#indie solo ttrpgs
misslazarus · 10 months
Solo TTRPG posting again for my fellow solo game enjoyers/the solo game curious!
I’ve posted before about Tangled Blessings by @cassimothwin , a project I was so thrilled to back and play (and find in the wild a couple of times 👀). It’s a really engaging solo/duet rpg about being a student at a spooky magical school, and facing off against your rival. Also very cool to know, Tangled Blessings is a hack of the iconic game Anamnesis by @goblinmixtape (a game I mean to post about here one day if I feel I actually have anything interesting to add other than “I love it” lol).
In extremely cool news for amateur/fledgling game writers and those who never find time to participate in NaNoWriMo [meeee], Cassi Mothwin opened up a Tangled Blessings game jam on itch.io !! The game jam is for expansions to /projects inspired by Tangled Blessings. The jam is running until February 29th (leap day swag btw). I think this is such a cool idea to explore a really fun game, and I’m planning on submitting something! If you want to participate and don’t already own it, Cassi has a free preview to get you started!
DISCLAIMER: I am not posting this in any capacity other than as a big fan of Cassi’s work— and to alert my buddies on here who are into this kind of thing and to whom I’ve spoken about Tangled Blessings and solo rpgs in general.
I’ve linked the jam below for the rules and info. I also linked Tangled Blessings and Anamnesis itch.io pages so I hope all the links don’t nerf this post in the tags.
Happy writing y’all!
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Time to check in at the No-Tell Motel
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My new single-player TTRPG, No-Tell Motel, is now available! Come on over and grab a PDF, or throw in $5 more to pre-order your physical copy.
In No-Tell Motel, you play the overnight clerk at a sleazy motel. One of your guests murders another one, and no one much seems to care who did it or why. No one but you, that is.
Playing the game only requires a standard deck of playing cards and a six-sided die. You use the face cards to identify your motel's regular guests (yes, the book comes ready with 16), and the numbers cards to randomly generate things that happen between them.
And unlike most build-as-you-go mystery games, you can make your best guess and still get it very, very wrong.
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The nightly spread of the game looks a bit like a hand of Solitaire, and that's on purpose. I wanted playing the game to feel a little bit like something you'd do to pass the time in the small hours of the morning.
Here's how it works.
The rules generate different murder victims and methods, a highly randomized yet still coherent matrix of guest gossip, actions and conflict, and most importantly: a way to find out if your accusation was correct, and what the consequences are for pointing the finger.
If you like pulp crime, The Conversation, or Errol Morris's Tabloid, you should check out No-Tell Motel.
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cassimothwin · 13 days
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Which house will be you be assigned at Brackroot Academy??? Pause or Screenshot the gif at the top to learn your destiny!
Then "Keep reading" to learn more about your house!
Brackroot Academy is part of Tangled Blessings, a magical school horror roleplaying game that uses tarot cards to uncover your fate as a student.
If you like this fun exercise, learn more about the crowdfunding campaign happening now!
Learn more about your house further below! Does it suit you?
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House of Celestials 
The skies borrow from the elements to paint a backdrop for life. Featuring iconography of the sun, moon, and constellations, celestials are known for their inner glow. Still, they do not shy away from the dark surrounding them, understanding that all things require balance. Students in this house often carry at least one or more of these marks: discipline, passion, or indifference. This dorm overlooks the lake. 
House of Dahlias 
Dahlias rely on the energy of celestial bodies for growth and endurance. As a vibrant flower, dahlias are a symbol of elegance and devotion. The plant may seem abundant, but it requires careful nurturing in the wet and cold climate of Brackroot. Students in this house often carry at least one or more of these marks: creativity, perfectionism, or obsessiveness. This dorm is connected to the greenhouse. 
House of Panthers 
The panther needs a garden to rest from its daily stroll, and the dahlias always supply. The panther is a symbol of grace, athletics, and agility but still elusive and rare — a fierce creature of the shadows. Students in this house often carry at least one or more of these marks: observation, punctuality, or ruthlessness. This dorm is at the edge of the forest. 
House of Spires 
The spires are only safe in their tower because of the panthers who keep guard. The House of Spires represents the connection blades, pens, and spirituality share. While members of this house may only show interest or aptitude in one of the represented icons, they are a full member of the spire. Students in this house often carry at least one or more of these marks: empathy, isolation, or judgment. This dorm is in the high tower. 
