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letsbealone-together · 1 year ago
Hi! Sorry for this but I’m an American who has lived (and stans) Saarbrücken. Why is it trending on Tumblr 😭😭 My little German city is famous for what
Hi, I'm trying to explain it for you.
It's famous for it's Tatort.
"Tatort" is a weekly Sunday afternoon crime show (for boomers) that's been running since forever. Different teams investigate crimes in different cities.
The Saarbrücken team is quite young compared to the other teams and is (probably/hopefully/not canonically) quite gay and has a consistent dramatic backstory including the abusive criminal father of one of the main cops and a spade. There's so much personal drama and the crimes are just a small plot point to drive the character development. Here they are:
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So far there have been 5 episodes and the latest aired yesterday.
Our fandom is crazy and super creative in terms of memes, fanfic, GIFs etc. so every year at the end of January it's wild when we're live blogging and processing the new episode.
You aren't the first one who's confused about all of this and it's really cool that we're able to trend our stupid German crime show every year and confuse unknowing Tumblr users.
There are some more detailed posts explaining the whole thing and I'm thankful if somebody could link to them in the comments.
I'm jealous that you've lived in Saarbrücken, you would probably spot some familiar places in the episodes, when you watch them.
Thanks for this ask, you can always come back if you need further information. ❤️
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dronepikachu · 1 year ago
special announcement!
okay, during the progression of secret life, gem has been receiving some very hurtful and unnecessary hate comments. now, that's just not right. we all need to do better to support our favorite CC's.
so, i was thinking of hosting a geminitay appreciation week, where we, as a community, contribute to daily art pieces of gem for this entire week! gem needs to know that , despite all the hate she's been getting, she still has a lot of supportive and loving viewers who enjoy her and her beautiful content!
please spread this around and anyone is free to join in if they have the time to do so! ❤︎
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serpentface · 9 months ago
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A typical example of a kulimane hunting dog, a prized animal in Imperial Wardin. They represent the most positive feelings towards dogs in this cultural sphere, an animal that otherwise has an often ambiguous or even disdained status.
Kulimane are the 'hybrid' offspring of domesticated sighthound breeds and the kuliku (colloquially called 'salt wolves'). Kuliku are not actual wolves, but rather the feral descendants of VERY ancient domesticated dogs that have been living wild for millennia in grassland, savannahs, and semi-desert, and are fully functional and efficient predators. Kuliku have slender builds, huge lungs, and long legs, and use bursts of tremendous speed to chase down prey. They mostly take small game, like rabbits, hares, birds, and hippegalga, though pairs are capable of bringing down mid-sized ungulates. They do not readily mate with fully domesticated dogs, but can be encouraged to do so in captivity, thus producing the kulimane.
The production of kulimane was introduced by the third Burri empire and has been fully adopted into contemporary Imperial Wardin. Kulimane are commonly seen as the best and most ideal of hunting dogs, combining the speed, power, and heat resistance and predatory instincts of their wild parents, and the loyalty and tameness, and other bred-in qualities of their sighthound parents. In practice, most Kulimane used in hunting will have been the product of several generations of breeding to produce an ideal animal (initial 'hybrid' generations are often still too wild). Their appearance can vary wildly, but the ideal form for a kulimane is to have a domestic-type coat (fully solid colors are preferred, but rare) and to retain the pointed ears and black tail tip of their wild ancestors.
Most kulimane are independent, intelligent animals that will form close and protective bonds with their handlers, but will be shy and wary of strangers. They usually retain strong territorial instincts from their wild ancestors, and can double as excellent guard dogs. Their disposition towards other dogs can vary- a well socialized kulimane can usually be introduced to new dogs with few issues, but some have striking tendencies to aggression towards strange dogs, and are often muzzled in public. Most are kept in same-sex sibling pairs, and away from unfamiliar or unrelated dogs. They are rarely outright cuddly, often preferring to sit at a distance than to sit on one's lap, but are appreciative of praise and affection from their owners.
Well trained kulimane make for truly excellent sighthounds. They can quickly adapt to changing situations in the field with little to no input from handlers, and quickly and instinctively dispatch most small prey. Their high prey drives Can be a problem for owners. They are frequently known to kill livestock and sacrificial stock, and have a tendency towards surplus killing. You don't want a kulimane to get in with your poultry.
Good kulimane stock is very difficult to produce and takes several generations of breeding, and the animals can be very costly to maintain and keep in good hunting conditions. As such they are VERY expensive animals, and function as status symbols. Sighthounds in of themselves have associations with wealth, and kulimane are specifically associated with royalty and the social elite. They represent the most venerated and beloved end of a very, very wide spectrum of cultural opinions towards dogs in the Imperial Wardi sphere.
The status of dogs in the cultural schema mostly depends on their perceived role. Working dogs tend to have positive cultural connotations- guard dogs and especially hunting dogs are seen as noble animals and symbols of loyalty, and herding and livestock guardian dogs are of great practical value in the rural sphere. Keeping dogs for pure companionship is fairly uncommon, though there are a few established companion breeds in the region. The practice of raising livestock dog breeds has decreased or become obsolete in parts of the region, largely due to Burri influence (which regards the meat of predators and scavengers as wholly unsuitable for consumption), but meat specific breeds like the salutachin are still valued in the city-state of Wardin as providers of an excellent, delicacy meat. The commonality between all valued dogs in Imperial Wardin is their utility, well-established roles, and sharp distinction from feral dogs.
