#ino x neji
leewritestoomuch · 6 months
Hii!! I love your writing and was wondering if you could write something w the k13 + ss and whether or not they would catch you if you fell. Mybe also if you jumped into their arms, like that one trend a while back (like if they were holding something but you jump at them, what would they do)/and maybe how they are with trust falls!
Would they catch you if you fell?
This’ll be short and sweet
Naruto Uzumaki
He would catch you if you jumped, but he doesn’t even realize he did.
Then he’s confused because… what just happened?
He slowly puts you down
He’d always catch people in a trust fall too, but he can’t bring himself to fall back when doing a trust fall.
He wants to trust, but he can’t.
Sasuke Uchiha
He might step out of the way if he’s not in a good mood or didn’t even process what you were doing.
If he likes you, he’ll likely catch you. Then complain.
Doesn’t trust anybody for a trust fall, but he’ll catch you if you do a trust fall.
Sakura Haruno
Catches you with full intention to do so.
She’ll hold you for a second cuz she’s strong and you don’t bother her.
When she does put you do, she asks what you did that for.
She’ll trust you for a trust fall. She doesn’t trust just anybody, so that’s a compliment.
And of course, she’ll catch you.
Catches you.
Tells you he read about something like this.
Tells you what it means.
If that’s not what you mean, or if it’s outlandish, you choose rather you slap him or explain to him how that’s not okay. Then probably slap him for his response (I don’t agree with slapping ppl, but canon typical violence guys)
He’ll catch you if you do a trust fall. Thinks it’s good for bonding so he’ll fall too!
Shikamaru Nara
Catches you, but is shocked and like “what??”
Puts you down like immediately.
Somewhere in there, he said “what a drag.”
He’s not doing a trust fall, he doesn’t care.
But if you screamed, “trust fall” and just fell back, he’ll catch you.
Choji Akimichi
Catches you without question. He didn’t fully realize what was going on, but he would do it over and purposely catch you too.
He will carry you around if you want afterwards.
Always catches you in a trust fall.
He trusts you and Shikamaru to catch him in a trust fall, but Shikamaru always loudly complains about it so more so you.
Ino Yamanaka
She catches you, but probably scolds you for just jumping on her.
Like give her some warning??
Especially if she had anything in her hands.
She can’t bring herself to fall back in a trust fall, even if she trusts the person. She’ll shout about not wanting to do it, but eventually she’ll do it to prove herself.
She always catches you, but some people will get dropped if they try.
Kiba Inuzuka
He probably does the same thing to you.
Like “CATCH ME” and a man that is way too big and buff is flying through the air, right at you.
So yeah he’d always catch you, but it comes with a cocky comment about how much you wanna be in his arms. Beware.
Randomly springs trust falls on everybody and gets pissed if they let him fall.
He will catch you.
Shino Aburame
He’ll catch you… but he’s so confused.
Don’t do that again…
He’s a little scared?
Might think something is wrong, but he kinda finds it cute when he finds out there is no real reason for it. Like you jumped in HIS arms? 🥹
He’s not up for the trust fall shit, but he’ll catch you if you do it anyways.
Hinata Hyuga
Catches you, but she is nervous and startled.
She probably says something heroic sounding like “I will never drop you.”
She’s sad when you get down out of her arms.
She’ll trust you in a trust fall and catch you too.
Neji Hyuga
Probably steps back and then gets just a little upset that he didn’t catch you, especially if you get hurt.
That or you knock you both down to the ground.
He’ll tell you that you shouldn’t have done that, but he’s sorry.
Same goes for trust falls.
He’s not doing them though, not unless you annoy him half to death to do it.
Rock Lee
He catches you enthusiastically, probably hugs you tightly too.
Now he’s got an idea, and next time, when you least expect it, he’s gonna do the same thing. He ends up knocking you both to the ground because at the speed he jumped, even if you catch him, you’re both going down…
Another type to scream “TRUST FALL!” And fall, and expect you to catch him. He will get up like nothing and say “let’s try again!” If you don’t catch him
He’ll always catch you though.
Catches you and wraps her arms around you as she processes what you did.
She’s startled and maybe even a little alert, but when she pieces it together and realizes it’s you, she slowly puts you down.
She’s willing to do trust falls. She’ll catch you if you catch her. But if you prank her, she will give you that energy back.
Gaara of the Sand
He got startled and the sand blocked you…
He apologizes and probably lightly warns or scolds you about not jumping at him suddenly.
Tells you that you can try again.
He won’t do trust falls, but he’ll catch you with his sand if you do one.
