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synthient · 2 months ago
ok fine, I'll be the defender of The Drums Thing if no one else will. Like no, it shouldn't be the sole retroactive explanation for their whole deal, but it works just fine as An element of their backstory. They had a form of chronic pain slash psychosis that their whole society gaslit and belittled them about from childhood on. That experience helped feed their desperation to never be seen as weak, but it also made them lean all-in on their reputation as mad/"cuckoo bananas," as a way of controlling their own narrative & preempting other people's ableism. It alienated them from time lord society, while making them all the more desperate to be the "ultimate" time lord and make up for their "defect," instead of questioning the whole value system. Even the Doctor bought into the framing, in ways that the Master has both resented and exploited (you wouldn't hit your friend who's Fragile and Mentally Unwell, would you? đŸ„ș). Juicy stuff tbqh
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the-apocrypha · 9 months ago
Dude, I gotta tell you how much I appreciated your cottagecore update. Honestly, it was just what I needed today. Any time I see an update from you, instantly i'm just ~~~my crops are watered, my skin is clear, my headache is evaporated~~~ Instant balm, Aquaphor for the soul.
I also love how you're blending the lovey aesthetic ~cottage~ material with the -they live in a shack in the woods and nature has a hit out on their lives- material. That's why hurt and comfort go so well together; you really need one for the other to make its fullest impact, and you've got that down pat. Mmmpf, it's the endurance, and the grit, and the perseverance- so inspiring!
(Also, as an additional aside, your style of writing to me is proof that you can be both poetic and characterized and elegant- and succinct. Important stuff for an overly wordy bug like myself.)
I pray for good news about the life of Cat as well, I hold out hope that she survived Eskham, if just to terrorize Dream and Hob more.
Oh my goodness, this message totally made my day. Wow. Thank you so much! I absolutely have my own authors whose writing is also an InstaCure for That Which Ails You, and it's an honor to be that for another person.
The cottagecore setting is actually pretty convenient, as writing goes, because it's historical + magic, which means I can make things exactly as easy or as difficult as I need to depending on what the narrative calls for. We get a little bit of sitting cozily before the fire with your embroidery and your whittling, and we also get bedpans and moldy hay.
I especially appreciate your comment about my writing style, because I honestly feel like I don't have much of one! I am not very poetic, by nature, and most of what I write feels very functional. Brevity it always something that I am striving for, though. A lot of my writing process is typing things out, reading it, and then finding a shorter way to say it.
(Cat is the dark horse of this series, I swear to god, you are one of many demanding for her rescue. A GENTLE REMINDER THAT TRANSFORMATIVE WORKS ARE WELCOME, FOLKS.)
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willtheweirdrat · 2 years ago
Somehow was both the gifted one and the problem child. Every teacher-parent meaning was like "She's smart but if she doesn't start paying attention and remembering stuff I'll go on a killing spree". Gee thanks for yelling at me to pay attention, 5th grade english teacher that made me afraid to go to school, you just fucking instacured my ADHD.
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envyglowbeautyusa · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Matrix WOW That Repair Instacure Build-A-Bond Holiday Shampoo Conditioner Mask
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i-miss-breathing · 11 months ago
Is it weird that while I hate my depression and anxiety I don’t want a magical instacure? Like it would be incredible but I feel like if it was offered to me it would seem too easy. Is that weird?
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desperatecheesecubes · 1 year ago
Now that we’re into March here’s my reading wrap up for February! (Part 1 because I read too many things for Tumblr)
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Interesting facts About Space By Emily Austen
Dates Read: February 1-2.
Review: 5 stars
Thoughts: I loved this as much as I loved Everyone In This Room Will Someday Be Dead. I was a little apprehensive in the beginning about how I would like this writing style over a full length novel but I needn’t have worried.
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Things You May Find In My Ear: Poems from Gaza by Mosab Abu Toha
Dates Read: February 2-3
Review: Four Stars
Thoughts: I don’t think I can speak articulately about what is happening, and has been happening, in Palestine. This collection was painful to read and very important I think.
