#in which Gavin is such a dumbass
sturniolos-blog · 7 months
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Peer Pressured - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - swearing, fluff, arguing
requested ‼️
disclaimer: third person POV again
6:47pm Friday afternoon
“My parents would kill me, have you guys met my dad?” 14 year old Estrella tells her friends.
Her group of friends consisted of Hailey, Gavin, Jackson, Shay, and Shawn. They were currently in Shawn’s basement, all of them were vaping except for Ella, she loves her friends, but they aren’t the best for her, she knows that, but she just lets it happen. Shay and Shawn were the nice ones, the one that would never make Ella feel pressured, which may be the reason she has a slight crush on Shawn, and why Shay is her bestfriend but who’s really keepin’ track?
Ella was sat on the couch with Hailey and Shay, Hailey’s feet were on Ella as Ella was in the middle of the two, Shay had her feet on the coffee table.
Gavin and Shawn were on the other couch, while Jackson sat in a bean bag chair.
Her friend Hailey shakes her head, letting out a puff of smoke, “You’re parents are literally amazing they let you do whatever you want.”
Gavin nods his head in agreement, “Yeah, bro, your parents are like mad chill. Mine freak out over the littlest things.” He says, taking a hit from his vape.
“Nah, for real, especially your mom, El. You’re lucky.” Jackson says, his head leaning back and now looking up towards the ceiling.
Shay shakes her head, directing at Hailey, Gavin, and Jackson, “Yall needa’ shut up.” Shay then turns to Estrella. “You don’t gotta do it, girl. Your choice a hundred percent.” Shay says as she takes a hit from her rechargeable blueberry vape.
Shawn nods, silently agreeing with Shay.
Jackson goes into a coughing fit.
“Well if you do it, don’t be like this dumbass,” Hailey laughs, throwing her head back also to rest it on the arm of the couch.
Shawn slaps Jackson’s knee, “Yo, chill man, my mom’s is right upstairs, she bouta hear you hackin’ it up and ask what’s going on.” Shawn scoffs.
Gavin looks at Ella as Ella picks at her nails, “Estrella, why would you even come? I mean if you’re not gonna vape then what are you doing here?” He laughs, shaking his head as he hits his vape.
Ella gives him a dirty look, “Excuse me?”
Shay sits up, “Gavin, chill, you freak.” She insults.
Gavin laughs, “We thought you were cool, you used to be so fun. Remember when you used to get yelled at all the time? And now you’re miss goody two shoes, i mean, what happened to the good, fun, Ella?”
Ella suddenly feels small in this moment, she was only getting in trouble when her father was working too much.
Shawn stands up, pointing at Gavin, “You needa watch yourself, man. She ain’t even do nothin’.”
Gavin stands up also as they get in each others face, “That’s exactly my point, she’s being boring as shit.”
Shawn shoves Gavin harshly, “I said watch yourself!” He yells.
Hailey lets out an obnoxious laugh as she stands up, pulling out her phone. “Fight! Fight! Fight!” She chants.
At this point everyone is standing up.
“You guys all needa chill, like now.” Shay says, Ella grabbing onto her sweatshirt.
As Gavin goes to push Shawn back, Ella interrupts, “I’ll do it!” She says.
Everyone looks at her before Shawn speaks up, “Nah, you don’t gotta.”
Gavin smirks.
Ella shrugs, “It’s not even that bad, Gavin’s right. I used to be fun. Just let me get a hit from someone.” She says, putting her hand out.
Everyone looks down and stays silent, except for Gavin, he pulls out a green vape which meant it was mint.
“Here.” He says, giving it to her.
She takes a hit, as she releases the smoke she lets out a few coughs before feeling better, “Alright, pussies. Can we all sit down and chill?”
Everyone mutters a yeah before they all sit.
Ella walks in her house, her vape hidden in her bra. The first thing she sees is Mailo on the couch playing Fortnite.
“I’m home!” She yells, taking her shoes off.
“No one cares.” Mailo, the twelve year old scoffs.
“I wasn’t talking to you, jerk.” She says, giving him a dirty look.
“I’m in the kitchen, sweetheart!” Y/n yells back.
Ella walks into the kitchen to see her mom cutting up some fruit.
“What are you doing?” Ella asks, walking over and sticking a piece of watermelon in her mouth.
“We are having a meeting for work tomorrow, so i figured i would be nice and cut up some fruit for everybody.” Y/n says, grabbing apples out of the fridge.
Ella goes to grab another piece before Y/n smacks her hand away, starting to cut the apples. “Where’s dad?” Ella asks, taking a piece of watermelon anyway.
“In the shower, he should be out now…” Y/n trails off.
“Yeah, i’m out.” Matt says, walking into the kitchen with his hair wet, his shirt off and sweatpants on.
“Hey, baby, how was your friend’s house?” He asks Ella, kissing the top of her head.
Ella pauses for a moment, “It was fun.”
Matt goes to reach for a piece of watermelon, getting smacked in the hand by Y/n.
“Ow..” He mutters, “Yeah, what’d you do?” He turns his attention back to Ella.
Ella hesitates as her face goes pale, “We hung out, dad. There’s nothing to it.” She snaps.
Matt’s eyes widen slightly, “Okay, i was just asking.” He puts his hands up in defense before him and Ella at the same time go for another piece of watermelon.
“Will you two stop!? If i cut you some will you leave me alone!?” Y/n asks.
Matt and Ella both nod their heads with a cheeky smile on their faces.
“Mom! Cut me some too!” Mailo yells from the living room.
Matt and Ella both laugh as Y/n tries to hide her smile, “What is wrong with this family?” She sighs, going to the fridge to get more watermelon.
Matt and Ella sneaking more pieces.
Y/n turns around and comes back with the watermelon, seeing that her watermelon pieces that she cut up already were gone.
Y/n walks into Mailo’s room, knocking before she opens the door, “Night, Mailo.” She smiles at him, just sticking her head in.
“Night, mom.” He says, watching something on the TV.
Y/n smiles and walks out of the room, walking to Ella’s room and knocking before opening the door, when Y/n peaks in she sees Ella readjusting herself, putting something behind her back, but she doesn’t say anything.
“You okay?” Y/n asks.
Ella nods, her lips staying closed.
“Alright, night, sweetheart.” Y/n smiles.
Ella smiles back as Y/n leaves the room, shutting the door.
What Y/n didn’t know is that the moment she left Ella let out a puff of smoke from her lips, the thing she put behind her was the green mint vape.
Ella takes a couple more puffs, she’s not addicted, she told herself. I meant there’s no way if i just started, right?
In the middle of a puff, the worst of the worst happens, Matt walks in.
Matt’s smile he had plastered on his face drops slightly, “What are you doing?” He asks, soft tone to his voice.
Ella has smoke in her mouth as she hides the vape under her thigh, she shakes her head as her face starts to turn red from holding in the smoke.
“What’s the matter?” Matt asks, walking in her room now.
Ella shakes her head again, begging silently for her father to leave.
“Ella, are you-”
Finally Ella coughs, smoke releasing from her mouth, very visibly, Matt watching as this happens.
“What the hell was that!?” Matt snaps.
Ella coughs consistently, leaning over to grab water on her nightstand but as she goes so the vape slips from underneath her thigh and onto the floor.
“Ella, what the fuck?!” Matt yells.
Y/n rushes in the room immediately when she hears Matt’s yell.
“Hey, what’s going on? Why are you yelling?” Y/n asks as Matt picks up the vape from the ground.
As Ella recovers from her coughing fit she yells out, “Dad! Wa-”
His face red with anger, “Our daughter is smoking! Did you know about this?!” Matt asks Y/n.
Y/n shakes her head, putting her hand on her own chest as she feels heart broken, partly because her daughter is doing this but partly because her daughter didn’t tell her.
“Ella, seriously?” Y/n lets out a disappointed sigh, shaking her head as she rubs her forehead.
Ella gets out of bed, “This was the first time i prom-”
Matt cuts her off, “Yeah and your last time, your last time for everything, you’re grounded, your phones getting taken, no TV, no nothing, you are-”
“Dad!” Ella yells as she tears up.
Y/n puts her hand on Matt’s shoulder, “Okay, Matt, i think we should all take a breath-”
“Yeah, not a hit of a vape.” Matt snarks, him rubbing his stubble.
Y/n starts to bring him out of the room, “Now, you’re being ridiculous, and i think you should go calm down before you say another word.” Y/n says, holding onto Matt softly.
Matt looks at her, tilting his head slightly, “But-”
“Now. Please.” Y/n pleads. Matt looks at her and sighs before nodding, walking to their bedroom.
Mailo comes out of his room, “Is everything okay?” He asks his mom, looking at Ella’s bedroom door before Y/n’s and Matt’s bedroom door.
Y/n smiles, “Everything’s fine, you’re fathers upset. Go to your room, sweetie.” Y/n says softly, kissing his forehead.
Mailo nods and goes back to his room.
Y/n walks into Ella’s room, shutting the door behind her as Ella was sitting on her bed crisscross apple sauce, sobbing in her hands.
Y/n climbs on the bed with Ella and wraps her arms around her.
Ella wraps her arms around her mother and sobs into her chest, “I’m sorry!” She sobs out, it was heartbreaking.
Y/n shakes her head, “I’m not mad at you, okay? I’m not mad, i’m not disappointed, i love you so much. I don’t care what you do. I just wish you would’ve came to me first. I’ll always have your back, El. Through the good and the bad, for the better or the worst, i’m here, baby, i’m here.” Y/n says, kissing Ella’s forehead.
Ella cries for about 5 minutes more before she starts to talk again, her head still on Y/n’s chest. “I didn’t want to, mommy.” Ella whispers.
“I promise, i didn’t want to b-but then Gavin started saying i wasn’t cool and everyone else was just doing it so i figured why not, and then he gave me one to take home, so that’s why i have it.” Ella explains.
Y/n nods, running her fingers through Ella’s hair, “Okay, okay. You were peer pressured, baby. And that’s not okay but that’s not your fault, you said no and then they insisted, that’s totally not your fault.”
Ella sniffles, “I’m sorry.”
“Look at me, Estrella Leylani.” Y/n uses her daughter’s middle name.
Ella looks up at her mother, “Stop apologizing. Okay, you’re good.” Y/n says.
