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tamapalace · 6 days ago
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HOUSE ARREST: Coffretchi has been sentenced to house arrest for being too fabulous. 💄
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barunsobtiworld · 23 days ago
House Arrest: Baat Hamari Pakki Ke 100 Episode [19 October 2010]
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barunsobtiworld · 5 months ago
House Arrest: TV Celebs at Shravan and Saachi's wedding [26 July 2010]
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xx-akubara-xx · 3 months ago
Ford Finding out Bill is working at a carpet and movie rental shop(ALA housearrest) and married to some guy named Steve:
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penshiparticulation · 5 months ago
im gonna take this as a yes……im workin on the stuff rn
hey uh would you guys like it if I showed you my ocs (and also told you about my inprogress msfpa)
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gayguybln · 2 months ago
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Max is 26 years old. He spent 8 months in prison and got five strokes of the cane for possession of drugs over the permitted amount. His total punishment was 3 years and 15 strokes (splitted into 3 sessions) of the cane. He was released on probation into housearrest. While his ankle monitor is controlling the house arrest his wrist monitor is checking if Max is consuming alcohol or other drugs. Despite being released from prison he will get the caning punishment. Within the member state of the Federal Republic of Dystopia where Max is living corporal punishment is very important is executed in many places of society. So the probation doesn't spare anybody from getting their ass trashed.
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arliedraws · 10 months ago
I find it many things weird in Harry Potter, in general the plot holes are everywhere and things when you think about them just don't make much sense, even in storytelling perspective, and consistency.
One thing that I find appalling is how Sirius didn't notice the scarring on Harry's hand, from Umbridges lines. It's established canonically they're lasting scars. Sirius already had to watch from the literal shadows how Harry was enrolled in that tournament, already fearing for his godsons life bc he suspected Voldemort was involved. How couldn't any responsible guardian, not notice Harry was physically abused, again, under Dumbledores nose, but away from Sirius direct influence to be able to do anything. Then on top of that, Snape is gonna to do the occlumensy lessons, and while Sirius knew that was necessary, I mean, he was outraged when he heared Snape stopped it, but ok, he let it all slide? If I were Sirius I would have pulled Harry out myself for that year, enough is enough. If Dumbledores presence didn't prevent Harry's suffering, in fact his choices add to Harry's real physical abuse (Dursleys, certain teachers). Sirius could educate Harry theoretical until Umbridge was gone. Harrry was save enough in Grimmauld during christmas and the summer so why not.
Its like those I mustn't tell lies scars only are there when needed and then forgotten during times of the plot supporting characters might have reacted to them, like Sirius or whomever. Sirius is a genius wizard but can't turn into an unassuming anonymous figure to go outside, like Hermione did to Ron's features with just her wand and spells in b7, negating need for polyjuice, it's his dog form or permanent housearrest (which leads to disintegration of his mind /character and then he dies)
At some point I'm really suspect this is character driven anymore and just JKs incompetence to consistently implement Sirius's character. Like you already said somewhere here, he is a miracle character. Too clever, too bright, too loyal to continue in the story JK wanted to tell like you said somewhere before. I have a feeling JK didn't know what to do with Sirius, denigrated him and his character and then killed him off. His best role at the end to fulfill is to reinforce Harry's suffering and loneliness it seems, while Sirius actually was the main hope of Harry in the heart of the series. So meaningless!
While I love character metas, I think JK is a meanspirited woman, I always had that notion bc she reacted in some ways, even before the whole modern eh, shenanigans. And that meanness, pettiness and inconclusive attitude reflect in hps worldbuilding.
I agree with several points here!
If Sirius had been in a better mental space, I agree that he would have noticed the scars from the blood quill. However, we could also interpret this as Sirius being exceptionally depressed. Now, I’m not defending JKR here, but one thing we do have to remember is that Sirius was a convicted murderer and Harry’s legal guardians were the Dursleys. Sirius literally has no say in what Harry does. Sirius is not a person with rights—in the eyes of the law, he is due to have his soul sucked out. Anytime Sirius makes a decision on Harry’s behalf, it’s a courtesy thing, not a legal guardian thing. Unfortunately. It’s gross to say, but legally, Molly has the same rights as Sirius to tell Harry what to do—which is, gross.
