#hes a young doc
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den-kunn · 2 years ago
mmmmmmh my au has a shirai ryu oc that's a doctor and he and jin are dating and they met when jin was in his thief era
and their ship name is healing arrow ª
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the-barefoot-hatter · 4 months ago
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pediatricians are hard to find.
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you aren't broken and other important things a triangle needs to hear
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adam-scott · 7 months ago
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KIEFER SUTHERLAND as Josiah Gordon 'Doc' Scurlock YOUNG GUNS (1988)
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its-flame-art · 1 year ago
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“wait a minute. wait a minute, Doc. ah... are you telling me that you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?”
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humans-are-tasty · 2 years ago
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skibasyndrome · 1 month ago
may never make it out challenge
Thank you so much @saynomorefic for creating this very fun game and for the initial tag 💜💜💜 Equally big thanks to @goldenwilmon and @toffeelemon for tagging me as well 💜💜💜
Post a 1-5 paragraph excerpt of a WIP / fic idea that may never make it out of your drafts but is near and dear to your heart
I've been dragging this one around for a WHILE (seems like I created the doc in decermber '23 oh my god). And you've likely seen parts of this already. Essentially, the idea is that Simon and Wille never got back together and when Simon starts university in Stockholm Wille reaches out again and, even though Simon would love to think he's over Wille, they start hooking up again. Simon is... angry in this. This is far from 5 paragraphs, but. Uh. If I never get to actually finish it, then at least it's here, lmao. Beware, there's some smut (NSFW) down there.
When he first spots Wilhelm, he immediately regrets his decision. Wishes he'd just ignored the text, maybe even told him to fuck off, all decorum and pretense of being over the past be damned. He shouldn't have agreed to this. The smile he flashes Simon as he starts walking towards him, moving around tables and bags people have placed on the ground in the small coffee shop is every bit as crooked and cheery as Simon remembers it from four years ago and he can't stand it. He shouldn't be able to act like this is okay, like they are okay, like he just gets to burst back into Simon's life like that and smile about it.
But that's the whole problem. Simon let him, let it get to this. “Hey, Simon,” he hears him say as soon as he's standing in front of him. And it really shouldn't affect him that much, the simple utterance of his name shouldn't hold that much power. He twists the napkin he's subconsciously grabbed with one hand, forces a neutral expression. “Hey,” he replies.  If he has to be here at all, he's sure as hell not going to be cooperative in conversation. Wille's smile falters ever so slightly. It really wouldn't be noticeable, but Simon knows that face, knows all its traitorous tells and he seemingly still has all that info filed away neatly. As Wilhelm sits down opposite of him the initial enthusiasm has seemingly left him and he's starting to pick at his nails. Simon knows all the signs and if he were a better person he'd try to reassure him now, make him feel a little less anxious about their encounter. But he fights the urge, tightens the grip on the napkin when his hand threatens to reach out to grab Wilhelm's. He hates himself for wanting to give in so easily. Before any other body part can betray him he decides to speak instead. “So what do you want?”
[Simon] does wonder, too, in between his moans and gasps that mirror Wilhelm’s sounds, whether Wilhelm does this with other people, whether Wilhelm has ever held anyone so close and made sure their bodies aligned perfectly. Whether Wilhelm has lost himself like this with anyone else, since. There’s a spark of anger at the thought of it, then a crashing wave of pride when he feels Wilhelm start to shake under him. A heady warmth, thick and sticky, when he realizes that it’s him and him alone that made Wilhelm spill into the condom. It’s powerful enough to spur him on, to give him enough fervor to raise and lower his hips once, twice again. He messily fucks into Wilhelm’s fist and finally he’s coming in streaks that lay claim on the man that’s turning boneless underneath him. He doesn’t say any of it out loud, doesn’t repeat his traitorous thoughts about wanting to be the only one to fuck Wilhelm like this. He doesn’t lie about sex with Jacob, but doesn’t feel the need to mention that it’s been weeks since they've done it like this.
