#infinity war rant
waywardsou2 · 11 days
So we all know that Wanda has lost a lot of people in her life. Thanks to Tony, Ultron and Thanos. But the only person she has left is Clint. And I think people kinda forget that and I think Marvel did to.
Without really knowing the Marvel set up a fantastic Brother/Sister and/or Father/Daughter dynamic between the two of them but then after Infinity War they never interested again.
Like I know it was a comic plot line but think what if Clint had adopted Wanda and invited her to stay. She had no one and she could have a good simple life with them.
Yeah a lot would have changed in future movies and TV shows but still.
That scene in Age of Ultron where Clint helps her calm down from an anxiety attack and when he comes to rescue her from the Compound in Civil War. It clearly shows that they have a decent bond together. And there could have been so much more to it!
Just saying I preach Father Figure Clint and Surrogate Daughter Wanda
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r4inyclouds · 2 days
You can take Steve Rogers out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of Steve Rogers.
I heavily recommend putting ya glasses on for this ride of a rant. A... practically an essay on how Steve was out of character in Endgame:
Look, I still wholeheartedly believe that Sam deserves the title of Captain America, but even before that Steve dropped that shield, that title in the Civil War movie, for Bucky, in respect for Tony. Captain America wasn't even his label for years after that. Surprising how many didn't realise Steve in the endgame movie was Nomad, not Captain America.
But, he still fought, didn't he?
So people who say "Steve will always be THE Captain America!!" can go cry about it for all I care. Sam is the hero that he deserves to be. Yet, I suppose we're all entitled to our own opinions.
I don't even think the producers at the time even read the comics they were basing their large franchise on. That Steve in Infinity War wasn't Steve.
He was born a stubborn fighter, he was meant to end as that stubborn fighter we knew from 'The First Avenger'. It's in his nature how he was meant to be articulated as a person. It's in the comics, that hell- I haven't even exactly read most nor possess many of them! It's a joke, a jest; it's funny but not funny 'haha hilarious', but funny, odd, peculiar and perplexing. But from what I've seen from the fans on this side of the debate who have read the comics thoroughly, they all explicitly state that Steve would never do this or abandon anyone. I could, respectively, not care that the MCU was never, and never will be, canon to the comics, but they couldn't even keep one thing, an aspect that's similar or alike in any particular way to the comics, and that's the whole nature and personality of one of their most main focused characters, diverging from the whole point, centre, heart of Steve.
Steve never needed a label that told him he was a hero even when he was some twink before the serum, his whole arch, his whole goal was to become someone who helped, it wasn't from the start to settle down with a woman he was at a high school situation ship with, maybe, just maybe it could've worked if they attempted to even build and develop their relationship for it to make that little sense. Steven Grant Rogers admitted to being that stubborn little thing, and in a sense, he was like that, someone who determined to not be a coward and went against his non-spoken word.
And no, this has nothing to do with the fact I'm a HUGE Stucky shipper, I exclusively tried to avoid talking about Bucky in this half of the rant for a reason. I love Peggy, she's in my top 5, and I love domestic Steggy. It's just it was never right for Steve.
Steve will never, ever be able to run away from what he is. He is THE fight, with or without a useless hero label.
Now since I'm a bucky glazer, and he's my favourite character (I'm putting him in a jar once I get my first-ever Funko pop) I will go on to talk about Steve and Bucky, now, I'd understand if someone would not want to read this part because I'm 'just a wild Stucky shipper!' Who's own priority is trying to keep the ship afloat (I'm also occasionally a Sam x Steve x Bucky shipper but that's besides the point) But in this segment, I will be talking about them in an otherwise platonic sense; it doesn't even need to be romantic for me to say this. And, honestly, if the character of Bucky never existed in this universe, I would've still had this rant on my Tumblr about why Steve leaving is just... odd.
Okay, Steve spent THREE, THREE, I REPEAT THREE, HIS WHOLE DAMN TRILOGY, having at least one huge plot point just purely based on Bucky in each of his movies.
1. He went against whole military orders to get Bucky back, had a whole depression episode thinking he was dead, and then had another depression episode when he died, and then kind of just offed himself after that (Now, am I saying he offed himself for no reason for other than his friend?... yeah, so, there's a deleted scene where Rhodey asks Steve about how he practically died, and why he didn't just jump out into the water before he crashed, I'm tellin' you if you search it up it's there, now, people suspected that the reason it's a deleted scene is that it, well, opens a plot hole, and it just kind of seems like... he killed himself because bucky's dead? Like, ya know, there's no other reason to why he did this. But I might just be reaching there) God. So that point just says a lot about how the producers didn't even think for one second about him going back in time.
