#infinity review
helielune · 2 months
for all those who have never watched infinity train! (if you have seen it just wait a week ok? ok)
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animehouse-moe · 8 months
Questions Of Love In Bucchigiri!?
Hiroko Utsumi is no stranger to distilling homoeroticism into their works, but Bucchigiri!? is able to take it a step further as it intertwines with the hypermasculine idea of fighting and gangs. Because of that, Bucchigiri!? poses two questions to the definition of love and how people experience it.
"What is love versus lust?"
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Truthfully, it's a rather simple question to answer (at least to someone outside of high school). The point being the depth of feeling. Lust is strong but shallow, while love moves much deeper.
And the second episode in particular expresses this very strongly through the two gang leaders, Marito and Ken.
They don't feel any way in particular about Arajin until they feel their punch. After that, like Marito says, they just can't forget about it. That's all they know about this kid, "his" punch. And that's all they want from him as well.
The point is to express superficial lust towards Arajin because of something they only experience one single time. They believe that they want the strength behind the person no matter what because of a single moment.
And it's a great comparison to make against Matakara's feelings for Arajin.
Matakara doesn't need to feel "Arajin's" strength to know how he feels about him. On the contrary, he only ever needed to fight (really train) beside him to come to understand that emotion. Even more than that is Matakara's understanding of Arajin outside of fights, and he focuses in specifically on Arajin's passivity and carefulness.
Because of that, you can begin to draw the conclusion that "Lust" is represented by actions involving violence and action, while "Love" stems more from passivity and aversion in this context. Which I think is really really great. It's sort a sort of symbolic explanation of the whole point of violence being boorish and shallow while other communication is deeper and more valuable.
"How much is love worth if they don't love you for who you are?"
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Super easy example here with this one. Just look at the Love Forever stone Arajin gives Mahoro vs the friendship one that he gave Matakara.
The whole point is that Arajin's love in the hands of someone who doesn't love him isn't valuable at all, nor is it valuable in the hands of someone that doesn't love him for who he is.
Marito and Ken can only feel something for Arajin because of the strength channeled through him by Senya. It's something entirely foreign to Arajin as a person, and represents both how shallow the gang leaders are, but also how shallow Arajin is.
Loving yourself is something that's tricky to do, and obviously especially so for high school kids. I think it's well understood at this point that Arajin struggles to love himself in a meaningful way, and that's expressed by his willingness to take on Senya.
Case and point being that he intentionally used Senya's strength to try and make himself look good in front of Mahoro, and in the same way used it against Ken to the same effect.
He's afraid of being and accepting himself, so he's allowed something else to speak for him. And while that catches the eye of many, including Matakara, Arajin himself already knows that it's nothing more than a farce to save face.
It's just... really great work in terms of narrative as it bundles so many different aspects of love together to create this complicated web that all stems from Arajin's inability to love himself. Matakara loves the current Arajin, but that Arajin is unable to face himself so he runs from the reflection that Matakara offers and buries himself in lust and unrequited romance.
And that all just comes from high school kids duking it out for fun alongside mystical fighting people that can merge with humans.
It's definitely a step up the symbolic ladder in comparison to Sk8 The Infinity, but I think it's allowed Utsumi to express much more in terms of romance through implicit narratives.
These first two episodes have been incredible, and I'm loving every moment and want to share every bit, but the overall production effort Mappa's been putting in leaves me in an awkward spot for sharing stuff like this.
I really love to, and I want to celebrate the efforts of the staff behind the series, but Mappa rains on that parade with its terrible scheduling and work ethic. The credits are a veritable mess that make episodes like this an incredible feat. And I'll celebrate that and share what I want to, but I do also want to call out Mappa for their terrible work as a studio.
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roguephenon · 2 days
II: The Thing That Will Always Be
"...Knowing this was the outcome, would you have still done the same?"
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"In a New York minute." (Chapter cover is by @pinkmeanschaos. Check them out; they have fantastic work.)
The beginning of the end lies under the cut.
This would be the part where I post a tease of the chapter, followed by a link to said chapter.
Let's switch it up this time.
You've all given me so much love and encouragement, and I appreciate and cherish it all. Thank you so, so much.
