#insect whump
ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
Has anyone done fire ant whump? The bright little stings at first easy to ignore, then worse and worse until you look down and see them everywhere? The first bout of itching as little red welts form? The hours where you think it's improved, only to have the itching return ten times worse by the time you wake up? The bites becoming blisters you can't scratch?
The ungodly goddamn itch?
This may or may not be related to an experience at the outdoor wedding I attended today...
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Hi, I saw this on your blog and wanted to comment anonymously.
"i have an "insect infestation" prompt and im wondering if you have any whump ideas that relate to insects 👀"
OP could have quite a bit of fun with this.
(1) They could lock their whumpee in a dark room that's filled with creepy crawlies as some sort of punishment from the whumper.
(2) Whumpee stumbles into the attic to try and find a way out and it ends up being infested with wasps and they are swarmed and grievously injured.
(3) If you want to go really creepy, you could have the whumpee restrained while the whumper has a collection of insect larvae and taunts the whumpee before dumping them all over them and letting the insect larave crawl all over them for hours and result in bites. Even worse if the whumpee already has an injury, but I will not describe that because that could get VERY messy.
I hope this helps Caff!
thank you!!!!
@wild-selenite-caffine :D
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Bug thoughts night. Time to learn things about bugs, whether you like it or not.
Did you know that the reason bug zappers are so effective is because they cook bugs in their shells? They quite literally boil a bug's blood, and since a bug's got an open circulatory system, it boils the rest of their organs with it. With most models, it lures the bugs to itself with a UV bulb, then kills them on the spot with a mesh of electrified metal - quickly, painfully, and with little to no hope of survival.
Because most bug zappers use a fluorescent UV lightbulb, their main catch is almost never mosquitoes - even if it's one that lures with pheromones, it casts a wide net, and it goes after just about any bug in the area that will be caught in it. Moths are the obvious one, but the majority of bug zapper catches are things like water bugs and midges - harmless bugs, but electricity doesn't discriminate between harmless and not. What matters is what's caught in the net is undesirable, and because it can be killed by electricity, it will be.
It is acceptable, because they're bugs. There are plenty of them, they're fine to kill, the world is better off without a few gross little bugs anyways. They're uncharismatic. Ugly. They're an acceptable loss. Who likes bugs, anyways? Who wants dirty little bugs in their space? In their homes? In their neighborhoods?
If it kills them dead, then it's an acceptable loss.
Might be fun to think about when writing your next story.
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thatsgonnaleaveamark · 2 months
this or that - whump tropes (53)
potentially dangerous flesh wound (and you might have to look out for rabies as well) or venom that a character might not even immediately notice?
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whump-mania · 3 months
something involving bugs and a whumpee who’s scared of bugs. Maybe tying them down and letting them crawl all over them and into their wounds and over their face. Just an idea, no pressure :)
(Tw: ants/insects, stalking, fear)
“So, I did a bit of digging before I took you.”
“Your blog. You post a lot on there—well, posted.”
“You’re a freak.”
“You really spilled on that thing, I mean…hah, who would just…tell the world all their fears?”
“…That was…o-only my friends were supposed to see that.”
“A lot of the stuff on there was impossible to do…you know, intangible stuff, like failure and death and all that boring shit. But one of them…”
“Hey, no no no, what the fuck is in that box—”
“Ants, who would have thought, huh? They’re so little and harmless. I even think they’re kinda cute. I had an ant farm as a kid.”
“Get the fuck away from me!”
“I know I shouldn’t believe everything I see on the internet, but…let’s just see if you were telling the truth or not.”
“No—No, NO!”
“Ooh, you’re crying already? I haven’t even poured them yet! How about…we start with the face.”
