#infinite chase ship
clarkesyd · 11 months
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fia's infinite ship list: sebastian ballister & jessica trent, lord of scoundrels (1995)
go to blazes, dain.
i shall, undoubtedly—eventually.
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wekillitwithfire · 5 months
oh what a scary ass dream with a profoundly beautiful ending to wake up from
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something about Kallus (born on Coruscant, currently living in a glorified hallway) seeing lothal for the first time. there’s grass! And mountains! And a lot of big empty space! The sky is so big! How? Is this possible??
but he’s not allowed to go near it. The local wildlife (there’s wildlife!! And it’s cute!!) are considered too much of a hassle. He doesn’t even get to feel the landscape rush by him when he’s in a speeder. No, he’s always inside, a sort of cage of his own making.
when he’s on the ice moon, it’s one of the first times he really feels the pull, the call that nature holds out to him. It’s cold and freezing and miserable, but it’s still something real. And zeb almost seems to embody it, a wild that cannot, will not be contained. He wants to push it away almost as much as he wants to embrace it. Embrace him.
when he gets back, the artificial lights hurt more than before. The walls seem to echo every footstep with a metallic clang. Every moment someone makes feels robotic, even the air feels stiff and rigid. He lays the meteorite down on the plasteel shelf, and the contrast between the two feels as loud as war. It somehow reminds him of himself.
When he turns off the lights, he could almost imagine the grass under him, the midnight breeze and the smell of flowers. As if that rock of unknown properties is a star, as seen from on a planet, not a ship. The mountains in his mind hold him close, and he whispers a name for the lone star. “Garazeb”
Kallus often wonders what atollon is like. Seeing it, being there would be selfish of him. How could he continue to serve from afar if he is close by? When he does get glimpses, it makes him long for the things he never knew. When the wind blows into you, does the sand travel with it and scrape your skin? What does the ground feel like when the sun warms it? The animals there, do they cry out when they fall asleep as he so often does? It’s perhaps one of the cruelest tortures that Thrawn inflicts on him. How he wants to be down there, alongside everyone and everything he’s never gotten the chance to hold.
The first thing he noticed about Yavin 4 was how the vines seem to snake up the side of whatever desolate structure the rebels are using as a base. They infiltrate the lines between the stone tiles that make up much of the landing zone. He asks zeb if he could touch one, just for a moment and is surprised when the lasat laughs. The plants feel warm to the touch, as if they were secretly a type of lizard who basks in the sun. There’s a corse grain underneath it all, a pattern and a rhythm, different than the strictness of the Empire. It flows, similar to a wave. It extends and encompasses the base, but still pulls back to shore. It reflects them all.
on lothal, he once again sees the grass ripple in the wind as the ship he spent years chasing returned home. he steps out of the ghost and into the infinite field, transported back to the moment he saw this place for the first time. And he loves it no less.
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emluvd · 11 months
pair: roronoa zoro x fem!reader
summary: headcanon of zoro and his s/o having a dynamic similar to pucca and garu
notes: if there's any way zoro would be with his s/o it's the way garu is
disclaimer: none
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NOW ZORO COULD hardly deal with the pervert love cook chef chasing women around to love, but having a copy paste of him in form of a girl who only had eyes on him was way worse.
Everyone in the straw hat crew adored you with your extreme want to help and infinite kindness(too much at times), but the moment you were with Zoro that quickly changed to one of a clingy hopelessly in love, doing anything for him and crave for his affection
something sanji constantly would break down about in pure jealousy and sadness on how a beautiful woman pays attention to the marimo than him
Zoro though would try his best hide or run away from you, not having the same interest in you as you do for him (yet), but just shyness and embarrassment that makes his heart pound hard
There was one thing he couldn't deny though. Apart from Luffy who held his full respect, you were the other person that has it too.
You were beautiful (he can't deny that), but he didn't care about that. It was your monster strength that scared him, but respected.
(specially knowing that you ate no devil fruit to obtain it, but trained hard for it)
Each time they fought the marines or other pirates, you would always stay besides zoro and fight besides, covering his blind spots
you'll constantly look at him with heart eyes when defeating the enemy saying, "zoro, my love~! how about some booze that I'll steal from the ship for you~!"
that was just the tip of your crave for love from him.
Constantly looking for him, hugging him (making him blush furiously), feeding him, taking care of him; everything that indicated you wanted to be more than crewmates.
Yet, he couldn't accept it. Everyone in the ship knew. A day didn't pass by without having Sanji yell at him, Brook compliment the young love and the rest teasing him about the woman.
He would sigh to himself, looking out the window of the crow nest, seeing her small figure down below laughing with the rest. A smile crept in his face, but his mind overpowered his heart. Telling himself that this isn't what he wants, leaving his heart to ache. Another thing he couldn't deny, was his growing love for her.
It was made more obvious by his now tsundere attitude
It's not like he didn't have it before, just that now it was amplified to the max
you entered the room, he left
even going to extreme lengths of jumping from a window and falling to the sea
you hugged him, he tries to push you off and throw you (which you laugh about) as his face shines bright red
you gave him gifts, he'll take them reluctantly before taking off
however, he would be the very first one to protect you. anyone who dares hit you or hurt you, you bet he cuts them into pieces.
he tries his best to steal a glance, looking where you were injured as you fawn over him
"Zoro, my love~, I fell more in love with you!"
"Shut up!"
he notices the very small things about you
the smell of your perfume, your favorite food, your favorite spot in the ship which surprisingly wasn't the crow nest, but where nami's trees and robin's flowers were and most importantly he noticed each time your eyes shined when you felt your dream was closer to come true which was to become the most dangerous woman.
Zoro would stare at you as you celebrated your bounty going up, nearing the billions. You didn't notice his stare, but everyone else did, even the oblivious captain that was busy spinning you around.
He smiled, chugging down the sake that was in his hand. Letting his eyes rest. Maybe one day, he'll no longer run away from you. As this was one of the first times his heart over powered his mind, walking towards you.
You immediately spotting Zoro and shoving Luffy away from you as you skipped towards Zoro.
"Look Roro!" You shoved your bounty to his face. "Have you fallen for me yet~"
He patted your head, making your eyes widened, you had expected him to tease you and leave like always but,
"I'll fall when that thing surpasses mine." He then walked away with his sake leaving you flustered with a big grin on your face.
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copperbadge · 9 months
Endeavor OTC game for ADHD
is it really different from a standard FPS game? I’m curious about it!
Hope it's okay that I popped this into its own post, I found I had a lot to say :D
Context from the earlier post: EndeavorOTC is a paid app based on EndeavorRX, which is a prescription game for kids with ADHD. RX is FDA-approved; OTC is the version that hasn't gone through FDA approval, but it's a fork of the same code. It's fairly repetitive but that's because it's a training module shaped like a game, not a game that happens to do training.
It's less of an FPS and more of an infinite runner, like Sonic Dash or Temple Run. You're in a little ship that flies along a waterway, and you're supposed to hit "energy fields" which help you speed up to catch a critter you're chasing. You can't control your speed; you tilt your device to swerve left or right to hit the energy fields, but that's it. This is the "Steering" skill.
Your other, simultaneous task is to shoot critters that jump out of the water at you, called "targeting". It's a misnomer since you don't tap ON the creatures, you just tap anywhere on the right side of the screen and it shoots them for you, no aim required. These critters come in three colors, and at the start of every mission they tell you only ONE color to shoot. If you shoot the wrong color or miss an energy field while steering, you slow down very slightly. The goal is to speed up so fast that you catch the critter you're chasing, which is, to be fair, quite challenging.
You aren't ever penalized, really; the critter sometimes gets away, but you get points for trying. You don't have "lives", but you are time-limited -- once you've played for 25 minutes (a "dose"), the game locks down for the rest of the day. Something I REALLY like is that once you've paid the subscription price there's nothing else to buy: no ads to watch for bonuses, no microtransactions, no loot crates. You can earn coin to buy different outfits for your avatar, but that's it, and you can't buy coin, you just get a set amount per day for completing the dose. Every 15 missions or so, your ability to steer-target is evaluated and your score adjusted, which lets you know how you're progressing in terms of treatment, rather than skill at the game. You're supposed to play at least five days a week for six weeks as an initial treatment.