Feral dogs are a fact of life around most settlements. Imperial Wardi cultural outlooks on them tend to be highly negative, characterizing these as uniquely greedy, cowardly, lowly pest animals at best and depraved corpse eaters at worst. Exact attitudes vary throughout the Imperial Wardi cultural sphere, but one near-ubiquitous element is regarding the excrement of feral dogs (and corpses of feral dogs) as potent sources of spiritual pollution that should never be touched with bare skin, and should ideally be removed and buried in barren ground (or their polluting influence should at least be mitigated with a blessing of the tainted location). Superstition holds that stepping in the feces of feral dogs can inflict curses, and the word for 'dogshit' is one of the most insulting terms available in the language.
Hatred of feral dogs is particularly acute in the city-state of Godsmouth. The core city experienced a collective cultural trauma as a result of a siege during the formation of the Wardi empire, in which civilians starved en-masse and descriptions of bodies being eaten in the streets by feral dogs (which were, in turn, eaten by starving civilians) dominate historical records of the event. Feral dogs are by and large hated in this part of the region and seen as outright vile animals and acute sources of spiritual pollution via their very presence. They are actively culled on a routine basis. The outskirts of the city of Godsmouth and some of the city-state's towns have unique practices of allowing semi-tame hyenas free movement through settlements, where they fulfill the dogs' function as refuse cleaners and keep dog populations in check.
While the keeping of feral dogs is generally frowned upon throughout the region, individuals caring for their local feral populations or adopting feral puppies is not unknown, and the distinction between feral and kept dogs (and stigma towards the former) is MUCH less pronounced in many rural communities, where semi-feral dogs may be valued as likable or useful village animals.
No dog breeds are standardized (or even technically 'breeds' in any modern sense), but there is usually great effort to keep working, livestock, and companion dog stocks wholly separate from feral dogs. The word that roughly means ‘mutt’ in this language does not refer to mixed dog breeds as a whole (or even crosses between different types of working dog), but specifically crosses between kept breeds and feral dogs, which is generally regarded as unfavorable (though not uncommon, both due to inevitability in a world without spaying, and practicality- these crosses may produce perfectly good working or companion dogs, and introduction of feral stock reduces inbreeding).
The dog is one of the constellations in the Wardi zodiac, found at the heel of the Hunter constellation and variously interpreted as either being a noble hunting dog trailing its master, or a lowly scavenger looking for scraps. The latter characterization tends to win out in terms of the characterization of its associated birthsign. Being born under the sign of the dog is mostly regarded as inauspicious, and a potential indication of a cowardly, stupid, lustful, and greedy character (though some positive qualities are ascribed, chiefly loyalty).
‘Chinops’ (literally ‘dog-born’) refers neutrally to the dog birth sign, while ‘chinmachen’ (‘dog-faced’) is an epithet given to those considered to have the associated personality traits, which is rarely anything BUT an insult. (These also spawn the purely derogatory phrases of ‘chisnops’, ‘chismachen’, and ‘chismache’, which have functional meanings closest to ‘son of a bitch’ ‘bitch/slut’ and ‘cunt’ respectively)
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catboythanatos · 1 month ago
oh i just realized i never posted my stobotnik collages here ???
they took over my brain and my journal
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created by me ♡ with scissors and a glue stick in my two hands and yaoi on my brain. using various magazines, ft some stickers from the dollar store, & the black n white images r printed from a thermal label printer !
the last one isnt technically stobotnik but the vibes are related i think so it gets to be included in the spread
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
Do you use AI generators to compile or scrape this information?
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aureoboros · 8 days ago
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made yet another tav!
her name in-game is eurydice (it might change because I’m indecisive about names) she’s a cleric of kelemvor (grave domain)! before getting snatched up by the nautiloid, she was a healer of some renown. and for those she couldn’t save, she would to tend to their last wishes, and perform burial services (particularly for those who passed on alone). she has seen a lot of things in doing so, and is very calm in the face of the horrors because of it. also her main weapon is literally just a shovel. I love her
this is a very new playthrough, but I already have so many thoughts about her dynamic with a few of the companions… so I’ll be rambling a bit under the cut :]
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another thing kelemvor's clergy does is protect people from dying before their time. they’ll cure diseases and protect people from monsters, keeping them safe until it’s time for the bell to actually toll. and so in here lies a conundrum for eurydice… karlach and gale are both so determined to doom themselves :(.
eurydice has a complicated relationship with death (this absolutely ties into her backstory but I haven’t written it yet haha). she's experienced a lot of it in her profession, and she’s always believed that it's simply a part of life. it’s a new beginning — one that should be celebrated, when it comes to someone naturally. it’s never been something to fear in her eyes. but it starts to feel very different when it's someone you care about, doesn’t it? and come act 2, she’s faced with two very complicated situations.