2. Nearly got killed by him, but when he figured out it was Bucky he went a berserk kind of insanity and risked his life as he put his trust in a man who was about to knock the shit out of him. Then, like- went for months on end to get Bucky back just because he left him on the side of the beach to not let him drown. Yeah, okay, sir. Also, does everyone just... Like, all silently agree not to talk about how they casually just drop platonic wedding vows to each other in every movie? Like, what do you exactly mean by "I'm with you 'till the end of the line", every time I hear that quote I go "WRITE THIS DOWN, WRITE THIS DOWN!" (not like I'll be getting married though)
3. How am I meant to summarise this with detail without just saying the few words in my mind that would just tell you the whole plot? [Squints eyes, checks notes]... Guess I gotta. 'Bro split Avenger for bro, Avenger no longer, Captain America? No longer for bro, bro picks bro up, bro says wedding vow, bro sad Wakanda.'
Then, now, I apologise sincerely for using this analogy, but he kinda, just, ya know, abruptly left to get the milk. He dropped everything once he got the chance to go back and left poor Bucky wide-eyed like some traumatised puppy with attachment issues they newly developed after shown that much devotion and affection from an owner who'd treat them right, and then was suddenly dropped into a random field of an environment, unfamiliar, they don't recognise it, as they then watch the rustic car they were once rescued from becoming a blur, speeding off into a distance he couldn't possibly ever trace back to. What in the holy fuck was that waste of three movies then.
I hope people can't tell I'm a fanfic writer; this is the shittiest thing I've ever written, I swear my fanfics are more descriptive and crap, but I'm foaming from the mouth right now; I think I permanently disrupted my breathing pattern, well done me.
Sigh, okay, well.
He's a defender for his friends; his bonds double-tied with the strength that could be held within the core of the earth, yet that somehow immediately loosened, cracking the surface, crevice by crevice of that earth with one scene, one moment. His mantle of the goal, his word that he once held dear to his child heart, became not even an earth-shattering break.
Now, here we are.
So, I shall, if you don't mind, end this with my small conclusion of how it's was out of character for Steve to leave.
You can take Steve Rogers out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of Steve Rogers.
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raccoonfallsharder · 2 months
There’s been a few rumours that the Russos (and one of the writers from Infinity War/Endgame) may be coming back for Avengers 5/6! I’m curious about what those movies will be like, because they’re going to be even MORE crowded with a gazillion characters. 😅
And particularly, I wonder what the role of the Guardians is even gonna be in them… or at least Star-Lord, if no one actually has any plans to bring them back — which seems to be the most likely outcome. Personally, I wouldn’t actually mind too much if the new Guardians were brought back to join the final battle or something like that. It might be nice as a last hurrah for Rocket, maybe!
But what do you think? I know your opinions on those movies, so… I know what you have to say will be very interesting. 😁
oooooh boy. this just unlocked a whole bunch of competing thoughts in my head. i hope i can make sense of them enough to type them up.
here's the thing. i don't trust the russos or the IW/E writers but i am a person who (1) believes that people can grow and become better at damn near anything they want to, and (2) i am happy to be wrong. maybe the russos and whichever writer who is coming on board will have taken good lessons from the last five years since endgame (five years holy shit) and they'll come out stronger, better, more respectful storytellers. maybe they'll listen to other, better, more respectful storytellers on the team. hell, maybe disney will even let them be better (disney properties seem to be at their best when the mouse is least invested in controlling its indentured creatives). and of course, quality and effective storytelling won't only be on the shoulders of the russos et al. it will also be on the people who are working on the adjacent, intervening movies, and whether they are capable of and permitted to create compelling narratives and fully-developed characters along the way.
now, another thing i think will be tricky is if they choose to do another massive ensemble-battle (like the final endgame fight). i'm just not sure almost anything they can do will be actually satisfying to anyone who identifies with the characters who aren't the main focus. the reason that so-called "girl-power" moment in endgame was so fucken dissatisfying for so many of us was because it was unearned. condescending. you can't choose to feature so few of these women in the course of the whole movie, kill the only one of them with more than like three lines, and then throw every woman left alive into thirty seconds of battle choreography and think that your target-audience will see that as anything but patronizing. if the russos go for that level of sprawling battle-pageantry, that's what will happen, on some level. we just can't pay attention to every character the way they truly deserve when the cast is that massive.
and... i imagine this is exactly how the guardians would feature, if they aren't picked up by anyone in the meantime: one second of screentime in the background of a big fight, maybe with rocket's signature word as his new team advances to ultimately be lost in the ranks. or a singular star-lord, fighting on the side of the new avengers.
