#instant-glow cream
colorbar1 · 4 months
The Psychology of Glow: How Skin Glow Creams Boost Your Confidence
When talking about skincare routines, products like cleansers, toner, serum, moisturizers, and sunscreens are usually mentioned. Despite their effectiveness, face creams rarely come up in discussions about skincare. Anti aging face creams or even skin glow creams influence our perception of ourselves and our interactions with the outside world by reaching into deeper psychological mechanisms. With their claims of brightness and energy, skin glow creams have been incredibly popular in the last few years.
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However, these creams do much more than only improve appearance; they also significantly contribute to increased self-esteem and confidence. In this blog, we'll delve into the intriguing psychology of glow and reveal how skin glow products can give people a boost of confidence and self-assurance.
Recognizing the Psychological Effects of Appearance
It’s important to understand that having a good appearance has very little to do with having fair skin. Face creams, like anti-aging face cream, nourish our skin, protect it against problems like fine lines and premature aging, and improve skin elasticity, hydration, and even skin tone. A healthy and nourished skin:
Improves confidence: research has shown that when we feel good about our appearance, it automatically improves our confidence and self-esteem.
Enhances social interaction: Having a good appearance and being comfortable with your look makes you approachable during social events, leading to positive interactions.
Professional success: Having healthy, non-dull skin helps us present ourselves properly. This overflow of confidence and ease can be very helpful during important client meetings and interviews.
Being confident, approachable, and doing well in a career can all contribute to our mental wellbeing.
Even the smallest task of using a glowing skin face wash can work wonders for your facial appearance.
The Growth of Skin Glow Products in the Cosmetics Sector
The cosmetic industry has released a profusion ofskin-brightening serums and creams in response to the increased demand for radiant skin. The components used in the formulation of these products are said to improve brightness, balance out skin tone, and give skin a natural glow. As celebrities and social media influencers support the glowy skin trend, more and more people are turning to these creams as a way to get the desired radiant complexion. If you are in search of good skin-glow products, you can check out Colorbar’s…
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Enriched with ingredients like water glycerin and niacinamide, this face cream’s light reflective pigments make our skin glow against light. Apply the cream, wait for 28 seconds, and see your skin transform into a healthy and bright canvas. This instant-glow cream is perfect for both men and women.
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Colorbar’s Luminous Glowing and Brightening Moisturiser is a 2-in-1 moisturizer and glow cream that moisturizes and brightens our skin. Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide, this moisturizing cream increases skin luminosity and reveals a healthy glow.
Glow's psychology is profound and touches on our core needs for wellbeing, assurance, and confidence. Skin glow creams provide people with more than just surface-level beauty; they provide them with the confidence and comfort to feel good about themselves. Through comprehending the psychological processes underlying radiant skin, we may effectively utilize its transformational potential to augment our general self-worth and inner brightness. Recall that genuine beauty comes from the inside out.
If you are looking to incorporate face creams into your skincare routine, you can check out Colorbar Cosmetics. They are one of the best cosmetic brands in India that sells high-quality beauty products. Along with face skincare products, you can also buy makeup products like foundation, highlighter, lipsticks, lip gloss, primer for combination skin, kajal, lip liner, and more. Shop Now.
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hatsukeii · 1 month
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fragrance: coffee break, replica / timeskip!akaashi keiji x barista!reader
notes: coffee (top), lavender (heart), milk mousse (base)
description: the first shot of espresso after a long shift, freshly dripped coffee from the brewer
disclaimer(s): a love or hate fragrance for many
wc: 2470
warning(s): mentions/depictions of puke and anxiety, overworking culture and capitalism LMFAO but no nsfw!! angsty akaashi is a corporate slave and reader is a free soul who just likes brewing coffee </3 gn reader too!!
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Akaashi Keiji doesn't like coffee at all, especially not when the black liquid that pools in the abyss of a flimsy paper cup on his desk is only a means to stay awake, to keep editing. But if anything, the instant coffee stand in his office is a necessity to keep him alive these days. He stares at his monitor, and his phone goes off in clicks and whirs just as it has for the past seven hours; messages from Koutaro, who has just won his qualifiers with MSBY, the qualifiers that Keiji wanted so badly to be at. He glances at the time that blinks at the corner of the screen.
Just another fifteen minutes, he thinks. Just another fifteen minutes until he can finally flick the lights off and lock himself out of this hell for the next two days. His eyelids grow heavier by the second as his fingers click impossibly quickly at his keyboard, regurgitating words on a blank canvas the way he throws up black coffee into the toilet every night. Despite that, his hand reaches for the paper cup that sits on his coaster, a pandora's box of putrid bitterness waiting to be consumed. After all, the vile, soured sensation of puke flushing out from his esophagus is infinitely more enjoyable than falling asleep at his desk and being berated by his dickhead of a boss again. He flips the swampy black liquid into his mouth, wincing at the tartness that claws lines down his throat all the way to his stomach.
Surely enough, right as the numbers at the corner of his monitor blink into 23:00:00, Akaashi Keiji is already frantically shoving his documents into his messenger bag, inevitably folding them in the wrong spots as he haphazardly slips them through the free cracks amongst his laptop and other miscellanous items. He flicks the lights off and sprints out the door, missing the key hole twice before finally managing to lock the office up properly, and makes a run for the bathroom, where he kneels in front of an empty urinal, and throws up everything he’s consumed in the past six hours. This consists of a single cream cheese bagel from the office fridge, and five cups worth of pure instant coffee.
The streetlights buzz above Keiji's head, moths feeding into their brightness as they dance around a ghastly tungsten glow. The walk home is tiring. He is so very tired. His guts have been emptied out in an office bathroom and the buzzing of the streetlight makes him want to crawl up its post and shatter it to shards, taking the moths down with it. Walls of glass on both sides line the night streets, mannequins staring him down as he slumps and turns the corner to his own.
The corner he has just turned heats him up like a fireplace does when the wind howls and screams at his windows, and he turns to the warm glow of a usually unnoticed cornerstore. It's fifteen past eleven, yet one person resides behind the counter. The sign at the door is flipped to ‘closed’, and Keiji can do nothing but stand at the entrance, watching you meticulously swirl steaming water into filter paper. He turns away in embarrassment when you look up at him, and place the long-spouted kettle in your hand down. He steps away from the corner as you swing open the door, the bell jingling in a merrier fashion than the droning streetlights.
"Are you good? You look a bit pale."
He turns back, and your body is halfway out the door. He doesn't say a word, yet his feet move towards the store unconsciously, and he doesn't realise it until his body is lined up with the doorframe.
"Do you, by any chance, have any food? I can pay."
Keiji sits at the coffee bar, where your steaming kettle sits amongst a plethora of brewing tools. Brown liquid falls into a roundbottomed flask drop by drop, tantalisingly slow. You flick on the television behind him, and the unmistakeable sound of leather against hardwood rings loud from the speakers as you reach into the fridge behind, searching for anything edible.
"You allergic to anything?"
"No, anything's good. Thanks."
Grabbing a leftover croissant, you throw it in the microwave, pressing carelessly at the buttons until the little glass dish begins to spin and whir. Facing the counter again, fingers return to the handle of the kettle as you continue swirling steaming water into coffee grounds on filter paper. Keiji's eyes are trained to the television, the reflection of a volleyball on the screen following the motion of his eyes.
"Volleyball fan too?"
"Yeah, my best friend plays on that team. Black Jackals."
Your eyebrows raise, still trained on the brewing batch of drip coffee. One circle, two circles, and down. You're not sure why your peculiar visitor is here instead of in the stands, but the bags beneath his eyes and his ghastly figure at your door are enough to give you a clue. You set the kettle down again, and the coffee begins to drip faster with the addition of water.
"Oh, really! Which player?"
"Kou- Bokuto. Bokuto Koutaro."
"That's cool, he's my favourite player. Got his jersey sitting somewhere at home."
The microwave beeps, and you reach for a ceramic plate, sliding the crispy croissant onto it and handing it to Keiji. He reaches for it hesitantly, the crust crunching beneath his fingers as layers of flaky pastry steam and fold against each other, before taking a bite. Buttery soft layers of bread, warm flakes dancing on his tongue, a hint of salt between each sheet of croissant pastry. His face stretches into a barely noticeable, but satiated smile as he chews. For the first time this week, Akaashi Keiji swears he is in heaven.
"This...this is a really fuckin' good croissant." He chuckles out with his mouth stuffed, a rare occasion given his usual schedule of throwing up, then going to bed. You wink at him, clicking your tongue proudly.
"In-house favourite, took me months to get right. I'm glad it's good."
Keiji pushes his glasses up with his knuckles, glancing back at the television. Koutaro graces the screen now, piercing golden eyes wide with enthusiasm. His voice rings through the speakers.
"I'm dedicating this win to my best friend! He was supposed to be here, but he must've been busy, so he couldn't make it. But that's okay! I know he's watching me back home, right, Keiji?"
He wants to cry, his mouth still stuffed with your croissant. His Adam's apple shifts ever so slightly, and you take notice of his neck tensing. The whites of your visitor's eyes are more red than anything, the bridge of his glasses sliding down when his nose scrunches at Bokuto's words. You eye the croissant on his plate, half-eaten in the two minutes it's been out of the microwave for.
"Would you like some coffee? Freshly brewed, new recipe."
Akaashi Keiji doesn't like coffee at all. Yet as he turns around to meet your eyes, lips pursed in guilt, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, it might be what he wants right now. You swirl water into the coffee grounds again, brown liquid dripping into the flask alluringly.
"Are you sure? It looks like it's taken a while to collect."
"You'd be doing me a favour by telling me if it tastes like shit."
You wait for the droplets to cease, before swirling the flask once, twice. Brown coffee trickles into a white mug as you hand it to your visitor, who takes it timidly with both hands cupping its warmth. Notes of lavender and almonds peek from the cover of coffee, flushing his sinuses clean from the biting acidity of the instant coffee he's become so accustomed to.
"Sorry in advance if I end up puking this out. It happens with instant coffee, and it's not going to be because of the taste, I promise."
You shoot your visitor a questionable look, and he grimaces in shame.
"You must be drinking a lot of shitty coffee, with too little water. Could be acid reflux. This should be much better, but let me know if you need anything."
Keiji does not down the coffee in one go this time. Instead, he takes such small sips from the mug, that he may as well be taking kitten licks at the liquid. It slides past his tongue and into his throat, smooth as silk. Hints of vanilla fill his tastebuds, offsetting the innate bitterness of caffeine, and for once coffee does what it's meant to. He feels alive again.
"This is incredible. I think I can actually hold this in my stomach."
"Coffee shouldn't make you worry about keeping it in your stomach, so I'm glad."
He smiles, a real one now, taking in another sip. His bag hangs from the wooden frame of the chair, papers still crumpled between laptops and binders and files. He watches you swirl water into the filter paper again, and wonders how long you might be willing to keep him here for. The street is desolate, spare for the leaves that flutter in the midnight breeze. He would like to stay in this seat forever.
"So, why aren't you in the stands? Bokuto was clearly looking for you."
He freezes, initially unsure how you've figured him out, before recalling his declaration of comraderie with Koutaro upon the flick of a television remote to the volleyball match. The mug of coffee is half empty when Keiji places it down on the counter, and he rubs his face in his hands. His nails are short, evidently chewed on, and you catch onto the way his thumbs instinctively massage against the fleshy cushions at the bottom of his palms, and the centre of his inner wrists.
"Office work, manga editing is no joke."
"Yeah, I can tell, you've worked yourself into anxiety and carpal tunnel."
"Must be nice brewing coffee without a dickhead boss on your back for everything."
You grin sadly, because he's right. You've seen it on the faces of every visitor, tired eyes searching for hope on laptop screens, teeth gnawing at peeling lips at seven in the morning for no particular reason, restless feet bouncing on the floor as they wait for their coffee, and almost burn themselves trying to finish it in one go, before rushing out the door without so much of a thank you. Your midnight visitor is no different than the rest, other than the fact that he displays genuine human emotion, and is willing to slowly enjoy your five hour brew.
"Yeah, it's the least I can do for everyone who comes here. Fix them a good cup. They're tired enough as is."
Keiji chokes up at your words. The past year of manga editing has graced him with screaming seniors, hours upon hours of overtime, throwing up food and drink every night until all he has the guts to eat are microwaved frozen bagels. His throat closes up, Adam's apple swallowing thickly. Shoulders begin to tremble, and you place a hand on the side of his bicep, rubbing it soothingly over the counter. His sobs fill up the shop, drowning out the television as he rubs at his face even harder, wiping his tears with his jacket. In one night, you have shown him more care than anyone else has in the past year combined, and all you've done is microwave him a leftover croissant and fix him a mug of real coffee.
"S-sorry, 's been a shitty week."
"You're okay, you're fine. Let it out, as much as you need."
And for just a moment in his bleak existence, the sterile white lights of the office become a lamplit cafe, hidden in the corner of his street. The stench of air freshener is swapped out for vanilla, and coffee, and lavender, and all that is right. For just tonight, Akaashi Keiji, who doesn't like coffee at all, thinks that he might actually be able to enjoy it, as long as it's from you, and only you.
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author's note:
bet you didn't expect this series to get angsty!! i really wanted to write a coffee shop romance, but i also wanted to get a little ambiguous, like a sorta fateful meeting, and i thought this would work!! the idea of throwing up coffee makes me want to cry because i love coffee so much i could not imagine my life without it icl
hope you guys enjoyed this though! it's not as romantic as the other ones i've done on the cologne series, but it's a change in pace that im looking to achieve!! might be the most gentle piece i've written for this series in terms of atmosphere as well :333
anyways tags!!
@chuuya-brainrot @starlysama @catsoupki @fiannee @afyrian @bailey-reeds @iiwaijime
ok love u guys see u in the next one bye bye
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☆。.:*・゚ Sweet Nothings 。.:*・゚☆
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pairing: tfatws!bucky x baker!reader
warning: fluff, multiple mentions of cake, mentions of Bucky with children
a/n: Ahhh I had this idea before going to bed and literally stayed up two hours working on it. I finished it this morning, and I've gotta stay I'm proud of my commitment because I usually take at least a month to finish a fanfiction. Hopefully, there's more where this came from. P.S. I'm not a baker, so I'm sorry if I fudged any details. Feedback is always appreciated but please be kind. Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated but no reposting without credit <3
word count: 1.6k
summary: Reader is a baker and Bucky gets a cake from her to take to Sam's picnic party on the docks (scene from tfatws).
The bell jingled as Bucky entered Sweet Nothings, the bakery you had started from the ground up. He was instantly enveloped by the sweet scent of baked goods from the array of desserts neatly displayed in the glass case by the counter. Underneath the sugar, he smelled the new chai latte you had just added to the menu. It had been an instant hit, totally trumping the one at Starbucks that everyone raved about. Chai had been a nostalgic drink for you and a completely new one for Bucky. He now had an affinity for it, however, and asked for it every time he entered the shop after you made him the first honorary taste tester of the drink. Now, the shop was bustling since it was happy hour.
Soft music played in the background. Bucky recognized the voice of Taylor Swift, one of your favorite artists. She was one of Bucky's favorites now too. You had impeccable taste, and any song you loved became his favorite. The album that was currently playing was Midnights, the one you had told Bucky he was most like. He loved that about you, how you would associate things like albums and songs with him. It made his heart swell, knowing you thought about him in relation to music, which had a special place in your heart.
You were nowhere in sight, so he assumed you were in the back checking on your bread dough. Bucky approached the barrier that led to the backroom for employees and pushed the door open, hoping to surprise you while you were working. Once he entered, he found you bent over your proving drawer, checking on a fluffy batch of bread dough. He tiptoed up to you and grabbed your waist, lifting you off your feet and causing you to let out a yelp of surprise. Bucky spun you around, chuckling at your reaction (what did he expect when he literally attacked you with a bear hug from behind?).
Finally, he set you down on your feet and spun you around to face him. His eyes were crinkled with laugh lines as he took in your disheveled form. Your hair was in a low messy bun with a few strands astray in the front. You donned a cream-colored beret and a blue long-sleeve over which you had on your cheeky apron that read "Kiss the Cook." It was, of course, gifted to you by none other than your doting boyfriend. A light dusting of flour over your entire being gave you an angelic glow. In Bucky's eyes, you looked more heavenly than all of the desserts in your shop combined.
You blew your hair out of your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest before attempting to glare at Bucky. You didn't last long, however, as his sheepish grin caused you to look down, so he wouldn’t catch you smiling.
“You shouldn’t sneak up on me,” you admonished him half-heartedly. “Bakers can be dangerous when startled, you know.”
“Sure, doll,” Bucky still had on that cheeky grin. “I don’t know about dangerous, though. Former assassin here, remember?” He pointed at himself with his index fingers as if you didn't already know. "I think I can handle a blow from a rolling pin." He picked up the nearest tool his hand landed on, which, unfortunately for him, was a basting brush, making his joke fall flat. He sheepishly put the brush away as you tried not to laugh.
You gave him a warning look before turning your back to him and smiling wide. You may pretend to be annoyed by his antics, but they truly brought joy to your heart and brightened up your bland days. You loved your job, but you loved your man most of all.
“I’ve got the cake ready for Sam’s. Just gotta put the finishing touches on it. Did you bring the Oreos, baby boy?”
You turned around to find his face in yours. Had it been anyone else, you would’ve found it incredibly infuriating. But with Bucky, it left you blushing to your core.
He wrapped his arms around you and held up the blue plastic box. “Right here, sweetheart.”
It was a generic nickname that every single boyfriend in the history of the world had called his girlfriend at some point. But somehow, it was almost erotic coming from his plush pink lips with that deep timbre. You sometimes wondered if Bucky knew the effect he had on you.
“Thank you,” was all you trusted yourself to say as you took the box of cookies from him and started peeling off the plastic cover. You moved away from him and carefully placed six cookies on the cake, one on each of the iced rosettes on the border.
“Alright, Buck, I think it’s ready for the party. Lemme just get a box for it, and we’ll be on our way.”
Bucky smiled as he watched you tenderly place the plastic casing on the cake as if it was your baby. In a way, it was, along with all of your other creations.
“Alrighty then, doll,” Bucky grabbed the cake in his gloved flesh hand, then put his metal arm around your shoulders, pulling you in to plant a kiss on your temple. “Thank you so much for making this, baby cakes.”
You turned pink hearing him use your favorite nickname of all time. “Oh, it’s nothing,” you mumbled bashfully, suddenly shy again in the crook of his arm.
“It’s a Sweet Nothing, which means it’s the opposite of nothing. Doll, this cake is quite literally everything to me.”
“Buckyyy,” you playfully swatted him away. Sure, you were proud of your work, but you still got flustered when people complimented you, especially your boyfriend, who took every chance to make you feel like you were the biggest star in his world.
You eased yourself out of his embrace momentarily to hunt down your assistant. “Lemme just tell Nico to take over the closing shift tonight.”
Bucky nodded and waited patiently by the door for you to rejoin him. You returned and looped your arm around his waist to steer him out of your shop.
Bucky drove the both of you from the bakery to the docks in his pickup. You held the cake securely in your lap with your right hand and entwined your left with Bucky's. When you arrived, you let go of his hand and moved to open the door, but Bucky reached over you to close it again. Then he climbed out of the truck and rushed to open your door.
"M'lady," you rolled your eyes at him but couldn't help smiling as he took the cake from you so you could climb out of the car. He shut your door behind you, then took off with the cake balanced precariously in his flesh hand.
"Bucky! Be careful!" Your cries were drowned out by Sam's nephews, who were happily trailing Bucky at the sight of the cake. They tried play-fighting with him, pretending to punch him in the face, to which Bucky pretended to stagger backward from the force of impact.
You sighed and let the corners of your mouth lift as you watched your lover boy, totally enamored by his way with children.