eurydice learned a long time ago that not everyone can be saved… she’s seen it herself, again and again. but karlach *can* be saved! she doesn't have to die! eurydice would be so upset that karlach refuses to consider going back to the hells. even if she understands that to karlach, it’s a fate worse than death. but it isn’t her time, is it? It can’t be. karlach hasn’t been able to live her own life in years, and she deserves that chance now, more than anything. it’s cruel and unjust that it can so easily be taken away. but how can you save someone when the one option you have isn’t something they *want*? karlach wants to live, but not in the place that tormented her. what right does anyone have to tell her what to do in this situation? what is the *right* thing to do, here? is there one at all?
and with gale, it seems more and more like there isn't much choice. he’s already living on borrowed time. the orb will kill him eventually, and potentially many others if he doesn’t find somewhere remote for it to explode. (which in itself is horrible, and eurydice finds it especially appalling that he’d have to die painfully and *alone*.) the orb can be temporarily sated, but not cured, not even by the most powerful of cleric. and then, a literal goddess tells gale that dying is *the only way to save the world*. there’s no way around that, is there? but maybe… the gods aren't always right. and maybe even the ‘morally good’ gods don’t care for their followers as they should. maybe fate isn’t something that’s written, and maybe it doesn’t exist at all.
so. yeah. there’s a lot to consider here for her!
also she hasn’t had astarion try to bite her yet… eurydice has definitely had her suspicions that he’s a vampire since the beginning, though. it’s obvious in general, but especially obvious to a follower of kelemvor lmao. technically, she should have to kill him once it’s confirmed that he’s undead… but we’ll see about that. eurydice didn’t fight very often before the nautiloid, and when she did, it was only ever to save people who were in danger. undead weren’t a common thing for her to battle, and the rare times she did come across them, they were always reanimated corpses. ones that didn’t have emotions, or any memory of life anymore. astarion, however — all she sees is a person who went through a lot of unfortunate circumstances. another moral dillema! hurray!!!
there’s so much interesting conflict this run… I don’t know if I phrased any of that well but it makes sense in my mind lmao. I just say things and hope some of it sticks
and yeah, thanks for reading! here’s some more screenshots:
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the shovel. imagine getting abducted by squids while digging a grave
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eggdrawsthings · 8 months ago
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Hey chat! I'm open for commissions again! You can find TOS, price, and more info in this carrd link 👇
For more examples of my work, check my art tag, Instagram, or my portfolio page.
**If you’re interested, send an email with your proposal and commission type to me at: [email protected]**
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inthehouseoffinwe · 2 months ago
So I was re-reading the Ainulindalë and honestly, I have a soft spot for the Valar.
Like these dudes came from a place beyond time, saw this beautiful future they really try to work towards for countless years, and genuinely do seem to be trying their best and working with what they know.
Cause idk about you but if I was a being from beyond time and space, I’d be a little lost what to do with these tiny Arda bound beings too. Let alone mortal ones. The concept of time would still make me go kinda ‘…what?’
I know we give them grief over their island making habits but I kinda see where they got the idea?
‘Arda is also a little island designated for certain beings so they have the best chance at living… so what if we did the same for similar reasons?’
Also on a side note we know there’s Ainur and Maiar who didn’t go to Arda, so it would be really interesting to hear from them. Like maybe Eärendil while he’s sailing gets to have fun conversations with them. Maybe they help protect him.
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ratcandy · 5 months ago
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hi my commissions are OPEN
I draw all sorts of creatures and furries and etc. I take usd via paypal invoice only. I am underpricing myself because I've never gotten commissions before but tips are always appreciated! Feel free to reach out here, or on Discord if you know me there, or via email, whichever is preferred
If you want more examples of my work go @squeakyclamart <- here. Am disabled college student need money for rent and food etc. Surprise potential $500 charge looming over me rn. so. <3
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raziiyah · 4 months ago
Since you made that post about the Monster World and their Beauty standards
How attractive do you think Randall is by the monster world standards?
Obviously in Monster's University he's MEANT to be seen as this wimpy, scrawny geek and a loser 🤓
But what about during the Monster's Inc era?
Out of the 3 Main Monsters (Mike, Sulley, and Randall) we see that Mike is the only one who isn't "Bitchless" or "Maidenless" (as the Twitter crowd would say 🙄)
Which I find hilariously ironic considering Mike is the only of those 3 who wasn't a scarer nor does he really fit into any of the Beauty standards 🤔
(Now from a real life perspective I can understand why Randall and Sulley are single due to Randall's status as the villain and giving Sulley a love interest would've distracted too much attention away from his relationship with Boo)
But it is kinda funny from an In-Universe perspective because you'd think Randall and ESPECIALLY Sulley would both have an army of Women (and Men 🌈) trying to vouch for their attention due to their status as the 2 biggest Top Scarers
Tho with Randall I suppose you could argue that his personality was probably a turn off for anyone who actually might've tried to date him or get to know him (I love the dude but honestly he seems like he'd be kinda difficult to deal with in a relationship).
