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lisbeth-kk · 9 days ago
New Fic Alert! Creative Camouflage.
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Fluffbruary Extended Edition Infinifluff. Prompts: postcard - pie - sketch.
Sherlock fandom.
Chapter 1 - Pi Day
Summary: The last time John "celebrated" Pi Day, was in Afghanistan. Now, he's back in London, limping around, working as a GP, and is bored out of his skull. A strange encounter turns his world upside down. He just doesn't know it. Yet.
@fluffbruary @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @helloliriels
@meetinginsamarra @safedistancefrombeingsmart @gregorovitch-adler @topsyturvy-turtely @jolieblack
@221beloved @ninasnakie @shy-bi-letsfuckingdie @7-percent @lhrinchelsea
@peanitbear @bs2sjh @brandiwein1982 @meandhisjohn @a-victorian-girl
@missdeliadilisblog @salmonsown @oetkb12 @jawnscoffee @gay-ass-bitch
@acumberlockedgirl @willamholmeswatson @whatnext2020 @mydogwatson @redmondcollege
@thegildedbee @ilovegayangels @elizabethhood @xmengal03 @riversong912
@givemesherbet-blog-blog @couldbecannibal @2old2b-fangirl @dw91165 @jonkwatson
@binx72 @macgyvershe @raina-at @dragoonthegreatest @kholkate
@fookincarrotsandpotatoes28 @talkativeanxiousturtle @aloeverawrites @ch0s0lvr @desi-yearning
(Let me know if you want to be tagged or removed from the list)
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fluffbruary · 1 year ago
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Because February is just not big enough to contain all the fluff, we have fluffnapped the 14th of every month and appended those dates to Fluffbruary. It's the Fluffbruary: Extended Edition. And now?
The INFINIFLUFF 2024 prompt list has arrived!
All fandoms, all ships welcome! Tag @fluffbruary in your posts so we can reblog your fluffy creations--and please reblog THIS post so your tumblr community sees it and comes to play in the fluff.
March 14 : shining | cotton | mountain
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The rest of the year, plus alternate prompts, below the cut.
April 14 : coffee | florist | vision
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May 14 : music | breathe | soap
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June 14 : poetry | bookshop | seashell
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July 14 : library | glimpse | trip
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August 14 : radiant | giddy | chase
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September 14 : euphoria | cloudy | sophisticated
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October 14 : intuition | faded | quaint
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November 14 : cuddle | happy | spell
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December 14 : book | horizon | hug
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January 14 : opulent | gasp | attic
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Alternate prompts for use if the prompts for any of the assigned prompts above don't work -
fountain | frisson | gem | Italy | nimble
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chriscalledmesweetie · 9 days ago
Infinifluff 3.14: Pie
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One night when the moon hit John’s eye Shaped just like a big pizza pie His heart took a foray To meet his amore And Sherlock’s heart swelled in reply
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@fluffbruary @ghostofnuggetspast @helloliriels @friday411 @peanitbear @meetinginsamarra
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astaldis · 5 months ago
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Chapters: 1/1      Words: 200 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy Additional Tags: Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Autumn, forest, Nature, Holding Hands
Summary: Geralt and Regis are having a moment together observing a butterfly.
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mairablue · 6 months ago
SCM- Department Of Wishes
Tauxolouve ♐️ - The Letter
A/N: Finally posting another fluffbruary story. 😭🤧 Hopefully it turned out alright.
For fluffbruary event - ( @fluffbruary )
Prompts : euphoria | cloudy | sophisticated
14th September, 2024
Your opened the envelope as quickly as you could without damaging the contents inside. Unfolding the letter, you started reading.
Written in bold and crisp hand writing the letter started with a question "My dear, how are you?" The corners of your lips curled up as soon as you saw that. The letter informed you in details about the journey and about the achievements. You felt the overwhelming sensation of pride and joy, grew within your heart.
Eyes glued to the paper, your heart beat quickened. You took in fast, shallow breaths as you read the words- "I shall be returning next month, on 7th Monday."
You stopped reading and took a deep long breath, closing your eyes as you exhaled. It seemed all the tension from your shoulders had been gently lifted.
Then onwards, you read a bit slow, relishing every word that has been so loving shared on that paper.
After carefully folding the letter, you brought it against your lips and softly yet quickly kissed it before putting it back inside the envelope. You picked up the photos slowly, making sure not to accidentally scratch them.
