#indian idol voting
times24by7 · 1 year
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i-cant-sing · 7 months
just wanted to say Kashmir has always belonged to India
And you were saying why people of India is always about Pakistan is because Pakistan is always sending terrorist in India and we are not going to forget about the death of our indian army
And you were talking about BJP, BJP is the first political partie in India that has guy to ban the three times saying divorce means divorce many of female muslim in India support BJP for this
By your logic, Pakistan and Bangladesh also belong to India? Should they all just reverse their independence???
Personally, as someone with Kashmiri ancestors, I think yall should have Kashmir vote whether they wanna stay in India, join Pakistan or be independent altogether.
As far as the whole "announce divorce 3 times" goes, that's an Islamic thing okay? There's a way things are done in each religion, they don't have to provide u or the state reasons for that. I'm sure, whoever passed the ban probably thought he was helping Muslim women out or something but it wasnt BJPs problem to deal with. Besides... why... why are they banning hijab?? What good is that bringing to the world? Is it fair for the Indian Muslims to not be able to practice their religion freely, while Indian Hindus get to do it??? What about Muslims slaughtering animals on eid? Should we ban that too because the BJP, a majorly Hindu party, feels its uncomfortable, if not outright disrespectful because they worship cows??? Then, should Muslims be allowed to bash all the idols because they consider it disrespectful to have so many gods????
And look, Im mot saying Pakistan is completely innocent. I'm sure they've done terrible things too when minoritiesare considered (like blasphemyaccusations end up costing u your life there), but to consider the actions of few bad people and assume everyone of association is a terrorist is just downright stupid. Not even sad, pathetic, its stupid.
Should you be afraid of me because I'm a Muslim? Huh? Do you hate me now?
Thing is u are probably wondering why I'm being all Pro Muslims rn when every other community in the world is also suffering/had suffered through something bad... why I'm soooo "insensitive" to the Hindus pain?
Because you/whoever that anon was decided that the time to bring up the Hindu suffering is when I'm talking about Palestine. The fucking nerve. What you/that anon was trying to do was overshadow the Palestinian suffering, by bringing up Hindus. Not to mention, how they mentioned being afraid of Muslims now?? Idc how old u are, its not okay to be racist and its not my job to teach you right from wrong.
Now, you could say whatever you want about me- I give two shits. If you really care about Hindus suffering and what not, post about it on your blog. Raise awareness. But you can't guilt me into sympathising for your cause by making me stop talking about Palestine. I'm not forcing u to raise awareness about Palestine, am I?
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated a grand temple to Hindu god Ram in the flashpoint city of Ayodhya.
He said it heralded "a new era" for India - the temple replaces a 16th-Century mosque torn down by Hindu mobs in 1992, sparking riots in which nearly 2,000 people died.
Top film stars and cricketers were among guests at the event in Ayodhya.
But some Hindu seers and most of the opposition boycotted it, saying Mr Modi was using it for political gain.
General elections are due in India in the next few months and Mr Modi's political rivals say the governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will be seeking votes in the temple's name in a country where 80% of the population is Hindu.
Critics have also accused the government of exploiting a religious celebration in a country which - according to its constitution - is secular. For Muslims, India's biggest minority, the event evoked fear and painful memories, members of the community in Ayodhya told the BBC in the run-up to Monday's ceremony.
Televised live, it showed Mr Modi performing religious rituals inside the temple's sanctum along with priests and Mohan Bhagwat, head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) - the ideological fountainhead of Hindu nationalist parties.
The complex history of India's Ayodhya holy site
Transforming a flashpoint holy city into the ‘Hindu Vatican’
"Today's date will go down in history," Mr Modi said after the event. "After years of struggle and countless sacrifices, Lord Ram has arrived [home]. I want to congratulate every citizen of the country on this historic occasion."
The temple has been constructed at a cost of $217m (£170m), funded from private donations. Only the ground floor was opened - the rest is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The construction work is part of a revamp for the city, estimated to cost more than $3bn.
The building of the Ram temple in Ayodhya fulfils a decades-long Hindu nationalist pledge. Many Hindus believe the Babri mosque was built by Muslim invaders on the ruins of a temple where the Hindu god was born.
The movement to build the temple helped propel the BJP into political prominence in the 1990s.
