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witla · 2 months ago
Weirdo's Underworld Character Inspiration Post
I was doing that one template of 6 characters that inspired your ocs for the WU ones, but its very difficult to me because I realized most of my characters aren´t really inspired by previous ones. They are more of a mix of ideas, tropes, things and just like one or two characters and some real people.
So instead of having a headache to think 6 exact characters, I'll just list here some characters, people, things and more that inspired the characters; in appearance, personalities or both.
Why am I doing this? Because I'm bored lol. Also forgive my English, it's not my main language, so maybe there will be grammar errors, sorry!
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Why is he called Weirdo to begin with? Well, it's kind of a stress relief. I've been called a weirdo, even though I didn't really do anything that weird or strange (the weird thing about me in that time, I guess, is just that I was shy and I was a teacher's pet/goody two shoes/nerd). Some ex-classmates were just meanies, but don't worry; that's just a past thing, and it doesn't affect me, actually.
The first idea about Weirdo was pretty much that, the life of an awkward, odd individual during life, highlighting his struggles, howeverI thought an underworldly theme could be more interesting, to explore his personality and struggles but in the afterlife.
So the irony here is that Weirdo is named Weirdo, even though the rest of the residents are weirder and crazier than him in some ways.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Weirdo were:
Elsens from OFF (both appearance and personality)
The way people draw "insert here" characters in art, like gray/blank people
Chadam, a character by Alex Pardee, mostly associated with The Used (appearance)
The concept of anxiety/awkwardness/feeling weird itself
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At first Hoops was going to be freakishly tall and thin like most basketball players are, however I thought it would be a good subversion if he was the opposite: short, chubby, longer hair and with notable acne.
Of course the idea of Hoops came from basketball, most of my family including my dad and uncles used to play basketball, I loved to go to see them play.
However in terms of more inspo, Hoops doesn't really have from other characters, the only think I could point is the red varsity jacket he uses, reminds me of jock characters like Flash Thompson from Spider Man or Dash Baxter from Danny Phantom; except Hoops is not a big jerkass like them.
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Like their name, Enigma is a big enigma to me lol; I like most animals, and cats are among them; they are adorable! , so I just drew a literal cat person, but I'm sure I have some inspo behind them, because the idea of a cat with big eyes and no visible mouth at first is not a new concept.
I would like to talk more about Enigma but honestly that would reveal a lot of what I'm planning to show, aka no spoilers lol.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Enigma were:
Hello Kitty (Just in appearance, a cat with no mouth lol)
Mao Mao from Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (appearance)
Me-Mow from Adventure Time (appearance)
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Potion is one of those characters who got a lot of changes; in terms of appearance, her first design was so different, having a black dress, a droopy face, thinner eyebrows, and no visible lipstick, and she was first named Darling; this is because she tends to call others "darlings." After some fixes and tinkering, she is now what she is, but in personality she hasn't changed really.
The idea of her was, of course, a bartender, an alcoholic one, because alcohol is, for me, an interesting topic that can talk about addiction and coping. Well, I also love myself an alcoholic beverage, but I do control my limit.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Potion were:
Angelina Jolie (appearance)
Jerafina Tabouli from Smile For Me (appearance and personality)
Moira from Piss (appareance and personality)
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Doctor is an interesting case; my idea of Doctor is more of a fear I have, the fear of hospitals. Let's just say that there was a time in my life when I went to the hospital so often due to health issues, it was a bad time, this was between 2020 and 2021 before WU characters were made.
So Doctor was born from the idea of a crazy surgeon doctor that could freak me out and just wanted to pull out organs; however, I toned down his insanity to make him someone who genuinely cares and wants to do good for others even if he is a bit extreme on that care.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Doctor were:
At least 3 doctors I knew IRL (appearance and personality)
Like I said, the concept of fear around hospitals/surgery
Black Jack from Black Jack (manga) (appearance? and personality)
Doctor Dandy from Chulip (personality)
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Like Hoops, Climate wasn't really designed in the base of characters but rather a concept; his goat appearance comes from goats as religious symbols. Goats are usually seen as offerings, sacrifices, pretty much in a bad way, due to their curious appearance and behavior.
However, goats actually are pretty sociable and friendly; maybe Climate's personality as a cranky, malhumorous guy comes from people perceiving him in a bad way? Well, I'm not saying much on that as I want to develop more. But yeah, Climate's faun appearance is mostly thanks to goats in the religion/general symbolism. The only character I could think of who is based on his personality is Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants lol.
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Like Potion, Lucky had a bit of change, not in appearance much, but in terms of character, initially she was only a bassist of a band, her name simply was Bass.
