#I don’t have the spoons to make larger posts but I want to share smaller tidbits about my AU for Bun-Bun
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anoddopal · 3 months ago
When she first joined up with The Bl.ackbeard Pirates, Bun-Bun Silva was a reclusive husk of a person. None of them initially had the opportunity to properly engage with her, nor did they even really see her— the exception of that rule being D.oc Q.
He began to relay little jokes, anecdotes, and conversations he had with Bun to the others, which were always met with a baffled: “What do you mean Bun talks?”
#bun shuffled around with a vacant expression and spent a good chunk of time in the infirmary hidden within a burrow of blankets#real actual rabbit + hamster behavior#I mentioned it in another post but bun’s personality didn’t truly start to show until she got roped into socializing with them more#the whole time La.fitte saw the whimsical and delightful qualities inside of her but he couldn’t *get* to her right off the bat#doc was the only one she came close to trusting at first. she would say he saved her life. he would say she just got lucky.#I don’t have the spoons to make larger posts but I want to share smaller tidbits about my AU for Bun-Bun#this month marks a year of being awfully attached to those horrible despicable freaks 💀💀#oops emoji typo *☠️☠️☠️#my s/i’s journey with them parallels my own struggles with my physical/mental health I experienced last winter#and said journey also is a parallel for my own healing/newfound sense of self.#I’m different now. I know I’ll never quite be the same again. but I’m still me. I’m strong. and hardended. but no less kind.#ngl the AU is also 100% ‘’what if I had the gall to go off the deep end heehehehehehee?’’#disclaimer: will not join a group of vicious pirates and marry a sleep paralysis demon irl. this is pure fiction!#ew I’m getting all teary eyed and emotional— anyway the thought of their acceptance comforts me#thank you for tuning in!! more delusional nonsense is on its way!!#S/I: Bun-Bun Silva#Forbidden Fruit AU#thou shalt surely die
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artblogofanekophile · 4 years ago
Thank you so much for the tag, @jhoudiey!
This looked like a nice, simple enough thing to fill in (though knowing me I will needlessly complicate matters), so I decided to do this as a way to ease myself back into posting.
Firstly, here's the blank answers for ease of use:
Veggies VS Meat
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Sweet VS Salty
Noodles VS Rice
Mint VS No mint
Singing VS Dancing
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Dog VS Cat person
Big spoon VS Little spoon
Extrovert VS Introvert
Actions VS Words
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
Movies VS Series
Comics VS Books
Good liar VS Bad liar
I believe the intention is to simply bold the answers... But because I'm extra, I'll be providing an explanation where I feel necessary. You may fill it in as you so please!
Without further adieu...
Veggies VS Meat
Miss Neko is a feline beastwoman, and cats are well-known to be obligate carnivores. However, in being a beastwoman, she also needs some form of a human diet as well. Her preference is absolutely meat, but she stopped begrudging the need to eat vegetables at about age nine.
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Cats are well known to have sensitive tongues, and Miss Neko is no exception! Anything more than mild spice and the poor thing will be sneaking ice-cubes out of the Mostro Lounge freezer for days!
Sweet VS Salty
She has a bit of a sweet tooth! Especially cake.
Noodles VS Rice
Rice is generally less messy, and there's nothing more irritating than ending up wearing most of your food, especially for a proud pedigree such as herself!
Mint VS No mint
I imagine mint will have the same effect on her as spice - it's less of a refreshing treat and more like a cold burn.
Singing VS Dancing
Miss Neko loves to sing! Whether she's good at it or not, well... That's up for her company to decide. Even then, it won't stop her.
Cold weather VS Hot weather
While she can manage the sun in small enough doses, Neko dislikes excessive heat. She learned the hard way to apply sun-lotion to the skin of her ears when she was but a kitten! The cold weather is so much more accommodating to her natural tendencies. Ah, a cushioned window-sill, a woolen sweater, a warm drink and the sound of the gentle rain hitting the window...
She could just... nod off right... there...
Dog VS Cat person
"Nya? Surely you jest! Can't you see from these adorrrable ears and this elegant tail that I am nothing less than a pedigree kitty? How silly~"
Big spoon VS Little spoon
Both! I was initially going to say it depends on who I ship her with, but even if she was dating one of the taller characters, I don't think she would shy away from curling in around them and purring against their shoulder to soothe them to sleep. Relationships are about give and take, after all!
Extrovert VS Introvert {It's... complicated}
I think that Miss Neko is an introvert that disguises herself as an extrovert. She displays a veneer of charm and natural charisma, putting forth the impression of a very confident person. However, her sense of bravado hides away a rather vulnerable side to herself, a part of her with insecurities and vulnerabilities that she doesn't want to readily share with just anyone.
Actions VS Words
Words can so often be empty. Actions, no matter how small, can say as much as a thousand words could. Although, if you wished to pair said actions with pretty words...
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
I think it does depend somewhat on the situation, but I think that Neko doesn't allow things to pierce her very deeply unless they come from someone she holds in very high esteem. Working as a server in the Mostro Lounge has perhaps taught her how to let thoughtless words roll off her back... most of the time.
Movies VS Series
If you ask her to sit through much more than 90 minute movie, she might just doze off.
Comics VS Books
Both! Though she definitely gets through comics faster, unless the book she's reading is incredibly interesting.
Good liar VS Bad liar
A good liar to those who don't know her heart.
Persephone Amaryllis
Veggies VS Meat
Persephone finds it incredibly rewarding when meals are made using produce from her own garden! You can really taste the difference in quality.
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
She's more adventurous with foods than others! She's always keen to try anything at least once. Kalim seemed delighted when she seemed to enjoy the dishes from his homeland despite the intensity of the spice. Even if a few others looked at her as though she'd grown a second head...
Sweet VS Salty
Sweet treats are great! Especially when you incorporate fruits and berries into a dessert.
Noodles VS Rice
Being someone who likes to work in the dirt when tending to plants, she doesn't really care much if she gets her clothes dirty from slurping noodles. Keeping her clothes spotless aren't a huge priority for her - stains just bring back fun memories.
Mint VS No mint
A little can go a long way, bringing a dish together to feel light yet fulfilling. Easy to overdo, however!
Singing VS Dancing
Being a rather animated person, she often has a lot of pent up energy! Who cares if you look silly, so long as you're having fun?
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Warm weather is Persephone's element. There's no better time to go for a long walk outside and take in the beauty of nature, wading through long grass, sitting in the shade of a tree, watching the gentle breeze sway the budding flowers to and fro. The soft caress of the sun as it cascades over your skin... what could be better than that?
Dog VS Cat person
Both animals are wonderful as far as Seph is concerned! They both have their own unique characteristics as a species that make them charming, though perhaps a dog might suit Persephone a bit more as a pet because dogs tend to match her energy more, and she could take a dog out on her adventures with her. Fancy getting a cat that isn't Neko into a harness!
Big spoon VS Little spoon
She has a protective and nurturing side to her as well. Sometimes all you need is someone to hold you close and be present with you in that moment. Seph may be a high-energy person, but she also knows when to mellow out and simply let a moment pass comfortably with peace. Nothing need be said, only felt. I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere.
Extrovert VS Introvert
And extrovert, through and through! She has no qualms about going up and introducing herself with confidence and enthusiasm. Anything new, she will readily and cheerfully throw herself into it. She tends to be quite open and upfront about her positions and feelings on matters and people... there are few things that she feels the need to hide, but that's the same for everyone, isn't it? No one is entitled to her deepest secrets, it makes the version of her she shows to other people no less authentic.
Actions VS Words
Growing up, she learned that people liked to excuse their actions with words. She thinks it's best to let your actions and the way you treat others do the talking for you. Small gifts, body language, physical touch, small acts of service... That's her love language.