now, i'll let you in on a little and possibly controversial secret: i don't need more of rocket in the mcu. i think the mcu might fuck up a beautiful story. if they were to bring him back - unless it were a complete alternate timeline like a new cartoon - i almost think it would need to be a wholly different genre. here are the best ways i think disney could bring "mcu" rocket back:
fuck copaganda but brooklyn-99 had a distinctly guardians vibe in terms of a bunch of well-meaning dysfunctional idiots coming together under extremely exhausted but HIGHLY effective leadership. we could take this ride through space in a star-trek-esque adventure-of-the-week approach or base it in knowhere so we can really see what it looks like to be a guardian in that community, and meet some of the characters like xlomo smeth, ssssaralami, hoobtoe, the broker, HOWARD, etc.
mst3k but it's like, movie night on knowhere. they project some disney movie on the side of one of the bone-buildings and rocket and groot are always making commentary. but they're not the only ones. nebula's there, and for kid-appropriate movies drax and the kids are too. sometimes howard comes along and he and rocket get drunk and compete to be the harshest critic. adam tries to crack jokes sometimes but he's bad at it.
nebula and rocket during the snap. IN SPACE. mostly. i'll accept occasional visits to terra check in on thor. i suspect we see a lot of kraglin on the third quadrant and maybe spend some time helping with reconstruction in knowhere.
a super-ironic self-aware parody of some old sitcom like full house. i'm open to rocket being the father-figure and the new guardians being the chaotic fam, but i'd also be open to it focusing on the star children, calling it "drax the dad," and having rocket be the uncle-jesse-character. which brings me to my last option, which is
actually center the show around a singular someone else, like adam or phylla, and have rocket occasionally make an appearance as an important background character: a father-figure, a mentor, a captain, a guide, a beloved pain-in-the-ass. occasional conversations over the comms where he's like "are you eating enough? are you cleaning your cannons like i taught you? you still closing your eyes when you squeeze the trigger 'cause i told you to stop fuckin doing that. when are you coming home? nebula misses you and your brother is driving me fuckin crazy"
i do think there are other things that good writers could make work but these are the ones my heart rests on because i just don't trust disney/marvel very easily these days
of course i'm gonna watch whatever disney/marvel puts out into theatres and/or on disney+, especially if the guardians are in it. and especially if my guy is in it.
but i'm also fully expecting to have my heart broken. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
as i said, i'm a person who is happy to be wrong.
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buckysouvenir · 1 year
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yeah, i’m religious. i believe in the holy trinity.
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guardian-angel12 · 8 months
Saw a video that was like “make a Marvel fan cry in less than five words” then they just swept some dust up.
The whole time I’m thinking no one I truly fangirl for was dusted except for T’challa and y’all are lucky because THEY ALL CAME BACK.
All the people I loved were MURDERED or died HORRIBLE deaths while yours just dusted then came back.
But of course the ones who suffered, the ones who were thrown off cliffs or had their heads blasted open or froze in space or melted half their body or died of sickness or were shot in the chest (Rocket yeah yeah he came back but STILL)
And then on top of that Thor was practically murdered by stupid Taika Watiti so there you have it.
AND THEN I started liking Talos and they killed him too! I can’t fricking win anymore.
Kraglin and Rocket are the last of my babies who have a chance at screen time but probably won’t even get that. You guys are lucky.
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uniiiquehecrt · 1 year
Words cannot describe to you all how much I love MCU Thor from 2011-Dark World
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uhthor · 5 months
watched infinity war today for the first time in years and all the anger and rage for at least 8 of the men in that movie came flooding back
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disgracefulthings · 6 months
Thanos sucks as a villain
I am only referring to the MCU Thanos, I have not read the comics nor seen any non MCU shows
But yeah, Thanos is a terrible villain, but he didn't have to be. Honestly, I would only say he's half good, he is absolutely threatening, and having him win in infinity war was a smart move
The problem I have with him is that the writers tried to make him into a sympathetic villain, which was a completely stupid idea. The man wants to kill half of all life in the universe, and the writers thought making someone with THAT goal could be sympathetic
This makes him out to be a joke! I still remember all the memes making fun of his lack of understanding of economics after the movie came out, and I shouldn't need to explain why your villain coming off as a joke is a BAD idea
Thanos is the Mad Titan, they shouldn't have tried to make him into a sympathetic villain, when he's much more interesting and threatening without that trait, and Endgame proves that!