Kankuro of the Sand
He let you fall.
Thought it’d be funny at first, but he’d feel like a total dickhead if you get hurt.
He won’t apologize though, but it’ll be obvious he regrets his decision.
Probably still tells you not to do sudden things like that, or more so, stop putting yourself in danger.
He’s not doing trust falls. If it’s the first time you attempt to jump or fall, again, he’s letting you fall.
Temari of the Sand
She’ll catch you, but immediately puts you down.
Tells you not to jump so suddenly.
Won’t do trust falls, even if she trusts you. Thinks it’s stupid and definitely not happening.
She’ll catch you though, then scold you for doing it.
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had some thoughts about Naruto characters and the question, "would you love me if I was a worm?", coming to you live from my roommate's text thread
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Sasuke: would you love me if I was a worm
Sakura: you ARE a worm, deadbeat. come pick up your kid from school
Sasuke: do you. love me. then?
Sakura: yes. please go get sarada.
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Sai: I do not understand this. Why have you not asked me this yet?
Ino: asked you what?
Sai: if I would love you if you were a worm. Do you not want me to love you if you were a worm?
Ino: what-- no? I mean, yes! I mean--
Sai, calculating: so.... you want me to love you as a worm?
Ino: uh yeah ig?
Sai: I would not.
Ino: oh...
Sai: worms are not beautiful. or smart. they are only worms.
Ino: 🥺🥺
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Temari: You would love me if I was a worm. I'd be the best worm ever, and you'd be a sucker just like you are now.
Shikamaru: Yes I would. You're already the best worm and you're not even a worm.
Temari: Good. Just making sure we're on the same page.
Shikamaru, visibly shaking: yep.
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Iruka: this is a dumb question.
Kakashi: I love dumb questions. You look hot asking them.
Iruka: ..... would....would you love me if I was a worm?
Kakashi, without hesitation: of course. you'd still be you, and besides--- I've never had sex with a worm before
Iruka: Kakashi no.
Kakashi: seriously, I think it could work.
Iruka: Kakashi--
Kakashi, eyes glazed over: I'm pretty sure there's got to be a worm jutsu that would allow us to experiment....
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Neji, trying and failing to be nonchalant: Hey Tenten?
Tenten, looking up from her training: Yeah?
Neji: I would love you if you were a worm.
Tenten: ?????
Neji: You know. Just in case you were wondering.
Neji *blushing*: I would.
Tenten, not understanding, but pleased nonetheless: Thanks babe ❤️
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Sakura: Hey Naruto, earlier Sasuke asked me if I'd love him if he were a worm.
Naruto: but he IS a worm.
Sakura: That's what I said!! But... It got me thinking.
Naruto: that you would love me if I was a worm too?
Sakura: no! I mean, yes I would-- but, I was thinking more if I was a worm. Like. Would you still love me?
Naruto: uh, sure!
Sakura:..... That doesn't sound very confident.
Naruto: listen, I just --
Sakura: no I get it, you just don't love me
Sakura: no it's okay, you've always liked Sasuke more--
BONUS bonus
Sasuke gets home. Naruto is in his room, sobbing. He's holding a tiny worm.
Sasuke: what the fuck are you doing?
Naruto, tears streaming down his face: ITS SAKURA-CHAN
Sasuke: what did she do????????? Is she okay?
Sasuke: WHAT
Sasuke, visibly panicking: okay. Let's not panic. She's a sannin-level shinobi. She just wants us to feel bad. She'll change back when she's ready.
Sakura, who has been outside the window the whole time and watched Naruto find the worm in the kitchen: I love those morons so much-
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Konoha 12 Domestic/Spousal Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns, Boruto Doesn't Exist, No Mentions of Children/Adoption
Completed versions of these headcanons will be linked on the character's name.
𓆃 Choji
Loves bonding over cooking and baking— whatever you like! If there's anything you're ever craving, Choji is taking to the kitchen to make you a gourmet meal as good as any professional chef!
Prime rib, lamb, tartare, croissants, macarons, soups! It doesn't matter your allergies or preferences, Choji can and will make you any food your heart desires.
Offers excellent cuddles. 11/10 squishy and soft.
Is very understanding, a fantastic listener, and naturally positive.
Never lets the romance l die, and after a hard day at work, will feed you ice cream while you rant about your day.
𓆃 Hinata
Traditional wife who has always wanted to be a traditional wife since she was a kid.
Content with cooking, doing laundry, and other domestic work.
Although, because of the society and the way she was brought up, she might feel insecure transitioning out of shinobi life.
