#incorrect legendborn
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starfallkaz · 10 months ago
Sel x Bree thoughts that make me rabid
1. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: Cat boy Sel is sooo important
Bree has come to realise that Sel is very much like a cat and he very much enjoys sunning himself. Usually he’ll climb a tree in a sunny spot and perch up in a branch, Bree loves to watch the way the sun and shadows play across his face
the way he practically purrs when Bree scratches his scalp
he hisses at people he doesn’t like
2. One of Sel’s favourite ways of showing affection is pressing his cheek to Bree’s or pressing their foreheads together.
It’s the intimacy of sharing that space with her. Sel’s love language is physical touch, and it’s the casual intimacy of the gesture that he loves. Being able to see Bree, come up to her and kiss her temple or press his cheek to hers in greeting.
3. Sel loves Bree’s hair. Before she knew how much he cared for her, he’d catch himself admiring her in the sunlight. The way the light would play off the curls and wisps of her hair, alight in bronze hues. His lips would part and he’d stare and have to distract himself from reaching for her
He changed to satin pillowcases for Bree <3
4. I love the idea of Sel blushing, being furious that he’s blushing (how could my body betray me like that), which makes him glare. Bree finds this angry cat look quite adorable and enjoys seeing how she can get Sel riled up. Bree comments on how cute he looks, just to see his face burn and the scowl appear between his brows.
5. Sel finds it awfully inconvenient that Bree can feel his eyes on her - it’s difficult to skilfully pine for and admire a girl in a non-desperate totally cool way when she knows every time that you’re looking at her
Alice: I mean we all know Sel is down astronomically bad for Bree, it’s not a secret to anybody. Sel glares from the corner
I’m also so down for the bickering between Alice and Selwyn. Their ongoing bit of only referring to each other as “Kane” and “Chen” like two foes, but they’re united in their ability to kick anybody’s ass in defence of Bree
6. Not to be nsfw or anything but, it’s also canon that Sel’s canines are incredibly sensitive - one time they’re kissing on the sofa and Bree is on top of him, his hand stroking her thigh. Bree runs her tongue over the tip of his canine and the way he shudders and his eyes burn, and he just melts into her mouth - he’s like putty
7. Alternatively, kissing Sel when he’s aether drunk - after much insistence on his part that he’s completely fine, he just needs a couple kisses to make him feel better.
He sits on the edge of his bed and Bree stands between his legs. And he’s muttering in welsh looking up at her with burnt amber eyes, Bree catches some familiar words like, beautiful, breath-taking, and you’re incredible
she leans down to give him a quick kiss and he takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around her, leaning back on the bed and pulling Bree down with him as she giggles
8. there’s a live band playing at one of the campus bars and Bree wants to go - Alice has gone home for the weekend. Sel detests live music with a passion (it’s all too much for his senses), so William offers to go with Bree instead, reassuring Sel that everything is fine - it’s just a bar!
Sel still watches the perimeter from outside - he tried to stand in the bar with ear plugs in but his eye started twitching and he excused himself
9. When they’re walking around together and Sel will either have an arm slung over her shoulder, or she’ll link an arm around him and the casual contact and affection is everything to him
10. Bree finds the smell of his aether signature so comforting. Especially when he’s happy or at peace, the scent of charred cinnamon and whiskey is mellowed, almost warmer and more inviting. Bree is falling asleep one night and mumbles if he can cast something - he casts a light scattering of aether drops falling in the room. Bree sleepily smiles and snuggles into the crook of his neck. Sel feels his heart thumping so loudly in his chest - surely even Bree can hear it
Not to end it on a bittersweet note or anything, but for so long Sel struggled to visualise what he wanted for himself outside of his role. As Kingsmage there wasn’t really anything else but to care for Nick. But holding Bree there and it’s never been so clear to him what he had, and what he wanted to keep.
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Bree: People are suggesting my boyfriend is a demon, and I’m here to finally set the record straight.
Bree: He is. Let’s move on.
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talleryn · 11 months ago
Nick: so, I get that we’re all without fathers-
Bree: not me.
Bree: I fucking love my dad
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laanswife · 5 days ago
Sel: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
Bree: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Sel: I said within reason, Bree. How about I murder that guy?
Bree: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?
Sel: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
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myanxietydemonaretootired · 7 months ago
Bree: I am strong on my own. I am brave and kind and smart. I have the power to rewrite my destiny and be more than what it was expected from me.
Bree: *sees a tiny spider* OH MY GOD, KILL IT!!! ALICE!!! HELP!!!!
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brianakane · 11 months ago
Sel: guess what I'm about to get
Alice: on my nerves
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sagethesimmeer · 2 years ago
this is the best thing 😭😭
Bree: So, um, I think I’m in love with Sel.