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The Splendid City by Karen Heuler
Dates Read: January 29-February 4
Review: 2 stars
Thoughts: have you ever thought you had important things to say, sat down and thought real hard about how to articulate them, but then realized you sounded like an idiot? Yeah that’s this whole book. It’s BAD. It’s a fucking mess. I do not recommend it to anyone,
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Green Lantern (2023) issues 7-8
Dates Read: February 7 and February 18
Review: 3 stars and 3 stars
Thoughts: im really enjoying this run so far! It’s got everything I like! Hal’s dysfunctional relationship with Carol, Kyle being definitely totally mentally well FOR SURE, and Guy ready to fuck shit up immediately! I have not been reading the back ups because, and this is true, I could not care less about this son of Sinestro that’s been shoehorned into being. Sinestro already had a daughter who was complex and fleshed out. And if they wanted to keep writing Supersons they shouldn’t have aged up Jon đŸ€·â€â™€ïž. And can you fucking believe they’re ignoring Chris Kent again?! Everyday I be seething.
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Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
Dates Read: February 4-8
Review: 4 stars
Thoughts: Lisa See knows how to write books that destroy me and I hope she never stops. The scene where they were trapped on a mountain and debating which son to let die?? Holy shit. The movie was bad though lol.
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Batman the Cult issues 1-4
Dates Read: February 9, February 10, February 12, February 18
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: Started this miniseries because I was sad the Robin in Infinity Inc wasn’t Jason lmao. Over all this was an interesting story I guess but it’s no longer a unique one in the way it might have been when published. Batman gets beaten by his villians mentally kind of a lot now. I’d also heard this was a great story for Jason and I
 don’t really agree? He never really did anything lol.
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Infinity Inc: the Generations Saga Vol 1
Dates Read: February 7-9
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: I was so fucking confused going into this because I forgot it takes place on Earth 2, and ALSO because I didn’t realize the first few issues happen during World War II. But it was a fun set up. Can’t believe Dick went out like a bitch in this timeline tho. Homie does not have a good record.
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Superman Lost issues 8-10
Dates Read: February 18
Review: 3 stars (miniseries gets a 4 over all)
Thoughts: I wish the pacing had been just a little different (I would have loved to explore Lois dealing with her impending death more, Clark mourning the loss of a child more etc etc. also Lois getting instacured wasn’t my favorite thing) but I really enjoyed what this mini did. I’ll probably have to reread the whole thing to figure it out but I gave it 4 stars over all.
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Spidergwen: Smash! Issue 3
Dates Read: February 18
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: I just think they should make Gwen and Em-Jay kiss
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Adventures of Superman issues 511-512
Dates Read: February 18, February 22
Review: 3 stars, 3 stars
Thoughts: This arc was fine until Superman started swelling up a whole bunch
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2 Green Ham Green ham is a term used by the meats industry to de- scribe an uncured ham. Pigs harvested in the United States are five to seven months old and range from 260 to 300 pounds (live weight); hams weigh 20 to 25 pounds. Profes- sional ham curers indicate that the freshest green hams make the highest quality country hams. Professionals will purchase hams within 24 to 36 hours post-harvest, which may not be possible for the amateur ham curer. Grocery stores rarely stock green hams, and if special ordered the hams could be older than 20 days. These older green hams can be used to make country hams, but the quality will be limited. Local butcher shops may be the best option for purchasing the freshest hams. Typically, green hams should be trimmed before curing; most have a large deposit of flank fat that should be removed. In addition, any loose fat or skin can be cut away. The length of the hock/shank is a personal preference, but beginners should cut the hock off, leaving only 1œ to 2 inches of the shank on the ham. A shorter length will make it easier to pack cure into the hock/shank. Cure Mixture Cure recipes vary from state to state and person to per- son. The following basic country ham cure recipe can be considered a sugar cure, which is the most preferred cure mixture for hams. No matter what recipe is preferred, the main ingredient must be salt. Ham Cure Cures 100 pounds of ham.