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cuteguywhump · 8 months
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Anaconda (1997)
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paingoes · 2 months
Crash Out
(Content: ex-whumper, whumper turned whumpee, physical violence, addiction, past abuse, fainting, minor insects/insect bites, minor ableist language, homophobia mention)
The old irritation was back and biting. Throwing his phone into the creek had helped a little bit. Being away from the throne had helped a little bit. The drugs only ever made it worse and the drugs were all he had. He twitched endlessly. He hadn’t realize how badly he needed it until the urge was right on top of him.
He couldn’t break anything around Lorelai. The only time he’d tried that, she’d starting packing her bags, and they’d had to pay the hotel staff off for the damages. It was the closest she’d come to leaving him, right then and there. Nonstarter. 
She noticed it this time, but she mistook it for withdrawal. He was seldom down long enough for the lapse to start really hurting, but she could still see the signs when they came. She ran her fingers over his temple in an attempt to be soothing. It only made the burning worse. He bit into his own hand just to feel the pressure.
Another club. Better maintained on the inside than the others had been. It was a pity they had set it out in the middle of the swamp like that. The whole city was built on top of the wetland. The air burned with heat even at the darkest time of night. Lorelai had bought a pointy pair of pink sunglasses and a snapback that said LIFE’S A BEACH. She lost both of them an hour after they had entered the club and soon after he lost sight of her all together.
Thank god.
He knew so intuitively what he had to do. His knocked his shoulder straight into the boy’s side as he passed. The drink spilled and his hands didn’t leave his pockets. The club was crowded and his movement was subtle enough for the whole thing to look accidental, if you weren’t paying close attention.
“Say excuse me, asshole.” He heard the boy hiss out from behind him. Paris had to wipe the smirk off his face before he turned around.
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” It melted into a glare. He didn’t need to force the irritation into his voice; it was right beneath the surface. He only needed to reshape it. It did not de-escalate from there.
The kid swung on him. Paris slipped to his right. He knew it was unfair. He was — for once — the more sober one in the exchange. His reflexes were overtrained. It didn’t matter. He’d been given an opening. He swung back. 
He pulled the punch, the same way he would have if it had been Delta. Not trying to kill him. Not even enough to seriously injure him. Just to do it. He got a few hits in just like that. There wasn’t any adrenaline in his body. All that existed was release.
It was a very funny feeling when the other party fought back.
The fight had to be mutual; he knew that ahead of time. He wasn’t crazy enough to just beat a stranger unprovoked. Still, the resistance he received came as a surprise. He wasn’t used to encountering it while in this headspace. In spite of what he’d planned, it caught him a bit off guard. Not enough to change the outcome, just kind of diminishing what he could get out of it. It shifted back into a normal fight just as soon as the kid had recovered. He was so fucking sick of those. The way they were matched up was decent, though. He gave more than he got, enough that he was momentarily sated. 
The bouncers got in the way before he could finish, though. They dragged both of them outside, practically throwing them onto the pavement. Paris landed on his feet, twisting out of their grasp. The other boy landed roughly on his side. All too familiar. The boy sat up, trying to struggle to his feet. The only reason Paris didn’t immediately kick him back down was because he was aware on some level how hard the concrete must be. No broken bones. That was a rule.
He shook his wrists out, ready to draw even more out of the encounter if he could afford it. He rolled his eyes as the club’s doors opened again and the boys’ friends came to the rescue. God fucking dammit.
He was right — the concrete was hard. They were all so fucking drunk and uncoordinated, but there were a lot of them. It was like fighting a moving wall. He wasn’t ready to be on the defensive. Not while he was like this. The most Delta had ever given him in return were cat scratches — sometimes electric shocks, if he was really freaking out. He’d barely even feel them until afterwards. Here, the sharpness of the pain took him out of the mood instantly. The one it forced him into was even stranger. For some reason, he started laughing. One of their fists caught the side of his face. Another half dragged him backwards, making him lose his balance even from a sitting position. He got the preternatural instinct to protect his skull. He felt the hard edge of someone’s boot collide with his interlaced knuckles just as soon as he did so. He’d just barely spared himself the head trauma.
