#Stared at this for an 2 hours like “hm one more change”
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spr1ngtweaks · 2 days ago
Here are some romantic + fluffy headcanons for Steve Raglan and you—full of warmth, comfort, and that dangerously soft side he only ever shows you.
🖤 1. He Pretends He’s Not Sappy, But He Totally Is
Steve acts like he’s too cool, indifferent, or unbothered by romance, but the truth? He’s a complete sucker for you.
You tease him with something affectionate? He scoffs, rolls his eyes, but his cheeks turn pink every single time.
The first time you called him “darling” or “love” without thinking? He nearly choked on his coffee.
If you get embarrassed over something romantic? He’ll chuckle—"Oh? What’s this now? Got yourself flustered, love?"—but deep down, he’s eating it up.
🐻 2. He’s a Physical Lover—Always Pulling You Close
If he wants your attention, he tugs you closer by your wrist or waist.
When he kisses you, it’s slow, deep, and lingering—like he’s memorizing the feeling.
He loves pulling you into his lap like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
You could be standing, and suddenly, his arms are around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder as he exhales against your skin.
If you try to pull away? He tightens his grip just slightly—not enough to trap you, but enough to remind you that you belong there.
🖤 3. He Lets You Do Things No One Else Could Ever Get Away With
Mess with his tie? He sighs dramatically but lets you fix it.
Play with his hair? He’ll grumble—"What, you a bloody hairstylist now?"—but he leans into your touch anyway.
Steal his jacket? He acts annoyed—"You know, you’ve got your own clothes, love."—but he never asks for it back.
Kiss his cheek out of nowhere? He won’t react at first, but the tips of his ears betray him.
🐻 4. When You Fall Asleep on Him, He Becomes Softest Man Alive
If you doze off against him? Oh, he’s not moving.
He’ll adjust his position to make sure you’re comfortable, even if it means he’s stuck in an awkward spot for hours.
His hand rests on your back, fingers moving in slow circles.
If you shift or make a sleepy noise, he’ll hush you in the softest voice imaginable.
And if you try to get up? His arm tightens, and he just mutters, "Tch… five more minutes, love."
🖤 5. He’s the Type to Say He’s Not Jealous, but He’s Lying
Steve doesn’t get jealous often, but when he does, it’s subtle but intense.
If someone flirts with you? He just steps up behind you, hand resting possessively on your waist—doesn’t say a word, just stares the other person down.
If someone tries to make a move? His voice gets dangerously smooth, sharp, almost amused—"Oh, you must be new. Didn’t realize they were taken, yeah?"
You teasing him about being jealous? Oh, you’ll regret that (or not, depending on how you see it). He’ll trap you against the nearest surface, leaning in close—"Care to repeat that, love?"
🐻 6. He Definitely Carries You (And He Loves It)
You jokingly ask him to carry you? He just smirks—"You do realize who you’re talking to, yeah?"—and then effortlessly lifts you like you weigh nothing.
You’re tired? He picks you up without hesitation and carries you to bed like it’s his duty.
If you protest? He chuckles—"What, you’d rather walk? Hm, shame. Too late now, love."
🖤 7. "If You’re Cold, Then Get Over Here."
You shiver once? Instant excuse for him to pull you into his arms.
He’s warm. Very warm. And he knows it.
He’ll act like he’s tolerating you using him for warmth, but the way his arms instinctively tighten around you gives him away.
"Tch. Ridiculous. It’s not even that cold, love." — but he’s already wrapping you up in his coat.
You trying to wriggle out of his hold? Not happening.
🐻 8. He’s Protective, But Not in the Overbearing Way
Steve trusts you, but if he senses even the slightest danger, he shifts immediately into something scarier.
If someone is rude to you? His entire demeanor changes—suddenly, he’s dangerously quiet, calculating, unreadable.
If someone lays a hand on you? Oh, they just signed their own death warrant.
But the moment he knows you’re safe and okay? He switches right back to being your warm, teasing teddy bear.
🖤 9. The Way He Looks at You When You’re Not Watching
You’ll catch him sometimes—just staring, like he’s memorizing every detail of your face.
If you ask him about it, he just smirks—"Caught me, did you? Hm. Not my fault you’re easy on the eyes."
But sometimes, it’s different.
Sometimes, it’s softer—like he can’t quite believe you’re his.
And if you ever catch him in one of those unguarded moments?
He just clicks his tongue, looks away—"Don’t go looking at me like that, love."
But he’s already reaching for your hand.
🐻 10. He Loves You in a Way That’s Almost Terrifying
When Steve loves, he loves deeply, entirely, without hesitation.
You’re not just someone he likes—you’re someone he’s made part of himself.
He’s not a good man, but God, he wants to be better for you.
And if you ever doubt it? Just feel the way he holds you—firm, steady, like letting you go isn’t even an option.
Because for him, it never was.
🖤 You Are His Safe Place
Steve doesn’t let his guard down easily, but with you? He doesn’t just let it down—he abandons it.
You’re the only one who gets to see him when he’s soft, unguarded, completely at ease.
You’re the only one he lets into his space, his mind, his heart.
And if you ever tried to leave?
He’d never stop you.
But he’d never be the same, either.
Because once you’ve been loved by Steve Raglan?
There is no going back.
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fenricken · 1 year ago
You Keep Slipping From My Grasp 1/7
Ship: Spirit Halloween
Danny has been getting the hang of this whole “Ancient of Doors”, “Apprentice to Clockwork”, “Dad to the Chaos Gremlin Dani” thing, and he’s really starting to find his flow! Sure, he sometimes misses the life that could’ve been, but overall everything has been great! Sure doesn’t need anything throwing a tangle in things.
Bruce is suffering. He doesn’t know who he is, where he is, or what the hell is going on. All he’s running on is instinct and strange forces propelling him towards some end he’s not entirely certain of.
Basically, Danny tries to help Batman over the course of events covered in Batman:Return of Bruce Wayne
Chapter One:
“Clockwork? Are you here? I got your message.” Danny floated up the tower, peeking behind cogs and pendulums, hoping to find a glimpse of his teacher’s signature purple cloak.
It had been a long time since certain… events had led Danny to become a far more permanent resident of the Infinite Realms. Of course, he wasn’t alone, as much of Amity had also followed him here to carve out a new life all together, his friends and family included.
Danny had since reached maturity and been recognized as Ancient of Doors for his actions. When faced with his evil future self, he strove to find another path where he didn’t become that future self. When Dani was revealed to be with the enemy, he chose to love her still, rather than hate her as many would. When he was faced with a reality where he was famous, and accepted by his parents, he chose to undo all of that for the peace and safety of his friends and family. While he now knew his parent’s acceptance would always come, he still had to make the choice then to put his trust in them and reveal himself so his friends could be saved when the GIW came to destroy Amity Park. And so, for his commitment to forging new paths, always finding another choice, and braving the unknown he was named Ancient of Doors. 
Sam had also found her own mentor in Undergrowth, working hard as his apprentice to aid him in his duties as Ancient of Wild Growth. Tucker and Technus had quickly formed a rivalry, both competing to see who would reign supreme as the Infinite Realm’s ultimate tech master. Jazz had found her purpose in the Department of Lost Souls, as an advisor to those who weren’t certain about their afterlife, and what they wanted to do with it. After Jack and Maddie’s change of heart with regards to ghosts, it was not long before they found new purpose in investigating and researching the many mysteries of the Infinite Realms and beyond.
While he and his friends had reached their own maturity, Dani had remained a child. Something about “It’s easier to cause chaos this way” and “No one ever suspects the baby”. Danny’s fondness for his clone only grew until he saw her less as a cousin and more as a daughter. Ultimately, it was only a surprise for Danny and Dani when the ghost-bond snapped in place, formally cementing her as his daughter, to both of their suffering.
Currently, she was out in one of the universes, chasing after some hybrid spider-pig, Danny thinks. Unless she got distracted and went to hang out with Klarion again, in an effort to “maximize joint chaos”. Tucker and Sam were both busy with their respective duties, Jazz was at work, and last he checked Mom and Dad were elbows deep in a mech suit they were hoping to get working off an Infinite Realms Corn-based fuel Sam had created. Danny had been feeling quite bored before he got the summons from Clockwork, and had jumped on it right away, hence his surprise at not being able to find his Mentor anywhere.
Danny had finally reached the top of the tower. He could see a table set up with a small tea service, but still no Clockwork. Figuring there’s nothing else to do, Danny pours himself a cup of tea, and settles in to wait.
Who is he? What is this place? His hand rests against a cool, smooth surface that appears so at odds with the rest of his surroundings-rocky ground, a red sky, and the water lapping against the cliff-side. There is nothing, and no one else that he sees, except – a cave. He stumbles in, visions of symbols surfacing in his brain- two “W”s, an “S”, a bat. He carves these into the rock-face desperate to have a visual trigger that would help him remember anything, but nothing comes.
A rock clatters against the floor of the cave, followed by someone’s voice. He approaches, steadily, entering into the light. Four men stand before him, weapons raised. They say something else, but he can’t understand.
“Where am I? What is this place?”
They do not answer him, but pull back their weapons. They introduce themselves, and speak some more. Names, he realizes- Man, Boy, Giant, Surly, Joker. This last one gives him pause, tickles something in his brain that upsets him, but soon his eyes lay on the structure from before, and he stumbles back to it, certain it must contain some clue.
The men he walks past continue to converse amongst themselves, but he has only one destination in mind. He digs through, looking for anything, but comes up only with a large swath of fabric. That same “S”, that calls to him but gives no answers.
The men set up camp, cooking as they go. They invite him to join, and he does, his hunger for food now outweighing his hunger for knowledge.
“Danny, I’m glad you came as soon as you could.” 
Danny’s teacup clatters as he jolts in surprise. He turns to face Clockwork, “I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself. What did you need my help with?”
Clockwork’s face turns a bit grim. “There is… something twisted in the time stream in one of the Justice League universes. While I can tell it is meant to happen, I am still uncertain about what is actually happening, and fear that I am unable to see with any certainty the outcome. I need you to venture to when this is to investigate on my behalf.”
Danny nods, his concern growing. “Of course. Is there anything in particular I should be prepared for?”
Danny swears he sees the corner of Clockwork’s mouth twitch up into his signature sly grin, before his face is quickly schooled and he says “No, just observe for now. Your destination is through here.”
Danny watches as the cog begins to glow before he ventures forward.
Immediately he is met with the sight of violence. It seems one group of cavemen has taken to attacking another during their dinner. Danny watches, cautious against intervening, trying to figure out who he is meant to watch for. He sees one man, dressed in black bottoms, escape the field of battle with a young boy and hide in the bushes. The battle quickly turns against the four who had been eating dinner, and Danny looks at the leader of those attacking, surprised that the leader’s face is familiar to him…though he can’t quite place who.
The man from before rejoins the fray, quickly beating many off before ultimately being subdued himself. The leader of the attacking cavemen crows in victory, before the army collects the man they’ve now taken prisoner and any other spoils, and returns to their home base.
Danny follows, trying hard not to focus on the bloodshed beneath. He may have lived a long time, but the kind of person willing to commit such violence is not someone he goes out of his way to find. He watches as the chief holds the man they took captive above his head.
“Conquering Chief Savage brings gifts from the forbidden land!”
“Shit,” Danny thinks, “I can’t believe I’m witnessing Vandal Savage’s villain origin story. Or is he already a villain at this point?”
Danny continues watching as they tie up the captive, who they’ve been calling ‘Man-God’ underneath a giant bat pelt. He takes a closer look, before reeling back in shock.
“I thought his pants were weird, but those are pretty 21st century” he thinks, before glancing around at hearing a shuffle. He sees a shadow lurking beyond the camp, crouched down. Danny approaches, recognizing the boy that had been rescued from the fight. He wears what looks like a yellow utility belt, and has painted a bat-shaped mask over his eyes.
“Wait… bats, a yellow utility belt…” Danny glances again to the Man-God strapped to the ground. 
“What is Batman doing here..?” Danny pauses, thinking. He should only be here as an observer, but it has never felt right to just stand on the sidelines when he can make the choice to do something to help. Maybe he doesn’t have to do too much. He floats over to where the Boy is crouched, clearly wanting to help but paralyzed with fear and indecision.
“Go to him. Help him as he has helped you. There has been enough bloodshed this day, will you wait around to see more?” Danny whispers to him, watching the boy’s eyes harden as he comes to a decision.
The boy is quick to act now that he’s made a decision. He approaches Batman, and frees him from his bonds. Danny watches as they collect themselves. Batman dons his utility pelt, and the bat pelt that had been hung over him. By the time they’ve finished their preparations, the sun has risen and the men who captured Batman are rising.
“Should I cause a distraction?” Danny wonders, but before he can do anything, Batman and the boy spring into action, taking out fighter after fighter, until Batman is left facing Vandal Savage.
They charge towards each other, but Danny’s attention is caught by a shadow that begins to pass over the battlefield. He looks up, noting an eclipse is starting. He can feel the energy changing, knows that something is going to happen when the sun has been completely blotted out.
But Clockwork has instructed him only to observe, so observe he will. He turns back to the battlefield, noting that Batman and the boy have managed to push back Vandal Savage, but are still being chased off by the remaining caveman. They drop over a waterfall, but when Danny follows, he only sees the boy surface.
The sky is dark now, as the sun has been completely covered, and there is energy concentrated underneath the water. Danny focuses, in the way Clockwork has taught him, to figure out what lies beneath and where Batman has gone.
“A strong amount of time-manipulation energy…No Batman, not in this time anymore.” Danny looks around to see the boy has realized Batman will not follow, and has left to find shelter. 
“Did he make another jump through time? But how? I didn’t see that he had anything on him capable of such a jump?” Danny thinks. He’s considering if he can piggy back off the residual energy to jump to when Batman is, but a portal opens behind him and Clockwork steps out.
“Danny, I think it would be best if we return now.” he says, gesturing for Danny to follow.
Back at his mentor’s lair, Danny explains the situation to Clockwork. Clockwork inclined his head in thought, only speaking after some time, “I can’t say for certain whether or not Batman was meant to be in that time period. However, there is something suspicious about the way he’s been traveling through time. Did you notice anything off with the time manipulation energy, Danny?” 
“I can’t say for certain,” Danny starts, “Though I did notice there was a build-up to the event, in line with an eclipse. Then again, I’m not familiar enough with the way dimensional energy manipulation feels in the universes with the Justice League to say for certain.”
Clockwork hums, before turning to rifle through a cupboard that popped up behind him. He pulled out a glowing orange orb. “Here, it’s a record of the time-manipulation energy gathered from one of the Flash’s misadventures. Can you compare and feel any difference?”
Danny closes his eyes before focusing again. “I can feel there are some significant similarities, but it feels like both have an added component that is different from each other? I don’t know if that makes any sense.”
“The energy reading from the sphere I handed you will likely contain energy both from the time-manipulation and the Speedforce the Flashes use to travel between time. If we assume the time-manipulation energy is the constant in both samples, then…”
“There’s some other energy added into the mix that is propelling Batman forward through time?” Danny finishes.
“That is likely the case. Until we know what it is, it would be best to exercise caution. We don’t know how it interacts with the time-manipulation energy, so we can’t predict how it might affect you Daniel.” Clockwork pauses in thought once more, “I’ll spend some time figuring out where Batman made his next jump. In the meantime, take a rest and prepare yourself.”
“I’m not totally familiar with the universes containing the Justice League. I’ll spend some time researching for now… and maybe I’ll ask Dani what she knows when she returns.”
Clockwork smiles slightly, before nodding. “A fine course of action, it might be best to gather all the information we can before proceeding.”
At the time of plotting this, I haven’t read A Glitch in Time. I know that there are some time periods in common that Danny and Bruce travel to, so I want to address that at this moment I’m not planning to reference A Glitch in Time.
As for actual writing, I feel a bit stuck on how much of Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne to actually reference, as I’m aware that most people in the dp x dc fandom are more familiar with Danny Phantom, and from other references I’ve seen to Batman’s travels through time it might not be a story many are familiar with. That being said, I don’t want to just directly repeat details from the comics. I guess if you feel I didn’t provide enough background from the comic series to understand what’s going on, or that I should maybe try referencing less, please let me know so I can make corrections.
On that note, I do recommend reading Batman:The Return of Bruce Wayne if you get the chance. There are so many interesting layers it adds to the mythos and history of Batman and the Wayne family, and it’s really a great read. It helps that you don’t really need too much knowledge of what comes before– except maybe that Batman had crafted a god-killing bullet he shot Darkseid with, before Darkseid retaliated and “killed” Batman. Even this is alluded to in the story in enough detail that you can understand what’s going on, though.
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gomtangii · 1 month ago
oh my my my!
caleb x fem!reader wc: 1.027k (the nctzen in me is screaming) cw: minors and ageless dni, caleb is insane, cunnilingus, pet names (princess, pipsqeuak), caleb has endless stamina again, fat cock caleb, cock-drunk reader, mating press, slight breeding kink, p in v penetration, unprotected sex, unrealistic sex lol, i did not mean to write this much actually, not edited!
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...what did he say? all you did was confront caleb about why the two of you haven't had sex yet, but what did he just say?
"my... penis... is too big." he mutters shyly, a blush spread across his cheeks and ears paired with an expression you've never seen on his face before. you stare at him, mouth agape. you take a moment to to process what he said before stifling a laugh, making caleb frown even more.
"that's it?"
"i'm being serious! i don't want to hurt you."
you smile at him with a sigh, a bit relieved that was his answer. you place a kiss on his cheek that he grumpily accepts, pulling you close to him.
"sounds like you're just going to have to do a better job at prepping me then," you smirk, a hint of mirth in your voice. the look in his eye changes, arousal pooling in his irises.
"is that a challenge, pipsqueak?" he cocks an eyebrow, pulling you closer to him by the waist, "i'm just not sure if you can handle it."
"is that a challenge?" you glare at him, suddenly feeling yourself get competitive too. it's not like you were going to lose, right?
you were, however, indeed losing.
you blink past the stars that caleb was making you see. it's been about 2 hours since he started eating you out, his licks and bites relentless. he gives one last harsh suck to your clit before pulling away, looking at the art he's created.
you're shaking, your pussy became puffy thanks to his ministrations, and there are countless bites and marks around your thighs.
"looks like you bit off more than you could chew, hm? princess?" he kisses your temple, caressing your hair and arms to calm you down from your nth orgasm.
"can... still take more..." you mumble, gripping onto his shirt, frustrated that he's still clothed while you were stripped naked. you feels his hands drag against your arms, your abdomen, before reaching just above your mound.
"you sure? we still got a bit more before you can actually fit me." he warns, his fingers dangerously close to your entrance. you nod, but he ignores it. "words, baby, need you to say it out loud for me."
"mm—" you moan, feeling his fingers graze your clit, "i... i can take it! just fuck me already!"
he plunges two fingers into you and you cum immediately, squirting onto his palm. his hands were big, you knew that, but they were reaching places you couldn't manage to touch yourself.
"fuck, you're so wet," he groans, sucking another mark onto your neck as he fucks his hand into you, "maybe i don't need to do this—maybe you can fit me like this."
he takes his fingers out and you whine, trying to pull him back in. he ignores you, using his other hand to hold both of your wrists above your head as he licks his essence off of his fingers, not wanting to waste a single drop.
he unbuckles his belt swiftly, letting his cock spring out, the tip angry and leaking with precum. it's drenched with its own cum because he couldn't hold back, your moans and whines were enough for him to climax without being touched—if only you knew the effect you had on him. he presses his cock against your entrance and you shudder at his size, suddenly unsure if you could really take it. you try to shy away, scooting your body away from him when he catches you, caging you in his arms as he pins you down.
"aw, don't tell me you're scared now?" he laughs, being uncharacteristically mean. he pushes the tip of his dick a bit further into you, slowly stretching you out with a groan.
"if you can't take it anymore, you just gotta say the word." you glare at him, yanking on his arm to pull his face closer to yours.
"i already said 'fuck me!'"
"as you wish," he smirks, "gotta give my girl what she wants, hm?"
you're on all fours, trying to get away from caleb as he pounds you mercilessly, his cum spilling out of your cunt and pooling onto the sheets. his cock is so, so big, you think you're cumming with every thrust, but you're not sure. you don't know how many times you've cum tonight, but you do know that he's made you pass out a few times.
"c-can't... can't..." you cry softly, the pleasure too much for your poor pussy to handle.
"say the word, then. then we'll be at 1 - 0." he taunts, "do you even remember the word, baby?"
you gulp down a sob, nodding while humming weakly as he slows down his thrusts to give you the chance to speak.
"i-i—" you stutter, your mind hazy with cock, "caleb—"
"my name isn't a safeword," he chuckles, "it's Linkon, okay?"
you nod and he smiles sweetly, kissing your forehead before tossing you onto your back, slowly pushing your thighs up and into a mating press.