Ella shakes her head, “Dad hates me. He was so mad and disappointed. He doesn’t love me.” She tears up again.
“No, baby, no. Not at all. He does. I’m gonna go talk to him and then he’ll talk to you. I’ll calm him down, alright?” Y/n asks, Ella nods.
Y/n smiles, kissing her daughter’s forehead one more time before walking out of the room and into her and Matt’s room.
Matt looks up, he was pacing around the room, him biting his nails.
He wipes his hands on his pants, “Why would she not say anything? i mean, what has gotten into her? There’s no-”
Y/n grabs Matt’s hand and stops him from pacing, “Matt, baby. Listen to me. For a second, slow down.” Y/n says softly.
Matt takes a breath and looks at her, standing still now.
Y/n let’s out a breath, “She was peer pressured, some kid told her she wasn’t cool because she didn’t vape and everyone was so it just happened.” Y/n explains.
Matt’s angry expression drops, “But- she- why- who would even-”
“So, you can go and talk to her, but seriously, lose all the negativity you have because right now she thinks you don’t love her, and she’s really fucking upset.” Y/n tells him.
Matt lets out a shaky breath, “Okay, but i do love her, so much, she’s my baby.” Matt says in a quiet tone.
Y/n nods, bringing her hands up to his cheeks, rubbing back and forth on his stubble, “I know that, she knows that. But she’s not really feeling much of the love, Matt. You scared her, you swore at her.”
Matt scoffs, “I was just mad-”
“I know, baby. I know. So, go and talk to her. She needs you, i know she does.” Y/n says, putting a sad smile on her face.
Matt nods, leaning down and kissing Y/n softly. “Okay, i love you.” He says, resting his forehead on hers for a second.
“I love you too.” Y/n whispers before Matt leaves the room.
Matt slowly walks into Ella’s room, seeing her on her bed, picking at her fingers as she sits up, sniffles coming from her.
“Ella?” Matt says softly.
She looks up, noticing him now. “Daddy? i’m so sorry.” She sobs.
Matt shakes his head and comes over to her, embracing her in a big hug. “I’m sorry, i shouldn’t have snapped. I should’ve asked you why, i love you, i’m not mad at you, baby. I’ll never be mad at you and i’ll always love you.” Matt rants.
“I didn’t want to!” Ella sobs into his neck.
Matt tears up, “I know, my love. I know. And i’m sorry i swore at you, i didn’t mean it, your mother and i love you so much and we just want the best for you, okay? We good now?” Matt pulls away to look at Ella, wiping her tears with his thumbs, his hands staying on her cheeks.
She nods and sniffles, Matt places a kiss in the middle of her forehead before hugging her again.
Y/n walks in the room and joins the hug, “Mailo!” Y/n yells.
“What?!” He groans from his room.
“Get in here, buddy!” Matt yells as they all continue to hug.
Mailo then comes in the room, “I’m not joining that.” He says shaking his head in disgust, talking about the hug.
Matt scoffs playfully before pulling away from the hug, going and picking up Mailo and throwing him on Ella’s bed as Y/n and Ella laugh.
“Dad!” Mailo groans as they all hug each other.
Safe to say after this Ella stopped smoking, continued to stay friends with Shay and Shawn but dropped Gavin, Jackson, and Hailey.
alright i’m done for tonight i hope you guys liked this long fic
taglist: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo
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deuterosapiens · 10 days
Does being in the presence of a Bennett just have the natural side effect of causing all persons within sight to immediately question their sexuality?
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Going to go with a verdict of YES.
I'm going to go through this book with a highlighter and just keep an active tab on the number of times a completely heterosexual side character has suddenly found themselves possessed of extraordinarily queer thoughts. This will not be a drinking game. Your liver cannot support this as a drinking game.
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Oh, someone thinks he's sooooo clever doesn't he?
I love the Gordo and Gavin bonding moment. I cannot take Gordo seriously ever when he's being broody, especially since we all know perfectly well that he is LYING. This is a man who will run naked through Hell to rescue you, just so he can call you a dumbass for needing rescuing.
Just shy of three hundred pages in. The second half is significantly shorter than the first, as tends to be the case with books.
So far, this middle section has not made me cry uncontrollably, which I would like to believe is a sign that the worst is behind us. I somewhat doubt this; I believe I'm being lured into a false sense of security; but we will power through to the end because that's what you do.
I'm going to miss these idiots, when it's over.
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sootyships · 1 year
Ridiculous amounts of Tolkien OCs under the cut
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Fiacra of Dunland, a trader or some ish
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Wulfrun (wife of Fiacra). She’s from Rohan. Her family were not fans of her marrying a Dunlending trader cuz ofc not lul. She ran away to Dunland with him but being an outsider made her miserable even though his family did their best to make her feel welcome, so Fiacra got on the lookout for a place where they could live without either of them being, well, too other.
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Maela (sibling of Fiacra). Decided to leave Dunland with Fiacra and Wulfrun on the premise that they could protect Wulfrun in the new home when Fiacra is out doing his tradey job. Also wanted to see the world and also kinda live somewhere where they would be so inconsequential to the new people that maybe nobody cares if some gender exploration happens. (spoiler alert: she’s a trans girl)
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Gundûrz, just a lone uruk who doesn't really know what the fuck to do with hisself now. Falls down a cliffside like a dumbass.
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Ansey Pry of Bree-land, a nearsighted apothecary in the village Fiacra & co move to. They're not a man or a woman and that's just swell for a member of cunning folk. Also falls down a cliffside like a dumbass.
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Ankarad, local wise woman and Ansey's teacher. She's had a higher education than the moniker alone would imply, but she rather likes it.
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picrew used
Gavin, teenage son of one of the Archet families. His family is on particularly good terms with Ansey and Ankarad and he helps around when needed. He’s a horse boy 😁
The Gondor crew:
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pose is the 1st pose from the second post in this thread, art by me.
Allarabâr, Umbaran who moved up to Gondor for lulz now that there is ~peace~
Drauchir, son of Ankarad, Allarabâr’s work partner who catches feelings
Rôbê, Allarabâr's best friend, kind of a tomboy
Meklit, highly educated and a bit of a revolutionary
And then some peeps in the north (~Gundabad) who unfortunately lack visual refs atmo...
Feradach, a human who's married to an orcess, befriends Gundûrz
Kraghya, aforementioned orcess
Maûzhâk “Migmau”, half-orc daughter of the above
Brôccîn, Feradach’s brother-in-law, delivers a letter at one point, as a random detail has a red beard which does not match his hair colour
(Also Migmau is a cutie)
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lizajane2 · 2 years
Outer Banks 2x06
And all of a sudden people treat him like he's their best fucking friend. Like they didn't just believe he killed the Sherriff less than 12 hours ago.
"All that work for nothing."
Uh it actually worked just busted the wrong guy out.
Aww Topper made her breakfast in bed... I need that in my life. Breakfast in bed. Not a Topper. And a red flag went off when he offered her the phone.
Ward is really taking JJ's advice of "Deny, deny, deny," to a whole new level. He's practically drowning in the river. He should be arrested for fabricating and accessory.
"You know what they say about being in a hole? Best thing you can do is stop digging." Mic drop.
"Someone had to save your girlfriend." And right back around to being an asshole. Low blow, Topper.
I can't believe Sarah just... Girl, that ain't just your boyfriend. That's your husband, hubby, mate, partner in life and death. All that. I felt like she didn't wanna tell Topper cause she still has some unresolved feelings for him. Not saying she's not in love with him just still cares about him deeply and didn't face that. She just jumped to the next guy.
Kie's a great gal, she is but her change in emotions really give me whiplash. Damn.
"Did I raise you to back down from a fight boy? Now, I didn't think about it before. I admit that. But now... now? I'm interested."
Hey, Anna! Mike! Maybe you might wanna learn how to be supportive parents. Mr. Heyward can be your teacher.
You're gonna sit here and tell me no one noticed a man getting out of a trunk? I know they have cameras in a carwash now.
"Yeah, I can handle it. I don't really need you, so..."
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Me when I first found out about Pope being a descendent of Tanny:
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I honeslty should've seen it coming.
"I put him through enough already..." Yeah, which is why you should've been honest not hide the fact that you married John B.
"And Pope's giving me the silent treatment for not being in love with him," I'm sorry what? if the roles were reversed you bet your ass a teenage girl would be doing the exact same thing. I think you can be a little compassionate Kie. Dude's been in love with you for a year and you expect him to go on and pretend everything is fine and dandy?
Ward telling Rose, I won't choose between my kids... tells Sarah the same thing but chooses Rafe instead. I'm also going back to the fact that he said, "Rafe knows you're my favorite."
Everyone really underestimates JJ. He's pretty fucking smart for being a complete dumbass 90% of the time.
People who love Rafe, I get the appeal, but I always come back to the way he talked about nature. How everything is always killing in order to survive and he's not wrong but it's the smirk, his tone that tells me he finds some kind of peace in it...
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"Oh, boy. Ward Cameron." You know that judge didn't even sound surprised.
"You think I wanna miss this." Ooof not one of your best moments, JB. Not cool. I think he could've at least kept that comment to himself.
Okay maybe it's just cause me I don't have a dad, never grew up with one but Ward tried to kill John B twice, murdered his dad and Peterkin, those two mercs, and Gavin. He framed John B for murder, and she expects him to feel compassion in that moment?
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 10 months
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 40
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*Warning Adult Content*
A Costly Mistake
Over a thousand cuts later, Ghost continues to push Knox's patience to the limit by withholding the information needed to find Russell.
"You know this ends as soon as you tell me what I want to hear, right?"
Knox twists the blade deeper into Ghost's left knee, pulling another excruciating cry from the man.
"I know Russell is hiding out somewhere in a cabin and I also know you know where the fuck it is. So where the hell is it?"
"Does it really matter at this point?" Ghost pants, sweat and blood covering his face.
"You wouldn't be here if it didn't fucking matter," Knox retorts.
"Sure I would. You guys have been after me for a while now, right?"
Ghost spits blood at Knox's feet.
His arms are numb and his naked body is covered in gruesome bruises, various sized cuts, dried and fresh blood.
"I'm genuinely surprised it took you this long to catch me," he laughs. "Rookie mistake on my part. Something told me I was walking into a trap and my dumbass still showed up. That's what happens when you start to believe you're invincible."