He and his teammates, looked so happy smiling at the camera. Your eyes lingered on his smile, for a brief moment.
The other photo was taken in a library, you assumed as there were massive shelves, all filled with different types of books. He held an open book, eyes focused on its pages. He wasn't looking directly at camera. Perhaps one of his friends had taken the photo. You put the photos inside the envelope before putting it inside the box, that you had so lovingly used to store all the letters close to your heart.
A gush of sudden cold wind hit your face as you opened the window. You tucked the strands of loose hair behind your ears and smiled softly, watching the sky turn cloudy and grey.
You had been feeling giddy all week; the euphoria rising in your heart. You would have had a difficult time describing your feelings in words if someone would have asked; when Tauxolouve open the door.
The affectionate look in his eyes, his gentle smile which brightened as his eyes look upon yours; it had taken all the restrain in your being not hold him close in a tight hug. He stood there stupefied. Until your father smiled softly and said, "Hello, Mr. ( last name )." He quickly composed himself and politely greeted your parents before inviting you all in the house.
He introduced you to his parents and some of his relatives, who had also been invited along with some close friends of his parents.
Soon conversations began and the snacks were being served. You wished to assist his mother but she firmly refused saying you should relax.
Once the dinner was over and the conversations were reaching their conclusions the guests congratulated Tauxolouve and his parents on their way out.
You two walked back to the front gate to see off his aunt. She gently took your hands in hers and wishpered, " I hope to be invited to the wedding soon." You blushed slightly at her words as a mischievous smile graced her lips.
Once the guests had all left, you two slowly walked back to the living room.
" I agree with you on that, Mr (your father's name)", Tauxolouve father said laughing. You assumed it was one of your dad's famous jokes which he loved to tell. They seemed to be enjoying their conversation as you mother said something next, which made them all giggle in delight. Not wanting to interrupt, you two quickly wished them all and left to rest for the night.
Changing into something more comfortable you sat on the bed waiting for Tauxolouve. The door opened and Tauxolouve walked in wearing loose clothes. His hair was slightly wet. Few droplets of water dripped down from his neck length hair onto his shirt.
He sat beside you and brought his arms around you and gently hugged you. "I missed you, my love," he said before placing a kiss on your forehead.
You looked up and softly touched his cheeks before bringing his face closer to yours for a kiss. He eagerly kissed your back, savouring the feeling of your lips against his.
You weren't sure where to start, what to ask first. There was so much you wanted to tell him, so much has happened in the past 3 years, so much you wanted to learn from him, so much you wanted him to share with you.
Sensing the conflict in your heart he gently held your hand, " We have time ahead of ourselves, love. Let us rest for now." He smiled at you, awaiting your decision. You nodded in agreement and returned his smile.
You were lying on your sides facing each other. His heart felt light as he spoke. He told you about his work in the university and a bit more about the research and the culture of that foreign land. You were immersed in the conversation and asked a few questions here and there, which he gladly answered.
"Feeling sleepy, my love?" You asked as he struggled to keep his eyes open after some time. "A little bit" he said sheepishly.
"You should sleep. We can continue this conversation tomorrow."
He laid on his back, in a more comfortable position. You started running your fingers through his hair, gently stroking his scalp. A relaxed smiled appeared on his face as he slowly closed his eyes.
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arien-elensar · 4 months ago
To the Root: Jounouchi/Kaiba
Inspired by the @fluffbruary : Extended Edition/Infinifluff 2024 Prompt List for November 14 : cuddle | happy | spell. A silly little thing written in less than 30 minutes. I had the quote "To heal you have to get to the root of the wound and kiss it all the way up" by Rupi Kaur in mind.
“Nice to me-eet yo-u,” Jounouchi sounded out the phrase from the guidebook resting on his lap. He paused, struggling with the next sentence.
“Spell it out,” Kaiba suggested from his seat beside him on the couch. Jounouchi did as instructed.
“Near-est - where is the nearest bank?” He stumbled over the word but managed to coherently read the sentence. It was enough to earn an approving nod from Kaiba who leaned forward to point to the next sentence he wanted Jounouchi to attempt.
“What other languages do you know?” Jounouchi asked looking up at him.
“Fluently? Three. German, Spanish, and Mandarin,” he answered. “I’m working on Hindi.”