The reason I was willing to give it a shot was that the "targeting" aspect is based on the Go/No-Go Task, which is a legit tool they use in ADHD testing, and the aspect of the test I bombed the hardest when I was evaluated. Ongoing Go/No-Go task training has been shown in some research to help emotional regulation, although it's cognitive and not mindfulness. Overall the game is meant to improve focus but it was the Go/No-Go aspect that I found most compelling as a reason to try.
It's not cheap; you can get a 7-day trial but only if you pre-emptively subscribe, and if you don't cancel the subscription at the end of the 7 days you are charged $130, which I admit is a sneaky move to pull on a population not known for remembering to cancel subscriptions. The first thing I did after signing up was go to google play and cancel the subscription -- I still got to keep the trial -- but honestly when my trial is up I'll probably subscribe, it's a fun little game and I'm willing to risk the money to see if it helps (but I'm also in a position to spend $130 "just to see"). You can also do month-to-month for $25 but obviously the $130 yearly sub is much cheaper in the long run.
I've seen a wide variety of reactions to it, from delight to frustration, although a lot of the frustration seems to be from people who are more accustomed to intense gaming and are treating it like a video game and not a training tool. I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes.
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fenricken · 8 months
You Keep Slipping From My Grasp 1/7
Ship: Spirit Halloween
Danny has been getting the hang of this whole “Ancient of Doors”, “Apprentice to Clockwork”, “Dad to the Chaos Gremlin Dani” thing, and he’s really starting to find his flow! Sure, he sometimes misses the life that could’ve been, but overall everything has been great! Sure doesn’t need anything throwing a tangle in things.
Bruce is suffering. He doesn’t know who he is, where he is, or what the hell is going on. All he’s running on is instinct and strange forces propelling him towards some end he’s not entirely certain of.
Basically, Danny tries to help Batman over the course of events covered in Batman:Return of Bruce Wayne
Chapter One:
“Clockwork? Are you here? I got your message.” Danny floated up the tower, peeking behind cogs and pendulums, hoping to find a glimpse of his teacher’s signature purple cloak.
It had been a long time since certain… events had led Danny to become a far more permanent resident of the Infinite Realms. Of course, he wasn’t alone, as much of Amity had also followed him here to carve out a new life all together, his friends and family included.
Danny had since reached maturity and been recognized as Ancient of Doors for his actions. When faced with his evil future self, he strove to find another path where he didn’t become that future self. When Dani was revealed to be with the enemy, he chose to love her still, rather than hate her as many would. When he was faced with a reality where he was famous, and accepted by his parents, he chose to undo all of that for the peace and safety of his friends and family. While he now knew his parent’s acceptance would always come, he still had to make the choice then to put his trust in them and reveal himself so his friends could be saved when the GIW came to destroy Amity Park. And so, for his commitment to forging new paths, always finding another choice, and braving the unknown he was named Ancient of Doors. 
Sam had also found her own mentor in Undergrowth, working hard as his apprentice to aid him in his duties as Ancient of Wild Growth. Tucker and Technus had quickly formed a rivalry, both competing to see who would reign supreme as the Infinite Realm’s ultimate tech master. Jazz had found her purpose in the Department of Lost Souls, as an advisor to those who weren’t certain about their afterlife, and what they wanted to do with it. After Jack and Maddie’s change of heart with regards to ghosts, it was not long before they found new purpose in investigating and researching the many mysteries of the Infinite Realms and beyond.
While he and his friends had reached their own maturity, Dani had remained a child. Something about “It’s easier to cause chaos this way” and “No one ever suspects the baby”. Danny’s fondness for his clone only grew until he saw her less as a cousin and more as a daughter. Ultimately, it was only a surprise for Danny and Dani when the ghost-bond snapped in place, formally cementing her as his daughter, to both of their suffering.
Currently, she was out in one of the universes, chasing after some hybrid spider-pig, Danny thinks. Unless she got distracted and went to hang out with Klarion again, in an effort to “maximize joint chaos”. Tucker and Sam were both busy with their respective duties, Jazz was at work, and last he checked Mom and Dad were elbows deep in a mech suit they were hoping to get working off an Infinite Realms Corn-based fuel Sam had created. Danny had been feeling quite bored before he got the summons from Clockwork, and had jumped on it right away, hence his surprise at not being able to find his Mentor anywhere.
Danny had finally reached the top of the tower. He could see a table set up with a small tea service, but still no Clockwork. Figuring there’s nothing else to do, Danny pours himself a cup of tea, and settles in to wait.
Who is he? What is this place? His hand rests against a cool, smooth surface that appears so at odds with the rest of his surroundings-rocky ground, a red sky, and the water lapping against the cliff-side. There is nothing, and no one else that he sees, except – a cave. He stumbles in, visions of symbols surfacing in his brain- two “W”s, an “S”, a bat. He carves these into the rock-face desperate to have a visual trigger that would help him remember anything, but nothing comes.
A rock clatters against the floor of the cave, followed by someone’s voice. He approaches, steadily, entering into the light. Four men stand before him, weapons raised. They say something else, but he can’t understand.
“Where am I? What is this place?”
They do not answer him, but pull back their weapons. They introduce themselves, and speak some more. Names, he realizes- Man, Boy, Giant, Surly, Joker. This last one gives him pause, tickles something in his brain that upsets him, but soon his eyes lay on the structure from before, and he stumbles back to it, certain it must contain some clue.
The men he walks past continue to converse amongst themselves, but he has only one destination in mind. He digs through, looking for anything, but comes up only with a large swath of fabric. That same “S”, that calls to him but gives no answers.
The men set up camp, cooking as they go. They invite him to join, and he does, his hunger for food now outweighing his hunger for knowledge.
“Danny, I’m glad you came as soon as you could.” 
Danny’s teacup clatters as he jolts in surprise. He turns to face Clockwork, “I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself. What did you need my help with?”
Clockwork’s face turns a bit grim. “There is… something twisted in the time stream in one of the Justice League universes. While I can tell it is meant to happen, I am still uncertain about what is actually happening, and fear that I am unable to see with any certainty the outcome. I need you to venture to when this is to investigate on my behalf.”
Danny nods, his concern growing. “Of course. Is there anything in particular I should be prepared for?”
Danny swears he sees the corner of Clockwork’s mouth twitch up into his signature sly grin, before his face is quickly schooled and he says “No, just observe for now. Your destination is through here.”
Danny watches as the cog begins to glow before he ventures forward.
Immediately he is met with the sight of violence. It seems one group of cavemen has taken to attacking another during their dinner. Danny watches, cautious against intervening, trying to figure out who he is meant to watch for. He sees one man, dressed in black bottoms, escape the field of battle with a young boy and hide in the bushes. The battle quickly turns against the four who had been eating dinner, and Danny looks at the leader of those attacking, surprised that the leader’s face is familiar to him…though he can’t quite place who.
The man from before rejoins the fray, quickly beating many off before ultimately being subdued himself. The leader of the attacking cavemen crows in victory, before the army collects the man they’ve now taken prisoner and any other spoils, and returns to their home base.
Danny follows, trying hard not to focus on the bloodshed beneath. He may have lived a long time, but the kind of person willing to commit such violence is not someone he goes out of his way to find. He watches as the chief holds the man they took captive above his head.
“Conquering Chief Savage brings gifts from the forbidden land!”
“Shit,” Danny thinks, “I can’t believe I’m witnessing Vandal Savage’s villain origin story. Or is he already a villain at this point?”
Danny continues watching as they tie up the captive, who they’ve been calling ‘Man-God’ underneath a giant bat pelt. He takes a closer look, before reeling back in shock.
“I thought his pants were weird, but those are pretty 21st century” he thinks, before glancing around at hearing a shuffle. He sees a shadow lurking beyond the camp, crouched down. Danny approaches, recognizing the boy that had been rescued from the fight. He wears what looks like a yellow utility belt, and has painted a bat-shaped mask over his eyes.
“Wait… bats, a yellow utility belt…” Danny glances again to the Man-God strapped to the ground. 
