chevaliere-royale · 4 months
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spearxwind · 2 years
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POV, you're getting your everything pulled out on the forest floor. Bonus detail shots:
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ᴬˡˢᵒ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵇᵉʰᵃᵛᵉ ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵃᵍˢ, ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘᵎ
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
i would love to hear how youd want to do a botw manga
YEAAAAAAHHHHH ok ok ok so. i would have the manga follow largely the same structure as the game, beginning with link waking up on the great plateau. he would go through the opening segment almost the same as the game, but with a little more emphasis on the physical toll that the shrine has taken on him (notably i'd frame the old man's baked apple as his realization that he's HUNGRY, that his body feels physically weak and untrained after 100 years of sleep.) i would also place a lot of emphasis on the eeriness of the plateau and the fact that link feels he SHOULD remember these locations but doesn't. the plateau segment would otherwise be very game-compliant, including the shrines, tower, temple of time, and the old man's cabin as spotlighted locations. the key difference here would be that instead of the gameplay mechanic where shrines give link something physical that makes the game easier for the player, they would instead be framed as training exercises which, while lacking material reward, would help him retrain his body and regain the strength he lost in the 100 years he was asleep.
after leaving the plateau the general structure of the game would be loosely followed, (impa > purah > divine beasts & memories > ganon) with a few key pieces of worldbuilding/side quests spotlighted along the way. the first major event after leaving the plateau for link would be his discovery of the dueling peaks stable, the first real indication of human society he's seen since waking up. this would be an important introduction to the society of hyrule post-calamity, and link would also get his first horse here, finding that he's strangely good with horses and perhaps getting a quick flash of a warm feeling, almost like an old friend :)
The memories would still be initially revealed to link via images within the sheikah slate, but unlike gameplay i wouldn't have link specifically seek out memories, instead i would have him stumble upon familiar locations while exploring, which i think is closer to the original intent of that feature. he would find each memory in order and they would play out very similarly if not exactly as they do in canon. the divine beasts and their quests would also play out largely like canon, with the exception of me retconning the transphobia out of the gerudo quest line. I also might like to spend a little more time on the legacies of each champion and how their losses are felt in their respective communities. they all have very strong characterization already and i would love to take the time to expand upon it a bit more!! the same goes for the NEW champions (sidon, teba, yunobo, and riju) i'd like to take some more time to expand upon their characters as well!
the sword-claim is the one thing that i don't fully know how to deal with. i think logically, it either has to come before all of the divine beasts, or after all of them. if i put it in before all of the beasts, it would require some gratuitous shrine training montages to convey how much work it takes link to get to the point where he's able to handle the master sword, which would break up the flow of the story and imo isn't very true to the gameplay which usually just has you explore shrines as you find them during your journey. the only other option, though, is to put it in AFTER the divine beasts, which may lessen the impact it has on the story if the only time he ever ends up using it is to defeat ganon. it sort of makes it into a deus ex machina instead of a pervasive element of the story in the way it is in the game. the way that i think i would deal with this is to have link hear about the master sword's legend from npcs as early as that first stable, and have him stumble into the lost woods BEFORE he has trained enough to be able to handle the sword. he finds it, learns what it is and that it's waiting for him, but he isn't able to claim it in his current state. this gives him a tangible goal to work towards for the rest of the story--a reason to continue entering shrines and growing stronger while he's doing divine beast quests. it also allows the master sword to remain present and active in the narrative without forcing link to get too strong too fast. THEN, when he's finished all the divine beasts, he can have a moment like, "i think i'm strong enough now. i'm prepared" and he can go BACK to the lost woods and successfully pull the sword and then go straight to ganon.
aside from the main quest line there are a few really good side quests i want to include as well, notably the kakariko yiga shrine quest and the hylian homeowner/tarrey town side quests. the former i just think is a very impactful storyline and nicely sets up the yiga as villains later on in the gerudo quest, and the latter is imo thematically important as a physical example of link rebuilding his life and watching hyrule continue to grow and heal despite the wreckage of the calamity. ideally this would be the last thing link does before facing the calamity; the wedding scene would end with link deciding the time has finally come for him to face ganon again, having found hope and community, knowing that no matter what happens hyrule will never be broken beyond repair.
the final battle would go similarly to canon, with callbacks to pieces of training link would have received earlier in the story--perfect parries, aerial archery, shield surfing, and all of the champion abilities would be highlighted during the battle, which would come to a triumphant end with ganon finally defeated and link and zelda reunited.