"just a bit more," he kisses you again, starting up his thrusts once more, "just one more and then it'll be your win."
he resumes the pace he had before, the sound reverberating throughout the bedroom. it's almost animalistic, the marks and bites all over your body, the way your pussy can't even hold in his cum anymore—it's almost like he's trying to breed you, trying to make it stick. you cum weakly, squirting a bit as your eyes roll back. at this point, it's not just stars you're seeing, you can see the entire deepspace tunnel thanks to him. he feels the way your cunt convulses around him and he grunts, unable to stall any longer and he fills you up one last time. his cum floods your womb and spills out, only adding to the mess below you two.
"i guess it's 0 - 1 now. too bad i lost," he says with a smile.
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oopsies... caleb u r my muse... also the safeword line has been all over my tl so i couldn't help but implement it! showed up at the perfect time :3
also i actually do not have any ideas on good safewords to use for the men... if yall wanna send some my way in my ask so i can use them in future fics !!!!!
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hurtspideyparker · 7 months ago
If Civil War didn't end in divorce and everyone lived together Part 2
Read Part 1 and Part 3
Tony: Why is Underoos mopping the ceiling?
Sam: Told him since he's sticky that's his chore
Bucky: It's only fair he helps out around the house
Tony: Hm. Makes sense
Vision cooked dinner:
Peter: *pushing around food to make it look eaten*
Natasha: *surreptitiously spitting into napkin*
Steve: *taking small bites with tons of water*
Bucky: *just stares at full plate*
Tony: Well this is disgusting, I'm ordering pizza
Sam: C'mon man stop moping around, you gotta get yourself a girl
Bucky: Ok.
Sam: Ok? Okayyyyy! I know-
Bucky: Give me your phone
Sam: Oh you got a number in mind already hotshot? *hands phone over*
Bucky: *ring* Hi Sarah ;)
Sam: BOY-
Peter: Ned thought you would seperate your colours from your lights but he also thought you'd be homophobic so I don't pay him much mind cuz clearly I'm more of a superhero expert than him but he does have a 2% better average than me in history so like maybe you do hand wash your clothes and that's why I asked what underwear you wear because-
Steve: *listening intently with apprehension and alarm*
Natasha: I can't believe you found the one person on Earth who talks more nonsense than you
Tony: I know right, it's incredibly unnerving. I'm planning on adopting him
Peter: Mr. Stark I have to tell you something. I think Vision is a... *whispers* pervert
Tony: Um, why?
Peter: He keeps floating through my room without knocking! He saw me changing, he saw my nipples !
Tony: Well if anyone's a predator here it would be you. I mean showing your nipples to a 2 year old? Deplorable.
Peter: Oh god, I'm the pervert...
Bucky: Y'know animosity isn't good between teammates. I think we should spend more time together
Sam: Am I being punked right now? Where's the camera
Bucky: I'm serious. I think it would be healthy for us to bond
Sam: Okay fine I'll bite... what did you have in mind
Bucky: Wanna go for a run?
Sam: *slams door in Bucky's face*
*staring at Bucky's sparkly clean metal arm*
Bucky: Dishwasher?
Peter: Dishwasher :)
(later that day)
Bucky: I've decided to let the child live
Peter: YoU wHaT?!
Tony: Who took my coffee cup, It was right here
Bruce: Um, has someone seen my book? I just had it
Steve: I could've sworn I was holding a pen a moment ago
*giggling from the ceiling*
Tony: Young man I will take those webshooters away if you use them for shenanigans and rascality
Peter, muffled: Mr. Hawkeye told me to!
Clint: Oh so you're just gonna rat me out like that?
Peter: Sor- OOF
*falls out of ceiling vent*
Sam: You're in my spot
Bucky: There are no spots, it's a common area
Sam: Well that's my spot
Bucky: Did you buy the chair??
Sam: No, but everyone knows that's where I sit. Right Steve?
Steve: Oops I forgot something in my car, be right back *leaves*
Sam: Still my spot
Bucky: Still not
Sam: *sits on him*
(one hour later)
Steve: Hey so turns out I don't have a car! Isn't that funn...
Sam & Bucky: *Squeezed awkwardly on the chair together*
Steve: I think I left something in my car
Steve: Leave the bedroom door open when you have Vision in there
Wanda: UGH you're so protective
Tony: Teenagers, am I right? Caught Pete reassembling my particle accelerator at midnight because he needed to neutralize a miniature nuclear bomb he nabbed off some guy he neglected to tell me was trying to kill him
Steve: Wanda y'know what do whatever you want
Wanda: Really?
Steve: Yes just keep being normal. At least I can read about our issues in a parenting book
Thor: Ah, new warriors I see! Good to make all your acquaintance. But why are you so grumpy my friend?
Bucky: *glaring*
Peter: He's always like that. It's um, P- P- PMS? Wait -
Natasha: Yes it's PMS
Wanda: He's got it bad
Steve: *genuinely concerned* Bucky you didn't tell me something was wrong. What can I do to help?
Bucky: I like chocolate
Wanda: Welcome to the first annual girls night! This place reeks of men, so I thought we needed some women time
Pepper: Why is Vision here?
Wanda: I get sad when he's gone
Natasha: Why is Pietro here?
Pietro: Slay queens
Wanda: Moral support I think
Maria: Why is Peter here?
Wanda: He looked really upset when I said he wasn't included and I felt bad
Wanda: Anyways... yay girls! Who wants me to paint their nails?
Peter: ME ME ME
Steve: Pancakes or waffles?
Natasha: Pancakes
Steve: Good because I don't have a waffle maker
Natasha: Then why would you ask-
Steve: It's important for your voice to be heard, as team leader I value your opinion
*2 minutes later*
Steve: Good morning Clint, pancakes or waffles?
Clint: Waffles
Steve: Oh no.
Some of these were based on requests (ex. more Sam & Bucky, dad Steve w/ Wanda) so if you have certain dynamics you enjoy let me know !
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writingoddess1125 · 9 days ago
We Missed You pt. 2
Welp- Didn't expect this to be liked so much, So to keep with theme. Wrote during a lecture. (After late night brainstorming)
Nikto x FemReader + OOC
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<<< Part 1
Warnings: Creepy shit, Stalking, Awkwardness
NOTE: If you've never seen Nikto from COD before he does have acute dissociative disorder, so at times he will refer to himself as 'Us/We' a bit randomly.
Let's see..
'How to share custody with a shady military parent?'
1. Seek legal advice
Yeah that wasn't going to work, Doubt that you even knew Nikto real name. Let alone could think to afford a lawyer nor wanted to legally deal with whatever he was tied into-
2. Prioritize child's care- make sure other parent wants to be involved.
Well- Nikto had seemly wanted to be involved in some way, He hadn't done anything wrong yet...
So far you'd only seen him once more but it had only been two weeks since he seemed to just appear in your home- of course at night which seemed to be his prefered hours of life, Having dropped off a about a 2000 dollars randomly then Once again creepily looked at Ava who has awake that time and the two having this weird game of staring at each other.
Which was something you suppose-
3. Create a Military- Specific Parenting Plan
You sighed, Doubting once again if a guy who literally didn't show his face would really want a legit custody agreement.
'Oh Hey, I'm gonna be gone foorrrr however long in a country I can't talk about- But can I have Ava for the weekend?'
Yeah No-
Welp Thanks Google-
Snapping from your disappointing phone search as you hear the shrill cry of Ava in her crib- Having woken up from her nap for needing to be changed it seemed.
It still baffled your mind that you had started to understand the cries of your daughter- biology is fucking wild..
"I gotcha I gotcha pretty girl"
Rolling up from bed you grab her to bring to the changing table. You are quick to change her and put her in a fresh onsie. Her bottom lip still poked out and eyes watery as she looked up at you still coming down from her crying fit.
"It's okay Ava, All better hm?"
Grateful she was fast to calm down this time around. After a moment you looked to her, seeing how now calm was rocking herself side to side a bit- Something your recently learned was the signs of her eventually able to roll over.
"Welp, looks like its tummy time"
You smile scooping her up you do a quick walk to the livingroom, sliding the little foam mat to you and lay her down on her stomach, Seeing how she babbled and made some random noises- adding some spicy kicks it seemed.
Laying down next to her you can't help but smile at her random noises. Deciding to just have a made up conversation with her random vocals.
"Oh wow, You're a scholar in the making? And dancing?.. Triple threat right here"
Handing over toys that had random fruit and vegetables on it, seemingly the corn one had caught her attention this time as she held and shook it repeatedly.
"Yeah its Corn-"
She grunted some and continued to shake the toy a little as she gave a loud gargled squeal.
"I know right, It's absolutely A-mazing"
You hum out in a stupid voice, Earning another little babbled squeal from her. As you go to reach for another toy for her you see her gaze go up suddently, Looking behind you as she lifts her head more to look at whatever had caught her attention.
Your face scrunched up at this as you turn and see a dark figure standing over you, Drawing a small shriek from you before you quickly realize who it is.
"God Damn it Nikto!"
You rub your face, Coming down from the spike of adrenaline you'd just experienced. Nikto staring you down, you could practically feel him smirking at you.
"Must you always just appear? You can knock on the door or something-"
Grunting as you get up from the floor rather ungracefully, and glare at him. Nikto crossing his arms as he glanced around the room a bit almost inspecting it before looking back down at Ava clearly ignoring your complaint.
Once again starting his odd staring contest with the current baby who was trying to wiggle in what almost looked like poorly executed swimming.
"I gotta know- What's with the staring game?" You couldn't really help but ask.
"She is my daughter. We can look"
He mumbled rolling his eyes. Smartass..
"Yes. But why do you only look at her?"
Nikto is quiet again, moving his head side to side slowly- A habit you were starting to pick up on when he seemed to be conflicted.
"....She is small..."
You hear the tone in his voice change slightly at saying that as it clicks. He was nervous to pick up his child?
"Well, if you want you can hold her"
He grunted, Shaking his head 'no' almost too fast. You couldn't help yourself as you gave a bit of a dramatic shrug.
"Well, Thats unfortunate. Someone who can break into a apartment but cant hold a baby.. What a shame"
Nikto casting you a intense side glare as he knew damn well you were giving him a small jab to his ego. A hella dangerous game but, You needed some sort of win.
You cackle at this- bending down you scoop up Ava to bring to her Father. Who was currently holding out his large gloved hands like how one would go to hold a pet, and seemingly unsure of how to even take her from you.
Your as hesitant as Nikto for a split second as he awkwardly picked her under her armpit from your hands, which makes her head bobble and your fast to support it. Nikto seemingly catching on quickly as he pulls her to his chest so she was rested against him.
Ava was able to be easily secured by just one of his hands which almost took up her whole back and bottom, Leaving the other hand just hovering near her like when someone guarded a flame from going out.
He stood almost perfectly still then.
You see a flash of absolute terror in his eyes as he feels her pressed gently to him. Like processing that the child he'd been staring at was actually real and currently breathing and moving against him.
He looks down slowly at her while she stares up at him, Her legs kicking a bit as she did so and still a bit bobbly. The two having that weird game of staring at each other again.
It was like this for a solid minute or so-
Before Nikto turned away from you rather suddently, His back to you completely as you see his free hand shift up to his mask and he slowly pulls it up. His body language was awkward at best as he seemed to be letting his daughter see his face and waiting for a reaction.
For a second your thought you saw a peak of dark brown hair. However you didn't dare go to actually look, Ava babbled a little as she stared up at him still- Drool coming down her chin as she gave a gummy sorta smile and continued her squeals. Her tiny hands grabbing at his hoodie and looking around overall before back to his face. Nikto shoulders seen to relax then.
You hear him mumble something in his native tongue seeming a small conversation- It was impossible to hear really by how soft he was speaking. However it seemed to keep Ava attention slightly, another to were she gave another odd drool filled squeal.
A soft chuckle leaving him as you only seeing his head dip slightly in what you assume was him kissing the top of her head before retracting and pulling his mask back down, Securing it in place before turning back to you to hand her over very carefully. Clearly only willing to hold her for a short period of time.
"You Okay?" You can't help but ask, Seeing the way his gaze seemed to be locked onto Ava still however much softer, almost spaced out. He nodded sharply.
"..She has a middlename right?"
Blinking at the suddently whiplash question- it feeling like there was only pop-ups of weirdness or terror from Nikto everytime he was here.
"Um, Yes? It's-"
"I want add Igorevna to it-"
"What?" Now just confused. Curious how him holding his daughter for a few minutes now was leading to a very minor name change of all things.
"Adding Igorevna to her name. Is that fine?"
"What like a second middle name?"
He gave a 50/50 sign at that, Which you have to surpress the eye roll on. Figuring you shouldn't bother asking what it ment. He probably wouldn't tell you anyway.
This was not a battle you wanted to get into- Besides adding another middle name wasn't terrible. You didn't really understand why this was something he wanted but seemed easy to give at least-
"Sure. I'll call the Vital records office this week an-"
He held up a hand to stop you quickly.
"Dont. We'll have done by the end of the week-"
Ah Yes, You'd forgot that soft terror that plauged you about this man- Of course he would have some magical way to change your daughter's middle name in a week.
"Also I gave you money to get more things."
Setting Ava back down on the mat now on her back with another toy toy.
"Well I used it to get Ava stuff and put the rest to the side incase of emergencies for her-"
"Yourself too. Its ment for you to take care of Ava and You. You need better care, youre terrible at it"
He said casually, Shaking your head mildly offended by him.
"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself thank you very muc-"
"(Y/N) you are unable at drinking water, you have had 'snacks' for lunches, you have not done your laundry nor showered in 2 days, all vegetables are frozen and 70% of diet is from the microwave or from box- You care for Ava, not yourself"
"Did.. Did you bug my house?"
You manage out, Staring him dead in the eyes at the painfully detailed critiques. He didn't say anything, just stared at you in return with a blank look. A cold shiver doing down your spine at the silent confirmation of his actions.
"Wait how many times have you been in here without me knowing?-"
"We will give more to you. Get better food and all you need-"
He said calmly, Brushing your question off casually as if he hadn't just told you he had been spying on you hard core. Pulling once more a tight wad of cash that was tossed to the near by coffee table. Before Nikto walked off without another word, Leaving you both terrified, shocked and heavily conflicted over what to really do next?..
Oh what the fuck is your life..
You did however comply with his wishes, Honestly too worried at what hed do otherwise- better food was purchased, as well as some clothes that weren't sweatpants, a big waterbottle too and other basic things you had been needing.
It was rather terrifying to know someone was watching your every move though. That and not knowing where he placed the cameras (You had tried to see if you could find at least one but utterly failed) or what he'd already seen..
That was here nor there at this point.
Later that week you went down to the mailbox units to sort through the forgetten avalanche of paper, (youd forgotten in your paranoid frenzy of Nikto watching you) Ava in a stroller currently blowing spit bubbles at you as you sorted through it all- However what stuck out was the rather massive manilla envelope which you had a inkling of what it was.
You open it quickly and sure enough, all new copies of your daughter's information was there. This time with the added Igorevna taxed on.
Looking through the rather impressive display of new documents your face couldn't help but scrunched up a bit- Pulling up a new birth certificate specifically which you see the father was now filled in. Only a Nikto as the front. Which from a Google search you knew ment 'Nobody' and what looked like a redacted last name.
Oh that's so comforting..
"Good Morning (Y/N)!"
You turn to see your landlord walking towards you, Most likely having gotten back from touring an apartment by the slightly winded look she had and one of her braids down from its usually neat neat headwrap.
"Morning Miss Rolle. How are you doing?"
Ms. Rolle was a nice women, a decent property manager and loved to stop you for chats especially when you had Ava. Always cooing at your daughter and offering helpful advice on small children.
Truthfully a godsend the first month of your daughter's life.
"Oh Im good Love just the same old. I just came over about your new unit, it will be ready in a few weeks just to keep you in the loop- Im sure packing is annoying with a baby. Just let me know if you need help, I know one of the maintenance men would be happy to help"
Ms Rolle said as she adjusted the tent of the stroller so it covered your daughter more. However you looked to the women fast and in confusion.
"New Unit?-"
She now looked at you both confused and clearly a bit worried. Probably sleep deprivation getting you.
"Yeah. You had sent an email wanting the 3 bedroom unit- you already gave the deposit and a years worth of rent and paid to break the current on your 1 bedroom too.."
Immediately you rubbed the bridge of your nose as you felt that acute pain of realization hit you in that moment.
However the irritate was short lived by a sudden thought.
Why was there three bedrooms?-
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yujinnieswifeu · 7 months ago
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pairings: shy!fem reader x birthday girl!Wonyoung
warnings: smut, use of toys, strap-on sex, strap-on is referred to as cock, Y/n calls Wony mommy, Wony calling Y/n her bunny🐰
a/n: you guys better be grateful i’m uploading 2 posts in one day🤩, since it’s Wony’s bday, that’s why i decided to write another on y/n celebrating our queen’s bday😚😚, kinda got carried w this write btw
“Bye Wonyoung ah~” Gaeyl says, waving to Wonyong as they part ways, her other members says bye to her as well, before each of them part ways. They finally were back in Korea, and just nice it was Wonyoung’s birthday in just an hour or two, that will be when she will be able to see Y/n. The thought of her girlfriend makes her smile, feeling excited to see her after so long of being on tour with her fellow members.
It was just past midnight when Wonyoung reached to the shared apartment. At the sound of keys jangling, you quickly stood up from where you were, taking the cake in hand before heading to your shared bedroom. Your heart was racing when you hear the door open, Wonyoung’s voice filling the apartment, the sound muffled as you were walls apart. “Y/n? I’m home!” She says, pouting when she notices you were not in the living room. She had sent you a text as well, but you did not reply. Wonyoung was starting to get worried, and sad at the same time since she would usually receive a text from you.
She sighs instead, dropping her things off at the corridor as she closes the door, locking it before making her way to the bedroom, maybe you were still out. “Happy Birthday my love!” You shouted, startling her when she walks into the bedroom. Immediately, tears prick at her eyes, and you immediately put the cake down, going to hug her. “I-i thought something happened to you!” She whines in your arms, your hands were around her waist as you pull her impossibly closer to you, your heart was breaking as she cried in your arms, she sniffles, pulling away instead as you wipe off her tears that was falling on her cheeks. “My silly girl, nothing will happen to me, i’m more worried about you.” You shake your head, now thinking back on the days you would come home alone, wondering what Wonyoung is doing now that she was oversees on tour.
“Did you miss me?” She pouts, and you couldn’t help but smile. “I missed you of course, i missed you so so much.” You held her gaze, inching closer as you peck a kiss to her lips. Gosh have you missed those lips, you wanted to make out with her, to show her just how much you have missed her but that would have to wait since the candle was melting. “Make a wish first hm?” You pull yourself apart from her, hearing her whining a little at the loss of contact as you take the cake up instead, bringing it near her face. You watch as she makes a wish, her eyes closed as she has her hands together. After a while, she opens her eyes, and you blink your eyes, suddenly feeling shy as she catches you staring at her, a small smirk appearing on her face. “Like what you see?” She teases, and you roll your eyes, biting your lips to suppress a smile forming on your face.
“Just cause it’s your birthday, i’ll admit to that.” She giggles at your response, going to blow at the candles. The room was dim now that the candles were out, and she went to turn the lights on. “You really surprised me you know?” Wonyoung says, following you as you two entered the living room to place the cake on the table. “That was my plan, i’m glad it worked.” You smiled, feeling happy that your plan worked and she smacks your arm a little. You faked a pain look, watching how she rolls her eyes. “Don’t ever do that again if i’m on tour.” She warns, and you chuckle, your hands reaching out to hug her again, peppering small kisses along her neck. “Yes ma’am.” You mutter against her skin, your head rests against her shoulder, looking up at her with hooded eyes.
There was a sudden change in atmosphere when you stared into her eyes, unable to deny the sexual tension between you two. “I missed you..i really did.” You confess, your hands finding hers as you played with them. She was silent, finally sitting down as she pulls you onto her. You straddle her hips, and crash your lips onto hers. She moans into the kiss, her hands sliding up and down your back, you whimper softly, grinding your front against her, she could feel how you had nothing underneath, your hard nipples pressing against her, the layer of cloth just separating your bare bodies.
“Fuck, i missed this.” It comes out breathless, her lips nipping at your jaw down your neck as you arch your head back, giving her more access to litter your neck with marks and kisses. You couldn’t help but let out a throaty moan, grabbing her hand in yours as you place them over your chests, letting her feel how much she has aroused you. “Fuck.” She groans, cupping your breasts, the fabric separating her from your skin, a whimper escaping your lips.
