Explore tagged Tumblr posts
peterparker1291 · 2 years ago
Life is better with A Head Full Of Dreams
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jaylasfashionlife · 7 months ago
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#tumblrlife #life #tumblr #tumblrfriendships #friends #tumblrinfinity #infinityfriends #infinitysigns
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ccarriganphotos · 2 years ago
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Medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan interviews sacred geometry teacher Antonia Albano about the geometric techologies of love. To watch the video please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAPnGrsN810&t=211s Questions discussed in this interview include: What is sacred geometry? How does sacred geometry differ from the geometry we learned in school? You have channeled seven new shapes of sacred geometry. What are they and what are their messages? How can sacred geometry be used for our health and well being? You have introduced new sacred geometry. Why is it new & how does it differ? How can these geometries be used? You refer to a new infinity symbol ie golden ratio infinity. What is this about? What is the Golden Ratio? What is the geometric technology of love that you have channeled? How can using sacred geometry lead to personal transformation? #sacredgeometry #naturalhealing #naturalhealth #infinitysign https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzrUfsOb7a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justashyfreak · 3 years ago
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Home Planets 💫
Saw a tiktok turning pride flags into planets.. so I thought I’d try something like that inspired by neurodivergent awareness / flags / symbols. Here’s the outcomes for ADHD & ASD, I quite like it, but it also maybe just gonna end up as another unfinished series ✨ I thought about Tourette’s for future versions.. if anyone has any wishes or something, just say so. Would be happy to have that motivation 😌
(I know gold is like THE color to use for AUtism, but I liked it this way & already showed it off to peeps on @hikiapp & nobody minded 😌).
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karaboutcrochet · 3 years ago
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handsofspirit · 5 years ago
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As we gear up for our travels, we are sharing a few from our personal collection until we start posting items from the show. We hope you enjoy. 💙Tag some friends who love rare specimens. 💙 Can anyone guess what this magnificent specimen is? Do you see the infinity inclusion? If you said Papagoite in Quartz, you are correct! This is another extremely rare stone out of South Africa’s Messina Mine. This came to our collection many years ago. Finding pieces of this quality today is difficult unfortunately. We hope you can enjoy it’s beauty. Papagoite was first recorded in the 1960’s in Ajo, Arizona. Its named came from the Sand Papago peoples who originally resides in the area. It often grows with Ajoite, Shattuckite and Barite. The only other location it comes from besides AZ and S.A. is Namibia. It is a stone of unification bring the alignment of the chakras, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, astral, and ethereal bodies. - - - #papagoite #papagoitequartz #ajoite #quartz #includedquartz #quartzcrystal #quartzcrystals #quartzpoint #quartzcluster #quartzpoints #figure8 #infiniti #infinity #infinitysign #rareminerals #mineral #minerals #mineralspecimens #mineralcollecting #mineralcollector #mineralcollection #crystalporn #crystalpoint #crystalsofinstagram #crystalsofig #crystaladdict #crystalobsession #meditation #healingcrystals #handsofspirit (at Hands of Spirit Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7pR6vbHcuo/?igshid=8u2gn3w7qxv0
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mommyblessing-fyi · 3 years ago
get vaccinated & go… where ?
I was on the lookout for a destination that’s drivable from Kansas City for a vacation that would tease Daddy Blessing into getting vaccinated.
A college student whose family is also mixed race said privately that she didn’t think Lake of the Ozarks was such a good idea… and per a summer 2021 article it looked as though people at the Ozarks are pretty much anti-vax and anti-mask, too.
Another of my students made a trip to the International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta with her teen-aged daughter this fall. I’ve been wanting to explore Albuquerque/Santa Fe, and I’m acquainted with a couple Nigerian-Americans living in Santa Fe. I remember how, once when driving westward, it was as though the backdrop suddenly changed upon entering New Mexico.
Alas, Santa Fe was too far to drive with what time we had. 
When Daddy B got his first shot I decided on St. Louis, about four hours away, and booked an AirBnB duplex for two nights. I also got timed tickets to the top of the Arch for midday Monday to push us out of Kansas City and on our way by 7am that morning.
The long drive-thru line for a “fast” breakfast on the way had me a little anxious, still we arrived on schedule and parked in a metered spot by the footbridge to Gateway Arch Park.
I had gone up in the arch once before, on my way home for Christmas from college. Looking down from the top I saw a pristine lawn of snow. Back on ground I took my afghan hound for a run. With our six feet we marked a giant figure eight - an infinity sign - on that blank canvas. We went round, and round again, to win the attention of onlookers 600 feet above.
I’d forgotten all about climbing aboard the little Arch tram car with jolting rides up & down and views of the structure’s innards along the way…
At the top Blessing and Daddy B pulled phones out of pockets and began framing up views of Missouri to the west and Illinois, just over the Mississippi River, to our east. You feel God-like looking out on the world below where teensy people and cars are moving about.
The exit from the arch complex sent us straight out to the foot of a leg where Blessing posed for photos by the end of the silver rainbow. What a mighty work for the public sphere, thank you Eero Saarinen. It looks contemporary at 55 years plus.
Later that first day it appeared that our AirBnB had only one bedroom ! We opened this door and that... to find B’s room downstairs - with its freshly-made bed, mirror wall, and snaking remote-control mood light. Blessing gave me a hug. 
During our stay we took in the Aquarium, where a stingray circling the petting pool gave B a big splash (these rays have had their barbs removed, btw). We did the free behind-the-scenes tour of Shark Canyon which was simply a view from above narrated by a well informed guide. The Canyon is vast with many species and dramatic tank-side views. Beyond that were aquaria with leafy sea dragons, sea nettles (jellyfish with long, flowing tentacles)… and a ruffly octopus colored orange (at least for the moment) that receives ��enrichment” through being given puzzles to solve. 
