking and talking now but he knows deep in his soul that everything’s different now. He was dead and somehow nothing has changed? He feels like something of his journey to hell itself should be visible in his skin – something more than the small exit scar on his left foot. Another dimension was opened through his body and his hairstyle didn’t even shift?
Sam and Tucker are just as freaked out as he is, but they aren’t nearly as frightened. The ghost powers and Halfa stigma won’t come until later, but right now Danny is having difficulty even considering the possibility of leaving the house. With Danny in such bad condition emotionally, there’s no way to cover up what happened, and Jazz takes them all to the hospital.
Now, I know in a lot of fanfics Danny has weird physiology even in human form (lower body temp, slower pulse etc) but I don’t remember any of that being canon so I’m ignoring it. And if it is canon then I am exercising my right to debone the original show like a small chicken and use it to make a flavourful stock.
So, Danny checks out with the doctors except for a weirdly tiny burn but he is having like 5 concurrent panic attacks about everything from “there’s nothing after we die”, “The electricity cooked me”, “Life has no meaning”, maybe even throw in a fun “I came back wrong”.
Hell, maybe he does have weirdly low vitals, but the rapid pulse is countering his slow heartbeat and decreased blood pressure etc. Up to you!
Danny probably ends up being sedated if he can’t calm down but by then there is a different issue. The doctors Fenton have arrived. Now, I think it’s no stretch of the imagination to say that under the wrong circumstances they would dissect Phantom if they got their hands on him but also I know they somewhat care for their children and canon has shown more than once that under good circumstances that they could accept Danny.
When his ghost sense goes off for the first time it’s pretty obvious. He’s in a hospital and instead of a tiny little whisp of silver breath; it’s like a fogbank creeping along a moor, its sea mist rolling in from the horizon of his mouth and whiting out his private hospital room. No one can see two meters in front of their own face, and it takes over a minute to fade. Sam screams out for Danny and tries to grab his hand where she knows it was but can no longer see. Tucker starts at the sound and drops his device, screeching gratingly at the clattering plastic of his PDA hitting linoleum, hard.
When the mist finally evaporates, the Fentons want to take him home immediately and run tests. They think the ghostly influence is ‘obvious’ but the 68-year-old nurse, Beatrice stands like a 5-foot-nothing wall of solid rock and won’t let them touch him. Jazz also angles herself between her parents and the door so if they did somehow manage to get their hands on Danny, they wouldn’t be able to leave without steamrolling her. Then the heartrate monitor goes wild as Danny panics about being a guinea pig for his parents’ less-than-lukewarm lab safety practices and they back off without further interruptions.
That’s the point when it hits them that everything that has happened to Danny is their fault. His accident was because of them, he’s melting down because of them, both of their children genuinely believe that they will hurt Danny just because he’s having weird ghostly side effects to almost dying in a ghost portal. One they built.
It’s a few hours later when they breach the subject of going home, of at the very least making a decision about school even if that decision is to formally take a leave of absence. Sam and Tucker’s parents had made them go home and he’s a lot calmer now but at this stage, his weird ghost powers are causing problems. It seems to the orderlies and nurses that his anxiety is getting worse because he’s turning intangible through cups and cutlery – making it look like he’s shaking so hard he can’t even hold a single cup, and is flat out refusing to eat.  
Even though it’s been less than a day it looks like Danny’s shock is just getting worse. He phases through his bed right as Beatrice and his parents walk through and they think he’s hiding under there out of fear. He tries to explain, confused, and disoriented and deep in denial. Jazz shuts him up. She doesn’t know completely what’s going on, but she knows enough, and she isn’t letting 12 hours of changed behaviour force her to blindly trust her parents.
Beatrice is most concerned. It hasn’t been very long but there’s no reasonable cause for his steep and steady decline. No reason outside of something-something-ghosts.  
That’s when the first few pamphlets come out about therapy animals. They require some time to be trained and the middle of nowhere Amity Park doesn’t exactly have a pool to choose from, but it’s okay to adopt a younger animal and train it themselves.
Danny looks at the pictures of the fluffy bunnies and alert-eared dogs with big, glistening eyes. Then puts them down. There’s no way an animal would be safe in his house.
That’s when the ghosts attack. Danny isn’t the only spectre with a ghost sense and these ghosts are less human due to a lack of ectoplasm. Obviously, the silver fog reappears, and, in his terror, Danny drops to the next floor of the hospital, glitching through his bed and the floor underneath it. He crashes painfully in the middle of the gift shop.
His parents reach the conclusion that due to his extreme ectoplasm contamination; he’s developed a serious allergy to ectoplasmic weaponry, including things like ectoblasts that ghosts have naturally. They’re not…the wrongest that they could be. Unfortunately, they decide that Evil Ghosts TM can sense this weakness and are trying to kill their poor baby boy. Everyone else is freaking out about ghosts being visibly proven but the Fentons knew ghosts were real with zero doubts so they’re rolling with it.
Now, due to the knowledge that he died, Danny is having difficulty worrying about other things like catching up with schoolwork, his weird new allergies/powers or even Dash.
BTW KUDOS to anyone still reading, I know this part was really long, but I really felt like I couldn’t just flim flam over the details of why Danny would need an emotional support/service animal even if it’s fictional.
First day back at school, the Lunch Lady attacks. Danny barely eeks out a win just like in canon.
His parents decide that this is because of the allergies and the ghosts being able to sense Danny’s weakness as I said above. And they take it upon themselves to root out the problem at its source, to find all the ghosts who could hurt their son and imprison them, partly for Danny’s safety and partly for study. Not even they are sure where the divide is between their two loyalties.
So, they look to their now-functioning portal.
Unfortunately, they were massively underprepared, and they don’t come back.
 Jazz sees the locked lab door and leaves them to it, making dinner and making sure Danny knows she wants him to be at school.
He doesn’t go, she lets him not go.
Two days later the boredom is worse than his fear. He goes to school. Danny, Sam and Tucker enter like a single unit. Dash tries some shit and either:
Jazz emerges and smacks his head hard enough he loses vision for several seconds – long enough for her to knee him hard enough to put the continuance of the Baxter lineage into question.
Danny starts panicking again. The teachers always want to side with Dash but him openly attacking a kid who was just in the hospital who doesn’t even lift a finger in defence of himself is beyond the limits of any sane adult’s “boys will be boys”.
Doesn’t really matter, the point is that he’s not looking to fuck around any time soon now that he’s already found out. But he did in fact attack Danny.
Danny goes home. His first attempt at school following his death has failed.
Tucker, separately, goes to a garage sale to buy old electronics to use in his PDA upgrades. He buys a boxful of weird lab equipment that definitely has a microchip or two. When he opens it at Danny’s house as an effort to distract him, a small pink teddy falls out. No one notices it bounce beneath the sofa. Sam or Jazz brings up the support animal idea again but is reminded of the whole “our house is a toxic waste site” thing and backs off.
Weeks pass, Danny develops his ghost powers and Jazz realises their parents are actually missing. She submits a missing person report mentioning the switched-on portal – the lab door was locked from the inside.
So, when Danny wakes up one day and there’s a glowing green dog already with a collar and a toy he thinks “ah yes, a dog that my sibling has procured for me as we discussed many times to help me cope with my own mortality, the near-constant ghost attacks and my parents who vanished.”
So, he puts a leash on Cujo who is happily chewing on his little pink teddy and takes him off to school while Jazz is using her first free period to go bother the local cops about their parents. (Why haven’t they been taken in by child protective services? Either:
Because I said so
Jazz is 18
Jazz used her improbable psychology powers to bamboozle the social worker into leaving)
Everyone at school loves Cujo. He gets all the love and does a very good job of dragging Danny away from ghost attacks (so he can fight them!!)
Jazz doesn’t find out about Cujo until the afternoon but probably lets the whole thing lie because it’s a great solution.
This could go on for some time. Both Danny and Phantom have Cujo but as Phantom Cujo stays in his big form so there’s no connection made. Canon mostly proceeds as normal except the parents aren’t there and there’s no huge issue with Valerie.
Realistically, a fair few high schoolers are probably also on the hunt for a pet ghost dog because if Danny and Danny both have one there must be heaps going around. Danny is also worried about his parents and periodically looks for them but that isn’t the focus of this story so I won’t go into a lot of detail – just clarifying that he’s not a sociopath who finds out his parents are missing and goes “oh ok”.
This could be its own story but let’s get to the DC part now!!
Eventually the Justice League connects the two calls, one about the ghost dog and one about the parents disappearing through a portal. Maybe Valerie complains, or even fanon favourite Wes contacts the authorities about the ghost dog with no official training or certification. Either way the JLA algorithm picks up these two very strange claims from one town and send someone to investigate.
But I mean, parents vanishing from a locked room and a green dog aren’t exactly world ending stuff, so instead of sending an actual busy superhero they send one of the kid heroes.
Now a lot of people will go ahead and put Damian into this. But I don’t really care for him in a dynamic with Danny. But I have another vigilante in mind, one who is less animal crazy, but more dog focused and also has issues with being seen as an actual person.
That's right, it's Conner Kent. And his faithful alien dog Krypto. I've seen a few fics where Danny adopts him, but you know what other family member should think you're an actual person? Your significant other. This could totally be a friendship thing no problem, but I do feel like some versions of canon Connor Kent would get on great with Danny.
Without the looming, repeated threat of vivisection, I think Danny would be a lot more chill about his secret identity and would probably disclose Cujo’s origins to Superboy. Once Connor knows about Cujo (Phantom’s dog) being able to shrink, he can see Danny with the dog once and connect all the necessary dots. Because I stand by the fact that the main reason Danny’s secret ID isn’t discovered more is because there’s no reason for a dead person to have a secret identity but once the concept is introduced then it’s pretty simple. Connor can hang out with Phantom while Phantom does ghost fights because the Kryptonian can’t really contribute but he’s there for moral support.
Eventually, Danny reveals to Connor that he himself was cloned before and talks excitedly about his clone who he considers a cousin. I definitely think without the parents there that Dani would visit more even if she has an obsession with travel, wanderlust or freedom that prevents her from permanently moving in.
This knowledge makes him very upset about how he was treated by his genetic donors, and Connor decides to move in with the Fenton siblings (without really asking the Fenton siblings) and decides that he’ll commute to the watchtower/titans tower/mount justice (depending on which version of canon he’s in sorry I can’t be bothered to figure it out).
Unfortunately, on top of not asking the Fentons, he doesn’t notify or ask anyone in the caped community. So as far as any of them are concerned, Connor went on a minor mission to investigate some missing people and is now himself missing.
Just as a caveat because I don’t feel like getting into an argument today, I used the terms both “service animal” and “emotional support animal” even though in most countries these are not interchangeable legal definitions. I use it in a non-legal way here because emotionally helping Danny – especially when that emotional stress causes physical damage is a service, and also there is the potential for Cujo to help Danny in other physical ways.
Also, there is definitely room here for Dani being buds with Match. I think that'd be neat.
If I could draw, I would make art of Cujo and Krypto being besties but I cannot so just picture it for two seconds. Done? Great, thanks!