8 pounds salt
2 pounds of sugar (white or brown) Other ingredients may be added according to preference, such as:
Black pepper
Red pepper
Nitrate/nitrite (Prague powder, saltpeter, Instacure #2) Figure 2. A shorter hock reduces the chances of the hock and stifle joint souring during the curing process. Figure 1. Green (uncured) ham. The flank fat can be removed before curing. The salt and sugar will absorb into the ham. The pepper will contribute to the color of the ham. Use nitrate/nitrite according to manu- facturer’s guidelines to avoid bodily harm. Typically, nitrate is used in dry curing. The cure mixture can be moistened with water, which will allow for better adhesion to the skin surface of the ham. Add just enough water to give the cure mixture a slightly moist or cool feel. A common mistake is to flip flop the recipe and use more sugar than salt, if this occurs the ham will spoil. Figure 3. The cure mixture. Ten pounds of the mixture is enough to cure 100 pounds of ham. 3 Curing Hams There are two methods (bag-cured and boxed-cured) to cure a country ham; both have advantages and disadvantages. Study both methods and determine which is better suited to your available equipment. The weight of the ham determines the amount of cure needed. For example, 10 pounds of mixture will cure 100 pounds of ham; therefore, 1 pound of mixture is needed to cure 10 pounds of ham, and a 25-pound ham needs 2.5 pounds of mixture. Bag-Cured Method The bag-cured method is commonly used and requires less labor than the box-cured method. Steps
Calculate the amount of cured needed for the weight of ham.
Open the hock by gently separating the lean from the bone and the muscle from the skin with your finger. Add at least four tablespoons of cure into the opening.
Rub cure on the surface of the ham, rubbing the majority into the exposed lean surfaces of the ham.
Carefully wrap the ham tightly with waxless paper to keep the cure in place. A 36 x 23-inch piece of paper is large enough to cover a 25-pound ham.
Place the wrapped ham in a ham sock with the hock at the bottom of the stockinet.
Some curers suggest the ham sit on a flat surface for 24 hours to allow the cure to absorb moisture from the ham, which helps the cure stay in place. This step can be avoided if the cure is pre-moistened as described above.
Hang the ham, hock pointed down, in a cool, dry, secure place.
Allow the hams to cure (the process of absorbing the cure mixture) at two days per pound of ham or another rule of thumb is 60 days. Figure 4. Gently separating the skin from the muscle in the hock will make it easier to pack the hock with the cure mixture. Figure 5. Adding plenty of mixture to the hock of the ham will fully cure the hock and prevent a soured hock and stifle joint. Figure 6. Notice the fully covered hock and how the cure is tucked between the skin and the muscle. Figure 7. Add cure to the remaining portions of the ham, rubbing the majority of the mixture into the exposed lean butt face and center portion of the ham. 4 To wrap the ham, begin with the butcher paper positioned in the shape of a diamond in front of you.
Place the ham on the paper and fold the bottom point of the paper over the hock.
Fold either side of the paper over the center section.
Fold the top over the butt face.
Fold the remaining side over the ham. Larger hams may require more than one sheet of butcher paper. A small piece of tape may be used to hold the paper in place. Figure 8. An overhead view of the ham fully covered with the cure mixture. Figure 9. Wrap the ham in unwaxed butcher paper. Figure 10. A fully wrapped ham. Figure 11. Place the ham sock over the ham wrapped in waxless butcher paper. Figure 12. A bagged cured ham. Notice how the seam of the ham sock is over the hock of the ham to help create the desirable teardrop shape. Hanging the ham with the h o c k p o i n t e d down will help create the de- sired teardrop shape whereas hanging the ham with the hock pointed up will create a bullet- shaped ham.
University of Kentucky
Cooperative Extension Service | Agriculture and Natural Resources | Family and Consumer Sciences | 4-H Youth Development | Community and Economic Development University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment Cooperative Extension ServiceASC-213 How to Make a Country Ham Gregg Rentfrow and Surendranath Suman, Animal and Food Sciences Introduction Country ham is the dry- cured hind leg of a pig that harks back to the way food was preserved before mechanical refrigeration. The country ham finds its roots in China and European dry-cured hams such as China’s Jinhua and Yunnan hams, Italy’s Prosciutto, Spain’s Serrano and Iberian hams, and Germany’s Black For- est ham. Country hams are drastically different from their more common cousin, the wet-cured ham, also known as “city ham.” The flavor of a country ham is complex, and the texture is unlike that of other hams. Historically, pigs were harvested during the cold winter months of December through early February. The hams were removed and allowed to cool overnight before salt, sugar, and other spices were rubbed into the ham to begin the process of making a country ham. Today those traditions have not died, but they have changed. The family tradition of butchering hogs has been replaced by buying hams from a local meat processor. And the environments of winter, spring, and summer have been recreated through mechani- cal refrigeration and heaters. Currently, more than 5 percent of hams are turned into country hams within the ham belt states of Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. The majority of country hams are cured in family owned and operated facilities. Country hams can be found in grocery stores and spe- cialty shops throughout Southeast and on the internet. None- theless, there are some do-it-yourselfers who want to start their own family traditions. Country hams are not difficult to make. The process requires a few easy-to-find ingredients and a secure storage area. Country hams are made in three steps: curing, salt equalization, and aging. These steps are outlined in the manual.