"You talk and talk and talk but it's nothing that I want to fucking hear."
Knox removes the blade and jams it into Ghost's right knee, twisting fast and aggressively.
"What's the goddamn address to the cabin? We can do this all night, all day tomorrow and the next fucking day if you truly want to be a badass. I have nothing but time."
"Apparently, so do I."
Ghost laughs again but distress is written all over his face.
"I told you once before that I'm no fucking r-rat, so either kill me or go fuck yourself."
For hours, Ghost has been dangling in the center of the kill room looking like a broken puppet.
His arms are stretched painfully upward and his wrists are bound with something akin to barbed wire.
For him, at this point, breathing is about as painful as receiving a punch to the gut.
Every move he makes, his body pleads with him to give up and talk.
"I guess we're pulling an all-nighter."
Knox is more frustrated than he cares to admit but he doesn't let it show as he walks to the other end of the room to pick out a painful new toy to further mutilate Ghost's body with.
Part of him wants to take his time with tonight's torture session but the other part of him wants to hurry the fuck up and get it over with because he'd have more fun in bed with Everett.
In the midst of his browsing, the door to the kill room swings open and Mason enters with his familiar cocky grin.
A sign that can only mean good news lies ahead.
"Did you come here to help or to tell me something?" Knox questions.
"The latter."
"What's going on?"
"I just came from speaking to Gavin. He said you can kill Ghost because we got what we need," Mason tells Knox. "His most recent calls were from an unknown number, which I assumed belonged to Russell since I didn't see his contact saved in the phone. Long story short, I was able to trace Russell's burner phone to a cabin located in the middle of fucking nowhere."
"Thank fuck. This asshole was getting on my last damn nerve."
Knox, no longer thinking too deeply about it, picks up a screwdriver and a long kitchen knife. Simple yet effective with what he plans to accomplish.
"Any last words?" he asks Ghost while turning back around. "Because I can't stand to hear your voice for another second, so I'm cutting your tongue out first."
"That cabin is packed with more security than a federal prison. Your Pres is never getting that tape back," Ghost says, his voice having gone up a pitch. "Your best bet is to call Russell and make a deal. Agree to hand over the USB and the fucker who killed Shaun and I will convince Russell to bow out of this war and give you all the footage in exchange. Trust me, he'll listen to what I have to say."
"Speaking on behalf of my Pres and dead VP, The Fallen Angels ain't making no type of fucking deal with you shit-bags. And we sure all would never hand over one of our own," Knox snaps, offended. "A truce will never happen. The only way this war ends is by one side getting wiped out by the other and as it stands right now, you're on the losing team."
"Well, I'll uh..." Mason slowly backs out of the room. "...let you two get back to it."
After the door shuts behind Mason, Knox advances on Ghost.
He can see both fear and peace glistening in the man's eyes.
A small part of him can't help but be a little impressed by the man's bravery and unwillingness to fold under pressure and pain.
"I'll see you again in Hell," Ghost mutters. "Maybe we'll be a bit more cordial down there."
"I doubt it."
Knox's grip tightens on the screwdriver but before he can act, the startling burst of gunshots from outside interrupts the moment.
"What the fuck was that...?"
"Of course..." Ghost smirks. "Did you really think my people would give up that easily?"
"I'm going to kill you nice and slow when I get back," Knox mutters through clenched teeth.
His entire world narrows in an instant as his instincts kick in to protect Everett, his brothers and his home.
He drops his weapons and rushes out of the kill room to see his brothers running out of the clubhouse and toward the front yard with their guns drawn, a few of them barely dressed but still prepared to fight.
He's tempted to follow them until a heavy thud sounds from inside the kill room.
Cursing under his breath, he re-enters the room to find Ghost sitting on the ground, his hands nearly mangled after he ripped them free from their bindings, copious amounts of blood drips down his wrists onto the concrete floor.
The next moments are a blurred dance of danger and reflexes.
A darker, more reckless type of rage overtakes Knox as he charges forward to roughly fist a hand in Ghost's hair.
At the same time, Ghost grabs the knife and drives it up into Knox's stomach.
The attack happens in seconds, too quickly for Knox to have stopped it due to his mind being stuck on Everett and the gunfire that's growing louder outside.
Pain radiates through Knox's torso and he sways but stays on his feet courtesy of pure adrenaline.
With his guard back up, he wrenches the knife free and uses it to slice Ghost's throat.
He then stumbles back into one of the walls, pressing a hand to the wound as blood seeps between his trembling fingers.
It doesn't take long for the life to drain from Ghost's eyes, his body now completely still.
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prproductions · 2 years
Part 2 of Magical Girl Story
Serena back at home getting ready to go to sleep. Right before turning her phone off and going to bed Serena remembers the compact in her purse. She gets up and grabs the compact.
Serena: “Alright, so what are you?”
Serena clicks on the compact to see the floating image again. Serena picks up the small fluffy makeup puff in the middle and applies it to her face. Puffs of smoke come up and the transformation begins
*Cool transformation sequence*
Serena: “what the fuck…. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!”
She crashes to the ground and like is taken back in shock
Serena: “Holy Shit, holy shiot, holy sHIt!!!”
Basically, she’s freaking out. She does that for a minute then once she’s little calmer Serena picks up the makeup puff again
Serena: “Okay, if I got into this with makeup then maybe I’ll get out of it with makeup.”
Serena puts the puff to her face again and that’s basically the way it works, smoke appears and her costume disappears.
Serena: “Okay, okay, I’m me again, okay.”
Serena looks over to the compact on her bed
Serena: “What the hell have I gotten myself into….”
The next day at school, during break
Chloe: “So…. Did you hear the news?”
Chloe chimes walking over to Serena who was sitting under a tree in the front field of the school. The other girls are somewhere else I don’t know.
Serena: “That, there was a huge meteor crash downtown and no one knows where it came from or what it’s made of?
Chloe: “…No, Vanessa and Gavin (I don’t know what these names are) broke up since Vanessa came out as gay and now Vanessa and Casey from Comp. class are dating.”
Serena: “This applies to me, how?”
Chloe: “It means Gavin is single in the market for a rebound.”
Serena: “And…...”
Chloe: “AND Bella likes Gavin.”
Serena: “So? I don’t want her dating him because he’s just going to use her to get back at Vanessa. We need to wait before we hook them up.”
Chloe: “That still doesn’t mean we should allow for this opportunity to slip by us”
Serena: “Okay so what do you think we should do about it?”
Chloe: “Well, Gavin needs tutoring for math and history because his grades are shit and if he doesn’t pull them up in 3 weeks he won’t be able to play in the first football game of the season. Right?”
Serena: “Uh huh.”
Chloe: “In comes Bella to magically swoop in and save the day—his grades that is-- and he’ll be impressed and keep coming back which will lead to friendship and eventually romance.”
*Panel change* Serena: “Ok, ok just one problem.”
Chloe makes a concerned look at Serena in this panel
Chloe: “Eh, we’ll work out the little details later.”
Serena: “That’s not a little— *sigh* No, we need a different plan.”
Chloe: “No we don’t, we can figure out Bella’s little intelligence problem later. Besides, you’re the one who employed me to help you.”
Serena: “Ugh whatever.”
Pause for panel change
Chloe: “Look at that girl over there. She doesn’t go here, does she?”
Panel change to look at the girl
Serena: “Not that I can recall, why?”
Chloe: “Eh nothing, just thought her shoes are cute. Wonder what she’s doing here.”
Serena: “You just can’t mind your own business can you. Well, if you paid attention to announcements or the school paper- “
Chloe: “No one reads the school paper.”
Serena: “IF you paid attention-- you’d know that this year, ISSAN High is using our track field for practice.”
Chloe: “Ok, *while rolling eyes* that doesn’t explain the girl.”
Serena: “The girl is probably Junie, the best runner in the state and notorious for requiring very specific conditions for her practices.”
Chloe: “Junie? Like Juniper *name*? She’s the little purse dog for Chandler and Duke Muse?”
Chloe gets up and starts to walk over to Junie
Serena: “Where are you going?”
Chloe: “What? I wanna meet her. I wanna know what type of person it takes to keep the Muse twins wrapped around your finger.”
Chloe walks over to Junie
Chloe: “Hey there!”
Panel changes quickly to show Chloe stepping on the girl’s foot.
Chloe: “Your name’s Junie right? Big fan, all that running— and stuff… I’m super into it”
Junie: “Did you just step on my shoe?”
Chloe: “Did I? I’m sorry.”
Junie: “They don’t look scuffed…”
*Junie passes Chloe a glance.*
Junie: “Who are you and what do you want?”
*then goes back to examining her shoe*
Chloe: “I’m Chloe and I want to get advice from the best runner in the area.”
The girl: “State, and you can start by actually strengthening your legs, you have no leg muscle.”
Junie says before turning and walking away. Before Chloe can go to follow her, Serena comes up behind her
Serena: “What the fuck was that about?”
Chloe shrugs then the bell signaling the end of break rings.
Not that we follow that schedule for us it’s the end the day— 3:00 or Tea Time (make sure there’s a clock in scene to tell the time)
Serena is at her locker packing up to go meet Violet for dance practice but then she’s sucked into her locker Totally Spies style and plopped into the same spot she was in yesterday.
Primordial Alexa: “Lady *name*, so lovely of you to join us. We were just about to begin.”
Serena: “You!
PC — Here Take your stupid compact back I want nothing to do with it!”
Big Lady: “All things will be explained Lady *name*
Something something long exposition of what they are, who they are, and what they are meant to do and it all ends with the big lady asking everyone if they answer the call or whatever to save the world(s)?”
Junie: “Yes.”
Blue haired snowflake: “Yes, of course.”
Country Gal: “Uh, sure.”
The red one: “Yeah!”
Serena: “Absolutely not!” She says while standing
“You guys can risk your lives for humanity over a some flamboyant cartoon villains yourselves, but I for one, am out.” Serena walks out
PC — as the door shuts the big lady speaks
Voice thing: “Leave her girls. She’ll come around,
PC — maybe some engraving of 5 girls facing something bad or something— they always do.”
PC — Serena walking down the hall, now realizing she doesn’t know how to leave this place, wherever she was.
Suddenly a voice speaks to her out of the darkness
“Need some help, Lady *name*?”
Serena: “Who are you?”