But I'm not the only fanfic writer for this fandom. There are so many others who deserve love too. Some come to mind.
@geekinclara just recently started a KND fic, "Those Were The Days". It looks to be their take on Rachel's days as Supreme Leader and maybe even beyond that. It's off to a fantastic start. I've occasionally seen their posts about how much prep they've been doing for it (did you know making a cohesive timeline for this show is hard? Because it truly is), so it could do with some love, non?
And then there's @spicedwatermel0n and his KND fic, "The Rebellion," a GKND AU with 15 chapters already. It explores darker themes (which he's gone through the effort of listing before it starts to prepare his audience; he cares!) while weaving a narrative of the cast trying to fight an oppressive GKND regime. In space. Which is dope. He even has his own art of his designs. I hear he loves people asking about his AU and headcanons on his side blog when he has time to answer.
Nowadays, I write stories and create art for myself first and foremost, and I believe that should be the ultimate goal. Learning to love and take pride in your work should compel your drive to tell stories!
But comments matter, too. Feedback and engagement are rarely ever not a boost. I read every review left and respond to what I can when I have spoons, and it's an amazing feeling.
So, this is just me saying, "Help them feel amazing, too!" And not just these two, but all fanfic writers! If you see a fic you like, leave a quick sentence of your favorite moment!
Even if it has no traction, you'll just be their first!
Even if it has yet to be updated in 14 years, maybe there's a chance they'll come back one day!
Just something that came to mind to me today! And, of course, everyone has boundaries and things they like and dislike. Be respectful of those, too! Seriously. I've had to learn lessons the hard way, and I hope you don't have to have as harsh of an experience.
Thanks for listening to me yap!
Here's the link to Cold Reception's penultimate chapter for your trouble.
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Just checked out of Hilbert's hotel. 2 stars. They kept changing which room I'm staying in, wouldn't recommend :/
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magnificent-nerd · 2 years
The Expendable Disabled Heroes of Marvel’s Infinity War
"It’s the middle of the big Wakanda fight scene. Thor and Captain America banter about haircuts, M’Baku and Okoye crack skulls, and for a moment, Rocket Raccoon meets James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes. The audience is ready to laugh the second the raccoon eyes up the veteran. They know what’s coming.
"Rocket compliments Bucky’s prosthetic arm, asks to buy it, and the audience tenses up.
"Bucky says it’s not for sale and returns to battle.
"Rocket mutters that he’ll steal that arm.
"And the audience laughs. I don’t."
Begging y'all to read this article.
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alex31624 · 1 month
Comic Review: Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime
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The Duck Comic Reading Club went mute this week, and since I kinda like talk about one comic per week, is time for the review of Infinity Dime.
I not going to go deep in the cover topic, since that has been discussed enough. And yeah, that cover shouldn't have been published. This is the first comic on this weekly reviews that I physically own, I have the Alex Ross cover, because, how could I not?
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The story begins with a Christmas that never was. Donald and the boys were supposed to get together with Scrooge but couldn't make it. That turned Scrooge in a even bitter and angry old man.
This is a What if…? scenario, and I'm on board with that. I like those stories. My favorite is What If… The Punisher's Family had not been Killed in Central Park?
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They cut down the phrase for Ducktales '17.
Scrooge loneliness and bitterness consumed him. He knew something was missing. That's when he got a crazy and vicious idea.
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And now, this story is going into the multiversal route. Everything has to be like that now.
But, if is fun…
We see then a different Scrooge, who's sees in horror how the entire Bin is being stolen.
At first, he thought it was another Beagle Boys heist, but he eventually found out what we already knew. This is the work of….
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I really like the design here. How the Scrooge Above All wears all the dime he had take from all the others Scrooges. Is kinda morbid and tetric in a way.
Scrooge receives the beating of a lifetime and has no other choice but retreat. He now seeks the help of Gyro.
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Who looks way to happy.
The babies are there too, and they look adorable.
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That freaking guidebook has a section to everything imaginable.
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They said the thing.
They think the dime is a universal constant and that's how Scrooge Above All can travel to different universes. But turns out the dime wasn't the constant, it was Scrooge himself. Kinda like Harry Potter being a horrocrux.