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
There is nothing you could say to her that her mother or herself hasn't already. You'll have to try pretty hard or be pretty close to hurt Persephone Amaryllis.
Movies VS Series
Movies have so little time to really explore the world and characters! A series can offer more insight at a far less rushed pace than movies can, and you get so much more growth in a series than in a film. They feel more satisfying to Persephone.
Comics VS Books
There's just something so satisfying about the sound of a page turning, the scent of paper and ink, and a typewritten font...
Good liar VS Bad liar
Strict mothers make convincing liars.
Robin Redfearn
Veggies VS Meat
It takes both to make a wholesome, hearty meal!
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Robin is used to her grandmother's traditional cooking, where sadly the most spicy seasoning is probably pepper...
Sweet VS Salty
There's nothing like a nice trifle after dinner to hit the spot.
Noodles VS Rice
She prefers white rice because it soaks up the sauce in a dish, giving it more flavour.
Mint VS No mint
A little bit of mint is fine. Just not so intense that it makes her eyes water!
Singing VS Dancing
True to her namesake, Robin loves to sing and has quite a nice voice! She often sings while she does chores or schoolwork. If you make it known that you're listening, though, she'll trail off, turn red and quickly go back to her business but in silence.
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Many a winter night was spent cuddled up on her grandma's knee in front of the fireplace as it crackled and roared, the falling snow faint through the frosted windowpanes, the dog at her feet. Her grandmother's soft voice humming her a lullaby as she fought sleep but always eventually succumbed. These memories hold such a special place in her heart.
Dog VS Cat person
She's fond of dogs because of her grandmother's Scottish Terrier!
Also she's shipped with Jack, how can she not like dogs lol
Big spoon VS Little spoon
I don't think poor little Robin could be a big spoon if she tried... though the idea of her trying to spoon Jack is kind of hilarious. But no, I think that she would feel safe and content being in the arms of the person she loves, feeling his breath against the nape of her neck as his warmth envelops her. Lured into a secure, peaceful sleep, much like the roaring fireplace back home...
Extrovert VS Introvert
Robin is quite shy and timid at first, and while she does work on becoming more confident and assertive... she still can't quite manage to be as outspoken and energetic as Persephone. She likes smaller social gatherings, and if asked to attend larger ones, she generally sticks with a small, familiar group and tries to have a good time!
Actions VS Words
Both are necessary. Communication is an important part of any relationship. Telling someone she loves them, though nerve wracking to start, will eventually come to be as natural as breathing to her. She also shows love usually through cooking or baking. She'll purposefully make more than she needs to so she can give others what's left over, and omurice with a heart-shaped squirt of ketchup? You'd best believe it.
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
Admittedly, she can be pretty easily discouraged and hurt. It's something that she knows is an issue and she's working on not taking things to heart so much. Easier said than done.
Movies VS Series
She doesn't really watch much TV. She gets more absorbed by books.
Comics VS Books
Having lived a rather sheltered life before she somehow ended up in NRC, she often found escapism in the form of fantasy books. Who would have thought that she would be walking amongst wizards and magicians, not unlike the ones in those childhood stories? Certainly not Robin!
Good liar VS Bad liar
Honestly if she had to lie she would probably just do it by omission or being very selective about the information she shares. Her grandmother had this look that always somehow managed to make a confession spill from her lips in mere moments... Sometimes Robin wonders if her Grandma might have been a magician...
This was fun, if not a bit long-winded... my apologies. I just get so into it! I hope it's not bothersome to read.
Tagging: @mopotatoes, @shadowwalker593, @goudsreblogzone, @junowritings, @kotobukicutie
And anybody else who would like to participate! To those I have tagged, please don't feel pressured to fill this out (certainly not in the amount of detail I went to) if you don't want to. I'm just interested to see what your answers are for your characters. If you're not comfortable sharing, that's totally fine. No pressure at all. <3
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plague-of-insomnia · 6 years ago
Sebciel Drabble - Excerpt from “Circus” AU
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So I was feeling really low this weekend and decided I’d try to write some fluff or PWP to cheer me up and ofc this came out instead, which is neither.
      It’s a slice from an AU I'm working on (tentatively titled Circus). It's likely to be a dark, complex story. In it, Joker runs an escort agency called Circus. Sebastian, now almost thirty, has been working for him as an escort and fixer for years and knows he’s going to probably have to retire from the former soon. Ciel is in his twenties and the two of them have been dating for some time by the present point of the story. Seb, Finny, and Ciel share an apartment. I don’t know the full details yet, but Finny and probably Ciel also work for Joker in some capacity, though Sebastian has insisted Ciel go to school (since that was always Ciel’s dream). Lau is the big antagonist of the story whom both Seb and Ciel have a personal vendetta against, though I don’t want to go into more detail as that’d be a big spoiler (and isn’t necessary for enjoying this little snippet).
      This scene is basically just Sebastian and Ciel talking over dinner. There's some heat and nudity, but no sex, sorry.
      I thought about putting this on AO3, but honestly I have no idea if this scene will make it into the final story since it's still in the early stages. But this is probably relatively early in, probably within the first few chapters.
      Anyway, enjoy, and if you liked it (and want me to post more of my in-progress stuff on here) please let me know by liking/commenting/reblogging!
      “Seb? I’m home,” Ciel called as he entered the apartment.
      “In the kitchen.”
      Ciel followed the delicious aroma, dumping his bag on the couch before wandering over to his boyfriend.
      Sebastian stood at the stove, using cooking chopsticks to stir something sizzling away in a wok. He had borrowed some of Finny’s bobby-pins to keep his long bangs out of his eyes while he cooked, and they shone when he moved and caught the light just right, the colored metal standing out sharply amidst his ink black hair. He was dressed in old, faded, low-hanging jeans that were fitted but from before the skinny fad, with holes everywhere, including a large one that started at the bottom of his right back pocket and expanded across his lower butt, revealing a muscled, pale cheek. Unsurprisingly, Sebastian was going commando. He was bare from the waist up except for an apron (hot oil on bare nipples was a lesson he’d learned the hard way).
      Ciel took a moment to appreciate the line of his boyfriend’s back, the shift and slide of skin and muscles in his shoulders as he moved, the hint of his tattoo peaking above the waistband of his jeans. A stereotypical pronged devil’s tail along his tailbone that curled down and over his currently covered left ass cheek. He took his persona seriously. Sometimes too seriously. “Whatcha cooking?”
      Seb paused to lean over and press a kiss to Ciel’s head when he grew closer. “‘Use up all the leftovers in the fridge’ fried rice.”
      Ciel snagged a carrot from the cutting board and popped it in his mouth, humming appreciatively. Sebastian knew what it was like to starve, and so he was ruthless in making sure they had almost no food waste. More impressive than that was how delicious his meals could be, no matter the ingredients. Sebastian was such a talented cook, Ciel had tried to convince him more than once to enroll in culinary school with no success. As confident and domineering as Sebastian could seem, the truth was he didn’t see himself as worth much more than being a whore and a thug.
      “How was class?”
      Ciel gathered the cutlery and bowls as Sebastian added the finishing touches to the rice. “Eh. We have to write a business plan.”
      Sebastian accepted the bowls, one at a time, filling them with fried rice.
      “Finny isn’t eating with us?”
      Sebastian shook his head. He’s training with Bard, and then he has clients so he said not to worry about him; they’d grab something.”
      Ciel nodded absently and followed his boyfriend to their small table, where they both began to dig in. “Awesome as always,” Ciel said with a grin as he gathered some more spoonfuls.
      Sebastian smiled fondly and picked at his own meal.
      That didn’t escape Ciel’s notice, but he said nothing. “Anyway, I was thinking of doing this idea I’ve had for awhile, but it’s probably stupid.”