“I am *idk have a name yet let’s go with* Sheldon, Lady *name*.”
Serena: “…Where are you?”
Sheldon: “I am everywhere my lady, I am your technological computer assistant here to help you with any your needs while here in the *I don’t have a name for lair :P*”
Serena: “Okay, Sheldon, how do I get out of here?”
Sheldon: “To exit the *lair* use the handkerchief located in your compact to wipe your eyes.”
Serena: “Umm, okay…”
When Serena wipes her eyes she finds herself back by her locker in school. She checks her phone for the time and discovers that no time has passed at all. Serena then heads outside where Violet is waiting.
Violet: “You ready?”
Serena: “You have no idea. I have just been through the worst experience ever.”
Violet: “Oh my god, what happened?”
Serena: “Okay so the other day there was a this light tentacle that dragged me to this weird underground lair or something and tells me that I’m meant to guide humanity on the right path or something because these creatures of evil are here to destroy the Earth or whatever.”
Violet: “Oh humans wills destroy the Earth themselves no need to worry.”
Serena: “Right but she’s all like me and these other girls are going to be the warriors of right and we’ll discuss what that means the next day at tea time.”
Violet: “When’s tea time?”
Serena: “I guess right now because while I was at my locker the big spirit lady thing sucked me up into the lair again!”
Violet: “Wait, through the floor?!”
Serena: “No! Through the locker! And so I’m back and now she’s ranting about how her home planet was destroyed by these things and that we’ve been chosen by destiny to save the world by risking our lives to kill whatever is in that meteor that just crashed.”
Violet: “The one in Crystal Park?”
Serena: “Yeah, that one.”
Violet: “Ew, stay away from that thing, people are saying that whenever they stand near it for too long they have ridiculous mood swings for days. One of scientists sent to examine the thing just had a major outrage after being in the presence of the meteor for an afternoon.”
Serena: “Jeez, good thing I told her no.”
Story ends with the girls riding into the sunset
0 notes
whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Honor Bound 2 - 38
This is a series. Start here, continued from here. 
This is a sequel to Honor Bound. 
@ashintheairlikesnow and anon requested something like this
Cw: thoughts of death, accidental triggering of someone with PTSD, flashbacks
The next morning, Gavin made sure he was awake before all the others. As he went to bed the night before, his eyes still a little raw from crying, he’d demanded of himself to wake up at the crack of dawn, before anyone else would reasonably be up. He kept the blinds open so the sun would stream into his window as it rose. All night he had nightmares of a dark figure with razor sharp teeth and burning eyes standing at his window, looking in at him. 
In the morning, he shot upright in bed. For a moment he completely forgot where he was, casting his gaze around the dark room, his sleeping clothes slightly damp with sweat. Am I at home? 
He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and pushed himself out of bed. He let his gaze move once more around the room, more slowly, his eyes adjusting to the dim light of the coming sunrise. He looked out the window at the clouds just starting to turn pink in the east, at the deep indigo that stretched across the sky above them. He shook himself and changed into his clothes for the day.
He wasn’t exactly sure what he intended to do with being up so early. He knew he would struggle with the task of making breakfast for the whole family. He’d never had to cook before. He was learning, but it was a slow process. He’d helped make the mashed potatoes for dinner last night, and he hadn’t even burned anything. How you could burn mashed potatoes was a little beyond him, but he’d been surprised all the same. 
He was getting better at this, at being part of the family. He was pulling his own weight. Earning his keep. For a moment a terrible thought flashed across his mind: maybe if I prove to them I’m useful, they won’t kill me when they’ve extracted all the information they need. He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, running a hand roughly over his face. I need to stop thinking like that.
Not that it wouldn’t happen; Gavin had long since realized his death was an inevitability. He’d realized it as soon as Isaac had held the knife to his throat. What he needed to stop doing was ruminating on it. The rest of the family had spent their lives with the understanding that they could be killed, or worse, at any moment. If Gavin kept thinking about it, all it would do was stress him out. All he could do is look forward. 
He stumbled gracelessly into the kitchen and reached for the container of coffee. If he could do nothing else, he could make coffee. To him it was just a matter of following steps: take out the filter, replace the filter, scoop in the coffee, put the thing back into the coffee maker, fill it up with water, hit the green button. It was simple and hard to screw up. Perfect for me, he thought bitterly.
But Gray had told him earlier last week that they really liked his coffee. That somehow it tasted better than when anyone else made it. Gavin had no idea what that meant. As far as he was aware, coffee was coffee. They didn’t have the good coffee he was used to, but he didn’t mind. The idea that someone could somehow make coffee that was better than everyone else’s, when they were using the cheap stuff and it was such a simple, step-by-step process, was weird to Gavin. But when Gray had said it, Gavin had latched onto the praise like his life depended on it. 
Maybe it does.
Stop it.
He distractedly flipped on the coffee maker and took down a mug for himself. He leaned back on the counter and waited for it to brew. 
When the coffee pot was about halfway full, a door in the hallway opened. Gavin froze. He couldn’t run and hide, someone would know someone had been here. The coffee pot was running, for Christ’s sake. Although, wasn’t there a setting where you could set up the pot the night before and it would turn on by itself in the morning? Gavin could swear he’d seen someone do that before. But had anyone actually set it up like that? No, of course not, the coffee pot had been empty. So if he ran and hid, they’d get suspicious. Wonder why he was hiding. Maybe they’d think he was working against them, sending messages to his mother. Maybe they’d think he betrayed them. Maybe his life would end this morning. 
Before Gavin could decide what to do and react, a small figure wandered out into the hall. Their curls stuck out sideways from their head and they yawned. 
Gavin slumped back against the counter and breathed a sigh of relief. Sam is probably the one that wants me dead the least. He clenched his jaw and swallowed against the wave of guilt that moved over him at the thought. They’re the purest of all of them, and I broke them first.
Sam rubbed their fists into their eyes as they walked into the kitchen. “G’morning, Gavin,” they mumbled. 
“Um.” Gavin stared at the floor. “Hi, Sam.” They’ve never been alone in a room with me before. How can they feel safe like this?
“You making coffee?” Sam raised their eyes blearily to Gavin. 
“Um.” Gavin looked at the coffee maker, then to the mug still held tight in his hand, and then back at Sam. He had no idea what to say. “Um. Yeah.”
“Cool.” Sam yawned. “Can I have some?”
Gavin yawned, too. “Yeah, of course.”
Sam smiled at him. “You make good coffee.”
Gavin blushed. “What is everyone doing today?”
Sam shrugged. “I’m not sure. I think Vera and Tori are headed back into town again today. Sounds like their plan was cut a little short yesterday.”
“Yeah, I heard that Daniel Shit-ster guy was an asshole to Vera.”
Sam laughed. “Shit-ster. I like that.” They shrugged. “Why anyone would be rude to Vera is beyond me. But she said he said some… um… really bad things to her.”
“Oh.” Gavin’s mouth twisted. “Like what?”
“Um…” Sam blushed and looked down. “I probably shouldn’t say. It’s her thing to tell.”
That bad, huh? “Okay.”
Behind him, the coffee pot started to gurgle. 
“Coffee’s done,” Gavin mumbled, and turned to the cabinet to pull down another mug for Sam. It occurred to him that Sam might have needed help getting the mug down themselves. He reached for the pot and started to pour. “How do you like your coffee?”
Sam laughed once. “Lots of room for cream, please.” 
“Lots of room, coming right up.” Gavin smiled tightly, still facing away from Sam. He poured his own cup, with only a little room. He turned back with Sam’s cup in his hand. “Here you go, Sammy.”
Sam froze.
Oh, fuck.
“Come on, Sammy, let’s try this one more time. What’s Isaac’s last name? Makes it so much easier to find him. Help me out.”
“Hey, Sammy, let’s go again. I wanna see if you can hold your breath for long enough this time.”
“I have all six of you now. I won’t cry over one dead Sammy.”
“Sam, I… I’m so sorry…”
“No.” Sam took a step back, their eyes wide and brimming with tears. 
Gavin put the mugs back on the counter and took a step towards Sam, his hands held out to them. “Sam, I…”
Sam stumbled backwards, colliding hard with the wall and slumping down. They held their hands out in front of them, as if to protect themselves from Gavin. Tears rolled down their cheeks. “P-please, no…”
“Sam, Sam I’m sorry, I won’t call you that again. I promise. I’m so sorry. I… I’m not gonna hurt you… I swear…” 
“Please, n-no,” Sam gasped. “Not again. Not now.”
Gavin pressed his hands to his mouth. “No no no, no fuck, no…” He stood in the center of the kitchen, frozen, staring down at Sam as they cringed away from him against the wall. He knew what he had to do. He knew he’d probably die for this.
For a moment, he considered just leaving Sam there. Maybe going back to his room. Maybe Sam wouldn’t remember. Maybe everyone would assume Sam had had a flashback, and Gavin hadn’t really been there. 
Gavin’s stomach roiled. I can’t do that to them. This is my fault. I pay the price for it.
Gavin lowered his voice. “Sam, don’t move, okay? Stay here. Do you hear me?”
Sam nodded where they sat crumpled against the wall. Their eyes were wide, fixed on Gavin. I wonder if they think I’ll torture them if they move.
He swallowed hard and walked out of the kitchen.
He made his way down the dark hall to another room. The closer he got, the more his hands started to shake. It felt different, walking to his death, instead of waiting for it to come to him. But he couldn’t leave Sam like that. 
They’d figure it out anyway, and know I left them, and then they’d definitely kill me.
He stopped in front of a closed door. Took a deep breath. Knocked three times. 
“Uugh.” Something rustled behind the door.
Gavin shivered and knocked again.
“Muh. What.”
Gavin’s lips trembled. “Isaac, it’s, um. It’s Gavin.”
A loud sigh from behind the door. “What d’you want?”
“It’s, um.” Gavin blew out a slow breath. “It’s Sam.”
Behind the door, Gavin could hear fast movement. A thump as Isaac got out of bed. Rapid footsteps to the door. Gavin pressed himself against the opposite wall as the door opened. Isaac’s hair was messy, his clothes rumpled, his eyes… angry.
“Oh, shit,” Gavin whispered. 
“What’s wrong with Sam?” Isaac growled. He looked down the hall towards Sam’s room. The door was open, the lights off.