There was a festive atmosphere as tens of thousands of chanting Hindu devotees waved flags and beat drums - military helicopters showered flower petals on the temple. Saffron flags with pictures of Lord Ram line streets in the city festooned with marigolds, as do banners with the faces of Mr Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
Some of India's biggest celebrities, including Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, attended.
Temple rises from ruins of one of India’s darkest days
Listen: The temple at the heart of Modi's India re-election bid
Transforming a flashpoint holy city into the ‘Hindu Vatican’
In many other northern cities Hindus lit lamps, and saffron flags carrying images of Ram are fluttering on rooftops, including in several parts of Delhi. Cinemas screened the event, and big screens relayed pictures from Ayodhya to town squares and residential neighbourhoods.
The ceremony, called Pran Pratishtha, which loosely translates from Sanskrit into "establishment of life force", lasted about an hour. Hindus believe that chanting mantras and performing rituals around a fire will infuse sacred life in an idol or a photograph of a deity.
Several domestic TV stations built huge sets by the side of the river Saryu, a tributary of the Ganges, just behind the temple, and provided wall-to-wall coverage of the event, some proclaiming the moment of consecration as the start of "Ram Rajya" (Lord Ram's rule) in India.
Hindus celebrated the inauguration in other countries too. Massive billboards of Lord Ram graced Times Square in New York, where a group of devotees braved the freezing weather to gather in the middle of the night.
Temples all across the United Kingdom - where Indians are one of the largest diaspora groups - marked the event. Colourful posters had been shared inviting devotees to honour the occasion and celebrations involved flowers, sweets and music. There were also some celebrations in Muslim-majority Dubai - where Indians are a significant population - but from Indian news reports these appeared more muted than elsewhere.
In 2019, the Supreme Court gave the disputed land to Hindus after a protracted legal battle followed the mosque's demolition. Muslims were given a plot outside the city for a mosque but have yet to build one.
One member of the community the BBC spoke to in Ayodhya ahead of Monday's inauguration agreed that Hindus have the right to build the temple after the Supreme Court gave them the site.
"We did not accept that decision happily, but what can we do," he said. Another man said he was happy Hindus are building the temple - "but we are also sad because it was built after destroying a mosque".
The new three-storey temple - made with pink sandstone and anchored by black granite - stretches across 7.2 acres in a 70-acre complex. A 51-inch (4.25-ft) statue of the deity, specially commissioned for the temple, was unveiled last week. The idol has been placed on a marble pedestal in the sanctum sanctorum.
Thousands of police were deployed for Monday's event, despite Mr Modi having appealed to pilgrims not to turn up and to watch the ceremony on television. In many states a full or half day holiday was called, with schools and colleges closed and stock markets shut.
The build-up to a demolition that shook India
The man who helped Lord Ram win the Ayodhya case
But a sour note was struck with some top religious seers saying that as the temple was not yet complete, it was against Hinduism to perform the rituals there, and many opposition leaders deciding to stay away.
Some opposition-ruled states also announced their own plans for the day - West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said she would pray at the iconic temple to goddess Kali in Kolkata and then lead an all-faith rally. The eastern state of Odisha (Orissa) unveiled huge plans to bring pilgrims to the Jagannath temple in Puri, one of the holiest sites for Hindus.
Authorities say they expect more than 150,000 visitors per day once the temple in Ayodhya is fully ready.
To accommodate this expected rush, new hotels are being built and existing ones spruced up as part of a major makeover and in recent weeks, a new airport and railway station have opened.
Officials say they are building a "world-class city where people come as pilgrims and tourists", but many local people have told the BBC that their homes, shops and "structures of religious nature" have been either completely or partially demolished to expand roads and set up other facilities.