“W-wait..” you pull away and she pouts, her hands now resting at the side of your hips. “What’s wrong?” “I…i- this didn’t go as planned.” Now, it was your turn to pout, you watch as she raises a brow, her head tilted slightly. “You mean..you have more things for me?” She asks and you nod your head shyly. She smiles, resting her back against the sofa, suddenly feeling how tired she actually was, but for tonight, she didn’t want to give in to that. “Show me.” Her words makes your heart race, suddenly contemplating if you should show her what you have gotten for her, deciding to stand up and take the gift that you have prepared after much thought.
“O-open it.” Your cheeks were red at this point, she teases you, poking at your cheek and you whine. “Don’t t-tease me!” She goes to peck your cheek, before opening the present in her lap. When she did, she could not help but bite her bottom lip, she looks to you, and back at the gift, and it was her turn to turn red on the cheeks. “Baby…” she rasps out, her voice sultry and low, and you gulped, feeling the area between your legs pool. “Y-yes?” You stutter, now struggling to look her in the eye as you squirm on the sofa next to her. “Where did you get this hm?” She sounded like a mom chiding her kid, but why did it turn you on? You knew you needed to focus on the task at hand, but how could you when she sounded like she wanted to eat you up already. “Look at me.” You bit your bottom lip, timid eyes looking to her and she grabs the items in her hands. “Bunny ears? And this..a butt plug shaped as a bunny tail?” You nod your head, still staying silent as your cheeks turn even redder. You should have planned something else in case this didn’t work out, why did you only think about that now?
“I..i..uhm wanted you to wear them..a-and let me top for once.” You were fidgeting your hands now, her eyes look to them and back up at you, realising how nervous you were. “My shy baby wants to top me?” She smiles comfortingly, hoping to ease your nerves which it did. You nod your head, a pleading look in your eyes. “That’s cute hm, but you know where that leads to right?” You pout, thighs clenching together instead as you rub them together, trying to ease the feeling between your legs. “B-but i want to make mommy feel good, it’s her birthday a-and i just want to pleasure mommy the way she always pleasures me.” You whine, your head down as you look like a sad puppy that did not get their treats. “You know what will make mommy happy?” Oh, not this again. “If you were to wear these and ride mommy’s cock, that will make mommy happy.” Her dirty words were working on you, your breathing coming out as short breaths as she nears you, placing the bunny headband over your head, you could feel your cheeks turning hotter now, heart racing.
“Undress yourself for me bunny.” You could feel your wetness pooling between your legs at the nickname, getting up obediently to remove your shirt over your head, and your shorts along with your panties, suddenly feeling vulnerable as she checks you up and down. “So pretty like this..come here bun.” She pats her lap, and you shyly place yourself over her lap, straddling her hips. She places the end of the butt plug to your face, and you got the hint, lips parting as you wet the metal that would soon be placed in your ass. “That’s my good bunny.” She licks her lips, watching as you bop your head over the metal. “That’s enough bun.” You whine, pulling away from the toy as she drags it back between your asscheeks. You moan softly at the contact, feeling her tease the toy between your asscheeks instead and you try to grind yourself over the toy, moaning as it bumps at your clit. “Naughty bunny, don’t move.” She chides, hearing you whimper as your head nestles against her neck instead.
She finally drags it to your hole, her fingers going down to rub it in circles, hearing you gasp and moan softly when she puts one finger inside of your ass, stretching you out first. “So tight..” she mutters raspily, slowly adding another finger inside to stretch you out for the toy. “M-mommy..” “i know baby..just a bit more okay?” Her comforting words makes you whimper instead, your breath fanning against her neck. When she thinks you are ready, she slowly inserts the butt plug, you whimper at the stretch, hands fisting at her clothes as she encourages you, her other hand in your hair as she comforts you.
“There we go.” She says, you pull yourself away from her neck, pouting cutely at her making her giggle. “You wont be giving me that look soon.” She teases, grabbing your hand as she places it on her crotch. You gasp, feeling something hard there, and you could feel your walls clenching over nothing as you palm her there. You watch how her eyes turn darker with lust, a moan leaving past her lips as you work her up, the back of the toy brushing deliciously against her own clit as you palm her. “Mommy please, can you take off your clothes too?” You whine, hearing her let out a contented sigh. “Help mommy take them off bun.” You quickly and clumsily take off her clothes, her hands teasing up your stomach as she cups your breasts in the process, you moan softly, trying not to get distracted as you slid her top over her head. Your hand goes down to feel her over her sweatpants, hearing her breathy moans as you undo the strings, bringing them down her legs.
The panties over the toy had a darker spot, and you feel yourself salivating at the sight. “Like what you see bunny?” She teases again, her hand goes to remove her panties, the toy springing up as you straddle over her thighs, impatiently grinding yourself over the toy. “You’re so wet for me…you want me inside don’t you?” Her hand wraps around the base of the cock, guiding your slick over the toy as you nod your head desperately. “P-please mommy, want you inside.” You babble, and she pushes the tip slowly past your entrance, making you gasp at the stretch.
“So tight..” she groans, you start to move yourself up and down, riding her cock, she feels the back of the toy bumping against her own clit as she moans. “T-that’s it, faster baby.” Her hand slides to your breasts, cupping them again as she nibbles at your neck. You were a moaning mess, the feeling of the toy in your ass and her cock inside of you made you feel so full, your moans getting louder as you feel the toy hitting your sweet spot. Wonyoung latches her lips over one of your nipple, one of her hand goes to play with the other as her other free hand goes over your asscheek. She lands a smack on the skin there, feeling your body jerking, eyes rolling at the sensation as it passes through your body, a cry escapes your lips.
“M-mommy can i cum please?” You were getting desperate, and so was Wonyoung as the toy brushes against her clit each time you go back down on the toy. “A-a little more bunny.” You press your body against hers, your nipples brushing against each other, it makes Wonyoung nearer the edge, her hand goes to rub at your clit as the other lands another smack on your asscheek. You pull away, letting out another cry, unable to hold it in. “N-need to cum please mommy..!” “C-cum with me bun..!” She says breathlessly, your hand lost in her hair as you press your lips on hers, silencing both your moans as you cum all over her cock, she comes soon after, her legs shaking from the stimulation.
You rest your forehead against hers, your breaths mingling as one as her hands lay at your hips comfortingly. “That was so good.” She almost groans, you go to undo her strap, going down on your knees as you lick her clean. She moans, brushing your headband as she makes you eat her out instead. “N-ngh bunny…” You moan against her, hands sliding up to play at her nipples. She gasps softly, eyes rolling back at the added pleasure.
“O-oh..don’t stop please..” one of her free hand goes to the back of your head, pushing you impossibly closer to her drenched core, you suck at her clit, your tongue goes to her entrance instead as you push past her walls. She whimpers at the feeling of your tongue inside of her, your nose bumping her clit as she moves her hips. “Y-yes yes oh..i-i’m going to cum!” She squeals, her juices coats your face as she cums all over you.
You clean her up lazily, going back up to straddle her as her hands instinctively wraps around your waist to bring your body flush against hers. “This is the best birthday gift.” She says, her nose brushing against your neck, inhaling your scent. “I have another gift for you Wony.” You giggle at the feeling of her nose tickling at your neck, and you could feel her smile against your skin. “Similar to this?” She teases and you roll your eyes playfully, your chin resting on the top of her head. “It’s a real gift this time.” She laughs at your words, humming and kissing your neck before making you look at her. “I love you baby, thank you for this.” “I love you too Wony.”
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umbrella-show · 20 days ago
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🎭 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐞 : Pt.2
Umm I hope this is good 😭 This is a continuation of Part 1 Taglist: @kurayami-creations, @lovley-valentine7, @dazedemery, @mspurpl3
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You let out a strained sigh and collapsed on the clean white marble stairs. Panting heavily, you looked up at the rest of the stairs. You were almost at the top. You had to keep going. There had to be a way out of this spire. 
After the betrayal of Apple faerie cookie, you had suddenly awoke at the bottom of the Spire with no sense of time. The sight of the seemingly endless staircase startled you. You couldn’t even see the top. There were windows in the spire you had passed by, but outside was only a void of blue stars. The sight would have been beautiful if it weren’t for the blue eyes that watched you from outside of the tower. You swore you could occasionally hear giggling and laughing outside of the spire, but you knew you weren’t in the right state of mind as you continued to infinitely climb up. You had been walking up the stairs for what felt like hours. It was the only thing you could really do. You prayed there was an exit up there. 
You used the last remaining strength you had to continue to climb, staring at the top of the tower. It was so close. Just a dozen more steps. 
“Ooooh~ Well lookie here!”
You froze at the voice, your legs shaking in exhaustion as they could barely hold your body up. You flinched harshly at the sight of a giant blue eye with a vertical slit pupil peeking in at you through the open window next to you, giving it a direct view of your startled form. You stared at the eye like a deer in headlights. Shadow Milk cookie.
“What a determined little cookie! You really climbed all of those stairs, huh? You must be soooo tired~”
You struggled to stay standing as your legs begged for a break. You could only narrow your eyes and weakly glare at the giant one. The eye crinkled in amusement at the sight of your weary state.
“Hm. You still got some fight in you? How entertaining! You are always so fun to mess with, you know?”
Shadow Milk cookie’s giggled echoed throughout the spire, bouncing off the wall and filling your head. You shrieked as you felt the stairs beneath you shift.
“You know, a change of scenery would be much nicer. Just relax and enjoy the ride!”
A scream ripped from your throat as the stairs turned into smooth marble and you slid down to the bottom of the tower at incredible speed. The echoed laugh barely reached your ears as your own screams overpowered the noise. You could only helplessly stare with wide eyes as you were suddenly plunged into darkness and the floor beneath you disappeared. You shut your eyes tight and curled in on yourself in a fetal position, barely able to catch your breath as you fell deeper and deeper into the darkness. You didn’t know what was happening around you. All you knew was that you were falling.
It was only when you felt your back lightly touch the solid surface of the ground was when you opened your eyes. You were in a large, open space. Blue checkered titles shimmered, untouched by filth. On the walls hung familiar pictured frames and candles that dimly lit the room. A golden chandelier hung from a rounded ceiling in the middle of the room. Was this.. A ballroom of sorts?
This felt so undeniably wrong. You’ve been to multiple balls and gatherings hosted in the palace of the Hollyberry kingdom. The sight of an empty ballroom, devoid of cookie dancing and gossip, was disturbing. The feeling of being alone in such a space, supposed to be populated by cookies, sent a chill down your spine.
The floor squeaked as you stepped atop the unstained decorative floors. Wearily, you looked around for any sort of exit. You found none. There were no doors to grant your exit, nor were there any windows you could potentially leave from. You were practically trapped in a room with no way out.
“Oh? Are you thinking about leaving? So soon?”
You flinched, your breath catching in your throat. You whipped your head back to see the Beast cookie, levitating inches off the ground. Clicking his tongue, he taunted you with his familiar vivacious voice that echoed throughout the empty room. 
“I wouldn't fill my head with such notions. You can’t leave.” 
A playful laugh came from him as he inched closer. You took a step back in return. His smile visibly widened at your unnerved expression and he only continued to float closer. His eyes averted to observe the empty room, tilting his head in mock curiosity.
“Lovely, ain’t it? Especially the pictures~ Say, ballrooms are meant for dancing, aren’t they?”
His sudden disappearance into the shadows caused you to tense and frantically glance around for any sign of him. Shadows shifted and slinked into the darkest shadows in the corners of the room.
A shriek came from you as thin blue strings suddenly wrapped around your arms and legs. Barely even granted the chance to compose yourself, hands planted themselves firmly on your shoulders and forcibly spun you the other way. You lost your footing as you were forced to turn and you braced yourself for when you would hit the ground. Yet, a hand suddenly grabbed one of yours and the strings around your body tightened to position you into a graceful pose. You shakily exhaled, unable to comprehend what had just happened in a matter of seconds. Your eyes could only helplessly avert to Shadow Milk cookie, grasping one of your hands tightly. 
“Then, why don't we dance!”
He didn’t ask, he demanded, as he pulled you back into an upright position and forcefully guided you. The strings around your body aided in his favor, making you follow his lead and unwillingly dance with the cookie you utterly feared. Music began to play from somewhere in the background, a soft and elegant tune completely contrasting the horror you felt in this situation. 
The dance was a mix of ballroom dancing, but with a twist. Shadow Milk cookie added his own spin on the moves. A little bit of ballet was added on his part as gracefully twirled in your arms, forcing you to hold his hand above his head. He compelled you to lead his fluid spins and gracious steps, while he took on the role of the follower and submitted to your control.
Yet, he was the one who controlled when you spun him, where you stepped, how you danced. When you tried to shift in an unscripted direction, when you tried to fight his control, the strings painfully tightened. You could only helplessly look into his eyes and watch as his mouth grew into a smirk as you let your body comply to his puppeteer strings.
As the music continued to the final verse, the dance sped up a couple of beats. Shadow Milk cookie made sure to add extra flair to his twirls and steps, grandly posing and drawing nearer to you. Performing one more elegant spin, he suddenly tipped backwards. You supported him by planting a hand on his back while the other held his leg against your side, and leaning forwards. You were left breathing shakily, when the music ceased. 
Trapped in that pose, you looked down to meet his narrowed eyes. He seemed thoroughly entertained by the whole ordeal. You two wordlessly stared at each other for a few more seconds, before the sound of echoed clapping caught your attention. 
Looking over to your right, you could immediately recognize Apple Faerie cookie- no, who you once thought was Apple Faerie cookie. Candy Apple cookie beamed at you and Shadow Milk cookie, bouncing on her heels as she was unable to sit still. The clapping came from a different cookie, one who wore a fancy black suit. In his hands was a tall black staff, and his deep black eyes looked in amusement at both you and Shadow Milk cookie.
When you realized you had been freed from the constricting puppeteer strings, Shadow Milk cookie suddenly vanished from your arms. You were left dumbfounded as you stared into your open arms. You were suddenly tackled, arm wrapping around your waist. Looking over you saw Candy apple cookie hugging your side. 
“EEE! Y/N cookie! I told you! You fit in so well here!”
To your right was the cookie you were unfamiliar with. With a straightened posture, he gave a small bow to you when your eyes met.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, our newest actor.”
Your brain struggled to decipher what was happening. One minute you had been climbing a tower, the next you had been forced to dance, and now you had Candy Apple cookie practically attached to you in a one-sided embrace with another cookie addressing you as ‘their newest actor.’ 
Shadow Milk cookie suddenly reappeared by your side, levitating and tilting his head at an unnatural angle, grinning at your disturbed expression. His eyes surveyed your tense posture that only stiffened at his gaze, and a playful hum came from him.
“Now, why don’t we get you ready, for your role in this next act of Truth and Deceit is very important!~” 
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 4 months ago
The Gray Woman 2
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Lloyd Hansen
Summary: You meet a man who tests your patience. (grumpy!short!reader)
Note: To those who didn’t help me resist this beast, I blame you.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The bank is at peak hours. The rush used to make you dizzy but these days you barely notice the changes. There's always someone else waiting. There's always someone upset about money and it's usually their own fault.
You tap through a transaction, working from muscle memory as you ask the usual questions, hit the usual keys. You hand over their card and point them to grab their receipt from the machine on the other side of the glass. The take both. You're used to the the lack of a 'thank you'.
You wait for the next customer. When no one shows, you peer up towards the line corralled behind the stanchions and cords. A man in his suit, more interested in his phone than reality. A woman behind him clears her throat, "excuse me."
He jerks away from her as if she spit on him and scoffs. He rolls his eyes and tucks away his phone as his eyes flit up to you. He approaches as he continues to feel around under the chest of his jacket. He reveals his black card as he gets to the counter and slaps it down.
You watch him dulcetly, "hello, sir. How can I help you today?"
He scoffs again, this time louder. "That's Mr. Hansen, remember?"
You look at him, this time with actual consideration. Your customers are usually nothing more than faceless silhouettes. He sports a bristly mustache and shaved sides. Quite the look to go with his patterned suit jacket.
"I get a lot of customers, sir," you reach through to take his card and he catches your fingers. You flinch, just a little, and try to jerk your hand free. "Sir, let go or--"
"Yeah, yeah," he chortles and releases you as he slants his lips defiantly, "you call over those fake cops standing at the door. What do you think they'll do about it, sweet cheeks?"
You feel a crease between your brows but you don't bit the bait. Some people just want to spread their misery. You quickly snatch the card and swipe it through the machine. His account pops up on the screen.
"What do we need today?" You ask.
"Hm, besides a coffee and some afternoon delight," he snickers, "I need you to move some money for me, sweetheart."
You ignore the epithet. It happens often. The 'hons', the 'sweeties', the 'girls'.
"I'll need an ID." You say.
"We've been through this," he snips. "Just do what I tell you."
He steps closer to the window and you turn to blink at him. He stares back at you. He grimaces, "you really that stupid? You forgot me already?"
"Like I said, sir, it's busy--"
"Go get Veronique, right now," he demands, his nose almost touching the glass.
You put your feet on the bar and step down to the floor. You move stiffly, if not deliberately slow, and shuffle in your flats toward Veronique's cubicle. She sits behind the frosted siding and you tap on it before peeking around.
"Customer," you shrug.
She huffs, "ugh, I swear."
She stands up and leaves her cell phone on the desk. You back up and wait for her to pass before you follow her. She struts to your counter and in an instant, her posture changes.
"Mr. Hansen, you're back!" She chirps, "comment ca va?"
"The damn crow you got squawking back there is asking for my ID again."
"Is she?" Veronique hisses, "forgive me please. I promise, we will make sure this doesn't happen again." She turns and points to your chair, "just do what he say and stop bothering me. Mr. Hansen is a VIP customer. Got it?"
"Yes, ma'am," you answer. You already know you'll get a lecture later so you don't hold back the subtle snipe.
You get up on your seat and face Mr. Hansen, "what do you need? Money where?"
He chuffs out derisively, "I know your fucking with me, doll face. You remember me."
You neither confirm or deny. Truly, you deal with so many demanding managers and executives, that you might have seen him an hour ago and not realise it.
"Are we moving money out of the checking?" You ask.
He sighs and shifts, leaning on the ledge as if trying to see around your screen. He grumbles before he speaks up. He tells you what to do and you acquiesce. He gives you an account number to wire money out then announces the end of your work.
"Good girl," he winks as he stands straight.
"Do you need your receipt?" You ask as you reach for your mug, tasting the cold peppermint tea.
He watches you sip and his cheek ticks. "I need that about as much as you need that stick lodge up your ass."
It's a bit more on the nose than you're used to. Usually they call you a bitch or just huff and puff and stomp out. His effort is a bit too much. Especially if he thinks himself so important.
"Have a good day, sir," you close out of his account with a click. "Mr. Hansen," he snarls.
"Alright," you say and try to see around him, ready for the next in line. He hesitates before he backs off. When he does, a squat woman comes up and hands you a check. She slides through her bank card and ID. You put it through the scanner then ask her what account to deposit or if she needs cash.
As you issue her receipt, you glance up. That man stands by the door, his face furrowed in distaste as he glares across at you, then he spins and strides out. Hm, maybe it wasn't the same man… you can't tell that far away.
You wish the woman a good day and the next customer comes up. You peek at the clock. Still a while left. Sometimes it feels like time slows down, like the bank isn't subject to the typical laws of time a space. A special purgatory just for the forsaken tellers behind their windows.
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vyzz-undercover · 6 months ago
the voices have made this happen
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(5,900ish words) (OUUGHHHHH)
•slight dubcon
•hints of size kink [obligatory]
•vaginal fingering
•oral [f receiving]
•mild possessive behaviour
•the consequences of ignoring important medical devices
•mentions of (hypothetical) torture
•tumblrs recurringly cancerous formatting
im back on my bullshit after having to do overnights so as payment to the dark gods of whoring and degeneracy i humbly offer this taglist of sweet darling who've indulged my insanity: @the-raven-lady, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @bispecsual, @lemon-russ, @kit-williams, @passionofthesith, @egrets-not-regrets, @moodymisty, @sinistermojo, @justeverythingnothingelse, @pluvio-tea, @thevoidscreams, @beckyninja, @yestheantichrist!!! if you wanna be tagged (or not) in the next let me know!!! also it may take me longer to do a part four to this namely because ive got more wageslaving ahead of me soon but alas i'll definitely have rowboat girlyman catch em. also maybe give cato some top. myehehehehe,,, AND THANK YOU FOR READING AS USUAL ILY ALL!!! :3
Cato is just about leaving.
After having spent the better part of an hour discussing the predicted destruction pathway of a hive-fleet on the system's rim with his Father; it sends his balls into his throat when you nearly run into him in the chamber's huge archway.
It only takes a fraction of a second to catalogue your presence.
You're wearing the same utilitarian blue robe as you had been last week again.
Last week, when he'd been pounding you insensible on a lounge in the library—Cato promptly quashes the insidious memory, smothering down any sort of reaction. But there is a change in comparison to the dizzying reminder: there's a new addition to the reoccurring outfit.