Scrooge traveled the multiverse to get himself some help.
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Is so funny to see kid Scrooge there.
The Scrooge army beat the hell out of the Beagle Boys. They had the upper hand, until the Scrooge Above All appeared and kicked all their asses.
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But the Scrooge army had one more card up their sleeve.
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Ok, that hyped me up.
A horde of rage-driving Donalds must be the most scary thing ever.
With the Donalds attacking, the Scrooges turn the things in their favor, retreat the dimes from Scrooge Above All, who lose his magic, and is defeated. Nice and quick.
All the Bins return to their respective Scrooge, and Scrooge Above All learns what was he really missing. His family.
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Because, family is the greatest adventure of all.
By the way, is that Webby? It has to, who else would it be? Nice to see her.
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It was no masterpiece, or a must-read comic, but I liked it. It was simple and fun. I don't need that much more to have a nice time.
The comic had one more story, Christmas on Bear Mountain. But that's a tale for another day.
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The BEST mystery cartoon that nobody has heard of
Hello folks!
Today, I wanted to provide you guys with an amazing cartoon recommendation! This is one especially for fans of shows like Gravity Falls! The cartoon is one from the early 2010s called Detentionaire! 
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It’s about a high school student named Lee, who, on his first day of tenth grade, gets framed for a huge prank and gets detention for a whole year. Now, he spends every day trying to find out who set him up. However, he soon realizes that the prank was a small component to a huge conspiracy that involves government projects, clones, prophesied events, monsters and even his own family.
If you love shows like Gravity Falls, I would definitely check it out! It is quite similar in terms of the amount of mystery it has in it, and it has a lot of lore. If I were to describe it in any way, I would say it is what you get when you combine Gravity Falls with Total Drama - the characters are all teenagers, but the show has an overarching mystery, and it gets more and more paranormal as it goes on.
One thing I will say is that the first few episodes are a bit slow, which may turn some away, but once it picks up, it is amazing. It is definitely one of the best cartoons of the 2010s, and it deserves more attention, so if you are looking for a new cartoon, I’d check it out!
There are two places where you can legally watch it:
Also, I just want to say that if there are any cartoons you find underrated, please make me aware! Detentionaire was a series which was screwed over by the network, and this led to it not being too well known. As a fan, I would love nothing more than to see it grow in terms of popularity, and I would also love to give more shows a shot as so many get swept under the radar!
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I dont usually read American comic reviews but i was interested in what all those comic sites have been thinking about the Marvel-Disney collabs. Wolverine Donald specifically rn
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Thank you i think i have had enough
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But then this guy manages to say some things i didnt realize! Maybe these arent so bad
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Nevermind what the fuck are they talking about
Ducktalks’ review of D&W (Donald & Wolverine) was pretty shallow, so i looked at their Infinity Dime review instead
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They then go on to miscredit the cover to Alessandro Pastrovicchio
Oh this one is funny they just say the same thing twice in a row
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Wait why do they keep typing it out like that
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Anyways more about Marvel & Disney: What If Donald Duck Became Wolverine #1. The cbr article is half about Infinity Dime being released before this, of which half of that is an explanation about Carl Barks being the creator of the duckverse.
Dam im out of funny reviews already. I dont know why i did this or what to think of these. This is what i do when i cant sleep
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vexahlla · 1 year
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orpheus turns / eurydice forgives
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classic-who-review · 7 months
Arc of Infinity 1983
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This is another episode I don't understand why people don't like. This is my Favorite Peter Davison episode and I just absolutely adore it. Gallifrey episodes are always my favorite though, so maybe I'm biased. I thought Peter did so well playing a villain too. So so good. Also Colin Baker's guest appearance is so fun.
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jetwhenitsmidnight · 3 months
Beyond the Bounds of Infinity: An Anthology of Diverse Horror
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Release date: 10 July 2024
Genre: adult cosmic horror anthology
Welcome to a world of horror viewed through a kaleidoscope lens. Embark on a journey to untangle the writhing tendrils of human terror in a dimension where the possible and impossible blend; an unstable realm where comfort can be found in the coldest pits, and dark gods feast upon the sweetest suffering, where infernal sounds birth silent letters that drift along midnight shores and the unexplained lurks beneath crumbling urban structures. Step over the edge of what you think you know, and find yourself…Beyond the Bounds of Infinity!