Also, sure, Sirius could go out of number 12 in disguise but he’s in hiding because he knows he can’t risk his own safety for Harry’s sake. Dumbledore has made it very clear that Sirius is not to leave, and frankly, by the way Harry believed he had to rescue Sirius, this was actually probably the right call. Sirius is the most important person to Harry (and likewise), and if Sirius were taken captive by either the Ministry or Voldemort, Harry would done something unwise (which…he did). I’m not arguing that this is how it should have gone down, but theoretically (if you ignore the importance of mental health and stability lol), this should have been the right call.
But the point is, Voldemort’s ability to manipulate people and destroy friendships is what killed Sirius. Voldemort manipulated Dumbledore who thought he was smarter than Voldemort; Dumbledore prioritized keeping Harry alive but sacrificed Sirius in the end. I do think JKR punishes Sirius for being smart and attractive (lol), calling him rash when he’s really…not, but I think it’s important to recognize that even the smartest, most caring people can make mistakes and overlook the pain of the people they love most.
I think Sirius is partially in denial about some of Harry’s struggles. As a man of action, Sirius’s inclination is to fix things, and when he cannot fix in the way he believes is necessary, he shuts down. He comes alive at the end of OotP when he is able to help in the way he wants—and then JKR kills him for it lol.
Anyway, just some thoughts. I don’t actually think Sirius was behaving out-of-character, but I think JKR was unmerciful in putting this fictional character into situations that brought out the worst in him because it served the plot. Just my two cents though!
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strawberrycreampuffy · 3 days ago
Currently having fun working on new aspects for my fanadventure HouseArrest :B
Concept ideas:
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artalaaphousearrest · 2 years ago
A night to remember! Huge thanks to the incredible talents @ereka01 and @bottlerocketsindia1346 for setting the stage on fire with their electrifying performance. The fusion of music and audience was pure magic! 🎶
Special shoutout to our food partner Khaisuwa Foods for tantalizing our taste buds with their delicious cuisine.
The stage sound by Debarshi Hazarika was spot on, adding an extra layer of excitement to the atmosphere.
Bhagyashre Sharma you captivated us all with your hosting skills, making the evening even more unforgettable.
And last but not least, a heartfelt thank you to each and every attendee for bringing the most amazing vibes!
This night will forever hold a special place in our hearts. ❤️ HouseArrest is an exclusive music community from North-East India, connecting upcoming and independent music artists and music lovers through intimate house gigs.
Videographer: Manab Dowarah, Rahul Haloi, Darshan Sharma
Edited by: Darshan Sharma and Manab Dowarah
Sound Engineer: Debarshi Hazarika and Pilli Brahma
Big thanks to other team member of Artalaap Housearrest.
Created by Portamento India.
#housearrest #unforgettablevibe #gratefulfortalentedartists #deliciouscuisine #captivatinghost #musiccommunity #livemusic #liveperformance #arrestinmusic
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news247worldpressposts · 2 years ago
#Breaking: #AndrewTate challenged on #misogyny and #manipulation in combative #BBC #interview while under #housearrest in #Romania
Andrew Tate challenged on misogyny and manipulation in combative BBC interview while under house arrest in Romania https://t.co/29MAkTUai1 — BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) June 1, 2023 Source: Twitter
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news247worldpressposts · 2 years ago
#Breaking: After controversial influencer #AndrewTate and his brother were released from #jail and placed under #housearrest.