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beerecordings · 2 years
I went to resurrect the body of the elk I found, but there were other bones beneath it, like other elk or deer had died there and been eaten up by the ground. so when the elk rose up there were extra bones with it. I've tried to separate them but they come back when I remove them. the elk is wrong. it's the spine, mostly. it goes on for meters, or it would if it were straight-out, but instead it curls around itself into spirals of vertebrae. when it sleeps in the pasture, I can look down from my window and see columns of the elk spread out in circling patterns in the grass, like a terrible fossil of something human beings weren't meant to exist beside. it rises from sleep heaving its bones off the earth and stretching out into a figure as long as a car. when it walks, its spine can drag across the ground. I've begun to have nightmares of it walking into my house when I sleep. I think that I've woken up, but the skull of the elk is looking down at me with a red eye and those blunt, chipped teeth, and its spine is curling around the corners of my room and pressing into both the floor and the ceiling, dripping with its last pieces of pelt, and then I wake up in the darkness and wonder if it's still standing there, silent. when I press my palm against the bones of the elk, they are hot to the touch. they hum.
I hope this will not affect the final spell.
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citrineghost · 11 months
The Day I Took 6 Hours to Go To the DMV for 10 Minutes, Get 3 Bags of Groceries, and Almost Get Hit by a Car - While Disabled
Setting the Scene
I am poor and disabled. I don't have a car. My friend is at work all day. I have an appointment at the DMV to get an ID at 3pm.
Chapter 1: The DMV
I leave the house at 1:20pm. Navigator says it will take me an hour to get to the DMV, so I'm leaving about 20 minutes earlier than I need to catch my first bus, but, if I'm lucky, I can get the one before it
I do manage to catch the one before the one I'd planned on. However, at the transit center, the next bus that goes to the DMV does not have an earlier version
I wait 15 minutes.
Someone at the bus stop is wandering around and telling everyone he sees to buy t-shirts from some website where you can get anything you want printed on it for a low price. He is also going to the DMV to get his ID
I take the bus to the DMV with t-shirt guy
I go to the bathroom and find that the entire way thus far, I have had my pants completely undone. Thank god I'm fat and my stomach may have hidden this. I pretend I'm not on the brink of death as I return to the waiting room.
I get my ID in about 5 minutes, no fuss
Well, I got a bus day pass for this and it's only been an hour and 20 minutes. Why not go to the grocery store on the way home? My friend and I didn't go shopping this week and he works all weekend until late at night. I may as well grab the things I'm missing while I'm out and have all access bus rides
Chapter 2: Winco
I go back to the bus stop and take the bus that goes to Winco. I have a hard time hearing because I have my headphones in to avoid sensory overload. I'm also unfamiliar with this route.
I notice just after he begins to pull away from the bus stop that it's the one outside Winco and I pull the Request Stop line. I know I've pulled it too late and I expect him to take me all the way to the next stop before letting me out, but he's nice and stops up at the next intersection, gently chastising me for not puling it earlier. I am sorry Mr. Driver, I know I missed the stop, thank you for letting me out anyway.
There is a big 4-way intersection directly attached to the Winco parking lot. I wait for the walk light to change to Walk. It changes. I begin to walk.
Someone runs a left turn red light and ALMOST FUCKING HITS ME WITH THEIR CAR. He slams on his breaks and stops a meter away from me. We make eye contact as my life flashes before my eyes and his life outside of vehicular manslaughter and eternal guilt prison flashes before his.
After a moment of regrouping, I keep walking, wondering what the other people stopped at the light were thinking about him
I get into the store and put my backpack in the cart, realizing it was hanging open, at least since I got off the bus, but possibly since I got on the one at the DMV
I wonder what the other people stopped at the light were thinking about me
I get my food quickly and leave Winco. It is 5pm.
Chapter 3: Getting Back Home
As I leave Winco, I follow where maps tells me the bus stop I need is located. It's across the street and to the right. I overestimate how far to the right and have to walk back a ways
As I'm walking, my phone restarts for seemingly no reason. "FUCKING GREAT," I think, wondering if it will error itself while I'm trying to navigate. Sometimes is malfunctions like this.
The phone does not give me a black error screen. Instead, it will no longer connect to the data network. "FUCKING GREAT," I think
I stand at the bus stop trying to reload maps repeatedly, unsure which bus i was meant to take and which connection after that. Before it restarted, it said the bus would be here some 5 minutes from then. It is not there in five minutes.
I cannot get my internet to connect. I wait 20 minutes for the bus.
When I finally sit down on the bus, deciding it doesn't fucking matter which bus it is, I see Whatsapp saying it has a syncing issue because the time is wrong on my phone. I look at my clock. It says 5:51, which seems right without much consideration. I go to my time settings and see it's set to 5:51 am. This is incorrect. I set it to network provided time and it corrects itself. It is 5:25pm.
This is also why my internet wouldn't work. My SIM connects again and I open maps
This bus will connect to two others if I get off at stop A or stop B. I want to get off at stop B. I accidentally get off at stop A
I reopen maps. There will be another bus, but It requires another transfer, which I wouldn't have needed if I'd gotten off at stop B
I wait for the next bus. The electronic sign above the bus stop says it's the RED line. Didn't I just get off the RED line? Oh well, maps said there's another bus. Maybe they share a stop.
I get on the RED line. They do not share a stop. Perhaps I was supposed to walk to another bus stop. I did not. I am now on the RED line going the wrong direction. I have 3 bags of groceries and more in my backpack. My hands hurt.
I get off the bus at the next stop when I realize it's going south and I've passed where I need to go west.
I open maps
I have to cross the street but, fortunately, another bus will come... in 20 more minutes. It is 6:00pm.
There is no bench at this bus stop.
I put my groceries on the ground.
I take a picture of a nice tree.
I make a tumblr post about benches at bus stops.
The bus arrives. I am sure of my connections now. I think.
This bus will take me to an intersection where I will cross the street and go to another bus stop
I get off the bus and begin walking the wrong way. I turn around to go the right way, crossing the street to the next bus stop
I wait at the bus stop
I take the bus to the next stop and cross the street. It's dark now. I have to pee.
Maps says my next bus comes here in 20 minutes, but a bus a 10 minute walk up the road is leaving going the same place in 15 minutes.
"Fuck it, I'm walking up the road," I say.
I should not have fucked it and I should not have walked up the road.
My knee begins to get sharp pains in it as I walk up an incline toward the last bus stop
I wait at the bus stop for 8 minutes.
I take the bus to the final stop, a 12 minute walk from the apartment. I walk up more incline to the apartment. My friend's car is here. I guess he beat me home.
I realize I haven't eaten or had anything to drink but two brownies and some water at 11am. It's 7:00pm.
And that's how I, a disabled person, got to spend 6 hours going to the DMV for 5 minutes and and get 3 bags of groceries at a store 10 minute's drive from where I live.
Can you even guess how excited I am to take the bus to the library and the notary on Monday???? :)
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bios-hzrd · 8 months
I’m aware this is dumb and narcissistic but I’m going to puke this game idea onto the internet so I can stop thinking about it and get back to work.
Basic idea is that the player character is an evolution of Olimar from Smash in a 2D platformer with a focus on stylish combat.
Main inspirations are Smash, Ultrakill, and Neon White.
You can hold up to 3 weapons at a time. When you have a weapon equipped you have a number of different moves.
Attack: What it says on the tin, simple melee in 4 directions. The attack type is different for each weapon.
Special: A movement tool unique to each weapon. It can be done in 8 directions. Think like the midair dash in Celeste or the grappling hook in Gravity Circuit.
Toss: Throw the weapon out onto the field. Different weapons will have different effects once there. But the main idea is that you don’t have it equipped any longer.
When you have a weapon equipped, if you toss the weapon, you’ll automatically switch to the next weapon in the lineup.
Each weapon can use its attack and special once. Try to do it again and you’ll automatically switch weapons. This means that weapons can have synergy with themselves and other weapons.
If you only have one weapon you can just use it’s attack and special repeatedly.
To get weapons back you just need to touch them. If you hold down the recall button, a special effect triggers that makes them try to return to you.
Maybe there could also be a parry where you could parry them on recall to trigger another effect but that seems a bit too much.
Enemies carry their own weapons that they drop on death. If you aren’t carrying three weapons you can pick them up on contact. However if the inventory spot it’s taking is being used by a tossed weapon that weapon drops to the ground and it’s effect ends.
In essence, just like Olimar your inventory is a rotation and you have to control which weapons are in and out of rotation, as well as what weapon you are going to switch to to ensure you are attacking the opponent with the desired effect. Unlike Olimar however, weapon choices are fueled less by practicality and more by a style meter that goes up whenever you do something cool.
A few weapon ideas,
Laser Whip: It’s special is a grappling hook that lets you swing from walls. It can also be used to pull yourself to enemies. It’s attack is a Marth style sword swing with a tipper. You can attack while being pulled to enemies, and if you hit them with the tipper, you dash right through instead of stopping in front of them.
Boomerang: On toss, it flies a short distance and stays in the air. In the air, it acts like a flying buzzsaw you can toss enemies into. On recall it draws a straight line from itself to the position you were at when you pressed the button and follows it, cutting through anything it touches. If it hits a wall it bounces off and draws a new line, until it either gets you, or you stop holding the recall button.
And anything else would require research, and I’m trying to stop thinking about this. It’s nice how it always sounds less cool when it escapes my head.
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iviarellereads · 9 months
System Collapse, Chapter 4
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which Murderbot gets a taste of vindication.
Murderbot is pretty sure this is just from the initial terraforming engine setup. The humans are a bit disappointed, but it's not, it swears. It just keeps thinking about how it might still be connected to a pre-CR structure. Then it tells itself to keep its mind on its job.
Tarik and Iris have come down to look, though MB made Ratthi stay to control the shuttle because he's so good at finding dangerous things to poke.(1) The colonists didn't say anything about dangerous native flora or fauna, but humans tend to assume that if they know a thing, everyone else does as well. Still, colonists who aren't expecting visitors after thirty or more years alone are danger enough. When Ratthi asks how he's supposed to fight off an attack on the shuttle, MB tells him to keep the door closed and have the bot pilot fly back out to make contact with Art-prime.
Iris says they couldn't have been living this close to the engines, but Ratthi points out over the comm that people do weirder things. MB thinks it would probably try to live inside the engines, even.
The work finally pays off, and the control panel for the hatch lights up. Tarik and Art-drone have to catch MB's attention before it remembers to warn everyone back because it's its job to open it.(2) Iris tells it to be safe, and it still doesn't know how to respond to that sentiment, since it's always been its job to get hurt first.
The opening is all rather anticlimactic. MB sends the two drones not in the shuttle into the void, and finds it's a very standard cargo area with two offshoot tunnels but no signs of habitation. The hatch is opening wider, letting dirt in, and Iris asks if MB is okay with stopping it. MB sends her an affirmative instead of saying yes, and lets Tarik go cut the power again.
Then we all kind of stood there for a second. Iris looked at me and I saw her hesitate, because her hesitation looked a lot like Dr. Mensah’s hesitation. And I realized I really didn’t want to go down there.(3)
MB knows it's best suited, and someone has to go, and if it can't do this much, it can't do its job. So it tells them to wait here while it goes. Iris smiles and goes along with the pretense that nothing's wrong.
Down the manual access tube it goes, since the lift will be too much of a pain to get working. It sends its camera feed to the others, and Ratthi asks what the second tunnel is for. MB keeps Drone2 and sends Drone1 to investigate. The rail system leads into a tunnel going west toward the terraforming engines, the second tunnel goes northeast at a weird angle.
Tarik is just asking if there might be storage or admin offices down the second tunnel, when everyone notices something in Drone2's(4) video feed: faint light. MB notes that there's an obstruction, and worries about a contaminated bot, but it's just a vehicle. Just past it, the smooth sides of the Adamantine tunnel end in an opening to another space.
