#informal economy
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cognitivejustice · 13 days ago
"The young urban farmers I interviewed are using community gardens to grow more than vegetables. They’re also nurturing social connections, creating economic and business opportunities, and promoting environmental conservation. My findings highlight the transformative potential of youth-driven urban agriculture and how it can be a multifaceted response to urban challenges"
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clearlyoutrageous · 2 years ago
It's easy to imagine capitalism as this inescapable, monolithic omnipresence, but that's not exactly true.
Capitalism has weight, it has variable density, it's stretchy in some places, and paper-thin in others. It can't reach everything because it requires infrastructure and people willing to carry it places. It needs to be fed, and you can choose to let it starve.
If you don't know where to start, start by paying attention to what people in impoverished communities do to help sustain each other and by extension themselves. They trade in food, time, manual labor, childcare, secondhand goods, and transportation.
Fuck self-sufficiency. It's time for Interdependence. Always offer help and always accept it. Cook meals for the people you love. Grow fruits and vegetables and give them to your neighbors. The "independent" person is merely the perfect version of a Consumer, eating directly from the palms of Corporation. Fuck self-sufficiency. Need one another.
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universalhealthcoverageday · 3 months ago
Universal Health Coverage & Universal Social Protection: A joint agenda to improve health equity and well-being in the informal economy.
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Date: 12th of December 2024 from 9:00 to 17:30
Location: Hybrid event
Onsite: Room II at the International Labour Office in Geneva
Background: Human health and wellbeing are strongly determined by the conditions in which people live, work, grow and age. Therefore, working conditions, status in employment and effective social protection coverage, as they impact income, social cohesion, and inequality, also have an impact on people’s health, including mental health. Indeed, they affect nutrition, education, housing, healthcare seeking behaviours and other social determinants of health (SDH). Those determinants are rooted in the unequal distribution of power and resources which generates a social gradient in health at local, national and international levels, resulting in inequities in health outcomes within and between countries.
The bidirectional relationship between informal employment and health calls for integrated approaches. When indeed, addressing these social and environmental determinants of health requires the engagement of policy areas that go well beyond health alone, with a growing recognition of the importance of adopting multisectoral approaches to achieve health equity, which also contributes to greater social justice. This underscores in particular the need to reinforce the linkages between SDG target 1.3 on universal social protection (USP) and SDG target 3.8 on universal health coverage (UHC) to maximize their human development impact. Such integrated policies are aligned with the objectives of the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions.
The ILO and the WHO are collaborating to explore inter-sectoral action to improve health and wellbeing, particularly in the informal economy, at the occasion of Universal Health Coverage Day 2024.
09:00 - Opening
09:15 - Launch of the scoping review “Role of social protection in reducing the burden of public health and social measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence review”09:45Session 1: Setting the scene – the interplay between informal employment, the absence of social protection and health and well-being
11:00 - Session 2: Contribution of integrated approaches to promoting occupational health and extending social protection
14:00 - Session 3: Addressing informality within the health and care workforce
15:45 - Session 4: Universal Social Protection for health and well-being in the context of the climate crisis and other societal upheavals
17:0 - Closing
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Universal Health Coverage & Universal Social Protection: A joint agenda to improve health equity and well-being in the informal economy - Hybrid event
Date: 12th of December 2024 from 9:00 to 17:30
Location: Hybrid event
Onsite: Room II at the International Labour Office in Geneva
Online:  A Zoom link will be made available after registration
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detroittoaccra · 8 months ago
New book alert - Making an African City: Technopolitics and the Infrastructure of Everyday Life in Colonial Accra
If you haven’t seen it already, Making an African City – a new book I published with Indiana University Press – is now out and is available for sale on the IUPress website, Amazon, and other typical booksellers. Most exciting, however, is that it is also available open access on the IUPress website as part of a new initiative supported by the trustees of Indiana University and you can access it…
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worldstatisticsday · 1 year ago
Accurate data is the foundation for precise policies to tackle informality.
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Newly adopted statistical standards will improve measurement of the informal economy.
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missholloween · 1 month ago
Listening to the first episode of the severance podcast is so funny because when I saw Dylan's outie in the door factory I was immediately like "ah. That's a good wink to Dan's life and the job that inspired the show". But then the scene plays out, and, because of that knowledge, you see how precarious Dylan's situation is: he really struggles to get and keep a job, but he really needs one for health insurance (either his wife or one of his kids needs it). Lumon's severed job was a way to avoid that and get a steady income, but after losing it Dylan not only returns to this employment uncertainty, he is even in a worst position after because of being severed, which will close him doors even in the shittiest of jobs. If it wasn't for Mark S., Dylan and his family would have really struggled to stay afloat. And all this information is conveyed in an interview in a door fabric! Television is so back.