You've brought a navy, high-collared turtleneck into the mix, layered below your lapels.
So, the efforts of his mouth hadn't gone unheeded, then.
Throne, if he's not smug, he's got no bloody clue what he is.
Cato steps aside and turns to allow you entrance first before his exit.
"Commander Sicarius," you lilt with a soft voice and a small downward tip of your chin, all while holding his gaze.
He's transfixed periodically at the honeyed sort of warmth in your eyes.
Despite himself, he lingers and greets you with a slow, "Lady Ambassador."
The left side of his mouth twitches upward in a half-aborted smirk that he quickly tries to mask as a stern, frown-nod combination.
You break the staring match and Cato's confident he's salvaged his slip-up without detection.
Or not—because oh, fuck—if he doesn't feel the burning focus of a Primarch's eyes boring a hole into the side of his head like a brand.
It only lasts an instant, but the second is an eternity to him.
Of course, you're oblivious to this subtle exchange—and promptly trot past him to his Father's vast desk.
"My Lord Primarch," you say with a curt little bow; and then Guilliman's attention is solely on you, his favourite little pet project. "I read the data-drives you instructed from the preceding article logging. I've arranged them back to the most recent mark counts."
You're looking for an empty spot to lay them on his table, but with all the meticulously arranged stacks, it's none too easy to find one.
"Perfect," the Primarch breaths, "Just on the side there is fine, don't worry."
Obligingly, you lay them atop a small mountain of paperwork.
"Do you need anything else of me, my Lord?" You chirp brightly, the tone of your voice so very painfully sweet—Cato is nearly overwhelmed fighting a pitched battle against the urge to run over, pick you up and shake you around suddenly.
Guilliman chuckles, waving one massive hand about vaguely, "You've done more than enough for me today, why don't we leave it at that for now, hm? Go on."
"Of course; thank you, and have a good evening, my Lord," You say, bow once more, and turn on your heel from the Primarch, and—and smile at Cato as you walk back towards the exit. That's—that's the first time you've smiled at him. His twin hearts lurch, slamming forward against the inside of his fused chest cavity. It's perfect abominable. You rotten temptress, he's—he's going to rectify that audacity later. Or now, if you're... possibly heading the same direction he is. Which is whatever direction you're going, purely by chance.
It's merely coincidence, he swears.
He's certainly not planning on hounding after you like a dog tailing a bitch in heat.
He's certainly not going to drag you into a side room the second he's sure no-one with a credible opinion's around.
He's certainly not going to indulge in anything heretical, like bending you bare over his knee for daring to taunt him.
Cato makes as if to fall in step behind you as you pass the threshold before him, but is quickly halted by his Father's curt, "I do not believe you have been dismissed, Cato."
He's never been subjected to such sinking dread quite so nonchalantly.
Cato complies stuffily, sparing a glance at your figure disappearing down the corridor before acquiescing. He's practically dragging his ceramite boots across the intricate rugs as he nears the Primarch's seated but colossal form.
Guilliman isn't looking at him, having had returned to notating a miscellaneous form.
The scritch-scratch of his gene-sire's preferred, yet archaic method of manually writing on the parchment is like someone grating a plate with a fork to his ears right now.
"You've gotten over your petty grievances regarding the Ambassador at last, I take it?" Guilliman asks, without looking up.
It is not Cato's duty to like or dislike. Nor is it to be biased without reason—his opinions are to be intellectual, not emotional. His duty is to assess, analyse and provide feedback, so that his Primarch can take it into account when making rulings and decisions.
Cato swallows around the proverbial hunk of drywall lodged in his throat and answers, "She has proven herself... useful, yes, sire."
Guilliman finally meets his eyes but says nothing for a short while. There's dark bags under his Primarch's eyes, and the deep, stern crease permanently between his dark blonde brows is a slight bit harsher, but the only thing Cato can parse out of the expression's intent is a vague sense of knowing. Because, insofar, he's thought himself quite adept at reading his Primarch; and rather well versed in deciphering the intricacies of his moods.
And right now, he feels like he's being read like an open manuscript.
The daunting prospect Cato's caught sinks it's teeth in his gullet. It's impossible, he's not left any room for suspicion, he's covered his tracks—there's no logical reason why he should be getting raked with such a look.
His gene-sire isn't a psyker nor omniscient, just impossibly intelligent—and so absurdly good at the mathematics of plotting and planning that it only appears superficially as if he is all-seeing. He can't possibly know what Cato has been doing—or rather, who he's been doing.
"It's about time," his Father hums abruptly, suddenly disinterested. "Now you're dismissed."
Cato nods, turns on his boot heel, and nigh bolts marches out the room. His proverbial tail definitely not between his legs.
The hall outside Guilliman's apartments is a central domed area that functions as a meeting area, where people go to one of six looming hallways. It's the bottom of a series of levels; and above, three echelons encircled by arcades and balustrades, framed on the exterior by engaged columns.
But the structure itself is immense and ancient, even by Imperial standards. One of the few still-original, unaltered parts of the great Gloriana-class warship's innards. It is doused in long swathes of red carpet and great standards of Magcraggian note, alongside glorious, heroic frescoes depicting Legiones Astartes in their thousands, crusading across the heavens with the Emperor their head.
Cato keeps his head down as he passes them, uneasy with guilt. Feeling as if their lenses are following him—intent on venturing into the lower layers to brood.
Several Astartes are hovering about amongst the personnel and serfs. The baselines look up at him in awe, and his Brothers nod in respect, but he pays them all no mind.
The furthest corridor beckons him, and so he goes; down the complex system of broad walks with high, barrel vault ceilings, mazing through the vessel's higher clearance reaches like arteries through a body.
Cato is seething, and self-admittedly itching to take a howler of a swing at the next thing that speaks to him.
He cuts down the southern channel and sees one of his subordinate Victrix Guard lingering in the middle of a groin vault intersection.
The younger Astartes is about to continue straight, yet he pauses.
Brother Marcellus meets Cato's eyes for a second, clearly notes his Commander's absolutely stinking mood from a hundred meters off; nods, swallows, takes a step backward—and changes direction to go left rather than pass him.
Cato's too pissed to even linger on the strangeness of the action.
Still, he doesn't rightly blame him.
Cato strides on, back straight, chin up—the red shawl pinned beneath his pauldrons swirling behind him.
His thoughts are eating at him the whole while.
He's sure his Primarch is just trying to innocently divine his sudden change of mind regarding you. There's no way his Father's aware of why. And yet, guilt is a big black wolf nipping at his ankles, making him hasten; and unease clouds about his heart. He's mortified, for lack of a better word.
The full implications of the situation are too enormous to be faced all at once; so he picks the smallest, most banal facet he can think of.
That being, you.
You, who he'll never see again if his Primarch finds out.
You, who's practically damned him without knowing it.
You, who he's now valiantly trying not to imagine in a hundred different circumstances where he gets away with it all. Each one more heretical than the last—it's like it was before he'd managed a hand on you: his body giving in to suffocating delusions, sleepless in his cot; lapping at whatever scant, lust-soaked morsels his mind offers up.
One of his favourites remains you scantily clad beneath a moonlit night sky, on the parapet of his ancestral fortress on the coastal edge of Perusia.
He likes to fantasise you like it there.
He suspects you would.
He knows just about all there is to know about you on paper, and wonders if you know much of Talassar. Or if you've read about Castra Tanagra. He assumes Guilliman would share the tale of that famed old battle with you as a part of your readings.
Each impossible reverie is a new shiny nail in his coffin, or dreadnaut—it depends where and how he dies, and if there's anything scrape up of him when he eventually goes down in a blaze of glory and duty, and honour.
If his Primarch catches him, there's going to be none of that.
He'll be struck from living record, like Titus had been. Cato would be lucky to get a little plaque in the deepest pits of the Fortress of Hera. Reduced to a whispered memory of his achievements passed solemnly between Captains, followed up with words of disappointment. Of waste. Until his memory dies with them and his deeds fade into obscurity, lost to any new brothers.
The fate that awaits you would somehow be worse. Cato was always going to die in war, as was his right—but you—you were not fashioned for such things. Yes, Guilliman enjoys you, but that fact won't save you. Just like it won't save Cato for all his usefulness. You'd be tried as a heretic, as a source of corruption upon the Legiones, and you'd be made to suffer; because torture ever comes before execution. You're so very soft weak in so very many ways. Your life lived in a gilded cage, without pain nor discomfort that extends further than grating professional grievances—he doesn't want to imagine the sound of you screaming, but he does.
He cannot stand the thought.
The sudden urge to barricade you in his chambers for permanent safe keeping is all-consuming.
It's suddenly all he can think about.
He has to find you.
The amount of serfs passing and parting to allow his passage thin out to nothing.
Even from the sterile confines of one of the many winding hallways, Cato abruptly swears he can hear the echoed rush of sandals—your sandals—reverberating off the floor.
He hadn't notice you following behind immediately because, damn it, he's spiralling thinking.
He chances a confrontation, and rounds about-face.
You stand there in the middle of the empty hallway like you've got a bolter aimed at you, frozen.
"Come here," he says, clipped.
You do not.
"Come here."
Again, no compliance.
"Do you pride yourself on being a idiot?" His voice is scathing now, taking a heavy step into your space and being met by you staying stock stiff, still. "Do you have any idea what that stunt of yours earlier might incur?"
"What?" You blink, finally animating. "I didn't do anything—"
"You know what you did," he hisses, accusatory. "You're hollow between the ears, but you're not blind."
Lips pursing tightly in mental deliberation, you make a fey noise of annoyance as a little frown graces your features, apparently not deigning to offer a comment back.
"Do you not understand that... this," he gesticulates between you both and his voice falls to a whisper. "This... is not common allowance?"
"It's not?"
Are you being intentionally dense at this point, or is it just second nature?
Cato raises a hand to knead the crease between his brows, "No."
"That explains a lot, actually," you say, seemingly without any real comprehension on the gravity of the matter. "I couldn't find any notes or references on it."
He's genuinely stunned, "Is that what you were doing when—"
"When I was rudely interrupted," you cut in, the comment is nigh a spat insult.
Cato isn't sure what to say to that sudden display of spine, and grumbles.
He surmises the optimal action is complete disregard.
Therefore, he has no problem turning on the heel of his sabatons and starting his pace on again.
"So... this isn't normal by Astartes standards?"
He's taken aback at your abrupt want for conversation after all that. Namely because it's atypical. You never attempted small talk with him. You never do anything but scurry off when he's accosted you for you flagrant overstepping—wait.
He feels as if the paradigm between you both has shifted again since the last time for some reason. More than last time, actually. More than you just simply having the audacity to backtalk him.
It's like some symptom of a deeper sickness rising to the surface.
It makes him unreasonably curious suspicious.
He wants to see just how much ground you'll give, so he plays along and answers, "Not as far as I am aware, no."
You hum, and immediately are at it again, posturing, "Surely you have heard of cases of it happening?"
"I have not," Cato says, and you hum in consideration.
You're satisfied at that information for a brief while, but then he remembers you cannot shut your mouth for more than five minutes, and purses his lips. He's already tiring of your incessant questioning.
"But you'd done it before?"
And that's just great.
You've expertly found an exposed nerve.
More kindling on the bonfire of him having an aneurysm before the cycle's end.
Cato can feel the hint of pressure behind his eyes as he begins increasing his walking speed. "I don't think that is a relevant question."
You haste to stay in step, "It definitely is."
"You ought to learn a civil fucking tongue when you're addressing me, woman," he bites out, nose crinkling into a sneer.
Unperturbed by his short-tempered comment, another thoughtful little 'hmm' slips out of you.
"So, to conclude... you were as inexperienced as I was at the start, and all those gloating insults back then were just projection?" You suddenly blurt out at rather impressive speed, like a politician possessed—before finishing with, "Sorry, 'all those gloating insults back then were just projection,' Commander Sicarius."
Cato grits his teeth and feels his eye twitch.
He stops, turns to look over his pauldron, and stares bloody murder.
He can't even imagine the idiocy in your brain that gave you the imprimatur to say that aloud.
But Throne, the sly little glint in your pretty eyes suddenly has his face thudding with heat.
Then you smile at him for the second time ever.
Cato bites back the urge to ogle you dumbly, and actually feels himself thicken in his body-glove in real time, because oh, fuck—his hind brain practically pelts him across the jaw with the mental pict of that sweet mouth lathing up the side of his cock.
Mentally unseated for a moment, his brows furrow; and he quickly turns away, applying himself entirely to the task of trudging down the stagings.
The silence is a breath of fresh air.
Even if he can still hear your laboured breathing a few steps back him from him. You're straining to keep up with his pace, and it's an excellent punishment for you. His heavy sabatons clank-clank-clank on the steel decking, and your little shoes practically pitter-patter in contrast. It's a syncopated rhythm that he's absentmindedly trying to match—and when he lingers for a step he manages to even the beat out.
He hangs a left, and scales the wide stairs to the open intersection platform above two at a time; trying not to snort amusedly at the little groan you let out as you hurry up them behind him, heaving.
Cato realises abruptly that you're actually, really, seriously following him—and pretending you're not.
He makes a right at the top and then waits for you to fall in step.
And, pointedly, he then turns and doubles back around.
You stand there stupefied for a moment, before grumbling softly and continuing down the thoroughfare without him.
If his observation skills hold any weight, he heads straight into the nearest open room and waits for you to follow.
He doesn't activate the locking mechanism on the other side on purpose when he strides in, and lets the sliding door close behind him.
This particular room is forgettable in its ubiquitousness, though unusual. He has no idea of it's actual intended purpose. It's fitted with screens and database terminals as if it's for debriefing purposes, but he has no real way of confirming. What he can catalogue is that there's wraparound surfaces littered with candles. A few strips of harsh lighting and scant furniture—a tallish counter and a few long benches. They're thankfully Astartes sized.
Which means he can sit down and pray for you to walk right into the metaphorical snare he's just laid.
Not a minute later, the door's sliding mechanism triggers and you scurry through—only to promptly go stiff.
You stare at him like a rat he's just found by lifting a crate.
The mechanism shuts automatically behind you and it apparently spooks you enough to jump a little.
"You're disgustingly predictable," he harrumphs, unimpressed.
A flush rises to your face as you scowl, "You're disgustingly predictable," you shoot back, echoing his words.
Of course, that audacity of yours leads to a short stalemate.
He huffs out a sigh as he concedes out of sheer frustration and says, "Three-seven-five-eight-eight-two-nine-one."
You blink dumbly at him, "...what?"
"It's my locking code," he growls, and Throne, you must be acting stupid just to grate him; because there's no way your brain is so smooth as to not connect the dots. "It's for the door, moron."
A soft 'ohh' leaves you as you turn and step aside to the key pad fixed into the frame.
"Three-seven-five-eight-eight-two-nine-one," he's agonisingly forced to say once again.
"Three-nine-five-eight-eight-two-seven-one..." you mumble to yourself.
Cato hears an angry beep and suddenly wants to smash his head into a wall repeatedly.
Grinding his molars, he snarls, "Three-seven-five-eight-eight-two-nine-one," and then adds, "If I have to repeat that one more time, I'm going to throw you out of the nearest airlock."
And it seems the threat of violence works wonders, because you don't bungle the input this time.
Cato sighs, exasperated, and leans back against the lip of the table behind the bench.
He ought to start carrying around a correctional stun rod. Just for whenever you annoy him. If it's good enough for a Neophyte to suffer, it's good enough for you, he supposes.
Or it'll send you into a seizing fit.
He's not to sure of the maximum voltage a baseline can take without their singular, puny little heart giving out.
One disciplinary option scratched out, then.
But he can think of many, many more to make a model Ambassador out of you. The wonders of carefully applied violence are plentiful. A little roughing up never hurts, or at least, not for long. And fuck, do you need some lessons on proper manners. He could have you smacked into shape like a show pony in no time—even if it'd be more like teaching a grox to trot lateral movements. Then again, he also believes if he stuck a frag far enough up a Carnifex's ass, he could probably get it to play Regicide.
And then pointedly, he starts thinking about your ass.
Cato is so utterly lost on the tangent of hypotheticals that he's flabbergasted when a small mouth lands on his own.
He hadn't even been paying attention.
He hadn't even noticed you'd neared.
It feels like the breath has been knocked out him at the sheer unexpectedness of it.
The kiss is hasty, your eyes scrunched shut and cheeks flushed, scowling with focus.
All the while, his mind reels because Throne, the contact of his lips to yours doesn't really feel particularly profound aside from how soft your skin is—but the intention of it is the real reward.
Cato's genuinely infuriated when you pull away.
You blink owlishly at him, giving him a cautious look like you're trying to gauge his reaction.
There are a thousand things he wants to ask, to say, but the foremost among them is but one.
"Again," he huffs, lessening the distance between you just enough to invite you back.
And he thinks that perhaps he’s abusing his station over you, but when you tentatively find a hold on his gorget to steady yourself to give him another kiss—those thoughts are all but erased from his mind. It's a curious weight off his shoulders to have you initiate and to show you want him in return, especially since it's as new to you as it is for him.
Nonetheless, he can't even imagine finding a reason to stop you, so he starts blindly mouthing; trying to coordinate around the fact he's so much larger than you.
The angle is difficult, but he's willing to follow your lead. Your body is even more fragile when he's in full armour. The risk of actually hurting you is realer than ever, but he can't help the desire to wrap an gauntlet around your waist and pull you closer to him. Thankfully, you let him when he urges you to, trembling hands flitting across his chestplate like you're unsure of what, exactly, you should be holding—and he catches the tiny line between your brows smoothing out as you risk a peek. Only for you to yelp, nervously wrenching yourself back in flustered surprise upon meeting his unwavering stare.
It's as if you expected something else.
He senses he's made a mistake of some kind.
Then he remembers from the motion-picts he's not supposed to keep glaring at you when kissing.
Regardless, he studies your face, memorising the lingering want still clearly there like his life depends on it.
He pulls you in and kisses you again, just because he can, this time brief and chaste. And then he goes for a third, fourth—fifth, each time slightly longer, until finally he rears back; and when he does you push up on your toes just a little, trying to chase him, but lose the nerve; although to Cato the reason for your faltering is, frankly, irrelevant. Because just like him, you lack the practical capacity to really know what next step you should take. Still, you look down at his armour, as if there's a latch to pull that magically undoes all his wargear.
He knows he's not going to get himself out of his armour in any reasonable way or amount of time.
There's no way he's getting the satisfaction of having you on him right now—but he still wants to keep you near.
He thinks he hears you ask for something, but he's too distracted to catch it in time.
"What?" Cato scowls, "What do you want now?"
It's clear you've been struck by your own embarrassment, strung up somewhere between shy and wanton, "I.. uh..."
"Spit it out," he rumbles.
You wince, hesitant as you mumble, "You, uh... i-in me."
Cato's brain skids to a halt. And it's the gall of that request alone that has him sweeping you up off the ground and spinning you around to sit in his lap.
It's obvious you're overwhelmed at being held to the formidably larger size of himself in full-plate. But as usual, you're yet to actively complain. Using his vambrace as a leg-bar to scoop under your thighs, he folds you in his grasp—your knees pressed to your chest as you're tucked back against his pauldron and chestplate.
The angle forces the hems of your robe aside, and he can see the underside curve of your ass; along with the plump mound of your vulva under the white of your small-clothes.
Cato's suddenly offended by their existence. You didn't wear any last time, so why now? The irritation of there being one more thing between you and him is enough justification to yank at them, tearing them loose—before throwing them aside.
You grumble sourly, which he chooses to ignore.
The palm of his gauntlet smooths across your hip, and you make a small huff as you shiver, goose-bumps suddenly covering your exposed flesh.
Cato lets the pads graze closer and closer to your sex, content to watch you impatiently glare at his armoured fingers from between the gap of your thighs.
With little preamble, he's stuffing his middle in. You're already so wet it's practically a cake-walk. Your cunt swallows down each articulating segment of his armoured finger down to the knuckle. The fact he's going to have to personally scrub your slick out from between the joints, instead of a lowly serf, is infinitely worth the shrill whine he receives as tribute.
"Would that my wargear had a zipper," he breathes, and fuck, he grins behind the obscurity of his gorget at the mournful mewl that remark earns. "I'd have you on your knees sucking for all the cunted trouble you've caused me."
You're making a warp-awful attempt at keeping yourself together, high-strung as you evidently are. Little more than a minute of him pumping his finger in and out of you has you red-faced and panting. All it takes to get those heavy breaths of yours to change into proper whines is his large thumb-pad adjusting to rest on your clit, applying pressure. You jerk, reflexively trying to buck into every motion. Fighting and failing to withhold the stuffy little moans escaping you—trying to stave off the inevitable by scrambling at the thigh plating of his power armour with one hand and tugging at his couter with the other.