The building crew for the terraforming cargo installation had encountered an existing tunnel, larger, square, made of smooth gray artificial stone that was mottled just a little for what had to be aesthetic reasons. I could see that, because there was active emergency lighting, little blue flat squares of it about three meters up the tunnel walls. My risk assessment finally caught up to what was happening and hit the roof. We were looking at a Pre–Corporation Rim site. A Pre–Corporation Rim site that was drawing power.(5)
The team doesn't know what happened to the pre-CR colony that was here. They know only that they'd encountered contamination, it was severe enough to cause "compulsive construction" over their original colony site, and nobody was there when Adamantine arrived. They can't do a survey of the site, because the site got blown up, and the contamination is still under the rubble. Another redacted section goes here.(6)
MB goes on to explain that not all alien remnants are bad. There are some known as "strange synthetics" and you can get licenses to work with them in the Corporate Rim and some other polities. But, a contamination incident isn't hostile per se, there's no intention behind it, it's just something like a poison left behind.(7)
It even cites(8) a whole-assed Volume I of a series on the history of colonization and expansion by humans to explain how not all pre-CR planets are alien contaminated at all. But, sometimes a site is abandoned for good reason, and for a long time humans didn't know they needed to be careful with remnants… or they did, and they exploited them anyway.
At any rate, during planning stages of this mission, Thiago pulled some research about contaminated sites being disproportionately underground, as if perhaps someone was disposing of the contaminants by burial. MB isn't sure why that's better, but it feels better if someone wasn't just laying traps for future unsuspecting visitors.
Art-drone asks what the fuck MB is doing for its stats to drop like that, and MB admits it was thinking about alien contamination. Art-drone commands it to stop immediately. MB wishes it were that easy when it's standing in front of a pre-CR site.
So, MB tells us, this is where we started in the intro to chapter 1.(9) Iris says the colonists were right, and they have to check it out. Tarik agrees, sighing. MB says Ratthi needs to stay in the shuttle, so Iris tells him to follow them from the air. Ratthi also sighs.
They discuss whether to drive the vehicle or leave it and walk. MB thinks how, if it were still corporate property, it would absolutely be doing this alone, but the humans expect to go and it's not going to argue today.(10) They'll need to talk to anyone they encounter anyway, since MB is in no state to pretend to be human, even if they don't recognize a SecUnit on sight.
Iris records a quick check-in report for a pathfinder to fly out of the engines' interference range for Art-prime and the rest of the team, while Tarik gets the vehicle running. MB takes a seating position where it can grab Iris if she starts to fall out of the vehicle, and Art-drone takes up next to Tarik. MB knows this is a sign of Art's faith in it, that Art trusts MB with Iris's safety without question.
A bit more than forty minutes into the drive, MB tells Tarik to stop. On the camera feeds, Drone2 has found an even bigger space, which looks like an aircraft hangar. One of the platforms is occupied.
Tarik asks why the colonists thought this was a good idea. Iris suggests maybe they didn't know how dangerous it was. Ratthi says they must have known, from the style of the existing structures. MB is slightly gratified that it's not alone in finding the architecture discomforting, and it's not just because of what it went through.
MB tells Tarik and Iris to stay in the vehicle, though it's not sure that's the proper procedure.(11) Tarik says they're certified in hazard exploration, but Ratthi says so's he, and that didn't stop him from nearly getting killed on planet: MB did. MB starts to catastrophize about not being able to do its job and protect them if they won't listen to it.
That's when Iris says Tarik was once "in a corporate combat squad." MB and both its drones turn around, though MB can't see through Tarik's visor. Tarik, for his part, raises his hands palm-out and says he doesn't want to fight anyone. Ratthi makes a noise on the shuttle that MB doesn't explain. Tarik asks Iris if there's anything else about him that Iris wants to tell them, and she says yes: Tarik also hates corporates more than any of the others, because they made him kill.(12) Silence falls over the group, and Iris apologizes to Tarik, but she wanted it all out in the open so MB understands that Tarik has experience with first-contact like this, and they should work together. Though, her father(13) and Art were agreed that MB would take point on all issues related to security.
In the private feed, MB asks Art-drone if that's true, and Art-drone says of course they agreed, as if it's obvious.
MB knows it needs to say something, so aloud, it says "Okay." At least the talking gave it a chance to stop and think, and ask if it really wants to go alone, which it absolutely does not. It says they'll all go to the hangar entrance, and Iris thanks it for listening. Art-drone tells them they can have "emotional reactions and phatic communication"(14) after the vehicle's in motion.
Tarik offers that they should talk about this later, to MB specifically. MB thinks that's absolutely not going to happen. It does, however, realize that Tarik was probably Art's security specialist before MB, so MB may have taken a human's job, which would be funny under other circumstances.
MB lets the humans chat for the rest of the drive. In the private feed with Art-drone, it accuses Art-drone of knowing that about Tarik and not telling MB. Art-drone says yes, it and Seth both objected when Tarik was assigned to the team. They thought that being trained to show aggression toward humans might be something he'd revert back to under pressure, but it's all been working out… so far.
It's that last bit that leaves MB thinking. It doesn't know how Art experiences or processes emotion. Then again, it doesn't understand its own emotions, either, most of the time. But, it has a bit of jealousy toward Tarik. It asks Art-drone if Tarik was its security consultant, but--
ART-drone interrupted, He’s not a security consultant, he’s a mission specialist. He has a good knowledge of the tactics that corporates like Barish-Estranza employ. You are a security consultant. That would have been encouraging, before redacted.(15)
(1) Iris is Art's Ratthi, which means Ratthi is Murderbot's Iris. As much as it can roll its eyes at Art's overprotectiveness, MB has zero shame about wanting to do the same for its humans. It's just so cute. (2) I feel so much for poor MB here, getting lost in its thoughts and anxieties. (3) After literally everything it's ever done, but particularly Network Effect, WHO CAN BLAME?! (4) I think this might be a typo, because it implies it's the drone that went down the tunnel, but it names the one MB listed as staying with it. /nitpick (5) VINDICATION! MB knew it. (6) I dunno about you, hypothetical also reading this for the first time friend, but I feel like the redacted incident is a red herring for the events of Network Effect, especially with the redacted bit in a couple pages where MB could be referring to being stuck with the contamination after being taken captive. It could be something that happened between books, but either way it had to have been fairly recent for the feelings to still be so fresh. (7) I'm thinking here of how humans can eat garlic and onions, but they're extremely toxic to cats, so humans might leave scallions laying around, and a cat could get very sick eating some with no intention on the human's part. (8) CITING SOURCES?! When was the last time Murderbot cited a source? Art is really rubbing off on it, isn't it? <3 (9) D'OH! It's so easy to forget little things like a line stating explicitly "Planets where you have to investigate the probably-not-empty, possibly-alien-contaminated Pre–Corporation Rim occupation site while wearing an environmental suit instead of armor". (10) Both "it's pointless, they'll come anyway" and "I don't want to be alone here" make perfect sense. (11) I'm sure that its trauma is the main root cause here, whatever it keeps redacting, and we know it had bad experiences in that storage area under the original colony. But, don't count out how disorienting it must be for MB to be accustomed to having dozens of inputs and feeds on the go at all times, now down to just the sensors on its three drones and the humans' suits. (12) No, how dare you give MB a reason to empathize with him when he's stalling and being a jerk? (This is me being silly, I live for the drama of it all.) (13) She doesn't specify which one, and I don't remember them distinctly enough to be able to clarify here, though it's probably Seth since he comes up in a few more pages. (14) Phatic is "relating to social connections", more or less. So, the conversations that will reinforce their social relationships in the end. (15) You keep doing this to meeeee.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
Ryomen Sukuna spectating Ghostbuster Reader's Job
The next long due part to our Jujutsu Kaisen flavored Ghostbuster saga. Our King of Curses is gonna have a taste to average ghost busting insanity with dear Reader. Let's see how it goes. Can be read gender neutral or preferred gender.
Let this be known that the first week since his capture, the King of Curses is a BITCH. He took every moment to make you know how much he loathes the new housing arrangements. The curse was too dangerous to stick in the average ghost grid since he'll terrorize all the ghosts. Thus he been moved to a carrieable friendly trap.
It was a trap capable of letting him see the outside, hear around a 6 meter range and speak to you through a special Bluetooth. There's also a lock that cannot be open without the scans of the PKEs from five different Ghostbusters. It repels any Cursed Energy and not even a tank round could dent it.
You were taking zero chances as Sukuna getting out again would be Japan's third nuke to put it lightly. He also made hunting down his fingers easier. You were gonna take advantage of Sukuna quest to reclaim his power. Thus the Two Faced Specter became a mandatory companion.
Now you don't fully focus your time on looking for the other 19 fingers. They were super difficult to find without any clues and data was invaluable as some news came into light. A group of Curses were looking for Sukuna specifically with the aid of an infamous Curse User.
Jujutsu Sorcerers' Elders tend to make very dumb or greedy decisions that always ends up creating enemies. Every Ghostbuster was made well aware about any significant movements and changes as no one wants this to leave Japan's borders. You guys didn't need more shit. Especially since Gozer struck a major blow on the Ghostbusters business by killing one of the founders, Egon Spengler. Bless his soul.
Anyway, the Curse User in question was one of Tokyo's branches more skilled Sorcerers, Geto Suguru. Rumors had it he been slain by Gojo Satoru but the man clearly didn't stay dead. Thus you need to exercise caution unless you want any collected fingers to get stolen or a Ghost Grid get taken out.
It was a ghost busting day as the latest client mention their game console might have a specter inside. Sukuna, of course, decided to stick his two cents in. "It's a Curse, not a Ghost you dumb bitch!" "Curses aren't the only type of spirit you bathroom wall decorated whore!"
Ghosts don't spawn much in Japan as the area was practically drowning with Cursed Energy. Any spirit that does know how to avoid their more vicious cousins and can be quite volatile if agitated. Just like Curses, the higher a ghost was in Level the more dangerous they were. 1 is harmless while 10 is cataclysmic.
Your client was an avid gamer who picked up a Amiga consolefrom a yard sale. They explained that bizarre phenomenon began once turning it on. Game console switches on by itself and slime oozes from the electrical sockets but the last clue was able to help identify the specter. 8 bit characters manifesting at the dead of night.
"Pixel Ghosts. A Class 2 Swarmer that haunt in videogame consoles. They can get a bit agitated if someone disturbs their nest. Don't worry one bit. I can move them without any damage to your console and get dispose of the leftover ectoplasm."
Sukuna observed intently as a new type of trap was put on display. It held a USB cord and was smaller than he is. You hooked up the trap to the Amiga Console then flip the power. Various pixels dance across the screen as they broke apart and the light on the trap lit up an orange glow.
It was absolutely infested since over a 100 ghosts had made residence inside. You put the Slime Blower on suction mode and began scooping any residual ectoplasm as it would attract curses or more dangerous specters. Overall, the job took about an easy two hours.
You had a few more, two being Curses instead of ghosts, before calling it a day. Sukuna kept quiet throughout the whole affair. Could only guess that this new revelation on spirits was the cause.
You were tuning up your Proton Pack when the Two Faced Specter spoke. "How did this job come to existence? Why haven't you offered your services to those sorcerers?" Honestly wondered when he was gonna ask.