      “You’re brilliant, so I doubt that,” Sebastian assured Ciel, his unusual mahogany eyes showing nothing but pure sincerity. Ciel had fallen in love with Sebastian years before they’d acknowledged it partly because of the taller man’s sometimes brutal honesty. He could be duplicitous and a flatterer while in his Luci persona, but Sebastian himself preferred to lay everything out on the table.
      Ciel blushed and took a bite of food to give him time to stall and figure out how to formulate what he wanted to say. “I want to start a toy company that makes toys designed for sick kids. Stuff that’s easy to disinfect and resistant to allergens, that’s compact so they’re easy to bring to a doctor’s appointment or when in the hospital. Stuff that will help comfort and distract kids who are in pain or not feeling well.” Ciel blushed again and ducked his head.
      The slate-haired man felt fingers cradle his chin and direct it back up so that he was looking at Sebastian, who was leaning in almost too-close as he was overly fond of doing. “That’s a wonderful idea. I would probably start a knife company or a sex toy company.”
      “Or something to do with cats,” Ciel grumbled good naturedly.
      Sebastian chuckled. “Maybe a whole line of cat-themed dildos and butt plugs.”
      “You and cats and your oversexed brain. No one wants to think of their cat when they’re masturbating.”
      Sebastian shrugged with a playful smile. Then he leaned nearer and planted a chaste kiss on Ciel’s lips, but it soon turned heated when the smaller man stuck his tongue out to taste Sebastian’s own lips, soy sauce and ginger making Ciel’s mouth water.
      Ciel didn’t have much to compare him to, but in his mind Sebastian had to be the world’s most fantastic kisser. He’d never truly given it a chance, but he was almost certain that—especially if he were backed up—he could come just from kissing.
      Sebastian held Ciel’s face in a way that was both possessive and tender, nibbling on Ciel’s tongue in a way that went straight to the smaller man’s cock.
      Ciel leaned into the kiss, chasing Sebastian, who always seemed to escape to continue dominating the kiss. Typical, but still frustrating. Knowing how to distract him, the smaller man splayed his hands on the larger’s chest, scraping a fingernail along Sebastian’s bare nipple.
      Sebastian growled, but instead of escalating or allowing Ciel to control the kiss, he pulled back, his blown pupils, erect nipples and half chubby tenting his pants the only indication they’d made out at all. His look was distant, and his breathing even when he said, “We should finish eating.”
      Ciel nodded absently, reaching down to readjust his own hard-on so he could sit more comfortably, and picked up his spoon again. “You all right?”
      Sebastian smiled, but it was forced and fake and it pissed Ciel off. “Fine.”
      The slate-haired man grunted. “You know, you could still go. To school.”
      Sebastian scoffed as he stabbed a piece of chicken with a chopstick, fisted in one hand like a knife. “It’s too late for me.”
      “You always say that. But it’s not. There are people in their thirties and forties in my classes.”
      Sebastian looked away, intently focused on his food, although he was mostly stirring the rice around without eating it. “Ciel, I’m not like you. I was born into this life. I don’t belong in the light.”
      “What I did to you and Finny, that’s technically kidnapping, you know.”
      “That was years ago. And you didn’t kidnap us, you rescued us!”
      Sebastian sighed and set his chopsticks down, clearly having lost whatever little appetite he had. “Not in the eyes of the law. You don’t know what I’ve done. What I do for Joker. I’m not a good person.”
      Ciel sputtered, trying to argue, but Sebastian talked over him.
      “I have a fifth-grade education.”
      “Only officially. But you’re smart and you’ve taught yourself a lot. I bet if you tried you could get your GED—”
      “Enough,” Sebastian snarled, eyes flashing. Ciel didn’t see him angry often, but he could be truly terrifying when he was; it was almost as if his irises glowed red.
      “Tell me what’s wrong,” the younger man demanded, indicating Sebastian’s bowl with his spoon. The taller man had often insisted Ciel and Finny clear their plates, reminding them they never knew when that meal needed to last them for days. Sebastian always ate, even if he didn’t seem to be hungry.
      For a moment, when their eyes met, Ciel thought Sebastian was going to come clean. But instead, he just shook his head and pushed to his feet. “I’m going for a run. I’ll eat something after.”
      Ciel jumped up and rushed to meet him on the way to their bedroom. “Don’t do this. Come on.”
      Sebastian ignored his boyfriend and unbuttoned his jeans, kicking them off as he pulled on a cutoff shirt. “I just need to clear my head. I told you I’m fine.”
      Ciel forced his way between Sebastian and the dresser, not letting the man’s washboard stomach, toned thighs or long, thick cock distract him from his purpose. “I know I’m not the only one with nightmares. I know that you can’t sleep more often than not. I know you stand out on the balcony for hours with that lighter and pack of cigarettes you keep in the top shelf of the closet, thinking about lighting up.” The taller man had quit not long after bringing Finny and Ciel home, after the doctors explained cigarette smoke was triggering to Ciel’s lungs. The smaller man looked up, trying to meet his boyfriend’s eyes, but Sebastian had shut them. “You’re not a robot, Seb. You can talk to me. I’m not a child anymore. You don’t need to protect me.”
      Sebastian sighed heavily. He pulled the pins from his hair and shook out his bangs, carding his fingers through the strands to rearrange them. He darted a hand around Ciel and managed to yank open a drawer enough to grab a pair of shorts. He slipped them on before Ciel could complain. He stood for a long moment, hands on his hips, bare stomach expanding and relaxing with each breath.
      Ciel held his ground, shifting to stand between Sebastian and the door as a wordless way to indicate he wasn’t letting his boyfriend go without a fight. The smaller man folded his arms on his chest and cocked his hip, daring Sebastian to keep this up.
      “I swear to Satan you’re even more headstrong than me.” He crossed and enveloped Ciel in his arms, cradling the small man to his larger frame as if worried he would disappear. He bent his head until his nose brushed Ciel’s hair. “I’m sorry,” he whispered almost inaudibly.
      Sebastian didn’t apologize often; it surprised Ciel enough to pull back to try to search the taller man’s face for some clue as to why he was suddenly giving in. It was an expression so complex, no matter how many years they’d known each other, Ciel wasn’t sure he could pry out exactly what his boyfriend was thinking.
      “Lau,” Sebastian whispered, his voice hoarse.
      “What?” Ciel didn’t understand.
      “Lau’s back,” Sebastian repeated, louder, angrier. His fists tightened. “And he’s trafficking kids again.”
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fbwzoo · 7 years ago
Cleaning Hermit Crab Shells
So I posted in an answer to an ask earlier today that I don’t really clean the hermit crab tank - you don’t want to risk disturbing molters by upsetting the substrate too much, and generally it builds up good bacteria that help break down food bits & poop, similar to a bio-active enclosure.
But I forgot something I DO still clean in the crab tank, and that’s their shells! I had the time/energy to do so today and cleaned their two main shell shops, so I got some pictures of the process to share.
Supplies: - trash can - paper towels - Prime water conditioner - Instant Ocean salt - 1-2 large bowls for water & a spoon for mixing salt water
Step 1: Empty out sand & poop
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Hermit crabs are pretty good at dragging sand into everything, including their shells. They also like to drag the shells out & bury them sometimes. And they even seem to use them as “toilets”, so to speak, and often poop in the extra shells! So make sure you clean as much sand off & out of the shells into the trash before putting them in your sink - too much sand can cause pipe issues.
I usually dump out whatever’s inside the shell (you may need to use a paper towel to wipe it out as much as possible too), then use the paper towel to wipe off the outside as well.
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Dump out all of the stuff in the shell shop containers as well, if you use them. Then you can rinse the container off with water & dry it thoroughly with a paper towel.
