#instead of doing the others arts I hyper fixated on this
coconut530 · 2 years
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If y’all don’t hear them in this song then what’s the point it is PERFECTION
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First off, I wanna say that I mean no disrespect to the artists who worked on Hazbin Hotel. It’s just that I’ve been seeing people make redesigns of Hazbin characters, and though I don’t usually participate in stuff like this (it seems fun, and you are all incredibly talented. I just feel kinda bad tinkering with someone else’s work like this), the show made me frustrated, and frustrated induced brain-vomit started sloshing around in my skull so noisily that it’s been keeping me up. And, well, I had to get it out somehow.
So…here ya go, I guess. It’s nothing crazy or new. It’s just a few disgustingly rough ideas for this very specific version of Charlie that I kept seeing in my head. They’re far from polished or anything, and they’re definitely missing some key details because I’ve been hyper-fixating on trying to get the face right lol. I might make a full body illustration later, but I have commitment issues so who knows how far this’ll go. That is to say, don’t expect any more of this or the other characters unless 1) my brain decides to torment me with more literal demons or 2) I, by some miracle, become a more productive person. Plus, Tumblr’s a new thing for me, and I don’t know what I’m doing with this yet other than posting art and then disappearing for years. Seriously, you have no idea. It’s a wonder that I posted for a second time.
Anyway, the direction of this design is pretty obvious. I went with the lamb/goat motif because I liked the idea of inverted/parallel symbolism. I was toying with a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” concept where they appear to be a lamb in this form but actually shift into a more wolf-like dragon sorta thing when prompted. Their wardrobe is supposed to be an extension of the innocent lamb deception as the ruffles and looseness are meant to be kinda reminiscent of fluff while communicating a sense of privilege (a white untainted by the grit of Hell… something that probably wouldn’t last long). I was also inspired by white goth and catholic goth aesthetics (I blame Ethel Cain) as well as those insanely beautiful ball-jointed dolls. I don’t know if I captured that well (to be honest, the more I look at those digital renditions, the more I hate them). I considered adding a pair of spectacles coz I thought it was cute lol, and because I thought it could be a way for them to try and seem more human.
If I were doing a rewrite (which I have ideas for, but I should probably focus on my actual original characters instead) then:
1. They would be agender and androgynous (I’d go the Good Omens route and make most angels/non-human entities largely genderless as gender is a human construction, one that most angels wouldn’t really concern themselves with)
2. They would be kinda elitist and naive but still sweet
3. Their intentions would not be entirely insincere, but they would not be acting without selfish goals
4. They would be an eldritch abomination
5. There would be possible exploration of their role as an antichrist as well as basically being a tool of war for their papa’s self-gratification
6. Their pops would suck
7. More horror
8. Like, it wouldn’t not be funny…but horror’s my genre so….
9. They would not suck at fighting, but death is traumatizing and so is being the cause of it (squeamish)
10. That being said, could make friends with Death??
And that’s all I feel like writing. Hopefully I update this lol
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randomfoggytiger · 5 months
Kibbe Body Types and Celebrities: a Beginner's Guide
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(Credit to: Aly Art)
David Kibbe, author of Metamorphosis, drew upon previous fashion systems to create his own Kibbe Body System, homing in on the yin-yang balance of the body and boiling his method down to the bare bones-- literally-- of the overall frame: length, width, height, and softness. Then, he divided each feature into two main categories:  the yin softness or the yang structure. The more “structure” a frame had, the more “visual weight” it presented; and the more “softness” it had, the less “visual weight” it presented. 
At first, Kibbe sorted each frame into five main types with two additional subtypes. However, his system recently caught on fire with popularity, leading to vast misinterpretations or reinterpretations through over analysis and hyper fixation. Because of this, David updated his system (and is reworking on an updated version of his book), resifting his old designs into a simpler order.  
This analysis will be working from the information I've gleaned mostly from Aly Art's channel here. She is incredible at stripping down each concept to its basics-- highly recommend. I also used Merriam Style’s channel for her body type test (here), which is an even more stripped version of Kibbe’s original body type quiz. (Aly's version of the quiz is here.)
**Note**: Kibbe Body Types are separate from the actual weight of an individual; and do not change with bodily fluctuations, changes, or even age. Example: Romantics will always appear softer compared to other body types their height or weight because of the “flesh” (natural padding of fat) over their muscles and bones, whereas Naturals will always appear more “mature” compared to older Gamines because of the visual weight of the bones (cheekbone, jawbone, etc.) in their face. 
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(Credit to: Aly Art)
**Note**: The Kibbe Body System is a complete overview of the entire frame, not just the face: two different people can share strikingly similar facial features yet have completely different bodies. It’s important to assess more than one facet.
If we were to place the Kibbe Body Types on a left to right scale, Dramatics have the most yang-- sharpness, length, elongation, structure-- and Romantics have the most yin-- shortness, roundness, softness. In the middle would sit the Classics-- a balanced mixture of yang structure and yin softness; mid-left would be Naturals (yang elongation with blunted width); and mid-right would be Gamines (an uneven mixture of yin and yang.)
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Dramatic Types have longer, angular, more narrow bones-- a vertical column, if you will-- that curve into points instead of “blunt” edges. They are moderate to tall (5’9"/173cm and up), and have prominent, straight, sleek features. If plus sized, they accumulate weight in their hips and upper thighs. 
Benedict Cumberbatch, Sean Connery, Charlton Heston, Ricardo Montalban, Errol Flyn, Daniel Craig
Katherine Hepburn, Cate Blanchett, Angelica Huston,  Diane Carol, Faye Dunaway, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kristen Wig, Maggie Smith, Taylor Swift
Soft Dramatics
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Soft Dramatic Types have more softness in their bust and hips, giving them a powerful voluptuousness (as opposed to the Romantic Types delicate pure yin.) They are moderate to tall (5’7”/170cm and up), with a moderate waist and fleshier facial features, arms, and hips. If plus sized, they get heavier on the fleshiest parts of the body: bust, hips, waist, thighs, upper arms, and the face.
Dean Martin, Christian Bale, Matthew McConoughy, John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, Clark Gable
Adele, Ann Bancroft, Ava Gardiner, Barbara Streisand, Kim Novak, Maria Callas, Mae West, Rachel Weiz, Rita Heyworth, Sofia Vergara, Sofia Loren
Naturals have longer, blunted, wider bones-- a T-shape, if you will-- that curve into blunts instead of angular or softened edges. 
David Kibbe no longer believes in the pure Natural Type, placing clients or celebrities into either Flamboyant or Soft Natural.