"Not all spirits are malevolent or evil. Jujutsu Sorcerers would just treat ghosts the same way they do Curses. Some spirits come into being for the sake of unfinished business as they can't rest until it's done. As for the job..." Sukuna was properly introduced to the ghost busting world through the famous Ghostbusters commercial. His snark wasn't a surprise but things felt peaceful.
And that's it! I won't lie there was some issues writing this. The issue sorta lied on the fact I don't have a Tobin's Spirit Guide and the entries from the Ghostbusters videogame is all I got. In my opinion, ghosts would be rare in areas with a lot of Curse activity.
Lower levels, specifically 3 or less, are seen as prey hence the more reclusive behavior. I won't be surprised if jujutsu sorcerers viewed ghosts like pests similar to Curses either. They're probably also dumb enough to unleash an apocalypse on accident since specters operate the same way as their more negative cousins.
Sukuna feels like a glutton when it comes to knowledge than just food or power. He will want to learn about whatever grabs his interest and throw his two cents in. Plus the King of Curses would be bitchy no matter his arrangements.
Next headcanon will have our dear Ghostbuster interact with the Jujutsu Kaisen cast! Until next time folks, I'll see you later in my Domain Expansion and keep on ghostbusting!
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nohkalikai-story · 3 months
A Name to Remember
 In the lush hills of Meghalaya, India, there's a waterfall that will make your jaw drop and your heart race. This is Nohkalikai Falls, one of the tallest plunge waterfalls in India, plunging down from an impressive height of 1,115 feet (340 meters). But beyond its stunning beauty, Nohkalikai hides a story that's as dark and intense as its thundering waters. Ready for a quirky journey through folklore, heartbreak, and a touch of morbid curiosity? Buckle up, because the legend of Nohkalikai Falls is a wild ride.
Learn about the NohKaLikai Falls!
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Nohkalikai, The name itself sounds like it belongs in an epic fantasy novel, doesn’t it? But it’s actually a combination of Khasi words: “Noh” means “jump,” and “Ka Likai” is the name of the tragic heroine in this story. Yes, this waterfall is named after a woman, and not just any woman – a woman with a story that is film worthy!
Once upon a time, in a village near the falls, there lived a young widow named Likai. Life had not been kind to her. Her husband had died young, leaving her with a newborn daughter. To support herself and her baby, Likai worked tirelessly as a porter, carrying heavy loads up and down the steep hills.
Despite the hardships, Likai adored her daughter. Every moment she wasn't working, she spent with her little girl. But as the story goes, societal pressures and well-meaning but nosy neighbors pushed her into remarrying. Likai's new husband, however, was not the loving partner she hoped for. Instead, he became jealous of the attention Likai gave to her daughter.
One day, Likai came home exhausted from work, only to find a delicious meal waiting for her. Starving and grateful, she devoured the food. After finishing her meal, she looked around for her daughter. But she was nowhere to be found. As she called out and searched frantically, her eyes fell upon a small severed finger in the betel-nut basket.
Horror struck, Likai realized the unthinkable: in a fit of insane jealousy, her husband had killed her daughter and cooked her into the meal. Consumed by grief, rage, and despair, Likai ran to the edge of the nearby cliff and threw herself off, thus giving the waterfall its name: Nohkalikai – “the leap of Likai.”
Visiting Nohkalikai Falls today, it’s hard to reconcile its serene beauty with such a tragic tale. The water comes down a sheer cliff into a strikingly blue pool below, surrounded by lush green forest. The view is both majestic and melancholic, a natural monument to Likai’s sorrow.
During the monsoon season, the falls are at their most powerful, a roaring cascade that can be heard from miles away. In contrast, the dry season reveals the stark, rocky face of the cliff, a quieter but equally impressive sight. Both versions of Nohkalikai have their own charm, making it a year-round destination for nature lovers and thrill-seekers alike.
The legend of Nohkalikai serves as a reminder of the depths of human emotion and the sometimes horrifying outcomes of jealousy and despair. It also highlights the power of nature to reflect and memorialize human experiences. So, the next time you find yourself near Cherrapunji, take a moment to visit Nohkalikai Falls. Marvel at its beauty, remember Likai’s story, and perhaps ponder the mysteries of the human heart.
Nohkalikai Falls is more than just a natural wonder; it's a testament to the power of storytelling and the ways in which nature and legend intertwine. Whether you’re a lover of dramatic tales, a nature enthusiast, or just someone looking for a breathtaking view, Nohkalikai Falls offers something unforgettable. Just be sure to hold your loved ones a little closer and appreciate the beauty – and the darkness – that life can bring.
For more travel related info visit Backpackers United
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ga-wsc-fmp · 7 months
Learning Unity - Official "Create with Code" course
Unity has an official, free online course called "Create with Code" that teaches you how to use Unity to create some simple prototype games. Unlike many tutorials on Youtube, these lessons are structured in a way where you are told to "Watch, then do", meaning that you're supposed to pay full attention to the video, and then go off and do what was shown by memory. This is a very effective way to ensure learning as it forces you to retain as much information as possible and truly understand what it is that you're actually doing, as opposed to mindlessly copying a tutorial without spending any time understanding what's actually happening. So far I've gotten to lesson 1.3 and have a scene where a car drives down a road, crashing through crates that have physics applied to them. I had to learn a tiny bit of C# to get that to work (emphasis on tiny, as it's basically just a couple lines so far)
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To my understanding so far based on both my experience with Unreal Engine, as well as my limited experience in other languages like Python. I believe I can give a mostly-accurate explaination of everything here (Please excuse me if I'm incorrect on a couple bits here as I am still learning these things): To the best of my understanding: The first 3 lines are basically calling libraries, System and UnityEngine. These libraries basically just contain a bunch of functions and such that you can call later in the code. Line 5 is creating a public class, which I guess is sort of like a custom event in Unreal? Maybe it's closer to an exposed variable, though im not 100% sure if this actually counts as a variable or not yet. Though basically it's creating something that can be accessed by anything else, and then inheriting from MonoBehaviour, which is another class that I believe comes from the UnityEngine library. Line 8 kind of explains itself, it's a function (once again, I believe comes from the UnityEngine library) that is called immediately as the game begins, before the first frame update even happens. Any methods put inside the curly brackets will be executed the instant the game is opened (or at least, the instant the script is activated). The "void" part to my knowledge basically just means that it doesn't return any values, though I'm not entirely sure what that entails as I've only briefly looked into it so far.
Line 14 is basically the same thing except instead of everything running as soon as the script is activated, it instead runs everything constantly every single frame (so if your game is running at 60fps, everything will execute 60 times every second). Finally, line 17 is the part I actually wrote (well and 16). The rest of the code so far was there by default when I created the script in Unity. Anyways this basically calls the transform function, then uses a sub-function? (I forgot the proper name) called translate, and then uses Vector3.forward which is the same as typing (0, 0, 1) which would make the object go forward by 1 meter on the Z axis. then it multiplies that by Time.deltaTime, essentially just meaning every second, and then finally it multiplies that by 15. Once it's saved and run, it results in this (No I'm not controlling the vehicle, at the moment it just goes automatically):
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spacenutspod · 9 months
As weird as it might sound, black holes appear to be holograms. In the 1980’s physicist Jacob Bekenstein was able to calculate exactly how much a black hole grew. If you add a single bit of information to a black hole, its surface area increases by exactly one Planck unit.A Planck length the smallest possible measurable distance, roughly 10^-35 meters, and is important because it’s right around that scale where our understanding of physics completely breaks down. Specifically, it’s at that scale that we believe that we require a quantum theory of gravity to understand what’s going on. A Planck area is this length squared, and it’s by this amount that a black hole grows. It could have been literally any other number in the cosmos, but instead it’s this specific one. When we add information to a black hole, it responds in a uniquely quantum gravitational way, unlike any other system in the cosmos. It seems as if the information entering a black hole is tied more to its surface than to its volume. Its two-dimensional surface. Whatever information we pour onto the event horizon seems to stay there, responding directly to that information. It seems as if we are encoding all the three-dimensional information about what constructed and what fell into black holes on their two-dimensional surfaces. It seems as if black holes are holograms. What in the world do black holes have to do with holograms? Why are the only accessible places in the universe where quantum mechanics and gravity meet – namely, black hole event horizons – operating counterintuitively where their surfaces respond to information more than their volumes do? Nature is trying to teach us something, but we can only discern the lesson in faint whispers. So let’s take nature’s hand and see where this trail goes. If black holes are holograms, and black holes are quantum gravity made manifest, then perhaps we are beginning to dimly see, through a hazy and shifting glass like Galileo when he first trained his homespun optics on the sky, that a quantum theory of gravity must be holographic in nature, and that holography has tremendously powerful implications for not just how we view arcane mathematical physics, but the extent of reality itself. This is the line of reasoning behind the holographic principle, and a statement containing no more than three words that completely and utterly decimates our understanding of space, time, matter, and energy: we live in a hologram. The next, and perhaps the last, gravitational revolution is upon us. It starts with the observation that black holes are regions of maximum entropy in the universe, and that their consumption of information content causes their surface areas, not their volumes, to grow in proportion. And it ends with a completely new understanding of gravity. The post The Holographic Secret of Black Holes appeared first on Universe Today.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Space Marine 2 is Gears of War on steroids, and a treat for 40k fans
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40k Warhammer Space Marine 2 is primarily a third-person shooter and just secondarily a Warhammer 40k game. That's not to suggest that a sequel to the tale of Titus, a former Firstborn Captain of the Ultramarines Space Marine Chapter, won't be given to ardent aficionados of the universe, but if, like me, it means little to you, Space Marine 2 won't lose you in the minutiae of its lore. After playing an hour of Space Marine 2’s second level and having a chat with Saber Interactive creative director Oliver Hollis-Leick at Gamescom 2023, it became very clear to me that the team is aiming to strike a balance between doing right by longtime fans and people like me when the Space Marine 2 release date rolls around later this year. Hollis-Leick played Dawn of War 2 when it came out and has read so many Warhammer 40k books and novels that I imagine he has whole shelves dedicated to the series, but that doesn’t mean he’s not thinking about new fans. “How do we make it feel accessible to someone who’s got no familiarity with whatsoever?” Hollis-Leick ponders. “We worked with Games Workshop to relax some of the terminology where possible, to use more common terms to make this a little bit easier to understand. Also, I wanted to avoid massive exposition dumps at the start of the game about what Aterian is, what a Rubicon Primaris is, and all that stuff. So it was a combination of simplification and drip-feeding as much visual storytelling as possible.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzucEQ-VhHQ That visual storytelling is immediately evident too, with a massive mud-drenched battlefield opening up the second level while soldiers bark orders at one another and fight the Tyranids – Warhammer 40k’s aliens that are reminiscent of the bugs in Starship Troopers – as they come running at you in droves. There’s so much in the character design and world itself that isn’t outright explained, and yet Space Marine 2 absolutely feels part of a larger universe that easily welcomes you into its mechanics. Warhammer 40k fans will not be left wanting, I’m sure of it, even if the presentation isn’t immediately lore-heavy. While Space Marine 2 is not a cover shooter, instead opting for a blend of ranged and melee combat against hordes of enemies that you can tackle in up to three-player co-op, it will definitely appeal to fans of that genre. If you thought the jacked dudes, screaming, and gore of Gears of War was intense, Space Marine 2 dials that up to 11 while offering you a smooth blend of ranged and melee combat. Because Saber Interactive is leveraging its tech from 2019’s World War Z, Space Marine 2 will see you fending off hordes of enemies as they scramble over each other to reach your position, and when they do you’ll need to dodge roll, melee attack, and parry your way around the battlefield. Space Marine 2 is a delicate dance of off-the-cuff judgments, where your choice comes down to point-blank executions or chainsaws through the chest. “We felt that the story of a Space Marine cannot be told without that epic scale,” Hollis-Leick adds. “So there is a lot of sort of programming wizardry that goes into it, we have to be very efficient with graphics.” You’ll see swarms of Tyranids from hundreds of meters away bearing down on you like a flock of birds, only for them to push right up to your position and charge you without a second thought. Space Marine 2 is a successful exercise in over-the-top game design. You’re controlling an eight-foot-tall immortal man who likely weighs over 1,000kgs in armor, and you’re somehow gliding around the battlefield like an Olympic figure skater. While that might sound like it shouldn’t work on screen, it really does. The movement and gunplay are top-tier, and this is what makes it appeal to anyone who doesn’t know their Space Marines. The core experience of Space Marine 2 is so good that newbies won’t feel lost, but while big fans will definitely still get what they want. If you’re also a fantasy gamer, we’ve got all the best Warhammer games you’ll ever need as well, alongside some brilliant co-op games to keep your squad busy in the meantime. Read the full article
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ramarlpso · 2 years
Butthead Music Lore Part IV I think or whatever number this is
Once upon a time, there was a thing called THE THING, but it wasn't the one from Marvel. It was just something that was called THE THING... it was vaguely humanoid in shape, although its face was utterly deformed, with disgustingly large freckles on its cheeks. It had green hair and bugged out eyes as well.