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rubberizer92 · 1 year
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🌟 OBEY Season 10: Glistening Gladiator Gods - The Ultimate All-Stars Showdown! 🌟
Gentlemen, brace yourselves for the most epic season of OBEY yet - it's the All-Stars edition, and it's nothing short of legendary! Tonight, we unveil the dazzling motto of OBEY Season 10: "Glistening Gladiator Gods." ⚔️💪
In this riveting season, our remarkable contestants have been tasked with creating awe-inspiring looks inspired by the fierce gladiators of the Roman Empire. These ensembles, crafted from a fusion of latex, leather, and metal, are designed to captivate and command attention, leaving no room for imagination. It's all about celebrating masculine strength, chiseled muscles, and the undeniable pride of being an idol for countless gentlemen worldwide! 💥🏋️‍♂️
Now, let's talk about how your voice shapes this extraordinary season. Your votes on Instagram, Instagram Stories, Tumblr, and now Twitter (X) hold the power to determine the fate of our All-Star contestants. Every like, comment, save, or 'Yes' vote on Instagram Stories will push them closer to glory, while a 'No' vote will deduct from their positive votes. And yes, you heard it right – OBEY is now officially live on Twitter (X), responding to popular demand with even more exciting content! 🗳️📱🐦
Now, it's time to introduce our Indian All-Star, the incredible Sanjay! 🇮🇳🏆 Sanjay's journey is one that embodies resilience and excellence, and as he steps into the arena of "Glistening Gladiator Gods," you won't want to miss a moment of his extraordinary story. 🌟💫
#OBEYSeason10 #AllStarsEdition #GladiatorGods #VoteNow #TwitterLaunch 🌐🌟
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asparagus24 · 1 year
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shut-up-rabert · 2 years
Do you think that despite everything and despite the nature of Sanatanis as a majority being starkly different from any other majority in the world, we still have any priveleges as a majority? Of course we've already established that being a majority doesn't necessarily mean we cannot be oppressed but do you think we still exercise some degree of privelege that minorities don't? I'm looking for as many viewpoints as I can and you're the only hindutva blog I know.
Hmm, If I’m being honest the only “majority privilege” I can think of is of Sanatan being seen as an inseparable part of our culture in the media.
If you see India being portrayed in other countries, you have a highte chance of seeing a Sanatani person or an idol or a temple in the background than you have of seeing mosques or churches. But I guess the fact that this is the birthplace of one of the largest religions of one and virtually the only country with a sizeable population of us (Nepal, Bali, Mauritius, Fiji and Trinidad aren’t as known still sadly) , so I think half of the times it can be them showing Indians when they have to portray Hindus rather than them showing Hindus when they have to show Indians, though it is certainly the latter at just as many times.
Other than that, being a majority in democracy certainly pays. We have voted in a government we found benificial to ourselves, goes on to iterate that we hold a massive amount of power united. 80% is big afterall. This might sound problematic and it is pretty fucked up aswell, but Godhra and Delhi riots are a negative outcome of “hindus” deciding to unite for the wrong thing, even if for a reactionary reason. The Hindus all over the country uniting against them for righteousness such as in Bilkis Bano case, is a positive example of same. The dominance of Sanatani sentiment in states like Maharashtra,UP and Gujrat is also a result of us unitedly taking action to propagate the Hindu side.
Having 4/5th of power helps outside the political sphere aswell. The Ram Mandir Movement, Temple restoration movements and massive success of Kashmir Files has to show for that.
But our power as a majority is pretty harmless mostly because we don’t bear any ill will, and like you said it does not stop us from being oppressed because we rarely tend to take any fragmented attack on us seriously. So while yes, there are majority perks, it certainly is not half as decisive as media tries to portray it. This is for 2 reasons:
We aren’t inherently malicious. We have a live and let live philosophy which makes us totally harmless sans a few extreme right looney bin dropouts.
We tend to unite less. The examples I stated above are some of the few times we stand together and work as a majority. More often than not, like Bilkis or Kanhaiya case, we are all internally aware of right and wrong but lack the momentum to make things right or fight back against the injustice. And while 1 is totally great, 2 is something we need to change. We hold the power of majority and can get things done, but we waste it on things like a bikini colour and lose the heat instead of channeling it on right kind of stuff. I think people need to speak up more instead of all of us internally agreeing on what is wrong and what is right. so yeah, this is all I can think of, but I hope it helps. Thankyou!
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billmaher · 1 year
Republican Debates
I was taping Club Random last night when the debate was on, but I watched it later, and here are my running thoughts about the #GOPDebate: the striking writers should be worried about AI, because ChatGPT could write the SNL sketch version of this in 2 seconds… Who is that stiff on the end? And Asa Hutchinson?? Yes, that's what we want, the one old white guy in America that looks older than Biden… Vivek cannot stop smiling, and is it my TV, or are his teeth blindingly white?