“Not the head, dumbass,” One of them slurred. 
“Yeah, dumbass.” Paris was still laughing hysterically. Someone kicked him in the stomach, cutting him off mid-breath.
“He’s fucking insane. Like, mental sickness.” The boy he’d initially started the fight with had started to walk away. “Leave him alone.”
“Pussy.” Paris coughed. He flinched as one of the shapes above him moved, but another hit didn’t come. They withdrew.
He sat up slowly. His knuckles were bloodied, though he did not know if it was his or not. He glanced back at the club doors. The bouncers had been watching the whole thing. They shook their head. No re-entry. As if.
When he was back on his feet, his vision immediately got spotty. He thought it was another insect hallucination, but the movement was much more rapid. Like ink blots. The only reason he bothered to distinguish was because the hallucinations did not usually take up his entire field of vision. They didn’t threaten to take him down again. He blinked in and out of wakefulness and somehow did not stop walking until he heard the sound of waves crashing. Nobody could see the ocean at this time of night, only the darkness that held it. The beachgrass was right off the road. He took about five steps into the sand before he collapsed.
It was the that heat first woke him up. The sun had only just risen over the ocean and already it was unbearable. All his skin felt dry and course. He rose his head up slowly from the dune and immediately regretted it. He hadn’t felt the soreness until he moved; it did not go away again once he stilled.
He blinked. A small caiman laid within the reeds a few feet from his face. They watched each other for some time. Little insects crawled rapid and clumsy throughout the pale grass and into the sand. There was an itch in his arms and his calves. He knew he’d spent the better part of the night getting eaten alive. 
He crawled up through the sand. The pavement was too hot to touch; he forced himself to rise. He shook the sand out from his shirt and hair. The sweat that was forming on his skin moistened it, coating him in a gross, muddy substance. The gnats buzzed incessantly. His mouth felt like cotton. Hell on fucking earth.
He trudged the path back to the motel room. He was lucky the spatial memory was still holding up, foggy as all his other facilities had become. Otherwise he’d have been totally lost. Lorelai…wasn’t as good with directions. Hopefully she’d made it back okay.
When he entered into the room, Lorelai was sitting up in the bed in just her camisole. The blanket was crumpled up around her. She looked up expectantly as he walked in. She wasn’t alone.
“Oh my god, you’re still alive.” Lorelai gawked. “Did you get kicked out of the club?”
“No,” he lied.
“So you just left me there alone for no reason?” She asked.
“Very cool of you. I was worried.”
“Clearly not that fucking worried.” His eyes traced over the girl sitting cross-legged on the bed beside her. She was wearing Lorelai’s hoodie, which was technically his hoodie. She was also hitting his vape. She didn’t take any visible offense.
“I should probably head out, anyway.” The girl unfolded her legs and stepped into her slides. She gave Paris a quick once-over as she stood up. “You’d better take some Nexgard. The sand fleas burrow.”
He could immediately feel the itch, even knowing it was psychosomatic. She slipped the door open.
“You’ll call me?” Lorelai called after her hopefully. The girl winked without smiling and disappeared behind the closing door.
Paris held one open hand up in the direction she had left in. The universal — one-handed — what-the-fuck? gesture.
“What?” Lorelai’s tone was defensive. “You’re not my boyfriend.”
“We are on the damn lam and you’re inviting people back to our room?”
“Relax. She’s rebel. She was at Occupy.”
He could’ve guessed. Any breed of deviant sexuality typically signaled rebel allegiance. God knew Empire wouldn’t have them. That didn’t necessarily put his mind at ease, but he’d have preferred to be caught by one of the rebel groups over Nezu if it really came down to it. Lorelai held up a large envelope from the nightstand.
“She asked if I could drop this off for her at Coda since we’re already headed North.” She smiled a little.
“Fuck no.”
“Well, it’s my ship and I’m driving, so we’re probably gonna. But we can talk about it.” 