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testeuse13 · 3 years ago
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đŸ”șNouvelle gamme Instacure Matrix đŸ”ș Coucou Ă  tous, j'espĂšre que vous allez bien J'aimerais vous donner mon avis pour cette nouvelle gamme Instacure Matrix đŸ”șMon avis : Depuis que j'utilise les produits Matrix Total Results InstaCure mes cheveux ne sont plus crĂ©pus mais lisse, je retrouve de la brillance, de la lĂ©gĂšretĂ© et ils sont doux au toucher, mes cheveux sont nourrit en profondeur et ils sont plus solides donc moins cassants, la texture du Shampooing anti-casse est crĂ©meuse, facile Ă  rincer et surtout laisse une bonne odeur sur mes cheveux, L'aprĂšs-Shampooing anti-casse est facile Ă  appliquer sur la longueur des cheveux, la texture est crĂ©meuse avec une odeur trĂšs agrĂ©able et se rince facilement , le Spray porositĂ© anti-casse sans rinçage est facile Ă  utiliser grĂące Ă  son spray, il permet d'en mettre sur toute la longueur des cheveux, avec cette Gamme Matrix InstaCure, mes cheveux sont nettement plus beaux, moins cassants, hydratĂ©s et surtout souple et soyeux, les 3 produits sont Ă  utiliser l'un aprĂšs l'autre, les packagings sont trĂšs girlys, je vous recommande vraiment cette nouvelle gamme Matrix Total Results InstaCure. đŸ”șLes produits Matrix InstaCure conviennent Ă  tous les types de cheveux qui ont tendance Ă  subir des dommages mĂ©caniques tels que les fourches et les casses. Les dommages mĂ©caniques des cheveux sont causĂ©s par le styling Ă  la chaleur, le brossage intensif, le crĂȘpage ou les tresses et queues de cheval serrĂ©s www.gouiran-beaute.com/particulier @gouiran_beaute @matrix #avis #avisproduits #gouiranbeautĂ© #GouiranCreative #hair #cheveux #cheveuxabimes #produitoffert #nouvellegammematrixinstacure #Matrix #capillaire #soinscapillaires #routine #beauty #beaute #instacure (Ă  La Madeleine, Nord-Pas-De-Calais, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_1flgKbtC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blastkat · 3 years ago
I received these products for free from Influenster and Matrix in exchange for my honest review.
Matrix Instacure Anti-Breakage Shampoo has a beautiful fragrance. It's very strong. It lingers in my hair. Others have mistaken it for perfume. It does lather but not as much as the brands I ordinarily use. My hair feels soft and clean after use. I don't feel the need to use additional products. What I found interesting after using this product is my hair is returning to its natural condition. My hair is damaged and because it's graying has an almost brassy and harsh shade. Matrix softened the color. I don't dye my hair. I limit the products I use. I air dry it after I wash it. My hair is still damaged but noticeably less than before.
Matrix Instacure Anti-Breakage Conditioner has a lovely fragrance similar to the shampoo. I usually skip conditioner and use a hair mask as needed. I used Matrix Instacure Anti-Breakage Conditioner by working it into my hair from the roots up then combing it through with a wide tooth comb. It wasn't difficult. My hair was clean, soft, and tangle free after using the shampoo. I ordinarily lose a lot of hair each time I wash it. It doesn't concern me. My hair is thick and grows quickly. I noted the hair loss wasn't diminished. However, the amount of long strands vs the amount of hair due to breakage wasn't consistent with what I regularly experience. Ordinarily, I have quite a lot of broken strands. There were considerably less using Matrix. Another thing I noticed is my hair air dried a lot more quickly using just the shampoo and conditioner. I still have split ends. However, my hair appears healthier after using both the shampoo and conditioner.