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Is that the way to let us know he's the young one?… I hadn't really seen DeSantis speak before, and wow, he is every bit as awful as everyone says - terrible voice, robotic and canned, creepy straight-ahead stare - yikes!…who in real life ever says "thank you for the question"?: 'I'm going out, can I grab anything for you?' 'Thank you for the question: a pack of Luckys'… I need blueblocker glasses for this guy's teeth…the way they all think anyone cares about their cherrypicked brags:
'I'm the only one who lowered taxes with a Democratic senate in a southeastern state' Shut the fuck up…who is this freak Doug Burgum?? He looks like a salesman at a high-end department store. I think he sold me a tuxedo at Neiman Marcus… Thank you, Karen; I'll be sure to tell the manager…Jesus, Pence's hair is whiter than Vivek's teeth!…climate change is a hoax?? Oh Vivek, we all wanna be president but come on man…" We have to tell India and China to stop polluting."
Yeah, nobody ever thought of that…'I had trouble having both my children' TMI!…oh yeah, I think we all know Penny - Around the World Penny, yup"…no, not the Constitution-in-your-pocket thing!…wouldn't it be great if President Burgum foiled an assassination attempt when the bullet hit his pocket Constitution?…THIRTY no-abortion bills you passed, how many ways are there to say 'don't kill it?'…' abortion on demand,' like there's a Drive-Thru out here in Cali: "You want fries with your abortion?…" We need a president from a new generation." - Yes, but who? Who do you have in mind? Are you thinking of anyone in particular? "When a farmer gets sick…" WHAT? What year is this debate taking place? Jesus, he can borrow my cow…Asa is talking about stopping Smash-and-Grabs in the inner city?? "As president I'll stop it!" How? You're gonna go undercover with Richard Greico?…
Christie is brave to call out Trump, but good luck prying this crowd away from him, he is Taylor Swift to these people…I swear they all could switch each other's canned lines and no one would notice…also I don't think anyone would notice or care if Brett Baeir and DeSantis switched bodies, they all look completely interchangeable…" We need someone who fought in the military." But who?? Who do you have in mind, anyone in particular??…
I was wrong, and President Burgum looks like an undertaker… Pence and Vivek are wearing the exact same tie…"I chose the constitution" BOO!!!, oh Republicans, you are scary…I stand by what I told Vivek on Club Random last week: "I find you both disarming and Alarming."…you gotta love how these snakes pretend they don't know how to pronounce Vivek's name. Just in case anyone forgot he's the, um, "foreign-sounding" one - Et Tu Nikki Haley?? Wow, really Nikki, YOU don't know either?…
Vivek wins the battle of 'I'll say the most red meat, fuck the future, get applause and clean up the repercussions later' tactic that works best at Republican debates… this Indian-American on Indian-American violence must end!… What does President Burgum's wife tell him after this is over: 'You won! It wasn't even close'… can we please vote this guy off the island? There is less dignity on this stage than with the most embarrassing first-rounder on American Idol, Sanjaya is Abe Lincoln… I like drugs, but OK, I guess that's a bad one…you guys can call Putin a thug and tell us how he rapes women all night, this is a Republican debate, know your audience: 'Ukraine is far away, we hate Mexicans!'…are we really that convinced that the strands of hair that Asa is pulling from one side of his head to the other side is covering the top?…"I alone got the funding for…" - You did? Awesome! Done! I was gonna vote for Richard Greico's kick-ass partner, but…
President Burgum, if we're just gonna cremate her, why do we need such an expensive coffin?… What is that, wool? It's August, but OK, I get it. They crank the AC in these places… "We don't need a president who's too old or who's too young." Who then?? Who could it be that you mean who's the right age?… "We led the nation in computer science education" - you did?! Well, why didn't you say so at the beginning before Asa joined 21 Jump Street? That's a great accomplishment, maybe President Burgum will make you Secretary of something… I love how in the closing statements, they ordered it from the least likely on up: President Burgum, you're the first, then let's hear from Asa, the other guy with a 0.0% chance… "We need a conservative who has shown he can win in a blue state" - But who? Who do we have like that here today??… "God said to America, I'm not done with you" - really, God says that to people: "I'm done with you? What a little bitch… "I was born in 1985", old WhiteHead next to me has ties older than that, and blah blah 1776, which I think is the year the dude on the end was born… we're so fucked, and Trump wasn't even there.