Featuring stories by L. Marie Wood, S.A. Cosby, Jessica McHugh, and Mary SanGiovanni. alongside newer voices like Cassius Kilroy, Jessica L. Sparrow, and Vicky Velvet—Beyond the Bounds of Infinity offers a collection of weird fiction and cosmic horror stories that are diverse down to the cellular level. From Taíno folk horror to the horror of identity in a world that just doesn’t understand, from cozy to apocalyptic, and everything in between, let these authors show you what fear really is, and what it means to them.
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC!
This book begins with a foreword by the editor about how he was inspired to create this anthology; to put together a collection of diverse cosmic horror stories by diverse authors to push back against the genre's racist and xenophobic origins.
This anthology does exactly that. There are a good variety of authors of different races, orientations, genders etc. and the stories are also incredibly varied in terms of character diversity, plots, and Horrors™️. This anthology recasts marginalised people as the protagonists of their stories, with some stories even subverting cosmic horror's xenophobic origins to portray the oppressors as what they are.
My enjoyment varies from story to story, as do the writing styles, but for the most part I found most of the stories to be at least interesting and engaging. Some of the stories take on more experimental approaches to storytelling, though some attempts are more successful than others.
I'm going to go ahead and shout out some of my favourite stories from this collection, in no particular order.
My personal favourite was The Silent Letter by Chris Nelson. The author does an excellent job of setting up the premise and nails the writing. I was totally unnerved reading it and had to take short breaks between sections.
Effigies of Monstrous Things by Pedro Iniguez begins quite straightforwardly, but the set up pays off big time. The twist is excellent, and the gore was gruesome. I am not good at visualising in my head, but the descriptions were so vivid it gave me the ick. In a good way!
Another story I quite enjoyed was Fractures of Her Reflection by Amanda Headlee. Although I found it to be among the less terrifying stories of this collection, the premise is really interesting, and I found the protagonist to be rather compelling. I wish there was more of this story, I would love a whole book of this, but I suppose the beauty of short fiction is that it makes you crave more. Unrelated, but while I was reading the hospital scene the song Chihiro by Billie Eilish came on, and it was like watching the epic climax of a movie with an amazing soundtrack, which elevated my experience of this story for sure.
The Things We Did in the Dark by Julia Darcey was rather straightforward, but surprisingly tender and sad.
In the House, There Were Teeth and There Were Eyes by Ichabod Kassius Kilroy is super weird, possibly the weirdest story here. I have no idea what's going on, but I liked this. I think. (Also the author has the coolest name ever.)
I have included the list of stories, as well as content warnings, although it's possible that I may have missed some, and I'm straight up not sure how to warn for some things without giving spoilers, so do be warned.
The Birth of Sound - Timaeus Bloom
CW: none?
Fractures of Her Reflection - Amanda Headlee
CW: gaslighting from a medical professional, medical content, hospital, injury, past death, car accident mention, past abuse
Live Free or Die - Danny Brzozowski
CW: transphobia, hate crime, blood, injury
The Silent Letter by Chris Nelson
CW: death, coma, gore, body horror
Effigies of Monstrous Things by Pedro Iniguez
CW: body horror, gore <- every other story has this, but take this one seriously
Six Underground by Vicky Velvet
CW: death, violence, confined spaces
You Have Joined the Livestream by Jessica McHugh
CW: sexism, misogyny, implied murder
Cracks by Mary SanGiovanni
CW: death, injury
The Things We Did in the Dark by Julia Darcey
CW: blood, death, darkness, confinement, confined spaces
In the House, There Were Teeth and There Were Eyes by Ichabod Kassius Kilroy
CW: blood, death mention, body horror, blood, bodily fluids
A Dampened Embrace by Christopher Hann
CW: death, body horror
24 Points by S. A. Cosby
CW: death, gore, body horror, injury, self-mutilation
On the Shores of Midnight by Marnie Desdemona
CW: death, starvation, vomiting, drowning
Like Ants We March by Jorja Osha
CW: death, off page police brutality, gun violence mention
Burning Slumber by Jessica L. Sparrow
CW: self mutilation, eye gore, colonisation, mentions of sexual assault, murder
Passage by Cyrus Amelia Fisher
CW: death, starvation, non-graphic cannibalism, self harm for ritual purposes, blood
The Comfort of a Cold Pit by Michelle Tang
CW: past physical parental abuse, non-explicit eye gore
Gyges by Vaughn A. Jackson
CW: blood, fire, severe burns
Beggars Can't be Choosers by L. Marie Wood
CW: a little blood, held hostage
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animehouse-moe · 8 months
Bucchigiri!? Episode 1: Merge?! Fall in Love with Fortune Bang Bang Chicken!