Bucky ran to the nearest picnic table and finally placed the cake down safely. You let out a breath of relief you didn't realize you had been holding in and walked over to him.
Bucky returned to entertaining the kids a little while after everyone had eaten. He stood atop a picnic table, talking to you and Sarah with his metal arm extended out. Sam's nephew and his friend hung off of Bucky's arm. You were trying your hardest to concentrate on what he told you about his days in the Navy, but you couldn't help giggling softly at the sight of him effortlessly holding up two children using only one of his arms.
When you could finally steal a moment alone with him, you handed him a beer and tugged his arm to lead him to the pier's edge. You plopped down and let your feet dangle, the bottoms of your boots grazing the water's surface. After a moment, Bucky crouched down to join you. He scooted closer so his thigh was pressed up against yours. He put his arm around you, and you sighed softly, leaning into his shoulder and staring at the setting sun. Nose pressed against Bucky's shoulder, you inhaled, reveling in the warm scent of freshly-cut pine and the sweet undertones of amber and musky vanilla.
You leaned up to wrap your arms around his shoulder, suddenly needing to be closer to him than you already were. He seemed to understand and gently twisted to the side, snaking one arm around your lower back and using the other to bring your legs into his lap. You moved in to kiss him tenderly. Your hands were in his hair, his hands were on your hips, and everything felt perfect at that moment. You could still taste the Oreo cake on his breath, and you broke away from the kiss slowly, smiling all the while. Bucky returned your smile warmly as you turned to look at the sunset.
Bucky watched it paint your face the most gorgeous shade of pink and thanked his lucky stars at that moment. Somehow, life had brought you to him. He had never thought of himself as fortunate, but he was ecstatic now that you were in his arms, and he damn sure was never going to let go of this beautiful thing he had with you. He pressed his lips to your forehead and tightened his hold on you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
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austinbutlerslovers · 5 months
You're my favourite Austin writer on here I think you're amazing!
Please can I ask you to write an Austin x fem reader smut based on False God by Taylor Swift? It's one of my favourite songs and i think its so Austin coded 😭
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False God
Label Mature 18+
Based on the lyrics ‘False God’ by Talylor Swift
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Established relationship girlfriend
💝Romantic Smut 💝
passionate foreplay • oral receiving fem•clit play•p in v • orgasms •cream pies
Special thank to the requester. This is the first time I’ve written this style it was very difficult thank you for your patience . 🙏🏻
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Master List ••• Upcoming List
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False God
Above the bustling streets of vibrant downtown town New York city, you sit in the window of the high rise penthouse apartment you share with Austin. He landed over an hour ago at JFK international and you were frequently checking your phone to see when he would be arriving home to you.
He used to fly you with him to public events but as he became more famous he thought it better you remain out of sight. As his pay increased with his movies he moved you from your shared one bedroom loft to a five bedroom penthouse downtown. When the shopping sprees, vacations and lavish dinners began, so did your insecurities.
You would stare over at him, your once shy timid boyfriend now engaging a table full of his famous costars. He was confident and brilliant, even more beautiful than before.
His charming smile, dazzling blue eyes and perfect features were only enhanced by his new jewelry, clothing, and stylish haircuts of his sandy brown hair.
You tried to stop yourself but you couldn’t help it, you became insecure as his girlfriend. The more he left town the more you checked his name on social media, the later he would stay out for premieres the later you would stay up until he returned.
When he was in town and he was able to spend time with you amidst the chaos of everyday life, you two found solace in each other's embrace.
But deep down you were terrified he would leave you now. He had everything he ever wished for from having nothing when you two first met.
You were a free spirited artist with a passion for painting who worked as a secretary for a famous art studio. You gained notoriety on Instagram as soon as you posted your first official piece which is how you still gain many of your clients. today.
Your job and artwork paid the bills while Austin attended acting classes then. You knew he was special, though he was extremely shy as himself, he blossomed when he was in character. You witnessed his raw talent many nights when he would read scripts in your living room.
You knew without a doubt he would be famous and helped him in every way possible to reach his goal. With his charismatic personality, unwavering love, and passion for sex combined you were head over heels in love with him.
You two met one fateful evening under the glow of neon lights at one of your studios art exhibits in the West Village.
All of the artists were instructed to incorporate clear luminous paint into their work so their creations would glow once the exhibit switched to black light above them for a big reveal.
Austin was there with his friends from theater class because he was a lover of the arts. As soon as the black lights were switched on Austin was drawn to your painting with an unwavering attraction.
He asked immediately if it was possible to meet the artist and your manager called you over. The connection was instant like a magnetic pull drawing you two together as if it were destiny. He was tall, handsome, and shy, his smile flashed when his blue eyes lit up seeing you for the first time and you knew it was love at first sight.
He had long blonde hair then and wore a baggy plaid shirt with a black tee beneath. His skinny jeans and vans giving away he was either an aspiring actor or a musician. As you two delved deeper into each other's worlds, you discovered a shared love for the unconventional, the unspoken, and the untamed.
You brought him back to your apartment immediately after the show. He couldn’t keep his hands off of you; in the cab, the elevator, and even at your front door. Once you fumbled into your apartment he began taking of his clothing.
You waited and watched as he revealed he was hiding the fittest muscled body you’d ever seen beneath his modest clothing. When he mentioned he would be flying to New Zealand to film a show as an elf you were not expecting his body to be the most sexually desirable one you’d ever seen. You were extremely turned on by him.
As he stood fully naked in your living room with his shoulder length blonde hair and his large cock you began to strip off your clothing too.
He smiled and came closer helping you pull off your shoulder straps to drop your dress, then he kneeled down pulling your panties off as you stepped out of them. As he rose to stand taller than you he placed his hand beneath your hair and held the nape of your neck pulling you to him and sinking his lips onto yours in a deeply powerful kiss.
The world around you seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of you suspended in a moment of pure, unbridled emotion. Austin kissed you passionately as you both felt the sparks igniting between you two. He enjoyed the feeling so much he smiled and began to open his lips onto yours lingering on your kisses with an extreme warmth that turned you on so much you became wet.
“I have …a condom.”he said between kisses “I’m on …birth control.” You whispered back against his lips. Hearing your verbal consent he easily picked you up into his strong arms taking his hands cupping them one at a time under your thighs making you wrap your legs around his waist
He was so strong and the moment was so intense you shivered as he stared into yours eyes. He confidently smiled and you knew he was going to make you his. “Where’s you bedroom “ he asked staring at your lips. Looking closely at his angelic face as he easily carried you made you lose all of your resolve you couldn’t even speak you just pointed the way and he smiled. He knew you were his.
He gently tossed you down on your bed and kneeled between your legs pulling you to the edge. “Can I taste you? “ he asked permission and you nodded eagerly.
With a gentle yet confident touch, he reached his hands up and spread your thighs apart. Your core was already throbbing when he placed his tongue to your folds. He grazed it up and down your sensitive wet folds until it sent a shiver up your spine. Your hands immediately flew to his long hair pulling and tugging it as you praised him.
He leaned in pressing his mouth onto your folds trying to reach the depths of your core with his tongue lapping which sent shockwaves throughout your entire body. His tongue was relentless and electrifying, while his mouth sucked your folds tenderly. With each skilled lick and suck from his mouth you felt yourself surrendering to the overwhelming desire that consumed you.
You tried to calm your imminent orgasm but it was too late. Your legs began to quiver lost in the intoxicating sensation of him eating you out. When he pressed his thumb into your clit and swirled it you gasped. Overcome by the sheer intensity of the moment you orgasmed for him melting into a pool of ecstasy as your core uncoiled. He licked your folds of your cum and trailed kisses as he climbed your body.
Starting from the soft skin of your navel, his kisses moved with a feather light touch, tracing the contours of your waist. With each press of his lips, your skin came alive, electrified by the intimacy.
As he journeyed upward, his kisses grew bolder, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. The warmth of his breath against your skin between kisses sent a rush of heat coursing through your veins, reigniting the fire deep within your core.
His hands cupped your breasts pressing each one with a tender kiss before he rested his chest onto yours. It seemed like time stood still as you stared into each others eyes feeling your hearts beating in perfect rhythm. His lips finally met yours again, and you both knew that this was the beginning of your relationship. Your heart was pounding in anticipation of what was to come
His fingers Intertwined with yours on the sheets before he lifted his hips and gently thrust into you. The pleasure of his large cock was exquisite. You arced your back as he stretched you out and filled you with his passion. Each of his thrusts carried the promise of so much more as he hit depths you never knew existed . It dulled the ache of your sexual desire and refilled it with an overwhelming sense of longing for him, only he could fill you this way.
With each thrust your bodies mingled together feeling your connection growing stronger with the sounds of your moans filling the air. As you reached your peak he looked into your eyes filled with a warmth that mirrored the same affection you had for him. Without a word he cupped your face in his hands wanting to gaze into your eyes knowing you he felt the same.
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt the weight of his gaze, a silent admission between you two. And in that moment, you knew that you wanted nothing more than to lean in and lose yourself in the depths of his desires.
With a soft moan your walls fluttered as Austin thrust into your body and you came for him closing the distance between you two. His lips met yours with a tender kiss that spoke volumes without uttering a single word. In that fleeting moment time stood still and the world around you faded into obscurity as he came in you too and you melted into each other's embrace.
Wrapped in the warmth of each other's arms after you both orgasmed, you surrendered to the enchantment of the night. Your fresh new love painting the canvas of the universe with hues of passion and promise.
You lay naked and cuddling together whispering and sweet nothings into the night, knowing that this was just the beginning of your fated love story written by the universe.
But this love story was not without its challenges. Insecurities and doubts always lingered in the shadows, threatening to overshadow your bliss.
Austin thought you would leave him for a wealthy patron from your gallery in the beginning when he was struggling to find work. The arguments were like hell and you almost quit your job.
Now you feel that he will leave you for a famous actress or model having seen the more extravagant side of life. Seeing him on more than one occasion lingering and hugging females to closely at events you dared him to leave you.
But just like the calm after a storm on an ocean separating you two, the tensions dissolved and peace reigned once again. One of you would always bring the wine out which would start the flow of tender reconciliation, where words were replaced by gentle touches and heartfelt apologies.
Hearing Austins key turning in the lock surprises you, he didn’t text he had arrived before entering, but as he opens the door you rush to greet him. He is holding a large bouquet of your favorite flowers. He looks ravishing with his short sandy blonde lightly layered in waves.
Your lips meet as you embrace and your kisses are filled with passion and longing. He brings his hand to gently cradle your face and just his simple touch sends waves of warmth coursing through your body. “I missed you so much baby” he says finally breaking the kiss .”I missed you too austin.“ you say smiling.
Austin hands you your beautiful flowers. “I’m so sorry I’m late I had to get these for you I know they’re your favorite. Will you put them away while I shower then come into the bedroom.” He says pulling your head to his lips planting another kiss as he smiles “Yes of course Austin.” You say sweetly.
You do as he says washing them and finding a vase filling it with water. Next you carry the flowers in the vase and place them on the dining room table.
You enter the bedroom and Austin is still in the shower, you can hear his melodic voice singing and it makes you smile.
You hear his singing stop as he turns off the water and you strip down to your bra and panties in anticipation for him to come out of the shower.
The master bathroom door opens and you look at Austins body with a towel wrapped snugly around his waist. Each muscle is defined and sculpted like a work of art. His broad shoulders taper down to his narrow waist, creating a silhouette that exudes confidence and athleticism. Droplets of water glisten on his skin and his hair, with the scent of his soap and shampoo lingering in the air.
The corners of his lips curve upward in a mischievous grin as he looks at you with playful intent. You both have the same idea.
His lips part ever so slightly, revealing a glimpse of his teeth, adding an air of allure to his devilish smile. “ did you miss me baby?” He says with a subtle tilt of his head. He drops his towel and your eyes immediately fall to his hardened cock. He exudes so much confidence and charm, as he stands naked in your bedroom that he’s practically daring you.
You immediately unhook your bra and pull off your panties and slowly approach each other.
Your arms wrap around each others bodies, pulling close as your lips meet in a sweet lingering kiss that turns electrifying.
Austin lays you down on the bed and trails kisses down your body. It’s a slow, deliberate descent, igniting a trail of sensation along your skin. With each kiss your breath quickens and your pulse races with escalating passion. He kisses every curve and dip making you a canvas for his lips to cover. You exert a gentle yet firm grasp into his hair conveying your desire for him that can no longer wait and he smiles looking up at you taking his cue.
He climbs your body and aligns himself between your legs sliding his large cock into the warmth of your wet entrance. He fills you completely when his tip meeting your core.
He thrusts his cock into you repeatedly in a rhythm of precision and determination. With each thrust, your coil tightens until, it springs free. There is a satisfying release of tensions as Austin grinds against your throbbing core creating a symphony of sounds and motions from you both in ecstasy. With each thrust you both feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing you are getting lost in the highs of each other’s orgasms.
As Austin fills you with his passions on the expensive duvet covers of the king sized bed It ignites the fires within you both that burns the brightest when you are together. A promise of devotion that transcends words.
As you finally pull away, your breaths mingle in the space between as you gaze into each other’s eyes knowing you both found something rare and precious, a love that would weather any storm and stand the test of time.
Together, you navigated the maze of modern romance unafraid to confront your fears and embrace each others flaws. For in each other's arms, you found your truest selves, imperfect yet perfectly matched.
You and Austin put on robes to enjoy each others company after the intimate encounter. You wanted to view the city that you loved out on the balcony. Austin brought a bottle of wine to pour you both glasses to enjoy before bed.
As you stood hand in hand, gazing into each others eyes above the city lights in your New York City high rise drinking wine together you knew that your love was your sanctuary, your false god, and your salvation all rolled into one.
🩷End 🩷
🏷️ Always Tag Me List 💌
@faegoddessog @purejasmine @burnthheparaphilia @obsessedvibee @abswifey @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @magicovento @star017 @buckysteveloki-me @cauliflowercounty @thegabbyh @dacreshoney @elvismylove04 @emeraldsgirl @fallofthedamned @lindszeppelin @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @feydsociety @phil2135561 @softboo
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sonnyangelgirl · 9 months
i need re2r stalker leon with an idol reader :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
warnings: stalking, gross leon, this is unfinished i donr think i ever will finish it 😇😇😇 enjoy tho i didnt proof read this
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imagine, you're an up-and-coming idol, your group isn't all that popular and you aren't really a fan favorite.
he's just some cop, doesn't have a girlfriend, probably not getting one soon. he's attractive, sure, but he's not good with women.
one day, he hangs out with claire. the whole time she just rambles about this girl group she discovered, showing leon a video of them!
claire was just ecstatic about the fact that your group was coming to racoon city and she got tickets to see you.
she invites leon to the concert with her, he doesn't have anything to do so he agrees to go. when the day comes, he sees you.
you're just so.. cute! the way you glow onstage, you have that kind, girl-next-door vibe to you. he can't help but stare at you in pure awe, you were so beautiful.
he had to have you to himself.
as soon as he got home he researched everything about you!
he feels so gross, hes a grown man! why is he so obsessed over an idol that doesn't even know he exists??
Well, its fine anyways. This is what your company wants, right? To make these creepy losers obsessed with your group and spend all their money ln merch!
Plus, he wasn't obsessed with you per se, he just... really liked you, alot!
He thought you were pretty and wanted to know everything about you, he wanted to count how many moles you had on your body, he wanted to know your favorite things, what you disliked, etc! There's nothing wrong with that.. right?
He wasn't gonna buy any of your merch, he wasn't that weird! For God's sake, he was a cop, a grown man, why would he spend his hard earned money on some stupid idol goodies?
As soon as he got his next paycheck, he ordered some of your merch.
This couldn't keep going! He just needed to be closer to you!
When your company announced tickets for a fansign, he was quick to buy them.
Sure, he will only be able to eat instant noodles of the next few weeks if he wanted to pay his bills, but it's okay! Its worth it because of you.
He saw people buying their favorite idols some gifts, he wasn't sure what to get you so he just bought a bouquet of flowers and a plushie of your favorite animal.. he tried.. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
He doesn't really care about talking to the other members much, and when it's his turn to talk to you, he could cry of happiness.
his face turns so flushed and he gets a bit sweaty, when you offer to shake his hand, he swears healmost creams his pants. Your hands were so small, he could smell your perfume and it was making him all hazy inside.
"Hii, what's your name?" Your voice echoes through his head, he cant even think.
"Leon — 'm.. uh.. I got you — a gift.." He stuttered like crazy, his hands trembled as he handed you the flowers and plushie.
You see the way he's nervous, you put a gentle hand on his shoulder and smile sweetly, "Hey, no need to be nervous, okay?" You say this despite the fact he has the mannerisms a total creep. Sure, hes cute, has a nice face and moles, but still, you cant help but feel creeped out.
It's your job as an idol though, to smile, be nice, let the fans be weird to you. His face lights up when you say that.
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ponderingmoonlight · 10 months
hi! first i love your writing. it’s so amazing
since it’s getting into the christmas season, i was wondering if you’d want to do something with choso experiencing christmas season things with a partner for the first time. like decorating a tree, kissing under mistletoe and all that kinda stuff?
thank you so much for all your insanely amazing writing!
Aww this was absolutely fun and cute to write, I really hope you like it! Thank you for your request and kind words love 🤍
Teaching Choso about Christmas and kissing underneath the mistletoe
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Pairing: Choso x reader
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: Even though Choso thinks he's seen it all by now, the idea of Christmas just doesn't reach him until you show him the tradition of kissing underneath a mistletoe...
Warnings: Christmas fluff coming your way! This was such a fun request and I really hope it gets you into Christmas mood! Would you like to read more Christmas special content? Let me know in the comments or get in my inbox <3
„And…why exactly are you putting those strange balls onto that tree?” Choso questions while eyeing you up and down critically.
Within the last few months, you were able to teach your precious boyfriend a lot of things he missed as a cursed womb. Everything was new to him: having feelings, getting close to each other, ordering ice cream. But somehow, you actually managed to make a decent human being out of him.
Well, at least until now.
“That is called a Christmas tree and those ‘strange balls’ are called ornaments. We do that every year around that time. Look at how stunning it is”, you explain with excitement glowing in your eyes.
Choso truly loves seeing you like that, wearing that strange sweater and a gorgeous smile on your face. But somehow, this whole concept of Christmas doesn’t make any sense to him. Why would you celebrate the birth of a single child for more than 2000 years? And why do you have to decorate a tree to do so?
He watches as you carefully place another ornament on the tree, clapping your hands in joy. Oh, you look so lovely in the dim candle light with your slightly redden cheeks. His heart begins to jump up and down his chest all over again, eyes not able to tear away from your beautiful sight. If it makes you happy, he’ll celebrate Christmas every day.
“Stop looking at me like that”, you mutter all of the sudden, hiding your face behind your hands.
“Why would I ever stop looking at you?” he remarks along with tilting his head.
He crosses the room in an instant, his hands gently removing yours from your delicate face.
“You told me to tell you about my feelings. And right now, I feel captivated by your sight.”
Your heart skips a beat, shy eyes staring up at the man you learned to love after Shibuya, the man who stood out to you the second you met him. Choso Kamo is way more than a reincarnated curse, way more than a puppet of someone random. No, he is your boyfriend, the love of your life. Never in a million years you would have thought that you’ll stand here like this, him staring deeply into the ocean of your eyes while you can’t help but hold onto his strong arms for support.
God, how much you love that man. And how much you adore to teach him every little thing about Christmas.
“You know what that is?”, you question innocently.
Your fingers hold onto what looks like a branch.
“I now know what a branch looks like”, he remarks dryly.
“This isn’t just any branch.”