I accidentally just saved a draft because my wrist weight touched the keyboard. I am not sure which key I pressed. Uh oh. Anyways.
This "THE THING" was a creature that lived on Earth and it finally made its claim to fame the day after Domo Genesis and Left Brain got some Wendy's.
Domo and Left Brain were exiting a movie theatre after seeing the newest Godzilla film (yeah yeah sue me), when they sensed the energy of THE THING. Domo teleported them over to THE THING and they took a good, long look at it, seeing how ugly it was. Left Brain then rushed at it, brutally attacking it, but it was to no avail. THE THING then touched Left Brain and was sucked into his body, taking control of him. Left Brain was now known as THE BRAIN, and it was basically Left Brain with the facial features of THE THING. Domo Genesis goes up to full power and attacks THE BRAIN, trying to knock THE THING out of Left Brain's body. THE BRAIN takes these attacks easily, and after a long string of attacks from Domo, overtakes his body as well, splitting its conscious between the two bodies. DOMO THING and THE BRAIN then go on an epic rampage against the Earth due to their possession, and in their rampage they destroy some mountains in Japan, unveiling the kaijus Namegon and Dragon. Dragon from Ultra Q. Namegon and Dragon awaken from their slumber angrily and attack DOMO THING and THE BRAIN. THE BRAIN easily kills them both alone. The energy of the two kaiju is then sucked over somewhere else, DOMO THING and THE BRAIN follow the trail, to find the energy being absorbed by Juran, a plant kaiju. Juran begins to absorb their energy as well, so they both attack it and cut its head off. THE THING then takes control of Juran as well, but cannot choose a name for it, so it just keeps its name as Juran, except with all caps. Like this. JURAN. So anyway, JURAN begins to absorb energy from the Earth itself. At this point, if she couldn't already, Tyler Okonma can definitely sense all of this, considering the whole Earth is having its energy drained. So he gets out of his treehouse and gets the Ultra Divine Urine to save them from THE THING's control. Once he gets there, JURAN instantly attacks. Tyler splashes the urine on the plant monster's face, purifying it and then destroying it. DOMO THING and THE BRAIN try to attack Tyler, but he blocks himself with the can of Ultra Divine Urine, splashing all over his two foes and converting them back to normal.
A couple days after THE THING is destroyed and purged from the Earth, a meteorite touches down on the planet from space. Two days later (AKA 4 days after THE THING gets offed), the meteorite hatches... like an egg? Two beings emerge from it, one is a robotic cat-like being with metallic claws in the place of paws, and a three headed monster about the size of a human being. These are Tron Cat and King Ghidorah, although this King Ghidorah starts off MUCH smaller than the other ones because not only was it in the first stages of its life, but it also starts out a little smaller after coming out of the meteor. See, a few hours from its awakening, it will get a little taller. Then it will get taller again. That will happen 5 times afterwards, increasing its size to normal. Although since it is rather young, this Ghidorah's size will be around 70 meters instead of the usual 100. Tron Cat bought this little guy from the X-ilian aliens a few months back and had it encase them inside a meteorite to touch down onto a planet with the highest power signatures. They didn't go to the planet of the Supreme Pizzas because it kind of exists in a different realm but that is a little inconsistent sometimes. It travels in and out of that different realm but for the sake of the story they just go to Earth. Besides, Domo and Left Brain are still relatively strong, they are about as powerful as Clancy when he first battled Butthead Music in her Super Tsufurujin Goddess form. Anyway, Tron Cat guides Ghidorah through a small city and commands him to attack and devour whatever he comes across. In this process, the 2 meter tall Ghidorah gets into a fight with a woman named Mamiya who pulls out some weird metallic yoyo things and cuts off one of its heads with them, specifically the middle one. Ghidorah gets angry and in its anger gets larger, increasing to 5 meters tall and kicks her over, firing a gravity beam from its left and right heads into her body repeatedly, killing her after a minute of this. Still, Ghidorah proved to have an actual challenge, so Tron Cat decided it would be better if he was a little more involved in Ghidorah's rampage. Tron Cat watched closely over Ghidorah as he continued to thrash the city, although with his new size, nobody could stand in his way. It didn't help much that Mamiya was the strongest person in the town. The rampage continued for a couple more hours, and by the end of it, Ghidorah was about 8 meters tall in the end. Tron Cat leads Ghidorah into the next town over and they begin to attack there as well. At this point, word spreads to the next town from the scared citizens of the last city (who are already dead anyway) and the military is rolled in to attack Ghidorah. Ghidorah fights with ground troops and Tron Cat makes sure to protect him whenever it is needed to prevent him from getting injured at all. At some point, a band of soldiers with hatchets jump onto Ghidorah's back without him noticing and begin to chop at his scales, but he just shakes them off and falls back onto them, crushing them all to death. As the fight continues and he kills more and more, he gets a little larger, growing to 12 meters. Ghidorah also grows wider as well when he gets larger if it wasn't already obviously. Ghidorah, with his new size, takes care of the remaining soldiers. They thought ahead of course, and bring in a band of tanks, although, seeing the potential damage Ghidorah could sustain from this, Tron Cat instantly wipes all the tanks out before they can even fire into the golden monster.
Let's just give a location check here, how about we say this is taking place in Fresno, California? Not that it really matters, right? Surely nothing will come of the fact that they're in Fresno... right...
Anyway, after Ghidorah and Tron Cat defeat the military troops sent at them, they leave the city and Tron Cat guides his pet into a forest. Night quickly descends, and Ghidorah begins to get sleepy. Tron Cat decides to let Ghidorah take a nap nearby, so they go to a mountain and blow a hole through it so they can rest in there. When they venture inside the newly formed cave, a bunch of small creatures with heads attached to their legs attack them. They all mob together at Ghidorah, but the winged beast is able to defeat them when it activates the gravity pulse, something it (literally) pulled out of its ass. The Fresno Nightcrawlers fall to the ground, dead, and Ghidorah forms a bed out of their corpses... disgusting. Tron Cat decides to go into sleep mode as well because of his pet taking a nap.
In the morning, Ghidorah and Tron Cat awaken and begin to continue their rampage. You know how you have to urinate every time you wake up? Basically, Ghidorah expels waste by using his gravity based attacks, so he completely destroys the forest they were in when they exit the cave. They exit the forest and Ghidorah begins growing again, up to 20 meters tall now. Ghidorah and Tron Cat rampage across a few cities, for a few hours, but that isn't important enough to mention in detail. More military guys come, obviously, but their attacks are so pitiful that it doesn't even matter. Ghidorah easily wipes out all the planes, tanks, and regular soldiers who attack him. At this point, all the rampaging would disturb an underground monster in Fresno, and it digs through the Earth to take care of whatever annoying monster may be in its way. This monster is Baragon, a fire breathing dinosaur monster that also kind of looks like my dog. Anyway, Baragon, a 40m tall monster vs a (now) 28m tall monster, who wins that? Especially when the aforementioned smaller monster is injured from a previous battle.. well I guess not injured since he's fully healed since his fight with Mamiya, but he is never, ever, EVER going to get that middle head back through organic means. I mean, he COULD become Mecha-Ghidorah to get that head back, but that wouldn't organic matter, hence why I mentioned ORGANIC means. Anyway, Baragon absolutely kicks the shit out of King Ghidorah, even when he grows a little bit bigger during the battle, it doesn't matter much and Baragon rips him apart like a chew toy. Baragon then finishes off the "king" by frying him with his breath, finally putting him out of his misery. Seeing this monster he purchased for quite a lot of money so easily killed like this, turns to Baragon and destroys him with a massive blast.
I was gonna have Neronga take Baragon's place in this story, but considering Neronga's whole thing is absorbing electric energy, it would be best not to do that considering it would put Ghidorah would just be at a bigger disadvantage despite Neronga being weaker than Baragon in normal circumstances.
Domo, on Genesis lookout, watches over the Earth and witnesses these events, finally deciding there is nothing that can be done by the beings of Earth to take care of Tron Cat and Ghidorah... well, Ghidorah's already dead, but Tron Cat is far too strong to be taken down by any earthly beings other than himself or Left Brain. Domo gets Left Brain to go with him to Fresno and they come to where Tron Cat is. Domo recognizes Tron Cat as the person who once told Tyler to shoot him to death. Left Brain would know about this as well, although he wasn't there. Basically, the people Tyler shot at the end of Goblin told Left Brain and all the others who didn't get shot about that after they came back to life. Domo Genesis then attacks Tron Cat to put an end to his funny and stuff, but no matter what Domo does, he can't really hurt Tron Cat. That's not to say he can't DAMAGE Tron Cat, but it doesn't hurt him. Robots don't feel physical pain. So he's all dented and shit (not too dented to be impaired mind you) and he's not in any pain meanwhile Domo's fists hurt a little bit and he's kind of tuckered out, so Left Brain comes in there to attack Tron Cat as well and he can't do as much damage as Domo considering he is weaker than him but he stalls for time anyway. At some point, Tron Cat's head falls off, but he doesn't really care and just puts it back on anyways, a little more dented than when it fell off. Domo and Left Brain then go together and charge up a dual beam attack at Tron Cat and seemingly kill him in the blast seeing as he disappeared, but then they get kicked to the ground by him, so it seems he teleported away before he could get killed. So Domo and Left Brain rush at him again but they just get knocked down again, Tron Cat reprimands them and tells them it's "his turn" and then he beats the shit out of them and shit and shit and shit. And don't forget the shit. Anyways, Domo and Left Brain get back up, damaged, and try to attack him again, but he tells them he wasn't finished and he throws his hands into the air to charge up a ki blast but it doesn't work and instead a bunch of fish flop out of his hands. Domo, extremely famished, takes his chance to eat all these fish, which then fully revitalizes him. Domo, fully revitalized, and with a full stomach, then prepares to go even further beyond, for the sake of the people, for the sake of his friends (OK just friend singular, said friend being Left Brain), and for the sake of the planet, Domo Genesis transforms into Domo CD. Domo CD attacks Tron Cat telling him his turn is over because of his failure to attack and then he beats the shit out of him some more. Tron Cat still can't feel a thing, but at this point the damage is truly starting to catch up to him. Domo CD continues to attack even when Tron Cat tells him his time is up already and in the end he rips Tron Cat's head off. Tron Cat's body runs at Domo anyway, but without his head he can't see what he's doing and his body gets knocked to the ground. Domo CD then pulls out a corn dog and gives it to Tron Cat's head, and he eats it. After eating the corn dog, his heart begins to grow three times in size, so he asks to be put back on his body and Domo agrees. Domo CD puts Tron Cat's head back on his body and he instantly begins crying and kneeling to him and apologizing for being so evil and stuff. See, the corn dog actually turned him good because that's what corn dogs do to robots who are evil. If they are good or neutral it won't affect them. But if they're evil it makes them good. Donuts make good and neutral robots evil. Donuts also make evil robots eviler. Tron Cat does not eat donuts, he eats no nuts. No nuts. He be just like a eunuch doe. Hashtag eunuch tron cat. I wish I was a eunuch.