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An anime about a high school kid taking in a Majin so that he can lose his virginity? Created by the same person that made Sk8 The Infinity? Say no more and sign me up because this first episode was an absolute riot! Though, there do exist a few caveats.
And the biggest of those is that this is a Mappa production. If it was Bones I'd feel far more at ease, but Sk8 The Infinity is taking those resources so the production landed elsewhere. I'm hopeful, and will try to remain so throughout this series, that Mappa will keep things together, but even though the episode looked and felt really good, the staff lists are a bit concerning.
This image is all directors for the episode. The left shows a rare animation layout director credit, but the rest comprise all the animation directors, a total of 17 of them.
Thankfully, they key animator credits are much more reasonable, so I don't have near the same concerns as some of the JJK episodes, but the ADs are definitely keeping me on edge.
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But I really don't want to talk about the negatives with how deeply enjoyable this first episode was, I want to talk about the good stuff!
Like the combination of longtime Trigger associated color designer Kakita Yukiko getting on like a house on fire with art director Suzuki Kurumi. The pair give the world of Bucchigiri!? an incredibly strong and appealing identity right out of the gates that emphasizes the disarray and disrepair of the town that our main character Arajin returns to.
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Similarly, character designer Kagami Takahiro brings some incredible personality out in great detail, but also has been able to help draw out the best of the humor in their designs. They're impressively flexible, able to melt from their more detailed originals into very expressive vehicles for the series comedy.
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I know I really should say something about Utsumi's boards in this episode, but being an introduction to the content, and being so focused on comedy I don't really have much to say. Utsumi does a great job of creating boards that allow the episode to express itself. She doesn't guide the viewer or inject value of her own into the expression of each scene, and while that can be disappointing in some cases, it's really what something as intensely creative as Bucchigiri!? needs to set the stage, to provide a tone that viewers can internalize.
Though it's also important to realize that this is Utsumi's world in the first place, so she deserves credit for the confidence of really messing with it. Changing color schemes, mixing around character designs and motion, even the art style itself is putty in her hands. Every aspect remains fluid and malleable under her supervision, and it means that Bucchigiri!? is left with near limitless potential.
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But of course potential means nothing without a purpose, and while Arajin's stated purpose is to lose his virginity, it's obviously more than that going on.
Namely, this stretch of the series seems ready to focus on Aarajin and Matakara's long lost relationship.
The idea of moving on and improving as a person is very much the core idea between the two of them, but those ideas are expressed very differently.
Where Arajin is all about the easy way out and luck and whatnot, Matakara's immediately expressed as being someone who's put in the time and effort to shape himself into who he believes the old Arajin would be proud of. It's a great dynamic that expresses much deeper character motivations between the two, and promises a wonderful and emotional buildup and breakdown as friends. I really can't wait to see how Utsumi approaches their relationship.
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And then there's the action. I'm actually surprised it took me this far to talk about it, but it's promising to be deeply enjoyable. Equal parts excessive and accurate, much like every other aspect of Bucchigiri!?, Utsumi is promising a very subjective and expressive approach to it, as is evident with this sequence ending the episode.
It's the perfect explanation for what drives this series, really. Heavy and gritty, it dives into Arajin's character, providing a solid foundation to build out from in all sorts of shapes and forms. Taking humor in stride, it brings a powerful and promising end to the episode that we'll no doubt be further built upon as we continue deeper into Arajin's story.