Simon’s gotten into the habit of lying. Says he’ll have to be back in his apartment soon, says he can’t possibly stay overnight, that he needs to get up early for classes tomorrow. Says he can’t on weekends because that’s when Sara comes over. Or that Ayub is planning to visit him. Or that he’ll have to take an extra shift at the café. Wilhelm never questions him. He never really pushes, simply adjusts his schedule somewhat and ends up parking his car down the alley from Simon’s apartment building on a Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening, any evening Simon hasn’t given an excuse for. It’s bitter-sweet. There’s something thrilling about the fact that the Crown Prince will roll up any time of the night just to get his fix of Simon, no matter the ridiculous restrictions Simon gives him. It feels good to be the one calling the shots for once.
Underneath him, Wilhelm is writhing, moaning, arching his back, doing everything to meet Simon’s thrusts, offering his body in a way Simon is not quite sure how to take in. This openness, the unguarded way he lets go while Simon is pinning him down, the desperate pleas for moremoremore that he’s uttering, tumbling over his lips and glinting in his eyes whenever he stares back up at Simon, it twists something deep inside of Simon’s soul. Wilhelm is letting him in, he’s laying out his soul, opening up his chest for Simon to reach inside. It’s fascinating to watch and it’s scary to think about. Another thrust and Wilhelm is throwing his head back, baring his throat, pale and soft and long and claimed by the violently purple bruise Simon has sucked into the skin of it. And somehow it all wraps up in that sight, this vision. Wilhelm would let Simon tear into him, no questions asked. Would offer himself to him, bleeding.
I'm not sure who has and hasn't done this before, but I'm tagging @saynomorefic (if you want to do another one <3) @impossibleknots, @earlgrey-lateatnight, @the-impala-is-my-home, @shouldntbearevolution, @grapehyasynth, @pagegirlintraining, @wilmonsfolklore, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic @caramelpenguin, @willesworld &&&&&& can we make this about gif-art as well? Probably right? In that case, maybe @sobadbad & @books-books-smolderinglooks have any projects to share? Anyone else who would like to share one of their may-never-make-it-outs, you've been tagged as well💜💜💜 Tag me if you do so I can read it!
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chickenshitcowboy · 9 months ago
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Just a handsome boy that deserves a dram of ginger beer…
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doctorweebmd · 1 month ago
i don't think i'll ever get over the comedic timing of being prepared to intubate an obtunded patient going into worse and worse shock on three pressors code cart in room pads on having like six people all staring at the vitals anxiously as this person might code at ANY MOMENT, me standing at the head of the bed ready to tube the second we have a safe BP and the nurse from two doors down comes into the room and says, 'hey doc, room x is in asystole' and just. walks away.
i'm just. standing there. peri-coding this patient. and i'm calling after him 'uh.... are they supposed to be?!'
absolutely insane delivery. no context no info just 'hey, btw this person's heart stopped. :) bye ' HELLO!?!