Carefully, you tie it to a hook above the both of you, your hands wrapping themselves around his. You smell so lovely, like vanilla and dough from the cookies you baked earlier. The room suddenly feels so warm and welcoming, making his heart feel as light as a feather. Seeing you like this truly makes him melt away in an instant.
“This is called a mistletoe. It’s not entirely clear why, but this branch is a symbol of love. It is tradition to kiss underneath a mistletoe whenever you have the chance to do so. Especially men should steal a kiss from a woman when standing under it. Otherwise it brings you bad luck”, you explain gently.
“I am allowed to kiss you wherever and whenever I want. But since I wanted to do it anyway, I’m more than glad to follow this tradition.”
You hold your breath, his lips pressing themselves onto yours. Sparks fly, it seems like the world around you fades away. It’s only you and him underneath the mistletoe. You, him and his mouth brushing against yours. Instinctively you wrap your arms around his neck, caress his back gently, get lost in the feeling of his body against yours. God, his smell is so intoxicating, the way he holds you by your waist sends shivers down your spine. Never in your life would you have imagined to love anyone as dearly as you love Choso Kamo. It’s almost a miracle, you and him standing here together. An incarnated cursed womb and a jujutsu sorcerer. But somehow, you made it. And oh does it feel right.
“Is there anything else you want to show me? Maybe another tradition that includes stealing a kiss from you?” he mumbles against your lips.
“Actually…There’s something I want to show you. Just stay here, okay?”
He stares at you in confusion as you run up the stairs into the bedroom, your giggling filling the air with nothing but happiness. What are you up do? Choso shakes his head to himself with a small smile forcing itself onto his otherwise cold features. It doesn’t matter what makes you this happy. The only thing that counts for him is your breath-taking smile.
“Turn off the lights!”, you shout towards him, only your head sticking out of the door.
“Turning of the lights…But why?”, he replies with a frown.
Even though it makes you this light-hearted, Christmas seems to be a mystery for him still. What is up with all those lights, the different smells, all the things you hung up in the entirety of the house before? And why would he turn of the lights now?
“You’ll see, just do it!”
He signs to himself before doing as told. Maybe one tradition includes you getting naked after all…
You storm out of the room, holding what looks like a blinking sweater over your head in pure delight. Oh no, what is this about again? He still has to get used to the knitted sweater you’re wearing right now, but this thing? It literally glows in the dark, blinking so hard that he has to squint his eyes in order to see it clearly. Please, let it be another decoration, a strange tradition maybe-
“This one’s for you”, you announce proudly.
Choso isn’t even able to protest since you’re already pushing his head into the tiny hole, pressing his dark hair roughly into his face.
There he stands, blinking like the Christmas tree in front of him in this scratchy thing.
“The mistletoe was definitely more my taste”, he comments dryly.
“Oh, you’ll get used to it! Are you in the mood for learning some more about Christmas?”
He takes a step back while scratching his back.
“No, I think that’s enough for today…”, he mutters.  
Tags:  @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez
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novelizt · 1 year
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GENRE ➺ childhood friends (to estranged friends) to lovers. angst w/ a happy ending.
WC ➺ 12.2k
SYNOPSIS ➺ to uncover the mystery of iris griffith's murder, it's time to face the music, cross the fence, and talk to a friend you never expected to become a stranger to.
WARNINGS ➺ mentions of the lockwood family tragedies, strained family dynamics, discussions and descriptions of murder
DISCLAIMER ➺ fem! reader. lockwood & co. are aged up to about 18-years-old, I try to shoe-horn forensic science into psychical investigations (I am not a professional so... it's unrealistic, sorry.), and Lockwood calls reader cherry/cherry cheeks
NOTE ➺ I can't remember if Portland Row has wrought-iron fences. In case it doesn't, it does now — this is fan fiction. Also, this is the first time I've finished a story this lengthy and I feel really proud of myself. I hope you enjoy!
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The first time Lockwood had laid eyes on you, you were a set of peering eyes over a wrought-iron fence. He could barely see over it, but he could remember how round and shiny your eyes were. All doll-like and unrealistic. Honestly, it scared him. You couldn't blame little Lockwood for scuttling back to his sister.
That same day, your parents had brought you over and formally introduced themselves. Between your parents's statuesque figures, stood you.
Contrary to your encyclopaedic eyes, your mannerisms were timid. You looked miniscule in your Sunday dress. You looked like a breeze could knock you over. Anthony couldn't help but feel bad for running from you earlier.
Following introductions, a terse dinner ensued. Your parents were doctors, the kind who would scamper about in hospitals in scrubs and white coats — people who believed in science. His were researchers who dabbled in spiritual devices of different cultures — people who preferred to find the emotional aspect in the supernatural. Suffice it to say, the conversation was very one-sided.
Even then, Anthony was determined to be your friend. He thought having pretentious parents, like yours, would spoil the fun in things like spinning tops or fencing or enjoying pie with ice cream after supper. (Your parents had insisted the sugar would make it difficult for you to sleep.)
Anthony had made up his mind before you even uttered a word to him.
The instant the adults had dismissed you to the living room with Anthony and Jessica, he had snuck you a pie with extra ice cream on top. He and Jessica had their backs to the door so in the unlikely event that your parents came in, they wouldn't see you breaking their rules.
You weren't much younger than Anthony back then, but with cherry smeared across your cheek and ice cream clinging to your lip, he thought you were as cute as a button. He wasn't aware that he had been smiling at you so widely.
He missed the knowing glint in Jessica's eyes.
Across the peaceful months you'd spent as friends, Anthony and Jessica would tell you about their parents' most recent findings and you'd tell them the most bizarre concepts you learned at the academy.
At night, Anthony would sit by the window in his attic room, flagging out written messages on a sketch pad. Across the way, you would poke your head out to read it.
lots of apples are falling these days. want some?
my parents won't let me
that's because an apple a day keeps the doctors away. i think they're scared
no way... papa says he cuts people open. how could he be scared of apples?
ew... and I dunno, cherry. do you want apples or not?
stop calling me that
come down
He was, indeed, crazy. He had tiptoed all the way downstairs and grabbed his mother and father's favorite jackets on the way out.
In the bite of night and the glow of ghost-lamps, he looked up at your house to see your head poking out of of a different window, a crazed expression on your face. 'What are you doing?' you mouthed.
"Hurry!" He yelled back. He chuckled when you'd flinched and checked behind you. He held up the jackets and took a breath, watching in amazement as fog formed from it.
All while you tapped the window sill in thought. You took one more contemplative glance behind you, then shut the window.
You were vaulting over the fence in no time. He caught you, cushioning your fall with the jackets he'd taken and greeted you with an incandescent smile. Even in greenlight, your little heart skipped a beat.
"Here. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold. We'd both be in trouble if you did."
He threw his mother's coat over your head. It was so big, it enveloped you like a gown. You tried to slip your arms through the sleeves but you only got halfway before you wiggled the limp fabric in his face. He swatted you away but folded them up enough so your palms could come through.
His father's jacket was huge on him, too, but he had the kind of air that made him look natural in it.
In his efforts to help you, his own hands had turned red from the cold. You seized them and stuffed them in your pockets, since your—his mother's—jacket had the lined pockets.
After huddling for warmth, you two grew warm enough to walk further into the backyard and pick up handfuls of apples. You found that you could only fit three apples in each pocket, so you held more by tucking your shirt into your pants and shooting them into your shirt. Anthony had done the same. You didn't realize how ridiculous your actions were until you saw how puffed his figure looked with that many apples stuffed down his shirt.
You snorted so loud it hurt, slapping your hand over your mouth to kill any more laughs that could alert the sleeping adults.
He turned his head to you, like an owl. It made more apples fall from your shirt as your shoulders shook. He shushed you, frantically glancing at the house. "What's wrong with you?"
You shook your head, riding the wave of maturity before it crashed. Little laughs and apples spilled from you. "You look like a pufferfish!"
He looked down and examined himself then, indignantly, he pointed at you. "You're literally spewing apples, you're just as bad!"
Restraint crumbled. Your hand came away and your laughs filled the silent night air. Anthony's laughs began to dance with yours until the pair of you were reduced to shaking stumps surrounded by fallen apples.
"Don't look at me! You're making me laugh!"
"Your face is funnier!"
"Stop it!"
"Cherry— You're only making me laugh more!"
It was no surprise that his parents had woken up and scolded you two accordingly. While they tutted at you, you two sat under the same blanket. Elbowing each other when they began to question who'd initated it.
You weren't a snitch. You did not tell, and they never found out who caused the trouble.
Jessica later rewarded you both with a cookie under their noses. You cracked your cookie in half to share with her. Anthony did the same to his, giving his other half to you.
Those memories were a far cry from the present. On some days, they felt like dreams. Now, all you are to him is a pair of peering eyes over wrought-iron fences.
Lockwood would catch glimpses of you on the way back from a case. He would nod, you would nod. Then both of you would continue on with your lives like the era of cherry pies and fallen apples had never happened.
Some days, he would turn the newspapers, checking to see if student doctor you had earned any new accolades in your scholastic journey to saving lives, but he never had it in him to say hello to you.
That morning's issue had you on the front page. You with your resplendent eyes and smile finally sporting a white coat at the ripe of eighteen, the first one of your age to earn 'Doctor' as a suffix to your name. Apparently, you'd applied your studies on forensic science to aid psychical investigations involving mummified body parts.
Seems you were doing well.
He placed the paper face down on the thinking cloth, ignoring Lucy's questioning gaze as he took a sip of tea.
"What's happened now?" Lucy asked, stretching her neck to see what made him so upset. She settled back into her seat after she set her eyes on the crossword puzzle, unable to glimpse the front page. "Kipps's crew?" she guessed.
"No, he would have his brow furrowed like this–" George turned to show his brows knitted together so hard they looked like they were drawn on with marker. "–if it was Kipps. It's got to be something else."
"Oh, right," Lucy said with bite, smacking her head like that made sense. "How could I forget?"
George shrugged, grinning like he had a secret on the tip of his tongue. "I don't know, Luce. Maybe it's the letters you've been receiving from one; Norrie White."
Lucy's chair scraped as she stood, gaping at George with anger tightening her mouth. "You went through my mail!"
"She wrote her name in marker. Red. Marker. I would have to be blind to miss it."
Lockwood kicked back and watched the drama ensue, a smile easing itself back on his face. Lucy and George's petty squabble was always a shot of espresso on a rather depressing morning. They made an excellent stopper to all his wonderings about the past.
"That was none of your business!" Lucy shrieked. In her fury, her hands itched to do something... to throw something.
Lockwood realized too late. He vaulted forward to pry the newspaper from her fingers, but Lucy's rage made her a savage. She chucked the newspaper at George with the velocity of a racing car.
The headlines collided with George's face with a resounding thud.
His glasses fell and landed with a unceremonious noise. Thankfully, unscathed from the impact.
The same could not be said for his nose.
George's face pulsed like he had been stung by the world's largest be. He splayed his hand over his nose to check for bleeding and groaned.
"That hurt..."
"Of course it did. I intended it to," Lucy huffed. She scooped up George's glasses and the paper. "That ought to teach you about looking at my correspondence."
"Didn't have to thump me that hard though," George grumbled, snatching his glasses back.
He looked like a dartboard bullseye wearing glasses. Lockwood couldn't focus on it though. His eyes were honed in on the newspaper Lucy was currently unraveling.
He bit his cheek and decided to finish his tea in one gulp. "Well," Lockwood started, fixing his collar as he stood. "I'd better see what we're taking on tonight. I'll be—"
"Hey, this is that girl next door." Lucy pushed her face closer to the paper to reassure herself that she wasn't seeing wrong. She'd seen that blouse and trouser combo on you a few days ago. "Yeah! That's her!"
George showed a rare kind of expression. A raised brow aimed at Lockwood. "She's a doctor now. How could that be upsetting?"
"Don't tell me you have a rivalry with her because she poked you in the bum when you were little," Lucy joked.
Lockwood's face flushed. He looked at the kitchen door, contemplating escape, then back to his friends. He leaned on the doorframe, attempting to look lax but coming off as stiff as a board. "Who said I was upset?"
"You were quiet over tea," George said.
"What of it?" Lockwood pushed.
George gave him an are you kidding me kind of look. "You never shut up when you can help it."
"And you did this." Lucy copied his pondering face, and Lockwood grimaced—reminding himself to school his expressions better.
"Please. For all things good, never do that again, and I am not upset at her—"
"Defensive now? You so are," George chuckled.
Lockwood's jaw ticked. "I am not—"
Saved by the bell. All three heads turned to the door with interest. It was still early in the day, so a new client was unexpected.
"I'll get it," Lockwood said. He left a prattling Lucy and George in the winds of his coat.
The doorbell rang again before he got to it. "Keep your shirt on—"
George and Lucy idled at the foot of the stairs as the door swung open. George let out a gasp, Lucy elbowed him to keep quiet.
Speak of the devil and he will appear. Though, you were more seraphic in that white dress, innocently festooned with embroidered cherries. Your smile was as disarming as ever. It was even brighter than the light haloing your hair.
Lucy tripped over air at the sweetness of your voice, now understanding how the word 'mellifluous' came to be.
Lockwood was indifferent.
Just staring at the back of his head, Lucy knew he was sporting an expression reserved just for Kipps and his crew. It made her want to kick his shin and tell him to get himself together.
"Hi," Lockwood finally greeted, tone bleak. "What are you doing here?"
"Lockwood," George finally intervened. Seems he was taken by how you carried yourself, too.
Both your and Lockwood's heads turned to him.
"Oh, you must be George Karim." Your smile widened, outshining the light above the door. "And Lucy Carlyle. Pleasure to finally meet you."
Lucy and George rarely agreed on things, but they spoke like they were on the same wavelength then. "Pleasure is ours."
A little laugh escaped you, just as graceful as the swish of your skirt. You introduced yourself, discounting your new title. "My parents asked me to invite friends to my celebratory dinner tonight but I don't have people I'd really consider friends." Your honeyed eyes drifted back to Lockwood, trying not to wilt under his blasé gaze. "I was thinking you three could drop by. No need to bring anything but yourselves. We have pie and ice cream for dessert."
Hope was alight in your eyes. The insider statement flew over George and Lucy's heads, and apparently, Lockwood's too. Your expression dampened as it struck you.
"That sounds nice," George said pleasantly.
Lucy nodded in agreement. "And it's not every day we get invited to a free meal."
"With pie." George was already dreaming about it.
Lockwood let out a breath. "Sorry. We have a case tonight."
"No, that's for Friday night," George interrupted. "Isn't that right, Lucy?"
"That's right," Lucy doubled down.
Both of Lockwood & Co.'s best simply blinked and grinned at Lockwood's taut form.
"Great," you quipped. Your eyes lingered on Lockwood but moved to George and Lucy when he showed no interest in being civil. "I'll see you tonight, then. Have a nice day!"
"You too!"
Lockwood gave you a sufficient nod and lipped smile as he closed the door. The moment you were out of sight, the room turned sepia.
Silence for a moment, then George.
"There is definitely something going on here."
Despite Lucy and George's joint efforts to pry answers from him, Lockwood did not bend. When the light began to die outside, they retired to their own rooms to prepare. Finally leaving him in silence.
Lockwood chose to wear his usual get-up. The only difference was his waistcoat. It sported a thin, stylish red stripe down it's right side; George had worn an unstained shirt for once, so he did put a bit more effort into his looks that evening; and Lucy wore her best skirt and sweater to put her best foot forward.
"Now," Lockwood said as they all spiraled down the steps. "You have to remember a few things about our neighbors."
"And that would be?" George rolled his eyes.
"They're doctors," Lockwood answered like it was a sin.
"All of them?" Lucy asked with interest.
"Yes, the entire family," Lockwood confirmed. "You have to remember that when they start getting weird about our work."
"Why?" Lucy flicked a crumb left on George's shoulder once they reached the last step. "We get help from hospitals when we need to examine post-mortem documents. It's not like our professions are worlds apart."
"You mean I get help," George corrected firmly. "Not like either of you do the grisly work when it comes to research."
"Well, you're the best at it," Lucy said placatingly.
"'Course I am," George nipped.
Lockwood shushed them. "Regardless of what they say, do not loose your cool. They think getting you worked up means they win.
"They can't be that bad. Your girl was nice enough," Lucy said.
Lockwood's brows furrowed then unfurrowed. "She's not my girl," he said, opening the door with zeal.
"Sure," Lucy grinned as she slipped past.
34 Portland Row looked the same as 35 from the outside. The interior decor made it clear that the home was made up of doctors. Successful ones, by the looks of it.
You greeted them at the door with the same radiatant smile from the papers. Your dress was marvelous but Lucy and George could not help but look over your shoulder, into the opulence of 34 Portland Row.
Like always, Lockwood greeted you with a nod and addressed you by name. It wasn't much but you accepted it with cheeks strained from practicing your smile.
As you lead them to the dining room, their eyes wandered at their own volition. Lockwood couldn't help but do the same.
The crystal chandelier in the living room was as decadent as ever; the doorknobs had been changed to be made of glass and silver; the bookshelves were packed with newer books—likely yours; the wall next to the stairs still held your height measurements from years ago. He caught your eye as he did so, trying not to flinch at the waves of melancholy that crashed over him. He chose to look at the back of your head as the light of the dining room enveloped them.
Like every room in this house, a chandelier sat in the middle. Everything was gleaming. Not a speck was out of place, except maybe him. Perfect, just like the family that lived here.
The table was already set with steaming meals of steak, veggies, and mashed potatoes. There was a pitcher of juice in the middle but Lockwood noticed that he, Lucy, and George's glasses were already filled with water. Your mother had just finished filling the last one when she offered her most deceitful smile.
"Anthony Lockwood and friends..." your mother greeted. Her tone was eloquent but the drawl in it sent an unwelcomed pang of anxiety through Lockwood, he tensed then forced himself to relax. "Haven't seen you around lately, Tony."
"Running a business does eat time, unfortunately." He spared her a terse smile and sat at the chair you directed him to — just across from you. Lucy sat beside you, and George had the misfortune of sitting next to your father. Lockwood cleared his throat to break the silence. "You haven't aged a day, Mrs.—"
"Doctor, actually. We've had this conversation before," she chortled with a furled smile you would only expect from the devil's mistresses.
Lucy and George found sudden interest in their food. Your shoulders sunk, but like times before, you didn't say anything. Lockwood tried not to look surprised.
"Right... Doctor. My apologies." He straightened himself in his seat. "You two look swell. How has the winter been treating you?"
"Oh, it's absolutely tiring," your father said. He had the kind of tone that suggested that he was always pouting. At least he wasn't spitting venom while he was talking about himself. "Patients coming in but rarely being able to make it out. Terrible thing, really."
"Sorrows to those who have passed because of the upstart," your mother chipped in. "Our little darling saved some lives in lieu of her recent graduation, and she's only been a doctor for a few days!"
Your mother smiled at you. You refused to look up from your dinner. "All I did was administer CPR. The hospital was understaffed that day. I work in a different department, mama."
Her smile faded before her eyes snapped to Lockwood, her grin sharpening.
"Can you imagine that? Not even a day as a doctor and she's already on the papers. Real talent gets recognized straight away, everyone knows."
Your father did not finish chewing his steak before he joined in. "Kids these days run around wasting their time on things other than their academics. What do they expect to do after their talents fade, huh? Our girl has no worries in that department."
George pushed his plate away after a blob of spit landed on his potatoes. He thought it was best to put down his utensils as well. His grip was turning his knuckles white. Lucy had resorted to pushing her asparagus to calm the anger beginning to stoke in her mind. They were beginning to see why Lockwood did not want to come. The aforementioned remained with a practiced smile on his face.
Your eyes conveyed your apologies yet Lockwood refused to look at you. You were as meek as the girl Lockwood first saw over the fence. Your voice was weaker when you used it in this house. "Mama, papa. Those kids risk their lives to make living easier for everyone. Bravery like that can't be learned from textbooks."
