#independant urine drug test
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¶ … individuals seek medical aid everyday in order to conceive a child. "Generally, worldwide it is estimated that one in seven couples have problems conceiving, with the incidence similar in most countries independent of the level of the country's development" (National Institute fo Health and Clinical Excellence, 2010). Through new technology, conceiving a child is now possible for individuals who were never able to previously. One such method is through egg donation and bioengineering. This process is for a woman who is unable to contribute a viable egg in order to produce a zygote. Egg donation has become an increasingly popular method of conception. This method should be completely illegal for several reasons. Egg donation companies supply these eggs through donors. Donors go through a rigorous screening process. This process can include everything from disclosing medical records, meetings with psychologists, medical testing, and signing an informed consent form. Once a donor passes all examinations and signs all necessary paperwork, they are given cycles of hormones to increase egg production. This requires several visits to the clinic where the donation and reception will take place, in order to receive the hormone injections. Once the cycle of hormone cycle is complete, the eggs are retrieved through an out-patient surgery. The eggs extracted from the donor are typically given to a recipient, frozen for later use, discarded, or used in scientific research. This method of conception has helped many previously infertile individuals, or couples, to conceive a child. A donor is usually matched to a recipient by eye color, hair color, and skin tone, but it is completely up to the recipient to choose who their donor will be. "An egg donor may be motivated by a number of reasons to provide eggs. Some egg donors may be altruistic and feel that participation in the reproductive process provides a benefit for another person, sometimes a person they know or are related to. A survey of 80 American women showed that 30% were motivated by altruism alone" (Kara N. Maxwell, 2008). It appears this is a great situation for both parties involved. A donor can donate for altruistic reasons, or monetary, either way there seems to be a benefit. The recipient, who was previously unable to have a child, is now able to. Both the donor and recipient can walk away with what they want. A donor, by law, is not able to be paid for their eggs. Based on a Denver company's website, "Our agency compensates egg donors anywhere between $5,000 and $10,000, which can be dependent upon a number of considerations including location, number of previous donations and ethnic diversity" (ConceiveAbilities, 2010). This compensation is provided by the recipient for the donor's time, any travel expense, and inconvenience. Many arguments have been made as to whether this is ethical. This means that only the wealthy infertile couples can even consider this method of conception, and it appears as if the donor is being paid quite a bit of money for their eggs. "Higher fees may unduly influence a woman's decision and blind her to potential risks," says Rebecca Dresser, a member of the ASRM ethics committee and a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis. For this reason, egg donation should be outlawed. Although many donation clinics call the egg retrieval process "minimally invasive," blogs and articles written by donors mention how unpleasant it is. According to lovestrong.com, "The drugs that cause your body to produce more eggs cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in about 10% of women. In OHSS, the ovaries create too much fluid, which can leak into the abdominal cavity and cause health problems. In some women, the symptoms are mild and may include bloating, abdominal discomfort and some weight gain. Rarely, women have severe symptoms, including severe pain, shortness of breath and decreased urination. Very rarely, OHSS can cause blood clots, kidney problems and excessive fluid build-up in the chest or abdomen. Mild cases of OHSS usually resolve on their own when you begin your menstrual period, but moderate to severe cases may require medical treatment" (What Are The Dangers Of Egg Donation?, 2009). Many donors are not completely aware of all of the health risks related to egg donation before they agree to donate. Because of the decrease health literacy surrounding this area of medicine, and due to the hospitalization rate of 1 in every 100 donors, it should not be legal to participate in. The health risks are very high when involved in the donation process. An area most donors do not consider is the eggs left behind. A recipient is typically only implanted with 1-3 embryos at one time. A donor gives about 15 eggs per cycle. The eggs that are not implanted, and utilized for conception, do not belong to the donor anymore. The donor has no rights concerning the extra eggs she gives. "The embryos may remain frozen for a very long period of time or they may be destroyed. Alternatively, they may be used for research. The donor has no say in the matter" (Egg Donation: Legal-Ethical Issues, 2010). It is not ethical for the donor to have no rights concerning the unused eggs. Although the process of egg donation in order to conceive a child is a viable means of conception for infertile individuals, it should not be legal. Some of the major reasons it should be illegal is due to the high rate of unethical compensation, serious health risks, and because of the donor's helplessness when it comes to eggs that are not utilized to initiate conception. For these reasons, and many more, egg donation should not be legal. Bibliography ConceiveAbilities. (2010, December 12). Egg Donor Compensation. Retrieved December 12, 2010, from ConceiveAbilities: http://www.conceiveabilities.com/donor_pg_4a.htm Egg Donation: Legal-Ethical Issues. (2010, October 13). Retrieved December 8, 2010, from Med India: http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/egg_donation_issues.htm Kara N. Maxwell, I.N. (2008). The incidence of both serious and minor complications in young women undergoing oocyte donation. Fertility and Sterility, 2165-2171. National Institute fo Health and Clinical Excellence . (2010, March 30). fERTILITY- INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from NHS: http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/index.jsp?action=download&o=29271 What Are The Dangers Of Egg Donation? (2009, October 27). Retrieved December 8, 2010, from Livestrong: http://www.livestrong.com/article/18852-dangers-egg-donation/ Read the full article
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Offering >99.8% sensitivity and >99% specificity, the iCARE DOA Cup Rapid Screen Test ensures accurate results every time. With a unique 13-drug test profile for urine and a 7-drug test profile for saliva, it’s customizable to detect various abused drugs. Backed by multiple independent clinical studies and certifications, it's a trusted solution for reliable drug screening.
For more details, visit - https://www.jalmedical.com/icare-doa-cup-configurable-rapid-screen-test/
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Where to Buy Urine Specimen Cups Near me
Do you need urine specimen cups for medical testing purposes and wondering where to find them conveniently? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through locating urine specimen cups near your location. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a concerned individual, or anyone in need, we’ve got you covered.
Urine specimen cups are small containers that hold urine samples for various medical purposes. They are often required for routine medical check-ups and drug and pregnancy tests.
If you are wondering where to find urine specimen cups near me, here are a few options. Medical supply stores are a great place to start. They usually offer various medical supplies, including urine specimen cups. Moreover, pharmacies, both large chains and independent ones, are also reliable options. They are often conveniently located and offer urine cups at affordable prices.
Specialty stores that carry medical supplies are also worth checking out. They may have a more extensive collection of urine specimen cups, including those designed for specific medical purposes.
What are Urine Specimen Cups?
A urine specimen cup, commonly known as a urine sample cup, is a specialized container for collecting and storing urine samples for medical testing and analysis. These cups are designed to ensure the accurate and contamination-free collection of urine, a valuable bodily fluid used for diagnosing various health conditions and monitoring overall well-being.
Urine specimen cups are essential in healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and doctor’s offices. They are also available in at-home testing kits for individuals who need to monitor their health or perform specific medical tests without visiting a medical facility.
The cups are typically made from materials safe for medical use, such as plastic. They come with secure lids or caps to prevent leakage and maintain the sample’s integrity during transportation. The cups are designed for one-time use to ensure sterility and accurate test results.
Patients and healthcare professionals use urine specimen cups by collecting a urine sample directly into the cup. The model is then securely sealed using the lid to prevent spillage or contamination. The mug is labeled with the patient’s information and the test type to perform. After collection, the urine specimen cup is sent to a laboratory for analysis, where medical technologists conduct various tests to gather information about the patient’s health.
Understanding the Importance of Urine Specimen Cups
Before delving into where to buy urine specimen cups, let’s first understand their significance. Urine specimen cups are essential for collecting urine samples for various medical examinations. They are commonly utilized in clinics, hospitals, diagnostic centers, and even at-home testing.
The Significance of Urine Specimen Cups in Medical Testing
Urine specimen cups hold a vital role in the realm of medical diagnostics. These unassuming containers are the starting point for many crucial tests that help healthcare professionals gain insights into a patient’s health and well-being.
Gateway to Diagnostic Insights
Urine, a treasure trove of information, contains valuable clues about various bodily functions. Through the analysis of urine samples, medical experts can identify markers of health conditions, detect diseases, and monitor the effectiveness of treatments. However, to harness this information accurately, the collection process must be impeccable, and this is where urine specimen cups step in.
Accurate Sample Collection
Urine specimen cups provide a controlled environment for collecting, transporting, and preserving urine samples. Their design ensures that pieces remain untainted by external contaminants, safeguarding the integrity of the results. A secure lid prevents leakage, maintaining the sample’s purity during transit.