Flamboyant Naturals
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Flamboyant Natural Types have a touch more structure: blunt, long, wide bones; wide, T-shaped shoulders; and a figure that narrows in a flat, straight line down their waist, hips, and legs. They are moderate to tall (5’11”/180cm and up), with features that are broad and angular, but not sharp. If plus sized, the body tends to become squarer. 
Calvin Klein, Dick Van Dyke, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Tom Sellack (maybe), Michael Landon (maybe), Joe Biden  
Amy Adams, Anne Hathaway (had work done to disguise), Bea Arthur, Brooke Shields, Cameron Diaz, Carly Simon, Cindy Crawford (quintessential, imo), Emma Stone, Farah Faucett, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ingrid Bergma, Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Lucille Ball, Linda Carter, Michelle Obama, Nicole Kidman, Katie Homes (probably), Princess Diana Spencer, Sarah Jessica Parker, Tracey Ellis Ross, Uma Therman, LOTS of supermodels (broad shoulders, long and straight waist)
Soft Naturals
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Soft Natural have a softness to their long, blunt, wide bones, narrow hips. They are moderate to tall (5’5”/165cm and up), with smaller, rounder softness to their blunt facial features and frame. Their T-shape is less pronounced because of their more proportionate shoulders (in comparison to Flamboyant Naturals, at least.) If plus sized, SNs thicken in their upper arms, thighs, and hips.  
Alan Alda, OJ Simpson, John Wayne, Robert Redford, Robert Conrad, Bing Crosby, Tom Cruise, George Clooney, Gene Kelly, Brad Pit, Gene Hackman
Bette Grable, Carol Lombard, Chloe Sevigny, Doris Day (icon), Goldie Hahn, Helen Mirren, Jennifer Lopez, Julie Andrews, Kamala Harris, Kat Dennings, Katy Perry, Kim Bassinger, Marisa Tomay, Renee Zellweger, Sandra Bullock, Scarlet Johanson (had work done), Sissy Spacek 
Classics are an even mixture of both skeletal structures: their frames are mid-height or tallish-- symmetrical angles or edges-- with a “balanced” appearance: their arms, waists, and legs are proportionate in length and width to their overall frame (not too angular, curved, or blunt); and can handle more visual weight than Romantics but less so than Dramatics or Naturals. They appear naturally polished; and often are dragged down by elements in their wardrobes that skew too much in any direction (appearing overwhelmed or overdone.) 
Kibbe no longer promotes pure Classic Types, insisting that no person can be a perfect mixture and discouraging his clients or followers from trying to fit themselves into an impossible mold. 
Dramatic Classics
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Dramatic Classic Types are an even mixture of yin and yang with just a touch more of yang’s structure, giving them either slightly sharper features, slightly longer limbs, or a bit less softness overall. Their height is moderate (5’5”-5’8”/166-172cm or thereabouts); and their figure and features are symmetrically squarish (more rectangular compared to Dramatics’ long and narrow vertical column and Naturals’ long and wide T-shape.) If plus sized, they gain weight in the hips and thighs (rarely around the bustline), becoming more pear-shaped overall.  
Carey Grant, John Ham
Diana Rig, Gina Rollins, Jackie Kennedy-Onassis, Jill Biden, Lana Turner, Olivia Munn, Phylicia Rashad
Soft Classics
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Soft Classic Types are a symmetrical mixture with just a touch more of yin’s softness, giving them either slightly softened features, slightly shorter and wider limbs, or slightly more “fleshiness” overall. Their height is moderate (5’5"-5'6”/164-169cm); and their features are slightly small and wide. If plus sized, SCs lose their waist definition and become fuller in the face.  
John Slattery, John Glenn, Gregory Peck, Bryant Gumbel
Barbara Walters, Carolina Herrera, Donna Reed, Emma Thompson, Grace Kelly, Joan Fontaine, Kirsten Dunst (maybe), Marion Cotillard 
Gamines are an uneven mixture of both skeletal structures: their frames are usually short or rarely tall-- unsymmetrical angles or edges-- with a “youthful” appearance; and the mismatch of their skeletons give them an appearance of eternal youth instead of “womanly” or “mature” beauty. The endless combinations of their features-- long arms, short arms, long legs, short legs, long torso, short torsos, visual weight in the face, no visual weight in the face, etc. etc.-- thrive in the chaos of mismatching, color blocking, differing clothing silhouettes; and are often dragged down by too much polish or restriction. 
David Kibbe no longer stands by the pure Gamine type, filtering people into either Theatrical or Soft Gamine.
Theatrical Gamines
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Theatrical Gamine Types tip the scales in a more yang than yin direction, giving them a broadly angular frame composed of shorter lines (compared to the Dramatics’ and Naturals’ long, angular, and broad lines.) They are moderate to short height (5’6”/168cm) with square, slightly wide features. Structure gives them very defined musculature-- ala Dramatics and Naturals-- and a longer, “leggier” look. If plus sized, TGs collect weight from the waist down, turning squarer or “stocky.” 
Jimmy Kimmel, Frank Sinatra, Neil Patrick Harris
Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel, Debbie Allen, Gloria Vanderbilt, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, Kelly Osborne, Liza Minelli, Lucy Liu, Penelope Cruz, Tina Turner, Twiggy, Zoey Deschenel 
Soft Gamines
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Soft Gamine Types tip the scales in a more yin than yang direction. They are the short Gamines (5’2”/157cm or thereabouts): delicately broad-- a combination of delicate and small, broad and angular-- with width dominated by an overall “fleshy” softness in their arms, hips, and thighs. SGs often have “doll" like features: rounded face shape, fleshy cheeks and big eyes. If plus sized, their figure becomes more rounded, mainly in the bust, hips, arms, and face area. (Soft Gamines often think they are overweight-- when more often they’re not-- because of their natural roundness and lack of pronounced hips and waist.)
Fred Astaire, Robert Downy Jr. 
Bette Davis, Susan Hayward, Claudette Colbert, Debbie Reynolds, Eartha Kitt, Halle Berry, Judy Garland, Leslie Caron, Mary Kate and Ashley Olson, Octavia Spencer, Natalie Wood, Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field, Winona Ryder 
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Romantics are dominated by yin softness; and, therefore, have the least visual “weight” to them. Their frames are mid-height or shorter (5’5"/166cm and under) with “rounded” and curved angles or edges-- sloped or petite shoulders, rounded facial features, and “fleshy”, shorter arms, waists, and legs. If plus sized, Romantics keep their waist definition while their body and face become more rounded and “full.” 