"No, but keeping your nose out of that business altogether will keep you alive." Your mother's expression changed, a beguiling woman turning into medusa before their very eyes.
You sunk under the weight of her stare. You might as well have turned to stone.
"Knowledge keeps you alive," your father added. "Perusing supernatural business will only end with dead kids or orphans who have to resort to psychical work to get by. Some of them work up the nerve to call it a real profession."
A resounding ring resounded from Lockwood's side of the table. He had dropped his knife. His smile had gone. His lips twitched, like he wasn't sure what to do or say. Ultimately saying nothing.
Your eyes glossed over, anger and sadness swirling together in your belly. You were ready to let loose, to set your parents straight. Yet, one look at your father's face was enough to have you curling in on yourself.
The temperature dropped like the conversation had. No one said a thing when smoke began to choke the room.
"Well," your mother cheered. "Seems like the pie is ruined. I'm afraid we'll have to end supper here."
Lucy rushed the door open, just itching to unload the tangle of colorful words she'd thought up in that stuffy house of yours.
"They were horrendous," George said, throwing his flannel aside. "I thought that junior doctor was nice but now I know she's Medusa's spawn."
"She is. And have you seen her dad?" Lucy doubled down. She considered going downstairs to release her pent-up emotions but thought better of it. "Terrible, the lot of them."
Lockwood had thought the same cruel thoughts but hearing it from them made him defensive. You weren't bad. You were just a bystander. Your lack of responses hurt as bad as your parents's passive-aggressive jabs, but you weren't even close to being half the evil your parents were. He felt his stomach churning as they began to drag your name through the dirt.
"We are never going back there," George declared. "You were right, Lockwood."
"I need 24 hours of sleep to recover from it. I've never felt so murderous before." That was Lucy's way of saying goodnight. She started for the steps right after.
"I think we should go back. So you can finish the job," George said, following Lucy up the stairs.
Lockwood stumbled ahead, throwing his coat on the newel and collapsing at the foot of the steps. From where he lazed, he continued to hear Lucy and George bicker.
"Maybe you could call up that Norrie White to help you get away with murder," George said encouragingly.
"Don't even start on that, George," Lucy warned.
Her door closed.
"Fine," George said despondenty. "It was just a suggestion, geez."
His door closed, too.
Lockwood let out a breath. It felt like his soul had left his body for a moment of reprieve. He didn't have even five minutes of silence before he heard urgent taps reverberating through his ears. He sat up, alarmed, trying to assess where the noise could have come from.
After a quick sweep, he swung the kitchen door open and discovered you on the other side of the garden door, knuckles raping against the glass with a pained look on your face.
He contemplated leaving you out in the cold but decided that he wasn't that kind of person. He opened the door and wasn't all that surprised that your habit of forgetting a jacket stayed true. You were shivering.
"Give me a moment," he interrupted. He turned, walked back to the steps to retrieve his coat, then returned to drape it over your shoulders. "Come in. Sit. You never remember to bring a coat at night, stubborn girl."
You smile despite the frost on your face. Your face turns pink as the warmth of 35 Portland Row thaws you. He sits you on his usual seat and takes George's cushioned seat instead.
"Old habits die hard," you chuckle, holding his coat tighter. If you bent your head enough, you would get a whiff of him on it. You could have tried to do it inconspicuously but he was sitting right there, he would know. "I'm sorry... for everything. I thought they wouldn't– I really should have known they would say things like that. I apologize for them. I really do feel bad. If Mr. Karim and Ms. Carlyle are still up, I'd like to tell them as well."
"They've retired for the night," he reports. He redacts the part that they were discussing the demise of your family. "but thank you for coming to say that."
"And I'm sorry I didn't say anything," you add.
Lockwood doesn't say anything to that. In his mind, you would have stopped them if you were really sorry. "Why did you come here? And please don't say you're inviting us to another dinner."
"Goodness, no." You snort. "I... have a case. I don't know who else to surrender the evidence to."
His brows jump. "You're asking for psychical service? From me? Us, I mean."
You nod. "I hear that Ms. Carlyle is particularly gifted. What I think we're facing is something special. Something no regular agent can feel out."
"Why hasn't Fittes or Rotwell been put up to this if it's that important?"
"Because it's a personal study of mine." You drop a manila folder on the thinking cloth. Lockwood didn't even notice you were holding it earlier. "It's a closed case. An unsolved one. The autopsy is gruesome and justice was never brought to the victim. I searched her property myself and found the source. I tried to communicate with her but I can't do it."
"And you think Lucy is the Listener for the job?"
"Yes. I don't just want to get rid of a ghost, Anthony, I want to lay her to rest. To give her peace."
He leans back in his chair, drinking in the information while he raked a hand through his hair. "You investigated the area of the haunting alone?"
"In daylight," you said in your defense. "My sense of touch is useful enough for me to know if something is a source. Problem is, I can't get any psychical resonance to find out who had killed her."
"Amazing..." he breathed. He didn't know you had that level of sensitivity. Still, he had to think of this as an official case. He righted his posture immediately. "I'll ask George and Lucy in the morning. Can you come by at nine?"
"Yeah. My parents are at work before then. No worries about them."
You nod, not knowing what else to do. "Good."
You stared at each other. Possibly taking in how much time had changed you; The scars he'd earned through the years, the callouses on your hands from studying, blemishes, changed mannerisms—and then the unspoken reminder that you had drifted apart after the Lockwood family turned from four to one. You were completely different people to the children who used to laugh through these halls.
"I better get going," you said. You couldn't handle Lockwood and his expressive eyes. You don't know if he was doing it consciously, but it was like you could see his sadness bleeding into the world just by glancing at them.
He nodded like a puppet on a string, pulling himself up and leading you to the garden door once more.
"Goodnight," you said, mustering a friendly smile that was, thankfully, returned.
"Night... Cherry," he replied.
You smiled for a moment more before you snuck back home. Neither of you remembered that you had his coat until morning.
You were knocking at 35 Portland Row at 8:55. You stood stiffly, not knowing how to conduct yourself after last night's catastrophe. Lockwood's coat was folded over your arm when George answered the door.
Opposite of the day before, his face was flat. If you turned around and left, you'd be doing him a favor. Unfortunately for him, you were there with intention.
"I need the help of Lockwood & Co."
George opened his mouth, probably thinking of some creative way to say 'shove off'. Lockwood's voice from the kitchen bellowed over his train of thought. "It that her? Let her in, Georgie."
George was mumbling something but he stepped aside and didn't stab you with a nearby rapier. You believed that meant there was a chance to redeem yourself.
You were lead to the receiving room where you were shortly joined by Lockwood and an either groggy or bloodthirsty Lucy. George had retired to the kitchen to bring in biscuits. You hadn't earned the respect to have cake in the vicinity.
Lockwood lead the conversation, eyes trained on you. It made you conscious enough to shuffle and pick at the frayed seams of his coat.
"You only gave us a few details about this case. Evidently it was murder but it was closed and unsolved for two decades."
"I have the rest here," you said, revealing another manila folder. This one was thicker, packed with all you knew about it. It was the real deal. As you passed it across the table, the three of them ogled at the vivid red 'confidential' stamp slanted across the front. "Her name was Iris Griffiths. She was a forensic scientist who cracked several unsolved cases in her time. She had sensitive hearing, from what her colleagues said. She wasn't working on any new cases before her housemate reported her dead on a random night."
"Was it during winter? She could have been ghost-touched." Lucy suggested with a clipped tone. She just wanted to close the case and never see you again.
You shook your head, reaching across and guiding Lockwood's hand to another page in the folder. "Her autopsy shows several lacerations and bruises but no remnants of ghost touch. Her body was already decomposing when she was found."
"And her flatmate? They could be a suspect." George pitched.
You shook your head again. "Celia Rodney was out of town with her fiancé. Several colleagues were interviewed and confirmed it."
Lockwood looked up. "Then we have to assume that it's someone from Griffith's personal life. Did she have a lover?"
"This is like the Annie Ward case all over again," Lucy groaned.
You continued nonetheless. "She did have a lover, actually. Howard Gasley was her co-worker and boyfriend. They had a good relationship, according to the interviews, so I don't suspect any foul play between them."
George leaned against the right side of his chair. There was a creak from the old thing but he ignored it. "What if their relationship was rocky behind the scenes?"
You looked down at the evidence file and sighed. "I guess we will find out when Ms. Carlyle's able to speak with her. All our suspects have solid alibis. To obtain justice for Iris Griffith, we'll have to be her witnesses."
George turns stiff. "We? Lockwood."
Lucy does the same. "You're asking me to communicate with a ghost?"
Lockwood tries to settle them down with a relaxed smile. "It's high time I stop scolding you for being good at what you do, Luce. Our client is explicitly asking you to exploit your talent and find us a killer. The client is always right. Isn't that right, George?"
George grumbles a reply you don't hear, and Lucy nods limply, like she can't comprehend the fact that Lockwood was being so lax about this. What happened to the dangers of communicating with ghosts?
Regardless, they realize that arguing with him was going to be a losing battle. He has that look in his eye—one akin to an adrenaline junkie who's about about to jump from a cliff, and his eyes are set on you.
Lucy and George watched as you returned his coat before they shot each other looks.
What happened to hating you and your white-coat family? Lockwood marched to the beat of his own drum, apparently.
They had their kits ready before dark and met you on the street you'd told them about. Lockwood saw your peering eyes over the run-down house's picket fence and quickened his pace.
"Lovely place," Lucy drawled, eyeing the chipping paint with faint curiosity. Two decades could do so much to a nice house.
"Very lively," George seconded with bite, side-stepping the corpse of a rat.
"I have the source inside, under a chain net," you inform them. You push open the door, wincing as the hinges break and send the wood slamming to the floor. "I hope the house holds long enough to finish this investigation."
"Finally," cheered Lucy. "something we can agree on."
Lockwood was contemplating over how to behave himself. One second, he was keeping pace with you, then walking ahead the next, then falling behind you. He cycled between all three, ignoring George's rolling eyes and Lucy's sighs until all four of you reach the second-floor's lavatory. Luckily, no one had fallen through the floor.
"Do tell me we're not dealing with supernatural turd," George begged.
Lucy wrinkled her nose. "I'll be the one doing the Listening so you can take your complaints outside, George."
"This might be worse," you answer them when you pull off the chain net from an odd looking thing. It looked like a starfish wrapped in ripped and yellowed tissue paper. Lucy gagged when she took a second look.
"Mummified hand," Lockwood said aloud, trying to keep a placid smile on his face. "I always tell you to never mess with mummified body parts but we'll have to make an exception."
"Mummified parts bridge the forensic and psychical field, unfortunately." You cover the source back up as a mercy to Lucy. "They couldn't find her hand before they autopsied her body. Found this under a plank in her bedroom."
"Handy," George said dryly.
Lucy glared at him. "Not the time."
"I'm not sorry," he replied.
"You could have mentioned this sooner," Lockwood interjected, turning his head to you.
You gave a smile in response. "I think it's just another piece of evidence that proves someone had been very angry with her."
"Did the academy teach you to smile so morbidly?" George questioned.
"No, that's just her face." Lockwood said gravely.
George spared you a look that resembled concern. "Pity."
You dropped your smile and walked passed a chuckling Lockwood.
Lucy couldn't hear a thing while there was light out. Even with the chain net off, all she could hear was George's heavy breathing.
Lockwood had everyone sat in the disparaging kitchen to have tea and some biscuits before night fell. All the courtresy of Lockwood & Co., of course. Papers spread across the table, rehashing the details in hopes that it would help Lucy discern which questions to prioritize once she made contact with Griffith.
George squinted his eyes at the court transcripts. "There's an awful lot of witnesses."
"It was a big case. Griffith did wonders to connect the world of science and the psychic." You dipped a biscuit into your overly sweetened tea; it was not so coincidentally your favorite brand, and took a bite. "She inspired me to study. It's been a dream of mine to solve her case."
George nodded with the most plastic smile on his face. "Wonderful. We're fulfilling childhood wishes while Lucy experiences rediscovered trauma."
You sighed and sunk into the rotting seat. There was no salvaging an acquaintanceship with George at this rate. You lulled your head to look at Lockwood. He spared you a smile but looked away just as quick.
"Don't interrupt me, that's all I ask," Lucy said as the clock struck six.
Papers were put away, circles were drawn, several more candles were lit, and Lucy hunkered down in the lavatory. The door was closed to give her room to work, leaving you to stand between Lockwood and George. You hobbled from heel to heel as you eyed their rapiers and their weary wandering.
The silence reminded you too much of home. Words poured out of you to chase away your parents's images in your mind. "How strong are Ms. Carlyle's talents? I've only heard heresay about her abilities."
"None of your business—"
"She's the best Listener in the field," Lockwood answered. Even in the dim light, you could see his smile pull higher. It made your heart do funny things while your stomach dropped. "I ought to think she'd be on parr with Marissa Fittes, given enough time. Maybe even better."
George nodded in agreement, turning his head as the ghost-lamps outside flickered to life. The green hue bled into the room, dimming the atmosphere even more.
You leaned against the wall as a chill crept out from under the lavatory door. "I have no doubt that we'll be able to get our answer then."
"Oh! Ow!" George exclaimed.
You didn't have a rapier or any form of weapon but you turned to him like you could help, just to find he was simply hugging himself.
"Got really cold all of a sudden. Felt like something passed through me," he said. He looked down at his thermometer. "Temp's dropped significantly. This visitor is a force."
"That's why she got the best of the best to do it," Lockwood boasted, winking your way and changing his stance as a spectral glow began to flicker under the door.
"Do we have a guess on what we could be facing?" you asked, backing away.
Lockwood didn't miss the tremoring in your hands. "No, but where where is a lack of knowledge, there is faith. We'll make it out this alive."
"Oh," you laughed unhumorously. "how reassuring."
"He's good at that," George added flatly.
Lockwood held out an arm, guiding you to stand between him and George. Their backs turned to you, their rapiers raised and at the ready.
"Here," Lockwood didn't look away from the dark as he unclasped a salt-bomb and a flask of lavender water. He held them out and you took them with shaking hands.
Malaise stalked in on you three, making the hairs on your arm stand. You gripped the salt-bomb and lavender water for dear life. Pressure squeezed down on your chest and your heart raced for a danger unseen.
"This much activity before ten? Griffith must have had qualms about dying." George said.
Lockwood chuckled, nodding along. "Wonder how nobody reported this much activity if the source was hidden all this time."
"Nobody wanted to visit this place when the killer was still at large," you answered, struggling to keep your tone even. "Some kids started some rumors during the court proceedings. They said someone just wanted the house badly enough to kill for it."
"That would be unfortunate," George said. "Imagine all that commotion over a killer who simply wanted real estate."
You tried to stiffle a laugh but failed. "It does sound ridiculous."
Lockwood chanced a glance at you, catching your faulty smile before a scream shook the Earth.
"Ms. Carlyle?"
She came bursting out of the lavatory, two fingers pinching the mummified hand, and looking quite disgruntled before she stood in the boy's protective circle.
"We might need Little Miss Doctor to stand in the iron circle," Lucy said, fumbling for her rapier and holding the source a ways from her body. Frost was gripping at her gloves.
The plan was scraped with one glance to the circle. It had been thrashed by Griffith from the time Lucy came tumbling out of the lavatory.
"Type two," all three of them agreed.
"What happened?" asked George. His eyes darted down the hallway with more apprehension than before.
"She got angrier and angrier the more names I mentioned," she answered. "I felt like she was about to drown me."
You took the mummified hand from her grasp. The sigh she let out was laughable. "Did she say who killed her?"
Lucy shook her head as she readied herself. Miasma was building. Fear gripped you like nothing you'd experienced before. When you touched the hand, that feeling multiplied. You heard murmurs but nothing substantial.
Kill me...
You couldn't stitch those words together to come to any conclusion. You were crossing your fingers that Lucy could. The possibilities kept you up at night. If you weren't thinking about your estranged friendship with Lockwood, you were thinking of getting justice for this woman you didn't even know. The cold pinching your skin from the source was a reminder that it wasn't over.
Like a light in the dark, Lucy looked at you and said, "She kept nodding her head whenever I asked if some person killed her; She said yes to Rodney. She said yes to Gasley—"
"So even she doesn't know who killed her?" George laughed emptily. "Brilliant."
"We might have to investigate more on our own to find more details." Lockwood nudged your side. You thought it was to shield you from the cold but that would be too presumptuous. He had bumped into you to swipe away the apparition of Iris Griffith.
She came and went like a zap of electricity. Frantic and unpredictable. Every time you caught sight of her mauled face, your heart picked up. How these three hadn't double over from heart failure was a mystery. Your knees gave up when she'd appeared beside you.
Your eyes watched her in slow motion. The rippling gashes in her plasma, her sneering face, her slashed dress... She was a hairsbreadth away from you before your instincts kicked in.
Your blood fell to your feet but your hand reached into your pocket in a panic, saving yourself as you pulled out a silver button. You threw it at her face and, fortunately, it was enough to disperse her ghost.
Lockwood let out a loud breath of relief but jumped back into the rhythm when her apparition reappeared. "Was that my mother's button? Nevermind. Time to make our exit! Luce, where's the chain net?"
She clicked her tongue. "Dropped it. Her manifestation appeared right in front of me."
"Go get it then!" George rushed, swiping at the air and setting off the first salt-bomb of the night.
"I would if I could," Lucy replied with a bite in her tone. She grimaced at the hand in your vice. "It's in the toilet."
"Pick it up! You've held worse." George backed into Lucy. They switched places.
"It's best if you don't," you advised. "This place has been deserted for years. Who knows what kind of bacteria's been growing in the bowl."
"Oh, you have to know everything, don't you?" George hissed.
Lucy didn't snap at you this time. "Listen to the doctor, George! Did we bring any more chain nets?"
Lockwood reached for your shirt, tugging you towards him as Griffith bit the air where your head would have been. He held you between his arms as blood rushed to your ears and cheeks. Lockwood's breath tickled your ear. The warmth of your face was a juxtaposition to the cold encasing your hands. "My bag! It's a bit away. We'll have to split up."
"Try not to die," George said with false sweetness. He and Lucy ran the opposite way you and Lockwood had.
Griffith chased them. The farther she got, the more you remembered how to breath.
"Calm down, cherry cheeks, ghosts can feed off of your fear," he tried to pacify you. The rasp of his voice evened your heart rate enough for you to get your brain turning again.
"Right. You're right..." You looked ahead, through the darkness and could barely make out the lumps on the ground. "Chain, we have to get the chain net."
"I've got you," he assured.
Even if your pivotal functions had returned to normal, your legs hadn't gotten the memo. Getting up made your knees buckle and legs feel like cooked pasta. As if the cold eating your fingers weren't bad enough.
Lockwood caught you around the waist, holding your weight while he held his rapier at the ready. "Hold on to the source and remember the salt-bomb."
You nodded firmly, clutching both to your chest as you two made a joint effort to get to the bags.
You were almost there, just passed the iron circle that Griffith had broken through, when she appeared above you like an unwanted mistletoe.
You screamed, Lockwood said something to console you, you threw the salt-bomb without taking off the clip, and Lockwood quickly sliced off the top to set it off. Salt sprayed over you two. His body folded over yours as it showered down.
Griffith's yells faded for a moment, a moment long enough for you to slide forward and grab the chain net that clung onto the side pocket of Lockwood's kit. Your hand wrapped around it, Iris's spectral glow kissed your skin, you felt the chill of it — she was colder than her source.
Suddenly, Lockwood had tugged you back towards him. His pull was strong enough to knock you onto your side. It would bruise but at least you weren't ghost-touched.