Alice: Sel? The merlin?
Bree: Yes. Thoughts?
Alice: And prayers.
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proudchildlesscatlady · 2 months ago
Permission to Rant!!
I will rant about something that involves United States history so this rant might confuse non-American Legendborn fans.
Also there will be spoilers so if you have not read nor finish Legendborn then ignore this post.
Towards the end of Chapter 8 where Bree talks about growing up Black in the South. She talks about how certain buildings, streets, or spaces were originally build for white people only. Bree mentioned a plaque dedicated "to the 'boys who wore gray' or a Rebel flag flying high out front." Reading that part triggered me.
The 'boys who wore gray' refers to the men (traitors and losers) who fought for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.
The Rebel flag refers to the Confederate flag.
***Bree lives in North Carolina which was a Confederate state during the Civil War.***
The Confederates want to protect the institution of slavery.
The United States (The Union) were planning to end slavery. Those losers and traitors (the Confederates) responded by crying like a bitch and separate from the United States.
Thankfully the Confederates lost but they were not punished severely enough for their treacherous actions.
Some [stupid and racist] Americans in modern times will argue the Confederates fought for "state rights" and it has nothing to do with slavery which is a load of horseshit and untrue.
Unfortunately in today's time, confederate flags and confederate statues still exist. People still fly confederate flags despite knowing the fucked up history behind it and what it stands for. In my personal opinion, people who fly confederate flags are either evil pieces of shits, stupid, or a mix of both. I have zero respect for people who own and fly confederate flags.
Rant over
I love how Tracy incorporates some aspects of American history in the Legendborn Cycle series and it is important because in the United States, many politicians even the soon-to-be president want to either censor or down play the horrible parts (ex: slavery, segregation, etc.) of American history.
If I said something that is incorrect please do not hesitate to correct me. I will appreciate it.
Thanks for listening.
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bookythingz · 21 days ago
It would probably be wise to do this before I forget......
Hi! Call me A. (Pretty little liars reference or not? You'll never know)
I'm a minor. my pronouns are she/they,and I'm the gayest thing since James Charles.
You'll probably get to know me if we talk :)
True to my username, I love everything to do with books. This blog is for literally anything that comes to my head.
But anyways, some of my favorite books/series are:
Harry Potter
The Legendborn series
Anything by Freida McFadden
and this isnt a book, but i also adore Sander Sides! so i will be doing some incorrect quotes for them. and marvel too!
And lots of other books! I'm open to recommendations always!
My tags are:
A's asks (assuming I ever get any)
A. talks (for posts I originally create)
A. chats ( for reblogs I have smth to say abt)
A. writes (for stories or any form of writing I decide to do!)
Yea, that's kinda it! Hope y'all enjoy my blog!
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selwynlover · 3 years ago
Bree: We need to get through this locked door. Nick, give me your credit card.
Nick: Here.
Bree, pocketing it: Thanks. Sel, kick down the door.
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starfallkaz · 10 months ago
AU Legendborn
Bree wants to go to a concert and Sel is quite frankly appalled at the idea (think almost comical look of horror on his face)
Sel’s ears are so sensitive, he can’t get closer than a block from the venue (and that’s pushing it) or he’ll as Alice puts it, “start tweakin’ ”
Seeing his face, Bree tries to reassure him that they have metal detectors and they check bags in the venue (with a completely deadpan expression he crafts a crossbow of aether with one hand, did you forget aether is a thing???? Briana???? Demons don’t need metal)
Bree suggests he could put in some earplugs and come with her? “Briana please be serious,” he’s even more outraged.
But the thought of Sel wearing earplugs or ear muffs and scowling in a corner is so funny to me
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incorrect-legendborn-quotes · 2 months ago
Sel: I think your dad mixed up our lunches. Look.
*holds up a note saying “I love you so much.”*
Nick: Oh, that explains this.
*holds up note saying “Please be good. For the love of God, please be good.”*
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talleryn · 2 years ago
Bree: what’s for dinner
Alice: I can’t tell you, it’s a soup-prise
Bree: is it soup
Alice: I soup-pose it could be
Bree: please stop with the soup puns
Alice: lol no
*one hour later*
Bree: it’s fucking TACOS???
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laanswife · 16 hours ago
Sel: Everything’s fine, Will.
Will: Sel, I know your relationship with the english language is strictly casual, but you- I- *deep inhale* ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT’S NOT FINE.
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myanxietydemonaretootired · 7 months ago
Will: I'm bored, I don't know what to do
Valec: we could kiss
Valec: or not
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ofstarsandmoonlightt · 2 years ago
Bree: You're smiling, did something good happen?
Selwyn: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?
William: Valec tripped and fell in the parking lot
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