There was definitely an edge to her voice. He didn’t answer, knowing there was nothing he could do but irritate her further. He moved past her.
“You should shower,” she suggested helpfully.
“I’m gonna shower.” 
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat
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whumpshaped · 1 year
found a video of the worst torture/execution methods in history ! sooo happy to see many of my own fav torture methods on here. the rat bowl is my favourite :) but im very very fond of the honey&milk boat ride and the gibbet. video below the cut for anyone whos interested. the graphics r pretty intense tho w lots of gore
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bleeding-handprints · 4 months
Day 7 - Nightmare
Filling all @juneofdoom prompts with exactly 100 word drabbles!
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Trapped in darkness, she had no choice but to touch the body, feeling along cold flesh bloated from decay and crawling with maggots. When long hair tangled in her searching fingers, she broke down sobbing. It couldn’t be him. He couldn’t be dead. 
“Wake up.”
Her relief at hearing his voice turned into horror as the corpse rose, swollen fingers reaching for her. She tried to jerk back, but with her head pressed against the unforgiving bricks, she couldn’t evade the rotten flesh stroking her cheek. In the wake of his touch, maggots crawled along her jaw.
“Please, wake up.”
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astaldis · 4 months
@juneofdoom     @witchermonstermayhem
For the June of Doom prompts 1: "Help me." & Fetal Position and the Witcher Monster of the Month June prompt: "Yikes!"
Chapters: 1/1    Words: 2,158 Fandom: The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt of Rivia & The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members, Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt of Rivia & Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Maria Barring | Milva, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members (The Witcher) Additional Tags: Hurt Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion Whump, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Has Feelings, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, venom, Parasites, insect attack
Summary: While collecting firewood for the campfire, Jaskier goes missing in the forest. When Geralt finds him, a surprise is waiting for the Witcher. And it is not a nice one.
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scratchandplaster · 2 years
FEBUWHUMP DAY 2 - Flinching
CW: mild PTSD, dissociation, insects
Everything happened so quickly. The shadow creeped suddenly into their line of sight, Whumpee couldn't even think about their reaction; shoulders already protectively shooting upwards to enclose their bare neck and head, also curled inwards. Surprisingly, the dark silhouette came to an abrupt stop.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!", Caretakers voice faintly rang through the deafening rush of blood that filled Whumpee´s ears.
Right, they thought, it's just Caretaker, just Caretaker... Nearly losing themselves in their thoughts, the wretched lump of a person cowered at the kitchen table. The shadow right next to them started to shift again, slowly this time.
"It's me, sweetheart," Caretaker whispered softly as they lowered themself onto their knees, "You have something in your hair and I just wanted to-... I'm sorry! Please just look at me, ok?"
The silence between them gradually started to dissolve as the songbirds outside joyfully chirped their melodies through the open window. Until now, it had been a lovely spring morning. Caretaker swallowed thickly, their hands´ firm grip placed onto the edge of the table, keeping the fickle balance. "Whumpee, are you still there?"
The figure slowly, so very slowly, started to uncurl from this slumped position, their head lifting up and their arms lowering; turning towards the worried eyes which were still locked onto them. Tears were threatening to flow over, even though they managed to press out a wary smile. After what felt like hours, a quiet noise finally slipped from it: "Hi, Caretaker..."
"Hi yourself," they answered, letting out a nervous sigh and smiling back. "Are you alright? I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to-"
"What is it?"
"In my hair, I mean...", Whumpee responded cautiously, already seeming to come back to the present. With their back straightened again, they now had to look downwards to meet Caretaker's eyes.
"Oh," their counterpart mumbled as they themselves finally got up again. "It's nothing bad, I promise. Just don't panic, alright?"
"Panicking? Me?", came the sarcastic tone Caretaker was a lot more familiar with. "Never."