“What is Batman doing here..?” Danny pauses, thinking. He should only be here as an observer, but it has never felt right to just stand on the sidelines when he can make the choice to do something to help. Maybe he doesn’t have to do too much. He floats over to where the Boy is crouched, clearly wanting to help but paralyzed with fear and indecision.
“Go to him. Help him as he has helped you. There has been enough bloodshed this day, will you wait around to see more?” Danny whispers to him, watching the boy’s eyes harden as he comes to a decision.
The boy is quick to act now that he’s made a decision. He approaches Batman, and frees him from his bonds. Danny watches as they collect themselves. Batman dons his utility pelt, and the bat pelt that had been hung over him. By the time they’ve finished their preparations, the sun has risen and the men who captured Batman are rising.
“Should I cause a distraction?” Danny wonders, but before he can do anything, Batman and the boy spring into action, taking out fighter after fighter, until Batman is left facing Vandal Savage.
They charge towards each other, but Danny’s attention is caught by a shadow that begins to pass over the battlefield. He looks up, noting an eclipse is starting. He can feel the energy changing, knows that something is going to happen when the sun has been completely blotted out.
But Clockwork has instructed him only to observe, so observe he will. He turns back to the battlefield, noting that Batman and the boy have managed to push back Vandal Savage, but are still being chased off by the remaining caveman. They drop over a waterfall, but when Danny follows, he only sees the boy surface.
The sky is dark now, as the sun has been completely covered, and there is energy concentrated underneath the water. Danny focuses, in the way Clockwork has taught him, to figure out what lies beneath and where Batman has gone.
“A strong amount of time-manipulation energy…No Batman, not in this time anymore.” Danny looks around to see the boy has realized Batman will not follow, and has left to find shelter. 
“Did he make another jump through time? But how? I didn’t see that he had anything on him capable of such a jump?” Danny thinks. He’s considering if he can piggy back off the residual energy to jump to when Batman is, but a portal opens behind him and Clockwork steps out.
“Danny, I think it would be best if we return now.” he says, gesturing for Danny to follow.
Back at his mentor’s lair, Danny explains the situation to Clockwork. Clockwork inclined his head in thought, only speaking after some time, “I can’t say for certain whether or not Batman was meant to be in that time period. However, there is something suspicious about the way he’s been traveling through time. Did you notice anything off with the time manipulation energy, Danny?” 
“I can’t say for certain,” Danny starts, “Though I did notice there was a build-up to the event, in line with an eclipse. Then again, I’m not familiar enough with the way dimensional energy manipulation feels in the universes with the Justice League to say for certain.”
Clockwork hums, before turning to rifle through a cupboard that popped up behind him. He pulled out a glowing orange orb. “Here, it’s a record of the time-manipulation energy gathered from one of the Flash’s misadventures. Can you compare and feel any difference?”
Danny closes his eyes before focusing again. “I can feel there are some significant similarities, but it feels like both have an added component that is different from each other? I don’t know if that makes any sense.”
“The energy reading from the sphere I handed you will likely contain energy both from the time-manipulation and the Speedforce the Flashes use to travel between time. If we assume the time-manipulation energy is the constant in both samples, then…”
“There’s some other energy added into the mix that is propelling Batman forward through time?” Danny finishes.
“That is likely the case. Until we know what it is, it would be best to exercise caution. We don’t know how it interacts with the time-manipulation energy, so we can’t predict how it might affect you Daniel.” Clockwork pauses in thought once more, “I’ll spend some time figuring out where Batman made his next jump. In the meantime, take a rest and prepare yourself.”
“I’m not totally familiar with the universes containing the Justice League. I’ll spend some time researching for now… and maybe I’ll ask Dani what she knows when she returns.”
Clockwork smiles slightly, before nodding. “A fine course of action, it might be best to gather all the information we can before proceeding.”
At the time of plotting this, I haven’t read A Glitch in Time. I know that there are some time periods in common that Danny and Bruce travel to, so I want to address that at this moment I’m not planning to reference A Glitch in Time.
As for actual writing, I feel a bit stuck on how much of Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne to actually reference, as I’m aware that most people in the dp x dc fandom are more familiar with Danny Phantom, and from other references I’ve seen to Batman’s travels through time it might not be a story many are familiar with. That being said, I don’t want to just directly repeat details from the comics. I guess if you feel I didn’t provide enough background from the comic series to understand what’s going on, or that I should maybe try referencing less, please let me know so I can make corrections.
On that note, I do recommend reading Batman:The Return of Bruce Wayne if you get the chance. There are so many interesting layers it adds to the mythos and history of Batman and the Wayne family, and it’s really a great read. It helps that you don’t really need too much knowledge of what comes before– except maybe that Batman had crafted a god-killing bullet he shot Darkseid with, before Darkseid retaliated and “killed” Batman. Even this is alluded to in the story in enough detail that you can understand what’s going on, though.
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A DpxDC prompt.
Not sure if anyone has done this one, but here we go!
Use any ship you want, but have Ghost King Danny be given a 'mission' or something by (insert important Infinite Realms inhabitant) and he winds up at a masquerade Gala, dressed for the occasion. You could make it Halloween night, and by Midnight he'll be forced into ghost form by the thin-ness of the veil. Until then, he has to last the night through the Gala.
The Wayne's are also attending the Gala, maybe on business, maybe to keep up appearances, but they are there. And Danny bumps into (insert batfam member). They get to talking, and before long they forget about the Gala going on around them, and are just having a great time. But Danny immediately knows when midnight is approaching. He cuts off mid-conversation and runs for the exit, not wanting to reveal himself to a bunch of strangers.
(Insert batfam member) chases after him, but loses him at the front door. Danny is long gone, and they hadn't even gotten a last name. Just as they were about to go back in, they spot something resting on the stairs. A suspiciously high-tech looking thermos, with 'D. Fenton' ingraved into the cap.
Detective work is done, and shenanigans insue.
Sort of a Cinderella au, I guess, but with Danny turning into the Ghost King at midnight instead of the magic wearing off.
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Welp, time to explain my theoretical Miles×Gwen×Mikey crackship AU to literally everyone that didn't ask, yayyyy!
So, how did we end up here?
Well, it all starts off like the canon of the Into the Spiderverse movies. Miles meets Gwen, falls in love with her, becomes Spiderman, defeats Kingpin and she goes home into her own universe, seperating Miles and her for the time bring, yet Miles still remains pining after her. All very canon-adherent.
Now, here's the point where stories diverge because a few months after the events of the first Spiderverse movie, Miles meets Mikey while the turtle mutant is spray painting. They get along well, due to similar personalities and goals in life. Both of them want to prove how capable and mature they are to others and aren't particularly fond of being dismissed as a kid.
A friendship blossoms and with some time, both of them develope crushes on each other.
Now, Miles has to decide whether or not he wants to pursue Mikey or keep on hoping that somehow, Gwen will one day return so that they could be together.
He chooses Mikey. It's the reasonable thing to do, right? Miles doesn't even know if he'll ever see Gwen again, they're dimensions apart.
And for a while, everything is perfect as it is. Miles and Mikey get fake-married (it was an accident, loooong story), they go on patrol dates together, they comfort each other when things are rough. They're as happy as you can be when you're a teen vigilante carrying the world on your shoulders.
Then, the events of the second Spiderverse movie happen.
One random day, Gwen drops out of Miles' ceiling and hugs him. Miles is happy to see her again,even if infinitely confused. His feelings are going wild and he doesn't know if he still has feelings for her. (Spoiler alert: he has, but he would never betray Mikey over it.)
As in Spiderverse canon, Gwen and Miles swing across the city, catching up with each other, only for a weird, fast, green blur to crash into Miles without warning.
Gwen thinks it's an enemy, but no, it's just Mikey, Miles' boyfriend.
Miles can see in her eyes that she's heartbroken, but Gwen puts on a friendly façade and behaves kindly towards Mikey. Mikey does the same.
When Rio catches the three of them on the rooftop, Mikey hides from her and seeing Gwen and Miles next to each other, Rio assumes Gwen is Miles' crush. Gwen leaves quickly.