Colin Firth, Leonardo DiCaprio, Elijah Wood, Simon Baker, Richard Gere, Michael Jackson, Omar Shereef, Billy Dee Williams, Elvis Presely
Kate Winslet, Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci, Arlene Dahl, Bernadette Peters, Beyonce, Dolly Parton, Elizabeth Taylor, Gina Lollobrigida, Helena Bonham Carter, H. E. R. Gabbie Wilson, Gene Simmons, Madonna, Maryln Monroe, Susan Sarandon
Theatrical Romantics
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Theatrical Romantic Types differ from pure Romantic Types in their width: while both are delicate, the touch of yang to a TR’s frame gives it a narrower waist, slightly sharper features, and a bit less flesh over their arms, hips, or even hands. Their moderate to petite height (5’2”/157cm or thereabouts) is voluptuous, but small and narrow as opposed to wide and “bulky.” If plus sized, their figure retains its defined waist while the arms, thighs, and face become quite “fleshy.” 
David and Susan Kibbe, Orlando Bloom, Prince, Johnny Depp 
Ann Margret, Heidi Lamar, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jane Seymor, Jean Harlowe, Mila Kunis, Morgan Fairchild, Salma Hayek, Selena Gomez, Vivian Leigh
There's a great vid on Aly Art's channel (here) comparing female celebrities to each other, highlighting the differences of each individual type.
Dramatic, left; Soft Natural, right.
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Soft Classic, left; Flamboyant Natural, right.
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Soft Gamine, left; Dramatic, right.
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Romantic, left; Theatrical Romantic, middle; Soft Natural, right.
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Not much at present-- just needed this primer written down so I can start my David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson Kibbe posts.
Thanks for reading~
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aychama · 3 months
how the hell do you stay on task and not get distracted
im writing 2 fanfics for one au at the same time
i have 2 other au ideas
im currently making an animation instead of writing
NOT the animation I was doing that I haven't finished
im listen to Florence and the machine instead
what is happening
so how the hell do you keep doing the thing you're doing
long comics
Or do I just need ADHD meds?
Im so hyper fixated on my own idea that I physically cannot look another way.
Jokes aside I do procastinate while drawing, like searching for nothing, getting distracted by tiktok after I draw one (1) successful line.
Streaming it live actually helps so much because "oh god there is someone watching me I have to do this" mentality eats my brain djflfş
Thats why my streams take like 7 hours lmao, I cant just not make progress with people watching no way!
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digital-chance · 1 year
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writeblr intro
hey i'm chance! i've done a writeblr intro recently but i didn't like it, so this is take 2. here's the old one.
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─── about me -⋆⋅☆
name : chance
pronouns : they/he
likes : cyberpunk, romance, anime, kpop, music, history, design
age : 20
i tend to swear both on here and in my writing, so if you're sensitive to that, i don't think my blog or work is for you. i also use the word 'queer' a lot since i self-identify as such, when i do choose to self-identify.
i'm interested in so much, which would be impossible to fully state. there are so many new things out there and i love learning about them all!! this blog is mainly for writing but i'm not strict on that.
i also am pretty sure i'm neurodivergent (no diagnosis or anything yet) and tend to delve into hyper-fixations for weeks at a time. if i haven't posted for a while, it's probably because of one of my other hyper-fixations or school.
i'm going to college for my bachelor's in graphic design, which might make my responses during the school year delayed.
i'm always open to ask or tag games!! it might take me a few to respond but i'll respond.
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─── writing -⋆⋅☆
you'll find a lot of diverse characters, the found/chosen family trope, romance or rom-com, angst, and references to actual history or historical events within my work. sometimes i throw in a little art fact since i'm an art student. in nearly every one of my works you can find a prominent lgbtq+ character, too.
i write for original works and fanfiction alike. i often alternate what project i'm writing on and tend to leave wips unfinished. there's no one specific fandom that i'm in since i tend to dabble in everything.
i enjoy reading all sorts of stories, but some of the tropes and genres that have a special place in my heart include:
[ genres : romance . action . sci-fi . dystopian . heists . cyberpunk . horror . comedy . mystery ] [ tropes : friends to lovers , enemies to lovers , fake/pretend relationship , college au , coffee shop au , domestic , fluff , angst ]
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─── ⋆ looking for ⋆⋅☆
more writers to follow!
good vibes & friends
writing advice & critique buddies (will help critique ur work too)
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─── works in progress -⋆⋅☆
nova futurum | original work | #wip: nova futurum
─── ⋆ status : brainstorming
a lgbtq+ mafia cyberpunk story with the working title "Nova Futurum." i've got the general information down and i'm currently working on fleshing out my main characters. for now it's in the very basic stages, but feel free to ask me about it or give any tips!
you still would've been mine | fanfiction | #wip: yswbm
─── ⋆ status : outlining, research, & writing draft 1
Steven "Steve" Rogers wakes up in the 21st century after crashing into the ice in 1942, leaving behind his life as the mascot of the USA along with his childhood in Brooklyn NYC. The Winter Soldier, a man left behind in the war recovers his memories as the man known as James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes after meeting Steve in the modern time. Steve and Bucky recall their childhood and their experience in the war as they recover.
matchbreakers | original work | #wip: match
─── ⋆ status : brainstorming
xavier works at match breakers. instead of setting people up on blind dates, he goes to dates and breaks up the couple. all sorts of people hire him, disapproving parents, jealous ex's, and those scared to see their ex's angry side. what he doesn't expect is falling in love with one of his own clients.
scars of duty | original work | #wip: sod
─── ⋆ status : plotting
Lucian is a hero who protects the city of Haines and the other members of his hero's league. They're a small-name hero just trying to make do with what they've got. A villain new to the city shows up and shakes Lucian’s perception of their own superpowers and the world.
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< tag lists: if you'd like to be added for any project, let me know. i'm not the greatest at remembering the tag list but i will try! >
─── ⋆ more of my socials & my design portfolio
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justsierrasart · 6 months
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Lycoris and Orin
Alright guys. This one’s going to be a woosy. I do not like the Orin incest plot line. I hate it, in fact. And I also do not like the lack of proper connection between Orin and The Dark Urge. The Dark Urge lore itself is a bit plot-holey (I highly recommend reading this reddit thread by u/TheLaughingWolf to understand the rest of this rant, and supplementary, this one by u/Thelmageworks to become an Orin sympathizer.)