While being made to feel weak isn't something Hinata is a stranger to, she is sensitive to comments from others about her domestic life.
Be sure to give her lot of reassurance and validate her work around the house.
𓆃 Ino
Also wanted to be a wife growing up, but the stay-at-home life is clearly not for her.
She'll try it for a period of time after your wedding or union, but she's far too restless for cooking and cleaning.
You supposed that she thought it would be relaxing and aesthetic, but if anything, she's getting frustrated and throwing the potato across the kitchen as soon as it slips out of her hand.
Ino will eventually find important work to do, come home to complain about it over dinner, and buy you something nice in a half-brag about how much more money she's making.
This is, of course, not to say she's bad at housework or doesn't do her share. She's perfectly good at domestic work and does the bulk of it, but the moment you expect it from her is the moment she stops.
𓆃 Kiba
A slob who, if allowed, will live in heaps of trash.
For the bulk of his 20s, he'll be super unsure of the whole settling down thing. You could make a whole bingo chart out of the cliche bachelor lines he spouts.
I'm not really a marriage kinda guy. I don't wanna tie myself down to a ball and chain. I just wanna meet people. I'm looking for someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. Nah, I'm not looking for a relationship.
That is... until one day he wakes up and desperately wants a family of his own. To an extreme extent. Like his expectations are absolutely insane.
As a husband, you'll need to reevaluate those and have a nice long chat because at the beginning of your relationship he will certainly not be pulling his weight.
𓆃 Lee
Sweet, clingy, loving and sincere man.
Ah, you are the sun, the moon, and the world to Lee. He is constantly thinking of or doing the sweetest possible thing he possibly could for you at any given hour of the day.
Is his execution great? You'd give it a 50/50. Does he ever take a break? NO.
Whether it's breakfast in bed or going on a grocery run to get it off your plate, you're sure to have to put out one fire and learn how to use 20 carrots in your meal prep for the week.
He really tries his best, he just gets a little excited.
𓆃 Naruto
Another slob, although well intended.
Naruto never had a formal family growing up, and so he has little ideas of what's expected.
Much of his idea of what a partnership should be comes from media or stupid things that Shikamaru probably told him on the playground growing up, so you'll have to work together as a team to set expectations.
A lot of what he does for you is in his language (you have to learn that him making you both ramen cups is indeed a romantic gesture for him), but he loves exploring things that you like!
Naruto explores your likes and hobbies in a very genuine and non-performative way. Sharing things you enjoy together will be the foundation of your relationship.
𓆃 Neji
You'll spend your first year of marriage focused heavily on strict boundaries, expectations, and other couples work.
The way Neji was brought up completely fractured his sense of family. Not to mention, no matter what you're like Neji will certainly have to fight with his family in a silent battle over clan politics.
Because even though the Hyuga clan has stopped certain practices, doesn't mean that everyone in the clan is in mutual agreement or share similar attitudes with each other.
This will be a marriage built on structure and meaningful confrontation. Neji is determined to break the cycles of his family to make a healthy life with you.
𓆃 Sakura
Wasn't sure if she'd end up with a partner. She really wanted it, but with everything that happened in her life, she had her doubts.
Most definitely too hard on herself. Sakura pushes herself to almost fall over you to ensure you're pleased. Whether it's housework or cooking, there's a part of her that feels the need to prove her work ethic.
It's the small things with Sakura. Even after a long day at work, she'll still bring you your favorite home for dinner, even if the place is out of the way. She'll stay up an hour later to spend time with you even if she has an early morning.
𓆃 Sasuke
An ironic mix between Naruto and Sakura.
As a kid, Sasuke 100% wanted to be a husband when he grew up. 100% wanted to have a spouse to provide for and had similar dreams that some kids often do when they think about families.
But after the Uchiha Tragedy, much of Sasuke's outlook about his future has been skewed. Any relationship will start off as rather unstable and you can almost count on Sasuke being emotionally distant
It's about how the two of you work through his baggage and his willingness to be vulnerable.
𓆃 Shikamaru
Surprisingly well-adjusted?
He knows how to do basic life skills. Pulls his weight and sometimes even does your tasks. Shikamaru is generally clean and organized.
Where's the problem? He's terrified of commitment.
Most of the relationships in the Nara clan seem to consist of passive Nara men with verbose spouses who have no issue bossing their partners around.
But at the same time, Shikamaru doesn't mind this dynamic. He wants to laze, but he's also almost seemingly afraid of dynamics that allow him to laze.
He'll be just fine around the house, just a bit dramatic if you ever ask him to do anything. He'll get over it.