Miles and Mikey follow her, across dimensions, because Miles is worried he'd never see her again and Mikey is a supportive boyfriend.
Everything in the movie happens the same way, excluding some minor changes. Mikey gets a death prophecy from Miguel, too, Mikey kicks ass during the Mumbattan disaster and the Spiderman chase and at the end of the movie, Mikey and Miles strand in the 42 dimension while Gwen assembles a rescue team for them.
We skip to the ending of Beyond the Spiderverse.
Gwen apologizes to Miles for betraying him.
Surprisingly enough, Mikey forgives her first and urges Miles to do the same (he saw the good in fricking Draxum who didn't make any effort to redeem himself, he forgave Gwen the moment she came to their aid).
After that, the three of them hang out often. Gwen and Mikey get along suprisingly well, bonding over their mutual death prophecies and having dads who tried, but fucked up in some parts regardless (though Splinter would have never held a gun to his sons' heads)
Miles and Gwen know of their mutual feelings for each other, but choose to not act on it because Miles is in a happy relationship with Mikey.
And they probably would have remained in this weird limbo if it not were for Pavitr and Hobie, the wingmen ever, who suggested to solve the problem with polyamory.
Surprise, surprise, it works! Everyone is happy, yayyy!
Now, here are my art bribes and some headcanons to sweeten my pitch for this ship.
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-Mikey and Gwen practice ballet together as seen in the pic above.
-Miles is periodically swallowed in hugs because he has not one, but two clingy ass-fuck partners.
-When Mikey first visits Gwen's dimension, he lights up her whole world in orange and gold because mystics.
-Miles and Gwen take turns on the singular braincell in the polycule, Mikey is just vibing (causing chaos and being a delightful little weirdo).
-The three of them always gift each other sunflowers for birthdays and valentine's (it's an insider between them).
-They're a sun×star×moon relationship with Mikey being the sun, Miles being the star and Gwen being the moon.
-Terrible puns. All of them make them to crack each other up. They're not even funny oftentimes, but to them? Comedy gold. Villains are extremely annoyed with them.
-Throuple patrols every week. It's their form of casual dates.
If you like my weird idea, drop your own headcanons in the reblogs. I'd love to hear them.
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randomwriteronline · 7 months
One night, when all is over, when all can rest; when Kiina sleeps listening to the waves, Berix nursing the newest still unfinished project, Gresh not having any new scars to count, Click barely batting a wing; Ackar hears the voice of Mata Nui smile with such infinite love, and wakes up.
He sits up and listens again: if he strains his ears, if he forces himself to shut down the frantic beating of his heart, he thinks he can hear that voice again. He could swear he is talking, maybe humming, so close and yet so impossibly far away, even further than the resting place of the Ignika but somehow right next to him, tone filled with mournful joy, with an affection that brings one to tears.
Someone is out there, outside.
Someone is singing, outside.
He leaves.
One night, when all is over, Ackar forces himself to stumble out of town and into the cold, into the slowly receding desert which is giving way to life once more; he follows beneath the starlit sky barren of blue or green moons the sound, the song, the voice, an enthralled sleepwalker chasing desperately after a lucid dream he knows cannot be and yet so desperately wants to find, a spellbound seaman bewitched by a cannibal siren's serenade dragging his ship against the jagged cliffs upon which the object of his desire perches with monstrous arms outstretched so lovingly towards him.
He chases after the sound, the song, the voice: he could swear it's the same, the same deep and comforting sound upon whom he once laid his hand on to call 'friend'; he could swear it's the same, so sweet and so heartbroken, and his throat twists tight into a knot as he knows he will not see what he wants, yet he wants so badly.
He chases after the sound, the song, the voice: it splits but does not shatter. Like the hairs of a braid its pieces join together, tangle gently, form a harmony that no mouth can replicate.
He stops.
He looks.
One night, when all is over, Ackar watches and listens.
He knows them, he recognizes them: the twelve of them arranged in two concentric circles, only six of them singing, only six of them silent, their language so far beyond what his anatomy could comprehend or hope to produce, and yet he understands.
He understands from the inner circle's tight fists, their shaking shoulders, their shuddering chests as they struggle to breathe. He understands from the outer circle's solemn pronounciation, the anguish in their shining eyes, their longing and trembling voices.
He understands and hushes, and listens to their mourning song.
One night, when all is over, the Toa Mata mourn who they were fated to protect and instead failed.
One night, when all is over, the Toa Mahri mourn who they could not hold back from the choice of fate.
One night, when all is over, Toa Takanuva mourns all who he will never accept he could not die in the stead of.
Six voices raise, six lights like an aurora across the sky - two figures, mighty and wise and yet so powerless, dancing in their dirge with bodies composed of mourning songs harmonizing together - warriors burying a king, a peer, a friend, a stranger. Six more join, louder to the point of wailing, no composure, burning stars bursting as violently as their destructive end allows, children crying inconsolable the death of a hero, a peer, a friend, a sibling.
The Toa howl like wild hounds into the empty desert night in which no bloody star shines, in the heartbroken artificial language of their manufactured living people.
One night, when all is over, Ackar looks and listens.
In their twelve voices he hears yet another, at once earth and sky, enormously strong yet as light as the birdsong.
In their thirteen voices he hears Mata Nui.
In their thirteen voices Mata Nui smiles.
He smiles with such infinite love.
One night, when all is over, Ackar whispers: I love you.
One night, when all is over, the Toa scream: I love you.
One night, when all is over, Matoro booms: I love you.
One night, when all is over, Mata Nui smiles: I love you.
Ackar cries.
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For Ava, piracy is Robin Hooding. Distributing ill-gotten gains is the best part.
For Beatrice, piracy is an escape. Being chased by the authorities has made her free.
For Suzanne, piracy is how she protects her girls. A means to an end.
For Shannon, piracy is a duty. Needs must.
For Mary, piracy is a job. A job with a built in soulmate.
For Camila, piracy is the family business. It is all about family.
For Lilith, piracy is the ultimate ‘fuck you’ to familial expectations. Found family is infinitely better.
god yeah i really do love the idea of ava, fresh-sprung from an orphanage and anointed with unholy power, fleeing through a maze of port city streets and running headlong into beatrice.
she’s got a pistol at her hip and a stack of books in her arms, smells faintly of magesmoke and blood, but she pulls ava into an alley, casts a simple ward and holds her there in the damp dark, alley cats wending around her boots.
one hand over ava’s mouth, the other trapping her arm against the splintery wooden wall until the guards (ava hopes that she thinks they’re guards) have moved on. then beatrice stepping back, appraising, going to collect her books from a neat pocket dimension she sketched into the air.
telling ava, because she follows, moth to a flame, “sorry about the rough handling. my name is beatrice, ship’s mage on the Cat's Cradle.”
she’s got the tattoos to prove it, almost consuming the skin of both arms as she tugs the cuffs up past her elbows; not down to hide them, but up, to reveal what she is.
at ava’s puzzled look she says, “it’s better, around here, to be seen as a mage rather than a woman.”
ava barely bites back on some loathsome quip, nods at her, then flinches at the sound of distant shouts.
beatrice casts a sidelong glance at her in her stained shirt, trousers cut at the knees. she's barefoot and bruised, staring like she's never seen buildings, or the sky, or a woman before.
she doesn’t even have a knife tucked into her trousers, or the slightest chance of making it through a night alone in this city.
there's a sigh trapped behind her teeth, but beatrice finds herself turning back. voice clipped, almost emotionless, “you look a little bit out of your depth.”
“no shit.”
but ava says it with a shaky laugh. she’s still more than a little preoccupied with how beatrice’s mage tattoos shift and slither in the interrupted light.
beatrice shrugs, “you know if you're interested, our surgeon needs an assistant.” her eyes travel hastily down ava’s body and then back up, “she says that small hands are helpful.”
“small hands?”
“to, ah, move around hers and to make stitches. i can’t say i really understand it, but, well-”
“magic doesn’t heal.” ava says this with bleak familiarity, like she knows the words by heart but would rather she didn’t.
she looks at her hands, tries not to think of what they can do, of the promise she made while half-asleep, to something that should not even be real.