Eventually I made her character of a ludopat who is obsessed with winning and thinks she is mature and hot shit, when in reality she still a teenager who doesn't exactly know what she is doing. Still she remains playing the bass, but it's not really her main gimmick now, and for that change in gambling, her name became Lucky instead.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Lucky were:
Little Miss Scary from Mr Men (appearance)
Celestia Ludenberg from Danganronpa (personality)
Juan Carlos Bodoque from 31 Minutos (personality)
Punks, specially in the 80s (appearance)
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Ocean had quite a change, originally he was going to be the typical surfer dude with a radical attitude, coming from a beach it's usually portrayed that way; But, like Hoops, I instead made a subversion, what if he looked like a surfer dude, but instead he was quite calm, laid back and not really interested in water activities rather interested in inventing/innovating and the irony on his name is that he has thalassophobia.
And in terms of appearance, he didn't looked so human like his final design, he look more abstract. Initially his appearance was based of the SquisherZ Oozurf from Hypnospace Outlaw, but then I imagined him more human, since he is the calmer and nicest of the cast.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Ocean were:
The Ocean itself (appearance)
Palm trees (appearance)
Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (appearance)
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Originally Mezzo was from a previous idea/universe I had, an artistic universe; she wasn't even of the main cast but rather a one-chapter character. to say the least, she was in a opera trio. But since I liked her design so much so I decided to snatch it and become part of the cast of WU.
In terms of inspo, the main idea, of course, is about opera singing; I just love the gracefulness and aesthetic of opera.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Mezzosoprano were:
Franca Mattiucci (appearance)
Head of a Woman (Olga Picasso), painting by Pablo Picasso (appearance)
An old OC I don't have a photo of (appearance and personality).
White with yellow roses and oyster mushrooms (appearance)
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Just like others too, Trim went through a lot of changes. I wasn't really sure which name was better, Cutter or Cut or Fade or Scissor, eventually I remember the word Trim which sounds better and fits well.
In terms of appearance, originally Trim's head was round, and so her eye and overall body were drawn more curved than sharp. I wasn't sure why I gave her only one eye, maybe to represent her precision and eye on detail; then I decided that it would look better to have more shapes to make the cast look different from each other, so I shaped her like a diamond, since she is flashy, fashion and pretty!
Some characters/people/things that inspired Trim were:
Blue Diamonds (appearance)
80's/90's aesthetic (appearance)
Hairdresser Octopus from Parappa the Rapper 2 (appearance and personality?)
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Skid is also someone who had tons of changes in appearance and personality. Initially he was a waiter hence the rollers. I had consider the names Skate, Speedy, Roller for him, then like Trim I remembered the word Skid, and well it was perfect and more natural.
Mainly, Skid is based around snakes; that's why his skin is green, and his arms, both in his old and new design, try to simulate striped snakes. Usually, snakes are also seen as evil (example the literal devil), they can be aggressive but there's also ones that are calm and docile and represent healing, so Skid has that in him, he can be abrasive, cold but deep down he can be a sweetheart.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Skid were:
Snakes, especially green pythons and striped ones (appearance and personality)
Jet Set Radio/Future (appearance)
Street/urban aesthetic (appearance)
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Like Mezzo, Rampage came from a previous idea/universe, a crime focused one, and like Mezzo, I loved Rampage's design so much I snatched her our of there and became a character in WU.
From her initial design and personality, well, she actually didn't change at all; her weird-shaped head and hair and dress style have stayed the same since I first drew her, and her personality also stayed the same: an athlete who is not really interested in athleticism but rather anarchy and causing mayhem.
So as for inspos, she doesn't really have any; I'm even shocked myself where exactly the idea of Rampage came from. I just drew her; she appeared in thin air on my head.
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Recently I've got a pickle with Virtue, I was having the idea of discarding her entirely because I was not really a fan of her design and personality. But now I roll with this new design I made for her.
Intially named Justice; Virtue's entire gimmick revolves around the trope of Blue and Orange Morality; she wants to serve justice and make sure everything is balanced out, but the ways she does it are questionable, hence why her appearance also has those colors on her.
In terms of more inspo, at first the idea of her was based on superheroes and supervillains alike, especially how they look in comics; some of them had ridiculous attires, lol. Now she is more the down-to-earth court reporter she was back then; still, she wants to be a superheroine in her way.
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Quantum is the resident that came after anyone else. While I was looking at the characters, I thought that something or someone else was missing, so I just got the idea of another resident, an old smart lady who is also as enigmatic, cryptic, and mysterious as Weirdo and Enigma.
She is mostly based personality-wise on some teachers I had. In my experience, most of the science-based subjects were taught by old/middle-aged women. So, like Doctor, the idea of Quantum is thanks to those IRL teachers; the majority of them were pretty nice! I only have a bone to pick with one of them.
