amaramiyu · 10 months
My Legendborn Cycle Musings & Theories
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May 2023 is when I first got into this series and I've been hooked ever since. I've read Legendborn and Bloodmarked at least twice and I have some thoughts about the books and series in general. So without further ado:
Spoilers ahead!
First of all, I'm glad I waited to make this post because recently more information has been revealed about the next upcoming book (Oathbound), and that instead of the series being a trilogy of books it'll be a tetralogy (4 part book series).
I strongly believe that the Shadow Court is definitely going to be unleashed that was part of the bargain Bree made with the Shadow King after all.
Vera’s warning to Bree at the end of Bloodmarked: “Chaos thrives on imbalance.” In Oathbound, is Bree going to become villainous or corrupted in some form? Since she doesn’t have her ancestors to balance or influence her since she closed the ancestral stream?
Since the third book is called Oathbound I wonder if this means oaths will be broken or removed. Obviously, Natasia's Kingsmage Oath to Martin Davis had to have been removed. Could the same thing happen possibly between Nick and Sel?
At the end of Bloodmarked, the main trio: Bree, Nick, and Sel have become separated. Since this is Bree's story first and foremost I think the book will still only be from Briana's point of view. I don't think we'll be getting multiple points of view. However, I'm not quite sure.
Selwyn Emrys Kane
There’s more to Selwyn Kane than meets the eye. One of the main themes in the Legendborn Cycle is ancestry and inheritance.
Theory 1: Erebus (the Shadow King) is Selwyn’s father. Erebus is described as a father-like figure towards Sel and he has a history and a clear fondness for Natasia (He knew where she was at the end of Bloodmarked). However, we know that the Order supposedly monitored Natasia closely while they ensured she gave birth to an heir. Obviously, since both her and Sel are powerful Merlins there must be more to discover about their bloodline. Also, it is mentioned how closely Sel resembles Merlin his ancestor not only in appearance but also in mannerisms. Sel is a prodigy and has the rare ability to transform into an Owl like his ancestor Merlin. Not to mention, the skill he used to craft aether constructs to hold Bree together after her injury which isn’t easy to do and most likely would’ve killed other Merlins attempting to do it.
Theory 2: Maybe Selwyn’s bloodline has ancestral ties to someone on the Shadow Court. 
Nicholas Martin Davis
He's going to be leading the faction of the Order that's still loyal to the Knights of the Round Table.
Maybe he'll continue to forge a further alliance with the Line of Morgaine. Nick will then be further exposed to how they live and maneuver outside of the Order. He is trying to find a solution to stop the Legendborn Cycle without the Scion of Arthur having to die. In Bloodmarked, he found something out but he didn't get to elaborate on it further.
In General
I think the relationship between Sel and William is underrated.
There’s still much we don’t know about Cambions and unions. So far, we know:
Full Demon + Human = Cambion
Human + Cambion = Cambion
But what about: Full Demon + Cambion = ?
Cambion + Cambion =  ?
Are these unions even possible or allowed and could they produce offspring?
On the cover of Bloodmarked, I think Bree is wearing the outfit that she wore during the Rite of Kings ceremony.
Valechaz is clearly enamored and fascinated with Bree and he's such a wildcard. Valec at times can also be hard to read. Will he be a friend or foe going forward?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but in terms of a TV series adaptation of the Legendborn Cycle, I would prefer that it be an animated TV series rather than a live-action series.
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fandoms46011 · 10 months
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brianakane · 7 months
Don't mind valec being the absolute BEST character in bloodmarked
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Okay there's no way I can succinctly describe my feelings on Bloodmarked as a whole so you're getting a lil character breakdown on my beloved Valec
Valechaz is such a brilliant character, and not just because I'm totally in love with him and desperately want to be his concubine.
First of all, making him the baby was sO SMART on Tracy's part?? Like, it just makes the world feel a little fuller and warmer that he can be tied to North Carolina.
Second of all, he's the tall, dark, and handsome that black kids picture when they hear that description, and that makes my heart sing.
Valechaz being Valec which ties to Valec from The Lesser Keys of Solomon?? so smart. (yes i made that connection from lullabies of demonia, dont judge me)
also I looked up the original demon and its a young, cherub-like, angelic boy on a dragon. Like how Bree literally cant stop describing how Valec looks her age and is several hundred years older.
Valec's ability to be black and have rootcrafters be his family and that not adhering his demon-ness? but it also doesn't make him automatically submissive? Its an impressive balance.
AND ANOTHER THING!! His un-ending empathy. Even when his morals are unclear! Even when he has every reason to hate rootcrafters! Even when Sel has fought and disrespected him in his own bar!
Also his immediate desire to protect Bree is so beautiful. The way he immediately seems to resent Sel for hurting Bree. Even though we don't really know why exactly he's so kind.
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Bree: it's Valec's turn to pick for game night
Valec: we're all gonna sit in a circle and be nice to each other
Selwyn: that's not a game you moron
Valec: Sel is already losing
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glitterandsparkels · 11 months
Valec and Satan
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Why does bro look like that? What his Goofy ass looking at 🤓
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Don't tell me I'm the only person that thinks they look alike!!