Some part of Cato wants to stop solely out of spite for you being so grating earlier, or some other stupid mercurial justification of his; but instead, he simply continues, letting you squirm on his fingers.
And squirm you do.
It's clear to him the tide of it all is becoming too much for you to resist. Your sandal'd feet kick out where he's got your legs secured, joining in on the struggling as it begins anew when his thumb starts circling. It's a good sign, so he adds his pointer into you to bolster the stretch, curling in; before letting his fingers fan out inside you, stretching rather than stabbing. Your hips try to stutter forward in time with the quick thrusting of his digits, broken whimpers resonating off the room's walls. He promptly stuffs down to the knuckle and curls them again—and you all but bleat his surname as you're dragged into a fast and apparently exhausting orgasm. Just knowing he's you got you beat has his erection ache where it's trapped under the suiting and plating of his navel.
Cato can't feel you clenching through all the layers separating his skin from yours, but he knows from experience that you're seizing in fits internally—tight little cunt trying to milk a load out of an Astartes cock that should've been stuffed in you.
Just to allow himself one last bit of smugness, he scissors his fingers; giving a final swirl for good measure.
The shivered sob is worth every possible future disciplinary action he'll receive.
He pulls his gauntlet away slowly, and the wet shlick of it leaving you is almost amusingly alike pulling a blade from sinew. It's a degenerate comparison, he knows, but it's true.
Nonetheless, he splays out his hand and swallows dryly, eyeing the sticky, clear liquid webbing out and thinning between each ridge of his gauntlet'd digits.
Suddenly focused entirely on the fluid on his fingers, he pulls his vambrace barring under your knees up away. Now limp, and without the support, you slide off his lap and onto the floor in a slow slump.
"Nn-ngh," You groan weakly, face-down, legs still juddering a little.
Seeing as you're preoccupied, Cato doesn't even dignify the concept of hesitation, and promptly jams his fingers in his mouth—lathing the aftermath of your orgasm from them. And Throne, the taste of your hormones make him groan. He's absolutely stunned, unsure of how to act. He's so fucking stupid, why didn't he do this earlier? He's practically drugged by the omophagic aftereffect—getting off on your second hand bliss. Some sort of fey feedback loop in his brain catalysing his next decision solely on instinct.
He clambers to the floor and gets to his knees guards, securing a mitt on your bared thigh to roll you onto your back.
Apparently boneless with afterglow, you're easy to manhandle.
You barely have the strength to do much more than crane your head up at him and whine as he arranges your thighs apart, settling on his front between them with a warp-awful clank; before lifting your legs up to rest onto either lip of his gorget.
You try to scud back on your ass suddenly, but are quickly halted when he holds you fast by the hip.
He raises a confused brow.
"I-Isn't—" you start, still gathering the scraps of your brain together so soon post-orgasm, "Isn't y-your saliva acid?"
Cato suddenly wants to cuff you on the ear, "Who the hell told you that?"
"M-Master Calgar," you mumble.
Oh, of course, the gossiping hen.
He's going to have words with the Lord Defender of Greater Ultramar the next time they meet—words like 'for fuck sakes, stop scaring the woman he's trying to eat out with talk of Betcher's gland, Marneus,' come to mind, but then Cato realises that doesn't sound like he's not fucking you, so he quickly settles on: 'stop dignifying the Ambassador's hundred-and-one insane questions.'
"Not Ultramarines," Cato manages not to snarl, "It's a vestigial organ in most of us."
Your voice is shaky as you parrot, "Most of us?"
"Yes," He grunts, and promptly buries his face in your cunt.
The disproportion in size is painfully apparent when he realises his whole damned tongue is able to drag a stripe up the entire splay of you with minimal effort.
The pitched gasp he wins out of you is pure sin, and he's on the brink of swooning; but then you're running your trap again.
"Please, d-don't tell me you're one that can spit acid—" you manage to warble, seemingly still stuck on the topic.
Cato sighs as he's forced to pull away from your vulva, "I think you're forgetting I had my tongue on your tonsils in the library."
"Th-that's different," you stammer. "That's not as sensitive."
A long, unimpressed deadpan paints itself on his face.
"So," he starts with a bated hiss, "And let me be perfectly clear in this—you believe your vagina is more susceptible to burns than your mouth?"
Your face transforms into a strange mix of embarrassed and angry.
"I didn't say that—"
"Yes, you did," Cato grumbles.
"Did not," you huff.
"You—you just fucking did," he snaps, frustrated enough that he can feel one of the veins at his temple bulge. "The implication is obvious, you insufferable little whore."
You snort, but stay silent.
The argument appears, for all intents and purposes, to be finished.
"Did not," you say abruptly once more, pouting.
Cato's eyes roll back in his skull as he grits his teeth.
"Throne of Terra, if you don't drop the subject, acid in your cunt will be the least of your worries," he all but snarls, and that apparently quietens you enough that he can get back to lapping at you—the flat of his tongue running over your clit and earning a jolt.
He wraps his lips around the pink little nub and sucks. And that's all it apparently takes to make up for his amateur career in the practice.
You siphon down a sharp breath and let out a garbled cry, hips canting forward into his mouth—to which he obligingly stuffs his tongue into your slick entrance.
There's a satisfaction well beyond simple pleasure that swamps him at the way your thighs shake either side of his head. His own breath is hot about him, stuffy and dizzying; and the skin pressed against his cheeks is warm and smooth.
You're panting when he goes back to lapping over your clit, perching yourself up on a bent elbow and reaching out a hand.
Your fingers card through the messed brown hair atop his head. And he stiffens without realising—but he realises something: like this, the touch is ecstasy—pure, golden ecstasy. Every bit of higher thought in his head evaporates when you stroke him again.
A long, rumbling subvocal moan tears from him.
The infrasound vibration makes you buck weakly into his mouth again, teary eyed afore him as he adjusts his grip on you and crawls closer.
He's suddenly acutely aware that in this new, much more prone position, he's able to grind his body armour into his groin guard pressed on the floor. And as soon as the action bears results—namely a scorching burr of pleasure racing up his spine—he's deadset on rutting against the ground like a slavering beast.
He's frotting himself at a pace so rabid it'd be cruel to subject your cunt to. It's brutal, and the harsh scraping sound of plasteel on steel only further proves that. It's just frantic lust—he's desperate.
It's complete insanity how close to finishing he is so quickly.
Not as close as you, though.
He can feel how your legs jump with each pass of his tongue; and then you're unraveling in front of his very eyes.
"I-I can't—I can't, S-Sicarius, I-I—" You ramble, dazed, trying to get away as he works you right through it, sobbing and oversensitive while he's rutting himself closer and closer to his own end.
It all comes to a head when your fingers dig into his hair, tugging—and his brain is overrun with static. A drawn out groan scathes from his maw as any sense of rhythm scatters like light through a prism. For a fraction of a second, the pleasure is serene.
Then it's abject agony, he feels—he feels like Roboute Guilliman himself has just taken a running start and kicked him in the balls.
"F-Fuck–ing—gh—" he chokes, vision swimming, straining against the tide of the torment. His back arches up, and he curls inward on himself; white-hot pain clocking his nervous system into overdrive. Every muscle in his abdomen is doused in acid. He's tolerated being shot, stabbed, burnt without so much as blinking—but this is an entirely new and entirely different sort of wound. It's like he's pissing promethium. It's—it's the catheter, he realises. He'd forgotten about the bloody catheter jammed up his cock.
Through the searing ordeal, he manages to force his armour's facilities to finally abide his impulses and dose him with a pain dampener.
And then everything's fine.
He opens eyes he wasn't aware he'd closed and finds your face has suddenly gotten far closer to his.
"S-Sicarius?" You stammer, and there's an honest panic in your voice. "Sicarius, p-please, please—a-are you okay?"
He realises he's on his back, and you're sitting beside him, half draped on his chestplate, frantically trying to figure out what's wrong with him to no avail.
You've leaned in so close he can feel your rushed breathing.
"I'm fine," Cato groans, and you sputter out a sigh.
"I-I don't know what happened, I-I—" you're still wildly confused and raving, and he inhales deeply; only to be greeted by the sour animal stink of fear practically dripping from you.
Cato rolls his tongue around inside his mouth and cringes knowingly at the foaming side-effect of the chem he'd self-administered, the acrid taste mixed with your slick is certainly not an ideal cocktail.
The sincerity of concern behind your reaction is baffling. He's not made of glass, for fuck sakes—and he's a bit pissy about the fact you'd actually fallen victim to the idea of him suffering some grievous injury so easily. But he supposes where there's a will of baseline overreaction, there's a way.
"You're acting like a child, woman. Pull yourself together," he sighs hoarsely, hoping the comment jars you out of your hysteria—or at the very least scares you off.
It does exactly neither, and you sidle in closer and rest your cheek on his jaw.
It’s an action so overwhelmingly horribly affectionate that it would’ve been a crime to not press into it with a lean of his head. Or, at least, that's the half-assed justification he tells himself.
Because he's loving enduring your attention, not seeking it; and therefore only humouring you when he lifts a hand and settles the wide splay of it on your flank as a comfort.
He shouldn't be, but he is.
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hello-from-nrc-infirmary · 6 days ago
Spring Equinox
Starting Hours
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"What did he say?"
Vern is quiet, his chest aches like his heart is carrying stones. "Koa, I'll go head.. you um.. stay here and wait."
"Pardon? That would be unwise, considering-"
"-I will command it," the sprite shoves his phone away.
The elk stares at him for a few moments, waiting. Firm silence meets the familiar. Taking a step back, Koa flicks his ear. Vern can feel the small pull as the elk gathers magic at his antlers before slicing the air open. He places a reassuring hand on Koa and gives the elk a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
Swallowing the dull ache, Vern steps through the portal. His stomach churns with it. Pausing, he takes deliberate breaths, allowing his surroundings to come into focus.
Everything is loud, bustling. The wind from the mountains is a little warmer. Even the sun seems to shine brighter. Another year, another Equinox. He has to see Shirley first, the Southern Street.
His feet carry him down the familiar brick street. It's uneven, easy for grass and flowers to slip through the cracks. He takes his time to talk with any who greet him. Part of him hoping to delay the inevitable.
Humans and fae alike are crammed around Shirley's studio. They're there for the distillery next door. It makes his ears ring and getting to his sister's store difficult. Too many glance overs, too many questions. He sighs heavily when the door to the studio shuts behind him.
"There you are!!!"
Vern lets Shirley abruptly squeeze him. He mentally notes that she seems taller. "I said I would be..."
She releases him, glancing behind him, "where's Sil-Sil?"
"E-excuse me?"
"Oh! Uh, Silver," she laughs and drags Vern towards the back. "I gave him a nickname."
He's quiet as he looks over the two outfits in front of him, "he... will um... be here later..."
"Oh," Shirley almost sounds deflated, "I'm sorry-"
"-What's with the blue dress?"
"I wanted to like get ahead of things so... I started on it," she seems happy as she shows him some floral details. "So like, I don't have the accessories in for it yet, but I'm totally thinking of like... matching it with the details around the neckline! Don't worry, I already thought of silk gloves-"
Vern's chest tightens. His stomach is in knots as it plummets. "Shirley, it's... it's beautiful... but we haven't decided on anything..."
"Er.. w-well... I know, but like... I'll just shove this one back into the closet."
He nods as she steps away. Turning his attention to the glittering gold details of the other outfit. It certainly screams spring. Muted greens with a pop of pale pink. The gold accessories look fairly heavy. Absently, he drags a finger through the tiny bells dangling from the metal hip accessory. The delicate chimes give him a little ease.
"I can help you put that all on! You'll like... totally need it"
Shirley scribbles something on a piece of paper and hands it to Vern. "Here, the locks for the gold parts can seal with magic. Traditionally, that's like.. a spouse thing to do? Something about a protection spell. So... make sure Silver gets that."
"O-oh..." he nods as she brings him to the changing area. "I will..."
'What's wrong with me today? It's just another Equinox. Just another 24 hours. It's fine. I will be... no, I'm fine. It's just nerves and a bit of dread over Victor.... and mother's Willow's Wane. I'll have to visit Lux, Stravi, Gin, Sasha, Franz, and... I need to focus'
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Ooc// hmm... this one is a bit more angsty than I meant... oh well!!!
Hm.. should I release the design for his equinox attire? I have the design version.. I could make a card... I'll have some time soon...
(We just gave them 2 birthday cards)
and? It looks cool!!
(Tagging): @nrcbookclub @night-raven-miscellany @aurora-retainer-silver
127 notes · View notes
slut4thebroken · 6 days ago
Just Business
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Robert Fischer x dom!reader
Summary | He’s a brat and deserves way worse than this tbh.
Warnings | Smut, non con more like dubcon tbh, heavy misandry🤭, humiliation, degradation, light praise, cunnilingus, brat taming.
Words | 2.4 k
Notes | Idk this was originally supposed to be way more non con-y than it turned out lol.
Ao3 link | <3
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You had an appointment with Robert Fischer at 2pm… An hour later and you were still waiting. Finally his secretary brought you into his office. 
“Ah, yes— The potential partner. Let’s hear it then.” He sighed leaning back in his chair. You sat down on the chair in front of his desk, trying to mask your anger. 
“Our meeting was supposed to be at 2.”
“Yes, well, something came up.” You already didn’t like him…
“If this is the way you treat your business partners, I don’t think we’ll be a good fit,” you started, but he cut you off. 
“I thought they were sending someone to go over the proposal— not an assistant.” He huffed. You clenched your jaw as you stared at him, holding back your emotions. 
“The man you spoke to on the phone who scheduled the meeting was my assistant.” That made him scoff. “You know what? Thank you for your time, Mr. Fischer, but I don’t think we’re a good fit for each other.” You said, standing up. 
He let you get halfway across the room before he stopped you. “Wait.” He sighed. “I... apologize for my lack of professionalism. Please continue with your proposal.” Even though you wanted to leave, you forced yourself to sit back down. 
As you spoke, Robert seemed to have a hard time paying attention. There were rumors that he was a nepo baby through and through, but you didn’t think he’d actually be unqualified… You were handing him printed notes as you explained that detailed the numbers and what not. However, it didn’t really seem like he even understood what was on the papers… 
“Mr. Fischer,” you said impatiently when he, once again, was just staring out the window.
“Sorry.” He cleared his throat, looking at you again. 
“Am I boring you?” You asked plainly, reaching the limit of your patience. 
“Not you… Just.. the content…” You couldn’t believe how incompetent this man was. Sighing heavily, you closed your eyes for a moment to compose yourself. 
“Is there anyone else I can meet with? Your father perhaps?” 
“He doesn’t handle this kind of stuff.”
“Clearly you don’t either.” You scoffed before you could help it. 
“I handle it just fine.” He suddenly snapped, getting defensive. “Usually I meet with men who just talk to me, not give a whole presentation like a robot. And I’m not constantly distracted by their tits.” He spat, glancing at your chest for a few seconds before meeting your gaze again.  
You raised your brows, giving him an unimpressed look. “Hm…” You finally hummed, getting lost in thought. Robert was surprisingly misogynistic for how… non-dominant he seemed to be. 
“What?” And he just kept getting brattier… You finally stood up, but you didn’t gather your things to leave. Instead, you slowly rounded the desk until you were standing next to his chair. He turned to face you, looking both confused and irritated. Placing one hand on the back of his chair and leaning down into his space, you used your other hand to grab his cheeks, holding him still. 
“Listen closely, Mr. Fischer because I’m only going to say this once.” You told him, your voice low and stern— almost sensual… He almost seemed shocked, but he hid it fairly well. “My boss wants this partnership to work out. Based on the way you asked me to stay, I’m assuming your father feels the same. I’ve laid out all of the facts for you, but since you can’t seem to understand, I’m going to change the terms of the deal.” He frowned when you blatantly insulted his intelligence. 
“You’re going to prove to me that you want it— that you’re willing to work for it. If I’m satisfied, then we’ll move forward with this partnership. If not, well… I’m sure your daddy will be very disappointed.” 
You felt his cheeks tense under your fingers when he clenched his jaw. “How am I supposed to do that?” He scoffed, his bratty attitude still going strong. You released him and straightened up, looking down your nose at him. 
“Get on your knees.”
“Excuse me?” He choked out, staring at you with wide eyes. 
“Get on your fucking knees or I’m leaving.” You said harshly. He hesitated for a moment, then clenched his jaw again. Finally, he moved to the floor, kneeling at your feet. “There you go…” You cooed mockingly, making him scowl. You walked around him to take his place in the chair. “Face me.” He huffed, but turned around toward you. 
“Have you figured it out yet or do I need to spell it out for you?” He watched the way you settled back into the chair, your legs spread as wide as your pencil skirt would allow. 
“You… Are you insane? I’m not fucking doing that!” 
“No?” You cooed, tilting your head as you looked down at him. “Fine. I’ll leave and I’ll tell my assistant to call your daddy— tell him why this deal didn’t go through.” Despite your words, you didn’t move, giving him another chance. “Or…” Your voice lowered and you leaned forward, reaching out to grab his tie. He let out a choked sound when you yanked on it, pulling him closer. “You can be a good little boy and put that bratty mouth of yours to good use.”
“H-How dare you? Coming here— to a building with my fucking name on it— calling me bratty? I should be contacting your superiors.” He scoffed, making you smirk. Even with the outburst, you could tell he was already crumbling. 
“I wouldn’t call you bratty if you’d stop behaving like a brat.” You said plainly, only making him more angry. “Listen, Robert,” you sneered patronizingly, “either you eat me out or I leave. You don’t have any other options.” 
“No! Are you even hearing yourself?” He yelled, making you sigh. “I- I have a girlfriend. I’m not just going to cheat on her because you’re blackmailing me.” 
“Blackmailing? Please,” you scoffed, “I’m not blackmailing you. And I’d hardly call this cheating.” 
“Then what the fuck would you call it?” He asked in disbelief.  
You hummed softly in thought as you considered it for a moment. “Business.” You all but shrugged. He watched with wide eyes as you grabbed the hem of your skirt and lifted it up above your hips, showing your panties. “Get to it, Robert. You’ve already made me late for another meeting, you don’t want to be the reason I miss a second one today.” 
He gaped at you, his gaze shifting between your eyes and your crotch. “You’re fucking insane.” He finally said. 
“No. I just actually earned my position and I have plenty of experience with bratty men who are used to getting everything they want.” He clenched his jaw and the tips of his ears tinged red with anger. “I won’t tell you again, Robert. You have five seconds to start or I’m leaving.”
Robert let out a heavy breath through his nose, but moved forward reluctantly, practically seething in rage at the fact that you were sitting in his chair in his office in ‘his’ building, demanding he service you sexually. And yet…
He pulled your panties to the side and got to work. At his clear attitude and lack of enthusiasm, you sighed in annoyance. 
“I thought this was obvious, but if you do a shitty job, this deal isn’t going through.” You told him. 
“Fuck you.” He gritted… but obeyed nonetheless. You let out a pleased moan when he dragged his tongue up your folds to your clit before sucking the swollen bud into his mouth. 
“There you go…” You cooed mockingly, spreading your legs wider for him. He rolled his eyes, but didn’t bother with a retort. “God you’re fucking pathetic.” You muttered, looking away from him, bored. You examined his desk, snorting a laugh at the online game that was on his computer screen. At the sight of the coffee cup, you picked it up and took off the lid to smell it— black with sugar… not your favorite, but after sitting in that lobby for over an hour, you deserved a pick-me-up. 
When he heard you drinking, he pulled back. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Three, two,” and just like that, he was back between your legs. You scoffed a laugh and took another sip of the coffee. “Only a man would be so pathetic and incompetent, he has to eat me out just to make a simple business deal.” You muttered to yourself, loud enough that he could hear though. With the exception of Robert, you made a mental note to tell your boss to stop giving you all the stupid potential business partners. 
“At least you’re pretty though.” You sighed, running your freehand through his hair, making his eyes snap up to your face. God- his eyes… So fucking pretty— They’d probably look even more pretty all glossy with tears… “I swear, if you weren’t such a dick, I’d take you to dinner instead of making you eat me out like a common whore.” You frowned, feeling almost disappointed. “But maybe you’re only a dick because I haven’t put you in your place yet.” 
He tried to pull back, but you just grabbed his hair and yanked him forward again, burying his face in your pussy— You were mostly talking outloud to yourself anyway, so he didn’t need to worry about doing something as silly as talking back. 
“I’ll wait and see what your attitude is like after you make me come all over your face, then I’ll decide whether I should have my assistant set up dinner or not.” You decided. Robert tried to speak, but you were holding him against your cunt too firmly. “Shh… You’re so much prettier when you’re not running your mouth, sweetheart.” The way his cheeks went bright red made you grin sadistically. 