Some characters/people/things that inspired Quantum were:
IRL teachers I had (personality)
Harvey Dent/Two-Face from Batman (appearance)
Woman with a Book, painting by Pablo Picasso (appearance)
Doc Brown from Back to the Future (personality)
The Judger
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For the leader of this strange underworld, my principal idea was to make something not human; I didn't want more anthropomorphism to play here. I wanted a TV thing connected with meat tubes; I just thought of something cool yet creepy, because if I saw this thing IRL in my face, I'd be terrified.
So that's what The Judger is essentially, an otherworldly creature that is hypnotizing, eerie, and something you wouldn't want to mess with. I got the idea of the body/head to be a TV pretty much as a symbol of the influence of TV on viewers, when it comes to news, entertainment, and how some people think it is a brainwashing machine. As for the meat/muscle tubes, it's just to add the mystery and oddness; you expect a TV to hang with electrical cables; instead, this mechanical thing is hanging by something organic/fleshy (gross!!).
So to summarize, I didn't want the Judger to resemble a human; I wanted the ruler to be a thing that you know means business.
Some characters/people/things that inspired The Judger were:
Analog TVs/Analog horror (appearance)
The Antisleep Volumes album covers of Blue Stahli (appearance)
GLaDOS from Portal (personality)
Also, I remember I saw some enemies? monsters? I don't know if it's from a movie or videogame, but they were floating TVs with their cables hanging. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Because those also influenced The Judger.
EXTRA fun facts:
Weirdo was going to be more of a jerk, he still has a bit of that but it was changed to have a more relatable factor as a nervous and anxious person.
Ocean’s necklace was based on one I received in a trip to Mazatlán, Sinaloa, sadly I can’t find the necklace, but I have the memory of it.
Enigma does have a mouth but it rarely shows up, it appears mostly when they are eating, their mouth is hollow, at difference of cats, Enigma doesnt seem to have fangs/teeth.
There used to be other residents before: Camera, Domino, Frog, Wrestle, Empress and others; I didn’t really know how to write them, so I decided that killing them off from a beginning was a better idea lmao.
I hope you liked this reading, I could have made a powerpoint but I don't have time really, I thought this would been published 5 days ago but busy is my middle name lol.
Anyways that's it for now, any questions or commentary can be at my inbox I guess.
Thanks -An Witlacosh
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duckysprouts · 1 year ago
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is dracula an allegory for sexual assault?? idk but here’s some medusa inspired art
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modernchemical · 3 months ago
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jayvik portal au because ive officially lost my mind. chell jayce coming soon
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moomoorare · 5 months ago
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Autumn Gem inspired by my Scales of Fate AU and based on Alfons Mucha's Autumn painting. This will be the first of four art pieces, hopefully coming soon.
In the meantime you can find my SOFAU ao3 fics here, and Alfons Mucha's The Seasons Paintings wiki page here 🍇🧡 leave your thoughts in the reblogs if u want, have a nice day, it's Autumn!!! 🍁🌼💜
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marshiegoat · 3 months ago
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🎶A choir never complete🎶
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mewcrossing · 9 months ago
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the old town of cheesecake island 🍓
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elderwisp · 9 months ago
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On Repeat - an oc tag
rules are pretty simple, pick as many (or as little) oc's as you'd like and find a song that you relate to them the most! feel free to mention why too! o and tag some more ppl too! that would be cool! i tag: @goldenwaves @acidheaddd @dejasenti99 @earthmoonz @moonfromearth @stinkrascal @matchalovertrait @lynzishell @sirianasims @vicciouxs @gvaudoiin-tricou @smulie @living-undead @pralinesims @lucidicer @literalite @nepotisim @mattodore @madebycoffee @daniigh0ul @changingplumbob @yukikocloud @cinamun @moonwoodhollow @youredreamingofroo @acuar-io @raiiny-bay
deep dive below ⇣
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Frances Dubois:
Something about the whimsical instrumentals backed up with the haunting vocals almost reminds me of someone stuck in a loop. There's repetition in the chorus that solidifies that feeling. I also like the juxtaposition of the French lyrics, like the second singer is aware and has a desire to change. When I think of Frances, I envision someone in limbo and part of that is the inability to make a decision. She finds herself stuck, in a way, her anxiety makes the decision for her because doing nothing is something. Whilst Icarus has helped nudge her into making decisions such as aiding her in graduating, speaking to Atlas, and supporting her in her audition. there's still this internal desire to make that move on her own. The first time we see her do that is when she decides to kiss Icarus, which in a way, pushed her back into her loop as it didn't end well. As of current events, she's avoided him since.