Step 2: Prepare your rinse water
You can use Prime treated water for all water stages if you’d like. I do that sometimes, but skipped it this time because the shells were so dirty. I just left the faucet on & ran them under it to clean them for the initial rinse. If you want to use treated water, you can plug up the sink & fill it with water, then treat, or you can use a large bowl filled with treated water & change it out as needed for clean treated water.
You also want to prepare a bowl that has treated water with Instant Ocean salt. This one shouldn’t get very dirty, if at all, so you won’t have to use much - just make sure it’s deep enough to dip your biggest shell in.
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Step 3: Rinse the shells
I fill the shells up with water & turn them backwards a few times to make sure water gets all the way into the shell. Then turn them forwards so the water comes back out with all the crud. You can lightly shake them to help dislodge debris as well. I rinse out a couple more times, then turn the shell forward 3-4 more times to make sure all the water comes back out (especially if you’re using untreated water for this stage, like I did today). 
Step 4: Salt water dip
After rinsing the shells thoroughly, you can dip them in the salt water bowl. Doesn’t need to be long, just a quick dunk. I turn the shells forward another 2-3 times after the dunk to get most of the water back out so they don’t make a mess in the shell shop. They’ll still likely have a small amount in the back, which is fine & can encourage the crabs to check them out. 
Step 5: Place back in shell shop
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I like to organize the shops so the larger shells are on the bottom, smaller ones on top. The big crabs are more than able to move things around as needed to get to what they want, so everyone should be able to find their sizes this way. I also have multiple shell shops so that I can break up the size ranges a bit more to keep small ones from getting buried. 
Shiny clean shells!
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You can place your shell shops back in the tank & take a well-earned break! If you have a ton of shells like me, your back probably hurts right about now. XD It took me approximately 30 minutes to do ~50 shells. Not too long, but make sure you plan for the added work time. 
Step 6: Watch your crabs check out the fresh clothes!
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Aragog was pretty excited to see the clean clothes! One of the little ones came to check things out too. If you’re very lucky, you might get to see a shell change after putting in the clean shells! It’s a great way to encourage the crabs to check out their choices again & maybe try on something new. :)
Additional Tips & Notes:
- If you have enough shells, you can keep some back & swap them out when you clean the shell shops. Your crabs may be more enticed by the new offerings!
- Make sure you do not boil the shells. Boiling shells is only recommended when you first get them. Sometimes crabs will hide in a shell that’s much too big & they can be very difficult or impossible to see hiding way back in the shell. You do not want to risk boiling one of your crabbies!!
- Shell cleaning can be done as often as you wish, but try to do it at least every couple months. Some people aim to clean the shells once a month or a couple times a month, depending on if they’re in a shop or loose on the substrate. I usually go every other month or so, depending on how dirty they’re getting. 
- Cleaning the shells can be a great way to distract crabs if you have someone picking on other crabs for their shells. Make sure you always have 5-6 appropriately sized shells per crab. They need plenty of choices to ensure they don’t start coveting the shell another crab is wearing! Crabs can & will kill each other for a shell if they feel there aren’t enough choices. If a crab is climbing on another one, grabbing the edge of their shell & trying to rock them, they are trying to shelljack that crab & you need to intervene.
- Clean shells are also important if you have a naked crab. Always treat a naked crab as an emergency. It’s a good idea to join a group or forum so you have someplace to ask for help if you have an emergency like this - you will receive instructions on what to do for the naked crab, and you can share information about your crab tank to see what might have caused the issue & fix it. I’m in the Facebook groups for Hermit Crab Association (which also has a forum on the site of same name), Hermit Crab Owners, and Land Hermit Crab Owners Society (which has a forum on crabstreetjournal.org). All of these groups can help if you have an emergency.
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gelasssoek · 4 years ago
Mike's Hobo Pork Stew. Hobo stew is a recipe straight from my time as a YMCA camp counselor. It can be cooked on the fire pit at home or at a campsite. Hobo Stew with potatoes can take about an hour to cook, depending on how you slice the potatoes.
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Beef and Barley Stew Recipe - How to Make Stewed Beef Shank with Barley. This apps include Images, Ingredients and Method. This apps include Images, Ingredients and Method.
Hello everybody, it is Drew, welcome to my recipe site. Today, we're going to prepare a special dish, mike's hobo pork stew. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a bit unique. This will be really delicious.
Hobo stew is a recipe straight from my time as a YMCA camp counselor. It can be cooked on the fire pit at home or at a campsite. Hobo Stew with potatoes can take about an hour to cook, depending on how you slice the potatoes.
Mike's Hobo Pork Stew is one of the most well liked of current trending foods in the world. It's enjoyed by millions daily. It is simple, it's quick, it tastes delicious. Mike's Hobo Pork Stew is something that I have loved my entire life. They are nice and they look wonderful.
To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook mike's hobo pork stew using 21 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Mike's Hobo Pork Stew:
{Get of Pork Roast.
{Make ready 3 lb of Pork Shoulder Or Butt Roast [frozen or raw].
{Make ready 3 box of 32 oz Chicken Broth.
{Prepare 1 can of 14.5 oz Hunts Diced Tomatoes [use all fluids].
{Get 1 large of Elephant Clove Garlic [smashed - or 6 smaller cloves].
{Take 1 tbsp of Each: Onion Powder - Kitchen Bouquet - Italian Seasoning.
{Get 1/2 tsp of Each: Sea Salt - Black Pepper.
{Prepare 1 large of Bay Leaf.
{Prepare 1 packages of 15 oz McCormick Beef Stew Seasoning.
{Get of Vegetables.
{Take 10 medium of Potatoes [washed - peeled or unpeeled - halved].
{Prepare 1 1/2 cup of Baby Carrots [halved].
{Prepare 2 medium of White Onions [quartered].
{Take 4 stalk of Fresh Celery [1" chop with all leaves].
{Make ready 1 can of Green Beans [drained - optional].
{Prepare 1/2 can of Whole Kernel Corn [drained - optional].
{Get of Kitchen Equipment.
{Take 1 large of Cooking Pot [with lid].
{Make ready 1 of Pair Kitchen Shears.
{Make ready 1 of Slotted Spoon.
{Prepare 1 of Ladle.
See recipes for My pork stew, Pork stew with mushroom and nut too. This Recipe is meant for Scouts BSA. Let me know how you enjoyed your Hobo Stew! Send a photo of your meal so I can add it here.
Instructions to make Mike's Hobo Pork Stew:
° Mix everything in the Pork Roast section except for 1 box broth. Save that for later. ° Crush garlic but, leave it in larger chunks so you can pull it out later along with the bay leaf. ° Mix well, bring broth to a boil and allow roast to simmer for several hours covered. Or, until roast has fully tenderized and you can cut or tear it apart easily. Add broth as needed throughout simmer. ° Flip roast once during simmer..
Chop all vegetables. Place potatoes, celery and onions in cold water to keep them from browning or limping if, chopping early. Drain vegetables prior to adding to your simmering pot..
Once pork roast has tenderized, pull crushed garlic and bay leaf out with slotted spoon. Cut up roast with kitchen shears or a large knife while still in broth pot..
Add all drained vegetables to the meat and broth and stir..
Add water if additional fluid is needed to cover vegetables. But, add as little water as you'll need. Simmer stew covered for 35 to 40 minutes longer. Or, until vegetables are soft. Meaning: a knife can easily penetrate your potatoes and carrots. Stir carefully and occasionally. You don't want to break up your potatoes. ;0).
At this point I'll taste test my stew. Since flavors can dissapate with long simmer times, I'll usually add additional garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper and sea salt to taste..
Serve with warm bread. In fact, if you want a crazy easy recipe for that, try my 5 minute bread recipe posted below. https://ift.tt/2Kn61aL.