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here's a fun little definition to help people understand what inflation is, please follow and reblog for more
/credit: Lily Orchard
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chaoticbug · 4 months ago
Part of my job for the last 9 months was analyzing far right content to understand how they push conspiracy theories and motivate their voters and I have one major takeaway.
By eroding the trust in news media and journalists, Trump created what was essentially an alternate reality of people where extremists created their own "news media" filled with right wing ideology as the "only trusted news source"
If you thought Fox News was bad, you have never had to bear witness the awfulness of Real America's Voice or One America News. These are places where I swear to god a daily part of their news show is to sell you "medical emergency kits" with ivermectin in it because "you never know when the next medical emergency will happen" implying that the government will intentionally try and poison it's citizens if they have proper health insurance. They say the FBI is lying to you about crime statistics, they tell you every crime is being committed by illegal immigrants. They lie about the economy and tell you to invest in gold if you want have any money in the future. They say constantly that Trump's trials were a conspiracy against rights against him to be used as way to start to round up anyone who supports him.
The amount of times that Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro would claim that they "went to prison so you didn't have to" was immeasurable. These people committed crimes and were held accountable and twisted it to say they were victims "protecting the American people"
There are thousands of unhinged right wing podcasts that stream for hours every day on a site called Rumble which I guarantee most of you have never heard of. These shows get hundreds of thousands of views daily. And they legitimize themselves by having sitting congressmen and senators on their shows frequently along with "experts" from right wing policy groups you have never even heard of. Then, they legitimize each other by showing up on each others podcasts.
All this to say is that there are hundreds of thousands of people who only get their news and any information here. These are people who will praise Trump's "they're eating the dogs line" because it was memorable and therefore it means he won the debate. This alternative media market has insulated these people from ever seeing the truth. It is impossible to convince someone of something if they are in the most tightly held echo chamber where all they hear are lies and they are being told anything other than this specific "alternative media" is lying to you.
Simply put, there is no left wing alternative to this. These people live in an alternate reality where the truth has been drowned out. We need to create that left wing alternative to bring truth back
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cognitivejustice · 4 months ago
Learning from the land: Using indigenous knowledge for climate-sensitive circular lifestyles
Indigenous techniques like natural resource renewal, tree-based farming, traditional mud-and-wood housing, and consuming local, uncultivated foods, can address some aspects of climate change and also bring about a sense of responsibility and connection with nature. Promoting agroforestry and integrating trees into farms can improve biodiversity and soil health. Adopting drought-resistant crops and traditional methods like rainwater harvesting, mulching, and using organic manure is vital for conserving moisture, enhancing soil fertility, and minimising external inputs. Building on these approaches, there is a powerful social dimension that further amplifies their impact.
But before proposing viable solutions, we need meticulous landscape mapping: understanding community environments, traditional knowledge systems, and specific vulnerabilities. Fully understanding these dimensions can pinpoint exact strategies to reduce our ecological footprint, and promote lifestyles that minimise electricity consumption and resource use, while drawing on ancient wisdom to enhance our modern lives.
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clwhowrites · 16 days ago
Americans Don't Value Honesty
Honesty is a virtue, or it is supposed to be, but if you look at American culture and American politics you would see that it is not valued in America. I am an American and it has been my subjective experience that Americans are some of the most dishonest people in the world. I know this subjective experience is likely wrong as it is based on one man’s observations. This has led me to believe…
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ericdarkgoat · 3 months ago
Know your CEO
According to the UN report this people control 50% of the seeds in the world are
Bayer: Bill Anderson, Leverkusen Germany
Corteva: Chuck Magro, bloombergs NY USA
ChemChina: Ren Jianxin, ?
Limagrain: Emmanuel Goujon, Lyon France
And they manipulate farms in a monopolistic cartel. They limit the way to buy or sell seeds across the world. 80% of poor people are also living on agriculture.