So yeah, Mappa might be showing signs of a struggle with things like nearly 20 animation directors, but more than I have faith in them, I have faith in the fact that Utsumi will refuse Mappa the ability to disappoint with Buchigiri!?.
So of course I'm going to be looking forward to the next episode!
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roguephenon · 3 months
IV: The Delightful Tale of Sector Z and the Last Soopreme Leader, Numbuh Three
Link has been reestablished. Now resuming trans—
The Big Super-Computer-ma-bob apologizes for this inconvenience.
Please enjoy this supplementary operation report while database is reconstructed.
:Accessing way-back mission archives:
Now loading kids next door mission:
Operation: T.E.A*
*Warning. System has tagged operation designation as a duplicate. SYSTEM ADMIN, please rectify…
many, many, years ago
In space, no one can hear you scream.
Unless you were on Kids Next Door Moonbase.
There? People could hear you screaming out the wazoo.
Why, there was so much screaming going on there; it was practically white noise for Global Command. If there ever was a moment when there wasn't the lively chatter of a buhmillion kids from all walks of life communing on the base to end all bases, then it was either winter holiday break or something was terribly, horribly wrong.
At the moment, it was barely Thanksgiving. And given how quiet the Moonbase currently was, it was safe to say the silence was due to the latter scenario.
I.e. something bad was going down.
In docking bay eleventeen, a gaggle of operatives stiffly patrolled the area. Their movements were almost robotic, and their once bright eyes were now dull and listless as they meandered about, attending to some command with nary a fuss.
"Come on, guys! Snap out of it!" came a muffled shout from a holding cell. A fist pounded against the metal door, frantic eyes glaring out the tiny peephole. "You gotta fight it!"
The guard of the door, a random cafeteria working armed with a SCAMP rifle, narrowed her eyes at the door. "Be…quiet…"
Her tone lacked agency. Devoid of any emotion.
The prisoner redoubled their efforts, the door trembling under their futile efforts. "I got injured operatives and scared cadets in here, you jerk!" His voice was littered with panicked urgency. "One of them needs an inhaler! ASA-NOW!"
The cafeteria guard ignored him, focusing on her single-minded directive.
Suddenly, the docking bay lit up as a single SCAMPER hovered up to the loading terminal. Nearby, an out of place DOH-DOH Squad officer jerkily directed a gaggle science nerds to form up around the galley plank.
All children present crowded around the ship, the sights of their rifles steady against the hull's structural weak points.
The door to the SCAMPER hissed open, weapons humming madly in response.
"Don't…move," the kid in charge demanded of the unknown pilot. He glared. "State…your…business."
From the bowels of the ship, an accented voice cried, "Pizza delivery!"
"We did not order a…" the guard blinked, everyone looking down confused as a pizza box was chucked in the middle of their group. "…pizza?"
The cardboard lid slowly opened on its own, an angel choir sounding off as they all bore witness to the golden glory of the fabled Ninety-Nine Cheese New York Style Pizza.
Even in their mind-addled stated state, all operatives present couldn't stop their mouths from salivating.
Steam rose from the pie's crust as the cheese atop it began to boil and bubble.
The uncut, medium-sized pie exploded in a gooey burst of Parmesan, Asiago, and mozzarella. The force blew back all caught unaware, their bodies glued and trapped to nearby surfaces by hot, sticky cheese.
The way clear, a small figure cockily ambled out of the scamper. An African-American boy strutted onto the Moonbase proper, dressed in a worn, orange jumpsuit, the torso folded down to reveal the stretchy white jersey baggy against his chest. He kicked the toes of his Nike sneakers against the deck, pumping up his kicks for the inevitable butt-whooping he was about to dish out.
Jerome Kingsly used the nozzle of his blaster to adjust his shades, combing through his messy fro whilst his lips curled into a self-assured smirk. "Down in Brooklyn, we call that the Nine-Nine Special."
"Numbuh Nine-Nine! Over here!"