#last night was just. something out of a med drama/comedy#keep in mind that i'm. at the moment. spending no more than 2-3 shifts a MONTH in the ICU. on NIGHT SHIFT.#it has been a month. i walk in. 3 admits in past hour#one that hasn't been seen#need to eval her real quick. ok.#start my PM rounds. look at one of the 'admits' through the door#completely obtunded not moving not responding to sternal rub....like ok. not good.#ok. 'hey can i get an ABG and the bipap?' to RT. vitals ok for now but i just KNOW he's hypercapnic#keep rounding. come to panicked nurse#patient in horrible septic shock super young maxed on 4 pressors would like an art line and triple lumen.#ok. 'can you get the line cart? i'll stop by after we finish rounding if it can wait 10 more mins'#ok. we're downstairs. charge nurse gets called.#'um that patient thats obtunded their pH is 6.8'#'welp. thats not compatible with life. time to intubate.' i tell her the meds to pull and she runs ahead#SOMEONE ASKS ME TO TRANSITION INSULIN DRIP TO SQ IN THAT MOMENT?! its just like. bro. that can wait (i still do it)#now we're in the room. pushing meds. he's becoming shockier. .crash cart please. pads on just in case.#nurse comes in. just saying 'hey room x is in asystole' super casually. i'm like what#apparently they were on comfort care and it was expected#which is HOW HE SHOULD HAVE LEAD THAT SENTENCE?!? LMAO#listen. i did not sit down or start documenting for the first 7 HOURS of my shift#and the craziest thing is that like. 5 people died during my shift. FIVE.#(all not unexpected and not needing to be coded but still. that is. not normal.)#and i come in to hand off. and the doc i hand off to is like#'yeah the most i've ever had die on one of my shifts is 8'#like bro are you trying to ONE UP ME?! on THIS?#medical tw#i was really lucky. the charge and the two floats were STELLAR. i sincerely dont know what i would have done without them#there were many other difficult things on that shift that don't feel appropriate to share#anyway watch the pitt. its exceedingly medically accurate. all my ER friends love it
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the-kneecap-god · 11 months ago
Doc reveals he used to play soccer before he was a basketball player and I just like... this is the man who crushes the dreams of other hermits and is the "big bad" goat man who then turns around and tweets about how adorable his doccy is and streams in pink lights like...
Sir please
I'm getting mixed messages
Are you a 👊💥⚽️badass🏀���️🫵 or a 🥰🦋🩷badass💕🧁😇 like I'm so confused and torn
This man makes me question everything I know to be true
Princess Docm
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 1 year ago
Meryl, Luida, and Bridging the Gap
This is just a quick little side-note I wanted to make about the similarities between Meryl and Luida that I noticed as I was reading, and how they end up occupying similar, yet complementing roles in the story.
***Disclaimer: I was sick when I wrote this and my head is full of fog lmao. If I have completely left out a word or something... don't even worry about it it's fine.
First off, on a surface level, they both are characterized as capable, intelligent, level-headed women, who are suddenly thrust into leadership positions, with Meryl being assigned the task of tracking down and mitigating the damage caused by Vash the Stampede plus looking out for her new protégé, Milly, and Luida stepping up to take charge of Ship 3 and its residents after Doc's death.
While the demand placed on them both is immense, nonetheless, they are shown to be quite capable of shouldering this kind of responsibility - however, given their intense focus and objective-driven personalities, they actually both get scenes where they are somewhat horrified by their own temporary prioritization of objectives over morality. We see this with Meryl in Trigun Volume 1 when she doesn't react in righteous anger to Badwick threatening his parents and had shut herself off from writing to her own in pursuit of her job, and with Luida when she briefly considers the idea of another July incident to stop Knives. Both think negatively of themselves for this - of course, I'm of the mind that since they are upset with themselves on reflection, this proves the exact opposite, really. I think they both have hearts of gold, they're just under a lot of stress, especially as time goes on. The two of them are human beings who falter, but whose morals ultimately align closely with what Vash wants to see in the world. Really, what the two of them hate most here is the idea of their own inaction or taking the easy way in the face of wrongdoing - a concept that drives them into action going forward.
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[ID: Two images from Trigun and Trigun Maximum. The first is from Trigun Volume 1. Over images of trees and Badwick's father, Meryl says "But I... I just stood there and took it all in without even budging. I am such a cold person. I chose this path of blood and tears without thinking about the rest of my life. All I can see is what's right in front of me." Meryl starts to cry as she continues, "Why could I not see... that when I closed myself off to him, something was wrong? I..." She then slaps her cheeks and says "No... never mind!" The second image is from Trigun Maximum Volume 8. A single tear runs down Luida's cheek. Meryl says "Miss Luida...?" Her back turned to Meryl, Luida says "I'm sorry. I... was thinking for a moment. If something like July would happen again... it could stop Knives, but... ... I'm a terrible woman. End ID.]