𓆃 Shino
Great husband and great family to marry into.
Just overall very balanced, if not quiet. The Aburame clan is close, but respectful of each other. You'll never have to deal with nagging in-laws because Shibi has already taken you in as one of his own.
Enjoy fresh meals of produce expertly tended to from the garden.
While Shino has his more talkative side when it comes to people he's close to, he's still quiet by nature. Don't expect that to change just because you've gotten married.
The obvious con is the massive amount of insects that will constantly be around you. You're not allowed to trap them or kill them.
You will have to get used to bugs crawling on you.
𓆃 Tenten
You're always doing something crazy.
You don't think any of the other Konoha 12 ever expected that Tenten would have the most exciting marriage, but look at her now.
You're always innovating, making new things for her business, and taking spontaneous trips to check out crafting techniques.
Anything and everything you set your mind to, you support each other in. There are ten million projects scattered around your home.
You roll up to get-togethers (when they seldom happen), being the most traveled and bringing the most unique gifts.
No one knows what you're going to be up to next.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I apparently had a lot more opinions on all of these characters than I expected. When I make multi-character posts, I like to keep each section sort of short, so if you are interested in more in-depth hcs, tap the underlined name or visit my blog for more.
Sakura, Lee, Choji, Tenten and Sasuke are done at the current moment.
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Naruto Love Languages (Konoha 12 + Sand Siblings)
Naruto Uzumaki - Words of Affirmation
This man is your #1 fan. Everything you do he is behind you cheering and hollering the whole way. It doesn't matter if it's something stupid like trying to do a bottle flip, Naruto is gonna hype you up. He just adores you so much and wants you to know that! He wants you to know that he believes in you fully. When he isn't being a hype man, Naruto is just genuinely complimenting you and showing his appreciation for all you do. Nothing you do will go unnoticed, you WILL feel this man's love
Sasuke Uchiha - Gift Giving
Sasuke is, uh... kinda rough when it comes to romance. He's gone through some shit and even after all these years doesn't quite know how to deal with it. He isn't good at words, is wary on physical contact, and isn't around often. But the one thing he succeeds in is giving you gifts. Everytime he leaves to go who knows where, he will always return with an incredibly thoughtful gift. Sasuke doesn't just grab whatever he see, he knows what you like and what you appreciate. Every gift he gives you has meaning and fits you perfectly
Sakura Haruno - Acts of Service
Sakura is a girl who heavily desires to be loved. Ever since she was a child she was a hopeless romantic, so when she finally got together with you she fell head over heels. She's quite open with her feelings for you both physically and vocally, but her favorite way to show she cares is by helping you around the house. She'll cook for you, help clean up, give you massages, and of course heal your wounds. As long as you are dating her you will never see another Medical-nin. Every injury you get will be treated by her with full seriousness (even if it's just a paper cut)
Sai - Gift Giving
You though SASUKE was bad with feelings? Dear lord you gotta have a lot of patience with Sai. Unlike Sasuke though, Sai tries his hardest, even if it's a bit rough. He tries to say nice things and touch you, but it's still incredibly foreign to him (not to mention he can get a bit brutally honest about some things). The only thing Sai is confident in is his gift giving skills. He loves to draw art for you, pretty much everything he sees inspires more art to give you. It's gotten to the point that you have a whole room filled with them (Sai keeps telling you it's okay to get rid of some, but you refuse! They are so pretty!). On special occassions, Sai loves to bring his drawings for you to life, enjoying the look of amazement on your face
Ino Yamanaka - Gift Giving
This girl is gonna treat you RIGHT, believe that! She's is incredibly open with her feelings, especially when it comes to flowers. You will be getting flowers for every occassion, sometimes just randomly. She'll buy you other gifts like jewelry and clothes and books, but her real love language is flowers. Her bouquets aren't just randomly put together either, Ino carefully hand picks each one and take in mind the meaning of each one. The longer you date you will soon learn the different meanings, which makes her so proud. Although she doesn't really expect anything back every time, make sure to get her a lil something for special occassions, she'll appreciate it~
Shikamaru Nara - Quality Time
We know Shikamaru is a lazy bitch, but that's what we love about him! He may seem distant and seemingly uncaring, but if you look closely you can clearly see how he shows affection. Sure he may not wash you with praises or get you expensive things, but he stays by your side. Always. Somehow he always is in the same room as you, even if you are doing two different things. You're always together in some sort. He'll definitely deny it, but you notice he doesn't leave still. It's kind of like a cat, ya know? Shikamaru gets especially clingy when you're in bed together. This man doesn't get up for hours, and you aren't getting up either. You will lay and sleep with him for 3 more hours, no discussion