↬ sometimes - mattyeux and princess chelsea
Daniella Álvarez:
This song to me encapsulates someone who has had to be independent at a very young age. The beginning opens with spoken lyrics, "She asked me who's taking care of me, I said, 'I take care of me'" and whilst incredibly empowering, there's always that question of how did we get here? Dan is the eldest of two younger siblings. In fact, there's quite the age gap between her siblings and if we look at Valeria, she also looks just as youthful. Dan is the product of an unplanned pregnancy as well as a bit of a narcissistic mother. The disorderly environment in which she's been given, learning to be a caretaker of her siblings and the constant pressure of success has lead her to have self-sufficient character. Whenever I think about her dynamic with her friends, I'm reminded of this scene, and she's the glue that is trying to hold the chaos together.
↬ taken care of - suzi wu
Kai Castillo:
Christ this song is so good. The instrumentals backed up by the vocals, feels a bit somber. Throughout Tessellate, Kai hides behind the fact that he has these feelings towards Atlas and they've started to bubble over into jealousy as Atlas's relationship grows with Kai's sister, Taryn. I also love that there are a lot of comparisons here to Lucifer Morningstar and religious elements. Kai's relationship with his religion is somewhat of a paradox as he is a closeted gay man to his parents, his sister and church. In fact, he does a lot of things that would bring quite a bit disapproval. He's unforthcoming, somewhat suspicious because his secrets have given him a reason to be. His story is of one that falls from grace.
↬ i am the antichrist to you - kishi bashi
Atlas Dubois:
While Paul Julian Banks narrates a song about struggling with addiction, I noticed there's a bit of a different beat in comparison to the rest of Interpol's songs. The tempo is much slower, as if exhaustion has set in and we're barely moving along. When we meet Atlas, it's at the beginning of a fresh start, not really knowing what has happened prior. Slowly throughout, we pull back minor details that entail his complex struggles with addiction. What initially started out as a bit of fun, became all consuming, allowing any given opportunity to be a reason why he should use. The bridge of this song also discuss the contrast between himself and his partner discovering his addiction for the first time. There's also a change in his tone during that that I find to be so neat! It does remind me a bit of his relationship with Taryn. I do know that addiction lasts a lifetime, and that love doesn't solve it all, but I also know that right support is the most important.
↬ rest my chemistry - interpol
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spagheddiesquash · 2 months ago
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redesigned my MW sona/self insert guy…. did some expression doodles as well. felt he looked too child-like in previous designs so i attempted to mitigate that.. also wanted to give him a more interesting silhouette and change up his color pallette a bit!! overall very proud of how he turned out :^)
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deadendfriends-clangen · 10 months ago
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inspirations: @moons-of-dewclan @juniper-clan @rise-of-thornclan @barrenclan
FIRST PAGE (you're here!) - NEXT PAGE
hello i like drawing smelly animals and i like making guys up. welcome to vultureclan : ) i hope u guys like my smellies
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chrollogy · 3 months ago
lord scaramouche has a . . little crush? ᰔ
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“it’s . . for me?” “ugh. do you see anyone else around? well? are you just going to stand there and stare at it? unlike you, i don’t have all day to spare, you know.”
art by me don’t save/repost. inspo
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savs-sims98 · 4 months ago
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‧˚₊⋅ 🕯️˖♡︎˖🌿⚱ ⋅₊˚‧
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Astarion & Sylvannah Pose Core🍷🌿✨
Someday I would love to have some art commissioned of Sylvannah and Astarion in some of these poses. I love the gold accents so much. Ya girl is always rocking gold so it felt very fitting (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
I just know Astarion loves the look on her face when he has his goddess tied to the bed frame. With a free hand, she'll tug on his necklace and pull him close. AND we all know boy loves to switch🤭
‧˚₊⋅ 🕯️˖♡︎˖🌿⚱ ⋅₊˚‧
Art credits: Oliver Ler Marinkoski🪞
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mossymandibles · 21 days ago
I know most people are going to be like “huh what” since I don’t post enough worldbuidling stuff on here but I’m changing the alleged bottom/body of Hellmouth to “Abaton” rather than Tartarus. I like how that sounds better.
(Hellmouth is a common name for the massive split/leveled abyss/mother of trenches in the middle of Mors Astra’s ocean where all the leviathans/saints live and supposedly guard Abaton. These levels are what I often mention as ‘Depth Charges’ in some creatures descriptions I write)
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pistachi0art · 10 months ago
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This is what a hyperfixation does to a mf when there’s no new content you have to make your own
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yeehawitsjakee · 3 months ago
Um so I wanted to find out if Jaheira disapproves of you siding with the Zhents in the Aid The Underduke quest. Not only does she heavily disapprove but she also has this fucking emotionally devastating speech for you:
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Also if you say something like "She was going to kill Minsc, remember?" she responds with this line:
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I regret everything :')
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quirkyfries · 6 months ago
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Ta daa ✨
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spookyteeth · 2 months ago
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office pubert... @papamoldy..
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