After controversial influencer Andrew Tate and his brother were released from jail and placed under house arrest, there's another chance to hear this #Daily as @skynewsniall speaks to @shanti_das, @Imi_Ahmed and @RVT9 about his appeal and loyal fan base 🎧 Listen below…👇 — Sky News (@SkyNews) April 3, 2023 Source: Twitter
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whytheylosttheirminds · 14 days ago
and the winner of the random idea pull is *drumroll* newneighbor!reader x housearrest!rafe.....
time starts.......NOW
OKAY I'm doing a shake off the dust type of challenge: randomly picking an old Rafe blurb idea, two hours of writing, no stopping to second guess or switch wips and I post whatever I come up with.....letsgo
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forgotteneilionora · 2 months ago
Cassimir's eyes had not deceived him. Eilionora had, indeed, been watching him during the ball, searching in vain for anything that might recommend him not merely in the role he had usurped from his step-sister of Lord Malconaire, but also in the role he had also wrenched from her of her lord husband. The news, heard from Eithne's own mouth, had come as a terrible blow, and one to which Eilia could not help but feel -- in addition to outrage ofn her friend's behlaf! -- sympathetic towards. Still more, however, she had heard from her how he had allowed Eithne and her sisters to be reduced to the role of servants at the whims of his horrible mother and how -- despite all this hardship he had allowed to befall her when it benefitted himself -- he still claimed to love her! Blackguard! She could hardly stand the sight of him, but she held herself stiff and formal.
Eilia was no stranger, herself, to Cassimir's brand of courtship, and -- seeing how his amorous advances had ended the moment Eilia could no longer offer him a thing -- her opinion had only worsened.
His cold tone was not lost on her and, smiling despite herself, she nearly laughed. She did not want, she told herself, the support of a man as fickle and callow as that! Though in truth...she could have done with it. She could have done with any support at all. But she was in no mood to court Cassimir's good opinion -- bastard or queen, alike. There was one pleasure, after all, to be had in all this: the news that her family home had not betrayed her: Cassimir and his horrible mother had slept very ill, indeed.
"Yes, sadly Stafford still bears its scars from the war. But surely Malconaire must be fully recovered by now, given all your resources. How well it must be," she added, turning to him more fully. "To have a fully repaired home to return to, whenever this storm ends."
Her smile was a sharp thing. Oh, yes, she'd heard about that shameful neglect, too, and her heart railed against it. Eithne had owned that that was a trouble largely falling upon her stepmother's shoulders, but Eilia in this moment did not find herself so willing to acquit Cassimir of it: did he not have great say with his mother? Was he not, in Roderick's eyes, as good as lord in his own right? In another mood, Eilia might have been more just, but she was angry, as angry as she'd been in a long time, and she did not have it in her heart, just then, to give him any credit whatsoever.
She smiled, sweetly as she could. "A pity. I shall gladly pass your insights along to His Imperial Majesty. I am certain he shall be grateful as to your opinions upon his housekeeping, given the impressive state of your own home."
Roderick liked nothing so little as criticism, yet she doubted she would truly mention anything of it to him, as gratitfying as his wrath might prove in the moment, for the hardship she knew well enough would come upon Eithne and her sisters in the end, and she would do all in her power to aid them, if not their stepfamily.
Eilia shook her head. "Not during the winter, I confess, and not for some years, either. I've become something of a homebody, you see, these past few years," she said with a twinge of irony as her housearrest had certainly not been her own idea or choice. "And your own country, I have not seen since its conquest. His Imperial Majesty was, as you may recall, somewhat...opposed to both my rule and that of my father. It was made clear that a visit was not welcomed." She smiled a wry smile. "I do not think his thoughts had, at that time, turned to matrimony between us."
She remembered well the letter she'd once sent him, early in her reign, suing for peace between their two great countries. But she remembered, still better, his reply. It had been simple enough, but telling for all that, containing only a list of countries he'd conquered, and appending Astaira to the end of that list.
"But who can say? Is not it said that mystery is the essence of romance?" She shook her head, eyes turning back towards the leaping flames as she listened to him speak of his first home.
"I must say, in that case, I am glad that it fell to your lot, and not to mine, to weather such storms. It does not seem to have done you any harm, but I cannot pretend to much like the cold, myself, and I am very tired of being brought to my knees. Besides, we Astairans, I need not tell you, are much too fond of plants for that."
Many Marriages | Eilionora & Cassimir
The morning following the ball woke on a world covered in icy white. Dawn's finger paints echoed queerly upon the sheets of cold that spread as far as the eye could see and even tucked away close to the mantel, eilia could feel the frigid grip of winter. Stealing closer to the flames, she closed her eyes to welcome the warmth.