My point is - I love the Dark Urge’s grim past and uncontrollable urges. I don’t love the final version of their lore. So I fucking rewrote it for myself, and wanna share my hyper fixated art within this headcanon of mine, so I’m going to explain it. This headcanon is specifically written for my drow Durge - Lycoris, but I’m fine with people using it for their Durges with modification. It doesn’t make sense for the original Durge (Dragonborn). To reiterate - the incest made me uncomfortable and the lore felt incomplete so I rewrote it for myself — not trying to step on any toes. This somehow still contains incest because I made it up before finishing my Durge run and didn’t realize he was actually related to Bhaal, literally and not figuratively. But it’s less than what we have in canon. Let’s go.
I’m assuming you know the canon Durge lore and have read the reddit thread above.
1. The Durge (my Lycoris) is a Bhaalspawn born like other Bhaalspawns, in 1357 (a year before Bhaal’s death in 1358). Genetically, he is half his biological mother’s genes and half Bhaal’s genes (not a half drow because Bhaal’s race doesn’t change his spawn’s race because he’s a deity, not a human). However Bhaal’s essence duplicated itself in him, instead of splitting like it did with the other Bhaalspawn. This was part of Bhaal’s plan - he intended one of his spawns to be superior (like in canon - the Durge is made of his flesh). This also makes it so bhaal’s revival makes sense despite Lycoris being alive — he’s not holding any of his divinity as he has his own. He is raised outside the cult like canon Durge and joins later on.
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Young Lycoris, pre-cult
2. When he joins the cult, later than his siblings, he quickly rises up in ranks and is revealed to be the superior Bhaalspawn. Lycoris is, like in canon, Bhaal’s favorite, and is also Bhaal’s stallion as said. But he does this “breeding” (which still sounds gross) outside of the cult, to further spread Bhaalspawn into the world. Sarevok sees this and because he thinks very highly of himself, wants his blood to mix with Lycoris’. He’s somewhat infatuated with his absolute vile sadism, and being the weirdo he is, wants to breed with him. Obviously can’t do that because they’re both male, so decides to breed his daughter, Helena with him. Here’s where I accidentally did incest again - Helena is technically Lycoris’ half-niece (Sarevok is his half-brother through Bhaal). This is in the 1450s-60s.
3. 1465 Orin is born out of Lycoris and Helena. Lycoris has always had somewhat of a soft spot for kids (as ritualistically murderous as he is, he doesn’t enjoy murdering kids for no reason like he does adults). He also had never stuck around and seen his spawn be born and exist. The second he sees her, he’s absolutely in love. She becomes the center of his universe. Classic evil evil father daughter where he’s a vile maniac and has no morals, except for loving his daughter to the moon and back. Helena, on the other hand, is quite cold to Orin from the get go. She loves her, but in a distant way. She knows loving a bhaalspawn child is useless, Lycoris does too, but doesn’t really care. Additionally, he loves her so deeply that his urges cannot get to her.
4. As per canon, Helena attacks Orin when she’s 7, causing her to make her first kill. Lycoris, though generally a very loving father, is also a murder cult leader, so he’s quite proud of her for this. From there on, he teaches Orin his ways, and watches her bloom into the absolute erratic maniac we know and love. He’s amused by her artistic approach to murder like a dad is amused at his child’s art - something Bhaal doesn’t necessarily approve of but tolerates (as Lycoris is his favorite).
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Orin, Lycoris, and Helena. Orin is 14, Lycoris 98 (when Orin is born), Helena 35 (when she is killed by Orin).
5. Orin, as a child, loved her father very much, much more than her mother or grandfather, whom she respected more than loved. Their bond was beyond that of any bond seen within the cult. Sarevok, who was the reason she existed, thought this was completely unjust. Because he can’t let people be happy, he starts planting the seeds of envy and hatred in teenage Orin. That, combined with the competitive nature of the cult and the sheer amount of spoiling Lycoris subjected her to (he was a loving father but not necessarily a good parent with healthy boundaries - he never punished her, never said a mean word to her, never set any boundaries - she grew up thinking the world is her oyster.) resulted in her wanting all of his power for herself. She didn’t really want to kill him — she did love him deeply, but she was also very envious and her only coping mechanism with anything, ever, had always been murder. Lycoris welcomed this enthusiasm, and did not feel concerned about her threats of violence. He encouraged her to hunt him and murder him if she thought she could. He knew she couldn’t.
6. She couldn’t. Many, many times, she tried her hand at assassinating him, only getting slightly condescending constructive criticism in response. However finally, in 1492, she gained the upper hand on her father, almost killing him, but hesitating, and leaving him in his tadpole-amnesiac state we seem him as in the nautiloid. She deemed his love for her a weakness, and raised a bet that he would, as an amnesiac, resist his urges and become a weakling (be a decent person). She believed her existence had already been enough to debase his authority — he was not the Dark Urge that came to rise up the ranks and hold power that he was before. She was as powerful as him, if not more. Her oversight, of course, was that she was also as weak as him. She loved her father and could never kill him.
7. He remembers her now after getting his memories back, and he’s desperately searching for her (wants to turn her to redemption too). Because I made sure he’s nice to every single kid he meets (being a papa bear deep inside all along), Yenna is at camp and Orin kidnaps her. Because how dare you take my dad. Also to be extra mean to a Lycoris - you think you can replace me? Nope. I’ll steal that one too.
So that’s where that’s at. I haven’t gotten to the Orin boss fight in this run yet and so haven’t decided if I should give her a, potentially cheesy, redemption arc or if I should be absolutely vile to Lycoris and make him murder his baby girl. Haven’t decided yet 🤭
If you don’t like my silly angst headcanon please just scroll by, don’t be mean! <3 Thanks for reading this nerd shit if you did!
Credits : Lycoris’ face design is a custom preset by the incredible Toarie on NexusMods, specifically Petric Body Type 4.
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the-colourful-witch · 2 months
Hello ! First of all, your art is the gem to my eyes, I love all your tiny comments you write about the outfits ! I have two questions ! First, in which House would you be if you study at Hogwarts ?
Second, do you plan to write/draw an original story one day ?<3 Would you post your process on your tumblr ?
Congrats on the 1000 followers !
Hi! Thank you so much! For the compliment and the great questions :) I took the Pottermore test online (when it was still called Pottermore) and my house is RAVENCLAW! Yaaaay! And I've always found the outcome confusing... I'm not book-smart. I'm not particularly worldly, either. But then I realised; I'm like Luna Lovegood. I have a vivid imagination and I like to figure stuff out, do research, and try new things. I can hyper-fixate on an obscure subject for weeks and learn everything about it, but I cannot do simple maths. It's a strange thing... But I've grown into the Ravenclaw House. I love it now :) Go RAVENCLAW!