In Endgame Thanos threatens to use the stones to make his own universe, no more mister nice guy, and this was sooo much better. They finally gave us the man that tore Nebula apart just to make her deadlier, instead of the failed economics major
(Also, Thanos' race was shown to be advanced, so what was stopping them from LEAVING THEIR PLANET??)
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battleswanofciya · 7 months
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Here is my first real attempt at a collage and I made it of my Marvel space mom because I love her and I miss her so much
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hersheysmcboom · 1 month
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hurtcomforted · 1 month
i said it once (on this account anyway) and i'll keep saying it. what the fuck is the point of having red skull on vormir if steve never goes there. it could have been something really fucking cool and instead it’s just one more meaningless call back.
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jellyfishheartsss · 10 months
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sometimesraven · 3 months
Empire of Death tried and failed to mimic the scale of Infinity War. What went wrong?
Doctor Who is a long-time special interest of mine, and that love is what fuels me when I feel it fell short. Let’s look at the latest season finale two-parter by Russell T Davies: The Legend of Ruby Sunday and Empire of Death, and try to figure out how it fell short. DISCLAIMER: this is a stream of consciousness that assumes you, the reader, have watched the season finale in question and also…
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bbyboybucket · 2 years
Ya know, the more I think about it, the more Tony Stark annoys me and I’ve realized that the events of Infinity War (and ig Endgame too technically) are literally all his fault. Because it all started with him in AOU when he went behind his teams back to create Ultron without thinking through any of the consequences and being arrogant enough to think that everything would go right because he’s the one who’s building it. If Sokovia was never destroyed, then that woman wouldn’t have came to him in CW about her son’s death. Which then caused Tony to AGAIN go behind his team’s back, and get the Ross/the Government to practically punish and restrict everyone, which is already bad enough but then he gives a whole speech trying to guilt the rest of the Avengers for fighting and correcting the problem that he literally created in the first place. He’s quite literally the reason for the sokovia accords that brought so much tension among everyone and once again, if he’d never built Ultron, Sokovia would still be standing and Zemo would have never did those things. So really, Tony IS the whole fucking reason the avengers broke up and weren’t together to fight Thanos the first round. But even more than that, the avengers (besides Thor and Banner) could’ve been all together to fight Thanos, having a better chance, if only Tony woulda swallowed his damn pride and pettiness and called Steve when he needed back up, instead of just being like “mmmm no I don’t wanna talk to him so I’m gonna fight this universe level threat without that support”. Literally everything is Tony’s damn fault, all because he wanted to make Ultron.
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i rewatched a video of the marvel cast reading fan tweets before infinity war premiered back in 2018, and one of the tweets basically said "if tony doesn't call rhodey a stupid pet name and hugs him in infinity war then what's the point"
apparently according to don cheadle, by that time (his) rhodey didn't get a pet name from tony and apparently they only hugged once, so he pretty much agreed with the tweet.
guys, they didn't get the hug or the pet name in endgame, right?
i am sad again.
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spiltsoup · 1 year
I miss Gamora.
Like, I know that she’s “back” in Endgame and the third Guardians movie, but the timeline stuff just really rubs me the wrong way. Yes, technically she is the same person, but she’s not the same identity, if that makes sense.
The Gamora that we’ve come to know in Vol. 1, 2 and Infinity War is still gone. Her soul has not been brought back and they’ve just switched her out with an identical but fundamentally different entity.
Memories, emotional bonds, and friendships make the person. We are constantly changing every day, and since Endgame/Vol. 3 Gamora lacks any context or any attachment to the Guardians, she is ultimately a different person. An alternate version of herself.
This wouldn’t bother me so much if people didn’t treat the new Gamora like she was a replacement for old Gamora. I know that they acknowledge how her and Peter can’t be forced into a relationship, and how she needs to follow her own path (whatever that may be), but it would be nice if she had some symbolic defining traits that made it clear this wasn’t GAMORA Gamora, like in her design or something with her name. And if she had her own arc of discovering who she is.
Critical Role is a good example of this. Mollymauk and Kingsley might technically be the same person, but they are not the same characters. And it is different, I guess, since he still has the emotional connection and since Molly’s overall identity is as fluid as his gender. But Tumblr tags them as different characters and I wish the same courtesy was extended to Gamora.
Honestly, I would have preferred that Marvel kept her dead after Infinity War. It’s tragic for a character to die, but I think it’s much crueler to replace her with a copy and be like “guys it’s okay she’s back!” Maybe they have plans for the future (also I know that Vol. 3 was Rocket’s movie), but it still bothers me.
Also I guess in the grand scheme of things this rant is kind of petty lol.
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