House of Elements  
Elements are the wildest of the quintet, but they maintain control with help from the spires. The elements symbolize excess and power, but together, they represent the strength of unity. Students in this house often carry at least one or more of these marks: cleverness, hunger, or negligence. This dorm is under the school, but furnished with enchanted windows that overlook the neighboring mountains.  
House of None
Accessible by only walking along the edge of a bridge in the right invisible spot, students in the House of None often think of themselves as beyond reality. These thoughts only worsen the more they understand magic on cosmic and atomic scales. Students in this house are often detached, cold, and fiercely intelligent Symbols commonly associated with this house include the number zero, a black hole, a vortex, lanterns, and knots. 
House of Divines
Hidden beneath the campus Chapel and graveyard, this house was annexed centuries ago for blatant misuse of dark magic. Some stories claim this house serves as the birthplace for demons and vampires. Whatever the reason for the House's former eradication, blood stains remain in the foundation. Students in this house are often vengeful, patient, and not above harming others to get what they want. Symbols commonly associated with this house include blood, fruit, teeth, bones, claws, horns.
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goblinmixtape · 5 months
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DEATH OF THE AUTHOR is a solo tarot TTRPG of character autonomy.
Play as a Character attempting to gain agency by wresting narrative control from their Author.
Gameplay involves drawing tarot cards for Scene Prompts, events written by the Author. The Character then edits these prompts to shape the story to their will.
Use caution - tampering with the narrative draws the attention of the Author, who might retaliate by using the Character’s own words against them.
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Death of the Author will be crowdfunding on Backerkit starting May 14th. Follow the page to be notified when it launches!
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sohkrates · 2 months
I Can't Stop Playing Two-Hand Path
(rescued from a post from r/solo_roleplaying)
I backed Two-Hand Path on Kickstarter and now that it's out I've been playing it daily. It's got the good vibes of a rogue-like video game with modern post-apocalyptic dungeons. The central roll and write mechanic gives you tattoos, jewelry, and scars to define your mage's struggle to survive, and backstory of how they inherited their magic as you try to clear dungeons and complete goals. Your character sheet is literally just a picture of two hands you fill in with details as you play.
I haven't fallen this hard for a solo RPG in a while and it feels like something innovative in the genre, so I wanted to spread the love. Here's a photo of my mage's hands from my most recent runs:
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Scars give you more HP, bracelets let you reroll dice, rings let you substitiue their number for numbers on the dice, and tattoos tell your story when prompted in certain encounters.
I've never played anything like it. Anyone else playing? Know of any other roleplaying games with similar roll-and-write mechanics?
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maxkirin · 23 days
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My latest game is out on right now! I'm doing a public beta test to get feedback--but don't get it twisted, this game is feature complete and good enough for you to lose countless hours living through your very own Romantic Comedy of Errors!
You can learn more about it and download it by heading to the official announcement: ko-fi.com/mkirin 💖🧡💛💚💙💜
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takataapui · 6 months
want to play some swamp/bog/wetland themed games?
May I suggest my recent 3 ttrpgs? They're all solo-journalling rpgs, and no prior wetland knowledge is required!
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'so, you're a small patch of moss in a big bog...'
a micro solo rpg about being moss facing the inevitability of becoming peat. explore grief, mortality, and inevitability.
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'the bog eternal'
a game about being a bog fighting against people trying to harm you, with only your natural traits. totally not an allegory for anything beyond that... I'd totally tell you if it was, deeeefinitely not an allegory for transness, nope.
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'you're going to your ideal wetland'
a game about creating and traveling to your dream wetland, emotions about climate justice, and naming that wonderful place.
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mushroomwitchgames · 10 months
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CATS KNOW THINGS is a light-hearted game meant to tell a humorous story of intrigue, all while pretending to be a very nosy cat. 
But you are no ordinary cat.
You are a very special feline who, through some magic you cannot explain, can communicate with your human, an individual who wishes to make their mark in society by any means necessary. The two of you decide to start a society page, (a very fancy type of tabloid newspaper dedicated to a particular location) revealing the glitz, glamour, and inner turmoil of the town’s most notable individuals. 
As the cat you will travel across town, using your stealth and wiles to listen in on the most intimate conversations and encounters. At the end of the day you return to your human to relay to them all the town’s salacious gossip for the society page. The goal is to prepare 6-8 items for the newspaper before your human sends them to the presses for the week.