When she opened them again, none other than Cassimir had come to join her. Startled, she jumped slightly, soon laughing at her mistake. It was not the most pleasant thing to find oneself suddenly, and unexpectedly, in his presence, but he was a far more comfortable companion, in Eilia's mind, than her captors.
"Good morning, my lord," began Eilia, careful not to call him Lord Malconaire, as it was a title which, by rights, belonged not to him, but to his sister. "I hope you slept well?"
The guests had been obliged to sleep at the castle that night, in light of the freezing storms, but Eilia, for her own part, had gotten not a wink. When Aria had at last nodded off, following her horror at Roderick's...declaration of bastardy, Eilia had sat up and watched the storm, the icy grip of winter hollowing out her arms and her legs as she stood. It seemed to her that her parents voices were howling in the winds that buffetted the castle. A conquered queen had stood little enough chance...How could a bastard girl save the world from the wrath of the gods?
"I fear all the windows and doors were rattling all night long, but I hope they did not trouble you? In truth, I cannot recall ever having known a storm as terrible as this one. Can you?"
She was sure, at any rate, that such had been the case in his rooms. She'd taken care that his stepsisters boasted one of the finest suites in the palace -- and that Cassimir and his horrible mother had been placed on the opposite side of the castle, where everything was decidedly less pleasant. Roderick and his family had had no objections to this suggestion, either, and in her way, she was pleased of that. Even the Varmonts were not friends to Valentina, despite her best efforts.
"I hear it said by some your own home nation is colder than Astaira? Is that so?"
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thefairyletters · 2 years ago
Lee and Shino are underrated. They are interesting and strong characters if they had been used right or expanded on. There is a thing in Boruto/Last that Orochimaru is afraid of bugs. Shino and his clan members should have went after Orochimaru instead in part 1 to kill him. They'd have succeeded and Sasuke would have been stuck in Konoha. Watching him sulk over his housearrest would have been fun.
Your observation on SaiSasu is spot on. They even look alike lol I imagine lot of people driving Sasuke mad by asking if Sai was his twin. But Sai is all chill and smiling. He simply enjoys tormenting Sasuke.
As for your ask list for ANS fandom, I did nothing haha. Glad you twerked up the list, keep the answers flowing 😄🤭
Naruto asks: 19, 30, and 31!
19: Least favorite character
Hiruzen and Orochimaru
One who didn't deserve to have the hat because he selfishly favored wrong people over his own village, and the other who got away with light slap on the wrists after everything he's done. He killed a freaking hokage and got away with it??? Boruto is a freaking joke.
I guess it's also a painful reflection of reality like corrupted officers in the government.
30: OTP
NaruSaku forever. But also, NaruSakuSasu. They are three peas in a pod. My love for them is no secret and knows no bounds.
I also favor ShiSaku (lowkey NaruSaku but with Sasuke sprinkled on the top???) followed by ItaSaku.
31: Brotp
LeeSaku - best spar buddies. They are taijutsu masters and are "Konoha's Blossom and Green Beast". Absolute tanks. They are best of friends, i know it even if we don't get to see them onscreen. They also make flower crowns together as a hobby. He is one of her inspirations.
ShinoSaku - Out of everyone in K9, I think Sakura would be the only one who'd truly appreciate bugs. She owns slugs after all; are crawling, buzzing insects any more creepier than slimy mullusks?? Shino is walking encyclopaedia, there's no way he isn't the brain of his team. She is a nerd and so is he, so they are nerdy together.
SaiSasu - classic love and hate relationship. They are replacements of each other after all. True Bros.
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wandabug · 9 months ago
You don't have to realise him completely, atlest housearrest please!
I wish to speak to you
The answer is still no
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,,Yes. Housearrest with me watching you"
“Heeeey akainu can you come over real quick?? I fell and I can’t get up. I’m stuck” @the-lovexdemon
He never ended a call that quickly. Not even 5 minutes later and He was there
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