“Use a finger.” You commanded, getting antsy for your orgasm already. Robert huffed, but used the hand that wasn’t holding your panties to slide a finger inside you. “Good boy.” You smiled. He let out a quiet sound when you started petting his hair again. 
“You should feel lucky, you know. I’ve been so busy recently that I’ve barely had any time to get off for almost two weeks straight so I’m already getting close.” He let out another muffled sound in response, slipping a second finger inside you. “Oh, look at you… Such a good boy taking initiative.” You cooed mockingly. Was he just trying to get this over with faster? Maybe… But you didn’t really care. You’d have plenty more opportunities for Robert to take his time now that you were going to be business partners. 
The constant suction on your clit with the way his fingers curled inside you made your back arch off the chair, pushing your hips down onto his face. Robert might’ve been a spoiled brat, but damn if he wasn’t amazing at eating pussy…
“God- you look so fucking pathetic with your pretty face buried in my pussy… and you love it, don’t you?” He grunted something unintelligible, but it wasn’t an obvious denial, at least. “Yeah you do.” You chuckled. 
“C’mon, Robert… Be a good boy and make me come— make your daddy proud and secure this partnership all on your own like a big boy.” You couldn’t help but smirk as you patronized him, but he didn’t get angry or try to pull away. He just let out another sound and started sucking and licking more enthusiastically. 
You brought your other hand down to his head as well, holding him firmly against your cunt. Your toes were curling in your heels as the pleasure continued building, until finally it all snapped. 
You bit your lip to stifle a moan, knowing you couldn’t be too loud since you were still in an unlocked office. Robert whimpered when you forced his face against your pussy hard enough to squish his nose against your pubic bone and limit his breathing. Despite that, he never stopped sucking on your clit or moving his fingers inside you. Your cunt was gushing and pulsing around his digits, your clit throbbing in his mouth as waves of pleasure rolled through you, and nonsensical praises left your lips. 
“Fucking hell… I needed that more than I thought I did.” You said through a breath, panting heavily. As you sagged back into the chair, you loosened your grip on him, but didn’t let go completely, you just let him pull back a tiny bit. He was also panting, the lower half of his face almost completely drenched, his cheeks a dark pink, and his eyes glazed over with what you assumed was lust. 
“You were better at that than I thought you’d be…” You told him, but he barely reacted. “Take your fingers out and suck them clean.” You ordered, wanting to test whether he was still just out of it, or if you actually broke him down already. 
He carefully extracted his fingers, then put them in his mouth, his eyes fluttering as he sucked off your arousal. 
“Huh.” You said to yourself, slightly shocked— That was way too easy… As another test, you picked up his coffee cup and took another sip, making sure he was watching. 
He just licked his lips, then cleared his throat. “…Are you going through with the partnership?” He managed to say, and you couldn’t hold back a smirk in time. 
“I need to think about it some more. My assistant will call you tomorrow to arrange dinner plans. I’ll give you my decision then.” You finally released his hair and ran your fingers through it a little, trying to smooth it out so it didn’t look like he just had his head buried between your legs… “Do you have anything you want to say to me for giving you another chance?” 
“Thank you.” Your smirk turned into a pleased smile and you cupped his cheek, brushing your thumb over his bottom lip. 
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Keep being a good boy and I’m sure this partnership will work out just fine.” He nodded dumbly in response and you stood up, fixing your panties and pulling your skirt back down. Robert just stared up at you, almost in a trance, and watched in awe. 
“Oh, and, Robert?” You leaned down a little, taking his warm cheeks in your hand to make sure you had his full attention. “The next time you think you can get away with being a brat to me, you’ll be doing much worse than just eating me out.” You smiled sweetly, making his poor, fucked out little head lag as he struggled to understand the real meaning behind your words.
(Also yes, I already started part 2 lol)
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skywalkersslut · 8 months ago
benny cross x fem!reader
A/N: I keep seeing fics where benny starts to panic when reader gets pregnant and I know that’s honestly pretty canon…. however I was wondering how it’d be the other way around :( so I ended up writing my own!
Summary: In which you get pregnant and you’re not sure if you have what it takes to be a mother
Warnings: angstttttt, reader has mommy issues, husband!benny, fluffy ending, kind of ooc benny
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You had been late, 16 days to be precise. Normally you wouldn’t have thought twice to your period being a few days late. This being because of your constant stress inducing husband, but it had felt different this time. You couldn’t sleep, and to be fair, it had been 2 weeks. Now you sit in the doctor’s office staring at the detailed slip of paper in your hands, confirming you were in fact pregnant.
You pulled into the driveway of your and Benny’s house, for once relieved, that Benny’s Harley hadn’t been parked up front. It wasn’t that you were scared to tell him, you were scared of the pregnancy itself, could you be a mother?
You walked into the house, keys turning inside the loose gold doorknob, you’d have to remind Benny to fix that later.
Hours of contemplating had past, you’ve been pacing around the entire house. You thought back to your childhood, remembering the lack of love you got from your mother, the same cycle you’d pass on to this baby. How can you pass on something you’ve never had? You hadn’t learned to love a child, you didn’t know what was right or wrong.
Right as you’re about to take another lap around the house, you hear the familiar rev of Bennys bike.
Normally, you’d feel like a weight had been lifted off your shoulder, skipping over to greet your husband with kisses. This time, you were stuck in place with your stomach in knots.
Benny walked into the house, hanging up his keys on the baby blue holder. “Darlin” he yelled out. A few seconds had past, and you’d mustered up the courage to face your husband, walking up to him, sucking in your tears “Hey baby” you let out in a whisper.
“C’mere”, he called out but you stood frozen, denying his embrace. Something you only do when you’re mad. “What’s wrong, hm”, he peered down at you, lifting your chin. “I’m just tired Benny” you walked away and plopped down on the sofa.
“So tired ya can’t even kiss your husband?” he said wearily, following you to the couch. “Benny,” Before you could even let out a sentence the tears started pouring. “Hey baby what’s wrong”, Benny sat down to hold you “Somethin happen? What is it baby”
Benny hadn’t been an affectionate person. He never cared for little things until you had come into his life, it had been one night of you on the back of his motorcycle, talking his ear off when he realized he was gonna make you his wife. Since then, he’s changed, sure he still has trouble communicating and stays out with Johnny for a little too long, but there’s nothing more to him than his wife.
“I’m pregnant, Benny” you couldn’t even look at him, you know he’d stick by you, he never made you feel like he’d leave you, not since you two had tied the knot.
Benny paused in his seat. This was far different from what he had thought was the reasoning behind your behaviour, he was relieved. It had taken a few moments for Benny to realize what had just come outta your mouth, but when he did he felt nothing but love. “I’m gonna be a dad?” he looked down at you with a smile, but there was all the opposite on your face.
“What’s wrong doll, yer not happy?” He tilted his head down to face you. “I can’t be a mom Benny, I never had a mom the way others did, I’m just gonna pass it on to our kid and a baby doesn’t deserve that? All babies need a good mom. I can’t even do that.”
Benny heart dropped, you, the person who’d shown up to every meeting with one of your famous desserts each time, who’d cared for him after every fight he’d been in, the same woman who he knew he’d fight a million men for, thought she couldn’t be a good mother? “Baby, you’re not really saying that hm, if there’s someone in this world who’ll be a good mom, it’s sure as hell you.”
Benny couldn’t stop the anger rising within him, knowing he couldn’t change the way you were raised. “Don’t ever say some shit like that again huh” You started to feel light inside, lookin up to see nothing but seriousness on Bennys face. “My mom fucked me up Benny” you sighed in defeat.
“We’re all fucked up baby, before there was you I thought I’d just be fucking around on my bike till the end of time, you changed my whole life doll, look at me I’m gonna be a fucking dad and I don’t want nothin more.”
For the first time since he’d come home, you’d smile. “Okay” “Okay? Okay what baby” Benny asked “Okay we’re gonna have this baby” your words cause Benny to ease into the couch “Damn fucking right we are”
Benny hugged you so tight you started to wonder how you’d felt so low when you had him by your side.
Soon enough, you’d be months along, strolling into every baby store you can, trying not to buy every little piece of clothing you set your eyes on. Benny not far behind, holding the piles of whatever you throw into his hand, trying to pretend the sight of you carrying his baby doesn’t make his heart swell.
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sopiao · 2 years ago
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(i’ve been searching for the artist since forever 😭😭 only trace of it is from pintrest 🥲)
but könig’s cut looks so fresh omg 🤭 JUST LOOK AT HIS FUCKING HAIR
anyways, a lil snippet of him showing it to you!!
Soldiers can’t have their hair too long, can’t touch the collar, it says. But even with König’s mask, there’s no exceptions. So, he was forced to cut it. For the longest time he managed to get away from it, his hair was so long it was a little past his shoulders, collarbone length.
And you loves it. Loves playing with it, running your fingers through it, playing with it, rubbing suds through his scalp while you wash his hair. You always loved how it was always so soft and shiny, so silky with minimal care. Lucky.
After his first cut, he felt so weird. His head felt lighter, and somehow he feels.. naked? Even with his sniper hood on he still felt naked. For the first couple hours he rubbed his hand against the nape of his neck, feeling how shaved and short it is, so foreign for him.
He was more worried about how you’d react. He knows how much you love playing with his hair, trying new hairstyles you find, tying it in little ponytails or the half-up half-down do. It was 2 weeks until he went on leave. So he had time for it to grow out a little and get more comfortable with it.
His hands are shaky when he unlocks the door. Usually he’s very excited and wastes no time to just rush in and lift you in his arms. He still has his hood on too. König relaxes a little when he enters your shared home, the familiar sound of your playlist hitting his ears, unconsciously putting him at ease.
He steps out of his boots and placed them on the ground next to the entrance. Taking light and quiet steps to make his presence unknown, planning to surprise you. The smell of your food, his favorite meal, almost made him forget about what he was nervous about.
The sight of you doing little dances and singing along to your music while you prepare König’s coming back dinner puts him at ease. Maybe it’s not that bad. Maybe you’ll like it.
When you turn around to grab an ingredient from the island behind you, you catch a glimpse of him entering the room. For a split second you think it’s an intruder, since he never comes home to you with his mask on, but then realize it’s your husband :>
“König!” You squeal, turning off the stove, and excitedly sprinting your way into his arms. The Austrian lovingly accepts your love, engulfing you in his big arms and lifting you off the ground as you squeak in joy.
“Vergib mir, maus. I’m sorry I’m late” He apologizes, looking down at you, his worries immediately washing away and not even wanting to eat, just wanting to lay in your arms and sleep on you for hours, days even.
“Why do you still have your mask on?” You ask, more worried that something happened to him, rather than bothered that he’d hide his face from you. It was quite odd since he’s been very comfortable about his face being seen by you, and now he’s hiding it, just like when you first met.
König’s arms slowly unwrapped and moved away from you. Hesitantly, he lifted up his sniper hood and set it down on the counter. Eyes down, too scared to look up and see your reaction. You stood still, mouth agape, just taking in the whole new feature.
From the beginning of your relationship till now, he always kept his hair long. Always preferred it that way. He’s not sure how he developed a taste for it. He just started missing his haircuts at a young age and just kept it like that.
This was all so new to you. You could see so much more of his face now. Come to think of it, this is the first time you’ve seen his neck. The more you stared, the more you were amazed with such a change.
“Hm?” König finally took together the courage to look you in the eyes, head still low, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. He couldn’t really decipher what your expression meant. Looked like a mix of shock, surprise. Just couldn’t tell if you liked it or not.
“Oh. My, God” You reach your hands over to his face, first at the base of his neck, then slowly up to cup the sides of his face, slightly squishing his cheeks.
“You look so handsome!” You grin, once you take in every detail, and start to slowly get used to it. He looks up again at you, hands holding onto your wrists softly.
“You like it?” He asked, not sure whether you just lying to make him feel better or being genuine.
“Do you?” He nods in response.
“Then I like it” Smiling once again, you start to run your hands up from the nape of his neck to the back of his head, fingers relaxing between his hair, not very used to how short it is.
“Why’d you cut it?” You ask, slightly tilting his head to get a better view of every angle, not really bothered that he did cut his hair, just curious since this is a big step outside of his comfort zone.
“They made me. Said it’s way past regulations” He sighed and shrugged, missing the feeling of how you’d massage his scalp and scratch his head before bed, making him feel drowsy.
“You look so handsome” You coo quietly under your breath, after a couple seconds of comfortable silence. He’s slightly hunched, his natural posture, to accommodate the height difference between you two. Basking in the familiar and home-like feeling of your touch.
After dinner, the two already began to wind down for bed. König takes his usual position next to you, arms around your middle, your leg draped over his, and his head resting on your chest. It took a while to actually get to sleep since König’s hairs was tickling your chest.
When his hair was longer it just draped and laid on your skin. It took some getting used to but soon the two fell asleep, König first. Usually, on most nights, you’d rub his back and scratch his head with the other hand while you hum him— and yourself— to sleep.
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tourturestarradio · 7 months ago
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Pairing: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami (more added later) x Mermaid reader!
Prompt: After your family jewels were stolen you were determined to get them back joining you closest friend Monkey D. Luffy on his adventure to become the king of the pirates.
Warnings: none, this follows the live action!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 4
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
⋆。°✩ ┊         ┊       ┊   ┊    ┊        ┊               ┊         ┊       ┊   ┊   ˚★⋆。˚  ⋆ ┊         ┊       ┊   ⋆                                                                                                         ┊         ┊       ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆      ┊ .  ˚            ˚★
𝐘/𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐄𝐃 nodding her head "mhm! I thought you guys would have guessed that from the fins, gills, odd skin colors" she glanced over at Luffy "you got some clothes?" he handed her some with a faint smile happy to see she's ok.
She wasn't naked but she did have pretty much nothing but a swimsuit on. Zoro looked away feeling his cheeks getting hot while Nami blinked seemingly still in shock.
Y/n walked into the small room shutting the door.
The two looked back at Luffy who smiled friendly at them "so you just aren't gonna mention you're friends with a mermaid?" Zoro asked.
Luffy corrected him "I not friends with a mermaid, i'm best friends with a mermaid" Zoro rolled his eyes "yeah same difference, why didn't you tell us she was a mermaid?" Luffy shrugged "didn't think it was important."
Nami spoke sounding annoyed "of course that's important- oh my god." both Luffy and Zoro looked at her in confusion "what?" Nami looked like she came to a shocking realization.
"Angelfish...Luffy do you even know what happened to the Angelfish family?" Luffy tilted his head "you mean Y/n's family? No. why?" Nami sighed "they-" Y/n just so happened to get finished getting changed.
"Done! hey Nami have you got the safe open yet?" she asked sitting down beside Luffy, Nami gulped "uh yeah  almost." Y/n looked in between the group "what's wrong? D-Did I do something I'm s-sorry if I did-" "nope! you're all good" Luffy said wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
She fiddled with her necklace her eyes wandering around "you sure?" Luffy nodded his head with a cheeky grin. Y/n smiled back "oh well alright" going over to the edge of the boat Y/n looked out into the ocean watching as the water moved steadily.
She let out a sigh before turning away and plopping down she saw Zoro staring at her out of the corner of her eye but when she looked in his direction he looked away.
Y/n chuckled and played with her necklace "so does that always happen?" Y/n glanced up and over.
"Hm? what do you mean?" she asked tilting her head at Zoro's question, "faint when you don't get water" Y/n tilted her head from side to side "eh yes and no, it's just I can go a few hours without seawater then i'll get a headache, maybe get a little dizzy but then I might pass out if I don't get water, I could possibly even die without it." Y/n chuckled.
Y/n glanced at Luffy "first time it happened Luffy almost lost his mind, he thought I died...I mean I kinda almost did but it was funny, kinda."
Zoro hummed "uh wow that's morbid..." Y/n shrugged "I've been through worse" Zoro raised a bro looking at the girl questioningly, realizing what she said Y/n tensed up "u-um I-I uh m-mean-oh look at that! Nami got the safe open!" getting up Y/n went over looking into the safe.
Zoro stared at the nervous girl before going over to  the safe "isn't there supposed to be a treasure in there or something?" he asked, Nami looked at him as if he was crazy "this is more valuable than treasure. it's knowledge, this is the map to the grand line." Y/n couldn't help but get lost in thought as they talked.
She stared up at the sky looking at all the bright white stars when she spotted an odd red light "what's that?" she muttered to herself, it popped causing smoke to fall onto the ship "woah! w-what's that?!" she stumbled back, as another one popped causing more smoke to fall.
"The smoke smells weird" Luffy muttered, Y/n off in the distance saw a much larger pirate ship in the distance, thinking quick she grabbed a bag and stuffed some clothes into it as the other began to pass out Luffy stumbling into the room.
She jumped overboard, swimming deep into the ocean turning her legs into her tail swimming off into the distance she saw the other crew mates jumped onto the boat dragging the other onto the larger ship.
Y/n's heart thumped against her chest as she saw the ship start to move away deciding to follow the ship Y/n kept a good distance "I hope they're gonna be okay..."
Ducking her head under the water she swam faster "who's ship even is this...that flag looks familiar..." she muttered. swimming under the boat she looked around "hopefully they won't be sailing for a while."
They did in fact sail for a while.
By the time they made it to land the sun was coming up, poking her head up she swam to shore making sure it was safe for her to come up she switched her tail back to her legs taking the clothes out of her bag and changed into them sneaking around she poked her head around a corner.
As she did so she saw someone stare dead in her direction, "eek!" she backed up and hid 'they didn't see you...they didn't see you...' she repeated to herself in her mind, that was until she heard a snicker come from beside her, "what's a pretty thing like you doing around here?" she only had one thought in her mind 'crap!!'
Buggy stared at the black haired boy "hmm...I'm not asking the important questions here...need to dig deeper. What makes a boy want to grow up to be king of the pirates? Who are you trying to impress? A lost love, an absent parent, or was it someone that you worshiped a false idol?" Luffy looked away ignoring his words.
Without warning Buggy snatched Luffy's straw hat "hey give me back my hat!" but Buggy only ignored him "I used to know a pirate who wore a hat just like this...red haired Shanks." Luffy looked at him in confusion "you knew Shanks?"
"Ginger three scars left eye, kinda hard to miss." Buggy stated, he rambled about how Shanks "stole his spot light" Buggy slowly growing annoyed with him bad mouthing Shanks, "don't talk about him that way." Buggy smirked knowing he struck a nerve.
Luffy looked away only to spot a familiar mermaid standing behind some of the seated people, he smiled seeing her "Y/-" she held her pointer finger up to her lips shushing him he kept his mouth closed looking back over to Buggy "Boogy...I'm warning you." he stated, Buggy dropped his shoulders "it's Buggy! and you warning me? Now that's a laugh."
Without a second passing a harsh whip cracked against Buggy's back "ack-! what the- ow!" he dropped the kid he was holding, who ran back over to where he was sitting. Holding his back he turned around confused, but he didn't see anyone.
Another harsh crack hit his back "ah! shit!" this time he didn't even get to turn around he was kicked right in his stomach sending him flying back. Luffy took this opportunity to break out of those stupid bindings, Y/n ran over to her friend tackling him down into a hug "oh t-thank God you're safe!" Luffy hugged back "yeah, i'm fine but I don't know about Nami and Zoro go check on them."
Y/n looked conflicted "w-what about you?" Luffy patted her head "don't worry i'll be fine." she nodded and ran to find Zoro and Nami.
Buggy made a smug face "well don't just stand there! Go get her!" he stated to one of his crew members, they ran off to catch the girl he looked back at Luffy "...who's the fish face hm?" Luffy glared at him "that's none of your business, and don't call her that." Luffy stated, "Your girlfriend or something? I gotta say..." he circled around Luffy like a hawk watching it's prey.
"She looks a little too good for you if you ask me."  Luffy clenched his fist, "shut up." Buggy only laughed "ooh? Is someone getting upset?...it's true though. She is a fine piece of art." Luffy sick of hearing Buggy speak about his friend in such a way pulled his hand back and stretched it forward punching his head off.
It flew into a woman's lap causing the people around her to scream in shock. However his body remained standing "well, well, well, looks like we have something in common." he popped his head back on like it was nothing, Luffy looked confused "you ate a devil fruit?" Buggy smiled "the chop chop fruit." he specified.
Y/n ducked under one the freaks punches punching him in the stomach. She cracked her whip in another persons face before kicking their feet out from under him.
Running past them she listened for the sound of Zoro or Nami's voice. Soon enough she heard the two voices bickering following them she peaked her head inside the room seeing Zoro being questioned by a crew mate with a bad haircut.
Y/n slid off her shoes so they wouldn't make any sound as she slowly crept up behind the pirate. Zoro kept his focus on the man in front of him so he wouldn't get suspicious.
Y/n got close enough to him lightly tapping him on the shoulder he turned around only to be met with a hard punch to the face, although...it wasn't hard enough to knock him out.