I've never used a scalp serum previously. I was a little skeptical of Matrix Instacure Anti-Breakage and Scalp Relief Serum. The application process seemed cumbersome. The product initially felt very sticky. It was actually considerably simpler to apply than I expected. The unusual texture of the serum was temporary as I worked it into my scalp. I absolutely loved the cooling sensation on my scalp. It was refreshing. It seems to make my hair less frizzy, more functional, and less unruly than usual.
I applied Matrix Instacure Anti-Breakage Porosity Spray from the roots up and combed it through with a wide tooth comb. It made my hair feel more manageable. It made my hair look sleeker and less out of control. It was also easier to style.
Note: The before and after photographs aren't edited or filtered. They're taken in my bathroom in the same location, at the same time - approximately three am.
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dimi-store · 4 years ago
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Diabetes control Herbal Ayrvedic Tea #etsy #diabetic #herbal #Teabag #naturaltea #teacollection #freshtea #herballeaves #herbalteablends #diabetes #diabetesawareness #instafood #veganfood #diabetestype1 #instahealth #instacure #instadiet #diabetesmanagement #bloodsugar #glucose #diabetescare #prediabetes https://etsy.me/3hjik62 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRBbUbrLrxL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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monogrammarkets · 6 years ago
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Peace🌾Love🌾Cure🌾Tee #monogrammarkets #cure #peace #love #findacure #pinkribbon #pink #tee #custom #instapic #instacure https://www.instagram.com/p/B2LJaPigKPO/?igshid=1ap0ckrlk67uw
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15hammerheadsharks · 3 years ago
Literally every time I need to do work for the last couple days my first thoughts have been ‘Gary I need adderall’
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ladala99 · 3 years ago
Wolvden - Revisiting My Rulesets (Exploring/Scouting/Herbalism+Future Ideas Brainstorming)
I've reached the halfway point in Chip's reign and we're in the middle of a (fairly difficult) event, so now's a great time to take a look at how the rulesets I set for myself at the beginning of the generation are working out!
Exploring/Moving the Pack/Scouting
I have limited my lead wolf's Exploring to the biome the pack currently resides in and the areas directly bordering it. This means that to move the pack, I need to move one biome at a time, and that certain Quests that come from the snake are much more difficult to accomplish. Scouting as well only can happen in areas bordering my pack's current territory or areas I've already fully Scouted.
I also only move the pack during the Spring/Summer months and try to head home during the Autumn to be home during the Winter.
And honestly, I like those effects and I want to keep them. It's made Scouting the map a much more gradual focus and I/the pack has had to make choices about whether to fill out the map or go get decor. Previous Lead Wolves have had their maps fully Scouted within the first in-game year and I'm reaching year 3 with none of the north Scouted outside of my pack's home biome's direct neighbor.
When it comes to events like the Cataclysm event, however, I've had to make exceptions. Quests that involve Exploring in certain areas I'd rather do than skip, for example. And, well, at this rate I won't be able to get the Achievement for meeting all the Cryptids without Scouting and Exploring farther from my territory, as tomorrow it's becoming Autumn, and looking at a calendar, there'll only be 6-7 days left in the event when Spring rolls around again.
I think as an Achievement-related exception, that's alright. I probably would be fine doing the event without meeting all the Cryptids if I didn't care about the Achievements, so once that's unlocked I can probably play within my ruleset next time. Perhaps even limit myself further, only doing quests for Cryptids that directly border my territory.
This generation I tried out limiting how much my Herbalist can heal in a day, with the initial plan to halve the amount of energy required for every cure of the same disease.
I actually ended up doing a little bit of a harder version, instead increasing the denominator every time Gilda cured the same disease. (1/2 after the first, 1/3 after the second, 1/4 after the third, etc.)
That... ended up being too easy still. It was more difficult during the beginning, but once I'd cured the most common illnesses a couple of times, I've been able to instacure pretty much anything. I'm keeping it as it is for Gilda, but I think next time I'll go with this:
The Herbalist will start the day with 10 Healing Points. The first time they encounter a disease, curing it costs the full 10 Healing Points. This is similar to how I'm doing it now.
What'll be different is that the cost will only go down by 1 Healing Point instead of halving. So the second Open Wound (for example) will cost 9 Healing Points, then 8, etc. with the minimum being 1. The Herbalist will need the full amount of Healing Points to cure the disease, otherwise it'll need to wait until the next day.