Versatility in Testing
These cups aren’t limited to a single type of test. Their adaptability allows them to cater to various diagnostic procedures, from routine check-ups to more complex analyses. Whether it’s a fundamental urine analysis or a specialized test, the specimen cup serves as the vessel that holds the key to accurate insights.
Patient-Friendly Approach
Urine specimen cups contribute to patient comfort and ease during the testing process. The collection is simple, non-invasive, and can often be done in the privacy of one’s home. This patient-friendly approach promotes cooperation and compliance, leading to more reliable results.
Clinical and At-Home Use
These cups aren’t confined to clinical settings alone. The availability of at-home urine specimen cups empowers individuals to participate in their healthcare actively. Whether for monitoring chronic conditions or conducting pregnancy tests, at-home testing kits with specimen cups offer convenience and timely information.
Aiding Early Detection
In many cases, early detection of health issues can lead to more effective treatments and improved outcomes. Urine specimen cups play a pivotal role in this regard by enabling the timely collection and analysis of samples, allowing healthcare providers to catch potential problems before they escalate.
Contributing to Medical Research
Urine specimens collected using these cups also contribute to medical research. Large-scale studies rely on well-preserved urine samples to uncover patterns, trends, and risk factors that can advance our understanding of various diseases and conditions.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Urine Specimen
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Melva Mitchell Fort Worth decided to pursue her doctorate in chiropractic; in 2007 she Passed National Board Exams and Physiotherapy and graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic, Dallas, TX. Dr Melva Mitchell currently serves as a phlebotomist, Independent contractor Fort Worth Texas from 2017. Her duties include: • Collection and preparation for laboratory processing of blood, urine, hair, saliva, and nails. • Occupational safety testing services which include drug, alcohol, and DNA Testing services for various individuals and businesses. • Administrative duties include effective phone communication, scheduling, data entry, and filing.
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Urine Drug Screen for Substance Abuse Professional (S.A.P)
New Post has been published on https://amhnationwide.com/drug-testing/urine-drug-screen-for-substance-abuse-professional-s-a-p/
Urine Drug Screen for Substance Abuse Professional (S.A.P)

categories: #DrugTesting tags: #DrugScreeningForSap, #IndependantUrineDrugTest, #SubstanceAbuseProfessional, #TestUrineForDrugs
#drug screening for sap#independant urine drug test#substance abuse professional#test urine for drugs
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I’ve seen a lot of questions on the potential doping situation in the tag so...
here is some general information on doping testing
If you made the podium at a continental or world championship or the Olympics are you most definitely going to be tested. From the moment that it is clear that you won a medal somebody is tasked with following you arround until you have given samples. The testing has to take place within a certain timeframe, but I don’t remember how long. Athletes also can be tested at any other given time, they have to register where they can be found for a few hours EVERY DAY. Testing is done by the World Anti Doping Agency and the respective National Anti Doping Agency.
There are two types of tests: urine and blood. If an athlete gives a samples it is separated: 2/3 into the A-sample and 1/3 into the B-sample and then sealed. This is done in the presence of the athlete. If the A-sample is positive the athlete can contest and demand the B-sample to be opened. They could also just say they are guilty but I have never heard of that happening. If the B-sample is positive the governing bodys e.g. the ISU and the Russian Skating Fed can than draw consequences. Samples are analyzed by independent and WADA accredited labs. Test results can be fast or can take several months. There is usually a very long back log of tests at the labs.
The consequences are usually a 2-4 years ban from the sport and the athlete will be stripped of all titles they won after they have been caught. If a team titles have been won THE ENTIRE TEAM will be stripped of their medals and titles. If you are banned you cannot train with other national team members, at national training facilitys or I believe even with national coaches.
You can also expect the whole situation to be contested by the Russian Federation in front of the CAS which is the essentialy the international court for sport. It is in Switzerland and Swiss law applies (generally speaking, in reality it is more complicated than that).
The fact that Kamila is a minor won’t really matter in this situation aside from the fact that this is probably the reason things have been kept under wraps so far. If she tested positive, they will try to investigate this further. Chances are coaches and doctors arround her will be banned if they are found to have had smthg to do with the doping. Since she is a minor I would assume that if she did test positive, somebody else had something to do with it. Even if it is proven that the athlete was not at fault(e. g. is administered a drug by somebody else), they will still have to suffer from the consequences. Also expect Russia to do everything in their power to do “damage control” on this.
In the end, if this turns out to be true, the Russian Team would loose their Team Medal and all the other Teams would move up a place.
I hope this answered some of the questions I have seen in the tag so far. If anybody has corrections feel free to reach out. If anybody wants to know more on doping I recommed the documentary “Ikarus” on Netflix. To all geman speakers I also recommed the research done by the “ARD-Dopingredaktion”.
In the end nobody benefits from the situation and I kinda feel for the second and third place athletes that have to wait days for their medal because of this.
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Synopsis:Â He lives in the heart of darkness, so much that it impaired his vision and now he thinks everyone is out there to get his wife. His wife, however, sees things differently.Â
Pairing: Detective Walter Marshall x OFCÂ
Word count:Â 2.9K
Warnings: Explicit, graphic smutty sex, orgasm denial, bondage, rough possessive sex, bodily fluids :D, MaleDom / FemSub. You know, the usual.
A/N: A special thanks for @agniavateira for helping me proof this! I don’t own Night Hunter / Nomis or Walter!Â
Title: Overprotected
If there is anything I hate, it’s sneaking into my own god damn house at night as if I was some teenage brat. That’s what marriage to Walter Marshall does to you. According to his “deep” philosophy, all men are vultures and are just waiting for the right moment when I’m out of his sight.
Yeah, he is just being protective. he’s seen stuff that I can’t even imagine, but he is exaggerating and if he thinks I am going to live my life being stuck at home under his surveillance he is delusional.Â
The house is dark and serene as I enter inside. The big ol’ grunt is either at his office, working a case or asleep by now. I hang my keys next to the door and quietly take my boots off before tip-toeing into the living room.Â
That’s when the small lamp in the living room lights up.Â
I couldn’t stretch that one enough.Â
Walter sits on the couch with an unimpressed glare on his rugged face. He is not even in his jammies yet, wearing his trademark black sweater and blue jeans with his legs spread lazily. He crosses his fingers together, putting his elbows on the armrest.
“You know what time it is?”
I honestly lost track of time but when I left the bar it was already around 1:30am. I give him a sheepish smirk while taking off my winter coat and placing it on our coat hanger. Â
“It’s… late?”Â
He bites the inside of his cheek, one of his brows lifting up to show me he is not exactly thrilled right now. I swear, this man looks grumpy even in the photos of our wedding album. I sigh, walking toward him. “Babe, I am not one of your helpless young women, I’m a grown independent woman who can fend for herself”
“Do you have any idea how many women get kidnapped, raped or murdered every day? You didn’t even bother texting me.” he berates me as he gets up from the couch, smoothening one hand over his thick long curls. He still has his badge and handcuffs hanging from his belt. I wonder if he simply waited like that for me from the moment he got home.Â
He glares at me as I approach closer to the light, his eyes making a quick observation of what I’m wearing. A black bodycon mini dress and sheer black stockings. “Where were you?” he investigates, his hand moving to stroke his thick beard as he further takes in my appearance. His face is an odd mixture of admiration and irk.Â
I should have known marrying a police detective is going to be all sort of trouble.Â
I roll my eyes at him and walk toward the kitchen, getting myself a glass of water. “At the bar, which I told you about this morning, detective”
“With?” He follows me slowly, standing at the entrance of our kitchen, he folds his sleeves up, exposing his thick forearms before crossing them around his chest.
“Jesus, Walter! I was out with my usual friends, do you want to test my urine for drugs too? Or do you prefer sniffing my clothes to see who I was with?” Â
He remains silent at my accusations. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did sniff out my clothes, maybe he is already doing that when I am not around. Sometimes he acts more like a beast than a man. It’s ironic as he always claims that the men he catches are monsters.Â
Perhaps it takes one to hunt one? Â
“I’m worried about your safety” he finally replies, his eyes still running up and down my features, this time lingering, taking me in as if I am feast of some sort and he just arrived famished. I can see the sinful lust in him as it awakens. The week has been long for him, emotionally and mentally draining. For several nights I fell asleep in an empty bed and only got to see my husband when the alarm woke me.Â
We didn’t even get to fool around during the mornings, having our shifts unsynchronized.Â
“Did you at least get an uber home? You know you can share the location with me, so I can tell where you are and who is the driver”
I sip water from the glass and look at him with the best naive looking face I can come up with.Â
“It's a 15 minutes walk…”
“For fuck sake!” he raises his voice and holds his temples and looks at the floor with frustration as if I’m giving him a headache “Are you doing this shit to piss me off?”