You wrapped the mummified hand in the net and sighed as the glow faded away and the screaming ceased. The frostbite on your fingers were worth the pain. You were alive.
Silence and heavy breathing ensued.
You rolled the rest of the way on your back, heaving for breath you won't get back. Not while Lockwood remained hovering over you.
The candles had been blown out in the earlier attack. The only light came from the ghost-lamps that sifted through the broken windows. Everything was in that ugly shade of bottle green... but that didn't make him any less magnificent.
Sweat collected on his brow, his mouth was agape—chasing for breath, and his lips were curled in that kind of smirk you could only dream about. Holding your breath did little for your racing heart.
"You okay, cherry cheeks?" His lips moved like their one purpose was to enrapture you.
You nodded dumbly, unable to find your words.
Portland Row was cloaked by the night when you four made your escape.
The three of them headed for the 35th while you bound up the steps to your parents' place. George and Lucy gained enough respect for you to wish you a good night before heading in, successfully tuckered out. Lockwood remained, staring at you with his hands in his trouser pockets.
He raised his brows at you then motioned to your front door. "Head on in. It would weigh on my conscience if I don't see you home safe. Your parents would have my head."
"You..." you paused at the fog before you. It was colder out than you thought. "You called me cherry cheeks earlier."
His stance turned tense. He rocked on his heels before he mustered a smile. "Old habits die hard... Sorry if it made you uncomfortable."
"It's okay," you reassured, returning the smile. "I missed it."
"You don't mind then?"
You shook your head. "Never did."
His smile broadened, teasing a glimpse of his pearly whites before he looked at his shoes to hide it. "See you tomorrow then, cherry."
You bit the inside of your cheek as you stared at him. These days, both of you were tall enough to see each other clearly over the wrought-iron fencing. You missed the days you had to tiptoe to show him a smile.
You had no problems shooting him a smile from over the fence. You had no problems coming home to your perfectionist parents. You had no problems imagining your world without Lockwood in it... but you missed him.
Now that the events kept replaying in your head, all you could think while you looked at him was I miss you, I'm sorry. I miss you, I'm sorry. I miss you, I'm sorry.
Lockwood had the talent of knowing when you wanted to say something but couldn't bring yourself to. He forgot how when you had grown apart. Now, in the quiet of the night and the privacy of the stars, it came back to him like the memories he tamped down by closing his window.
"What's wrong?" He asked, setting his hands on the freezing iron fence.
You feel the knot in your throat and the tears in your eyes. It hurts to hold back. Your lungs are lined with spikes as you take a breath. It feels like you're cracking your ribs open as you cave and admit to him, "I don't want to go home to them."
It may have been a trick of the light, but you swear there were tears in his eyes, too. His smile had changed. It was the same one you were accustomed to—the one he used to welcome you into his parents's house all those years ago. Like no time had passed at all, he beckons you. "Come on in then. 35 Portland Row is always open for you. It's your home, too."
One night's sleep on 35 Portland Row's most uncomfortable couch was worlds better than the comfy bed in your own cold home. You stretch like a cat to work out all the kinks in your joints, smiling at the air for no reason other than the happiness that filled you the moment you realized you were at the Lockwoods'. Your frosted hands had been wrapped up over a very sleepy catch-up the night before.
Ambient music was playing in your head as you took in your surroundings. The browned books and the disarray of trinkets left all around you were more home than anything you were used to.
It felt like you were wading through the most pleasant dream.
It all screeched to a halt the moment you swung your foot down and stepped on something squishy and loud—it groaned like a beast.
Terror clawed out of your throat in the form of a scream. Juttery legs hopped onto the back of the couch to gain height, and weary eyes looked down at the monster under the bed— er, sofa.
The lump inflated, made of patchwork quilt... until that fell away to reveal a very disheveled and very grumpy Anthony Lockwood.
"Ow," he simply said.
Your soul returned to your body. You offered a little laugh as you eased back down on the couch. "Sorry, Anthony."
"Don't worry yourself," he assured, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I was the one who snuck down here."
You were a kid when you admitted to being afraid of being alone. It was thoughtful of him to come down here to keep you company when he had a perfectly good bed upstairs.
With a fluttering belly and a sheepish smile, you reached out and patted his sleepy head. "You've always been good to me. I should be more grateful."
He opened one eye to look at you while he rubbed the sleep out of the other. A corner of his lip tipped up into a lazy smile. "You can start with a 'thank you', darling."
"Thank you," you said all too quickly. The deeper octave and the rasp in his voice had finally hit home. It made your cheeks warm.
Judging by the growing smile on his face, he had accomplished what he was intending to.
Your shoulders jumped. A knock broke through the calmness of the air. You turned and saw George in an apron and kitchen mitts. "Are you two going to give each other goo-goo eyes all morning or are you joining us for breakfast?"
The investigation resumed as soon as the breakfast plates had been cleaned.
You split into two groups. George and Lucy were off to the archives to work out all of Griffith's social connections, and you and Lockwood were off to the hospital to look for documents that contained the same M.O. or similar timeline to Griffith's case.
"I thought police were the only ones allowed to hold information like this," Lockwood admitted as you two shuffled through files upon files in the hospital archives.
"Most of it, they do. I just hope there's something here relevant to our case," you reply. "If we have to hand this off to detectives, DEPRAC will get involved. They'll just close the case and leave it be."
He nudges up to you after a good three hours of finding absolutely nothing. "Let's look at the last few cases she solved. Could have a clue."
"All of those are solved though," you respond. You were biting your nails at this point. You had to find something before questioning Griffith's ghost again—for Lucy's sanity and for the group's safety.
Lockwood took you by the shoulders just as you began to imagine the worst. "Cherry," he said to snap your attention to him. "If we can't find anything, I don't want you joining us on this one."
"What?" You back away from him in your incredulity. "I helped last night, didn't I? This is my investigation as much as it is yours, Anthony."
"This visitor is a type two, cher. It's not as simple as solving a case. This means lives are in the balance—"
"I'm aware." You put your foot down. You slapped his hands away and shimmy a thick stack from under the desk. "I'm aware of the risks and I consent to them." You pick up the one at the top of the stack and shove it into his chest. He had always liked the curiosity in your eyes, so he was taken aback by the void in them as you looked at him. "I have enough people treating me like I belong at home or behind the safety of iron fences—I do not need you to coddle me like that. My parents do it enough."
He watched your back as you look through the second file in the stack. "You know I don't mean to coddle you..."
"You're doing it right now." Your tone carries a point. "You're telling me to sit this one out because it's too dangerous."
"It's risk assessment—"
"You're underestimating me—"
He slams his hand down on the paper you're idly reading. Bringing your attention to him. "I do this because I don't want to lose you."
Your anger falls away.
The reminder of how how much he'd lost occurs to you. It makes your arms grow limp and your heart to shrink. You can only stare at him with those same eyes he can't unsee even when his are closed. He hates the way he's made sadness swim in them. "Anthony..."
He said your name with the same caution. "You want to know why I became distant?"
"People grow apart when they grow up, Anthony. It's not your fault—"
He knelt beside you, laying his heart out right then and there. "I couldn't stand watching you with your perfect family. They always said any field tampering with the supernatural was a death sentence. I hated how they were right. I hated how they made you so small. I couldn't watch you like that. I hated that you turned into a doctor, just like them. I hated how they were so bad and so cruel, but they were always right."
You were quelled into silence. Biting your lip to keep the tears in. He held your hands delicately, careful of your injury. His touch was light but you knew you would feel it for hours. You held his hands with as much strength as you could muster, even as your skin burned and screeched for reprieve, you did not let go. "They are wrong about you..." you whisper to him.
He went on, plastering on a smile you knew was fake. It sheared your heart to know that. "I knew they were right when they said you would do great things... But they said so many other things that hurt. I couldn't stand being around. It just made me remember that no one was around to defend me anymore. I'm sorry that I had to leave you out, too. Seeing you reminded me of everything they said and I... I couldn't shake it."
Your eyes hurt so much. You gave up somewhere along the way and let the tears fall. "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to fight them. I wanted to say so many things but they've always been so- so..."
"Scary?" he supplied with a pathetic laugh. "I know. Don't blame yourself."
You bobbed your head, sniffing as tears went. "You don't have to apologize for all that, Anthony. I'm so sorry, I didn't stand by you when you needed me. But I am going to see this case through to the end, I've dedicated my life to it."
Even when you were hiccuping and heaving for air, you wiped away the tear that tracked down his cheek. His heart surrendered to you then.
"Okay... And I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ignored you like I did," he said again, just because he felt like you needed to hear it.
"No. I'm sorry," you reply. Vehemently wiping his eyes. "Anthony, come on. Don't cry. I'm not worth crying for."
"Oh, don't say that," he said lightly. "You're worth everything, cher."
Both of you manage a smile but neither of you are well enough to hold it. You laugh at each other's attempts.
You came clean to him too: How your parents had made you the sun of their solar system; How they poured their knowledge into you like you were a cup meant to hold their images in vivid color; How they moulded you into being the projection of a golden girl—their magnum opus. You carried the weight of their world. Most days, they acted more like teachers than parents. It got worse the older you got. Trophies and medals took the places of photographs until all you became was your achievements.
"They were so hard on you..." he said slowly. It was just sinking I just how trapped you were. You were cornered in a place that was supposed to covet you.
"Still, I should have defended you. I hate that I didn't," you said, wiping your nose with the back of your sleeve. It was the most ungraceful thing he'd seen you do but it brought him back to the cherry pie incident, and he found that he couldn't even think of you in a bad light.
"It's water under the bridge. I hate your parents, but there is one thing we can agree on," Lockwood said, cracking a semblance of a smile.
You cocked your brow at him. Teary eyes and all, he still found you as cute as a button.
"I would make you the sun of my solar system, too. They got that right."
With a snort, you said, "You're good at buttering people up, you know that?" You shoved his shoulder to shut him up but he caught the red on your ears and the smile you hid with a tilt of your head.
When you rendezvoused with George and Lucy, it was around 5:40 in the afternoon. The sun was dipping and the ghoulish were about to walk the earth. If George or Lucy noticed the redness in your eyes, they said nothing of it. You hurried along inside the stranded house and relayed newfound information.
"The last case Griffith reviewed involved a woman named Shelly Carson. She immigrated from America and died at 17 while she was interning for Hayes Inc." You flipped the file open on the kitchen table over tea. "They profiled the case to be a suicide but I don't think Griffith agreed." Your finger pointed to the lower left corner where Griffith would put her stamp of approval. The line was void of it. "She wrote 'Garrote not rope??' on the unofficial report. Carson's case could have been a murder."
The information set off a spark in George. He was rubbing invisible dirt from his glasses and finished doing so as you concluded your assessment. "We found a Shelly Carson in our search too," he said. Everyone lent their ears. "She was friends with Griffith in childhood. Alongside Rodney and Gasley. The four of them were close friends from well-off families."
"Ah, they're rich. Explains a lot," Lucy snorted. George ignored her quip.
"Turns out Rodney and Carson were both interested in Gasley. Rodney moved on with some bloke named Jerome Holt, but she suspected him of having an affair with Carson. Holt proposed to prove her wrong."
Lockwood tilted his head. "Sounds like gossip, Georgie."
George brandished an old leather diary. "We tracked down Howard Gasley. He gave us this."
Lockwood lit up. Sitting up with renewed energy. "How did you manage that?"
Lucy grinned. "The death of his girlfriend weighed on his conscience. All I had to do was tell him that her ghost can't be put to rest. Spilled like a waterfall after that."
"So, he did kill her?" You asked.
"Well, that's the difficult bit... The rest of the pages were ripped out and he didn't explicitly say he did. Maybe he did do it, he likes ripping things." George revealed, pointing the diary at the mummified hand in the net. "I think he's involved, one way or another."
Lockwood looked at it, then looked at Lucy. "What do you think, Luce?"
She looked at all three of you with a gleam in her eye. "I think we're about to find our killer."
The set-up was same as last night, except the iron circle had been extra fortified to fit all four of you in case things get out of hand. Lockwood stuffed lavenders into your pockets as Lucy lit the the candles.
"If you die tonight, I will not forgive you," Lockwood said as he put a salt-bomb in your hand.
"Same goes for you," you retort with a smile.
He returns your grin, tapping your sides and making your heart flutter before he sets off to help George with inventory.
You cross the chains to help Lucy in the lucky room chosen to host the seance in. With all the furniture pushed to the walls, the sitting room was the epitome of morbid. The carpet was patterned in a way that made it perfect for summoning and the cobwebs embellishing the place contributed to the unsettling ambiance. Lucy herself was lighting candles around the source. You took a pack of matches and helped light the rest of them.
"How are you feeling?" you asked as you lit the last candle and killed the match.
"Confident," she replied. She even spared you a smile. "And you?"
"Scared. Excited, mostly."
She bobs her head. She had a far-away look in her eye before she asked, "Your room is an attic room, correct?"
The nature of the question surprised you. "Yes. Why?"
A smile teased her lips. "I knew it." She looked at you like she saw right through you. "Lockwood was loitering near the window this morning. Just thought it was odd."
You hear him in your mind then — cherry cheeks. Warmth crawled up your neck as Lockwood and George entered the room.
"What are you two blabbering about?" George questioned, off-put by Lucy's smile and your flushed face.
"Nothing," you said together, one more pitched than the other.
George didn't look convinced.
Lockwood spoke up. " You ladies ready? Let's catch ourselves a killer."
The door was left open with an heavy stopper, giving you ample room to run to the iron circle in case things took a turn for the worst. Though, you doubted it would. The other three shared the sentiment. Some kind of energy buzzed between you four and livened the room, something that wasn't there the night before.
Lucy looked between you and Lockwood with a knowing expression you only ever saw from Jessica Lockwood. It was gone as quick as it came but the brief blast from the past made you dizzy. The resemblance must have been what made Lockwood so comfortable with her.
Lockwood had crossed the room and stood by you. Close enough to catch you if you stumbled forward in your daze.
He glanced at his wrist to check the time. "7:30's a good time. Ready, Lucy?"
"Ready," she confirmed. With a tug, the iron net came off of Griffith's mummified hand.
George and Lockwood reconsidered their stances with their rapiers as warmth was immediately sapped from the room. It was akin to jumping into a lake without testing the waters. Blood rushed to your ears. The whispering began again.
"We're here to help you," Lucy said calmly.
Wind began to pick up despite the windows being closed. Lucy persevered. "Iris Griffith, I know that you're experiencing a great injustice. Let me help you. Talk to me."
Lucy closed her eyes. You trust that she was establishing a connection with Griffith. The chill subsided by a fraction, her eyes were moving rapidly like you do when you're in the middle of a dream.
"There's a spectral glow behind you, George." Lockwood caught that faster than you. He was glaring down at the opposite corner of the room.
George's face remained impassive. "You'll tell me if she gets too close."
"Shush!" Lucy threw a hand up in the air. "Shell... Shelly? Yes, what about Shelly Carson? She died before you. You saw her case. They got the autopsy wrong, didn't they?"
A faraway scream interrupted the silence. You fumbled forward. Lockwood caught your arm. "Careful there, cherry cheeks." You lived up to your nickname.
"They all kept... Secret...?" Lucy murmured. "They all killed you to keep a secret?"
If this were a cartoon, you imagine everyone to have exclamation marks above their heads. Finally, some of the mystery began to come into focus. Who are 'they' and what secret were they so desperate to keep?
"Secret... Shelly Carson?" Lucy's expression lightened and the room grew slightly warmer. "Yes! Their secret is Shelly Carson. No? Oh, then what— They killed her to keep the secret... then paid people to say they were innocent."
"Rich people," George tutted.
The anticipation was killing you. All those nights of research, pouring over case files and autopsies were boiling down to this. You gripped Lockwood's sleeve to ground yourself. He glanced at your hand, worried you were seeing something he wasn't, but felt a smile twitching on his lips when he noticed the elation on yours.
Lucy'a voice pierced the air. "They killed her to keep what secret?"
The silence, the anticipation, and the chill in the room melded.
"Rodney pregnant? With Gasley's—" Lucy shut herself up. It was like a bad episode of a telenovela, but this was real, and someone had died because of it. "And when you were about to uncover the truth about Shelly... Rodney and Gasley they got you, too? I'm sorry to hear that. Gasley must have regrets. He had left a diary and... your, ah, hand so we could uncover your story."
It wasn't the most peaceful way to end a talk with a ghost. As soon as Lucy finished the conversation, the apparition of Iris Griffith had appeared once more. Contrary to your hypothesis, finding out the motive and her killers did not put her to rest at all.
She wailed louder than the previous night and zipped about even faster than before. Nothing Lockwood & Co. couldn't handle though. You showered the room with lavender and salt as Lockwood & Co. danced with a ghost.
You all appreciated a bit of silence after getting your ears blown off by a visitor. The world clearly didn't like you enough to grant the request, judging by the hunched and fuming figures of your parents blocking the door to 35 Portland Row. They sported crossed arms and crossed expressions. Your mother, specifically, was blowing steam from her ears.
Seeing your sweaty and worn form only confirmed their suspicions: You'd been running around with ghost hunters.
"You ungrateful brat..." your mother muttered.
Lucy stepped forward, blocking her way to you. She was hardened by her own experiences and least expected the horrid woman to turn on her own daughter for simply doing something outside of white-tiled establishments. You were grateful for it.
That only stirred the pot for your parents.
"We sheltered you, spoiled you, and educated you to be the lady you are today. You are our legacy." Your father harumphs forward. "We made you what you are and you would throw that all away by risking your stupid little life for some miniscule ghost adventure!"
George is the next to block their way. He wasn't that protective type, but he did look the part when he wanted to. "It was her childhood dream. Let her live." Leave it to George to be forward.
Your mother stamped her feet. The display was so awfully childish you had to look away. "You are children who don't know a single thing about building a foundation for a good life! You are going to run my daughter to ruin!"
Because of her display, Lockwood & Co. weren't so intimidated by her anymore.
Lockwood had stepped ahead, completing the wall that prevented your iron-fisted parents from getting to you ever again. "We're the best psychical agents in London. We expect a little more respect, doctor."
You could hear the smile in his voice. You couldn't help but smile, too.
With a last burst of anger, your father yelled to you. "You either come home or you find your own way. I'd rather live without a daughter than live with a disappointing one."
It shouldn't hurt as much as it did, but you had given your whole life to live up to the version of you they were dreaming of. Even if you had achieved all that, all it took was having a moment of autonomy for them to turn against you and disregard your sacrifices.
Lockwood had turned to you with a face so full of hope, it brought you back to the other night at the horrid dinner party and the night you snuck out to pick apples. After all that's happened, you found it in yourself to steel your resolve and face your father with bravery that felt unnatural but oh-so addicting.
"I'm going home," you told them.
You walked passed a stunned George and a speechless Lucy. Lockwood was far bluer than the two, but you shot him a smile that put all his worries to rest.
When you were kids, he was the one to take you by the hand and drag you off on a new adventure. This time, it was you so took his hand and pulled him passed your parents's skyscraping figures and into the comforts of 35 Portland Row.
Home, at last.
The first thing you saw as you pulled Lockwood through the threshold was his smile, radiant as ever. He didn't give you much time to admire it. He swooped down and stole your first kiss before you could even blink.
You could hear Lucy and George laugh over your parents plights. You were tired, sweaty, and covered in salt but all you could think of was; you should have done this sooner.
The next morning, you submitted the evidence and psychical report to the relevant authorities, convicting Celia Rodney and Howard Gasley for their crimes. Griffith's source was relinquished from your possession and burned at the Fittes Furnaces, marking the end of Griffith's case. It was the best thing you could do to bring her peace.
Shortly after, Lockwood and Co. welcomed you as the company's official forensic consultant, and in 35 Portland Row, you were finally comfortable in your own skin.
