#infirmary au
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bluepenstemon ¡ 8 months ago
a small soldezangelo blurb from a fic i was gonna write but lost interest so i need someone to force me to write it
You haven’t known true fear until you’re being dragged into the Infirmary by an extremely angry, yet gentle son of Apollo. Will Solace currently had Leo and Nico clutched by the wrists as he dragged them across camp.
“Now, I think this is all just a little bit dramatic!” Leo exclaimed.
Will just glared at him and flung the door to the Infirmary open. Then he dragged the boys inside and sat them down on a cot each. His eyes were wide with concern and wrinkles were etched into his forehead.
“Is this really… necessary?” Nico asked quietly, fiddling with his fingers. The moment he and Leo had gotten back to camp, Will had practically tackled them both and dragged them here without explanation.
“Yes! You’ve just about killed yourself with your shadow travelling,” Will looked at Nico pointedly, then turned to Leo. “And you actually died for gods’ sake!”
“I wasn’t going to kill myself,” Nico argued, avoiding eye contact and looking pointedly down.
Will made a noise of disgruntlement and leaned forward to grab Nico’s wrist. Or he tried to, but Nico was about 50% shadows, so his hand went straight through, before his wrist became solid again and Will could grab him. Will cocked his eyebrow as if to say ‘see what I mean?’
“Okay, I didn’t really die-” Leo started.
This time, Will and Nico gave him a pointed look. “I felt your death!” Nico exclaimed at the same time Will shouted, “have you seen yourself lately?”
Will gestured up and down with his hand. Leo was covered in burns and scratches from his death and his skin still had a slightly ghostly tint to it from coming back to life. Nico desperately wanted to ask what had happened, but he sensed that Will might kill them himself if they didn’t do what he said.
Will groaned and pulled his hands over his face. “You two are going to be the death of me!” He murmured as he started to pace the Infirmary, grabbing things.
Leo sighed dramatically and started to open the drawers of the bedside table next to him. Will seemed to appear next to him almost immediately. “Do not touch anything!” He ordered, smacking Leo with a popsicle stick.
“Ack! Calm down, man. You’re freakin’ me out!” Leo exclaimed. He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’m freaking you out?! You just died! You’re freaking everybody else out!” Will exclaimed before shoving a glass of water into Leo’s hands. Then he walked around the cot to Nico and thrust a glass of water into his hands as well.
“Both of you drink that,” Will ordered with a horrifying look in his eye.
People said that Nico was scary, but he had never been more scared than he was right now. No one had so aggressively tried to care for him before. It was terrifying and also… unexpected? Nico hadn’t thought anyone would even notice he was gone, looking for Leo. He knew Leo’s death had been weird and he couldn’t sleep without knowing what happened.
Will took a deep breath before speaking again. This time his tone was a lot more gentle and soft, as if Nico and Leo were breakable.
“I’m going to start with you since I’m not sure what I’m even supposed to do with you,” he explained, turning to Leo.
Nico shrugged, but Leo got all dramatic.
“He’s more at stake! He’s half shadows for gods’ sake! Deal with him first,” Leo pouted.
Will stared at him for a moment or two and then gestured at Nico. “What am I supposed to do with him other than watch him and make sure he doesn’t disappear!”
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o3o-lapd-o3o ¡ 5 months ago
*during get in the water*
odysseus: aren't you tired poseidon, it's been 10 years!
odysseus: maybe you could learn to forgive~
poseidon: oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its ��intelligent” and “really cool”
poseidon: but when i do it, i'm “petty” and “need to let it go”
poseidon: no.
poseidon: *activates his ultimate god move: shatter the ocean*
odysseus: uhhh...there are other ways of persuasio- *drowns*
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ratwithhands ¡ 1 month ago
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"Mind stopping for a quick check before class?"
I've been rewatching Kill La Kill and remembered an old concept I had stored away from last year. That one got scrapped ages ago for being hard to write, so I started on a clean slate for this one. I think if submas were at Honnōji Academy, they'd either be engineering tech for the cable car system linked to the school or they'd work in the disciplinary committee to look after students.
I'm still roughing some details out for this but basically their job is to catch all the students who get absolutely bodied during the plot and run them back to the infirmary so they can come in the next day. When there aren't big fight scenes to deal with, they mostly just patrol the halls to check on students and make sure people aren't hurting each other during school hours. Consider them student health and welfare agents I suppose. They do straightforward work and were granted two star goku uniforms to make sure they had the speed and strength necessary to carry and treat students in a timely manner. Can't have an active student body if it takes weeks to get through patching them all, right?
Anyways I might design a powered up form for these guys later. It likely wouldn't be much different, but it'd be something light for them to operate in. No room for accessories when you're resetting bones and dressing up burns; I might consider having their hats swap out for masks and wide collars for lab coat lapels. It'd be fun to have their enforcement tools get turned into medical/surgical implements too, though that's gonna take some testing.
Bonus time: someone asked for oil. Do not oil them.
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Have a good day.