Anyway part 5 coming soon enough I hope or whatever number we're gonna be on next time
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
OMG congratulations on 500 followers!!! All of your prompts are so fun but I just HAVE to request #5 (and obviously 🌶). Thank you so much and no rush!
Hiiii babes! Thank you so much for the kind words and the ask!! You're my first 500 Follower Celebration prompt fill! This one had been writing itself in my head for weeks so thrilled you requested it straight out the gate!!
The prompt: Jake gets too invested in Nyla’s little league soccer games…she’s 3 
Requested by: the darling @pleasurebuttonwrites​!
Spice-o-meter: 🌶 - Rated G/T, some references to sexual content at most
Word Count: 2.4k (we all know I can't write a drabble, right?)
TW/CW: Reader is pregnant, Jake is one of those dads who absolutely goes off on the sidelines during their kid’s sports, blink-and-you-miss-it reference to sexytimes,  mucho swearing in Spanish (translations at the bottom of the fic as per usual) and a fook toon of fluff!
A/N:  As the daughter of an American dad but being raised in London, I have made the following executive decisions about Nyla’s American & British-isms: she calls the reader Mommy instead of Mummy but refers to soccer as football. 
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“Mommy! Mommy! Mommyyyy,” was how you were woken up this morning, accompanied by your three-year-old daughter launching herself into your bed. She startled both you and your husband awake. 
While you were bleary, Jake was alert at once and wasted no time chiding her, “Nyla, what did I tell you about jumping on Mommy and Daddy’s bed like that? Especially since Mommy has a baby in her tummy now?” 
“Sorry,” Nyla apologized, wriggling in between you two. You shifted your baby-heavy body to face her, and drew Nyla into your arms. “Sorry Mommy.”
“It’s okay,” you soothed her. 
Jake rolled out of bed to start the coffee, since with a wakeup call like that, caffeine was going to be more necessary than usual today. 
Nyla snuggled impossibly closer to you and with a mane full of bedhead, asked you in a whisper. “Will you give me braids?”
“Yes, sweetheart, but only if you say the magic word,” you prompted.
“Pleeeeeease,” she automatically responded. 
“Okay, baby, let Mommy get up and I’ll help you get dressed.” 
“I’m not a baby,” Nyla argued. “The baby’s in there.”
She pointed to your bump. “That’s right! And the baby’s going to root for you at the game today.” 
“Like Daddy does?” Nyla asked as she led you back into her bedroom. 
“Well, hopefully not exactly like Daddy does,” you amended. 
This was the first fall Nyla was old enough to enroll in team sports, and no one had been more excited for her to begin playing football than Jake. Initially, it was nothing but endearing. He’d take Nyla to the park to practice outside of her scheduled ones with her little team, and you’d come watch them when you were feeling up to it. It was all very wholesome and sweet, Jake lowered his guard down for so few people, and it made your heart sing that he’d let you and Nyla in.
Jake’s enthusiasm for Nyla’s nascent football career took a turn for the infuriating at her first game, however. What was meant to be a chill Saturday morning in Regent’s Park had your jaw on the ground before you buried your head in your hands in frustration, since your husband treated your daughter’s Under-4 football game as if it were the championship match of the World Cup. 
It was horrifying in your opinion. Not only did Jake yell from the sidelines to coach Nyla, he nearly picked a fight with the poor uni student refereeing their game, topping it all off by swearing loudly in Spanish every time they “missed a play”. Which was often, because you know, they were toddlers. 
The first game you’d been overwhelmed with shock and terror at your husband’s behavior. The next time, you tried to give Jake a task to distract him. You asked him to film the game so as to add it to your home video collection of Nyla’s childhood, wanting to commemorate her first season playing a sport like any good parent. Unfortunately, that backfired too, and now you had Jake swearing like a sailor at a group of three-year-olds on tape for posterity. 
Today was another gameday, and you knew this time you’d have to confront him about it head on. That’s why when Nyla bounded out of the car and asked to walk to the pitch with her friend Abby and her parents, you let her. You needed to talk to your husband alone. Also, it was your week to bring the snacks for the team, so given that, plus your bump, the chairs, and not to mention all of Nyla’s football kit she conveniently left in the car, you and Jake were going nowhere fast. 
“How are you feeling mamacita?” he asked you, carrying the tray of orange slices that Steven dutifully cut up the night before. Jake had a firm claim on Nyla’s game days, but his other alters tried to contribute too when they could. 
“I’m alright,” you told him, making slow progress across the car park to where the pitches were. “This boy is getting big.”
“Well, just take it easy,” he admonished you. Jake’s worrying over your wellbeing and your unborn son was so damn charming that you almost forgot about laying down the ground rules for today’s game. 
“Thank you, hun. You know what would be a big help?” 
“Cualquier cosa para tí,” Jake averred. Famous last words. 
“The worst thing for the baby right now is stress,” you began cautiously. “And it would greatly reduce my stress levels if you weren’t as much of an active participant during the game today.” 
“What do you mean?” He followed up. Oh God, he didn’t get it. You prayed he was playing dumb.
“Your yelling on the sidelines? Think you could dial it back today? If not for my sake, for Nyla’s?” 
Jake scoffed, “I don’t yell.” 
You stopped dead in your tracks. “Jake Lockley.” 
“Qué quieres decir? I’m cheering her on!” he claimed. 
“By swearing in Spanish at a bunch of little kids?” 
“They can’t understand it,” he muttered. 
“You don’t know that,” you countered, “and that’s neither here nor there. I can understand it, and Nyla can understand enough of it.” 
“Bien, bien,” he grumbled in surrender, “Estaré callado hoy.”
“Gracias Papi,” you rewarded him with a chaste kiss, “I will admit, it’s pretty impressive. You watch the game like they’re pros.”
“Because I care about her,” he offered, a little wounded from your admonition. Everyone who said women were more sensitive than men were liars. And probably men. 
“I know honey, and it’s so sweet,” you comforted him, “and I hate to remind you, but you’re not at Wembley.” 
Jake gave you a sidelong, suggestive glance. “Do I get a reward for good behavior today?”
“Is carrying your baby again not enough of a reward?” you shot back. 
That quieted him down until you joined the other parents on the sidelines. Miraculously, despite Jake’s sideline antics the past few weeks, everyone greeted you politely. Before you eased down into the portable fabric chair Jake had set up for you, Abby’s mom, also known as your friend Charlotte, asked if you wanted to walk to get coffee at a nearby stand since the kiddos were still warming up. 
“Checking in on you mumma,” she elucidated once you were out of earshot of your husbands. 
“I’m good,” you chirped. 
Charlotte shot you a look that told you she wasn’t buying it. 
“Okay fine,” you resigned, “my back hurts like a bitch because I’m huge again, all I want are prawn cocktail crisps and I hate myself for it because they’re disgusting, Nyla nearly took my leg out when she jumped into our bed this morning, oh and I’m nursing my husband’s bruised ego because I told him he can’t scream at literal children during his daughter’s football game.” 
Charlotte laughed, “Now that's what I’m talking about!” 
You two had reached the front of the line for coffee. You got a herbal tea since you’d already reached your pregnancy coffee limit for the day and Charlotte placed her order as well as insisted on paying, which was kind of her. 
“‘Course,” she effaced when she beat you by tapping her phone on the stand’s ApplePay reader. “You brought the oranges today. I still can’t believe you wanted to be in the snack mum rotation, I would’ve deffo played the pregnancy card.” 
“Well, I did want to,” you shrugged while you both headed back to the pitch.
“Such a one-kid mum,” she chided you playfully. 
“Not for much longer,” you reminded her, “might as well enjoy it while I can.” 
“Did you really tell Jake he can’t shout on the sidelines?” Charlotte inquired. 
“Yes!” you averred. “Someone had to! I can’t believe the other parents talked to us just now after how he’s been acting.” 
“Because you have a fit husband, babes,” Charlotte pointed out. “Honestly, I bet the other mums have been enjoying Jake’s latin passion on the pitch, it’s quite the change of pace from their boring, vanilla British hubbies.”
“That’s true,” you admitted. “But even latin passion runs its course, trust me.” 
You returned to the sideline, taking your seat next to Jake, who was sitting for once during the kid’s kickoff. 
You had to give him some credit, you supposed, Jake tried to contain himself. He was well-behaved at the start of the game, politely clapping and calling “let’s go Nyla!” at a respectable volume.
You two waved at your daughter from the field, who was proudly sporting the pigtail braids you’d done for her that morning and looking so stinking cute in her little uniform. Naturally, your phone came out of your purse so you could snap a few photos.
Everything was going well during the first quarter (the little ones played quarters instead of halves due to their preschool attention spans) until the ref called a ball out of bounds.
Reflexively, Jake sprung to his feet and hollered “Come on ref! They didn’t kick it out! Fue ese chico agresivo en el otro equipo–ay Dios mio, tiene ojos?”
You tugged on the corner of his leather jacket with a harshly whispered “Jake.”
“Lo siento,” he mumbled and took his seat once again. “But clearly that kid who’s been throwing elbows this whole time–”
“I don’t care,” you hissed. “They’re three.”
“That kid is at least five.” 
You rolled your eyes instead of dignifying his accusation with a verbal response. It baffled you that Jake was able to even somewhat discern what was going on. To you, these games consisted of the kids from both teams just chasing the ball up and down the field in an amorphous swarm for forty minutes. Usually, at least one kid would break away from the pack to pick at the grass. Or their nose. 
Jake didn’t have another incident until the end of the second quarter, when one of Nyla’s teammates scored in their own goal. He was up on his feet swearing so quickly it took you a second to register what was going on. 
“Joder! Este juego es una broma, donde esta el arbitro? Puta de madre –”
It was then that Jake caught you glaring at him, the severity in your eyes causing him to flush. “Yo sè. Pero, nena–”
“Don’t nena me,” you cut him off. “Come give me a hand, it’s almost snack time and we need to get everything ready.” 
Your husband cooperated immediately, and while you unpacked the juice boxes from the cooler for Nyla and her teammates, you did catch a couple of the posh North London mums staring at Jake like he was a piece of steak. You chuckled to yourself, you and your husband were incredibly secure in your relationship, but it was amusing to discover that Charlotte’s hunch was correct. 