Your second question is so fun! Here we go: I do actually write and illustrate my own stories. A year ago, I graduated art school with my own written and illustrated picture book. About a princess who wants to become a knight. With that, I got a lot of work in the childrens' book publishing world in my country. And I'm still working on my own stories. I haven't published my own stories yet, but there's talk about a first book next year :) (VERY EXCITING) You can actually check out my childrens' book work on my other Instagram page: splashofcolour23 I've also dabbled a little in fanfiction over the years but never published anything. I always get sidetracked with illustrating my characters and the story instead of writing it. At this rate, I'll never finish my story... :) But I'd love to share some OC work someday, if that's something you'd like to see... ?
I hope that answered your questions! Thank you for the fun ask!
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anonzentimes · 4 months
how do people that dont immediately fall in love with nagitos character do it like chapter 1 he was so polite and nice i literally didnt wanna spend time with any other character, i caught on that nagito was responsible for SOMETHING before the first trial started and was genuenly so terrified he killed twogami cause i didnt want him to die, and then he had his breakdown and i was like yeah this is my favorite character in the entire series (i was still pissed at him for the rest of the trial lmfao
OH MY GOSH SAME!!! Like, everyone has a different experience, but as someone who loved him from day ONE I don't understand the experience of only eventually loving him lol. Even just people not loving his very existence and mannerisms is so different compared to me that I get confused! Finding him annoying sounds miserable I love him very much and not having him to hyper fixate on no, no, not having his impact on my life PERIOD would change my life drastically and I'd say for the worse. He's been so influential to so many parts of my life and continues to be such a fun brain worm consistently. I feel pity for those who can't experience the joy of his character and how happy he makes me, I know that there's no one with the exact impacts he's had on my life because he's so special to me.
At the time I saw Danganronpa 2 I was pretty depressed and every day felt the same, I was so miserable most of the time and was getting burnt out of life. I was loving Danganronpa though, I loved the first game and it gave me something to look forward to every day.
For Danganronpa 2 I had heard about Nagito, I knew he was popular but I didn't know why. I thought he'd be a major character so when he was just chill at first I was surprised. I was suspicious of him but that still didn't stop me from really liking him, my favorite from the first game was Makoto so his parallels and personality were really nice, fun, and interesting but I still was suspicious if there was more. When his breakdown happened my suspicion fell and instead of feeling conflicted and getting more suspicious it all made sense to me. He was so interesting and different, I loved everything about him and I wanted to understand him. It's kind of embarrassing but, it genuinely did help me at the time. After feeling as if every day felt the same in a weird helpless cycle my emotions about him were extreme enough that I loved that I was even feeling something which added to my love for him.
I saw the rest of Danganronpa 2 in 5 days because I was so invested and got a headache at Chapter 6, I cried at his death and it's the most I've cried at any specific media in recent years that I can remember lmao. I wanted to understand him more so I watched videos and read his wikis, I watched his free time events, I set him as all my profile pictures and wallpapers so I could have something that made me feel happy, I learned to draw him and his hair and he's all I wanted to draw which helped me improve, I joined the fandom early and met crucial people to my life before I finished the rest of the franchise because I loved him specifically so much, I got pinterest specifically so I could find more art of him, I read the komahina wiki just because I wanted to understand him more which led me to start shipping things that weren't strictly said to be canon, I discovered the term hyper fixations and realized I was neurodivergent because of him, like I could go on all day with the list of impacts on my life because of him but you get the point. He's still the most extreme hyper fixation I've ever experienced lmao. He's a special interest and I can say without a doubt that he still remains to be such a positive influence to my life. I'm grateful to experience such passion and happiness from something like him, haha! My love for his character STILL is helping my life even now by allowing me to practice articulating things about him, which has led to being able to get better at articulation in general, which has led to being better at english even having fun with it now and being less overwhelmed because I can express myself.
Oh my gosh I went on a yap sesh my bad LMAO!! But my point is, my experience with him is very specific and probably biased. But even so, I struggle to understand those who have such a different experience from me with him since I loved him from the start and my love only grew and has never stopped. I'm biased and I'm sure people have other interests that make them just as happy as he makes me, but I still feel sorry for those who don't experience what I do with him. But in the end one of the main beautiful things about media is subjectivity, so I'm okay being able to be so grateful for his existence and how it makes me feel.
Got a bit personal and sentimental with this since you struck something I was already thinking about when you sent this haha, sorry I said I agree in the longest way possible like it was a yapping content LMAO... thank you for your ask! <3
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kibbits · 5 months
It’s been a while crocodile! How have you been? Keeping hydrated/medicated/fed I hope. Things been better lately for me. I got to ugly cry over the newest chapter of Epic the Musical and my Greek Mythology hyper fixation crossing in might as well been a train wreck.
I come with another question, What plays that the Bal!Boys have done or the kind of genre of plays that the Glamrocks would enjoy? (I just have this idea that maybe the boys when they’re on friendly terms with the others will do private shows after the pizza plex closes. So that way they can also enjoy the boy’s plays and bond with some of the kids coming out of the theater during the day because they can gush back and forth about the newest production.)
- ✨ Starry ✨
Starryyyy!!!!! I missed you!!! I've been thinking of you lately ahaha
I am, I am!! Need to drink more water but I've got some tea and snacks rn after spending the day outside in the sun! <33
Oooh!!! Adding it to The List! It's looking interesting!! And rip to double hyperfixation combo ghfglj I hope YOU'RE staying hydrated/medicated/well fed! Love when a piece of media makes me ugly-cry pff Oooh I got to rewatch Little Shop of Horror the other day!! Still amazing (Iiii am a deeentiiiist~)
Been pestered into working on a playlist for BaL!AU maybe : O It'll be my first playlist really
In typical Kibs fashion, answering your actual question under the readmore flkjgdk
I've thought about the first question for a while, actually! The answer changes every time pff I want to say maybe they used to do classics? But like. Fazbearified Classics. Like-- Fazbear™ Presents: Hamlet
...Except that the Glamrocks are busy doing their shows, so they had to slap cheap Glamrock costumes from the gift shop onto S.T.A.F.F. bots to play the roles dflkjldj Think the recent uuuh Wonka experience? whatever tf that was.