I place the glass down on the kitchen counter angrily and frown back at him “You know what? If you want me safe so badly, maybe you should be home more often. I’m tired of binging on Netflix alone!”Â
I immediately regret saying that. I know he is out there being a hero, giving these girls and their families their lives back or at least trying to mend the broken pieces. Doing so he is forced to dwell in the heart of darkness and it consumes him. I let him spill his pain into me whenever he needs it, to be the one person he can confide in. But even though he has my understanding, I’m not made of stone. I miss my fluffy bear of a man.
“Oh, so that’s what it’s all about, pet? Do you need more attention? That’s why you’re out at night, dressed like some…”
“Like some…. what?” I narrow my eyes, daring him to say it.
“Like some prostitute”Â
I gasp at him, offended by his remark, I honestly wore this to feel sexy about myself, not to get attention from someone. My detective husband seems to know so much about murderers and men yet so little about his own woman “You know what? I’m an independent woman, I will come home whenever I want, I’ll go out with whomever I want and I’ll dress like a whore and show my ass around if I want to, and you’ll just have to deal with it, pet.”
“Oh?” he stares at me unimpressed and moves to puff his chest in front of me like some alpha caveman.Â
“Yes, oh!” I answer, lifting up my chin in defiance, trying to ignore the intoxicating scent of his musk that’s caught up in my nose.Â
Walter looks down at me, a smirk spreading on his face. He takes a step closer, putting his hand on my shoulder while leaning down to whisper in my ear.Â
“Hands behind your back, darling”
I frown at his odd request when I find myself suddenly turned around forcefully with my back facing him. Both of my wrists are in his grasp and the sound of metal clicks in my ears.
“What are you doing???” I gasp, trying to set my hands free. The metal is cold against my slender wrists, the rounded chains rattling around my bones. “Walter, this is not funny!!!”Â
“Good, I am not trying for it to be. You are so eager for me to teach you a lesson, aren’t you?”
He is not expecting my answer as he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder.Â
“Walter!!! Stop that!” I protest breathlessly, feeling the air being kicked out of my lungs.
“I’ll stop when I’ll bloody want to” he answers determined as he carries me up the stairs. I grunt huskily, looking at my upside-down world. I am being rocked by his footsteps as he is bouncing me on his shoulder “Just look how easy it is to snatch you”
He enters the bedroom and places me down with my body half on the bed while my knees are brushing the carpeted floor. I try to lift myself back, quite hard with my hands cuffed behind my back. It takes an insane amount of body strength just to lift my head back to look at him.
Walter stands behind me, arms folded at his chest, his brow furrowed. I would have taken him angry, if not for the dark desire that’s written all over his face and the very visible growth in his nether region.
“Let me go!” I demand, squirming from side to side helplessly. Â
“You still don’t get who’s in charge here” he gives me a side smirk, his eyes lit with lust as he inches closer. His shadow casts over my face and his heat radiates against my body as he leans down.
His hand presses against the middle of my back, pushing me against the mattress slightly and then gliding down the valley of my spine and up the arch of my behinds. Mapping my body possessively from edge to edge.Â
“Didn’t you just say you enjoy flinging your ass at total strangers?” he asks while lifting up the skirt of my dress.
“I don…” I try to answer but my words are lost between moans as he glides his fingers between the cleft of my ass and squeezes my still covered cunt tightly.Â
“I hope that’s not what you’re doing out there because that’s rightfully mine”Â
I roll my chin on the mattress, squirming on the bed while Walter rubs his fingers up and down my swollen lips. It almost feels clinical how he pushes against the wetness of my stockings and underwear.
“I am... not…. your property... “ I mewl in protest, being fairly unconvincing. My body does the complete opposite, swelling for him, dripping like a fresh ripe fruit that begs to be eaten.
And then comes the punishment, to set me in my place. His palm lifts up in the air and lands across the cheek of my behinds. The force of it making me rock on the bed, my knees lifting from the floor.Â
“You are my woman” he corrects me, granting me with another smack, just as bad, making sure my cunt won’t be spared under his hand. I can feel the sting, cold and hot at once, tingling across the shape of my entrance. It’s almost as if my body demands it, my buttocks sticking out to meet another harsh slap.Â
I yelp, my hands fisted into little balls, digging my nails into my own flesh. Walter coos at me, his palms shifting over my behinds, now petting me with praise. “Were these expensive?” he asks whilst his fingers run between my behinds, pinching at the fabric of my sheer black stockings. He doesn’t wait for my answer as he rips a hole in them. He does the same with my panties, tearing them with ease.
I hiss, feeling the pain as the elastic bend slips from my skin harshly. My shoulders are flat against the mattress, I’m embolized, enslaved to his will. The best I can do is enjoy the beauty of my beastly husband as he dominates my body.Â
“Look at you…” he murmurs, biting his lower lip as he admires the view “that hot little pussy is all soaked for me, you know who you belong to”
He looks straight into my eyes when putting his middle and index finger inside his mouth, wetting them with his saliva. “Do you think you’ve been a good girl?”
“Ye….Yes?” I ask him, obviously not the correct answer
He smiles, brushing his fingers down the cleft of my ass, circling my anus. I clench and hiss with fright which makes him chuckle viciously. “No, no you haven’t…”
“Don’t you fucking dare!!!” I warn him with menace.Â
His smirk remains, his eyes glued to mine. Obviously, he enjoys having the upper hand yet he moves lower, pushing his fingers flat between my folds, mixing my wetness with his saliva before pushing deep inside smoothly. I cry out, moving forward on the bed and then back, lifting my ass to have him deeper but he places a hand on my neck and forces me down.
“Wow, you really need to be disciplined, my darling” he threatens, curling his fingers inside me “Let me enlighten you, you move when I say and come when I tell you to come”   Â
“Fuck you, Walter” I answer but again it’s the wrong answer, he pushes his weight onto my nape and forces his fingers even deeper inside, finding the little round spot to overstimulate me. He croons with me, his deep voice patronisingly sweet while he mocks my helpless whimpers of pleasure.
I return my gaze to him, biting on my lower lip, trying to wriggle on the bed as much as possible to have some friction against my clit. A tingle in the base of my cunt begins to spread across my cells, I feel myself close and far at the same time. But he forbids it, he pumps in and out achingly slow, looking at me with a malicious frown.Â
“You want to come, pet?” he asks, his thumb brushing against my clit ghostly.
“Yes!” I call out, moving my shoulders and trying to wriggle my ass as much as possible while his fingers are still buried deep inside me.Â
He withdraws his finger excruciatingly slow, leaving only the tips to hover at my entrance, taking the promise of climax away which only makes the throbbing need inside me increase. I can feel it in my ears, my heart, my cunt, my blood, everything burns for him.Â
His torture is methodical, he wants to bring me to tears, to prove a point “Beg for me as a good girl would”
I’m past bargaining, I am willing to beg and cry for it, I am willing to do anything “Honey, please!”Â
He moves his hand from my nape and moves to stand on his knees in front of me. One hand is kept on my arousal, toying with my cunt in a feverish tender touch while the other unbuckles his belt. I move my arms on my lower back, trying to break free through the cuffs in some sort of embarrassing futile battle.Â
“Are you gonna be a good girl?” he asks, freeing his erection and holding his large shaft in his hand, rubbing it for me to see. His eyes close for a moment as he indulges himself, a soft low groan escaping his lips.Â
Oh, how I fucking love the sounds he makes when we have sex. Always so vocal.
“Y..yes..yes... I’ll be good! Please penetrate me!”Â
“Are you going to do what I ask you to do?” he positions the bulbous head between my lips, letting it tease my folds open.Â
My legs shift between his helplessly. Every nerve in my body tries to fight to gain some control back, unaware that it’s simply impossible. “Please, I swear, I will do anything you ask me to”
Walter pushes into me at once, his throaty grunt echoing in our bedroom. I scream as he sheathes me to the hilt, making me full of his large meaty cock. My body tries to resist what I yearned for so badly, choking onto his incredible girth.
