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Ni Balón de Oro, ni informe PISA ni leches, este es el ránking más importante del año:

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SIN INDICIOS DE DELITO 1⃣ Feijóo: Lo más importante es el informe que el juez Peinado ha pedido a la Guardia Civil. 2⃣ La Guardia Civil no halla indicios de delito en las actuaciones de Begoña Gómez. 3⃣ Gamarra: La Guardia Civil miente. Fin 😊 Video publicado por Deselectrocutador @Deselectrocuta1
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È troppo facile pensare l'informe come l'opposto della forma.E pensare alla forma versus la materia. Perché questo “versus” riempie sempre i compiti della forma, che sono di creare delle opposizioni binarie, di separare il mondo in coppie di opposizioni nette, per mezzo di “ redingote matematiche”, secondo l'espressione di Bataille. Forma versus materia. Maschile versus femminile. Vita versus morte. Interno versus esterno. Verticale versus orizzontale ecc.. Il caos opposto alla forma è un caos che potrebbe sempre prendere forma, poiché la forma è da sempre lì ad attendere il caos.
Dobbiamo piuttosto pensare l'informe come qualcosa che è creato dalla forma stessa, secondo una logica che agisce logicamente contro se stessa, dall'interno, per cui la forma produce un’eterologia. Consideriamolo non come l'opposto della forma, ma come una possibilità che opera nel cuore della forma, per eroderla.
L'impiego che faccio dell'inconscio ottico così come è stato evocato nelle pagine di questo libro si riferisce dunque a quello di Benjamin. Se è possibile dire che si presenta come isolato nel campo del visivo, e perché così l'ha voluto un gruppo disparato di artisti che l’hanno “costruito” come proiezione dell’idea che la visione umana è ben lungi dal padroneggiare tutto ciò che abbraccia con lo sguardo, poiché è in conflitto con l’interno dell’organismo che essa abita.
Rosalind Krauss, "L'inconscio ottico"
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Tema 8 - Informe: Sarduy
Imagen recuperada de: Fernández, Tomás y Tamaro, Elena. «Biografia de Severo Sarduy». En Biografías y Vidas. La enciclopedia biográfica en línea [Internet]. Barcelona, España, 2004. Disponible en https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/sarduy.htm
Severo Sarduy, destacado escritor, poeta y crítico del arte procedente de Cuba, ofrece su perspectiva sobre la arquitectura barroca en su ensayo "La Cosmología Barroca: Kepler".
Imagen recuperada de: Biblioteca de Google Drive de Historia de la Arquitectura II
Sarduy profundiza en la intrincada interacción entre la estética barroca y el simbolismo cósmico. Las principales ideas o temas que Sarduy destaca en el texto son las siguientes:
1. La influencia de Kepler
Johannes Kepler, Episode #7 of the course “Unknown Scientists Who Changed The World”. Imagen recuperada de: enlace
Al vincular la estética barroca con temas cósmicos, Sarduy se inspira en Johannes Kepler, el renombrado astrónomo. El innovador trabajo de Kepler sobre el movimiento planetario y la armonía celestial resuena con las formas en espiral y los ritmos dinámicos de la arquitectura barroca. Kepler descubre el movimiento heliocéntrico de los planetas, lo que provoca un cambio de paradigma no sólo en la ciencia, sino en la manera de percibir la existencia humana en general en el siglo XVII, siglo de crisis existenciales y cambios de perspectivas.
La arquitectura barroca, de acuerdo a Sarduy, utiliza estos mismos modelos y figuras de elipses para todo tipo de edificaciones; se trata de una elasticidad del círculo, una "dilatación longitudinal". Ya la estricta perfección y orden del Renacimiento no se toman al pie de la letra. Las concepciones de la cosmología antigua y los órdenes clásicos empiezan a desdoblarse en la arquitectura, llevando a -en palabras de Sarduy- una "dialéctica formal", un diálogo dinámico entre las formas y las posibilidades que existen en ellas.
Extraído de página 185 del libro Ensayos generales sobre el Barroco. 1987
Se pasa de una estricta e inamovible perfección renacentista del círculo a una dinámica y cambiante "imperfección" del elipse, cambiando los puntos focales y la manera de percibir y experimentar el arte y la arquitectura.
Sarduy celebra la visión de Kepler como un puente entre lo terrenal y lo cósmico, reforzando la simbiosis entre arte y ciencia.
Plan of the Late Baroque Basilica of the Fourteen Holy Helpers by Balthasar Neumann, constructed between 1743 and 1772. The altar is in an oval in the center. Recuperado de: enlace
2. El Barroco como espejo cósmico
Sarduy sostiene que la arquitectura barroca sirve como reflejo del propio cosmos. Las fachadas ornamentadas, los detalles intrincados y las formas dinámicas que se encuentran en las estructuras barrocas reflejan la complejidad y la grandeza del reino celestial.