sooo yeah! largely canon-compliant but with certain aspects adjusted for readability. botw has such a strong narrative that it would actually be super easy to adapt imo but that might just be my opinion because i never think about anything else lol
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akkivee · 2 months
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kikivoka · 1 year
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HMMMM familiar twins
(crossover wip while I figure out an efficient workflow/render style)
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mifhortunach · 10 months
The great @rhavewellyarnbag tagged me to shuffle my playlist, list the first ten songs that come up, and then tag ten people to do the same. Sorry this took a while, and thanks so much as always! :) Songs anyway:
Bret you got it going on / fotc
maximum thrust / twrp
i'll sink manhattan / tmbg
pretelethal / coheed
hard smart beta / strfkr
unmasked! / tmg
there are many tears here gained / oidupaa vladimir oiun
up on the hill / jack de quit
this is where it ends / bnl
hellbent / mystery skulls
idk 10 people but tagging, if they're interested..! : @mithridacy @nonsensegnomes @cctinsleybaxter @silverview @lancenobleblackwick @nobodysugly @gatogotica & @dariuseppsenjoyer :)
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frenchcarssince1946 · 11 months
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2013 Renault Initiale Concept
My tumblr-blogs: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/germancarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/frenchcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/englishcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/italiancarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/japanesecarssince1947
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letraindemanu · 1 year
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Et en parlant de douleurs que les gens ne pourront jamais comprendre sans être littéralement à ta place, j'ai forcément pensé à la santé mentale. Aussi très littéralement - je pense aux symptômes de mon trouble anxieux. Les conséquences principales et premières de mon trouble sont généralement de me tordre les intestins, me faire transpirer, et d'altérer ma respiration. L'ordre peut différer, mais un truc très clair dans mon cas c'est que les "pensées anxieuses" ne font même pas systématiquement partie de la liste. En fait, c'est même plutôt rare et seulement un symptôme qui apparaît une fois qu'une crise d'angoisse (difficulté à respirer, pleurs, cris) a débuté.
C'est en grande partie pourquoi je n'aurais jamais pu imaginer que je souffrais d'anxiété avant mon diagnostic. Je ne suis pas de nature pessimiste, je sais faire la part des choses, compartementaliser. C'est dans les coulisses que se joue mon trouble, et il cause, tout simplement, des réactions physiques. Réactions physiques qui d'ailleurs causent elles-même une fatigue au bout d'un moment, qui a ses propres conséquences.
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chevaliere-royale · 4 months
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alien-chat · 5 months
Eugh cette HORRIBLE projet d’art. Je veux tellement le terminer (pour ne plus avoir besoin de le faire.) mais c’est just si énervant de travailler sur ce projet. Si c’étais un projet sur papier il serait déjà jeter par la fenêtre!!
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lescientifique · 5 months
Éducation : Magdala Jean Baptiste décroche son doctorat en Haïti
L’indice femme/homme ayant un doctorat (Ph. D.) dans le monde est très faible. En Haïti, depuis quelques années, les femmes progressent assez bien dans le tabloïd des nouvelles docteures. Pour le début de l’année 2023, Magdala Jean Baptiste obtient son diplôme de doctorat après la soutenance de sa thèse en gestion des systèmes éducatifs avec une perspicacité sans précédent. Elle a fait ses études…
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lolochaponnay · 9 months
C'est un Belge qui se rend à la braderie de Lille. En repartant, il a un léger accrochage. Il commencer à engueuler le Français avec qui il a eu l'accident. Alors le Français dit au Belge "Ho, calme toi le Belge, y a pas de raison de s'exiter. Ta voiture, elle est géniale. Si elle est cabossée par un accident, tu n'as qu'à souffler dans le pot d'échappement. C'est comme les nouvelles bouteilles d'eau de Spa, tu souffles dedans, et ça reprend sa forme initiale. Le Belge remercie alors chaleureusement le Français du conseil et rentre à la maison. Il gare sa voiture devant chez lui, et commence à souffler dans le pot d'échappement. Un de ses amis passe alors devant la maison et dit : "Qu'est ce que tu fais?" L'autre répond : "J'ai eu un accident à la braderie de Lille avec un Français. Mon pare-choc était cabossé mais il ma dit que ma voiture était comme les nouvelles bouteilles d'eau de Spa. Tu souffles dedans, et ça reprend sa forme initiale. " L'ami répond : "T'es con, ça marchera jamais!" Le Belge : "Pourquoi?" L'ami : "Tu as laissé les fenêtres ouvertes! "
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
initiale / maria valentina chirico
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1995 Renault Initiale Concept
My tumblr-blogs: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/germancarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/frenchcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/englishcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/italiancarssince1946
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chaotictomtom · 1 year
absolument dévasté qu'eccleston soit pas dans cet épisode (bail du border là bref jveux pas spoiler mais iykyk)... vraiment presque à chouiner, j'espère réellement qu'il sera là pour les 60ans parce que sinon pourquoi vivre
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