Jounouchi whistled, impressed.
“Gozaburo made sure I could communicate with all of his business partners,” he explained. “Mandarin was the most difficult to master.”
“No kidding, you were just a child,” Jounouchi mused.
“Children are capable of extraordinary things when pushed,” he said, gaze growing distant.
“Yeah, you’re exhibit A,” the blonde quipped. “Something tells me your adoptive father’s idea of pushing was not an encouraging smile.”
Kaiba chuckled drily, nodding. “That’s when I definitely knew I’d done something wrong.”
“I’ve got an idea,” Jounouchi began, scooting closer to his lover. “How about I help you with your Hindi?” Then his expression turned mischievous. “And for every attempt you get a kiss, anywhere I desire?”
“Sounds like you just want to get me in bed?” Kaiba remarked.
“Who said we can’t do both?” he asked. “I’d love to encourage you along,” he added stroking Kaiba’s chest as they cuddled.
“So long as the same applies for your English,” he prefaced, before pulling the other in for a warm kiss.
“Agreed,” the blonde replied with a happy grin as he reached for the Japanese to Hindi workbook.
“Repositioning himself in Kaiba’s arms, he opened it up to the earmarked page. “How do you ask for the nearest restaurant?”
Kaiba answered, stumbling only once.
With an eager smile, Jounouchi put the book aside and leaned forward to place a kiss on the CEO’s jawline.
“We’ll hardly make progress this way,” Kaiba protested weakly.
“There’s always tomorrow,” Jounouchi replied, retrieving the book. “You need this just as much.”
With a small smile, Kaiba conceded as Jounouchi read out the next instructions.
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monthly-writing-challenges · 3 months ago
Hi, I think I found something for your amazing directory: whumpuary(.)tumblr(.)com for January 2025 and fluffbruary(.)tumblr(.)com containing also "infinifluff" running every month on the 14th. I hope it's useful. Have a nice day! :)
Thank you! And thank you also to @seajaneradio for also suggesting @whumpuary as well as @sci-fi-pony for suggesting whumpuary again, @genuary-fic-event and @monthlywritingchallenges's January event.
@fluffbruary has been added to the list of February challenges and monthlywritingchallenge's January event has been added as well!
Whumpuary and genuary on the other hand, technically, do not fit my initial requirements for prompt-a-day challenges. I set that requirement when I was starting out this blog, because I wanted to make sure that I could keep track of all the writing challenges I was sharing with you guys. But that seems to be going well so far, and I've got followers now, so I'll pose the question to the group!
We're still going to stick with annual challenges/challenges offered during specific months, because that's the name of the blog, but...
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fluffbruary · 4 months ago
Fluff captured in the wild. Happy November fluffteenth!
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Wrote a silly little ficlet.
Summary: What does Sherlock actually keep in his belstaff pockets?
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fluffbruary · 1 year ago
Do you plan a monthly prompt throughout 2024 again (like in 2023)? 🤗
Yes :) We will have the 'Fluffbruary: Extended Edition'/'Infinifluff' on the 14th of each month through the rest of the year. Fluffbruary just isn't big enough to contain all the fluff, so ... we've adopted days elsewhere. They're ours now :D
The prompts for the rest of the year will come out on or around Feb 29th, so you'll have time before March 14th to create something.
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astaldis · 6 months ago
Chapters: 1/1           Words: 2,032 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Coën Characters: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Coën (The Witcher), Original Male Character Additional Tags: Fluffbruary, cloudy, Thunderstorms, Rain, Shelter from the Storm, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, There Was Only One Bed, Established Relationship Summary: On the Path Cahir and Coën are surprised by a tempest. Will they find shelter from the storm?
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fluffbruary · 13 days ago
The 14th is only days away! Take a look at the March prompts/image, get creative, and don’t forget to tag us when you post your fluff on Friday.
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FLUFFBRUARY may be over, but INFINIFLUFF is on the way!
Because February is just not big enough to contain all the fluff, we have fluffnapped the 14th of every month and appended those dates to Fluffbruary.
The INFINIFLUFF 2025 prompt list has arrived!
For the 2025 Fluffbruary: Extended Edition we adopted a theme: creative arts of all kinds, since that's what we all do in our tumblr / AO3 sandbox.