Hobo Stew is simple to make and simply delicious. Hobo Stew is an easy to make oven-baked dish that is really tasty. This apps include Images, Ingredients and Method. Hobo Stew, Hobo Stew And Dumplings, Venison Hobo Stew, etc. Related Pages. all day beef stew. anaheim green chili pork stew.
So that is going to wrap it up for this special food mike's hobo pork stew recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am sure you can make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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kurtwarren54 · 5 years ago
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I feel like I have so many friends either pregnant or with newborns at home and I literally live for sharing all my favorite baby finds. It can be SO overwhelming as a new mom knowing what things actually work, what you should register for and just what you should try next for your baby. We made it 1 year over here (YAY!) and excited to share that September is Best of Baby Month on walmart.com which means they are having some incredible savings on over 700 baby products online. It’s basically like Black Friday come early and it can be hard to sift through these savings as a first time parent. I went through and picked out some of my must haves that I have used from the newborn state to 1 year old. They often have next day shipping which is a MUST when you are shopping at 3am during those late night feedings and decide you need to try a new swaddle like RIGHT NOW. Mamas, I feel you. I was doing the same exact thing! Happy shopping Mamas.
boon nurse baby bottle drying rack: I started out with the larger size boon drying rack and then also got this smaller version since I wanted to take up less space on my counter. Both are epic if you will be using any bottles or if you are pumping. I like having a separate place for all things baby to not mix it with our food items. This has free NextDay delivery and rollback pricing.
fisher-price cradle ’n swing with 6-speeds swing: This swing is a life saver. We had ours set up in our office and bedroom when he was older for some naps and a safe place to put him. It can swing in different directions which is a game changer since some babies prefer certain kinds of motion. Also the songs in it are great and Otis loved watching the mobile. Warning this takes up a big footprint but it was such a great resource for us when he was a newborn. Worth it in my opinion! It’s currently $127.90 and promo for $106.99!
baby breeze electric baby bottle sterilizer and dryer machine: Ok I never thought that I was even going to use this and honestly this was one of my favorite baby gadgets that really surprised me how much I used it. Such an easy way to sterilize my bottles and it also drys them which is a game changer. Honestly you have no time to brush your teeth let alone think about taking the time to sterilize your bottles so this device is 100% worth the counter space needed. Buy this sterilizer and get a $10 walmart gift card.
avanchy bamboo stay put suction baby bowl and spoon: I bought a few of these products because they are both chic and functional. The suction is essential when feeding a little baby that is going to inevitably throw their plate to the floor. Buy and safe $5.
hatch baby rest sound machine, night light + time-to-rise: One of my favorite devices in Otis’ nursery. It was epic in the newborn stage as well. We actually loved it so much we have 2 of them. 1 in his nursery and 1 in our bedroom. During the newborn phase it was both a great sound machine and night light during late night nursing. You can easily adjust the brightness and color of the nightlight so it’s easy on baby and mama’s eyes. Also I love that I can adjust or turn it on and off with an app. So now that Otis is older, if he happens to fall asleep on me while having his bottle, I can go into the app on my phone and steal mode turn on his sound machine before I place him in his crib. This is a GAME CHANGER. I am all about baby tech and this is a must have. Also, I don’t often find sound machines that are loud enough and this one is LOUD. Which is essential. This has rollback pricing and free delivery.
fisher-price deluxe kick & play removable piano gym: This is something Otis loved when he was starting to pull up on things. It was the perfect height for him and he is obsessed with the piano to this day. We now use the piano on its own and I use the pad in his nursery as a changing pad on the floor because… Toddler diaper changes are a wrestling match. This has rollback pricing and NextDay delivery.
pampers swaddlers: These were our favorite newborn diapers and you go through them like CRAZY. So this savings is epic. Buy 2, Get $20 gift card.
regalo 38” walk thru baby gate: Baby gates aren’t needed until baby is on the move but this is great to prep and have before that time comes so you can easily just set it up. Rollback pricing and free NextDay delivery.
lamaze clip & go fife the firefly: This is one of my hands down favorite toys for Otis. We used it during our physical therapy as a developmental tool. It makes noises and crinkles and it was a great motivator to help him learn to roll over and crawl. Rollback pricing and free NextDay delivery.
philips avent natural baby bottle newborn starter gift set: If you plan to use bottles, I recommenced getting a few different kinds because you never know what your baby is going to like. I bought these as an option and they are having a great savings on them. Rollback pricing and free NextDay delivery.
plums organics pouches: We love these pouches for when Otis started eating solids. Pick any 2 (6pk) and receive $2 off.
baby breeze formula pro advanced formula dispenser: So this is something I actually have sitting in my garage and never opened. But since I love my bottle sterilizer so much, I wanted to share this savings with you. I WISH I remembered I had in my garage because my friend has this and says it’s a total game changer if you are formula feeding. When you buy it, you get a $50 gift card to walmart.
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This post is sponsored by Walmart. Big thank you for supporting all eat/sleep/wear collabs that help to support my family.
The post BEST OF BABY MONTH appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
from Wellness https://www.eatsleepwear.com/2019/09/23/best-of-baby-month/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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elizabethcariasa · 5 years ago
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I feel like I have so many friends either pregnant or with newborns at home and I literally live for sharing all my favorite baby finds. It can be SO overwhelming as a new mom knowing what things actually work, what you should register for and just what you should try next for your baby. We made it 1 year over here (YAY!) and excited to share that September is Best of Baby Month on walmart.com which means they are having some incredible savings on over 700 baby products online. It’s basically like Black Friday come early and it can be hard to sift through these savings as a first time parent. I went through and picked out some of my must haves that I have used from the newborn state to 1 year old. They often have next day shipping which is a MUST when you are shopping at 3am during those late night feedings and decide you need to try a new swaddle like RIGHT NOW. Mamas, I feel you. I was doing the same exact thing! Happy shopping Mamas.
boon nurse baby bottle drying rack: I started out with the larger size boon drying rack and then also got this smaller version since I wanted to take up less space on my counter. Both are epic if you will be using any bottles or if you are pumping. I like having a separate place for all things baby to not mix it with our food items. This has free NextDay delivery and rollback pricing.
fisher-price cradle ’n swing with 6-speeds swing: This swing is a life saver. We had ours set up in our office and bedroom when he was older for some naps and a safe place to put him. It can swing in different directions which is a game changer since some babies prefer certain kinds of motion. Also the songs in it are great and Otis loved watching the mobile. Warning this takes up a big footprint but it was such a great resource for us when he was a newborn. Worth it in my opinion! It’s currently $127.90 and promo for $106.99!
baby breeze electric baby bottle sterilizer and dryer machine: Ok I never thought that I was even going to use this and honestly this was one of my favorite baby gadgets that really surprised me how much I used it. Such an easy way to sterilize my bottles and it also drys them which is a game changer. Honestly you have no time to brush your teeth let alone think about taking the time to sterilize your bottles so this device is 100% worth the counter space needed. Buy this sterilizer and get a $10 walmart gift card.
avanchy bamboo stay put suction baby bowl and spoon: I bought a few of these products because they are both chic and functional. The suction is essential when feeding a little baby that is going to inevitably throw their plate to the floor. Buy and safe $5.
hatch baby rest sound machine, night light + time-to-rise: One of my favorite devices in Otis’ nursery. It was epic in the newborn stage as well. We actually loved it so much we have 2 of them. 1 in his nursery and 1 in our bedroom. During the newborn phase it was both a great sound machine and night light during late night nursing. You can easily adjust the brightness and color of the nightlight so it’s easy on baby and mama’s eyes. Also I love that I can adjust or turn it on and off with an app. So now that Otis is older, if he happens to fall asleep on me while having his bottle, I can go into the app on my phone and steal mode turn on his sound machine before I place him in his crib. This is a GAME CHANGER. I am all about baby tech and this is a must have. Also, I don’t often find sound machines that are loud enough and this one is LOUD. Which is essential. This has rollback pricing and free delivery.