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localreport · 10 months
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Abhijeet Sawant reacts to Amit Sana's claims on Indian Idol 1 winner, voting lines: He shouldn't forget he was runner-up
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readersfusion · 1 year
Get the latest Indian Idol 13 live voting update and show your support for the next singing sensation! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!
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ashutentaran · 2 years
Inspired by the British show ‘Pop idol’, Indian Idol began in 2004 and became one of the most entertaining shows on TV. The music reality show has been adapted in various regional languages. The latest to start is Telugu Indian Idol.
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times24by7 · 2 years
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highresearch · 3 years
Indian Idol 12 Contestants Elimination – Who Got Eliminated
Indian Idol 12 Contestants Elimination – Who Got Eliminated
The names and reasons for eliminating Indian Idol 12 contestants can now be found on this website. Please take the time to read our post if you want to learn all there is to know about Indian Idol 12. We’ll let you know which Indian Idol competitors have been booted from the competition in this post. Aside from that, we’ll fill you in on all you need to know about the program in our story today.…
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the-other-art-blog · 3 years
Some good things about Little Men 1998-9
Someone finally posted all the episodes of Little Men 1998-9 on YouTube (here’s the link). I know I destroyed Amy’s characterization in a recent post. But it’s the only adaptation that I’ve seen about the sequels, so I watched... most of it? I looked at the scenes that were about the sisters especially (I’m wasn’t interested in watching the scenes between Jo and Nick. They didn’t even give Jo time to grief the love of her life! 😡). Yet, turns out the series does have a few interesting topics. 
Laurie deals with toxic masculinity!
In Episode 1x08 “Bluffing” Laurie feels a bit intimidated? insecure? See, The Laurences are visiting Plumfield and talking to Jo about taking Bess to a recital of Mozart in Boston, and then they tell her about watching Giselle’s ballet 😊 . And he’s so excited! But then Nick comes and he’s talking about doing manual work, cleaning the chimney or something like that and it makes Laurie feel bad about himself. Cause of course, he doesn’t do any of that work. Yes, because he’s rich, but also because he’s just not that type of guy.
Regardless he wants to fix that (as if there was something to fix). Then, Jo is worried about Nick’s doings, he spent the night out and stuff. And Laurie thinks it’s a perfect opportunity to hang out with him to “check on him.” Turns out, Nick gambles. And so Laurie follows him and it causes a mess.
The point, and why I love this episode, is because in the end Laurie confesses to Nick that he only wanted to fit in with the men, you know the “manly” men who drink and smoke at the bar, who play cards, who are strong and carry things, bla bla bla.
Laurie: I wanted to be one of the guys.
Nick: Laurie, playing cards at the tavern might not be the right thing for you. But y’know what? Goin’ to the ballet is not the right the for me. But neither way makes you or me any more or less of a man.
I really love that. Cause I think one of the reasons Jo was more into “manly” men was because they get the job done. If Laurie gets a pass is because he’s rich. But Nat, for example, wasn’t rich, so Meg and Jo worried that he wouldn’t be able to give Daisy a good life. 
Suffragette movement
I like that they addressed the movement in episode 2x09. Jo and Nan are all excited about it. But I also liked that Amy and Laurie are a bit reluctant to help, not because they don’t support it wholeheartedly but because it can affect Laurie’s business greatly. Many of his clients have threatened him on ending business if he supports the women. So the have to be very careful. It just reminded me how Bronson Alcott took a black boy into his classroom and that was devastating for him and the family cause few people were okay with that. It’s very easy to order someone to risk it all but it comes at a cost.
Anyway, in the end Amy, Meg and Asia join Jo and they vote... and they get arrested 😂. I just love the image of Amy in a jail. Of course they know they did something great but it’s a bit funny. Don’t worry, Laurie paid the bail for all of them.
The kids at Plumfield
For some reason Demi and Daisy are not in this series. They exist but they don’t attend Plumfield. Which is a shame because they deprived us from DaisyxNat cuteness!
So Nan and Bess are the only girls. At first they fight because they are like oil and water but eventually they become besties (they’re about the same age in this adaptation). I really like that they accept their differences and care for each other a great deal. And they kept the plot of Nan wanting to be a doctor!
Also, because they kind of made BessxDan a bit more plausible in this one. They are also the same age in this one. The problem is not precisely the age difference in the book, but their incompatibility and the way Dan idolizes her. But here, they’re cute. Whatever. And they did establish Dan’s connection with the Indians.