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egotistical-cabbage ¡ 2 months ago
more mediocre ending au stuff
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alt versions below the cut weewoo
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tangledinink ¡ 1 year ago
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You're not looking too far at all! :3c
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somereaderinblue ¡ 1 month ago
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just bridal cage! ganymede and ody debating wether they should murder or heal paris(context is Paris said some things to piss odysseus(of troy AU) off and he punched him)
He punched him? Only once?? That's it???
Huh, Paris got off light. Something must've put Ody in a really good mood.
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t1oui ¡ 9 months ago
thinking of leo and piper back at camp and leo trying to tell piper he likes jason but being unable to get the words out because he’s crying and piper just stopping him and saying, “i know, leo. i know.”
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ooeygooeyghoul ¡ 1 year ago
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On the topic of Shiun's crocodile teeth- Sometimes they break off at rather inconvenient moments.
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theunderweald ¡ 1 year ago
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Nightmare, once again has to carry his henchmen bc Killer couldnt stop messing with Dust and ended up getting it handed to him, but oh well.
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guqin-and-flute ¡ 1 year ago
WIP...Thriday (aka proof I'm not dead and still writing)
An And A-Fu Makes 4 Chpt. 7 exerpt in which A-Fu and Wangji are equally bemused by each other
It turned out that his uncle was actually pretty funny. Not totally, like, ‘haha’ funny, but ‘different from what A-Fu was used to’ funny.  A-Fu had always thought that his face was blank most of the time, but he found out that wasn't true--he smiled and frowned and looked worried and annoyed just like everyone else. His expressions were just super tiny compared to other people, so you had to study his face as hard as school, but A-Fu was getting the hang of it. If he didn’t get something, A-Yuan could usually interperate for him pretty good, ‘cause he was an expert Hanguang-jun interperatator. He knew what all the different tones of ‘A-Yuan’ meant when apparently it was supposed to be a whole sentence that meant ‘time for bed' or ‘too loud’ or ‘not that way’ or ‘did you finish your homework?’ or ‘do you want to play guqin with me?’
Uncle Wangji sorta reminded A-Fu of Gray-Father and how sometimes he looked so serious and scary to other people, but you just had to know what they meant to say on the inside. Except unlike Gray-Father, Uncle Wangji had never laughed in front of A-Fu; but when he and A-Yuan did something silly together, he sometimes had a little bit of Laughing Eyes, just like Blue-Father did. Maybe A-Fu was a gray, blue, and yellow father interperatator? Maybe after staying at the Jingshi, he could become an Uncle Wangji one, too! 
Sometimes his uncle was ‘haha’ funny, usually by accident and usually because he didn’t really get A-Fu--a lot of the things he did seemed to confuse him; like how he liked mud and salamanders and toads, and how he hated wearing socks to bed, and how he got an idea to do things but then didn’t really think about how it might end up and then he fell over or broke something, sometimes. Then, Uncle Wangji would get a little wrinkle, right in between his eyebrows, like he was trying to figure out a hard math problem and his mouth would get all small and he would blink reaaaal slow. Sometimes, he even looked over at A-Yuan like he needed his help as an A-Fu Interpretator--which he kinda was, since he was A-Fu’s bestest friend in the whole entire world and knew him better than anyone.  
Uncle Wangji definitely didn’t get Sneaking-and-Snooping, and when A-Fu actually really did surprise him a couple times, his uncle said all serious that he knew A-Fu was there, he just didn’t expect him to jump out and yell at him and A-Fu said uh-huh sure he did, suuure, and Uncle Wangji would just coolly say ‘good’ that A-Fu was sure--but he would say it like he knew that A-Fu was being sarcasms and was agreeing just to make him annoyed, which it did ‘cause that’s not how sarcasms worked, Uncle Wangji! And his uncle would say, without any hint of a smile, that he would try to remember that, which A-Fu figured was sort of like a joke and it made him laugh. 
One day, when A-Fu got in trouble with his teacher because he had colored his whole tongue black with his paintbrush during class just because, he had been really anxious about when his uncle came to pick them up from school. After talking to the teacher for a bit at the desk, he came over and stood all tall in front of A-Fu. When he looked all the way up at him, he  saw that scrunchy-confused wrinkle on his face but all he said was, “...Why?”
“Uh. I dunno.”
“....” Uncle Wangji said things with his silences best of anyone A-Fu knew, and this silence was like a whole bunch of question marks, like A-Fu was some sort of mystery. When he looked over at A-Yuan, who was waiting patiently by the door with his stuff all packed up, A-Yuan just shook his head and shrugged. 
 Uncle Wangji just looked back at him for another second, then just turned and walked right out the door, hand behind his back, not even waiting.
A-Fu assumed that that meant something like ‘let’s go home, you’re not in trouble, but what the heck’, so he just happily trotted out after him into the sunshine with A-Yuan next to him. He must have been getting better at understanding his uncle’s silences, because all that happened when they got back to the Jingshi was that he was handed a cool, damp cloth from the fancy wash basin in the corner and told, “Do not eat paint.”
He tried to explain around sticking out his tongue and scrubbing, “I wa’n’t ea’ing i’, I wath theeing if I coul’ color i’ all in,” but Uncle Wangji didn’t say anything else about it and just sat down at his table play his guqin.
