#incorrect Oropher quotes
growingingreenwood · 3 months
Orpher, to Thranduil: Don't take this as a complaint, because it isn't one, its the farthest possible thing from a complaint. But jusy checking in, it's been over two weeks now, how are you coping without your regularly scheduled near death experience?
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What most elves thinks it’s like talking to the trees:
Silvan: mighty oak tree, is there some trouble of which you would like to warn us?
Tree: no, my kind silvan. There is no darkness of which that can cause you harm.
What a silvan talking to a tree is actually like:
Legolas, cackling, landing on a tree branch: babe, you’ll never believe what happened!
Tree, lighting up and shaking their leaves: Legolas, my good bitch! I got news!
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thranduilswifesblog · 4 months
*playing Scrabble*
Elrond : "I will put my "A" down to make "A"
Thranduil : "I will add to your "A" to make "AT"
Gil Galad : "I will add onto your "AT" to make "RAT"
Oropher : "I will add onto your "RAT" to make BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC"
Gil Galad : *flips the board and fight Oropher instead*
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inspired by the classic fandom post https://www.tumblr.com/penny-anna/178677237688/penny-anna-can-tell-merry-pippin-apart-of?source=share by @penny-anna I wanted to try do the same thing for the Silm. But with everyones favourite half elven twins. So here goes nothing.
Can tell Elrond & Elros apart, of course they can, what kind of question is that: Elwing, Maglor, Maedhros
Could not initially tell Elrond and Elros apart but made an effort to learn their names & can now tell them apart: Celebrimbor, Cirdán
Try as they might cannot consistently tell Elrond and Elros apart: Gil Galad, Celeborn, Erestor, Finarfin
Can absolutely tell Elrond and Elros apart but pretends not to be able to: Galadriel
Cannot tell Elrond and Elros apart and not even trying: Thranduil, Oropher, Eonwe
Elrond: I’m Elros
Elros: I’m Elrond
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overlord-of-fantasy · 9 months
Celbrimbors family is wild
Oropher: Hey, let’s mess with Celebrimbor, guys!
Thranduil: Hey, Celebrimbor, your momma so fat-
Celebrimbor: My mother left when I was two to be captured and consequentially sacrificed by a group of feral orcs. Oroper: Well, uh- your dad-
Celebrimbor: My father committed multiple war crimes and is now locked in solitary confinement in the halls of Mandos. Thranduil: The fuck-
Oropher: Well then...
Elrond: Stop, Oropher!
Oropher: Your grandpa so-
Celebrimbor: My grandfather spontaneously combusted.
Celebrimbor: You cannot best me.
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braxix · 6 months
Oropher: No one listens to me anymore.
Elrond: Too many people listen to me.
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carmisse · 4 months
Of the Ereinion and Oropher.
Gil-Galad : Hello my lord.
Gil-Galad : are you in need of assistance of some kind
Oropher, Trying to scale a wall : I'm quite fine, thank you. You can go back inside.
Gil-Galad : I will but I'm curious, what are you doing?
Oropher : If you must know i'm trying to ascertain the best way to climb over the garden wall.
Gil-Galad : climb? whatever for?
Oropher : because I think he may be a beast.
Gil-Galad : a beast?
Oropher : or a troll.
Gil-Galad : who are we discussing?
Oropher : The prince.
Oropher : no one will speak of him, no one, he is clearly a beast or a troll.
Gil-Galad : understood.
Oropher : you know if I grab there perhaps you could assist me by lifting me up.
Gil-Galad : you want me to lift you over the wall so you may scape.
Oropher : that is what I said, yeah.
Gil-Galad : I have absolutely no intention of helping you.
Oropher : I'm a lord in distress.
Oropher : you refuse to help a lord in distress?
Gil-Galad : I refuse when that lord in distress is trying to go over the a wall so that he does not have to marry me.
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If Oropher ever shows up in The Rings of Power, everyone will be like, “not this asshole.” And it will be because of this blog 😂
Hi Nonny, apologies but I'm not sure what you mean? Perhaps this was intended for a different ROP fanblog? Just checked my Oropher tag and there's not much in the way of posts there since I'm mainly posting about the known ROP cast + Anárion, Celeborn, Celebrían, and Círdan. No worries if sent by mistake :)
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sotwk · 2 years
Hai. What should I call you?
Btw I love your story and headcanons, but I am to afraid to ask at the first. But here I am...
I want to know about your headcanons. How Thranduil would react if someone kidnap Legolas, cause I need it for my story.