“don’t you think that’s weird? you can do anything, but you can’t close a wound or... or fix broken bones?”
beatrice looks at her, shrugs uneasily. it’s just ink sitting under her skin, but the tattoos seem to shift and glisten wetly as she crosses her arms. “it’s not strange,” she says. “it’s the bargain we made.”
mages are oh-so-fond of trotting out that line. ava tries not to grimace at it. she is, after all, alone and penniless. she is being hunted.
“i’ve never done surgery or anything like that before,” she admits, looking down, braced for dismissal. her eyes stall on the books in beatrice’s arms. gods below i’m fucked. so fucked. i can’t even read, how am i supposed to-
“do you learn quickly?”
beatrice is looking at her calmly when ava rocks back on her heels and dares to meet her eyes. “you… what?”
“our surgeon can teach you, if you learn quickly.” beatrice pursed her lips, “if not, you could be one of the rigging boys, or… well, i’ll figure something out.”
ava stares at her, astonished. “but... why are you helping me?”
a raised eyebrow, muscles working under ink as beatrice clutches her books tightly. she looks odd and out of place in the dingy alley, with her tailored trousers and little silver buckles winking on her boots, through the dark.
“you look like you’re running from something.” ava clenches her fists at her sides, begging her abilities to stay under her skin.
beatrice seems preoccupied with her own thoughts, “someone helped me that way once, when i was… lost. you’ll meet her, i suppose. she’s my captain.”
“are you pirates?” ava blurts the question before she can stop herself, and beatrice’s gaze sharpens.
ava holds up her hands, “it’s just… two officers who are women and now your captain too. it occurred to me, is all.”
beatrice gives her a hard look, but she finds nothing in ava’s expression, beyond a measure of panic. maybe some fear, which is all for the better. "i suppose you'll find out." she's closed-off again, but not hostile.
yet, ava thinks. not yet.
“if you want, you can follow me. if not…”
beatrice frowns. already the sun is setting, dragging light back down along western shore, down into the ocean.
she turns away, starts walking, does not make a relieved sound when she hears ava start to follow. convinces herself that she doesn’t wish to make any relieved sound, at all.
one girl cannot be important, not in the scope of things.
“i’m ava, by the way.”
she speaks to the firm slope of beatrice’s shoulders. the day was too warm for a jacket, so it’s in her cabin, half-draped across the desk to hide her papers.
a half-turn, a nod of the head.
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mhaynoot · 1 year
[ tw suicide , suicidal thoughts and intentions - orv spoilers - epilogue joongdok ]
yjh progressed so much and so far through 1863 regression turns not only to cut down the constellations and systems that made him suffer but also to find a way to either save the world or die permanently, whichever came first.
out of all the yjh and the regressions, the one who achieved that goal was the half slain by himself in the 1863rd round, the one who encapsulated all yjh's feelings of "i want to die".
the one that said "i want to live" was all that was left.
yjh remembers renouncing his regression status. his character trait.
"yoo joonghyuk, former regressor."
but he who hated his regression the most, who experienced suffering like no other because of it, chooses again to regress once more to save kdj. he tries not to think why but does anyway when the the scenario nights once again drag on long and agonising.
"are you sure?" people had asked right before the group regression. as if he would have ever brought it up as a suggestion if he hadn't been sure.
was he sure?
yjh closes his eyes.
he remembers renouncing his regressor status. he remembers delcaring not only that he will lived this round - this life - fully but that he will live solely for the ending in which kdj was an anomaly. he remembers kdj too. the little twist to his lips, the downcurved tilt, and his eyes, yjh was always reflected into his eyes. but they only saw him then. "I was twenty-eight, and I was an employee of a game company. my hobby was reading web novels…"
yjh remembers.
"yes, I'm sure."
but more than reliving the hellish nightmares of the scenarios once more, it only completely breaks him when regressing still fails-fails-fails-
(like kdj had told him over and over again)
two years passes by. time is supposed to ease grief. he should have moved on.
yjh breaks into the museum to grab the broken [final ark] with no real plan and fights hsy with his all so she could kill him because that's what he wanted. because yjh wants to fucking die and had tried everything from clutching a gaming mouse to training to talking endlessly with his teacher and sister but still- still he finds no purpose in life after the failed regression.
he imagines that guy yelling at him, calling him a sunfish.
even though he was free from the scenarios, free from the regression skill, can grow old normally with all his loved ones into a happily ever after. in a world surely and carefully forgetting the secnarios, erasing almost everything of that nightmare. today, the night sky is forever dark with only the glimmer of weakened constellations. yjh had saved the world and his companions and his sister and himself. it was everything he had ever wanted. everything that could have ever made him happy.
kim dokja, he grieves and grieves and grieves.
it is only the dumb blind faith and hope of a hacked brained plan that lets him live until he's shooting through space with a faint, infinitely burning wish.
and because of course nothing ever goes right, the ship breaks down and then everything else is breaking down and he's drifting through space in the vast loneliness and hollowness of his own dying stories.
1, 2, 10, 100, 333 days of drifting.
it is the kdj's story that revitalises him again and again as he reads and rereads and reads more and more
until, finally, he could understand kdj just a little more.
he wonders if this is what it means to have a soulmate. to have someone who completed him so much. who is his everything and to know he is everything to that guy too.
they are each other's beginning and end, salvation and damnation, life and death.
and then,
on death's door, he draws his sword. he regrets but he does not give up.
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words echo between his ears in his final moments. that guy was right in the end. of course.
he dreams of fighting and that damn journey to the west remake and he dreams-
his eyes search around, always desperately searching. it's like chasing a ghost. like trying to bridge a bridgless gap between him and-
"where is kim dokja?"
everything in him knows it, knows what happened even if it remained a dream in his memories. the stories vibrantly holding him together was proof enough that he got saved by that bastard. he'll be damned if he ever reveals the truth to biyoo that though.
they crest and bob through the ebb and flow of the wordlines and the universe.
some worlds a peaceful. no scenarios.
yjh wonders if the stardust reincarnated in these worldlines is happy. selfishly, he hopes not and that they'll always wish to come back. to stay. he's already doomed countless worlds for this purpose. spreading this dream of destruction for a single man.
its with these selfish wishes, they drift through space and the brief stops along the way.
some, he leaves faster than others. it depends on how quickly he and biyoo can find a suitable webnovel author. but it doesnt always go all that quickly. authors. they're reclusive annoyances. yjh thinks of hsy and her first appearance and edits the latest update with particularly brutal comments on her prose. so some worlds, they linger on.
somehow, he finds himself on a high building in every world. sometimes they're in seoul but not always. all cities eventually start looking the same anyway. similar but foreign concrete city scapes. large, open skies.
that guy had said the view was beautiful.
"wake up, yoo joonghyuk."
centuries and world lines drift by.
he was not the 41st yjh and she was not the 41st shin yoosung. they had lived and grown to become the them they are now. had both been touched by that guy and his actions. her more so than him.
sometimes, he gets caught in her visage. on the way she smiled or her eyes gleamed. nebulae dwarfed in comparison. every bit of her father.
more than her eyes and her smiles, it was the way she talked. that slightly annoyed, flippant wit. she talks so much now, babbling, scheming, or just talking for the sake of talking. like she was making up for the years of being pretty much nonverbal. or the years of travelling alone. although, her father had always able been to understand her quite well. maybe it was a connection between parent and child.
yjh didnt try to remember his own child, they were always there. a small swaddled thing. it was a worn out grief. memories so bright it faded. a life too short.
biyoo's dad had said he understood. he had never lost child. had sacrificied himself over and over again to ensure not a single one of his went through that cut fate.
yjh knows that kdj had never experienced it. but yjh understands kdj too.
every world, she finds recent trends in webnovels and the world news and what strange "gimmick" the world operated on. some had game systems like the star stream. some had an old apocalypse lingering. some were in the middle of a breaking world. nothing quite bad enough to not find an author, of course.
he wonders if kdj was thriving in those less peaceful worlds like he thrived in the star stream. yjh selfishly hopes not. hopes that something is irreversibly missing in a life without his companions, without yjh.