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crehador ¡ 2 months ago
this time last year, arb dropped that unbelievably perfect samaichi high school au on us and sent me into a high school au tailspin for the entire duration of the event
so. naturally. let's do it again
high school au samaichi, school nurse ichiro always chiding chem teacher samatoki for smoking where their students can see. stealing samatoki's cigarettes and replacing them with mints and sweets. lighting one of those stolen cigarettes on his way out of the infirmary one night, just to hold it and take in the scent, because samatoki's been away chaperoning a school trip for days and ichiro maybe, kinda-sorta, just a bit, misses him
then getting caught by assistant principal ramuda who snaps his photo and sends it into the faculty group chat like "okay assholes time to fess up. which one of you filthy smokers corrupted our darling yamada-sensei"
responses are a mix of people reminding ramuda he, too, is a filthy smoker and other people going "samatoki" "probably samatoki" "wouldn't it be samatoki?"
ichiro says nothing but samatoki still comes home with the smuggest grin, like he knows exactly what ichiro was doing with that cigarette (holding it) and why (missing him)
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anonymocha ¡ 11 months ago
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more lamont character exploration but arcanist-focused
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anoddopal ¡ 3 months ago
When she first joined up with The Bl.ackbeard Pirates, Bun-Bun Silva was a reclusive husk of a person. None of them initially had the opportunity to properly engage with her, nor did they even really see her— the exception of that rule being D.oc Q.
He began to relay little jokes, anecdotes, and conversations he had with Bun to the others, which were always met with a baffled: “What do you mean Bun talks?”
#bun shuffled around with a vacant expression and spent a good chunk of time in the infirmary hidden within a burrow of blankets#real actual rabbit + hamster behavior#I mentioned it in another post but bun’s personality didn’t truly start to show until she got roped into socializing with them more#the whole time La.fitte saw the whimsical and delightful qualities inside of her but he couldn’t *get* to her right off the bat#doc was the only one she came close to trusting at first. she would say he saved her life. he would say she just got lucky.#I don’t have the spoons to make larger posts but I want to share smaller tidbits about my AU for Bun-Bun#this month marks a year of being awfully attached to those horrible despicable freaks 💀💀#oops emoji typo *☠️☠️☠️#my s/i’s journey with them parallels my own struggles with my physical/mental health I experienced last winter#and said journey also is a parallel for my own healing/newfound sense of self.#I’m different now. I know I’ll never quite be the same again. but I’m still me. I’m strong. and hardended. but no less kind.#ngl the AU is also 100% ‘’what if I had the gall to go off the deep end heehehehehehee?’’#disclaimer: will not join a group of vicious pirates and marry a sleep paralysis demon irl. this is pure fiction!#ew I’m getting all teary eyed and emotional— anyway the thought of their acceptance comforts me#thank you for tuning in!! more delusional nonsense is on its way!!#S/I: Bun-Bun Silva#Forbidden Fruit AU#thou shalt surely die
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hollenka99 ¡ 10 months ago
YouTube yesterday: Hey btw The Longest Johns just released a song about Horatio Nelson's death.
Me: Cool, excuse me as I stare off into space and think about L'Manburgian soldiers' reaction to hearing about Kiril's dying to withering whenever I play the song.
#regicide au#like yes I know realistically Kiril would be a bit of a controversial figure in L'Manburg#his father (and ancestry in general tbh) represents centuries of colonialism and oppression#like ffs you can't just walk into a place like Pogtopia going 'hi I promise I'm a good Krafta'#when you've had to spend the past few years drastically unlearning all the colonialist propaganda you were fed as a child#anyway Artur is representative of continuing the oppression of an entire people no matter how hard you have to grind your boot on them#while Kiril represents the effort to at least make a start on fixing the mistakes of the past#with liberation in the hopes that will open the door for reparations etc#not that he ever expects to see that because he'll be dead from fratricide#(not to mention shit like that will take generations for the wounds to begin healing so no veteran of this war will live to see it either)#he still wants to do *something* as a way to work towards that better future though#a war of independence sure as fuck wasn't what he imagined but 'the universal language is violence' yada yada#it certainly seems to be Artur's universal language#and Kiril gains an even better image of himself as a general who is willing to fight and potentially die with his soldiers#those under his command absolutely have deep respect for him thanks to how he conducts himself#...and then the withered arrows start flying#people are going to end up talking about how he never let on he was hit himself#he simply visited the affected soldiers in the infirmary some of whom were doomed to die in one of the worst ways possible#then he was gone. just grabbed by his brother so he could be killed in Rayusel (or away from the public eye in general)#rumours are going to fly about all sorts of things pertaining to Kiril's final hours but one thing is for sure#there is going to be grief amongst the soldiers who loved him#'let him die in peace' ...yeah they really are going to hope that somehow he didn't suffer as much as a typical withering victim#god I am just shaking this song vigourously by its shoulders I swear
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chb-updates ¡ 2 years ago
help me. -nico
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den-kunn ¡ 2 years ago
mmmmmmh my au has a shirai ryu oc that's a doctor and he and jin are dating and they met when jin was in his thief era
and their ship name is healing arrow ÂŞ
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