(God now I'm thinking about your hyperfixation and thinking of a S.T.A.F.F. bot greek chorus fjdjd)
They would absolutely do private shows! And encourage them to take part, too! For fun and also art/theatre therapy is a thing djdjd Also I'm gonna give genre/movies/plays examples, but I think for the renewal they often come up with their own plays! Like maybe they'll be given hamlet and it'll be a retelling instead of just. slapping the brand on it (Chica of the seaaaaa)
Anyway! I think that Monty is probably an obvious fan of action, comedy, maybe secretly a bit of romance and fairy tales? Not a fan of the classics though - or, like, not shakespearean for sure. Stories about misfits or monsters who end up loved is a sure way to get him emotional (he likes to play the big bad sometimes when they do a play together, it's fun when it's a role and not something that's slapped onto your reputation) (he would be a fan of Beauty and the Beast I think)
Roxy I think would like rock?? Like uuh I think she'd get into Little Shop or Horror or even Rocky Horror Picture show (i think her and Monty would get way into the music actually djdjd stomping along) She'd love things like Wicked too, I think. Her Chica and the celestial boys will have an 80s girls night sometimes fjfjf think Grease
Chica loves peppy, fun stories, like say Hairspray or Legally Blonde djdnd though she does love a sad story with a good ending. I think she would love anything soap opera like and get really into it pff Very gossipy and dramatic
Freddy is DEFINITELY a romantic, loves the classics, things like Singing in the Rain
Bonus: I think maybe after the massive improvement in the boys' uuuuh Suitability to Interact with Humans probably looks very promising to Fazbear Corporates. I think, maybe, the stage/theater can become a lucrative space to test bringing back more decomissioned bots... maybe a certain fox and bunny?
The boys cite the new revenue from the theater and the need for more main roles to get them to bring back Foxy at first (maybe even as something like Captain Hook??)
They're confined to the stage at first so even if something was 'wrong' they get minimal direct interaction with the actual humans until deemed safe/graduated from the theater. I think Foxy sticks around or maybe gets pirate cove back.
Bonnie's reveal kind of floors Freddy, oh boy (and of course they DO plan a dramatic reveal in a private show with Freddy, cause well they dont want Freddy to lose him twice so they work very hard to make sure everything is good to go/he won't be redecommissioned before revealing him at the climax of a play) They come up with an elaborate play for Bonnie, maybe something like Sleeping Beauty? (thanks Eyndr!) where they cast Freddy as the prince and he expects like. a S.T.A.F.F. bot in a wig, and instead he finds Bonnie trying not to laugh and snickering and it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen and he bursts into tears (static??) immediately.
Both stick around. I like to think that Bonnie doesn't actually want to rejoin the band at this point tho hell be close to Freddy Chica and Foxy. Maybe he even takes over the daycare himself? For some reason I see him as this mellow tired art teacher/caretaker when he comes back for good.
I see Foxy as helping work out the kids' energy and hes a bit of a gremlin himself, scurrying like a gremlin like Moon and very loud and dramatic acting. And also YN is well versed in LARPing so he gets a very very padded, not sharp/dangerous hook with the core still solid enough to actually be used as a prosthesis.
Anyway ye!!! Acting is good for all of them, either to work out emotions, or for fun, or to learn new tools for their own work (setting up a character so that they can be free to be themselves in their off time without worrying about the bleed-through/to help set up work/free time boundaries), and I think they end up putting up plays for each other even! Also, all the movie nights.
Thanks so much for the questions aa!
See ya later, alligator!! <33
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goodluckclove · 5 months
(about the what keeps you from writing post) personally the thing that i struggle with when it comes to writing is just focus. i can't focus on writing for shit, and even if i really like an idea, it feels like it just never gets down on paper, you know
So, uh, I'm going into this under the assumption that you don't have something akin to ADHD. I have something in that vein, I think, but I don't know the extent of it and therefore do not feel qualified to give advice on how to manage it. Especially for a beginning writer, because if I'm on that spectrum it's definitely more hyper fixation than executive dysfunction at this point.
I have a colleague who comes to me a lot when she's struggling to focus on actually putting words to proverbial paper. What I usually say is something along the lines of If I were to tell you to write me a hundred words of your story right now, how would you react? What would you think?
If focus is not symptomatic when it comes to art, it usually has a meaning.
Maybe the idea is interesting, but you don't know where to start. If this is the case, good knows - you can just start literally anywhere. Preferably the angle that sounds the most interesting to you. Imagine you're eight years old and you have the whole afternoon to play in the park with your favorite toys, what would be the first thing you'd act out with them?
It might not be the right start for the finished project, but it's a start. Throwing words at the wall is a valid strategy for a lot of people, and it's better than doing nothing at all.
Or maybe it's different. Maybe you've been working on an existing idea and you've suddenly lost focus on it. Why keep writing, when you can instead scroll the Google Image search results that come up when you search "sweaters for rats"?
I've found when that happens, a quality answer is often to purposefully break your own rules. It's kind of an old NaNoWriMo trick that I'm frankly surprised I don't see more new writers using. I think there's a new culture in the scene where you need to start off with the exact methodology and craft of an established author, which baffles me endlessly. Not only is it patently untrue, but by doing this you're denying every new writer's God-given right to be a crazy fucking gremlin.
Stuck in your story? Kill a character. Make two other characters kiss. Add a fucking dream sequence. Oh but people won't like it buddy will you? Will it make you laugh or smile, or generally just be interested in your own story? Because that's what matters. That's what's going to give you a finished project. You can make it normal later if you want, but if you choose not to you'd also be making some crazy artistic gumbo and I will definitely be coming back for seconds.
The key is that it has to be something that you genuinely think is cool and funny and exciting and neat. Because you like it, not because you think other people will or because you think it makes you look better or more profound. If you use any weird trick or plot point in absolute, unironic earnestness, I genuinely believe the worst thing you'd end up with is a finished first draft that needs some restructuring.
Which doesn't sound too bad to me!
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albaake · 9 months
Heyo, Alex Here!
(Recent edit: 09-04-24)
I'm an Asian-American artist who tends to hyper-fixate on things (it happens a lot I'm sorry-). I do a mix of multifandom/fanart and original work, but I hope you look forward to the art I make lol.
If you're interested in where to find me elsewhere, here's my Carrd. This is also where my Comms info is located! Comms is Open if you're interested!
Since there's isn't a way to switch primary accounts on Tumblr, all likes and follows from me is under @altbaake, which has mature content.
While I dont draw anything explicit, if you are a minor, please do not interact with me or any of my accts. There's a whole pinned message w/ reminders and warnings on there, but I thought I would mention it in the off chance of any confusion.