A beat of silence echoed through the kitchen again, immediately followed by a mild chuckle. Caretaker took the opportunity to calmly approach the offending object again, their fingers carefully enclosing the strand of hair at the back of their head. Still nervous about the first try, Caretaker locked eyes with their Whumpee again, yielding a reassuring blink. With the target now enclosed in their palm, Caretaker swiftly brushed their hand out of the brunette curls and presented their successful catch.
"Eww!", Whumpee started to laugh at the sight of the little brown stink bug crawling around the outstretched palm, as it quickly tried to climb up Caretakers thumb.
Sporting a mocking pout, they removed their hand and settled the little creature down onto the windowsill. They were glad this situation didn't escalate further, at least not this time.
I need to be more careful. "I said, don't panic."
"Oh, what would I do without you!", was all the thanks they would get this morning, at least followed by a cup of steaming coffee shoved across the table.
"Letting me wait and then scaring me half to death," Whumpee dramatically teased further, their cheeks however a little too pale. "A true hero."
"I love you too.", Caretaker sighed. Even though both were peacefully sipping their coffee, they were desperately trying to get Whumpee talking again. Not necessarily about what happened to them back then with Whumper, just about how they were feeling right now. Maybe the loving sarcasm really was something else: maybe they were still upset at that sudden surprise, maybe they were drifting off again, like they used to when they both first met. When they would retreat within their mind and leave the rest of them cowered on the floor, curled up into an unresponsive pile of bruises and cuts.
I don't want to go back to this because of some stupid slip up, they pondered, they have to know that they are safe with me, they need to know-
"Can you do it again?", Whumpee whispered calmly whilst staring through the window across the garden. The tulips were in full bloom, red and yellow dots gracing the lawn. "The thing with my hair?"
"Y-Yeah, sure!" Caretaker beamed, not overlooking the red-hot glow of subtle embarrassment crossing Whumpee´s face. Their hand slowly started to lift itself towards them again, across the table and down onto the silky mess piled on top of their head. Instead of twitching, Whumpee´s eyes fluttered shut lazily, even though their shoulders felt the need to shrug upwards a few inches. One step at a time, both let the tension slip out of the room as Caretakers fingers gently brushed the scalp of their dearest; letting the worry get whisked away by the cool spring breeze flowing through the tulips.
They both were getting there, day by day.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2023 Masterlist]
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staydandy · 2 years
Insect Totem (2023) - 虫图腾 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Pan Jun, a descendant of a famous physician from Chong Cao Medical Hall, meets the descendant hailing from the five great families from the Chong tribe. Together, they discover a trail leading to the hidden treasures of the Chong tribe. On their journey to retrieve these treasures, they undergo various adventures which leads them to discover the secrets behind these treasures dating back twenty years ago. (MDL)
Whumpee : Pan Jun played by Zhang Ming En (center left) • Zi Wu played by Zhang Jia Ding (far left) • Ouyang Yan Ying played by Lu Yun Feng (far right)
Country : 🇨🇳 China Genres : Thriller, Historical, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Friendship, Bromance
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the novel “Chong Tu Teng” (虫图腾) by Yan Zhi Yang (闫志洋). • If you don't like bugs this show may not be for you. It's called Insect Totem for a reason.