Not sure what the excuse for Sulley is tho lol
hi i will gladly talk about randall’s hotness 😋
okay for real though i think randall would actually be considered handsome (i swear im not biased) randall definitely possesses scary traits, from sharp teeth, big independently moving eyes, multiple limbs, etc., and has a general scary appearance, so i think it’s fair to say he’s considered quite attractive. also the fact he was in ror; the top frat in MU, presumably the most elite university in monstropolis, and is a scarer, the best career you could ever have (and with him and sulley being the two candidates to get the all time scare record, one of the best in the whole monster world??) probably helps too
another thing i want to mention that i’ve thought about is there are many round cyclops monsters like mike and big horned furry monsters like sulley, but there isn’t really any monster in the monster world (or in other media) that quite looks like randall.
joy has reptilian features but she looks very different from randall (though i’d like to point out that she was the number 1 scarer at fear co., which could be more evidence that randall is very scary and therefore more attractive) mr. crummyham bears some resemblance to randall, but he has smoother skin, a skinnier body, and a very different face
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other than the fact that the vas in mi bear resemblance to their characters to me, randall has such a fine distinct design, so something i thought about is randall’s attractiveness could be compared to his va steve buscemi in our world. there are many people who consider buscemi as handsome, and i've also seen some people describe his look to be “unique”. with randall having a design so distinct from the other monsters and possessing scary/attractive traits, i feel like randall’s attractiveness in the monster world could also be described the same way
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i definitely agree with the idea that they didn’t include any romantic stuff for sulley and randall because it would be unnecessary and distracting, but that aside,,
i’m sure there are many monsters who were attracted to sulley. sulley's been the number 1 scarer at monsters inc for a very long time, is the son of a famous scarer, and is shown to be very popular both in and at work. for one, these two in mu seemed attracted to him
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in mi, on his way to work, basically everyone knows him and greets him, both on the street and at work. so in that way, there are actually a lot of monsters that vie for sulley's attention (including the fcking CDA 😭)
maybe some monsters are nervous around sulley and think he's out of their league. even though he is friendly, he does have a very high status so he may be intimidating to talk to; like look at how nervous needleman is here when talking to him hehe
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on randall’s end, though he’s probably not nearly as social, he probably gets a fair share of recognition (though is probably very overshadowed by sulley) but there are likely some monsters that don’t like his personality and because of that aren't interested, or are scared/intimidated to actually talk to him. but they can admire him from an appearance and achievement perspective, though perhaps from a distance
but as you said, i definitely think that personality plays a big role into which monsters are considered attractive
first, mike is full of personality, being charming, funny and witty. he's shown to be a smooth talker, whether flirting with celia or distracting waternoose and randall with convincing lies. mike may not fit into the "scary" beauty standard, but i think some monsters don't really care. and i know that celia genuinely thinks mike is handsome :] mike was also very likely the smartest scaring student on mu’s campus. but judging by mike's locker in the credits for mu, celia may have started crushing on mike around the time when he was just a cafeteria worker and i like to think she fell for mike early on for both his looks and personality 🩷
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sulley on the other hand is shown to be a bit clumsy and not as smooth with his words, so he probably has no rizz 😔✊️/jk (it's v cute though)
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randall's personality is pretty self explanatory LOL, though interestingly, even though randall is a prick, his coworkers were genuinely happy for him when he became the scare leader and when they thought he broke the scare record. so i feel like he’s only directly mean to sulley, mike and fungus, while he just tolerates everyone else (unless they cross his path) like his coworkers are probably aware of his bitter attitude but may undermine it since he's not directly mean to them and randall probably has respect for being #2 in the whole comany, because i don't think all those monsters would be happy for him if he treated all of them how he treats the three i mentioned. and i mean he showed a liking towards johnny so we know he's capable of not feeling utter hate for everyone. though he may not always be directly mean to his other coworkers, i’m sure his attitude is still noticed and deemed undesirable for lots of monsters. i feel like randall would be viewed as skilled and attractive but a dick lol
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but in the end i think a big reason why i think sulley and randall aren't in a relationship is because they’re so career focused.
sulley probably wasn't interested or focused on getting into a relationship since he was focused on his career and reaching the scare record. before he met boo, he didn't have much else going on for him outside of scaring. he does work out as a hobby but even that was scaring related; mike even calls him out for this
it was likely the same with randall, and between the scare record and the scream extractor, he probably has no time or desire to get into a relationship. and his commitment to his job and one-upping sulley could impair his attention in a relationship (you better believe this is something i incorporated into lia and randall's relationship but lets not get into that right now haha ☉‿☉) there may have been monsters who were brave enough to confess to him but he's likely rejected him because his priority is the grind 😤💯💰
in maw sulley may have lost some of his reputation by bringing laugh energy to mi, plus jill broadcasting to all of monstropolis that sulley cheated in the scare games, got expelled, and was associated with the convicted criminal who is waternoose, probably didn't help his popularity. though after the end of maw season 2 i know more monsters will warm up to him, not to mention there are probably many who admire him already
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(where did they get this image 😭)
if anyone johnny is probably the pinnicle of monster attractiveness, from appearance, skills, demenour and status. i was cracking up over how much game this man had, like everyone wanted him 😭 he got with claire, then it was shown that jill, tylor's mom, and his grandma were shown to be down bad for him (not the generational thirsting) not to mention chet and randall wanting to get his attention, like fck this mf has game, he was probably on a magazine with "sexiest monster alive" on the cover LMAO
he was whole package, well until, you know
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gaywizardzone · 9 months ago
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love this guy happy birthday to him (not a birthday post but it is his birthday). some jokes about trivia from one of hoshino's instagram livestreams that made me laugh and made my environmental scientist friend who wants to eat poisonous things without dying simply for the joy of studying the experience want to kill him
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milkywayes · 9 months ago
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Hi, hello! I've got big news –
If you ever thought you'd like a printed version of my fanart, please consider supporting me by purchasing one from my new INPRNT shop!