He fell to the ground "you...you'll pay for that!" Y/n shrieked "you were supposed to pass out!" quickly she punched him again finally knocking him out. Y/n stood up going to untie Zoro "that was painful to watch" he stated, Y/n huffed "n-not everyone c-can be a brute like you!"
Nami picked the lock opening the cage "so what's your plan? That's your thing right?" Zoro asked, Nami smirked picking up her staff "I say...we beat up every clown we see." picking up his swords Zoro chuckled "not a bad idea." walking out of the room Y/n pouted "always fighting..." she slid back on her shoes hurrying to catch up to them.
Tapping the glass Buggy continued to toy with Luffy "you want out? you know the price you have to pay." smirking Luffy tapped on the glass, Buggy turned around wondering just who he was pointing at? Nami tossed her staff at the glass cracking it.
Buggy looked around panicked as the glass broke "where are my freaks?" as the seawater came pouring out of the tank Luffy coughed up some water along with the map he swallowed.
Buggy crawled to get the map, as Luffy grabbed his hat cradling it close to his chest. Nami, Zoro, and Y/n walked up prepared to fight the unfunny clown, Buggy smirked at the three "you want a piece of me?...Let's see what you got" Zoro tried cutting him up but he only pieced himself back together again "surprise shit heads!"
Y/n groaned "you have a devil fruit power...." Buggy began to separate his body up, circling it around the three while laughing "wait a minute..." Y/n looked over seeing crates she rushed over to the open crates.
"Ya'know Burpy! it's kinda hard to focus on what you're saying when you have that big nose in the way all the time!" she shouted, in an instant she saw him focus on her "did you just...i'll kill you, you brat! And it's Buggy!" he threw his body parts towards her, she ducked and let the limb hit the lid of the crate before falling shut.
Luffy was the first to catch onto what Y/n was doing, he shouted over to Nami "Nami the crates!" she grabbed her staff, as Zoro got up Luffy started punching the limbs over towards the trio.
Quickly enough Buggy caught onto what they were doing shouting "no!" but he stupidly kept throwing limbs at them.
When he was nothing but a head, hands, and feet he shouted "what have you done to me!" Luffy smirked "cut you down to size." As they talked Y/n put a weight on all of the crate moving them and hiding them around so it would be harder to put him back together again.
Luffy stretched his arms back "gum gum!" Buggy started to panic "hey! hey! woah, woah, woah!" launching his hands forward he threw Buggy out of the big top sending him who nose where. (get it? Nose instead of knows, okay i'll stop)
Picking up the map Luffy handed it over to Nami who looked mildly surprised "you're giving this to me?" she questioned "you're the navigator." Zoro sighed "let's get out of this clown show." Luffy stopped him "there's still one more this we have to do."
Going over to the people he undid the chains setting the people free, Y/n helped getting the chains off as she did a little girl stared at her, Y/n smiled warmly at her "don't worry we'll get you out of here" the little girl nodded "thank you miss." Y/n patted her head "no problem."
Heading back to the ship the people and their mayor followed gathering up all the food they could find  "we don't have much. but please take this as a token of our gratitude." luffy spoke "you need it more than we do." going back to the ship someone tugged on the bottom of Y/n's skirt causing her to turn around.
It was the little girl but she was crying, she hugged Y/n's legs "i-i'll n-never forget you!" Y/n smiled down at the girl, patting her head she knelt down to the girls height "here have this." taking the starfish hair clip out of her hair she carefully placed it on the girls hair "don't cry okay? we'll meet each other again someday."
The little girl hugged Y/n muttering thank you, Y/n hugged back for a second before letting go "okay goodbye!" the girl waved "bye bye!"
Y/n hurried and got back on the ship right as they were about to take off as she got on the ship Y/n let out a deep sigh. Watching as the left Y/n felt tears swell up in her eyes "what happened to not crying?" Zoro joked, "shut it! I get very emotional at times like this!" Y/n shouted.
Luffy went to the front of the ship pointing off into the distance "next stop! the grand line!"
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
A/n: *awesome authors note!!*
Tag List: @luuffyswife @ghostlyworld @valen-yamyam16 @juhdoche
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tan1shere · 1 year ago
Changes pt 3
Ellie Williams x female reader !
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A/n: finally what you've all been waiting for, I hope you all enjoy this was such a fun story to write. I feel like I wrote this well, especially the anxiety as I suffer hugely from it, a few techniques in there of how I deal with it if you also struggle <3
Summary: Ellies the bad girl in the school but she takes a liking to the reader, everyone's worried but the reader somehow changes her for the better ... or does she ?
Warnings: MDNI. Smut at end !! Implied rape from a past relationship, anxiety, pet names, SOFT DOM ELS ! mentions of drinking and I think that's it :)
Text: orange-ellie pink-reader blue-angela
The red text is flashbacks which is near the end !!
Masterlist || pt 1 ! , pt 2 !
"It's all an act. Dont fall for any of it."
"She's gunna hurt you Y/n."
"I'm not a completely great person, maybe I'm working on it I dunno. But I don't date. I can't it's just not in me."
"Don't start anything with her, you're too pure for her antics."
"She's not changing Y/n, she will hurt you."
"We warned you."
It was spiraling in your brain, everyone's words including hers. You felt foolish for thinking you could change her in any way. An absolute fool. Why couldn't you of listened to everyone. All you had was hope. But that died that night, that hope was officially gone for good. You had been curled up in bed all of your Saturday. You hated to admit it but you were crying. Laying in your bed with cold tears staining your face. You had come home from that party in the exact same state.
"Oh, babe.." you heard Angela's voice softly say, bringing you into her embrace. You sunk into the feeling letting out tears. "What's up?" She asks pulling back a little. "Y-you were right. I'm such a fucking idiot." You sob. She was confused. "Woah what, slow down." Her hand rubs on your arms, bringing you with her to sit on the couch. "Me and Ellie. Well we were dating in secret, I'm so sorry for that. But we aren't anymore." She changes her expression to a more serious one. "That fucking wh-" But you didn't even want her to finish that. You knew Ellie had hurt you but it was fairly new, you still had some love for her. As troublesome that may be it was nothing but the truth. You had to get over that tho. You had to.
You were laying on your side, still mulling over those same sentences over and over again. It was like a tiny devil in your brain telling you 'you fucked up' but you soon hear your door creaking open. "I made you some sammies." Angie came in with a sweet smile. Your back was currently facing her and you didn't make any effort in changing that as you let out a dry hm. She lets out a sigh. "I won't watch you starve because of some silly girl who's hurt you. Please." You turn over looking at her. "I'll eat, just not as hungry right now." She walks over setting the plate down on your bedside table, moving to sit on your bed. "You're strong ok? I know you will get past this." You give her a tiny nod. "I might just take a nap." She nods in agreement going to leave. "Good idea."
A few minutes go by when you hear the door. You couldn't make out the voice so you continue to rest on your side. Holding the drawing she did of you in hand, staring at it. All of this, everything just wasted. You couldn't bare to look at it any longer, chucking it in a random direction, deciding to get some rest.
Ellies pov.
The night before:
"Oh this one's going to be a good one I can feel it." I say, examining the crowds of people. It was booming, that's for sure. I look at her, she looked so effortlessly pretty. It stunned me. "You're so silly." She speaks. "Come on let's get a drink." I then say, grabbing her wrist and dragging her gently with me. Her smile was brightening every bad thing in this world. "I'll be the sober help." I smile at her. "Not even one love?" She just shakes her head. "Alright, just make sure you're comfortable yeah?"
It had been maybe an hour into the party and I didn't feel completely with it. Y/n was sitting comfortably in my lap, just looking so beautiful. "Mmm I want another." I slur. And there it was, her gorgeous giggle. "You're so gone Els-" "your laughs so pretty, makes my heart warm." I blurt out suddenly. "Well that's very kind of you." She replies. But as I keep looking at her I could tell something was off, or was I daydreaming? Was the alcohol just messing with my brain. I decide to ignore it, not in my right mind. "Can you pretty please get me another drink my beautiful girlfriend." I watch as she smiles at me, probably replying but the music drowns out not only my thoughts but any formable words. Feeling her get off and leave, I could feel my brain going fuzzy too. But deep down something just didn't feel 100%. I eventually turn my head to look at her, noticing Kenny speaking to her.
That boils my blood. Why can't he just mind his own business? Stop it Ellie, you haven't been angry like this in forever, don't break that streak now. She comes back over handing me my drink, I give her a mumbled thank you. "Was he hassling you?" "Who, Kenny? Nothing I can't handle my love." As I look at her I notice her posture shift, i knew it wasn't her getting comfortable on my lap. Because if anything she looked uncomfortable.
"You alright mama?" I decide to just ask. "I'm just going to go for a pee." She states, beginning to get off. "Oh.. alright love." I'd be lying If I said I wasn't worried, but the other half of me felt dizzy, making me forget slightly what was going on. I shake my head going to get up and get another drink. When I eventually hear shuffling next to me. I turn my attention to see a dirty blonde girl. "Hey." She gently says. It takes me a moment as confusion washes over me. "Hi?" Silence. "You don't remember me?" More silence. Because no, I didn't know who the hell she was, until I take a better look. "Sophy." She smiles. "Ah so you do remember." I somehow felt awkward. "Uhmm yeah." Still really confused on why she's even talking to me. "I missed you." Stunned. "I- huh?" Now I was really baffled. "But- i kinda just left ya." It was bad, but it was the truth, why would she miss me. "Yeah well. You were still hot." I furrow my brows at a loss of words. "I- wha-" When I suddenly feel her lips on mine, I felt all too sober right then as my eyes widen. But before I could push her away- "Ehem." I hear someone clear their throat, I don't even need to turn around to know who it was.
"Fuck.." I mutter, slowly turning to face her. "Wait baby no i-" I began but suddenly my freshly poured drink was being dumped on me. I sigh. "No." She points at me. "Ellie what the actual fuck." I stare at her, saying nothing. Not even knowing what to say. Fuck, it's like it's happening all over again, speak you idiot. My eyes widen as she starts to cry.. ive never seen her cry before, safe to say I never ever wanted to witness it again. "Y/n no no please-" "After everything we've been through, after what you told me. They were wrong. You cant change for anyone. I should've listened to them." I immediately shake my head. It was all wrong. "Don't say that please- it was an accident fuck- she just-" But she cuts me off, shoving the cup into my chest. "Shut up Ellie." And I listen. I couldn't fuck things up any more then i have. Right...
It was silent, after a second or two she soon goes to leave. "Wait-" I start, but it was no use. She was gone in the swarm of people. "Fuck." I curse under my breath. I couldn't let this happen, not her. Not someone who I know I've fallen in love with. God Ellie you should've just told her. I wanted to make this right, after all she was my everything. I stride through the crowds when I spot her. I notice she isn't alone. God, does Kenny ever just fuck off. There's that anger again, but nothing was stopping me this time. I March on over there, pushing him to the ground ignoring all the fallen gasps. "Ellie what the fu-" "He touched you!" I retort. "You bitch." He starts to speak, getting off the floor and making an attempt to hit me, but he misses. "Fight round two then, you fucker." And it begun, the tiny fight between us. But I notice her going to leave. "Wait no- please let me explain!" I yell, grabbing onto her wrist. She immediately pulls back, with anger herself. "No Ellie. Don't ever touch or even speak to me again." "They weren't right, you have changed me i swear to you!" I plead, but she just shakes her head. "Once a dick. Always a dick. You. Have. Not. Changed."
And that was that. I watch as she leaves. I felt so empty like I had just lost my best friend. What the fuck was I going to do.
Missed calls. I called her so many times, I was freaking out. Think Ellie. God. This was suppose to be the one thing I didn't fuck up. I pace in my room, debating on what is the best approach. Nothing. "Come on brain. You can be creative, don't lack in that now!" There was one option. Going to her dorm and trying to talk to her, Angela. There needed to be a backup plan tho, I had no faith in the first one. I flop on my bed with a long sigh. "You made her cry.." it hurt to even look back on, her hurt features. Her anger, but most importantly those glossy eyes. I close mine trying to get the image out, laying on my back still thinking. "Fuck it." I get up and head over to her dorm. Knocking on the door hesitantly, when Angela is suddenly in sight. "Can I spe-" "No." She immediately cuts me off. "But-" "No Ellie you broke her fucking heart. Again. Why do you always do this to people." I stare at her. "This time was an accident I swear-!" She raises a brow. "You accidentally kissed someone? Yeah alright." There was no winning this. "Please just let me talk to her and explain." She looks at me, but not before shutting the door in my face. Great. What now?
It had been a few days later, and there was no sight of her in classes. Which was worrying, knowing how involved she was with the work. It was saddening to say the least. I decided to have a small wind down in the library, wanting to clear my thoughts in the safe space. When I spot her just sitting in a corner, reading. Was I dreaming? I haven't seen her in days. My feet felt like they were glued to the floor, staring. Do I go over? Talk to her? What do I say?
All these thoughts raced through my mind when I just stood up properly, beginning to head over there. I stand for a few moments in hopes she'd see a person's shoes and look up. As her head rises I notice her eyes. Tired. Worn out. Red and puffy. My heart breaks all over again, especially when her soft expression turns into a bitter glance. "I uh-" I sigh scratching my neck. "Can we talk?" There was silence. Not our enjoyable silence that we'd always share. A cold silence. "Nothing to talk about." I swallow hearing her voice for what felt like forever. And it hurt, the pain deep inside her. "Please." Pleading. I just needed to try say something. I bend down getting infront of her view, needing her to look at me. When she does I just pray she hears me out. "Go on." I soften my look, hearing how uneasy her voice was. I know I didn't mean for all of this to happen, but how could I. How could I of let her kiss me at all- my thoughts were cut off when I hear a faint cough. "She kissed me." Great going. "No really? I'm well aware." God damn Ellie. "I just- I mean, I didn't kiss back." "I saw you Ellie, that's such bullshit." I close my eyes. "Ok, well I didn't enjoy it." She scoffs. "So you admit you did kiss her back?" Now I was silenced. Shit. "Uhhh- well- fuck sake."
She shakes her head. "Just leave me alone." She says dryly, getting up from her spot about to leave. I go to grab her, but don't. Wanting to not repeat history. "Please just let me explain more." She bites her lip, and I know she's suppressing tears. "You've said enough." And so I let it be. Letting her walk off and out of the quiet building.
A few weeks. That's how long ago the library incident first happened. I hadn't seen her around since. Had she left.. like Noelle. "No, don't be silly she loves it here she would never. Not because of me, right?" I huff, that had become a habit, talking to myself. I was still on the mission to get her back or atleast explain things. But my brain was bone dry. It was currently the last class of the day, I rested my chin on the desk, still trying to think. "You know Ellie." Dina began. "Why don't you do something nice for her, give her a note saying to meet somewhere, maybe make her some food or-" I shake my head. "This isn't just some ordinary girl." Dina was honestly shocked. I turn my attention to her. "Shes more than that, I have to do something bigger." She pats my shoulder. "Maybe she has changed you Williams, cuz you've never spoken such things about anyone." It's true, she definitely did. "If this was you and Jesse had done this and you still loved him and such, what would you want him to do?" She ponders that question. "Well I suppose I'd want the truth from both. Him and this random girl." My face lights up. Genius! I smile wide going to hug her. "That's brilliant Dina! But- wait. How would I even do that." I ask. "I think you should figure this out on your own, if she really has changed you I think you should know what to do."
"I'm sorry for screwing you over." My words come out rushed, looking at Sophy with so much hope. She just looks at me. "Really?" I nod. "That's very big of you." She states. "Yeah well, just trying to mend past situations." There was a long pause, before either of us spoke. "Hey, I'm sorry for kissing you that night. I'm in no way that kind of person. Maybe when I'm drunk but I didn't even know you were seeing anyone, didn't even know the Ellie Williams ever could to be fair." The confession heals something inside me, letting that hope be reassured. "So you forgive me for being a complete jerk ages ago?" She smiles and nods. "Yeah we're cool." A sigh of relief escapes my lips. "So what's happening with her? Are you two speaking." I shook my head. "Shes mad and upset and to be honest I don't blame her. I did technically kiss you back-" "you didn't actually." I furrow my brows. "Huh-?" So incredibly confused. "But she said she saw it-" Sophy shakes her head. "Well I didn't feel anything. You must've been talking or something beforehand to make it look like you did, but you didn't. I remember most when I'm drunk and you never kissed back. Plus she caught it before it could progress."
Happy was an understatement. "That's incredible, oh my God I could just k-" we give eachother a look. "Yeah no, bad line to use." I let out a slight awkward laugh, making her shake her head with a smile.
She agreed to help me smooth things over and I was forever thankful. "How do we go about this?" She asks. I think for a moment. "Maybe you could knock on her door and ask to speak with her, and maybe clear the air. Might be best if I'm not there so you can talk properly?" "Sounds good, I don't see a problem with that." I let out a breath of relief. "Ok awesome, thank you."
And after an hour or so she was back. "So how'd it go?" I sit up. "What's something she loves?" I was incredibly confused. "Reading, painting, music. Why?" She leans on the wall. "Shes a kind person, I think she forgave the fact I had apologized, but I reckon you should now do something so she can forgive you completely." I let that sink in and I knew just the thing.
Readers pov
It had been a long day, stressful classes, tons of work. Thank fuck it was a Friday and you could wind down again. You were currently snuggled up on the couch, watching some random cheesy romcom on the TV. Considering it was a Friday that meant Angela was at her boyfriends, so dorm all to yourself. You're brought back out from your thoughts to a knock at your door. Odd. Who on earth. As you open it you spot a girl, not really even processing when you suddenly remember. "Hi, can we talk quickly?" You were shocked nonetheless. What was she even doing here. You let her in anyway, your intrigue getting the better of you. You both make your way over to the couch in silence. "I would like to apologize for kissing something that didn't belong to me." She begins. You on the other hand stay silent and let her finish. "I was drunk- and that's never an excuse, but I do, do crazy shit when I am, I'm not that kind of person sober." There was a silence for a moment. "Doesn't excuse how she acted tho. I appreciate your apology." She nods. "Well if it's any constellation, she never kissed me back." That just confuses me. "Wait she didn't?" She shook her head. "I can assure you. It was just my goofy ass's doing." It only makes you feel a little silly for not knowing the whole story. "I feel embarrassed-" "don't, if anything i probably would've done the same, besides she didn't have the best track record did she? It's no surprise you'd assume." You're now the one to shake your head. "I shouldn't of, I should've let her atleast try and explain."
"Thank you for coming to clear it up with me." You say, escorting her out the door. "Of course, only right thing to do." You nod, giving her a smile. "Although I would've liked her to of come to do so- I know she's tried but I dunno- you think shes given up on trying to fix this?" She lets out a tiny laugh. "Far from that, give it some time yeah? If you know Ellie she never half asses things she loves." You just hope that's true.
It had been a few days later. Two to be exact. And you were currently on your way back to your dorm room. You were about to get your keys when you realize it's already open. "Angie?" You begin, but once you open the door you're greeted by those green eyes. That pale, freckled skin. "Ellie-" You breathe out, setting your things down. Wondering what on earth she's doing here. You notice a few things, like her guitar, then you suddenly smell food. "What is all this." "My apology." You let her continue knowing you had been a bit hard on her. "I made your favorite meal, and I know you were busy today as it was a Friday, so let me take care of you. I'm going to play your favorite song as you relax." Your gaze softens. No one had ever done this for you. Ever. So it melts your heart completely. "Here, come sit." She gestures. You go over to the couch, sitting down as she prepares her guitar, situating it properly in her lap. She begins to play the song Fade Into You by Mazzy Star, your entire face lights up. It hadn't been this bright in awhile, and Ellie seeing that makes her truly happy. Once the song finishes she looks at you. That comfortable silence being back and better than anything. "I- that took me maybe a week to learn, and honestly it wasn't easy but its the easiest song I've ever had to lea-"
But she was cut off by you kissing her. She missed it so much, how soft and safe your lips felt against hers. She was happy again. You pull back to get a look at her. "No one's ever done anything like that for me." She smiles wide. "I've never done anything like that for anyone." She states. "Well I'm glad I was the one." Another comforting silence. "You are the one." Your heart skips a beat at her words, just hearing them makes you giddy inside. "You really think so?" She shakes her head, making you furrow your brows in confusion. "I know so." And that sudden worry was gone again. All you wanted was to kiss her, she got the feeling. Setting the guitar down and bringing you closer. Kissing you so sweetly. You both part. "Well let's eat I bet you're hungry." You nod. "Starved." Your hand reaches out grabbing the plate of pasta. "Smells amazing, I didn't know you cooked." She laughs. "Again with the assuming my love." You put your hands up in your defense. "Didn't say you didn't look like the type to! ... although." A cheeky grins spreads across your face. She lets out a chuckle going to lightly hit your arm. "You're a menace." You begin to eat the meal, and it wasn't too bad. Had all the good flavorings, the perfect amount of cheese which she knew. "No one knows me as well as this, it's quite special to me." She puts her plate down to speak. "No one?" You shook your head. "Not even my parents."