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fraseris · 28 days ago
you can say a lot of things about life, and many people have, but it is indisputable that things are crazy
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bboan · 2 months ago
Revolusi Cina dan Dr. Sun Yat Sen
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Dr. Sun Yat Sen
Dr. Sun Yat Sen adalah seorang revolusioner yang bercita-cita membebaskan Tiongkok dari penindasan. Perjuangannya dimulai di Honolulu, saat ia berusia 18 tahun, dengan menyadarkan rakyat mengenai penderitaan mereka di bawah pemerintahan Manchu. Di sana, ia mengkritik praktik-praktik tradisional dan keyakinan agama yang dianggapnya sebagai takhayul, bahkan menghancurkan arca yang disembah penduduk. Aksi ini membuatnya dikucilkan dan meninggalkan tanah kelahirannya pada tahun 1884, bersamaan dengan pecahnya Perang Tiongkok-Prancis. Meski Tiongkok memenangkan perang, mereka harus menyerahkan wilayah Annam kepada Prancis melalui Perjanjian Tien Tsin pada 1885. Kekalahan diplomatis ini memicu tekad Dr. Sun Yat Sen untuk menggulingkan Dinasti Qing.
Walaupun tengah menuntut ilmu kedokteran di Amerika, Dr. Sun Yat Sen tidak menghentikan aktivitas politiknya. Ia mendirikan organisasi revolusioner, Hung Chung Hsiu, untuk mempercepat jatuhnya pemerintahan Manchu. Pada 1895, ia kembali ke Tiongkok untuk menghimpun dana dari komunitas Tionghoa perantauan (overseas Chinese). Kemudian, pada 1905 di Jepang, ia mendirikan T'ung Meng Hui (Chinese Revolutionary Alliance) untuk menyebarkan gagasannya, yakni "Tiga Prinsip Rakyat" (San Min Zhu Yi): nasionalisme, demokrasi, dan kesejahteraan rakyat.
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Aliansi Revolusioner T'ung Meng Hui
Pada tahun 1906, Dr. Sun Yat Sen mengunjungi Penang dan mendirikan cabang T'ung Meng Hui di sana. Melalui organisasi ini, ia terus berpidato kepada komunitas Tionghoa perantauan tentang perlunya menggulingkan pemerintahan Manchu, yang ia anggap sebagai kekuatan asing dari suku Manchu yang mendominasi etnis Han. Dalam pidatonya di Penang tahun 1907, ia menekankan bahwa bangsa Manchu menindas rakyat Tionghoa dan tunduk pada kekuatan asing seperti Inggris, Prancis, Rusia, dan Jepang. Ia menyerukan perlunya bangkit melawan penindasan untuk mencegah Tiongkok jatuh sepenuhnya ke tangan negara-negara asing.
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Puncak perjuangannya terjadi pada Revolusi Xinhai, yang dimulai pada 10 Oktober 1911 (Double Ten) dengan pemberontakan di Wuchang. Revolusi ini memproklamasikan berdirinya Republik Tiongkok pada 1 Januari 1912. Wilayah republik baru ini hanya mencakup Tiongkok Selatan, sementara Tiongkok Utara tetap berada di bawah kendali Kaisar Pu Yi dari Dinasti Qing. Revolusi Xinhai menandai berakhirnya kekuasaan dinasti kekaisaran terakhir di Tiongkok setelah lebih dari 2.000 tahun pemerintahan kekaisaran.
Revolusi ini lahir dari ketidakpuasan rakyat terhadap Dinasti Qing yang gagal mempertahankan kedaulatan negara dari pengaruh asing. Kekalahan dalam Perang Opium dan Perang Tiongkok-Jepang, serta serangkaian perjanjian yang merugikan, membuat rakyat kehilangan kepercayaan pada pemerintahan Qing. Selain itu, upaya reformasi seperti Reformasi Seratus Hari dianggap terlambat dan tidak cukup untuk mengatasi masalah sosial dan ekonomi yang parah.
Setelah Dinasti Qing runtuh, Sun Yat Sen meletakkan dasar bagi Republik Tiongkok yang modern, berbasis pada prinsip-prinsip nasionalisme, demokrasi, dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Namun, transisi menuju republik tidak berjalan mulus. Setelah Sun Yat Sen wafat pada tahun 1925, Tiongkok mengalami gejolak politik akibat perebutan kekuasaan antara Kuomintang (KMT) dan Partai Komunis Tiongkok (PKT). Meskipun demikian, Revolusi Xinhai tetap dikenang sebagai tonggak penting dalam sejarah Tiongkok, membuka jalan bagi era baru tanpa pemerintahan kekaisaran.