Amy (they tried)
Episode 1x13 has Amy trying to impress a member of the Organization of American Women. She wants in but has to go to an interview. For some reason, she says she lives in Plumfield. I think everyone would know she’s lying. But anyway, she invites them to a dinner. Aunt March used to be in that organization and Amy wants to continue that legacy. So far, that was great. I was very happy to see that.
One of my headcanons is that Amy did belong to a organization of the sort, precisely following Aunt March’s legacy. And I really liked how she talked about everything her aunt did for her and how much she owns her. Cause a big part of who Amy is, it’s because of Aunt March. But guess what? They used it as an opportunity to imply that Amy was ashamed of her parents. So I’m going to leave it at that.
Then in episode 2x02, I love that they showed how good Amy is at organizing events. And we see her and Laurie dance 😊 . They do have a couple of cute moments in the whole series. But I’m still mad at most of it.
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chris-evans · 4 years
I don’t enjoy posting too many personal posts, but I haven’t been able to stop crying this past hour. This is the closest Indian-Americans have ever gotten to the Oval Office. I grew up with two immigrant parents, with a father who had a love for politics, even though he knew no one cared about the opinions of a poor working class immigrant. He always said he’d never get to see an Indian American President, but he always hoped it’d happen someday. He died in November 2011, so I’m very heartbroken today that he didn’t get to see a short nine years later, the first Indian American WOMAN Vice President. I’m so happy for all the immigrants and their children today. I cannot explain enough what this moment means to all of us and me. I spent my entire life wanting to go into politics and government work because of my father’s love for politics. I chose to go to law school so that I could hopefully someday be a public servant. The only politician I could idolize growing up was Hillary Clinton, who was at that time the senator of my home state. The 2016 election broke my heart, but today my heart is full. This is a huge win for all of us. We matter. We don’t have to just be grateful to be allowed to come into this country and get a piece of the American Dream. We can rise to the high ranks or the U.S. Government. Thank you to everyone who voted for making this possible. Thank you to all of the wonderful and beautiful black women who carried Joe Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. I cannot thank you all enough. I love this country with my whole heart and I’ve never been more proud to be an American.
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skiasurveys · 3 years
bold what applies
I like to consider the idea of getting a PhD.
It scares me to make commitments regarding my future.
Comparing myself to others is the #1 thing that makes me feel upset.
I get really annoying and chatty when I’m scared.
I enjoy memorizing things, be it poems, sequences of numbers, or whatever.
After it storms, it interests me to drive around and see all the downed trees and damage.
I imagine that ordinary things are magical and it makes life more fun.
Sometimes I say things in a stupid accent for no reason.
I love playing and usually win at trivia games.
I am eagerly anticipating receiving something in the mail.
I usually feel shitty after scrolling through my Facebook Newsfeed.
Sometimes after hearing a song in a movie scene, I gain a whole new appreciation for the song.
I don’t like it when rooms have walls that are not all the same color.
I hate when there’s a cute guy around and I want him to talk to me but he doesn’t.
I enjoy cleaning out and organizing my iTunes.
I prefer sociology over psychology.
I would describe myself as quite quiet but friendly.
I tend to have dreams where I’m intensely angry more often than I have dreams where I am scared.
I am terrified to ever have to write a college thesis.
Clothes rarely fit me right off the rack. It’s discouraging and annoying.
I will defend the things I love TO THE GRAVE.
I have played the game Skylanders and it’s absolutely adorable and fun.
As cheesy as it sounds, looking into the mirror and saying positive things really helps my self-esteem.
It’s easy for my imagination to get going and I spook myself easily.
It bothers me a bit when celebrities get to write and publish novels.
Bad writing inspires me to write most, because I think, “if people enjoy THAT, they’ll definitely enjoy what I can write.”
I really never want to get pregnant.
I have tried almond milk, rice milk, and soy milk.
Something that bothers me more than when someone says something offensive, is when someone else defends the offensive statement.
I never wanted to be a princess when I was little.
I adore old houses, especially if they’re “haunted.”
I’m terribly embarrassed of my past self.
I love the taste of garlic in food, but garlic breath grosses me out so much.
I really enjoy old horror movies.
I keep on remembering songs I haven’t listened to in years because of Songpop.