She looked shocked. "Well, glad I could be the one who listens properly. Even though it truly isn't a hard thing to do." You nod at her statement. "You are a good listener. You know how I can tell?" "How?" She leans back intrigued, you take a moment. "Whenever I talk about something and I forget what we were talking about, you always will remind me of the exact thing in best detail that I was speaking of. And always it rejogs my brain. That is how I know you're truly listening." She smiles at you. "You're so cute." The compliment makes you blush, hard. "I missed you." You blurt. "I missed you too angel, so much you have no idea."
That night had been the most relaxing night of your life. It ended with her sleeping in your bed cuddling you until you fell asleep, the safeness you felt was undeniable. It was a regular Tuesday, not too busy but also not so quiet. It all went down hill with the last assignment you got, since you had been a bit out of it recently. You must admit you were slacking. It's not like you at all but you were determined to redeem yourself. That is until the project was due in 2 days. A project this big, no way in hell you were getting it done by then. Not unless you stayed up all night and day. It didn't help that you had classes ontop of that. Stress started to arrive as you go over the assignment. You were currently at the library, skimming it over and over. You begin to bite your lip, chewing and searching for any loose skin as that seemed to help you in some way. It's like a calming technique you picked up through the years, although the consequences aren't so calming. You would forever get ulcers that prevented you from eating because of the infuriating pain. You needed to stop doing it truth be told. You were pulled from the slight manic reading when Ellie is heard. "Hey baby, whatcha doin." She sits down across from you. "Just this assignment." You give her a smile. "How was your day?" You ask her.
"Pretty boring, but hey. Not anymore." She smiles at you now too. "Wanna do something later, you can come over and we can just chill." God that sounded nice but you knew you had to decline. "You can do this and maybe I draw or practice guitar, whatever suits you." God she was so sweet and thoughtful. "That's such a beautiful offer, Els but I think I'm just going to go back to my room to try finish this." And Ellie being Ellie she was agreeing. "Ofcourse yeah! Let me know if you need some company at all." She goes to get up, but before leaving giving you a kiss. "Bye baby." You kiss her back. Once she's left you look back at the work. "Right, let's go." You say packing it up and heading to your dorm.
"Hey." Angie says coming in. "I made some food it's out there if you want it." You nod, focusing on all the papers on your bed. "Whats all this?" You look at her. "Just some work I needa catch up on." She looks at it, then you. "Ok, well please eat." "Uhuh." You didn't take your eyes off of the sheets of paper, scribbling a few words on it. She let out a sigh which you hadn't even heard her do. She leaves soon after, closing the door.
-Hey sweetheart, just checking in. Making sure everything's ok. :)
You had been so engrossed that you hadn't even felt your phone go off, let alone hear the damn thing.
-hey sorry, yeah everything's going fine.
-want that company?
-you know, yeah. I'd love that, that sounds nice.
-be there soon. <3
You stop for a moment letting out a breath, you were looking through everything when your face drops, realizing you had completely missed a whole section. "Fuck." You curse going to grab it. There was absolutely no way you were finishing this on time now, you hadn't even seen it how are you going to put this in all of a sudden. "God damn it." "Everything alright?" You jump at the sound of Ellies voice. She holds a hand out. "Woah- didn't mean to startle you it's just me." You shake your head. "Sorry- just a bit jumpy I didn't expect you yet." You reply. She looks at your bed. "This is alot of work." You sigh, trying your hardest to stay positive. You turn your focus on her. "You brought your sketch book." She smiles going to sit in your desk chair. "Sure did, needed to do some doodling." You nod at her, going to continue to figure out what to do with this crap. "What's all this even for?" She asks. "English. Kinda stupid but oh well." Her brows furrow. "You love English tho." "Mmm, I do. But not when it's like this.." you sigh again. "You alright tho?" You nod at her question, flashing a smile. "Yeah, I'm good." She smiles at your own, going to start to draw.
The next night was harder, the whole day was. Trying to find spare time to get more done. It was nearly impossible. Your stress was increasing, making your anxiety appear. You were tearing your hair out in your bedroom. "Hey, have you eaten today?" You hear Angela's faint voice. "Mhmm." You lie. She huffs. "Im worried about you." Your eyes never leave your page. "Well I'm all good in the hood." You slightly joke around by saying that silly saying. "I'm serious Y/n. You hardly have a break from that." That went straight over your head not even hearing what she's saying. She sighs going to close the door again.
-can you please come over.
-why what's up?
-she's freaking me the fuck out, she's not eating I don't even think shes fucking slept, I notice shes been acting incredibly off and it's very worrying.
-slow down, why do you think all this?
-the food from last night was still sitting out this morning. She said she'd eat it and she hasn't. Her eyes are so bloodshot I could see from the millisecond she looked at me. Her bags were prominent too.
-oh Jesus.
-please come over here, I think she really needs you right now.
-I'll be over right away.
Your breath was shakey as you talk to yourself about what you had to do. Your room was a complete and utter mess. Paper, pens, folders. Everywhere. You were so engrossed by it you hadn't even heard your door open. "Y/n?" You heard, you turn your attention to the voice. "Hm?" She saw. Ellie saw what Angela was talking about. "Angie said you haven't eaten." You wave her off. "Can't." She was confused. "And why not?" You pull your lip down to the unsurprising ulcer that had formed. You let your lip rest back, getting back to your studying. "Well I'm going to go reheat the food I'll be right back." You give her another hum, not focusing on a word that came out her mouth. When all of a sudden, the stress was just gone. Your face sits still. Uh oh. That stress had now been replaced with anxiety. Shit. You couldn't let her see you like that. You had to stay calm. But once a panic attack occurred. There was no stopping it. Your breathing became more heavier, taking in breaths to hopefully get that heavy feeling that was on your chest away. No use. It only made things worse, making you freak out again. You felt like you couldn't breath, grabbing onto your sheets feeling tears start to come. Your entire body shaking from the arising panic attack, but also from the lack of sleep. It was going to catch up eventually. It just had to be now. "It might be a bit too hot so just-" Ellie begun. But immediately put the bowl down on your nightstand.
Her movements were speedy coming to crouch down infront of you. She watched you cry your heart out, breathing as if there wasn't air. "Hey hey hey hey, look at me baby." You shake your head, never wanting her to see this. "Please." Her gentle touch makes you reluctantly do so, still letting out streams of tears, shaking uncontrollably. "Shhh." She softly let's out, rubbing your knee. "I-i can't. I can't breathe-" She stands up gently grabbing your hand and putting it to her chest. "Yes you can, youre ok I swear to you. See?" You look at her then your hand, still freaking out slightly, you can feel a ramble about to approach. "This stupid work- Its- suppose to b-be done by tomorrow and I'm nowhere near done. I can't fuck this up because I had been slacking because of everything- and then I messed up on this last night, I h-have absolutely no time during the day because of other classes everything's so messy and I don't know what to do." You sob more. Her heart shatters at your unsteady voice and sobs. She wants to hug you but also doesn't want to overwhelm you even more. "Slow down yeah, once you take a small breath you'll be ok, trust me?" She squeezes your hand reassuringly, letting you know she's right there. "Youre safe. You're going to be just fine. I'm right here." Her voice was so delicate, you let your mind listen to it feeling the sobs begin to slow. "That's it there you go. Can I give you a hug sweet girl?"
You nod at her kindness, wrapping your arms around her torso and resting your head on her chest. She softly kisses your head hugging you tightly. Your grip also tightens not wanting to let go. "Can we stay like this?" You mumbled into her hoodie. "As long as you need angel." Your eyes close, listening to her steady heartbeat. Feeling that tiredness take over. "Can you try eat a small bit before you get some well needed rest, please?" You nod sheepishly, pulling back but still keeping close to her. "Can you stay with me tonight.." Your voice was unsteady but you honestly didn't care you were more than comfortable with her seeing you like this, you thought you wouldn't be, infact you worried about it for nothing. Maybe that's the same for alot of silly things you stress over. "I still dunno what I'm going to do about this stupid work." Your head lowers, looking at your hands in your lap. She thinks for a bit. "Leave it to me ok?" Your eyes move to look at her. "No no, it's ok-" "Please baby. Let me help you." Her hands gently grab your cheeks, and you just give her a nod. "Good, let's get you to eat then some rest hm?"
It was probably a few months that had gone by, you and Ellie were stronger than ever. Doing so well. You were currently over at hers, her roommate being out, you two were just hanging about in her bed. Laughing, smiling, talking. It was a lovely way to spend your evening together. When she turns to you. "Hey pretty girl." She smirks slightly, glancing ar your lips. "Hello." You reply cheerful. You notice her eyes, wanting to kiss her, leaning in to do so. Her hands sneak to the small of your back as the kiss was slow but heated, with intense passion. "Have you." Kiss "Ever thought." Kiss .. kiss - it slowly moves to your jaw. "About sex." And your eyes go ghost. Your mind runs, your heart pounds. Because no you haven't and there's a divine reason why. "I know I have."
"Don't move you little bitch."
You swallow. "I uhm- I dunno exactly." You could tell Ellie was in the mood, and her kisses were so nice-
"Absolutely pathetic, and you're letting this happen."
You blink furiously. "You make me so happy." The kisses continue, and you freeze. Just like all those years ago. "Youre so pretty baby." Your heart rate picks up again. Your anxiety peeking. "E-ellie.." You wanted to try to tell her. Considering you haven't mentioned it yet. "Mmm?" Her kisses move down to you neck, everything was soft but..
"Dumb. Fucking. Cunt."
You could feel slight tears. "Is this ok?" She asks. And when you don't respond she asks again. "Baby?" Then suddenly she feels something wet hit her nose. "My love?" She looks up this time, seeing the small tears. "Hey, hey." Her voice was velvet, making more tears fall. If anything you weren't as scared to do sex all over again, you felt so incredibly safe with her, and remembering all those flashbacks just proved how new all this was. It felt foreign. "Talk to me pretty." She goes to softly stroke your hair. "Was it something I said?" You just shake your head wrapping your hands around her wrist gently. "You're perfect." A silence. "Then why are you crying sweetheart." Her voice was as tender as her touch and you knew you were in love with this woman. "Because you're perfect." She smiles brightly. "Years ago, I was with this girl. We were together for 2 years when near the end she got incredibly toxic with me. And she well in some words-" You didn't even need to finish your sentence, Ellie knew and immediately hugged you. You returned it tightly, like you always did. That silence came back and it was incredibly comforting. "I love you." You hear her voice whisper in your ear. Pulling back to look at her a little surprised. "You don't have to say it b-" But you cut her off bringing her in for a kiss again. "Yes." That confused her. "I've thought about it with you and yes." Then the smiles return, and so do the heated kisses.
After a short while she moved to be more ontop of you but stops briefly. You look at her, she looks way too good right now. "Can I eat you out angel." Her face was close to yours but the way she asked only turned you on more, the fact she's such an angel with this all is an even bigger turn on for you. "Please do." You breathe. Feeling her slowly take off your shirt, she looks at your breasts admiringly. "You're flawless." You felt heat rise to your cheeks, but not because you were anxious or anything, because your whole body felt like it was heating up, all because of how loving she was. She moves her lips to kiss one slowly turning into a gentle suck, around the skin and on your hardened bud. You breathe out, but even that sounded pretty to Ellie. Making her close her eyes at everything right now. She couldn't get enough of you. "You're so beautiful, so incredibly pretty." She blabs on. Her kisses move down your stomach. Keeping with her tender like touch. She slowly but surely pulls your pajama pants down along with your underwear. She takes a moment to take this all in. "Want to take my time yeah? Promise it's not in a teasing way. You truly don't deserve that especially not right now. Just want to savor hm?" You nod, biting your lip ever so slightly.
"You sure it's ok mama?" She rubs circles on the fat of your thigh. You give her a nod but she shakes her head. "Wanna hear you verbally say it, please?" Your smile grew. "Yes Ellie I promise its ok, please do it." Your soft voice made her smile grow. "Angel girl.." She began, gently stroking your clit. Your breath hitches at the feeling. "Need to make you feel good, gotta." Her mouth slowly comes down to you, licking softly. Delicately. That then turns into sucking and she did not disappoint. She in fact was making you feel good. Amazing even. She keeps the pace, eventually looking up at you and the way you'd react to everything. When you felt her tongue go in you, you lost it entirely. Your mouth hung open with so much pleasure everything felt so natural. It always did. "Mmm, knew you'd be as sweet tasting.. such a perfect girl." You let a moan slip. "E-ellie i-" "Mhmm, feel you clenching on my tongue. I got you baby. I got you." This woman didn't make you last long at all but in hindsight. You were not at all complaining. Because as you began to cum, you feel the most incredible orgasm approaching. You felt content, safe. Secure. "Thereee you go Angel. Atta girl." She mumbles letting you ride out your high on her tongue. "Mmm Ellie please I need you so bad." She licks her lips coming up to your face. "Yeah love?" You nod. She goes to take off her clothes, going to get back ontop of you.
But she stops again. "Why don't we try this." She goes to lay down on her back getting you to straddle her. "You be in control okay? I'm right here to help. Just want to make sure this is perfect for you. All I want." You look at her lips, leaning down to kiss them. Her hands tangle in your hair, giving you a tender scalp massage as the two of you kiss. You situate so your pussys directly on hers, not moving just yet, going to sit up a bit. You begin to move shortly after. Watching as you both open your mouths. Her soft grunt made your stomach do flips. "You're so perfect Els.." Your breath became uneven, in the best way possible. She looks down at the two of you then back at your face, your features. "God your ethereal." Another moan escapes you as you speed up. "Good girl, doing so good." The praise went straight to your core helping egg your orgasm on. "C-Can we cum together, please?" Her heart fluttered at your words. "Ofcourse my angel. Wouldn't want anything more than to do so." Your pace picked up again, letting more moans slip from your pink lips. "So well, so incredibly good. Fuck." You knew she was getting close you could just tell. And so were you. Her hands rest on your thighs, squeezing the flesh. "Ready mama?" You nod with her, cumming with moans. Grunts. Of eachothers names even. As you rode out your high making sure Ellies was met too, your body became weak. Flopping onto her torso. "I love you, Ellie." You say back from about 30 minutes ago. Her smile was like it was tattooed onto her face. "You truly have changed me, Y/n.. and for the better." You close your eyes. Feeling yourself drift of to sleep. She kisses your head, stroking your hair gently. "Wanna marry you some day even.."
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luvkyu · 1 year ago
hii kyu ! idk if ur reqs are open but if they are, i wanted 2 request a dokyeom (svt) x m!reader fluff oneshot where dk makes it his mission to cheer up his bf who's sick (or just tired/exhausted if u prefer) by taking him on a date :) anyways i hope u have a great day !! :D
home with u ( lee dokyeom/dk )
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dokyeom x male reader
kyeom takes care of his sick bf !
content : 1k words, fluff, idol!kyeom, kyeom calls reader pretty boy
( a/n ) this is literally MONTHS old im so sorry it took so long :( i changed it a little cause i was having a lot of trouble writing it for some reason but i hope you like it <3
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"kyeom, i can feel you staring."
"okay. and?"
y/n scowled quietly while opening his eyes. dokyeom was laying directly in front of him, just centimeters away.
"it's making me self conscious."
"but you're so perfect," dokyeom countered with a small pout. "looking at you makes me happy. my favorite boy."
"damn it," y/n muttered as he felt a blush creep onto his face. he quickly rolled over to the other side of his bed. "i hate you."
dokyeom simply laughed at his stubborness.
"you love me," he insisted while slipping his arms around y/n's waist, spooning him.
y/n smiled, still trying to hide it though. dokyeom nuzzled his face into his neck while planting tiny kisses against his skin.
"you're still burning up.." dokyeom mumbled. he could feel the heat radiating off of y/n's neck and face, making him even more worried.
"hm.. 'm fine, kyeom," y/n responded drowsily.
"are you sure you don't wanna just go to a doctor?"
"i hate doctors."
"baby," dokyeom quickly argued. y/n didn't need to look at him to know he was frowning - or probably just pouting. he sighed and turned back over to face him.
"if it doesnt pass after tomorrow then i'll go see one, okay?" he promised, leaving a short kiss on the other's forehead.
dokyeom smiled and nodded before catching the male's lips instead. he kissed him deeply, whispering a small "thank you" after pulling away.
"don't you need to leave for rehearsals with the guys?" y/n asked, looking up at him.
y/n blinked. "no?.."
"i'm staying here."
"what? no. you should go to work."
dokyeom shook his head. "i'm worried about you. i'm staying here."
"i already texted our manager. just let me take care of you."
y/n frowned, now seeing the concern in his boyfriend's eyes. he sighed and gave in before snuggling into dokyeom's chest.
"okay, baby. you can take care of me."
dokyeom finally smiled again and nodded his head in triumph.
"i'm sleepy," y/n mumbled into the other's slightly wrinkled shirt.
"then sleep, bub."
"mm.. will you sleep too?"
"i'm not really tired enough to nap, honestly. but i'll stay with you."
y/n felt his heart skip. he smiled and snuggled into him again, soon falling asleep in his arms.
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after sleeping for about an hour and a half, y/n woke up to hear soft humming coming from beside him. he looked up at his partner. dokyeom's eyes were closed peacefully as his phone played wave to earth on the bedside table. he was humming along quietly and running his hands along y/n's arms to the rhythm.
"your voice is so beautiful," y/n complimented.
dokyeom's eyes shot open. he looked down at the boy in his arms.
"did i wake you up??"
"kinda, but it's okay. i like waking up to this."
dokyeom frowned, "no, go back to sleep. i'll shut up."
y/n took the male's hand in his own and gave it a reassuring kiss.
"kyeom, it's okay. i'm hungry now anyways."
dokyeom looked at him for a moment, as if debating his fault.
"alright, i'll see what i can make us for dinner."
"i barely have any food here right now," y/n warned. "unless you want cup noodles for dinner."
"tsk. remind me to go grocery shopping for you tomorrow."
y/n rolled his eyes, "i like cup noodles."
"cup noodles are not a meal."
y/n scowled at such a response.
"'ooh look at me, i'm dk, i'm too good for cup noodles,'" y/n teased, waving his hands around in a mocking tone.
dokyeom squinted at him with fake hatred, "you're lucky you're sick right now."
y/n stuck his tongue out and sunk into the covers of his bed. dokyeom shook his head at him before finally exiting the bedroom.
sure enough, all he could find in y/n's kitchen were cup noodles. he sighed. he wished they could just go out for dinner, but he didn't wanna risk getting anyone sick. he settled on ordering in some food instead.
eventually, y/n got bored by himself. he slowly got out of bed and trudged out of his bedroom. he followed the sound of the music coming from dokyeom's phone, leading him onto his large balcony.
"what're you doing, love?" y/n asked.
dokyeom looked up in surprise as he adjusted one of y/n's small tables on top of some blankets he'd put on the balcony's floor.
"since we can't go out, i thought we'd have dinner outside at least. a home date," he explained. "the fresh air will be good for you and it's so nice out tonight."
y/n couldn't stop a smile from growing on his lips.
"that sounds amazing. thank you."
dokyeom nodded and gave his cheek a light kiss. y/n could tell that the other was proud of himself. dokyeom would never admit it, but he loved hearing approval and praise - especially from y/n.
once their food arrived, dokyeom set everything out and made them drinks. the balcony was the prettiest y/n had ever seen it. with his fairy lights lit and the blankets and a couple pillows brought out, it looked all cozy and warm.
dokyeom set their chopsticks out as a finishing touch before they finally sat down together. it smelled amazing and neither could wait to start eating.
after taking his first bite, y/n hummed in satisfaction. he smiled and closed his eyes, savoring the flavor in his mouth. dokyeom gazed over at him. he was completely in love.
"how do you still manage to look so perfect even when you're sick?"
y/n opened his eyes again and now saw his partner's eyes on him. he couldn't help but blush a little.
"your eyes are broken."
dokyeom's brows furrowed. he leaned forward, over the table and close to y/n's lips.
"my eyes are fine." he gave y/n another kiss, longer and deeper this time, "my pretty boy."
y/n then watched him pull away and go back to his food. he knew his ears and cheeks were probably turning red, while dokyeom just picked up his chopsticks and went right back to eating as if nothing happened.
"how-" y/n didn't know what to say. dokyeom looked back up at him.
"hm?" he hummed. the fake cluelessness on his face made y/n send him a small death glare.
"oh i hate you, lee seokmin."
dokyeom laughed endearingly at the remark, then simply smiled at him.
"you love me, baby."
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