You and Lockwood now stand on the same side of the fence. There is no need shyly avoid your peering eyes when he could have the satisfaction of seeing them flutter close as he kisses you.
Thought, it is nice to remember that all this started with those peering eyes over wrought-iron fences. You and Lockwood reminisce those days over a cherry pie with extra ice cream or an afternoon picking apples from the backyard.
Every now and again, Lockwood would toss an apple over to your parents's side of the fence to scare them.
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⌠ @novelizt 2023 ⌡
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NOTE ➺ Thank you to everyone who made it through to the end! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it. It's the first time I completed a project this big so I hope it brings you some joy. To everyone mourning the seasons we'll never get, I'm with you. To my fellow writers, I'd appreciate a tip or two to improve my stories. To everyone in general, may you continue finding fics that comfort you 💙
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saturnville · 10 months
in the dirty south, III.
pairing: cowboy!coriolanus snow x black fem oc. warnings: old slang, sexual innuendo, flirting, sorta forbidden infatuation if you blink. shy!oc. content: while at a town fair with her family, delilah finds herself heavily infatuated with the new face in town. an: last part! I just realized I was heavily inspired by Romeo and Juliet when I wrote this (in the sense of immediate connection with someone).
tags: @snowlandsontopp @babyzzlove @hlstead @rosewine-5 @unicornqueen05 @thegabbyh @neeville @fastlikealambo @urfavesim @cherry2stems to keep your spot on the tag list, you are expected to interact!
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The night draped itself over the small town, casting veil of darkness upon the fairgrounds. A myriad of colored lights twinkled above, painting the scene in hues of red, blue, and gold. The once lively fair had transformed into a dreamscape, a place where reality and enchantment danced together.
Delilah stood at the edge of the fairgrounds, where the glow from the string lights met the shadows. The rhythmic laughter and distant carnival music were the background symphony to her contemplative thoughts. She couldn't shake the lingering sensations from the day—the warmth of the sun, the taste of poundcake, and the unexpected connection with Coriolanus.
Just as most young women her age, Delilah dreamed of experiencing an instant connection with someone. She longed to bask in the serenity of adoration that came from another. To be cloaked in desire was a wish of hers, and as the nightsky blanketed the sun, and the stars made an appearance, she knew that her wishes were grant.
In the midst of a sea of people, she spotted him. Coriolanus. A solitary figure, his silhouette etched against the radiant backdrop of the fair. A sense of anticipation filled the air as he turned, his gaze meeting hers. A subtle smile played on his lips, and he gestured for her to join him in the dance of shadows and light.
With a deep breath, Delilah stepped into the enchantment of the fair once more, the echoes of laughter and the distant melodies guiding her toward an unforeseen future.
Delilah's voice was soft as she muttered her pardons to the strangers who were engrossed in carnival games and deep conversations. The aroma was thick with beer, ice cream, and apple pie. As she approached Coriolanus, the bustle of the night seemed to quiet.
"Quite a sight, ain't it?" Coriolanus asked, his eyes trained on the artwork etched in the sky. His voice was filled with warmth, and Delilah couldn't help but to smile in agreement.
"It is." The stars were beautiful. The stage was big enough for them to dance without their shine being stolen or dimmed by another.
Coriolanus extended his hand, inviting her to join him in exploring the fair's wonders. As their fingers intertwined, Delilah felt a surge between them, a connection forged in the shared moments of the day.
They strolled through the fairgrounds, exploring pockets of quietude between the lively attractions. The game of ring toss to their left, and the stage with a blues band on their right.
Amidst the whimsical glow of the fair, they found a secluded bench. Coriolanus pulled Delilah closer, and they sat in a comfortable silence, watching the flickering lights and the shadows they cast.
"Delilah," Coriolanus began, his voice carrying a sincerity that echoed in the quiet night. "I wasn't planning on staying in 11."
Delilah turned to him, curiosity etched in her expression. She looked so stunning beneath the rays of the moonlight. Her lipstick was long gone and only a faint tint of red remained on her full lips. A thin layer of sweat adorned her forehead and loose curls stuck to her face. Breathtaking, he had to admit.
The night seemed to hold its breath as Coriolanus continued.
"I found something unexpected—someone unexpected," he confessed, his gaze steady. He sighed softly and caressed her bare shoulder with his thumb. "I was granted the option to go back to the Capitol within six weeks. I'd been spending time with the boys 'cause I made up in my mind that I was leaving. Until today. Until you and I crossed paths."
Delilah felt a rush of emotions, a mixture of surprise and joy. The carnival around them seemed to celebrate their connection, the lights flickering in unison with the beating of their hearts.
The revelation hung in the air. Coriolanus's words lingered, and Delilah found herself momentarily lost in the depth of his gaze. He had decided to stay—his path no longer leading him away from District 11 but winding through its fields, its people, and, unexpectedly, into her life.
Delilah blinked.. Her eyes traced the contours of Coriolanus's face, searching for any signs that this might be a jest or a fleeting decision. Yet, sincerity lingered in his expression.
"You're staying?" Delilah whispered, a mixture of surprise and curiosity coloring her words. The thought of him becoming a constant in her small town, a familiar face amidst the fields, stirred something within her—a quiet joy that unfolded like the blossoming of a rose.
District 11 was overlooked often. It was the last place anyone would consider finding something they'd been searching for. Except Coriolanus. He found exactly what he longed for. Away from the gltiz and the glam of the Capitol. In a town where everyone felt like family, where the was warmth in every smile, where not everything was a competition of wealth and fame. Life in 11 was simple. He enjoyed simplicity.
"I am," Coriolanus nodded. "Can't lose the opportunity of getting to know the prettiest woman in town. But again, that's only if you let me."
There is was. That charm. The corners of Delilah's lips tugged upward to a smile. Slowly, she brought her lips to his cheek, taking note of how they reddened like the beets in her Mama's garden. "I'd like that."
She rested her head on his shoulder and together, they embraced the radiant glow of the fairgrounds, that had witnessed the birth of an unexpected union.
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desigirldairies · 5 months
Reveal Your Bollywood Glow: Unveiling Celebrity-Inspired Skincare Secrets.
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This blog is going to be all about Indian & bollywood inspired products and skincare tips. If you also want a blog separately about Indian natural and authentic skincare or hair care I'll surely make it. 🫶
Know Your Skin Type : Identify your skin type - whether it's oily, dry, combination, or sensitive - to tailor your skincare routine effectively.
Cleanse Like a Star : Use a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil or Neutrogena to remove dirt and makeup and a oil cleaner is a must if you wear makeup daily. Opt for micellar water for a quick and effective cleanse on busy days. (But I don't really recommend it).
Exfoliate for Radiance : Incorporate a mild exfoliator like St. Ives Apricot Scrub or The Body Shop's Vitamin C Glow-Revealing Liquid Peel to slough off dead skin cells and reveal glowing skin. And my personal favorite coffee scrub from The Bombay shaving company. Don't exfoliate more than twice a week.
Hydration Is Key : Use a hydrating toner such as Clinique Moisture Surge Face Spray for an instant boost of hydration or toner + mist from pilgrim works like magic (my fav 😭).
Targeted Treatments : Include a serum with ingredients like hyaluronic acid (for hydration) or vitamin C (for hyperpigmentation) if you are under 17 or 18 like me don't use vitamin c or if you want to use in very less %, I use 2% kojic acid for my uneven skin tone from pilgrim, it's very begniner friendly. (Always consult a dermatologist for your skincare don't go around seeing videos on insta and YouTube believing them). I recommend Minimalist if you want chemical bases serums.
If you are above 23 or 25 Incorporate a retinol-based cream like RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream for anti-aging benefits. (Got this tip from mumma for y'all 😭✨️)
Sun Protection Essentials : Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, such as La Roche-Posay Anthelios Ultra Light Fluid, to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. More affordable and effective sunscreens from brands — dot and key, aqualogica, Dr. Seth and wish care.
Overnight Nourishment: Use a hydrating overnight mask like Laneige Water Sleeping Mask to replenish moisture while you sleep. Incorporate a facial oil like The Ordinary's Rose Hip Seed Oil for added nourishment and radiance.
DIY Treatments Inspired by Bollywood:
- Try a turmeric, gram flour and yogurt face mask inspired by Priyanka Chopra for glowing skin.
- Use aloe vera gel like Deepika Padukone for its soothing and hydrating properties. (MY fav bolly actress btw 😭❤️)
Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Skin : Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day people are not stupid that they are going around telling you to drink water, IT'S A MUST!. Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and green tea into your diet for overall skin health.
Some of my fav brands (mostly available in india) : dot and key, Foxtale, pilgrim, minimalist, st. Botanica, organic harvest and aqualogica!
Fav brand released by a bollywood actress: Hyphen by Kriti Sanon, their lip balm can even beat Rhode's lip balm istg- and their sunscreen 🔛🔝.
Channel your inner Bollywood diva and achieve a radiant, flawless skin with these skincare tips and product recommendations. Let your skin glow like a star!
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
Traditions - Angel Reyes x Reader
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Part of @storiesofsvu Holiday Bingo! The square was Decorations!
Tagging: @witches-unruly-heart @keyweegirlie @trhett21 @annetje @infinity-mars @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @thatonesexycancerian @weiwei0210 @anime-weeb-4-life @multifandomloversworld @harperdoodle @cheyrenee @fanfic-n-tabulous @deliriousfangirl61 @daydreaming-belle @est1887 @thanossexual @creativitybeware @librarian1002 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @spaghettificationandpretzels @joyfulfxckery @nu1freakshow @thebaileybugle @legally-a-bastard @bonsaijoons @justreblogginfics '@crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @storiesofsvu
Following on from the Taken!Series
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It’s the first time since Marisol’s death that Felipe’s house is being decorated for Christmas. Angel, EZ and Felipe don’t usually celebrate the season, instead they have a couple of beers, watch a few movies and let the day pass them by. You’re not much different. You’ve been on your own since your Nana died, you used to spend the day in the fields with your music on, collecting buds or in the apothecary making the balm that soothes away all of those aches and pains. Now there’s a child in the mix things are different. Angel’s decided to go all out and that apparently includes buying the largest Christmas tree known to man.
“She’s four months old.” You remind Angel as him and EZ wrestle with getting the tree through the front door. “I don’t think she minds how big the tree is.”
“I tried to tell him.” EZ tells you as he guides the trunk into the stand and begins to twist the pins that hold it in place. “But he was adamant, it had to be this one. I think Valeria’s first Christmas is making him a little nuts.”
“Then I guess we’re doing this thing.” You say, your palm brushing over Valeria’s fine dark hair as she snuggles even deeper into your chest.
“You are doing this thing.” EZ corrects you, kissing his niece on the top of the head. “I have hampers to deliver, you get to deal with all of his madness.”
“Traitor.” You accuse as you walk him to the door.
EZ gives you that shit-eating grin of his as you shoot him the middle finger. You watch him climb on his bike, raising Valeria’s hand to wave goodbye before you close the door behind him. When you turn to face the tree, it feels like it’s even bigger than it was two minutes ago. You can hear Angel in the other room, rooting through the box of decorations that he’d brought down from the attic.
“OK kid, your dad’s gone a little crazy but we’re gonna lean it into it ok?” You say to Valeria as her tiny fist grips the fabric of your shirt. “We’re just gonna lean right into it.”
Valeria is asleep by the time you’ve finished decorating the living room. The tree glows from the corner of the room, bathing it in a warm light as the two of you sit on the floor alongside Valeria’s bassinet. The scent of pine floods your nostrils, the sound of Bing Crosby’s Christmas album playing on the decade’s old stereo. You’re both drinking hot chocolate, not the instant kind. One made from traditional cocoa, something Angel had picked up along with the whipped cream and marshmallows.
It's perfect, this moment. Your little family taking a breath and enjoying the holidays. It’s been a hell of a year with everything that happened with Skye and then your recovery but you’re here celebrating the holiday season with your lover and daughter.
“You know, I thought you’d gone a little insane with all of this but now I get it.” You say as you survey the room, the tiny family heirlooms on the mantlepiece, the fairy lights intermingled with the wreath. “It’s beautiful.”
“You thought I’d lost my mind, didn’t you?” Angel teases as his lips brush over your temple.
“A little.” You admit, taking a sip of your hot chocolate. “But I get it. You want the perfect Christmas for our little girl, something like the ones you remember from your childhood.”
“My mom used to make it so special.” Angel tells you as his gaze comes to rest on the tiny handmade ornaments he’d made with his mom once upon a time. “Even when we were grown, we’d still come over, help her decorate. I want traditions like that with Valeria, with you...”
His hand comes to rest upon your stomach, his thumb smoothing over the place where his son resides. He knows it’s a boy, he can feel it in his bones. “Our new baby.”
“You haven’t told anyone right?” You murmur, your palm coming to rest upon his. “It’s still too early.”
“No Mi Reina I haven’t.” He says, tipping your chin up so you can meet his gaze. There’s such love in those eyes, such tenderness, such adoration. His lips brush over yours and it’s the sweetest kiss, so soft, so meaningful. His thumb ghosts along the line of your jaw and he smiles just a little as you moan into his mouth. “Isn't that what got us here in the first place?”
He draws away as Valeria mumbles grumbles in her sleep, his gaze slipping to his daughter.
“I can’t believe how blessed I am.” He tells you, his warm fingers splaying over your abdomen. “You, Valeria and little peanut are the best gifts I could have asked for.”
“It’s going to be a great Christmas.” You say entwining your fingers with his. “The best one yet.”
Love Angel? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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luckycharms1701 · 5 months
*waddles into your inbox and drops this into you lap before scurrying away*
Behold my humble offering to the Mikey Well Please Suffer 🧡🫡
Angel Kisses
It was just another day.
You were at the lair, just chilling with MIkey on the couch.
He was scribbling furiously into what looked to be a well warn and obviously well loved sketch book, if the frequently thumbed pages and what seemed like a 100 faded stickers were any indicator.
His tongue was poking out in the corner of his mouth, bleping the way he did when he was working intently at something.
And intent he was.
You watched as his eyes flicked around the page, bright with that rare sense of direct focus as his hand danced over the page with his pencil. he was even humming a little, or maybe it was him just talking to himself.
He did that sometimes when he would get into these “Mikey Mojo Moments” as he called them, and you absentmindedly wondered if that was a subconscious trait he had somehow picked up from hanging around Donnie.
You could never be too sure with this one. He was a wonder through and through. A wonder that you could never quite believe that somehow landed as your best friend.
Your lips quirked up with a soft smile at that thought as you secretly peaked at Mikey from over your phone.
You liked seeing him like this. Happy. Creative. In his element.
It had certainly been a while since he had last hyper focused on an art project. But when he did….whew… it was like magic in action. He just had this…light about him that sort of made him…well…you didn’t know…
It sounded cheesy but he just kind of… glowed.
Your eyes flicked to the little bright spots that decorated Mikey’s face like small yellow freckles that peaked out from underneath his orange mask.
Just like those spots lit up his face, without even trying, Mikey could just light up a room.
There was just something about that sunny smile of his that always made your heart happy. He made you happy. Chasing those rainy skies that often would cloud into your life with that ever bright sunshine of his.
You loved it. You loved him.
Whether platonically or romantically, you really didn’t know. You really didn’t care either. All you knew was that you wanted him in your life anyway you could have him because it was brighter simply because he was now in it.
So lost in your musings, you hadn’t realized that Mikey had somehow become aware of your attention. Might be due to the fact that you were burning holes into the sides of his head with your gaze. Or maybe it was the fact that he had ADHD, and he caught ahold of more than what meets the eye.
Who knows? Turtle was a ninja. A ninja who was now grinning like a cat before the cream in front of you.
“See something that you like, Clementine?” Mikey all but purred to you with a teasing waggle of his eyebrows.
You blinked in surprise as his words broke you from your revelry, a slight heat coming to your cheeks as you realized that you most indubitably had been caught staring. Directly at him.
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had in fact caught you, you cleared your throat and placed your phone down.
“Actually yeah…” You quirked back at him, placing an elbow on the back of the couch, so you could cradle your head with your palm with a soft smirk. “I was thinking how cute your freckles are.”
It was Mikey’s turn to blink as your comment was obviously not what he was expecting.
“My…freckles?” He echoed dumbly, placing his sketchbook down and turning to you, his head tilted in such a way that you were somewhat reminded of a curious puppy.
You chuckled softly at the mental image and nodded with a soft grin, reaching up to gently trace those little sunspots on Mikey’s face with your finger.
“Mhm. They’re super cute, and I’m jealous. I’ve always wanted freckles.”
Mikey froze the instant your finger touched his face, his baby blues widening comically to the size of dinner plates.
Mikey had always been a very affectionate turtle, that was no question. Hugs, cuddles, hand holding, playing with hair, painting fingernails, you named it, he did it.
Well…that was the problem. In this case at least. He did it. Usually he was the one to always initiate with you warming up and reciprocating only after he started.
This was the first time you had ever touched him first, and in a way that was so…so…Mikey didn’t have a word for it, but he knew in that moment he didn’t want it to stop.
He swallowed a little as he felt the tip of your finger slowly trace his “freckles” as you called them with that unfairly adorable smile. That smile paired with that soft look in your eye made his heart skip a beat, and Mikey absentmindedly found himself leaning in a little closer to your touch.
“You…wanted freckles?” He murmured curiously, feeling that a moment like this needed to be treated with a whisper for whatever reason.
You chuckled again and nodded your head, a most darling shade of pink crossing your cheeks as Mikey leaned into your hand. You changed from gently poking his forehead with your finger to tenderly cupping his cheek with your palm, lightly caressing a “freckle” on the corner of his jaw with your thumb.
“Yeah…I always thought they looked so pretty. Small smackerings on the bridges of peoples noses. Dark spots like cheetahs on others. Or even the ones that are so tiny they look little stars on peoples faces, peeping through the skin. I once heard freckles described as angel kisses, little reminders of a love that couldn’t be contained and well…as cheesy as it sounds…I really haven’t been able to see them any other way since.”
A muscle thumped in Mikey’s jaw as your thumb brushed up against the sensitive skin there and he had to resist the urge to just lean into your hand and start churring like some ridiculous reptilian cat, it’s just felt so good. He shook off the shiver that travels down his shell and blinked up at you with his signature crooked grin.
“Angel kissed huh? You’re right. That is cheesy, but lucky for you, I love pizza so cheese totally is my jam.”
You snorted at that and reached up your hand to poke Mikey’s forehead with a shake of your head.
“Cheese is your jam? What you making sandwiches or something up there, Mikey Man?”
Mikey snickered at the poke and reached up to capture your hand with his, holding it tightly as he smirked up at you. There was an interesting light in his eyes as he caught your gaze directly. It seemed friendly and innocent enough at first glance, but the way he held it had you leading to believe otherwise.
That look was dangerous because it made your heart do that weird skip hop thing like a drunken frog attempting to land a jump onto a lily pad, but before you could further that thought, Mikey interrupted with his own.
His head tilted at that doglike angle again and he leaned in with his all too eager curiosity.
“What can I say? I’m always in the mood for a good snack. But, back to the angel kisses thing. You got me curious now. If you could have freckles where would you want them most?”
You blinked a little at Mikey’s question, and sat back a little, tilting your own head in thought. Your free hand that wasn’t being held captive by Mikey’s reached up and lightly touched the bridge of your nose and the tops of your cheeks.
“Huh…that’s…actually a good question. Probably somewhere around here? Gimme that cute look that you have working so well for you or something.”
Mikey sputtered at the light flirt and shook his head with a grin. He rather adored how quick you were. It meant you were comfortable with him and that alone meant the world to him.