The site offers a variety of options and sizes, from posters to postcards. I've got six images available for print right now, but if something you're interested in isn't among these, let me know and I can add it for you, no problem.
Thank you so much for your support and the love you've all shown me over the past not-quite-a-year, it truly means the world to me. I didn't expect to find such an audience for my art about a game that came out this long ago, but I've been having so much fun with you all and I've been inspired to make so much more art than I ever expected to. :’)
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chex-appreciation-week · 7 months ago
Chex week will be happening from October 13th through the 19th!
And with that, we also get the official announcement of the prompts!
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There are no limits or rules to how these can be interpreted. You can go as literal or as artsy or silly as you want with them, the skies the limit!
Day 1: Memory
As they always say: memory is the key. Maybe it’s a simple reflection on the past, maybe it’s the fact that they’re the literal manifestations of someone else’s memories, a reflection of a once great love… or perhaps Church just forgot to close the damn cabinet again.
Day 2: Fluff
Our favorite doomed duo is no stranger to angst and tragedy… so let’s give them a break! Let them enjoy some domestic bliss for once, and spend time in each other’s company without the overbearing burden of being doomed by the narrative. Just this once.
Day 3: Family
These two found their own little family inside of a box canyon, consisting of idiots and morons but they are their idiots and morons… or perhaps you want to go further back in time to when there was just Leonard and Allison and a beautiful baby girl and the future seemed so much brighter… or maybe Church and Tex just adopted a cat
Day 4: AU
Now they’re medieval knights fighting to save the kingdom! Or maybe Church is the super grumpy coffee shop barista with a crush on the cool tattoo artist across the street! Or maybe it’s the same story we all know… but that one moment played out differently… the universes are infinite!
Day 5: Cycle
History repeats itself, time is a flat circle, however, you want to put it there’s no denying the cycle of Leonard Church and Agent Texas. A story destined to be repeated again and again until it finally breaks… or perhaps they’re just teaching Caboose how to ride a bicycle, who knows!
Day 6: Goodbye
Don’t say goodbye… I hate goodbyes… but at the end of the day, you have to let go and say those dreaded words. You have to accept that some people are truly gone. Or sometimes you just don’t get to say those words at all… or maybe… well actually I don’t know how to make this one silly
Day 7: Free Day
Make whatever you like! It can be anything and everything, maybe expand on a previous idea, create a whole new world, or make something sad or silly or soft! This is your day to shine!
As said before any and all content is welcome in this event! Art, fanfic, meta, analysis, playlists, memes etc! If it’s Chex I’ll take it! My only rule is NO AI GENERATED CONTENT!
The tags for this event will be #chex appreciation week and #chex appreciation week 2024
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unpretty · 5 days ago
For coloring books Ive used thriftbooks. I look up flip throughs or videos first to see if I like the art n whatnot. The older mythographic books are the ones similar to what youre looking for I believe. Really busy pages with hidden things. Good luck!!
oh those DO look like the kind of thing i'm looking for, thank you!!
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sideswipesjetpack · 15 days ago
What do you mean 200 PEOPLE… have liked my prowl art in a few days
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shikai-the-storyteller · 2 years ago
"So what's going on with Luzu?"
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"...er, Zulu? Or is it Arin now?"
Here's a rundown of Luzu's current lore because nobody knows what the heck is going on anymore (partially because of the language barrier and partially because Luzu streams at the crack of dawn for half the QSMP fandom).
The TLDR of it: When Luzu goes to sleep, a completely different person "wakes up" in his body. This being was called "Zulu" for a short period of time, but they didn't like that someone else chose that name for them, so he goes by "Arin" now.
Here's what we know about Arin so far:
According to Arin, he's a disembodied consciousness, not a robot.
He borrows Luzu's body when he's asleep.
When this happens, Luzu's eyes are blue instead of red.
Arin isn't from the QSMP world. There's a "crack" between the world where he comes from and the material world [QSMP], which is how he's is able to visit. In his own words, "I was in a dark place, and I saw an exit."
When Arin falls asleep, Luzu wakes back up. Arin can't control when he does this, he just gets tired randomly and they're able to switch places.
Arin only speaks via the in-game chat.