CATS KNOW THINGS will be available on our Itch.io store at 9am PST on November 22!! Please reblog to get the work out! We're really excited to share this game with you!
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arsene-inc · 1 month
I had no idea what to cook. So I took my Cooking in dungeon game and roll some dice.
Seems like someone wants EGG and SPICE. Hmmm ... I don't have bell peppers but let's go for something shakshouka inspired. I have tomato pulp, eggs, cumin and paprika, coriander too. Let's add some carrots and some corn.
And here we go :
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No idea what to cook ? Here is my game Cooking in Dungeon to give you cooking prompts as if you were a chef in a dungeon.
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Have you played DELVE : A Solo Map Drawing Game ?
By Anna Blackwell
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DELVE: A Solo Map Drawing Game is a map drawing game that puts you in control of a dwarven hold as you discover the horrors that lurk below. The zine has everything you need to generate natural formations, forgotten ruins, enemies, wyrd magics, and ancient monstrosities. It has a simple turn-based combat system, rules for building your hold and optional challenges for a harder experience.
Inspired by games like Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper, DELVE aims to capture that feeling of building and protecting a fortress in an unforgiving subterranean world.
All you need to play is, a pencil, paper (preferably 1" grid), and a deck of playing cards.
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Been working on this for a bit: Ensam Själ. It's a set of tools and procedures for Mörk Själ, my soulslike hack of Mörk Borg.
In it you will find a 2d10-based Yes/No oracle with a chance for random events, a variety of dark fantasy-themed spark tables, and a set of specific procedures for exploration using these tools.
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It takes inspiration from a lot of different solo and GM-less rules, such as Mythic GM Emulator, Conjectural Roleplaying GM Emulator, Game Master’s Apprentice, Solitary Defilement, FORGE, and my very own Pocket Delver (If you've played Pocket Delver, the last set of random tables should look pretty familiar)
As always, licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0, so feel free to poach and steal any bits and pieces you like from it.
It costs $5 USD, but there are 10 community copies available, and I will be adding a new community copy for each sale made. Also, for the next two months it will be available at a discounted price for everyone who already owns the full version of Mörk Själ.
Plus. If community copies run out and you still want a free copy because you can't or just don't feel like paying for it... you can just message me about it, and I'll be more than happy to give you a download code.
Anyway hope y'all enjoy it :)
As a little demonstration of how it works, I will copy the full example of play I included at the end of the document under the cut.
Example of Play
Here is a demonstration of solo play applying the procedures contained in this document.
After randomizing character creation, our chosen undead is Abigeal of Kingfisher Thicket, a Battlemage with a missing foot and vague memories of being betrayed by an old ally.
Abilities: Strength +2, Agility 0, Toughness -1, Presence +2
HP: 5
Inventory: Shortsword, Fur Armor, Lantern, 3 Flasks of oil.
Inventory slots: 4/13
Stamina: 9
Spells: The Fortress, Merciful Sunlight
Her main goal is to track down and punish the old ally who betrayed her, who is...
Roll on NPC spark table: 64 – Arrogant, 16 – Thief
... an arrogant thief by the name of Ciannán the Grinning.
Rolling on the Area spark table (22, 26) we find out that she begins her quest in a flooded prison. I’ve decided that the enemies for this area are: Nuisance: Sewer Rat – Normal: Ghost – Tough: Wraith – Miniboss: Amphibian Shaman – Boss: Giant Sewer Rat.
Let’s generate a room:
Roll for number of exits: 6 - three exits. Roll for cardinal directions: 2 – NE, 4 – SE, 8 – NW. I chose not to roll for exit type for the time being and assume the three of them are horizontal
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Roll on room content tables: Encounter: 11 – Nothing. Loot: 8 – Weapon (Roll on weapons table to determine weapon: Femur) . Room feature: 9 – Nothing.
Standing on top of a small ledge, Abigeal looks upon the rest of the flooded room, an abandoned guard post in an ancient, now flooded prison.
Is there a light source in the room? (2d6 on Soul Oracle: 6 – Yes) Luckily, the light that filters from the cracks on the ceiling above is enough to see clearly.
Is the water shallow enough to walk across it? (2d10 on Soul Oracle: 4 – “Yes, and...”) The water is shallow enough to reach all of the doors walking, and barely deep enough to get your feet wet. Due to the Yes, and Response, Doom is increased by 1.