He looked up at you as you traced your own face, that same gleam shining in his eye. Mikey leaned in a little closer and said with a raise of his eyebrow, “You know…I could probably help with that…”
Your brows furrowed as you looked at Mikey incredulously before your eyes widened and you excitedly grabbed his hand and leaned closer.
“You…can help me get freckles? Wait…is that something you can do with your ninpo?!”
Mikey was not expecting you to lean in as close as you did, but he wasn’t complaining. Not at all.
He’d never get sick of getting to see the little masterpieces that were your eyes up close like this. Mikey could get lost in those eyes if you let him.
Shaking his head to clear that train of thought, Mikey just smirked up at you.
“Hmm something like that…I was thinking more along the lines of…angel kisses and what not.”
It was your turn to parrot back dumbly as your eyebrow raised in confusion, your heart picking up pace from a drunken frog to buzzed hummingbird.
“A-angel kisses?” You stammered especially as Mikey leaned in even closer, his nose almost brushing yours.
His hand reached up to cup your cheek in mirror of your movements just moments earlier. That bright rare sense of direct focus now centered solely on you as he leaned in even more, his warm breath barely ghosting over your face as he whispered in a low murmur.
“Yes…angel kisses…because I do put the angel in Michealangelo after all…”
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@yorshie @justalotoffanfiction
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whispersofalostsoul · 1 month
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping inhttps://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757554318977204224/runaway?source=share
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Chapter 7- Greece https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/758100377092620289/runaway?source=share
Chapter 8 - Dinner 2
A week had gone by, and Dalia was  unaware of time moving along. Each morning, she woke up feeling on top of the world, eager to dive into another day filled with possibilities. The sun would stream through her window, casting a warm glow that mirrored the excitement bubbling within her. She and Lando were practically glued together, their connection palpable to everyone around them. Their friends couldn't help but notice the undeniable spark that ignited whenever they were near each other, especially when they started stealing kisses in front of everyone, making it all official. Those stolen moments, brief yet electric, sent ripples of joy through their circle, and laughter often erupted as they playfully teased the couple. Every day felt like a fairytale; they went on countless dates, each one more enchanting than the last. They explored quaint little cafes tucked away in the corners of the city, shared ice cream cones on sun-drenched beach benches, and wandered through streets, losing themselves in the beauty of the pieces and each other's company.
Lando found himself sharing secrets with her that he had never told anyone else, feeling completely at ease in her presence. It was as if the walls he had built around his heart were crumbling, brick by brick, and he welcomed the vulnerability.He craved her presence, her touch, her scent every moment. The way her laughter danced in the air, brightening even the dullest of days, was intoxicating. He would often catch himself daydreaming about her, replaying their moments together in his mind like a cherished movie. And when they had to part ways at night, he felt an instant pang of missing her, a hollow ache that settled in his chest. The world felt a little dimmer without her , and he would find himself counting the hours until they could be together again.Each moment spent together was a treasure, and with every passing day, their bond deepened, solidifying a connection that felt destined. Lando felt it in his bones that what he was experiencing for the first time was something incredibly intense and passionate.He was ready to do whatever it took to safeguard this newfound connection. The stakes felt higher than ever, and he understood that the path ahead was fraught with challenges. Yet, the thought of losing this feeling, this spark, was far more daunting than the prospect of jeopardizing his own career. He envisioned the sacrifices he might have to make— multiple travels, late-night calls, difficult conversations, and the potential fallout from those who might not understand his choices. But in that moment, none of it mattered. The intensity of his emotions overshadowed any fears or doubts that crept into his mind.
Dalia called out from the living room, "Who wants ice cream?" and everyone nodded in agreement. The sun had been blazing all afternoon, and after their invigorating swim in the sea, it felt like the perfect way to cool down. While Dalia and Lily decided to go to the nearest shop,  the guys were lounging on the terrace, sprawled out on sunbeds, soaking up the sun and listening to music. The playlist was a mix of upbeat summer hits and nostalgic tunes that made them reminisce about past adventures.
Out of the blue, Oscar, who had been scrolling through his phone, looked up and asked, "So, how's it going with Dalia?" The question hung in the air, and the atmosphere shifted slightly as the guys turned their attention to Lando. He paused for a moment, the weight of the question sinking in. After a brief silence, he finally admitted, "I'm considering introducing her to my parents." The guys were taken aback, their expressions a mix of surprise and intrigue. Lando had always been the more reserved one when it came to relationships, often keeping his romantic life under wraps. The thought of him taking such a significant step with Dalia, who had quickly become a central figure in their summer escapade, was unexpected.  "Wow, that's a big step," Alex said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're ready for that?" Lando shrugged, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. "I mean, I really like her. Plus, my parents are always asking about my love life. I think it might be time to show them I'm serious about someone.""I'm happy for you Lano" Carlos smiled. "Dalia seems great. Just make sure you prepare her for your mom's cooking. It's... an experience." The group erupted in laughter, the tension easing as they teased Lando about the potential family dinner.
The girls stumbled upon a little shop that had souvenirs and ice cream.Lily, ever the curious one, decided to check out the inside to see if anything caught her eye. Meanwhile, Dalia approached the fridge,  scanning the array of flavors displayed behind the glass. Chocolate chip cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, and the ever-popular strawberry swirled before her eyes. Just as she was about to make her choice, a familiar voice broke through the hum of the summer afternoon. "Looks like you're living it up," the voice said, smooth and casual. Dalia felt a jolt of recognition, and just as she was about to turn around, a wave of familiarity hit her, accompanied by the unmistakable scent of cigarettes. "Hey, Dalia," Noah grinned from beneath his cap, his eyes glinting mischievously in the sunlight. Dalia froze, her heart pounding in her chest, feeling a mix of surprise and unease. She hadn't expected to see him here, not in this little corner of the world. It was as if he could read her thoughts when he added, "You're probably wondering how I knew you were here," taking a puff from his cigarette before crushing it underfoot with a practiced ease. "Well, I have this incredible talent for tracking people down," he said with a sly grin, leaning casually against the fridge as if he owned the place. His presence unsettling. 
"Or maybe you just have a talent for popping up where you're not exactly welcome," Dalia shot back. "Oh, look at you! Have you developed a bit of a backbone since hanging out with him?" he said, leaning in closer, invading her space. "I'm intrigued," his tone shifted to a low, dark whisper. "Are they taking turns with you, or is it a group thing?" Dalia, filled with rage and disgust, raised her hand to slap him, but he effortlessly blocked her move. "Not today," he grinned. Noah leaned closer, his voice low and conspiratorial, "I think I have something you'll want to see." Dalia shot back, her tone sharp and defensive, "Not interested," as she struggled to pull her hand away from him. The warmth of his grip felt like a brand against her skin, and she was desperate to reclaim her personal space."Oh, I bet you will be," he replied, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he finally stood up straight and released her, "Look out for a message from me tonight," before turning to leave.  As he walked away, Dalia felt a knot of unease tighten in her stomach. This whole situation left her feeling off-kilter, as if the ground beneath her was shifting. She couldn't shake the feeling that Noah was up to something, and the thought sent a shiver down her spine.Just then, Lily came over, her brow furrowed with concern as she noticed Dalia's pale face. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine worry. Dalia forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil brewing inside her. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, waving it off dismissively, but the tremor in her voice betrayed her.
When the girls returned to the villa, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement from their day out. Lily, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, hurried to the terrace, eager to show Alex the colorful souvenir she had picked up from a local market. Meanwhile, Dalia, feeling a bit overwhelmed, made a beeline for her room, her mind racing with thoughts of the strange encounter she had earlier. As soon as he spot her entering the villa, Lando trailed behind her, wanting to have a quick chat. Carlos's voice broke through the chatter. "Where's the ice cream?" he asked, his tone playful yet expectant. It suddenly hit Lily that Dalia hadn't picked any up during their outing. "She seemed a little off," Lily admitted, her brow furrowing with concern."What do you mean?" Oscar asked, sitting up in his chair, his interest piqued.  "There was this strange guy talking to her, and I think he made her uncomfortable," she explained, her voice lowering slightly as if the memory was still fresh. The guys exchanged glances, shrugging it off with a casual air. They were all too familiar with the island's locals, who often had a reputation for being overly friendly, especially towards tourists. "It's probably nothing," Alex said dismissively, but Oscar couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
Lando grinned as he tapped on the door, the sound echoing slightly in the quiet hallway. Dalia was doing her best to mask her shaken state, her heart racing as she smoothed down her shirt and took a deep breath. "Hey," she said softly, trying to keep her voice steady.Lando stepped into her room, his expression a mix of excitement and apprehension. He looked pretty anxious himself, nervously rubbing his neck as he glanced around the space." Uh," he began, his voice trailing off as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Dalia felt a flutter of unease in her stomach; she could sense that whatever he was about to say was important. "I wanted to ask you something," he finally managed, still avoiding her gaze, his eyes darting to the floor as if it held the answers to his unspoken questions. Dalia's curiosity piqued, and she leaned in slightly, encouraging him to continue. "My folks were in Athena, they're sailing towards Santorini and wanted to make a stop here. I thought it would be nice if you joined us for dinner tonight. I'd love to introduce you properly."
Dalia felt a jolt of excitement when she got the invite. The idea of hanging out with Lando and his family made her pulse race. But with that excitement came a twinge of nerves. She couldn't shake off the thought of Noah being there, watching her, which made her stomach churn. What was that message he said he'd send her going to be about? As she prepared for the gathering, Dalia found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. She rummaged through her closet, trying to find the perfect outfit that would make her feel confident yet comfortable. She wanted to impress Lando's family. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was going to have fun, regardless of Noah's presence. After all, this was about Lando. But as she glanced at her phone, half-hoping for a message from Noah, she couldn't help but wonder if the evening would bring clarity or chaos.
Lando's folks were just amazing; they invited them over for dinner on the boat, and it turned out to be such a beautiful experience. The gentle sway of the boat on the water, combined with the warm glow of the setting sun, created an atmosphere that felt almost magical. Dalia could easily tell that Lando was a cherished kid, with parents who adored him but also understood the importance of giving him space to grow and explore. Their laughter filled the air, and the way they interacted with Lando showed a deep bond, one built on love and mutual respect.Throughout the evening, Lando held her hand, his grip firm yet tender, almost as if he wanted to keep her close every moment. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about how he felt about her. He couldn't stop chatting about her, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he shared stories of their time together. Dalia could see how proud he was to introduce her to his parents, and she felt a warmth in her heart knowing that he wanted them to see the person who made him so happy. 
While Lando was busy helping his dad get dessert ready, leaving the two women to chat. His mom leaned in towards Dalia and said with a smile, "I must admit this is the first time Lando has introduced us to a girl he's dating". Dalia felt her cheeks heat up as she smiled back, a mix of surprise and delight washing over her."I know my son very well," his mom continued with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "And I can see he's really into you." Dalia's heart raced at the compliment, and she felt a warmth spread through her. It was one thing to feel a connection with Lando, but to hear his mother acknowledge it made it all the more real. "Ta-da! The pièce de résistance!" he announced, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I hope you're ready for this, Dalia. My dad's secret recipe is legendary."Dalia laughed, her earlier embarrassment fading as the atmosphere lightened. "It looks amazing! I can't wait to try it," she said, her enthusiasm genuine.
As the night wrapped up, Dalia and Lando chose to head back to the villa, even though his parents wanted them to stay on the boat for the night. Lando's dad stepped forward as they prepared to disembark. He pulled Dalia in for a cozy hug, enveloping her in the familiar scent of saltwater and aftershave. His embrace was warm and fatherly, a gesture that made Dalia feel both welcomed and cherished. Leaning in closer, he whispered softly, "Make sure to look after our boy and don't break his heart," all while grinning widely, his eyes twinkling with a mix of humor and sincerity. Dalia chuckled, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. She appreciated the lighthearted warning, knowing it came from a place of love and protectiveness. 
As Lando and Dalia stopped in front of her room, they exchanged a few playful words, their laughter echoing softly in the quiet hallway. But as the moment lingered, Lando found himself reluctant to leave. The doorframe seemed to form an invisible barrier, one that he was hesitant to cross.He stood there, his heart racing slightly, hoping for a sign, a gesture that would invite him in. He could feel the magnetic pull between them, a tension that crackled like static electricity. It was as if the air itself was charged with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. He wanted to reach out, to bridge the gap between them, but he held back, unsure of how she truly felt. As he gazed at her, he noticed the way her hair fell softly over her shoulders, the way her lips curved into a smile that seemed to invite him closer. The moment stretched, and he could sense the hesitation in her eyes too, as if she were weighing the same thoughts.
Suddenly, the phone buzzed, breaking the spell of silence that enveloped them and pulling both of them back to reality. As Dalia reached for it, her eyes widened, and a nervous smile spread across her face. "Goodnight, Lando," she said quickly, her voice a mix of warmth and urgency, before slipping into her room with a soft click of the door. Lando was caught off guard by how fast everything changed. One moment, they were suspended in a moment filled with unspoken words and shared glances, and the next, he was left standing alone in the hallway, the echo of her voice lingering in the air. He felt a rush of emotions—disappointment, confusion, and a flicker of hope. He leaned against the wall, staring at the closed door, wondering if he had missed his chance.
 Dalia hurried to the edge of her bed, her heart pounding before she even had a chance to check the message. With trembling fingers, she unlocked her phone and tapped on Noah's notification. Her eyes went wide in disbelief, and in a panic, she quickly dialed his number to get some answers.
Lando was tossing and turning, unable to get Dalia out of his head. The night was thick with silence, but his mind was a cacophony of thoughts and emotions. Every time he pictured her face—her warm smile, the way her eyes sparkled with warmth, the gentle curve of her lips—a smile crept onto his own. He rolled over, trying to find a comfortable position, but the sheets felt constricting, as if they were wrapping around him, holding him back from the truth he was desperately trying to avoid. As his thoughts raced, a sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks, making him sit up straight in bed. The weight of it was overwhelming, and he could hardly breathe. He was in love.
"Did I wake you?" Dalia whispered, her voice soft and melodic, catching him completely off guard. He blinked, momentarily disoriented, as he turned to face her. The moonlight spilled into the room, casting a silvery glow that illuminated her features, making her look ethereal."What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to steady his nerves, his heart racing in his chest. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, and he hoped the darkness would hide his embarrassment. Without a word, she moved closer, her presence filling the space between them with an electric tension. She reached for his face, her fingers brushing against his skin with a tenderness that sent shivers down his spine.And then, she kissed him deeply. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a kiss that conveyed everything he had been too afraid to say. Her lips were soft and inviting, and as he melted into her embrace, all his doubts and fears began to dissipate. In that moment, nothing else mattered. The longing that had consumed him transformed into a sense of belonging, a feeling that he had finally found what he had been searching for all along.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Sate Yourself : Clandestine F*cks [Avenger! Loki x Fem. Reader] 18+
Part of the Clandestine F*cks Collection [Link] A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: (21) Post team-bonding, you gotta get that clandestine Loki D. Shameless smut, no real plot here folks. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. PV Sex. Dirty Talk. Ravenous Loki lust. Language. (w/c 2.6k)
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Loki had barely had time to open the door to his room before you were upon him.
Fingertips tore at the back of his hooded sweatshirt, yanking the fabric against his maddeningly muscled shoulders.
A possession had gripped you.
The way he had covertly eye-fucked you throughout the entire team dinner. The way he had taken every opportunity to drive you to the brink of madness with his teasing tones, his sultry voice.
The wetness in your underwear was a constant reminder with every uncomfortable shuffle as you tried to focus on anything other than his unbearable sexual magnetism.
You had thought a quick fix of his attentions at the bowling alley would have dampened the raging arousal storming inside you. You were wrong. If anything, it had made it worse.
During desert he had licked a spoonful of ice-cream so seductively that your pussy tightened of its own accord, a violent shudder wracking your body. You had whined loudly, making Rogers reach for his medical pack.
“Steve, I’m fine...” you had said, voice wavering as your secret lover smirked across the table.
You were not fine. You were far from fine. And Loki knew it.
A few hours later, the fingers clawing at the cotton clinging to his back moved to his hair as you manoeuvred a willing god further into his rooms.
Your digits tugged roughly at the roots, making him hiss as his head fell back. The exposed smoothness of that delicious neck was one temptation too many, the veins straining with hot blood, pumping under duress. Loki’s ethereal skin mocked you with its virginal perfection, every inch crying out to be violated by your wandering mouth. Ripe for ruining. For marking.
Your teeth grazed against the warmth you found, moaning into his jawline as you began to devour him like a rabid hound.
“I’m sensing you require something from me, darling” he panted breathlessly as you kissed down the curve, the effort of maintaining his sarcastic tone making that deep voice waver.
“Do you need me, precious?” he whispered as your hands grasped at his torso, floundering against the zip of his hoodie as your hot pants groaned confirmation in his ear.
The fabric was peeled quickly down his arms, falling with a soft thump to the wooden floor. “I’m starting to doubt my ability to satisfy you at all.”
Loki’s goading words barely registered, lust radiating like steam from every pore as it boiled beneath your skin. It was pure pressure, a madness. You needed to feel every inch of yourself covered in his desperation for you, the same desperation that you felt for him.
“Show me how much you want me, Loki…show me…” you murmured absent-mindedly between tugging sucking bites on his skin, the leather of his belt unfolding through the buckle at your touch. “Do you not want me, Loki?” you teased, seeing his nostrils flare.
He growled, one hand clenched in a glowing fist as seidr melted the clothes from both of your bodies. The feeling of his bare skin was electric, the way his frame melded to yours in an instant telling you everything. Every hard muscle of his form rippled beside your curves, willing him to claim you. Absorb you.
An unforgiving thigh pressed upwards between your legs while his hard cock nestled against your stomach, slick blots of pre-cum sliding against your belly as he ground into you. You could smell his arousal; thick and heavy like the first fragrant autumnal dusk.
Loki ran his hands up your waist, pressing your breasts together before landing firmly of either side of your jaw.
“Not want you? I am insulted, pet” he snarled, the warning of his tone laced with unmistakable desire.
He made no effort now to contain the burning lust ignited behind his hypnotic irises; the vibrant colours barely visible against blown pupils.
In a flash, he raised you to wrap your legs around his hips, the base of his enormous manhood pressed flush against your pelvis.
Small thrusts betrayed his desperation to be inside your hot cunt, the neediness of his tongue forcing its way inside your mouth doing quicker work. Loki’s large palms kneaded your ass as he held you tight against him, loud moans sporadically rumbling from his throat as you tasted every drop of his passion.
“Here” you whispered wantonly. “I want you here.”
Loki sank to his knees, gasping quietly as you pushed him backwards flat on the hardwood floor. You pressed against his crotch, enjoying the slick slide of your wetness against his straining cock.
“At least let me conjure a blanket” he muttered, beginning to prop up on his elbows. You pushed him back against the floor with a thud, leaning to kiss a ravenous trail of languishing love-bites up the centre of his chest.
You rested your chin above his heart, gyrating your hips a final time against the solid length nestled tauntingly between your soaking folds, watching as his jawline rose to the ceiling in anticipation.
“Don’t make me suffer, darling...I complied to your request earlier.” he groaned, his back arching off the wood.
“You did. But it wasn’t enough...” you cooed, raising yourself to look down on the handsomest face you would ever see. “With you Loki, it’s never enough.”
His fingers slid over the creases of your hips, beginning to rock you gently against his length which sat maddeningly flat-pressed against your core.
“You wish to sate yourself upon my cock, darling?” he purred coyly, his eyes glinting. “You have a mighty need to claim me once again, perhaps?”
Those glistening lips stretched into a knowing smile, a chuckle forming before another swift thrust of yours made him groan. His eyes squeezed shut, teeth bared to the ceiling as he muttered filthy curses at the audacity of your teasing cunt.