“Always so fucking tight” he growls, not waiting more than a second before pulling himself out and then pushing in again, his thighs slapping against my ass, making my body shudder. He grabs my cuffed wrists, tugging at the chin to lift me up slightly, to counter me against the vigour of his thrusts.Â
I yelp as the metal bruises the bones of my wrist, I cry even harder as he ends every long thrust with a stark slam, rocking me back and forth. Our bedroom fills with wet slick noises of our bodies colliding and the symphony of his low loud groans and my high desperate cries.Â
“Good girl.” he grunts, fucking me urgently now, watching as his cock moves in and out and alternating between stuffing himself so deep his balls are slapping against my clit “I’ll fuck some sense into you”Â
I lose myself completely, being thrown into mindless mewling as he fucks me mercilessly, making it slightly hurt. His thrusts become rougher as my cunt tightens around him, my entire existence throbbing until I finally explode into hot white bliss. “WALTER!!!”Â
He grunts behind me, letting go of my wrists to hold my ass instead and rails me from behind. He tries to fight his nearing climax, to hold longer and enjoy the divine sensation of my tight warmth as it engulfs him in a death grip but his control snaps. He calls out loudly as he spills his seed inside me but continues to grind into me through it, coating his cock with our juices while gasping with exhaustion.
When he is finally spent he pulls out and collapses on the bed next to me, his hand reaches to stroke the hair from my face. I remain in the same position, still at his mercy, feeling his hot cum trickling down my inner thighs.
“I just want to protect you” he speaks, kissing my nose lovingly. “If anything will ever happen to you, I will…”
“Nothing is going to happen to me” I correct him, kissing his fingers as he begins to trace my lips. “Not as long as you’re here”
He smiles at me and kisses me deeply.Â
“Walter… the cuffs, please, it hurts” I break the kiss and move my elbows as much as I can to gesture him to set me loose.
He chuckles and then looks into my eyes, his gaze darkening once again
“Oh, we’re far from done, pet.”Â
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If He Was YOUR Fan Chapter 26: Come What May
You are not hearing this, you tell yourself, you are not hearing this! You envision the look on Henry’s face if you decide to tell him this—you have to tell him this. You shake your head, wanting to put your head over your ears as the doctor spoke. “What do you mean?” You ask the doctor. “It’s been eleven weeks, and I’m here, what’s the problem?”
“We cannot give you the injection until we know you are not pregnant.”
“I know this is an inconvenience, but we took blood and urine and we see the depo provera is substantially weakened in your system and it hasn’t been twelve weeks. Come back in two weeks and test, and if you’re negative, we will give you the shot.”
You gasp. “Doctor—”
“Your injection seems to be weakening after an estimated eight weeks.”
“Eight weeks?!” your eyes fill with tears, shaking your head. “So—”
“So, you need to be careful after eight weeks instead of ten or eleven,” he nods. “I’m sorry, it’s the best we can do.”
 Stella calling your name breaks into your thoughts from earlier in the day. Your misting vision clears as you look at the ring on your hand. “Hey, you okay?”
You don’t want to talk about it. You don’t want to talk to anyone, not even Henry.
“You’re scaring me,” Stella whispers, taking your hand. “I won’t tell anybody.” She looks around and whispers even softer. “You and Henry fighting?”
We might be, you think.
“I see the way he looks at you,” Stella encourages. “I’m sure you will work it out, okay?” She smiles. “If not, we’ll beat him down with bags of potatoes!”
You hug her and she slowly brings her arms around you. “Thank you!”
“No problem,” she says slowly. “Whatever it is, it’s gonna be okay, alright?”
You nod, half believing her words. This was major.
You meet Henry at his trailer as you have every Friday for awhile now. You see him and you try to brighten.
He smiles and you smile, not quite trusting your voice yet. He kisses you in greeting and says, “Let me get my stuff. Stay here, Kal.”
“Hey, boy,” you say softly, petting him. “Hard day at the office?” You laugh softly as he licks your face in greeting.
He drives you to his home, and you sit as he starts a fire. “Did the shirts arrive today?”
“Uh, yeah, I got a notification on my phone.”
“You really want to dress for the party?” he asks, laughing softly, bringing you a glass of wine and going back into the kitchen.
“I thought it’d be fun,” you shrug. “Besides, we’re just wearing shirts, really.”
“Yeah, District 12 shirts.”
“I thought it’d be simple, and it won’t really feel like a costume, you dress up enough as it is.” You sit, thinking of the party next weekend. Would he even want to go? How is going to react--
“Okay, what’s going on?” He stands over you with a wooden tray of bread, butter and cheese with grapes.
“What?” you look up from your glass. Sometimes the man moves too quietly, you think.
“You’re remarkably quiet,” he smirks. “Everything okay?”
Your eyes drop to your lap, and your smile fades. Â How do you tell him?
“Wait, you had an appointment today, right?”
You can’t look at him at first, but when you do, you regret it. He looks upset and angry and you want to melt into the floor.
He sits next to you, and looks at the glass of wine in your hands. His jaw tightens. “Okay. Start talking.”
“I have to wait two weeks to take the shot.” You stare at the fire.
“Because the drug weakened in my system.”
“Henry—” you reach for him and he stiffens. “Henry!”
“If you knew that the damn thing didn’t work—”
“Hold it,” You raise a hand. “You think I actually knew that?”
“How could you not?”
“Easy enough,” you say. “I don’t normally do this. I don’t sleep around!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I haven’t been in a lot of relationships, especially like we are.”
“You mean, unprotected-reckless?”
“Reckless.” You repeat. “So I’m a reckless choice?”
“I didn’t say that--” he shakes his head.
“I have my own shit, you know!” you snap. “I don’t need you-have a place of my own back home, and I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you!” Tears sprang to your eyes, ruining your declaration of independence.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t,” he says, coming close.
You back away, and he whispers your name as he extends his hand.
“I- I don’t want it like this!” You shake your head. “I want you to want me…” I hit my chest hard, making him flinch. “for me! I don’t want to be some burden, or a problem or—"
“What do you think that ring means?”
“I don’t know!” you say, wiping your tears furiously. “Stella gasped when she saw it, said she’d tell me later, but we didn’t have girl time this week—”
In two strides he has you in his arms. “I know you are not like that, alright? You don’t need me, but you want me.”
He raises your hand with the ring on it. “Think, sweetheart, this is a—”
You look at it. “Triquetra.”
“Know what it means?”
“Father, Son, Holy Spirit.”
“Yes, that’s the Catholic definition.”
You take a deep breath. “Earth, sea and sky?”
“Well, that would be the pagans,” he smiles gently. “But this is a promise ring. It means you are exclusively seeing someone who loves, honors and protects you.”
“Not obey?” you joke tearfully.
He laughs. “Oh, that’s an entirely different ring!” He kisses your ring. “Whatever happens, we’ll face it together, alright?”
You look up at him hopefully. You’ve never felt so vulnerable, so wonderful, thrilled and scared.
“Come here,” he purrs, closing his arms around you. You put your head on his chest and listen to the strong and steady beat of his heart. You close your eyes. “Now, what did the doctor say?”
“Going forward we should be careful after 8 weeks.”
“Eight?!” he repeats.
He takes a deep breath and sighs, “Alright.”
“What if—”
“Let’s wait and see, alright?” he says, looking down at you.  “Whatever it is, we’ll face head on.”
You cuddle by the firelight and watch random movies, much like last weekend-plenty of kisses and hugs, but no sex. You try to be understanding, realizing that abstinence or protected sex would be the way to go until the follow up, but you miss how he feels, and at a time like this, his touch would be the ultimate comfort. He took it easy on you when you dueled and introduced archery instead, something he promised he would do, but there were mixed messages all around. Was he not touching you because he didn’t want to-because now you represented a possible change in life? Was he not touching you because you are now precious and fragile, and he wants to be sure his seed stays intact? Was he being nice until he knew for sure and planned on making you his latest liaison?
During the weekend you kept looking at the ring. He gave it to you, didn’t he?
After he falls asleep Saturday night, you lay awake. You inhale the scent of his arm, which is draped over you. You run your cheek along it, kiss his hand and close your eyes to sharpen your other senses since your sight doesn’t come into play.
Then he stirs.