Gavin glanced toward the kitchen. “Um, they… uh…”
Isaac brushed past Gavin and headed for the kitchen. “What happened?”
“I…” Why is it every time I open my fucking mouth I’m terrified he’ll murder me? “I… accidentally called them… um…” I need to tell him before we reach Sam. “I called them Sammy. It was an accident, I swear to god, I didn’t mean…”
Isaac stopped and glanced back at Gavin. “‘Sammy’?”
Gavin looked down at the floor. “It’s the name I called them when I… um…”
Darkness passed over Isaac’s face. “When you tortured them.” 
Gavin’s mouth went dry. “Um. Yeah.”
Isaac turned on his heel and walked into the kitchen. Gavin followed right behind. 
Sam cowered back against the wall, their face red and wet with tears. As Isaac approached them they whimpered and covered their head with their arms. A miserable wail filled the kitchen. 
“Hey, Sam,” Isaac said quietly, soothingly. “Sam, it’s Isaac.” 
“N-no,” Sam sobbed. 
“Sam…” Isaac crouched beside them, leaning against the wall. “Sam, you’re safe. It’s Isaac. You’re in the kitchen in the north house. Can you look at me?”
Slowly, Sam raised their head and looked at Isaac. Gavin’s chest ached with the trust he saw there, the pain. Sam looked like Isaac like he was the sun after a year of darkness. Their hands reached out, seemingly unconsciously, and grasped at Isaac’s shirt. 
“Can I touch you?” Isaac said softly. Sam nodded. Isaac pulled them into his arms. 
“What happened?” snapped a voice behind him. Gavin’s blood ran cold. Vera pushed past him into the kitchen. Tori was right behind. 
Isaac looked up, a sort of casual sadness on his face. “It’s okay. Sam just had a flashback. They’re alright.”
“What set it off?” Tori asked, and her eyes flicked to Gavin for a moment. 
He swallowed hard. “I…”
“Shit,” another voice said behind him. Gavin quailed back against the wall, as far from Sam and Isaac as he could get. Ellis wandered into the kitchen, too, the blanket from their bed wrapped tight around them, with Finn pressed to their side, barely awake. 
“Sam just had a flashback,” Isaac said to the whole kitchen. “They’re alright.” 
“Why?” Ellis rasped. 
“Um…” Gavin trembled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“You didn’t mean to what?” Ellis snarled. “What the fuck did you do?” They took a step towards Gavin, their teeth bared at him.
“I called them Sa—” His eyes snapped to Sam and he cut off the word. “I called them, um, something I called them when I was, um…”
Ellis stepped forward and got right in Gavin’s face. “When you were torturing him, you piece of shit? How could you slip up like that? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Finn tried to pull them back and Ellis threw off Finn’s hand on their arm. “I thought you were trying to be different, you fucking trust-fund bitch.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Gavin whimpered. “I’m sorry. It just slipped out…”
“‘Slipped out’?” Ellis growled. “That isn’t just ‘slipped out.’” They stuck a finger in Gavin’s face. “That is fucking…” Their words ran out and they snarled wordlessly at him.
Gavin felt the stirring of rage in his chest, of fear at being backed into a corner. It’s not Vera. Ellis won’t kill me. He threw a glance at Isaac, sitting on the floor with Sam, running gentle fingers through their hair and murmuring softly to them. Maybe Isaac wouldn’t kill me, but he might let Ellis do it.
Gavin turned his gaze back to Ellis. They took a step back, glaring at him, before they turned and looked back at Sam. Their posture instantly relaxed. 
“I’m sorry,” Gavin whispered. “I tried to help them, I tried to, to calm them down…”
“I think you’ve done enough,” Ellis snapped over their shoulder. “Why don’t you just go back to your room, let Sam come down from the flashback they had of you torturing them?”
“Ellis, take it easy,” Isaac said, holding a hand to them. “He didn’t mean it. Let’s just everyone… stay calm.”
“I know he didn’t fucking mean it,” Ellis snapped. “I know he’s good now, he’s perfectly fucking innocent.” Ellis eyes were streaming tears now. “I know he didn’t mean to fucking traumatize all of us.”
“Ellis,” Isaac said calmly. “Now we’re getting into your shit. You’re not talking about Sam now. Let me just… help them, and then we can talk about your stuff, okay?”
“I can talk about it,” Finn said, still a little sleepily. “Ellis, let’s go talk.” They took Ellis’s hand and gently pulled them toward the hall.
“I’m okay,” Sam said quietly from within the circle of Isaac’s arms. “I’m s-sorry. I’m doing okay now.” Isaac squeezed them and pressed a kiss to their forehead. 
“I’m sorry,” Gavin whispered. “I want to, to help… what can I do?”
“I think you’ve done enough,” Ellis said bitterly. Finn pulled a little harder and guided them from the kitchen. 
Gavin hung his head and turned, walking down the dark hallway to his room. He left his coffee in the kitchen, untouched, until it turned cold. 
Continued here
@untilthepainstarts​, @womping-grounds​, @free-2bmee​, @quirkykayleetam​, @walkingchemicalfire​, @inpainandsuffering​, @redwingedwhump​, @burtlederp​, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​, @insomniacscoprio​, @cursedscribbles​, @whumpywhumper​, @stxck-fxck​, @omega-em-z-02​, @whumps-the-word​, @slaintetowhump​, @finder-of-rings​, @cinnamonflavoredhugs​, @thatsthewhump​, @im-just-here-for-the-whump​, @orchidscript
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veilder · 3 years
Tuesday again, my fine fellows, and I bring forth yet another prompt! Please enjoy an idiot detective being obliviously in denial about everything, lol. XD
Prompt: Gavin watches him from the corner of his eye, far too intent on his nemesis for his own comfort. But he finds it hard to resist these days, some buried part of him always needing to know what Connor is up to. It must be wariness, he tells himself, or spite or malice or any of the dozens of other emotions he's so, so familiar with. Perhaps it's vague, mundane irritation, the kind of annoyance that screeches through his head like nails on a chalkboard. Perhaps it's something else entirely, something as of yet unnamed. Either way, Gavin watches Connor far too often, notices far too much.
And he can't stand it.
He can't stand what he's learned. He never wanted to know what the tincan looked like fondly caressing the leaves of his carefully-trimmed philodendron. Or the sound of his precisely articulated laughter. Or the way his long, graceful fingers loved to fiddle with the supplies he keeps on his desk. He especially didn't want to know what the android's smile looked like. He sees it again now, watching the bastard as he grins down at the actual cardboard postcard in his hands. Gavin can't quite make out where it's from but there's a picture of a palm tree on the front so it must be somewhere nicer than cold-ass Detroit. The android's brown eyes scan across the back of it in no time flat before that huge grin re-asserts itself, spanning across the flawless expanse of his cheeks in a blinding-white ray. He stands abruptly, reaching for the long coat he'd draped across the back of his chair, and begins shutting down his terminal, sorting away various case files and tidying the already-meticulous surface. Gavin doesn't want to admit he turns to watch his nemesis leave, tracking the graceful curve of his back through the cluttered bullpen.
He doesn't want to admit it, but it's true, nonetheless.
A woman awaits the android near the turnstiles, gorgeous, blonde, exuberant in her enthusiasm to see him. She barely waits for him to clear the gates before she leaps into his arms, his rival catching her easily and spins her around. Connor laughs and the tones of it resound through Gavin’s head. Connor and the woman smile at each other, their hands clasped, and Gavin can see the blue glow of their skin peeling away, the pristine white beneath peaking through. Another android... He should've known. When they move away, far beyond his line of sight, they do so in tandem, their hands still clasped, their smiles still affixed, their laughter still ringing beneath the babel. They walk away and Gavin stares, assured that they had no reason to look back.
Something cold fills his chest. Perhaps it is wariness or spite or malice. Perhaps it is something else entirely.
Gavin turns back to his desk, reminding himself that he doesn't care. Or, the one where Gavin is too emotionally stunted to realize what he's feeling at any given moment, including the fact that he has a big fat crush on the resident android detective. Or that he's more than a little heartbroken to see him with someone else. Even if Chloe is someone Connor thinks of more as a friend than anything else. But I'm sure it'll be fine. This is Gavin Reed we're talking about. I'm sure he won't make any problems for them whatsoever. >_>
Yeah, Gavin's a dumbass, omfg. Y'know, if he hadn't been so busy being a dickhead and actually talked to Connor, the all could be avoided. But ah, I do love me a good miscommunication/misunderstanding fic, y'know? But yeah, I imagine this would be another stupid comedy about Gavin causing problems on purpose cuz he can't admit he has a crush. Y'know, like a grade schooler. >_> Poor Connor will have much to contend with here, lol! Best of luck, brave android. XD
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Loving Insults (Gavin Reed X Reader)
Characters: Gavin Reed X Reader
Universe: Detroit: Become Human
Warnings: A hell of a lot of swearing, insults and mild violence
Request: Hey I would really appreciate a DBH one with Gavin x reader; reader and Gavin are constantly just insulting each other and calling each other names, and Hank just rolls his eyes and grumbles to himself about it, and Connor doesn't really understand and then is just completely shocked and confused when he sees the two making out or something at some bar or whatever and he realises that they're dating and just can't make sense of it
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“Hey Dumbass.” 
“Sup Fuckface.”
You both greeted each other as he caught up to you as you were walking to your desk, just like you did every morning, and if one of you was in earlier than the other, you’d yell your name calls across the office, even if the other was on the phone. You didn’t get in trouble for it, in fact you could even throw things at each other without reprimand. The line was at actual physical fighting though, according to Fowler. That didn’t really stop you both from hitting each other when Fowler wasn’t around though. 
To the rest of the department it was a normal, common sight to see you two bickering, arguing, name calling, throwing things at each other and swearing at each other. You two had been like this essentially since you both joined the force. However, one person who still couldn’t wrap his head around it, was Connor.
“...Why did Fowler let them have their desks so close to each other? Would it not be better for them to be on other sides of the room from each other where they can’t see each other?” Connor asked Hank as you went and sat down at your own desk, Gavin throwing a pencil at you, you retaliating and firing your stapler at him, making him duck behind his chair and call you some names. 
“You really think that’ll stop them? They’ll text and email each other. They do that whenever one’s not in the office.” Hank pointed out to him. Connor frowned, seeing you checking your computer, before gathering some files, and walking right over to Gavin’s desk. 