even if they only stopped in the world for an hour, biyoo always finds the time to report her findings to him. she settles into the arc beside him and rambles on about how the different systems compared to each other or talks about a popular webnovel and the characters in them. the arcs they go through.
something in his chest loosens at the fimilarity. it wouldnt do to get lost in the memories of another person in someone else but he was a regressor.
maybe she understands that too because she always continues to talk even when he stops responding, stops looking quite at her.
he was glad she was there with him. in this long journey.
in the arc, through the worldlines, on the highest points of city buildings, he edits the story, he adds his own chapters. he finds their memories and their stories and writes it all down. he types with fingers tracing only a singular name.
he reads more.
he writes more.
protagonist, reader, author.
the star stream seems to be finally over. their epilogue was upon them.
that pivotal last chapter had not be written yet. the one where kdj comes home.
yjh settles his hands on the keyboard.
as he enters the stratosphere, as the cockpit burns and lights through earth's blue skies like a shooting star, and he finally breathes in the air his and kim dokja's world again, yjh thinks about his long journey. about his 0th turn. about 1865 regressions. about answers and questions and the future. about his happiness.
the [ark] slams into the ocean. he can already see lee jihye screaming at him in the distance. the rest of his little nebulae wait for him. his little sister looks ready to beat him up.
he looks at them and smiles.
as he's pulled towards his and kim dokja's companions, moved back into their embrace and circle as if he's never left, he thinks about his long journey. about his 0th turn. about 1865 regressions. about answers and questions and the future. about kim dokja.
yjh thinks about every stardust that scatters through the wordlines that he had visited. some of them had been peaceful. some of them less so.
yjh hopes each stardust reincarneted into these worldlines are doing well. that they are warm and eating well and are loved. and, yjh hopes that he could still find the ending where he can love that guy and show it to him too. tell him, eventually.
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bornagainmurdock · 1 day
pet play // matt murdock headcannnons
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contents: 18+ ONLY, smut/suggestive, gender neutral reader
word count: 1.3k
when you told matt he'd be confused but also a bit excited
anything about you was exciting to him, but specifically learning about something you're into, something that makes you so very happy, mans is soooo in
very much the type of man to spend so much money on you
he has that (somewhat high paying) lawyer job for a reason
you want ears? you get dozens of ears. all kinds of ears. custom made and always with matching clothing sets.
tail? already shipped and will be delivered tomorrow. excited to see you wear it.
leashes? he'll diy that shit just to get to lead you around sooner.
and COLLARS? every time he finds another one he likes he buys it immediately
"i know you already have a red collar but! this one has a bunch of d rings on it, ya know. to attach a leash to."
the thought of his name on a charm around your neck, kills him
his possession kink, ownership kink evolves to a whole new form when you're in pet mode
just calling you his over and over until that's all you can say back
"mine. all mine. mine to ruin. mine to cherish."
he's very fond of you sitting at his feet, resting you head against his thigh while he works, or listens to something
"c'mhere pet. come sit at my feet, lemme spoil you."
could spend an infinite amount of hours playing with your hair and praising you for being so good for him
"so sweet for me hmm? such a good pet for me"
and when you were in the bratting mood, GOD this man loves it
matt would enjoy the challenge of you bratting, the power struggle is very addicting to him (bc he knows he'll win every time)
putting you in your place mentally and physically
(imagine matt pushing you to the ground and just keeping you there with one hand, pinning you down)
a bit of degradation and humiliation scattered with praise would send you to a brainless state, him finding almost comical how much control he has over you
he'd do the cringey, "you, here, now" bit without realizing it and then you'd both break out into a giggle fit both losing it
teaches you hand signals so he can silently communicate with you quickly and effectively
uses the hand signals in public (sometimes without realizing it) and feels you start to melt against him and trying to get you back to his apartment as fast as possible (or taking you to the bathroom)
the thought of his name on a charm around your neck, kills him
his possession kink, ownership kink evolves to a whole new form when you're in pet mode
he's very fond of you sitting at his feet, resting you head against his thigh while he works, or listens to something
could spend an infinite amount of hours playing with your hair and praising you for being so good for him
"so sweet for me hmm? such a good pet for me"
and when you were in the bratting mood, GOD this man loves it
matt would enjoy the challenge of you bratting, the power struggle is very addicting to him (bc he knows he'll win every time)
putting you in your place mentally and physically
a bit of degradation and humiliation scattered with praise would send you to a brainless state, him finding almost comical how much control he has over you
when you're bratty, he likes to just sit and wait until you exhaust yourself enough or give up on the bit
and then he'll grab you and drag you to the bedroom for the fun part
if he was in a goofy mood he'd be super duper playful, chasing you and tickling you, making a mess of the apartment
maybe once or twice he'd do the cringey, "you, here, now" bit without realizing it and then you'd both break out into a giggle fit both losing it
very much a laugh-y guy when it comes to kink
either he's genuinely laughing and havign a good time being a pain in the ass
or lauging in the angry, quiet mad thing where you'd push his buttons and instead of shouting, he'd just laugh, pick you up and throw you onto the bed before ruining you
if he came home to you in pet ears and a collar just going about your business, he'd be on you within a second ready to spoil (& wreck) you
matt is a hair puller and a rough kisser and a neck grabber, and i can imagine him being so much more needy and desparate when you're in pet mode, seemingly so innocent and precious he must ruin you
yanks you around, rough houses, wrestles you until you're trapped under him
primal kink activated so fast
will growl in your ear
corruption kink activated
once you tried to convince him to put on ears
and he did
and he got like giggly and really into it for a minute before realizing what was happening in his head
and he'd take them off and be like, "this is why these are for you and not me"
sometimes you could convince him to wear them if he was in a playful mood
he really likes puppy ears
so you bought a pair that matched his hair so they blended right in
and he won't admit to wearing them recreationally, but you've seen him doing the dishes, making the bed, cleaning the bathroom, just casually wearing puppy ears around the house
"It makes me more productive"
"no matt, i think it makes you a puppy"
"i'll get you"
"oh bet"
sometimes when you're both in silly moods you both put on pet ears just for fun, running around and laughing, the goofiest guys frolicking
he totally has asked you to bark/meow for him because he knows unless you're deep deep in pet space it's embarassing and it will get you deeper into pet space
"meow/bark for me baby"
"just this once, pretty please"
"you sound so good for me"
"my little pet, one more time for me"
matt is obsessed with how small and precious you become in his arms
the second you feel ears on your head you wink into it and matt loves feeling you become so pliable
when you nuzzle into him he feels this sense of completeness that warms his heart
"i love you so much kitten. nothing in the world is as lovely as you."
when you fall asleep in his arms, ears on and cozy, he carries you to bed to hold you, letting you sleep in his arms as long as you'd like
sing-songs the word 'kitten' around the house
"oh kiiiteeeeen. my lovely kitttyyyy"
matt loves LOVES how playful you are, chasing him around, trailing behind him when he's doing things, pawing at him gently
he'll pick you up every time and carry you around, smothering you with kisses until you're wiggling around too much to keep hold of
loves to have you curled up at his feet
"my cuddly puppy! c'mhere lemme give you pets!
when you get michevious he absolutely loves egging you on, trying to get you in enough trouble to give you a funishment
loves to play with you, whether that be something as innocent as boops or a game of who can bite the hardest
he's so gentle with you
bought you so many ears bc he never knows if you want tall stand up ears or floppy floofy bunny ears
kisses your nose a million times
simply cannot get enough of how sweet you are
"my bunny, ahh. wanna come sit on my lap? wanna give you so many pets."
likes watching you eat in bunny mode, your hands so delicate holding food to your face and nibbling
matt literally thinks you're the cutest thing in the world and wishes he could show you off to everyone wherever he goes
author's note: these are very stereotypical traits of each pet type and do not encompass every personality nor every type of pet. didn't see your pet type? send me an ask! i'd love to write something for you!
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
Hello! I heard you like DnD!