Berikut beberapa peninggalan dari peristiwa Revolusi Xinhai :
1. Republik Tiongkok: Pendirian Republik Tiongkok pada tahun 1912 sebagai hasil dari Revolusi Xinhai menandai berakhirnya sistem kekaisaran yang telah berlangsung selama lebih dari dua milenium. Sistem republik menggantikan kekuasaan dinasti, meskipun pemerintahan republik ini menghadapi banyak tantangan, seperti konflik internal, perang saudara, dan ancaman dari kekuatan asing.
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2. Konstitusi Republik: Salah satu warisan penting dari era ini adalah upaya untuk membentuk sistem pemerintahan berbasis konstitusi. Konstitusi sementara 1912 merupakan dokumen penting yang mengatur struktur dasar pemerintahan republik, meskipun implementasinya mengalami kendala karena konflik politik yang terus berlangsung.
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3. Kuomintang (KMT): Partai Nasionalis Tiongkok atau Kuomintang, yang didirikan oleh Dr. Sun Yat Sen, menjadi salah satu kekuatan politik utama selama periode ini. KMT berperan dalam menyatukan Tiongkok melalui Ekspedisi Utara dan memerintah negara hingga awal Perang Saudara Tiongkok.
Sumber :
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bloghrexach · 8 months ago
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💥 … good news!!! — July 20, 2024!!
By: LaillaB, founder of ‘Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“As Israel's genocidal war against Gaza continues unabated, the Israeli economy is facing a catastrophe.
The economic indicators speak of nothing less than an economic catastrophe.
Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel's credit rating was lowered, Israeli bonds are sold at the prices of almost "junk bonds" levels, and the foreign investments that have already dropped by 60% in the first quarter of 2023 (as a result of the policies of Israel's far-right government before October 7) show no prospects of recovery.
The majority of the money invested in Israeli investment funds was diverted to investments abroad because Israelis do not want their own pension funds and insurance funds or their own savings to be tied to the fate of the State of Israel.
This has caused a surprising stability in the Israeli stock market because funds invested in foreign stocks and bonds generated profit in foreign currency, which was multiplied by the rise in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the Israeli Shekel.
But then Intel scuttled a $25 billion investment plan in Israel, the biggest BDS victory ever.
Three Israeli historians, two Zionists and one anti-Zionist, have declared that the Zionist project has come to an end.
Israel's power grid, which has largely switched to natural gas, still depends on coal to supply demand.
The biggest supplier of coal to Israel is Colombia, which announced that it would suspend coal shipments to Israel as long as the genocide was ongoing.
After Colombia, the next two biggest suppliers are South Africa and Russia.
Without reliable and continuous electricity, Israel will no longer be able to pretend to be a developed economy.
The physical destruction in Israel has been minimal, but one thing has been destroyed: its future.
When a critical mass of Israelis, regardless of their political opinions, become convinced that Israeli apartheid has become unsustainable, they will no longer agree to invest energy and money and risk their lives and their families for the sake of the Zionist project.
They will seek out a better future for themselves, as every sane person would, either by leaving Israel, or better yet, by working towards a new and democratic political system in Palestine 🇵🇸 إن شاء الله
🃏 An economy built on the exploitation and suffering of others is a house of cards destined to collapse.
إن شاء الله
#reclaimthenarrative — 🍉🕊 — #FreePalestine … @hrexach
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jobyoda-philippines · 1 month ago
Exploring Career and Job Opportunities in Davao City Philippines
Davao City, recognized as one of the Philippines' most progressive cities, continues to experience remarkable economic growth, creating a vibrant job market that attracts professionals from across the country. The city's diverse economy offers numerous employment opportunities, from entry-level positions to executive roles, making it an attractive destination for job seekers at all career stages.
The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector stands as one of the largest employers in Davao City, providing thousands of jobs across various specializations. Companies in this sector actively recruit customer service representatives, technical support specialists, and quality assurance analysts, offering competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits packages. The industry's continued expansion has created numerous opportunities for career advancement, with many organizations promoting from within and providing extensive training programs.
Part-time employment opportunities have also flourished in Davao City, catering to students, professionals seeking additional income, and individuals preferring flexible work arrangements. The retail sector, food service industry, and education field offer numerous part-time positions with varying schedules and responsibilities. These roles often provide valuable work experience and can serve as stepping stones to full-time careers.