fisher-price deluxe kick & play removable piano gym: This is something Otis loved when he was starting to pull up on things. It was the perfect height for him and he is obsessed with the piano to this day. We now use the piano on its own and I use the pad in his nursery as a changing pad on the floor because… Toddler diaper changes are a wrestling match. This has rollback pricing and NextDay delivery.
pampers swaddlers: These were our favorite newborn diapers and you go through them like CRAZY. So this savings is epic. Buy 2, Get $20 gift card.
regalo 38” walk thru baby gate: Baby gates aren’t needed until baby is on the move but this is great to prep and have before that time comes so you can easily just set it up. Rollback pricing and free NextDay delivery.
lamaze clip & go fife the firefly: This is one of my hands down favorite toys for Otis. We used it during our physical therapy as a developmental tool. It makes noises and crinkles and it was a great motivator to help him learn to roll over and crawl. Rollback pricing and free NextDay delivery.
philips avent natural baby bottle newborn starter gift set: If you plan to use bottles, I recommenced getting a few different kinds because you never know what your baby is going to like. I bought these as an option and they are having a great savings on them. Rollback pricing and free NextDay delivery.
plums organics pouches: We love these pouches for when Otis started eating solids. Pick any 2 (6pk) and receive $2 off.
baby breeze formula pro advanced formula dispenser: So this is something I actually have sitting in my garage and never opened. But since I love my bottle sterilizer so much, I wanted to share this savings with you. I WISH I remembered I had in my garage because my friend has this and says it’s a total game changer if you are formula feeding. When you buy it, you get a $50 gift card to walmart.
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This post is sponsored by Walmart. Big thank you for supporting all eat/sleep/wear collabs that help to support my family.
The post BEST OF BABY MONTH appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
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filosofablogger · 6 years ago
Good morning, friends, and welcome to the first day of a new {yawn} week.  Now, I want to start by reminding you all that today is Earth Day!  I tried … I really tried to find a way to combine Jolly Monday with an Earth Day post, but it just wasn’t working out, and finally I had to admit that it was about as much fun and as interesting as a trip to the dentist.  Part of the problem, of course, is that Jolly is in the shop for repairs and without him I’m … well … Jolly-less.  Sigh.  I may have an Earth Day post this afternoon if I can quell the mind bounce and focus later on, but for this morning, I think we shall just try to have a bit of humour with which to start our week, okay?
I did not bake this morning, so you’ll have to settle for treats from the local donut place.  Leave the one with sprinkles for Benjamin, okay?  It’s the only kind he likes. Grab a bite and let’s see what we can find to bring a smile to our faces. 
  …………………………………………………………………………. 🤔
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Okay, well … um … that worked out well, didn’t it?  Tell you what … how ‘bout I dig up some jokes?
A man and his pet giraffe walk into a bar and start drinking. As the night goes on, they get drunk, and the giraffe finally passes out. The man decides to go home.
As he’s leaving, the man is approached by the barkeeper who says, “Hey, you’re not gonna leave that lyin’ here, are ya?”
“Hmph,” says the man. “That’s not a lion — it’s a giraffe.”
Um … yeah … fell flat, huh?  Let me try again …
Q: What do you get when you cross a bear with a deer?
A: Beer.
Not even a chuckle, eh?  One more try … lawyer jokes are always good for a grin at least …
Farmer Joe decided his injuries from his recent accident were serious enough to take the trucking company responsible for the accident to court. In court, the trucking company’s fancy lawyer was questioning farmer Joe.
“Didn’t you say, at the scene of the accident, that you were fine?”
”Well, I’ll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite mule Bessie into the–”
”I didn’t ask for any details,” the lawyer interrupted. ”Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, that you were fine?”
”Well I had just got Bessie into the trailer and was driving down the road–”
”Judge, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the Highway Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question.” By this time the Judge was fairly interested in Farmer Joe’s answer and told the lawyer so.
”Well,” said the farmer, “as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favorite mule, into the trailer and was driving her down the highway when this huge semi-truck and trailer ran the stop sign and smacked my truck right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurting real bad and didn’t want to move. However, I could hear ol’ Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans. Shortly after the accident a Highway Patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he looked at her he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Then the Patrolman came across the road with his gun in his hand and looked at me. He said, ‘Your mule was in such bad shape I had to shoot her. How are you feeling?'”
Ah, at least a few grins, so I think I’ll quit with the jokes while I’m ahead … kinda sorta.  Okay.  I have no choice but to revert to my old standby … cute critters.  {Oh Jolly, please get well soon … I NEED you!}
According to one site … a couple, actually … these are the ten cutest animals in the world:
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Fun Fact: Hedgehogs are largely immune to snake venom.
Hedgehogs are spiny mammals that can be found in Asia, Africa and Europe. Although they look more like a rat but are undeniably cute and harmless too. Which is the reason they are increasing in popularity as an exotic pet animals. If you are looking for a cute pet which is also unique in itself, go get a hedgehog.
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Fun Fact: Penny the Little Penguin was the mascot for the 2007 FINA World Swimming Championships held in Melbourne, Victoria
What could possibly be anything cuter than penguins, it’s their little version. These penguins are absolutely similar to normal penguins except for the size. Their small size make them much more cute than normal ones, so much so they can be said one of the top 10 cutest animals on earth.
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Fun Facts: Northern little owls often take prey same size or larger than themselves.
Northern Pygmy Owls are small owls native to western north America. These little birds are the smallest species of owl. Adults are 15-17 cm in overall length (nearly 6 inches) and are gray, brownish-gray or rufous in color.
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Fun Fact: Koalas do not drink much water as they get most of their moisture from the leaves they eat. Even the word “koala” means “no water”.
Koalas are easily recognizable animal by its stout, tailless body and large head with round, fluffy ears and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60-85 cm and weighs 4-15 kg. Koals are very cute animals, and their face has innocent kind of expression, which just enhances the adorableness.
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Fun Fact: Arctic foxes can survive extreme cold, they won’t start shivering until temperature go lower than -70 degree Celsius.
Arctic foxes also known as polar foxes or snow foxes are the breed of fox adapted to live in extreme cold environment. Their round body shape is good to minimize heat escaping from the body, and it also give them a very cute fluffy look.
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Fun Fact: They are Herbivorous Carnivoran, means genetically they belong to carnivore group but are more similar to Giant pandas (which are herbivorous).
Red pandas are mammals native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. Even though, their name consist Panda, but genetically are not closely related to Giant Pandas.
They have reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to its shorter front legs, and is slightly larger than a domestic cat.
They are an endangered species. Habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding depression, although red pandas are protected by national laws in their range countries.
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Fun Fact: Two dogs were rescued from Titanic wreckage and one of them was a Pomeranian.
Pomeranians are also known as toy dogs due to their small size and cute teddy bear like appearance. They are continuously going smaller in size. But their smaller size is rapidly increasing their popularity.
In terms of registration figures, since at least 1998, the breed has ranked among the top twenty most popular breeds in the USA, and the current fashion for small dogs has increased their popularity worldwide.
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Fun Fact: Rabbits have a lot of babies. Mommas can give birth as much as nine babies each year.
Rabbits are small cute herbivorous mammals that are some of the most popular pet animals on earth. Rabbits come in many different colours and patterns, just like cats and dogs, and are family friendly. Although require some special measures around kids due to those little teeth, that can easily pierce human skin.
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Fun Fact: Those oversized ears are not only excellent for listening purposes but also serve as a way to dissipate heat and keep cool in the desert environment.