“I need it. More than anything.” The whine in your voice pierced your ears, desperate need layered in the air like perfume as your clit throbbed against his pelvis. Every tug was ecstasy after your deprivation over dinner. The promise of relief its own reward.
Loki moaned as you raised your hips a final time, guiding his rigid cock to your entrance. You brushed it against the dripping centre, a low whimper passing his lips as his head lifted from the floor. He watched with knitted brows as you edged him inside you; inch by inch. The furrows on his forehead deepening in pleasure with every ridge of your channel that wrapped mercilessly around his disappearing manhood.
“Fuuuuuck” he growled, as your sensitive nub hit his mound. You could feel the heavy tip of his cock pressing against your cervix, beginning to make small circles with your hips as he grunted beneath you.
His rising moans lit a trail of wildfire in your body as you felt his thighs widen at your back, rising to change the angle of his entry.
You began to grind purposefully on his length, palms spread against his tense shoulders. Loki could overpower you in an instant if he chose, but he always let himself be ridden just so. Always.
The pressure on his shoulders kept him in place, letting you work him as the small pulses of his restrained pelvis drove you wilder with a primal desire to fuck him into the ground.
With every rise of your hips, you left the tip, crashing back to the centre of his lust with a squeeze of your walls.
“Norns...fuck darling, that’s it. That’s.it.” he groaned to the ceiling, the restraint of his submission making the muscles of his neck bulge. Loki’s hands fell from where they gripped your thighs, curling into fists against the floorboards.
His arms straightened, the smooth curve of his biceps flexing as you fucked him mercilessly on the wood. Every piece of him was yours to claim as his moans grew louder, letting himself be mastered like a steed.
“Darling, uhhh...hevder meg s-som det er siste g-gang, fucckkk yes, like...like that.”
His moans thundered around the enchanted walls, every staggered breath exhaling a louder groan than the one before. His hair spread in a dark halo against the mahogany, allowing himself to be used for your pleasure; allowing himself to be serviced like a king.
“Loki...f-fuck you feel incredible” you keened, as your clit rubbed against his base; tugging with every low drag of your groin against him. You leant forward, catching his open mouth in a messy kiss as your hands combed past his temples.
Low sounds of his taunt ass smacking against the wood peppered the air as he began to take back control, the approach of his orgasm making him greedy. “You are the best fuck I’ve ever had, Y/N...do you know that?” he purred against your lips, the crash of his tongue against yours silencing any response.
You felt your pussy tighten, the throbbing in your swollen clit cresting as you came hard around him. A staggered whine of his name filled the air as you braced against his horizontal chest, nails scratching down his shoulders.
Loki grunted like a beast as your howls of pleasure vibrated against the skin of his neck, the grip of your thighs pressing vice-like at the sides of his own. One of his hands cupped the back of your head, tugging you roughly upwards into another deep kiss.
Your god moaned wantonly inside your mouth, unable to tear himself away from the addictive taste of your insatiable lust. His breath buffeted down your throat in hot gasps as he clamoured against the rising tide of his own cum, ready to fill you to the brim.
He released a guttural growl, primal malice grunting from his chest as strong fingertips sank into the soft flesh of your thighs. “Mine.” he murmured, his eyes narrowing as his thrusts slowed. “Nå... min tur, kjære.”
You gasped as he lifted your effortlessly, cock never leaving your dripping centre as he lowered you to the sofa.
He reclined you at an angle with the armrest, positioning himself in a way which completely encased your willing body under his dominant protection. One of Loki’s legs knelt to your side, the other angled to the floor as he settled between your thighs; his length rubbing gently inside your pussy still searing from climax.
“Such a desperate mortal, aren’t you darling” he goaded, watching your head fall back with a mess of tangled hair. “Pathetic, really. How much you crave me…” he hummed thoughtfully, making lazy circles on your tingling clit with his thumb.
It had been a while since he had degraded you thus. You had missed it.
“Never happy with what you are given. Always wanting more. Well let me give you more, darling. Let's see how well you take the full might of my Asgardian cock.”
Your stomach fizzed at his words, breath growing short. Had he been holding back? The thought terrified and thrilled you at the same time as you lay totally exposed to his will, legs wrapped around his muscled hips. Your ankles were crossed above the curve of his perfect ass, his stomach muscles clenching just below your line of sight.
The first thrust met the base of your open thighs with a heavy thud as you cried out in surprise. He felt bigger, somehow. Wider. Thicker. Loki had always been a strong lover, able to bend you to his amorous needs...but this was different.
A level unlocked in the depths of him as he withdrew and hammered into you once more. “Loki…” you gasped, tears welling in your eyes.
“Too much, love?” he murmured quietly, the facade of his domination slipping. You shook your head, biting your lip. “That’s my girl.” he growled gently as he looked down at you, the corners of his lips curling wickedly as he thrust into you again.
Loki's jaw clenched as he moaned your name, savouring every drag of his cock out of your tight hole as you squirmed in bliss beneath him. “I enchant it to be less intimidating…” he grunted, thumbing your clit with increasing intensity. “But you have been so needy today pet that c-clearly...maximum fucking is required.”
“Maxim-um...m-ma…?” You stammered nonsensically, waves of pleasure simmering your blood as he bottomed out again.
The fact that his cock was even bigger than you thought, some kind of illusion...you would ask him later. For now, Loki taking his pleasure through filthy groans of your name, filling you with his godly flesh, taking you like a whore as he pleased. That was all you needed in this world.
“L-loki I’m going to cc-come again, fuck...Lokes…” you whined. Loki chuckled, strands of hair trailing seductively around his cheekbones. “Then take it, pet...while you can.”
The walls of your cunt clenched around the absolute unit filling you, your centre of pleasure impaled on his own as you leant up to catch him in a desperate kiss. Hands which had been braced against the sofa wound around his shoulders, pulling him deeper as he grunted dirty whispers through gritted teeth. “Are you ready, my little god-slut. Do you want me to claim you for my own?”
“I’m already y-yours, Loki” you whispered, body rolling with the throes of never-ending climax as he took you against the leather upholstery.
“One cannot become complacent in these matters, darling” he purred, edging his unbearably wide tip at your soaking entrance, arousal smeared across your inner thighs. "I need to be certain."
He bottomed out slowly, the muscles in his face twitching as every inch was pushed through with intent. He bared his teeth, the pleasure of your tight centre relenting twisting his features in an awe-struck grimace.
A strained groan slipped from the back of his throat, the guttural noise making you clench against him. You heard the slurp of your juices deferring to the blissful intrusion, legs twitching as Loki of Asgard took you all the way.
Strands of his hair fell in waves across your face as he rocked against you, feeding your voracious cunt with all the attention it craved.
“Goddddddd” you moaned sluttishly, nails digging into his precious skin; tearing down the flanks of his ribs.
Loki began to pant, fully formed dirty mutterings replaced by loud exhales that filled your ear with warmth. One of his arms was braced against the back of the sofa, the other desperately massaging your breast as his breaths staggered. “I’m going to fill you...sate you, darling..with my m-y..varmt frø som...hot.fuckk... jeg vet du krever...”
“Yes L-loki...fill me with your h-hot c-cum, uhhhh... I need it.” you begged, salivating with need as he came undone. “Please, give it to me…”
The desperate whines from your parted lips were enough to tip him over the edge. You thought your eardrums would burst with the volume of his thunderous orgasm, tearing the air like dragonfire through city streets.
His cock dove to the hilt between your widened legs, the force of his cum hitting the back of your channel like a soft blow to the stomach as you gasped in surprise. Syllables of your name soared from Loki’s throat to the ceiling, a prayer of adoration as he spent his load inside your ravenous pussy.
He slowly lowered his head against your shoulder, low grunts of satisfaction huffing against the sweat-dampened skin he found.
“I fucking love you” he murmured gently, placing deep kisses along your collarbone. A gentle thrust of his cock made you whimper, a reminder that he was still nestled inside you. And that despite his devastating climax, he was still hard.
You smiled, noticing that the familiar feeling of his ‘normal’ size had returned.
“May I consider my lover satisfied now?” he chuckled, eyebrows slanting as he followed your gaze flickering pointedly towards his bedroom.
“Almost.” you purred.
Loki’s lips twitched in a knowing smile.
Norwegian Rough Translations
hevder meg som det er siste gang – claim me like it’s the last time
nå... min tur, kjære – now, my turn darling
varmt frø som jeg vet du krever – fill you with my hot seed
@lokischambermaid @lady-rose-moon @mochie85 @vbecker10 @michelleleewise @simplyholl @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @lokikissesmyforehead @ladylovesloki @xorpsbane @peachyjinx @trickster-maiden @ladymischief11 @mrsbarnes32557038 @loopsisloops @thedistractedagglomeration @gigglingtigger @cakesandtom @ravenwings73 @handsaroundmyneck @five-miles-over @peaches1958 @123forgottherest @anonymousfiction211 @yelkmelk @nerdy-fangirl-65 @kats72 @muddyorbs @holymultiplefandomsbatman @fictional-hooman @avengersalways @itsybitchylittlewitchy @toozmanykids @lokiprompts @siggytumbles @filthyhiddles @skymoonandstardust @mischief2sarawr @demoiseller @silverfire475 @simplyholl @daggers-and-mischief @nataliewalker93 @mistress-ofmagic @goblingirlsarah @lonesomegrace @tiredbut-here @ozymdias @trojanaurora @marygoddessofmischief
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denaliwrites · 11 months
Make Me Glow
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Peter Vincent x Fem!Reader
Summary: Peter always knows just what you need when your period is making you absolutely miserable.
Soundtrack: Heart Attack (Rock Version) by Demi Lovato
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Periods, Cramps. Use of Bitch as a Term of Endearment. Taking medication.
If there was one thing you were grateful for in Peter's penthouse, it was the giant luxury bath he'd insisted on having installed. You didn't typically use it, but sometimes it was just what you needed.
Especially on your period.
You moaned when you made contact with the water, sinking slowly into the delicious heat and watching the tendrils of steam dance as your descent into the water sent ripples across the surface.
You wanted to cry at the near-instant relief you felt as the warmth surrounded you, drastically easing your aches with each passing second. You wished you could stay in the bath forever.
For a few minutes, you simply lay in the water, letting your mind go blissfully blank once your pain was relieved enough that you could take your mind off it.
But that was boring, and you only had so much time before Peter got back, so you grabbed the remote from the shelf behind you and clicked on the TV mounted on the wall in front of you -- that one had been your idea -- and flipped the channels until you settled on an episode of I Love Lucy.
It wasn't your typical choice, but right now you just wanted to pretend real problems didn't exist.
You didn't realize you'd fallen asleep until you were jolted awake by an annoyed voice emanating from somewhere nearby.
"I swear," Peter was saying, and your drowsy eyes finally found him standing in front of the mirror, peeling his false goatee off. "Oh, now she's awake!" he growled, seeing your eyes on him through the mirror. "Missed my whole rant, lazy bitch."
When he saw the hurt look in your eyes, he visibly deflated. "Oh, darling," he sighed, leaving the mirror to kneel at your side. "What's wrong?"
"Period," you said simply with a despondent shrug.
"Oh, dear," he cooed, petting your hair for a moment. His hand dipped into the water, no doubt checking the temperature, before withdrawing it with a low whistle. "Darling, that water is freezing. Let's get you out of there."
You nodded, letting him help you up and out of the tub. He pulled the plug, turned off the TV, and grabbed the towel you'd put in the warmer before you'd gotten into the bath. It was wrapped snugly around your waist with a kiss to the top of your head.
"There you are," he said soothingly. "Let's get you out of here, yeah?" You nodded, and he shepherded you to the bedroom, where you were pushed gently onto the plush duvet.
He could tell that your pain was returning by a strained whimper that escaped your best attempts to withhold it, and by the way you clutched at your belly.
"Oh, darling," he sighed, kissing your head again. "I'll be back, you get settled in."
You nodded, and then he was off again. While he was away, you unwrapped the towel from around yourself and carefully slid under the covers of the bed. They were warm, but you missed the bath. You wished you could go back in.
You'd take another one tomorrow, you decided.
Peter sauntered back into the room holding a glass of water in one hand and a tub of your favorite ice cream in the other. "Water and pills first," he told you, handing off the glass and two Advil into your waiting hands.
Dutifully, you took a sip of the water and downed the pills, then downed the rest of the water in one go.
"Oh, good girl," he praised you, sounding genuinely impressed. He held the ice cream out to you, and you snatched it up eagerly, as well as the spoon he'd placed over the lid.
"Now, do you want to watch a bunch of idiot teens get killed in increasingly terrible ways?" he asked you, settling into the bed behind you. He was over the covers, you realized when you noticed that you couldn't immediately feel his body heat, and that his skin wasn't touching yours.
"That sounds good," you whimpered with a nod.
He put on Friday the 13th, and you happily dug into your ice cream while the two of you watched the movie.
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rainylana · 5 months
send some emojies, get a drabble or random headcanon<3
“oh, dear, god.” his head is tilted back, leaning against the hot, scorching metal of the rusty ferris wheel. “shit, baby, ah, yeah, just like that, honey.” his face was painted purple and red, changing from blue to green in an instant, the glowing flare of fireworks making his skin change color like a chameleon.
your lips are cool against his cock, the coldness of your ice cream cone creating a new sensation against his length, thrusting in and out of your throat. your knees ache, hot to the touch as you kneel in front of him, the metal wheel rocking slightly. you’re at the very top, nerves of anticipation, the idea of getting caught, sparking in your veins.
“oh, baby,” he bucks into your mouth, hands gripping at the seat underneath him. he squeezes his eyes shut, trying his hardest to last, but his seed shoots in your mouth and slides down your throat. “fuck, oh, ah, fuck-”
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rhodesrider · 9 months
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My Girl (Part 2)
(Same warnings as last chapter, just violence is more a bit lol)
The table was silent, everyone was either watching what the other was doing or just quiet to see who was going to talk first. Cody sighed and had files on the table with the photos of the man that attempted to kidnap Y/N. He was grateful she got out of that but felt so guilty that she had to deal with it. “Does anyone have anything to say?” He said low, slowly getting agitated from the silence. You could hear a few coughs and sniffles, but finally someone spoke up. “Cody we are trying to figure out who’s behind this but is busy with our own territories it’s getting a bit risky..” Roman sighed. Cody nodded at the comment but was still in anger. Trying to hold it back because he’s not the best as an angry man. “Rhea you sure he had nothing to do with your organization?” “For the last time, no.” She grumbled. “I would have told you something Cody. I mean I wouldn’t want this to happen to Nicole and I’m pretty sure that Roman wouldn’t want this happening to Dasha.” “It has happened to Dasha.” Roman interrupted, remembering when Dasha was taken, they wanted money but Roman found her and lit that bitch up making sure he left a good warning of them to never try this again. “I feel what he’s feeling so someone has to know something.” AJ sighed thinking and pulling out his phone, “I know you do not wanna speak to him right now Cody but he might know something.” AJ shared the contact, Cody looked at it in confusion. “Why are you still-“ “Haven’t made contact with him in a while.” He disclosed and Cody sighed. “Ok, I’ll try.”
After the meeting, Cody went to his study and was in stress. He needs to figure out who was behind this. Soon he heard a soft knock on the door, he smiled some knowing it was Y/N. She came in with cups of hot cocoa, two big marshmallows in each cup. “Coco pumpkin? You know the way to papas heart.” He smiled and took a cup from her, he noticed her hand was shaking and immediately got worried putting the cup down and holding her hand. “What’s wrong princess?” He asked low, looking in her eyes in comfort. But so much has changed since that incident. Her eyes looked darker in distress and tiredness, and she wasn’t giving the usual glow that makes Cody melt in an instant. “Papa, will they take me again?” She asked, her voice cracking some. It hurt Cody, he wants her safe, and he still has no lead. “No baby, not while papa is here. I will always protect you and love you.” It hurt Cody so much, he doesn’t want her to feel this way. He needs to take her mind off this. “Hey pretty girl, how about we go shopping tomorrow? It’s been a while and you can pick papa out something nice.” She was hesitant at first but she nodded missing the feeling of being outside some, plus it’s more quality time with her papa. “Ice cream after?” He nodded and pulled his pinky finger out to make a solid pinky promise. She nodded linking hers and shared a small kiss with Cody. “Papa drink before it gets cold!” She soon remembered her cup and they shared some of the night talking and sipping on a warm treat, little did they know they were being watched.
The next morning it was the usual routine, she smiled as she was in the mirror looking at the velvet tracksuit she was styling. A beautiful light blue, cute chunky shoes and to top it off a a small bag of periwinkle with some cute shades. Cody wore a white tracksuit on the phone with AJ again still unsure about calling the mystery person, he glanced at Y/N and blushed some. “AJ I don’t want nothing happening to her again, she’s all I got…” The flashback soon played in his mind, remembering when he first met her. His fist clutched happy getting her out that situation he just didn’t wanna be the person to put her back in to one. “Call the number, and figure it out Rhodes that’s all I got for you.” Cody heard him hang up and that just made him more angrier. “Papa! Let’s go!” Only that voice could calm him down, make him smile again, and someone is trying to take that from him. He looked at the number and he saved it so he can get a hold of an old member in his alliance. He grabbed his wallet and went to the door where Y/N was waiting smiling as bright as she could happy she’s around her papa. He’s dreading that call…so taking his mind off helps.
Cody was on high alert, looking around and keeping an eye out for anything stupid while Y/N tried on clothes. “Papa, red or pink?” She asked while looking at the cute dresses she picked out in the dressing room, she didn’t hear anything so she peeked seeing Cody was sitting there, shaking his leg and head down. “Papa…” she sighed low as she felt so bad, it’s not her fault that it happened but she felt like she can get something done. She put on the red one and popped out the dressing room, Cody shot up some and smiled seeing the beautiful dress on her. “I love it baby, did you want to get it?” He pulled out his card and she nodded. But something stopped her, she looked around some and she saw a man watching her from a distance. “Cody, on my right by the bath and body works…” he glanced a bit as well and saw the same man. “Hm bold isn’t he?” He texted some of his men the man and his men that was posted around quickly saw their target. This time this one was gonna be alive. Cody then got the dress for her and had to go ahead back to the house. He tired to dip to the back of the mall through the back doors but was caught up, he tried to fight but was brought down and taken to a van to a disclosed area. Cody got the message an hour later smirking and holding Y/N bouncing her in his lap while she watched some cartoons. “Baby can papa-“ “Nope, you stay here.” She glared. He sighed knowing she’s mad she had to leave the mall early, he smiled and kissed her cheek. “Just a call please, I’ll be right back.” Y/N nodded in defeat seeing his puppy eyes and moved, watching him leave the room.
He took the FaceTime call on his MacBook and saw the man beat up in the chair. “Has he said anything since you guys got him?” His workers said no. “Get his phone and send it to me I want it by tomorrow.” Cody sighed. The man looked up from the chair seeing Cody, “Sleeping beauty is up.” One of the workers said. “Point the camera.” They did so and Cody looked at the pathetic man, “You made a big mistake, I hope you know that. Disturbing my peace. You guys do what ya want to him, I’m getting ready for bed.” He shut off the laptop and sighed. The files were sent to his phone and knew he should have made the call instead of procrastinating. Seeing the call log and the text messages, it was one of Drew’s men. But why target Cody? He went back and saw Y/N was waiting on him drinking juice, she smiled seeing him in the doorway. “Papa wanna continue the movie or go to bed? You look sleepy.” She pouted worried. “Yea baby let’s get to bed it’s getting late.” She nodded cleaning up her den some and walked with Cody to bed yawning herself. He held her hand the whole way so happy he’s close to ending this whole debacle. “I love you princess.” He said as they were lying in bed together looking at the ceiling. “I love you more papa…” she trailed off to sleep.
“He thinks he’s smart. Two can play that game Rhodes.”
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