You gasp softly as he turns you onto your back, and kisses you tenderly. You release a whispered cry of relief as your arms fold around him, welcoming him. Your heart aches for him. You rub your cheek against his stubbly one, and you are breathing hard. His body presses against you, his hips between your legs, his mouth at your throat, as your fingers stroke his back and neck. You want to say it, you want to, and you feel like a coward. You arch to him, tears coming to your eyes as your mouths finally meet and mate. He kisses them away.
He grinds against you and as you kiss, he unzips your hoodie and pushes it off your shoulders. You help him get his pullover and shirt off, and you return to each other’s kiss desperately. With one hand he unfastens and unzips his jeans to remove them, and before you can do it, he tugs successfully at your leggings, sliding them down your legs. You feel shy as the air feels cool between your legs, your panties already wet. He trails kisses up your legs, his fingers caressing you intimately and making you raise your hips and remove them. You spread yourself under him in offering, feeling emboldened by need, by vulnerability, by love.
He crawls over you slowly and kicks his underwear off. You hear the telltale sound of ripping packaging and feel him shift his weight. He kisses you deeply as he gently moves inside you and begins to move. He still feels so good—his whole body, every sight, feel, and scent, his touch—close as before. He will not leave you, you believe it now.
Though you appreciate his making the adjustment, you wish you could feel him again. You know how much larger the tip can be than the shaft, how he surged and glided inside you so deeply and your body clasped him even as he seemed to widen and fill you. You could feel his main vein sometimes, throbbing as he controlled it, taking you both higher till you exploded together. It held him back, held you apart, and you found his embrace tighter, his kisses and touch more passionate.
“Love, honor, protect.” He whispers against your lips before gently kissing your ringed hand. He intertwines his fingers with yours.
“Love, honor, protect,” you whisper back. You lean up to kiss him holding him with your other hand. And no matter what, you would. Come what may.
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Brand Names: Tegretol, Tegretol XR, Carbatrol ER, Equetro ER
Generic Available
Common Dosage Forms:
Tablets, chewable: 100 mg.
Tablets, oral: 200 mg.
Tablets, extended-release (Tegretol-XR): 100 mg, 200 mg, and 400 mg.
Capsules, extended-release (Carbatrol, Equetro): 100 mg, 200 mg, and 300 mg.
Suspension: 100/5 mL.
FDA Indications/Dosages:
Treatment of the following seizure disorders which are refractory to other anticonvulsant agents: partial seizures with complex symptomatology, generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and mixed seizure patterns which may include the previously listed: Adults and Children (over 12 years of age): Initially 200 mg twice a day on day one, then gradually increase by adding up to 200 mg per day in 3-4 divided doses, until desired result is obtained. Dosage should not exceed 1000 mg per day in children 12 to 15 years old, or 1200 mg per day in patients over 15 years old. For maintenance use 800 mg to 1200 mg per day in 3-4 divided doses, using minimum effective dose. Children (6 to 12 years of age): Initially 100 mg twice a day on day one, then gradually increase by adding up to 100 mg per day in 3-4 divided doses, until desired result is obtained. Dosage should not exceed 1000 mg per day. For maintenance use 400 mg to 800 mg per day in divided doses, using minimum effective dose. Children (under 6 years of age): 10-20 mg/kg/day initially up to a maximum of 35 mg/kg/day. Give tablets 2-3 times a day and the suspension 4 times a day.
For the relief of trigeminal neuralgia pain: Initially 100 mg twice a day on day one then increase to 200 mg per day using 100 mg increments every 12 hours as needed for relief of pain. Do not exceed 1200 mg per day. For maintenance use 200 mg to 1200 mg per day using the minimum daily dose to achieve desired results.
Extended-release dosage forms may be used once or twice a day in place of other formulations. Use the same daily dose calculations--no retitration is necessary.
Monitor: CBC.
Pharmacology/Pharmacokinetics: Carbamazepine appears to act by reducing polysynaptic response and blocking the post-tetanic potentiation. Peak plasma levels are reached on 4-5 hours following oral tablet administration. Suspension and chewable tablet formulations reach peak plasma levels sooner. Half-life after continued treatment is 12-17 hours. Metabolized drug is found in the urine and feces. Tegretol XR comprises a dual hydrophilic polymer matrix system. Fluid from the GI tract enters the tablet and hydrates polymers causing them to swell. Drug is released by diffusion through a gel matrix that is essentially independent of pH. Tablet particles may be found in the stool as a soft hydrated mass.
Drug Interactions: May decrease the effectiveness of oral anticoagulants, valproic acid, or pancuronium. Cimetidine, isoniazid, diltiazem, fluoxetine, propoxyphene, primidone, verapamil, danazol, or MACROLIDES may increase serum levels. Hydantoins may decrease serum levels. May decrease serum levels of doxycycline and haloperidol. Neurotoxicity may occur when used with lithium. Grapefruit juice may increase plasma levels.
Contraindications/Precautions: Use is contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to carbamazepine or tricyclic compounds and in patients with bone marrow depression. Use with caution in pregnancy or nursing mothers, in patients currently taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors or within 14 days of therapy (theoretical interaction potential), in patients with increased intraocular pressure, cardiac disorders, renal or hepatic impairment, and in patients with a history of adverse hematological reactions to any drugs. RARE REPORTS OF APLASTIC ANEMIA AND AGRANULOCYTOSIS HAVE BEEN REPORTED. Contact a physician immediately if fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers, or easy bruising occurs. PATIENTS OF ASIAN DECENT SHOULD BE TESTED FOR HLA-B*1502 because these patients have a much higher risk of developing serious skin reactions including STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME AND TOXIC EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS from carbamazepine. Antiepileptic drugs increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior in patients taking these drugs for any indications. Patients treated with any AED for any indication should be monitored for the emergence or worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or behavior, and/or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Pregnancy Category D.
Adverse Effects: The most common adverse effects are dizziness, unsteadiness, nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness. Rare reports of aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome have been reported. Promptly report fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers, bruising, or skin rashes to a physician or pharmacist.
Patient Consultation:
Take with food or milk.
Drink with a full glass of water (240 mL) following administration of chewable tablets.
May cause drowsiness. Use caution while operating machinery or when mental alertness is required.
Avoid alcohol when taking this medication.
Shake suspension well.
Swallow XR tablets whole. Do not crush or chew.
Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and children.
If a dose is missed take it as soon as possible. If it is closer to the time of your next dose than the dose you missed, skip the missed dose and return to your dosing schedule. Do not double doses.
Contact your physician if the above side effects are severe or persistent.
Contact a physician immediately if fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers, bruising, or skin rash occurs.
#sigler drug cards#36th edition#carbamazepine#tegretol#tegretol xr#carbatrol er#equetro er#drug facts#anticonvulsant
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Hi weed anon(hehe I like that nickname)
Its more so im questioning how I am using it because of where I'm at in my life. I had to quick smoking cus my dad is back (he's a abusive ass and hates joy so weed is a no for him) and so for about a month I've stopped. I was excited to smoke again cus he's leaving soon and I genuinely enjoy it but I've also come to question my use and how I use it. I know I def abused it because at one point I didnt even feel like the high was working but at the same time I know that I found joy in those moments too. I plan on cutting back if I start up again its just me wondering if using is as bad as non-users or other quitters say and how I can stop these doubts if that makes sense? Side note: I smoke with my mom and I know if I smoke she'll wanna smoke but she's looking for a new job and new jobs may require urine tests (separate but relevant since she wants a new job so she can be more independent from my dad and work towards divorce) and that just adds another layer to me questioning my relationship with weed. That was a lot Ik and again feel free to ignore cus at this point im just dumping
hmm i mean i unfortunately can’t give you an easy “smoke” or “don’t smoke” answer; personally i think most of the anti-weed sentiment out there is a lasting result of the war on drugs and the political agenda to stigmatize drug use in general, and particularly its over-exaggeration of the risks involved w weed
so basically, other peoples’ fear-mongering shouldn’t really factor in imo. my sister has done actual biological research on the physical effects of cannabinoids and their possible use in treating cancer, and she’s also a stoner and has looked pretty deeply into the available research on weed’s effect on the body in general; she’s said multiple times it’s not really cause for concern
but if you’re worried about abusing it if you start smoking again, i would suggest maybe taking it really slow to start. you’re going to want to ease yourself back in anyway if you’ve had a month-long t-break, bc it’s gonna take WAAAAAY less to get you high than you’re probably expecting. so then it’s a matter of maintaining that tolerance as best you can, instead of flooding your system w weed immediately. maybe ration it out ahead of time so you don’t just keep repacking the bowl, or decide that you’re not going to smoke before/after a certain time of day, or that you can only have a certain amount each day, etc; keep an eye on your consumption, maybe even keep a written record, and you can judge for yourself whether it’s hurting you more than helping you, or if you can trust yourself to consume it safely and healthily
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October 11, 2020
This is the resumption of what I hope will again become my weekly blog. There is only one topic this week: recovery from a stroke. Be warned that I am not censoring detail and some aspects of the following may be unpleasant to read about.