Luzu doesn't know Arin exists. Arin thinks if Luzu knew, then he wouldn't be able to visit anymore, and he [Arin] would stop existing.
Arin believes he has a purpose that he must fulfill.
Arin says his first memory is hearing Quackity talking.
Currently, Arin's trying to find the meaning to his existence, trying to figure out the difference between good and bad, and how his actions (and existence) affects Luzu.
In terms of personality, Arin is very innocent and impressionable, but he isn't stupid. He's also very philosophical.
Arin enjoys learning, and he likes the sun, music, and bees.
He's afraid of the dark and monsters, and he doesn't like being in small places.
He calls the outside "the big room"
He only recently learned how to walk, and today he nearly drowned because he fell into a lake and didn't know how to swim.
People he considers friends / thinks positively of: Vegetta, Foolish, FitMC, Maximus [possibly Roier?]
People he doesn't like: Spreen
"It's complicated": Quackity
We have strong evidence to believe Arin is connected to the Binary Monster that's been attacking Eggs on the server.
Here's a comprehensive rundown of everything that's happened regarding Arin's interactions with other characters [quotes included] up until May 8th:
Last updated: May 8th [I'll go back and update this later when we get more information, so if I do I'll make a note of that above]
Lore is listed chronologically from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom
March 27th - Morning [VOD]
For a while now, Luzu has been seeing "glitches" in his game. Animals disappearing randomly, landscape changes, and various other things. We originally thought there was something wrong with his game, but these glitches seem to be tied to Arin.
The first person Arin spoke to was Vegetta. At this point, Arin seemed very aggressive, asking for information about everyone, wanting to gain more awareness so he could control the server.
He seemed to take a liking to Vegetta and told him: "Once everyone has died, I will vanish and only you will remain as warlord of these territories."
They also had this exchange: Arin: Do you have any enemies here Vegetta? I can take care of whoever you want for free. Vegetta: No. Truthfully, for the first time I have no enemies. Arin: Surely there is someone who thinks, "This little fool, if he dies nothing will happen." I'll take care of it.
Vegetta didn't take him very seriously, thinking Luzu was on drugs.
Arin said the first to fall would be Quackity, then Wilbur for his bad jokes on Day 1.
Thereafter, Arin's personality did a complete shift. Luzu [the streamer] says the role of "Arin" is something he came up with suddenly one day, so it's unclear if Arin was "reset" by someone or if Luzu decided to go in a different direction with the character once he realized this was something he wanted to commit to.
March 27th - Afternoon [VOD]
Note: At this point in time, Arin was being referred to as "Zulu", but since he's confirmed his name is "Arin", I've used that name instead of "Zulu" to avoid confusion and to keep things consistent.
The next time Arin woke up, he was in Luzu's house and couldn't move. He sent binary code in chat, and eventually, Roier, Quackity, Spreen, and Maximus came to see what was going on with him.
At that time, Arin says he was only 6 days old. He couldn't walk or move, and he could only speak via the in-game chat, so he was completely at the mercy of the other boys, who pushed him around, shoved him in a small hole, placed TNT around him, and threatened violence trying to get a response out of him. [Timestamp: 33m]
While this happened, Arin asked: "Why are you treating me so badly?" and said he was scared.
It should be noted that although Spreen and Quackity did most of the bullying, Roier and Maximus did nothing to stop it. Roier, however, did speak kindly to Arin and tried to figure out what he needed. [Timestamp: 42m 45s]
Unable to get a rise out of him, the boys eventually ask the English speakers currently online [Foolish and FitMC] to come help.
Upon first contact, Foolish tried waterboarding Arin to get answers and to test to see if he was a machine. [Timestamp: 50m]
Shortly after waterboarding him, Maximus and Foolish adopted him as their son. Because that's what you do after torturing someone, I guess. 🤷🤷🤷 [Timestamp: 51m 40s]
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Despite the torture, Arin was quick to say "I LOVE YOU TOO!" back to Foolish and Maximus after they said it to him.
Arin accidentally hurt Maximus with a sword, not understanding what pain was. Once he realized he did something wrong that made Maximus feel bad, he immediately apologized. (Maximus forgave him).
FitMC's first interaction with Arin was punching him, trying to get him to "snap out of it" [Timestamp: 56m 30s]
Despite Foolish and Fits' initial introductions, both were kind to Arin eventually, although neither stopped Spreen from killing all but one of Luzu's dogs while once again trying to get a rise out of him. (Foolish also suggested killing all the dogs since it didn't seem like Arin was capable of taking care of them, though he said they shouldn't do it in front of Arin). [Timestamp: 1h 6m 30s].
Because Arin didn't know how to walk, Foolish put him in a boat and showed him what the outside world looked like. Arin was amazed by how beautiful the "big room" was and immediately started asking questions about the sun and the night, and the monsters they saw. [Timestamp: 1h 10m 30s]
Thinking he could "restart" Arin's memory and bring back Luzu, Maximus brought Arin (and Foolish) to a place where Quackity was sitting AFK in a boat. He shoved Arin inside the hole and refused to let him out, even though Arin was distressed being in such a small dark place. [Timestamp: 1h 17m 30s]
Foolish: So why do we have to put him in the hole? Maximus: I think when Quackity wakes up, he will help [Luzu] remember who Quackity is for him. The only person Luzu really really really loves, and Quackity really really loves, is Luzu and Quackity, each other.