“What the fuck do you want now?” He asked you. 
“We’re on a case together.” You informed him, slapping the back of his head with one of the files before putting it in front of him to read, plopping down on the seat next to him, waiting for him to read it. 
“...Who’s idea was it to put them in a case together?” Connor worried. 
“Good question. It’ll take forever to get solved.” Hank agreed. Gavin finished reading it, and you both gathered your kit and headed out the office. Gavin opened the door for you, and you walked through, and Gavin took the chance to flick you in the back of the head, and Connor heard you call him a cunt before the door shut. 
Neither of you had returned by the time Hank and Connor’s shift had ended, and part of Connor had wondered if you’d actually killed each other. “Should we be concerned about Officer Reed and Officer L/N?” He asked Hank as he got into the car. 
“Don’t be, they’re fine.” 
“How do you know?” Connor questioned as Hank started the car. Hank gave Connor a look, before sighing, starting the car. 
Hank took him to a bar. “Lieutenant, I don’t think-”
“Shut up, and have a look.” Hank told him, slightly shoving him to go inside, which he did without questioning again. The bar was almost full, music playing, people talking, and everyone seemed rather happy. Connor examined the scene, unsure what this had to do with you and Gavin, until he looked at the corner of the bar, where he saw you two. 
Your arms were around each other, smiling rather lovingly, and he saw you both in time to see you both share a kiss. Hank looked at Connor to watch his reaction, and when he saw Connor’s LED turn orange, he started laughing, patting the android’s back. “But… I thought they hated each other…” 
“Something you’ve got to understand, people have different ways of showing affection to each other. Their way is to be at each other’s throats- quite literally.” Hank commented, glancing at you both, seeing you now both had each other’s hands around your necks while smiling, and cooing things at each other.
“Ah… I think if it was anyone else I’d be truly surprised, but now you mention it… it is Gavin and Y/N after all, so it makes sense.” Connor accepted. Hank gave him a congratulatory pat on the back for piecing it together, and the two left the bar to head home. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lena-stan-xavier​ @lady-of-lies​ @sebstanismylife​ @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​ @huntheimpossible 
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mantis-a-shrimp · 2 years
I'd like to start this off by saying I absolutely fucking love Klavier Gavin, he is one of my favorite characters and I am overjoyed every time he is on screen. However, I have many thoughts, and I cannot let them rot in my brain any longer.
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Firstly, this has got to be the worst fucking picture of him ever. No shade to the artist, it was probably just an off day, but holy shit. His hands are the size of watermelons and it looks like he's about to be consumed by his own neck.
Next, let's analyze his dumbass outfit. A popped collar that's making queens of the English renaissance jealous. Not to mention he only has half of his buttons buttoned, and they're all in the fucking middle. Why. As for his accessories I have no notes that haven't been beaten into the ground by hundreds of people who said it better than I ever could, except for the fact that he's going to trip and stab himself in the throat with that sharp ass G necklace, and somebody's going to get accused of murder.
Now, his goddamn office is impossible to use, and I'm convinced it's because he can't put together an ikea table or office chair to save his fucking life. The purpose of desks are to sit AT them. You cannot do that with a solid fucking speaker and a massage chair on the other side of the room. Who let's you live like this??? That is the office of a man that cannot boil water.
Another wack ass thing about Klavier is that this bitch is very clearly doing a terrible job of hiding the fact that he's a walking disaster, and it's working. Not once does anybody clock that this man lives off of cup noodles & takeout and doesn't know what fabric softener is. Maybe they're too enchanted with the rockstar thing to be like "you are a human and you're not doing good" which is sad as fuck honestly and since I'm trying to keep this light, I will skip over my analysis of his trauma and my wish for a backstory. Maybe I'll go over that in another post, idk.
WHY the fuck is his name piano. Is his birth name piano? Did he name himself piano in/after Germany? He doesn't even fucking play the piano!
Why, when creating a rockstar schtick, was "pretend to be German" the winner????? And WHY, does he keep it up with people that are actually German?? HIS BOSS GREW UP IN GERMANY. And does he ever let the persona drop? He has to right? Like imagine this bitch chilling at home with nothing but a bag of cheetos and 90 day fiance to keep him company and he's still going "Ach nein fraulein! er hat dich nicht verdient!" (Google translated I don't know German sorry bros)
Ngl I have more, but this is a long ass post and I'm sorry to whoever had to scroll past this lol
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hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch
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alright this is already making me sad
okay rufus already has my entire heart?? like i love him??
not death by piano 😭
the way i’m getting attached to these characters even though i shouldn’t
well shit she knows about him beating up her boyfriend
it should’ve been peck.
don’t know if it’ll change but i’m not really interested in mateo right now. i think i’d be content with this book just being about rufus and his last hours
rufus being robbed of getting to say goodbye to his family is my villain origin story actually
“i promise to be the mario to your luigi.” rufus is baby i swear 🥺
“no matter how we choose to live, we both die at the end.”
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nooo not malcolm and tagoe getting themselves arrested 😩
“he cries, these loud, stuttering sobs, not because he’ll now have a criminal record, not because he’s scared to go to the police station, not even because Rufus is dying, but because the biggest crime of all tonight was not being able to hug his best friend goodbye.”
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“Death-Cast did not call Patrick ‘Peck’ Gavin.” they should’ve.
i think i know exactly how rufus dies and i am not happy about it
“okay, i’ve signed away my right to bitch if i die.” 😭😭
“His company has helped me and maybe mine will help him through any heartache too.” 🥺🥺🥺
“Twelve hours ago I received the phone call telling me I’m going to die today, and I’m more alive now than I was then.” I’M SO PROUD OF MATEO
“until I give in, crying harder than I have in weeks, and I hammer at the railing with the bottom of my fist. I keep going and going, hitting the railing because my family is dead, hitting it because my best friends are locked up, hitting it because my ex-girlfriend did us dirty, hitting it because I made a new dope friend and we don’t even have a full day together.” I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY RUFUS HAS TO DIE WHEN HE’S NEVER DONE ANYTHING BUT TRY TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE IN THE NAME OF HIS FAMILY
the only complaint i have besides them dying is that there’s too many characters
“Vin sneaks down to the generator room and pulls a homemade bomb out of his gym bag.”
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“Rufus is beside me, his beautiful brown eyes closed.” I HATE IT HERE
“a little over twelve hours ago, I got a phone call telling me I’m gonna die today, and I thought I made my peace with that, but I’ve never been more scared in my life of what’s gonna go down later.”
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“If I weren’t such a coward, or a Decker, I would lean against Rufus, shifting my weight against him. I’d put my arms out and close my eyes, but it’s too risky, so I keep holding him, which works for me, too.” this is so cute?? 🥺🥺
““You don’t deserve to die, Mateo.”
“I don’t think anyone deserves to die.”
“Except serial killers, right?”
“He doesn’t answer because he probably thinks I won’t like his answer. If anything, it only further proves my point: Mateo doesn’t deserve to die.” I LOVE THEM SO??? MUCH??? their deaths are gonna hurt me so bad
i need rufus to understand that he doesn’t deserve to die either 😭
““Any other big changes today? Besides the obvious?”
“I smile over at him as our swinging comes to a stop. “I gave up my bike.” I know what he’s really asking, but I don’t take the bait. He’s gotta make a move himself, I’m not robbing him of that moment, it’s too big.” wait what moment? i am confusion
“Coming back as a tree would be pretty chill, like I’m growing up in Althea Park again, not that I’ll say that out loud because yo, you can’t go around telling people you wanna be a tree and expect them to take you seriously.” i love one (1) dumbass kid
“She throws her arms around me and squeezes, almost as if she herself has pulled me out of a sinking car, or caught me after I’ve fallen out of a crashing plane. She says everything in this hug—every thank-you, every I-love-you, every apology. I squeeze her back to thank her, to make her feel my love, to apologize, and everything else that falls deep inside and skirts outside these realms. It’s the sweetest moment in our friendship since she handed me Penny as a newborn.” I’M IN LITERAL TEARS
“No one planned for a swim, so we strip down to our underwear and yo, I had no idea how damn skinny Mateo is. He avoids looking my way—which I find funny.” i just know mateo is a baby gay. i know it.
“I grab Mateo’s hand and lock my fingers in his. He turns to me with flushed cheeks.” . . . i’m not even gonna say it
“I move toward Mateo, laughing, and I hug him for this freedom he’s forced onto me. It’s like I’ve been baptized or some shit, ditching more anger and sadness and blame and frustration beneath the surface, where they can sink to who-cares-where.” YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND I’M SO PROUD OF HIM
i know i complained earlier about this book having too many characters but i actually love how they all connect to each other
mateo and rufus telling each other about all the things they wish they can do together is w r e c k i n g me
“this day is doing me dirty on goodbyes.” i hate it here. truly.
“Take me home, Mateo.” i am not okay.
“If we had our entire lives ahead of us I bet you’d get tired of me telling you how much I love you because I’m positive that’s the path we were heading on. But because we’re about to die, I want to say it as many times as I want—I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.”
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“Did finding each other kill us?” I CANT DO THIS I TRULY CANT I WANT OFF THIS RIDE
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me at this very moment. i hate this book so much. i also love it so much. it’s a whole thing. i highly recommend reading it if you get a chance. and also if you need the link to a free and safe version, message me <3
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Gavinners GC Shenanigans
So, some brief context for those who haven’t read the fic (because there’s like a timeline and one thing that needs to be explained) it’s set 5 years after Dual Destinies, so about 6 ish years after Daryan’s incarceration. He has gotten out about 2 ish weeks ago (Ignore how improbable that is ok it is what it is). He works at Shipshape Aquarium and was accidentally visited by Clay (who has survived the stabbing and was in Witness protection) and Apollo. While there Clay made a joke about the non Klavier members of the Gavinners just being the ners. Context over, lets go.