This should hopefully make it so I'm not able to instacure everything. It may even mean that communicable disease will spread for a bit before I can get it under control!
Looking to the Future - What Does a Lead Wolf Affect?
Given the democratic nature of my pack, Chip does feel kinda useless. Sure, he's the father of the pack and has 4 votes (really 7 because Cherith always votes with him) vs. everyone else (other than his mate) having 2 at most, but he really doesn't seem to be making very many decisions.
But also, Chip is of the generation before I gave everyone biases towards specific outcomes of common votes. The next generation lead will have those biases. Perhaps, based on how strongly they feel about those biases, they'll dictate that realm. A wolf that strongly prefers the pack go after Largest prey becomes leader? The pack always will go after the Largest prey, then! If they weakly prefer it, perhaps the democracy roll will have a bias towards it, and if they have no preference, the democracy roll will go as normal.
Perhaps also that should affect how the wolves vote for the next leader. Look into the biases of the leadership choice and their mate of choice and vote for whoever that wolf agrees with the most.
I'm still brainstorming this. I'm also hoping somehow to figure out a political party type system where I have a set of opinions that are more likely to reside together. (Right now, every opinion's assigned randomly.)
Tradition vs. Innovation seems the most common real-world dichotomy (to put it in not-politically-charged terms). But what would be the innovation? I don't think it'd work very well in my pack.
Looks vs. Stats is an idea. Looks can be tied with easier gameplay such as living in easy biomes and hunting in easier-to-catch prey. Stats taking the opposite approach, preferring larger and more difficult-to-catch prey and living in harder biomes.
Natural vs. Fantasy is another possibility. Though I'm not entirely sure how I'd do that outside of decor.
There's also upcoming Karma but I don't really want my democratic wolves voting between "Team Good," "Team Evil," and "Team Neutral." I already have that on Lioden, minus the democracy.
Anyway. I'm still thinking about how to do this, but it's going to still be random for now.
Looking to the Future - Applicators?
On Lioden, I'm allowed to change up two traits on my King and anything I want for his favorite female.
I don't know exactly what I want to do on Wolvden. I'm considering allowing use of RMAs and Event Applicators on someone, but I don't know who or how yet.
My main hesitance, particularly with RMAs, is that there's no SC way to remove a marking or change its opacity. If I use it on my Lead Wolf and they end up hideous, there's nothing I can do about it without going back on my rule of limiting usage of GC items. Yeah, I can buy from other players, but it's still a GC item (and it'd be cheaper just to buy GC from other players anyway).
And Event Applicators... at least for this generation, they don't really fit unless I like, use base applicators on both of them and change their decor completely.
I just want to be able to add something to up the opacity, particularly in slots the wolves don't share.
What I do also may depend on who wins the vote. Wolves I choose based on looks I am extremely hesitant to change. But ones that are more plain-looking could perhaps get an overhaul.
Bonus Pic
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Yeah, just more brainstorming. For making it to the end, here's Prima, showing off the Monsoon Rains decor!
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tuscanyboy · 5 years ago
Instacure 500 Hand Held UVLED Battery Operated Rechargeable UV Curing Lanp
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veebeecouture · 6 years ago
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Everyone's at coachella and I'm just here like... 👀 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #veebeecouture #instagood #instastyle #picoftheday #photooftheday #fashionblogger #fashion #fashiondiaries #igfashion #styleblogger #stylegram #styleinspo #style #look #outfitinspo #lookbook #newlook #mules #instacurated #shoesoftheday #shoesaddict #whatiwore #primark #animalprint #summertrends #discoverunder10k #discoverunder5k #thingsilove #capetownblogger # https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNNmQThhiq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bkw8sonx6lu5
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dimi-store · 4 years ago
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Salacia (Salacia Reticulata) Diabetes control Herbal Ayrvedic Tea #herbal #Teabag #naturaltea #teacollection #freshtea #herballeaves #herbalteablends #diabetes #diabetesawareness #instafood #veganfood #diabetestype1 #instahealth #instacure #instadiet #diabetesmanagement #bloodsugar #glucose #diabetescare #prediabetes https://etsy.me/3hjik62 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRBbUbrLrxL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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