Abigeal ignores the femur floating in the water, instead going to check the coffer beside the old guard table.
Is there anything of value in the coffer? (2d10+1 on Soul Oracle: 12 – No, but...)
There is nothing in the coffer, but when she crouched down to check it she managed to spot something in the water under the table.
Is it a key? (2d10+1 on Soul Oracle: 8 - Yes)
Abigeal grabs the key she spotted under the table, and then finally decides to check the door to the Northeast.
Room generation:
Roll for number of exits: 2 – None, the room has no doors other than the one she came in through.
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Roll on room content tables:
Encounter: 16 – 1d3 tough enemies. Loot: 11 – Nothing. Room feature: 12 – Nothing.
Upon entering the flooded guard barracks, Abigeal suddenly finds herself facing a Wraith. As she wasn’t making any particular effort to conceal herself, she’s spotted almost immediately.
Roll for Wraith HP (4d8): 21
Initiative: Test Agility DR12. 19 - Success, Abigeal acts first.
Knowing she can’t defeat the Wraith head-on, Abigeal tries to use her Merciful Sunlight spell to blind it.
Spellcasting: Test Presence DR12. 18 – Success.
Casting Merciful Sunlight and aiming the bright light directly at the wraith’s eyes, Abigeal manages to blind it for 8 combat rounds (There is no set effect for blinding, but I’ve decided the DR to avoid the wraith’s attacks has been reduced to 6)
The wraith tries to hit Abigeal, but she easily avoids its touch and counterattacks with her shortsword, just barely managing to hit its almost incorporeal form. She decides to spend one Stamina to add one damage die to her attack, hitting with 2d4 for 7 damage.
I will omit the full play-by-play narration of the encounter, but Abigeal manages to defeat the wraith after seven rounds of combat, with her HP reduced to 4 and her Stamina Reduced to 3, and earns 250 souls. She rolls her weapon’s Usage Die, but luckily it comes up 3, so her weapon isn’t damaged. However, when rolling her armor’s UD it comes up 1, so her armor receives one level of wear and its UD is reduced from d8 to d6.
After stopping to catch her breath, she recovers 2 Stamina, and decides to examine the room.
Is there any container for guards’ belongings still intact?
(2d10+1 on Soul Oracle: 3 – Yes, And...)
There is not only one, but several barrels and coffers containing the former guards’ belongings. Among them, she finds 2 bombs, a net, 20 ft of rope, and a spear. Due to the Yes, and Response, Doom is increased by 1.
Abigeal takes the spear and the two bombs and adds them to her inventory.
She then heads back to the guard post, now taking the door to the southeast.
Roll for number of exits: 3 – One exit. Roll for cardinal directions: 3 – East. Roll for exit type: 3 – Horizontal.
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Roll on room content tables:
Encounter: 11 – Nothing. Loot: 16 – Random scroll. Room feature: 14 – Major obstacle.
Rolling on a spark table to determine what the obstacle is, I decided to roll Verb + Subject
31 – Increase. 16 - Adversity
Towards the center of this room, the water level is much higher respective to the floor, making it impossible to traverse to the other side walking.
Is the scroll on the side of the room Abigeal can reach on foot? (2d10+2 on Soul Oracle: 11 – Random Event)
A random event occurs. Before determining what it is, I resolve the yes/no question by looking at the result of the higher of the two dice. As it’s an even number (8), the answer is yes, the scroll is floating on the side of the room Abigeal can reach on foot.
Roll for event type: 12 – Reveal
Something is revealed to not be what it initially seemed. I decided to roll Adjective + Subject and...
21 – Ancient. 12 – Ally.
Rather serendipitous.
I decided to interpret this as... she suddenly remembers this was an important place for her and Ciannán, back in the old times before the undead curse.
Is this where he betrayed her? (2d10+2 on Soul Oracle: 21 – No, and...)
This doesn’t seem to be the case, quite the opposite, in fact. Due to the No, and Response, Doom is reduced by 1.
Is this where they met? (2d10+1 on Soul Oracle: 10 – Yes, but...)
She recognizes this as the place they met, but she can barely remember anything from that encounter other than the place itself.
I’m going to stop playing here for the time being, closing this example of play on what I think is the most interesting note so far.