When I look back through my videos, it’s as though my phone’s a window to an aquarium ~
Our other stops included Laumeier Sculpture Park, the Cathedral, the Art Museum, and lastly the Zoo. Close up views of gorillas had us marveling at how their feet seemed like hands and how their ears and hands looked almost human.
We prepared most meals at our vacation abode and enjoyed a supper out at Lona’s Li’l Eats, “home of the giant rice paper wrap.”
Back in Kansas City I’ve been dreaming of Christmas Eve in Santa Fe: the Farolito Walk, midnight service at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi…
(Maybe next Christmas !)
(c) Mommy Blessing, 2021
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13thhr · 7 years ago
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Infinity ... Limited edition Thirteenth Hour mini figures coming soon! Got about 20 that are done. Eight (turn it sideways, and you get infinity) will be painted; the rest are glow in the dark. . . . . . #minifigures #actionfigures #figure #infinity #infinitysign #whowantstoliveforever #foreveryoung #thethirteenthhour #keshi #dandd #toys #makingtoys #smoothon #sculpture #castingresin #musclefigures #retro #retro80s #instatoys
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jnadonza · 4 years ago
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“. In the past also Infinity symbol conveyed a lot of meanings to various people. According to several sources, it was also used in ancient India and Tibet to represent perfection and dualism. It also stood for the unity of man and a woman. Even in occult tarot it signifies balance between the opposite forces. In an ancient symbol of the Ouroboros, the dragon eats its tail in the shape of an infinity symbol. That is Ouroboros itself is a sign of the infinite and drawn in the shape of 8... Even a verse from Isavasyopanishad (ईशावास्योपनिषद्) explains the concept of Infinity - the doctrine of Bhuma The drift of the statement is that infinity is unchanging and this mantra is a figurative way of saying that nothing proceeds from infinity... Infinity in mathematics is considered as a number and represented as ∞. It is an endlessness and limitless concept which describes something without any bound or larger than any number. Sometimes it is also known as lemniscate, has a shape of number 8 on its side.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jagranjosh.com/general-knowledge/amp/5-facts-that-you-dont-know-about-the-infinity-symbol-1491993223-1 INFINITY SYMBOL Design: ? Paper: notepad, 5”x5” Compound #origami #instaorigami #paperflexn #origamiartist #origamifun #origamilove #origamilover #paperfolding #origamifolding #paperoflexia #paperliscious #paperart #foldingpaper #origamiwork #origamilove #foldoftheday #prisma #infinity #infinitysign #infinitysymbol (at Palmdale, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHS7aSKJvXI/?igshid=1d3ce45fq1r0m
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hybridhivestickers · 4 years ago
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This sticker is a die - cut, vinyl, matte sticker of a "I Refuse to Sink" Anchor. This sticker is 2.3 inches x 4 inches. It is completely perfect for your computer, phone case, iPad case, Car as a decal or any place that you can fit a sticker! They are super durable, completely waterproof, scratch proof, and sunlight proof. Perfect in harsh weather conditions. Under any kind of weather condition, they will look the exact same as the first day you put it on. You are able to reposition these stickers and once you find the perfect place to put them, they will not budge.
Click the link above to head to my Etsy shop!
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nonihatt · 5 years ago
For just 15.00 kr Feel free to use however you like, personal or commercial use. But please, do not sell the actual files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With this INSTANT DOWNLOAD you will receive: 1 .png 1 .pdf 1. svg 1 .dxf 1 .jpg Digital files only, no physical products will be shipped to you. If you have any questions, please contact me via Etsy conversations.
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obsessorieshandmade · 5 years ago
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Feels like we’ve been under house arrest forever... ♾ Available at www.ObsessoriesLA.com! #housearrest #forever #infinity #infinitysymbol #infinitysign #quarantine #quarantine2020 #quarantinelife #quarantineandchill #quarantinememes #quarantinememe #lockdown #lockdown2020 #lockdownlife #lockdownmemes #lockdownmeme #socialdistancing #socialdistancing2020 #socialdistancingmemes #memes #meme #obsessories #obsessoriesla https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqId5en0SR/?igshid=1j3a0sk55f132
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nostrathomasta2 · 5 years ago
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New tattoo for Christine. #nostrathomas #tattooer #painter #gentleman #colortattoo #kids #trinkets #infinitysign #nostrathomasknows #mythicink #nj (at Mythic Ink Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B78km9Dlp4s/?igshid=e5rovk01ykiw
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infinitysigns · 4 years ago
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madewithlovejewelry · 8 years ago
. Rings Rings Rings! 💍 I can make these in any size between 1-15 (given I have the supplies available) . Prices range from $8-10 . . Interested in placing an order? Email me: [email protected] 🔻Facebook.com/MadeWithLoveJewelryByShana 🔺MadeWithLoveJewelry.Tumblr.com 🔹MadeWithLoveJWL.Etsy.com🔹 🔸Instagram - @MadeWithLoveJewelry🔸 🔸Twitter - @MadewLoveJWL🔸 . #harrypotter #deathlyhallows #music #musicnote #trebleclef #panda #pandas #heart #thumbring #Starfish #ocean #mermaid #sea #beach #nautical #infinity #infinitysymbol #infinitysign #tfios #elephant #elephants #ring #rings #massachusetts #boston
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megindreamland · 8 years ago
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#infinity #infinitysign #jewellery #handmade #silver #chain #silverchain #neckless
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