Fennec Foxes are exotic animals that you can also have as pet, though they require different treatment than domestic cats and dogs. They are extremely playful and family friendly, even look more like a mix of cat and dog than a fox. Their furry body, small size and big ears make them one of the cutest animals on earth.
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Fun Fact: Persian Cats‘ long hair look may look like it requires high maintenance. But in reality, they are considered to be one of the most low maintenance and friendliest cat breeds.
Even though almost all of the cat breeds are cute. Watching a playing kitten in the early morning puts a big smile on your face. If you’re are an animal lover, you most likely have a cat or dog in your home or around you right now. If you own a cat and it’s not Persian, so please don’t be upset. But we’re choosing Persian cat for this entry as they’re tiny bit more cute than other cats.  Note:  We have a part-Persian and she is the meanest darn cat I’ve ever known.  We named her Tiger Lily before we knew how ornery she was!
Friends, this isn’t much of a Jolly Monday post, and for that I apologize.  I’ve had the wind knocked out of my sails in the past week, between the Mueller report and related reactions, the Notre-Dame fire, and yesterdays horrific bombings in Sri Lanka and I just can’t find my humorous side, especially with Jolly gone.  Next week … I promise to do better.  Meanwhile, have a great week, and please, find a smile and share it with someone this week.  Love and hugs from Filosofa … and the missing Jolly!
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Tryin’-To-Be-Jolly Monday Good morning, friends, and welcome to the first day of a new {yawn} week.  Now, I want to start by reminding you all that today is Earth Day! 
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passionspoon · 5 years ago
Paleo nut and seed bread
Omg, you have to check out this paleo nut and seed bread! Packed with seeds and nuts, which will help you feel full between meals, make this bread healthy, vegan, keto-friendly and gluten-free. This will become the one and only recipe you'll ever need...
Omg, you have to check out this paleo nut and seed bread! Packed with seeds and nuts, which will help you feel full between meals, make this bread healthy, vegan, keto-friendly and gluten-free. Maybe, this will become the one and only recipe you’ll ever need when making bread from now on.
View On WordPress
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yesterdaysdreams · 7 years ago
How to Make an Easy DIY Concrete Planter
Hello again! Thalita here from The Learner Observer back with an easy DIY tutorial that you can make anytime of year – a concrete planter! This method doesn’t use any fancy concrete forms or molds, giving it a fun slouchy paper bag kind of style, but you could use any container you can think of to give it the shape you want. For more DIY concrete planter methods and variations, read to the bottom of the post. 
How to Make Your Own Concrete Planter
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Here’s what you’ll need to make this:
some cardboard boxes in varying sizes. I chose one to be the external side of my planter and one that would fit inside of it
packing tape or duct tape
concrete or mortar mix
a large bucket
an old wooden spoon or scrap wood for mixing
a measuring cup
old cup or a garden tool for scooping up the concrete mix
First, I started by taking all of the edges and corners of the cardboard boxes so that the concrete mix wouldn’t get into the nooks and crannies, and so that the box would stay together a bit better.
Mix your concrete or mortar mix according to the instructions (this is where that measuring cup comes in handy) until it’s about the consistency of a dry cookie batter. Now, start pouring it into your larger box until it’s about an inch high.
Now place the smaller box inside so that it’s centered in the larger one and start filling the edges around it with your mix.
Fill until you have your desired height for the planter, but remember: the taller it is, the heavier it will be!
I made my edges quite chunky and left the planter quite short, so it’s heavy, but I can still move it around easily.
Now tape the top of the box so that it’s all somewhat straight – cardboard will get wet and get slouchy, which is where you get that sort of paper bag look from, but the tape helps it to stay mostly upright so that it’s not too slouchy!
Let this sit for a couple of days to be safe, especially if you don’t happen to be in a hot and dry climate when you make this! Once the box feels solid, remove the inner box first and make sure the inside is dry. If it isn’t, leave it for another 24 hours or so. You could end up with a crumbled planter if you remove everything too soon!
Once it’s all dry, remove all of the paper and if any cardboard stuck to the sides, give it a quick sanding. You may also need to do this on the edges so that they’re a bit smoother.
And that’s it! You now have yourself a concrete planter!
I planted some little cacti in mine, and they seem to love it. It’s an easy and unique little piece in our laundry room now! (And PS: if you love that letterboard, you can buy one here or DIY one here.)
Have you ever attempted a concrete/mortar project? Would you? Truthfully, I was a little overwhelmed at the thought at first, bit I’m glad I tried it!
More DIY concrete planters:
In addition to this freeform style DIY concrete planter shared by Thalita, try these other 4 ways to make a concrete planter:
1: Hypertufa Cement Pots. Make a lighter-weight concrete planter with a natural stone look by making a hypertufa mix following the instructions here.
2: Concrete Plant Pots and Garden Globes. Use old plastic containers to make gift-sized concrete pots and upcycle an old globe light to make a garden globe.
3: Modular Concrete Mini Planters with DIY Molds. Recycle cardboard to make your own concrete mold (instructions here) and make a set of these modular mini planters for a desk or wall planter. The added gold edging is beautiful!
4: Tall Outdoor Concrete Planter. This is the big kahuna! Learn to use concrete dye to tint the planter a different color and how to make your own large concrete form from melamine, including adding a decorative detail.
  The post How to Make an Easy DIY Concrete Planter appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2l9vuoR via IFTTT
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andrewmawby · 7 years ago
How to Make an Easy DIY Concrete Planter
Hello again! Thalita here from The Learner Observer back with an easy DIY tutorial that you can make anytime of year – a concrete planter! This method doesn’t use any fancy concrete forms or molds, giving it a fun slouchy paper bag kind of style, but you could use any container you can think of to give it the shape you want. For more DIY concrete planter methods and variations, read to the bottom of the post. 
How to Make Your Own Concrete Planter
This post contains affiliate links. Learn more and read our full disclosure policy here. 
Here’s what you’ll need to make this:
some cardboard boxes in varying sizes. I chose one to be the external side of my planter and one that would fit inside of it
packing tape or duct tape
concrete or mortar mix
a large bucket
an old wooden spoon or scrap wood for mixing
a measuring cup
old cup or a garden tool for scooping up the concrete mix
First, I started by taking all of the edges and corners of the cardboard boxes so that the concrete mix wouldn’t get into the nooks and crannies, and so that the box would stay together a bit better.
Mix your concrete or mortar mix according to the instructions (this is where that measuring cup comes in handy) until it’s about the consistency of a dry cookie batter. Now, start pouring it into your larger box until it’s about an inch high.
Now place the smaller box inside so that it’s centered in the larger one and start filling the edges around it with your mix.
Fill until you have your desired height for the planter, but remember: the taller it is, the heavier it will be!
I made my edges quite chunky and left the planter quite short, so it’s heavy, but I can still move it around easily.
Now tape the top of the box so that it’s all somewhat straight – cardboard will get wet and get slouchy, which is where you get that sort of paper bag look from, but the tape helps it to stay mostly upright so that it’s not too slouchy!
Let this sit for a couple of days to be safe, especially if you don’t happen to be in a hot and dry climate when you make this! Once the box feels solid, remove the inner box first and make sure the inside is dry. If it isn’t, leave it for another 24 hours or so. You could end up with a crumbled planter if you remove everything too soon!
Once it’s all dry, remove all of the paper and if any cardboard stuck to the sides, give it a quick sanding. You may also need to do this on the edges so that they’re a bit smoother.
And that’s it! You now have yourself a concrete planter!
I planted some little cacti in mine, and they seem to love it. It’s an easy and unique little piece in our laundry room now! (And PS: if you love that letterboard, you can buy one here or DIY one here.)
Have you ever attempted a concrete/mortar project? Would you? Truthfully, I was a little overwhelmed at the thought at first, bit I’m glad I tried it!