Current fixations: COTL
My ask box & submissions are open, however, don't use them as a means to request art or send/say anything inappropriate.
Please don't DM me unless you are a mutual and/or someone interested in commissioning me.
I'd appreciate it if you don't repost, trace, or claim my work. If you like my work, please reshare it or leave a like instead.
I STRICTLY PROHIBIT my art being used for AI generation, NFTs, or any way that disrespects my work as an artist.
I draw the things I like and what I'm interested in. It's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine! If you like the content I make, feel free to browse. If not, please don't be weird and hateful, and just move on. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it and make others feel bad for enjoying things.
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beesmygod · 10 months
I'm reading the lore olympus remake and I've never read the original but. Everything so far is like "damn, the art is slightly better than what I've seen but why would you want to remake this". All the parts that the artist confirms as different is so up its own ass about how much BETTER and GROUNDED IN MYTH it is and it's grating as hell. The problem with that is I genuinely can't tell what's written badly from the original comic and what's written badly with the new writer(s? who gives a shit) because it is still a webtoon written like a webtoon (corny). Also the person in charge of it has written 500 essays on how bad Lore Olympus is and how much the writer is an awful person and artist and is lying about her process and like. A lot of it is visibly bitterness at not getting their own shit comic picked up by webtoon. I read two essays, one starting with "back when I applied to be a background artist (I never heard back)" (incredible self-own, I would not admit this), and the other includes frames from their own personal comic as a sign of how their lineart is better and her process is bad. Loser behavior on a scale I have not seen in ages.
this is one of those instances where its painfully clear that this person who is hyper-fixated on their subject for their "undeserved success" is only doing so because they either have no original ideas of their own or no confidence in their original ideas. if they actually had anything worth sharing with the world, they would focus the majority of their time on that, instead of perpetuating a petty one-sided game of one-upmanship
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ghcstcd · 10 months
(Sorry if I spam your inbox, I recently got back into my ghost hyper fixation and I seen your art, which is absolutely amazing btw, on my dash lol ^^')
Do you have any thoughts on Dews hair? It might seem weird but I like to think of it like a Rapunzel situation without the magic, and the reason why he keeps it long is because he loves his blonde hair. He began to complain during the summer about it being too hot so he got one of the other ghouls to help cut it a little bit but when the first snip was made it turned into a dark brown. Dew panicked and said that no one could touch his hair again, although luckily as it grew out it began to turn back to the original bright blonde again
I used to joke about him being repunzel because I was drawing his hair longer and longer, but I don't really like jokes like that anymore. Mostly because I don't actually want to disney princess him because he is anything but that.
My headcanon is that while Dewdrop was a water ghoul, he had silvery hair to match the rest of her. (This is an old design, but the colors and fins remain the same.)
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As you can see, his hair is long, but not incredibly long. When she changed into a fire ghoul, the color of his hair changed, his skin became warm, instead of cool tone. So did his hair, providing the blond he has now.
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altbaake · 9 months
Heyo, Alex Here!
(Recent edit: 05-31-24)
Just a small little reminder, this blog will contain SLIGHTLY AND/OR IMPLIED SUGGESTIVE CONTENT. Even though I will put up warnings, PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION. That being said, please also don't expect full-on NSFW. I'm not that type of artist, so don't ask or request me to.
I'm an Asian-American artist who tends to hyper-fixate on things (it happens a lot I'm sorry-). I do a mix of multifandom/fanart and original work, but I hope you look forward to the art I make lol.
If you're interested in where to find me elsewhere, here's my Carrd. This is also where my Comms info is located (It is close atm tho)
If you want to see more personal work and non-suggestive content, I have a main account in the works: @albaake
My alt Instagram is not linked in my Carrd, but if you want to check it out as well it's also altbaake. Same warnings and rules.
Current fixations: Br0ken Colors, Date with Death
My ask box & submissions are open, however, don't use them as a means to request art or send/say anything inappropriate.
Please don't DM me unless you are a mutual and/or someone interested in commissioning me.
I'd appreciate it if you don't repost, trace, or claim my work. If you like my work, please reshare it or leave a like instead.
I STRICTLY PROHIBIT my art being used for AI generation, NFTs, or any way that disrespects my work as an artist.
I draw the things I like and what I'm interested in. It's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine! If you like the content I make, feel free to browse. If not, please don't be weird and hateful, and just move on. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it and make others feel bad for enjoying things.
I draw alot of my Br<3kencolor MC Sokha Kim on this blog and mostly draw him with Rasmus. So a lot of OC x Cannon content. If you wanna know more about him, here's his toyhouse!
Sokha Kim Toyhouse!
Lastly, I will say that Sokha is not a representation of me or my "persona." He's a character I've made specifically for Br<3ken Colors. When playing these types of games, I tend to sub in a character instead of inserting myself into it. This just goes for any like VN whenever it's NSFW or SFW, I find it more enjoyable this way. So ye, there wasn't a specific reason for me to put this little note other than to clarify for my own sake. 
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rv-vn · 7 months
there's not enough wondercorp content in existence and I'm here to (try to) fix that. at first I just thought that they would be hot together but then I hyper-fixated on this pairing and realized how perfect they would be as a couple. humour me, please.
also, please excuse any typos.
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it was a fundraiser party hosted by the Louvre. lena's there as a guest and of course diana's there. who better to pull donations than the most charismatic curator on the museum's payroll.
when diana first laid eyes on lena, the CEO was in the middle of a conversation with someone else. she felt her breath stop. she's been alive for millennia, crossed paths with many people, gazed upon the most beautiful artwork, and yet they all pale in front of the younger luthor. yes, she's seen lena before, she is a prolific person after all (and that's without considering her relationship with lex luthor), but those had been pictures. tabloids with the most outlandish gossip. none of them prepared her for actually seeing lena luthor in the flesh.
diana makes it her mission to talk to her at least once that night. after all, if any questions her insistence for conversing with the luthor, diana would just point out that lena would be the a huge potential donor. she is well known for her generosity, among other things.
when she finally, finally manages to get lena alone she completely forgets about the purpose of the party (not that that was her intention with the luthor in the first place). who could blame her? lena is basically living, breathing art.
diana spends the rest of the party with lena. occasionally a colleague of hers would drag her to talk to other potential donors but, as if there was a magnet, she always found herself by lena's side. she can't help but want more of lena's presence.