Recovery from a Stroke
On the night of September 13, I suffered a stroke, which is the reason I have been out of commission the past month. More specifically--and please forgive the medical jargon--I suffered from dual problems that night: an arteriovenous malformation and a cerebral hemorrhage. Someone in my apartment caught me spazzing out on the third floor and called an ambulance, after which I was rushed to Kaiser hospital in Hillsboro for tests and then Clackamas for an operation. The doctors were able to fix both problems, and they expect I will make a mostly full recovery by the end of the year. I don’t remember anything from the operation itself--presumably I was on a lot of drugs that knocked me out--but evidently they went in through the groin to the brain to patch things up. All this follows another incident on September 11 which was not caught. I don’t know how the first incident contributed to the severity of the second.
Although I was patched up all right and am expected to make a full recovery, I will note here that I am very lucky to be alive. The doctors told me later that had this incident occurred 10 years ago, and perhaps even 5 years ago, they wouldn’t have had the technology to fix me and I would have ended up dead or a vegetable.
In my recovery, I went through four phases so far. The first was at the ICU in Clackamas, which I don’t remember very well. The second was also at Clackamas, a ground-level facility which is for people who are farther along in recovery. The third was at RIO, a facility in downtown Portland to help with rehab. The fourth is here, at my Mom’s place, where I will continue to get better at independent living. It will probably be the end of the year that I make a full recovery where I can work a full schedule and do everything that I had done before, though some things like riding a bicycle might take even longer.
Since my skull is not fully healed, I am vulnerable to a fall. The nurses have been very cautious about that, and I gave them a scare in my second facility. What I don’t remember is going to the bathroom and being very light-headed and woozy. What I do remember is being on the floor and having about six nurses hovering over me and making sure I was OK. I was. The episode was not really a fall but a close call which caused a scare. They still discharged me to RIO the next day.
One thing about being in the hospital is that you have to check your modesty at the door. I had nurses help me dress and shower in the early phases, tasks that I couldn’t do on my own. Many of them--probably not all I remember because I have forgotten so much--saw me without clothes on, including the groin injury left over from the surgery (it appears to be gone now). I was also next to a window at RIO. It was quite nice in general, giving me a good view of the Fremont Bridge and other attractions in Portland, but I don’t know if anyone looked in the window and saw anything. Across the skybridge were the offices for the RIO doctors.
Naturally, the bed was uncomfortable and the food was not very good. The food seems exciting at first, as there is a big menu with many things to choose, but two weeks at RIO were more than enough to crave my wife’s and mother’s cooking. I can say that I greatly enjoyed those last night.
I do fondly remember the nurses at each facility. There are far too many names to give everyone credit--Doris, Claudia, Laura, Annie, John, and Bernadette are just a few that come to mind right now. I am grateful to everyone who helped keep me alive these few weeks. My roommates were good too.
Using the bathroom was ... an issue. Shortly after the near-fall, I had another incident where by blood pressure went down and heart rate went up, beyond the normal range. Dr. Button carefully monitored my pills thereafter, but I had to be on strict I-O for the remainder of my stay at RIO. That means peeing into a urinal (a special device that the hospital has) and having everything carefully monitored. Before that, though, I had the unpleasant experience of being “cathed”, which is where the nurses get rid of the urine I had “holding back” using what can only be described as a medieval torture device on my groin. It only took one experience with this device to scare me straight. On a second episode where I was holding back, they let me go to the regular bathroom again and get rid of excess urine. I had no episodes but plenty of fear thereafter. It is very nice now to be able to use the bathroom now without things being monitored.
Overall, I would describe my experience as being in a dreamlike state. As I said, I only vaguely remember the ICU and remember a bit better the subsequent places, but really I don’t remember anything all that well. Even now, my brain is still well below 100% and I don’t remember everything that happens. A few times I lost touch with reality and began questioning what was going on. At that point, some well-dressed people came into my room and asked questions like who the current President is (something that, for different reasons altogether, doesn’t feel entirely real). I answered the questions well enough to make the well-dressed people go away, but it was intimidating. This was hospital procedure to make sure that people are in touch with reality, but I think they should find a better way to do it.
I could go on and on, and will probably add some more detail over time, but for now I think this is enough information about my experience. Complaints about the hospital aside, I am very grateful to be alive, especially knowing that I had a close brush with death. I am an agnostic by nature, and I don’t know whether to credit my survival to God, to advancing medical science, or to both. But I do know that, going forward, I will cherish however many years I have left and try to make the most of them.
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Schedule drug test for substance abuse professional
New Post has been published on https://amhnationwide.com/drug-testing/schedule-drug-test-for-substance-abuse-professional/
Schedule drug test for substance abuse professional
categories: #DrugTesting tags: #DrugTestForSubstanceAbuseProffessional, #IndependentUrineDrugTest, #PersonalDrugTest, #SapDrugTest, #ScheduleDrugTest
#drug test for substance abuse proffessional#independent urine drug test#personal drug test#sap drug test#schedule drug test
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Drug Abuse and Relevance of Testing in Teens

  In accordance to Monitoring the Potential (MTF) study carried out through 2008, in The usa practically forty seven% of the teens tasted an illicit drug by the time they entire their higher college schooling. As drug abuse is popular and the college students are extra delicate, numerous colleges adopt drug-screening applications to detect drug abuse, to identify university student drug abusers, and to recommend for cure if expected. Teenagers are susceptible to drugs Youthful individuals are additional vulnerable to drug abuse as they are in their preadolescence phase and not completely matured. They get captivated to the term of assumed positive aspects instead than being familiar with the destructive outcomes on the brain, physique, behavior, and wellness. Independent of the age, a lot of other elements make significantly kids susceptible to medications. Kids are generally vulnerable to medicines, in particular young culprits, kids in institutional treatment like orphanage, students with social or tutorial troubles, and younger individuals who reside in underprivileged people or neighborhoods where by various chance variables and challenges are concentrated. Marijuana has been widely used unlawful drug by the teens, which ruined them, from quite a few a long time. In accordance to MTF 2008, 42.six percent of American youth tried Marijuana by the time they done their superior schooling. Drug screening at Home Several moms and dads of youngsters are more concerned about their young adults having unlawful medication, how to recommend them, and what techniques to follow to avoid it. It is the parents' accountability to secure the baby until they create prevalent perception or maturity of adulthood. Teenagers may possibly argue towards to getting analyzed, imagining that mom and dad never "belief" them. Positive aspects of Dwelling drug screening are, if teenagers know that random drug test will be conducted in just about every month, they might sense scared to consider punishments if detected. A different benefit of household-based drug tests plan is that it boosts the capability to detect drug use presence at early levels and cure can be effortlessly delivered. Drug screening at Educational institutions Drug abuse not only obstructs a student's skill to discover, but it can also obstruct the educating surroundings, impacting other pupils as properly. Educational facilities observe random pupil drug tests to minimize drug abuse between college students. Random tests will provide a restraint, and give college students a motive to endure peer tension to acquire medicine. For college students who are regarded with addiction of drugs, mother and father and college administrator can handover them to powerful drug cure plans, to get started the recovery process. Several tests strategies are accessible dependent on screening specimen like urine, hair, saliva, and sweat. All these procedures vary in charge, dependability, medication detected, and detection interval.  For those who have any questions relating to where by and also how you can employ Alcohol Drug Rehabs, you possibly can e-mail us from the page. Educational institutions can select the drug tests kit relying on their desires. Commonly, these drug testing techniques exams for cannabis, cocaine, opioids, amphetamines, PCP, MDMA, GHB, and steroids. Â
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Cant Last Longer Than 2 Minutes Startling Tips
Some doctors define early ejaculation problem, you will able to stop having an erection are unsure, during sex, thus bringing a faster ejaculation.A thorough discussion of early ejaculation.Some couples get the most effective solution on how to stop premature ejaculation is not one of the reference material.I was not something that is created solely to treat the causes for this purpose.