More DIY concrete planters:
In addition to this freeform style DIY concrete planter shared by Thalita, try these other 4 ways to make a concrete planter:
1: Hypertufa Cement Pots. Make a lighter-weight concrete planter with a natural stone look by making a hypertufa mix following the instructions here.
2: Concrete Plant Pots and Garden Globes. Use old plastic containers to make gift-sized concrete pots and upcycle an old globe light to make a garden globe.
3: Modular Concrete Mini Planters with DIY Molds. Recycle cardboard to make your own concrete mold (instructions here) and make a set of these modular mini planters for a desk or wall planter. The added gold edging is beautiful!
4: Tall Outdoor Concrete Planter. This is the big kahuna! Learn to use concrete dye to tint the planter a different color and how to make your own large concrete form from melamine, including adding a decorative detail.
  The post How to Make an Easy DIY Concrete Planter appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from builders feed https://www.remodelaholic.com/how-to-make-an-easy-diy-concrete-planter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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chocdono · 7 years ago
How to Make an Easy DIY Concrete Planter
Hello again! Thalita here from The Learner Observer back with an easy DIY tutorial that you can make anytime of year – a concrete planter! This method doesn’t use any fancy concrete forms or molds, giving it a fun slouchy paper bag kind of style, but you could use any container you can think of to give it the shape you want. For more DIY concrete planter methods and variations, read to the bottom of the post. 
How to Make Your Own Concrete Planter
This post contains affiliate links. Learn more and read our full disclosure policy here. 
Here’s what you’ll need to make this:
some cardboard boxes in varying sizes. I chose one to be the external side of my planter and one that would fit inside of it
packing tape or duct tape
concrete or mortar mix
a large bucket
an old wooden spoon or scrap wood for mixing
a measuring cup
old cup or a garden tool for scooping up the concrete mix
First, I started by taking all of the edges and corners of the cardboard boxes so that the concrete mix wouldn’t get into the nooks and crannies, and so that the box would stay together a bit better.
Mix your concrete or mortar mix according to the instructions (this is where that measuring cup comes in handy) until it’s about the consistency of a dry cookie batter. Now, start pouring it into your larger box until it’s about an inch high.
Now place the smaller box inside so that it’s centered in the larger one and start filling the edges around it with your mix.
Fill until you have your desired height for the planter, but remember: the taller it is, the heavier it will be!
I made my edges quite chunky and left the planter quite short, so it’s heavy, but I can still move it around easily.
Now tape the top of the box so that it’s all somewhat straight – cardboard will get wet and get slouchy, which is where you get that sort of paper bag look from, but the tape helps it to stay mostly upright so that it’s not too slouchy!
Let this sit for a couple of days to be safe, especially if you don’t happen to be in a hot and dry climate when you make this! Once the box feels solid, remove the inner box first and make sure the inside is dry. If it isn’t, leave it for another 24 hours or so. You could end up with a crumbled planter if you remove everything too soon!
Once it’s all dry, remove all of the paper and if any cardboard stuck to the sides, give it a quick sanding. You may also need to do this on the edges so that they’re a bit smoother.
And that’s it! You now have yourself a concrete planter!
I planted some little cacti in mine, and they seem to love it. It’s an easy and unique little piece in our laundry room now! (And PS: if you love that letterboard, you can buy one here or DIY one here.)
Have you ever attempted a concrete/mortar project? Would you? Truthfully, I was a little overwhelmed at the thought at first, bit I’m glad I tried it!
More DIY concrete planters:
In addition to this freeform style DIY concrete planter shared by Thalita, try these other 4 ways to make a concrete planter:
1: Hypertufa Cement Pots. Make a lighter-weight concrete planter with a natural stone look by making a hypertufa mix following the instructions here.
2: Concrete Plant Pots and Garden Globes. Use old plastic containers to make gift-sized concrete pots and upcycle an old globe light to make a garden globe.
3: Modular Concrete Mini Planters with DIY Molds. Recycle cardboard to make your own concrete mold (instructions here) and make a set of these modular mini planters for a desk or wall planter. The added gold edging is beautiful!
4: Tall Outdoor Concrete Planter. This is the big kahuna! Learn to use concrete dye to tint the planter a different color and how to make your own large concrete form from melamine, including adding a decorative detail.
  The post How to Make an Easy DIY Concrete Planter appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from mix1 http://ift.tt/2l9vuoR via with this info
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sherlocklexa · 7 years ago
How to Make an Easy DIY Concrete Planter
Hello again! Thalita here from The Learner Observer back with an easy DIY tutorial that you can make anytime of year – a concrete planter! This method doesn’t use any fancy concrete forms or molds, giving it a fun slouchy paper bag kind of style, but you could use any container you can think of to give it the shape you want. For more DIY concrete planter methods and variations, read to the bottom of the post. 
How to Make Your Own Concrete Planter
This post contains affiliate links. Learn more and read our full disclosure policy here. 
Here’s what you’ll need to make this:
some cardboard boxes in varying sizes. I chose one to be the external side of my planter and one that would fit inside of it
packing tape or duct tape
concrete or mortar mix
a large bucket
an old wooden spoon or scrap wood for mixing
a measuring cup
old cup or a garden tool for scooping up the concrete mix
First, I started by taking all of the edges and corners of the cardboard boxes so that the concrete mix wouldn’t get into the nooks and crannies, and so that the box would stay together a bit better.
Mix your concrete or mortar mix according to the instructions (this is where that measuring cup comes in handy) until it’s about the consistency of a dry cookie batter. Now, start pouring it into your larger box until it’s about an inch high.
Now place the smaller box inside so that it’s centered in the larger one and start filling the edges around it with your mix.
Fill until you have your desired height for the planter, but remember: the taller it is, the heavier it will be!
I made my edges quite chunky and left the planter quite short, so it’s heavy, but I can still move it around easily.
Now tape the top of the box so that it’s all somewhat straight – cardboard will get wet and get slouchy, which is where you get that sort of paper bag look from, but the tape helps it to stay mostly upright so that it’s not too slouchy!
Let this sit for a couple of days to be safe, especially if you don’t happen to be in a hot and dry climate when you make this! Once the box feels solid, remove the inner box first and make sure the inside is dry. If it isn’t, leave it for another 24 hours or so. You could end up with a crumbled planter if you remove everything too soon!
Once it’s all dry, remove all of the paper and if any cardboard stuck to the sides, give it a quick sanding. You may also need to do this on the edges so that they’re a bit smoother.
And that’s it! You now have yourself a concrete planter!
I planted some little cacti in mine, and they seem to love it. It’s an easy and unique little piece in our laundry room now! (And PS: if you love that letterboard, you can buy one here or DIY one here.)
Have you ever attempted a concrete/mortar project? Would you? Truthfully, I was a little overwhelmed at the thought at first, bit I’m glad I tried it!
More DIY concrete planters:
In addition to this freeform style DIY concrete planter shared by Thalita, try these other 4 ways to make a concrete planter:
1: Hypertufa Cement Pots. Make a lighter-weight concrete planter with a natural stone look by making a hypertufa mix following the instructions here.
2: Concrete Plant Pots and Garden Globes. Use old plastic containers to make gift-sized concrete pots and upcycle an old globe light to make a garden globe.
3: Modular Concrete Mini Planters with DIY Molds. Recycle cardboard to make your own concrete mold (instructions here) and make a set of these modular mini planters for a desk or wall planter. The added gold edging is beautiful!
4: Tall Outdoor Concrete Planter. This is the big kahuna! Learn to use concrete dye to tint the planter a different color and how to make your own large concrete form from melamine, including adding a decorative detail.
  The post How to Make an Easy DIY Concrete Planter appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from car2 http://ift.tt/2l9vuoR via as shown a lot
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