What has been your favorite campaign so far? My current friend group is completing a 5e WotC one, but I have also seen some great homebrews done. Do you prefer WotC campaigns, or homebrews? What were some memorable moments? ✨
Oh god, you've got me started, now I'm never gonna shut up >:)
So, I've played in four games and ran one, all homebrew, over the course of my time. My first campaign I was a life cleric with a pet goat that I saved from being a sacrifice. I didn't really know what I was doing, as it was my first game, but I had fun. My second game, I was a rogue snakeoil (and crack) salesman, which started the trend of all my characters selling drugs. Game three, I played an evangelist artificer and fell in love with the class. I adore robots, what can I say? In my current game (which is an original story, but in the planescape setting), I play a barb/fighter hazily struck out of time. She's up to three mystery voices in her head now, one being the sword of Kas, sells drugs via cranium rats, and was in a pro-wrestling tournament.
Probably one of my most memorable moments was perma-killing my artificer, Gillaria. To start, Gillaria was a bit of dunce. She was smart, yeah, but had balls wisdom and even worse charisma. She tried to fly into a portal to hell once on a wooden broom so she could take an energy reading. She got kidnapped in like three separate alleyways and gave her full, legal name to a devil. This is all to preface with the fact that this character didn't make the smartest choices.
The other thing about Gillaria was that she was a priest of Relhan, the setting's god of innovation. She and her two robot buddies, Anatolius and Aenira, would preach the word of this dying god on street corners, since the main temple to him had been destroyed. Usually, given that the highest charisma score between them was an 8, this ended up with tomatoes being thrown.
Anyways, though the campaign was supposed to go a little while longer, our dm got a new job, so we had to end early. The party decided that our last hurrah would be to raid the Golden Trident, a rival faction we'd been eyeing for some time.
One Gillaria project she wanted to get done before the end of the campaign as well was the squirrel laser. The construction of such a laser is as follows:
The druid Awakens 6 squirrels with their magic staff. The squirrels are now sentient.
Our warlock signs these squirrels onto warlock pacts. The squirrels can now cast the cantrip Bonfire.
Gillaria has a Decanter of Endless Water and the spell Magic Mouth
Infinite steam power has been achieved
We did the math and we would've been able to power a railgun with this set-up, so our dm decided, fuck it, campaign's almost over, they can have a death laser. It was decided it would be a DC 16 dex save against being zapped into ash.
Anyways, cut to us raiding the Golden Trident. Our level 10 warlock is being chased by an anctient dragon, our barbarian fell off the airship (We had a dragon ghost powered airship. Long story, also Gillaria's fault) and we're being chased by the enemy's airship.
Gillaria tells Anatolius, her steel defender with an intellect headband that she treats like a son, to point the laser at the enemy skyship, ready to fire once it warms up in four rounds. Gillaria then flies over to the enemy ship, hoping to disable its engines. However, like any good artificer, she's immediately enamored by the engines themselves. At this point, I the player forget I have a four round count down.
Yeah, you can see where this is going... The dm has me pick high or low on a d100 to see what part of the ship my laser hits, and I invariably pick wrong. And that is how Gillaria got blasted to ash by her own automaton, wielding her own laser, atop her own airship. Her final consolation was finding out that her god was not, in fact, dead and being reincarnated into his steel and steam avatar.
This is one of sooo many dumbass stories for this character, she was a piece of work. Thanks for asking though, I love talking about dnd! Feel free to share a story of your own or ask any questions :)
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penroseparticle · 6 months
Curation 2024: Flesh and Marble
Hey! You got an hour?
I love curation. I like taking the unending deluge of information, of sensations, of stuff that the world throws at us, and I just. I think one of the kindest, most gentle things you can do for another person is say "look at this. Decision paralysis is banished, information overload is dead, check out this story I've created. Look at these specific rocks out of the infinite combinations of rocks there are. Not just these rocks, but this order. See the narrative? There's a through line, if you look. Trust Me. Take my hand."
I love making playlists for that exact reason. You almost have to make them like throwing pots, with a reckless abandon that allows for a stroke of inspiration. But also, you kind of have to be allowed to let a few off the wheel lumpy and potential but not fully realized. You gotta Get Down with the concept of failure. To burn through them until you find just the right combination of songs that captures a feeling, a time, a memory. A museum of music.
I like museums because they are, more than anything, a signpost for what we find important. A landmark. The public art of city streets given form in an art museum, sometimes even through that same public art, often divorced of context, because museums don't let themselves be weird enough. To commit to the bit enough.Too few museums truly curate, truly immerse in the story. Give you a reason to follow the threads they lay. You start to almost resent it. Get in your feelings. Feel Sum Kinda Way. But once you learn to speak museum, you realize that they can only meet you halfway, and you are your own curator as you wander hallowed halls and learn about building materials, about Rothko, about postage stamps. You pick your own adventure. And you fall in love with museums all over again.
So when I find a museum or something that I enjoy, I just. Lose It. I want to share it. I want to take you along and say "LOOK AT THIS. How Does It Make You Feel." I want you to share in the wonder, and the marvel. So sometimes I even write. Sometimes I say, I can enchant you, ensnare you. I can bring you along the line, into the fold, I can capture a sunray for the length of a paragraph. Time frozen in amber, in service of you seeing just a touch of the magic.
I almost died again this year. Maybe more than once. There's Comedy in death. Even near death. We have to let ourselves laugh at it. We stay silly right? You can't greet death as an old friend if you're scared of him. But you can't chase after him either. He's coy. He's shy. He'll come when he's ready. And I'm not ready now either.
I don't think I'm as scared anymore though. I wouldn't say You're My Best Friend, Death. But you're certainly no stranger. You're not someone I would turn away, and I would share a drink with you. I would be tender, I think. You have it rough too.
I think this year of all things I'm falling in love again. I fell out of love with life, a while back. It was rough and it was scary and I didn't feel like myself. And I still don't, but we all know time pulls us forward, yadda yadda, you can't step into the same river twice, you are a construct and all constructs are ever changing, time stole my front porch; can't have shit in ship of theseus. I Want To Know Your Plans, time, but the future is that quote from Nightvale, always flinching first, leaving me only a present.
So I'm different now. In the present. In some ways worse. in some better. I think I'm gentler, at least I hope so. I want to be kinder. I want to treat people with care. And I want to share an idea to cap off this year, because I want to have curated my own experience, and maybe I can help you fall in love with life again too. Next year is going up, because I am on the Up and Up.
I can't get past the idea of choice. What makes the gardener pick flowers or weeds? The tastes of the gardener. What they cultivate, what they choose. They curate their garden and all of living is just. This same action again and again, on larger or smaller scales. When I was little I tried to get into Rollerblades. I thought they were super cool, I thought I'd be a cool kid in rollerblades. But I was drawn to biking. I still bike now. You can stand, if you dare, with the wind blowing through you, wheels turning all on their own, you king of the world on your personal palantir. You can pump your legs and get your heart singing and I can't imagine my life if I'd picked rollerblades. You know?
I started chasing an idea halfway through this, but to loop back to what I wanted to explain is- I want to curate my experience of this year. I want to be able to point to this year down the line and show just why it mattered- not for the time everyone will think, but the time that happened after. I looked at my life and said, I can Make It Better. I can rebuild it, different this time. I can be me, but a little further down the river. A few more boards replaced.
Can I do it? Can I Be Him? The me I want to be, the one who took this year and kindled something bright? I miss my surety. I miss my certainty. Everything feels like a big muddy middle right now, and I don't think I can ever reach as high or as low as I once did. But I think I can be steadily climbing up. Boot up bitch, the stairs are slippery but it turns out you have nothing but time.
My mom wants me to move home. She's scared, for me, out here "alone". She doesn't think my friends took good care of me, given what happened in March. I can't blame her. I wasn't taken good care of. I wouldn't let people, I hid it all. I was ashamed. I was embarassed. It's Hard To Live In The City, but not for the reasons my mom thinks- there's so much going on here. There's so much information and so many things to know and see and do, you can hide in plain sight. You can craft a narrative. You can shape the experience so that what you are, what you need, who you have become is hidden.
I know now that I need to be seen, to be known. I need other people to get who I am. But I'm not Fred Astaire- I can't be someone to everyone, even just a name. I have to curate (sick of me yet?) my own experience. My own image. I have to choose who my audience is now. It's tougher to decide who is worth your attention (And it is attention- that's all an audience is). It feels like gardening. Who's a flower and who's a weed. I don't like it. But you have to, to live. And I'm tired of not living.