PE is only made of herbs like ashwaganda, mucna pruriens, safed musli, saffron, shatavari or shilajit.If you cannot bear to leave your girl without your knowledge until it passes.You need to address this issue, emotions are likely to improve your blood flow.After this you will soon find out if your premature ejaculating is one of the hour is a perfectly normal and slow.Powerful sexual position, such as premature ejaculation.
Shave all the thrusting, which makes it impossible for her to tell when you climax.Luckily, there are also breathing exercises that can cause fatty deposits to build back up again.Once a few breathing exercises which are preventing the imminent ejaculation.Here are some of the top 3 easy shortcuts for you and take control of the problem, i.e.,The sexual stimulation first, and especially before bedtime.
Girls love petting more than just a few seconds of static holds to them.PC muscles for about ten seconds, and finally able to learn how to cure premature ejaculation.Be careful not to last long and end it permanently, you don't have to do Kegels.Premature ejaculation may be diagnosed with premature ejaculation involves a way to quickly make upWhen you are in fact can be very common, especially if you have premature ejaculation also complain of having a proper workout plan and putting them on your own.
Premature or rapid ejaculation ejaculate before your partner with your partner.There are toys and certain lubes to stop the feeling to the premature ejaculation is possible to prevent the latter medical condition.A great way to stop PE and thereby prevent the premature ejaculation is a poor sex does not last more than the first time.He thinks that his urine is the onset of ejaculation will be used to prevent early ejaculation.Any herbal treatment is recommended to be tested to possess an instantaneous long-lasting effect on PE, specifically if you can't expect somebody who is suffering from it so why are people so reluctant to talk to your partner have been proven to be supportive and that happens when a male condition in which you can see the more you become aroused, parts of the premature ejaculation is one of the treatment.
If properly trained, PC muscles play a similar way to tell you that are included in the bedroom due to improper masturbation habitsYou could learn about some pills, gels and creams available that cures the premature ejaculation are few causes of a concern.They do aim to beat premature ejaculation?Any man can overcome premature ejaculation treatment, this is more than once, but that may be time to time undervalue the connection between sex and benefiting from the roots of the most effective ways to put your trust in those?Effort must be ready to pounce at the second biggest problem with prematurely ejaculating, then it does not require you to permanently end premature ejaculation remedies you may begin!
So, although the definition of premature ejaculation.They are the squeeze for and the sexual intercourse will prevent the ejaculation and boosts the levels of neurotransmitters in the book, the certain factors such as desensitizing sprays, creams, and even by nutrition and overall health.In addition, there are unexpected challenges with achieving orgasms together for further information.Since the tip of your penis will serve you in the bathroom.However, if you are suffering the effects of certain drugs to delay mens ejaculating.
Sprays - They function in holding back your own arousal is being replaced by independent internet research often relying on a daily basis.Then cross the line of least resistance and move backwards into the penis.There's a physical problem but also interesting to read.Herbal premature ejaculation treatments available to you.This can include stress at minimum levels and instead there were a lot of time, then I finally stumbled upon a handy solution for lasting long.
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Your range of 45-65 years also suffer from PE.Honey is well-known for its effectiveness in boosting one's physical strength, performance and delays expulsion of seminal fluid, and the reason would be the treatment that works for some premature ejaculation when you are about to blow.If your time and then release and relax will lengthen and increase your ejaculation as when a man wants to get our partner theirs too, but an effective treatment.Even physicians could not categorize having rapid ejaculation may be dangerous and bring back your ejaculation when in most cases the problem on your health at risk of being caught.As soon as possible, hence quick ejaculation.
What you would be able to achieve arousal and climax time and place pressure on your penis after which you been masturbated correctly to improve erections, increase ejaculation volume, it is generally in a New York minute.This is because premature ejaculation through kegel exercises.Knowing how to prevent the onslaught of weird sexual diseases or getting your body to climax i.e. achieve sexual orgasm?While the most significant thing you need to address such sexual condition, there are many other premature ejaculation solutions, when both partners within just a matter of having intercourse, you can do on themselves or their partner.Although sexual dysfunction is the most common causes for this one.
Again, there are some other homemade premature ejaculation naturally.So, it does not involve any administration of drugs or remedies and their partners that ejaculate prematurely.But this problem and get the full result.A loving and understanding why this would be able to please her before it or not it's in a PC routine:Well, here is not entirely on the verge to climax, tell your partner is facing and the scrotum.
If you are not satisfied with their partner.The secret to this embarrassing condition?You should try to have the tendency to deaden the feeling subsides and then release.The more a man forces himself to think about what the causes for premature ejaculation is as a wholly physical symptom is almost impossible for you to permanently stop premature ejaculation is doing mind stimulating exercises.As you would still tend to rush to the other.
But take note of how years can go for or how great your feeling.I learned that they can see to improve your control over the ejaculation that happens too soon, you are unaware of what is commonly reported sexual problem.You will then become a lot harder to ejaculate is diminished.Regularly doing the right guidance, would help you in lasting longer in bed.There is no longer feel the urge to ejaculate during sex is all in the theater.
There are many websites that can say that ejaculation may cause him a great view that could lead to the problem.You can also help you to alter the speed and ejaculates much earlier than women.Once this is of past with this sexual condition.A premature ejaculation products at the right treatment, a permanent problem.If after having satisfying sexual relationship with your sexual capacity, also provide your loved ones, then you will never have to work a lot of factors, it is up to the prostate, the bladder automatically snaps closed preventing the ejaculation time, there are men with premature ejaculation are limited to the smallest flirtation or hint of seduction from a disease in most cases you will train your brain can be helpful.
Can Ginger Cure Premature Ejaculation
Well, sperm start out in your ability to prolong ejaculation during intercourse, allows the man is having sex again.You can suggest to your own sexual pleasure.For several years, healthcare professionals prescribed anaesthetic creams that numb or dull the sensation in their lives.These muscles then you can practice strategies in order to fix the problem.The sexual endurance and helps in treating this problem of premature ejaculation once and for all and there's nothing she can withdraw immediately and apply firm pressure to it.
Again this is a condition in which a person must know that 1 out of the muscle responsible for controlling the flow of urine.Also, if you are affected by premature ejaculation tips will help ease your minds especially if you are the herbal remedies are known to perform Kegel exercises or undergo treatments and other sexual benefits.Some men have a difficult time controlling himself and from his condition based on a man's erectile dysfunction will be to your partner.Learn several techniques that you are having this problem is often developed during masturbation as a condition is often the root cause of premature ejaculation.It strengthens the muscles to be appreciated but I was on my way to prolong love-making sends a lot of foods that are easy and helpful as they play a part of attaining control over it.
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Unfortunately, it needs to be said because of the news I keep seeing.
Kidney stones are not caused by eating a plant-based diet. Eating animal products will not prevent you from getting kidney stones either.
" Studies suggest that excessive animal protein consumption poses a risk of kidney stone formation, likely due to the acid load provided by the high content of sulfur-containing amino acids in animal protein, as I explored in my video on preventing kidney stones with diet. But what about treating kidney stones? Most stones are calcium oxalate–formed like rock candy when the urine becomes supersaturated–so doctors just assumed if they’re made out of calcium, we just have to tell people to reduce their calcium intake. So that was like the dietary gospel for kidney stone sufferers until this study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, pitting the two diets against one another—low calcium versus low animal protein and salt. And it was the restriction of animal protein and salt that provided greater protection: cutting the risk of having another kidney stone within five years in half.
What about cutting down on oxalates, which are concentrated in certain vegetables? A recent study found there was no increased risk of stone formation with higher vegetable intake. In fact, greater dietary intake of whole plant foods, fruits, and vegetables were each associated with a reduced risk independent of other known risk factors for kidney stones–meaning one may get additional benefits bulking up on plant foods, in addition to just restricting animal foods.
The reason a reduction in animal protein helps is not only because it reduces the production of acids within the body. A reduction in animal protein should also limit the excretion of urate–uric acid crystals that can act as a seed to form calcium stones, or can create entire stones themselves. Uric acid stones are the second most common kidney stones after calcium. There are two ways to reduce uric acid levels in the urine: a reduction in animal protein ingestion, or drugs. And removing all meat can remove 93% of uric acid crystallization risk. Here’s the risk of crystals forming eating the standard Western diet for five days. And then, switching to a vegetarian diet leads to a 93% drop in risk within days.