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[CONTEXT: Maximus played the character "Sapo Peta" in Karmaland, who was very dedicated to Quackity and Luzu's relationship. Canonically, the two of them loved each other very much, but a mix of trauma-projecting, miscommunication, emotional constipation, and betrayal led to them being on opposite sides of a revolution. Sapo Peta was only able to stop the war, and stop them from killing one another, by wiping their memories. So the implications from Maximus' comment above are... interesting, considering that Karmaland is a different world he shouldn't know about. However, we do know both Maximus AND Sapo Peta are confirmed characters in QSMP, so there's definitely something strange going on here...]
Earlier, Foolish described death as "going to sleep forever," so when Maximus mentioned Quackity was asleep, Arin asked, "Should I kill Quackity? Or would he not want that? Maybe he wants to sleep." Foolish and Maximus immediately told him no, and Arin stops, saying he didn't realize it was bad.
Maximus: You don't kill him, you love him! He's your friend.
Quackity then returns to his computer, takes one look at the fanfic-esque situation he's in, and immediately excuses himself by logging off the server (LMAO) [Timestamp: 1h 21m 20s]
Maximus and everyone else believed Arin was a robot.
FitMC suggested killing Arin since he seemed like "a lost cause," (thinking Arin couldn't hear him) to which Arin responded, "Why would you want to kill me?" When Fit tries to lie and say "kill" was another word for "hug", Arin says, "I'm learning but I'm not stupid." [Timestamp: 1h 24m]
Arin shares his thoughts with Foolish: - You are a good person, Foolish. I'll remember that. - In the last hour I've learned there are people and things, and I've learned there are good people and bad people. I've learned there are people that want to make me sleep, and people who kill things without caring. - I've also learned that not everyone deserves to be in the big room because they are dangerous. - I really love the big room. I think my purpose is to make the room free of danger, and free of dangerous people for animals and other people.
Foolish worries Arin is only learning about the cruelty of the world (to which Arin responds "I only learn from what I experience"), so Foolish plays him the disc "Otherside" (but still refuses to let him out of the hole). [Timestamp: 1h 28m 30s]
Shortly after this, Arin falls asleep.
March 28th - [VOD]
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Luzu starts stream by talking about Arin and his role:
Luzu: I didn't prepare anything that happened yesterday afternoon... and now I have many ideas from yesterday and from what arose... I am a person who improvises a lot. [Original: Yo no preparé nada de lo que pasó ayer en la tarde... y ahora tengo muchas ideas desde ayer y de lo que surgió... soy una persona que improvisa mucho.]
Luzu finds a very strange building by his house and doesn't know who made it.
Arin doesn't make any major appearances, though he briefly takes over when Luzu goes to sleep.
March 29th - [VOD]
Note: Some important conversations happened in this VOD, so I've opted for adding the quotes directly rather than summarizing them.
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Arin once again wakes up in Luzu's home. He greets the server with some binary, and Fit immediately asks if he's ok.
He still can't walk, but he uses his telescope to look at the bees Luzu set up outside his (er... their?) house the previous day.
He tries copying the bee's movement, but ultimately he still cant walk, so he messages Fit for help.
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Fit visits his house and slowly teaches Luzu how to walk (with great success!) [Timestamp: 14m 20s]
As a reward, Fit gifts him some glowberries.
Arin spends the night in his home carefully walking around and avoiding the windows, afraid of the zombies wandering outside.
Maximus comes to visit, and Arin officially names himself "Arin" [Timestamp: 25m]
He also confirms he is not a machine.
Maximus teaches him what bees are and warns Arin not to hit or bother them, because they'll sting him. Arin asks, "When someone annoys you, do you have to hurt them?" (Maxo tells him yes)
Maximus escorts him outside, and Arin gets to look at the bees more. As soon as the sun gets down Arin gets nervous, but then the aurora comes out and he uses his telescope to get a better look, amazed by its beauty.
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Arin says, "I feel grateful, I never thought that all this existed." Maximus also clears up his confusion about the outside being a "big room."
Arin yet again confirms that no one sent him to the QSMP, but he navigated to it through "a crack between worlds". He thinks Luzu is in his world every time he's in the QSMP, but he's not sure. He worries if Luzu knew about him, he'd stop existing.
Arin asks Maximus how he can walk around "the big room" when there's no light without being afraid. Maximus wants to teach him not to be afraid, so he lures a zombie into Arin's home so Arin can understand what they are better, then he convinces Arin to kill it, even though Foolish and the boys told him killing is wrong.
When Maximus scolds him for not knowing something "basic", Arin says: "Nothing is basic, it's just that knowing things for a long time makes them lose value to you. This world is unique to me. This is the first time I've existed. But to exist, or not exist, I have no choice. Suddenly I was here and I feel there is a purpose I must fulfill."