Episodes on List : 19 Total Episodes : 30
*Spoilers below*
01 : Pan Jun is bitten by an insect, causing his face to twitch … Zi Wu is found passed out, sick, large scratches on his chest … Ouyang Yan Ying is sick, passes out … Pan Jun's arm is wrench behind his back … treats Yan Ying … Yan Ying is hospitalized
02 : Pan Jun's face starts twitching again … uses his mouth to suck poison from someone, his lips swell up (comedic) … Zi Wu wakes up, staggers around, weak, passes out again … [flashback] Yan Ying is hurt in a fight
03 : [flashback] Found hiding, hurt & weak from the fight.. unconscious, sick … [present] Unconscious, covered in bugs, blue lips … Pan Jun has a hallucinogenic powder thrown at him
04 : … continued from previous ep. ... Woken from a hallucination … the still unconscious Yan Ying is treated, it's discovered that he's been poisoned (side note: the ✨movie magic✨ of having someone who's supposedly unconscious to still be able to walk to escape a situation 😂) … awake, assisted to walk … Zi Wu is scared of needles, has flashbacks of a past trauma of being experimented on, panicking
05 : … continued from previous ep. ... Panicking … [flashback] Yan Ying being poisoned with a bug (ewww)
07 : Pan Jun is choked during a fight
08 : Arm wrenched, itchy from a poison [poisonous bug] … choked … beat up
09 : Zi Wu is captured … tied up … unconscious
11 : Still captured, tied up & gagged
12 : Attempts escape, knocked out with a shot/drug … Pan Jun hallucinates
14 : Captured & tied up
16 : Yan Ying is shot … hospitalized … nightmare, apparently given an addicting drug that will require a painful withdrawal
17 : … continued from previous ep. ... Nightmare, breathing heavily … manic, holds a gun to his head, hits his head repeatedly, passes out.. in pain, treated with acupuncture … nightmare.. Pan Jun is bitten (by Yan Ying)
18 : Pan Jun in trapped in a room filling with smoke … Zi Wu is still captured & chained, helped to escape … Pan Jun almost passes out from the smoke … beat up, choked
22 : Zi Wu is choked in a fight
24 : Shot
27 : Shot, dies
28 : Pan Jun is attacked by a swarm of insects, stung several times, collapses, passes out … assisted to walk
30 : In a fight.. tries to stop a knife with his hands, shallowly stabbed … [in Pan Jun's vision of current events happening elsewhere] Yan Ying is shot & dies
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
A carewhumper using maggots to get rid of whumpee's rotting flesh.
Entirely medicinal and pretty effective for what they have.
But. Whumpee is clearly panicking.
So carewhumper has to strap them down
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✘ Non-human Whumpee prompts ✘
A/N: They have wings? Antlers? Animal ears? Make your whumpees regret they do. That's what whump is all about, after all. The comfort feels far better the more awful the hurt is, right? CW: Mentions of non-consentual intimacy and many, many more awful things.
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One thing for Whumper to do would be to dehumanize the Whumpee. In their eyes, Whumpee could be a freak or a lower class of being, prompting Whumper to hold a particular interest in them.
Slowly strip their 'cultured' nature, until only the primal instincts remain.
Make Whumper refuse them clothing - they wouldn't have that in the wild, right?
Whumper puts a shock collar on them, using it when the Whumpee tries to speak, to make them slowly shut down, becoming more and more quiet or even rotting away their capability for speech.
Cattle tagging. Placing strips of paper on the ears, strapping rings on the ankles, or even branding the unfortunate Whumpee.
Have the Whumper feed the Whumpee meals associated with their species. Give the predators raw meat, the avians seeds and worms and the herbivores plants, matching their natural pallette to further deconstruct the Whumpee.
^Bonus points if Whumper forces them to get their calories the 'natural' way - by hunting and killing living animals, or having them eat plants off the ground.
Showing them off like a kind of zoo attraction, maybe selling them to the highest bidder - potentially the Caretaker?
Obviously, taking away their bathroom privilages as bathtubs, toilets and showers are uniquely human. Whumper uses this to further erode Whumpee's sanity.
Keeping the whumped in an enclosure ("with glass walls - animals don't need privacy" - Whumper, probably) or cage, showing them off as a curiosity to their friends or other Whumpers.
Forcing Whumpee to go on all fours whenever moving around.
Taking them to a vet instead of a doctor, or introducing the doctor as such.
Teaching them commands like 'heel' or 'sit', all the while giving them scraps of food as rewards - just like one would do with a pet, not a person.