not that lena minds. diana's not the only one enamoured with her unofficial partner of the night. lena's pretty sure diana belongs in the museum. she looks like a marble sculpture of a greek god come to life (lena doesn't know how right she is. not yet at least) and it doesn't help that, in addition to her beauty, this woman oozes intellect and confidence. every time diana leaves her side she can't help but look for her in the crowd. she catches herself every time she does so and tries to pay attention to the person she's currently talking to but no matter how much she tries to focus on their words her attention eventually drifts off to the curator.
lena's thoroughly put off by how much diana has become the centre of her attention in such a short amount of time but she's not put off enough to avoid the woman. at least not for the rest of the night. she tries to remind herself that luthors don't make friends and settles for making an acquaintance instead (she doesn't know how wrong she's going to be)
they drink and dance and talk about the museum and the art on display specially for the party. that's how their conversation starts but eventually, it drifts off into other things. diana promises to give lena a personal tour of the lesser known areas of paris for the next few days that she's in the state. the smile she gets in return is dazzling and diana wonders what else she could do to see that smile again. her mind heads into dangerous territories and she has to quickly calm herself down lest lena realizes. all of that can come later. with all her years she could be patient, right?
they part with each other reluctantly at the end of the night but the new contacts in their phones is a promise for something more. what that entails is still unknown but it's something and that's enough to tide over until the next morning.
later, much later, when they're alone in their respective residences, they question themselves as to why they were so drawn to a virtual stranger. lena's not quick to trust so just what was the reason for her uncharacteristic behaviour tonight? diana knows that this is the sibling of her teammate's greatest enemy and yet she can't bring herself to care. from what she's seen and heard, lena's nothing like her half-brother but still, you can't be too sure. guess they'll both have to wait and see.
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candythepuppy · 1 year
Insanely basic steps for writing Autistic characters:
(I have Autism, so this one rings close to home.)
1. I would recommend looking up the traits of Autism, both common and not, to pick and choose from. Obviously, you can't just shove every single trait into one character. That would be cringe. But at least for now gather together all the ones you can find. (Bonus points if you do some extra research and get a feeling for why such traits exists and what it is like to have them.)
2. So, you know generally what an Autistic person looks like. Nice. Now, pick out the traits you think would work best for YOUR character. That's right. As a writer, you essentially get to play GOD, so use that power wisely my friends. Remember to think about what fits your character's story the best.
Example: In my "The Last Human" book Steve has lived on his own for a remarkably long amount of time. This has made him terribly...terrible at communicating and getting close with others. The subtle Autistic traits, such as being touch avoidant and easily overwhelmed in social situations, is only meant to fan the flames a little more.
Basically, don't try to make your character all about Autism. Instead, pick out traits that will only add to the character you have already created.
3.1. Taking whatever traits you have chosen for your Autistic character, whether it be certain stims, difficulty hearing, or pain tolerance, it is time to fit all of these things into your character's backstory. Remember that someone's traits are formed as a coping mechanism for said character's weaknesses. (I, for instance, am particularly sensitive to noise, so I -- being a shy person -- tend to shut down if in a really loud environment. My 'coping mechanism' is blocking out the noise around me by retreating into my own mind. Dissociating, as you may also call it. This, in turn, has essentially coaxed me from birth into having a very large inner world to which I retreat to.) It's all about cause and effect.
Your character's past can affect their traits just as much as their traits can affect their past. It is a vicious cycle that you just have to figure out how to balance.
Example: Say your character is really outgoing and one of their traits is that they are very sensitive to light. This person may naturally gravitate towards being a night owl or only agree to go to events if it is later in the evening. But since they are so outgoing and may have a hard time knowing ahead of time whether or not an event will meet their needs, they might end up becoming the person in the friend group who always hosts the events. That way, they have full control over every single aspect of the setting that might trigger them.
3.2. And of course, for the more dramatic character backstories, if your Autistic character lost their entire family in a blazing fire, perhaps give them really sensitive hearing or something, so on top of everything they witness, it will be the sound..or the smell..that ticks them off the most. Maybe the smell was overwhelming, and even getting a whiff of it again instantly reminds them of the event. Fun concept for writing PTSD in general~ Sorry, I'm off topic again.
Or say your character's backstory deals more with long term abuse from a parental figure trying to turn their child into the next greatest villain or something. In that case, their traits may adjust accordingly. Hyper-fixation is a good one. Perhaps they teach themselves to hyper-fixate on "important" things like practicing magic or perfecting their fighting style. This can go to an obsessive level thanks to their hyper-fixation. They may not even notice their knuckles are bleeding or their hair is on fire. (Which is an actual trait I have dealt with while training in martial arts. "Oh I'm bleeding?? Sorry, didn't even notice.")
4. And finally but arguably one of the most important steps is naturally weaving their traits into the character's story going forward.
Example: Again from ma' pal Steve, he throughout the story had to learn to use moderation when it came to his obsessive, one-track minded behavior. He had to learn to enjoy taking it slow and not overwork himself so hard. One of his stims was actually jogging, so whenever he broke his leg, it was an especially big deal, since he could no longer do whatever helped to calm him down. Such a small problem quickly grew into a big deal that had to be faced head on...all thanks to the inclusion of his Autistic traits.
As you may have noticed, I never used any "truly Autistic" examples. I didn't tell you how to write a visit with the therapist where the two talk about the character's struggles. I didn't give any tips on how to write a meltdown realistically. And I most certainly didn't say anything about writing a socially inept kid trying to make friends.
Wanna know why? Because that's a bit repetitive at this point. By now, pretty much everyone knows what Autism is. You shouldn't have to spell it out for your readers unless it is 100% crucial to the plot and characters driving said plot.
Bonus tip:
Just being real here. Saying up front that your character is Autistic right away, or advertising them as such, will in the end ruin people's perception of them. They will go, "oh, well I am not Autistic, so I can't relate." and not emotionally connect to the character as much as they would have if the lable was left ambiguous. Either that, or they will question why this is not an "Autistic story."
I have nothing against "Autistic stories," but they're all the same in my experience at least, and by this point everyone already knows what to expect from one of these stories. And that takes away from the magic of storytelling.
So, it's perfectly alright to tell people, "Hey, my character is Autistic." However, it is when people advertise their character as such or bank on people only liking them because they are Autistic that I have to ask you to chill. Advertising Autism leads to less immersion, since the diagnosis is expected to be at the center of it all. And expecting people to like your character only because they are "quirky/Autistic" is just asking for people to roll their eyes and walk away, uninterested.
Sorry if this post was a little too long. I had a lot to say... Seeya! 👋
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