And so I walk forward from my own Easter rebirth. Shaky legged, on stilts like Bambi, just becoming a new man. I hate it but you make yourself every day, don't you? Why would now be any different. I'm just more aware of it. It'll fade, with time. Like the scar it is. But I don't want to forget this feeling. I want to remember it. To have a story to tell that circles around it, gives it edges and definition. And so I wrote this.
It's part playlist. It's part poetry. It's prose, but it's prosaically just a list of songs as well. I sat down to write and my hands started moving, and I got here, with you. Are you still with me? I'm glad. I'm glad I'm still here, and I'm glad you're here with me. I'm even glad I'm still awake,writing this instead of sleeping. What's The Time Where You Are? Here it's late-about 1AM. And I have to finish this, I'm almost done. I wanted to leave you somewhere better than we started. This story is going up, remember?
I've picked a better audience, actually. That's a good first step. They're not the King Of My Heart, but they might be as close as it gets. I feel sweet. I feel simple. I feel at ease. But more importantly I feel like I can do. I can accomplish. I can rest. I can recover. I can just. Be.
Maybe this music isn't to your liking. But that's ok, I Don't Mind. I didn't make it for you to fall in love with. I made it to make you fall in love with the idea. I want you to curate your own life. You have to. Or you're not living. I want you to love the life that you've made. I don't love mine yet. But I want to, and I'm going to. And that's that on that.
I guess the elephant in the room is, why Flesh and Marble? Why not Clay, like old man Ozymandius? It ties better to the throwing pots above. Of getting muddy biking, of being down in the dirt before rising three days later. Even now I'm thinking that Feet of Clay is a much better title. But I like Flesh and Marble. The first song I put on here was a similar title structure. But I didn't want to give the concept air time, actually- too close to March for my liking, although the song was great. It just wasn't the vibe. But the name was close. And the artist. Armani Caesar. What a name! So I guess. The title is an oblique reference. A circumnavigation of the problem. A polite, detached nod to the impetus whilst giving it no credit.
But yeah. I hope you've listened, as you've gone. The songs matter a great deal to me this year, and they almost always do. I'm sappy and I stick to a song once I love it. I'll love it for 10 years. 20 years. 100 years. I attach so fast, and sometimes forever, if indelibly.
Curate your life. Build something of value. And by god find beauty or you'll die.
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cocktail-queen-qingtu · 2 months
How interesting... let me see what I can whip up for you, dear~!
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The combination possibilities for a concoction are infinite--
--the best advice is to simply create what would best suit oneself.
Tell me, what do you desire?
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♪ Killer Queen - Queen ♪
Not much is known about the Genius Society's Yu Qingtu-- and only 25 of her cocktail recipes are still documented today.
A mysterious woman with a love for music and a passion for mixing her "potions", she's infamous for giving gaudy, music-inspired names to her concoctions. Her ability to intertwine otherworldly effects into her drinks is exactly what got the attention of Nous.
A close friend of Ruan Mei's, it's uncertain for exactly how long this woman has lived-- but she is no enemy. She'll gladly mix up a drink for anyone, for any purpose... as long as she gets something in return--one's possession that seems mundane, but is of high value to a drinksmith such as herself.
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Name: Yu Qingtu Species: Long-life-- unknown Age: Unknown Pronouns: She/her Queer identity: Lesbian Faction: The Genius Society Path: Erudition Type: Imaginary Voice lines: [classified] Character stories: [classified] Lightcone: [redacted]
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Notes from the moderator:
~ Mod also runs the @aventurine-official rp account, so the format is her own and is not plagiarized :)
~ For more canon information on Qingtu (she is a mentioned NPC! She has an occurence in the Simulated Universe!) look here!
~ Keep the asks sfw if you please, suggestive is okay!
~ No random links in asks unless they are links to other Tumblr posts (if they are there, please specify what they are)
~ Be kind, please. Any hateful comments related but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, ageism and transphobia will not be tolerated here and you may be blocked.
~ All ships (age-appropriate) are welcome. Of course, note that Qingtu will have an obvious preference towards women.
~ Try to avoid sending DMs to the mod unless you are another mod
~ Anons are more than welcome here! You may have a personalized tag and everything :)
List of current anon signoffs here
Key (if applicable):
" " : for dialogue
* * : for movements
( ) : ooc
#on the rocks 🧊 : Random thoughts and calm moments
#order up! 🥂 : Asks from anons and others
#a peculiar mix 🍹 : Interactions with Honkai Star Rail blogs
#join me for a drink? 🍺 : Interactions with / mentions of other members of the Genius Society
#a most lovely muse 🍸 : Interactions with / mentions of Ruan Mei
#cut to the chase 🍾 : Interactions with / mentions of Herta
#mixing strategy 🥤: Interactions with / mentions of Gallagher
#eloquent conversation 🍷 : Interactions with / mentions of Blake (a lovely mod's oc!)
#a most interesting soul 🍶 : Interactions with / mentions of Ruan Lian (a lovely mod's oc!)
#everlasting woe 🥃 : Interactions with / mentions of Zel (another lovely mod's oc!)
Masterlist post of Honkai Star Rail-official blogs linked here
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house-of-tykayl · 3 months
Is there a mandate in Teen Titans Go where they say Robin and Starfire are never allowed to be an actual couple in the show?
I don't understand why they don't want them to be together they make Starfire reject Robin.
I don't think it would cause any problem if they become a thing, they can still make comedy jokes in the show while being in a relationship at the same time.
i think TTG is a low effort parody show, so to change something fundamental to the original concept (having TTG robin chase TTG starfire) would take too much effort. the show would have to replace the conflict of unrequited(?) love with another conflict funny enough to move an episodic story forward for an infinite number of seasons.
so yeah, there probably is a mandate/rule (in the show bible or something) to prevent TTG robstar from becoming "official"
(also if you dont find the idea of TTG robstar being unrequited funny, then tbh i feel like TTG's kind of humor and even the original concept of TTG just isnt for u... it's not the 2003 cartoon v2, it's a parody and always was. by this point i feel like it (TTG's parody elements at least) are such a specific kind of humor that 89% of people won't enjoy it, and thats fine)
anyway there's also how TTG had more sincerity in season 1 when it was more like a really weird sitcom, where the titans' relationships (while still subversions of the 2003 cartoon) were mostly genuine bonds even if they acted like lobotomy patients sometimes. the comedy had limits and the characters had empathy. so if TTG robstar would ever have a chance at becoming anything near canon, it would have been back in s1, though still unlikely
but later seasons of TTG can be very mean spirited, overly cynical and deconstructive, depending on who is writing the episode (assuming the episode is even character focused at all, which became less common over time). the show went from a parody of the 2003 cartoon to a parody of everything besides the 2003 cartoon lol. sometimes i feel like post season 1 some of TTGs writers took the mob hate to heart and let negativity poison the original sitcom premise before slowly selling out
so i dont think genuine relationships between the TTG titans can happen anymore, some of the writers hate the characters enough to have broken up their friendships (someone even messed with cyborg & BB once omg), let alone the romantic relationships. except maybe that doesn't matter either because TTG resets most of its continuity every episode?? ironically TTG could still turn the ship around in terms of the series' tone and direction, though i doubt they will if the current direction makes more money
weirdly enough whenever TTG shits out another AU thing, like the big 2018 movie or the night begins to shine universe, suddenly theres unironic robstar shipping/hints in it that are soooooooo cute. besides being shipper bait this is probably because those TTG AUs feel removed from the main TTG series, so their stories feel more free like they're allowed to be sincere again, like the main show's original season 1.
unless the romance is supposed to be a joke, it needs sincerity in order to work. and its impossible to write sincerely when youre a contractual writer buried under 300 layers of irony and cynicism who doesn't even like the show youre writing for... and thats what i feel happened to the main TTG show ,compared to some of its AU stuff
tl;dr i just cope and pretend like TTG is still the goofy sitcom it used to be, partially coz season 1 TTG robstar had the (admittedly very low) potential to be real, and even if it didnt happen at least their friendship was consistently sincere. and very cute
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