Key: KG=Klavier Gavin DC=Daryan Crescend HI=Ham Ittup BH=Brandon Hammer LOW= Luke O‘Way KG: Hell World HI: What KG: five new Gavinners fics. All shipping us in various matchups. KG: Who wants to tell them it's been six years since we broke up BH: you're CHECKING????? LOW: Time after breakup doesn't matter. I've seen Beatles fics that are probably far worse. HI: Why were you looking for Beatles fics? LOW: IT WAS UNINTENTIONAL, HAMOTHY. HI: Sure. BH: Hey who changed the GC name to the Ners HI: Daryan LOW: Daryan! KG: Daryan? Daryan sighed and tapped out a message, squinting a little at the screen. DC: IT WASN'T ME!!! HI: You're the one who said the joke DC: No, I was the one who TOLD YOU the joke. Klav's boyfriend's friend was the one who SAID the joke. KG: Which one? DC: Clay Terran. KG: I hadn’t realized you met him. DC: Your boyfriend took him to Shipshape, Dumbass KG: cool. BH: Ok seriously who changed the name? LOW: does it matter? DC: Luke did it LOW: What makes you say that? DC: I Know. I'm in your walls. LOW: Can you give me a hug :( BH: LUKE MESSED WITH MY ALPHABETIZATION SYSTEM. EVERYONE ATTACK DC: ISTG I'll tell Terran all the chaos this caused. HI: How? DC: Ran into him at the space center, he gave me his number. LOW: HELLO??? Daryan Crescend out of prison for two weeks and already breaking hearts. DC: I'M NOT BREAKING HEARTS. FUCK ALL OF YOU. KG: What were you doing at the space center? DC: Just ponderin KG: Ah, of course. BH: Daryan Crescend,  known deep thinker of the group- DC: Shut the FUCK up Brandon we all remember you eating just an entire loaf of white bread plain. "Deep Thinker" my ass BH: I never said I was the deep thinker. Also that was like eight years ago how the fuck do you remember that.
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jawsofbalmung · 2 years
All the questions ending in 9!
9. Least favourite character?
while i might normally say oldbag, i think the truth is that while she is fun to hate, she serves her purpose as a character and she has a lot of comedic value as well! as for a character i actually genuinely hate seeing, probably tied between magnus mcgilded and manfred von karma? von karma is more offensive of a man for sure but mcgilded is absolutely awful to look at also.
19. What do you think about the Ace Attorney Anime?
haven't seen it! should i?
29. Cutest character?
probably trucy or iris!! they do a very good job of designing the loveable daughter characters.
39. Honest opinion on Larry Butz?
dumbass man who is frustrating to deal with, but is funny and enjoyable of a character, and i genuinely hope he finds a girl who likes him as he is. there's someone out there for him, he just needs to stop dating models and getting scammed.
49. Victim you would’ve liked to see more of?
interesting question! my personal favorite Dead Guy isn't necessarily the victim of a case we take to trial, but i really wish we had more than we did of him (look in the tags for who im talking about, spirit of justice spoilers!) but uhhh i'd also like to know more about clay! and toneido of course, mostly because i LOVE turnabout storyteller and need more content of simon and his friend group...
59. Choose one character you would take on a trip.
any super fun characters (maya, sholmes, kay, etc) would be super disorganized and chaotic and cause problems on a trip, but any organized characters (miles, barok, nahyuta, etc) would be total wet blankets. which is why i believe kazuma asogi is the best of both worlds, being both a frat star and a prosecutor. in this essay i will-
69. Describe Klavier Gavin in 3 words!
Narcissistic Personality Disorder // Traumatized, Deflective, Dissatisfied
79. How long have you been in the fandom?
only since january! that's when i started playing tgaa anyway, but i didn't make this blog and get involved until around may i think?
89. Which character do you think could win a talent show?
trucy!! or maya with her ability to literally shapeshift with spirit channeling? considering spirit channeling is NOT as common as the original trilogy made it seem, probably maya actually.
99. Which character would you not want on your wedding even though you like them?
i was going to say barok because he would be really judgy, but then i remembered that you can't have a wedding without the groom </3
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spider-boy1989 · 3 years
Tiktok revenge
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George had just finished his work out at the gym when he accidentally bumped into some kid recording something on his phone. His post-workout shaker spilled everywhere, including on him and the boy. “What the hell, you fucking dumbass!” George screamed. The kid put up his hands defensively
“Woah dude. My bad!! I was making a tiktok...can I get your dry cleaning or something, bro?” He gave a sheepish grin. George was fuming.
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“No! You fucking idiot influencer!!” The kids face got a bit more serious at this point.
“Look, sir. Let me actually introduce myself...Name’s mason. I’m doing my best to be respectful and helpful. I just like making stupid internet videos, I’m not some vapid narcissist...everyone on social media isn’t the same person.” He extended his hand to shake George’s.
George rolled his eyes and snickered. “Yeah right, I’ve seen your type. The cringe lip syncing, the dumb dances. You’re what’s wrong with the world.” The kid was a bit more taken aback this time. He was trying to be fucking nice to this loser. Well, no matter. He knew how to deal with this guy. He smiled a rather devious smile and said. “I have access to the hot tub and steam room. Would you be interested in either? I just wanna make this up to you, bro.” He held out a key card that would allow him into those areas.George heaved a dramatic, exasperated sigh.
“Fine. Whatever. This and pay for my dry cleaning if you fucking insist on this fake “be kind” persona...” he snatched the key card from Mason. He chose the steam room first; he was alone in the room which seemed odd. Was it really that exclusive? He heard an oddly relaxing music, and he couldn’t help but sit down, clothes and all. He swore he could hear words faintly. But he liked whatever they were.
“Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Listen to my words and obey”
Weird lyrics, but he found himself listening more intently. As he began to feel the steam relax his body more and more.
“You are a dumb tiktoker. You are a dumb tiktoker. You love doing tiktok dances and you don’t care if people think what you’re doing is cringey. You love lip syncing to songs and trying to be cute to girls.”
George muttered to himself, repeating the words he heard. Almost like he was singing along. But then he started to notice just what the words were. He shook himself a bit and got up from the seat, going to open the door. It was locked.
“Nice try, asshole. I’m not quite done with you yet. Sleep.” He heard mason’s voice. But it was wrong. Distorted. He felt himself drifting off. He then felt himself trapped in his mind, listening passively to the lyrics of the song...was it a song? He didn’t know. He just wanted to obey now.
“Good job, kiddo. Knew you had it in you to listen to your big bro.” He heard mason chuckled. He found himself chuckling too.
“You can speak now. Tell me how that made you feel.”
“Proud.” George said, beginning to drool a bit.
“I see. You like making your older brother proud then?”
“Yeah, mase!” He nodded.
“I’m glad. Llsten to this song again.”
“Ok bro. “
The song began to play again.
“You love tiktok. You love tiktok and impressing girls. You’re dumb. You’re love how cute you are and you wanna be famous. You love tiktok. You wanna get famous on tiktok.” He found himself “singing along” despite the song not even rhyming. Stupid. But it was catchy, so whatever, right? He lost track of time when the door opened, and there was his big brother, mason. He had a change of clothes in his hands.
“Dude! I was getting worried about you, Gavin. I was texting mom and dad I lost you in the gym!” He yanked his brothers hand.
“Uh. Sorry. Stuff got kinda fuzzy in here and then I fell asleep.
He grinned sheepishly, showing off the braces that mason, who had already slipped in to give him iuniore drug, and make his hair a bit more more presentable for his new life along with those braces.
“It’s okay, Gav, you dummy.” He patted his back, handing him a black zip up hoodie and his backpack...Or he assumed it must be at least. Why would his brother bring him anyone else’s hoodie or backpack? He was such an airhead.
He took them, putting them on in a little privacy stall where his brother couldn’t see and followed him out after finishing. He drove them back home, and he felt like he couldn’t recognize the way there at all.
‘Had he driven in this car here? How had he got to the gym?’ He found himself answering his own question eternally
‘Duh, dumbass. Your bro takes you to the gym all the time.’ He grinned to himself, feeling an intense dopamine rush at his affirmation on his stupidity. They got home, and he was met at the door by a boy with curly blonde hair who sort of looked like him. His fraternal twin, Grayson...Or at least that’s what he told himself, and again, felt the rush of happy, dumb feeling chemicals in his brain. Grayson guided his brother to their shared room,
“Dude! I got an idea for a tiktok you gotta do it with me!” Gavin grinned. He loved tiktok. He loved cute girls. More brain chemicals rushing in. The two brothers smirked and made a tiktok, lip syncing to a song and mugging for the camera.
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A bit later, after the two boys had got ready for bed and were playing PS5, mason was dying laughing in the living room watching back the stupid tiktok his new brothers had made. Gavin was the perfect fit for his new twin. Grayson was, at one point, Mason’s college professor who hadn’t been understanding of Mason’s needs since he had started acting in a new show. Certainly took care of the problem, since he got him to sign his report card with an A before he’d slipped the Iuniore to him. He loved the sweet irony of Gavin and Grayson becoming everything they hated.
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veneli · 3 years
Damien x Gavin Relationship + Engagement HCs
just them, not the polycule! Inspired by @kiwikiwii's Tangled AU
CW: a LOT of fluff and happy tears
they'd been dating for almost 2 years after meeting up through Freelancer, and Damien found that his feelings for this insufferable being have exploded into a tangle of "I need you more than I want you"
He would watch Gavin cook/bake with Caelum and FL, making a happy mess and laughing and giggling and hugging and thought "yeah, that's the one", and shocked himself while thinking
Gavin asked if he was ok after he saw that he was super flushed
He said yeah, he was fine (no he wasn't)
that thought occurred to him even more after that
when he was studying for his Full Cert. Exams, working hard and actually being so serious that his eyebrows knitted together at risk of fusing into a unibrow
Damien had to gently drag him out of the study to get him to bed (Gavin insisted that demons don't need sleep and he could do this all night)
As he watched Gavin fall asleep in his arms despite his earlier complaints) he felt his heart swell with pure love.
after that, he would have a few late nights in the study keeping Gavin company, sitting on the couch by the back wall with his laptop perched on his knees, looking up engagement rings
"you're done your work, Damie, why are you still in here?"
"to keep you company, dumbass <affectionate> can't a boyfriend spend some time with his boyfriend, even in silence?"
"okay then" and Damien was so immersed in his mission to find a ring that he didn't notice Gavin falling asleep at the table until he started to snore a little
Damien put a blanket over him and slept on the study's couch
He spent so much time looking for a ring. there were so many notepads and deleted text messages that was him consulting Freelancer and Lasko and Huxley which one would suit them
he had to make sure it was the PERFECT ring because it was for the love of his life, the one and only Gavin
and Gavin was just so... complex. So serious, so carefree, sensual, comforting and aggravating at the same time.