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keftiu · 2 months
My new solo TTRPG is out!
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HARDCASE is a light-weight solo TTRPG about trying to make it to payday in space. If you're a fan of grimy sci-fi and hate corporations (or just really like Mothership, 2400, and World of Dungeons), there's a lot for you to love with it!
You can grab it half-off for the next week <3
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Solve a murder in No-Tell Motel. Just don't get it wrong.
My new single-player TTRPG, No-Tell Motel, is now for sale in my online shop!
What does it look like, you ask? It looks like this:
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The premise: You're the overnight clerk at a shady by-the-hour motel. Last night, one of your regulars murdered another one, and no one - least of all the cops - seems interested in finding out who did it or why.
So it's down to you. Night after night, use a deck of cards in a Solitaire-like spread to track who checks in and out of your motel, who they get entangled with, and sift through gossip to find out how they know each other - and get that much closer to finding out who did the deed.
Just be careful. As the nights wear on doubt will creep in, and evidence will start to point in multiple directions. Make the best case you can, because if you get it wrong - and you very much can - disaster follows.
No-Tell Motel is a 32-page black & white zine featuring a gorgeous cover and character art for 16 motel guests all by artist Shawn McGuan. All you need to play is the book, a deck of Poker cards, a six-sided die, and (optionally) the Dossier and Ledger available for free at the itch page.
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"But Ken," you ask. "Can I get any memorabilia swiped from the crime scene?"
"Of course you can, you weird little goblin," I answer. "Here's how."
You can get the following items a la carte, or get every dang thing in the Employee Bundle (pictured above) for $32 right here.
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The "Dice Tray" is, of course, for rolling dice and nothing else. Whatever else you do with the "Dice Tray" is between you and your night shift manager. Tin "Dice trays" are 5.4" in diameter and available right here.
It has four grooves to hold things that aren't dice. I have no opinion about what you do with those.
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The Room 7 Keychain is exactly what it sounds like: the keychain for the room where the murder happened. It's 3.75" long high-quality plastic with hot stamp foil imprint on both sides. If you attach this to your keys, just be prepared to have an alibi. I know a guy. You can get yours here.
Also, all orders will get a couple-few Stellar Motel matchbooks thrown in until I run out, which shouldn't be for awhile. (I have like 2,000 of these!)
Sorry that's a lot of sales talk - I just personally follow a rule that I only make merch of stuff that I, personally, want. I wanted these things for myself, and they frankly kind of rock, and add a lot to the sleazy, winking atmosphere of No-Tell Motel. Hope you like them too.
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runningdoggames · 1 year
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YOUR GOD IS DEAD, and you’re the unlucky soul tasked with figuring out who killed em. As sheriff, you are working to uncover the truth behind this tragedy before your parish’s rage boils over and makes the situation even worse. There’s someone or something on the loose that can kill a god, and it’s hard to know who to trust nowadays. You know you can rely on your horse, your gun, your faith, and your lawman’s intuition. Ride carefully, partner. There’s trouble afoot.
I’m super excited to announce that my new solo journaling game is now published - you can find it here! This game was made for the Hints & Hijinx Jam hosted by @pandiongames. If you’re interested, I encourage you to check out other entries - this system is super fun to play (and to write!).  WHO KILLED GOD? is a solo mystery game of divine catastrophe and small-town suspicion in a Weird West setting. This book has prompts and mechanics to help guide you, but it is up to you to follow the clues to wherever they lead, whether that's to redemption or ruin. You play as your town's sheriff, trying to find the party or parties responsible for the death of your god. You will explore various locations around town, meet with townsfolk, and attempt to gather evidence while getting yourself out of tricky predicaments and tight spots. At the end of the game, you'll find out whether or not you were right.
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goblinmixtape · 8 months
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A solo TTRPG of weird research
In this award-winning game, play as a research assistant trying to do their job amidst the strange and supernatural.
Outliers takes inspiration from my 5+ years as a research assistant, with a big helping of absurd comedy in the style of Welcome to Night Vale and Gravity Falls.
Far Horizons CoOp is bringing Outliers to Kickstarter for a print run! You can sign up to be notified when we launch on Feb 15th.
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cassimothwin · 8 months
Finally did a flip through video of Carved by the Garden, my folk horror journaling game. I wrote and illustrated it!
You can find it on my shop if you're interested!
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