All fandoms, all ships welcome! Tag @fluffbruary in your posts so we can reblog your fluffy creations--and please reblog THIS post so your tumblr community sees it and comes to play in the fluff.
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March 14 : postcard | pie | sketch
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April 14 : contrast | architecture | shade
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May 14 : charcoal | mural | perspective
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June 14 : translucent | performance | shadow
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July 14 : brush | collage | stain
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August 14 : ink | horizon | canvas
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September 14 : sculpture | improvisation | coda
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October 14 : bronze | harmony | textile
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November 14 : light | score | patina
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December 14 : portrait | ephemera | wings
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January 14 : landscape | opaque | proof
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With so many creative forms out there, if we've missed a prompt that makes your heart sing, how about a "fluffer's choice" option?
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fluffbruary · 21 days ago
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FLUFFBRUARY may be over, but INFINIFLUFF is on the way!
Because February is just not big enough to contain all the fluff, we have fluffnapped the 14th of every month and appended those dates to Fluffbruary.
The INFINIFLUFF 2025 prompt list has arrived!
For the 2025 Fluffbruary: Extended Edition we adopted a theme: creative arts of all kinds, since that's what we all do in our tumblr / AO3 sandbox.
All fandoms, all ships welcome! Tag @fluffbruary in your posts so we can reblog your fluffy creations--and please reblog THIS post so your tumblr community sees it and comes to play in the fluff.
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March 14 : postcard | pie | sketch
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April 14 : contrast | architecture | shade
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May 14 : charcoal | mural | perspective
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June 14 : translucent | performance | shadow
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July 14 : brush | collage | stain
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August 14 : ink | horizon | canvas
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September 14 : sculpture | improvisation | coda
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October 14 : bronze | harmony | textile
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November 14 : light | score | patina
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December 14 : portrait | ephemera | wings
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January 14 : landscape | opaque | proof
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With so many creative forms out there, if we've missed a prompt that makes your heart sing, how about a "fluffer's choice" option?
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fluffbruary · 1 year ago
Still hoping for a few word or image submissions. Send us a list or a link or two to our ask box. We'll be working to finalize the infinifluff list for the extended edition of Fluffbruary in the next week or so.
Infinite Fluffbruary 2024: call for prompts!
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Fluffbruarians near and far! We’re a third of the way through Fluffbruary and it's time to a new set of prompts for Extended Fluffbruary.
Officially the 14th of every month, Extended Fluffbruary lets us keep the fluff coming throughout the year.
Hopefully you're inspired to send us some prompts—words or images—to add to the mix from which the prompts will be drawn.
Send us your suggestions in the message or ask boxes of @fluffbruary.
Images need to be your own, or from a royalty-free site (some links below for words and images).
Thanks for reblogging!
is a lovely site for generating randomness. they also offer options where you can pick the type of word (adjectives, adverbs, etc), or pick images, or phrases, or numbers, and it'll throw things at you. you pick how many results you want at a time and click the button and there you go. If you're looking at images, if you then click on any of the images it takes you through to their source at pixabay.
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fluffbruary · 3 months ago
Next Tuesday is the last Fluffbruary Extended Edition of 2024. The prompts are: opulent - gasp - attic. Don’t forget to tag us so we can reblog your fluffy work.
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Because February is just not big enough to contain all the fluff, we have fluffnapped the 14th of every month and appended those dates to Fluffbruary. It's the Fluffbruary: Extended Edition. And now?
The INFINIFLUFF 2024 prompt list has arrived!
All fandoms, all ships welcome! Tag @fluffbruary in your posts so we can reblog your fluffy creations--and please reblog THIS post so your tumblr community sees it and comes to play in the fluff.
March 14 : shining | cotton | mountain
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The rest of the year, plus alternate prompts, below the cut.
April 14 : coffee | florist | vision
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May 14 : music | breathe | soap
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June 14 : poetry | bookshop | seashell
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July 14 : library | glimpse | trip
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August 14 : radiant | giddy | chase
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September 14 : euphoria | cloudy | sophisticated
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October 14 : intuition | faded | quaint
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November 14 : cuddle | happy | spell
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December 14 : book | horizon | hug
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January 14 : opulent | gasp | attic
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Alternate prompts for use if the prompts for any of the assigned prompts above don't work -
fountain | frisson | gem | Italy | nimble
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