^ which is the first Facebook game I have ever enjoyed…
Mikhail Baryshnikov is one of my idols.
English is not my first language, but usually people can’t tell immediately.
I have a secret notebook which no one even knows exists and I would rather die than have anyone read it.
My current roommates are the best I’ve had so far.
Good posture really attracts me in someone of my preferred gender.
^ as do strong, maintained eyebrows.
I can’t really function with an Apple computer, lack of experience with those.
I don’t feel emotions the way ”normal” people do.
I don’t own a soft wallet, mine is plastic.
I tend to date men with power positions when it comes to their jobs.
No matter how hard I try, I seem to be unable to whistle.
Good manners are quite important to me.
I was once very involved in a certain sport.
I actually really enjoy cleaning my ears. hahahaha.
I refuse to eat ketchup on anything.
I often sigh really loudly by accident.
I much prefer the colder seasons to summer.
When I feel extra fancy, I fishtail my hair. It is incidentally the fanciest thing I can do with it.
I am a master at getting along with people when I try, because I am very good at figuring out how they want me to react and what they expect me to say, and if I don’t care about them and can’t be bothered to interact properly, I go into that mode.
I refuse to mow the grass, for some reason it terrifies me.
I get pretty bad season allergies.
I don’t eat pork.
My blood type is O positive.
I have ghostly pale skin.
Singlespeed bikes are my favourite.
I have never used shaving cream in my entire life. I never saw any repercussions.
I feel most people I have met in my life would do better if they toughened up.
I have a bigger problem with people who think that feminism has anything to do with hating or belittling men than with people who don’t identify to the feminist movement.
I have struggled with drug use in the past.
I have never used a credit card.
This year, I will vote for something on a national level.
There is absolutely no carpet in my flat.
Currently, I have no interest in learning how to drive.
The job I want to do after school is rather uncommon.
One of my favourite drinks is Kvass. :s :s :s
I cook a lot, and enjoy it very much.
I am a daddy’s girl, by far.
My longest relationship was a long-distance one.
One of my favourite bands is Iron Maiden.
I am unable to write in print, I actually have to stop and remember not to write in cursive after every letter.
When I was a child, I had the ”by myself” syndrome and refused any help from anyone to do whatever.
It still hasn’t changed much, haha.
My computer tends to overheat quite often.
Fiddler on the Roof is my favourite musical.
I have an incredibly high alcohol tolerance.
My phone is always dead.
Indian food is my favourite ethnic cuisine.
My mother works in psychology.
My father works in the cooking industry. He also works in the music industry.
I feel very hot at the moment, and I get anxiety when I’m too hot.
I’m pretty picky about things in general.
However, I refuse to pick a restaurant when asked.
I don’t bite my nails.
I have a piece of jewelry representing a flag on my body at all times.
I seldom shave my legs, my hair grows very slowly. :P
I used to be pretty active in the survey community, and only just recently came back.
Only one person in my family has had a serious disease such as cancer.
I have no idea how much I weigh.
Or how tall I
1. i am currently on facebook.
2. i like the band maroon 5.
3. I have hugged some of my best buddies today.
4. I have hugged someone I like today.
5. I think Bonzai waterslides are amazing.
6. i put hair clips in my hair almost everyday.
7. Hubba Bubba gum = yum.
8. I think 5 gum is disgusting.
9. I hate when I take a shower, my hair gets my back all wet.
10. It really hurts when someone hits you with a sock!
11. dachshunds are adorable.
12. I have never played chess before.
13. I don’t really care for instrumental songs.
14. i put my ipod on shuffle, but then i end up skipping half of the songs anyway.
15. i love brother/sister relationships.
16. ^I have one with someone.
17. i’m usually invisible on aim.
18. I feel like I repeat myself on every survey.
19. Today was really fun.
20. I am messaging someone through Facebook at this moment.
21. i hate when people become impatient when you are trying to do something.
22. ^Although I do.
23. All that I wanted to hear from you, something of value, something untrue.
24. People never seem to answer on AIM.
25. My cat always walk in front of my computer screen.
26. My cat is sitting on the desk right now.
27. i don’t like it when people come and watch what i’m doing on my computer.
28. i never publish any of my entries to facebook.
29. ^I don’t understand why you would.
30. I enjoy countdown surveys.
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dpr-lahore-division · 3 years
With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390.