Choji Akimichi - Acts of Service
Just... just so sweet. My boy is such a sweetie oh my god. Choji is quite nervous in your relationship, both due to low self-esteem and just anxiety in general. Just you surprising him with a hug is enough to fluster him for a solid minute. Since more direct ways get him anxious, Choji prefers to do things for you, and his favorite thing is to cook for you. This man can COOK like no one's business! You guys will go out to eat on the weekends (there is nothing like fresh barbecue), but through the week he is in the kitchen cooking your favorite meals full of love. Seeing your giant smile and hearing your satisifed eating makes his heart soar. Also, you are one of the only people who he'll always share his snacks with, no hesitation (the other is Shikamaru, obviously)
Kiba Inuzuka - Physical Touch
Kiba is a toucher, hands down. He LOVES to just touch you all over. He is always in contact with you no matter what, appropriate or otherwise. Hands on your waist, head on your shoulder, fingers in your hair, sometimes he will just randomly pick you up to get a reaction out of you. Let's be real, Kiba's a dog through and through, and dogs adore attention. Whenever he wants your attention or love, Kiba will poke you and bug you until you give in and cuddle with him. Spooning is his absolute favorite position. Give this man his head pats and belly rubs god dammit, and don't forget Akamaru!. Oh and uh, warning, this man is also perverted. Quite perverted. Your cuddle sessions will devolve into him dry humping you 50% of the time. You gonna get manhandled and groped quite a bit (every touch full of love <3)
Hinata Hyuga - Words of Affirmation
You thought Choji was shy? You haven't seen nothing yet. Hinata was already a sweating mess when you were just friends, the moment you asked her out she literally fainted and collapsed on the floor. Thankfully she is better now (and didn't get brain damage), but it's still nerve-wracking to be in a relationship with you. You're just so... perfect. And Hinata wants you to know that. Throughout the day she is normally very sweet and appreciative, but whenever you are on dates or cuddling in private, she lets all her feelings out. She shares her admiration for you, her appreciation for you, and just how happy she is to have you in her life. It always makes you cry, which makes Hinata feel bad, but you always assure her they are happy tears
Shino Aburame - Acts of Service
Shino is a man of little words, and you knew that going into a relationship, so you have no issues with that! It makes the times he does speak up mean even more. Since he's inexperienced with relationships and romantic gestures, Shino's main way to show he cares is by protecting you and keeping you safe. He always is ready to defend you in public, and whenever you go somewhere alone he gives you one of his bugs so he can know you're safe. Anyone who even tries to harass or injure you is getting shot down immedietely. Losing you or you getting hurt is one of his biggest fears, and he'll never let that happen. You'll never feel unsafe when Shino is around
Rock Lee - All of Them
You can call this a cop out, but let's be real, Lee is the embodiment of EVERY love language. He never stops gushing to you about your beauty and skills, and screams how much he loves you from the rooftops. Anything you ask him to do will be done in record time perfectly. He loves to give you extravagent gifts for your anniversaries and random occasions. Spending time with you is his favorite thing in the world, especially when you train together. And physical touch? He is always happy to hug and kiss you all over. Lee is just full of love for you!! He knows he can be a bit overwhelming at times and will calm down if you tell him. He just is so grateful to have you in his life, and wants you to know that every day for the rest of your life
Neji Hyuga - Words of Affirmation
It may come as a shock to most due to his sharp tongue, but the way Neji shows his love is by words. To most he is aggressive and stand-offish, and ocassionally is to you too. It's just how he is unfortunately. But unlike with others, he is noticabely incredibly soft with you and is much more open. Neji isn't afraid to compliment how you look or give praise when you succeed at something. Even when he gets annoyed he doesn't raise his voice or throw insults at you, he stays respectful. The fact that he calls everyone an idiot except you says a whoooole lot about how he feels about you. Wear that honor with pride
Tenten - Quality Time
Tenten is pretty easy going and prefers a partner who is the same. Of course some spice and excitement is greatly welcomed, but at the end of the day she just wants to sit back and relax with her partner. So spending time together means a lot to her. She loves going on dates where you guys try something new (just no long hikes, please) but if needed will default to the local weapon museum. By the way, everytime one of you has to go on a mission, Tenten will act cool but will secretly pout the whole time until you meet up again