Both of them also have a connection to Vash's past that gives them a different perspective on him as a person, instead of just an ally - Meryl, of course, gets brain-blasted in Volume 5 with Vash's memories (poor thing), but Luida is also more familiar with him than even a lot of the people on Ship 3, it seems - enough that she calls him out for blaming himself after the attack, clearly used to hearing this from him. She also is the one to clear up at least some of Wolfwood's confusion and uncertainty.
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We also get this interesting parallel of them both watching Vash walk away to face Knives, him having rejected their offers of help. It's something that clearly saddens them both, as they watch him fight alone again and again, and wish he wouldn't. Both of them have moments where they feel they can't offer much in the way of assistance, or that their best efforts aren't enough.
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[ID: Two images from Trigun and Trigun Maximum. The first is from Trigun Volume 2. Vash, his back turned, runs off into the chaos, a Plant seen above him and the city ahead, as he yells back "Get as far away from here as you can! Get to safety!" Meryl watches him from the door. In the second image, from Trigun Maximum Volume 8, a grainy flashback shows Vash's turned back as he walks away from a young Luida, who is reaching out to him. End ID.]
Of course, we the readers know this isn't true at all! Meryl and Luida do so much over the course of the story.
Interestingly, they don't start off as the ones completely in charge - Meryl works for Bernadelli even if she is in charge of her assignment, and Luida is presumably part of the Council, but the one in charge is initially Doc. But once they do take over - Luida after Doc's death, and Meryl once the world is thrown into ruins and Bernadelli no longer exists - there is a striking difference in the way they act from their predecessors.
Meryl goes from simply following Vash around to taking a self-directed and active role in assisting him however she can - looking for his old belongings and anything else of potential use, asking Marlon to repair his gun, creating a distraction with Milly, and helping the Earth Federation in the final hour with no hesitation.
Luida takes a much more active role in rallying Ship 3 to assist Vash as well. While some of this may simply have been because the stakes were raised much higher after Volume 3, Ship 3, while already a base of support for Vash, was a distant safe haven, kept largely separate from the rest of the world. Up until that point, they had provided Vash with aid, but not fought alongside him, something that clearly bothers Luida on multiple occasions. She decides to change this. She's the one who sets out to help as many of the towns ravaged by the Ark as possible. She rallies the Ship 3 residents for a rescue mission to help Vash. She's the one to step forward and attempt to bring all the leaders around to standing with Vash.
Which brings me to my last comparison point. They're both staunchly supportive of Vash, quick to come to his aid, and quick to defend his character from those who doubt his intent - Luida even sharply calls out her own people for their moment of mistrust after hearing about July. These two know and care about Vash on a more personal level than most - and as we all know, due to his avoidant tendencies, this is not an easy thing to do. Vash is frequently misinterpreted, and these two are often the ones to set the record straight.
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum Volume 3. Luida, sternly, says "That's a foolish question. You would know the answer just by looking at the scars on his body. If he had used his true immortality, those scars would not be there. End ID.]
In this way, much like Vash is a bridge between humans and Plants, Meryl and Luida are something of a bridge between humans and Vash.
And they're able to do this because deep down, their ideals align closely with his - they're not just supporting someone they care about; they have a similar desire to see the kind of world he fights for, and they choose to fight for it too.
But while Luida is something of a spokesperson for Vash, reaching out to humanity, it is almost as if Meryl becomes the voice of humanity reaching back, responding to him, and agreeing that not everything in the world is awful; that it is worth believing in the best in others. They need to stand together.
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum Volume 14. Meryl, in a spacesuit, with frank determination, says, "Because we decided to stand together. We stand with Vash the Stampede." End ID.]
Meryl is the voice of proof that some people believe in the love and peace he speaks of, and are willing to say it back to him in turn.
Updated on my masterpost - my other book club stuff can be found here!