Así como los cielos están repletos de cuerpos celestes, los edificios barrocos rebosan de plasticidad, geometría compleja y transgresión de los órdenes clásicos, creando una sensación de abundancia y exuberancia cósmica.
Palacio de San Telmo in Seville by Leonardo de Figueroa (1682–1754). Recuperado de: enlace
Royal Palace of Amsterdam by Jacob van Campen (1665). Recuperado de: enlace
Baldaquin by Bernini in the Basilica of Saint Peter, Rome (1623–34). Recuperado de: enlace
3. La tensión dinámica entre orden y caos
La arquitectura barroca encarna una tensión entre el orden y el caos, entre la realidad y el engaño, entre lo preciso y lo ambiguo, entre la complejidad y la practicidad para resolverla. Sarduy ve esta tensión como un microcosmos de la lucha entre las leyes cósmicas (orden) y la entropía.
La elaborada ornamentación estructural (columnas retorcidas, escaleras de caracol, e ilusiones ópticas) simboliza la danza perpetua entre fuerzas cósmicas. Los arquitectos barrocos buscaron armonizar estos elementos opuestos, creando un delicado equilibrio que resuena con el equilibrio cósmico.
Retable in the Sagrario Chapel of Segovia Cathedral (1686) by Jose Benito de Churriguera, the earliest architect of the Churrigueresque style. Recuperado de: enlace
Interior of the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Vilnius, designed by Jan Zaor, Giambattista Frediani and completed in 1701. Recuperado de: enlace
4. La teatralidad del espacio
Para Sarduy, la arquitectura barroca es inherentemente teatral. El juego de luces y sombras, el uso dramático de la perspectiva y la ilusión de movimiento dentro de estructuras estáticas evocan una sensación de actuación.
Justo cuando los actores suben al escenario, los edificios barrocos invitan a los espectadores a participar en un drama cósmico. El escenario arquitectónico se convierte en un lienzo para narrativas celestiales, donde los mortales interactúan con fuerzas y conceptos que les trascienden.
Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles by Jules Hardouin-Mansart (begun 1678–1686). Recuperado de: enlace
Library of the Clementinum, the Jesuit university in Prague (1722). Recuperado de: enlace
5. La búsqueda de la trascendencia
Los arquitectos barrocos buscaban la trascendencia: elevar los espacios terrenales hacia lo divino. Sarduy ve esta aspiración como un reflejo del deseo de la humanidad de conectarse con el cosmos, de la inmortalidad, de lo que está más allá de nuestra existencia limitada y efímera.
Las elevadas cúpulas, los intrincados frescos y los motivos celestiales evocan una sensación de ascenso, invitando a los espectadores a trascender la existencia mundana. La arquitectura barroca se convierte en un conducto para la comunión espiritual, uniendo lo terrenal y lo celestial.
Interior view of dome of the Church of the Gesù by Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola, and Giacomo della Porta. Recuperado de: enlace
Oriental Orthodox Church. Smol'nyy Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia. Recuperado de: enlace
Asamkirche interior. Recuperado de: enlace
A modo de conclusión personal, puedo decir que este ensayo de Sarduy sobre la arquitectura barroca y su relación con los descubrimientos de Kepler me ayuda a comprender de mejor manera el desarrollo del barroco y cómo se diferenció considerablemente de lo que se venía proyectando durante el Renacimiento y el Manierismo.
Como todo movimiento histórico, el Barroco se produjo en un contexto muy específico donde los nuevos descubrimientos tambaleaban las concepciones que se tenían, tal como lo fue el descubrimiento del movimiento heliocéntrico de los planetas.
Los arquitectos y artistas barrocos adaptaron este nuevo entendimiento a sus oficios, abrazando la crisis que trae el cambio, creando cosas nuevas sin olvidar lo que les precedía (los elementos y conceptos clásicos, el orden y la simetría). En la arquitectura barroca, se busca que todos los elementos se vuelvan piezas que contruyan una experiencia, donde la edificación no sólo se recorriera, sino que se viviera.
#arquitectura#historia#historia2#lonuevodenuevo#italia#cultura#renacimiento#renaissance#informe#ensayo#sarduy#alemania#francia#españa#europa#italy#germany#spain#france#europe#austria#poland#lithuania#russia#eastern europe#barroco#baroque#rococo
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imagine if your boyfriend was like I can smell an ant. and started tracking
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This counts as vent art.
#art#my art#animation#the fucking tax people informed me that I've got an unpaid bill#I've paid it and the money left my bank account but doesn't show on their end#I tried to call them today to let them know they fucked up#AND THEY WON'T ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONE#PICK IT UP SO I CAN TELL YOU OF YOUR FAILURES
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just as a general reminder

learn how to fact-check for yourself, cause soon enough, most online sources won't be reliable
#information is power#propaganda#politics#us politics#skepticism#american politics#meme#corner conversations
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“here’s what we know about the uhc shooter”
WRONG! He is a suspect and we should treat him as such. He should be treated as innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. He’s a person of interest not the killer. I don’t care what the media or authorities are saying, he’s a human being who deserves a fair trial and deserves to be treated as innocent until proven otherwise.