Gaara - Physical Touch
As he's grown, Gaara has turned into a real sweetheart. With you he is incredibly gentle and cares for you deeply. You are his treasure, you deserve the world. He still is dealing with social anxiety, and can be a bit awkward sometimes. But Gaara is always comfortable touching and holding you. His touches are gentle and kind, and sensual when he wants. He likes to give gentle kisses all over you throughout the day, and whenever he leaves for work he gives you a loving kiss before he leaves. Gaara also really values cuddling together. This man is touch starved like no one else, everytime you hold eachother he feels like a part of him is healing. Please reciprocate, he deserves it
Temari - Words of Affirmation
Temari is fiery as hell, and you knew that the moment you met. And her words are just as sharp! She isn't afraid to tell off people who annoy you guys (especially when you are on dates, they are DEAD). With you she is still mildly aggressive and intense, but in a more lighthearted way. She just gets so worried about you, she can't help herself from scolding you for being an idiot. Every word she says (positive or negative) comes from the heart. When you manage to not be a fool Temari is vocalising her approval and pride. Oh, and she has a habit of openly bragging about how amazing you are to your peers (much to your embarrassment)
Kankuro - Quality Time
This man is a teeeeeease (in a good way or bad way, your decision). He is constantly joking and making fun of you, reveling in your cute annoyance. He even likes to annoy you physically like blowing on your neck or pinching your butt. Kankuro is quite playful pretty much 95% of the time, but the other 5% he's actually quite sweet. Spending time with you is his favorite thing in the world! Yeah it's fun messing with you, but he likes to just have genuine connections and going on more mature dates. His favorite thing is dancing surprisingly, and he honestly is quite good. Holding you close and swaying makes him content ... Until he sneaks in one of his puppets halfway through, scaring the shit out of you in the process (he slept on the couch but it was worth it)
Konoha 12 + Sand Siblings | Shinobi & Founders | Akatsuki
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beginnings2022 · 1 year
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Artist: https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4941154233092498
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hana-strange177 · 1 year
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teletubbyinlipstick · 2 months
With Eyes That Weep Red
Ya'll loved my other writing it was so sweet! Thank you, truly. Here's another Naruto thingy I wrote a couple of years ago, I'm really not sure if I'll ever do anything with em so please feel free to message me about em if you liked to write more for it!
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Hotaru took deep, calming, breaths as she glanced around at all the clan heads, even the fucking Hokage was here. She wiped her sweaty hands on her pants, a tic quickly caught by the other occupants in the room.
  "Tanaka Hotaru, do you know why you've been called to this meeting?" A middle aged man speaks up, a Nara by the looks of it, his face is relaxed and neutral but his eyes are assessing constantly taking in every fleeting emotion that crosses her face. She nods slowly, gulping as she rubs her hands together, god she felt like she was gonna pass out. 
 "Am...am I in trouble?" She mumbled quietly, mind racing on if this was gonna end badly for her. Was there some secret clan law that civilians couldn't possess kekkei genkai? Are they gonna make her become a shinobi? She can't fight to save her life, let alone anyone else's! Wait- Would they remove her eyes and give her new ones instead? Oh god. She liked her eyes. Thank you very much!
 "No, you're not in trouble. But there are some things to sort out, which is also why we had you do blood tests before this. You possess a highly powerful kekkei genkai, 'The Sharingan.'" The Nara from before answered, pausing for a moment as he watched her reaction before moving on. "It shows you have Uchiha blood on your mother's side. And from some miracle you have awakened your sharingan. You understand how rare this is, don't you?" Nara asked seriously, looking her right in the eyes. Hotaru nodded, because she really did. It was rare for a civilian ever to awaken a kekkei genkai because of the lack of training. So when she glared at them with anger, bright green eyes seeping into a blood red, the shocked looks she got in response was expected. 
  "So...what does this mean for me?" Hotaru spoke louder this time, gaining some reign of her spiked anxiety. This time, it was an Uchiha woman who spoke up. 
 "You will be offered a spot in the clan and if you wish, will be taught to wield the sharingan. 
  Ah. She stared for a moment longer before shaking her head.
 "No. Thank You."
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iwillfightgodandwin · 11 months
People shipping Sakura with literally anybody who is not Sasuke are really out here being like "Girl, you could do so much better."