Damien was at a loss until he found THE ONE (or this one if you think he'd like a more feminine ring)
he got THIS RING for himself (this one for a feminine version?)
nothing too extravagant for himself - he'd rather it be practical because he isn't EVER taking it off
Damien then spent SO MUCH TIME planning how he was gonna propose?? Like he spent 2 weeks just trying to decide where they were gonna have dinner that night, and another week thinking about lighting and what he should wear
(perfectionist at its finest, let him be. it would have to be as perfect could be [though nothing could beat the perfection of Gavin])
Finally he decided, you know what, let's do this at the park near their house and dress up just a little more than his usual go-to but not too obvious that there was going to be something big
the night before the big day he asked FL, Lasko and Hux to help him set up the lights in a little spot he chose
They were more than eager to help
all throughout the night, Damien COULD NOT SLEEP HE WAS SO NERVOUS (Lasko had competition)
they stayed up with him through text, sending him supportive messages and boosting him up
He eventually went to sleep at 4am, joining a sleeping Gavin and letting him subconsciously wrap his arms around his body, knowing damn well that after tomorrow night, this could feel extremely different
he woke up at his usual time the next morning, and made breakfast for both of them
he invited Gav to "date night" over their eggs and he held his breath as Gavin thought about his schedule and finally said "sure!"
Damien was so relieved (but not for long)
the entirety of the day was spent pacing the house and flitting to and fro the park's spot to make sure everything was alright
he practiced what he was going to say as he proposed in his head to the point where he would be muttering it without realizing
Gavin overheard him as he picked him up
"what did you say, love?"
"hm?" (realizing) "nothing, I was trying to memorize a recipe"
they went out for dinner at a nice restaurant of Gavin's choosing
Damien paid and they got in the car to go home
Damien said "wait I have one more place I want you to come with me tonight"
"where is that?"
"we can watch the stars," Damien said, as he paralleled into a spot near the park
Gavin hopped out, and Damien reached for his hand and hoped that it wasn't shaking too much
"are you cold? you're shivering."
so he was shaking. "y-yeah, a little. I have blankets in the trunk, I'll grab them"
He was cursing in his head and he was going to burst into flames any second
They got the blankets and Damien led them to the spot
Lasko, FL, and Huxley (and maybe Caelum too, FL called him up) and they were all hiding behind a tree or bush trying to catch this glorious moment (they weren't gonna intrude, just leave them be after he proposed and pretend to know nothing when Damien announce anything)
They did, in fact watch the stars for around an hour until Damien worked up the courage to finally DO IT
FL was already crying as Damien turned to whisper to Gavin
they sat up, and Damien, using his psychokinesis, (somehow) turns on the lights that the friend group had set up beforehand, and Gavin's eyes are just glittering, which makes Damien's heart falter(/pos) even more
Damien says his thing, and then he pulls out the ring box
Damien shifts to one knee from his crossed sit, and Gavin immediately tears up
and Damien says those magic words: "Gavin, my love. Will you marry me?"
Gavin was nodding at "will"
Damien slipped the ring onto his finger and Gavin basically tackled him to the ground with his hug
Huxley was going to make a ruckus blowing his nose so they hurried away, all crying and trying not to giggle too hard
Gavin positively sobbed into Damien's shoulder
thus making Damien cry too (he didn't realize that he was so choked up at his agreement that if he had rejected him he probably would have wailed but that didn't happen thankfully)
once they calmed down enough they were for sure making out
it got cold as it was getting progressively late in the night so they got up to leave
Gavin hugged Damien again and spun him around and Damien let him
because Gavin was his fiancé and he was Gavin's fiancé and they had each other and their friends and they loved each other and that was all they needed
he set him down and they kissed again
there was something just so different about the kiss, there was so many more things mixed with the taste of each other,,, the tears, the joy, the relief, and the overwhelming tsunami of love they had for each other (Gavin was so overwhelmed by the truckload shipping container of emotions Damien had to hold him upright)
lets say the rest of their night at home was certainly not... restful
got cuddles and kisses and hugs and pampering
it all felt different yet all the same
there was an extra added layer of emotion
what did they call it?
Love? the feeling that your long-time crush had never faded, the one that makes butterflies dance in your stomach as you look at them for the millionth time, the one that made all the kisses ten times sweeter, and the one that filled your heart up to the point of bursting
Damien woke up in Gavin's arms the next morning and he looked at his lover's still-sleeping face, and he thought to himself "damn. I am one lucky man."
And excuse me while I cry my eyes out -Eli
Wedding HCs will be here soon just let me recover from this emotional event and take more notes on how weddings work (scribbles furiously)
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 1 year
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 13b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Possession - Part 2
After they head back to Knox's bedroom and shower, separately, they get dressed in fresh clothes, grab a bite to eat in the kitchen and then Knox finally takes Everett outside to show him his favorite spot by the river.
They walk and talk about everything and nothing, time passing by quickly as they get lost in one another.
Something that's been happening frequently.
"Wow. It's crazy beautiful out here during this time of the evening," Everett remarks. "I bet it's terrifying at night, though. All these big freaking trees everywhere. Hell no. I'm glad I never tried to run away because my dumbass would've immediately gotten lost out here."
Knox chuckles, glancing out at the river coming into view.
"I know this place like the back of my hand. I'd have found you and dragged you back to where you belong."
"And where might that be?" Everett asks, teasingly.
"Wherever I'm at, obviously," Knox smirks.
"Come on. We aren't that far away now."
The clubhouse sits at the front of the fifty-acre property owned by Gavin.
Massive trees cover most of it, including the perimeter and near the south end is where the river passes through.
The path that Everett and Knox walk hasn't always been around but Knox has since kept maintenance up on the area to prevent it from being taken over by weeds and other debris.
Contrary to what Everett believes, Knox finds that it's most peaceful out here at night.
"This is it."
Knox leads them into a small, secluded section where the grass fades into dirt and rocks.
A perfect spot to settle into if one enjoyed fishing.
"This is where I come to clear my head when the demons start to get too loud," he speaks quietly, so low that Everett almost misses it. "It ain't much but it's mine. Brings me peace, if only temporarily."
"I love it. I think it's absolutely gorgeous."
Everett sits next to Knox on the ground, his eyes scanning and memorizing the area.
Across the river are more trees, presumably the ending of somebody else's property.
"The sound of the river and all the insects chirping around us..."
Everett closes his eyes for a few seconds, soaking up the sun's warmth.
"God, I bet I could take a killer nap out here."
Knox laughs.
"I have once or twice before. Wouldn't recommend it unless you bring along a can of bug spray."
"Yikes. I can imagine how bad the mosquitoes get all the way out here. No fucking thanks," Everett says, opening his eyes.
He glances at Knox's profile, secretly admiring him.
All sharp features until you get to his stormy grey eyes.
Right now, they're the softest they've ever looked.
"Do you ever wish that all this could be yours? The clubhouse, the property..."
"No," Knox says without even thinking about it. "Can I afford to purchase something like this for myself? Yes. Do I want to have it all right now? No. There's still too much work left to be done."
"What do you mean by that?" Everett asks.
"When you join a MC, you're in that shit for life. At least I am," Knox says. "Something drastic will have to happen to me before I willingly step down from my position and leave the club and my brothers behind. I'm not ready to settle down. It ain't my time yet."
Everett nods in understanding.
"You said you could afford all this, which is honestly blowing my mind because you definitely don't look or act..."
"Like I have money?" Knox questions, smirking.
Everett nods again, blushing.
"Yeah, well, you should know by now that I'm not exactly the flashy type. I don't wear my wealth to prove that I have it. I think that shit is corny. I don't give a damn about what people think of me. If I did, I'd never get any sleep at night."
"I feel that," Everett says.
"Let me know when a job opens up around here because I have student loans to pay off and your Pres seems to give out pretty generous salaries," he jokes.
"You have options. Strip club, motel or funeral home?" Knox asks.
"We dabble in a little bit of everything, but there's always an opening at the strip club. We don't discriminate when it comes to hiring dancers."
Everett gasps, confused.
"You're serious?"
"Hell no. I'm just fucking with you." Knox laughs, shaking his head.
"I mean, yes, we do own a strip club, motel and a funeral home because they're extremely profitable businesses but someone like you wouldn't last a day at either of our establishments. No offense."
"None taken," Everett mutters. "I remember you told me once that MCs primarily make money through illegal means. Is that what you guys use the businesses for? A cover for whatever illegal activity you've got going on?"
Knox meets Everett's gaze, briefly flashing a smile filled with sadness and something else the latter can't quite decipher.
"I talk too much around you."
"So what? I like you better when you're talking versus being all broody and mute," Everett replies.
He scoots closer to Knox and grabs his hand like it's something they do all the time, carefully interlocking their fingers together.
Anything to get rid of that wounded look in Knox's eyes.
"Don't worry. All your little incriminating club secrets are perfectly safe with me."
Knox laughs again.
"I know they are."
As they watch the river, silence falls upon them but it isn't loud or awkward.
Quite the opposite.
And that's precisely why Everett ignores the alarm bells ringing in the distance, trying to warn him that what he's doing right now isn't right.
Getting closer to Knox on a deeper level, having easy conversations with him, kissing and touching him when what he should be doing is doubling the distance between them and closing off his heart completely.
The bastard's already done it, hasn't he?
Knox has somehow managed to climb over the walls that have kept Everett's heart intact.
He's practically moved in and made himself at home.
One he'll eventually have to be evicted from because none of what they have going on right now will ever become a permanent thing.
The Fallen Angels' war with The Jackals will end one day.
Everett will have to go back to his mundane way of living, return to school, get his degree and then step into the next chapter of his life.
One where Knox doesn't exist.
"I'm curious," Knox says moments later. "What does your future look like? Where do you see yourself in the next five years?"
Somewhere, anywhere, with you…
"I don't know," Everett mumbles instead, resting his head on Knox's shoulder.
"What about you?"
"I guess you better start living each one to the fullest, then."
Everett produces a half smile, squeezing Knox's hand.
"I'll help you."
Until it's time for me to go.
"I'd like that."
Knox squeezes his hand back, the rational part of him knowing he can't take any of this to heart.
"You've got yourself a deal, kitten."
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