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multifairyus · 1 year
No because for as traumatic and scary Bloodmarked is, Valec’s back has to be SORE for carrying the humor in this book like sir???
Stopping an elevator otw to put Bree on trial to ask what her and Sel’s deal is? He is in the middle of running his business and he takes a moment to be messy.
Wanting Sel to explain the crossroads jazz man story in his “sullen, unhappy voice” of his and asking if he smiles?
“Saying aloud all I desire” and exposing what we all knew about Sel but nobody flat out said??
The teenage melodrama is a whirlwind and Selwyn is my emo babygirl but maaannn is it fun to see Valec take none of this shit serious cuz he has the rizz and power to do so. Who is doing it like him??
Also gonna push the “Valec is the May Gemini to Sel’s June Gemini” agenda what with him being the wisecracking older brother that he is.
Love Valechaz DOWN. Layered, intimidating, hilarious. Bree is too young for him and so am I but I at least have a fully grown frontal lobe so I’ll handle that 🤪
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worth-this-and-more · 2 months
how i imagine the voices of everyone in the legendborn cycle
bree: kinda like tyla; strong, kinda deep but soothing, feels like warm honey and hugs, with fierce undertones, and uses facial expressions for everything so her voice has another feel to it
alice: fluttery like butterflies, not the nervous kind, but the kind that instantly lifts your mood, can't find any examples to it but when you hear her talk you are reminded of waterfalls and springtime
sel: deep baritone voice, sounds aggressive all the time for no reason (well he's a half demon so ig there is a reason but anyways), but when he is talking softly his voice rumbles, reminds you of thunder clouds and autumn
nick: lighthearted type of voice, all shits and giggles, a bit of tom holland vibes, him talking automatically feels authoritative, the kind of voice that makes you straighten your posture for no reason at all, reminds me of sunlight and warm food
william: not very deep, but soothing like a warm blanket on cold nights, his voice wraps around you like a comforting hug, reminds me of chamomile tea (he's definitely a tea guy) and warm sweaters
sarah: idk why im reminded of squirrels whenever sar is mentioned, her voice feels like birds chirping in the quiet morning, soft, cute and pleasant, and with her enhanced speed it sounds like the nightcore sped up audios hehe
valec: i personally have a theory that him and sell are half brothers, and I kinda have imagined his voice to also carry a deep baritone, doesn't sound aggressive but he feels very trustable, diplomatic at times, reminds you of almonds and willow trees (see what I did here??)
tor: regina george. no explanation needed. i have always read her with regina's voice and it fits all the time lool
lark: i had to legit search for scottish accents and then I could actually read his dailouges properly, and I kinda imagined his voice similar to buttermilk cumbersnatch (I feel like I have to honor tumblr's tradition of messing up this name), the accent is different but like the volume and everything matches, obsidian vibes
i'll have to think more for the other characters, pt.2 is necessary ig
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Will: I'm bored, I don't know what to do
Valec: we could kiss
Valec: or not
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ackerbabezzz · 1 year
the fact that Sel and Tor were a thing is so weird to me, ooof it’s a good thing he upgraded to the better option fr
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hahahax30 · 1 year
I feel kinda embarrassed to ask this, but am I the only one who imagines valec's hair as dyed red at the top?
Like so
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(but yk more natural-looking because I can't paint to save my life)
My mind sometimes glosses over descriptions and gives characters random physical characteristics that were never mentioned, and since I unfortunately don't have the material time to reread bm, idk if his red hair is solely a product of my imagination lol
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bookluva · 2 years
if valec wasn’t over 200 years old i‘d be making out w him rn i‘m telling you that.
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thoughtfulbearpanda · 2 years
hey LB/BM fam
for those of you who read BM, do y'all think valec could be the son of erebus? because he mentions in BM that him and erebus have met, there seem to be bitter feelings there.
do you think when valec became old enough that he may tried to find out who his dad is? because his mother Pearl was seduced by a demon/incubus, so possibly?
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So I'm officially ready to give my William Sitterson analysis, who cheered?
I think William's arc in Bloodmarked is one of the best, because Bree keeps forgetting it happened, but William can't.
It's such a good difference from 00s-10s YA where the female main character never stops and considers how her plucky and helpful companions are doing until they die or go explicitly evil. 
William is not in love with Bree (at all. Everyone say thank you, Tracy.) but because Tracy treats friendships with the same weight they hold in real life, William is completely altered as a person by Bree getting kidnapped, and the fact that he felt so helpless it drove him to losing his sense of mercy at points is so realistic.
But while I say it completely altered him as a person, it also doesn't. Because for most of the book, William seems like his regular, exasperated, helpful self.
But this is under the guise that everyone is putting on to protect Bree in Bloodmarked. Because we know that William is struggling to keep that energy throughout the book. That he is becoming more ruthless and cutthroat and angry at himself as time goes on. But he isn't letting Bree see that, so we only see it in flashes.
FOR EXAMPLE, what Bree says at the end of Chapt. 27 about making the Regents pay for breaking William, heartbreaking, but you know that William is such a good person that he wouldn't let her use him for vengeance.
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glitterandsparkels · 11 months
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i love my background!!<33
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I don't know what to put!!
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Valec: hello
Selwyn: hellno
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