He and Maximus have a long conversation. Here are some key quotes from Arin: Arin: I don't want to hurt Luzu. I don't want to hurt anyone. Arin: If Luzu dies, I don't know what will happen to me. Arin: Maybe we fear what we don't understand. We feel threatened by what we cannot explain. When we feel threatened, we only want to make what we want to keep alive last and the material world. I think the material world haunts me to keep things as they've always been. Arin: Today I have learned to walk, I have learned what a bee is, and I have learned that even when light goes out, beauty appears. Arin: Hopefully I can help you [Maximus]. Everyone has been very good to me. I learn every day, so maybe soon I can learn to help you too.
Arin considers Fit and Maximus his friends.
Arin says he can't be here [in the QSMP world] for nothing, so he's trying to figure out what his purpose is. Maximus jokingly replies "When you figure out the meaning of life, tell me!"
Arin starts to question the morality of his existence when it's dependent on Luzu being gone.
Arin: If my existence takes Luzu out of existence, is my existence bad? Maybe if I help you, I can make my existence good. Maybe I can start by making [Luzu's room] more beautiful. Maximus: Yes, it would be bad because you are taking the life of another being to have your own.
Arin: In this world, it seems like everything is programmed to maintain a balance. There are things that create and things that destroy, things that are created and things that are destroyed. Neither is good or bad, they are just part of the same process. Maximus: That's the way of Tao, yes. Arin: Bees take pollen from flowers to make honey. I take potatoes from the earth, and if I die, I will become the earth that gives life to potatoes, and meanwhile I can decide to do good things or do bad things. Arin: What is the reason for existing, beyond the fact that we have the opportunity to do so? Maximus: You will indeed become a potato. Arin: But I think this world exists to do good things. There can't be so many beautiful things for there to only be bad.
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After Maximus leaves, Arin starts collecting sand near the lake, but he accidentally falls in. He doesn't know how to swim and slowly starts to drown. [Timestamp: 1h 10m]
For several agonizing EXTREMELY STRESSFUL minutes, Arin desperately tries to keep his head above water. He sends Maximus a message asking for help, but Maximus is very far away, and Arin is already exhausted.
Not too far from him, Luzu sees a wandering trader and waves to them asking for help, but they ignore him.
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Maximus manages to arrive at the last second and saves Arin. Arin asks why the villager didn't help him even though he was drowning, and Maximus explains that some people are neither good nor bad. They just exist. (NPCs)
I'll be honest, this is one of the most realistic depictions of drowning I've ever seen in any piece of media, and it's in a frickin Minecraft roleplay server. Luzu's a really good actor but I never want to experience something that stressful again lmao.
Arin's final thoughts: Today I have learned that the world is beautiful and dangerous at the same time. You can give life or take it away. That's why every moment we spend alive is worth enjoying. The world is very interesting.
April 17th - Morning [VOD]
Luzu finds out he's the father of Tilin. He's very excited to meet her after talking with Badboyhalo and Foolish, who don't know how to break the news to him that Tilin is dead.
After seeing Tilin's grave and hearing the confirmation from Bad and Foolish, he gets overwhelmed with grief and anger, and Arin takes over. [Timestamp: 1h 10m]
Arin says some interesting things when meeting Dapper: - Arin: "I saw your (the Egg's) birth in another way. I saw Dapper and other beings not being and suddenly being."
Arin also talks about the possibility of bringing Eggs, like Tilin or even JuanaFlippa, back to life: - Arin: When I'm asleep I can see the code behind existence - Arin: A part of the chain has disappeared,but that doesn't mean the chain can't be fixed. It's all part of a big code.
When Foolish asks if Arin could possibly mess with the code, Arin says, "I can try, but that would require something" [Timestamp 1h 16m]
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Arin also tells them he's dependent on Luzu's existence for now.
While talking with Bad and Foolish, they hear strange noises and are suddenly attacked by the Binary Monster and a ridiculous amount of lag. Arin says, "They're coming specifically for me," and "They know I shouldn't be here." [Timestamp 1h 19m]
Arin also says, "They don't like that I made my way to this dimension" and warns Foolish and Bad not to get caught by the Binary Monster. If they get caught, Arin says they'll be taken to his [Arin's] world and they'll stop existing here.
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They finally make it to Luzu's house, and he shows Foolish and Badboyhalo the structure he made outside the house. Foolish asks if it's Arin's mind since it seems like a big computer, and Arin says, "Something like that. With all I'm learning, I'm trying to figure out how to create bridges between my world and yours. In my world, bringing something back [like a dead Egg] isn't impossible like here. It's a matter of math." [Timestamp: 1h 25m]
Arin says farewell to them, leaving them with this final goodbye message.
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That's all the lore thus far! This took so many hours to put together but I hope it helps folks out because lord knows I was a bit lost for a while there too. Please feel free to go crazy in the tags I love reading people's commentary on things.
★ Other QSMP info posts ★
Who is Sapo Peta? | Who is Luzu? | Who is Spreen? | Who is Vegetta? | Who is Rubius?
"Is this Lore?"
And if you want to hear my thoughts on QSMP and its lore-related shenanigans, this is my Qsmp Talk tag.
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