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Naruto characters (Konoha 11) I think would fall first or fall harder
(Figuring out a way to write the title out was complicated for no reason, anyways this is basically just the 'who fell first and who fell harder' thing. Also Naruto, Sasuke, Choji, and Lee aren't included, and Sai is included. I would call it Konoha 13 but since I'm writing for 9 of the characters, ig it just makes sense for me to call it Konoha 11 instead of 13 since it's less)
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Shino Aburame
-He fell first and harder
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Shikamaru Nara
-You fell first and he fell harder
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Kiba Inuzuka
-He fell first and harder
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Neji Hyuga
-You fell first and harder
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-You fell first and he fell harder
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Sakura Haruno
-She fell first and harder
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Hinata Hyuga
-She fell first and harder
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Ino Yamanaka
-You fell first and she fell harder
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Tenten (I don't plan on writing her that much but I'll still include her here)
-She fell first and harder
Haven't posted in a little bit. I don't have a schedule ofc, but I just hate not posting for a slightly long time idk why. I might do another post (for bsd) today if I finish it but idk. Also first Naruto post, even though it's a really short post, I'm glad I actually got to write something for Naruto. I won't be writing Naruto stuff as much as I will for Bungou Stray Dogs though. Thank you for reading!
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naruto, to hinata: your laugh? it makes my day.
shikamaru, to ino: your eyes? i get lost in those.
sasuke, to sakura: your determination? i admire that.
ten ten, to neji: your happiness? i live for that.
kiba: hotel? trivago.
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princsaku · 1 year
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-narusaku coloring
They are so cute
Art by:¿?
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Konoha 12 with Children Going Through the Same Trauma They Did
Tags/Warnings: Body Image Issues, Grief, Mental Health Topics, Reader Insert, No Reader Pronouns, Mild Physical Abuse (Sorry Sasuke would punt you)
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𓆃 Choji - Body Image
Easily the best at knowing what to say. He’s been struggling with his body image his entire life and has a wonderful grasp on what health specific to his clan looks like.
Choji strives to make topics surrounding weight and body shape normal and neutral in the household, so if you're asking about weight, it’s because some other stupid kid said something.
You are always reminded of your spirit, skills, and capacity for kindness rather than your looks.
Choji ensures that your home is a positive and safe place to talk about anything.
𓆃 Hinata - Finding a Voice
Hinata has always been a very patient person and knows how hard it is to break out of one’s shell. As a parent, she provides a space for you to be heard and to feel safe.
Hinata believes that you can’t force things when it comes to your growth and tries to nurture you until you have the strength to do it on your own.
Not to say that she doesn’t give a little push now and then. Hinata herself always regretted the amount of time it took for her to take chances and be vulnerable with friends, so she gives gentle nudges and reassurance when she can.
𓆃 Ino - Normalcy and Loss
A part of Ino always wanted to be a normal girl. There was a balance between civilian life and shinobi life that she couldn’t quite strike, especially when responsibility was thrust onto her so young.
She’ll want to go out with you often, whether it’s getting sweet drinks, getting your nails painted, asking for the friend-group gossip, or other fun activities. 
A part of her craves getting more of those experiences in her youth, but she very much wants you to have those experiences for yourself and to have a consistent parent who “gets you.”
She definitely tries too hard at times— it’s embarrassing sometimes— but she means well.
𓆃 Kiba - Bein’ a Guy
Kiba always had a loud bark, but when it came down to it, he didn’t meet all the goals he intended to meet. 
Being the energetic guy he is, he will be rooting for you from day one. Sometimes, you feel he gets more excited about projects and accomplishments than you. 
Kiba is always celebrating you and always bragging about you. He’s proud of you that you have goals— big or small— but more than anything, he wants you to live your life in a way that makes you happy.
If you’re happy, Kiba is dragging you out for celebratory ice cream.
𓆃 Lee - Bullying and Inadequacy 
Ehm. I mean, he means well?
You see, Gai took a very tough love approach with Lee meaning that Lee thinks if you push hard enough, you’ll find fulfillment... and that’s not for everyone. 
He’s also not great with his words. Every so often, he’ll say something encouraging, but sometimes he’s just emotionally clueless. 
If anything, you’ll always be celebrated for your uniqueness and what makes you you. 
Lee genuinely wants only what’s best for you; his pure intentions are always clear. 
𓆃 Naruto - Isolation
Poor Naruto, seeing you isolated would probably make him so sad. And angry, for that matter! Naruto isn’t above punting some jerk kid who made you mad (which probably isn’t great for the Hokage).
He’s a little goofy in the sense that he’ll probably take an over-interest in the things you enjoy. He’ll insist that you do things that interest you together.
He’s also really into pep talks and giving unsolicited advice (that probably isn’t really that great).
Naruto would totally give you pocket money to enjoy a meal if he’s busy.
𓆃 Neji - Unfair Family Dynamic
Well, first of all, Neji isn’t letting this happen. 