Soon the ref blew their whistle and ten little uniformed rascals sprinted over to where you and Jake had unpacked the orange slices, granola bars, and juice boxes. 
“Did you see me?” Nyla asked Jake while she gulped down her juice. You tried to sneak some water in there too but were unsuccessful. She was lucky her little brother limited your movement for the time being. 
“Por supuesto princesa,” he assured her. “You were great out there!”
“You were barely yelling,” she pointed out. Great, now Nyla was used to her father's batshit sideline antics.
“That’s because Daddy was working on his sportsmanship,” you provided before Jake could get a word in. 
“Even though you might not hear me, cariño, just remember what Papi taught you…”  
“Mándenlos al infierno!” your daughter recited. You gaped in shock, whether it was more over the war cry that came out of your three-year-old and the fact your husband taught her the phrase.
“We don’t say that,” you objected. You sent a death glare towards Jake then eased down onto your knees to get eye-level with Nyla.  “Remember what Coach Harris says, sportsmanship is more important than the score.” 
“Mierda,” Jake scoffed under his breath. 
You ignored him for the time being, opting to kiss your girl on the cheek instead. “Have fun baby, and just make sure you’re being a good sport, okay?”
The whistle blew, signaling it was time for the players to circle back with their coaches. Nyla seemed to have heard at least part of what you said, because as she jogged back across the field, she was compelled to remind you, “I’m not a baby!” 
Your husband helped you up once more and as soon as you were standing, you fired at him, “It’s one thing to yell at her games, but can you please not teach my daughter to give them hell?” 
“Why are you worried about me, hm?” Jake confronted you. “What, are you scared of what these fancy fucks might think?” 
“Not one bit,” you parried. “I’m more concerned about the example we’re setting for our child. Because she's not actually playing football to win, we put her in this for her to learn teamwork, discipline and have a new experience.”
“Yo sé todo de eso, but I’m the one who would pick her up from practice and her coach told me that she’d sit on the sidelines scared to death when they’d scrimmage.”
“You never told me that,” you accused him, your heart dropping at the revelation. 
“Well, because I wanted to handle it,” Jake confessed. “You’re supermom, and I’m only one-third of her father, and this was something I knew I could do. So yeah, we’d practice on our own and I wanted her to build some confidence, that’s all.” 
You bit back tears (thanks pregnancy hormones!) at his words. It all made perfect sense. Why he taught her the colorful language, and why Jake spouted his own on the sidelines. Your husband was making sure Nyla felt supported and was trying to dismantle her fear about getting up and competing in his signature Jake way. 
Almost everyone knows that the secret to a long-lasting marriage is compromise. So you proposed one at that moment, “I won’t stop you from getting into the game honey, but just…no swearing, okay? Please?” 
“Bien nena,” he accepted your terms, pulling you in for a quick kiss. “Besides, wouldn’t want to disappoint my audience.” 
He covertly glanced at the uptight posh mums of Nyla’s teammates. He was aware of them too. It made you laugh and roll your eyes, and the whistle sounded again to start the next quarter. 
“Help me sit down again?” you entreated Jake. 
“Si mami,” he murmured, offering his arms for you to brace your weight on as you lowered back down into the chair. 
Jake even took his seat next to you, linking in his hand in your for a blissful few minutes, until he popped back up again to cheer Nyla and her team on. 
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Taglist: @twwcs @rmoonstoner @hot-mess-express1, @murdickdocked, @toracainz @saahmi @unspokenmoon @winterbiipp @avatarofseshat @ilikeoldermenhelp @losers-club6, @harrys-tittie, @ninebluehearts, @lucianadraven32, @dawnsutopia, @strawberry1042-blog
Mamacita - little mama 
Cualquier cosa para tí - anything for you 
“Qué quieres decir? - what do you mean? 
Bien, bien - okay, okay 
Estaré callado hoy - I’ll be quiet today 
Gracias Papi - Thank you Daddy 
Fue ese chico agresivo en el otro equipo–ay Dios mio, tiene ojos? - It was that aggressive kid on the other team - oh my God, do you have eyes? 
Lo siento - I’m sorry 
Joder! Este juego es una broma, donde esta el arbitro? Puta de madre… - Fuck! This game is a joke, where is the ref? Son of a bitch 
Yo sè. Pero, nena– I know, but babe
Por supuesto princesa - of course princess  
 cariño - sweetie
Mándenlos al infierno - give them hell!
Mierda - bullshit 
Yo sé todo de eso - I know all of that 
Si mami - Yes mama
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sashi-ya · 2 years
Hi again! First off, I really loved the Grimmjow scenario from. the Royal event. It was super good! I was wondering if I could request another Grimmjow scenario for the Hell event? In this one, I was thinking a young miko being sacrificed to the King of Hell to save her village? I hope the rest of the event goes well for you! And thanks again for all these fun events you've been doing!!!!
Hello!! thank u so much for your feedback hun! And of course, this event is so perfect for him to be honest, I can clearly see him as a demon! So, I hope you enjoy!! Thank u for your support 💖~
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𝑵𝒔𝒇𝒘 ~ 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏! 𝑮𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒋𝒐𝒘 𝑱𝒂𝒆𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒋𝒂𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒛 𝒙 𝒇! 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ~ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆
➡ tw: so it's bloody and evil and full of fire. people are evil, and they suffer for trying to kill reader. oral. facesitting. rough sex. namecalling. vag. creampie. submission. choking. mouthfucking. Grimmjow's dick is like those monster dildos with bumps and cute things. (like this one)
➡ wc: 2k
➡ Want more? visit the masterlist
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Each September in that village a peculiar festival takes place,
the “Blue Carnival”. But it’s not joyful, there aren’t celebrations…
The sharp blade shines with the red tinted moonshine,
the sky seems covered in blood like it’s about to get the floor of the gallows where you are standing.
“Save your people, young miko” they whisper in your ear, as the cold edge gets pressed into your neck. Carotids pumping hard, lifting the katana off your skin. “It’s your chance, the King of Hell will be pleased with your beauty. Die with honour, die saving us!”
You can only see the people of your town rooting to see from your flesh gush blood, the reddish full of oxygen vital fluid to abandon your body. You have been chosen for the sacrifice, and you finally understand the more they do it every year, the more the devil will ask for… they are not saving the people, they are dooming themselves.
“Any last word, our saviour?” they ask, while they almost aroused, desire to slash your neck. They want this, people from this place are nothing but sinners… “I don’t wanna die!” you finally state, shouting to make the crowd beneath your feet go silent.
The priest pushes you to your knees… filthy sinner, how dare you stop their murderous festival in “the name of God”? “Disgusting bitch, even if you are a miko you have no right to stop this!” he shouts, holding the blade himself, so ready to bury it in your chest.
A smirk in your face gets plastered, just to see you are safe. Safe from them, but from the creature behind him? You are not entirely sure.
“Well, well… so I see you have chosen very well this year, huh? I was becoming tired of those whiny little bitches with the only desire to die… boring sluts…” he says, crushing the wrist from that priest to dust. The blade falling to your side, so tempting for you to grab it. The priest doing the same, right from the gallows to the ground.
He is tall, and his face shows nothing but pure evilness and violence. A mask that resembles a jaw covers half his cheek. Blue long hair, horns, a body so perfectly sculpted, a hollow so big carved over what it should be his belly button. His long claws, like the ones the panthers have, look sharper than the edge of the blade that was about to kill you itself.
“Come here, I’d like to use you instead of watching you bleed” he says, pulling you up. You let him do as he pleases, he saved you and nobody can do anything to oppose such thing… after all, you were his offering.
He slashes your clothes; they were see-through after all. The crowd some meters down from where you are can only appreciate the beauty of your nudity. “You sent her to die because you were thinking of me? Or you were all just jealous of her perfect body?” the creature screams, showing you to the people of your village. You don’t feel shy, he is telling the rest the truth.
His right arm covers your breasts, while his left hand covers your sex from behind. You can feel his abs going up and down as he breathes, since he is pressed against your back.
“Should I show you all how pleased I am with your offering?” he asks, making everybody to tremble, except you. For some reason you are smiling, who would have said the King of Hell himself would be the one freeing you from this society.
He graces your chest up your neck and into your mouth with his palm, his thumb reaches for your lower lip and pushes it inside. Your tongue experience the sharp claw, your saliva covers it all up.
Your eyes have transformed, and while before they looked like victim’s ones are now on fire; you have the gaze of the revenge. Is this unholy god fucking you in front of everyone? Maybe. Is it immoral? Yes, as them wanting to slash your neck for their own sake.
You lift your arms up, you graze your ass against the god’s sex, and the smirk never leaves your face. “Do whatever you please with me, my Lord” you mumble when he takes his thumb off your mouth.
“Surely I will, you remind me of Lillith…” he grunts, biting your neck. You two are making a show, a lustful, sinful, unholy, and perverted show… but who is more depraved? You? Or the rest of the crowd that keeps watching?
You moan, the sharp fangs being buried in your neck are as painful as pleasant; you can’t stop squirming underneath him. And the fact that every person is watching you is as sick but really arousing.
“Turn around” he commands, making you face him. His claws this time carve marks on your glutes. The more he squeeze them, the more you moan into his mouth as his lips attack yours. A kiss so filled with passion show the spectators pure concupiscence.  
When his lips kiss more than yours, he begins going down. Your chest seems enticing for him to devour. And indeed, he does. Trapping your nipples with his sharp teeth, he pulls and sucks. You moan, you whine, and your legs become weaker and weaker. In between pants and the horrified looks of your neighbours and friends you ask, “My Lord, do you have a name?”
He smirks, fixing his dilated pupils on yours. He lifts his index, looking for a moment at the people spitting insults at you two… they think they have the right to. By the simple swing of his finger everything around you turns to fire. People run; people scream. Some roll on the ground, they are suffering the real punishment.
“Grimmjow, Sexto Dios del Infierno” he proudly states, after releasing your breast from his mouth.
“Grimmjow, mi Dios…” you purr, softly caressing his blue locks back as you watch the people suffer underneath you, with your ragged clothes still tugged on your arms. You look like a saint, while the demon itself is devouring you. And for a moment everybody seems to disappear, and no matter how tall from the ground both of you are, you feel like you are already in Hell… and it’s not something bad.
The white half mask he has hanging on his cheek punctures your stomach, as he gets more and more desperate while he licks down your belly button to your sex. “You are surely tasty, aren’t you” he says, using his claws to play with the dripping juices of your arousal.
Grimmjow’s playful tongue opens its way inside your folds, making your knees wanting to join and your hand to grab a fistful of his hair. He is not mad at you pulling his blue locks, he is glad you are enjoying his oral session. But for how long before the God claims his superiority to you?
He traces circles around your clit, he sucks strongly, he uses his fingers to dilate your entrance as he does so. You can’t stop mewling, you need climax, you need it now. “Come, come for me” he states, spreading your legs just enough for you to fall over his face. Your sex covers his mouth and nose, he is delighted with your taste, he needs it to be smeared all over his countenance.
It makes you instantly get to the verge of climax, there is no turning back now. People suffering around you is only making you happier, your eyes are turning white from pleasure. You come trembling and laughing at them, something evil has possessed you, or maybe you were always a demon…
“Hah! You are even better than I expected, now, my beautiful slut, I’m gonna wreak you” Grimmjow exclaims, pushing you back so he can stand up. He cleans his mouth with the back of his forearm.