WARNING. This a long chapter. Please give yourself breaks :3
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bnha does something so real, it's like "the pain was real and this rage will be known," while also going like "that is true, and because that is true, you need to stop directing your violence to the task of hatred and murder"
honestly breaking the cycle is the most thankless, effective thing a trauma survivor can do
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be-gay-find-cryptids · 2 months
(Part 1) Underrated Recommendations for Film & TV
1. Wolfwalkers (Film, 2020)
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Wolfwalkers follows the story of Robyn Goodfellowe, a young apprentice hunter who arrives in Ireland with her father during a time of superstition and magic to wipe out the last wolf pack. While exploring the forbidden lands outside the city walls, Robyn befriends a free-spirited girl, Mebh, a member of a mysterious tribe rumored to have the ability to turn into wolves by night. As they search for Mebh's missing mother, Robyn uncovers a secret that draws her further into the enchanted world of the Wolfwalkers and risks turning into the very thing her father is tasked to destroy.
2. Reservation Dogs (TV, 2021)
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Reservation Dogs follows the exploits of four Indigenous teenagers in rural Oklahoma who steal, rob, and save in order to get to the exotic, mysterious, and faraway land of California. To succeed, they will have to save enough money, outmaneuver the methheads at the junkyard on the edge of town, and survive a turf war against a much tougher rival gang.
3. The Breadwinner (Film, 2017)
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Parvana is an 11-year-old girl who lives under Taliban rule in Afghanistan in 2001. After the wrongful arrest of her father, Parvana cuts off her hair and dresses like a boy to support her family. Working alongside a friend, she soon discovers a new world of freedom and danger. Drawing strength from the fantastical stories she invents, Parvana embarks on an epic quest to find her father and reunite her family.
4. Carol & the End of the World (TV, 2023)
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With a mysterious planet hurtling towards Earth, extinction is imminent for the people of the world. While most feel liberated to pursue their wildest dreams, one quiet and awkward woman, Carol, stands alone—lost among the hedonistic masses.
5. Infinity Train (TV, 2019)
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The series is set on a gigantic, mysterious and seemingly endless train traveling through a barren landscape, whose cars contain a variety of bizarre, fantastical, and impossible environments. Passengers on the train proceed from car to car by completing challenges which help them resolve their psychological trauma and emotional issues. Every season of Infinity Train (referred to as a "Book", each with its own separate subtitle) follows its own storyline and set of characters, although some characters appear across multiple seasons.
6. Moral Orel (TV, 2005)
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The series follows the titular Orel Puppington, a young, happy-go-lucky and naïve Protestant who showcases his commitment to God, while dealing with the cynicism of his abusive and alcoholic father, his lethargic mother, and the devoutly Protestant town of Moralton in which he resides.
7. Bee and PuppyCat (TV, 2013)
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The series revolves around Bee, an unemployed woman in her early twenties, who encounters a mysterious creature named PuppyCat. She adopts this apparent cat-dog hybrid, and together, they go on a series of temporary jobs to pay off her monthly rent. These bizarre jobs take the duo across strange worlds out in space.
8. Tuca & Bertie (TV, 2019)
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This animated comedy series explores the friendship between two 30-year-old bird women who live in the same apartment building. The buddy comedy features cocky, carefree toucan Tuca and anxious, daydreaming songbird Bertie as they live their lives in the metropolis of Bird Town.
9. Wander Over Yonder (TV, 2013)
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The series follows Wander, a nomadic, helpful, and overly-optimistic intergalactic traveler and his best friend and steed, Sylvia the Zbornak, as they travel from planet to planet helping people to have fun, play, and live free, despite the continuing encroachment of Lord Hater, one of the most powerful villains in the galaxy, and his army of Watchdogs.
10. The Midnight Gospel (TV, 2020)
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The Midnight Gospel revolves around a spacecaster named Clancy Gilroy, who lives on the Chromatic Ribbon, a membranous, tape-like planet situated in the middle of a colorful void where simulation farmers use powerful bio-organic computers to simulate a variety of universes from which they harvest natural resources and new technology. Each episode revolves around Clancy's travels through planets within the simulator, with the beings inhabiting these worlds as the guests he interviews for his spacecast. These interviews are based on actual interviews, with real audio sampled from Trussell's podcast, The Duncan Trussell Family Hour.
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