I’m struggling to write a headcanon because Neji wouldn’t allow this. He wouldn’t allow the secondary-branch stuff to happen.
He’d be a fierce advocate for you, even before birth. But Neji is such a grumpy dad. The affection is there; it’s just through action.
He’s also not very good with words, so the affirmation is straightforward, but he would go to war for you.
𓆃 Sakura - Inadequacy
Your two best friends are also gods, huh? Sakura knows how that is, and she’s probably picked up on it before you tell her. 
She’s reticent about things and always seems to tell you exactly what you need at that moment. Sakura is very encouraging, helping you problem-solve to figure out what your strengths and passions are.
She suggests that you pursue those, admiring your accomplishments, whether big or small.
𓆃 Sasuke - Having your family murdered in front of your very own eyes Going Down a Troubled Path
Yikes. Don’t go down a Troubled Path ™ while Sasuke is around.
I’m sorry. If you tried to leave the village, Sasuke wouldn’t be above punting you. I’m just the messenger.
Sasuke would be there for you, or at least try to, but as another shinobi who’s not great with words, he’d usually end up looming. 
Maybe there are times when he can see your anger, and you can achieve a nice, quiet moment with him, but Sasuke will drag you out of darkness no matter what it takes.
𓆃 Shikamaru - Losing a Sensei
Shikaku knew best, and that’s what Shikamaru does with you. He’s straight to the point, not very into hugs or anything like that, but he does have an eye on you emotionally. 
Shikamaru already knows, and he drives straight to the point, unarming you so that you have a space to feel your grief. 
𓆃 Shino - Losing a Sibling-like Person
Another quiet Dad. He just wants what’s best for you too. 
It’s all about the memories and the momentos. Shino would encourage you to cope and heal at your own rate but not forget the person important to you.
Shino would be there with you in your grief but ensure the focus remained on you. You would have space, and Shino would show his love and support through small gestures. 
𓆃 Tenten - Bein’ a Gal
Tenten stuck a nice balance in her life, and she wants to pass that on to you too! Maybe you’re not the flashiest ninja in your grade, but Tenten is already working with you on a strategy on how to improve that thing you like!
Never for a second has Tenten treated you like something to be overlooked. Anything you want to do, you do!
Zero hesitation. Mention one idea to her; she’s already helping you put it in motion. To her, there’s nothing worth overlooking in the first place.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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hyuganejiswife · 2 years
Naruto | Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Everyone is aged up
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Gaara x GNReader | Why Do You Love Me?
Gaara x GNReader | Patient
Jiraiya x GNReader | Teddy Bear
Kakashi Hatake x GNReader | Drunk 🔞
Kankuro x GNReader | Puppet
Kankuro x GNReader | Favorite Person?
Kakashi Hatake x GNReader | Ladders
Kiba Inuzuka x GNReader | You Smell
Kiba Inuzuka x GNReader | Mine
Neji Hyuga x GNReader | Beauty
Rock Lee x GNReader | Only Mine
Sasuke Uchiha x GNReader | Trauma
Sasuke Uchiha x GNReader | Invisible
Shikamaru Nara x GNReader | Bummer
Shikamaru Nara x GNReader | A’Lil Bit Tipsy
Shikamaru Nara x GNReader | Ouch
Shino Aburame x GNReader | Dandelions | Part One | Part Two
Shino Aburame x GNReader | Bother
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Kakashi Hatake | Dad!Headcanon
Orochimaru | Yandere!Headcanon
Sasuke Uchiha | BirthdayCelebration!Headcanon
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Out of My Mind | Masterlist | Shikamaru x Reader x Neji
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nejiluvr · 4 months
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team 7
none atm
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© derivative works, characters used from pre-existing works but original plots unless told otherwise. original plots written by @midoriima/nejiluvr, do not copy. anything depicted in my works that are similar (plot, original character/s' name/s, ...) to another's work/s is/are purely coincidental.
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kalira · 9 months
Celebratory Surprise
Written for @nejihinata's NejiHina Week! Day 5: Accidentally
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T; 1.2k Neji/Hinata Tenten, Rock Lee, Sakura, Ino, (Kiba and Shino present but not enough to tag >.>)
Neji's teammates and friends want to celebrate his survival - which was so very near a thing - and- Well, that's not exactly the surprise they intended, but hey! Good for you!
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all-naruto-polls · 9 months
Most overrated of these ships?
Hinata x Naruto
Ino x Sai
Kakashi x Sakura
Kushina x Minato
Neji x Tenten
Sakura x Naruto
Sakura x Sasuke
Shikamaru x Temari
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