LAHORE, July 23:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar offered eid prayer at the office mosque and extended felicitations to the staff while observing social distancing. He especially prayed for the solidarity of the country and the protection of oppressed Kashmiris of Indian Occupied Kashmir from Indian tyranny. The CM also performed the ritual of animal sacrifice.
Qari Mehboob Ahmed Chisthi led the eid prayer.
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LAHORE, July 23:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has announced Rs.20 million as financial aid for the injured and heirs of passengers who died in the DG Khan road accident. He has also directed the CMIT to hold an inquiry to name those responsible for the negligence. In the light of the report, further action would be initiated against those responsible for the loss of more than 30 lives.
Meanwhile, DC Rajanpur and administrative officers gave away financial aid cheques among the affectees and condoled with them on behalf of the government.
In a statement, the CM repeated that the government will not leave the affectees alone and the government will extend every possible support to them. I am deeply saddened over the loss of lives and extend heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved families, he added.
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LAHORE, July 23:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar visited the central control room of Local Government Board Complex Sandha on the day of eid to inspect the cleanliness arrangements across the province. Secretary Local Government Noor-ul-Amin Mangal briefed the CM about the arrangements.
CM Usman Buzdar also issued directions to the administration of different districts through video-link emphasizing that cleanliness is a collective responsibility. The district administration will be rewarded for immaculate arrangements while the poor performers will be held answerable, he informed. No system can progress without the option of reward and punishment; he maintained and reiterated to ensure best cleanliness arrangements adding that animals' waste should be timely removed for proper disposal. Streets and roads should be devoid of any garbage; he stressed and directed the line departments to ensure better cleanliness arrangements than before. The concerned officials should personally monitor arrangements while using every possible resource and citizens' complaints should be timely resolved, he added. I am monitoring the arrangements and action would be initiated in case of any remissness, he concluded.
Provincial Minister Mian Mehmood ur Rashid, commissioner and DC Lahore, DG LDA and CEO LWMC were also present.
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LAHORE, July 23:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has expressed a deep sense of sorrow over the death of senior journalist Arif Nizami and paid tributes to his contribution to the field of journalism. The CM also prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the departed soul in eternal peace and grant courage to the heirs to bear the loss with equanimity. Arif Nizami was fully committed to the promotion of democracy and democratic norms in the society and the pain of his departure would always remain alive, he added.
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LAHORE, July 23:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar visited various parts of Lahore on the second day of eid sans protocol to review the cleanliness situation. He spoke with the sanitary workers and commended their role in the city’s cleanliness. The zero-waste operation should be ensured and solid waste be removed at the earliest, he said. The administration and LWMC should constantly monitor the cleanliness operations to further improve the arrangements. I will not tolerate any leniency about cleanliness arrangements and midnight oil should be burnt for the cleanliness of the city, the CM concluded.
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No.1176 /QU/RANA
LAHORE, July 23:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has directed to continue cleanliness operation on 3rd day of Eid Al-Adha adding that the animals' waste and other garbage should be properly disposed of. The line departments should make every effort to keep the cities clean as no compromise would be made on cleanliness, he stressed. Action will be initiated in case of any complaint as cities should give a clean look, he further said.
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LAHORE, July 23:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has appealed to the citizens to remain careful as the number of patients is increasing due to the fourth corona wave.
In a statement, the CM maintained the citizens can avoid this virus by following the SOPs as it is in their interests. Everyone should display responsible social behavior as the disease is spreading, he said. The people should vaccinate themselves and wear masks as the government could adopt steps for securing the lives of the people, the CM concluded.
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No.1178 /QU/RANA
LAHORE, July 23:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said the sun will see the victory of PTI in the AJK elections on 25th July. The PTI will successfully form the government in AJK after Gilgit-Baltistan.
In a statement, the CM said the voters have totally rejected the narrative of the opposition in AJK. Defeat is the fate of opposition parties and they cannot together compete with PTI, he added. The Kashmiris are siding with honest and trustworthy leadership and they will vote for the trustworthy leadership, he stressed. The PTI will win the elections with the support of Kashmiris and blessings of Allah Almighty and the people will crush the idols of corruption with the power of their vote. PM Imran Khan has highlighted the Kashmir cause before the world and Kashmiris tremendously love him, concluded the CM.
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