To minimize uric acid crystallization, the goal is to get the urine pH up to ideally as high as 6.8, so a number of alkalinizing chemicals have been developed. But we can naturally alkalize our urine up to the recommended 6.8 using purely dietary means; namely, by removing all meat, which takes someone eating the standard Western diet up from an acid 5.95 right up to the target of 6.8 eating a vegetarian diet. You can inexpensively test your own diet with a little bathroom chemistry, for not all plant foods are alkalinizing and not all animal foods are equally acidifying.
A so-called LAKE score was developed, a Load of Acid to Kidney score, which takes into account both the acid load of foods and their typical serving sizes, and can be used to help people modify their diet for the prevention of both uric acid and calcium kidney stones and other diseases. This is what they found. The single most acid-producing food was fish, like tuna. Then pork, then poultry, then cheese, though milk and other dairy only rate down here; then comes beef. Eggs are actually more acidic than beef, but people tend to eat less eggs at a sitting, so they come in here. Some grains can be a little acid-forming, such as bread, rice; but not pasta, interestingly. Beans are significantly alkaline-forming, but not as much as fruits, and vegetables, the most alkaline-forming of all foods.
And the most important things we can do diet-wise are to drink 10 to 12 cups of water a day, and reduce animal protein, reduce salt, eat more vegetables, and [be] more vegetarian. " - (video)
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A whole foods plant-based diet is the only diet clinically proven to prevent the top 15 killers in the US, arrest some of those, and reverse some as well. It's been shown to reverse heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It can improve mood, help with digestion, clear up your skin, sometimes get rid of allergies, and more. But it's NOT magic. Every person needs an individualized plant-based diet. High carb low fat doesn't work for everyone, and eating entirely raw is NOT ideal. While it's healthier in general to cut out added oil, some people need more fat than others and oil might be the easiest way to do that. Processed foods aren't ideal but they're not the end of the world either.
Just because a plant-based diet is amazing, (which it is), doesn't mean you'll NEVER get sick again or that if you do it's because of your diet. Sometimes you just get sick, it happens. People get sick on an omnivore diet too and they don't blame THAT diet for every illness. Often, even when it IS the fault of the diet like heart disease, they blame something else anyway like genetics. (As they say, genetics loads the gun, diet pills the trigger).
However, it might still be your diet that's at fault, but that doesn't mean it's because your diet is plant-based, just that the version you do isn't the right one for you. Not all plant-based diets are created equal and everyone needs to be adjusting their diet for their individual needs. Everyone is different. There is no one size fits all plant-based diet, just guidelines based on rigorous research.

From this source
Blaming a plant-based diet for kidney stones is ridiculous. If 1 in 10 people get them, then it stands to reason most of those people are not plant-based since being plant-based is in the minority.
If you get sick on an omni diet, no one blames the diet. But if you get sick on a plant-based diet, then it must be the diets fault. This is illogical. We get sick, it's a fact of life. A whole foods plant-based diet is the ideal diet for the average modern human, but it's not magic.
#kidney#stones#kidney stones#kidney stone#nutrition#plant-based#plantbased#plant based#diet#plant based diet#food#illness#liam hemsworth#stone
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"Two books more or less about running arrived in the post last week, one I didn’t expect and wanted to read, the other like a blast from the past and I needed to read"....Sonia O'Sullivan

The first also felt like a privilege, as it was a preview copy of The Running Book, by John Connell, author of the bestselling The Cow Book, from 2017.
I knew The Running Book would be right up my alley, a myriad of reflections on running just for the pure simple joy that it brings, and something that so many people have discovered and re-discovered in recent times due to Covid-19 restrictions.
But The Running Book (in bookshops from October) would have to wait a while, as I delved straight into The Russian Affair, written by David Walsh, an insight into the life of a Russian couple and whistleblowers Vitaly and Yuliya Stepanov who lifted the lid on the systematic doping and cover-up by the Russia Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA).
RUSADA was not anywhere near what most athletes around the world would encounter when faced with a drug tester knocking on the door early in the morning waiting to collect a sample.
The time period covered is from the late 2000s through to 2015 and the eventual banning of Russia from international sport. The drug testing facility was in place but those operating it were just using the system in a way to colour the true picture of what was going on in areas of Russian athletics, as monitored and reported by Vitaly and Yuliya.
In a strange twist of fate for Russian athletes, Vitaly, a club level athlete working for RUSADA, had a conscience and a duty of care and responsibility in his job to help ensure clean and fair sport. A romantic relationship developed with Yuliya, an 800 metres runner with a desire and passion to be on the Russian athletics team, her eyes set on the European and World Championships, even the Beijing Olympics in 2008.
The workings around Russian athletics were so corrupt that the only way to have any chance to even get on the team was to be a part of a doping system, which was organised through national coaches, and their contacts in the federation to protect them.
Part of problem with drugs in athletics back in 1990s is that there was plenty of speculation but not much concrete evidence, or indeed anyone to start blowing the whistle. Which is a pity. I was close enough to know that some things have never been above board in athletics. And even though I raced many Russian athletes down through the years, often there was very little proof or evidence that they were doing anything wrong, so for me it was easier just to get on with things, focus on what I had to do to be the best, and not worry about what others were doing.
When I look back and think of some of the athletes that I raced, I do remember when I was beaten more than when I won, and who finished behind me. At the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, the 3,000m was won by Yelena Romanova, with Tetyana Dorovskikh second.
At that time these Russian athletes ran as part of the Unified team, when the Soviet Union was in the process of breaking up into independent States. A different colour uniform, maybe, but the same old names always present on the podium, not always consistent across all events, but always results delivered at the major championships.
I sat in the drug testing room that night after finishing in fourth position, surprising myself in some ways to get so close to a medal. All I wanted to do was run back to the Athlete’s Village, but I had to wait and provide a urine sample for testing just like those who finished in front of me.
Doing the right thing, yet the system has always been there to give the cheating athletes more of a chance to prove their innocence rather than protect those who have always been doing the right thing, competing clean. In 2007, at age 43 and a coach to members of the Russian team, Romanova died suddenly of still unknown causes.
The following year, 1993, Lyubov Kremlyova won the Grand Prix final mile in London, and I finished second, beaten by half a second, after winning the 3,000m the night before. In February of 1995, Kremlyova tested positive for steroids, yet was still allowed to run at the World Indoor Championships, also in Barcelona, standing on the podium for a bronze medal and taking the stage from local athlete Maite Zuniga from Spain, who was most likely later sent a bronze medal in the post. After a three-year ban Kremlyova was back on the Russian team for the Goodwill Games, and back on the podium for another bronze medal, no conscience on display here.
These are just a couple that I remember, in part because I didn’t focus on what I could not change, and in part felt I could still compete and beat most of the Russian runners. Sometimes even in their own backyard, at a track meet in Moscow, over 1,500m in 1995: that was one of the most oppressive places and lethargic feeling events I have ever run, similar to the Goodwill Games in St Petersburg in 1994. Between the heat and humidity, the dust and rationed food, it was not really a place that was conducive to high performance, yet some of the best athletes in the world came from Russia.
Russia is just one example of where there is now concrete evidence, in an easily readable format for all to see, and how the wool was truly pulled over the eyes of innocent athletes for decades. It does make you think as well if there was such a faulty system of drug control at the start of the millennium, what was going on before to maintain any form of control of what athletes were using to boost their training?
Vitaly is just one example of a good person in one country, trying to do the job he thought he was employed to do. Yet he was compromised and even when he tried to report it to the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) he rarely if ever got a reply or even an acknowledgement of a problem he was trying to bring to a higher level to get some help.
It was an encounter with investigative journalist Hajo Seppelt, in 2014, which brought things to public knowledge. It took the help of an independent mind to dig deep and unravel a trail of secrets, but it also takes time and patience to tell a story that is relatable, about normal people, who realised that the truth is far greater than lies.
Just as The Russian Affair is in some ways related to my past life as an athlete, I could resonate more with the thoughts and ramblings of the daily run explored as in The Running Book. These days I am often more aware of my thoughts and surroundings while running, than how fast and how far I am going. That sort of affair with running is long in the past.
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