#united healthcare#luigi mangione#brian thompson#uhc ceo#sorry I just see a lot of people spreading all this information and labeling him the killer and it’s like hold on#he’s a suspect#he’s not guilty of it#even if it seems likely he should be treated as innocent until proven guilty#labeling him as the killer before the trial even starts is not helping#am I making sense or do I sound stupid#sparkle.txt
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not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
#'your moon is here' things that make me explode like a supernova#UGHHHHHHH what if i was perpetually in your orbit. influencing the tides. protecting you from asteroids. and slowly drifting further away.#then you stopped moving and i was only pulse to your dead heart. orbiting you. right where ive been left. and so you started turning again.#ria.txt#personal#space opera au#(<- not about what you think is about)#hiiii this is gaining traction so glad we're all going insane :D your moon is here is SO fucked up. so good.#xkcd#randall munroe#space#moon#anyways xkcd comics are so good. entertaining witty and informative. check em out!#ok this is about false and ren from hermitcraft#falseren
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Remember Luigi is currently innocent

Couldn't Be Any Conflict
#luigi mangione#class war#human rights#brian thompson#rest in piss#rest in pieces#rotinpiss#rot in hell#tech ceos#fuck ceos#ceo shooting#ceo second au#ceo shot#ceos#uhc ceo#ceo information#ceo down#ceo#ausgov#politas#auspol#tasgov#taspol#australia#fuck neoliberals#neoliberal capitalism#anthony albanese#albanese government#eat the rich#eat the fucking rich
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i remember when i was a child internet safety was like "if you even hint at the country you live in, you're gonna get kidnapped and murdered", and nowadays it is encouraged or even necessary to give corporations every single personal detail if you want to use anything because if they can't sell your information they cry so hard they throw up
#internet safety#online privacy#2025 goal: nobody gets to know anything else about me ever. no personal details. nothing#if you know you already know but if you don't you're not getting that information from me
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a phrase that kinda bothers me when talking about women's historical roles in europe is "cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children." you hear it so often, those exact words in the same order even. and once you learn a little more you realize that the massive gaping hole in that list is fiberwork. im not an expert and have no hard numbers, but i wouldnt be surprised if fiberwork took up nearly as much time as the other three tasks combined, so it's not a trivial omission.
it's not a hot take to say that the mass amnesia about fiberwork is linked to the belittlement of women's work in geneal, but i do think there's a special kind of illusion that is cast by "cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children." you hear that and think "well i cook and clean and take care of children (or i know someone who does) and i have a sense of how much work that is" and you know of course that cooking and cleaning were more laborious before modern technology, but still, you have a ballpark estimate you think, when in fact you are drastically underestimating the work load.
i also think that this just micharacterizes the role of women's work in livelihoods? cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children are all sisyphean tasks that have to be repeated the next day. these are important, but not the whole picture. when we include all kinds of fiberwork—and other things, such as making candles or soap—women's work looks much more like manufacturing, a sphere we now associate more with men's work. i feel like women's connection to making and craftsmanship is often elided.
#ofc this is an oversimplification and i am conflating a lot of cultures and time periods#so if you have more specific information to share please do#fiber arts#spinning#weaving
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BOOM.!!! A Ferreras @DebatAlRojoVivo no le gusta nada que difundamos este vídeo, ¿qué tenemos que hacer nosotros? Video publicado por Famélica legión @Famelica_legion
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To celebrate rawdog winning word of the year per the American Dialect Society, I'd like to tell the story of how I learned that the meaning of rawdog changed in the past couple years.
If anyone doesn't know, the original and long-held meaning of rawdogging was fucking without a condom. The new meaning has extended to doing any kind of action unshielded, plain, or without preparation.
So, about a year ago, I'm eating lunch with coworkers. It's an office job and we're generally pretty professional. People swear a lot, but there's never any innuendos or sex talk.
A coworker is describing a recent trip she took to a vendor to get a demo of equipment we were considering purchasing. Someone else asks "Did you meet Bob LastName while you were there? He's kind of an interesting guy."
"Yeah I did, and he is a little strange. I walked into the breakroom one morning and he was rawdogging two blueberry bagels"
Cue my high-pitched shriek of "He was DOING WHAT."
Followed by my coworkers explaining the meaning and my faint, flustered reply of "ah...well... I'm used to that meaning.... something else." Some people knew what I was talking about, but unfortunately others did not, and I had to face the ordeal of explaining as delicately as possible to a group of coworkers aged 22 to 60
#word of the year#linguistics#this is why it's important to stay informed about current slang I guess
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In a fantasy setting, my job would be exactly the same
#dragonsona#dragon#tech support#myart#this is a real thing that happens in my real job#people lose their work laptops... with a sticky note attached that has their work username+password on it#drives me up the wall#these people have access to some pretty sensitive information!
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