The Information Technology sector in Davao has seen significant growth, with many companies seeking software developers, web designers, and IT support specialists. This growth has been fueled by the city's improving technological infrastructure and the increasing number of tech-focused businesses establishing operations in the region. Tech professionals can find opportunities in both established companies and startups, with many positions offering competitive compensation and the possibility of remote work arrangements.
Davao's hospitality and tourism industry continues to expand, creating jobs in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, and tour operations. The sector offers positions ranging from entry-level service roles to management positions, with many employers providing training and development opportunities. The industry's growth has also sparked demand for professionals in events management and tourism marketing.
The education sector presents numerous opportunities for both full-time and part-time employment. Educational institutions regularly seek teachers, tutors, and administrative staff. The rise of online learning has created additional opportunities for English language teachers and academic consultants who can work flexible hours from home or teaching centers.
Job hiring  in Davao, the digital economy has opened new avenues for employment. E-commerce specialists, digital content creators, and social media managers are in high demand as businesses increasingly establish their online presence. These positions often offer the flexibility of remote work while providing competitive compensation packages.
Professional development resources are readily available in Davao City, with numerous institutions offering skills training programs and industry certifications. Job seekers can access career counseling services, resume writing assistance, and interview coaching through various employment support organizations. These resources prove invaluable in helping candidates prepare for and secure desired positions.
The financial services sector in Davao has also experienced substantial growth, creating opportunities for banking professionals, insurance specialists, and investment consultants. These positions typically offer attractive compensation packages, including performance bonuses and health benefits, making them highly sought after by experienced professionals.
Davao's agricultural sector continues to evolve, combining traditional farming with modern agribusiness practices. This has created opportunities for agricultural technologists, food processing specialists, and supply chain professionals. The sector offers both technical and management positions, with many companies providing specialized training and development programs.
For those entering Davao's job market, proper preparation is essential. Successful job seekers typically maintain updated resumes, prepare comprehensive portfolios, and stay informed about industry developments. Professional networking, both online and offline, plays a crucial role in discovering opportunities and advancing careers in the city.
The future of Davao's job market looks promising, with emerging industries creating new employment opportunities. The city's commitment to economic development, coupled with its strategic location and robust infrastructure, continues to attract businesses and investors, ensuring a steady stream of job opportunities for qualified candidates.
Whether seeking full-time employment or part-time job in Davao City offers a diverse range of opportunities across multiple industries. Success in this dynamic job market often comes to those who combine proper preparation with continuous skill development and effective networking. As the city continues to grow and evolve, its job market remains a beacon of opportunity for professionals seeking to build meaningful careers in Mindanao's premier business hub.
#Davao City#recognized as one of the Philippines' most progressive cities#continues to experience remarkable economic growth#creating a vibrant job market that attracts professionals from across the country. The city's diverse economy offers numerous employment op#from entry-level positions to executive roles#making it an attractive destination for job seekers at all career stages.#The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector stands as one of the largest employers in Davao City#providing thousands of jobs across various specializations. Companies in this sector actively recruit customer service representatives#technical support specialists#and quality assurance analysts#offering competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits packages. The industry's continued expansion has created numerous opportunities fo#with many organizations promoting from within and providing extensive training programs.#Part-time employment opportunities have also flourished in Davao City#catering to students#professionals seeking additional income#and individuals preferring flexible work arrangements. The retail sector#food service industry#and education field offer numerous part-time positions with varying schedules and responsibilities. These roles often provide valuable work#The Information Technology sector in Davao has seen significant growth#with many companies seeking software developers#web designers#and IT support specialists. This growth has been fueled by the city's improving technological infrastructure and the increasing number of t#with many positions offering competitive compensation and the possibility of remote work arrangements.#Davao's hospitality and tourism industry continues to expand#creating jobs in hotels#restaurants#travel agencies#and tour operations. The sector offers positions ranging from entry-level service roles to management positions#with many employers providing training and development opportunities. The industry's growth has also sparked demand for professionals in ev#The education sector presents numerous opportunities for both full-time and part-time employment. Educational institutions regularly seek t
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schneiderenjoyer · 1 year ago
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I'm looking through character profiles and notice that every item has a labeled price/net worth. So, canonically in-game both Sharpodonty and Clear/Crystal drops are a form of arcanist currency with the Drops being the higher end of the currency sphere (based on item descriptions that uses Drops always mentioned to be highly expensive).
Then that means...I'm reminded how rich Sotheby truly is...
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