His fingers round your neck in a sudden and violent move, it makes you cough but you don’t care. He said he is wrecking you; you are not surprised. “You wanna choke with my dick, slut?” he asks, lifting you up just a little from the ground.
You swallow with difficulty, and with your eyes fixed on his deep blue ones, you nod. “Say it!” he demands, shaking you. “I- wantgh to choghke withg your digk” you barely mouth, as his fingers keep crushing your neck. 
Grimmjow smiles, putting you back into the ground and letting you breathe. You pant as you watch him take his coverings off. He is not only big, but he doesn’t look exactly like a human. He has more than a bump, and blue lines garnish his skin from his hollowed belly towards his sex.
“Come on, what are you waiting for? Never seen one of this?” he says, jerking his dick up and down. It drips, and it looks exactly like what your insides might have been wanting for all of your life. Anatomically perfect for your entrance, for sure.
You end up hitting your knees against the wooden floor of the swallows underneath you, his claws tangle with your hair so he has a better grip to move your head. The tip of the demon’s dick pushes your lips open, violating your mouth with utmost violence.
You gag when it hits the back of your throat, and tears burst from the corner of your eyes. A beautiful image of what Grimmjow like the most, someone submitting to him, to his godly powers. He laughs as he pounds hard into your gullet, and you smile even through the blurred vision this is causing to you.
“I’d love to flood your mouth with my cum, but I think I wanna try your slit now” he says, pushing you away from his sex. Your mandible is in pain, and the back of your tongue feels the salty taste of his precum, but you are way more excited with him fucking you now.
He softly kicks your shoulder, so you fall on your back. You don’t need to be told to spread your legs and wait for him to bury himself deep inside you. “Eager for my dick, huh?” he says, kneeling like such a god and pulling your ass over his lap.
“Yes, my God” you moan, shivering as your sex barely grazes him. The anticipation for him penetrating you is killing you.
“Then have it, little whore” he grunts, grabbing your hips so that he can bend over and finally enter you. The shape of his sex perfectly slides inside you, pushing upwards to where your g spot is. You whine loudly, the position allows him to get even deep inside you, and his hips can’t wait for a single second to strongly pound into you.
Your toes curl as he goes feral in and out; his long nails carve marks on your sides leaving the little imprints of his pass as he fucks you mercilessly. You can’t think, only feel, leaving this beast to wreck your body in half so lustfully.
At that pace it doesn’t take much for you to burst in climax after climax, while the Devil himself has the time of his life fucking you roughly. And, just when he wants it, just when he decides it, he gives you the last thrusts for him to finally come.
“Are you gonna take all of my cum inside you?” he asks, panting over your raptured body. “Y-es…” you beg, you want him to flood you with his warm release.
“Just as I thought, perfect little slut” he says, moving his hips with a beautiful organic motion that allows him to finally reach peak pleasure. He grunts, showing you his manly jaw muscles getting tensed and his sharp teeth in a sexy smirk. It feels just as you have anticipated, the warmth and the pressure on your womb making you shiver from pleasure…
“Come with me, I want to fuck you for eternity” he offers you, helping you stand up after your body feels absolutely worn out.
“Sure, my King… ~”
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nejibaby · 3 years
Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x F!Reader
Summary: With you near-death experience in Dressrosa, you’re craving for a certain type of release.
Warning: NSFW!
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: A certain Luffy fanart has made me think of dirty thoughts about him so here I am posting this filthy thing. I’m so flustered, it’s not even kinky but writing smut really flusters me LOL 🤣 Please let me know your thoughts~
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Celebrations are usual occurrences in the Straw Hat crew. Despite only having almost half the crew around, it doesn’t make the party any less lively. In fact, the presence of the new allies formed in Dressrosa makes up for the absence of the other crew members.
The near-death experience makes you crave for a certain type of release. And with the copious amount of alcohol being passed around by everyone, it doesn’t take you too long to gather up courage to find someone to help you.
Soon enough, you’re seated on a random guy’s lap, heavily making out with him, a few meters away from the celebrating people. Because of the alcohol, you’re not entirely sure who he is, but you have to admit he’s skilled at using his lips, his tongue, and his hands.
He’s just about to move you into a more private location, but before he could take you away, an arm wraps itself around your waist and suddenly you’re being pulled back into someone else’s lap.
You look at the person who just interrupted your moment, only to be surprised upon finding out it was your captain. “Luffy, what the hell?!”
“Oi, what were you doing with Torao?”
Torao? Trafalgar Law? You whip your head to where you previously were to confirm if the guy who you were with is truly him. Lo and behold, you find Law glaring at Luffy, and then angrily walking away.
You pout and let out a frustrated huff. “Ah, we were just having fun. I’ll just—” you point towards where Law went, “head back so we can...” you absentmindedly trail off, and then you attempt to get up from Luffy’s lap. Keyword: attempt. Because Luffy grips your legs so you couldn’t leave.
You furrow your brows at his actions. Just as you are to ask him why he’s keeping you there, he asks, “Why don’t you want to have fun with me?”
You swear your brain short circuited the moment his question left his lips. If you’re sober, you’re certain you would’ve taken his question innocently. But with the alcohol fogging up your mind, you aren’t sure if he’s just sulking because he wants you to party with him or if he’s inviting you to continue what you’ve been doing a while ago but with him instead of Law. And so, you want to clarify what he means. “What?”
Luffy giggles at your dumbfounded expression. He thought you didn’t hear him from the noise everyone is making, so he leans in, his lips almost touching your ear as he unconsciously rubs your thighs while saying, “I said, why don’t you want to have fun with me?”
And then he pulls away, waiting for your answer.
It isn’t easy to fluster you, but with Luffy’s proximity, the way his hands are moving, and the fact that you’re still aroused after the interrupted makeout session, you find yourself being affected by his question and it’s underlying meaning.
“I, uhm, I-I…” you stutter, unable to look at him in the eyes. You attempt to look elsewhere but suddenly your eyes land on his lips.
You’ve heard of people before who talked about how Luffy has his way of drawing people in and making them his allies. Right now that’s exactly what he’s doing with you, drawing you in — except, he’s doing it quite literally.
Before you know it, you’re leaning into him, and then your lips are on his. He smiles into the kiss before pulling you impossibly closer.
Luffy’s kisses are rather messy and uncoordinated, but it quickly makes you feel lightheaded and excited.
You’re so caught up with the moment to the point that it didn’t occur to you that you have instinctively started grinding on him. You’re only made aware of your actions when you hear Luffy groaning in pleasure. And that’s when you start wanting more, but you’re both still on the deck and there are still drunk people around, even if you both aren’t near them.
Luffy tries to follow your lips when you pull away. And then he pouts when your lips are out of reach. He whines your name, obviously wanting to continue.
“Luffy, I… we should… uhm…” you clear your throat. “I want you,” you whisper.
But Luffy isn’t even listening. His focus is solely on your lips and when you bite your lip nervously, he almost shivers in anticipation.
You take this opportunity to drag him into his room. Thankfully, he doesn’t object nor ask any questions, he just follows your lead. And when you’ve entered his room, you immediately lock the door and start kissing him once again.
You gently nudge Luffy to his bed, not even daring to break the kiss in the process. For some reason, the kiss turns rougher than before, almost feral.
When Luffy reaches the bed and sits down on it, you immediately climb on his lap. You grab a hold of his calloused hands and guide them under your tank top, towards your breasts. He kneads them instantly and you let out a whimper.
Luffy pulls away from the kiss. He removes his hands from under your tank top, and then the next thing you know, he’s tearing up the offensive garment. You haven’t even asked why he did that but he explains already, “It was in the way! I want to feel you better.”
If that’s the case, you unhook your bra and throw it somewhere in the room before he’d even think about ripping it off as well.
Luffy takes a moment to stare at your half naked form. With the way your boobs are slightly moving with every breath you take, he easily finds himself in a trance.
You snap him out of it by grinding on his bulge. You pull him in again for a kiss and he instantly cups your breasts with his hands again. He kneads your boobs and pinches your nipples, and you let out soft mewls in satisfaction.
You bite his lip and he lets out a sexy grunt. You palm his hardened cock and it instantly makes him breathless. He calls your name with a quiver in his voice.
You grab one of his hands and bring it under your skirt, inside your panties and urge him to touch your cunt. “You’re wet,” he breathlessly comments.
You slip one of his fingers into you, guiding him in and out. When he’s found his rhythm, you let go of his hand and let him do as he pleases. He adds another finger soon enough. The sensation elicits a moan from you.
“Do that again,” Luffy says. “Do that sound again.”
You oblige, resting your head on his shoulder as you moan at his ministrations.
You use this time to unzip his pants and tug his cock from the garments. When you start pumping him, he lets out a lewd groan and temporarily stops his fingers from moving. This goes on for a while and when Luffy starts moving his hips with the motion of your hands, you stop.
You pull away completely from him. And then you start stripping him off of his clothes until Luffy’s naked. You watch as he licks his fingers clean from the wetness of your cunt and he hums in appreciation. When he’s done, you take off your remaining clothes as well.
You grab a hold of his dick once again and kiss him on the lips. Your hand movements are slow as you switch from kissing his lips to his neck. You leave a couple of hickeys on him. Then you slowly make your way down, kissing, sucking, licking, biting his chest, his abs, until you’re on your knees, face directly in front of his dick.
He watches you with half lidded eyes, a look that you’ve never seen before on him. You look directly at him as you make kitten licks on his cock. You watch as he visibly gulps. And then you take him in your mouth and start sucking him off. Luffy pants and grunts at your ministrations. You then grabbed his balls and massaged them.
“That feels so good,” he moans.
Luffy uncontrollably juts his hips, wanting more of the pleasurable sensation you’re making him feel. And you let him.
But when you feel his cock twitching, you pull away.
Luffy whines loudly, but you push him so that he’s laying on the bed. You climb atop him, grab his shaft and coat it with your wetness. And then you slowly sink down until he’s fully inside you.
“T-tight…” Luffy mutters, “you’re so tight.”
You wait until you’ve fully adjusted to his size before you start moving. Luffy stares at you in desire as you move on top of him, your tits bouncing with every motion. He watches your face with fascination as he’s never seen your face contort with pleasure like this before. And for some reason, this makes him harder.
Then his body moves on his own, too lost in lust, his hands start squeezing your breasts, his hips start thrusting into you.
When he notices you tiring down, he easily flips the position so that you’re under him. All that’s going through his head is how good you make him feel.
“Luffy… fuck… so good…” you moan out loudly, unable to even make a proper sentence.
He snaps his hips faster and rougher as time progresses. He’s pounding into you so hard that the bed starts creaking and the headboard slams against the walls.
But those sounds are nothing compared to the noises the both of you are making. You have resorted to repeating his name like a mantra along with profanities here and there, while Luffy grunts and moans to your ears, sometimes telling you how amazing you feel.
All too soon, you’re clenching against him so tightly as you climaxed. This brings out a more brutal pace from Luffy as he starts chasing his own high. And when he releases his load in you, you almost shudder at the feeling.
When Luffy pulls out, he notices your juices leaking out of you. And before you can even comprehend what he’s planning, he starts licking.
Your breath hitches from the stimulation, but Luffy doesn’t stop until you’re completely clean.
And when he’s done, he’s grinning widely at you.
“Luffy, that’s…” you start to say, but you didn’t know what word or words you’re supposed to use. Hot? Sexy? Best fuck you’ve had in a while?
Before you can even come up with what to say however, Luffy tells you, “That was fun! We should do that again!”
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