Thank you 💙
Hello my friend, the Elvenqueen! :)
My Tumblr "kids" call me Nana, but that's probably weird for everyone else, so you can just call me Sotwk. Just pretend there's an "i" between W and K-- Sotwik. My name is just the acronym for "Sons of the Woodland King", which is the main point of my blog and Tumblr existence. <3
I am so honored that you enjoy my writings, because I think very highly of your blog as well! Your "incorrect quotes" and funny convos between Thranduil and the other elf lords are hilarious. It's like a Middle-earth sitcom, and I agree with how you characterize everybody! I too believe that Oropher and Gil-galad had a pretty intense rivalry going on, and that Thranduil and Elrond were always great friends, with Thranduil being the snarky one and Elrond the long-suffering one. :)
Now, regarding your question: "How would Thranduil react if someone kidnapped Legolas?". The situation would depend on whether it's Legolas as a child/baby, or Legolas as an adult. How old would Legolas be in your story? Is the Elvenqueen still alive then?
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Those details aside, here are a few headcanons I have about Thranduil and his protective nature, especially when it concerns his family:
Thranduil was a bit of a hot-head in his youth, and as he grew into a warrior, he developed a violent streak. He fought in the extremely bloody War of Wrath, so he became accustomed to a "kill to survive" or "kill the evil" outlook. Killing has never really bothered him as long as he believes it is for just reasons. (Like in Desolation of Smaug, where he just hacked that orc's head off without blinking.)
A lot of this was tempered by the love of his life, the Elvenqueen, who is very kind and sweet and definitely more of a pacifist. She, more than anyone in Middle-earth, is able to reason with Thranduil and calm him down through his rages.
There is literally only one thing that has ever scared Thranduil, and that is losing his wife. Obviously he is scared of his sons being harmed too, (or just Legolas, if you believe he was an only child) but his love for his Queen is beyond measure. Not to sound cliché, but she is definitely Thranduil's greatest weakness.
Once he became a King and a husband and father, Thranduil's nature softened to someone calmer, wiser, and more peaceful. He learned to be more lenient with violators of his kingdom's laws, giving them fair trials and opportunities to redeem themselves.
However, offenses against the royal family were met with harsh judgement, and anyone who so much as threatened the safety of the Queen or Prince(s) were shown no mercy. Orcs, men, or dwarves were simply executed. Elves were given a chance to choose banishment, depending on the violations.
What if Legolas were kidnapped? I actually think this would be nearly impossible to do, especially in my SotWK universe where Legolas has four older brothers looking out for him. But if it were somehow to happen, Thranduil himself would ride out to hunt down and deal with the kidnappers, and would not stop or rest until they are found. Most of Mirkwood's armed forces as well as their hunters would be deployed to join the search.
The only way a kidnapper would succeed in taking Legolas out of Mirkwood is if they are able to exit the kingdom's forest borders before Thranduil realizes what has happened. Thranduil has a special connection to the forest itself, and would be able to use certain powers to locate any movement within his realm. (This power diminished somewhat late in the Third Age as the darkness of Dol Goldur spread, but he never lost it.)
Once the kidnappers are caught, there will be no trial or recourse for them. They would be executed on the spot by Thranduil himself.
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I hope these headcanons can help you write your story or inspire other ideas! Thank you for the ask and for everything you bring to our Elvenking's fandom!
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sauronnaise · 3 years
Legolas: "No one enters this kingdom and no one leaves it."
Legolas: Great quote. So badass. Ada, you're a boss!
Thranduil: Ah, I stole it from your grandfather.
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youmisguidedmartyr · 3 years
Gil-Galad: be carful Elrond, the snake "Oropher" arrives today. i hope the pig drowns in his own blood...
Elrond: but sir, didn't you just call him a snake?
Gil-Galad: the devil comes in many forms Elrond
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growingingreenwood · 6 months
Oropher: What are you doing today?
Thranduil: Not very much, nothing for you to worry about :)
*Orpher looks down at Thranduils """Schedule""" and its just this*
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Honestly, shout out to Oropher and Thranduil for not getting involved in the incest party.
Legolas politely doesn’t think about the fact that Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen’s family tree is a wreath, because honestly, he finds it super weird. The amount of times Legolas has had to restrain himself from clapping back at any comments about his family with “yeah, well at least our romantic interests isn’t made up exclusively of our cousins” is surreal.
Legolas, when Aragorn and Arwen fall in love: so! I love and support you both, i would die for you! But would it kill ya’ll to stop falling in love with your cousins?!? I know it’s technically the nth time removed, but still!
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thranduilswifesblog · 5 months
Elendil : "what do the elves call their friends living by the sea? Watermelons?"
Oropher : "they called them dead. Because Fëanor killed them"
Oropher : "BURN...."
Celebrimbo's spirit : ....
Gil Galad :....
Elrond :.....
Thranduil :....
Isildur : ....
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Oropher : Do you Noldor have any idea what you’re doing?
Ereinion: Why start now?
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Young and irritated Thranduil: I swear to Eru, I will be better as a father, than you!
Oropher: Taking into account the fact that your children will be YOUR children, I just dare you to try.
Legolas a couple of centuries later: *joins the Fellowship and goes to Mordor, takes a dwarf to the elven kingdom, becomes the friend of literally every mortal he knows*
Thranduil, looking at where he thinks Valinor is: Is it really late for me to spank him?
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