Forcing the Whumpee to breed with other members of their species under the threat of violence or abuse. This part could get exponentially more painful if the Whumpees are already a couple, or, alternatively, the two Whumpees fall in love and get together as one after their experiences.
^Maybe Whumper feeding them aphrodisiacs at a party to 'give a good show', deepening the humiliation and animalisation of the Whumpee.
Advertising Whumpee as an exotic joytoy and selling them off as such.
Selling/collecting/using/eating any unique substances they produce. Maybe these parts are valuable collectables, maybe they have uses in traditional medicine or the Whumper sells them to a legitimate research organisation, with them knowing or not about their materials' true, grim origin.
^Things like blood, hair, milk, skin, tears, saliva, fur, scales, fangs, nails, semen, feathers or anything else you can think of.
^Whumper making the Whumpee believe it's their only value, and the reason they are still alive, severely damaging Whumpee's self esteem.
Shaming the Whumpee for being the species they are with insults, mockery or even public displays of hate and humiliation.
Beating, torture and abuse for no other reason than their body - unique ears, tails, horns and so on.
As a consquence, Whumpee, previously proud of their uniqueness hate themselves for their characteristics long after their rescue. A lot of opportunity for heartfelt comfort here!
Scarring them permanently by damaging their characteristic anatomy beyond repair...
...or making the Whumpee do this to themselves in a moment of desperation/insanity, in a hope to make their Whumper lose interest.
^ Something like Whumper filing down Whumpee's fangs to "make them look normal".
If anybody feels a bit inspired after reading this whumpy brain rot and makes a fic, I'd love to get tagged and check out some nice whump. You don't have to, though. No pressure.
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Thanks for reading!
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Giant whump, from the perspective of humans being like small animals or insects
Giant who carries their pet human in a little purse like a human would a toy poodle
Giant who tries to help an injured human picks them up off the ground, accidentally squeezing their abdomen a little too tightly between their thumb and forefinger I’ve accidentally killed ants like this and felt really bad about it
Giant finds that a human has made a home in the corner of their apartment. Giant puts them outside to be humane, instead of killing them like their roommate wanted to do, only to realize it is too cold to put them outside when Whumpee instantly curls up into a little ball in the winter air. Giant decides to Keep Whumpee in a little jar, cursing themselves and hoping they’ll recuperate I also accidentally did this with a spider at work because I’m dumb and sometimes forget what season it is, apparently
Human bites being toxic to giants
Certain giants being allergic to human bites, in the way that some people are allergic to bees
Giant finding human who has been hit by a giant car nursing them back to health with cat food in a small animal cage and if you want emotional whump for the giant, have them come back to find the human stiff with gnats in its eyes…
Humans infesting a giant’s house like rats or cockroaches and making the place so dirty it becomes uninhabitable (possibly giving the giant a respiratory infection)
Or, Giant training Human to do tricks like a pet rat
Giants mercy-killing humans that are injured because they’re too small to effectively treat
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phoenixcatch7 · 20 days
Always interesting to see how each fandom handles death and justified violence, because it varies a lot more than you might expect.
Some take it more seriously, for some it's barely a thought, some don't really care if a character is a murderer. Basically no one gets legally punished for murder, like, EVER. Or legally punished for much of anything. When you see it you can't unsee it! So many characters should be spending at least a few months in prison!!
I gotta say, though, if I had to make a list? When it comes to understanding mortality and grief and guilt, death and its consequences for the survivors, I don't think I've ever seen a better fandom than Final fantasy 7.
This is in strong contrast to my experience with Game of thrones, whose fandom will brutally and viciously kill off named and main characters by the dozen without batting an eyelid.
It seems to be a combination of canon's death rates and in universe morality, that particular fandom quirk that inverts the happiness of its source material, but most importantly The Implications. You'll have seen this with horror games, you'll have seen this with comedies. It is FAR from guaranteed that a fandom will carry the same tones as its canon (just look at Danny Phantom 🤭).
What other fandoms have wildly varying tones?
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