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waugh-bao · 5 months ago
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razzafrazzle · 1 year ago
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the madelines! moon, mars, venus, and uh... that guy?
[image description: four headshots of original characters. on the top left is moon, who is a dark-skinned older woman with short white afro hair and freckles. on the top right is an unnamed dark-skinned man with dyed burnt-orange locs pulled into a ponytail, stubble, one blind eye, and a large mole. on the bottom left in mars, a younger dark-skinned man with thicker dyed red locs, thick eyebrows, a dyed red goatee, and freckles. on the bottom right is venus, a younger dark-skinned woman with dark brown and blonde dyed hair pulled into afro puffs, small round eyebrows, and freckles. end id]
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kiwichaeng · 1 year ago
Seven Sentence Sunday
I'm sure someone somewhere left an open tag on this thing so I'm using that. I've never done this before but there are still a few hours till sunday ends so why not. Also I think this is more than 7 lines?
“Salem?” His mom’s voice is full of confusion on the line.  Carlos doesn’t look up from where he’s throwing clothes into a bag, unlike how he’s ever packed before. Unfortunately, time isn’t a luxury he can afford right now.  “Yes mami.” He intercepts her next question, “It's a work thing. I’m following a lead there.” That’s as close to the truth as he’ll allow.  Carlos can see TK flickering from the corner of his eye. He’s stopped his wandering and is now standing still in a corner. It would be unnerving if Carlos wasn’t used to it by now.  “Well, will you be back in time for Thanksgiving?” His mother’s question makes Carlos stop moving. He locks eyes with TK and something surfaces with clarity in his mind. He may very well not be alive by Thanksgiving.
Tags under the cut (if you wanna be removed from any future tags lemme know!) also I have no idea who has or hasn't done this today so I'm very sorry if I tagged you when you've already done it. I have absolutely no idea how this works
@liminalmemories21 @orchidscript @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @strandnreyes @redshirt2 @carlos-tk @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @ladytessa74 @carlos-in-glasses @theghostofashton @heartstringsduet @three-drink-amy @fallout-mars @chicgeekgirl89
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a-a-a-anon · 11 months ago
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boring and demolition bts!!
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outismm · 1 year ago
OUTIS send help, Doctor Who is the gift that keeps on giving 😭😭😭 i thought the Toymaker would be the end of it but folks in my Toymaker server made a few jokes about Six. and i had -no idea- about what kind of character Six is. holy FUCK i am in LOVE with this pompous, arrogant asshole 😖💖💖💖💖 he's so cute!!!!! so abrasive!!!! so......PASSIONATE!!!!!! i didn't know he was such a freak!!!! yes yes yes please do rewatch his era because i'm doing it for the first time and having a blast 😂💖
yes,,,, YYYYEEESSSSS. This is perhaps the best development that could have happened. I need you to know how quickly I scrambled downstairs like some sort of Ghoul to try and find the old boxsets and AUGHE!!!!
He's got such an incredible amount of drama and charisma and wild-eyed charm inside of him, I can't believe how this man has slipped to the back of my mind for so long. Even outside of his borderline regeneration-induced-mania during his first storyline, he's just. such a delight. Colin Baker is having the time of his life delivering every line, and you can TELL
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Look at him - what's not to love?
Also, this isn't directly related to our dear multicoloured man, but - thank you for giving me an excuse to Stare Affectionately at Classic Who! There are so many of those delightful quirks and silly set-pieces you can only really find in early 70s-80s sci-fi, sprinkled all throughout, I just,,, ah <3333 it has been so long
OKIE IM RAMBLING BUT >:) EHEHE I cannot wait to see you slip further and further into Doctor Who Fevers. Come yell with/at me anytime, I love seeing ppl experience Classic Who and all the wonderfully wild things it has to offer
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whitehartlane · 4 months ago
sometimes i go on a run and get lowkey emotional because i think of how proud past rahul would’ve been of how much i can run and how fast i can run and most importantly how much i enjoy it
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